The Messages of Merciful Love To Carmela Carabelli

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THE MESSAGE OF MERCIFUL LOVE was received by Carmela

Carabelli during a period which lasted some ten years, from 1968 to
1978. Carmela Carabelli was born in Melegnano on May 9, 1910, the
feast day of Our Lady of Bosco, to whom her Mother was devoted. She
died in the peace of Christ on November 25, 1978, the feast day of St
Catherine Laboure. Since 1968 she received, almost daily, messages from
Jesus, as the Merciful Jesus, and from the Blessed Virgin as the Mother of
Divine Love. She transcribed all that was said, without hesitation or
correction, immediately into notebooks. She wrote about her
conversations with Jesus, who spoke about His Father, who is the Father
of all men, and of His Mother, very tenderly; and lovingly of His foster
father, St Joseph, and about many other saintly people. Through this
privileged person, of Carmela Carabelli, all of these writings were
provided to the entire World, who wished to seek and find God.

Extracted from a letter of Monsignor Pietro Santoro, Bishop of Termoli,

addressed to "Fidelitas", Carouge-Geneve, January 9, 1972.

"... These writings are truly rich in faith and holy ardour for God's cause
because God avails Himself of numerous circumstances to express his
Will, but above all, He uses humble and silent souls. May this book do
much good to a humanity greatly tormented and living far from God ..!"

("Nulla Osta" to the original Italian edition from Pietro Santoro Bishop
of Termoli )


Wednesday ; May I5 ,I968 (0330)

My beloved child, listen to Me, do not forget My words but make them
your daily bread and the nourishment of your spirit. I speak to you of My
mercy. I will never tire speaking of It to you, for I am Mercy itself,
infinite Mercy. The "misereor super turbam" was not only for the time
whilst I lived among men; but also now. I continue to repeat: "l have pity,
I have mercy, I have compassion on these people." Then, it was a crowd
who was tireless to follow Me, and insatiable to listen to My word which
evoked My pity. Now, I have pity on a people which does not want to
listen to Me, which does not want to believe in Me, which does not want
to follow Me. You see the Churches deserted whilst My Ministers renew
My real sacrifice, though bloodless. The teaching of My doctrine is
suppressed and neglected. Common liturgical and private prayers are
being shortened because it is boring to pray. Prayers are no longer said in
families. The little ones are no longer taught the truths of faith which
were so well taught by mothers. The joy of joining the hands of their little
ones, of teaching them to pronounce My Name and that of My Mother,
this they no longer do. Mothers are preoccupied with many other things!
Even the best of them are proud when their little ones know how to read
and write before their time, when they know the names of actors and the
melodies of singers, and they forget to acquaint them with and to taste the
sweetness of the divine music of their soul, the Presence of God within
them, the song of their innocence and purity which must be safeguarded
and presented to God. In this way children lose their innocence. You feel
sorry when little children lose their mother; but the saddest day of their
life is not the day when they become orphans, but when they lose God by
their first mortal sin. And the young people who were the joy of My
mortal life? What shall become of them? Preoccupied with following the
world and its pleasures, they withdraw more and more from Me and live
in vice and in the depths of incredulity. Everything is permissible to
them! The purity which was their aureole is for them a residue of
antiquity, a reminiscence and dose of dishonour. The ideal for which
young people would have given their life no longer exists. It is egoism
that prevails in all its forms, one's own "me", one's own personality, while
authority is ignored and while one throws oneself into the mire.

And the adults? They compete with the young in their impudence, their
unbelief, their neglect of their duties and love of pleasures. Everything is
permissible: betrayals, infidelity, luxury ... and families break up, ruin
themselves, and are unhappy. If God is taken away from families, He who
is their bond, who can keep them united? That is why there is hate,
discord, unbelief and disorder.

Even society, which is made up of families, shows the effects of this

Situation, and it too is corrupted. There is no justice, no love of duty, no
uprightness, everything that made men honest is outdated. Now each one
must consider himself, his own interests, his own well- being, without
bothering himself with others. The thinking today is : What difference
does it make if you have to crush the head of your fellow man in order to
secure a higher position or get ahead monetarily or professionally? What
does it matter if one must take away bread from the mouth of his brother?
"The world belongs to the most powerful", if not in word, at least in
practice, within which you have social struggles and all sorts of disorders,
of all categories. Thus are born class hatreds, fratricidal wars and civil
struggles. Nations struggle amongst themselves for futile motives which
they themselves would not know how to define with precision; there are
racial wars, as if I did not come into the world to save all races and all
nations, for they are all My children. Faced with all these evils, which are
a pale idea of the real evil reigning in this world, I again address My
Father and say to Him: "Father, have pity on these people!" - "Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do!" My Mercy has no respite.
I go about looking for good little children who love Me. I go about
searching for youth, generous, ardent and pure, who follow Me. I go
seeking good souls who amend: I am always ready to forgive, to forget, to
love. My children, do you wish to belong to this number? Do you want to
console My Heart filled with sadness? Do you want to weep with Me,
suffer with Me, love with Me? Do not wait until the cup overflows!
Beseech the Father to use again and always His Merciful Goodness and
that He not Stretch out His Hand on the world except to save it. Pray to
My Mother to present Herself once more before God to delight His Heart
by Her wonderful beauty and goodness. Offer My Blood to the Father
and the merits of the Saints so that He does not use Justice on a word so
perverted and ungrateful. God is always ready to forgive on condition that
you repent; He forgets everything. Repent, I entreat you, before it is too
late! The day is coming when all men, united in one choir with the Angels
and Saints, will sing the Mercy of the Lord in Eternity.


Monday. July 29, 1968

My beloved child, let us together cast a glance at the word. Does it not
appear to you to be like an immense hospital? Sick in body, in mind, in
heart, in soul. And you, how can you remain indifferent in the midst of so
much evil, so much sorrow? Help Me, I beseech you, help those who
suffer, do it through the power of prayer. Pick up the fallen ones, assist
those on the point of falling. Run to the aid of those in misery, those who
weep, those who are about die. Do not abandon yourself to yourself.
Don't you see that everyone needs you? Indifference is a fault, it is
egoism. Not to care about what is happening around you makes you
deserve no care from God. Enlarge your heart. Don't you see how much
the world is in need of your love? Love is stronger than death because it
outlives it. It is stronger than pain because it vanquishes it. Love
consoles, repairs, converts, gives strength, and stimulates to do good,
triumphs over evil. Sow love! Why do you go on proposing something
that would do well? Just do it, do not reason about it. Love does not like
reasoning. Reasoning can proceed from self interest. But love does not
seek any interest; it seeks the good of everyone. Live in love. Be strong
and generous through love. The word is vast, but love embraces all of it.
Try to spread joy and love in the little circle that you occupy and then
broaden your view. By the aid of prayer, go to all those in the world who
are in need of comfort, joy, and love. Go to all the sick and ask God, who
is Pure Love, for a spark of His Divine Mercy to love all the people of the
earth. What is not possible for you is easy for God. You will see how
much good will be diffused from the little Cenacle of your heart, from
whence the Holy Spirit will spread the Sacred Fire of Love over the
whole word.


Saturday, May II, I968 (0345)

My beloved child, do not be anxious about too many things. Accept life
with serenity, for if you make of each little thing a big Cross, what will
become of you when the Cross gets heavier. Do not let yourself be cast
down by trifles. Be more serene. Strive to surpass yourself by summoning
up your courage. How can you help and encourage others - for this is
your mission in life - if you yourself are sad and dejected? Let peace and
joy always reign in your heart, for they are the fruit of a conscience in
peace with God and with one's neighbour. Love is to be in harmony with
everyone, and be ready to sacrifice your thoughts and to respect the
opinions of others, to put up with humiliations and wrong-doings.
Overcome evil with good. Take no notice of it, forget quickly any
offence, re-establish order, for thus the Lord acts, and He wants all of you
to imitate Him. Generally, sadness does not come from God, but from the
Evil One. He uses it to turn you away from doing good and from prayer.
But because of sadness, you lack the enthusiasm which makes you
confront and overcome dangers, in view of achieving the most sublime

Let your mind be serene. Clarify your thoughts, turn them towards noble
things. Do not stop to consider the negative side of people with whom
you live, or those you meet, but strive to discover all that is good in them.
Everyone possesses some virtue. It will then be easier for you to love

If you must correct someone's faults, because you are in authority to do

so, do it with goodness and with tact. Never let yourself be carried away
by resentment, by anger or by a false zeal, for I assure you, you would
derive no benefit neither for the others nor for yourself. He who harshly
reprimands is in no way inclined to accept correction himself. Moreover,
after unleashing your fury, sadness overwhelms you, you perceive you are
not master of yourself and you get discouraged, thus blaming yourself for
the wrong. Be more indulgent with others than you are with yourself. Did
you ever notice how skilful you are in hiding your own faults? Well, do
likewise with others. It is true that, very often, your faults are hidden
from you while you easily see those of others, and this is natural; but if
you keep an eye on yourself, you will discover more easily your weak
points and shortcomings and thus be able to excuse those of others. Now
and then you think yourself to be very good, but if you compare your
goodness with God's and with that of some Saints who have lived your
life, you see the distance that still remains for you to cover. You are not
forbidden to weep; I also wept during My mortal life. I wept over the ruin
of Jerusalem as now I weep over My Church, over its Ministers who
betray their vocation too much and their mission. I wept over the death of
Lazarus as I weep over so many sinners, deaf to My appeals and to My
voice. I wept in the Garden of Olives on seeing the uselessness of My
sufferings for so many souls, and I shed tears of blood, blood which
poured forth from My whole body. You, too, may weep, but let your tears
be blessed. Weep over your sins and over those of the whole world, and
may your tears have the value of purification and washing. Unite them to
Mine and to those of My Holy Mother, and may they be conducive in
retaining the arm of Divine Justice. Weep, but let your tears be sorrowful
and not despairing. May they serve to allay your suffering and not be the
sign of rebellion against the Will of God.

Weep also for those who do not weep as they feel no regret for having
offended God and for living their lives selfishly. Share the suffering of
others. Weep with those who weep. It is the best way of comforting souls
crushed by the weight of the Cross. My sweet Mother who, at the foot of
the Cross upon which I had been nailed, had not the comfort of tears, so
that her pain, offered for the benefit of all men, was more intense, My
sweet Mother often shows Her tears in diverse places. By Her tears, She
wants to invite all men to repentance and reflection. Unfortunately,
people are often loud in proclaiming the miracles and not so loud in
proclaiming the message. It is all so superficial. If the Mother is
weeping, it is the duty of the children to console Her and to find out the
reason for Her pain. You, at least, My child, do this. Do this all of you,
and the consolation you will give your Heavenly Mother will be repaid
by Spiritual joy and by many graces.


Sunday, May I2, I968

My loving child, hearken to the sorrowful cry reaching your ear,

imploring solace and assistance. Do not be deaf to this entreaty but bring
the desired help to those who implore you. I speak to you of those souls
whose sin keeps them far from Me or of those who, having already
reached their last dwelling place and not being completely purified, wail
in this place of expiation while waiting to be able to enter the Kingdom of
the Elect. If your charity must extend to all, certainly you must not forget
either the first or the second, being certain that by this you are pleasing
Me and accomplishing a duty whose reward shall be your salvation itself.
You know what costly price I paid for the salvation of souls. Therefore,
you can understand how much I love them and how much I desire to have
them all close to Me, and all that you do to help me get closer to them or
to lead them to Me is blessed work. Think of a mother who, having an
absent son, who may perhaps be lost but wish to see him again, finds a
person taking care of him and doing everything to make him go back.
Imagine the joy of this meeting and the gratitude of this mother, and there
you have only a pale reflection of the immense joy that you give to My
Heart when, by your prayers, your love and your sacrifices, you lead My
prodigal sons to eternal salvation. Do you recall the resurrection of
Lazarus? Martha and Mary led Me to his tomb. He had been buried four
days and already his body was giving off a strong odour. But because of
the love I bore him, because of the prayers and tears of his two sisters,
My friends, I resurrected him. You, also do likewise. Take Me to the tomb
of sinners, in the Spiritual sense. He who is in the state of sin is dead to
grace; that is why he lies as if in a tomb. By means of your supplications,
your love, you bring Me to sinners. Practice virtues that are contrary to
their sins and you will force Me to perform the same miracle which
restored life to My friend Lazarus. Remember the parable of the Good
Shepherd who, overcoming obstacles, wearing himself out and with
grazes on his hands and feet, goes in Search of the lost sheep; when he
has found it, he places it on his shoulders and, filled with joy, he brings it
back to the sheepfold. In just the same way I pursue souls who wander
away from Me, and I do not rest until I clasp them to My heart. You
understand how great will be My gratitude towards those who assist Me
in this difficult and thankless work. If you love Me and if you understand
My desires, and if you wish to correspond with them, you must help Me.
Of course, it is I who save souls, and you will give Me a helping hand.
You will pray for those who do not pray, you will love those who do not
love; and along with your voluntary sacrifices, the acceptance of
suffering, you will help Me to make Redemption produce the desired
result for them. Furthermore, if you wish or if you have the occasion to
exhort by word those living estranged from God, gladly do so, provided
you do it always with great goodness and with great charity, respecting
the other's liberty. But invoke Me before undertaking any apostolic work
of this nature, so that it be I who speak in you and render your words
effective. Not less pleasing to My Heart are the prayers and offerings for
the benefit of the Souls in Purgatory. They endure bitter torments which
they would not give up without seeing the work of their purification
completed. And yet, very great is the desire and hope for Paradise in
them; but infinitely greater is My desire of uniting them eternally with
Me. It is in your power to hasten this meeting and to introduce these souls
into glory. To pray to the souls in Purgatory and to have recourse to them
in order to obtain their help on this earth is a mark of faith. And this is so
pleasing to Me that I perform miracles through the intermediary of these
souls who, although they cannot pray for themselves, are powerful in
assisting those who turn to them. This double motive - their liberation and
your good - must impel you to accomplish this act of charity so agreeable
to My Heart. Do not regret to sacrifice yourself for souls estranged from
God, no matter whatever the motive of their estrangement may be. You
may even find yourself in need and the same measure will be used for
you that you will have used for others.


Monday. May I3. I968 (0245)

My beloved child, cast your glance on those who are victims of error and
unbelief and, for this reason, live separated from Me. Extend your charity
even to them so that the light of the Holy Spirit may reach them and they
may be able to cast aside their errors and find again the path of salvation.
May the former (those in error) find the light of Truth; may the latter (the
unbelievers) know the True God and Me, who was sent to save them all.

It is therefore a double category of people that I confide to your prayers.

The first is comprised of those who have lost the faith, misled by false
doctrines and erroneous philosophies, or who, more conveniently, declare
themselves atheists in order to be able to commit, at their ease, all
infamies. This category comprises also those who grew up in countries
where the existence of God is systematically denied, because He is not
seen; consequently, they are unbelievers without it being their fault . The
second category comprises those who adore other divinities and not the
true God. They live in superstition and error, because they do not know
the Truth, through no fault of theirs. I desire to assist all of them and to
usher them into My sheepfold, even if it is not said that all these souls
damn themselves for those who live their religion in good faith, following
the natural law that God has placed in the hearts of all men, these may be
able to save themselves. But if it is difficult for you to follow My
commandments and My precepts, you who are guided by My Church and
find in Her the means to sanctify yourselves and to work out your
salvation, how much more will it be for them! That is why, be filled with
a holy zeal and with great fervour. Forget your little crosses, your
personal interests, so as to make yours the interests of My Father. How
much the Father desires that the world achieve a great unity - one heart
and one mind in Him! The light of Truth must enlighten all men who lie
in darkness. I am the Light because I am the Truth. Blessed are they who
receive Me! Blessed are they who keep the gift of faith, because it is the
beacon that shows the harbour, it is the anchor that brings salvation, it is
the barque which gently sails on the agitated sea of life. If vice or
negligence, wickedness or ignorance induce man to alienate himself from
Me, you can understand that the harm done is wholly his. Rightly did
Peter say: "Where shall we go, far from You? for only You have the
words of eternal life." And indeed it is true. He who believes saves
himself; he who believes in Me will not die but will live eternally. Strive
to keep this faith always alive in you and pray for those who have lost it.
Pray to the Spirit of the Lord that He may pull down and remove the
blindfold which covers their eyes so that they may see the Light. Help
Me, to the best of your ability, to spread the Truth. For, even amongst
those who call themselves Christians or especially practicing Christians -
too many lack faith. They let themselves get discouraged by the first trial
and quickly lose their confidence, their hope and their peace. Assist in all
possible ways the Missionaries who leave for distant places to diffuse My
Gospel. They give up their country, animated with a great zeal and with
much goodwill, but they also take with them their heart and their nature;
and very often, feel crushed under the weight of the Cross, and lack the
courage to continue. They see again all they left behind, they hear again
the dear voices of their parents and faraway friends. Perhaps sickness or a
different climate, customs, lack of food and rest, bring a great sadness to
their heart. I beseech you, help them with their sacrifices and your
prayers. See to it that they do not feel alone. You celebrate when they
leave and when they come back. Do not forget them while they are far
away. They are My precursor angels of the Good News. They are the
sowers of good seed in soil that is perhaps ungrateful and unyielding.
Help them to soften the soil. Help them materially also. I repay a
hundred fold the charity that you extend to these heroic and loving sons
of Mine. Pray for those peoples so that they may become My messengers.
Very often, Satan establishes his reign among them, and the struggle
against him is exhausting, because he acts through lies and is cunning,
performing amazing things. The Missionary must first fight against Satan
before successfully implanting Truth, and the difficulties are enormous.
However, nothing is impossible to God. Thanks to your prayer and your
help, these souls are being reached. Once more, I entreat you to help Me.
Be all Missionaries of Goodness! The children of darkness are more wily
than the sons of light. Look with what ease evil is propagated. What a lot
of sacrifices the wicked impose upon themselves to spread it! With the
same fury with which they hurl themselves against God and diffuse hate,
cast yourselves upon God, and with as much love, draw forth from Him
all you will bestow upon your brothers and sisters, alienated from Him
and wandering in darkness.


Tuesday, May I4. I968 (0500)

My loving child, listen to Me. Never refuse the Cross, no matter whence
it comes, because it is always I who send it to you or permit and desire
that others put it on your shoulders. Has it not been said to you in the
Gospel: "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him renounce himself,
take up his Cross and follow Me?" Do you understand? It is the
indispensable condition for following Me. It was also said to you that
"My yoke is sweet and My burden light." And so it is, but the fact of
feeling more or less the weight of the Cross depends on the way you
carry it, on the love with which you love the Cross itself. If you drag your
Cross with repugnance, it will always become more intolerable. If you
embrace it with enthusiasm, thinking that I too, carried it for you, not
only will it seem lighter, but the Cross will carry you so that by it, you
will feel uplifted. And it will be so agreeable to you that you will not
want to live but on the Cross and with the Cross. True science is not to
know all human knowledge, to discover the atom or the laws that regulate
the body of nature, but true science is that which, without disregarding all
of these, provided they benefit humanity, goes back to Him who is
superior in everything, and who also has dictated His laws, establishing
fundamental principles, which are there to discover, to exploit, and to
actualise in everyday life. If you take the trouble to follow My teachings,
you will discover what role God has in your life, how much and why He
wants your happiness. Form your character in the spirit of patience and
sacrifice, so that you do not have to add one cross to another in
everything that happens to you. It has been said to you: "To him who
takes away your coat, give also your tunic. To him who slaps your left
check, offer also the right one." By that I wanted to invite you to receive
with joy, and not with patience only, the crosses offered you by your
neighbours just as I Myself have endured and continue to endure the
offences, insults, betrayals - in one word, the cross which, anew, you load
on My shoulders. The world is strewn with crosses and if you were to
destroy them, you would destroy the world itself. Each individual, each
family, has its troubles. You must not be selfish or be parasites taking
advantage of the goodness and the generosity of others. Each one must be
aware of his own duty and assume the Charge which has been committed
to him. But he who, generously and over and above his own duty, also
helps others, is worthy of a greater reward. Mutual assistance lightens the
Cross. Even I have been helped by the Cyrenean to carry Mine.
However, you must not unburden yourselves of it so as to throw it on the
shoulders of others, for the Cross that God gives you fits the shoulders of
each one. Do not moan continually even about little things which time or
treatment will suffer to resolve. Do not overload the Cross of your
neighbour. If in physical illness, it is permissible and right to have
recourse to the doctor, for life is a gift that you must conserve. The fact of
you pausing to observe, to listen, to detect each little suffering will make
you insufferable and sometimes, ridiculous in the eyes of others. The
exercise of charity is indispensable and is agreeable to the Father. It is
important, however, that it be exercised on both sides, that is to say, that it
be reciprocal. As for moral sufferings which, very often, are greater than
physical ones, they can be due to character, to an overly touchy
sensibility or to the fact of wanting to take on nonexistent responsibilities.
Therefore, you must overcome yourselves and endeavour to remove what
is imperfect and look at things with more serenity. With most of the
Crosses, although permitted by Me, men create them for themselves,
whereas, with a little bit of goodwill, they could be avoided. As for the
Crosses which come from the fact of seeing yourself imperfect and weak
whilst you would like to walk speedily on the path of virtue, follow this
rule: desire to attain the highest summits of sanctity and humble yourself
each time that you fall and each time you draw back. Humble yourself
before God, acknowledging that you are good for nothing. Ask Him to
help you to pick yourself up again and to continue on your way, without
upsetting yourself. Be full of confidence in my Mercy, for this attitude is
very pleasing to My heart. Nothing offends My Heart more than the fact
of doubting My pardon and My help. Dejection is a sign of pride or, at
least, of self-love. If you did not have any exaggerated self-esteem, you
would not become discouraged and you would not be astonished at being
weak; rather it should seem to you very strange that in spite of your
wretchedness, you can keep standing up. Always ask the Lord to help you
know yourself so that in the contempt of yourself and in the confidence in
God, you can improve yourself and walk with assurance. The little child
who fears dangers and knows that it is not able to face them, entrusts
itself to the arms of its mother who defends it and carries it. You also, My
children, entrust yourselves to Her whom I have given to you as Mother
at the foot of the Cross. And if you abandon yourselves as sweet little
children, She will clasp you to Her Heart and will even carry your crosses
with you, until you no longer feel their weight.


Thursday, May I6, I968 (0430)

My beloved child, the lesson you are going to begin will teach you
moderation in all natural needs which, however, you may not renounce,
unless I want it. I speak to you of the virtue of moderation, so little
known by the world and one which many neglect to practise, though it is
a basic virtue of Christianity. Temperance is that virtue which makes you
moderate in eating and drinking, as well as in all natural needs. When
these are satisfied, they make human nature their slave, and no longer
dependent on the spirit, as it should be. Many think that it is a small
thing, or one of no importance, to be in control of oneself in the carrying
out of the duties of eating, drinking, sleeping, relaxation, and amusement,
but it is not so. I, Myself, acted to the contrary by imposing upon Myself
a fast of forty days before commencing My apostolic life. John the
Baptist had preceded Me preaching penance and charity to the desert
where he had retired for forty days, living on herbs and locusts. As to
how important it is to fast, you can conclude from the words that I said to
you during My mortal life: "Certain demons are not driven out except by
prayer and fasting." Mortification in food, united to prayer which calls
upon God for help, has then the power of prevailing over evil spirits and
driving them away. Many, alas, make feeding the body the first and
absolute necessity, the most important necessity of life. In the
preparation of meals and drinks, they consecrate a good part of the time
which the Good God gives them, as precious money to transact for
eternity. Some are preoccupied solely with worrying about arranging
everything so that they may lack nothing in what their body demands. At
this point, this preoccupation becomes the center of their lives and their
thoughts. Have I not told you in the Gospel: "Why do you worry about
what you will eat, what you will drink and how you will dress? Look at
the birds of the air: they do not sow and they do not reap. And yet, your
Father nourishes them. Look at the lilies of the field: they do not spin and
yet, Solomon in all his wisdom was never attired as one of them." And I
even added: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all the rest will be given
to you in addition." By these words, I did not mean to prohibit you from
working, from earning your living and from acquiring for yourself a
position. I only wanted to teach you to where each thing belongs and how
to remember the reason for your existence. Certainly, this reason is not to
preserve life but to spend it well in the knowledge of God, in the
spreading of His Kingdom, and in the preoccupation of earning eternal
life, which is the only important true life to attain. I wanted to teach you
also how indispensable it is to abandon oneself into the arms of Divine
Providence, even whilst applying one's intelligence and will to that
abandonment which, for each man, is at one and the same time a
chastisement and a Gift of labour. Chastisement is a consequence of the
sin of your first parents, Adam and Eve. The Gift is a means of
sanctification, worthy of an eternal reward. The "god of the flesh",
unfortunately, reigns in the world and gathers around itself worshippers
of all kinds and from all classes. That is why My sweet Mother, in each of
Her apparitions on earth, instills the thought and expresses the desire and
the commandment of penance, in order to destroy this false divinity
which impedes man in transferring his thoughts and his affections to God
and incites him to make a god of his own body. Moderation is a cardinal
virtue, a virtue of great importance in Christian life. I will tell you next
that it is a virtue which will help to conserve your body longer, for it is
health giving. He who does not abuse material things keeps himself
stronger. The rule and its methodical practice create order which always
brings with itself its benefits. To leave the table with a little bit of appetite
left is advantageous to health, whilst it makes you master of yourself and
enables you, by a little sacrifice, to elevate your thoughts to God who has
given you the gift of food and drink. Everything is a gift in the world,
from the wheat with which one prepares bread, to the grapes which give
you the wine, from animal to cooked meat. Everything you eat has been
given to you by the Father. Know how to use it gratefully and with
moderation. Do not forget those partly or totally deprived of these gifts.
Make presents of what you can with generosity to those in need and,
above all, do not waste what God has given you. Remember! One wastes
by greed and one wastes by throwing out the leftovers which could serve
others. Let thrift and saving, practiced with regard to yourself, help you to
be generous with your neighbor, even imposing upon you some
sacrifices. "Charity goes out the window and comes in through the door,"
and it is true, for the Lord repays by multiplying for you what is done for
others. But I will even say to you, that the sacrifice of depriving yourself
of something in order to give it to someone who needs it, is a
prolongation of the hand of God. You become for your neighbour "the
Providence of God". Remember that temperance is only a partial practice
of penitence which I sought so much to inculcate during My mortal life
and of which I have given you the example. That is why I recall to you
the warning: "If you do not do penance, you will all likewise perish," a
valid warning for all men of all times.

JOY "True joy comes from God... "

Friday, May I7, I968 (0345)

My beloved child, I speak to you of joy which is the fruit of peace, of a
good conscience, and which, for this reason, comes from God. Not all
those whom you see happy and content, enjoy true peace and not all of
them are truly happy. Very often, on the contrary, they conceal within
their heart a profound bitterness and a great uneasiness which they mask
with a smile and a false gaiety. True joy comes from God and is an
inherent gift in tranquillity and in the certitude of having acted in
conformity with God's Will. The Angels announced it to the shepherds on
the night I was born, and they promised it to men of good will, for the
latter is one of the conditions to take delight in joy and peace. Good will
consists in following the divine law and its teachings by putting them into
practice. Good will is the characteristic of simple souls, who do not
dispute the commandments, but employ all their faculties in
accomplishing them as best they can for the Glory of God. A profound
and real joy ensues from prompt obedience and simplicity of intention in
following My Commandments and My Invitations. If man only does this
outwardly and does not live it, then this is a lie. True joy comes from
within and stems from union with God, Supreme Good and Supreme
Happiness. No pain, intense as it may be, can succeed in destroying it and
no contrariety troubles it. It is not diminished in the soul by the fact that
others think evil of it and calumniate it. The presence of God in the mind
is like a rampart which defends this unalterable joy. It is as if the soul
were already in the beatific vision and it remains immobile before God,
as if in adoration, flooded with a light and an irresistible force which
produces serenity and peace. When you have reached this degree of
union with Me, you will not be affected by the most impetuous winds of
evil blowing around you. The world will attempt to show you the
uselessness of your life and your sacrifices. It will not matter to you that
the Evil One flies into a rage against you to seduce you. You will remain
plunged in contemplation of Me, pervaded with the joy of God and
inundated with His tenderness and His infinite goodness. The closer that
you come to God, the more you will feel the effect of His Presence and
the more you will be inundated with grace and love, to the point of your
being transformed into Him like the iron which, reddened in the fire,
becomes one with it. There is, however, one virtue that brings much joy
to the heart and that is humility. The more that you will feel little and as
nothing before God, the more you will taste the joy of being His and of
feeling protected and loved by Him. Your imperfections and failures
themselves, will be for you a cause for Spiritual profit and an incitement
to mistrust yourself and place all your hopes in God. Humility, that is to
say, the low esteem of yourself, will attract the benevolence of your
fellow men who willingly will listen to your words and to whom you will
be able to do good. The satisfaction and merit of the good done you will
leave to God, who has accomplished it through your intermediary and in
you, but He will leave you the joy and He will give you an eternal
reward, even for the smallest action that you will have performed on
behalf of your neighbour, with the desire of pleasing Me. Death too,
towards which you travel daily, will not be a worry if you live your life as
I have told you; but it will be the Sister who will open to you the gate of
Heaven so that the true joy which you have begun to taste in your heart
already in this life will be complete and lasting. Ask Me each day for joy,
because it is indispensable to the Christian. If the first Christians had
gone to their martyrdom in tears, their death would not have aroused so
much admiration and it would not have been an attraction and a seed of
other martyrs; but they went to meet death smiling and joyful. That is
why, those who saw them asked who was this Jesus, in the name of whom
these martyrs gave their life with so much serenity. They then wanted to
know Me, to know the True God. Even today, and for everyone, joy is
something that diffuses itself, that communicates itself, propagates itself.
Joy and serenity edify. A Christian should always bc a messenger of joy.
If all practising Christians felt and showed joy in being in My service,
their example would be imitated by many. Do your best early in the
morning to supply yourself with an abundant provision of good humour;
it is the consequence of internal joy. Try to maintain it and do not become
upset by trifles. Participate willingly in those family amusements which
aid the maintaining of harmony and serenity. Become a centre for the
diffusion of joy so that your Company is agreeable, and let it be
understood that what you give comes from God who dwells within you.
The peace which men desire in the world begins here: in the peace of an
upright conscience, in the peace of families well ordered and united, from
whence peace among nations is the consequence.


Saturday, May I8, I968 (0I00)

My beloved child, observe all that is happening in the world and tell Me
if the goodness and patience of God can be exercised still more.

If you could see, for one instant only, with God's eye, the world and all
the evil that is being committed, you would die of fright. Homicides,
suicides, thefts, adulteries, blasphemies, rebellions, treasons of all kinds
prevail. They are such an accumulation of so much evil that the good
seems to have disappeared.
If there were at least some good souls, religious, consecrated, desirous
of virtue, of perfection and reparation, I could console Myself near them.
But they are so very rare, and even these are so inconstant and imperfect I
go about, choosing from time to time some privileged soul, and I give it
abundant graces and particular gifts so that it can use them for the
salvation of a great number. But these souls are nearly always mocked
and calumniated. If they do not let themselves be overcome by
discouragement, it is because I grant them the gift of an extraordinary
faith and assistance. Because of the opposition these souls encounter,
however, the apostolic action that they should carry out becomes very
limited. These are My prophets. But just as in the Old Testament they
were persecuted and even slain, so too now they are slain again, if not
physically at least in their moral life, their honour; and, as before, they
are persecuted. It could be understood if they were attacked by the
wicked. No, it is their own brothers in the faith who injure their brothers
and sisters and, putting in doubt My work and their mission, become their
persecutors and insulators. My heart remains profoundly saddened at
those who do not acknowledge the almighty power, wisdom and mercy of
God, a God who can dispose at His pleasure events and facts.


It is true that in this period of life of the world, I permitted the demons
to unleash their fury, especially against religious and consecrated persons,
putting their virtue to a hard test. I did this precisely because I would like
from them a greater perfection. But if they were better trained to fight
against the demon through the exercise of meditation, of prayer and by
the assiduous care of their interior life, even he would be vanquished and
subjugated. Well, by living a mediocre life and one lacking in fervour,
how could these souls teach others and stimulate them to be good? My
children, pray for My consecrated ones. For if you all need help, they
have a still more urgent need of it, especially My Ministers whom I have
chosen to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Do not fear to
sacrifice yourselves too much for them, for the dangers that surround
them are very numerous. Be near them to help them. Do not make them
lose precious time which they should employ for the good of souls. Do
not be for them an occasion of evil. Listen to their teachings so that they
will feel encouraged to go up and to do always more, always better.
Doubts against faith that torment your mind, trouble theirs also. Wearing
a religious habit does not exclude them from human weaknesses. Let
your fidelity and the conduct of your life be the most beautiful
manifestation of gratitude that you give to them for the work they
perform in your favor. Even though a Priest may not be equal to the state
of his ministry, his hands give you Jesus and permit Me to unite Myself to
you. His words perform miracles, transforming water, wine and bread
into My Body and into My Blood. He absolves you, he blesses you,
listens to you, counsels you, and accompanies you in the different stages
of life. You have serious obligations towards him, towards all My
Ministers. Do not be ungrateful. Gratitude is a duty that I also demanded
when I accomplished good works on behalf of My people in Palestine.
Do not forget these beloved sons whom I call to a great perfection. In the
ardor of their youth, conscious of what they were leaving behind and of
the cross they were bearing on their shoulders, they generously gave Me
the gift of their life on behalf of My children. Constancy requires
heroism. Do not be astonished to see them fall. Help and assist them. Do
not calumniate them, and do not murmur against them, for the word in
My Gospel always remains: "He who despises you, despises Me." They
are very precious to Me. Never forget it.


Sunday, May I9, I968

My beloved child, have faith and confidence and leave Me to act. Do

not fear anything. No one is indispensable to you, except God who loves
you infinitely. Disappointments and offenses on the part of dear ones are
necessary, I would say indispensable, so that you can better understand
the goodness of God and His fidelity, and address to Him all your

The inconsistency of the human heart is great and he who trusts man
inevitably perishes with him.

That is why you must elevate your thoughts and your affections to God,
your Creator and your Father, and entrust yourself to Him in all your
needs. He will guide your Steps and accomplish His Will in you if you
abandon yourself to Him. Only this is necessary.

Twofold is his Will: your sanctification here on earth, and eternal

happiness in Heaven.
He sanctifies you with the cooperation of your will, by giving you the
necessary means. He enlightens your mind with particular light. He gives
you the Sacraments and love of prayer. He surrounds you with people
desirous to do well and to help, and who are a stimulant for you to walk
in the way of God.

He strews your path with crosses, contradictions, disappointments,

physical sufferings, misunderstandings, calamities, and derision. In
summary, He gives you the daily bread of sorrow, alternated with a few
satisfactions, and a few passing joys.

In all that, He is beside you to teach you, to encourage you, to guide

you to Him, towards Heaven, by making you grow in perfection and
achieve the degree of glory that He wishes you to have.

You see well, My child, what must be your goal and how the support of
persons is very secondary. Actually, it is I who accomplishes it in you,
and even if I use My Ministers, who may be more or less enlightened, or
if I use other factors, you must keep present in your mind that they are all
in My service.

Love all indiscriminately, the good and the bad, the faithful and the
ungrateful. Love them in Me and with Me, in order to be able to do them
good, but keep your heart free, for I am a jealous God of this heart.

Do not attach yourself to any creature, as the more you approach them
the more you discover their defects. Many times, human wickedness is
so great that it would cause you incurable wounds. Detach yourselves
from creatures through love so that I may not detach you by force.

Accept and offer up the sufferings that others give you and do not wish
to make anyone suffer. And if necessity obliges you to correct those about
you, do it with such goodness and much love, asking Me continually for

Receive with gratitude reprimands and counsels as if they come from

Me. You will thus enjoy much peace and serenity, for many of your
crosses are such because your self-love rebels before humiliation.

Monday, May 20, I968 (0I00)

My child, listen to Me.

Do not be sad when you see yourself abandoned by creatures and

rejected by them. Confide constantly in God, for He alone is faithful. He
will never abandon you.

Even if you commit wickedness, He will never, never, abandon you. On

the contrary, He will continuously seek you out, calling you by the most
sweetest names and showing you His Heart, desirous only of your

The people of this world love you if you are joyous, and if you are
surrounded by honor. But if you are in pain, if you are ridiculed or
calumniated, they abandon you because they do not wish to get involved
and become the subject of gossip.

Only those whose hearts are modeled after My Heart will be faithful to
you and overcome the fear of derision, and they will not join all the
others. But faithful friends will be very few in number. It was rightly said
to you that he who finds a friend, finds a treasure, for true friendship is
like a precious pearl and precious pearls are not easily found.

Therefore, be very careful in not giving the name of a friend to

everyone. Above all, do not give your heart to all, for you will be bitterly

Remember that true friendship is based upon sincerity. It is not the one
who continually praises you that truly loves you, but the one who makes
known to you even your defects. Even though this is painful and
disagreeable to him, he continues to do this because he is desirous of your

The true friend is ready to sacrifice himself for the person he loves, for
sacrifice is the best proof of love, even though his sacrifice will not be
rewarded and may be misunderstood. That is why true friendship can be a
great Spiritual help. From a true friend you may ask for advice and you
can be sure that it will aim only toward making you better.
While all this is hard to find in creatures, you will find it in Me, for I am
constant in love and I could not be otherwise.

I love you, My children, as the most tender of friends, as the most

affectionate of fathers, as the best of brothers. Remember, however, that
love should make you similar to the one loved, and I desire that you
become similar to Me.

Yes, invoke Me also under this name "friend", that is so dear to My

Heart. Call Me "Jesus, my friend" and I shall be happy to come near you
to fulfil the role of a true Friend.

I also had My friends when I lived in the world, and I loved them with
a very tender love: Lazarus, whom I resurrected after having wept at his
tomb; Mary, My great convert, and Martha, the very capable housekeeper.
I often used to go to their place for a rest, I was so well received there,
just like home.

After her conversion, Mary became a most loving soul. Thirsty for My
doctrine and for My words, she spent her time kneeling at My feet,
gazing at Me, weeping for her sins and loving Me.

There were many others whom I called friends, and who were not. I
called Judas a friend, and with this sweet name I would have liked to
bring him back to repentance and to God. But he did not wish to
understand Me, and despaired.

And many, many other friends, whom I called by this name, abandoned
Me in the most terrible moment of My life.

Now again, I call many around Me friends. I call them by the most
sweetest names, even if the one with whom I share My friendship is
tested by the Cross. I told you that love makes one similar to the one
loved. To My friends, I give the Cross, a more or less heavy one
according to the generosity of their heart.

That is why, though I call many, My friends are reduced to a few. Faced
with suffering, they withdraw. They want no part of it, they rebel.

My sweetest friend who shared My joys and sorrows was My dear

Mother. Oh! How well She understood My heart! How She guessed My
desires and anticipated them! How She consoled Me in My pains and
bitterness! Her smile and Her words went straight to the depths of My
Heart as a salutary balm.

I told you at other times that as God, I had no need of anything, but as
man, yes. I wanted to give the example in everything, and I wished to
submit Myself to all human necessities, even to the one of being
comforted by a friendly soul.

Consider My Mother also as your friend and confidant. She will be

your Teacher. She will be your comfort. She will never betray you, you
can be sure of that, as Her Heart is a perfect copy of Mine.

Pray to Her to mold your heart also on this Divine Model so that you
yourself can also be a guide and a help to souls whom you will call


Tuesday. May 2I, I968 (0245)

My beloved child, now I speak to you on a very important subject. I

speak to you of the Holy Spirit, One of the Three Divine Persons. The
Holy Spirit is the Father's Spirit and Mine. He proceeds from the love
which unites the Father to Me. He is substantial Love. 'He is Pure Love.
The Love which unites Us, that is to say, which unites the Father with the
Son, is so great as to constitute a third eternal Person Who is wise,
immense, infinite, in everything equal to the other two Persons. It was the
Holy Spirit who, over the world, breathed life into creation and,
inseparably from the other two Persons, accomplished every Operation
concerning the world and man. The Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin
Mary, His Divine Spouse, and made Her Mother of the Savior. He
hovered above My Head the day John the Baptist baptised me. I spoke of
Him in My preaching so that He would be ardently desired and awaited. I
promised that, as soon as I had ascended to the Father, I would send upon
the Apostles, the Holy Spirit, who would transform them. Indeed, the
Apostles spent nine days with Mary, My Mother, secluded in the Cenacle,
in prayer and full of fervour and hope, until a very violent wind
announced to them His coming. The Holy Spirit appeared in the form of
an immense globe of fire which subdivided itself into flames, and these
went and rested over the head of each one. Then the transformation took
place which made the twelve inept and cowardly fishermen true heralds
of the Faith. Their intellect was enlightened; their hearts burned with love
and their zeal was so great that, leaving the Cenacle, they took to
preaching as if they were men of science. Peter spoke, converted and
baptised close to five thousand persons, won over by the power of his
word. Even Mary, My Mother, was confirmed in the Truth which I
Myself had taught Her, in order to be capable of guiding and instructing
the new born Church. In this way, the fire of the Holy Spirit, which
enlightens and enkindles, began to dwell in souls as a Sweet Guest and to
act as the Soul of the Church. It is He who directs the Church by
enlightening its Head (the Pope) and rendering him infallible in the
government of It. It is the Holy Spirit who keeps the Church always
living, always young. It is He who raises up new apostles, assists them
and prepares them, filling them with ardour for the life of the apostolate.
The presence of the Holy Spirit gives rise to great acts of the Church,
such as the Councils and Encyclicals which are like letters He writes to
His children and to His faithful. It is the Holy Spirit who, received in the
Sacraments and particularly in Holy Communion, gives to souls the
desire for holiness and perfection. He works untiringly in souls. He raises
them up after falls. He heals the wounds of sin. He bends wills by
stimulating them towards good. He enkindles cold hearts to love God and
neighbor, and He redresses what is not just. He dwells in all souls that are
in a state of grace and acts constantly and untiringly. He speaks to us in
the form of inspirations. He dissipates doubts, clarifies ideas, enlightens
intellects and continually accomplishes the miracle which formerly
transformed the ignorant Apostles into learned orators. That is why you
see persons who can barely hold a pen or, not knowing any other pen than
the hoe, dictate to men laws full of wisdom, words which enlighten more
or as much as those of a theologian. It is the Holy Spirit who acts. It is He
who transforms these inapt instruments and makes of them prophets and
pioneers of Faith. Formerly, in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit spoke
through the Prophets. Now He speaks continuously. He speaks through
the mouth of the Pope, the successor of Peter and My Vicar. He speaks
through the intermediary of My Ministers and their word is listened to,
because the doctrine they teach is not theirs but Mine. He speaks to the
mind and to the heart of everyone who invokes Him. If a soul calls upon
Him with love, with desire and with insistence, then He comes to this
soul and makes it holy. My children, put yourselves in the disposition of
receiving the Holy Spirit. Place yourselves before Him like one who
exposes himself to the sun in order to be warmed and enlightened. Let
Him act and you obey Him. Listen to Him. He speaks in silence. He
speaks with love. Do not dissipate your souls in trivial and useless things.
Do not forget that the Lord wants you holy. To become that, you must
correspond to the grace of the Holy Spirit. He fills the soul with His
Seven Gifts, and also fills those who desire Him on the day of their
Confirmation. He renews continually. He gives you Wisdom,
Understanding, Counsel, Piety, Fortitude, Knowledge, and Fear of the
Lord. He will inspire you with the desire of accomplishing works of
Mercy. He will be the soul of your apostolate, so that you won't be able to
keep for yourself the gifts that God is giving you, but you will want to
communicate and give them to everyone. You will want to spread faith,
love, and goodness. You will feel in your heart an irresistible force which
will incline you to do good for the glory of God and for the benefit of
your brothers and sisters. Consecrate yourself to the Holy Spirit, put
yourself in His service and at His disposal. You are the Living Church
and as such, you must live your Baptism and your Confirmation. Diffuse
your Faith, with human respect, without fear, though with graciousness
and amiability. Remember that, if you are not an apostle, you run the risk
of being an apostate, for if you do not feel the duty of giving what you
also received gratuitously, you run the risk of losing even what you
possess. Look at the example of the Saints who, cooperating with the
grace of the Holy Spirit, spent their lives leaving an indelible mark of
themselves of goodness. You also need to work on fighting the evil in you
and around you. Do good wherever you are and wherever you go. To
those who wanted to close the mouths of the Apostles, it was answered:
"If you shut their mouth, their works will speak." Let it be the same for
you also. Let your works speak and let those who see them give glory to
God who has accomplished them in you.

Wednesday, May 22. I968 (0I40)

My beloved child, the lesson that I am going to dictate to you will be

much more important than you think; it will even have a decisive
importance in your life. I will speak to you of that final impenitence.

It is very important that you are able to arrive at the end of your life with
a mind filled with serenity towards everyone, but it is still more important
that you have peace with God, of which peace with your neighbour is the
Should one even find himself in the state of mortal sin, it is important to
have the soul disposed to a change of mind, to repent and turn to one's
Creator, asking Him for pardon.

This would appear to be such an easy thing, especially just before death
and before judgement which, immediately after death, awaits the soul.
Instead, it is not like that. You say: "He who lives well, dies well," and
that is true: but it is also true that he who habitually and voluntarily lives
in sin does not accept to change his life at the last moment but prefers and
chooses to remain in sin and to continue to hate God during all eternity.

Certainly, the impenitent does not suspect to find what he will find
because he is accustomed to seeing things as they happen in the world,
where God, while giving some little idea of His Justice, uses exclusively
His Mercy and Goodness; but when the impenitent finds himself before
God the Judge and it is too late to repent, he will discover the enormity of
his culpable ignorance and malice which will have conducted him to such
a desolate and horrible end. I desire that the sinner be converted and live.
I am patient and I knock and I wait, trying out all sort of means to the
very last day. All paths are good and I go about sowing graces; I make use
of everything. At times I grant material goods, at times I take them away.
I give health and take it away. I give Spiritual graces of all kinds. I leave
nothing untried because the health of souls is what interests Me most, I
who created and redeemed them at such a dear price. If the soul refuses
My help, if it refuses to repent, it will fall into the abyss at the moment of
death. Then, at last, its eyes will be opened; it will see the punishment
prepared for it. It will not have the possibility to change, to repent; but
will have to remain, during all eternity, in the tragic Situation of those
who hate God. How necessary it is, My child, to reflect on these things
while you are still alive and to repair quickly any fault as soon as you
perceive that you have fallen into it!

The Lord knows your weakness and He knows that man sins very
easily. If, after the sin, man turns to God with a repentant heart, he obtains
par- don, which God gives easily as soon as He sees a minimum of
goodwill and the desire to pick oneself up. But obstinacy in fault and the
fact of not wanting to repent puts the Lord in the condition of not wanting
to pardon.

In each instance the co-operation of the human will is always necessary

for God to act, because He never forces the freedom of man.
The trial must be freely overcome, it must not be an imposition. Be
ready, My children, to admit your errors and do this also amongst
yourselves so that it may be easier for you to humiliate yourselves before
God Himself. Mutually ask for pardon because you all have the
possibility of making mistakes and sinning. If your spirit is humble and
inclined to peace towards your neighbour, it will not support hate towards
God before whom it will easily humiliate itself. It was said to you: "Do
not let the sun go down upon your anger", and now I say to you: "Do not
fall asleep with sin upon your soul and, therefore, in anger with God."
Seek at once to repair this. Repent, ask pardon, because you do not know
if, during the night, death will come as a thief. Be vigilant, for you do not
know the hour nor the day when the Groom will come. Have recourse to
God after each fall; however small it be, it is always grave if one thinks
of the dignity of the person offended. Always ask the Lord for sufficient
light to know your fault s and humility to detest them. Pray also for
obstinate sinners who, rebellious, impervious and ungrateful to God,
persist in a life of sin, which will surely conduct them to ruin. "Where
there is life, there is hope". This is a popular saying, and this is truly so.
That is why, I beg you, never forget those who, having reached the end of
their existence, and are still in sin.

Pray for the dying. A thread separates them from eternity. A prayer
offered with all your heart, a sacrifice made with love on their behalf,
may obtain providential aid, the necessary light for them to understand
their Situation and be converted. It has been said to you that "he who
saves a soul has saved his own". My children, give Me souls, I am thirsty
for souls! Do not make life onerous if you can use it for this purpose, I
came into the world to save what was lost. If you assist Me in this work
your reward will be great.

You cannot and must not remain indifferent to souls losing themselves.
Each one carries a little bit of responsibility for his brother who is
heading to his ruin. "What have you done with your brother?" God asked
Cain. He will ask the same of each of you because each one is charged
with saving his neighbour. "What have you done with your children?" He
will ask the mother and father "and each with their spouse?" "What have
you done with the Priests whom I have given to you?" Have you suffered
and worked with them to save souls? Have you prayed for their
sanctification, so that it does not happen that after having preached to
others, they themselves are lost? And with all those people that I have
placed beside you, what have you done? Have you edified them by good
counsel? Have you given them a few good words and, above all, have
you let them feel the ardour of your charity, of your affection, in order to
win them to God, to Me?

Have you truly prayed with all your heart for everyone, or are you
hermetically shut-in within yourselves, limiting your supplications to
such personal and material trivialities before which it is ever pointless to
linger? My children, broaden your views and your hearts. Love, love
everyone. How many problems resolve themselves with ease, even
though they appear insoluble. Never forget that what counts the most is to
save the soul, but you will save yours with difficulty if you do not also
have at heart the salvation of others.

Thursday, May 23,I968
I am going to speak to you of My Ascension into Heaven. Forty days
after My Resurrection, after having confirmed in the Faith My Apostles
and My disciples, after having instituted the Sacrament of Confession and
given to the Church a head in the person of Peter, assuring him of My
assistance and confiding in him the custody of this Church represented by
sheep and lambs - a Figure of Speech I generally use to designate souls,
being Myself the Good Shepherd - in the presence of more than five
hundred people, I ascended into Heaven. All who remained turned
towards Me and awaited My return, even though, very often, I had
affirmed that I would be going up to the Father to prepare a place for
everyone and that I would be coming back at the end of the world, as
Supreme Judge, to judge the good and the bad. I ascended to Heaven
because the Father had to glorify Me. Indeed, I only sought His Glory.
And you, too, will be glorified by God, if, in all your works, you always
seek His Glory.


That is why you must always purify your intentions. What you do
through human motives is entirely lost. It is like a letter which lacks an
address; it cannot arrive at its destination. You will be able to receive a
human reward, which isn't much, but if you want your works to have a
resonance in Heaven, you must give them the right Intention, you must
work for Heaven. Keep your thoughts fixed on the goal. Do not be side
tracked, do not miss your goal. If you fall, pick yourself up, ask for help
and continue. Life is a pilgrimage. It seems long if you suffer, but it is
brief if you compare it to eternity. How many persons have you known
and grown up with that have already left you? How many, even younger
than you, have preceded you? Now it is your turn. I have hidden the hour
and the day from you because the thought of leaving everything and
everyone would sadden you. Perhaps you would give up hope. But you
do not know if you will reach the end of the year which you have begun,
the current month or the day that you are finishing. This incertitude must
not trouble you, nor leave you indifferent. Just as you worry about your
interests, so too you may not forget these things which are the chief
concern of your life, since they concern eternity. Live being good, live
day by day, live for the Lord and, at any moment, be ready for His
summons. Many say that, when one is dead, everything is finished: a
coffin, a grave, a handful of earth; but does it seem to you that it can be
like that?


Should goodness, justice, charity, suffering not be rewarded? Should evil,

wrongdoing, ingratitude, dishonesty not be punished? All, all will be
sifted and souls and bodies will participate in the reward or in the eternal
punishment. Even bodies, that is certain, one day will arise just as I arose
Myself, and will be reunited to the soul to which they were united in the
accomplishment of good and evil, in order to be glorified or condemned.
Courage, then, My child! Do not fear anything. You have beside you an
Angel who guides you. You have a Mother who constantly assists you. I
am there in you and with you. Courage! Climb with Me the holy mount
of Christian perfection. It is so beautiful to live with the Lord, to have
confidence in Him, to abandon oneself within His arms, to listen to His
Voice. It is beautiful also to remain on His Cross, for if you suffer with
Him, you no longer feel the suffering. To suffer is a joy. Walk towards
Heaven and take with you the world, that of the suffering, of the sinners,
of the consecrated ones. Walk with them, help them, do not complain,
diffuse joy, love, peace. I am with you now and will be forever.


Thursday, May 23, I968 (0300)
My beloved child, listen to Me and pay attention to all that I say to you. I
speak to you of the necessity of suffering. Mankind asks why do we have
to suffer, and it puts all its attention and all its care into avoiding
suffering. Now I ask you: is it necessary to suffer? And I reply to you
Myself. Suffering entered into the World with sin and as long as it lasts,
expiation is necessary. Without suffering, there is no remission of sin.
Every offence supposes a victim that pays. I was the first Victim and I
paid for everyone; but My sacrifice does not apply to souls unless they
adhere to it by their own suffering. That is why no one can be exempt.
From birth to death, from the first tears that the baby sheds in emitting its
first cry announcing life, to the last ones that run down the face of him
who gives his last goodbye to life, life is but a succession of small and
big sufferings which transform existence into a Calvary. Now, I am going
to teach you to make these sacrifices, these tears, these Crosses, not only
acceptable but dear to your heart and to Mine. Remember, however, that
if the grain of wheat does not rot in the earth, it does not produce the ear.
Each one of you is My grain of wheat that makes up the Host, the Victim,
the Mystical Body. That is why each one of you must ripen after saving
decomposed in suffering. It is not only a mystical law that I am telling to
you about, but it is also a natural law. Without sacrifice, you achieve
nothing. Observe in the world how many sacrifices there are in achieving
great discoveries: how much sweat, how many sleepless nights, how
much labour, how many human victims! Every enterprise requires its
share of suffering. You say: "Nothing is won with nothing." And that is
truly so. If, then, in all human activities, there exists the law of pain as the
means of accomplishing little and great things, all the more reason why
this law must enter into the things of God. It cannot be otherwise, for if
the Father Himself, in His infinite Goodness and Wisdom, wished Me,
His Son, to submit to this law, it is because there is no better law, no other
means more efficacious, no other way more direct than that of suffering.
In the beginning this had not been the desire of the Father in creating man
who was destined for joy, for happiness and the glory of Paradise. From
the very beginning of this earth, living in communion with God, man,
king of creation, was destined to enjoy an anticipated paradise. The act of
rebellion with which your first parents stained themselves broke the filial
relations existing between man and God, and suffering was the logical
consequence. But, though living in abjection and in tears, man would not
have been able to lift his eyes to God and ask for pity. His cry would not
have reached as far as Heaven if l, by clothing Myself with human nature
and making Myself one of you, had not, as Victim, asked the Father for
pardon for all humanity. Only after My Sacrifice, and only if your
sacrifices are united to Mine, do they have a redemptive and purifying
value. Here I wish to draw your attention to how many useless sacrifices
there are in the world, sufferings which will not be remunerated, which
will have no reward. Those are the sufferings which many souls are
subjected to or even endure while living in mortal sin. I will explain: if
you want to light up a room, you turn on the switch. Well then, grace is
the switch which permits the light of God to enter into you. Illuminated
by this light, which is divine Life, everything assumes a particular
importance and all little things, even one tear, can be used for the good of
all. For him who lives in the state of mortal sin, everything is pitch black,
everything is wasted, tears, pain, suffering and, what is more, despair,
revolt , discontent enter into his heart because he lacks God's help, when
it is not faith that is at fault . If you want to have strength to endure life as
it is, obtain it from the Heart of God, who knows how to transform pain
into joy. Only in this way can you make a gift of suffering to your
brothers and sisters, and you assist them to pay, and allay the sufferings
of others, as I have done, and as many Saints have done in the Church.
By means of grace and suffering, each Christian is able to present himself
to the Father and say to Him: "l am your Son, I am Jesus," and the Father,
through His intermediary, bestows blessings on humanity.


You, a mother, feel in your heart an ardent desire to help your children.
You would like them to be good, holy or at least honest, in good health.
Well then, you have a coin with which to pay for all that: your suffering.
You complain, perhaps, because you have no health and you cannot on
account of this fulfil your duties towards them. Do not complain. If you
after your sufferings to God with Me, God Himself takes your place, and
even if you do not see right away the fruits, you will see that He will
guide your children better than you would have been able to do yourself
while in the best of health. If you complain, if you cry, if you despair,
they will endure it all badly. The exercise of charity is already difficult
with the sick and you will not be able to do them good; you will only be a
weight for them. Have you some loved ones sick in the family? If you
approach them with goodness, with serenity, with patience, they will not
feel their illness so much and the Cross will be less heavy for everyone.
Use the Cross as a means of salvation. Love the Cross because on it you
will find Me. Suffering is the means by which you are able to prove your
love: it is the language of love. He who loves Me has no other choice to
make than to follow Me on the sorrowful way by carrying his share of the
Cross. Accept with joy to follow Me. On this road you will also find a
Mother, the holiest of all creatures, the most sorrowful of all mothers.
Entrust yourself to Her and even as She consoled Me, She will also assist
you to reach the summit ... and then, after the sufferings, glory and
infinite joy which will never end.


Saturday, May 25, I968 (0I00)

My beloved child, the lesson that I will give you will deal with a theme
that everyone thinks is of little importance but one which, in reality, is
very important. I speak to you of Purgatory, that is to say of the place
where souls of the deceased go in order to complete their purification
before going to Heaven where no one enters unless he is pure. Do you
remember the parable I narrated to you in the Gospel, of the invited guest
who was found without the nuptial garment? Well, then, no one enters
Paradise without the whiteness of the robe which you usually represent
by the little white garment that the priest places on the body of the new
born, the day of its Baptism. Since it is with much difficulty that souls
come to die in their baptismal innocence, it is necessary that they
reacquire it in this place of purification. An act of perfect contrition
would suffice to give back this splendour to the soul by which, after
death, it could immediately fly to the embrace of its God, but it is so
difficult to have a perfect contrition so profound, and generally, therefore,
all must pass through Purgatory. You will ask Me: "What is Purgatory?" It
is very difficult to be able to explain it to you. You would need to
understand what God is for a soul in order to grasp what the pain of the
privation of Him involves, even though it is temporary. Think that God is
essential to the soul as air is indispensable to your lungs. You know that
certain illnesses give to a person affected by them a sense of suffocation -
asthma, for instance. Well then, this can give you an idea, a pale idea, of
one of the torments which, in Purgatory, constitutes the greatest anxiety.
As long as you are wrapped up in this envelope, which you call the body,
the soul is as though insensible to the call of its God; but when released
from the strings that restrain it on earth, it would like to take its flight
towards God; the fact of being deprived of Him shall be an indescribable
torment. All the other pains which punish souls in their particular fault s,
com- pared to this pain, will be secondary. The purifying fire into which
souls are plunged will torment preferably the parts of the body which
were the cause of sin. I spoke to you of the body because, although left
behind on the earth, souls will have the Sensation of possessing it still, in
order that it may participate in the pain that the Lord has inflicted upon
the soul. This is also an act of Justice on the part of God, because after the
Last Judgement, Purgatory will no longer exist and the body which was
the soul 's companion in committing evil would therefore remain
unpunished. Immediately after death, the soul of its own accord flies
towards this place of purification. It would not be able to tolerate finding
itself before God with the smallest stain and it would not want to come
out of Purgatory before its splendour was not worthy of the place where,
with God, must reign the Celestial Court, in all its holiness and
perfection. The sole comfort for souls who suffer in the prison of
purification is the hope that, one day, they will be able at last to leave it.
These souls can do nothing for themselves, but they are able to do
something for you who are still living in exile. They certainly do not
waste their time which they use to love God and to assist men, especially
those with whom they have had Spiritual and natural ties, those who have
helped them to save their souls. And they help, above all, those who ask
to be helped by them by praying for them. You understand right away the
importance prayer has for these souls: whilst it gives them comfort and
help, by hastening their liberation, it obtains for you special graces and
favours. Undoubtedly, God must grant these favours, because the
speeding up of the meeting of these souls with Him procures for Him a
great joy. There are souls in Purgatory who are suffering for many years.
No one thinks much of them because, during their lifetime, they too,
perhaps, never thought of praying for others. And it is an act of great
charity towards them and towards Me to hasten their liberation. To make
you understand better to what extent you ought to be interested in praying
for these souls who suffer indescribable pains, I am going to give you a
little example. Have you noticed in some public places, hospitals, for
instance, those lighted signs that appear when a patient rings? Well then,
think that each time you offer something for these souls that may help
them, immediately they repay the good they receive in this manner: it is
as if they lighted up the luminous sign "God", summoning Him to help
the soul that has done them good. How can you help the souls in
Purgatory? A thousand ways. You can offer for them the merits of your
good actions, your sacrifices, your almsgiving, your prayers. But the
prayer and the sacrifice that helps them most is the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass. It is My Sacrifice offered to the Father for them. Well then, reflect
that this act of charity which you can accomplish while you are on earth
is also a duty of justice. Perhaps there lament in Purgatory fathers and
mothers who, while alive, neglected their children. To have the Holy
Mass offered for them is the best way to make reparation. Perhaps
consecrated souls suffer there, priests in particular, for having been too
indulgent with their penitents, or for having shortened or celebrated in too
much hurry the Holy Mysterious, in order not to bore the faithful.
Perhaps there are people who have sinned through too much indulgence
thereby offending the law of God. Well then, it is a duty of justice to help
them and to liberate them and you are able to do so and you must do it.
Listen to the cry which they address to you: "Have pity on us, you who
can help us!" Do not be deaf to their cries. You do not see them, I know
that, and it is on account of this that you forget them; but if you have
faith, you must believe My words and not doubt what I said in the Gospel
that you will be rewarded, even for a glass of water given in My Name;
do not doubt that for this charity in favour of My friends, I will give to
you a great reward. Pray each day to My Mother to descend to this dark
prison to free the souls that have loved Her most during their life, and be
certain also that your invitation will be received by Her with joy and
generously repaid.


(and v i e w i n g m a t e r i a I s)

Sunday, May 26. I968

My child, the present lesson is meant to be for you a guide in the choice
of those things that attract you the most, so that your choice is guided by
prudence and common sense.

I will speak to you of reading. It is said that he who reads eats. Indeed,
reading is like a nourishment of the spirit. If the nourishment is
wholesome it will elevate your spiritually and will give joy to your spirit;
if it is rotten, it will disfigure your soul, it will drag you to sin and to ruin,
not only spiritually, but also bodily.

That is why you must know how to choose your reading and viewing
material, and do not throw yourself into whatever falls into your hands,
devouring the words, because it could be a dangerous poison insinuating
itself into your mind and into your heart. Through bad reading or films,
you can lose peace and be dragged into evil.

Many before you and stronger than you have succumbed; that is why you
must fear for yourself. Regarding the choice of newspapers, books, and
films know first the contents. I assure you that you will live more
peacefully, have greater peace of mind and fewer nightmares. Choose
reading that elevates, instructs and serves as a guide for you on the path
of life. If reasons for study or responsibility oblige you to seek knowledge
and by the reading or viewing of various unpleasant news and all sorts of
books, begin by recommending yourself to God who watches over your
thoughts, your sentiments and your senses, so that they may not be
influenced wrongly. How many souls are ruined by bad reading! How
much innocence is lost because of newspapers and pornographic
magazines! How many diabolical books! Modem youth, in the name of
liberty, does not want a limit in this field. To tell you the evil that a fill
the newspaper publication or film may do is not easy. Youth, deceitfully
or shamelessly, diffuses evil; and the poison they have ingested they
spread. And today, one shows off with the latest unpleasant information
or the most obscene joke. Know how to choose, My children, and you,
mothers, watch over the viewing of your children and over your own. Do
not be deluded by thinking that nowadays things have changed and that it
is good to know and to see everything. Obscene pictures and films
awaken the senses and lead to bad thoughts and to sins of impurity.
Certain disorders and changes in attitudes and ideas are sometimes due to
bad films or books. Do not say that you look superficially only to pass the
time. For, just as food nourishes your body, even though you eat by habit
and without thinking of what you are eating, so too entertainment, which
is the food of the spirit, brings forth its own fruit in opportune time. And
it is when you find yourself in circumstances similar to those you have
read about in newspapers or in books or seen in films, that it will come to
you spontaneously to think of them and to act in like manner. Deepen the
study of Eternal truths. Read books that point out examples for you to
imitate. Read and study My Message of Love, the Gospel, books full of
wisdom and light. What does it matter to know the "curriculum vitae" of
singers, artists or personalities, if by imitating them, you ruin your life?
Resolve to do some good reading each day, that will relax the mind or be
good recreation. Resolve to make each day a meditation, however short it
may be. Do everything with order. Do not cram your head by reading the
entire book in one day because it pleases you, thus neglecting your family
duties. Being able to impose upon yourself a rule, a timetable, even in
this, has its advantages. To be able to interrupt your reading because a
duty of charity demands your presence is a proof of character. Do not
exaggerate in your reading, read moderately, reflect and assimilate what
you are reading in order to transform it into your practical life.

And now I am going to give you advice. There is a book which every-
one can read, even the illiterate. It is the book of nature. Never tire
reading it; furthermore, accustom yourself to reading it each day,
wherever you find it. Observe the flowers, the trees, the sky, the stars, the
animals. Observe the world of nature around you, illuminated by the sun
or lit up by the moon. Read in this marvellous book the goodness of the
Father, His Immensity, His Justice, His Providence. And after having
reflected upon it, there will come spontaneously a thought of gratitude
towards Him; you will have more confidence, you will feel better for it.
The Saints knew how to elevate their heart to God full of gratitude, by
only looking at a little flower of the field. Read the book of Creation,
which is at everyone's disposal, and you will discover God's love for men,
whether good or bad, and you also will feel your heart expand in the love
of God and of your brothers and sisters.


Monday, May 27,I968

My beloved child, be prompt when I call and happy to make a little

sacrifice for your Lord, for He loves the one who gives with joy. The
Lord will always ask you for something, but above all he will ask for
your heart of which He is jealous. He wants your heart, your love. He
wants you generous and disinterested. Coldness repulses Him, stinginess
saddens Him. If you are not able to do much, do all you can, but have
immense desires, because God loves men of great desires. Let each of
your deeds be accomplished by you in an act of pure love, so as to make
your life a long golden chain to offer to the Father. Into every pot of soup,
you put a pinch of salt , and watch out if it is not there! Well then, into
each of your actions, however insignificant, put a pinch of love. Love of
God and love of neighbour which, in the last analysis, becomes again
love of God. He who does not feel the fatigue, is not aware of the
sacrifice, for him everything is light, everything beautiful. See with what
joy a mother sacrifices herself for her children! She loves them. Love
makes heroism possible. At the base of all sanctity, you will find love.
Rightly My dear Augustine said: "Love and do what you will." If you
love God, it is not possible that you will offend Him. Prayer without love
is like a harp without sound. It s music does not go up to Heaven.
Suffering without love resembles that of an ox pulling the cart; it is like
an insignificant thing and without value. To suffer through force, to suffer
stoically, is to suffer uselessly. Wherever you put an act of love, you
transform everything. You must become holy, do you want to make
yourself holy? Here is the shortest way and one most sure: accomplish
with love the Will of God. The greater your love is, the more true will be
your sanctity. The Will of God are your daily duties, those inherent in
your state. Do not make things difficult. From morning until night, you
go about plaiting your actions for the good of your family. Well then, tie
them up with the love of God. This is sanctity. The reward in paradise
will be proportionate to the love with which you will have penetrated
your life. To pick up a pin may be more meritorious than to construct a
cathedral; the merit is proportionate to the love put into the act. The Lord
does not ask for great works. These He accomplishes Himself and
chooses the most unsuitable instruments. He asks for love. He is a Beggar
of Love. Love saves souls through Me. It is I who -save souls through the
intermediary of your love. That is why your work can be grandiose.
Through the power of your love, you can rejoin all the points of the earth
and help Me to accomplish Redemption and Salvation.


Tuesday, May 28,I968
My beloved child, here you are in My service. Things change and persons
vary but I remain immutable and steadfast in My thoughts and in My
sentiments. That is why I repeat to you, entrust yourself solely to Me, for
he who trusts only in man, may perish with him. You yourself, perceive
how one minute is different from the next? At the very moment when you
decide one thing, you think of it differently and change your mind. Such
is human nature, subject to continual change. But God remains He who
was. He who is, and He who will be. Nothing changes in Him.

Neither goodness, nor beauty, nor mercy, nor justice, nor fidelity, nor
providence and all the most beautiful endowments that you find in him in
an infinite measure.

He is Science, Wisdom and Perfection. Entrust yourself to Him, My

child, and you will never perish. Be the master of your intelligence and of
your heart so as to be able always to direct them towards God and to give
them to him, to Him who has the right to possess them.

Always look ahead, always strive towards the goal, always free your
heart more and more of every sentiment not worthy of Him, since out
with this freedom will you be able to fly on the path of perfection without
entangling your wings and clipping them.

Free yourself also from yourself, as you are your first enemy. When
you seek yourself, you forget to seek your God. Do not perform any
action for human motives but let everything be actuated by My Will and
have as your goal eternal Life.
Praise God in everything, for to Him only is due honour and glory for
ever and ever.


Wednesday, May 29, I968 (I500)

My children, here you are reunited, like My Apostles in the Cenacle, with
Mary My Mother. May My Grace, My Blessing and the Light of the
Consoling Spirit be upon you. May all of you be inflamed with holy love
and may you be able to spread this love everywhere you go. Fill your
families with it, fill the whole world with it, this world which no longer
believes in God's Love and is destroying itself in frivolous love and in
hate. My children, love one another and love Me: therein is the Law. All
the rest is nothing. I bless you, My children; in recollection and in prayer,
in union with My Mother, prepare yourselves for Pentecost.


Monday, May 27, I968 (I030)

My beloved children, do not be troubled, believe and adore. In its time,

everything will appear clear to you. Know how to wait, My children. Did
I not say to you: "Not he who will have seen and will have believed, but
blessed is he who will have believed without seeing"? What does it
matter if some believe and others do not? Continue your work serenely.
Consider the fruits. If the fruits are good, the work comes from God. Your
work, your mission, brings with it sincerity, peace, love, harmony. Well
then, it is good. If it brought discord, quarrels, jealousy, you would doubt
it. Pursue your path with serenity. Confide in Me who speaks to you. I
speak to you in secret, I speak to you without words, but what does it
matter since you understand Me? I speak by enlightening minds, I
influence hearts. I move wills. The Word, it is l: the Eternal Word of the
Father. During My mortal life, I spoke to crowds eager for My doctrine;
but from all eternity I speak to all Creation. By My Word the Heavens
and the earth were formed, plants and animals, fish and birds. By My
Word, man was created to My Image and Likeness. In the Likeness of
God, do you understand that? And to man was given a ray of what I
possess from all eternity: the soul, immortal, Spiritual, capable of willing,
loving, understanding and speaking. Yes, for you have the words to
express your thoughts, your will, your desires, but only insofar as your
soul makes you capable of such expression and sentiments. There are
mute people who speak marvellously with their God and there are very
talkative people who do not know how to say one word to Him, or who
do not, by word, reach the Heart of God. So you see, it is not necessary
for the Lord to speak to you with the sound of His Voice in order to make
Himself understood by you, and you can speak to His Heart even if your
lips are mute. Have confidence, My child, and write. I promise you that
what you write will do much good to souls, much more than the books of
great writers and great theologians, because in these pages breathes My
Spirit, My Will, and your little work is only a trifle that you give to Me, a
little collaboration of sacrifice. Do it with faith and with love, with
simplicity and as obedience. I will give you merit for it as if you had
accomplished a marvellous work, the most beautiful of your life. Do it for
your children and for all those whom I have given to you. Do it for the
Priests whom I have confided to you and whom I have put on your path.
Yes, for those who make you suffer, for I will reward you, not for the
correspondence that they will have brought to your maternal love and to
your offering of each day, but for what you do for them. Remain serene,
do not worry; pray for them, pray for everyone. Good and bad, they are
all Mine before being yours and you must love them and pardon them. I
bless you, My child; I will call you later.


Thursday, May 30, I968 (I200)

My beloved child, this subject I speak to you about will be particularly

pleasing to your heart and it is also to Mine. I speak to you of the charity
which binds the large family of God, the family of the Saints, of those
who live in the state of grace; that is why, what they do turns to the
benefit of all the others. This is the wonderful dogma of the Communion
of Saints. I remind you that, through this Communion, you are united not
only to all men on earth, whatever their nation or their religion may be,
but also to the Saints in Heaven and to the Souls in Purgatory. From this
Communion there flows mutual assistance, made up of prayers and
merits, which surpasses all human thought. It is like an exchange of
marvellous gifts that souls make in Me, under the gaze of my Father,
urged on by the animating breath of the Holy Spirit. Woe if there were not
this exchange of gifts, thanks to which he who has more, is able to give to
him who has nothing, and can pay to Divine Justice the debts of another.
All heavenly treasure passes through My Hands and comes from Me,
valorised by My Blood and My merits. My Mother is like the Heavenly
Treasurer who, putting in the common coffer the abundance of Her
merits, passes them on to Her children. Thus are doing and have done
thousands and thousands of Saints who, having lived a life of innocence
and of penance, are still able to distribute to the poor ones of the Church
of God their superfluous, the merits that they have in excess. This
marvellous Communion does not only unite the Saints in Heaven to the
souls on earth, but it unites also the souls on earth. For this reason, you
yourself can assist persons far away, unknown and ill. You can help the
Pope, the Bishops, Priests; you can support them in their apostolic labour
and participate in their merits. You can aid Missionaries and become a
missionary, just by staying at home. You pray, you suffer, you work for
them. What does it matter if your name is unknown to them? It is the
Father who sees and who rewards, by giving each one a reward for his
merits. There are ill ones who suffer and despair. Do you want to help
them? You can: offer up for them your daily pains. Be patient under the
crosses you must endure, be generous, suffer for those stricken by
disease, perhaps more serious and more painful than yours, and you will
be for them a help. Peace will enter into them even amidst pain. The
Father accepts, approves and blesses this unselfishness, this gift to
brothers and sisters, and He rewards the one who makes it. You express
many proverbs that recall the usefulness of these reciprocal gifts and it is
good that you keep them in mind. The proverb is like a seed of wisdom
which keeps a truth alive in your mind. For example, remember this
saying: "He who prays for others, hoards for himself." "Charity goes out
the window and comes in through the door." It is true that it is more
perfect to act through love, without thinking of the reward, but God is
infinitely just and rewards over abundantly everything that one does for
His children, even if for the good that will be done through pure love, the
reward shall be still greater. In the other lessons, I have spoken to you of
the souls in Purgatory and of their work of salvation on behalf of the
living. They are not able to pray for themselves, but with what love they
think of you and pray for you! The Communion of Saints rejoices in
them, and they obtain comfort and relief whilst they repay this gift with
generosity and love in God. That is why you do well when you make a
gift of all your merits and of your prayers; be certain also that this heroic
act of charity, which deprives you of everything in favour of your needs,
will be repaid in a truly marvellous way. They will be beside you on the
path of life, in a way as to save you from many dangers and to protect
you against them. These souls will be good companions for you on whom
you can rely in all your necessities. You are, therefore, not alone in the
world. Just as you must not live egotistically for yourself, but think of all
the others, in the same way be certain there are many who, with God,
watch over you and assist you. Open your heart to great joy and to great
hope, open your heart to love, make your contribution to the great family
of God's Saints and from them also receive your share.


Friday. May 3I, I968 (I2I5)

My beloved child, listen to Me. I am giving you your lesson in this train,
while you are on your way to be near My son of predilection who
snatches from My Heart so many graces and so many gifts. I want to tell
you how it is that his prayer has such power over My Heart, so much so
that what he asks of My Mother and Me is like a command for Us. You
see, he does not live for himself, but solely in Me and for Me. He does
not act, does not think, does not speak, does not suffer, does not pray,
except in God, accomplishing at each instant the Holy Will of God. All
that he accomplishes is divine and it is Divinity It self which acts in him.
That is why his works are wonderful, that is why he does not know
distance, either in space or in time. God is everywhere, as you know, and
this thought must, at each instant, revive your faith and incite you to
sentiments of confidence and hope. God never abandons you. He keeps
you immersed in His immensity just like the sea which contains fish in its
waters. Just as these could not live without water in which they are
submerged and in which they find their food, so too you cannot live
unless immersed in your God. He is everything for you, and you, by
living ceaselessly in His Presence and immersed in Him, you live the
Spiritual life which is the main reason for your existence. "Live in My
Presence and you will be perfect," says the Holy Spirit. Love to speak
with your God in prayer, give your heart to your God. I said it very often
to you: God is jealous of your heart and you must keep it exclusively for
Him. Now you are going to Padre Pio, and from this visit you must bring
back these lessons.

You are going to pay a visit to a man who has made of his life a complete
gift to God to the point of allowing himself to be replaced by Him. You
are going to see a man who has made of his life a holocaust on behalf of
his brothers and sisters, in the sacrifice the most similar to the one I
Myself made on the Cross. Imitate him in these gifts. You too give
yourself completely to Me. Accomplish My Will with faith, with love,
with joy, at each instant of your life. Call Me to come within you so that I
may take your place. I will enter into your mouth and I will speak in you
and then, you word will be effective. I will think in your mind, and I will
love in your heart. I will sanctify your sufferings, I will make fruitful
your works which I myself will accomplish in you, and you, you will be
merely one of My Instruments. Imitate My dear son in his abandonment
on behalf of his brothers and sisters. Your sacrifice will be more effective
and will bring Redemption; it will be Me whom you will complete and
will assist in the work of salvation. Then the pilgrimage will bear fruit. I
am pleased with your offering on behalf of My son. I love generosity,
especially if it is exercised in favour of him who has given all for others. I
promise you that I will speak to him of you and of your group, and that I
will use his sufferings to obtain for everyone those Spiritual and material
graces for which you have undertaken this trip.


Saturday, June I. I968 (0300)

My beloved child, always be ready to carry out My Orders and to reply to

My appeals. Light comes from above and strength also, but the will,
which God leaves free, it is you who must bring it into play, and on this
depends your merit. Always endeavour, on your part, to put forth a lot of
goodwill and much simplicity. Do not search for subtleties in things. Isn't
that right? Do it without hesitation, without doubting, without dilly-
dallying. Do it for the love of God, with simplicity, considering the goal:
the Glory of God and eternal Life. Always perform all your actions in this
sense. You will be tranquil and you will enrich yourself with merits. I
recommend to you today a special recollection: call upon the Holy Spirit
to come upon you and upon the world which is heading towards its min.
Pray for the Church, for the Pope, for the Bishops and for Priests. I bless
you, My child.

My beloved child, I am with you and I bless you. You have done well To
offer your prayers for your country which have I made mine since in it is
found the Seat of My Vicar on Earth. In this coastal region, you also will
find the house where I spent my boyhood years, and especially My
childhood beside My sweet Mother and My Fester Father. Greet this Holy
Place where My Mother even to this day scatters Her most special graces.
Line your route with reparation for, in these days and during all summer,
sins will be multiplied and will draw down chastisements upon families
and upon Italy, while many innocent ones will lose the most beautiful
thing they possess which ravishes My Heart. Let your reparation be one
of sacrifice, prayer, good example. I will reward you for them by
blessing your intentions and your souls. My loving child, wherever you
go, I am with you and My lessons must not be lacking to you. I confirm
to you that what you are writing is a gift which comes from Me; it is I
who suggest it to you and your collaboration is for you a duty which you
may not shirk. You are acting through enlightenment and the teachings
that you receive concern solely the Spiritual life; and the desires which I
have for 'your sanctification are not only for you but for all the people
whom you approach continuously. Today I have followed you in your
pilgrimage and, in the House of My childhood, I have granted you
numerous graces.


This is the spirit which must influence you whilst visiting the sites where
My Mother and I decided to live in a very singular way, arranging things
in such a way that these places become an oasis in the desert of the world.
You must come to such places with great love, great respect and in a spirit
of reparation. In these places, which are like the vestibules of Heaven,
you must praise God and make reparation for the evil that is being
committed in the world, which is the great temple of God. I like also that
each one make known their needs, but pay great attention not to over
estimate material needs in comparison to Spiritual ones. Pilgrimages are
pleasing to Me. They also please My Mother, for they serve to practise
penance and strengthen affection among you whilst they revive faith and
love for God and for My Mother. Love Me, My children; love My Mother
and love each other. My Heart is thirsty for love and desires that love be
diffused in the world. However, take great care in your affections.
Remember the Commandment of God: "You shall love the Lord with all
your mind, with all your heart, with all your strength." Remember the
second one which is similar to the first: "You shall love your neighbour as
yourself for the love of God." Remember also these words which you
often hear repeated: "He who loves his father and mother more than Me is
not worthy of Me." Love Me, then, as much as you can, and love
everyone as yourself; but love them in Me and for Me if you want your
affections to be holy and worthy of eternal reward.

Tuesday. June 4, I968 (I500)

My beloved child, do not wait till the last hour to do good, do not find
yourself with empty hands when your God comes to you. Do good while
you have the time. Humble yourself after each fall and continue on
courageously. - Be sincere with yourself so as to know your fault s better.
Be sincere with God, avowing them to Him and despising them in the
Sacrament of Confession. Here is one very important quality which you
must bring to the tribunal of Penance: sincerity. You know that the
Sacrament of Confession was instituted by Me, after My Resurrection.
You know that in the confessional, My Ministers are only My
Representatives who have the duty to exercise My Mercy and to absolve
your sins. You must not, therefore, be anxious about hiding them; but take
interest in avowing them so that I can forgive them. Sincerity in
Confession is a sign of humility. The idea that My Minister may think
badly of you after Confession must not intimidate you. He could not do
so without failing in My law of charity. And besides, of what importance
is it to you to have others think well of you - even your confessor - when,
by not using sincerity, you may indeed receive the favour and esteem of a
person, but not Mine. For I scrutinise the interior and I see everything,
even into the innermost depths. I see each sin with all its malice. Using
sincerity in this Sacrament amounts to throwing your miseries into My
Heart, throwing them in their entirety and wanting their destruction.
Scrutinise well your heart when you are preparing to receive this
Sacrament, and seek out the cause of the evil. A sin which you detest
under a specific appearance may reveal quite a different root. I will
explain it to you: a person may steal for different motives, and it is the
motive which counts. Another may slander and they may be impelled by
various other defects to commit this one fault . Remove these defects and
slandering also will be eliminated. One may slander, for example, through
vanity, through envy, through the habit of gossiping, etc. That is why it is
not so necessary to mention the sin as to discover its source. If one
removes the root of evil, all the rest is eliminated. When you go to
confess, you go to the doctor. Certainly it would not be advantageous to
hide from him your wrongdoings, for you have the desire to be healed.
And the treatment will bc more effective if, after the description of your
ills, the doctor knows you better. If you really want your Spiritual ills
treated, expose them to My Minister and conform yourself to his advice.
By this I do not mean to say that in confessing you have to go into details
which may offend the ear of the confessor, but I am merely insisting that
you discover in yourself the source of your defects so he can help you to
correct yourself. Believe Me, My children: many confessions are zero,
when they are not sacrileges, because of the lack of sincerity. When you
confess, throw yourselves at My feet, exposing everything with clarity,
but also with delicacy, with simplicity and great faith, but above all with
sanctity, revealing the malice of your fault s followed by your repentance.
I will pour over your soul My Blood and, through the intermediary of
My Minister, you will receive from Me a great light thanks to which it
will be easy for you to correct and improve yourselves and even to attain

Tuesday, June 4, I968 (I500)

My children, here you are again in My presence and in the presence of

My very sweet Mother. Thank you, My children. Pray, pray: the times are
sorrowful, very sorrowful; the chastisements and crosses which menace
the world are dreadfully great.

Pray to the Father, have My Mother intervene so that she may mitigate
the chastisements and take pity on you. The Father is weary with this
world and what awaits you maybe is terrible. Pray, My children and love
one another, help one another, mutually pardon each other. Do not hold a
grudge against anyone. Live in the state of grace because the chosen ones
will be marked, and no enemy power will be able to vanquish them. But
if you do not live in the state of grace, you will be the prey of Evil. My
children, do penance and pray, pray. The last hour could be near. Call
upon My great Archangel Michael so that he may protect the world.


Thursday. June 6.I968

My beloved child, pay great attention to My words, which will resound

in your ears with a little bit of severity and I beg you not to forget them. I
will speak to you of the law of forgiveness. It is a law so severe that, if
you do not apply it to others, God Himself will not apply it to you. And if
God does not forgive you, what shall become of you? I have come to
perfect the law; whilst before My coming one could say "An eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth", with My coming into this world I have taught
you: "Love your enemies, do good to those that hate you. Pray for those
who persecute you."

Return good for evil. I taught by parables, I taught by example what the
behaviour must be of those who wish to follow Me, behaviour which is
not restricted to one particular function but obligatory, to the extent of
becoming for you a law of God.

Remember the parable of the man who owed a hundred talents to his
master and who, not being able to pay them, was pardoned by him. But
on going out of his master's house, the man met a friend who owed him
money; he maltreated him and demanded the money. When the master
learned of this, he summoned his servant and had him imprisoned. That is
exactly how it is going to be: to forgive is an indispensable condition for
being pardoned. You will be measured with the same yardstick with
which you measure. Do you want to know if the Father's judgement
towards you will be full of goodness and mercy? See if, in your life, you
practise goodness and mercy. If it is easy for you to discover your
neighbour's fault s, to judge them with severity, how will you be able to
lay Claim to indulgence and mercy? Remember that I have given you the
example in everything, but the most beautiful example I have given you
was from the top of the Cross: "Father, forgive them, for they do not
know what they are doing." Never call down punishment upon anyone.
Invoke light, repentance, conversion, love. Always ask God to bless those
who offend you, calumniate you, those who do you wrong, and forget the
wrong that you receive. Always find a good word to say. If the
wrongdoing is blameworthy in itself, he who does it is not always guilty.
Leave the care of judging to God. Judgement is always very difficult, for
real evil comes from the inside, it comes from the mind and heart, so how
can you know what is deep inside a person? You judge according to
appearance, but very often, some bad actions are made with good
intentions. Remember that God knows how to draw good from evil itself;
that is why you should leave it to him to act. Many times throughout the
day you recite the prayer that I Myself taught you, the "Our Father".
Pause for a moment on those words which should make many of My
children tremble, those who do not know how to forgive and harbour in
their hearts desires of vengeance and implacable hatred: "Forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." What a lot of
things you all have to forgive! All of you, you are all sinners! Your
weakness is such that at the very moment that you promise not to sin any
more, you fall. And each day, you bring to Me your burden of miseries
and fault s. Well then, you bring to God your sins and He pardons you
and forgets all that you do against Him. But on one condition:
forgiveness. You are not the only one in the world; you live with your
family, in society, and the members who compose it are all imperfect,
even the Saints.

Misunderstandings, fights, offences, are unavoidable. Differences of

opinion, character, education, upbringing could create in the family and in
society infernal tension, and you know how painful if is to live in such
surroundings where faith and charity are lacking and where justice does
not exist.

My Presence transforms everything; the observance of My law, the law of

love and pardon, transforms environments into oases of peace. However,
fault s do not disappear immediately, but one excuses them in others more
than in oneself. One understands another's difficulties - in a word, one
forgives. Apply yourself, My child, to destroying the hate and the Evil
that goes about in this world. Begin with yourself. I commanded My
Apostles to forgive seventy times seven, and by that I meant always to
forgive. But I say the same thing to you: "Always forgive and forget."
Your life will be more serene. Of what use is it to retain up in your mind
things of the past which have been for you a source of pain? Remember
the beautiful things that do good to your soul: as for the rest, let them go:
sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. Carry everywhere love and
peace. Always throw water over the fire. Love everyone, independently
of their merits and offences which may have been done against you and
the pain they may have caused you. ' Love them for love of Me, and in
Me, and you will enjoy great peace.

Friday, June 7,I968

My beloved child, listen to Me. I speak to your innermost heart where I

dwell with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

I speak silently to you, for I do not like noise; I speak to you in

recollection and in prayer, be it meditation or vocal prayer, provided love
is its base.
Always listen to Me, I entreat you. I enjoy being with you, I like your

My desire is to dwell in the hearts of all men. But many, very many, are
indifferent to My appeals and do not like to be with Me. Even many good
people who, at one time, loved Me and desired Me, have abandoned Me.
They are weighed down by a thousand thoughts and preoccupations, they
are drawn to a thousand material things.

Some, with great difficulty, remember they are in My Presence when

they are in Church. Most of the time they are before Me only with their
bodies. And I am not speaking to you of sacrilegious souls who come to
receive Me in the state of mortal sin. My repugnance is so great, when I
enter into these hearts, as it would be for you were you to place yourself
beside a corpse in putrefaction. Some approach Me only to trample Me

They would like to destroy Me, to annihilate Me. I know they will never
succeed, but their desire renews within Me the pain of "Crucifige". If you
only knew of how many outrages My Body is the object of in the Most
Holy Sacrament! And nevertheless, you see, I foresaw it on the day I
instituted the Most Holy Eucharist and, if I did not desist from instituting
it, it is because I also foresaw that in the course of centuries, a few good
souls would receive Me with love, would make Communion their delight,
their treasure, their joy and that, consequently, I would be able to pour out
upon them all My Love and all My graces. I love to dwell in the hearts of
My Children, to be one with them. One Communion well made could
suffice to sanctify a soul, as My Presence could transform everything.
Many are the reasons put forward to stay away from Me, but I assure you,
the principal reason is lack of faith and love. It is true, you see only a
little Host, a little bit of bread, but if you believed in My words ... Have I
not proved by miracles the truth of these words? Have I not spoken
clearly to you when I instituted the Eucharist? "This is My Body, this is
My Blood." How was I to say it to you? And in the course of centuries,
have I not performed numerous miracles in order to manifest My real
Presence in the Most Holy Sacrament? Is not Communion the food, the
strength and the support of your soul, as it was for the martyrs who in It
found the fearlessness to vanquish death with their martyrdom? Come to
Me, all of you who are weary and are bowed down under burns, all of
you who are sorrowful and in despair, all of you who do not accept your
Gross, come to Me. I shall open My Heart to you and in It you shall
discover mysteries, treasures of wisdom and of science; I shall open to
you the path of holiness shall disclose to you My secrets, I shall teach you
the secret of happiness even in the midst of suffering.

Come, come to Me... and if it is indeed not possible for you to receive
Me, call Me to come to you spiritually. Spiritual Communion may
sometimes be more effective than sacramental Communion if the ardour
with which you invoke Me is great.

Call upon Me many times during the day to come into your heart. It will
be like a renewal of the meeting of love, it will be a rekindling of your
faith, it will be a confirmation of the offering of your actions, orientating
them and rendering them fruitful.

Remember that Spiritual Communion is a sweet reality, not only a pious

desire. You call Me and I come, and if you call Me, it is because you love
Me. I make My Father and the Holy Spirit come with Me and We
establish Our dwelling within you. You become Our Heaven. May your
Communions well made, desired, prepared and followed be the most
fervent thanksgiving, be a reparation for sacrilegious, cold and badly
made ones. You will give Me consolation and you will have My blessing.

Saturday, June 8,I968

My beloved child, the lesson that you are going to begin will have as its
theme greed, and I will say it to you right now: "Guard yourself well
from such a vice: it is extremely repulsive to the Lord, and it brings
much unhappiness to him who is afflicted with it."

The miser does not consider what he possesses as a gift of God, but he
makes things his god. He thinks only of his own well-being and does not,
of course, make a gift of his life to his brothers and sisters, but thinks
only of getting goods for himself and of keeping what he has.

Greed is contrary to charity and to generosity, virtues so dear to My

Heart. The sufferings of others do not move the miser: he pays attention
only to himself, to his own health, to his own well-being, to his own
comfort. He does not see the necessity of depriving himself of anything
on account of others, as he never considers what he possesses as
superfluous and, as a result, does not believe that it is a duty to give.

The miser looks upon God as the protector of his goods, and he is ready
to hurl himself against Him should anyone oblige him to deprive him of

Everything I have said pertains to the greedy in general, greed for

material goods. But this ugly fault is also the heritage of persons who
frequent the Church and live an intense Spiritual life.

And here I speak of those who would like that the most special gifts and
Privileges be reserved solely for them; they are jealous of them, as if
these gifts were patented. And not only do they not wish to share them
with anyone, but they even think that they are reserved exclusively for
them. Such greed, coupled with pride, displeases Me much more than the
other, based on material goods, for it can lead to great pitfalls. He who,
convinced of his own greatness, thinks everything is due to him, can
easily be demoralised in a moment of privation, to the point of losing
faith and confidence, without considering that he will probably fall into
that other sin, very grave also: that of envying the grace and gifts that
others possess.

We have seen the negative side of this capital sin; now I want to show
you how beautiful it is to act in the opposite sense.

When the soul, detached from everything that tethers it to creatures –be it
persons or material or Spiritual goods - when, detached from one's "me"
and from one's egoism, the soul soars up to its God, it feels light and
agile, it truly feels free.

Freedom gives it wings and with them the soul flies in the most complete
generosity, seeking out people to whom it can do good, whom it can love,
instruct and help. It gives everything, it loves everyone. The world is too
small for its heart and it would like to have before it a hundred worlds to
save. Possessing nothing, God is its wealth and in Him it finds strength to
forgive and to sacrifice itself even to heroism.

0! beautiful is the generation of courageous and simple souls, generous

and heroic, enthusiastic and ardent, who give all in order to find all in the
bosom of God! Of what worth are the miserable things of here below
which time uses and destroys, compared to those which are eternal?
Love God, My dear children, and love your brothers and sisters to the
extent of understanding deeply the necessities of each one, of being
capable of depriving yourselves for them, of giving yourselves
completely, of being able to forget yourselves, not only before men but
also before God.

Make yours the necessities of others, because God desires this altruism
which gives first place to what concerns one's fellow man. Remember: he
who prays for others amasses for himself. It is a reality, for no prayer
attracts more than the benevolent gaze upon you than the one which you
make for others and which becomes an exercise of charity.


Saturday, June 8, I968 (I8I5)

My children, here you are at My feet. I am the Mother of Divine Love

and your Mother. Thank you for your prayers and for the love you have
for Me. I have asked the Holy Spirit, My Sweet Spouse, to fill your
hearts with love so that you can spread it everywhere. You have done well
to consecrate yourselves to Him. Try to live this consecration and you
will see what profound transformation He will effect in you. Love one
another, My children, and prepare yourselves well to celebrate the Feast
of the Body of My Jesus by making reparation for the offences and
outrages that He receives from so many Christians and unbelievers. Let
your Communions be a joy for My Jesus, and a consolation for Me, who
gave Jesus the Body with which He nourishes you. I bless you, My
children, and for all your material necessities, put your trust in Me who
am your Mother.


Monday, June I0, I968
My beloved child, be constant in prayer and perform it as best as you can.
Dismiss from your mind all useless thoughts, for prayer-is the most
important and the most solemn act of your whole life. You put yourself in
contact with your God in order to speak with Him, to place before Him
your needs, to adore Him, to love Him and to ask Him humbly to forgive
you your fault s. Such are the motives which must incite you to pray and
to pray well. That is why, dispose your mind, prepare yourself by asking
for help from God Himself so that the prayer you will make will be
pleasing to Him. While praying, unite yourself to the Saints, to Angels, to
Souls in Purgatory, to the Just on earth, and above all, unite yourself to
Me, who am the Intermediary between earth and Heaven. It is in My
Name that Heaven and earth were made, it is in My Name and through
Me that the Church prays continuously.

Well then, if the liturgical and universal prayer of the Church is but an
incessant recourse to God through the intermediary of My mediation, so
too, in private prayer, you must unite yourself to Me and offer up My
merits in order to give it value.

I told you that all that you ask for of My Father in My Name, He will
grant it to you. And this is true. But prayer must manifest a few
characteristics which you must not forget. Through it, remember to ask
always and firstly for the Glory of God and His Justice, His Reign. These
are the main reasons for your existence. You are in this world only to give
glory to God.

Ask next, in prayer, for your eternal salvation. It is by saving your soul
that you correspond with His plan of love in having created you. Ask for
these two gifts, through My merits; ask also for all the rest that pertains
to them.

That is why, My child, I urge you, to add to each of your requests the
following: "If it is for Your Glory and the salvation of My soul, I ask for
these faces through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Saviour."

Let your prayer be confident and full of faith. The miracles I performed
during My life were always a reward for the faith shown in Me.

To have faith is already a certainty of obtaining. Nothing is impossible

to God and if your confidence and your faith are great, God who can do
all things cannot deceive you. It will be only a question of time. God
will want test your constancy, your perseverance: but above all, if you ask
for spiritual graces, you must not doubt, and you must insist: be certain
that you obtain them.

Many mothers ask for the conversion of their children and of their
spouse. Of course, they would like this transformation to happen in an
instant, and I could, too, perform sensational miracles of conversion. I
could strike them, like Paul, with one ray of My light and pierce their
mind, illuminating it. Instead, I permit that their wills be not forced and I
wish that most of the time it be the mother's and wife's silent tears which,
penetrating the dry and ungrateful ground of the spouse 's soul, transform
it. Do you recall Monica, how much she cried for her Augustine?
Through those tears, she sanctified herself and Augustine was converted.
No tear is ever going to be lost; never forget this, you mothers, sisters,
wives, who weep over the Spiritual ruin of those whom you love. Have
faith, and you shall reap the fruits of these tears in the increase of your
merits and, when God shall want it, in the conversion of the persons who
are dear to your heart. But have patience. The important thing is not that
you reap immediately the fruits of your tears, but that these souls are
saved. Oh! if only all the sinners of the world had near them one dear
friend who prayed and wept for them, I assure you that no one would bc
damned, for the prayer of some benefits the others. My children, pray
with great humility. Make yourselves little. Little children easily obtain
all that they desire, especially if they are meek and loveable. You also do
the same: ask with the simplicity and humility of children. God is
touched, I assure you, and He grants. Be persevering in prayer. Do not
become discouraged, do not abandon everything at the first difficulty.
Insist, knock, seek and what you ask for will be granted to you, always
keeping in mind the Glory of God and the salvation of your soul.


Monday, June I0, I968

Pray in the Name of the Father who created you, the Son who redeemed
you and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you. Offer to the Father the
thoughts of your mind so that they may always be guided by Him. Offer
your sentiments to the Holy Spirit so that they may be purified by Him
and so that you may thus sanctify your days and your life in union with
the Blessed Trinity, awaiting the enjoyment of the Beatific Vision of
Heaven, His Presence and His Life, of which you already have a foretaste
here on earth. Often reread My teachings so that they may remain
imprinted in your memory and so that you may put them into practice.
Make them your daily bread and the nourishment of your soul. Think
often of the Most Holy Trinity present in your heart. Reflect that by this
adorable Presence and by the consecrations your body has received, this
body is a temple of God and a sacred thing. God dwells within you as a
Sweet Guest. Do not forget Him. Transform your life into a continual act
of adoration and often renew your consecration during the day. God is
always with you. Be His good companion. There are millions who forget
Him; and even those who know He exists, relegate Him to the furthest
comer in Heaven as if He were a Being who lives serenely in Himself,
without bothering Himself about His creatures. But you know it is not
like that. He lives beside you and in you in such an intimate manner that
no one else can be nearer to you than He.

From your body, He makes His temple, His dwelling. He partakes of

your joys, He helps you and shares your sufferings. He loves you as no
one else could ever love you, and He wants you happy with His

Therefore accept with a good heart all that happens to you minute by
minute, small troubles as well as big ones, maintaining peace and
tranquillity. Whatever may seem insurmountable is often resolved very
easily, without you knowing it. Evils are always magnified by the human
mind, consequently increasing suffering.

Be serene, remain calm, keep an even disposition, even making an

effort, for this is a sign of virtue and of Spiritual maturity.


Tuesday, June II. I968 (during the night)

My beloved child, I shall speak to you of My Sacred Heart burning with

love for all men and desirous only to be repaid by love. I would like to
make known to you the sweetness, meekness, humility, sensitivity,
ardour, goodness and desires of My Heart. I would like to have you go
into its inmost depths and taste how sweet it is to dwell within. There is a
saying of a good person that they have a good heart, and it is the highest
honour that you can pay them by speaking thus. The goodness of their
heart is manifested in their words, which are the translation of good
thoughts and of good works, which are the tangible consequence of
goodness. The good person fosters thoughts of peace towards everyone,
they do not further discord, do not sow disputes. They deplore evil itself,
but do not judge the one who commits it. The good person is anxious to
do good to everyone in order to see everyone happy. A good heart is
compassionate towards all miseries; suffers with the one who suffers;
weeps with the one who weeps; does not envy anyone but rejoices of the
good of others. All this, you find in My heart. My Heart is humble, good
and loving. It is very mild, compassionate and sincere. In It , you always
find understanding, peace, joy. Enter into It and you will be happy.

Wednesday. June I2. I968

My child, the Feast of My Sacred Heart approaches, prepare yourself to

celebrate Me. Strive to make your heart like Mine. Be humble, very
humble, and good. Correct yourself and ask pardon as soon as you
become angry and offend anyone. Draw forth from My Heart patience
and goodness.

Friday. June I4, I968 (0535)

My loving child, listen to Me; I wish to speak on a subject that means

much to Me.. The other day, I spoke to you about My human Heart,
centre of human life, which gives to the human person the characteristic
of goodness if the heart is good, and that of wickedness if the heart is bad.
Now I am going to speak to you about My Divine Heart, the Heart of
God, since in Me resides the Divine Person of the Son of God. All the
qualities of this Heart reside in Me in an infinite degree. That is why, as
long as you are on this earth, you certainly will not be able to understand
the dimensions and the virtues of this Heart. Through a special grave, St
Paul was able to know, although in an imperfect manner, the length,
height, depth of My Heart, that is to say, of My Love. And, in fact, how
will man be able to measure a love without measure? My children, if you
knew how great is the Love of God for you, your life would be entirely
different. You would hate sin which offends Hi and you would combat
evil under whatever form it presents itself to you. You would rejoice in
everything, as the good son rejoices in doing what his Father wishes.
Even more, your only worry would be precisely this: to seek out the
desires of the Heart of this Father, and correspond with them in the
smallest details. Know that in My Divine Heart all men, everybody and
each one in particular, can take up residence, can enjoy My infinite
tenderness. A mother, as tender and good as her heart is, cannot, though
she wishes, do everything she wants on behalf of her children, but I can
do everything. It is not for nothing that I said to you: "Come to Me all of
you who are who are weary and downtrodden, I shall renew your

All, all of you, come to My Heart, immense is Its goodness, infinite is

Its grandeur and Its tenderness.

Let the little children come to Me, they are the delight of My Heart
because of their innocence, and I shall preserve them from evil.
Consecrate to Me the little children, put them in My arms. The enemy is
on the watch, he wants to withdraw them far from me.

What sadness My Heart experiences when these innocent ones commit

their first mortal sin. Oh! If their mothers thought often trusting them to
Me day after day, how much easier would their task be! I call the youth to
My Heart who are the hope of My Church. How much I desire that they
consecrate themselves to Me and that they deepen this consecration. If
they respond to My call, I attract them to Me, I introduce them into My
Heart and I make them understand and discover My secrets. My Heart is
always young, for God never grows old. If youth would approach Me and
study Me more, how much greater would their ideal be, their life more
serene, their giving more generous.

Youth scorns Me; does not understand Me, keeps far from Me; lets itself
be taken in by human respect, by love of amusement ... it does not know
and does not wish to understand Me. And the priests, the consecrated
souls? Oh! if they would deepen their studies of the qualities of My
Heart, how fruitful would their apostolate be! everyone would recognise
Me in them. My beloved children, consecrate yourselves to My Heart,
strive to resemble Me, bring souls to Me. Make me known, I will help
you in this Apostolate and in your private life. I know that heroism is
demanded of you in order to remain faithful to your vocation, but I who
have called you, I will never abandon you provided you come to Me, I
will be your help ... Have faith, come, it is I who will give you
perseverance and strength. I know, your battle is tough, but if you give
Me your will desirous of good, if you remain dose to Me by prayer, if you
inure yourselves against temptations through mortification, you will bring
your mission to a successful end; but I beseech you, plunge yourselves
into My Heart and everything will be easier. And the sinners, the sick, the
sufferers of all kinds, bring them to Me. I am the Physician. If I do not
want to cure the sick, it is because, by means of illness, the soul is
purified and Heaven acquired, I know how to transform suffering, in a
way that its weight is no longer felt .I give them joy in the midst of
suffering. Bring the sinners to Me. They have been and are the great
concern of My Heart. I love them, they are sick in spirit, let them come to
Me. You, good people, speak to Me about them in your Communions,
bring them to Me in your prayers, consecrate them to Me. I sigh for their
return. The Angels and Saints in Heaven have a great celebration when a
sinner returns to the bosom of the Father! Bring them to Me, I entreat
you. And you, My devout and loving children, who in My Heart already
have made your dwelling and think only of loving Me and of supporting
My desires, live tranquilly. You are My little children, My little lambs,
My most precious gems. When the world repudiates me, I look at you and
I am consoled. In you I see My Mother, you are My family, My most
beloved friends. Thank you, My children, you can rely on Me. Had I to
give My life anew on the Cross for you, I would never abandon you. The
devotees of My Heart will never perish and, in Heaven, they will form
My crown.


Saturday, June I5 .I968

My beloved children, you who come here, thirsting for truth and love, be
blessed. The world does not know Me, but you are My lambs and you
know your Shepherd, and I know each one of you personally. Continue to
love Me and to make Me loved. Listen to My words and My instructions.
It is I who will enlighten your minds so that you may understand and be
able to put into practice what you are taught. I know you by name and I
know all your Spiritual and material needs, but when you have begun to
follow Me, you will see that material things will become negligible for
you. You will be thirsty for Heavenly things, and your life will be very
serene. If the sun shines in your soul, what does it matter that it rains
outside? My Holy Mother protects you, helps you, consoles you and is an
example for you in everything. Continue in the good way, continue to
love each other and to sow love. You will form an oasis of goodness in
the midst of this world which knows only hate and envy. Make this oasis
grow, let your example lead others. Did not the Church start in this way?
A handful of men - twelve - and moreover, ignorant ones. They also, like
you, reunited in the Cenacle, under the leadership and watchful eye of
My Mother; then, invested with the fire of My Spirit, the Spirit of My
Father, they became giants of strength, wisdom, charity, to the point of
possessing the science of God and being capable of instructing all peoples
of all times. Nothing is impossible to God. Give Me only your will and
your desire to do good, and I will make you all-powerful, for it will be I
who will act in you. You are astonished when you read in the lives of the
Saints how insignificant souls, weak young girls, persons of no education,
were able to accomplish wonderful works in the world. This is their
secret: they entrusted themselves to Me; they placed themselves in My
Hands, they acknowledged their nothingness and I acted in them and
accomplished miracles. You, too, do the same. May there set out from this
Cenacle an army of souls inflamed with love of God and of neighbour
who, though noiselessly, but with a great faith and great ardour, letting
Me act in their mind, their heart and their will, be disposed to give
witness of Me in the world, to make Me known and loved. I assure you,
My beloved children: you will have so much joy in your souls that you
will distribute it to all whom you will approach. And now, I give you My
Peace in a paternal embrace. I clasp you to My Heart, and I promise to
come with you wherever you go, so as to make of you apostles of doing
good, of faith and of kindness.


My beloved child, I speak to you of something very important. l am
going to enumerate to you the Works of Mercy which are the exercise of
charity and are so very dear to My Heart and very important in the eyes
of the Supreme Judge. He will demand an account of the practice of these
works only, and nothing else, for in them resides the most complete
exercise of charity. Therefore, I entreat you, do not wait for the terrible
day of the Judgement of God, but judge yourself in anticipation and
conduct yourself in conformity to this rule. Bach day that passes is for
you a Step closer towards the rendering of accounts. But a good
businessman does not wait for the closing of his business to verify its
course; many times he checks his accounts and, each evening, he makes a
balance sheet of his cash. Do likewise, you too: you yourselves do the
same. If a more thorough examination is possible only once, especially
during a course of Spiritual exercises or during a mission, etc., a
particular revision you can do and it given advisable to do it each day,
each evening, in a brief examination of conscience.


,Thus, I shall begin with the first of the Works of Mercy which is so easy
to carry out: "To give to eat to those who are hungry"; and I immediately
add the second, which is very similar to the first: "To give to drink to
those who are thirsty." Blessed are the mothers who have the opportunity
of continuously practising this work of mercy every day and many times
during the day. It will suffice only to add, to an action so ordinary and
one that all practise, a right intention and a little bit of love. You prepare
breakfast, lunch and dinner, for all the members of your family. Well
then, accomplish this your duty by giving it a motive of love, not only
human , but one superior and divine, and you will, without even knowing
it , grow rich in merits However , look well around you .Maybe you lack
nothing and you have the joy of inviting to your table your children and
all those who are dear to you, of serving them a good soup, of enjoying
with them a tasty bread and even other dishes. But do you think of those
who have less than you, of those who have nothing and who suffer from
hunger? Do you realise that what is given to you and for which you must
thank Providence, is not destined for you alone and that your superfluous
must serve him who needs it? Do you realise that wastage, before God,
becomes a real fault? Bach year in the world something like a chain of
goodness is carried out whereby aid is collected for those who suffer in
faraway places: this social work is very dear to My Heart. To assist so
many unfortunate ones is truly My desire and commandment. God could
help them directly, but the exercise of social charity is too important to
Me to exempt you from it. Humanity is My family, the family of God,
and I rejoice to see this mutual aid which fills My Heart with so much
joy. Do not be deaf to these invitations to help, even if you are not sure
that what you will give will reach its destination. I look into the heart
with which one gives; what does it matter if something is lost on the way.
You give out of love for Me and wholeheartedly. This is enough. How
meritorious is the work of those who, sacrificing a part of their time and
their comfort, go to those places of distress, such as nursing homes and
hospitals, at mealtime, to help feed the aged and the sick. Very often these
lack only the necessary strength to accomplish the material act of eating
and drinking, and they renounce this if there is not a good person to help
them! Blessed be such work! While relieving the body and nourishing it,
it brings moral aid to the sick and comforts them! How often children and
adults suffer hunger and thirst in these places - and it is I who suffer in
them - because no one helps them or understands them. There are a few
other things I wish to teach you which are very simple and beautiful.
When you are sitting at table and you serve your own, do not forget to
thank the Lord for what He has given you. Address to Him a thought
which becomes a prayer on behalf of those who have nothing, so that the
Father will see to their needs, and think also that you are invited each day
to another Banquet, where I Myself give you as food My Body and as
drink My Blood. Think that one day you will participate at the Eternal
Banquet of Heaven. Blessed are you if you have invited to your table the
poor, the disinherited, the sick, the needy, for you have aided them within
the limits of what is possible for you and with much love. Blessed are
you, for you will hear this said to you: "Come, blessed of My Father,
come and enjoy the reward which has been prepared for you from all
eternity, for I was hungry and you gave Me to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave Me to drink."


Wednesday. June I9, I968

My loving child, the lesson that you are going to begin will be the
continuation of the previous one on the Works of Mercy: "To clothe the
naked." That also is a good work, very easy to practise, and to which I
desire you to pay a good deal of attention. First of all to the rich, I give
some advice which will greatly assist in practising this charity and it is
this: each season re-organise your wardrobe, taking out what has become
unusable for you, either because of its style or because of the size; do not
allow the moths to ruin these clothes, but give them to the poor who do
not have the possibility of following the fashion, nor the means of buying
suitable clothes. Do not have the terrible habit of piling up your drawers
and do not be a squanderer. Dress yourself according to your position in
life, without making excessive expenses to the detriment of the family
budget. Keep clean and in order what you possess, so that you may
always be dressed appropriately, and even with good taste and simplicity.
Do not forget that in your present time, apostolate by means of the word
is rarely achieved, if it is not accompanied by that of attire. I will explain:
a person who presents themselves to their neighbour sloppily dressed is
already disagreeable. Besides, I assure you, exterior order expresses a
certain interior order, the two nearly always go together. It is not for
nothing that you say that order leads to God. l repeat it to you: dress
yourself with decorum and with simplicity, according to your condition,
to please your spouse, your children and do not even exclude God.
Certainly, ask yourself if your clothes can please God and whether you
can remain in His presence without being ashamed of being untidy or
unclean. These days one attaches no importance to modesty and to
decency which made young girls blush when they showed themselves in
public attired scantily, this no longer exists. One forgets that
concupiscence of the flesh is not dead and if Eve, after sinning, found it
necessary to cover her body, from that time neither the moral law, nor the
inclination to evil and to luxury through the intermediary of the flesh,
have ceased to exist. That is why there always remains the Obligation to
defend oneself against so many dangers to which evil inclinations open
the way. ' How dear to My Heart are the persons who, whilst dressing
them- selves according to the custom of their time, keep certain limits
which even make them an object of admiration to others, thus preaching
by their good example. This was a brief digression to help you develop
the subject I spoke of to you at the beginning and to give you the
possibility of putting it into practice. ' "Let him who hath two coats, give
one to him who hath none." Be generous, My children! Do not have
ambition to become a walking clothes- rack where one suspends
endlessly all kinds and all sizes of clothes. Remember that your clothing
must serve to cover your body, which has been repeatedly consecrated to
God. For this reason, everything must be treated with respect, body as
well as clothing. How admirable was My Saintly Mother in Her
simplicity, modesty and order! How I would like that by imitating Her,
young girls, wives and mothers give to the world thoughts of Heaven, of
Angels, of purity and goodness. Elegance and modesty are not
contradictory. To you, I will point out one last thing. When you give your
superfluous, take care to give it with kindness. Let everything be clean,
decent, and useful. And above all, let your gift be accompanied by the
thought that you are accomplishing this Work of Mercy, which will be
rewarded by God in Heaven, where He will clothe you with glory.


Thursday, June 20,I968

My beloved child, listen to My teachings. I shall continue to speak to you

of the Works of Mercy. We shall linger a little on the subject: "To shelter
the homeless." l shall touch upon it but briefly. I who was born in a
stable, precisely because no one wanted to give shelter to My Saintly
Mother, who, as you know, had gone with Joseph to Bethlehem for the
census. What was to happen happened, for it was spoken of in the
prophecies, but I assure you, great was My sorrow to feel refused by
everyone. Well then, this sorrow for Me is renewed again in two ways:
When I ask to be received by men because I wish to stay with them, to
dwell in their hearts, under their roof, I am not welcome. My Word is not
welcome, they do not want to know at all what I desire or what I
command. Again also, the bitterness of a refusal is renewed when those
who knock on your door for assistance are not received with charity. If
you cannot always give hospitality to everyone, due to the present day
conditions and situations of each one ...; also through prudence, seeing
the abundance of crimes and wickedness reigning in the world ... still you
are not prohibited, it is even your duty, to exercise goodness in your
manner of acting and speaking with everyone. Reproach and
maltreatment are of no use. If you will make the wrongdoer reflect and if
you will reprove him gently and with kindness, it is more than likely that
your words, accompanied by My grace, will be of benefit and will touch
the hearts of men. Remember always that a story never does any good
where it falls; at times, on the contrary, it causes irreparable damage. If
you can assist the needy one who begs from you, do so always
wholeheartedly, but take care to edify him by your behaviour, to help him
spiritually by a kind word and, if you cannot do this, recommend him to
Me. Next, whenever through interest or necessity, you receive strangers
in your home, treat them as you yourselves would wish to be treated
when received by others. Let friendliness, kindness, united to strictness
give to your guests the impression of finding themselves in a home where
Christianity is lived in its integrity and where all who live there are
invited to practise it. "He who receives the least of these little ones in My
Name, receives Me," so I said to you. 0 My children, how I would like to
persuade you that, in order to be happy, your life must be very simple,
above all your moral and Spiritual life. Do not complicate things. Act for
love of Me, to satisfy My desires, so as to win Paradise. That is enough
for you, it is everything. Just as a limpid eye gives light to the whole
body, so does the right intention give life to your works: it gives them
light, value, and makes them pleasing to God. It is not the importance of
the work, but the love with which it is accomplished which transforms
even a small action into a divine work and worthy of eternal reward.
Never forget it.


Friday, June 2I. I968

My beloved child, let us continue the brief reflection on the Work of

goodness and mercy. We shall try to reflect upon the charity of "visiting
the sick". To what extent this work is profitable, you can understand from
the fact that l, too, exercised it on a large scale, as the sick became a
centre of attraction in My life and were one of the motives for My
coming upon earth. Indeed, I said: "l have not come for the healthy, but
for the sick," even though it were mainly the sick in spirit that I spoke of.
But one does not reach the spirit but by benefiting the body, and I healed
bodies in order to reach the soul, illuminating it with the light of faith and
transforming it. You must imitate Me and if it is not possible for you to
perform miracles of cures, when you approach the bed of a sick person,
think that your visit and your word can give peace, comfort, serenity,
hope to a soul who, perhaps, is in despair and suffers morally more than
physically. Follow, then, the good inspirations when you feel the desire to
do good. Remember that this is truly doing good, blessed and desired by
Me. l bless the feet of those who go to the needy ones and bring them,
besides a small material gift - which may be a little thing but expresses
affection - the immense gift of My light, of My teachings, the joy of My
meeting with these souls for whom I have a predilection. Call Me to your
side when you go to make these visits so precious to Me. I will
accompany you and I will put on your lips the proper words. l will
enkindle your heart so that it can understand the needs of others and
alleviate them. Voluntarily listen to the recital of their miseries and their
illnesses. Let them speak, for all those who suffer are as a rule not willing
to listen to others, but they have a need to open their heart, to confide all
they are feeling and enduring. Listen much and speak little; then, turn the
conversation to religious subjects. Speak of My love for the sick. Tell
them how precious their sufferings are; tell them that their life is not
useless, but precious. You will say that everyone on earth needs the sick,
because if illness is accepted and offered up, it becomes the money with
which souls are redeemed. Certainly, you must not Start preaching. But
recommend yourself much to these sick ones; do it with conviction, being
certain that you have need of them. Thus, little by little, you will make
them understand the utility of their existence and their illness for the good
of the family and of society. l assure you, that those who approach the
sick in this spirit will derive great moral and Spiritual advantages, of
feeling themselves to be truly their debtors. Remember My Mother: as
soon as She learned from the Angel that Her cousin Elizabeth was in
need, She braved a long and difficult trip with much love and ran to be
beside her so as to be of help. She did not bother about Her own self nor
about Her own condition, but She hurried there when charity called Her.
You also, go with much love and in this spirit, to those who are in need
and unable to look after themselves. Make yourself useful, if you see that
this gives pleasure, even materially; act with simplicity, without pointing
out what is perhaps lacking in the house, without modifying the order of
things, so as not to appear to want to boss. Do everything with politeness,
with kindness, with serenity, without annoying and without giving
yourself an exaggerated importance. Be perceptive, so as to cut short your
visit as soon as you realise that it is creating discomfort or boredom.
Speak tactfully. Do not raise your voice, for this shows a lack of good
manners. Let the sick one and those in the house understand that you
have not come to their home to chat uselessly, but to accomplish a
Christian duty. What joy will be yours if you can, by your words, open
the door to the Priest so that He may bring Me in the Eucharist! And what
a reward you will obtain in Heaven on the part of these souls whom you
will have assisted and cared for and for whom you will have perhaps
regained the light of faith and My Grace. All the Saints had at heart this
beautiful work of Mercy, and have practised it. The love and compassion
they experienced before so much misery was so great that, very often, I
would let them accomplish miracles of cure. Let your faith be so great as
to force Me again to perform miraculous cures, if not in body, at least in
soul, and remember that the latter is more important and more grandiose
than the first.


Saturday, June 22,I968

My loving child, here you are out of your house and in the Company of
your Spiritual sons. But you are always in My House, since the whole
world is Mine and since your hosts love Me and want their house to be
Mine also. That is why we remain always united, and I bless you in this
house because you are My children, very precious to My Heart. l speak to
you, though briefly, of a Work of Mercy which to you will seem difficult
to practise but by frequently remembering My words, you will be able to
perform it through love of Me. I wish to speak to you of "visiting the
imprisoned". First of all I must tell you that the first prisoner is I who
have chosen the Tabernacle as My prison. My prison where I dwell
voluntarily locked up, but where I await with a spirit desirous of
consolation and love, all those who come to make Me a gift of their heart,
and at the same time, of their affections and their sentiments. l am a
Prisoner of Love who, from the Tabernacle, listens to the cries of help
from My children and I give them graces and favours. I ardently desire
that My children come dose to Me. I want to help them, all of them, for
all have need of Me. The greater part of My children, those who even live
near Me, do not deign to give Me a greeting, not even a glance. That is
why, I entreat you, you at least, all of you who know My desires, come to
visit Me. We shall remain together, we shall speak lovingly to each other.
I shall give to you all of Myself and you will give yourselves to Me.
There will be established between you and Me a profound friendship, rich
in joy, in hope, in faith, in love. Each day, visit this Prisoner who has
made Himself poor through the folly of love for ungrateful and forgetful
men. These, while again turning their back to Me, remark as did the Jews:
"What words is this individual pronouncing? He gives us His Body as
food and His Blood to drink? He remains with us and He wishes us to
remain with Him? We do not understand these words." And yet, in spite
of all that, I love all of them and in vain do I await many of them. l am a
Prisoner, but there are many prisoner souls who are awaiting your help in
order to be liberated from their chains. They are souls, slaves of the
demon and of sin. Chained by their bad habits, they love them and do not
know how to detach themselves from them. They are the children of
darkness who lie in sin, in danger of eternal death. The demon who keeps
them in chains under his power will make them his prey at their death, if
you do not run to help them. You have understood well of whom I want to
speak. The sinners, the sinners! Take Me, I beg of you, by means of your
prayers, to this kind of prisoner, in order to free them so that they may not
be buried in the eternal prison of hell. Remember that if you love Me, you
must help Me to accomplish this marvellous work of salvation that is so
dear to My Heart. In your prayers never forget poor sinners. Now I shall
speak to you of another category of prisoners of whom, I am sure, you
never think. They are the little children enclosed in the maternal womb
waiting to see the light of day. l also wanted to pass by this road and, I
assure you, the womb of My Mother was not a prison for Me, but a
Tabernacle where I brought about Her sanctification - for She ceaselessly
loved Me and adored Me - and that of the world. But the little children
enclosed within the maternal womb, and still under the dominion of the
demon, will not be able to see eternal light if they are not permitted to
receive baptism. Too many mothers put up obstacles to this gift on behalf
of their children, thus preventing them from attaining the Beatific Vision
of God. Many mothers disdain the honour of maternity, and stain their
hands with blood. Pray, My children, for all mothers who carry within
them a new creature, that no one may allow them to kill and that freed
from its temporary prison, it may live, grow, know and love the Lord by
Whom it was created. Pray for expectant mothers, for those who bring
children into the world, so that they may be generous and ready to make
sacrifices, trusting in God and so that they may love their children from
the moment they begin to carry them in their womb. How painful it is for
many children, once they are grown, to learn that their mother did not
want them to live and to receive the most precious gift, that of divine
Life, in Holy Baptism, the gift which she herself freely received. And
now, I shall say a word to you about prisoners strictly speaking. You
rarely remember to pray for them, but nevertheless, it is a very useful and
very dutiful work. If it is not possible for you to go and find them, as
modern laws certainly do not permit anyone to make visits to those who
for diverse motives find themselves in prison, still you ought not to forget
the charity which you must fulfil towards them in various ways. You can
send them good books and good newspapers which may evoke good
thoughts in these souls. Having made mistakes, they may, through
reflection, change their mind and convert. Very often, too, in these sad
places where the Chaplain is the sole person who may enter so as to say a
good word, communication with one another, be it only through the wall
of a cell or during the short walk of a few metres, is pernicious, even for
the not-so-bad ones, who absorb ideas of rebellion and defeatism. Take an
interest in them also, My child, at least by praying for them each day, so
that they may have a change of mind and may not be doubly slaves of the
demon and of men. May they become rehabilitated once they have served
their sentence and have again inserted themselves into society. There are,
as well, institutions that take care of prisoners' children, bring them up,
educate them, and find them jobs. As much as possible aid these very
precious institutions, so that these children, very often branded, do not
grow up with their parents' tendencies. There are other works which
occupy themselves with prisoners who, having served their time, leave
the prison and are happy to see these charitable works functioning; for if
many among them do not commit a second crime, it is because they have
met good souls who have helped them in their rehabilitation. As you see,
I have given you an ample explanation of a good work which perhaps you
thought was impossible to practise. Now you can exercise it on a large


Sunday, June 23,I968

My beloved child, we are going to continue the lessons on the Works of

Mercy. I am going to put before your mind the last of the Corporal Works
of Mercy: "To bury the dead." Do not fear, My child, that I wish to
frighten you with the thought of finding yourself in contact with the
corpses, in order to give these an honourable burial. You will see that it is
not so difficult to accomplish what l Myself and My Church teach. When
you are present at a burial and share the sorrow of the one who lost a
loving person, you accomplish this work. Formerly, funerals and burial
Services were truly religious functions which, thanks to prayer, brought
comfort not only to the deceased, but also to those who remained. Now
all this has been reduced to a pure formality by the majority of people
who intend by this to perform an act of good will and to bring to mind
their presence to the relatives. This Work of Mercy is very agreeable to
My Heart; by your example, you must endeavour to give it and to bring to
it a Christian stamp which serves to revive faith. Above all, I warn you
that if tears are not to be condemned, for I too wept many times during
My mortal life, despair and everything which demonstrates in exteriorly,
is to be condemned. In everything, even in sorrow, Christians must
maintain an exemplary attitude. You know that death is not an end in
itself, but that it opens the door to eternal life. If you believe in this and if
you realise that on this earth you are just undergoing a brief trial period,
more or less, you then understand right away that one may not look upon
death with fear, but that for its encounter one must prepare oneself so that
the conclusion of earthly life and the beginning of the heavenly one may
be the attainment of a joyful end. That is why St Paul admonished the
first Christians, telling them: "Do not weep like those who do not have
the faith." That the body be given a worthy burial is one of My desires,
for your bodies have been consecrated and one day will rise glorious and
triumphant, never again to see death. Also, by decorating graves with
flowers, one gives a mark of faith, for one shows one's belief in the
Resurrection. However, do not forget that over and above these material
things, or in conjunction with them, you must employ what may bring a
Spiritual benefit to your deceased ones, to alleviate the pains of Purgatory
and to help these souls attain the blessed Homeland. Do not forget that
the Justice of God is infinite and if, with too great ease, you base
yourselves on your judgement, thinking your dear ones have attained
glory, and for this reason you forget them, you run the risk of leaving
them to suffer much longer in Purgatory. Never forget those dear to you;
if, perhaps, they no longer need your intercessions, they will gather your
prayers and pray for you, whilst your intercessions will profit other souls,
and you will make yourselves many friends. Remember that even in this
you will be measured with die same measure that you use for others. A
visit to the cemetery also pleases Me: there, you can pray for every- body
and stop awhile to meditate on the nothingness of things that pass, on the
shortness of life and the uncertainty of the hour. You can arrive at these
thoughts on seeing the diverse ages of the persons buried there, but do not
give this visit a greater value to that of fulfilling your religious duties, to
the extent of giving it first place. Let the visit to the cemetery be the goal
of your Sunday walks, but remember that it must not replace either the
Mass, or religious instruction. l also was placed in a new sepulchre,
prepared for Me and, on the dawn of the third day, Mary and the Holy
Women came to embalm Me. By this, you can have a confirmation of the
usefulness of all I said to you, and what you do to surround your deceased
ones with affection, in the light of hope in the Resurrection and of faith in
future life, is pleasing to Me. l remind you of the meaning of a gesture
which, generally many people do when their spouse or a friend, or an
acquaintance, has been placed in the grave. In general, it is the custom to
throw a handful of earth on the coffin; this should signify the Work of
Mercy of which I have spoken to you: "To bury the dead."


Monday, June 24,I968

My loving child, the lesson I shall give you will be very important for
you and for all those who want to listen to it. You must know that if the
Works of Mercy regarding bodies are of great importance, not less
important are the Works of Mercy with respect to the spirit, the intellects
and souls. One applies oneself to these latter works by prayer, by
enlightened counsel and the desire of the good of others. Always let the
basis and the Inspiration of these good works proceed from charity. May
they be inspired by the good that you desire to procure for your brother
who lives beside you. To counsel the doubt fill is one of these good
works. Indecision in life, incertitude, and little confidence in oneself, are
very often accompanied by great suffering which makes one dread
everything, have fear of everyone, as if, from one moment to the next,
there are bound to happen disagreeable events. In such moments of
uncertainty, doubt and anxiety, the fact of having near oneself a person
full of goodness who encourages you, is equivalent to receiving
assistance from Heaven. However, be careful; that must not be the desire
to impose your will upon those who feel inferior to you, but the desire to
help your brother to see what Situation is the best for him, so that he may
know how to choose. In order to exercise this Spiritual Work of Mercy,
you must be enlightened and learned; that is why it is necessary to have
recourse to God in prayer and to have a certain competence which comes
from religious instruction and from the deepening of the truth of faith. Do
not give advice without invoking light from above and without being
moved by the desire to serve your neighbour. See how difficult it is to
counsel, for if he who listens to you has confidence in you and is decided
to obey you, you assume a responsibility. Consequently, do not give
advice if you are not sure of yourself, in order not to point out a path you
do not know, at the risk of making a mistake. Do not be eager to give
advice; and see to it that others put into practice your words only insofar
as, basing them on My teachings, you are yourself certain of not being
mistaken. The moral help that one can receive from a friendly person at
one's side is so great that, very often, it suffices to give peace, comfort
and joy, even in painful and difficult situations. Depend on Me for this
also, weigh well your replies, let them be guided by good sense, by sound
reason and enlightened by My light. Give your advice kindly; let it never
assume a tone of reproach but give it in a friendly voice. May My voice
be heard through your words; even if, sometimes, it sounds a bit firm, it is
always, however, very sincere, and above all, it is moved by love and by
the desire of the good of others.


Tuesday, June 25,I968

My child, listen to Me, I shall speak to you of the Work of Mercy which
is carried out by him who instructs the ignorant. l was called Master,
Divine Master, for it was truly My mission to teach and to educate. I used
to speak to all categories of people and to per- sons of all ages. Little
children would listen to me open-mouthed, and adults followed Me,
forgetting their food and every other thing. l conversed with friends and
enemies, with the just and the sinners, with the sick and the healthy, and
to all I taught the way to Heaven. "l am the Way, the Truth and the Life;
he who believes in Me shall never perish," I used to say. To My Apostles
I entrusted the task of continuing My Mission, by saying: "Go and teach
all nations"; and the Church of the Guardian of Truth continues this
Mission through the intermediary of My Ministers, and instructs all
peoples. Blessed are those who fulfil this mandate with faith and love.
Blessed are those who, after having deepened at My school the things of
God, feel the desire to make them known also to others and endeavour to
become Masters of the Christian life! My children, be desirous of
learning My teachings. Do not neglect religious instruction which comes
to you through the intermediary of My Ministers. Listen to the lessons
which I give directly to you, for I speak to the heart of men, and then, in
your turn, instruct others. You, mother, remember that the lessons that
you give to your children will never be forgotten, even if, during a certain
period of life, your teachings seem to you to have been a failure. Do not
fear, they will come to the surface later on, perhaps in adult years or when
old, but they will not be lost. The most important thing is that there is
conformity between your manner of speaking and your way of acting,
that you have to teach by example rather than by words, even though,
necessarily, you must use these a great deal more. Allow Me to address
Myself to that category of people who have chosen as their profession
teaching in schools. That is truly a mission, not a profession, which puts
the individual in contact with the mind of the child and the adolescent, to
speak to his memory and to his will. It is a delicate mission, precious and
divine, which reflects Mine. The teachings received on the benches of the
school are never forgot- ten. The comportment of the teacher becomes
part of these remembrances which, up to a very advanced age, charm us
or sadden us. Oh, if only teachers would realise how delicate their task is,
with what heart would they carry it out! What preparation, not only
material, but also moral and Spiritual, would they bring to it! Few realise
the grandeur of their mission, which many exercise solely in view of a
lucrative goal, whereas, if it is fulfilled well, it is a daily exercise of a
Work of Mercy so very important and delicate. My child, pray for those
who teach, whether they be teachers or professors of universities or of
higher education, so that they conduct them- selves wisely and as
Christians in their teachings, and that they do not transform their rostrum
into a pulpit from which errors are taught and even sin itself. He who will
have taught My doctrine will shine brightly as a star in Heaven, and he
who devotes himself to teaching, even to teaching profane sciences, with
love and dedication, will accumulate many merits, because he will
transform his life by practising continually a very precious Work of
Mercy: "To instruct the ignorant."


Thursday, June 27,I968

My beloved child, listen to My counsels and put them into practice. l am

going to speak to you of the constant attention with which you must look
after those who err. First of all, before all else, you must try to behave
yourself, according to the law of God, then let light come to you through
prayer, after which you may practise the Work of Mercy which l
announce to you here: "Admonish the sinner." It is logical that your life
must be exemplary in order for you to be able to admonish others. But,
considering human fragility, on account of which you are all sinners, you
will be able to accomplish this work if you put much humility and
kindness into realising it, and if you yourself are also ready to receive
rebukes when you make mistakes. Remember that to admonish does not
mean to lecture, nor to get excited, nor to treat badly, but to warn gently,
to show displeasure, to invite to renounce a bad life for the love of God
and, if a human affection binds you, even in the name of your affection, if
such a motive is more effective. It is not that the fact of acting for human
motives has any value for Heaven; but after that, the sinner may find the
right path and decide him- self not to sin any more through love and
through fear of God. That is why you must take to heart this cause which
is Mine. You know that I love sinners, for I have come to earth "not for
the just, but for sinners", and their salvation weighs so much upon My
Heart that I would be ready to renew My Passion to save them. l am
grateful for what you do on their behalf, and I confirm what My
Augustine used to say: "He who saves a soul, has predestined his." I will
explain to you also the motive behind that. He who obtains salvation
thanks to the contribution of prayers and counsels of a person, how could
he forget such a gift in the next life? There, where everything is
perfection, the duty of acknowledgement and of gratitude will be
practised in an admirable manner. You can just imagine with what love
and what insistence will be implored the salvation of the soul who gave
unstintingly of itself for the salvation of another. What I recommend to
you is always to act with a great love of God and of neighbour, of not
wanting to impose your will; but may it be the desire to bring souls closer
to God which makes you act and speak. However, I repeat: be humble in
giving your warnings and, if it applies, propose to yourself to correct
yourself also of your defects, so as not to hear: "Physician, heal thyself."
Act with goodness and comprehension, with confidence and
perseverance, without ever thinking that there is nothing more to do, for
you can be certain that when for you it is no longer possible to act and to
do, I will intervene with My grace, and as for you, there remains but to
continue praying and loving. Reprove yourselves in turn, My children,
because you are all sinners, and love one another intensely to the point of
being ready to sacrifice your lives for one another. If the salvation of
those who are dear to you means so much to you, and if it seems
impossible for you to obtain their conversion, entrust them to My Mother.
If you love Her and implore Her, She who is the Refuge of Sinners will
save them for you, I promise you.


Friday, June 28,I968

My child, the lesson I shall give you now continues the brief reflections
made on the Works of Mercy. I shall speak to you of "To console the
afflicted". No one in the world is exempt from suffering and from the
Cross, and each one desires to receive comfort and help in such moments.
l, Myself, who was an example in everything during the course of My
mortal life, under the weight of suffering, addressing Myself to My
Father to be freed by Him, if that were possible, was comforted by an
angel. l would like that all of you be angels of consolation for one another
in the world. I would like that in approaching those who suffer, each one
of you know how to say words of such efficacy as to expand the horizon,
showing that suffering is not an end in itself, but a means of salvation and
a seed of glory. How many souls would not have found the right path
which they have, on the contrary, discovered in suffering and, perhaps
precisely, thanks to that person who has had the goodness to share in their
suffering and to weep with those who weep. Do not be selfish, My child.
Do not think that you too have your share of suffering and worries and
can withdraw into yourself and think only of yourself. Remember that to
each one, his own Cross appears big, and that, if you forget yourself in
order to think of others, the joy and consolation you give will also be a
consolation for you. Open well your eyes and your heart, My child, to see
if there is some- one around you anxious to hear your words of comfort.
Be generous with your time for others. Therefore, take great care in that
you must help those who are perhaps in despair and not discourage them.
You will have to say. words that remove from the heart any bad sentiment
against God and against men. You will ask not to judge the one who,
perhaps, was the cause of the wrongdoing, but to attribute it solely to the
Goodness of God, who knows how to draw good from evil. if you are
able, invite to prayer the suffering one. Prayer brings you God's comfort,
but if you perceive that your words are futile, promise you will help the
sufferer by praying for them yourself. Then truly do so, for the aid which
you are able to give is always insignificant if it is not confirmed by the
assistance of God. May you never have to say to yourself after having
heard the epilogue of a tragedy: "Had I sought to console this embittered
person who passed by me, perhaps they would not have finished like
this." Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Act thus
because all of you at some moment in your life will have to send out an
SOS asking someone for help, and if you give yourself unsparingly to
help others, these in turn will go out of their way for you. But in case men
should remain deaf to your appeal, God will receive it in order to comfort
you and, in time, to reward you.


Saturday, June 29,I968

It is one of the most important things that one can do. It is not optional
but obligatory, and not reserved for some, but for all. l assure you that this
is a very important thing: either you forgive and the gate of salvation will
be opened to you, or you do not forgive and you are irredeemably lost, as
the Father will not forgive you your faults. It is, therefore, a work of
mercy that all must practise with great love and much promptness.
Always remember what I already have said: "Let not the sun go down
upon your anger." Even more: "If you come to the altar to make your
offering and if you remember that someone has something against you,
leave your offering, go first to reconcile yourself with your brother, then
return to offer your gifts to God." l wish to point out that the initiative of
forgiving must come from you, even if others bear a grudge against you.
God sees everything and appreciates this generosity and humility.
Therefore, never act obstinately, saying that it is not up to you, that the
offended one is you, etc. ... The important thing is to restore harmony and
serenity where there is discord, and establish love where there is hate.
How many families are at war because they do not practise this
marvellous Work of Mercy which contains so many virtues: humility,
charity, and, above all, goodness which makes you similar to the Father,
who always pardons. When I instituted the Sacrament of Penance, I said
to My Ministers, "Go and forgive." The Apostles asked Me: "How many
times must we forgive?" And I replied: "Seventy times seven", and that
means always. If then all men must be pardoned by God always, they too
must forgive their fellow men always, this being an indispensable
condition in order to be forgiven. l entreat you, My child, if you do not
wish to make useless and perhaps sinful or sacrilegious your confession
and your Communions, forgive everyone with all your heart, to the extent
of forgetting the offences, whatever they may be. This condition of your
pardon, bound to that which you give to others, should be for you a great
comfort in this life, a great certitude in the hope of a future life, and a
great peace. Is not this worth the trouble of renouncing your self-love so
as to possess such gifts? Always forgive, My child, to the point of
forgetting, if you can, the offence received, just as I do Myself. When I
forgive, I forget. Forget to the extent of praying for him who offended
you, as I still do Myself: I go about lavishing gifts upon My creatures
who continually rage against Me. Remember that the sower of hate is the
Evil One; do not let him get the better of you. Even if you had all the
reasons to protest against the conduct of your fellow man, you will
imitate Me who, from the top of the Cross, said: "Father, forgive them,
for they do not know what they do." You should have the same excuse for
your offenders. They do not know what they are doing, they commit evil
without wanting it, they believe they are doing good. How good these
words are, and worthy of reward! Each martyr has pronounced them,
after Me, from Stephen up to the martyrs of your time, and it is the
invitation My Holy Mother and I Myself repeat constantly to men who
wish to be Our disciples. Love one another, forgive one another, help
each other, for it is the Will of God. Now I will give you some advice. Try
always and everywhere to re-establish peace and harmony whenever an
occasion of settling differences happens to come your way. Do it with
great goodness and great charity, and you will give Me much pleasure.
Imitate the example of the Saints who, defying exterior dangers and
overcoming their own weakness, with the assistance of God, knew how to
restore peace to the men they approached. Peace is a gift of God which
one earns through goodwill. What more precious money than this would
you like to use to obtain so great a good and one so indispensable to life?
May peace, My peace, be always with you and in the midst of you.


My child, I shall continue My lessons by speaking to you of the Work of
Mercy which many make others practise and refuse to practise it them-
selves: "To endure patiently people you consider tiresome." Do not forget
that all humanity is imperfect and that imperfections are manifested in
life by your manner of speaking, of behaving, of seeing things, of making
known your opinions. Whatever is imperfect displeases not only God,
who is Infinite Perfection, but also men who, even though not possessing
perfection, desire it in others. If you were all perfect, it would be easy for
you to live together, as it will be to live in Paradise, where nothing enters
that is not perfect. As long as you are on this earth, there will be for you
this sort of Cross: to endure a character different from yours; to accept the
inevitable clashes with someone who thinks otherwise than you; to accept
to have your heart in tears and the duty of laughing with one who is
happy; to see your undertakings fail and the duty of rejoicing with the
happiness of another who tells of his fabulous successes. Everything is
but conflict and trouble which would make existence intolerable without
the intervention of this blessed Work of Mercy of which I am speaking,
which, based on charity, makes it easy for you to endure others. l said it
has as its base charity, but it is also composed of patience and humility, of
obedience and necessarily of understanding, of generosity and of a
goodness without limit. If, in fact, you put together all these qualities and
these virtues, you will notice that the tiresome people disappear and,
around you, you will find very loving people with whom you experience
much pleasure in speaking and living. Remember that however much you
strive to suppress your defects, there will always remain some which will
not make you very loving to others. Think often on this so that in your
turn, you may excuse your neighbour's imperfections or real faults, and
not only bear with them, but love them as they are, with their character,
their personality and their deficiencies. Always accomplish all this
through love of God, for if your Heavenly Father desires that you love
each other mutually, if you love one another and excuse one another and
endure each other for love of Him, you give a divine value to a human
action, making it for this reason worthy of an eternal recompense. Imitate
My example, My child; for though being God and possessing all virtues
and capacities to an infinite degree, I have adapted Myself to everyone,
supporting the avarice and betrayal of Judas, the infidelity and human
respect of Peter, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the pride, malice,
wickedness, ingratitude of a people who, for three years, had followed
Me. They had seen My miracles, they had seen with their eyes My Power,
My Wisdom and My merciful goodness, without understanding anything.
Make yourself all to all in order to win them all to God. Such is your
mission, and the mission of every true Christian.


" Monday, July l, I968

My child, here I am to finish the lessons on the Works of Goodness and

Mercy which you can and must accomplish in order to put into practice
charity and virtue indispensable in Christian living. l am going to tell you
how you can help the world of the living and all the deceased who wait to
reach the blessed Homeland: "Pray for the living and for the dead." First
of all, you should know that you can be alive although being dead, and
dead although being alive. You weep for those who leave this earth as
dead, but in reality, if the life of grace is in them, they begin the real Life,
one which will never end. On the other hand, you see many people
walking the streets whom you consider to be alive, but were you able to
see into their souls, you would be surprised. They are real walking
corpses. And thus, the work of mercy is not reserved only for the good
you can do for the person living dose to you, and for those you
accompany to the cemetery, but for the good of all on this earth..


Monday, July 8,I968

My beloved child, listen to My words, for they are Light and Life. Do not
forget them, meditate on them, put them into practice and diffuse them.
The world has forgotten My Gospel, the Good News; it is too absorbed
by other things to think of Me! And yet, everything passes with the
swiftness of the wind. All is nothing that does not last eternally. I entreat
you, labour for eternity. Pray, love, suffer, work, write, read, solely with a
view to eternal life, this eternal life which you are constructing now with
your works which you unite to Mine by means of Grace. l would like to
speak to you of the heart of the Christian cult, which is Holy Mass. Too
many Christians assist at it as a simple Sunday collective prayer, without
knowing that it is the source of life, the continual immolation of a Divine
Victim, the only Victim who can compensate God for an insolvent debt.
Sacrificer and Sacrified, it is the Son of God who offers Himself, in an
unbloody manner, at every instant of the day and of the night, there is
elevated from earth to Heaven a Host with the appearance of bread, a
Chalice with the appearance of wine, a veritable Mystery of Faith! They
are My Body and My Blood which some Priest offers at every moment of
the day somewhere, to the Father for the salvation of the world. The
deeper your union is with Me, the more the sacrifice of the Mass is
advantageous for you and for others. How I would like all those who
assist at the Divine Sacrifice to form a greater unity with Me! Then the
Sacrifice would be perfect, for men would complete with theirs what is
lacking to My Passion. Never think that you are alone when you assist at
the Holy Sacrifice. On the contrary, always take with you in your mind
and in your heart all men of the earth. Offer to Me the love that their
hearts are capable of, the sufferings with which humanity is tortured.
Offer to Me all that is beautiful in the world: the innocence of little
children, the purity of virgins, holiness, for there are and there will be
saints in every period of history and in every category of life. Present to
Me the needs of all, as the Mass is not only Thanksgiving, not only
reparation of evil, and does not serve only to appease the Father and
adore Him, but it also serves to ask for the help which you need so much.
You must celebrate your Mass each day with Me, uniting your sacrifice to
Mine, and be assured that your life is sanctified by this immolation and it
also aids your brothers and sisters in the most real way. Your Mass,
however, must not be limited to this short lapse of time that you spend in
Church near the altar and the priest. Even Mine does not finish there, but
it is uninterrupted. Woe to the world if it were interrupted! That is why
your Mass, just as Mine, must go on. Your offering must ceaselessly rise
to the Father for the whole world. The action of the Christian ought not to
be an individual one, but collective and with Me. I chose bread and wine
as a substance of Sacrifice to signify this union. Bread is made up of
many little grains of wheat, wine of many grapes. l am the Living Bread
come down from Heaven and, in the Holy Mass, l offer Myself to the
Father, not alone, but with all My Church and with all My children. The
Priest is only the Instrument of this immolation; like you, he can The
harmonious song of the birds must lead you to praise God. And does not
the perfume of flowers lead you to reflect upon the per- fume of goodness
and virtues, so pleasing to God and to men? The works of God are
marvellous and harmoniously sing His infinite Goodness, His Wisdom,
His Providence. Nature's book would be marvellous to read. And yet,
how many illiterates there are in this domain! Think for a moment what a
perfect machine the human is! Sustained, guided, ordered by the brain
and by the heart. Note the perfection of his movements, the variety of
faces. There is not one person on the face of the earth who perfectly
resembles another. The diversity of thoughts, of characters, of works, of
capacities, of inclinations: all should contribute to give to man - even if it
takes some effort - the joy to be alive, provided that what he possesses he
uses for the Glory of God, for his own good and for that of his neighbour.
But you see how different things are in the world. People live worldly
lives, they do not look much further than themselves. They seek things
for themselves, and many just look up to the Heavens to see if they can
predict the weather. Know how to read, My children, know how to raise
yourselves up, know how to use things for the good of all, but do not
make yourselves slaves of anything.


Monday, August I9, I968

My child, promptness in carrying out My orders indicates the love which

unites you to Me and cannot but procure great joy for Me. It is a small
sacrifice that I ask of you. I know that -you would gladly choose other
things to offer Me. People like the Cross made their own way; but if I
load you with a Gross, I make it to fit your shoulders; that is why you
must not fear and you must embrace it with joy. "l do not like your own
sacrifices because in them, you seek your own will." In order to please
the Father and Me, you must be desirous of doing solely Our Will and not
yours. This is the way. You desire to sanctify yourself: the path is there,
for We too want your sanctification. You desire, by your whole life to
render homage to God who created you, redeemed you and made you His
child; well then, this He also desires of you, but you must accept God's
way. He is Father. Do not fear His commanding you to do things superior
to your strength and, above all, be certain that in giving you the Cross, if
you want it, He will help you to carry it. Even more, He will carry you on
it. Be, therefore, anxious and eager to understand what the Will of God is,
what Cross He wishes to give you, and then abandon yourself to Him and
follow Him. I have said it to you: "He who wants to walk behind Me, let
him take. up his cross and follow Me." And then, love your Cross. Love it
for love of Me, and you will see how sweet it will be to carry it. Do not
make it heavy for yourself, do not complain about it. Others may have
one much heavier than yours, and carry it with serenity. If it is hard for
you to get up during the night, think of those who would like to get up
from their bed and cannot do so. If a Financial Situation seems painful to
you, think of those who hardly have enough to live on. Perhaps you
complain because your work is exhausting; do you forget how many
unemployed seek work? Your infirmities seem painful to you, but think
how many people, at your age, were in worse condition, and that many,
perhaps even among your acquaintances, have already left this life.
Everything is relative for you who live in the world, everything is
directed and governed by God. Bless and love the Lord at each moment.
Assure Him of your obedience and humbly bend your head before Him.
Humble yourself, acknowledge your nothingness; for therein is your
greatness, your peace. In your nothingness and in the acknowledgement
of your nothingness resides your greatness. Do you recall My Mother?
She pleased God by Her great humility. That is why the Lord stooped
down to Her and She became the most exalted creature on earth. It is the
humble existence of My Will and in the humble and joyful endurance of
the Cross I give you to carry, wherein dwells your greatness, that is to
say, your holiness.


Wednesday. August 2I. I968

St Jane Frances de Chantal My child, may the example of the Saints who
preceded you and who have lived in the same life as you, spur you to
desire perfection and encourage you to advance in order to attain it. l have
chosen Saints in all walks of life, in the most varied of arts, with different
professions, in the most unexpected places. I said "l chose", because the
call comes from Me. It is true that to be holy, one must respond to the
call, but no one would know how to sanctify himself through his own
powers, without My help. That is why I am constantly going to repeat to
you: "Desire holiness, ask Me for it continuously, and collaborate with
Me so as to achieve it." May the saints who already have attained this
goal serve you as a Stimulus and guide. Each one of them had their gifts,
their capacities, their talents and their mission. They accomplished it with
love and goodness: some within the circles of their family, the others by
also engaging their charity and their activities exteriorly, or even
establishing other large religious families who then spread throughout the
world. Be constant in good, accomplish My Will with promptness and
precision. It is a duty, a mission. Obey Him who directs you, with
simplicity and love. This increases your merit. Expect nothing from this
world, but rejoice in being with Me who loves you infinitely.

Thursday, August 22, I968

My beloved child, you know that My great Apostle St Paul was able to
measure the length, width and depth of My Heart - that is to say, he was
able to understand the immensity of My Love. Well then! I would like, to
make you understand the infinite measure of My Mother's Heart, so that
in knowing it better, you learn to love it more and more. she cannot
console. She is sensitive to human sufferings which She bore in an
admirable manner during the course of Her mortal life. She feels in Her
Heart the sufferings of her children. She does not remain indifferent to
any pain; it is only by seeing to what extent the suffering is useful for
eternal life and for the life of the Church that She permits that Her loved
ones remain in pain, all the while giving them comfort and assistance.
She, the Queen of Martyrs, accompanies these troops of generous souls of
all centuries who, through love of God and in order to bear witness to the
Truth that I taught you, are prepared to give their life. But She is also
dose to mothers who, in their daily life, face prolonged sacrifices in the
accomplishment of their duties. She watches over the consecrated with a
maternal heart, and remains beside them, whatever their age and
condition. She is grieved if She does not see them working towards the
perfection to which they are dedicated. Her supplication to the Father
extends to all men of earth, and She constantly begs for pity, mercy, and
assistance for all. Magnificent in Her beauty, She ravishes the Heart of
God. She presents Herself to Him, to the Father, holding Me a Little
Child in Her arms, or else She presents Me in my adolescence, or dying
on the Cross. She presents also to the Father Her transfixed Heart with
the seven swords, and she implores: "l am Your Daughter, forgive them,
because they do not know what they are doing." Oh! My dearest child, I
assure you I could have created a greater world, with more beautiful and
fragrant flowers, but truly I could not have created a better and more
beautiful Mother, endowed with a more tender, more sensitive and
faithful Heart. Faithful to God in the observance of His laws and of His
Will with which She is identified. Faithful to Her children. Faithful to the
souls who have entrusted themselves to Her, for She will never permit
them to be lost. Should even these souls be attracted by a thousand bad
things which seduce the heart and mind, She knows how to find them,
and to restore them back to the Sheepfold. She knows that I am the Good
Shepherd. She is the Divine Shepherdess. If I am the Good Samaritan,
She is the Good Mother who runs promptly there where necessity calls
Her. She knows that if I am the Redeemer, if l have had My Heart pierced
through love for humanity, She too is the Co-Redemptrix. My child,
invite all men of the earth to take refuge in the Merciful Heart of My
Mother, and they will be saved. In their inability to accomplish what I
desire, offer to Her the hearts of men, good and bad, so that one more
time, the world be saved through Her intermediary and so that
Immaculate and Divine Heart, Dwelling of the Holy Spirit, may triumph

Sunday, September 29,I968

My dear child, listen to Me carefully. Often invoke St Michael the

Archangel who presides over the nine choirs of Angels and whom My
Vicar, through the Will of the Holy Spirit, wanted as Defender of the
Church. Often turn your thoughts to him, for great is his power and his
strength. He is the terror of the rebellious angels whom he vanquished in
the terrible battle between the good and the bad angels and precipitated
into the abyss. He tirelessly defends the Church from heresies and he aids
each soul that invokes him with devotion and love, to win the battles of
life, especially the ones against the demons. He is the Archangel of
humility, and he rejoices to teach the practice of this virtue to men when
they ask him for it. His cry: "Who is like unto God?", which is the
meaning of his name, is most fitting to express the virtue so necessary of
humility, which is nothing other than the acknowledgement of the
greatness of God in comparison with our nothingness. Through his
intercession, ask for the humility of all men on earth, and particularly for
those governing it who, if they were guided by the thought of the
Greatness of God, would not hesitate to want and to cooperate for the
reign of peace amongst all peoples. Pride, in fact, blinds man and makes
him egotistical and wicked. Pray to him, therefore, not only for the
Church, but also for all the nations of the world, so that, once more, he
may restore order in the world where demons go about sowing immense
carnage. Place him as the Defender of your house, so that he may keep
far from it the evil one and all other evils of whatever kind.


Tuesday. October l, I968

My beloved child, follow the road I traced for you without fear of being
mistaken. Let the law of the Lord be the rule of your life. Let the voice of
conscience be the constant call of God, which indicates to you the good
and makes you flee evil; for the modern world no longer knows how to
discern good from evil, it stifles the voice of con- science and no longer
fears to offend God, who is always present to it: it scorns My
Commandments and knows no other law than the pleasure of the senses,
of his own will and his dominion over others. Do not follow the trend of
the times. Go against it if you have to. Unite Yourself to those who, like
you, desire good, and form a group, that of good against evil. It is a holy
battle that you will be engaged in. I will be your Leader and your
Defender. I will reward you after you have picked yourself up after each
defeat. Do not fear defeats. If you are animated with goodwill, there will
be no moral defeat. You will have some weak moments or tired ones, then
you will return to the battle; you will go forward confident and serene.
When everything changes, God does not change, neither does His law,
nor His morals, nor His Truth, nor His Credo. However Fierce the winds
blow, remain with Him, and you will be invincible as He, strong as He,
immortal as He. My child, one day spent in My Company brings so much
joy to souls and so much consolation to Me. I would like that all of your
days be full of joy, filled with God. Never forget this truth: in proportion
that your heart will continue to empty itself of frivolous and worthless
things, a path will be cleared for those of eternal and infinite value, and at
the same time, pain will disappear. It will not disappear by itself, as it is
inherent in life, and this fact cannot be denied; but joy will come, serene
joy which makes one taste Heaven on earth and which cannot be
confused with the joys of this world. l assure you that no one who has
truly tasted how sweet it is to stay with God would renounce this
pleasure, even if to remain faithful to Him one must encounter torture and
death. Thank God, then, for this gift, and reflect how much greater will be
your joy when you see Him face to face in the splendour of His Glory,
when God shall be your reward and shall give Himself to all of you and
each one in particular, with the immensity of His joy in order to
communicate it to you . Live with me, live in God, My children. I hold
you by hand children. You have only to follow Me and to love Me.


Sunday. October 27,I968
My dear child, renew your total offering to Me and love Me with an
intense love: I ask you for nothing else. Dwell in Me with faith and
confidence, so that I may be able to act in you and increase to the
maximum the value of your life and your works. l want to make you taste
how sweet it is to abide in My Company and l want you to understand to
what point l, the Son of God and your Creator, desire this, not for Me, but
for you. See Me beside you as the most tender of Fathers, the most
sincere Friend, the most faithful Spouse, the wisest of Teachers, desiring
only to help you, to direct you, to give you and to receive from you in
return your confidence and your tenderness. Feel Me beside you day and
night, Immutable and Untiring. You may betray Me, abandon Me, insult
Me, maltreat Me, I will never betray you, never will I abandon you and,
however great your offences may be against Me, one word imploring
pardon will always be sufficient for Me to grant it to you abundantly and
with infinite Mercy. Frequently during the day, fill yourself with Me in a
great longing of love. Let your life become one continuous Spiritual
Communion; you will have nothing to lose. Think to what extent men are
proud to make the acquaintance of some personalities. How they boast of
the honour of perhaps having welcomed into their home a great
personality, or of just having shaken hands with one. Well, even though
possessing an office or a title, to Me this person is like any other: he shall
die, his body will decay, he will be judged and perhaps will be last in My
Kingdom. Remember that to serve God is to reign with Him, it is to
possess the world. Not a world of things, which pass, even if within you
may feel a master of it, but God's supernatural world of souls, that which
time does not destroy because it lasts eternally. My Law indicates to you
My Will. It is summarised in the Gospel and in the Commandments
whose depository is My Church. It is a law based on love and is
unchangeable. The instructions I give to you are not new things, but are
the Gospel in practice. The commandment of charity towards God and
towards your neighbour is the summary of the Commandments which I
gave to Moses, and I am going to explain them to you, to make the
practice of them easy for you. Benefit from those gifts. The simplicity
with which the most arduous subjects of theology are being explained to
you will prove to you with what truly paternal care the Lord takes an
interest in your life, in your affairs, even the most simple ones, ones
which you often think you resolve yourselves. My child, I repeat it to
you, remain with Me and call upon Me. Everything will be blessed and
sanctified and you shall live serenely in love.

My children, accept suffering, so very important in the Spiritual life of
Christians, and also as necessary as are mortification and penance. The
difference between suffering, and mortification and penance, is as
follows; in general, suffering comes to you from God or is permitted by
Him, without you having to look for it, while the other two, you procure
his for yourself; in the latter, your will plays a part, whereas in the former
solely the Will of God prevails. No matter which, accept willingly all that
makes you suffer, for the fruit thereof depends on the joy you put into
suffering. Do not be like the ox who also suffers under his burden, but
without any merit on part. Love suffering and bless the Lord when He
sends it to you, for it is a gift from Heaven.


Monday, December 30, I968

My children, do not trouble yourselves by assuming responsibilities

which do not belong to you. The present time is sad and it will become
more so, but each event will be guided and will bear its beneficial
consequences. Let it be sufficient for you to be abreast of all that is
happening in the Church so that now more than ever, you will commit
yourselves to prayer, to sacrifices and to diffusing the Truth by means of
the teachings that come to you from the Merciful Jesus. With goodness
and charity warn those people who are straying from the right road, by
helping them to see the Truth in the Light of the Church. The Church is
always Teacher and Guide, and directed by the Holy Spirit. l shall send
you people who will help you in your commitment to find the truth,
therefore remain calm, but persevere in intense prayer. l bless you now
and always.


Tuesday, December 31, I968

My child, never lose sight of the goal towards which you must strive in
order to reach Heaven. Time passes quickly, until finally comes the last
day of your life. Nothing will succeed in keeping you on earth, a place
you must leave eventually. If you desire ceaselessly to return to your
Homeland, earth, a place of exile will not detain you, and you will be
happy to leave it. If your heart is always detached from everything and
everybody, in the sense that you enjoy and love every thing and every
person in God and for Him alone, nothing will hold you back from the
approach of your meeting with God and to enjoy forever His embrace and
love. Each day that passes is a step that you climb on the staircase to
paradise. I know that at the moment when you leave this earth, you will
feel like a little bird to which the cage door was opened and soars through
the air, tasting liberty at last. "My child, how great is the value of life, for
it is a means of winning eternity; but everything which, in life, seems
indispensable, and to which men attach their hearts, is of no real value.
Two things only have importance: to love and to suffer. Love, under its
two aspects of love of God and of one's neighbour, and suffering accepted
and offered under all its forms: Spiritual, physical and moral." l suffered
in the course of My mortal life, and of My suffering I made a gift to the
Father in favour of humanity. You must do the same. No one can be
exempt from suffering for all of you have sinned and continue to sin.
Suffering is a means of redemption. I Myself have given you proof.
Having taken upon Myself the sins of all mankind, I became, as a result,
the Man of Sorrows, and My Holy Mother, called to be the Co-
Redemptrix of the human race, suffered with Me indescribable pain. My
suffering will be able to suffice for all men of all times, for it is not a
man, but a God, who offered it and who offers it constantly to the Father.
But, so that the merits of this suffering may pass on to mankind, it is
necessary that you too accept suffering and that you ding to the cross. l
assure you, My child, that in Heaven you will bless the Lord, not so much
for the gifts He has granted you but for the sufferings He will have
procured or permitted for you, and through which you will have been able
to contribute towards your own salvation and that of the world. The
Sacrifice of the Mass, which is continually celebrated by the Priest and
the continuous offering of My Passion Death and Blood to God are a real
fact, and woe to humanity if it were not! But each believer must put into
the chalice of Blood, their own contribution so that the offering may be
complete, and so that in My offering humanity may participate also.
Remember these realities at the dose of a year and at the Start of the new
one; put into My Heart all the suffering which is over, which perhaps you
will forget, but which I shall never forget, and prepare yourself to accept
all the sufferings which the New Year has in store for you, considering
everything as a gift from Heaven.


Geneva - Carouge Monday, June 9, I969 (0300)

Jesus - Constantly watch over your thoughts and direct them to Me. Keep
for Me each of your affections, so that I may be able to help you to love
all creatures and in this universal love, you may be able to elevate to God
praise and glory and obtain God's assistance for all men and women. Live
with the Pope and the Church this terrible hour of agony, awaiting
Resurrection. In this general confusion, which is terrifying, I ask you to
pray, to love, to suffer and to forgive with Me. Let not incomprehension
and coldness, indifference and wickedness frighten you! If you remain
plunged in My Heart as in the Infinite ocean of Goodness, no one shall be
able to harm you. But remain always united amongst yourselves and in
Me. Let there not be the slightest envy. Be rivals only in good and in love.
Make yourselves always more little, for the Kingdom of Heaven is for
those who make themselves little on earth. Try to outdo each other in
humility, if you wish to please Me. Only in this way do you win and
obtain the highest seats, those of the rebel Angels who left them vacant
through their pride. That is the only way, there is no other. All very dose
to My Mother, Mother of the Church and of My Mystical Body, whose
Head I am. Close to My Vicar, ready to defend him against every assault
of the enemy, ready to obey his every sign, even the smallest; humble and
faithful, united like little chicks around their mother hen, you will uphold
the sacred deposit that has been given to you, the Faith; you will conserve
grace, the precious gift that is equivalent to life and, devoured by the
most pure flame of love, you shall reach the Celestial Jerusalem, the
Blessed Abode of God and His Saints.


I entreat you, become as universal as the Church. Through prayer reach
out to all categories of people, and may they bless the Lord for it. May
the straying ones return to the sheepfold. May the dead rise again to the
life of grace. May the good increase their faith and may their hearts reach
out always more and more. May those who suffer feel the Cyrenian
beside them, helping them to carry their Cross. May all feel a fresh divine
dew which waters them with grace. That is what you can do by prayer,
My dear children. l said it to you that if you had faith, you will say to a
mountain: "Throw yourself into the sea" and it would obey you. Now I
say unto you: have faith and pray. Let your faith be the motivating force
of your prayer and I promise you that, through your prayer, you will
transform the world. Prayer disarms Me, and before the person who
prays, the Father is pleased, pardons, and withdraws His heavy hand
which threatens the world with justice, and takes pity on it. My child, do
you recall the vision of Jacob: the ladder which from earth ascended to
Heaven, and the Angels who climbed and descended upon it? The Angels
ceaselessly brought before God his prayers and brought back to Jacob
God's graces. And that is how it is always in the world. Watch out if
prayer is lacking! It is your strength and the weakness of God. At the
present time in the world people pray very little, far too little, and it is for
this reason that things go so badly. People think of changing, of finding
better methods than those taught by Me, and they finish by not praying
any more. They think of abolishing the prayer formulas, the very same
ones I taught and which I Myself used. They want to bypass what My
Mother taught and what She still teaches in all Her apparitions on earth.
The Rosary is tiresome, they say. It is monotonous; for the young it no
longer exists. Having thus eliminated prayer that comes from above, they
Start praying by an act of pride, and what will this obtain? It is true that
the formula must be accompanied by the mind and heart, but I assure you
that it will be of great help to you. It will be like the railroad tracks upon
which you make your heart and mind journey. The Church itself, in the
liturgical prayer, does it not make use of formulas which are always the
same and which it repeats? Do not fear making a mistake by following
My teachings. Pray, elevating to God all your being. Let your body too,
which is also God's, be strained towards Him. It is not reasonable to
spend your life with your hands joined in prayer, a life monopolized by
the thousands of things you have to do every day - but there are
nevertheless fixed moments when God has the right to receive, with
adoration, invocations, thanksgiving and the supplications of his children.
Blessed are the families where, morning and night, all reunite for
common prayer, where I am also invited through the blessing to
participate at meals. I assure you that I shall reward that invitation by
making you participate at the Table of the Eternal Banquet. Now I shall
give you some advice. In your prayers, give first place to the people who
do you wrong, those for whom you feel a dislike, those who do not please
you; your merit will be doubled and will predispose your heart to pardon
and to charity. Always unite yourself in your prayers to Mine so that from
the Tabernacle I may elevate them continuously to My Father and unite
them to those of My Mother and of all the Church. Through the virtue of
the Communion of Saints you will give to your prayer an infinite value,
and each of your Spiritual elevations will become a veritable Work of

Wednesday, July 3.I968

My loving child, in this lesson I will speak to you of My Church, the

most beautiful gift that I have made to men. She is My very sweet
Spouse. She is beautiful, without spot and without wrinkles. She is the
barque that sails speedily in the tempestuous ocean, carrying the seafarers
to salvation. l stay in the barque, but the helmsman is Peter. Outside it
there is no salvation. The institution of the Church issued forth from My
pierced Heart atop the Cross, and from the desire of attracting to Me all
men of the earth. When you, mothers, want to measure the love of your
little ones for you, and you ask one of them: "How much do you love
me?", you see your little one Stretch out his arms to form a horizontal line
and you hear him say, "Like this." Well then, l, Man-God, imitated
exactly the little children and if you ask Me to what point I loved you and
all My children, I answer you: "Like this" and in a horizontal line I let My
hands be nailed so that all can measure My love which could not and
cannot be greater. If, next, you ask your child, one a little bit older, how
much he loves you, he may reply: "As much as earth is from Heaven."
Because, My children, I have loved you like that: as much as Heaven is
from earth so as to take you all to Heaven. All through the centuries,
without interruption, thanks to My most grandiose institution, My
Ministers extend their arms during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which
renews mystically My death on the Cross, and they call all souls to Me.
Holy and immaculate is My Church, even if many of the faithful who
compose it are not worthy of it. Holy because founded by Me, holy
because of Her laws. Her doctrine. Her teachings. Holy because She
continually calls all souls to holiness. Holy because in Her are the means
for one's sanctification and eternal salvation. The Church is holy because
She calls you to sanctify yourself personally and she is inviting you with
the gentleness of the Mother, with the Divine Wisdom which She
continually receives from the Holy Spirit, with the strength of Grace
which She gives to you; She invites you to accept Her call to practise
virtues, to flee from sin so as to attain holiness.


And now allow Me to address an invitation to you, the most cordial one
possible, so that you may pray for My Priests. The Sacred Order they
receive does not eliminate anything from their nature nor from their
weakness. Their duties are very heavy and if the graces they receive are
immense, the non-correspondence to these graces makes them incapable
of maintaining themselves at the top of their ministry. Therefore, pray
much for them and never judge them; help them with your counsel, if
they accept it, but above all, help them with your prayer and your
sacrifices. This is a duty of all Christians, just as it is a duty of gratitude
to pray for those who do you good and for those who give you material
life. The power of Priests is so great that, even if they are dead to the life
of grace, they are still able to give it to others. Even if they themselves
are in sin, they can absolve you. Even if l, Jesus, am not present in their
hearts, they can make Me present on the altar by the words of
consecration. Pray, My children, pray for them, so that they do not yield
to the temptations of Evil; do not follow the trends of the world, so that
they correspond to their vocation and are holy, in order to call all men to
holiness by their example and their words. And you, My child,
collaborate with the Church by means of the apostolate. You also are the
living Church, and as such, you must know your duties. See to it that my
Divine Mercy also circulates in you. "l am the Vine, you are the
branches." A dry branch is cut and thrown into the fire. If you wish to live
My life, you must be united to Me. Cultivate and increase this Life in you
by means of the Sacraments and prayer. Diffuse it through the apostolate
of example and good works more than just by word. Voluntarily sacrifice
yourself for the love of your God who has extended His arms on a Cross
in order to prove better all His Love for you. You also extend your arms
and I will take you in Mine so as to make only one immolation with you,
in favour of mankind.

Thursday, July 4,I968

My beloved child, in honour of My servant Francis, I will speak to you of

the virtue of poverty, one of the three virtues which religious practise
now, but which makes so pleasing to My Heart those who live it, whether
they be constrained to do so or whether they choose it through love. l
might express to you a beautiful exclamation: "Blessed are the poor!" in
contrast to that of; "Woe to the rich!" and reaffirm to you that it is as
difficult for the rich to get into the Kingdom of Heaven as it is easy for
the poor. Indeed, it was said to you: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." I wish, however, to give you a little
explanation, one which will clarify your thoughts concerning poverty. It
is the complete detachment of heart from all that is material, to the point
of hardly using it for oneself (even in the case of necessity) and to use it
on behalf of one's neighbour, as if it were common property. You see how
difficult is the practice of this virtue, for I assure you that there are people
who possess nothing and are so avid for riches that they desire them as
the most important thing in their life, as if life had no more value that all
that is material. Wealth can bc a gift of God if it is considered as a means
of existence for oneself and for others, but it can become an idol when
you attach your heart to it and make of it a private property in the real
sense of the word. Unfortunately, the god money reigns in the world,
chaining the hearts of the people, making them slaves, obscuring
consciences to the point of driving them to accomplish horrible crimes
just to possess it. If money was God, this earth would bc a very holy
place. How l rejoice to see those people who are like the ocean: they
receive water from all sides so as to distribute it to everyone and make
everyone enjoy its benefits! Alas! the love of riches has captured not only
the lay people, who seek to amass it as if this terrestrial life were eternal,
but even the religious who, very often, under the pretext of increasing
their works, make of the religious life a continual seeking after material
goods; they do this so assiduously as to forget that their vocation is to put
themselves in the Service of God, to obey the evangelical counsels of
Him who commanded: "Go without purse and without wallet." Even if
this phrase may be interpreted in a figurative sense, it is certainly an
invitation to love and to practise poverty. By this I do not at all wish to
condemn work for material goods or saving for your future (though it
would be more praiseworthy to entrust oneself to Providence and to put
oneself in its service) but what needs to be condemned is the fury with
which people pursue material goods which, at times, even though
appearing desirable for the good of others, conceals the snares of the Evil
One, indulging self-love and resulting in excessive worries and excessive
work, and makes one forget what I repeated over the course of My earthly
life: "Only one thing is necessary: save your soul, all the rest is nothing."
My children, love the poor of the whole world; and to love them means to
help them. Love them by praying for them so that, finding themselves in
need, they do not come to lose their faith and may appreciate God's
predilection for them. And assist them in order that they may not despair,
nor feel abandoned. Help them, do not be egoists. The joy of the one who
gives is far superior to that of the one who receives, and is worth the et
fort of trying it out each day. If you become generous, you will always
find something to give and people to whom you can do good. Give of
what is yours in order to make others happy. Give with love, with respect,
as one who voluntarily shares with his brother or sister what God has
given him. Give so that the people to whom you do good may see,
through you, the Father who loves them and may bless Him. Give
through love, so that the Lord may not detach you by force from your
goods so as not to be obliged to condemn you. Give while you are still
living, so that you may not arrive before your Supreme Judge with hands
empty of Spiritual goods which you can procure for yourself by
exercising charity. Remember that almsgiving covers a multitude of sins
and serves to make you many friends who will pray for you. Love the
poor who are My beloved, and comfort them. Make yourself useful by
relieving their misery, especially by procuring some work for them. These
are real aids which are not reduced to an offering but which secure for
them their bread. Do not fail to give them your smile, your good word
and your kindness when you receive them, for the one who receives them
receives Me who was born in a stable and lived in poverty, so that I was
able to say: "Foxes have their lairs, but the Son of Man has nowhere to
lay his head." Help the poor so that it may not happen to you what
happened in the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man.

Friday, July 5,I968

My child, the lesson you are going to begin will be a precious instruction
for all those who wish to attain the goal. l said to you: "It is not he who
puts his hand to the plough and then looks back who will be rewarded,
but he who reaches eventually the end of his work." Perseverance in good
is a gift that you must constantly ask of Me, for I assure you that without
Me you can do nothing. To do good, to pray, to act in conformity with the
law, are difficult things to do all of the time, and My Grace is needed to
consistently accomplish them. It is the same for prayer, because prayer is
a divine action, it is a conversation with Heaven and I am confirming to
you that you could not even say "Jesus" without My help. It is the same
for doing good, the good actions with which you should fill your life. You
cannot perform them without My assistance, and you must, when
accomplishing them, be united to Me so that it is I who accomplish them
in you. But, above all, it is to observe My law that you need My
assistance; although My yoke is sweet and My burden light, to follow Me
is always to carry the Cross. My way is one of humiliation, of
annihilation, of contradiction, even though it is the discovery of truth, of
light and of the conquest of joy and holiness. To persevere in this way
and to tread in My footsteps is difficult, and I would say nearly
impossible if to assist your goodwill there were not My Grace.
Perseverance in good requires a certain heroism, because life does not
proceed smoothly. It is a trial, therefore it must not be lacking in
obstacles. You have seen, many times, Sport and gymnastic competitions.
If there were no obstacles, what merit would the winner have? The
greater the difficulties and the bigger the reward, the greater the victory.
lf, in the meantime, you think that the crosses and trials will go on all
your lifetime, you will be tempted to retreat, to stop and even to despair.
That is why you should not think too much ahead. Take life serenely, day
by day. Live from day to day. How do you know it is not your last?
Resolve each day to want to be good and to persevere in doing good until
the evening, and do this every day. I am pleased with those who live from
day to day. Cast your glance constantly at your Crucified Master and He
will spur you on. Address yourself to My Mother who is the Mother of
Holy Perseverance; to Her who encountered and overcame all kinds of
trials. That is why She can be for you an example and a guide in
everything. Pray to Her to help you day after day to progress in virtue, to
remain faithful to your resolutions, to persevere to the end, so that you
may be able to say with Paul: "l have fought the good fight, I have
overcome the test, I have won my reward." In this way spoke the martyrs
of all times, mothers full of faith and love, confessors of faith - all these
reached Heaven bearing that sign of martyrdom and winning the final
victory. l assure you that you will not be deceived, for the reward will be
beyond all that you expected and imagined.

Rule for life

Saturday. July 6 I968

My loving child , I want to help you to make your life more orderly , so
that you can better employ in favour of your neighbour and for the glory
of God. Make yourself a timesheet and rules, and endeavour to remain
faithful to them. But do not create the impossible for yourself, for it
cannot always depend on you to follow the order of things. In this rule,
distinguish between your duties towards God, your neighbour and
yourself. Remember that you are in the service of God and for this reason
it is from Him that all initiative must come, and it is He who must be the
End of every action. He must be the Alpha and the Omega of your life.
Remember that you cannot serve two masters: either you serve God or
you serve the devil, there is no middle course. Remember that you cannot
keep your foot in two camps and that is why your choice must be well
defined. If you put yourself in the service of God, strive to know and
carry out His Will as best as you can, with the same solicitude that you
would use to apply yourself to the most important undertaking of your
life. Many times you ask yourselves what can be the Will of God, seeing
that He does not speak to you out loud. But I have already told you many
times: God does not need a voice to make Himself understood. His voice
is that of your conscience, and if you listen to it, you will not make a
mistake. The Will of God are the duties of your position in life which
keep you occupied from morning to night, as well as the Commandments
of God and those of the Church. At times I express My Will be speaking
directly or indirectly to some persons, but these are exceptional cases.
More often, I express My desires by good inspirations. With a little bit of
attention, a little bit of recollection and a little bit of goodwill, you could
make of your life a harmonious whole with the Will of God, in a way as
to realize what He desires of you, namely, your sanctification and eternal
glory. Once you have sought Me and have found Me, there is nothing
more easy than to find Me again in your neighbour, for in each of your
brothers and sisters, it is I who am present. If you see Me in them, it will
be easier for you to love Me and to love everyone without distinction. If
then you have to draw up a general rule that will indicate your
comportment towards your neighbour, you can make a note of only one
sentence: "l will love everybody because each one is Jesus." However,
understand well what it means to love, for it is a word very much abused
and misunderstood. Love is synonymous with sacrifice, with giving, with
immolation. Love makes allowances and is inclined to forgive and forget
for the one loved. That is the way you have to love, to the point of
forgetting yourself. As for the duties towards yourself, devote as little
time as possible to your body, for it is like a little donkey which kicks, if
it is fed too well. Still, do not forget that you must treat it with respect,
because it too will be glorified in Paradise whilst now it is the temple of
God. As far as your soul is concerned, remember that he who works only
for his own soul might lose it, and he who works only for other souls will
certainly save his.

Tuesday, July 9.I968

My loving child, permit Me to linger on a lesson which will help you to

overcome difficulties, to vanquish temptations and to walk with greater
assurance on the path of perfection and doing good. You must feel Me
near you, ready to help you in all your needs, nearer than any other
creature, more concerned than would be the most solicitous of fathers.
That is why you must open your heart to confidence and the hope. Trust
the Providence of God which directs all things to their goal with infinite
goodness, wisdom and justice. Let yourself be led. You are in the arms of
God like a little child in the arms of its mother. The little child fears
nothing, it feels secure, it does not cry, it feels protected and defended.
Entrust yourself to Providence, even when it seems to you that things are
going wrongly or not as you would like them to, because the Lord knows
how to draw good from evil. Do not get angry, do not become agitated
because of the nastiness of some people, for very often, it is simply
weakness which you magnify and which, in reality, does not offend Me,
because the intention is not malicious. If everything always went well,
according to your wishes, how could l reward you with Heaven? What
merit would you have?


Wednesday. July I0.I968

My beloved child, know how to rise from earth to Heaven, from creatures
to the Creator. Know how to read the wonderful book of Creation the
infinite Goodness, Wisdom and Beauty of God. All that you see was
created for the Glory of God and the happiness of mankind. The sun that
rises each day on the good and on the wicked, and illuminates and warms
the earth, making it fruitful, does it not speak to you of the infinite
Goodness of God? And the marvellous order that reigns in nature, does it
not tell you how perfect must be He who established the laws that govern
it? The beauty and variety of flowers and plants, don't they speak to you
of the incredible Beauty of God, of His Wisdom? Know how to read,
nature, and from it all, know how to rise right up to God in order to thank
Him, to love Him, to express to Him your gratitude, your joy. Know how
to use well the gifts you receive and to value them, for they are like
double-edged knives which can help or injure you. The sun can be a
remedy, but it can also cause sunstroke. Man is the king of creation and
everything must serve him. He must not make himself a slave of material
things, or indulge himself too much in the gifts of God, or nature. The
harmonious song of the birds must lead you to praise God. And does not
the perfume of flowers lead you to reflect upon the perfume of goodness
and virtues, so pleasing to God and to men? The works of God are
marvellous and harmoniously sing His infinite Goodness, His Wisdom,
His Providence. Nature's book would be marvellous to read. And yet,
how many illiterates there are in this domain! Think for a moment what a
perfect machine the human is! Sustained, guided, ordered by the brain
and by the heart. Note the perfection of his movements, the variety of
faces. There is not one person on the face of the earth who perfectly
resembles another. The diversity of thoughts, of characters, of works, of
capacities, of inclinations: all should contribute to give to man - even if it
takes some effort -the joy to be alive, provided that what he possesses he
uses for the Glory of God, for his own good and for that of his neighbour.
But you see how different things are in the world. People live worldly
lives, they do not look much further than themselves. They seek things
for themselves, and many just look up to the Heavens to see if they can
predict the weather. Know how to read, My children, know how to raise
yourselves up, know how to use things for the good of all, but do not
make yourselves slaves of anything.


Thursday, July II. I968

My beloved child, listen to Me. Never desire more than what is given to
you. Be content with what you possess and do not be greedy for more
Spiritual or material goods, since this can be to the detriment of your
happiness and of your peace. The greater and more numerous your
desires, the less happy you will be. It was said to you that God loves the
human of great desires and this is true, but in the sense of ideals for doing
good, for he who desires to do good already will be rewarded, just as he
who desires to do evil will be punished as if he had actually been evil.
Great ideals are, therefore, not to be condemned, nor to be avoided, but
the desire to accumulate and to possess the extraordinary, or always
looking for new signs and situations; not that these are bad in themselves
- they may even be good - but on account of the uneasiness they may
bring into your life. l do not mean to teil you that you must bury the
talents you have and live awaiting the return of the Master. I desire that
you live using your talents in improving your material position in life by
your labour, your common sense, thrift, foresightedness, all good things;
and spiritually by the exercise of your virtuous, in spite of your falls, with
courage and with confidence. In all things conduct yourself as follows:
look to Heaven, expect God's help and grace, but also act conscientiously
and well, and willingly, as if everything depended upon you, always
serenely, carefully and with joy, without worry, even when things are not
going well. Indeed, how can you judge what is for your real good when
only God knows? Enjoy the little you have and be faithful to this, and
much may be given to you. Do not be frightened by difficulties. Trials
will not be lacking. How can you know if this metal you see shining is
gold, if you do not test it by fire? And in the same way, how can you say
you love the Lord if you do not prove it to Him by your confident hope in
Him, even in the midst of contradictions and tribulations? Therefore,
remain tranquil and live serenely, because your God watches over you.
He loves you and knows how to measure your shoulders for crosses and
consolations. Imitate My Holy Mother who was always serene. Do you
remember your bible? Before the Angel who announced to Her My
coming and Her Divine Maternity, She merely replied: "Behold the
Handmaid of the Lord"; Servant and Slave, humble and obedient, She
was at each instant of Her life, hiding Herself when I was carried in
triumph, but accompanying Me when I was in sorrow. Imitate Her,
because your serenity will give Me joy and glory in the midst of a world
insatiable for all kinds of material goods for very short earthly


Friday, July I2, I968

My beloved child, know how to listen, to receive and to put into practice
the suggestions that come to you from many sides, for very often, it is l
who speak to you through the intermediary of these well-intentioned
people. To accede to the wishes of others is a sign of humility, of
goodness, of kindness and charity. If you accept the advice of others, they
in turn will accept yours and then will be established this harmony which
is peace and harmony, that is to say, union of hearts. Love and harmony
please God so much. Always be heart-to-heart with Him and heart-to-
heart with your neighbour, ready to listen to them, to forgive them, to do
them good. Be indulgent with everyone. Indulgence in this case is mercy,
it is to have a generous heart, it is magnanimity. Never rake up the past,
but only remember beautiful things and God's mercy on your behalf.
What use is it to recall the wrong that others have done? The wrong you
have done you remember with difficulty because, having confessed it,
you have forgotten it; but others also have confessed it, and if God has
forgotten your wrongdoing and theirs, why shouldn't you forget it too?
Keep your mind occupied with useful things. Think of eternal things
which await you, think of increasing your virtues. Think how you can,
each day, help those around you, do them good, make them happy. Use
your time well; it passes quickly and never returns.


Friday, July I2, I968

My beloved child, I will speak to you of the solicitude that you must have
to conserve grace in your soul and to increase it continually, by avoiding
sin and any imperfection which diminishes it in you, for it is through its
intermediary that you please God. The more the grace of God abounds in
you, the more you attract the Heart of God who loves you with an infinite
love, to the extent of forcing Him to grant your desires as if they were
commands. Fear sin, My child, under whatever form it presents itself to
you, and fight it, by overcoming yourself, your inclinations and the Evil
One, who continually makes attempts on your Spiritual life, it being his
task and desire to make you fall. Recommend yourself constantly to the
Mother of Divine Grace so that She may assist you in this work of
purification, preservation and improvement, and never doubt its success.
Do not propose too many things, but be faithful to what you decide. Be
simple and exemplary in your life, so that all may imitate you. Give
witness to Me wherever you are, in such a way that in imitating you, it is
Me whom they Imitate also, Me whose copy you must be.


Saturday. July I3, I968

If you wish to please God, get rid of every idol in your heart. Make Me
reign in your mind, turn your thoughts to Me. Make Me reign in your
heart by directing your affections to Me. Make Me reign in your life by
offering Me your works. Never divert your mind from the ultimate goal
towards which you must strive: to save your soul and to sanctify yourself.
Always remember that you will not be able to save yourself by yourself,
but only with the help of God. Remember that you must not only save
yourself, but give a hand to save everyone in the whole world, to all of
humanity. Remember that all that diverts you from that goal is evil. l want
to speak to you of idols which you think have vanished by now and with
which, on the contrary, the earth is filled; not only in other countries
where there is still paganism and idolatry, but even very dose to you and
within you. Many make an idol of their own bodies, which they prefer to
God. They surround it with care, with ornament, attention and subtle
delicacies, making it, a veritable object of adoration. If they did this to
honour it as the temple of the Holy Spirit, it would be understandable, but
it is done only so that it may become an object of attraction. They give a
greater value to the body than the soul. The body is not an end in itself,
but only a means of saving the soul. Such idols are also the many
profound friendships which do not uplift because it is not God who unites
their hearts. Idols again, those attachments to things, even futile, to which
you accord a greater value. l entreat you, detach your heart from what
distracts you from Me, for l alone want your true good. I love you
infinitely and I desire your salvation. Destroy, even at the cost of making
your heart bleed, everything that keeps you bound to the earth. Look
above. I will give you wings so as to be able to fly, free of all hindrances.
Use everything as a gift and as a means. Love everyone with a sincere
love, love everyone in Me and with Me, until the day when unity will be
complete and eternal, in the Beatific Vision of God.


Monday, July I5, I968

My child, if you knew the value of suffering, you would ask Me for it as
you ask Me for daily bread. The Saints used to tell Me that they preferred
it to the most intense joy because through offering it up they know how
much they were helping sinners. Imitate them, My child; accept suffering
as a gift no matter from which direction it comes, and offer it to Me with
My sufferings as a true gift which you can make to God, for sinners. To
suffer is to love.

Tuesday, July I6, I968

My beloved child, take life as it is, with its deceptions, its contradictions,
its pains. You cannot alter the course of the stars, and you cannot change
events that accompany an existence. Everything contributes to good, even
that which to you is unexplainable. Keep calm, be serene and in peace.
Don't you see how men change and how the heart changes? You yourself,
aren't you aware of the instability of your sentiments? Worries,
obligations of work, occurrence of new events, how many things change?
That's how it is for all humanity. Do you wish to find a faithful heart?
Seek the Heart of God. Only He is unchanging. That is why you must
resign yourself to seeing yourself forgotten, dismissed, betrayed,
repudiated. Not that they do well, those who accomplish these actions of
forgetting, betraying, abandoning, etc. ... ; but so that you may, just the
same, keep your peace, be resigned to these things, attributing them not to
wickedness or to incomprehension but to the weakness of human nature
which does not know how to remain content. Always pray for everyone
and, above all, forgive; do not wish evil to anyone. Know how to wait. If
you knew how to overcome yourself and to elevate yourself by detaching
your heart more and more from creatures, a great peace will come to you,
and you will no longer feel the need of anything. When you are in
Heaven, those affections you cultivated and desired, perhaps in vain, will
be returned, purified and sanctified. Then your heart, satiated with the
love of God, will enjoy in Him also those affections which God had taken
away from you because they were not necessary or perhaps were
dangerous for you. Thank God, My child, who, in His Divine Wisdom,
disposes all things for your greater good. Recommend yourself
ceaselessly to the Mother of Divine Love, so that She may purify your
affections and leave you solely those which elevate you and lead you to
do good. Continually recommend to Me your heart, My child, offer it to
Me as a gift, so that it may belong to Me forever.


My beloved child, become always more humble so as to be pleasing to

My heart. Ask Me each day for the virtue of humility, because I grant it to
those who ask Me for it with insistence. Imitate Me, My child: I have
given you an example of it by a life made up wholly of humility and
humiliations. Very often, you believe you possess the virtue of humility
because you know how to show yourselves humble in determined
circumstances, but humility is quite different. Low esteem of self and
esteem of neighbour is sometimes only apparent. It is very easy to say to
the Lord that one is nothing and capable of nothing, that one is only
misery and sin, as long as no one else confirms these truths to you. But if
a superior or an equal or, what's worse, an inferior, dares to say what you
yourselves say of yourselves, how it changes things! What sulking, what
sensitivity, what discord is caused by this bit of humility! My dear
children, the door of Paradise is very narrow and only little ones can
enter. Remember the Pharisee and the Publican in the Gospel? Better a
humble and repentant sinner than a proud just person, for justice and
saintliness are inconsistent with pride or, to say it better, there are no
proud saints. Humility is the base of sanctity, it is its triumph. If you wish
you make yourself holy, make yourself little. Imitate My Holy Mother
who wished to be always and only the Servant of the Lord. She was
known as the Spouse of the carpenter, and the Mother of an evildoer who,
after having stirred up the people, died between two thieves on a Cross.
And yet, She had plenty to glorify Herself, She who was the Mother of
God. Humility is the virtue which will make you pleasing to God and to
men, and which will allow you to do them good in the line of your
mission and in view of eternal life.


Friday. July I9, I968

My child, bear witness to Me on earth if you want that I present you one
day to the Father as My faithful copy. Bear witness to Me by living
integrally My Gospel in your life. Reproduce Me in My life of union with
the Father and in the exercise of Charity, fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Accomplish the Works of Mercy which I so much recommend to you and
taught you. Remember that the disciples who travelled with Me on the
Road leading to Emmaus recognised Me at the breaking of the bread.
Likewise your neighbour will recognise you for My disciple if your
works are comparable to Mine. "It is not he who says 'Lord, Lord', but he
who accomplishes the works of the Father by doing His Will that will
enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Saturday, July 20,1968

My child, I am in you and with you. I am going to reveal to you the

secrets of My Heart. I am going to make known to you My infinite
Goodness, My infinite Wisdom, My Mercy and My infinite Love. Place
your head upon My Heart, like John, and listen to its beatings. I will
make you understand My desires, and will give you the strength to realise
them. My thoughts are thoughts of peace and of charity, they embrace the
whole world. You live in My thoughts from all eternity. Since always I
love you, and I could not but love you, for the soul which I have given
you is My divine breath. You are made in My Image and Likeness. You
are Mine by right: I have created and redeemed you. You shall be Mine
forever. l want you to be happy. Abandon yourself in My arms. Entrust
your- self to Me. Repose upon My Heart. Love Me, I do not ask anything
else from you. Your love is the best reward you can give Mine.
Endeavour to Imitate Me, but do not presume upon yourself, because
your weakness is great and only with My help will you be able to succeed
in doing something. Still, do not lose courage, be confident. If you fall, it
is I who picks you up; your look of imploring mercy is enough for Me, an
act of contrition, a confession well made, and you become again more
radiant than before, and I love you as before. 0 My child, if everyone
knew Me, how they would love Me! Help Me, My child! By sanctifying
yourself, you help everyone. Holiness edifies, enthuses, conquers! Be
holy. You have only to follow Me, and we shall transform the world.

Sunday, July 21, 1968

My child, every struggle to overcome yourself makes you stronger. Life

is a battle from which no one can exempt himself. Only the strong ones
win. l told you that I had come to bring war. But you must understand
Me: not a war fought with arms. It is the Evil One, it is human
wickedness and egoism that want human conflict and I permit it very
often as a chastisement. The war that I came to bring into the world is the
one against wrongful passions, against evil, against the Devil and his
world. Firstly, then, you must know how to overcome yourself, because
by this struggle, you strengthen your will, in a way as to be able to
triumph over other enemies. The first battle is interior, the others exterior.
The Evil One, however, works on your thoughts, your sentiments, your
affections. He attacks your weak points. He knows you to perfection.
Remain very attentive so as not to become victim of any trap. Be vigilant
in order to discern if what is taking place within you is the Will of God or
the work of the Enemy. Always be ready to fight, even if it is hard. l am at
your side and I fight with you. Invoke the Queen of Victories, and do not
be afraid.


Monday. July 22,1968

My beloved child, there are two things you must never forget: your sins
and My Infinite Divine Mercy. The thought of your weakness, of your
misery and of your falls, must keep you in humility and in fear of
yourself, whilst the thought of My Mercy must gives you wings to rise
and to invoke Me. The low esteem of yourself which comes from the
experience of numerous falls must not dishearten you. The more you feel
little and weak, the more do I stoop down to you. My Love is infinitely
compassionate and just as you would not remain indifferent before a child
entreating your assistance, so would l, with a tenderness infinitely
superior to yours, bend down towards the one who, having sinned,
humbles himself, makes himself little, makes himself a child and
implores pity, mercy and help. Remember this: as great as are the
wickedness and malice of men, they will never be as great as My
Goodness and My Mercy. They are like a sea whose shore you cannot
see, so great is its immensity. Always remember your sins so as to humble
yourself, remember My Mercy in order to elevate yourself. Sorrow for
your sins keeps you in a state of preparation for death, which could come
upon you from one moment to the next. Death will come as a thief. It
does not announce itself. Contrition purifies you and confidence in My
pardon must fill you With joy and spur you to scale the heights, to grow
in gratitude and in Love. The thought of your falls must make you
attentive and vigilant so as not to relapse, and understanding of others
who fall, not in order to let the evil go by unnoticed, without condemning
it, but in order to go towards him who is at fault and help him to pick
himself up. Be not, My children, one of those who constantly lament the
evil in the world and by speaking of it, only spread it. Leave it to the Lord
to see the evil. You speak of goodness, of love, of beautiful things, of
everything that edifies and constructs. Sin destroys, Love builds. Spread
Love: it is useful to the individual and to society, to earthly life and to
eternal life.

Tuesday, July 23.1968

My beloved child, love silence and recollection because you will never be
able to hear Me in the midst of continuous noise. Still, know how to
distinguish. It is not exterior noises which muffle My Voice, but those
which are within you. Try to maintain an interior silence, even in the
midst of your occupation which you can continually transform into
prayer. Ask Me to inspire your conversations and your talks, so that
words may always be able to do good and bring souls closer to Me. At
certain moments of the day arouse and renew your union with Me.
Devote to Me a part of your time which I give to you. Give Me the means
to make you hear My Voice, put yourself in My Presence, listen to Me, let
your heart speak. The meeting of two loving hearts is so beautiful! Look,
like this: I await you a few minutes before vocal prayer ,so that you may
collect your thoughts, in order that I may unite Myself to you so that you
may see where you are spiritually. If you feel miserable, if there has been
a fall, you will ask My pardon, and then ... forward, with courage. The
navigator controls the compass, the traveller consults the geographical
map. No one begins a trip without consulting the guide, without deciding
what there is to do. In the Spiritual life, you cannot advance by chance. l
am your guide. Consult Me, question Me. In silence and recollection,
make your decisions. Call Me and I will come. I shall speak to you, I
shall be your Light and your Guide. Invoke My Mother who is called Star
of the Sea. "The life of man is like that of the sea, sometimes tranquil,
sometimes stormy. If you have Mary with you, you will fear for nothing.
Is a little child afraid in the arms of its mother? Act, then, as I tell you and
you will be content.


Thursday, July 25,1968

My beloved child, the most solemn act that you can accomplish during
the day is the one of receiving Me in Holy Communion. It is I your God,
your Creator, your King, your Master, your Spouse, your Friend, who
comes to take His dwelling and possession of your soul and of your heart.
l would like that, for this very important act which could be decisive in
your life, you prepare yourself in the proper way. lt is true, an entire
existence would not suffice to prepare oneself to receive Me worthily.
And it is also true that having put this Divine Sacrament under the species
of bread and having invited everyone to partake of it very often, I gave
the means of having towards this nourishment of supernatural substance,
a familiarity and a very strong attraction. This does not prevent Me from
suffering, in seeing not only die wicked who scorn such a gift and trample
upon it, but also My friends who approach Me without recollection,
without love, and without reflection, as if they were doing the most
simple and the most insignificant thing in the world. Remember, My
children, that whosoever receives unworthily My Body and My Blood,
receives his own condemnation, and whosoever does not receive this
Holy Sacrament with proper dispositions, will not be able to obtain the
Spiritual benefits for which I instituted the Holy Eucharist. And now I
will explain: It is not so much the preparation of words that I desire, but
the interior concentration which makes you aware of a solemn act which
you are about to accomplish, one which makes you acknowledge the
grandeur of this gift and your unworthiness, and which leads you to
reciprocate with love the greatest gift of love the Son of God has made to
you by giving Himself wholly to you. A good preparation is the guarantee
of abundant fruit. You certainly will not be able to improvise in the few
minutes that precede this solemn act of Communion, but by desire, you
will be able to long for My coming to you from the moment of your first
awakening in the morning. If you knew how much I desire to meet with
you, to come into your heart, to dwell within you! By desire, you can
already receive Me spiritually and prepare your soul for the Sacramental
meeting. Pray to My sweetest Mother to help you to prepare well for the
reception of Her bread, which is Her flesh which She gave to Me and
which l give to you as a pledge of holiness and eternal life.


Friday, July 26,

My beloved child, listen to Me, I entreat you. Very rare are those who
listen to Me. Each one wants to think and act as he believes and as he
wants, and because of this the world is going to ruin. My laws are there,
but who observes them? My counsels are there, but who accepts them? In
the name of liberty, they dispense themselves from observing the law
whilst true liberty consists precisely in observing it. The law is the
safeguard of order, and he who observes it is free. Woe to you were there
not laws which regulate the universe, for there would be chaos! Woe to
the man were he not guided by precise natural laws. But what is good for
the world and for the individual on the material plane is good also on the
Spiritual one. There are set laws that govern the Spiritual life, which
conduct and guide the soul from the moment it comes to animate the
body right up to the moment when, temporarily, it will abandon it to take
possession of it again for eternal life. The physical and natural laws
which regulate the universe maintain order. Those which rule human
nature are destined to give, to conserve, and to sustain human life. The
laws that rule the life of the spirit guide men to perfection, to holiness, to
eternal life. If everyone observed the law, humanity would enjoy much
peace, happiness and joy. Examine yourself frequently in this sense. Ask
yourself if you are keeping the laws that your nature, God and the Church
propose to you. Rectify what is good to rectify. Remember that it is good
to respect the needs of the body and those of the soul, always in
conformity with the law of God. Disobedience to the law produces sin
which makes humanity its slave. Obedience to the law leads to perfection
and makes the soul free and very dear to God. Remember that my parents
have been models of obedience to the law. Was I not born in the grotto of
Bethlehem through an act of their splendid obedience? And haven't I been
obedient to the laws of My childhood, even whilst being dispensed of
these laws inasmuch as I was God? Do the same, you also. Let the law be
the precise rule of your life, knowing how to give to Caesar what is
Caesar's, and to God what is God's,

Sunday, July 28,1968

My beloved child, I wish to speak to you of the necessity of joy in life in

order to make your fatigue lighter, sacrifice more dear, suffering more
precious, charity more pleasing, humility more real, prayer more sweet,
simplicity more perfect, religion more loved, truth more desired. I should
explain to you each point of these affirmations and you would see the
truth of My words. For the moment, I shall limit Myself to telling you to
love joy to the extent of asking Me for it each day as a gift. True joy is the
consequence of Grace dwelling in the soul. Just as you ask Me to
withdraw sin from you and the sadness which ensues from it, so you must
ask Me for Grace and its most beautiful fruit: joy. It is joy which makes
you pleasing to God in the practice of virtue and in the gift which you
give to Him of the best of yourself. "God loves a cheerful giver." It is joy
that makes you agreeable to men, particularly to your closest relations, to
whom you demonstrate that he who lives dose to the Lord is happy, even
in this life, though being in the midst of the greatest tribulations. Your
serenity will be very pleasing, admired and imitated. People will seek out
the source of your joy and they will understand that, far from God, there
can be neither peace nor serenity. To make religion loved is the duty of
every Christian. But how will one be able to love it if those who practise
it and call themselves true Christians do not tolerate the smallest crosses
without making them an endless complaint? If they give themselves the
air of a victim and think that those who live beside them are all
executioners, they will find it difficult to make themselves loved by their
neighbours. Be serene, be full of joy, and spread every where serenity and
peace. A serene face denotes a spirit full of goodness, and because of this
is more approachable. Sullenness, sadness, complaints, criticisms, the fact
of seeing an offence in everything, always and everywhere, is of no use to
anyone and creates a heavy and insupportable atmosphere. Purify the air,
My children, open up your Spiritual Windows. Look above, rejoice, for
Heaven awaits you, the things of earth pass. Rejoice, for l, the Son of
God, am always beside you to share you pain, to help you carry your
crosses and to give you much joy, that which the Angels announced to the
shepherds and to men of goodwill, that which l gave to My Apostles after
My Resurrection, the joy that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit who dwells in
souls. Rejoice, therefore, I repeat it to you again, rejoice and may your
joy be full because the Lord, Emmanuel, dwells with you and among you.

Thursday, August l, 1968

I could show you in part what is the Heavenly vision, but not completely,
for your body would not bear the grandeur of what your Father has
prepared. And even though the happiness of Heaven were shown to you,
it would be incomplete, God being the Supreme Joy whose vision your
eyes would not endure. Peter, James and John who witnessed My
transfiguration on Mount Tabor had a pale idea of Heaven, enough not to
want to interrupt this celestial vision and this divine colloquy. Paul
savoured in part the joy that is enjoyed up there, joy which he did not
know how to describe. l assure you, therefore, that no one, while alive on
this earth, will be able to see in their full reality, the marvellous things
prepared by the Father for His elect. Know that in God, you will possess
all good and intense happiness, God Himself being the Supreme Good
and Supreme Happiness. Think often, then, about your destination and do
not forget that from it commences eternity. Immeasurable glory and joy
deserve a maximum effort on your part. What does it matter that for a few
years, those you spend here on earth, if you have to suffer? What does it
matter if the people of this world do not understand you, when you
yourself know that each tear will be counted, each pain rewarded with
interest by God. When the world, your little world, does not understand
you, think that a God loves you, understands you, respects your liberty,
enlightens your spirit, instructs you and wants you to be happy with Him


Friday. August 2,1968

My child, predispose your soul to receive My graces, for on the manner

in which you receive them and correspond with them depends your
sanctification. Your correspondence compels Me to increase the dose. If
you thirst for Me, come and drink. I shall be happy to quench your thirst.
To him who desires Me, I give Myself with the effusiveness of a father, a
spouse, a brother, a friend, who gives everything and asks for nothing but
love. l Myself thirst for love. Near the well of Jacob I asked the
Samaritan for a drink, and in her, all the Samaritans of the world. From
the sinner that she was, I made her an apostle. We exchanged water which
quenched our thirst: she gave Me her soul, her sins, and her love; I gave
her My grace and the desire for the apostolate. From the height of the
Cross, I was thirsty, and this thirst endures through the centuries. I
address Myself to all men and of all of them I ask to quench My thirst. It
is a thirst which will be extinguished only at the end of time when
Redemption will be completed and the Celestial Jerusalem will be filled.
But as long as there is a human on the earth, l, his God, will thirst for his
soul, for his love and for his salvation. And you, do you thirst for Me? l
said unto you: "Blessed are they who thirst for justice." I am the Just One
and the Author of Justice. l said unto you: "Blessed are the pure. " I am
Purity personified. l said unto you: "Blessed are the peacemakers." I am
He who gives peace. l said unto you: "Blessed are they who mourn,"
because in My Heart, all will find comfort and help. Come, come all to
Me. I will extinguish your thirst for worldly things, l will help you to
elevate yourselves as far as Heaven. I will tell you how sweet it is to
serve the Lord. Come, give Me your love! ... I am a beggar of love! He
who loves Me lives in Me, and for Me, he no longer feels the weight of
the Cross. He who loves Me obeys My law which is no longer a yoke. He
who loves Me follows Me even to Calvary, dies with Me in order to rise
again with Me. Love Me, My dear children, I do not ask you for anything

Saturday, August 3,1968

My beloved child, come always closer to Me, with confidence and love,
but also with fear and trembling, for I am your God. lf you knew the
grandeur, the might, the wisdom of God, you would remain filled with a
marvellous amazement. You will not be able to under-stand this so long
as you are trapped in the body. Only with Spiritual eyes, the eyes of your
soul, will it be given to you to understand many things which now are
completely unknown to you, or barely outlined. While awaiting that day
when, if you deserve Heaven, you will see God, take pains, with My help,
to know Him in all His grandeur and His goodness in order to love Him
always more and more. Desire and love everything that speaks to you of
God, but above all, entrust yourself to My Mother, Seat of Wisdom, so
that She may instruct you and reveal to you My secrets. With Her help,
you will be able to increase your Spiritual stature until you attain My
stature of the Son of Man. l want to explain to you what I mean: you will
rejoin Me in the practice of virtues which I practised while on earth as
man, similar to you in everything except sin. At each moment of your
life, you can ask yourself and know with certitude if what you are doing
just then is good or bad, whether I Myself, in your place, would
accomplish the same action, in the same way. Often ask yourself,
therefore, during the day: "Would Jesus act thus, would He speak this
way, would He love like this, would He speak so?" If the reply were
always in the affirmative, how much joy you would give Me and with
what tranquillity you would be able to call yourself a true Christian, My
true disciple. Try, it is not difficult, and one day when presenting yourself
before My Father in Heaven, you will be able to say to Him in all
sincerity: "l am Your Son, another Jesus Christ," and He will welcome
you into eternal glory.


Sunday, August 4,1968
My child, I wish to speak to you about two very grave sins which people
commit in the world, which so much afflict My Heart: slander and
scandal. Both are like homicides. The first kills honour, the second
innocence, the soul of a person, in the sense that it leads one to sin and to
evil. Now, I really would like to have all My children understand the
seriousness of slander which is propagated so easily and which causes so
much harm to families, as well as to individuals and to society. lt is like a
poison which enters without anyone knowing it and poisons the mass. It
is like a venomous serum which the enemy injects into the life of a
person while asleep. It is a shot in the back, a betrayal. Sometimes, you
think you can trust a friendly person and they then take advantage of
confidence in your secrets, perhaps add to them their own versions, and
then spread untrue information. Not that they divulge them openly in
public, but from mouth to ear, betraying your trust and secret. Bad news
picked up and spread always changes form and substance; it becomes like
a drop of oil poured into water. I remind you, My children, that he who
diffuses evil becomes guilty of it. It is for this reason that I told you that,
among Christians, one ought not even to mention evil, because it is not
advantageous to anyone. He who slanders rejoices in the evil and spreads
it with a satanic joy under the appearance of suffering from it and
wanting to put an end to it. lt is a sin that is committed with much ease
and thoughtlessness and of which you accuse yourselves in confession
with little sincerity; that is why, most of the time, it is not forgiven. lt is a
sin which is hard to forgive, since he who steals obtains pardon only after
restoring the theft. He who steals the good reputation of a neighbour
cannot be pardoned if he does not retrace the path covered by the slander,
reinstating the honour taken away from that person; that priest, that
friend, or even that unknown person. You yourselves see how difficult it
is to carry out this reparation and, consequently, how difficult it is to
obtain pardon. I do not wish to frighten you with the thought of eternal
chastisements, but I assure you that a terrible punishment will strike the
tongue of slanderers, even in Purgatory; a punishment such that, were My
children to see it, even from a distance in this life, some would be so
terror-stricken that they would renounce the gift of Speech, rather than
use their tongue to slander. My children, I would like that a holy fear of
this sin make you more vigilant so as not to have to repent bitterly when
it is too late. He who has knowledge of a wrongdoing or of an evil may
warn the interested person, but he must be certain that it is truly a
wrongdoing because, at times, even what has the appearance of evil may
not be so in reality, because the intention of the person who did it was not
bad. It is difficult for you to read the soul, it is impossible to judge
intentions. As for the one who, knowing the evil committed by others,
spreads it, he also commits sin, more or less as serious as the gravity of
the news he is spreading. The sin is just as serious even if what he is
saying is true. Love sincerity and prudence and it will not be easy for you
to slander. How many marvellous works collapse because of evil tongues!
How many families ruined! How many ardent and well-meaning souls
lose courage! Calumny is all the more wicked when it comes from the
heart and lips of My favourite children. Those who receive Me often, who
frequent the Church, they pass with great ease from gossip to calumny.
Sometimes this proceeds from envy, from pride. At times it is the little
rivalries, even in doing good, which make you satanic. It is envy of the
grace received by others which makes you capable of revealing even
what is not there, and to spread evil which does not exist. My children,
cry over such a great sin which sows death in the honour of the persons
who are around you, unknown to them, and make a solemn promise never
again to stain yourselves with this sin so difficult to repair. All of you
form with Me a single body, My Mystical Body. He who slanders tears to
pieces My Body, snatches My members, makes Me suffer, and it is an
evil which has repercussions in the whole Church. My children, fear and

Monday, August 5,1968

l shall speak to you of scandal which I said was also a veritable

homicide, even if invisible to the eyes of the body. , l said to you in the
Gospel: "Woe to those through whom scandal comes! It would be better
for them if they were to put a millstone around their neck and throw
themselves in the sea, rather than provoke scandal." And I will explain: if
a person throws himself into the sea, he brings harm only to himself, but
he who scandalises, besides ruining himself, brings min also to others and
as to how many others, one cannot determine their number. Observe what
happens when you throw a pebble into the water: an indeterminate
number of concentric circles are formed which move further and further
away into the distance. That ´s how it is with sin. It has a repercussion
upon the whole world and particularly upon My Mystical Body, the
Church, so that you rightly say that he who sins does harm to his brothers
just as to himself, even though the sin is unknown to them. This is what
happens through each sin in general, but in a special way through that of
scandal. You understand immediately that if the reward in Heaven is
based on charity exercised on behalf of one's neighbour, likewise the
punishment will be severe for him who injures his neighbour, especially
if this damage concerns not so much the body but souls. l came into the
world, lived and died on the Cross to save souls. He who scandalises
ruins the work of Redemption, makes it worthless, works against it. From
the foregoing, you can understand the gravity of this fault. I would renew
My Passion and Death just to save one soul, and he who scandalises
destroys souls belonging to Me and for whose happiness I gave My life.
Do you think there can be greater malice than this? Now I am going to
tell you how one scandalises. All that is committed in the world that can
lead others to evil, is a scandal: destructive words and actions which
leave an Impression in the mind and heart of another and which lead
others to follow the example. The work of him who scandalises is worse
than that of the demon by whom it is supported and organised. Now, I do
not wish to make you think of the big scandals that happen in the world,
but I want to make you enter for a moment into yourself and make you
reflect on your conduct in order to try to get rid of everything that is not
edifying for your neighbour. Thoughts, words, actions and omissions will
be matters for judgement before My tribunal, putting everything equally
in connection with your neighbour. Therefore, begin right now to remove
from your life all that is not edifying. Watch over your words, your
actions, your conduct. Let everything in you be light, everything tend
towards doing good. A soul never comes alone to Heaven but bring with
them, each in their appointed hour, the souls they have helped to save.
For example influences. In this way, fight the scandal that many give, the
destruction they sow, opposing them with good example. Be an
instrument of salvation and life of the soul where others sow death of the
soul. Collaborate with Me, repair, assist Me. Always remember that he
who saves a soul, predestines his own.

Tuesday, August 6,1968

My child,
vanquish and overcome all the difficulties which present themselves to
you and which come between Him and you. Always direct to Him your
actions, your thoughts, your words, so that all is in conformity with His
Holy Will.
WATCH your mind, your heart, your tongue, so that nothing takes place
in you that is not pleasing to God.
SANCTIFY YOU LIFE, spending it all for the glory of God and for the
good of your neighbour, not wasting even a moment of this precious
money which is time, destined to buy your eternal Life.
RESPECT EVERYONE. Judge no one, for not one of you is authorised
to judge the others, if you want Him who must judge you on the last day
to be indulgent towards you.
BE JUST WITH EVERYONE by giving each one what is his due. I love
rectitude and justice, gifts which make you dear to God and to men.
sacrifices which accompany every existence, or on those occasions in
your life when the Lord knocks on the door of your house, to ask you to
collaborate with Him through your Cross and your passion.
watches over you. He loves you and wants you happy, and you have only
to abandon yourself in His arms like a little child and let yourself be led
by Him.
ACCOMPLISH YOUR DAILY DUTIES with joy, fidelity, exactitude
and love, uniting yourself to Me who dwells continually in you. Here,
briefly, is what must be your programme of life and the matter for your
examination of conscience. If you do as I have told you, you will simplify
your problems, your life will be simple and you will be a good example
for all and you will reach sanctity so much desired and commanded by
God. Remember the commandment I addressed to all My disciples and,
in them, to all who would love Me and follow Me: "Be holy as your
Father who is in Heaven."


Monday, August 12,1968

My child, love and desire perfection. Do everything possible to attain it,

but remember that you will have to strive hard but always you will find
something to improve. Do not get discouraged when it seems to you that
you have come a long way and find you are starting again to fall as at the
beginning of your road. Recover your courage, invoke My help and
proceed with serenity, for l am Perfection in the absolute sense. On this
earth, strive as you may, you will never attain it in its plenitude, but you
must aim at it, for it is a commandment: "Be perfect as your Heavenly
Father is perfect." Therefore, take care always to perform your actions in
the best way, always in conformity with your duty and the ones most
pleasing to Me. Do well whatever you are doing, with much attention and
with great love. With these requisites, accompanied by the aid of My
grace, you will make of all the moments of your life a great conquest for
eternity. Renounce your will which would choose the easy life, and wants
selfishly to possess everything. Do not forget that life is a hard and
constant battle and that, for this reason, cannot and must not be too
peaceful. lf you have some fervent and tranquil days, thank the Lord and,
on such days, prepare yourself for new assaults, for how can you win a
victory if you have not fought a battle? Provide yourself with arms,
indispensable in every battle: these are prayer and mortification. Nourish
yourself continually with My Bread, which is the Bread of life. Always
keep your gaze fixed on this goal, guarding yourself from your enemies:
the world, your passions and the demon. Remember that the rules of
conduct in the world today are totally different from mine. That is why
you should go against the current. You will encounter scorn,
incomprehension and reproach. lf you wish to serve God, you will not be
able to keep your foot in two camps, and serve at the same time God and
the world. The world will tell you to seek only your interest, your joy in
life. I tell you to think always of your neighbour, to accept suffering and
to keep your mind on eternal life. Your passions will make themselves
felt and will demand to be satisfied, but I urge you to fight so as to stifle
their continuous hunger. - If you feel the desire to occupy the first place, I
will urge you to take the last. - If you are inclined to laziness, I will rouse
you and you will endeavour to do always more and always better. - If
discouragement assails you, invoke Him who can help you. Renew your
faith and keep going, for discouragement proceeds from self love and
lack of faith. Fear the Evil One, for he presents himself to you under
different forms and he tempts you there where he knows you will fall.
However, do not believe that his strength is superior to God's, neither is it
equal. He can act upon you if you open the way for him; but if you are
with God, who can be against you? Love My Mother much; She is the
Queen of Victories. He who entrusts himself to Her does not perish. To
love Her means to imitate Her, to understand Her and to make Her known
and loved. If you do what I tell you, you will be happy, you will climb
very high. The Lord will be pleased with you, because you will have done
all that depended upon you, and you will reach Heaven, the only goal
towards which you must aspire.

Tuesday, August 13,1968

l now speak to you about a very important problem, one in which few
men really believe even if they declare themselves perfect and practising
Christians. l will speak to you of Divine Providence which, after having
created the world and the laws that govern it, directs all things with
wisdom and goodness so as to bring all men to salvation. God is Love,
He is Goodness, He is Providence, and He cannot abandon His creatures
to themselves. He knows and understands man perfect- ly. He has
endowed him with a soul and a body and, although He has given the soul
superior qualities which place it in the uppermost scale, He knows also
that the body has needs which man cannot ignore. He must eat, rest,
work. He must take care of his body because life is a gift of God, a gift
for which each one must render an account. Man must bear in mind the
mission entrusted to him. Each creature that comes on the earth has a
particular task to accomplish, more or less important. To the
accomplishment of this mission, both body and soul contribute. lf man
has confidence in God and with His aid discovers what his vocation is, he
must abandon himself in the arms of the Lord and let himself be guided
by putting his body and soul in God's service. To serve God means to act
always in His presence, that is, as if you saw Him at your side; and since
you know that you will have to render an account of each work, act and
thought, see to it that you act in the best way. To serve God is to observe
His law, His Commandments and those imposed upon you by the Church.
To serve God also means to love Him, because the act of serving must
come from the heart; for you are not forced, but free to serve Him, even
though your eternal life depends on the manner in which you love and
serve Him. Having done these things - and I Myself help you to
accomplish them - the rest I do and, if you trust Me, you will see that I
shall perform miracles to help you. Everything depends on faith. Do you
wish to see miracles of Providence in your house? Believe in Me, rely
upon Me. I know that many, while knowing that it is I who govern the
world, act as if they themselves must think of everything, and it is for this
reason that there are so many failures in every sphere! You are short
sighted, you do not see further than the end of your nose, so how can you
make so many provisions? Do you recall, in the Gospel, the man who,
having Filled his granaries and thinking of building new ones, heard
himself unexpectedly called for the rendering of aecounts"; lt is like that,
My children; you cannot foresee, you must not accumulate. Foresight is
good when it is not greed. Economy is good when it is not avarice. Never
forget, one day is sufficient to destroy what you have amassed for many
years. Live relying upon the Lord who thinks of the fish, the birds, the
lilies of the fields, and do not fear to lack the necessities of life. God does
not abandon the one who relies on Him. There where water is lacking. He
makes it gush from a rock. There where bread is lacking, He multiplies it.
There where wine is lacking, he obtains it from water. You will tell Me
these miracles happened once, but that they do not occur now. And I say
to you that if you have faith, they will happen again. Besides, try to look
into your life. How many times have your found yourself in particular
need from which you have been freed unexpectedly? From how many
dangers have you been suddenly saved? How many times in your affairs,
even material, have you been guided to accomplish specific actions which
you have called providential? You have not seen the hand of God who
directed your Steps; nevertheless, that is what happens. My children,
know that the Lord is never inactive on your behalf. Know that no mother
in the world shows as much concern as God for His child. Trust Him, My
children, and put yourselves in the condition of being his favourite ones.
Purify your souls. Live in the state of grace. The real evil in the world is
sin. All the rest do not call evil, call it a trial. It is a trial more or less
lengthy, but one which is always a gesture of love on the part of God,
who wishes to draw forth from it a marvellous recompense and a great

Wednesday, August 14,1968

My beloved child, expose your soul to the Divine Sun, so that I may
enlighten it and make it fruitful with light and with warmth. You will
never be able to measure how much I love you, nor to what extent I desire
to be loved in return. You write and you read My words; l make them
penetrate your mind and your heart and I help you to put them into
practice. It is I who do everything; your "yes" suffices for Me, your desire
to do good, your will, and then I accomplish the rest. The life of a
Christian is so simple ... there is no need for many thoughts, only one is
sufficient: GOD. There is no need for so many worries but those to
accomplish one's duty, one's mission. I help you in everything, I smooth
the way for you. lf it is necessary, I carry you in My arms, I sacrifice
Myself continually for you. l offer to the Father My Blood, My love, My
death, and I speak to Him of you. I send you My Spirit, Who is also the
Father's, so that He may kindle and enlighten you. l send you My Mother,
so as to assist you and to guide you in every necessity. Oh, My Mother! ...
If you only knew what She does for each creature ... what she does for
you ... No mother is so considerate, active and wise. In Heaven you will
be able to see Her Power, Her goodness. Her wisdom. How many times
does She anticipate your needs, reward you for the small considerations
you make on her behalf! She even reprimands you for some fault. And
She does it with so much charity, with so much affectionate tactfulness,
that you do not even notice it, because She respects your liberty, your
way of interpreting things ... She comes dose to you and bears everything.
She weeps if anyone offends Her Jesus and She repairs, She repairs. Oh,
My child, I could not give you a greater gift! I could not give you a more
beautiful and better mother! Therefore, be generous and be truly Her
child. She deserves it. Remember that although She loved Me infinitely,
She did not dissuade me from giving My Life for you and for all men,
each one in particular.

She knew My Death would be your salvation; that is why She accepted to
have Her Heart transfixed. She, the most innocent and the tenderest of
mothers, accepted to feel Me wrenched from Her Heart, so that My death
might be the Life for all men. That is how She co-operated in your
redemption. Obey this incomparable Mother. She is speaking again and
not only in Her apparitions which are taking place on earth in many
places, but She also speaks to your Heart through Her images, through
the intermediary of Her Ministers who love Her the most, who spread Her
devotion, who speak of Her and make Her loved. She is speaking through
the intermediary of the Head of the Church who, in accordance with My
Will, made Her its Mother. I assure you that just as the Apostles drew
from Her words and Her teachings the light and grace to know the Divine
Mysteries and to diffuse them, so the Priests who have recourse to her,
Seat of Wisdom (and I am the Incarnate Wisdom who dwells in Her) and
Spouse of the Holy Spirit, will receive from Her special gifts.
l. They will know how to counsel the youth and will arouse desire for
perfection so that many religious vocations will be due to the efficacy of
their words
2. In particular, they will know how to comfort the sick, who will receive
the Holy Sacraments voluntarily and will be prepared to meet Me through
the intermediary of My Mother.
3. They will have great zeal and great efficacy of word in their
4. They will have a special glory in Heaven.
5. Priests, devotees of the Virgin, will hardly be wanting in chastity,
because My Mother will be at their side and will defend them in dangers
of soul and body. Make known these My promises to Priests and assist
them in their mission. My child, do not worry about anything that may
befall you in this life. The only thing that must frighten you is this: that
you should be lacking in love towards My Mother. As at daybreak you
think that the sun is coming and from it you foresee whether the day will
be bright or cloudy, so if you discern in a soul true devotion to Mary, you
can be tranquil: in that soul is the Sun of Grace, I am there. If you see that
this devotion is lacking, fear much: storms will surge over this soul which
will quickly destroy all good seed. Love Mary, My dear children. She will
bring much joy to your hearts, even in this life, and She will be of great
help to you in reaching Heaven, where she was transported body and soul
so as to be able to better understand you and help you and where She
awaits you in eternal happiness and joy.

Saturday, August 17,1968
My child, I promised you some explanation concerning the conduct of
many Christians, who do not know and do not want to put into practice
the moral law which I placed as the basis of life in the world. Now, here I
am at your side. In order to be able to practise My law, there are two
things that one must admit: l. My existence and that of My Father: We
govern and preserve the world after having created it. 2. The duty of
God's children is to obey their Father and have confidence in Him. lf you
remove this foundation, you are not able to proceed; but with these
principles, you can live serenely and confident that all will go well.
"Increase and multiply and fill the earth," such was My Commandment. It
was not only for that moment, but for all centuries, and remains always
true. The act of creation is divine, and procreation is a divine
collaboration. That is why no human institution shall ever have the right
to dictate laws which obstruct or annul My laws of nature and My Will.
Marriage also is a divine institution and the laws that regulate it are
unchangeable. Indissolubility, unity, fidelity in marriage are the
characteristics that God gave to it, and He alone can change them. Thus,
the goal of marriage, the reason for which it was instituted, is procreation.
To destroy these things means to make of them a bestial act, vulgar and
unseemly of noble creatures such as man and woman. The union between
man and woman is a solemn act, at which God Himself participates, one
which may not be belittled and placed in the mud. If the spouses
understood the grandeur of their task, they would be proud of it and
would accomplish their duties with piety and great joy. It is true that the
modern world, steeped in mire and always with newer and greater
demands, cannot think of procreation as being the main purpose of
marriage, as that would entail renouncements and sacrifices. It is true that
the law of self-denial is now practically unknown, as people say it is
impossible to practise, and is harmful to health. But the truth is
nevertheless always die same, as is morality. They are unchangeable. If
you change or annul the truth, you are in error; it you change morality,
you have immorality: two things which God cannot permit. My children,
too many demands are created to the detriment of family and social life;
if these demands were limited, they would preserve peace in families and
joy of consciences. To lead a life of dissipation, by granting everything to
one's body, is harmful, for, in its greed for pleasure, it is insatiable. My
children, the law of mortification is not reserved for the consecrated, but
is an indispensable general law, which distinguishes man from the brute
and the beast. How many fewer diseases would there be without these
sins of immorality! Believe Me, My children, sin breeds not only moral
and physical evils, but also death. Do not forget that the chaste person is
worthy of respect on the part of God who makes Himself known to him;
and on the part of Angels who see him like unto themselves; and on the
part of men who feel themselves morally dominated by him. And by a
chaste person, I mean also him who, in marriage, accomplishes his duty
and accepts its material, moral and Spiritual consequences. Just as no one
may be authorised to destroy an incipient life, so also no one may be
authorised to change or annul laws that regulate conception, fruitfulness
and the creation of a soul. From the first instant of conception, it is I who
place the soul into the body in embryo; that is why destroying it is
destroying the work of God. Blessed are the families where reign faith
and confidence in My Providence, for I promise you, and you yourselves
will be able to attest, that these families will be the most healthy, the most
thriving and the most successful. If you have faith and confidence, all the
rest come by themselves. Certainly, a large family involves great
sacrifices. But who can give the worth of the tranquillity of one's
conscience? Where are the beautiful patriarchal families, in whom the
Lord resided and by whom He was honoured, loved and served, and who,
from Him, received every blessing? My children, love the Lord, and you
will see He will be sufficient for you and your material requirements will
be more moderate; a new life in the family will no longer frighten you,
but you will welcome it with joy so that the throng of Saints may be
greater and the crown of those who have given life to a new creature
more luminous. Love the Lord and everything else will be easier for you.
He will see to your needs. He will preside at your table, after having
provided the necessary substance by giving you health and work. He will
take care of your children and choose the best ones as custodians of His
Sanctuary, and make them His intimate friends. Death shall be serene for
the parents who will have thus conducted themselves, and their glory, in
God, will consist in being crowned by their children, whom He will not
permit to be lost. In other words, My Judgement will be very benevolent
towards those parents who will have honoured Me by observing My laws,
and the heights of the Heavenly Spheres will be reserved for them. My
dearest children, I am with you with an abundance of My gifts, My Love
and My Grace. I desire to give you all I possess; in a word, you may say
that what I am giving you is happiness. But is it possible to be happy in
your world so full of tribulations, evil and sin? Yes, My children, it is
possible, provided that you want it. He who is with Me is happy, does not
see and does not feel but joy in his heart, in himself, and around him he
spreads only peace and joy. l want you to live with the duty that I am
assigning to you. It is very difficult to convince you of this truth, but I
assure you that, insofar as you will be convinced, you will succeed in
convincing others. l have not come for the just, but for the sinners. I have
come to find what was lost and to place upon My shoulders the Cross
loaded with the sins of all men, so as to ease their shoulders and their
souls. My children, believe Me, I would die a million times, with the
same bloody Sacrifice, just to be able to save you all. And why do you
often doubt, why do you believe it is impossible for Me to be able to
resolve your painful situations? Do you perhaps think that l am not able
to perform miracles? Am I not the Son of the Living God?

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