Marketing Plan, Template Reference

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[Product Name] Marketing Plan

[Your Name]

Market Summary
Market: Past, Present, and Future
Review changes in the market, which can include: Market share Leadership Players Competition Market shifts Costs Pricing

Market Cycle
Mass Market/ Followers Number of customers Early Adopters/ Pioneers

End of ife


Product !efinition
Describe the product or service being marketed

[Product Name] Marketing Plan

"ompetiti#e andscape
Provide an overview of product competitors


Competitors Strengths

Competitors Weaknesses

Product Comparison
Position each competitor!s product against the new product




[Product Name] Marketing Plan

Positioning o Product or Ser!ice
Distinctly define the product in its market and against its competition over time

Consumer Promise
#ummari$e the benefit of the product or service to the consumer

"ommunication Strategies
Messaging "y Audience
List marketing messages for different audiences

#arget$Consumer Demographics
List the demographics for the targeted consumer groups

aunc$ Strategies
%aunch Plan
Discuss launch plan if the product is being announced

Promotion Budget
#upply backup material with detailed budget information for review

Promotional Schedule
P$ase ( P$ase ) P$ase *












[Product Name] Marketing Plan

Pu&lic +elations Strategy and E,ecution

Discuss: PR strategies PR plan highlights

&ackup PR plan, including editorial calendars, speaking engagements, conference schedules, etc

Ad#ertising Strategy and E,ecution

'ive: (verview of strategy (verview of media and timing (verview of ad spending

't$er Promotion
Direct Marketing
'ive: (verview of strategy, vehicles, and timing (verview of response targets, goals, and budget

#hird$Party Marketing
Describe co)marketing arrangements with other companies

Marketing Programs
Describe other promotional programs

Packaging and Fulfillment

Product Packaging
Discuss: *orm)factor, pricing, look, and strategy *ulfillment issues for items not shipped directly with the product

#ummari$e Cost of 'oods and high)level &ill of Materials

[Product Name] Marketing Plan

Pricing and Policies

#ummari$e specific pricing or pricing strategies, and compare to similar products

#ummari$e policies relevant to understanding key pricing issues

Distri"ution Strategy
#ummari$e the strategy for distribution

Channels o Distri"ution
#ummari$e the channels of distribution

Distri"ution "y Channel

,llustrate what percentage of distribution will be contributed by each channel - pie chart might be helpful
"$annel ( "$annel ) "$annel * "$annel -

.ertical Markets/Segments
Discuss vertical market opportunities: Discuss specific market segment opportunities -ddress distribution strategies for those markets or segments -ddress use of third)party partners in distributing to vertical markets

[Product Name] Marketing Plan

(nternational Distri"ution
Discuss: Distribution strategies ,ssues specific to international distribution

(nternational Pricing Strategy

/0plain the strategy for marketing within other countries

#ranslation (ssues
1ighlight re2uirements for local product variations

Success Metrics
List: *irst year goals -dditional year goals Re2uirements for success Measures of success3failure

)*$Month Schedule +ighlights
(utline highlights of the first 45 months

,dentify timing dependencies critical to success

[Product Name] Marketing Plan

Marketing Schedule
0ask ( 0ask ) Milestone 0ask * 0ask -












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