IJSO Question Paper 2008 (MCQ)

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Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008



Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008


TEST COMPETITION December 9, 2008

Rea care!"##$ the !%##%&'() '(*tr"ct'%(*+

1. The time available is 3 hours. 2. The total number of the questions is 30. Check that you have a complete set of the test questions and the ans er sheet. 3. !se only the pen provided. ". #rite do n your name$ code$ country and si%nature in your ans er sheet. &. 'ead carefully each problem and choose your correct ans er by crossin% one of the capital letters in your ans er sheet. There is only one ri%ht ans er for each problem. !amp"e# 1 ( ) C *


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

+. ,f you ant to chan%e your ans er$ you have to circle the first ans er and then cross a ne letter as your correct ans er. -ou may only allo makin% one correction. !amp"e# 1 ( ) C * ( is the first ans er and * is the corrected ans er .. (ll competitors are not allo ed to brin% any stationary and tools provided from outside. (fter completin% your ans ers$ all of the question and ans er sheets should be put neatly on your desk. /. 0oint rules 1 Correct ans er #ron% ans er 3o ans er 1 2 1.0 point 1 0.2& point 1 0.0 point


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

1. (ll competitors must be present at the front of e4amination room ten minutes before the e4amination starts. 2. 3o competitors are allo ed to brin% any tools e4cept his5her personal medicine or any personal medical equipment. 3. 6ach competitor has to sit accordin% to his or her desi%nated desk. ". )efore the e4amination starts$ each competitor has to check the stationary and any tools 7pen$ ruler$ calculator8 provided by the or%ani9er. &. 6ach competitor has to check the question and ans er sheets. 'aise your hand$ if you find any missin% sheets. :tart after the bell rin%s. +. *urin% the e4amination$ competitors are not allo ed to leave the e4amination room e4cept for emer%ency case and for that the e4amination supervisor ill accompany them. .. The competitors are not allo ed to bother other competitor and disturb the e4amination. ,n case any assistance is needed$ a competitor may raise his5her hand and the nearest supervisor ill come to help. /. There ill be no question or discussion about the e4amination problems. The competitor must stay at their desk until the time allocated for the e4amination is over$ althou%h he5she has finished the e4amination earlier or does not ant to continue orkin%. ;. (t the end of the e4amination time there ill be a si%nal 7the rin%in% of a bell8. -ou are not allo ed to rite anythin% on the ans er sheet$ after the allocated time is over. (ll competitors must leave the room quietly. The question and ans er sheets must be put neatly on your desk.


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

1. ( piece of aluminum #hen e ith a density of 2.. %5cm3 as hun% on a sprin% scale by a massless strin%. ater ith a density of 1.0 %5cm3$ the scale indicated

ei%hed this metal submer%ed in e

200 3. #hen

ei%hed this metal submer%ed in an unkno n fluid$ the scale indicated 220 3.

#hat is the specific %ravity 7the ratio of the density of the fluid to density of ater8 of this unkno n fluid< 7(8 0./3 7)8 0.;1 7C8 1.10 *8 1.1. 2. -ou often notice the statement =>b?ects in the mirror are closer than they appear= on side mirrors attached on the car. #hich is the correct e4planation of this statement< 7(8 #hen you see distant ob?ects in a mirror$ they al ays appear closer. 7)8 :ince the driver is distant from the mirror$ ob?ects appear farther as much as the distance bet een the driver and the mirror. 7C8 :ince the side mirror has a conve4 shape$ it can make ob?ects appear closer than their actual distance. 7*8 #hen you look in a conve4 mirror$ ob?ects appear farther since ob?ects look smaller than their actual si9e. 3. ,f s itch is opened 7s itch-off8 in the follo in% electric circuit$ ho does the bri%htness of the li%ht bulb ( and C chan%e< (ssume that these bulbs are identical. 7(8 The bri%htness of bulb ( remains the same$ but the bri%htness of bulb C increases. 7)8 The bri%htness of bulb ( remains the same$ but the bri%htness of bulb C decreases. 7C8 The bri%htness of bulb ( decreases$ but the bri%htness of bulb C increases. 7*8 The bri%htness of bulb ( decreases$ and the bri%htness of bulb C decreases. ". (ssume that a block lies on a sufficiently lon% incline. ,f one side of the incline is %radually lifted up from 0 @ to ;0 @$ hich %raph represents the frictional force actin% on the block as a function of the inclined an%le< Aere the coefficient of static friction is lar%er than the coefficient of kinetic friction.


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008



7C8 7*8 &. Car ( of mass &00 k% is travelin% at 100 km5h and Car ) of mass 1000 k% is travelin% at &0 km5h on a hori9ontal road. #hen the drivers stepped on the brakes hard enou%h so that the brakes ere

locked instantly$ both cars skidded to a stop. #hat are the ratios of stoppin% time and stoppin% distance of Car ( and Car )< (ssume that both cars move strai%ht and the coefficients of friction bet een the tire and the surface of the road are the same for both cars$ and the air resistance may be ne%lected. stoppin% time 7Car (1Car )8 7(8 7)8 7C8 7*8 111 211 211 "11 211 211 "11 "11 stoppin% distance 7Car (1Car )8

+. T o rain droplets of different si9es start to fall from the same hei%ht. (ssume that both droplets are spheres ith the same uniform density$ and the air resistance is proportional to the cross hich droplet is the air

sectional area of the droplet. #hich droplet reaches the %round first and for resistance lar%er ?ust before the droplet reaches the %round< droplet hich reaches the %round first 7(8 the bi%%er one

droplet for hich the air resistance is lar%er the bi%%er one

Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

7)8 the bi%%er one 7C8 the smaller one 7*8 the smaller one

the smaller one the bi%%er one the smaller one ith his5her feet in

.. #hen an astronaut stands on a scale in the ,:: 7,nternational :pace :tation8

the direction to ards 6arth$ the scale readin% remains the same as before 7does not chan%e8. #hich of the follo in% e4plains this phenomenon correctly< (ssume that the ,:: is circlin% around 6arth ith a constant speed. 7(8 3o %ravitational force is actin% on the astronaut. 7)8 (lthou%h the %ravity of 6arth is actin% on the astronaut$ it is canceled out by the normal force bet een the astronaut and the scale. 7C8 The normal force bet een the astronaut and the scale is 9ero. 7*8 There is no force actin% on the scale. /. ( supersonic airplane is flyin% strai%ht and hori9ontally at the altitude of & km above the %round. ,f the speed of the airplane is Mach 2 7t ice the speed of sound in air8$ hat is the closest estimated distance bet een the observer on the %round and the airplane at the moment the observer hears the sonic boom< 7(8 10 km 7)8 1" km 7C8 1. km 7*8 20 km


a. Light rays travel straight. b. Sunlight rays falling on the Earth are parallel to each other. c. Earth has a spherical shape. Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

;. The most abundant element in the atmosphere of Bupiter is hydro%en. The 6arthCs atmosphere has a very small amount of hydro%en. Choose an ans er hydro%en amount is different because a. the temperature of a planetCs atmosphere is lo er as the planet is farther a ay from the sun. b. the mass of Bupiter is si%nificantly lar%er than the mass of 6arth. c. hydro%en has escaped out of the 6arthCs atmosphere. d. most of the hydro%en is contained inside 6arth in the form of chemical compounds.

hich includes all the correct statements. The

7(8 a 7)8 a$ b 7C8 a$ b$ c 7*8 a$ b$ c$ d 10. ,n 3rd century )C$ 6ratosthenes observed the shado s of ob?ects in (le4andria and in :yene at noon of the summer solstice. Ae observed that the sunli%ht inclined ..2@ from the vertical in (le4andria$ hile 0@ from the vertical in :yene. Ae calculated the radius of 6arth from this result.

#hich of the follo in% is the correct combination of assumptions that he used<

7(8 a and b only

7)8 a and c only

7C8 b and c only

7*8 all of the above

11. Ao much current is needed to produce 10000 k%5day of De metal from molten De2>3< The atomic ei%hts of De and > are &&./& and 1+.00$ respectively. ( mole of electrons has a char%e of ;+&00 Coulomb 7DaradayCs constant8. 7(8 + 4 102 ( 7)8 + 4 103 ( 7C8 + 4 10" ( 7*8 + 4 10& ( 12. (n element E is the second most abundant in the 6arthCs crust by mass. Fuart9 is one of its o4ide forms. #hat is this element< 7(8 silicon 7)8 carbon 7C8 aluminum 7*8 ma%nesium hich stable phases can occur. 13. ( phase dia%ram sho s pressure and temperature conditions at The fi%ure belo

is the phase dia%ram of C>2. #hich of the follo in% is an incorrect statement$

based on this dia%ram< 71 atm G1.0132& 4 10& 0a$ 1 atm G 1.0132& bar8


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

7(8 E is the triple point of C>2$ here three different phases coe4ist. 7)8 C is the critical point of C>2$ here liquid and %aseous phases become indistin%uishable. 7C8 !nder the atmospheric pressure$ %aseous C>2 can be liquid hen the temperature is reduced. 7*8 (t room temperature 72& C8$ %aseous C>2 can be liquid hen the pressure increases. 1". Haseous ammonia 73A38 can be decomposed to %aseous 32 and %aseous A2. #hat are the volumes of %aseous 32 and A2 ideal %ases. 7mI G milliliter8 Jolume of 32 7(8 7)8 7C8 7*8 /.&0 mI 1..0 mI 2&.& mI 1..0 mI Jolume of A2 2&.& mI 3".0 mI &1.0 mI &1.0 mI hen 1..0 mI of %aseous 3A3 is completely decomposed< (ssume

that the pressure and temperature of the reaction flask are kept constant. Hases are assumed to be

1&. The first ioni9ation ener%y 7,618 of an element is defined by the minimum ener%y needed to remove an outermost valence electron from its atomic %round state in %as phase. #hich of the follo in% elements has the lar%est ,61< The %round state electron confi%uration of each element is sho n in the parenthesis. 7(8 ) 7 1s22s22p1 8 7)8 C 7 1s22s22p2 8 7C8 3 7 1s22s22p3 8 7*8 > 7 1s22s22p" 8 1+. The reaction bet een calcium carbonate 7CaC>3$ molar mass 1008 and %aseous hydro%en

Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

chloride 7ACl8 produces solid calcium chloride 7CaCl28$ %aseous carbon dio4ide 7C>28$ and liquid ater 7A2>8. #hat is the volume of C>2 %enerated at 1 atm and 2&@C< 7(8 "&00 mI 7)8 "&0 mI 7C8 10 mI 7*8 &.0 mI 1.. Dor a eak acid A($ the acid dissociation constant 7Ka8 is defined as follo s1 A( 2 A2> D (- 2 A3>2 Ka G K(-LK A3>2L5KA(L The pA of a solution is a measure of the molar concentration of hydro%en ions in the solution. The numerical value is defined as pA G Mlo%10K A3>2L. Drom the definitions of Ka and pA$ convenient relationship bet een Ka and pA. - lo%10Ka G pA - lo%10NK(-L5KA(LO #hen a eak acid 7A(8 is titrated ith a standard base 73a>A solution8$ the follo in% titration curve is obtained. e %et a hen 20 % of CaC>3 reacts ith 20 mI of ACl

!sin% the titration curve and the pA data$ calculate the dissociation constant Ka of acid A(. 7(8 10-".2 7)8 10-".& 7C8 10-../ 7*8 10-11.& 1/. :ame amount of distilled ater as poured into t o identical beakers$ and the beakers ere

placed in separate identical bo4es. The bo4es ere then sealed. The equilibrium temperatures of the

Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

bo4es reached to 10@C 7)o4 (8 and 20@C 7)o4 )8$ respectively. #hich of the follo in% is a correct statement< Hases are assumed to be ideal %ases. 7(8 )oth bo4es have the same number of ater molecules in %as phase. 7)8 The ratio of avera%e kinetic ener%y of %as molecules in the t o bo4es 7)o4 )1)o4 (8 is 2;312/3. 7C8 The ratio of avera%e speed of %as molecules in the t o bo4es 7)o4 )1)o4 (8 is 2 11. 7*8 The ater vapor pressure inside )o4 ( is lar%er than that of )o4 ).


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

1;. The relative humidity is defined as the percent ratio of the partial pressure of saturated ater vapor pressure.

ater to the

)ased on the ater vapor saturation curve in the fi%ure$ estimate the relative humidity at the state (. 7(8 20 P 7)8 2& P 7C8 &0 P 7*8 100 P 20. #hich of the follo in% chemical species has the lar%est ionic radius< 7(8 3a2 7)8 M%22 7C8 D- 7*8 >2-

21. ( isteria 7dicot plant8 branch as cut and put in red ink. (fter 3 hours$ the leaves as ell as the stem turned red. ,. :tem ,,. Ieaf

:elect the parts

hich have turned red first in the

cross sections , 7stem8 and ,, 7leaf8. 7(8 a$ d 7)8 a$ e 7C8 b$ e 7*8 c$ d 22. The follo in% pedi%ree illustrates the inheritance of an inability to taste. 0ersons unaffected or affected ith a trait is indicated in the follo in% bo4. The normal allele is desi%nated as T$ and the allele causin% inability to taste as t.

Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

#hich of the follo in% statements re%ardin% the pedi%ree is true< 7(8 The probability that ,,-1 is hetero9y%ous is 152. 7)8 The %enotype of ,,-& can be either Tt or TT. 7C8 )ased on the %iven information$ the number of people ith undeterminable %enotypes is ". 7*8 ,f ,,-" and ,,-& couple has 2 more children$ the probability that they are both %irls blindness is 15/. ith taste


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

23. The table sho n belo is the analytical data of mitochondrial *3( of four different$ but related animal species.

,f you made a phylo%enic tree of these four animals ith the data above$ hich ould be the correct ans er< 7-ou should consider the fe est chan%e of sequence of bases in *3(8






2". )irth records of four babies

(a) Biomass decreases as you go up the trophic level in this foodweb. (b) Heron has the most impact on this ecosystem. (c) If the number of spiders decreases the number of brown planthoppers will increase. Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, (d) If the number Test of heron increases the amount of rice will increase. Korea, December 9, 2008 (e) If the number of grasshoppers increases the amount of rice will decrease.

ere mi4ed up by mistake at a hospital. The ()> blood types of

their parents ere found as sho n in the follo in% table. )lood type parents # parents E parents parents Q mother > mother father > ( mother father > () mother father () > father (

Hiven these four babies all have different blood types$ hich of the follo in% statements is true< 7(8 parents #1 baby blood type M ) 7)8 parents #1 baby blood type M () 7C8 parents -1 baby blood type M ( 7*8 parents -1 baby blood type M () 2&. The dia%ram belo sho s a typical food eb of a rice paddy.

'e%ardin% this food eb$ hich of the follo in% statements are true< 7(8 a$ e 7)8 b$ d 7C8 a$ c$ d 7*8 b$ c$ e 2+. The %raph belo sho s e4perimental results hich re%ards hatchin% of fruitfly e%%s. ( ere incubated at 2

researcher hatched fertili9ed e%%s at 10$ 1&$ 20$ 30 after they 764p. ,8 or at 21 764p. ,,8 for 3 days.


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

:elect an option ith the optimum incubation temperature and optimum hatchin% temperature. incubation temperature78 7(8 7)8 7C8 7*8 2 2 21 21 hatchin% temperature78 30 21 1& 21

2.. :eals can dive for about an hour

ithout comin% up to the surface of the ocean. #hich of the

follo in% is incorrect in e4plainin% ho seals do this< 7(8 :eals have sufficient o4y%en because they have relatively hi%h blood volume compared to other animals. 7)8 :eals enhance o4y%en transport to tissues by increasin% heartbeat frequency. 7C8 :eals have constriction of blood vessels leadin% to most tissues e4cept the neuronal system$ heart$ and eyes. 7*8 :eals reduce the rate of metabolism in their muscles. 2/. The follo in% e4periment sho s ho ere placed under red and5or blue$ or leaf positionin% is affected by different li%hts. :eedlin%s as

hite li%ht source for several hours. (n%le 7R8 of petiole

measured and the results ere represented as the %raph belo .

#hich of the follo in% is a valid statement re%ardin% this e4periment<


Test Competition, 5th IJSO, Gyeongnam, Korea, December 9, 2008

7(8 'ed li%ht makes an%le R lar%er. 7)8 (n%le R is %enerally smaller li%ht. 7C8 )lue li%ht is the ma?or li%ht hich affects leaf positionin%. 7*8 (n%le R ill be lar%er than that of S T C marked result hen seedlin%s are illuminated by red li%ht from above and blue li%ht from the side. 2;. Methionine is used to synthesi9e proteins in cells. To determine the intracellular protein transport path ay$ pancreatic cells methionine and then ere cultured for 30 seconds in media containin% 3&:-labeled ith no radioisotopes. (fter & minutes$ 30 ere transfered to fresh media hen seedlin%s are e4posed to sun li%ht than hen e4posed to blue

minutes$ and 120 minutes$ respectively$ cell or%anelles7a$ b$ c8 ere purified and the radioactivity of each sample as measured. The follo in% %raph sho s the results.

#hich of the follo in% is the correct steps of the intracellular protein transport path ay< 7(8 aU b U c 7)8 a U c U b 7C8 b U a U c 7*8 b U c U a 30. 6stro%en influences the menstrual cycle by bindin% to the V and W receptors of the endometrial cells of the uterus. Many ( mouse estro%en$ it does not %ain omen %ain ei%ht as the amount of estro%en decreases after menopause. ei%htX ho ever$ if this mouse is in?ected ith ovaries removed$ is in?ected ei%ht. )ut hen mouse ith ith a substance ith ovaries removed usually %ains ei%ht. ,f the mouse$

hich can activate the V receptor$ it doesn=t %ain

ith ovaries removed is

in?ected ith a substance hich can activate $ receptor$ it %ains ei%ht. #hich of the follo in% statements is valid< 7(8 The substance hich can activate V receptor inhibits the secretion of estro%en. 7)8 6stro%en inhibits ei%ht %ain throu%h activatin% the V receptor. 7C8 6stro%en inhibits ei%ht %ain throu%h activatin% the $ receptor. 7*8 6stro%en inhibits ei%ht %ain throu%h inactivatin% the $ receptor.

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