Διαχείριση προβλημάτων επιθετικής συμπεριφοράς στο νηπιαγωγείο

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18, , 15351.
Email: egourg@yahoo.gr


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(Hasan, Drolet, & Paquin, 2003). ,

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Bouchard (1996)
(. 10).
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, , (Bouchard et al., 1996).



Drolet, & Paquin, 2003).

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(Bandura, 1973). ,

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Emmer Stough (2001)

. Brophy (1983)


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, (Brofenbrenner, 1979, 1989).

(Huesmann, 1988).
(Dishion, French, & Patterson, 1995).

(.. , video, video games, , )
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(Stormashak & Dishion, 2002).


(.. FAST Track, Conduct

Problems Prevention Research Group, 1992; Seattle Social Development Project,
Hawkins et al., 1992).


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(Tremblay, 2000).

(Baudier et Celeste, 2000). O ,



(Nagin et Tremblay, 1999:389).

(ngelino et Meyer, 2001; Bovin, 1996).

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(Cowie, 2000,
Tremblay, 2000).
- (Farrington, 2000),
, ,
(Hasan, Drolet, & Paquin,
( )

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(Drifte, 2004). , ,
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(Cohen, & Fish, 1993; Cohen, D. Et al., 1996).

, (Dishion,
French, & Patterson, 1995).
(Braken, 2000).

(Marion, 2004).
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(Drifte, 2004; Marion, 2003).

(, 2000).


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(Sattes, 1985).


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(, ) (Stormashak, & Dishion, 2002).


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(Marion, 2003).



(C, 2003)

(NASEN, 2000).


(Helm & katz, 2001; Marion, 2004; Williams, 1994).

(Piaget, 1983; Vygotsky,

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(Drifte, 2004)
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(Colbert, 1997).
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(, 2002).

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& ., 2006).

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(Johnson, & Johnson, 1992).



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