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It's December, finally December! Celebrate with friends and family.

Don't forget the pies and don't forget the...big fat Turkey because you'll be missing the BI T!"#T of a great Christmas meal!! $o%e Isabella
This year I'%e had some awesome work related opportunities, one of which took me back to &tah for the first time in ' years! It was an absolutely ama(ing e)perience enhanced by the pleasure of reuniting with old friends and family. *hortly following this trip I worked with an organisation called the *tandby Task +orce ,*BT+- in collaboration with the &. /ffice for the Coordination of 0umanitarian #ffairs ,&./C0#- gathering new media information to support &./C0#'s situational awareness of their mission in the 1hilippines following Typhoon 0aiyan. It was not the first time I ha%e worked with the *BT+, but it was the first time I ha%e come so close to the harsh realities of the aftermath of disaster and the gra%e challenges faced by families and emergency responders in rebuilding community and home. 2any cities were le%elled and countless people displaced. *o this year we are donating our Christmas card money to the continued response efforts in the 1hilippines. If you're interested in supporting relief efforts in the 1hilippines this Christmas you may want to follow one of these links3 Red Cross Philippines Unicef Philippines Save the Children Philippines If your interested in becoming a digital %olunteer with the *BT+ for future crises follow this link3 SBTF 4 $aura

Merry Christmas from the Forsyth family

This Christmas is special because it has come 5uickly. I will sing you a song3 6ingle bells 6ingle bells 7ingle all the way! oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open slay oh 7ingle bells 7ingle bells 7ingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh! $o%e 6ake of presents to open with lots

I hope all families ha%e fun

all day long lots of fun. I hope you ha%e fun with your families and B++'s. *o 0o 0o 0o *anta says and along he goos wishing you a %ery 2erry Christmas $o%e I((y 1* 0a%e a 0appy .ew 8ear too!!

This is Italy ...Buon .atale a tutti!


*o we returned to li%e in Italy this year...I'd like to say we 7ust couldn't li%e without it, but I think 6on would beg to differ. 2any reasons brought us back, but we're happy to be back again, until the ne)t ad%enture. 9e're working on our Italian, with some great help from our dear and wonderfully supporti%e Italian friends and we're continuing work on our house. The kids ha%e adapted well to life back in Italy and ha%e an en%ious command of Italian. The Dogs are definitely pleased to be back! 9e in%ite you all to think about coming to see us and sharing our lo%ely little piece of paradise...but not all at once please! 3 > 1 ) $aura Love Jake *ee if you can spot Daisy!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

9hat is Christmas about:

*o Im guessing you think Christmas is only about +ather Christmas and the presents and the traditional turkey but your wrong; Christmas is about 2ary that gi%es birth to the new born king<6esus< but I'll tell you a thing and I think you should listen to what I ha%e to say3 it can be Christmas e%ery day if you make it Christmas. Think about it....... I don't mean put Christmas decorations up or make turkey. I mean make your heart lighten up like3 if you feel like you'%e done something wrong all you ha%e to do to make it Christmas is do something right!!

!#?I" a nostri amici italiani chi sono %eramente speciale e gentilissimi!! .on %edo l'ora di passare un'altro anno con %oi! Tanti baci!!

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