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Tutorial: the seismic response to strong vertical velocity change. Ian F.


Abstract Conventional seismic data processing, whether it be pre-stack data conditioning or migration, is designed with the theory of P-wave reflected energy in-mind, for travel paths involving only a single reflection. Hence, any energy propagating with other modes or travel paths will not be dealt with appropriately during conventional processing. It is primarily for this reason that we spend so much time pre-conditioning seismic data so as to meet the assumptions of the subsequent processes such as migration. This study will consider a typical North Sea environment where we may have both strong vertical compaction gradients and a high velocity-contrast layered chalk. I assess the behaviour of the unwanted classes of seismic energy when subjected to conventional processing, so as to better understand the anomalous events appearing in migrated CRP gathers and images due to contamination of the data with remnant refraction and mode-converted energy.

Introduction The title of this article is somewhat generic, but this study originated specifically from a North Sea marine streamer chalk imaging project, where the overburden displayed a very strong vertical-compaction velocity gradient in places, and the chalk itself was made of several high velocity contrast layers. For data acquired in a surface streamer survey, when we have significant S-to-P mode conversion of the upcoming wavefield at the seabed, we can record refraction and sometimes converted mode (PSSP, PSPP, PPSP) seismic arrivals: as we shall see, this will happen for shallow water (as we had in this study) even for modest source-receiver offsets. Ideally, data pre-conditioning steps, such as linear noise removal, should remove these events prior to velocity estimation and migration, but often spurious remnants of them remain, which are then dealt with as if they were P-wave reflection energy, giving-rise to anomalous behaviour in the migrated data. Here I present a modelling study to assess behaviour of chalk-related seismic reflection and refraction events. Diving rays and refractions in the overburden resulting from large vertical compaction velocity gradients are also addressed, as remnant energy from these events impinges on the underlying chalk reflections. The study attempts to qualitatively highlight some of this behaviour, so as to give insight into the nature of the unusual observed effects on real data during velocity model building and in images after migration.

Modelling study The P-wave velocities used in the forward modelling were based on a high resolution tomographic preSDM model derived in a commercial preSDM project over a region in the North Sea with water depths of about 80m and top chalk at about 1km depth. The tomography cell size used in the region of the chalk was 50m * 50m * 50m, so as to resolve thin intra-chalk layering. This was verified and calibrated using available well sonic logs. Density was estimated using a modified Gardner relationship, calibrated to the available density logs, with reasonable values used in the shallow section (which was not logged). In addition, some literature was reviewed to determine a range of realistic Vs and density values near the sea bed (e.g. Carbone et al., 1998; Muyzert 2006; Shillington et al., 2008). Modelling was performed using both 2D finite difference (FD) and ray-trace techniques, both acoustically and elastically. Modelling was conducted using both the Landmark ProMax package (which can perform isotropic acoustic FD modelling using gridded models), as well as with ION GXTs GXII 2D modelling code which can perform anisotropic visco-elastic or visco-acoustic ray-trace or FD modelling with layered models. All modelling in this study was isotropic, and for investigation of post-critical phase change, attenuation was turned-off so as not to further change the wavelets phase. The FD forward modelling employed a grid size small enough to avoid numerical dispersion in the FD propagation. The maximum source-receiver offset was 5km, the depth of the model was 5km, and the modelled record lengths were 3s. Three different models were used, with differing levels of complexity, so as to emphasise various aspects of the issues under investigation: Model 1: was a gridded model with significant lateral and vertical velocity variation, as used in the commercial production preSDM project. A zero phase Ricker wavelet with a peak frequency of 30Hz was used in the FD modelling, which was purely acoustic. The objective of creating synthetic data using this model was to reproduce the overall gross features observed in the real data. Model 2: was a 1D velocity model resembling the vertical velocity profile at one of the well locations where we had detailed density and velocity information. Interval velocity compaction gradients were included with the form of V(z)=V(0)+kz, where z is the depth below sea surface and k is the compaction coefficient (with units s-1). A zero phase Ricker wavelet with a peak frequency of 18Hz was used in the FD modelling, which 2

was performed both acoustically and elastically. The objective of creating data with this model was to remove any structural bias from the conclusions being drawn( as local structural dip would affect the critical angles at interfaces). Model 3: was a simple half-space (with no water layer) representing the sediment-chalk interface, in order to highlight the converted model effects and alto the phenomenon of Kirchhoff and NMO travel-time bifurcation. Modelling was purely acoustic, with an upper layer velocity of 2700m/s and a lower velocity of 4800m/s (these numbers were representative of the real velocities observed at the sediment-chalk interface). For the initial tests, an absorbing surface boundary condition was used in the FD modelling, but later, for assessment of surface related multiples, the surface boundary condition was set to be reflecting. Unless otherwise stated, the real data were band limited so as to make them better resemble the modelled data in all comparisons. The study concentrated on a single representative inline, and four nearby wells: two of which (A and B) are shown here (figures 1 and 2). A depth migrated seismic section with superimposition of these wells shows that we have at least three high velocity bands within the chalk and a strong compaction gradient above it (Figure 3). The background interval velocity superimposed on Figure 3 shows the high-resolution tomographic model from the commercial preSDM project (Model 1). The simplified 1D layered model used for the detailed analysis is shown in Figure 4 (Model 2), but it is really only the mid-tertiary and top-chalk events that concern us, as it is those horizons that generate the converted mode and other events of interest here.

Figures 1 & 2: sonic logs and their smoothed versions (yellow lines). The red lines are from an intermediate tomographic model.

Figure 3: smoothed interval velocity logs superimposed on the real data preSDM image, with tomographic interval velocity colour overlay (Model 1). The wells are from nearby locations, so do not tie the line perfectly. The locations of the top and base chalk, and mid-tertiary reflector are also indicated.

Figure 4: Model 2 used for 1D acoustic and elastic modelling, based on velocity profile near well A 3

Observations from acoustic modelling Many of the non-flat events seen in CRP gathers at the mid-tertiary and top chalk levels are associated with postcritical reflection energy, which is prevalent here, due to the very strong velocity contrasts at those layers. This is exacerbated by the significant vertical compaction in the area (ignoring the mid tertiary boundary, the velocity increases from about 1550m/s at 150m depth just below the sea bed to about 2550m/s at about 1100m depth). Although at the well location we have a vertical compaction gradient of k~1.0s-1, in the simplified 1D isotropic models I used a more modest value (k~0.2s-1) representative of the majority of the region. The seabed reflection also becomes post-critical for short offsets due to the shallow water: - The critical angle at the seabed is about 70 degrees, which corresponds to an offset of < 700m; - The critical angle at mid-tertiary is about 40 degrees, which corresponds to an offset of < 1400m, hence most of the higher-order moveout events see for this event are post-critical; - The critical angle at top chalk is about 30 degrees, which corresponds to an offset of < 1000m, hence most of the far offset events at top chalk level are post-critical. Figures 5-7 show a selection of gathers along the modelled line, created with acoustic modelling using Model 1, as shown in the colour overlay in Figure 3. This is the most complex model used, with significant structural variation, and was the model used in the commercial preSDM project. Figure 5 shows CMP gathers of the raw modelled data, Figure 6 shows CMP gathers after NMO using the corresponding RMS velocity, and Figure 7 after preSDM using the correct model (i.e. the used to create the synthetic data). Real 3D preSDM data, from an intermediate stage in the production project (not final gathers) are shown in Figure 8: these gathers exhibit many of the features seen in the modelled data. For the real data from the commercial project, which were migrated anisotropically, the reflection component of these events should still be flat on the CRP gathers beyond the critical angle. However, at large angles of incidence the moveout is very sensitive to anisotropic parameter error, but in the velocity model building, the angle gathers used were muted to about 50o, hence the higher angles shown in the CRPs here were not constrained to be flat.

Figure 5, CMP gathers for the FD isotropic acoustically modelled data. 30Hz peak frequency wavelet, maximum offset 5km, without surface-related multiples, corresponding to the interval velocity model shown in Figure 3.

Figure 6, CMP gathers from Figure 5 after NMO correction. Already we see various anomalous events: for the midtertiary event around 1000ms we see apparent higher order moveout, which is in part post-critical refracted energy, and also higher order moveout from ray bending (remember these data are isotropic, so we do not have true anisotropic effects). At the chalk reflector, at about 1200ms we see linear upward and downward trending events. These are refracted events from the top chalk being distorted by the NMO correction (remember that NMO is designed to flatten hyperbolic reflection events in a CMP gather)

Figure 7, preSDM of the gathers (using the correct velocity model, as shown in Figure 3), converted to time. As with the NMO corrected data, the refracted energy looks anomalous, as migration is not designed to handle refracted events 5

Figure 8, real CRP gathers from near the stacked preSDM seismic section shown in Figure 3. Many of the features seen in the modelled data are also present here. Maximum offset 5.2km.

Simplified modelling to help understand complex arrivals The moveout behaviour observed in the modelling performed using finite differencing with the complex velocity model does indeed produce results resembling the observed data. However, to better understand the nature of the observed events, Ill commence the analysis by first considering some grossly simplified models, using both FD and ray-traced methods, and then move on to introducing converted modes in the modelling by using elastic rather than acoustic modelling. Finite difference modelling produces all families of events simultaneously, so to better understand where the refraction and converted modes originate, Ive done more specific ray-trace modelling for isolated selected events. In addition to the converted modes reflecting at the mid-tertiary and the top chalk, we also have other non-reflected events, such as the diving rays, water bottom refraction, and mid-tertiary super-critical events all of which will misbehave when treated as if they were P-wave reflection arrivals. Also, in addition to the real (albeit non-P reflection) events, we also have some travel-time bifurcation artefacts produced during NMO or Kirchhoff migration, that need to be considered. In the following figures, most of the modelled data was created using GXTs proprietary 2D modelling code GXII: this is advantageous, as it has the option to perform both acoustic or elastic, isotropic or anisotropic modelling using either finite differencing or ray-tracing. Before considering a 1D multi-layered model (Model 2) lets first look at the behaviour of a half-space, that is, a model with two solid regions, with a reflecting boundary at some depth between them, and no overlying water layer (Model 3). The results shown in Figure 9 were modelled acoustically using V upper=2700m/s and Vlower=4800m/s (these values were representative of the observed real velocities at the top chalk near well A). In Figure 9a we see the linear direct wave in the upper solid medium, and the hyperbolic refection from the half-space boundary, with its associated refraction branch beyond the critical angle. Applying NMO with the 1D velocity function including the sharp boundary between 2700m/s and4800m/s flattens the hyperbolic event (although the post-critical phase change gives it the appearance of not being very flat) but also introduces the spurious travel-time bifurcation effect (Figure 9b). However, if we apply NMO with a constant velocity of 2700m/s the travel-time bifurcation effect disappears (Figure 9c). in both these 6

NMOd figures, the refraction branch curls upwards. Repeating this exercise with a more complex 1D function (Model 2) and applying NMO with this 1D function, gives the much more complex (and realistic) behaviour observed in Figure 9d.

Figure 9: FD acoustic modelling. a) reflection and refraction events for a top chalk reflector model, with upper medium velocity = 2700m/s and chalk velocity = 4800m/s (Model 3). Beyond the critical angle, the phase of the reflection changes. b) following NMO with a corresponding RMS velocity, the chalk event is flattened, the refracted head wave curls upwards (resembling anisotropic reflection behaviour), and elements of the chalk reflector are distorted into a linear downward trending event by the NMO process (described in Figure 10).

c) following NMO with only the velocity of the upper medium (2700m/s), the distorted linear downward trending event is now absent. d) similar figure, as in b) but for a more complex multilayered 1D model including a water layer (Model 2). NMO is performed with the more complex 1D RMS function. Again, the downward trending NMO artefact is visible.

To understand the nature of the NMO travel-time bifurcation, consider the moveout trajectories and migration ray paths shown in Figure 10. For large velocity contrast reflectors (such as the top chalk) both NMO and Kirchhoff migration can create non-physical events (e.g. Stolk and Symes, 2002, 2004), which have the same travel time as real reflection events (e.g. Aki and Richards, p649; Xu and Huang, 2007). In Figure 10a, at offset x1, a wavelet on the real hyperbolic trajectory emanating from t 1 (blue curve) will be moveout corrected from time tin back to time t1. However, also consider the red, higher velocity, curve emanating from t 2 that also passes through the same time, tin at offset x1. NMO will reposition a version of the input wavelet to time t 2 as well as to time t1. For more benign mild vertical velocity gradients, the wavelet only appears to be stretched as a function of increasing offset, but for a very rapid velocity increase, the wavelet separates-out into a distinct event with a characteristic almost linear trajectory. In Figure 10b, for source S and receiver R, at offset x 1, the reflection travel path SpR has the same travel time as the non-physical path SabcR which involves the deeper higher velocity medium. Hence the input wavelet can be 7

legitimately migrated to the associated output location b, during migration, as well as to the real reflection location p. Some workers have proposed picking and using these events as an additional constraint on the tomography (Xu and Huang, 2007). As with the NMO artefact, this spurious event tends to be almost linear.

Figure 10. High velocity-contrast boundary stretch effect for NMO and Kirchhoff. a) At offset x1, after NMO correction a wavelet on the real hyperbolic trajectory emanating from t1 (blue curve) will be relocated from time tin back to time t1. However, we could also legitimately describe the red, higher velocity, curve emanating from t2 that also passes through the same time, tin at offset x1. Hence NMO will reposition a version of the input wavelet to time t2 as well.

b) Kirchhoff migration travel time duplication. Kirchhoff migration builds an image by copying the wavelet at arrival time tin for source and receiver separation x1, to all positions along the response surface of constant travel time, denoted by the black arc. The desired reflection travel path SpR, which sits on the migration response arc of constant travel time (tin) also has the same travel time as the nonphysical path SabcR. Hence the input wavelet can be legitimately migrated to the associated output location b during migration (even though there is no reflector here), as well as to the real reflection location p.

Ill now return to consider the multi-layered 1D model. To appreciate the complexity of P-wave reflection processing of non-reflection energy, consider the following individually ray-traced events: water bottom, refraction (diving rays), mid-tertiary post-critical, and top-chalk post-critical events (but not yet including the converted modes, so as to keep things simple!). Figure 11a indicates the ray paths we may have for diving rays which will be present for strong vertical compaction velocity gradients. Figure 11b shows the arrivals in a CMP gather for these ray-paths. Applying NMO to these and some other events, we can appreciate from Figure 12, that we have a plethora of strange distorted events: these are displayed after NMO on CMP gathers, but the same behaviour is similarly manifested in migrated data.

Figure 11a: ray-paths for diving rays in the tertiary and deeper layer. These will only exist if we have strong vertical velocity gradients.

Figure 11b: CMP arrivals for these ray-paths

Figure 12: using ray-trace modelling to produce various events that will show anomalous behaviour in either NMO corrected or migrated gathers. In the ray-trace modelling, successive events have been included to build-up a more complex picture. Beyond the critical angle, we have both reflected and refracted components. The vertical colour bar shows the velocity model just to indicate boundary locations.

a) for the water bottom reflection, we see the stretch effect discussed in Figure 10, being distorted by the NMO correction. b) for the two linear diving ray events shown in Figure 11, NMO distorts them also. c) including the mid-tertiary reflection event further complicates the picture, as does adding the top chalk reflector in d).

Converted mode arrivals For the synthetic modelling performed, converted modes are associated with the mid-tertiary and top chalk reflectors, but for the purposes of demonstration, Ill discus only those related to the top -chalk event, as this was present across the entire region. For the various converted modes seen, the conversion takes place at the sea bed for transmitted events and at the high velocity-contrast interfaces for reflected events. In Figure 13 I show the elastic ray-trace modelled data for the 1D model (Model 2, Figure 4), showing the input and NMOd CMP for the top-chalk reflection and associated mode-converted arrivals. Conversion is occurring at the sea bed for transmission and at the top chalk for reflection, so we are seeing PSPP, PSSP, and PPSP arrivals, as well as the usual PPPP arrival (the PSPP and PPSP events are coincident as their arrival times are the same for the 1D model). On the right is shown the full FD elastic modelled result for all events in the 1D model result for comparison. In the full FD modelling, we see mode-converted energy from both the tertiary and top chalk events. Amplitudes will differ between the ray-traced and FD modelled data, as ray tracing primarily delivers reasonable kinematics, whereas FD modelling should also produce reasonable dynamics.

Figure 13: elastic ray-trace modelled data with 18Hz peak frequency for the 1D model shown in Figure 4, showing the input, and NMOd CMP, for the top-chalk reflection and associated mode-converted arrivals .On the right is shown the FD elastic result for comparison. We see mode-converted energy from both the tertiary and top chalk events, as well as the strong travel time bifurcation related event described in Figure 10

Alternative S velocity model It is unlikely that the converted mode energy is really this strong on the real data. Hitherto, Ive used a Poissons ratio of 0.25 for all sediments, but I reproduced the work for other models including one with a thin near-seabed layer with very low Vs (Vs=600m/s, Vp=1600m/s, Poissons 0.45), and also one with sediments with Poissons ratio of 0.33 instead of 0.25. This reduces (but does not remove) the converted mode contributions, hence the general conclusions for converted energy still hold. These examples are not included here, as they appear very similar. Converted model amplitudes on real data could also be reduced by low Q values and extensive near-sea-bed heterogeneity. It is also worth noting that exceptionally low values of Vs near the sea bed have been reported (e.g. Vs<50m/s; Jacques Leveille, pers. com.).

Zoeppritz modelling for energy partitioning at interfaces To assess the likely contribution of converted modes (e.g. Tatham and McCormack, 1991; Pelissier et al., 2007), we can use a Zoeppritz modeller to estimate reflection and transmission energy at each interface for either upcoming or downgoing wavefronts for the various propagation models. (Here Ive used the applet provided to sponsors of the University of Calgary CREWES consortium). On the basis of the modelling performed, it appears that observable converted mode energy should be present in the data. Figure 14a indicates the ray paths being considered for the reflection coefficient analysis, and 14b shows the arrivals for the top chalk event, indicating the phase change for the reflection at the critical angle and the converted mode arrivals for PSPP, PPSP and PSSP propagation paths.

Figure 14a: ray-paths associated with mode conversions: at the sea-bed both the downgoing and upcoming waves undergo mode conversion, and at the mid-tertiary and top chalk interfaces, we also have mode conversion on reflection.

Figure 14b: there is no phase change for a reflected wavelet, until the first of the two critical angles. For a large velocity contrast, we may encounter both critical angles (the second critical angle occurs when the S-wave velocity in the lower medium is higher than the P-wave velocity in the upper medium). For the velocity field in the region of this study, post-critical events occur at relatively short offsets. 10

Figure 15 shows the reflection and transmission coefficients for the downgoing water-to-sediment travel path (upper figure) and for the conversion of upcoming S to P at the water bottom. This latter conversion is crucial, otherwise the propagating energy will not survive passage through the water to be received at the hydrophones. It is clear that for modest offsets in shallow water, we have significant mode converted amplitudes in the recorded data for the velocity model considered in this study.

Figure 15: reflection and transmission coefficients for selected interfaces. Top: For the downgoing energy at the shallow seabed, the downgoing transmitted P-energy has the same magnitude as the S conversion beyond about 40 degrees, which corresponds to an offset of just 220m for water depth 80m. Bottom: P energy converted to S at the deep reflectors is converted back to P at the seabed (hence recorded on the surface streamer cables). Vp (water) = 1490m/s, for the sediment, Vp = 1600m/s, , Vs = 924m/s (Poissons ration 0.25), density = 1.6g/cc

Acoustic and elastic modelling, with and without surface multiples Ill now move-on to describe in more detail the various anomalous events, comparing both acoustic and elastic modelling, with and without surface-related multiples, and following through to preSDM of the data. Finite difference (FD) modelling inherently reproduced all interbed multiples associated with the velocity and density models (but with incorrect amplitudes if modelled acoustically). Surface related multiples can be suppressed by using an absorbing surface boundary condition in the finite difference code. It is often beneficial to produce initial results without the surface multiples, as this makes it easier to identify what event is what. In the same vein, using ray-trace modelling is of further assistance in identifying individual events, as each ray-path in turn can be individually modelled (e.g. double bounces, converted-mode paths, etc.), although the amplitude treatment is often less accurate. Figure 16 shows the input CMP, NMOd CMP and the depth migrated CRP for acoustic FD modelled data with an absorbing surface boundary condition, hence no free-surface multiples or ghosts, and no mode conversions (acoustic). Figure 17 makes the same comparison for elastically modelled FD data, so now we see the mode converted arrivals present in the gathers, and finally, Figure 18 shows the elastic data with a reflecting surface boundary condition, hence free-surface multiples are generated. This latter data will be more appropriate for comparison with real data prior to multiple suppression.


Figure 16: isotropic acoustic FD modelled data for the 1D model, showing the input, NMOd CMP, and preSDM CRP. Free -surface multiples turned-off by using absorbing surface boundary conditions.

Figure 17: isotropic elastic FD modelled data for the 1D model, showing the input, NMOd CMP, and preSDM CRP. Free -surface multiples turned-off by using absorbing surface boundary conditions.

Figure 18: isotropic elastic FD modelled data for the 1D model, showing the input, NMOd CMP, and preSDM CRP. Free-surface multiples produced by using a reflecting surface boundary condition. 12

Comparison with Real data. Unfortunately, the very raw data from the project had long since been archived, so for this study I used whatever data was still available. The rawest data already had a first pass of linear noise suppression, but still has enough remnant linear noise to compare meaningfully with the modelled data. In Figure 19, I show a synthetic CMP created with the 1D model (Model 2) and real CMP gather where the top chalk event is indicated with the arrow. Whereas the synthetic also has a strong mid-tertiary event, the real data does not (this mid-tertiary event is not consistently strong over the entire area). On the NMO corrected gathers, the steeply dipping refraction and converted mode events are visible. The real data has more multiple content, as the synthetic model will not have had all real interbed reflectors.

Figure 19 left: FD elastically modelled data with all multiples after NMO correction. Figure right: real data from an early stage of pre-processing (no multiple suppression but with a first pass of linear noise removal) after NMO correction and band-pass filter to match the modelled data. The families of linear dipping noise below the top chalk observed on the real data, show a close correspondence to the modelled converted and refraction events seen in the synthetic data.

In Figure 20, I show the synthetic FD data where the moveout trajectories of the converted mode events have been picked on the migrated CRP gather (yellow dotted lines), and then also superimposed on the real data shown in Figure 21. The real data shown in the left panel of Figure 21 are those used as input to the migration (with various linear noise and some demultiple processing). Both after NMO (centre panel) and after preSDM (right panel), the data still show some remnant noise associated with the converted mode energy. The downward (and upward) dipping linear noise from the chalk refractions can be partly removed using a Radon filter (as shown in Figure 22). However, the Radon filter assumes that moveout trajectories are parabolic (after NMO or migration) whereas the refracted data (both the up-curling and down-curling elements after NMO or migration) are not parabolic. Hence using an aggressive Radon filter to fully remove them can compromise underlying real events with legitimate residual moveout. Thus in an iterative velocity model building workflow, use of aggressive Radon (and other) filters to remove non-P-reflection energy, must be used judiciously so as not to damage the underlying reflection residual moveout that we are trying to assess in order to update the velocity model (e.g. Jones, 2010).


Figure 20: FD elastically modelled data with all multiples, showing raw data, after NMO correction, after preSDM. Superimposed on the migrated gather are show manual picks of the moveout trajectories of the converted and refracted events (yellow dotted lines)

Figure 21: real data at with pre-processing as input to final migration, showing input data, after NMO correction, after 3D preSDM. The yellow trajectories on the preSDM are the refractions and modelled converted modes from the tertiary and top-chalk as picked on the modelled data migrated gathers. It can be seen that remnant noise in the real data does appear to correspond with the modelled residual refraction and converted mode events.


Figure 22a: selection of CRPs along a line. We see both up-curling linear noise in the shallow (resulting from post-critical reflection from the mid-tertiary event), and downcurling noise from the post-critical chalk reflections. The data were muted to 600 for the autopicking and model update, hence the higher order moveout in the shallow is not addressed.

Figure 22b: after Radon filter as used in production (dt at 5km offset=-1000ms to +3500ms, with cut at +200ms). The data input to this process were the migrated gathers shown in Figure 21. The down-curling linear chalk-related energy has been removed, but the up-curling shallower noise remains. We would compromise the underlying residual reflection event moveout if we tried to fully remove the up-curling events in this case.


Conclusions Refraction and mode-converted energy is not correctly handled by conventional P-wave single reflection processing, and hence should ideally be removed prior to migration. However, remnant energy from such events invariably remains in the data after pre-processing, and contaminates the resultant CRP gathers and images. Here I have tried to demonstrate the nature and behaviour of this remnant energy, so as to give some insight into what detail we should be focusing on and what we should be ignoring in resultant gathers and images

Acknowledgements My thanks to Juergen Fruehn, Jacques Leveille, and John Brittan for detailed proof reading, and Rob Bloor for insightful discussions on Kirchhoff and NMO behaviour, and to ION-GX Technology for permission to publish this work.

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