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(art an) (arcel of i# to (re'ail* Any!ay, Ame# W ite !

a# free of mo#t of Dark Angel ability After the Dark t e#e (rimiti'e 6 uman6 emotion#, t oug a)mitte)ly 'e#tige# remaine)* 8e a) lo'e) a !oman, once/ an) e lo'e) i# #on* ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4ut t again, at !a#my family* 4ree)ing* T at !a# allo!e), e'en encourage)* Once frequent collaborator Matt e! " Clemen#$!it ! om %&'e !ritten An) Ame#(ubli# W ite e) !a# !it el(e) a )ar+, #trea+ of umor* 8e coul) !ell numerou# # (o##e##e) ort #torie#$ me!ic+e) ere immea#urably* A +no!le)geable a((reciate t fan, e irony ofco,(lotte) a 6col)6 ct aracter li+e create) im#elfafin)ing refuge t e bitterly Dar+ Angel Matt i# tale an) )etaile) #tory in treatment from frigi) Dene T a to!n of Mean)er 5i'er, Alberta, Cana)a* ! ic % coul) )e'elo( After t e Dar+, ! ic com(lete# t e trilogy e)itor Ste'e Saffel %t# (o(ulation no larger t to ancreate* t e Sun)ay cro!) in a Seattle mar+et(lace, Mean)er +in)ly commi##ione) me 5i'er a) ta+en im about a# far nort a##u((ort, e coul)! manage, # ort of renting a )og#le)* Ste'e again (ro'i)e) con#i#tently #trong ic inclu)e) not -u#t roun)ing u( T e (eo(le ! o li'e) ere !ere #o remo'e) from ci'ili>ation t at W ite !on)ere) if material#, but a))ing i# o!n creati'e in(ut* t e#e #ub uman# a) te'en ear) about t e 7ul#e,.ame# let alone felt it# an) re(ercu##ion#* % !oul) li+e to t an+ e creator# of Dar+ Angel, Cameron C arle# Eglee, T e Mean)er 5i'er economy !a# ba#e) on barter, an) t e citi>en# a) 'ery littlea# u#e for allo!ing u# to continue an) com(lete +ey a#(ect# of t eir continuity* T an+# for com(uter#, ! ic#cribe meant #cant a) c ange) ere, after Ol# ! at catacly#m !ell to Dar+ Angel Moira Kirlan) De++er/ Debbie ana) of been 01t a Century 2o3/ to t e nearby ?nite) State#* W en terrori#t# #et off an electromagnetic (ul#e o'er t e Wen)y C e#eboroug of Lig t#torm/ an), at 4allantine 4oo+#, Gillian 4erman, Ea#t Coa#t bac+ an) in 011@, t e Lin)#ay* ?SA a) lo#t e'eryt ing, a #u(er(o!er in#tantly re)uce) Colette 5u##en, Colleen to t e #tatu# of T ir) Worl) nation* To Mean)er 5i'er, t e e'ent !a# a# tri'ial a# an electrical outage t un)er#torm* We !oul) li+e toin t a an+ t e many Dar+ Angel fan# ! o a'e # o!n u# #u((ort by !ay 4urie) un)er a moun) of #no! mea#ure) in feet, of #ale#, corre#(on)ence, an) li'ely %nternet )i#cu##ion* %t i#, fran+ly, intimi)ating ol)ing t e rein# of a #torytelling franc i#e #o belo'e) by it# fan#, ! o often +no! #o not e#, Mean)er 5i'er !a# e (erfect mucinc more about Dar+ Angel t tan !e )o* 'acation geta!ay for t e (er#on ! o )i)n&t !ant be foun) (er#nic+ety ty(e# *** ent NSA fe)eral bo##e#, #ay, ! o mig t be to Matt, to Ste'e, an) %byo(e t at Dar+ Angel u#ia#t# !ill a((reciate t i# re#olution annoye) t at aelement# certain agent gone rogue/ or t e 2amiliar#, W ite&# bree)ing cult certain #alient of t i#a) e(ic an)$!e tru#t$ongoing #aga* family, ! o mig t be tic+e) t at one of t eir o!n a) faile) in e'ery one of i# mi##ion ob-ecti'e#, an) coul) merit$C a re(riman) *** t e fatal +in)* 6Lo'e #ic+ne## nee)# a lo'e cure*6 ine#e (ro'erb %f t o#e urt#*6 !ere t$78%L e +in)#AND of (eo(le you nee)e) a 'acation from, t en Mean)er 5i'er a) 6Lo'e DON muc to offer* Not only !a# t ere t e biting col) an) )aunting #no!, Mean)er 5i'er !a# al#o o'er t ree our# from t e neare#t (re,7ul#e lan)ing #tri(, an) a goo) t!el'e our# from E)monton an) a real air(ort* T o#e con)ition# )i) not ma+e tra'el to t i# fugiti'e&# fro>en (ara)i#e a #im(le (ro(o#ition, (articularly only a !ee+ before C a(ter One C ri#tma#DA9 ! en%N t e a'erage ig for t e )ay !a# #till !ell belo! >ero* A COLD 8ELL Mean)er 5i'er !a# al#o locate) in t e mi))le of t e Dene T a Nati'e 5e#er'e* 4ac+ ANDE5 5%"E5, AL4E5TA in t e ?nite) State#, DECEM4E5 :;* #uc locale# !ere calle) %n)ian 5e#er'ation#, !it t e generally abominable con)ition# Si3 mont # on t e run* to be e3(ecte) a# t e en) re#ult of a #e'eral,centurie#,long go'ernment,#(on#ore) genoci)al un)erta+ing* Si3 mont # in #mall to!n#, big citie#, motel#, otel#, cam(#ite#, (ublic (ar+#, ?( ere, con)ition# !ere at lea#t #lig tly better,#crounging, !it a #c ool, a fire ou#e, co abiting !it t e riffraff, e'en t e omele##, #ur'i'ing *** a general #tore, an) maybe a tenure un)re) ou#e#, in )ecentruin# enoug a(e* T e areafor W at a umiliating t cla(boar) i# a) been, in t eall (o#t,7ul#e t at#!a# America, !a# neatly maintaine), out tan) e aban)one) car# an) (aint,(eeling buil)ing# W a man of Ame# W ite&# !it abilitie# #en#ibilitie#* 4ut W ite !a#, if not ing el#e, a ite +ne! !ere for t )ifficultie#, e cour#e onto ?*S* re#er'ation#* of#all, t off e Mean)er 5i'er man able to(ar en)ure o'ercome ar)# 4e#t i(#, to rug a)'er#itie# t at racial ma+eu( meant t at W ite !ore re'er#e camouflage$ e !a# one of !oul) )efeat e'en abo'e,a'erage #(ecimen# of mere umanity* True, e !a# not (articularly ble##e) !it (atience$t at attribute a) al!ay# elu)e) only or fi'e (er#on# t e of to!n !it out ti#elong )ar+#uit/ re) #+in an) flat,in !i)e im* four Nor !a# grace in t ein face fru#tration forbearance t e feature# (re#ence of t e Dene T a$ gi'ing im t e (rime a)'antage of #eeing (ale,face trouble of me)iocrity$not i# forte* Nor !a# com(a##ion a trait e con#i)ere) !ort coming from a long So !ay# culti'ating* in off* i# lac+ of 6#en#iti'ity, 6 e #eeme)$to t e #econ), an) t ir),rate T e 2amiliar# !ere uni'er#ally ! ite, racial (urity being one element of t e bree)ing min)# e #o often encountere)$cruel, e'en col)* reci(e t at a) been(ercei'e) (erfecte) cruelty o'er countle## centurie#* of cour#e, t e ?*S* 4ut #uc <!rongly= an) col)ne## onlyAn), be#(o+e a #u(eriority of min) go'ernment, (articularly t e ironically )ubbe) blac+ o(# agencie#, !eren&t e3actly an) #(irit, t e en) re#ult of t ou#an)# of year# of #electi'e bree)ing/ an), a# #uc , !ere

reno!ne) for t eir 5ainbo! Coalition iring (ractice#* So, for t e time being any!ay, W ite felt$if not #afe$(re(are) to meet any )ifficulty, in t i# tiny Cana)ian burg* Of cour#e, W ite&# ! itene## a) it# )o!n#i)e* Among t i# )u#+y (o(ulation, e #tuc+ out li+e a faile) Manticore e3(eriment$ e !oul)n&t a'e loo+e) any more out of (lace a) e been t at imbe,cilic Dog 4oy or t at (#yc otic Li>ar) Man* W ile t i# !oul) ma+e im ea#y for i# (ur#uer# to #(ot, o'er all e maintaine) a certain (eace of min) +no!ing t at anyone unting im !oul) li+ely be in t e #ame Cauca#ian$or at lea#t non,Nati'e American$ boat* E'en #o, W ite !oul) al#o be ar)er to #(ot no! t an alf a year ago, ! en i# (icture !a# broa)ca#t on e'ery tele'i#ion in Nort America* 8i# #(i+y bro!n air a) gro!n out an) co'ere) i# ear#, a neatly trimme) bear) an) mu#tac e re(lacing i# (re'iou#ly clean,# a'en face, gi'ing im a !ell,groome) mountain,man a((earance/ i# (iercing )ar+ eye# remaine) i# mo#t i)entifiable feature* T e (ar+a #ome! at ma#+e) i# lit ely mu#cular buil)/ but t en, e a) al!ay# loo+e) #lig ter an) le## ca(able t an e actually !a#* 8e t oug t of im#elf a# a mil),mannere) Clar+ Kent, ! o coul) remo'e i# gla##e#, #tri( off i# attire, an) re'eal t e uber,man beneat * On t e ot er an), e a) no nee) for gla##e#, !it i# +een 2amiliar,bre) eye#ig t, an) no one a) e'er accu#e) im of being mil),mannere), or of a'ing any manner# at all, ! en it came rig t )o!n to it* W en W ite a) fir#t arri'e) ere four mont # ago, t e former NSA agent rente) a #mall blue ou#e once o!ne) by a #c oolteac er ! o a) ta+en a (o#t in Calgary* Wit it# t!o be)room#, a #ometime# functioning T" aerial, a bat room !it (er(etually col) running !ater, an) li'ing,room fire(lace, t e one,#tory cla(boar) at lea#t +e(t out t e c ill* 8e a) enoug money to li'e comfortably u( ere, t e benefit# of bot go'ernment #er'ice an) money (ro'i)e) im by t e 2amiliar# to run t eir o(eration#* Wor+ing for t!o #ecret organi>ation# o'er alf a )eca)e a) +e(t a #tea)y flo! of untraceable ca# running t roug W ite&# an)# an) flo!ing into numerou# ban+ account# un)er a# many name#* T e fact t at t e NSA )i)n&t +no! about t e 2amiliar# a) allo!e) im to !or+ bot #i)e# of t e fence* 2or t eir (art, t e !ell,fun)e) 2amiliar# a) been in e3i#tence longer t an anyone coul) imagine, an) t ey a) !ante) W ite to maintain i# (o#ition !it in t e NSA* T e lo## of t at (o#ition t roug t e treac ery of i# #ubor)inate Otto Gottlieb !oul) )efinitely a'e angere) i# 2amiliar #u(erior#, a goo) rea#on for W ite to ta+e t i# e3ten)e) Cana)ian geta!ay* E'entually, e !oul) a'e to a((roac t e 2amiliar# an) ma+e (eace !it t em, t oug )oing #o !oul) #urely mean ri#+ing i# life* 8i# (riority for t e#e many mont # a) been #ur'i'al$to retrenc an) u#e i# be#t !ea(on *** i# min)*** to begin !or+ing out a #olution, to t in+ i# !ay out of t i# #eeming im(a##e* 8e a) (er#onal )e#ire#, in'ol'ing i# boy, but e #till # are) t e belief# an) goal# of t e 2amiliar#, an) i# goal !a# to con'ince t em t at e # oul) be allo!e) a #econ) c ance* An) yet #till e remaine) in Mean)er 5i'er$ telling im#elf t at e !a# merely allo!ing t e 2amiliar# to cool off, to ac ie'e a )i#tance from i# failure# t at mig t allo! im to (re#ent i# ca#e before )i#(a##ionate -u)ge#* Trut be tol), t oug , e

a) come to li+e li'ing u( ere, ! ere -u#t getting by !a# a little ar)er$it ga'e im a feeling of tranquillity, an) al#o (ri)e t at e !a# not only #ur'i'ing, but a)a(ting quite !ell to i# ne! #urroun)ing#* 8e !a# free of t e #tre## of i# former )ouble life* Some)ay, ! en e an) i# #on 5ay !ere reunite), t i# mig t be t e #ort of (lace ! ere t ey coul) li'e toget er* E'en W ite&# )rea)e) migraine ea)ac e#$#omet ing e #truggle) again#t con#tantly ! ile !or+ing for t e go'ernment <of cour#e, t o#e a## ole# coul) gi'e .e#u# C ri#t migraine#=$ a)n&t bot ere) im nearly a# muc a# e&) #ettle) into life in Mean)er 5i'er* 7ain !a# #omet ing W ite an) t o#e of i# bree) a) largely o'ercome$t eir (ain t re# ol)# a) been bre) to near e3tinction, t e remnant# remaining only to #er'e a# t e !arning #y#tem nature inten)e)* 4ut certain ( y#iologically )ri'en )i#com, fort$genetically (a##e) along$bro+e )o!n t e !ell,bre) )efen#e# of W ite an) i# +in) *** t e migraine# a (rime e3am(le* 4un)ling u( in a (ar+a, #+i ma#+, an) boot#, W ite (re(are) for t e # ort !al+ to Malcolm&#, a combination re#taurant an) bar t at !a# t e only (lace in to!n to get eit er a ot meal or a real )rin+* Coo+ing not being among i# many #+ill#$an) not an intere#t e !ante) to culti'ate$W ite #(ent a lot of time at Malcolm&#, ! ere t e ire) el(, a# !ell a# t e o!ner im#elf, a) long #ince recogni>e) im a# a regular* T ey !ere a #toic, #our bunc , o!e'er, #till treating im li+e a #tranger, an out#i)er* 7er a(# it !a# racial, but in any e'ent, W ite a) t e unmi#ta+able feeling t at none of t e Malcolm&# cre! li+e) im* %t !a#n&t an uncommon re#(on#e on i# (art/ (eo(le often a((eare) to in#tincti'ely feel an anti(at y to!ar) im, (robably becau#e of i# !ell,earne) air of #u(eriority* W ite )i)n&t gi'e a goo) go))amn ! et er t e#e #a'age# li+e) im or not, anot er common re#(on#e on i# (art* %f e coul) not be !it i# o!n +in)$ i# #on, for e3am(le$Ame# W ite !a# quite content !it i# o!n com(any* %f anyt ing, e a((reciate) t e #taff at Malcolm&# for not inflicting #mall tal+ u(on im$#uc interaction !a# a (art of life among t e mongrel uman# t at e a) en)ure) far too long* Tru)ging )o!n t e #treet, W ite once again con#i)ere) all t e t ing# t at a) gone !rong in t e (a#t t!el'e mont # or #o, an) t e (eo(le ! o a) been re#(on#ible* At t e to( of t i# ignoble li#t !a# t e tran#,genic bitc calle) Ma3$ e a) mi##e) numerou# o((ortunitie# to eit er ca(ture or +ill t e AB$#(ecifically, AB,CB0$! o a) turne) i# life into a li'ing ell* 8i# fait le## NSA (artner Otto Gottlieb a) not only turne) on im, but ratte) im out to t e only enemy a# )angerou# a# CB0 er#elfD Eye# Only, t e un)ergroun) cyberterrori#t* T e rebel in'e#tigati'e -ournali#t$! o#e i)entity remaine) un+no!n$!a# al!ay# (rying into matter# of im(ortance/ mo#t of t i# interference a) been (eri( eral *** annoying but ne'er anyt ing t at coul) truly bloc+ W ite in i# o!n #ub,ro#a effort#* T at a) all c ange), o!e'er, ! en Eye# Only broa)ca#t one of i# tra)emar+ 'i)eo ac+#, t e #ub-ect of ! ic !a# Ame# W ite* 2or all intent# an) (ur(o#e#, t e renega)e broa)ca#t a) ruine) bot of W ite&# career#, tainting im not only !it t e NSA but t e 2amiliar#* An) Eye# Only&# little

un#c e)ule) 6(rogram6 a) e'en been ig lig te) by #egment# # o!ca#ing in#i)e information courte#y of t at !im( NSA un)erling Sage T om(#on an) W ite&# o!n former (artner, Otto* An) t oug t i# !a# t e ma-or #etbac+ t at a) #ent im #currying for i# life in t e anonymity of Mean)er 5i'er, e'en t at coul) not com(are to t e lo## of i# #on, 5ay* Ki)na((e) by CB0 an) an uni)entifie) man from t e 2amiliar&# o!n #c ool, 4roo+ri)ge Aca)emy, t e boy !a# no! M%A, lea'ing no clue# to i# ! ereabout#* %n t e en), e not only a) lo#t 5ay, but i# !ife Wen)y a# !ell* Of cour#e, W ite a) +ille) Wen)y im#elf*** a nece##ity, con#i)ering er treac ery to!ar) im/ but t at )i)n&t negate t e nagging nee)le of lo##* 8i# !ife a) been a fine com(anion, !it many goo) qualitie#$# e -u#t a)n&t +no!n ! en to let t ing# go* %n t e long run, t oug , e #u((o#e) e an) 5ay !ere better off !it out er$# e !a# merely t e 'e##el for 5ay&# creation an), a# #uc , lac+e) t e bree)ing e an) i# #on # are)* T e mo#t im(ortant t ing no! !a# to fin) 5ay* Some)ay, W ite +ne!, e !oul) get i# #on bac+* 4ut t i# !a# a #earc e )are) not un)erta+e until e&) ma)e i# (eace !it t e 2amiliar#* An) in a matter of )ay#$an) e )i) !i# e coul) be !it i# brot er# ! en it a((ene)$an e'ent !oul) tran#(ire t at !oul) (ut i# (eo(le on t e to( of t e !orl)* 8e mig t #eem more 'aluable to t e Concla'e, #oon$! en i# e3(erti#e an) +no!le)ge of AB,CB0 !oul) come in 'ery an)y *** E'en on t e be#t of )ay#, a# it# name im(lie), Mean)er 5i'er !a#n&t e3actly a bu#tling metro(oli#/ but a# W ite #tro)e )o!n t e )e#erte) #treet, it )a!ne) on im t at t ing# !ere e'en more quiet t an u#ual*** an) u#ual !a# (retty )amne) quiet* A# #no! ble! t roug , on a moan of !in), li+e col) #an) t ro!n in i# face, W ite felt a# t oug e !ere !al+ing t roug a #no!,co'ere), #ub>ero g o#t to!n* 8i# (i#tol ne#tle) in t e u#ual belt ol#ter at t e #mall of i# bac+, t e col) #teel again#t i# #(ine #ome o! rea##uring/ an) a #econ) gun !a# #nugge) in i# (ar+a (oc+et, ! ere e coul) get at it imme)iately* So t ere !a# no nee) for a((re en#ion* 9ou&'e been in t e boonie# too long, e tol) im#elf* T e #no! crunc ing beneat i# boot#, t e frigi) air carrying t e not un(lea#ant aroma of Malcolm&# beef #te!, no! barely a bloc+ a!ay, W ite recalle) t e (re,7ul#e omilyD 6.u#t becau#e you&re (aranoi) )oe#n&t mean t ey&re not out to get you*6 4ut W ite&# ne!ly re'i#e) 'er#ion !a#, 6.u#t becau#e t ey&re out to get you )oe#n&t mean you a'e to be (aranoi)*6 8e #mile) at t e t oug t$e'en on t e run e coul) maintain control$an) #tarte) to cro## t e alley t at ran be#i)e Malcolm&#* An), a# e )i), from t e alley emanate) a )ee( 'oice$unt reatening, not at all lou), an) yet boomingD 62e&no# tol*6 W ite fro>e* T e familiar greeting of t e 2amiliar#* After all t e#e mont # *** t ey a) foun) im* .u#t becau#e you&re not (aranoi), e t oug t, )oe#n&t mean t ey !on&t get you* %t )i)n&t matter o! t ey&) manage) it, only t at t ey !ere ere, t at t ey a) #ome o! gotten into to!n !it out i# being a!are*

8e force) out a long, #lo! breat , a (lume of col) #team ri#ing from i# mout a# e turne) to face t e 'oice* 62e &no# tol,6 e re(lie)* T!o men face) im, eac !inter,bun)le) in (ar+a# muc li+e i#* T ey al#o !ore full #+i ma#+#, but ! et er t e#e !ere men e !oul) recogni>e, !it t eir face# e3(o#e), !a# a moot (oint* W o t ey !ere !a#n&t a# im(ortant a# ! o t ey re(re#ente)* %t !oul) #eem t e 2amiliar# !ante) im a lot more t an e&) t oug t/ #o muc for lying lo! till #(ring* Still !atc ing t e t!o in front of im, W ite became a!are t at t ree more a) materiali>e) be in) im* 8i# #+ill#, li+e t o#e of i# #tal+er#, !ere far abo'e t o#e of normal uman#* W ite )i)n&t nee) to #ee t e t ree men be in) im to +no! t ey !ere t ere$ e felt t em, i# combat ra)ar (inging a!ay at i# #urroun)ing#* An) yet t ey a) #ur(ri#e) im$come u( be in) im on t e ot er!i#e )e#erte) #no!#!e(t #treet !it out im ti((ing to it, till no!* T ey !ere goo)$t e 2amiliar# a) #ent t eir be#t trac+er# after im* Some o!, e )i) not feel a !arm ru# from t e com(liment *** A t ou#an) year# of bree)ing by t e 2amiliar# a) gone into ma+ing t e #tronge#t uman being# (o##ible, #u(er uman#, actually* Only t e man,ma)e abomination# of Manticore coul) ol) a can)le to t e 2amiliar#* Wit out mo'ing, gi'ing t em not ing ( y#ical to react to, W ite #ai), 62rom our ance#tor#* 2or our c il)ren&# c il)ren*6 T e #+i ma#+ on i# left re(lie), 62rom my fat er before me* 2or my #on#*6 T en bot men (ulle) (i#tol# from t eir (oc+et#$ #mall, #il'er gun# !it noi#e #u((re##or# e3aggerating t e barrel#* So muc for frien)ly greeting# *** Kee(ing i# glo'e) an)# unt reateningly loo#e at i# #i)e#, clearly not in a (o#ition to go for a gun in a timely fa# ion, W ite (lotte) i# ne3t mo'e* T e#e !ere trac+er#, not a##a##in#$o , t ey !oul) +ill im if nece##ary, but a) t eir mi##ion been to +ill im, t e greeting !oul) a'e been bullet#, not !or)#* 4ut t ere !a# no u#e trying to tal+ to t em or rea#on !it t em or #tall in any fa# ion* No one of t e#e men !a# going to be #!aye) by !or)#$e'en bribe# !oul) fall on )eaf ear#$an) t e trut !a#, e !a# outnumbere) fi'e to one* Combat :1:D ! en confronte) by #u(erior number#$attac+* W ite too+ one #!ift #te( for!ar) an) lea(t, i# leg# #(laying !i)e a# e +ic+e) bot men #tan)ing in front of im #imultaneou#ly* T e one on t e left grunte) a# W ite&# boot #truc+ im in t e c e#t, t e man&# gun firing refle3i'ely, t e bullet #ailing off acro## to!n traile) by t e #nic+ t e gun ma)e/ t e #+i,ma#+e) trac+er&# feet !ent u( an) i# ea) !ent )o!n a# e lan)e) on i# bac+ in t e #no! !it a faint ! um(* T e one to W ite&# rig t )i)n&t e'en get out a grunt a# W ite&# boot caug t im in t e face, brea+ing i# no#e, )ro((ing im to t e #no!, uncon#ciou#, gun )ro((ing from i# finger#, burying it#elf in a #no! ban+* W ite lan)e) nimbly, t en #!ung a leg aroun), in #uc a blur of #(ee) t at e'en traine) ty(e# li+e t e#e coul) only bac+ a!ay a!+!ar)ly* At t e en) of i# motion i#

leg it t e groun), an) t en e !a# running, )o!n t at alley, lea'ing t e fallen t!o be in), t e ot er t ree coming after im* No # out#, no crie#, from t e#e (ur#uer#$only t eir breat , barely au)ible be in) im* 2a#t a# e !a#, W ite a) no o(e of outrunning t e trio$t e#e !ere not or)inary men, but 2amiliar# li+e im#elf* Still, !it #ome luc+, e mig t be able to (ic+ a better (lace to ma+e i# #tan)* %t )i) #ur(ri#e an) encourage im t at t ey !eren&t firing at im* T ey !oul) a'e t eir gun# in an) by no!$ e )i)n&t loo+ bac+$an) t at meant t ere !ere no e3terminate,u(on,re#i#tance or)er# for t e#e trac+er#* 8e ran !it long, ea#y #tri)e#, all t o#e generation# of bree)ing (aying off, a# e barely bro+e a #!eat* 2inally #nea+ing a loo+ o'er i# # oul)er a# e roun)e) a corner to i# left, e coul) tell t e t ree !ere #till bac+ t ere, t e )i#tance ol)ing #tea)y at about fifteen to t!enty yar)#* 8e too+ a rig t turn, t en crouc e) in a )oor!ay an) !aite)/ e )i) not arm im#elf, lea'ing bot (i#tol# (ac+e) a!ay* A# i# min) race), one )ominant t oug t (re'aile)D e )i) not !ant to u#e a gun on t emE Alt oug i# #toc+ !it t e Concla'e$t e 2amiliar#& go'erning bo)y$!a# at an all,time lo!, +illing a 4rot er !oul) #en) W ite careening acro## a line from ! ic t ere !a# no (o##ible return, e3ce(t in a bo)y bag* T e fir#t 2amiliar came aroun) t e corner, an) W ite e3(lo)e) out of t e )oor!ay to )eli'er a flying +ic+ to t e man&# ea), +noc+ing im off i# feet* T e #econ) one emerge) -u#t a# W ite rolle) an) bounce) to i# feet* T e 2amiliar attac+e)$li+e W ite, t e man )i) not a'e a gun in an)$but W ite !a# rea)y* 8e )o)ge), e (arrie), an) a# t e #+i,ma#+e) a##ailant )eli'ere) one martial art# mo'e after anot er, W ite a'oi)e) eac , loo+ing for an o(ening* A# t e t ir) man barrele) aroun) t e corner, W ite #a! i# c ance* S(inning a!ay from number t!o, e )eli'ere) a #i)e +ic+ to t e #olar (le3u# of number t ree an) +noc+e) im on i# a##, t e man&# breat -etting from im a# if e&) e3(elle) a #mall clou)* Coming aroun) to number t!o again, W ite e3ecute) a (erfect leg #!ee(, )ro((ing t e man onto i# bac+* 7re##ing t e a)'antage, e caug t t e man acro## t e cla'icle !it a quic+ c o( an) ear) a # ar( crac+ a# t e 2amiliar&# collarbone #na((e)/ but t e man )i)n&t cry out$(ain !a#n&t an i##ue, really, but ot er ( y#iological re#(on#e# (ertaine), in t i# ca#e uncon#ciou#ne##* 8e (au#e) momentarily, con#i)ering i# t ree fallen a)'er#arie#, none of ! om a) come after im !it gun in an)* T e Concla'e clearly !ante) im ali'e *** an) t at !a# a goo) #ign, !a#n&t itF Wa#n&t itF An#!ering im#elf !it a # i'er, W ite #(rinte) off in t e )irection e&) been going, t en turne) rig t at t e ne3t corner, i# min) !or+ing on t e ne3t c e## mo'e, ! en anot er 2amiliar #te((e) from t e rece## of a )ar+ene) )oor!ay, a Ta>er in i# rig t an)* Gue#tion# fell li+e #no!$! ere a) t i# ma#+e) figure come fromF 8o! a) t e man gotten in front of im ! ile e !a# fleeingF T e#e t oug t# an) a )o>en ot er# fla# e)

t roug W ite&# min) in t e moment it too+ t e t!o )art# to eru(t from t e en) of t e Ta>er an) (uncture W ite&# (ar+a* 8e felt t!o # ar( (ric+# in i# c e#t, t en i# limb# fla((e) uncontrollably, an) i# feet lo#t t eir (urc a#e an) e foun) im#elf on i# bac+, loo+ing u( at t e gunmetal, gray #+y* All t e anti(ain bree)ing of centurie# coul) not #to( t e electrical #torm in i# bo)y from a'ing it# !ay !it im, i# 'ein# on fire a# current circuite) t roug im, t e que#tion# gone no! a# t e #+y turne) c arcoal an) e'eryt ing aroun) im gre! 'ery quiet* After only a fe! #econ)#, W ite #urren)ere) to t e unfamiliar #en#ation of e3treme (ain, an) t en it fa)e) an) e felt im#elf )ro((ing a!ay from Mean)er 5i'er, Alberta, a# if e&) #te((e) off t e e)ge of a cliff, (lun+ing into an aby##, a (lace muc col)er t an i# %n)ian re#er'ation refuge, an) )ar+er e'en t an i# )ar+e#t t oug t#* T e fir#t t ing Ame# W ite reali>e), e'en before e o(ene) i# eye#, !a# t at i# gun !a# gone* T e col) #teel, t e almo#t a((y )i#comfort of t e (i#tol bin)ing again#t i# !ai#tban), !a# ab#ent$it !a# li+e reali>ing a (ic+(oc+et a) ta+en your !allet* 8e reac e) bac+ an) confirme) t e !ea(on&# ab#ence from i# #(ine at t e to( of i# #lac+#* De#(ite ! at e&) e3(erience), W ite )i) not feel t e ac e, t e #orene## a ty(ical uman !oul) e3(erience/ but e )i) feel an uncomfortable !ea+ne##, a certain lea)enne##, an) t e area in i# c e#t ! ere t e )art# a) (enetrate) tingle), in an annoying, tic+ling fa# ion* T i# #en#ation imme)iately ga'e clarity to i# t oug t# an) memory, an) e remembere) being foun) by t e 2amiliar#* 8e !a# #ome! at #ur(ri#e) to be ali'e, t oug t e action# of t e trac+er# a) in)icate) t e 2amiliar# a) or)ere) i# ca(ture, not liqui)ation* W et er or not t i# !a# a (lea#ant #ur(ri#e remaine) to be #een *** O(ening i# eye# to )im illumination, W ite #ur'eye) i# #urroun)ing# an) i# #ituation* 8e !a# in a #(ar#e gray cell, a#(ra!l on a col) #tone floor, t e cell barren but for bar# in#et in a #mall !in)o! of t e )oor$no bun+, no toilet/ t e cell !a# clean, t e #tinging #mell of anti#e(tic t!ea+ing i# no#tril#* A #mall, na+e) lig tbulb ung in t e all beyon) t e tiny !in)o!, (ro'i)ing t e only lig t/ #ome! ere, !ater )ri((e)* 8e #till a) i# clot e# <anot er #ur(ri#e=, but i# (ar+a, belt, an) boot# a) been remo'e)* Loo+ing into t e all!ay t roug t e bar#, e #a! not a ro! of ot er cell#, but a blan+ #tone !all, ! ere # a)o!# )ance) an) -um(e)* W ite +ne! t at mo#t or)inarie#$,t e term bot t e 2amiliar# an) t e tran#genic# u#e) to refer to 6normal6 uman#$ !oul) be (araly>e) by fear to fin) t em#el'e# in #uc a )an+, )ar+ en'ironment, an) !oul) con#tantly #earc t e # a)o!# for mice, rat#, or #omet ing !or#e* W ite, on t e ot er an), foun) t e cell comforting* T e#e #urroun)ing#, in an) of t em#el'e#, (re#ente) no (roblem#* 8i# only concern no! !a# coming u( !it a (lan t at !oul) get im t e ell out of ere* No matter o! blea+ i# future mig t a((ear, one fa'orable fact remaine)D t e 2amiliar# a)n&t +ille) im imme)iately ! en t ey foun) im* 69ou a'e faile) re(eate)ly, 4rot er W ite*6

T e 'oice rattle) t e bar#$a booming ba##o (ro,fun)o, (i(e) in from #ome! ere in t e )ar+ne## of t e cell ceiling* W ite !a# #tartle), but only momentarily* De#(ite t e ob'iou# attem(t at intimi)ation, t i# !a# not t e 'oice of Go), unle## Go) a) a German accent*** an), #ince t at #eeme) unli+ely to W ite, e a) a goo) i)ea ! o among t e Concla'e !a# )oing t e tal+ing* 6T at&# true,6 e an#!ere), calmly* 6An) you +no! t e (rice of failure*6 T e 'oice a) all t e !armt of December in Mean)er 5i'er* 6% )o* 4ut$6 64utF 9ou &re going to try to negotiate !it u#, at t i# (ointF * * * After t e#e countle## failure#F 6 W ite a) t e goo) #en#e to not an#!er* 6*** Do you imagine you a'e #omet ing !it ! ic to negotiateF6 De#(ite t e #arca#tic tone, t e man #eeme) to be lea)ing im$a# if trying to *** el( imF W yF W ite +ne! t i# man to be a +ey figure among t e Concla'e, !iel)ing a (o!er far greater t an any e im#elf a) e'er o(e) to ac ie'e* An) yet no!, for #ome rea#on t e former NSA agent coul) not com(re en), t i# im(ortant figure !a# trying to gui)e im in t i# )ar+ our* W ite con#i)ere) i# re#(on#e carefully$t e correct an#!er coul) mean anot er c ance for im, an) t e !rong an#!er*** !ell, t at !oul) mo#t a##ure)ly lea) to t e imminent )eat e a) e3(ecte) e'er #ince #eeing t o#e #+i,ma#+e) trac+er# bac+ in Mean)er 5i'er* %n-ecting t e (ro(er confi)ence into i# 'oice, Ame# W ite #ai), 6% can )eli'er AB, CB0*6 At fir#t #ilence *** *** t en a terrible, )i#mi##i'e laug rattle) t e #(ea+er# in t e ceiling* C ille), W ite reali>e) in#tantly t at e a) -u#t ma)e a tragic, (er a(# e'en a fatal, error* 8i# re#(on#e )i) not #eem to be ! at t e Concla'e figure a) !ante) to ear* 4ut ! at el#e coul) e offer t em be#i)e# CB0F E'ery (lan for t e future t e Concla'e a) ma)e inge) u(on t at bitc &# e3tinctionE Wit in )ay#, t e comet !oul) arri'e, an) a ne! era !oul) begin$an era t reatene) only by t e e3i#tence of AB$CB0E W at in ell coul) be of greater im(ortance t an 6Ma36F A terror ro#e !it in im$a (anic t at urge) im to #cream, to beg for i# life/ yet #ome #trengt in im !i#ely (re'ente) any #oun), any !or)#, from coming out* 4ut t e logical (art of im, i# +een intelligence, faile) im a# !ell$ e #im(ly )i) not +no! ! at to #ay, ! at to bargain !it *** 69ou can &)eli'er& AB,CB0$ o! many time# a'e you (romi#e) u# t at 'ery t ingF6 6More t an once, % +no!*6 6An) o! many time# a# # e be#te) youF 8o! many time# a'e you faile) your brot er#F6 6Too*** too many*6

6W at ma+e# you t in+ t i# attem(t !ill be #ucce##fulF W y # oul) t i# be any )ifferent from all t e ot er failure#F6 8e#itantly, W ite #ai), 6T e (lan % a'e in min) i#$6 62ool(roofF Li+e all of your ot er cunning (lan#F * * * 9ou &'e a) #o many (lan#, a'en&t you, 4rot er W ite* ** an) yet on e'ery #ingle occa#ion # e a# )efeate) you*6 6Meaning no )i#re#(ect,6 W ite #ai), 6# e a# )efeate) u#$all of u#$too frequently* A# muc a# !e may )e#(i#e er an) ! at # e re(re#ent#, # e i# a !ort y foe*6 6Wort y*** F6 6%f # e !ere an in#ignificant im(e)iment, er e3i#tence !oul) not (o#e #uc a t reat to our cau#e*6 No! a terrible #ilence follo!e), an) W ite !on)ere) if e a) #(o+en too fran+ly, if i# bra# ne## !oul) re#ult, finally, in t e ultimate, fatal cen#ure of t e Concla'e* 69our (re'iou# (lan# & a'e left muc to be )e#ire), 4rot er* 8o! can you rea##ure u# of your abilitie#F 8o! can you re#tore our fait in youF 6 69ou can allo! me to (re#ent my (lan to you* 2or your con#i)eration* Surely % )on&t nee) to remin) you t at only )ay# remain*6 6***S(ea+, t en6 Ta+ing a )ee( breat an) letting it out #lo!ly, forcing im#elf to #tay calm$lo#ing i# tem(er ere !oul) be to lo#e i# life$W ite e3(laine) t e #c eme, in broa) but com(lete #tro+e#* E'en e )i)n&t +no! e'ery )etail a# yet, but t e ig (oint# !ere alrea)y in (lace, an) e !ent !it t em* An), too, t ere !ere a#(ect# of i# (lot t at it !a# be#t t e Concla'e not +no!, at lea#t a# yet$not until after t e en)# a) -u#tifie) i# mean#* T e im(ortant t ing for t e 2amiliar# at t i# moment !a# e coul) )eli'er to t em CB0 *** an) t e Coming !oul) remain #ecurely on #c e)ule* 6T i# (lan !ill lea) to t e #ucce##ful ca(ture of AB,CB0F6 6%&m #ta+ing my life on it,6 W ite #ai)* 6T at muc i# guarantee)*6 W at follo!e) !a#n&t e3actly #ilence$a muffle) ! i#(ering, a# t e 'oice abo'e an) ot er Concla'e member# )i#cu##e) W ite&# (ro(o#ition* An) t enD 6Do you a'e fun)#F6 A o(eful #ign* 69e#,6 #ai) W ite* 6Some*6 6T en t o#e fun)# !ill finance t e o(eration*6 W ite coul)n&t #to( im#elf, blurting, 6My o!n moneyF 6 T e 'oice remaine) calm* 6W ate'er fun)# you a'e are your# only by our )i#(en#ation*6 4e#t not to c allenge t at* 6No! t at t at i# #ettle),6 t e 'oice #ai), 6!e&ll turn to t e timetable***6 5ubbing i# fore ea), trying to #ta'e off one of i# ea)ac e#, W ite #ai), 6We can #tart a# #oon a# you #ee fit, #ir*** Mig t % a#+ to -oin you in better quarter#, better circum#tance#F6 69ou +no! you can&t affor) to fail again*6

6% )o in)ee), #ir*6 6T at # oul) you fail, t ere !ill be no re(rie'e*6 69e#*6 6Only your family&# i#tory !it t e Concla'e allo!e) you to buy anot er o((ortunity t i# time*6 6T an+ you*6 W ite remaine) #tubbornly (a##i'e* 8e +ne! t ey !ere !atc ing im from #ome! ere, +ne! too t at t ey !ere !ell a!are t at e ate) being lecture) a# muc a# e ate) to fail* 8e !oul) not gi'e t em t e #ati#faction of #eeing im lo#e i# com(o#ure* Soon t e #oun) of a +ey in t e )oor announce) i# return to t e Concla'e fol) a# gran)ly a# a fanfare of trum(et#* 2orcing im#elf to breat e )ee(ly an) #lo!ly, e in#tea) concentrate) on t e -ac+ ammer (oun)ing in i# #+ull* 8e !a# coming to un)er#tan) t at (ain a) it# (ur(o#e#, an) in t i# ca#e, it #eeme) to el( im focu#* %n t e ca#e of CB0, er (ain !oul) bring im only (lea#ure, an) er )eat !oul) en#ure t e trium( of t e Concla'e, in t e imminent Coming* C a(ter T!o NA?G8T9 AND N%CE SEATTLE* WAS8%NGTON December 01, 010: 2rom t e o( e) (age of t e Ne! Worl) Wee+lyD S+etc y&# S+etc boo+ by C*T* 6S+etc y6 Simon 6Silent 2rig t6 Not #o long ago, if you&) tol) Emeral) City re#i)ent# t at t ey&) #ee C ri#tma# lig t# #trung from t e ig fence# of Terminal City, you&) a'e been not #o (olitely tol) you !ere fric+in& nut#* 4ut a lot a# c ange) in t e #i3 mont # #ince t e #o,calle) 6Terminal City Siege6 began* 2or one t ing, t e #iege i# officially o'er$bot t e uncon'entional re#i)ent# of t e com(oun) an) city go'ernment agree on t at (oint* T oug a brace of (olice car# remain# (ar+e) out#i)e t e gate#, 0CHI, t e truce a# el)* T at truce !a# #truc+ not long after t e a((re, en#ion of Kel(y, t e c ameleonli+e #erial +iller ca(ture) by t e tran#genic# t em#el'e#$t e one, )efining action t at a) con'ince) many in t e city t at t e Manticore refugee# !ere #eriou# about !anting not ing more t an to fit in* T e National Guar) i# long gone no!, a# i# t e t reat of t e ?*S* Army* Still, a large #egment of t e (o(ulace remain# uncon'ince), an) #o t e (olice #till #tan) guar) at t e gate#* T e ne! mi##ion of t e boy# in blue, o!e'er, i# to +ee( out t o#e ! o !oul) try to )e#troy t e (eace, an) not (en t e tran#genic# in* T e )eni>en# of Terminal City are no! con#i)ere) Seattle citi>en#, American citi>en#, a# equal a# any ot er* Of cour#e, t at #till )oe#n&t #it !ell !it #ome of our fine city&# le## un)er#tan)ing occu(ant#* So, mo#t of t o#e ! o li'e in#i)e Terminal City remain

!it in t e confine# of t i# offbeat gate) community, #el)om 'enturing out for more t an !or+* T eir ne! (lace in t e community, o!e'er, a# garnere) t e tran#genic# a contro'er#ial non,'oting #eat on t e city council, an) at t e ne3t election, Terminal City !ill elect it# o!n al)erman to a regular city council (o#t* T e Ne! Worl) Wee+ly #u((ort# t i# )eci#ion$t e tran#genic# are uman being#, too, after all, e'en if t ey are genetically en ance) creation# of a #ecret go'ernment o(eration gone a!ry* JE)itor&# NoteD El#e! ere in t i# i##ue, rea) t e late#t article in our continuing 2rea+ Nation #erie#D 6Manticore$t e ?S Go'ernment 2rea+ S o! 9ou 7ai) 2orE6= 2or t e time being, Ma3 Gue'era$t e enigmatic, beautiful, ra'en, aire) AB ! o negotiate) t e (eace$remain# t e )e facto mayor of Terminal City* T e )ar+,eye) an) ig ,c ee+bone) Ma3$! o#e full li(# an) (lea#ing form )ra!# #tare# from men an) !omen ali+e$ a# a #ultry (re#ence t at allo!# er to #uccee) in lea)ing t i# rabble into becoming a full,fle)ge) community* 8er ta+ing a #tan)*** er courage an) lea)er# i( *** a# been t e bac+bone (ro((ing u( t i# ragtag bunc of #quatter# #ince t o#e early )ifficult )ay# of t e #iege* %n a blac+ en#emble of turtlenec+ #!eater an) 'e#t an) form,fitting #lac+# an) boot#, t e (etite, # a(ely +illing mac ine t at !a# Ma3 Gue'era #at in a boot in a re#taurant acro## t e !ay from Terminal City* S e !a# #i((ing coffee, rea)ing t e tabloi) rag er frien) S+etc y !rote for, a alf #mile )im(ling one c ee+* Obli'iou# to er o!n Cat!oman c ic, Ma3 # oo+ er ea), t in+ing # e&) a'e to gi'e S+etc a little +ic+ in t e be in) for t at 6#ultry (re#ence6 #tuff* %ronic, t oug , t at of all t e me)ia, t e #lea>y Ne! Worl) Wee+ly !oul) become t e 'oice of rea#on, t e fir#t among t e (re## to ta+e t e #i)e of t e tran#gen,ic#* %ronic, too, t at t i# lea#t re#(ecte) of Seattle (ublication# !oul) be t e only one !it national im(act, )ue to it# grocery #tore c ec+out,counter #tatu# acro## America* Ot er t an er o!n centerfol)i# !rite,u(, # e coul) ar)ly argue !it anyt ing S+etc y #ai) in i# e)itorial* T ing# !ere better for t e tran#genic# no!$#ur(ri#ingly #o, con#i)ering t e genoci)al t reat t ey a) face)* Still, (roblem# remaine)$)ifferent (roblem#, ne! one#, often mun)ane$an) a (eacetime Ma3 foun) er#elf a'ing )ifficulty a)-u#ting to #uc minor trouble# in a !ay t e !artime Ma3 a) ne'er e3(erience), ! ere ma-or trouble# a) aboun)e)* 4eing bre) a# a genetically en ance) #u(er #ol)ier a) it# a)'antage#, no que#tion/ but a# muc a# Ma3 a) com(laine) about !anting to fit in$an) to be li+e e'eryone el#e, an) -u#t li'e in (eace$t ere&) been too many time# )uring t e la#t #i3 mont # ! en # e felt a re#tle##ne##, a yearning for action t at )i#tre##e) er* 8a) Manticore ar)!ire) er in a !ay t at meant a normal life !oul) remain out of reac , )e#(ite er be#t effort#F T e#e t oug t#, t e#e feeling#, trouble) er, e#(ecially #ince e'eryt ing #eeme) to be falling in (lace for er fello! tran#genic#* %ncur#ion# by antitran#genic force# a) been nil$ unle## you counte) t e occa#ional (rote#ter#$an), for t eir (art, t e Manticore refugee# !ere fitting in nicely !it t e community, economically if not ( y#ically* To t eir #ur(ri#e, t e #ame attribute# t at

ma)e t em (remium,quality #ol)ier# a) al#o #er'e) t em !ell in a bu#ine## #etting* Wit an)#ome AB Alec lea)ing t e !ay t roug muc of t i# ne! !il)erne## calle) commerce$ a) e been an &;1# yu((ie in a former lifeF$t e tran#genic# a) not only become #ucce##ful, but !ere actually t ri'ing* T e #(ar+ for t i# (lea#ant bonfire of ca(itali#m in t e tran#genic commune a) been an unli+ely one* %t turne) out t at t e 'ery fir#t Manticore creation$t at ul+ing, lo'able )og boy, .o# ua$!a#n&t t e only Terminal City re#i)ent !it an arti#tic bent* .o# ua&# (ainting# a) earne) im money before, in a to( Seattle gallery, an) !it t e grou( in nee), e&) (ainte) !it a ne! fer'or* 4a#e) u(on i# # eer, in#tincti'e talent, .o# ua a) been #ucce##ful e'en before i# tabloi) celebrity, an) no! t e 'alue of i# (o!erful, (rimiti'e (ainting# !a# #+yroc+eting* Gallery o!ner# !ere clamoring for more 6tran#genic art,6 an) t e re#i)ent# of Terminal City re#(on)e)* Di3, t e (otato, ea)e) #ecurity man !it t e monocle, an) i# ba#eball,#+ulle) (artner Lu+e, !ere more t an engineering ! i>>e# ! o a) oo+e) u( Terminal City&# #ecurity net!or+, #u(er'i#e) t e motor (ool, )e#igne) an) built it# o!n (o!er generator an) !ater #y#tem* T ey !ere al#o burgeoning !el)ing #cul(tor#, forming ab#tract # a(e# t at create) concrete image# in t e eye# an) min)# of 'ie!er#* O'ernig t t eir obby became a bu#ine##* An) Mole, it turne) out, a) a +nac+ for #an) #cul(ture#/ an) many of t e ot er# a) #+ill# of t eir o!n, not al!ay# on t e arti#tic le'el of .o# ua an) t e #cul(tor#, but in an art#,an),craft# fa# ion reflecting t eir o!n (eculiar ma+eu(* Ma3 grinne) at t at t oug t* Let&# face it, # e tol) er#elf, ! o on t i# (lanet a# a more unique combo of en'ironment an) genetic# in t eir (a#t t an t e tran#ie#F So t ey o(ene) u( a #treet mar+et, an) !it in a mont t e tran#genic art a) become a it !it (atron# t roug out t e city, from culture ma'en# to a'erage fol+#* Not only !ere t e tran#genic arti#an# (rolific, t ey !ere talente), an) t ey !ere me)ia )arling#$not t e fir#t me)ia )e'il# ! o&) ma)e t at tran#ition$! o#e (iece# fetc e) to( )ollar* %n le## t an t ree mont # t ey a) lea#e) t e #e'en,#tory buil)ing on t e corner acro## t e #treet from t e main gate* To Ma3, t e #e'en,#tory ome of Terminal City Art!or+# !a# a buil)ing !it memorie#* %t a) been in t e coffee # o( on t e fir#t floor of t i# buil)ing t at # e an) Detecti'e 5amon Clemente began to finally # are t e trut !it eac ot er$in t e critical Kel(y matter$an) to Ma3 t e re#taurant re(re#ente) t e beginning of a # are) tru#t, e'en frien)# i(, bet!een tran#genic an) or)inary* %t a) been nece##ary, of cour#e, to o(en t eir art#,an),craft# mall out#i)e t e boun)arie# of Terminal City$t e to3ic in)u#trial area ! ere t ey a) #quatte) !a# in abitable only by t e genetically altere) tran#genic# t em#el'e#* T at Terminal City loome) acro## t e !ay$a 'a#t #teel an) concrete g o#t to!n aunte) by tran#genic #(ecter#, a # a)o! of ca(itali#m run amo+, free enter(ri#e at it# !or#t$(ro'i)e) yet anot er irony, a #!eet one, a# t e counterculture mall flouri# e), a blo##oming of free enter(ri#e at it# be#t* T e nearby (re#ence of Terminal City al#o (ro'i)e) an air of my#tery an) celebrity t at attracte) or)inarie# to t e 6e3otic6 mall* S+etc y a) y(e) t e mall

in t e Ne! Worl) Wee+ly, an) t e re#t of t e me)ia a) quic+ly latc e) on* Ma3 li+e) t e fact t at t e tran#genic# no! o!ne) t e buil)ing$Logan Cale a) loane) t em t e money, an) !a# !ell on t e !ay to getting (ai) bac+$an) t at fir#t, floor re#taurant a) been reo(ene)* Gem$t e AB ! o ga'e birt )uring t e .am 7ony cri#i# t at ignite) t e Terminal City #iege,!or+e) be in) t e counter, an) t!o ot er AB# # are) management re#(on#ibility <! ere foo) #er'ice !a# concerne), it !a# t oug t be#t to +ee( t e more ra)ically mutate) tran#genic# be in) t e #cene#=* Mo#t of t e .am 7ony me##enger# #to((e) t ere to eat ! en t ey !ere ma+ing )eli'erie# in t i# #ector of t e city, an) !it t e co(# #till on )uty aroun) t e (erimeter, t ere !a# a con#tant t reat to t e )oug nut in'entory* T e re#t of t e buil)ing a) been turne) into t e # o(# of an eclectic art# an) antique# mall* T o#e tran#genic# ! o )i)n&t (artici(ate arti#tically !or+e) t e antique# boot #* Wit tutoring from t e former cat burglar Ma3$! o#e #treet,gang mentor Moo)y a) taug t er !ell, year# ago, bac+ in L*A*$t e tran#,genic (u(il# learne) ! ic artifact# !ere !ort #a'ing an) ! ic coul) be ignore), not only !it in t e boun)arie# of Terminal City, but at flea mar+et# an) )um( #ite# t roug out t e city* Sitting in t e fir#t,floor Terminal City Art!or+# re#taurant, nur#ing er cu( of coffee, Ma3 let #li( a tiny #mile a# # e con#i)ere) o! muc t ey a) accom(li# e) in #o # ort a time* 69ou loo+ li+e t e cat t at ate t e canary,6 Logan Cale #ai) a# e !al+e) u( to er* 69ou +no! %&m a 'egetarian,6 # e #ai)* Logan #!ung into t e boot acro## from Ma3* 6% +no! you&re trying to be a 'egetarian*** 8o!&# it !or+ing outF6 S e #mir+e)* 6Let&# -u#t #ay, ne3t time you&re rea)y to coo+ u( a batc of t at beefy c ili of your# *** %&m t ere*6 Tall, !it #(i+y )ar+ blon) air, !ire,frame gla##e#, an) brig t blue eye#, Logan Cale loo+e) at letically fit* An), in a !ay, e !a#$maintaining a rigorou# !or+out #c e)ule in i# mo)ern a(artment in a #eemingly aban)one) buil)ing -u#t out#i)e Terminal City&# to3ic bor)er#* 4ut beneat i# ca#ually #tyli# , baggy eart ,tone trou#er#, Logan !ore an e3o#+eleton t at ga'e im t e ability to !al+, a #+ill #tolen from im by t e bullet lo)ge) near i# #(ine an) regaine) t roug t e u#e of t e mec anical mar'el t at e !ore all t e time no!* T oug !ealt y, Logan !a# far from being one of t e i)le ric * %n#tea), e u#e) i# money to try to fig t go'ernment an) (ri'ate #ector !rong)oing, !or+ing in #u((ort of t e )i#a)'antage)* T u#, e #(ent nearly e'ery !a+ing moment a# t e un)ergroun) cyber-ournali#t t at t e city an) no! muc of t e nation$ +ne! a# a my#teriou# 'oice an) an image limite) to t o#e (iercing blue eye#D Eye# Only* 4arely a an)ful of (eo(le +ne! t at Logan le) t i# )ouble life/ anot er an)ful t oug t e !a# an agent of Eye# Only* 4ut Ma3 +ne! t e trut $# e a) been !or+ing !it im for #e'eral year# no!* 6% #ee you&re rea)ing S+etc y&# late#t attem(t at a 7ulit>er,6 Logan #ai)* 6O yea * 8e&# gonna (ay*6

6Oooo *** you #oun) #o #ultry *** enigmatic, e'en***6 S e #la((e) at im !it t e tabloi), but # e coul)n&t ol) bac+ t e grin* 6Coal in your #toc+ing t i# year$)efinitely coal*6 6We can al!ay# u#e t e fuel,6 e #ai)* 69ou +no! ! at % !ant for C ri#tma#F W at % really !antF6 6No* 4ut % bet you&re gonna tell me*6 8e reac e) i# glo'e) an) out an) too+ er blac+ leat er,glo'e) an) in i#* 8e #quee>e)* 6T at&# ! at % !ant,6 e #ai)* 6Only*** % !i# it !a# you an) me***6 6Wit t e glo'e# offF6 8e grinne), almo#t # yly/ but ! at e #ai) !a# rat er bol)D 6At lea#t*6 Ma3 lo'e) t i# man* S e lo'e) im, e lo'e) er, an) t ey # oul) a'e been ol)ing an)# rig t no!, really ol)ing an)# *** 8ell, t ey # oul) a'e been li'ing a((ily e'er after, #tarting a long time ago *** 6We # oul) be li'ing a((ily e'er after, about no!,6 # e blurte), # aring t e t oug t* 6Don&t you t in+F6 6We coul) be facing a muc blea+er C ri#tma#*6 6Only ere !e #it,6 # e #ai), ignoring i# remar+, 6go'erning a biotec !a#telan) turne) .ame#to!n for tran#genic#*6 6Don&t be #o ar) on t e (lace* Or your#elf* 9ou&'e accom(li# e) #o muc *6 Calling Terminal City a .ame#to!n a) been ar# , # e +ne!$6.ame#to!n6 referre) to t e mo)ern,)ay 8oo'er'ille# t at a) #(rung u( (o#t,7ul#e an) !ere name) after t en,7re#i)ent Mic ael .ame#* Terminal City a) become muc more t an t at* 69e#, !e coul) be facing a muc blea+er C ri#tma#,6 # e finally a)mitte)* 6% )on&t +no! ! at&# !rong !it me, Logan$it&# li+e % a'e an itc % can&t #cratc *6 8e ga'e er a loo+* 6% +no! t e feeling*6 Ma3 )amn near blu# e)* S e !a'e) for Gem to bring a cu( of coffee for Logan* T e real rea#on # e an) Logan !eren&t li'ing a((ily e'er after, of cour#e, !a# becau#e of a late an) 'ery unlamente) blon)e bitc Ma3 a) +no!n only a# 5enfro* T i# !a# bac+ at Manticore 8G$not long before Ma3 a) burne) t e (lace to t e groun)#$ ! ere 5enfro (lante) a )e#igner 'iru# in#i)e Ma3, a time bomb tic+ing )o!n to +ill Logan* 4a#ically, 5enfro a) ma)e Logan allergic to Ma3&# touc $fatally #o* C ri#tma# al!ay# broug t t oug t# of ome, )i)n&t itF Ma3 reflecte)* An) li+e it or not, to er an) t e ot er tran#genic#$! et er t e 6normal6,loo+ing AB# or t e mutate) frea+# li+e .o# ua an) Di3$ Manticore a) been ome* T e re#ult of genetic e3(erimentation on a #cale un ear) of in t e re#t of t e !orl), t e Manticore refugee# !ere frea+#, an) a large #egment of t e city #till !oul)n&t let t em forget t at* After Colonel Donal) Ly)ec+er, t e #urrogate 6fat er6 of Manticore, a) left, 5enfro a##ume) comman)* S e&) been in c arge ! en Ma3 !a# ca(ture)* 4efore Ma3&# e#ca(e, 5enfro an) er team of con#ciencele## #cienti#t#$t e Na>i# mig t a'e reli# e) a'ing t e#e 6ma) )octor#6 on #taff$ a) in-ecte) Ma3 !it t e

'iru#, ! ic !a# armful to only one (er#on on eart D Logan Cale* %f Ma3 an) Logan touc e) in any !ay, e !oul) get t e 'iru#*** or rat er, t e 'iru# !oul) get imD Logan !oul) )ie !it in t!enty,four our#* 2or t i# rea#on, t e t!o !ere careful not to touc , an) bot con#tantly !ore glo'e#, an) long (ant# in t e !arme#t of !eat er*** an) e'en in intimate #ituation# li+e t i# one, a# t ey #at in t e re#taurant in a boot , t e cou(le +e(t a re#(ectful )i#tance, li+e a mi))le,#c ool boy an) girl on a fir#t )ate* Earlier t i# year t ey got a fir#t an) loo+ at ! at t e 'iru# coul) )o if it !ent unc ec+e)* During Ma3&# ca(ture of Kel(y$t e c ameleon,boy,turne),#erial,+iller$ e a) #ome o! caug t t e bug* Due to Kel(y&# fi3ation on Ma3, i# ultimate target a) been Logan, i# (rime goal to 6become6 Logan an) t ereby !in Ma3&# affection#* W en Kel(y #tarte) i# c ameleonli+e mor( ing, turning im into a (#eu)o,Logan, Ma3 a) touc e) t e c angeling tran#genic, an) #ome o! t at a) been enoug for t e 'iru# to be (a##e) on$t at i#, to be unlea# e) on Kel(y* Ma3 an) er frien)#$Logan, be#t bu))y Original Cin)y, Alec, .o# ua, an) #e'eral ot er#$ a) !itne##e) young Kel(y&# melt)o!n an) orrifying )eat * Since t en, Ma3 a) !or+e) e'en ar)er to ma+e #ure t at # e an) t e man # e lo'e) ne'er touc e)* Anyt ing$t e bru# of a +i##, t e ol)ing of bare an)#, e'en t e mo#t (erfunctory of ug#$ !oul) be t e touc of )eat to im* Gem broug t i# coffee, (lace) t e #teaming cu( in front of im an) offere) a !arm #mile, ! ic Logan returne)* 68o!&# E'eF6 e a#+e) t e !aitre##* T e nig t after t e .am 7ony o#tage cri#i#, Gem )eci)e) t at #ince er baby !a# t e fir#t tran#genic to be born in free)om, t e c il) # oul) be name) after t e fir#t !oman in t e !orl) *** ence, E'e* 6S e&# alrea)y #tan)ing an) # e !ant# to !al+,6 t e #lim, attracti'e !aitre## #ai), 6t oug # e&# not quite rea)y yet* S e&# gonna be a an)ful*6 6Stan)ing alrea)yF6 Logan a#+e), a#toun)e)* 6At #i3 mont #F6 Ma3 -u#t #mile)* 6Goo) gene#$t at i#, really, really goo) gene#* All of u# AB# )i) t at*6 Logan # oo+ i# ea) in !on)er, t en #i((e) i# coffee a# Gem returne) be in) t e counter* Ma3 ran a an) o'er er face an) let out a long #ig * 69ou loo+ beat,6 e #ai)* 6Too ba) you !eren&t genetically en ance) to be a mayor, not a +iller*6 S e ga'e im a !ea+ grin* 6T at&# o! tire) % am$ e'en a !ea+,a## crac+ li+e t at ma)e me #mile*6 8e #norte)* 6Wea+,a##, maybe* 4ut you )i) #mile*6 6% )i) #mile,6 Ma3 a)mitte)* 6An) !e )o a'e muc to be t an+ful for*6 69e#, !e )o* Do % #oun) ungrateful*** F6 6O yea *6 Ma3 -u#t # oo+ er ea)* 6Sorry *** % !a#n&t !ire) u( to be a lea)er*** %&m a loner* A comman)o*6

After ta+ing anot er (ull from i# coffee, Logan #ai), 6Well, loner or not, t ere&# a ! ole lotta (eo(le u( on t e roof, a#+ing for ya*6 69ea F6 6.o# ua, Alec, Original Cin)y, Mole* % t in+ Di3 an) Lu+e are u( t ere* S+etc y, too *** ca#e you !anna to## i# a## off t e buil)ing*6 6No! you are tem(ting me*** 4ut it&# col) u( t ere*6 2or mo#t of t e la#t t!o !ee+#, t e !eat er a) been mi#erable, e'en by Seattle&# #tan)ar)#* T e tem(erature a) ung near t e free>ing mar+, an) t e !in) o!ling at t irty to forty mile# (er our, !it gu#t# a# ig a# fifty* Logan ga'e er a loo+* 6% )on&t #ee you !earing a coat*** Any!ay, aren&t you t e one tol) me &bout ol)ing your breat for fi'e minute#F %n a (on) un)er a # eet of iceF 4ac+ ! en you e#ca(e) from ManticoreF6 6T at )oe#n&t mean % li+e) it*6 6W ere&# your C ri#tma# #(iritF6 6C ri#tma# at Manticore )i)n&t buil) a ! ole lotta oli)ay no#talgia into me*6 68o! about your fo#ter familyF6 69ea , t at !a# great$li+e ! en my fo#ter fat er got roaring )run+ an) (u# e) my fo#ter #i#ter into t e tree*6 S a+ing i# ea), Logan a#+e), 6Tal+ about gettin& coal in your #toc+ing, Mi## Grinc * 9ou gotta get in t e 9uleti)e #!ing*6 6% +no! a !ay, an) it&# not u( on a col) roofto(*6 6W at&# t atF6 6Sitting by a fire !it you* W at&# t at ol) #ongF &C e#tnut# 5oa#ting&F6 6See,6 e #ai), an) i# #mile lig te) u( t e (lace* 69ou )o a'e #ome C ri#tma# #(irit in ya*6 T at #mile of i#$all t o#e ! ite teet , t o#e )ee( )im(le#* S e lo'e) i# #mile/ # e lo'e) mo#t e'eryt ing about im* S e -u#t a) a ar) time #aying #o, an) # e +ne! e a) a #imilar (roblem* 4ut t ey bot +ne! o! t ey felt, an) maybe t at !a# enoug * T e t!o of t em a) al#o been #o bu#y of late t at t ey barely #a! eac ot er* Logan continue) to u#e Eye# Only a# a (o#iti'e (ro(agan)a mac ine for t e tran#genic#, an) Ma3 al!ay# a) #ome Terminal City cri#i# or ot er t at nee)e) atten)ing* %f it !a#n&t trouble !it t e !ater #u((ly, it !a# buil)ing co)e 'iolation#, or c oo#ing a logo for t e ne! art# an) antique# mall* S e mig t not a'e been intere#te) in #uc mun)ane matter# a fe! mont # ago, but no! t ey !ere t e te)iou# minutia t at #eeme) to occu(y er e'ery !a+ing moment* 8a'ing e'en a fe! minute# alone !it Logan felt li+e finally coming to # ore after #!imming acro## 7uget Soun)* 6W y )on&t !e -u#t go u( t ere,6 Logan #ugge#te), 6#ee ! at it i# t e gang !ant#, an) be )one !it itF6 S e (layfully # oo+ er ea)* 6% a'e a better i)ea*6 6W ic i#F6 6Ditc t em*6 8i# ea)# a+e !a# more #eriou#* 69ou +no! !e can&t*6 S e uffe)* 6All rig t, !e&ll go u( on t e roof, !e&ll )eal !it ! ate'er t ey !ant*** on one con)ition*6 69ea F6

6T e re#t of t e e'ening$it&# -u#t u#* A quiet e'ening toget er* Starting !it , %&ll coo+ you )inner* %&m gonna officially fall off t e 'egetarian !agon tonig t*6 No!, # e a) i# attention* 6.u#t t e t!o of u#F6 e #ai)* 6Do % #tutterF .u#t t e t!o of u#*6 S e !a# alrea)y out of t e boot , fini# ing er coffee on er feet, an) fi# ing a crum(le) bill out of er (oc+et* 6Let&# go*6 Di3 a) t e buil)ing&# ele'ator# running again/ in fact, t e mall !a# getting to be in #uc goo) # a(e, it !a# in )anger of lo#ing it# fun+y a((eal* Ma3 an) Logan !ent to t e #e'ent floor, ! ic !a# #till in t e (roce## of remo)eling an) not yet o(en to t e (ublic* At t e en) of t e all, t e cou(le entere) t e #tair!ay to t e roof* A# t ey climbe), t ey bot (ulle) on #toc+ing ca(#/ t ey !ere alrea)y !earing glo'e#* W en # e #tarte) to o(en t e )oor, Ma3 felt t e !in)$it a) # ar( teet E$try to )rag t e )oor from er gra#(, an) only er #(ecial #trengt allo!e) er to +ee( t e t ing from flying o(en all t e !ay* Once Logan !a# t roug , # e manage) to (u# t e t ing clo#e)/ t en # e turne) to #ee t e ot er# !aiting for t em un)er a gray #+y, )u#+ #ettling on t e city li+e a lo!,#lung clou)* Acro## t e !ay, ato( t e main buil)ing of Terminal City, t e 2rea+ Nation flag fle!, a# #traig t out a# a #alute, #tiff in t e !in), it# re), ! ite, an) blac+ bar# ea#ily 'i#ible e'en from t i# )i#tance, t e ri#ing re) )o'e #eeming to ta+e flig t* T e grou( #tan)ing before er in a loo#e #emicircle, an) Logan to er rig t, no! ma)e u( er family* S e #mile) at t e t oug t, feeling guilty at er reluctance to acce(t t eir in'itation, flu# e) !it !armt , )e#(ite t e bitter col), a# # e loo+e) at t em* A girl coul) )o a lot !or#e* Original Cin)y #too) in t e center, er (uffball Afro ma# e) beneat a #toc+ing ca( (ulle) )o!n o'er er ear#, er an)# con#(icuou# by t eir ab#ence a# t ey i) be in) er bac+* T oug an 6or)inary,6 # e !a# a true beauty, !it li'ely bro!n eye# an) a !i)e grin t at c allenge) t e col)* Not one to e'er be con#i)ere) 6or)inary6 on any le'el, t oug , Original Cin)y&# (o!er# !ere #ome! at more )i#creet t an t o#e of Ma3, er be#t frien) an) #i#ta , er 64oo6/ but Cin)y&# attitu)e !a# in no !ay )i#creet* Original Cin)y came on li+e a four, un)re),(oun) tiger on it# fift e#(re##o, an) # e )i)n&t gi'e a )i))ly )amn ! et er anyone li+e) t at a((roac or not* W ic , Ma3 +ne!, !a# (robably ! y O*C* an) er a) it it off from t e beginning, eac recogni>ing t e rebel in t e ot er an) reli# ing it* On Original Cin)y&# rig t #too) Alec, i# )ar+ blon) air gro!n out #ome/ normally e combe) t o#e loc+# bac+, t oug no! t e !in) to##e) t em bac+ an) fort * 8e a) # ar( )ar+ eye# an) i# face bore it# u#ual !i#ea## #mir+/ e coul) be a #elf,centere) -er+, Ma3 +ne!, but e a) i# goo) #i)e* An AB, li+e Ma3, Alec a) ne'er met a ur)le too lo! to try to fin) a #+irting # ortcut/ e !oul) a((ily #(en) an our loo+ing for a !ay aroun) a (roblem t at e coul)&'e #ol'e) !it ar) !or+ in alf t at time* Lately, t oug , Ma3 a) notice) t at Alec$to i# cre)it$ a) finally #tarte) to reali>e t at ! at e&) once con#i)ere) a gift mig t really be a fla!*

Ne3t to Alec #too) .o# ua, t e to!ering )og boy, t e fir#t of t e Manticore e3(eriment# an) no! e'ery bit a man, at lea#t ( y#ically* 8i# cruelly # eltere) u(bringing$literally in t e ba#ement of Manticore$ a) cri((le) i# )e'elo(ment, an) on fir#t meeting, you coul) ta+e im for mentally c allenge)* Trut !a#, e !a# +eenly intelligent, an) a) t e be#t eart of t em all* 8i# long mane of bro!n air t ra# e) furiou#ly in t e !in), but e #eeme) not to notice, i# leonine face !earing a beatific #mile t at beame) li+e a lig t ou#e a# e #a! Ma3* 4eyon) .o# ua !a# S+etc y, t e #urfer bumHme##enger turne) tabloi) -ournali#t, anot er of Ma3&# 6or)inary6 frien)# from .am 7ony* Of cour#e, S+etc y !a#n&t or)inary in any #en#e ot er t an t at e !a#n&t a tran#genic$tall an) lan+y, !it #tringy bro!n air ig lig te) blon), S+etc #eeme) to be all +nee#, elbo!#, an) bobbing ea), a marionette o(erate) by a clum#y (u((eteer* T e guy coul) be a beat be in), an) often #eeme) to -u#t be getting t e -o+e t e re#t of t e grou( a) alrea)y fini# e) laug ing at* To Original Cin)y&# left #too) t e t!o bal), albino engineer# turne) !el)ing #cul(tor#$Di3 an) Lu+e$ an) beyon) t em, t e li>ar) man ine3(licably )ubbe) Mole* E'en in t e ea'y !in), Mole #till c om(e) on an e'er,(re#ent cigar* 6W at&# t e )ealioF6 Ma3 a#+e), (ractically yelling to be ear) o'er t e near gale* T e #emicircle (arte) to re'eal a large C ri#tma# tree la# e) to t e corner of t e roof !it #teel cable#/ t e #(ruce$bot tall an) full$!a# #trung !it unlit lig t# an) tin#el ro(ing* E'en !it it# ea'y,)uty mooring#, it #eeme) t e tree mig t fly off t e buil)ing at any moment* Ma3 loo+e) from t e tree to Original Cin)y, ! o #till a) er an)# be in) er bac+* Eye# !i)e, Ma3 # oute), 6T i# a) to be to)ayF6 Original Cin)y&# grin fa)e) an) t e re#t of t e grou( all )e'elo(e) a quic+ intere#t in #tu)ying t eir # oe#* %mme)iately reali>ing er in#en#iti'ity, Ma3 (la#tere) on a grin an) #ai), 6Don&t get me !rong, guy#$t e tree roc+#E6 Eye# ro#e to er, brig t/ #mile# blo##ome), glo!ing* 6%t&# -u#t*** it&# #o !in)yE %t loo+# li+e any #econ) it&ll gi'e Santa&# #leig a run for t e money ***6 S rugging, Original Cin)y #ai), 6Weat er re(ort calle) for con)ition# to get better, later tonig t, #o !e too+ a c ance* Tree !a# gonna )ie if % let Normal ta+e care of it one more )ay*6 5eagan 5onal), a+a Normal, !a# t e manager of t e .am 7ony me##enger #er'ice ! ere Ma3 an) Original Cin)y a) bot gotten -ob# ! en t ey fir#t it Seattle* O*C* #till !or+e) t ere, a# )i) S+etc y$ i# -ournali#t gig !a#n&t yet full,time$t oug Ma3 er#elf a)n&t been bac+ #ince t e o#tage cri#i# t at le) to t e #iege at Terminal City* During Ma3&# tenure at .am 7ony, Normal a) been a (ain in t e a##, !it a #tic+ u( i# o!n* T e bigge#t t rill of i# life a) been recei'ing a #igne) (icture of 7re#i)ent 4u# <one of &em$Ma3 )i)n&t +no! ! ic , not t at it mattere)= bac+ in i# community college )ay# ! en e&) been (re#i)ent of t e cam(u# 9oung 5e(ublican club*

Ma3 ge#ture) to t e #truggling (ine* 69ou let Normal ta+e care of t i# treeF6 Original Cin)y&# #mile returne)* 6T a# a fact*6 6Our NormalF Straig t,arro!, to(,buttone), #tone,col) NormalF6 6%&m tellin& you, 4oo, e'er #ince e mi)!ife) little E'e, e&# one #oulful ! ite boy* 8ell, e e'en !atere) t e tree*6 67lea#e tell me t at )i)n&t in'ol'e a >i((er*6 S a+ing er ea), Ma3 loo+e) bac+ at t e tall (lum( tree, ! ic #till a((eare) to be #truggling again#t t e cable#* 6T at mu#t a'e ta+en u( )amn near alia .am 7onyE6 67urt near*** ey, but !e roll !it it, rig tF6 6% can&t belie'e Normal !ent along !it t i#*6 69ou !anna really lo#e your min)F6 O*C* loo+e) aroun) con#(iratorially* 6%t !a# Normal&# brain#tormF 6Normal&# i)ea*6 6Gettin& you guy# t i# tree, #!ear on my mama, 4oo*6 6Well, ! ere i# e, t enF6 68eyE Cut t e man #ome #lac+, my #i#ta $gotta at lea#t let Mm (reten) e&# #till an a## ole*6 Ma3 !a# ga>ing at t e tree/ feeling# of !armt !ere #tirring in er, out on t i# frigi) roofto(* 6Well, Go) ble## Normal*** &cau#e t i# i# beautiful*6 Ta+ing a an) out from be in) er bac+, Original Cin)y offere) Ma3 a blac+ metal cube !it a #il'er toggle #!itc * 6Di3 an) Lu+e/$t eir late#t blac+ bo3 *** 8onor&# your#, 4oo*6 Lum( in er t roat, Ma3 too+ t e bo3, an) glance) at er t!o egg ea), egg ea)e) frien)#, ! o bot no))e) 'igorou#ly/ t en # e fli((e) t e #!itc * Colore) lig t# came on all o'er t e tree, re) an) ! ite an) green an) blue, t!in+ling, #(ar+ling, # immering, t e #tar at t e to( # ining brig t ! ite, colore) ball# bob,bling, a glo!ing 'i#ion in t e t!ilig t* 6%t&# beautiful,6 Ma3 #ai) again, er 'oice u# e)* S e turne) to t e man at er #i)e/ Logan #mile) at er* T e re#t of t e grou( gat ere) roun), eac ta+ing a turn ugging Ma3* E'en Alec$! o rarely touc e) anyone, ot er t an t e occa#ional one,nig t,#tan) female e )eigne) !it i# (a##ing (re#ence$ ga'e in* All but Logan* 8e #taye) a #te( or t!o bac+$a# u#ual, # e an) e !ere a!are of t e require) )i#tance bet!een t em* 6T i# i# gonna be a )o(e #(ot for !atc in& t e comet, C ri#tma# E'e,6 Original Cin)y (ointe) out* T e ! ole country !a# a!aiting t e arri'al of t e #o,calle) C ri#tma# #tar, t e once, e'ery,t!o,t ou#an),year# (a##ing of a comet t at #ome a#tronomer# t oug t mig t al#o a'e been t e fable) #tar of 4et le em* Ma3 #mir+e)* 6Accor)ing to S+etc y&# rag, t e comet #ignal# t e en) of t e !orl)*6 6Accor)ing to S+etc y&# rag,6 Original Cin)y #ai), 6El'i# i# coming bac+ Ne! 9ear&#, on a flyin& #aucer*6 T e grou( gat ere) clo#er to t e e)ge of t e

roofto(, getting a goo) loo+ at t e glo!ing, colorful tree* Ma3 #tu)ie) e'ery lig t, e'ery colore) ball* T e tree !a# magnificent* S e a) al!ay# con#i)ere) C ri#tma# a corny relic of (re,7ul#e )eca)ence* 4ut no! # e un)er#too) ! at t e fu## !a# about*** family, frien)# *** an) # e coul) t in+ of no better (re#ent t an t i#* T e tree !oul) be 'i#ible for mile# aroun), an) (eo(le far a!ay from Terminal City !oul) #till be able to #ee t e 2rea+#& C ri#tma# tree on to( of t eir ne! mall* T ey a) in)ee) come a long !ay in a # ort time* S e !a# #till contem(lating t i# ! en, moment# later, t e !in) e3(re##e) it# o!n, le## #entimental o(inion, grabbing t e tree an) # a+ing it e'en more 'iolently t an it a) u( till no!, li+e an abu#i'e (arent man an)ling a naug ty c il)* Logan refle3i'ely reac e) for t e tree, to aul it bac+, but t e !in) # ifte) again, t i# time coming acro## an) #!ee(ing t e tree bac+ u(rig t an) to t e left, t e branc e# #la((ing Logan, #!ee(ing im off balance* 8i# eye# !ent !i)e, ! ite all aroun), a# e teetere) for a moment$ i# balance goo) in t e e3o,#+eleton, but not (erfect, e !a#n&t a# nimble a# e&) been$an), in (roof of t at reality, e (itc e) bac+ o'er t e e)ge !it out a #oun)* Ma3 a) #een it coming but a) no time to !arn im, muc le## reac im in time* All # e coul) )o !a# t ro! er#elf to!ar) t e roof&# e)ge, er an) e3ten)ing out in front of er an) o'er t e #i)e* At t e la#t (o##ible in#tant, # e caug t Logan&# glo'e) an) in er#, an) t en e )angle) #e'en #torie# o'er t e city, a uman C ri#tma# ornament* Ma3&# arm t reatene) to tear it#elf from it# #oc+et, in t i# effort to )efeat gra'ity an) +ee( Logan from falling* Alec an) .o# ua, mo'ing quic+ly, eac grabbe) one of er leg# an) #tarte) (ulling er a!ay from t e e)ge an) t u# rai#ing Logan* Original Cin)y an) Mole a) o((e) to eit er #i)e of Ma3, t eir an)# e3ten)e) )o!n o'er t e #i)e, too, !aiting for t e fir#t c ance to get t eir an)# on Logan an) !re#tle im bac+ onto t e roof* Ma3 concentrate) on ol)ing onto t e man # e lo'e), -u#t +ee(ing im ali'e an) letting t e ot er# )o t e !or+* A# long a# it !a# only t eir glo'e# touc ing, e'eryt ing !oul) be all rig t* Logan #!ung clo#er no!, an) Mole an) O*C* eac grabbe) a # oul)er an) #tarte) tugging* Mole got a goo) ol) an) -er+e), an) #u))enly Ma3 #a! Logan coming bac+ u( o'er t e e)ge*** i# ea) flying rig t to!ar) t e fle# of er unco'ere) faceE Lurc ing bac+!ar), Ma3 -er+e) er ea) out of t e !ay a# Logan cra# e) )o!n on to( of er* T ey !ere touc ing e'ery! ere, but Ma3 !a#n&t terribly concerne) about t at$t ey !ere bun)le) u(, an) ot er t an t eir face#, t eir #+in !a# not e3(o#e)* T ey bot mo'e) carefully a# t ey untangle)* Ma3 coul) #ee Original Cin)y an) t e ot er# # outing, but # e !a# concentrating #o ar) on not touc ing Logan t at # e )i)n&t ear a !or) anyone !a# #aying no!* .u#t a# t ey #li) a(art, a gu#t of !in) came u( from be in) er* S e brace) er bo)y, but t ere !a# not ing to be )one a# t e gale #!e(t er air u( an) into Logan&# face, er #toc+ing at flying off an) o'er t e #i)e* S e coul) feel t e electrical c arge e3c ange) bet!een er air an) i# face, a# er corru(te) DNA met i# 'ulnerable DNA* 8e ga#(e), an) in t at #econ) of contact,

Ma3 )ie) in#i)e, +no!ing t at t o#e !i#(# of er air a) -u#t #entence) t e man # e lo'e) to )eat * E'erybo)y fro>e* 8er eye# loc+e) !it Logan&#, an) i# loo+ #ai) t at e +ne! t e trut a# !ell a# # e )i)* %n le## t an t!enty,four our#, e !oul) be )ea)* T ey bot +ne! t e )rill by no!D t ey a) been t roug it before* On t!o (re'iou# occa#ion#, t e #ym(tom# a) eru(te) an) nearly )one im in* 4ot time# a miracle a) #a'e) im, but t i# time t ey +ne! no miracle !oul) be in t e offing* No one a) )i#co'ere) t e cure, an) t e only 'ial of antigen t at e3i#te) a) long #ince been u#e) u(* Logan foun) i# 'oice fir#t* 6%&m *** %&m #orry*6 T at almo#t ma)e er brea+ )o!n* S e&) -u#t +ille) im, an) e !a# a(ologi>ingF Ma3 +ne!, earing t o#e t!o (itiful !or)#, t at # e coul)n&t get t roug t i#* T ere !a# no !ay # e coul) !atc Logan go )o!n t i# orrible roa) again* 2ir#t t ere !oul) be t e fe'er, t en t e c ill#, t e #!eat#, t e #ei>ure#, an) from t ere on a ra(i) )o!n ill #li)e to t e bottom of t e aby## *** 4ut after only a moment&# con#i)eration, # e al#o +ne! t ere !a# no! ere el#e for er to go* %f Logan !a# going to )ie, # e !oul) be at i# #i)e until t e en)*** *** e'en if it +ille) er, too* C a(ter t ree SEATTLE* WAS8%NGTON, DECEM4E5 01, 010: T at Logan&# a(artment #eeme) !arm an) co>y, ma)e a bitter (aro)y of t e e'ening Ma3 a) en'i#ione) for t em earlier* After ma+ing t eir !ay t roug t e un)ergroun) (a##age!ay lea)ing from Terminal City to t e clan)e#tine a(artment, Logan$#ur(ri#ingly, not # o!ing any #ign# of t e 'iru# +ic+ing in, a# yet$ a) calle) i# ol) frien) Dr* Sam Carr, neuro#urgeon at Metro Me)ical 8o#(ital an) Logan&# (er#onal ( y#ician* Carr !a# (art of t at #mall an)ful of confi)ant# ! o +ne! t at Logan an) Eye# Only !ere one an) t e #ame* T en t e cou(le a) #ettle) in to !ait* T ey !ere toget er ato( Logan&# be), lying t ere in eac ot er&# arm#* At fir#t # e +e(t t e u#ual re#(ectful )i#tance, on t e long# ot c ance t at by #ome flu+e t e bru# ing of er air again#t i# fle# a) not been enoug to -um(#tart t e 'iru#**** 4ut Logan #ai), 6No (oint in u# not touc ing anymore, i# t ereF6 An) e enfol)e) er in an embrace, #o t at no! # e lay in i# arm#, in t eir !armt , a !armt matc ing t e a(artment, t e be)room it#elf* S e !a# remin)e), #trangely, of t e nig t # e an) t e ot er#, er #ibling#, a) e#ca(e) from Manticore* 8o! o))$t at icy nig t in Gillette, Wyoming, #eeme) #o far from t i# time, t i# (lace* Only t e +in)ne## of a #tranger$t e Manticore nur#e 8anna , ! o&) ta+en t e frig tene) AB into t e in'iting o#(itality of er eate) cabin$ a) (re'ente) t e young girl from free>ing to )eat before # e&) got a ta#te of real free)om* T at tiny

one,room cabin in t e mi))le of no! ere a) (ro'i)e) t e nine,year,ol) !it er fir#t glim(#e of a life, a ome, t at coul) be more t an -u#t an anti#e(tic )ormitory* %n many !ay#, Ma3 a) been on a #earc to reca(ture t at feeling of !armt e'ery )ay #ince$# e&) e3(erience) t at !armt in Logan&# (re#ence, (erio)ically* No!, !it im really ne3t to er, ol)ing er, # e finally a) t at feeling again, in #o com(lete$ an) yet terrible$a !ay* A tear tric+le) )o!n er c ee+, an) e !i(e) it a!ay, almo#t ab#ently* 4y com(ari#on to t at cabin, t i# a(artment$contri'e) out of a 'acant, Cale,family, o!ne) buil)ing -u#t out#i)e t e bor)er# of Terminal City$!a# a (alace* T e be) alone #eeme) nearly a# big a# t e one,room cabin bac+ in Wyoming* T e re#t of t e room&# furni# ing# reflecte) a #(are ma#culinity ty(ical of Logan$)re##er, armoire, an) t!o nig t#tan)#* T ere !a# a four,)oor clo#et t at too+ u( muc of t e far !all* Logan&# la(to( ato( t e )re##er !a# turne) on, it# #creen#a'er of Eart , a# #een from t e #urface of t e moon, (ro'i)ing t e only ma-or lig t #ource* Ne3t to t e )re##er, a #mall #tereo unit quietly (laye) cla##ical mu#ic* Ma3 )i)n&t +no! t e (iece an) !a#n&t con#ciou#ly li#tening, really/ but t e #tring# #eeme) to #oot e #omet ing !it in er* %f # e coul) -u#t get t at feeling to la#t for more t an t irty #econ)# at a time *** S e )re! a!ay #lig tly, leane) on an elbo! an) #tu)ie) im$ e loo+e) fine* Normal, e'en* S e ate) to a#+, but # e a) toD 68o! )o you feelF6 8e # rugge)* 6% a'e to #ay*** o+ay, really* S a+en, but mo#tly by t e *** t oug t of ! at&# coming*6 64ut it came on fa#ter t an t i# before,6 # e #ai)* T ey a) only been in t e be)room a fe! minute#, but it a) ta+en at lea#t fi'e to reac t e a(artment an) a minute or t!o on t e ( one, reac ing Carr/ t e cou(le !a# alone in t e a(artment, t e re#t of t e grou( allo!ing t em t eir (ri'acy a# t e )eat !atc got un)er !ay* Maybe a# muc a# ten minute# a) (a##e) #ince er DNA an) i# a) commingle)*** T e ot er time# t e )e#igner 'iru# a) reare) it# ugly ea), t e on#et of #ym(tom# a) been almo#t in#tantaneou#* T i# lull before t e # it #torm confu#e) t em bot * Logan !a# (ro((e) on an elbo!, too, loo+ing rig t at er* 6Maybe *** %&'e !or+e) u( #ome immunityF 2rom a'ing it before* Mig t ta+e longer to (re#ent*6 S e # oo+ er ea)* 6% )on&t t in+ #o* Di)n&t a((en t at !ay t e la#t time*6 Logan&# eye# !i)ene) an) e # rugge) again* 6%t&# !eir) a# ell, Ma3 *** but % feel all rig t* % feel goo)*6 68o! long a# it beenF6 6Since !e fir#t touc e)F6 S e no))e)* 8e c ec+e) i# !ri#t!atc * 6Almo#t fifteen minute#*6 A tem(e#t roile) in Ma3&# belly, an) not e'en t e #tring# in t e cla##ical mu#ic coul) #oot e er no!* T e fear an) )e#(air !ere mi3ing it u( !it o(e$ ! o !a# it t at #ai), 6%t&# not t e )e#(air, % can an)le t e )e#(air *** it&# t e o(eE6 Nonet ele##, #omet ing !a# )ifferent t i# time* Logan # oul) a'e been #!eating (rofu#ely by no!, in t e mercile## gri( of c ill#, !it #ei>ure# not far &roun) t e

corner* 9et e felt !arm again#t er$not fe'eri# * 8e #melle) goo), t at fre# coc+tail of after# a'e an) (o!)er # e +ne! #o !ell$a# if e&) #(ruce) u( for er, antici(ating t at t i# e'ening mig t be t e nig t of lo'e t ey&) bot longe) for, a oneymoon about to a((en, not a )amn )eat !atc * S e lo'e) t e aroma an) too+ it )ee( into er lung#, feeling gree)y for it, +no!ing t i# #en#ation !a# one t at !oul) li+ely a'e to la#t er t e re#t of er life* S e ear) a faint +noc+* Logan )i)n&t react, but # e #at u(, -u#t a# t e +noc+ re(eate), t i# time more forcefully, an) Logan -um(e) a little ne3t to er* 6Gotta lo'e a )octor ! o ma+e# ou#e call#,6 e #ai) a# e #tarte) to #it u(* Ma3 (u# e) im bac+ )o!n into t e (illo! an) climbe) off t e be) er#elf* 69ou #tay rig t ere, mi#, ter$you&re t e (atient, %&m t e nur#e, an) %&ll fetc t e )octor* C ain of comman), clearF6 69e#, ma&am*6 4ut # e !a# alrea)y out of t e be)room an) into t e large room !it it# )i'i)er# t at cor)one),oflf #ection#* T e +itc en, !it all it# (o#tmo)ern #tainle## #teel a((liance#, an) t e )ining area, !it an oa+ table large enoug for #i3, !ere off to er rig t* T e a(artment !a# #imilar to t e one Ame# W ite an) i# NSA minion# a) tra# e) la#t year, !it a comforting familiarity about it$li+e t e li'ing room !it it# mon#trou# leat er #ofa, t ree c air#, coffee table, an) la!n,#i>e) area rug, )irectly in front of er, an) Logan&# office #(ace to er left in t e rear of t e #(aciou# quarter#* A )oor at t e far en) of t e room le) to t e tunnel t at connecte) t em to Terminal City, an) t e )oor to t e rig t, t e one t at Dr* Sam Can,!a# (re#umably (oun)ing on no!, o(ene) to t e #treet* After a quic+ c ec+ of t e #mall monitor to one #i)e of t e entry$a 'i)eo (ee( ole of #ort#$Ma3 flung t e )oor o(en to re'eal Dr* Carr in a ea'y blue (ar+a, t e oo) (ulle) u( to (rotect t e man&# bal)ing ea) from t e !in)* A gu#t ! i((e) into t e a(artment, el(ing Carr in#i)e* 8e an) Ma3 )i)n&t e'en bot er to #(ea+ until t e )oor !a# firmly bolte) again#t t e na#ty !eat er* 6W ere i# eF6 Carr a#+e), an)ing Ma3 i# Gla)#tone bag, t en #li((ing off i# coat an) anging it o'er t e bac+ of a )inner,table c air* 7er a(# fi'e,ten, !it a fore ea) t at #to((e) at t e a(e3 of i# #+ull, Carr a) # ort )ar+ air t at co'ere) t e bac+ an) #i)e# of i# o'al, # a(e) ea) li+e a yarmul+e !it fla(#* 8i# )ar+ eye# a) t e re#igne) #a)ne## tinge) !it +in)ne## of a man ! o&) #(ent a career li#tening to (eo(le&# (roblem#/ i# no#e !a# long an) #traig t, i# mout #en#iti'e, i# c in cleft* 64e)room,6 Ma3 #ai)* 68o!&) it a((enF 9ou&'e been careful*6 S e tol) im* 64e #ur(ri#e) o! many (eo(le )ie #tu(i)ly aroun) C ri#tma#*6 S a+ing i# ea), Carr too+ t e Gla)#tone bag from er* 62ran+ly, % )on&t +no! ! at % can )o for im* We can try a tran#fu#ion from anot er tran#genic, but$6 6Don&t you u#ually e3amine a (atient fir#t, t en ma+e your )iagno#i# an) treatmentF6 Carr&# eye# ten#e)* 6W at&# going on ere, Ma3F6

6T at&# ! at %&) li+e to +no!$go loo+ im o'er*6 S e !a# trying to +ee( t e o(e out of er 'oice, an) Carr #eeme) to be rea)ing t at a# )e#(air, +ee(ing i# eye# on er e'en a# e cro##e) to t e be)room, ! ere e #li((e) in#i)e* Ma3 flo((e) onto t e couc , trying to force all feeling an) emotion from er#elf* Let t e )octor )o i# !or+$let im e3amine i# (atient, an) #cience !oul) )etermine ! et er Logan Cale a) a future*** S e )i)n&t )are embrace t e#e o(eful feeling#* %t !a# going on alf an our #ince er air ble! into Logan&# face, an) e #eeme) fine* 4ut o! coul) t at be #oF 5enfro er#elf$Manticore&# final lea)er$ a) tol) Ma3 t ere !a# no cure, an) no anti)ote but for t at #mall 'ial of antigen, ! ic !a# long gone* T e )ete#table !oman a) (rocee)e) to ta+e a bullet for Ma3, #a'ing t e AB for #ome un+no!n rea#on, t en )ying in er ca(ti'e&# arm#, #a'ing Ma3 from )eat *** but lea'ing t e young !oman cur#e) !it t at )e#igner 'iru# *** %n a !ay, o(e a) been t e bane of Ma3&# e3i#tence, an)$li+e a (ri#oner !it a life #entence$# e a) trie) to a'oi) t at (articular emotion/ but, li+e a nagging #ummer col), it -u#t +e(t coming bac+* S e +ne! t at er (robably nai'e !ell#(ring of o(e !a# o! # e )iffere) from Kac+, er brot er an) t e lea)er of t e t!el'e ! o e#ca(e) Manticore, or im(ul#i'e Set ! o&) not ma)e it out t at fir#t nig t, an) from 4rin, ! o !a# rein)octrinate) by 5enfro, e'en from #elf,centere) Alec, ! o a) # o!n #ign# of coming aroun) #ome lately, but ! o !a# #till, at i# core, a cynic* Among t e AB#, only .on)y an) Tinga #eeme) to carry o(e in#i)e t em in t e !ay Ma3 )i), an) one of t em$.on)y$ a) )i#a((eare), ! ile t e ot er, Tinga, !a# )ea)* An) yet .o# ua, t e fir#t of t e e3(eriment#, )e#(ite all e&) #uffere), a) ne'er lo#t o(e/ loc+e) u( in t e ba#ement of Manticore$an un!ante) #te(c il) follo!ing t e )i#a((earance of t at benign fat er +no!n only a# San)eman$.o# ua a) not ing but o(e* %t !a# an argument for certain qualitie#, (o#iti'e or negati'e, being born into a (er#on$# e&) al!ay# #ai) .o# ua a) a goo) eart, an) ! ere o(e in Ma3 !a# a flic+er com(are) to er inner fire of rage, in .o# ua o(e ra)iate), an) all t e cruelty le'ele) u(on im coul) ne'er #nuff t at flame* Maybe .o# ua a) been rig t to o(e in t e face of )e#(air$#till, to Ma3, o(e #eeme) to bring not ing but )i#a((ointment*** ! ic )i) not (re'ent er from o(ing !it all er eart t at Sam Carr coul) )o #omet ing to #a'e Logan* W en t e )octor a) been in !it Logan for o'er an our, Ma3 !a# #tarting to fear t e !or#t* S e longe) to brea+ )o!n t e clo#e) )oor an) fin) out ! at !a# going on, but # e force) er#elf to #tay in t e li'ing room, (reten)ing to rea) an art boo+ of Logan&#* 2inally, unable to ta+e it anymore, # e to##e) t e boo+ on t e #ofa an) got to er feet* 7acing no!, # e felt #lig tly better$any acti'ity !a# better t an none* S e marc e) o'er to t e )oor, li#tene) intently, er rabbit&# ear# (ic+ing u( not ing but ! at #oun)e) li+e mumbling, t en # e #tal+e) to t e ot er en) of t e room* Sto((ing at t e )oor t at le) to t e tunnel, # e a) t e #u))en urge to #im(ly bolt* 5unning a!ay, lea'ing t e (ain be in), +no!ing # e !oul) ne'er connect !it

anot er (er#on a# # e a) !it Logan*** !oul)n&t t at be better t an #taying ere to #uffer t i# lo##F 4ut it !a# only a moment$only a fleeting t oug t* A# muc a# t e urge to flee mig t gna! at er, t e nee) to #tay o'erro)e it* S e turne) an) tru)ge) bac+ to!ar) t e be)room* Ma3 !a# only a fe! #te(# a!ay ! en t e )oor o(ene) an) Logan came out, Carr trailing im* An) Logan loo+e) fine* %n fact, e loo+e) !on)erful$ e !a# !earing a !i)e #mile an) ol)ing o(en i# arm# to er* 8er eye# # ot to Carr, ! o # rugge) an) #mile) too, t oug t e )octor&# #mile !a# lo(#i)e), )igging a groo'e of uncertainty in one c ee+* 6W at are you t!o grinning aboutF6 # e a#+e), almo#t irritate)* S e )i) not #te( into Logan&# offere) embrace* Carr came for!ar), ol)ing u( a #mall blac+ bo3 t at loo+e) li+e a 'oltage meter* 64loo) te#t # o!e) no #ign of t e 'iru#*6 Ma3&# eye# tra'ele) from Carr to Logan an) bac+ to Carr/ # e (u# e) t e o(e )o!n$it !a# lea(ing !it in er li+e an eager (u((y, an) # e !oul) not ac+no!le)ge it* 68o! in ell can t at beF6 Logan finally reali>e) t at Ma3 !a#n&t going to fall into i# arm#, an) )ro((e) i# an)# to i# #i)e#/ but i# #mile )i)n&t fa)e* 6T at&# ! at too+ #o long,6 e #ai)* 6We&'e been )oing #ome im(rom(tu re#earc on t e la(to(, trying to ma+e #en#e of it*6 6An) )i) youF6 T e )octor #ai), 6% +no! it&# a lot to ta+e in$% !on&t lie to you an) #ay %&'e ta+en it all in, #ufficiently, my#elf*6 8e motione) to t e couc * 6Let&# #it )o!n an) ta+e t i# a #te( at a time *** an) %&ll )o my be#t to e3(lain t e t eory !e&'e come u( !it *6 T ey mo'e) into t e li'ing room area, Ma3 #till )oubtful, an) a little # ell# oc+e), a# # e too+ a #eat on t e leat er couc * Logan #at ne3t to er, 'ery clo#e, an) # e foug t t e urge to #coot a!ay from im$maintaining )i#tance !a# a abit no!* Carr too+ a #eat in one of t e c air# facing t em* 6A# % #ai), % )i) t e bloo) te#t an) t ere&# no #ign of t e 'iru#*6 S e loo+e) from Carr to Logan, ! o#e o!n grin a) turne) lo(#i)e), too$ e #eeme) almo#t embarra##e), for #ome rea#on* 6Do !e nee) to ta+e Logan to a facility,6 # e a#+e), 6an) c ec+ againF6 T e )octor&# eyebro!# lifte)* 69ou mean, )o !e nee) a #econ) o(inionF We a#+e) our#el'e# t at, but t i# i# a #im(le (roce)ure* We )i)n&t nee) an o(inion$!e nee)e) an e3(lanation*6 6So you !ent to t e la(to(* An)F6 Logan -um(e) in* 6Actually, fir#t !e )i#cu##e) it a ! ile$!e coul)n&t -u#t )o t i# ran)omly* We a) to #tart !it a t eory, or t eorie#, an) !or+ from t ere* T e only t ing % coul) come u( !it in'ol'e# Kel(y*6 S e fro!ne)* 6W at coul) e a'e to )o !it itF All Kel(y (ro'e) i# o! 'irulent t i# t ing i#E We #a! o! quic+ly, o! *** orribly, e$6 Logan #ilence) er !it a rai#e) (alm* 6T in+ for a moment, Ma3$t e*only #ignificant e'ent relating to t e 'iru#, in all t e#e mont #, a# been Kel(y&# contact

!it me, an) !it you* 8i# )eat , ! en e &became& me, an) )ie) accor)ingly, i# t e only c ange in circum#tance*6 S e mulle) t at* 6We a) been careful, for a long, long time*6 69e#,6 Logan #ai)* 69ou an) % a'e been e3tremely careful #ince my la#t e3(o#ure*6 6?ntil tonig t, any!ay*6 6An) ! at a((ene) tonig tF6 6We touc e)$my air ble! in your face, an) ***6 6An) ! atF6 6An)** * not ing, #o far*6 69e#* An) % began to a#+ my#elf$ a) Kel(y #ome o! )ie) in my (laceF W en e too+ on my ( y#icality, e ob'iou#ly became #ub-ect to t e 'iru# ** * ot er!i#e, e !oul)n&t a'e )ie)*6 No))ing, # e #ai), 69ou (a##e) t at ca(acity to Kel(y, Logan$but H(a##e) t e 'iru# to imE6 69e#* No! #tay !it me*** : ac+e) into Manticore recor)# an) learne) more about Kel(y* Seem# ! en e &blen)e),& #ome of t e c ange# too+ (lace on a genetic le'el, a# !ell*6 Again Ma3 fro!ne) in t oug t* 6A +in) of bioc emical mor( ingF6 Carr (ic+e) u( t e t rea)* 6%n a manner of #(ea+ing,6 t e )octor #ai)* 6%t !a#n&t true mor( ing$ e #to((e) # ort of t at, mo#t of t e c ange# ( y#iological but not genetic* 8e e##entially a##ume) t e # ell of ! oe'er e !a# trying to blen) in !it *6 6All of ! ic mean# ! atF6 Ma3 a#+e)* Logan #ai), 6T at enoug of i# c ange# !ere genetic to fool t e 'iru#*6 Slo!ly, a# if re(eating a c il)&# ri)iculou# a##ertion, Ma3 #ai), 62ool*** t e *** 'iru#F6 69ea * T e 'iru# t oug t Kel(y !a# me*6 6T e 'iru# * * * t oug t* ** F6 Carr #ai), 6T at&# -u#t a con'enient !ay of e3(re##ing t e conce(t t at t i# 'iru# !a# &(rogramme)& to +ill Logan* %t recogni>e) Kel(y a# Logan an) t at&# ! y t e 'iru# attac+e) im* W en it# target !a# )ea), it became inert*6 6%# t at e'en (o##ibleF6 6"ery muc #o,6 Carr #ai) !it an a##erti'e no)* 6T e #cienti#t# at Manticore !ere o(erating on t e ig e#t le'el# of genetic engineering *** but % gue## % )on&t a'e to tell you t at*6 6No,6 Ma3 #ai) )ryly* 6T e irony i#, t!o of t eir creation#$one of ! ic !a# )e#igne) to ta+e you )o!n, Ma3$colli)e), an) ina)'ertently )e#troye) eac ot er*** an) #a'e) you an) Logan from ! at !e no! +no! !oul) a'e been an ine'itable trage)y*6 6E'en !it all our (recaution#,6 Logan #ai), 6!e !ere +i))ing eac ot er t at !e&) ne'er touc *** but !e coul)n&t #tay a(art, coul) !eF6 S e -u#t loo+e) at im* Logan reac e) out to (ut i# arm aroun) er* S e -um(e) u(, a!ay from im* 6T i# i# ! ac+,6 # e #ai)* 6Doctor, tell im not to touc me$!e can&t be #ure, !e can&t +no! * **6 Carr #ai), 6Logan, # e&# rig t* We nee)$F6

4ut Logan !a# on i# feet, clearly irritate)* 6Damnit, Ma3$#ometime# t e ne!# i# goo)*** %t&# o'er* T at go))amne) 'iru# i# out of our li'e#*6 Ma3 loo+e) (a#t Logan at Carr* S e felt irritate), too$t oug # e +ne! # e # oul) be a((y* Wa#n&t t i# t e ne!# t ey a) been !aiting o'er a year to earF 6Dr* Carr,6 # e #ai) e'enly, 6% !ant to belie'e it, but % can&t* %&m afrai) t at t i# t ing !ill come bac+, t at t i# *** t i# remi##ion i# -u#t a flu+e* 9ou #ai) % !a# rig t to be careful* W at )o !e nee) to )o to ma+e #ureF6 Logan, fru#trate), turne) to Carr an) #ai), 69ou agree, Sam, t at$6 Carr (atte) t e air* 6Logan, Ma3 i# #+e(tical an) # e&# cautiou#$trait# t at a'e #er'e) er !ell*6 No! t e )octor #(o+e to Ma3D 6We&ll )o a bloo) te#t on you, an) t en !e&ll a'e an an#!er*6 6A )efiniti'e an#!erF6 # e a#+e)* Logan !a# # a+ing i# ea)* 6My Go), Ma3$you can #ee t e )ar+ clou) in e'ery #il'er lining*6 6"ery little i# )efiniti'e in t i# !orl), Ma3,6 t e )octor #ai)* 67articularly in t i# (o#t, 7ul#e !orl) *** No!, if t e 'iru# i# #till in#i)e you, it mig t be inert or it mig t merely be )ormant*6 8an)# on i(#, # e a#+e), 6An) your little blac+ bloo),te#t bo3 can tell u#F6 69e#*6 S e # rugge)* 6T en let&# )o it*6 64e)room,6 Carr #ai), ge#turing* Moment# later, Logan an) Ma3 #at on t e be), #ome! at a(art, a# Carr !ent to !or+* 2ir#t, e #!abbe) er arm !it alco ol, t en !it a nee)le remo'e) a fe! CC# of bloo)* 8e ga'e er anot er #!ab to (re## again#t t e !oun)* 6Ta+e -u#t a minute,6 e #ai) rea##uringly* 8e in#erte) t e nee)le into a rubberi>e) rece(tacle in i# blac+ bo3 an) (um(e) in t e bloo)* Carr&# finger# e3(ertly touc e) 'ariou# button# on t e front of t e bo3, an) t en (au#e), a# if e&) )iale) a cell ( one an) !a# !aiting for a re#(on#e* Carr #tu)ie) t e bo3&# #mall LCD #creen, t en e (u# e) anot er button* 6%&m (rinting a rea)out,6 t e )octor #ai)* 6% +no! you li+e t ing# in blac+ an) ! ite, Ma3 ***6 A moment later a #li( of (a(er, li+e a ga# #tation recei(t, came rolling out t e bottom of t e bo3* Carr tore it off an) an)e) it to Ma3* Do!n t e left #i)e !ere abbre'iation#, )o!n t e rig t #i)e number#* S e rea) t e li#t but it meant not ing to er* S e el) it u(, er eyebro!# ri#ing in que#tion* 6See any >eroe#F6 Carr a#+e)* S e loo+e) at t e li#t again* 69ea * 2ourt one )o!n*6 6W at&# it #ay in t e left columnF6 6"%*6 6"iru#e#,6 Carr #ai)* 6"%* #tan)# for 'iru#e# * ** an) you&re rea)ing >ero* 9ou )on&t e'en a'e a mil) flu bug, Ma3*6 6%&m * * * clean*6 6T e 'iru# i# out of your #y#tem*6

Ma3 -u#t #at t ere$# e felt numb* %t !a# a# if Carr !ere #u))enly t ree room# a!ay* 6No 'iru#F6 6A((arently Kel(y ab#orbe) it out of your #y#tem* %t&# (o##ible i# ca(acity to blen), to mor( , !ent #lig tly ay!ire ! en, in i# Logan ( a#e, you an) e touc e) an) in#tincti'ely e began to ta+e on #ome of your c aracteri#tic#$#u))enly t e uman c ameleon !a# t e carrier an) t e reci(ient*6 Logan #ai), 6So, t en *** t e 'iru# +ille) Kel(y *** an) it#elf*6 Carr #ig e), # rugge)* 6Wit out bot of you entering into a lengt y re#earc (rogram at #ome to( facility,6 t e )octor #ai), 6!e !ill li+ely ne'er +no! for #ure*6 Logan #mile)* 6Maybe it !a# magic*6 S e turne) to Logan, an) e !a# grinning li+e an i)iot/ t en # e loo+e) at Carr, an) e !ore a big #mile, too* 65eally *** goneF6 # e a#+e)* Carr no))e) #lo!ly* 6%f % mig t (re#cribe #omet ingF Allo! your#elf to feel relie'e) * ** an) a((y*6 Ma3 turne) to Logan, !ra((e) er arm# aroun) im an) +i##e) im ar) an) )ee( an) for a 'ery long time* At fir#t #ur(ri#e), Logan got into t e #!ing of t ing# quic+ly* 2inally, Carr #ai), 68ey, you t!o$get a roomE6 T ey bro+e t eir +i## off, an) Logan #ai), 6T i# i# my room* 9ou&re t e #ic+o 'oyeur, Sam*6 Carr #eeme) about to ma+e a (otentially amu#ing remar+, ! en Ma3 boun)e) off t e be) an) grabbe) t e )octor by t e elbo! an) #tarte) lea)ing im out of t e be)room* 6W oa, ! oa,6 e (rote#te)* 6My bagE6 4e in) t em, Logan (ic+e) u( t e bag, (ut t e blac+ bo3 in#i)e, an) follo!e) t em into t e main room* Logan #ai), 6Sam, % )on&t +no! o! to t an+ you*6 6% )o,6 Ma3 #ai)* An) +i##e) im on t e c ee+* Carr loo+e) at er, a((arently ama>e) t at t i# toug little !oman coul) be #o ten)er* 6T an+#, Doc,6 # e #ai)* 69ou&re a life#a'er$literally* %t really i# a # ame you a'e to lea'e #o #oon*6 Carr !a# c uc+ling a# Ma3$maintaining a fa#t (ace$ el(e) im into i# (ar+a an) Logan an)e) im t e Gla)#tone bag* At t e )oor, Ma3 ga'e im anot er quic+ +i## on t e c ee+ an) #ai), 6T an+ you, Sam*6 69ou&re !elcome,6 e #ai)* 8e !a# only alf!ay t roug 6!elcome6 ! en # e # o'e) im out#i)e into t e nig t an) t e o!ling !in), an) Carr manage) to #ay, 6Name it after me,6 before # e # ut t e )oor in i# face* T!i#ting t e )ea) bolt into (lace, Ma3 turne) to face Logan* 6% t oug t e&) ne'er go*6 4ut no! t at # e !a# a((y, i# #mile a) )i#a((eare)/ #u))enly Logan loo+e) #eriou#* T at !a# o+ay$! at !a# about to a((en bet!een t em !a# #eriou# *** t e con#ummation of a lo'e t at a) been force) into a #tate of limbo by t at )ea) 'iru#*

S e cro##e) er arm# at er !ai#t an) grabbe) t e em of er # irt, about to (ull it o'er er ea)* Ste((ing for!ar), e (ut i# an)# on to( of er# to #to( er* 6We a'e to tal+*6 6T at&# u#ually t e !oman&# line*6 6% +no!*6 69our timing i# +in)a lou#y, )on&t ya t in+F6 8i# eye# !ere fille) !it lo'e, but al#o #omet ing el#e$#a)ne##F 6Ma3 *** not ing mean# more to me t an you*** an) lo'ing you* 4ut t ere&# #omet ing ***6 S e #ig e)* 6Di) % e'er tell you about t e tiny bit of cat DNA t ey #li((e) into meF T at #en)# me into eat t ree time# a yearF6 8e no))e)* 6Well, it&# about t at time ***6 S e rai#e) er eyebro!#* 6W at&# !rong, LoganF We&'e been !aiting$6 6% +no!, % +no!* 4ut !e a'e to be one#t !it eac ot er* T i# i#n&t -u#t animal magneti#m, Ma3$ if !e&re going to be toget er$an) % )on&t mean -u#t t at !ay*** !ell***6 8e too+ er by t e an), le) er to t e #ofa an) ge#ture) for er to #it* T e moo) a) # ifte), an) Ma3 !a# be!il)ere)* Sitting, # e a#+e), 6W at&# t e matterF6 8e remo'e) i# gla##e# an) rubbe) a an) o'er i# face* T en e #ai), 6T i# i#n&t ea#y, Ma3*** but % nee) to tell you #omet ing*6 69ou #le(t !it A# a,6 # e #ai) matter,of,factly* S e meant A# a 4arlo!, t e #lim blon)e S:W re'olutionary Logan a) teame) u( !it ! en Ma3 a) been (re#ume) )ea)* 6Don&t care,6 # e #ai)* 6Ol) ne!#*6 T i# #uc+er,(unc e) im* 6W at are you tal+ing aboutF6 69ou mean, you )i)n&t #lee( !it A# aF6 6NoE 8ell, no*6 6S e&# 'ery beautiful*6 6Ma3, (lea#e* % !a# *** mourning you *** W y !oul) you e'en t in+ t atF6 S e # rugge)* 6Soun)e) li+e you !ere going into confe##ion mo)e *** .u#t t oug t %&) urry t ing# u(, #o !e mo'e t i# along, an) coul) get bac+ to more im(ortant matter# ***6 4ut Logan, bro! furro!e), !a# a #te( be in)* 69ou - t oug t % #le(t !it A# aF6 69ou belie'e) % !a# )ea), you !ere lonely***6 6% )i)n&t*6 S e #mile)* 6Cool* E'en better, no!***6 64ut % )o a'e #omet ing*** #omet ing to confe##*6 S e #at bac+, cro##e) er arm#/ t ere !a# no turning im bac+ no!* 8e !a# going to get t i# out in t e o(en, ! ate'er t e ell e !a# yammering about* 6O+ay,6 # e #ai), 6#(ill your terrible #ecret* 4i#e3ualF Don&t care* All your family money&# goneF So ! at*6 8i# eye# met er#* 6Ma3 *** it&# about Set *6

S e ten#e)* 6Set *** my brot er, Set F6 6% +ne! im, Ma3*6 One of t e AB# ! o a) trie) to e#ca(e t at nig t bac+ in Wyoming, Set a) been caug t by t e Manticore guar)#* 8e e#ca(e) at a later )ate, an) Ma3$li'ing in Lo# Angele# at t e time$ a) trac+e) im to Seattle* T ey !ere reunite) at t e to( of t e S(ace Nee)le in 01:@, ten year# after Ma3 #(lit from Manticore* T e reunion a) been # ort,li'e)D Set )ie) t at nig t, (lummeting from t e to( of t e Nee)le* 6W en !e fir#t met, Ma3, you&ll recall % +ne! a lot about t e AB# an) Manticore *** Not information t e a'erage guy on t e #treet i# (ri'y to*6 6W at )o you mean *** you &+ne!& Set F6 6On t e nee)le t at nig t$t o#e (eo(le you interru(te)***6 6T e ba) guy#*6 64a) guy#, rig t$t ey !ere in'ol'e) in criminal acti'itie# t at Eye# Only !ante) to #to(*6 69ou re Eye# Only, Logan*6 6*** 9e#*6 69ou mean*** Set !a# !or+ing for you t at nig t*6 All Logan coul) )o !a# no)* 6% !a#n&t t e fir#t AB you recruite), t en*6 6No* Set *6 S e felt tear# !elling* 6T at nig t at t e Nee)le, ta+ing on .are) Sterling an) all t o#e Korean#$Set !a# on a mi##ion for Eye# Only*6 Logan&# 'oice #eeme) #mall* 69e#*6 6An) e )ie)* 8e got +ille)* 9ou got im +ille)*6 6*** % +no!* %&'e a) to li'e !it t at a long time*6 Somet ing burne) in er #tomac an) ro#e to t e bac+ of er t roat* S!allo!ing ar), # e got it )o!n, but -u#t barely* T i# coul)n &t be a((ening$not no!, not ! en t e 'iru# !a# 'anqui# e) an) not ing #too) bet!een t eir lo'e* * * E3ce(t betrayal* An) lie#* S e ro#e an) er eye# loc+e) !it i#$ i# a) a terrible #oftne##, ! ile er# bla>e)* 6T ere !ere nearly a )o>en men t ere t at nig t$t e Korean#, Sterling an) i# o!n t ug#$an) you #ent Set in t ere alone*6 6% )i)*6 S e glare) at im, er li(# curle) in anger* 6An) you ne'er tol) meF Not until no!F6 8e # oo+ i# ea) an) ga'e er a (at etic little # rug* 6We all a'e our #ecret#, Ma3* 9ou )i)n&t tell me e'eryt ing, not at fir#t*6 69ou&'e +no!n all t ere i# to +no! about me for a long, long time* %&'e le'ele) !it you/ %&'e o(ene) my#elf to you in a !ay % a'en&t to anybo)y, e'er*6 8er 'oice !a# ri#ing in (itc an) inten#ity, but # e coul)n&t #eem to #to( it* 69ou )on&t not tell #omeone #omet ing li+e t i# by*** by acci)ent* T i# !a# no o'er#ig t* %t&# !illful, Logan$you lie) to me*6 8e #!allo!e) t ic+ly* 6%n a !ay*6

62or ! atF6 S e !a# almo#t # rie+ing no!* 6W yF W y !oul) you lie to meF MeF6 6At fir#t, you !ere *** o! can % #ay t i#F6 62in) a !ay*6 69ou !ere -u#t t e #econ) recruit*** an) if % tol) you ! at a) become of t e fir#t AB %&) ta+en on, you mig t***6 68e#itate to get my a## +ille) for youF6 Logan !ince)* 6Somet ing li+e t at* An) t en *** a# !e gre! clo#e *** % -u#t coul)n&t fin) a !ay* 9ou ma)e it clear o! )ee( your lo'e an) commitment for your #ibling# ran *** an) for me to a)mit cau#ing t e )eat of one of t em, % !a# afrai) ***6 6Afrai) of ! at %&) )o to youF6 6Afrai) you&) ate me*6 6Goo) call*6 8e #too) #taring at er a# if # e&) (unc e) im* 8er tear# ran no!$ ot tear# of #orro!,tinge) anger a# # e t oug t about Set , an) t e man # e lo'e) ! o&) got im +ille), t i# man in front of er, t e man ! o !a# #u((o#e) to lo'e er* 6Were you e'er going to tell meF6 6Ma3*** % -u#t )i)*6 6O , #o better late t an ne'erF6 Logan #ai) not ing* 69ou +e(t me )angling,6 # e #ai), 6#o %&) continue to )o your bi))ing$#er'e your 'ariou# #elf,rig teou# agen)a# * * * #ame a# you )i) !it Set * 9ou coul)n&t tell me becau#e you mig t lo#e a 'aluable re#ource in Eye# Only&# cru#a)e*6 6%t !a#n&t t at at all*6 6W at t e ell !a# it t enF6 6Ma3 *** you +no! ! at it !a#*6 6Do %F6 6*** % fell in lo'e !it you*6 No! # e felt a# t oug e a) (unc e) er/ but # e la# e) bac+, 6An) you figure) t at telling me you got my brot er +ille) mig t (ut a )am(er on my feeling#F6 6Ma3, %$6 6Don&t &Ma3& me$%&m ma3e) out* %&'e ear) enoug *6 S e cro##e) t e room, #natc ing er -ac+et off t e bac+ of a )ining room c air a# # e !ent* Going t e o((o#ite !ay aroun) t e couc , e ea)e) er off at t e )oor an) (ut a an) on er arm* 6Want t at bro+enF6 # e a#+e), glancing )o!n at t e offen)ing an)* 8e )i)n&t mo'e* 62air !arning*6 S e grabbe) i# an) in er#, remo'e) it from er arm an) !a# about to cru# it* Logan ma)e no effort to #to( er$ e -u#t #too) t ere #taring into er eye#, t e (ain in i# a'ing not ing to )o !it t e (re##ure # e !a# a((lying* A((lying more, # e #a! t e fir#t fla# of ( y#ical (ain in i# face an) relea#e) er gri(* 68ell !it it,6 # e #narle)* 6%&m outta ere*6

S e t re! t e )oor o(en an) #tro)e out into a nig t almo#t a# angry a# # e !a#, lea'ing Logan be in) !it i# lie# an) i# guilt, #tan)ing in t e )oor!ay, t e !in) c a#ti#ing im* 8e calle) er name once, but # e ignore) im an) #tal+e) off into t e )ar+ne##* Tonig t, # e !oul)n&t go bac+ to Terminal City, !oul)n&t !orry about t e in abitant#* S e coul)n&t be near any of t em tonig t, not e'en .o# ua an) Original Cin)y* T e only (lace to be tonig t !a# ! ere # e a) la#t #een er brot er$! ere Set a) )ie)* T e S(ace Nee)le !a# (retty muc a# # e remembere) it, e'en t oug # e a)n&t been t ere #ince t e Terminal City #iege began* T ere !ere a fe! ne! graffiti tag#, but ot er t an t at, t e Nee)le !a# #ame,o #ame,o* Turning on t e (o!er, ! ic fe! but Ma3 +ne! #till allo!e) t e ele'ator# to run, # e ro)e u( to t e ob#er'ation )ec+, t en climbe) #ome more until # e got out to er u#ual (erc at t e 'ery to(* T e !in) ! i((e) e'en !or#e t i# ig , but # e !a# careful, an) er -ac+et !a# !arm, an) be#i)e#, from u( ere # e coul) feel clo#e to Set an) maybe gain #ome (er#(ecti'e* O'er fi'e un)re) feet belo! er t e city !ent about it# u#ual nig ttime acti'itie#, #ignale) by fire,(lay flic+ering# acro## t e lan)#ca(e, #eeming 'ery #mall* ?( ere, #o far remo'e) from e'eryt ing, # e felt #mall, too, an) tonig t, #ome! at in#ignificant* So many year#, #o many failure#* An) not -u#t er failure#$#ometime#, li+e t i# time, t e failure lay !it #omeone el#e* Logan coul) a'e tol) me, # e t oug t, # oul) a'e tol) me* 8ell, e&) a) o'er t!o year# to fin) a !ay to brea+ t i# to er, an) yet e a) ne'er broug t it u( until tonig t*

T e tear# !ere #treaming again* 9ou&re not #o toug , # e tol) er#elf* T at flame of o(e # e&) +e(t !it in er#elf, t at # e a) ne'er allo!e) to flic+er out$#ometime# it #eeme) t o#e ray# of o(e !ere all # e really a) t at belonge) to er* No!, -u#t a# e&) gotten Set +ille), Logan a) )ou#e) t at tiny flame* Only )e#(air remaine), an) an icy, en'elo(ing col)* C a(ter 2our "AN%S8ED SEATTLE, WAS8%NGTON DECEM4E5 0:, 010: 4y t e ne3t morning t e !in) a) #ub#i)e) #ome, but t e t irty )egree tem(erature lingere), a gue#t o'er#taying it# !elcome* Come )a!n, Ma3 a) finally aban)one) er (erc ato( t e Nee)le* A# morning ble) into t e #+y, # e felt an urge to climb on er Nin-a an) -u#t +ee( ri)ing/ # e mig t a'e gi'en in to t at im(ul#e if t e bi+e a)n&t been #itting bac+ in Terminal City* An) rig t no! # e -u#t )i)n&t a'e t e eart to go bac+ t ere an) face er frien)#, an) t eir que#tion# *** Wan)ering into t e city a# it !o+e, Ma3 (urc a#e) t!o cu(# of coffee at a ba+ery, balancing t em ato( a bo3 of bagel#, an) foun) er#elf !al+ing on a +in) of auto(ilot

u( to t e entrance of er former (lace of em(loyment$.am 7ony E3(re##* E3ce(t ! ere (oc+mar+# remaine) from bullet# fire) at t e buil)ing )uring t e o#tage cri#i# #i3 mont # ago, t e (lace a)n&t really c ange) #ince t e nig t ! en Ma3 left t at life be in)* T e u#ual morning ubbub bu>>e) aroun) t e (lace, t at (eculiar combination of !earine## an) energy, of c ao# an) organi>ation, foun) at t e to( of t e )ay in mo#t any !or+(lace* T e little ram( t at le) )o!n to t e concrete floor !a# #!e(t neatly, a# u#ual, an) t e !ire grating t at #e(arate) Normal$ t e me##enger #er'ice&# manager$from i# (eon# #till loo+e) li+e t i# !a# 'i#iting )ay at county loc+u( *** t oug ! et er it !a# t e me##enger# ! o !ere t e (ri#oner#, or Normal, remaine) unclear* Se'eral of Normal&# #eemingly en)le## #u((ly of )i# e'ele) young ri)er# mille) about, #i((ing coffee or c atting eac ot er u(, #ome getting rea)y to ta+e off on t eir fir#t run# of t e )ay* A fe! recogni>e) .am 7ony&# mo#t famou# gra)uate an) #tare) o(enly at Ma3* T e (eaceful #ettlement of t e Terminal City #iege a) actually ma)e er a local celebrity of #ort#* Not reacting to t o#e !atc ing er, Ma3 !on)ere) if t i# !a# o! .enny 4roo+#, t e C annel I !eat er girl, felt ! en # e !al+e) t e #treet#* T i# fifteen minute# of fame$! ic #eeme) to +ee( rene!ing it#elf$!a# #ur(ri#ingly ar) on Ma3, ! o a# a loner felt uncomfortable !earing t e eye# of ot er#, an) ! o a# a longtime fugiti'e$# e a) #(ent mo#t of er life on t e run from Manticore, after all$felt unea#y ! en # e coul) not fa)e into t e lan)#ca(e* Doing er be#t to ignore t e #tare#, # e (ic+e) u( on Normal, acti'e be in) i# !ire !in)o!* 8e a) not c ange) an iota$ i# blon)i# air !a# cut in it# u#ual flat to(, i# blac+ gla##e# continue) to try to flee )o!n i# no#e, an) i# e'er,(re#ent ear(iece ma)e im loo+ li+e t e !orl)&# lea#t #o( i#ticate) cyborg* 8e lan)e) be in) t e !in)o! an) loo+e) u($#en#ing #omeone -u#t #tan)ing t ere motionle##, ! ic meant a me##enger nee)e) a re(riman), of cour#e$ an) t en i# mout crea#e) into #omet ing t at mig t a'e been a #mile* 6Well, !ell, little mi##y,6 e #ai)* 8e al!ay# #eeme) to #a'or i# !or)#, a# if eac one !a# i# fa'orite fla'or Life#a'er* 68a'e you finally come cra!ling bac+ loo+ing for your -obF6 S e ga'e im a goo),nature) #mir+* 6T at&# rig t, Normal$t e money !e&re ma+ing an),o'er,fi#t at t e Terminal City Mall -u#t can&t com(are to t e nic+el# an) )ime# you u#e) to to## me*6 8e (reten)e) to fro!n* 6Well, t at&# a goo) t ing$ becau#e % )on&t a'e an o(ening rig t no!*6 6O , )amn* %&m cru# e)*6 S e #et t e bo3 of bagel# on t e counter an) remo'e) t e t!o cu(# of coffee from t eir (erc * S e turne) to fin) alf a )o>en me##enger# #tan)ing aroun) er, !atc ing t eir e3c ange* Ma3 #to((e), feeling a!+!ar)* 69e#, #lac+er#, it&# Ma3$a# #een on T"6 Normal #ai) (lea#antly* T en e #co!le) an) yelle)D 6Get mo'ingE T i# i# not a yout o#tel, but % am o#tile to yout $ (ac+age# to be )eli'ere), (eo(le$bi( bi( bi(E6

Slo!ly, grumbling, t e grou( bro+e u(* Turning bac+ to Normal, # e laug e)* 6T at&# a ne! one$ o#tel, o#tileF Nice*6 Aroun) t em, +i)# !ere #till !atc ing a# t ey t rea)e) off, an) Normal&# re#(on#e !a# only to # oot Ma3 a cro## loo+/ t en ! en all of t e me##enger# a) mo'e) along, none of t em !anting to be ne3t in line to feel Normal&# !rat , t e cre!,cut (etty )ictator fla# e) er an affectionate #mile* 6Trut i#, mi##y,6 e #ai), 6you al!ay# got a ome ere, if you !ant it*6 S e tilte) er ea)* 69ou&re getting #oft, Normal*6 68ey, % #ai) t ere !a# a (lace for you, ! en t i# celebrity #tuff !ear# off an) you nee) to ma+e a li'ing again *** but you&ll a'e to carry your !eig t*6 6Actually, you )i)n&t #ay t ere !a# a &(lace& for me, Normal* 9ou #ai) & ome& *** an) Normal*** t at !a# nice to ear* 9ou a'en&t c a#e) off your &Nubian (rince##,& a'e yaF6 8e (ointe) !it i# c in to!ar) t e clu#ter of loc+er# at t e bac+* 6S e&# ere all rig t$t e gran))am of .am 7ony ***6 6T at&# Original Cin)y, all rig t*6 6O yea $only t i# morning # e #eem# #orta out of #ort# ** * Maybe it&# female trouble*6 6W y )on&t you go o'er to er, Normal, an) #ugge#t # e ta+e #omet in& for t atF T en you&ll fin) out ! at female trouble i# all about*6 Normal almo#t blu# e)* 6% -u#t mean *** # e&# )o!n* 4lue* Cran+y %&m u#e) to$ er in t e )um(#, t at&# #omet in& el#e *** Go #ay ello to er*6 6Well, -ee>, Normal*** are you concerne) for one of your (eo(leF6 6%f # e a# a ba) )ay, % a'e a ba) )ay *** by ! ic % mean, my (ac+age# )on&t get )eli'ere) on time*6 65ig t*6 An) # e grinne) at im* %t !a# infectiou#, an) e turne) a!ay, getting bac+ to !or+, i)ing i# umanity* A# # e #trolle) to!ar) t e bac+, Ma3 # oo+ er ea), #ur(ri#e) at o! nice it !a# to #ee Normal* W o&)a t un+ # e&) a'e mi##e) t at #tic+,u(,t e,butt goofu#F T e trut !a#, )e#(ite a long#tan)ing (re-u)ice again#t t e tran#genic#, ! en # e an) er fello!# a) really nee)e) im* Normal came t roug in a big !ay* A #tan),u( guy, !it a goo) eart*** ama>ing* %t felt #ur(ri#ingly goo) to be ere, bac+ on er ol) #tom(ing groun)#, !it (eo(le # e coul) )e(en) on, unli+e a certain cyber-ournali#t* After mo'ing to t e bac+ of t e uge, ran+ room$funny, # e a)n&t e'er notice) t e #!eat,)renc e) #cent of t e (lace before$# e foun) er be#t frien) #itting on a benc facing er loc+er, ea) bo!e) a# if in (rayer* Original Cin)y&# Afro !a# flying at alf ma#t to)ay, bru# e) )o!n an) (ulle) bac+ into a (uff at t e bac+ of er #+ull* S e !a# in -ean# an) a gray 'intage G5555L 7OWE5E #!eat# irt t at loo+e) rum(le), almo#t #le(t,in$a rarity for a !oman ! o#e !ar)robe !a# al!ay# a# # ar( a# # e !a#* 6Anyone for coffeeF6 Ma3 a#+e), ol)ing out t e car)boar) cu(*

Original Cin)y&# eye# # ot u( to er$eye# t at !ere re),rimme) eit er from crying or lac+ of #lee( or bot * T en t e # a(ely !oman !a# on er feet an) ta+ing er frien) in er arm#, )amn near cau#ing Ma3 to )um( t e t!o cu(# of coffee all o'er e'eryt ing*

68ey ey ey,6 Ma3 #ai), )oing a balance act a# Cin)y ugge) er* 6Careful, girl$ you&ll #(ill t e -oeE6 6W ere you been +ee(in& your#elf, 4ooF6 Original Cin)y )eman)e), bac+ing a!ay but not letting go of Ma3, er e3(re##ion alternating bet!een relief an) in)ignation* 6Damn, girlE We #(ent all nig t loo+ing for your a##*6 S rugging, Ma3 #ai), 6% a) #ome t in+ing to )o*6 6So you a) #ome t in+in& to )o$t a## cool* Only you +no! ! at i# not coolF Lea'in& your brot er# an) #i#ter# angin&, all cra>ya##,!orrie) an) # it*6 6%&m #orry,6 Ma3 #ai), an) t i# a) not occurre) to er at all* 6%t&# -u#t*** t ing# !ent +in)a #i)e!ay# *** !it Logan*6 69ea , % +no!, )etail# at ele'en *** W at, you t in+ e !a#n&t t e mo#t !orrie) outta all of u#F &Ce(t for maybe .o# ua, ! o t in+# you #ome +in)a #aint*** an) clearly )oe# not +no! you li+e % )o*6 6Logan came aroun)F6 Original Cin)y no))e)* 68e came an) yan+e) me outta my crib, an) !e aul butt to Terminal City, to #ee !a# you t ere, an) gue## ! at, you !a#n&t*6 6W at )i) e***F6 6W at&) e tell meF 8e tell me e'eryt ing* 9ou )on&t tell Original Cin)y alf a #tory, 4oo$%&m li+e a (rie#t, e3ce(t for t e religion (art* Any!ay, Logan come an) foun) me an) (laye) me e'ery trac+, in,clu)in& t e bonu# cut#$t en e an) me go out #earc in& for your t oug tle## #elf*6 Ma3 #at on t e benc , embarra##e)*> *** % am #orry* 5eally* %*** ! en ba) #tuff a((en#, % +in)a re'ert to, you +no!, a ***6 6Selfi# bitc F6 Ma3 laug e)* 69ea * T at&# it e3actly*6 T e lo'ely le#bian #mile) an) #at ne3t to er* Ta+ing one of t e coffee#, O*C* #ai), 6T an+#, girlfrien)$Original Cin)y&# gonna nee) t e caffeine to get t roug t i# mot er* 9ou an) me, !e nee) to tal+*6 6% )on&t t in+ % can ta+e$6 69ou gonna i)e from t i#F Sooner or later you&re gonna a'e to )eal$better )o it no!, be )one !it it*6 6% +no!,6 Ma3 a)mitte)* 6Sorry about la#t nig t*** -u#t a) to get a!ay*6 S e let out a long, tire) breat * 6Logan tol) you *** e'eryt ingF6 69ou mean, )o % +no! about Set F 9ea * An) %&m #orry for your lo##, oney *** ! ic !a# t!o year# ago, by t e !ay*6 6% +no! it&# an ol) !oun), but Logan ri((e) it !i)e o(en*6 S a+ing er ea), Ma3 #ai), 6% can&t belie'e e lie) to me*6 Original Cin)y #norte)* 68e can&t el( bein& a )ic+$you got a )ic+, #ometime# you gon& be a )ic+*6

69ou got t at rig t,6 Ma3 #ai), laug ing again, ol)ing out er fi#t #o O*C* coul) bum( it, but t e !oman ma)e no mo'e to com(lete t e ritual* 69ou gonna lea'e a #i#ta angin&F6 Original Cin)y&# eye# !ent to t e floor, t en bac+ to Ma3* 6Only Logan, e ain&t no all,t e,time,a,)ic+, Ma3* 8e&# uman$ma)e a mi#ta+e* 4ut e&# a goo) man *** you +no!, for a man*6 Ma3 )ro((e) er an)* 69ou&re #tic+ing u( for imF6 68o! many time# you been in lo'e, 4ooF6 Ma3 #ai) not ing* 6Logan$ e&# t e fir#t, ain&t eF6 Defen#i'e, Ma3 blurte), 6% been aroun)*6 6% ain&t tal+in& about #e3, #ugar$!e tal+in& lo'e* 9ou lo'e t at four,eye) cri(, )on&t yaF6 Ma3 # rugge)* 6An) e lo'e# your #orry mean a##*6 Anot er # rug* 6Li#ten to Original Cin)y* % been in lo'e more time# t an *** more time# t an % # oul)a been* 9ou t in+ -u#t &cau#e #omebo)y lo'e# you t at mean# t ey (erfectF 9ou t in+ % ain&t been lie) to by #omebo)y ! o lo'e) meF6 6T i# i#n&t #ome *** little ! ite lie, Cin)y*6 6Don&t (lay t e race car), girl* Guit (outin& an) get bac+ in t e game*6 6W at are you tal+ing aboutF6 Original Cin)y #ig e)* 6%# Logan or i# Logan not t e #ingle be#t )ealio you e'er run into in t i# ! ole #orry, #olitary !orl)F 7re#ent com(any e3clu)e), of cour#e*6 T at ma)e Ma3 #mile* 6E3ce(t for meeting you, 4oo *** yea * % #u((o#e* Logan&# t e be#t t ing* Or any!ay*** e !a#*6 6So* 9ou gonna let one little #li( ruin your ! ole lifeF6 6%t !a# not a little #li(,6 Ma3 #ai), an e)ge in er 'oice* 6Logan cau#e) t e )eat of my brot er$an) t en e lie) to me about it*6 Normal a((eare) at t e en) of t e ai#le an) #ai), 6% ate to interru(t t i# touc ing reunion, but % a'e a (re##ing )eli'ery t at$6 6Go a!ay,6 Ma3 #na((e), an)$#imultaneou#ly$ Original Cin)y # oute), 6Not no!, flat to(E Can&t you #ee !e bu#yF6 Normal&# eye# o(ene) 'ery !i)e* T en, in#tea) of fro!ning or la# ing bac+ at t em, Normal beame)* 6.u#t li+e t e goo) ol) )ay#*6 An) Normal turne) an) !al+e) a!ay* 69ou +no!,6 Original Cin)y #ai) !it a #mir+, )igging a ole in one c ee+, 6% t in+ % li+e) im better ! en e !a# a ! ole ba#tar)* T i# alfa ba#tar), alfa nice guy # it*** it&# confu#ing*6 T at ma)e Ma3 #mile ** * *** but only for a moment* 6Cin)y, #ome t ing# in a *** relation# i(, you can&t un)o t em* Some t ing# -u#t*** cro## t e line*6 68e )i)n&t c eat on your a## or anyt ing*6 6Wor#e* Muc !or#e*6

6E3cu#e meF %# t i# Ma3 ! o u#e) to #teal # it from (eo(le an) (e))le t e goo)# to a fenceF 9ou remember er, rig tF *** 7erfect, faultle## Ma3F6 6Cin)y, e lie) to me* %f t ere&# no tru#t$6 68e )i) not lie*6 68e #ure a# ell )i)E6 6T i# i# one of t em, #in# of oHi,mi##ion, a# &(o#e) to #in of co,mi##ion*6 6% )on&t #ee t e )ifference*6 6T e man )i) not lie* 8e -u#t*** +in)a el) bac+ t e trut *6 6T ere&# a !or) for t at, Cin)y*6 6*** 4ull# itF6 6No *** #o( i#try*6 8er mentor Moo)y a) taug t er t at* 6Sof& i#&try, ar) i#&try *** it # oul) be i#tory, you )igF6 6Some t ing# can&t be forgi'en*6 Original Cin)y bac+e) a!ay an) lifte) er ea) an) ga>e) )o!n at Ma3, a# if # e !ere trying to #ee er better* 69ou loo+ li+e Ma3 an) you #oun) li+e Ma3 *** but you can&t be Ma3*6 Not at all in t e moo) for being +i))e), Ma3 turne) a!ay from er frien)* 6 &Cau#e if you !a# t e real Ma3F 9ou !oul)n&t be #uc a )amn fool*6 6T an+ you 'ery muc *6 68o! long you +no!n LoganF6 6* * * Goin& on t!o year#*6 6An) o! muc you been t roug toget erF6 6*** A lot*6 6An) ! o !a# al!ay# t ere for you no matter o! ba) t ing# gotF6 69ou*6 O*C* grinne)* 6Goe# !it out #ayin&, but ! o el#eF6 6.o# ua*6 Original Cin)y (unc e) er lig tly in t e # oul)er* 6T an+ you for ma+in& my (oint about you bein& a )amn fool*6 Ma3 manage) a tiny grin* 6Logan a# al!ay# been t ere* 2or me*6 69ea * An) t at&# #omet in&, ain&t it, in t i# (o#t,7ul#e (iece,of,# it !orl)F *** W o % gotF6 6Well,$you got me*6 69ea , an) ey, 4oo, t a## a lot, )on&t get me !rong, but t at ain&t e'eryt ing, you )igF 2rien)# i( i# cool, !ay cool$but !e got nee)#, you an) me, t at you an) me )on&t )o for eac ot er*6 C uc+ling, Ma3 a)mitte), 69ea , % #u((o#e*6 Original Cin)y !a# not c uc+ling* 6Me, % a) Diamon) *** only, # e&# gone*6 Diamon) Latrell a) been Original Cin)y&# one true lo'e, or #o it #eeme) to Ma3/ Latrell a) been in-ecte) !it a biotec e3(eriment ! ile in (ri#on* Ma3 el(e) Logan bring )o!n Synt e)yne, t e cor(oration re#(on#ible for t e e3(eriment#, an) Diamon) manage) to (a## t e bioagent on to Synt e)yne&# CEO Si)ney Croal before # e, too, )ie)* 6% +no!, Cin,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6%&m #o #orry****6

6True lo'e&# a bitc , ain&t itF To try an& fin) in t i# !orl), % mean *** an) you )one foun) it, 4oo* An) &cau#e your lo'er boy el) bac+ #omet in&, &cau#e e !a# afrai) it !oul) urt you an) e )i)n&t !ant to ri#+ lo#in& you *** &cau#e e ain&t (erfect, you&re rea)y to crum(le t at u( an) to## it a!ay li+e a )amn can)y !ra((erF6 6Cin *** % can&t tru#t im*6 6Well, of cour#e you can&t,6 O*C* #ai), rolling er eye#* 68e&# a man, ain&t eF6 68e&# a man*6 6T en #ayin& you can&t tru#t im i# li+e #ayin& !ater&# !et* T at&# ! y t e )i'orce rate i# #i3ty,forty again#t, rig tF6 6% gue##*6 64ut you can tru#t im for #ome t ing#*6 6Suc a#F6 Original Cin)y too+ one of Ma3&# an)# in bot of er#* 6Tru#t t at e&# gonna lo'e you till e )ie#*6 6*** 9ou t in+F6 S e no))e)* 6Tru#t e&# al!ay# got your bac+ an) ain&t ne'er gonna let not in& ba) a((en to you, not if e can el( it*6 6T en ! y )i) e not tell me about Set for all t at time, only to #(ring it on me no!F6 69ou rat er e ne'er tell yaF6 6*** %n a !ay*6 6So it&# o+ay for you to lie to your#elf/ it&# -u#t ot er (eo(le ! o can&t lie to you* 4oo, t e man&# tryin& to be one#t* 8e +no!# e #cre!e) u(, an) e !a# tryin& to fi3 it*** not ma+e it !or#e*6 64ut e )i)*6 6GirlE 9ou !anna (out till )oom#)ayF Or you !ant a man in your life t at coul)n&t ta+e your fine a## to be) till e o!ne) u( !it you &bout #omet ing t at !a# burnin& a ole in imF 4oy&# got a )amn con#cience, an) you +ic+e) im outta your life not for bein& )i# one#t*** but for bein& one#tl6 Stunne) by Cin)y&# ta+e on t e #ituation, Ma3 #at an) quietly con#i)ere) er frien)&# !or)#* 2inally, # e !a# #tarting to #ee t i# from out#i)e er#elf* %t !oul) a'e been ea#y for Logan to +ee( u( t e lie$all e a) to )o !a# +ee( i# mout # ut* S e ne'er !oul) a'e foun) out about Set if e a)n&t tol) er*** 6Don&t you e'er get tire) of itF6 Ma3 a#+e) Original Cin)y* 6Tire) of ! atF6 64eing rig t*6 O*C* grinne) an) too+ a long )rin+ from er coffee* 6O , it&# a bur)en, baby *** No!, t en$! at you gonna )o about t i# # itF6 T at que#tion !a# ar) to an#!er* Ma+ing a face, Original Cin)y #ai), 6T at coffee&# col)* Let&# go get #ome fre# , an) tal+ t i# #uc+er out*6 Ma3 # oo+ er ea)* 6W y notF6

6% really t in+ %&'e ear) e'eryt ing you a'e to #ay on t i# #ub-ect*6 Worrie), Original Cin)y #ai), 6T at !on&t #to( Original Cin)y from oun)in& you* 9ou be#t gi'e in*6 6Kno! ! atF T in+ % &be#t& go tal+ to Logan*6 Original Cin)y&# face lit u(* 6No! you&re tal+in&, 4oo*6 6% #u((o#e % o!e it to im to at lea#t** *try to #traig ten t ing# out*6 6See, girlF 9ou ain&t terminally infecte) !it t e bitc bug, after allE Maybe ol& Kel(y too+ t at one on, too*6 Ma3 yel(e) a laug an) gently #lugge) er frien)&# arm* O*C*&# #mile melte) into a fro!n* 6O ,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6Di)n&t mean to it you ar) or anyt ing***6 6Ain&t t at, 4oo* %t&# -u#t*** if you&re finally goin& to #ee Logan, an) !e&re not goin& out after fre# coffee *** t a## tragic in it# o!n #elf*6 68o! #oF6 6%t mean# *** Original Cin)y&# got to go to !or+*6 T ey bot laug e), an) t en t ey ugge)* Ma3 felt a tear !or+ing it# !ay )o!n er c ee+* A# t ey bro+e, # e a#tily !i(e) it a!ay* 4ut Cin)y a) caug t t e action, an) #ai) !it t e #ur(ri#ing gentlene## t i# toug !oman carrie), 6Don&t !orry, 4oo* %t&# gonna !or+ out* 9ou t!o bot too (retty to be un a((y*6 6O , you,6 Ma3 #ai), no))ing an) trying to #mile, !anting to # are er frien)&# confi)ence/ but trut !a#, # e el) little o(e* T ere !a# t at )amne) !or) againD o(e* An) maybe t i# a((re en#ion !a# ! y$on er !ay to #ee Logan$# e #to((e) fir#t at t e control center in Terminal City* S e tol) er#elf # e !a# )oing t i# out of a #en#e of re#(on#ibility, but # e +ne! nonet ele## t at # e mig t -u#t be #talling* Still, # e a)n&t #(ent t i# long a time out of touc !it t e ot er# #ince t e beginning of t e #iege* S e !a# t eir lea)er, an) it bot ere) er t at # e&) gi'en #o little t oug t to er re#(on#ibilitie#, t at # e a) gone off by er#elf !it out con#i)eration for er frien)#, ! o$li+e Original Cin)y$ a) (robably been !orrie) about er* T e #trange t ing about la#t nig t !a#, # e a) en-oye) t e time to er#elf, t e #olitu)e, e'en if # e a) been ba#+ing in #omet ing a((roac ing #elf,(ity* Wit in er t e call of t e ma'eric+ !a# #truggling to be ear)* S e !on)ere) if er life !oul) al!ay# contain t e#e contra)ictory urge#, reflecting t e (erio)# ! en # e&) been a (art of a grou( *** a# at Manticore, or !it t e L*A* #treet gang, t e 4roo) * * * an) t o#e ot er time# ! en # e&) been 'ery muc on er o!n, #cratc ing for #ur'i'al, ba#e) u(on er o!n #+ill# an) !it#* Seattle a) begun a# a que#t for anonymity$once Set !a# lo#t to er, Ma3 only !ante) to blen) in !it t e cro!), a loner on t e !atc for er Manticore (ur#uer#* 4ut o'er t e cour#e of t!o year#, anot er family a) gat ere) it#elf aroun) erD Cin)y an) .o# ua an) S+etc y an) Alec an) t e ot er tran#,genic# , an) e'en Normal, an), ye#, mo#t of all Logan* Wa# t e (re#ence of t i# family a comforting one in er life, or merely #mot eringF

S e (a##e) t roug t o#e tall forbi))ing gate#, ma)e t e !al+ to t e ea'y #teel )oor t at le) into t e control center, t e !eig t of t at )oor #eeming to tran#fer to er a# # e #!ung it o(en* Ma)e u( of t!o )i#tinct #ection#, u((er an) lo!er, t e control center re#emble) electronic# #tore# Ma3 a) #een in (re,7ul#e 'i)# an) mo'ie#* T e bac+ #ection of t e lo!er alf !a# gi'en o'er to a large layout table ! ere t e grou( el) council #e##ion#/ rig t no! it !a# largely co'ere) by a ma( of Terminal City an) t e #urroun)ing neig bor oo)#* T e front #ection !a# a (yrami) of 'i)eo monitor#, a )o>en #creen# ! ere four tran#genic# +e(t an eye on t e local me)ia an) ! at t e !orl) out t ere !a# u( to* 2our #tair# le) to a rai#e) le'el, ! ere anot er t irteen monitor# !ere (yrami)e), # o!ing t e Terminal City #ecurity #y#tem, bot interior an) t e (erimeter* 2rom a comman) c air u( t ere, Di3 #u(er'i#e) t e entire o(eration* Do!n belo!, u))le) o'er t e ma(, Mole, Alec, an) .o# ua !ere in t e mi)#t of a (o!!o!* Mole !a# fir#t to notice er return* 68ey, bo## la)y$! ere t e ell you beenF6 S e to##e) im a #arca#tic #mile* 6Mr* Warmt $ #!eet to #ee you, too*6 68ey,6 Mole #ai), grinning, con#i)ering t e a((ellation* 6% t in+ % li+e t at$Mr* Warmt *6 Ma3 c eerfully fli((e) im off an) a#+e), 6Statu#F6 6Nice an) quiet,6 e #ai)* 6Some o! !e #ur'i'e) a nig t !it out you*6 .o# ua$-u#t your a'erage )og man in an army fiel) -ac+et, T,# irt, an) -ean#$ lumbere) aroun) t e table an) en'elo(e) er in a bear ug* 6Little 2ellaE6 8i# #illy yet #ome o! en)earing nic+name for er ga'e Ma3 a #u))en ru# of !armt * Al#o, # e !a# #truggling to +ee( breat ing$t e tran#genic&# fon)ne## for er !a# e3cee)e) only by i# gra#(* Squee>ing out !or)# li+e t e la#t #mi)gen# from a toot (a#te tube, Ma3 manage), 68eeey *** 4ig 2ella* W at&# # a+ingF6 .o# ua relea#e) er from i# cru# ing embrace, an) t e noble, # aggy face #tu)ie) er* 6.o# ua !a# # a+ing, till no!* No! t at % #ee Ma3 i# all rig t*6 6Sorry to !orry you,6 # e #ai), meaning it* 6% a) to t in+ about #ome #tuff*6 Su))enly Alec !a# at er #i)e* A# u#ual, t e AB&# attire #eeme) (ar+e) alf!ay bet!een beac boy an) bi+er, a gray leat er -ac+et o'er a T,# irt an) )ar+ -ean#* 6Logan tol) u# about Set *6 Ma3 coul)n&t rea) t e an)#ome face, an) a#+e), 6So o! )o you feel about itF6 6Logan recruiting Set F6 6Logan recruiting Set an) getting im +ille)*6 Alec alf #mir+e)* 6Come on, Ma3$Set mu#ta got im#elf +ille)* 8e !a# one im(ul#i'e )u)e, rig tF Any!ay, e !a# a big boy$ e +ne! t e game an) e +ne! t e #ta+e#*6 6W at about Logan lying to u#F6 Alec grunte) #omet ing t at mig t a'e been a laug * 6O yea , %&m (retty !or+e) u( about t at* % mean, % ne'er lie) to anyone, my ! ole life, rig tF **, An) %&m #ure you&'e been #traig t !it Logan, un)re) (ercent, #ince )ay one*6

T at ma)e er flinc a little, but # e manage) to co'er* Of cour#e # e&) lie) to Logan$(lenty of time#, #ince t ey&) met/ in t e early )ay# (articularly, before tru#t a) been built u(* 4ut t i# !a# )ifferent$t i# mattere)/ t i# a) been about #omet ing im(ortant* 9et t e #en#e t at # e !a# guilty of -u)ging by a )ouble #tan)ar) burne) in er #tomac * Ma3 #ai), 69ou guy# #eem to&'e got by fine !it out me la#t nig t*6 6Well, you #ent u# on a merry c a#e,6 Alec #ai)* 64ut yea $Terminal City #tan)# in all it# glory*6 6Can you guy# get by !it out me a! ile longerF6 Alec # rugge)* 6Girl&# gotta )o ! at a girl&# gotta )o*6 2rom t e #i)eline#, Mole (itc e) inD 6We&ll be fine, Ma3* Ta+e #ome time* C ill*6 Alec&# #mir+ !i)ene)* 6Li+e you&re ca(able of c illing*6 S e ignore) t at* 6O+ay t en,6 # e #ai) to t e grou(* 6%&ll be at Logan&# for a ! ile, you nee) me*6 .o# ua #ai), 6Logan i# a goo) man, Ma3* Don&t be ma) at im*6 6Or at lea#t be fair an) ma+e #ure e&# !earin& t at e3o#+eleton t ingie,6 Alec #ai)* 69ou +no! *** &fore you +ic+ i# a##F6 S e # oo+ er ea), but coul)n&t ol) bac+ t e #mile* 69ou&re ba), Alec* Truly ba)*6 6T at&# t e rumor,6 e #ai)* Almo#t at a run, # e too+ t e tunnel bet!een t e t!o former Me)tronic# buil)ing#, t e one in#i)e t e Terminal City fencing an) t e one on t e ot er #i)e* Logan o!ne) bot buil)ing# in t e name of a fictional com(any, So!ley O(tical#* E'en t oug t e #iege !a# o'er an) # e coul) u#e t e #treet#, t e (ri'ate (a##age of t e tunnel felt more comfortable* T e tunnel a) concrete !all# an) ceiling, an) a tile floor, all a )ull o#(ital green/ fluore#cent lig t# ung e'ery t irty feet or #o* 8er boot# !ere almo#t #ilent on t e floor an) Ma3 #taye) quiet, +ee(ing er breat ing # allo! a# # e #trolle) to!ar) t e far en)* S e li+e) t e #ilence )o!n ere$#ometime# #o #till, # e coul) ear er o!n bloo) cour#ing t roug er 'ein#* Going u( t e #tair# at t e far en), # e coul) #ee a #lice of lig t from Logan&# a(artment aroun) t e )oor, ! ic !a# (artially o(en$u#ually, it !oul) be clo#e) an) loc+e), an) # e !on)ere) if Logan a) com(any* T at !oul) be (erfectD ere # e !a# rea)y to try to forgi'e im, an) on t e ot er #i)e of t at )oor, e&# crying on #ome ot er girl&# # oul)er$A# a, maybe*** A# # e reac e) for t e +nob, # a+ing off er lo'er&# (aranoia, # e coul) )etect 'oice# in t ere/ but t i# !a#n&t Logan&# 'oice, nor A# a&# for t at matter$ t e#e 'oice# #(o+e #omet ing t at !a#n&t e'en Engli# *** Not con'ince) anyt ing !a# !rong$but ar)ly rea)y to c eerfully call out, 6Anybo)y omeF6$# e #te((e) quic+ly, quietly in#i)e *** *** an) #a! a man !it a gun* A #quat Latino !it a bu>> cut an) a )our, (uffy face, Logan&# 6gue#t6 !ore -ean# an) a blac+ T,# irt an) no coat, )e#(ite t e bitter col) out#i)e/ an 2 !a# tattooe) on t e

man&# rig t forearm, t e branc e# of t e letter forme) from forearm# an) clenc e) fi#t#* 8e el) an ?>i loo#ely in bot an)#* T e tattoo mar+e) t e 'i#itor a# a member of t e 2urie#, a gang from Sector Eig t$a gue#t ! o !oul) ar)ly be #to((ing by Logan&# to #ing C ri#tma# carol#* T e 2urie# con#i)ere) t em#el'e# t e ba)a##e# to en) all ba)a##e#, but in Ma3&# o(inion t e#e Latino# rule) Sector Eig t by # eer #trengt of number#* Wit o'er a un)re) #ol)ier# in t eir ran+#, t e 2urie# !ere bro+en u( into unit# of ten$6(ac+#,6 ! ic ten)e) to inclu)e #(eciali#t# in ar#on, t eft, torture, #ni(ing, an) 'ariou# ot er #+ill#, ma+ing eac little unit #elf,containe) for a##orte) fun an) game#* %f t e a## ole !it t e ?>i !a# ere, # e +ne! t e re#t of i# (ac+ !a#n&t far a!ay* Logan not in #ig t, # e #too) alone, ere$! ic ma)e t e li+ely o))# at lea#t ten to one* S e con#i)ere) going bac+ for .o# ua an) t e ot er#, an) # e coul) a'e outrun t e#e clo!n# an) )uc+e) t eir bullet#, or maybe # e coul) -u#t #li( bac+ out an) u#e er cell to bring t e gang running, yea , t at !oul) be t e #mart mo'e *** *** only t e guy ear) or #en#e) er no!, an) i# flat,feature) face lifte) to #co!l at er* 8e grunte), an) it mig t a'e turne) into a !or), but t at !a# all t e #oun) e got out before Ma3 too+ t!o #!ift #te(# an) lea(t a# e broug t u( t e gun, !ay too late* 8er foot connecte) !it i# t roat an) e to((le) o'er, cra# ing to t e floor, t e ?>i bouncing a!ay$fortunately not firing, t oug ma+ing enoug of a clatter to attract Logan&# ot er 6gue#t#6 *** 2urie# a((eare) from e'ery! ere$t ey&) #(rea) out t roug t e a(artment$an) # e too+ a tally, e'en a# # e #tarte) )i#(atc ing t e gang member#* Soon # e reali>e) t at t!o full (ac+# fille) Logan&# )ig#E T!enty,to,one o))# !ere a ell of a an)ful for e'en #omeone a# #+ille) a# Ma3 *** S e !a# a )er'i# , t oug , +ic+ing t i# one, #!ee(ing t e feet out from t at one, (unc ing a t ir) to t e floor* T e o))# )i)n&t matter$fig ting t roug t e#e in'a)er# an) locating Logan !ere er only goal# no!* %t )i)n&t matter t at e&) lie) about Set , or t at t ey&) a) a #(at, not ing mattere) but getting to im*** an) i# being ali'e* S e +ic+e) one 2ury in t e groin, an) e !ent )o!n o!ling a# t!o more con'erge) on er, from be in)/ # e leane) bac+, grabbe) eac of t em by t e bac+ of t e #+ull an) #lamme) t em toget er face fir#t* T ey )ro((e) in a bloo)y, #ilent ea(, t eir face# #mear# of re) t at #eeme) if anyt ing an im(ro'ement* T at !a# ! en # e #a! Logan, fi'e 2urie# on im li+e army ant#, )ragging im from t e be)room to!ar) t e front )oor* W at t e ellF W at )i) a #treet gang a'e to gain by +i)na((ing LoganF S e -um(e), +ic+ing to eit er #i)e, eac foot connecting !it t e ea) of a 2ury, #en)ing bot banger# to a )ar+ (lace* A# t ey fell, # e lan)e) nimbly, t en turne) to!ar) t e fi'e 2urie# ! o a) aule) t e #truggling Logan to t e )oor* Logan #(otte) er an) yelle) er name$an) in t e #oun) of i# 'oice t ere !ere myria) emotion#, from fear to regret, an) lo'e !a# in t ere, too*

4ut # e coul) )o not ing$t ere !ere too many of t e ba#tar)#$an) t at # e !a# #till +ic+ing a## ! en t e fi'e )ragge) Logan out into t e brig t #un# ine of t e frigi) morning (ro'i)e) no )amn #olace at all* Time !a# +ey$#econ)# coul) mean life or )eat * S e (unc e) t e neare#t one an) !renc e) t e !ea(on from i# an)#, a #mall #ubmac ine gun* S e ate) gun# an) a) 'o!e) year# ago t at # e !oul) ne'er u#e one, but # e nee)e) to #a'e Logan an)$ fille) !it re'ul#ion a# # e !a#$t i# #eeme) t e only !ay to e'en t e o))#* S e -er+e) bac+ t e bolt on t e !ea(on, but before # e coul) fire, a 4u)) a bunc of arm# clo#e) o'er an) aroun) er an) # e foun) er#elf !re#tling !it alf a )o>en 2urie# for control of t e !ea(on* T ey !eren&t #tronger t an er, not ar)ly/ but t ere !ere -u#t #o go))amn many of t emE 2inally, # e relea#e) t e ?>i an) returne) to t e an),to, an) combat at ! ic # e e3celle)* 4e#i)e#, t e 2urie# !ere loyal, a family o!e'er )y#functional, an) if # e #taye) in clo#e, t ey !oul)n&t )are fire automatic !ea(on# into a cro!) of t eir cronie#* S e a)n&t, o!e'er, #een t e Ta>er* T e t!o (rong# )ug into er bac+, an) # e +ne! in#tantly ! at a) a((ene), e'en before t e 'iolent # a+ing #tarte) an) t e t oug t of reac ing Logan !a# )ri'en from er min) by t e #earing (ain t at con#ume) e'ery cell of er being a# # e )i) a macabre marionette&# )ance at t e en) of t e t!o !ire# fee)ing 'oltage into er bac+* S e trie) to fall but coul)n&t, t e electricity ol)ing er u( until all t e 2urie# a) e3ite) t e buil)ing, t e one controlling t e Ta>er lea'ing la#t* S e 'ibrate) for a #econ) more, t en )ro((e) o'er, uncon#ciou#* Ma3 a!o+e !it a 'iolent #tart, t e #mell of ammonia filling er no#tril#* 6W a *** ! at*** Loganl T ey got LoganE6 A an) re#te) on er # oul)er, an) # e turne), )ra!ing refle3i'ely bac+ to (unc , (ulling it a# # e loo+e) u( into t e re(tilian face of Mole* 6%t&# o+ay,6 e #ai)* 6%t&# me*6 6T ey got imE T ey got LoganE6 6Ea#y$#ettle,6 Mole #ai)* S e loo+e) aroun) no! to #ee t at Alec, .o# ua, an) a cou(le of AL# # e )i)n&t recogni>e !ere combing t e a(artment* T e 2urie# a) cleane) u( t eir !oun)e) an) ta+en t em along, too* S e too+ #ome #mall #ati#faction +no!ing t at # e a) inflicte) a goo) )eal of )amage on t em/ grabbing Logan a)n&t come free for t e #on# of bitc e#* Mole el(e) er into a +itc en c air* 68o!&) you +no! to comeF6 # e a#+e), er bo)y a ma## of (ain#, er ea) (oun)ing to an un#een but in#i#tent )rumbeat* 6Lu+e,6 e #ai), referring to Di3&# lig tbulb, ea)e) be#t bu))y* 68e !a# going out for #u((lie# ! en e #a! a bunc of banger# (ilin& into a truc+ an) ta+ing off* 8e figure) t at coul)n&t be goo), calle) u#*6 6T e 2urie#,6 # e #ai)* 6T ey too+ Logan*6 Alec !al+e) in ol)ing a (iece of blac+ T,# irt* 6Loo+# li+e t eir &uniform*& W at t e ell !oul) t o#e i)iot# !ant !it LoganF6 T ey all too+ turn# loo+ing at eac ot er an) # rugging,

6Logan&# ric , i#n&t eF6 Mole a#+e)* 6Maybe it&# a #natc -ob* Anybo)y #ee a ran#om noteF6 No one a)* 6T ey&re organi>e),6 Alec #ai), #itting on t e table near Ma3, 6but % )i)n&t t in+ t ey !ere organi>e) enoug to manage #omet ing li+e t i#*6 6W ere&# t eir 8G, any!ayF6 Mole a#+e)* 6Let&# -u#t go #natc im bac+*6 Ma3 # oo+ er ea)* 6% )oubt t at e'en t e 2urie# are #tu(i) enoug to +ee( im at t eir crib* %f t ey #a! u# coming, t ey mig t -u#t +ill im an) run*6 Mole fro!ne)* 6Well, ! at t e ell )o you #ugge#t, t enF6 6Don&t +no! yet,6 Ma3 #ai), #till groggy* Alec #ai), 6Well, % )o*6 Ma3 loo+e) u( at im* 6Lea'e it to me,6 e #ai)* Any i)ea !a# better t an ! at # e a)$not ing$ but t e ty(ical #mugne## in Alec&# tone ma)e Ma3 t in+ 6lea'ing it to im6 !a#n&t a !i#e #trategy* During t e #iege, trying to el(, Alec an) .o# ua a) nearly gotten t em#el'e# +ille), been ca(ture) by Ame# W ite, an) almo#t #ingle an)e)ly )e#troye) any o((ortunity t e tran#genic# a) for a negotiate) (eace !it t e or)inarie#* T at !a# t e mo#t recent e3am(le of 6lea'ing it to Alec6 *** On t e ot er an), Alec #eeme) to a'e c ange) in recent mont #, an) for t e better* T e ne! Alec a) actually become a 'aluable member of t e community, e'en of er inner council* 8e !a# con#i)ere) by many t e li+elie#t c oice to run for t e city council #eat t at !oul) become Terminal City&# official 'oice in Seattle (olitic#* T at !a# t e 6ne!6 Alec* 4ut t e gleam in Alec&# eye #ugge#te) t e ol) Alec !a# bac+ in to!n, an) t at !a# almo#t a# troubling a# anyt ing t e 2urie# mig t manage* 6We !on&t be lea'ing t i# to you, Alec,6 # e #ai)* 6NoF6 6No, but %&m rea)y to ear you out*6 69ou !on&t regret it,6 Alec #ai), fla# ing t at #mile, an) e o((e) off t e table an) (ulle) u( t e c air ne3t to er, an) # e ear) ! at e a) in min) an), ar)ly belie'ing it er#elf, foun) er#elf going along !it im* C a(ter 2i'e SMA5T ALEC SEATTLE* WAS8%NGTON DECEM4E5 0:, 010: Alec&# (lan a) merit* .u#t t e #ame, Ma3$finally # a+ing off t e # oc+ of Logan&# ab)uction, not to mention t e aftereffect# of t e Ta>er$ a) a (lan of er o!n in min)* An) bet!een t e t!o of t em, # e t oug t, t ey mig t -u#t be able to get Logan bac+ ali'e* S e an) Alec #at at t e +itc en table in Logan&# a(artment an) )i#cu##e) t eir re#(ecti'e a((roac e#* All of t em$t e ot er Terminal City in#i)er# ! o !ere -oining t em in t eir effort#, .o# ua, Di3, Mote$ a) come to feel t at t e +i)na((ing a) an economic moti'e*

%t !a# an ea#y enoug conclu#ion to reac * Ki)na((ing for ran#om a) been aroun) #ince t e beginning of time, of cour#e, but it a) really ma)e a #(la# in a (o#t,7ul#e ?nite) State#, ! ere money !a# ar) to come by an) e'en ar)er to ang onto* T at ma)e t e (ri'ilege) fe!, t e !ealt y ! o&) been largely untouc e) by t e 7ul#e, (rey to (re)ator# li+e t e 2urie#* W ic meant t at at #ome (oint a ran#om note !oul) be )eli'ere), or a call or an e, mail !oul) come in* 6%f t ey !ere #mart,6 Alec #ai), 6t ey&) a'e #natc e) you, Ma3*6 69ou t in+ t ey coul)a manage) t atF6 6W yF Woul) you a'e argue) !it &em, ! ile you !ere )oin& t at Ta>er )anceF6 T i# !a# a goo) (oint, but # e )i)n&t ac+no!le)ge it, #aying, 6W y am % a better +i)na( c oice t an LoganF6 6Logan&# t e one !it t e money* 9ou +i)# )on&t e3actly a'e a -oint c ec+ing account yet, )o youF6 T i#, too, !a# a goo) (oint* Ma3 #ai), 6We )on&t a'e any !ay of ta((ing into Logan&# coffer# *** not unle## !e can ac+ into 'ariou# ban+# or #omet in&*6 6W ic i# ! ere you come in,6 Alec #ai)* W ile Alec (ut i# (lan into action, Ma3 !oul) contact Logan&# family in o(e# of gaining t eir financial a##i#tance* S e only o(e) t e Cale# !oul) #till be ca(able of coming u( !it t e ca# for ! ate'er un)oubte)ly lunatic ran#om )eman) t e #treet gang !oul) ma+e* T e Cale family&# money !oe# a) begun in earne#t ! en Logan&# uncle .ona# !a# gunne) )o!n by a o'er)rone (rogramme) by .ona#&# bu#ine## (artner, Gilbert Neal* T e )eal t at Neal a) ma)e after e +ille) .ona# co#t t e family million#/ fortunately, .ona# !a#n&t t e only ric Cale in t e clan* Logan&# uncle Lyman$a legen)ary reclu#i'e billionaire ! o !a# often com(are) by t e me)ia to t at t!entiet ,century fruitca+e moneybag#, 8o!ar) 8ug e#$li'e) in a com(oun) on Sunri#e %#lan), a (ri'ate i#lan) in 7uget Soun)* All Ma3 +ne! about t e eccentric uncle !a# t at e !a# e#trange) from t e re#t of t e family, !it one #ignificant e3ce(tionD e !a# #ai) to lo'e i# ne( e!, Logan* Logan rarely tal+e) about im, t oug Ma3 #en#e) t at t e t!o of t em got along 'ery !ell* T e me)ia al#o re(orte) t at Lyman Cale&# e#tate a) cutting,e)ge ig ,tec ig #ecurity* An) Ma3 +ne! it !a#n&t li+e # e coul) let t e ol) boy +no! # e !a# coming to call* Wa#n&t li+e Lyman Cale !a# li#te) in t e ! ite (age# *** an) Logan&# com(uter !a# #o encry(te) t at not e'en t e cybera)e(t Di3 coul) ma+e a )ent in it* T at meant # e !oul) #im(ly a'e to fle3 er ol) cat,burglar mu#cle# to get in#i)e ?ncle Lyman&# com(oun) an) a'e a frien)ly c at !it im about i# fa'orite <an) +i)na((e)= ne( e!* T e (ro#(ect !orrie) er not a ! it$# e&) a) a goo) teac er in Moo)y, bac+ in L*A**** 2e! coul) ri'al er brea+ing,an),entering #+ill#* W ile # e !a# )oing t at, Alec !oul) be infiltrating t e 2urie#* 6% +no! t o#e guy#,6 e #ai)* 6?#e) to run into &em, in certain (art# of to!n, bac+ ! en % !or+e) at .am 7ony* T ey !ere al!ay# tryin& to recruit me*6 6%#n&t e'erybo)yF6 # e #ai) !it a faint #mile* 6%t&# a gift,6 e #ai), returning t e #mile*

Seeme) to Ma3 t at Alec t oug t e'erybo)y !ante) im for e'eryt ing* 8e a((eare) certain t at all !omen !ante) to -um( i# bone# an) all men longe) to be li+e im* %t !a# a #mall !orl) e li'e) in, but e !a# a((y t ere* 6Maybe it&# a little late in t e game,6 Alec #ai), 6but % figure % can loo+ t o#e bro# u(, an) tell &em %&'e finally come to my #en#e# an) reali>e t e only future for me i# a# a 2ury*6 Suc !a# Alec&# (lan$not 'ery com(licate), e#(ecially by Alec&# Mac ia'ellian #tan)ar)#, t oug t e element of egomania mar+e) it a# i#* 4arely #i3ty minute# a) (a##e) #ince t e ab)uction, an) t ey !ere rea)y to roll* %t )i) not !arm er !it in t at # e !oul) a'e to tru#t Alec/ # e&) -u#t foun) out t at t e #tea)fa#t, )e(en)able (er#on # e figure) # e coul) tru#t t e mo#t in t e !orl) a) lie) to er$an) no! # e !a# (utting er fait in a an)#ome congenital liar* An) ! ile Alec coul) go out an) !or+ t e #treet# imme)iately, # e !oul) a'e to !ait for nig tfall to #ee Logan&# uncle* Goo) a# # e !a#, li+e mo#t cat burglar#$mo#t cat#, for t at matter$# e !a# at er be#t un)er t e co'er of )ar+ne##* S e t oug t bac+ on t e e#tate of .are) Sterling, t e com(uter billionaire # e&) a) a run,in !it ! en # e fir#t got to Seattle* Sterling&# e#tate a) boa#te) #tate of t e art #ecurity an) # e&) crac+e) t at, a)n&t # eF Of cour#e, # e&) al#o been caug t an) a) to +ic+ t e a##e# of four arme) men, -u#t to -um( t e fence again !it er #+in intact/ but # e a) gotten in* Coul) Lyman Cale&# e#tate be any toug erF 7robably* So Ma3 )eci)e) t e be#t t ing # e coul) )o in t e )aylig t !a# #ome re#earc on ! at a!aite) er on Sunri#e %#lan)* A# # e an) Alec ro#e from t e table, eac to (ur#ue a (lan, Alec loo+e) at er !it #omet ing a+in to #ym(at y* 6% gotta an) it to you, Ma3$you&re ta+ing t i# !ell*6 6Logan&# not in any )anger, not imme)iately$ e&# too 'aluable*6 An aty(ically gra'e e3(re##ion too+ o'er t e an)#ome face* 6Ma3 *** % ate to #ay t i#, but*** in a certain number of ca#e# li+e t i#, t e +i)na((er# -u#t ice t e 'ictim rig t outta t e c ute#* A lot of (eo(le a'e (ai) ran#om money for a cor(#e*6 69ou&re #aying t i# ! yF6 69ou -u#t nee) to face t at*6 6%f e&# )ea), ! at can % )o about itF %f e&# ali'e, !e&ll get im bac+*6 Alec no))e), #mir+e) umorle##ly* 6% t oug t you !ere -u#t ol)in& it in*** Any!ay, % +in)a got a unc ! at you&ll )o about it, if e i# )ea)* .u#t remember, %&m not really a 2ury, o+ayF6 An) e ga'e er t at coc+y grin* Ma3 #mile) a little an) no))e)* 7robably !ere quite a fe! female# ! o !ante) to -um( t o#e bone#, at t at*** An) t e )ea)ly go'ernment,traine) +illing mac ine, t e female AB ! o +ne! a t ou#an) !ay# to )e#troy er enemie#, #(rang into action$ ea)ing to Logan&# com(uter#, to )o re#earc *

Alec crui#e) i# motorcycle on u( to t e c ec+(oint at Sector Eig t* Trying to blen) in, e !ore a blac+ en#emble of -ean#, a turtlenec+ #!eater, an) a leat er -ac+et* 8e fla# e) i# ol) .am 7ony %D, el) u( an en'elo(e e&) #tuffe) !it ol) ne!#(a(er cli((ing#, an) got !a'e) t roug by t e #ector guar) ! o !a# too bu#y !it t e long line of (e)e#trian# to (ay muc ee) to a (ain,in,t e,a## me##enger* W at !it t e )ifficulty of (a##ing from #ector to #ector, an) !it ga# #o ig an) t e #treet# an) ig !ay# in #uc !retc e) # a(e, many bu#ine##e# u#e) #er'ice# li+e .am 7ony, ! ic meant t e #ector guar)# foun) me##enger# an all,too,common annoyance, an) a) a nice abit$nice from Alec&# (oint of 'ie!, any!ay$of -u#t !a'ing &em t roug * A# e accelerate) out of t e c ec+(oint, Alec +i##e) t e .am 7ony %D* T i# a) been t e ea#y (art, e tol) im#elf/ e&) only nee)e) to be a little bit luc+y* No time to get coc+y* Getting into Sector Eig tF A #na(* 2in)ing t e information e nee)e) an) getting bac+ out ali'eF A ! ole &not er )eal* Sector Eig t$tire) an) ol) an) tuc+e) beneat 7ortage 4ay$#er'e) a# t e ba#e of o(# for #e'eral #treet gang#, an) t e Seattle 7*D* #el)om 'enture) far beyon) t e c ec+(oint#* T i# far nort , t e # abby urban lan)#ca(e (ro'i)e) lot# of (lace# to #ta# a bo)y out of t e !ay of (rying eye#, official or ot er!i#e* T e 2urie# o(erate) out of La+e'ie! Cemetery an) "olunteer 7ar+, but a) al#o been +no!n to frequent t e !oo)# aroun) %nterla+en 4oule'ar) an) t e 4roa)moor* Once a 'ery (o(ular golf cour#e, t e 4roa)moor no! ou#e) a goo),#i>e) .ame#to!n t at (ro'i)e) (lenty of (otential 'ictim# for t e rut le## 'iolence of t e 2urie#* Alec +ne! t e 2urie# manne) an ob#er'ation #tation ato( t e "olunteer 7ar+ !ater to!er* So t i# #eeme) a# goo) a (lace a# any to #tart* Not at all #urre(titiou#, a man clearly confi)ent about ! o e !a# an) ! at e !a# )oing, e ro)e into t e !oo)#, an) t en, not far from t e to!er, (ar+e) i# cycle an) #trolle) for!ar) to !it in t!enty yar)# of t e buil)ing* T e to!er !a# four #quat #torie# of fa)e) re) bric+, ri#ing t roug t e tree# li+e a uge fat c imney, to((e) by a conical roof (erc e) t ere li+e a C ine#e farmer&# bamboo at* T e #tructure #eeme) 'aguely me)ie'al to Alec, a# e )re! clo#er, t oug t e i#torical e)ge !a# ta+en off by blac+ #(ray,(ainte) 2urie# graffiti* Wit in t e bric+ faca)e, a giant metal tan+ a) at one time been fille) !it !ater* Tal+ no! !a#, t e tan+ !a# (ile) !it t e bo)ie# of t o#e ! o got in t e !ay of t e 2urie#* Alec figure) t i# !a# an urban legen)$after all, t e only #mell !a# of (ine tree#$but nonet ele## e )i)n&t +no! anyone ! o a) been bra'e enoug to go fin) out for t em#el'e#* T e !ay$a ! ite, rece##e) )oor al#o a)orne) !it 2urie# graffiti$!a# guar)e) by a (air of t e banger#* %n broa) )aylig t, Alec #a! only one !ay to )o t i#D !al+ u( li+e you o!n t e (lace* %t !a#n&t a foreign a((roac to t e AB* 8e #te((e) out of t e !oo)# an) !al+e) #traig t at t e t!o guar)#, ! o !ore blac+ T, # irt# an) -ean#, li+e all 2urie#* T ey !ere #mall for guar)#$maybe t at !a# ! y t ere !ere t!o of t em e t oug t$ bot about t e #ame eig t, a goo) four inc e# # orter t an e !a#,

an) #tic+,#+inny* T ey )i)n&t a((ear terribly brig t, eit er$bot loo+e) to be on t e )im #i)e of forty !att#* Alec #mile) a# e a((roac e), no))ing, !a'ing ca#ually, an) t e t!o guar)# loo+e) at eac ot er, a# if eac o(e) t e ot er mig t a'e manage) to form a t oug t* T en t e #ame t oug t forme) in bot t eir limite) min)#, a# t ey #imultaneou#ly (ulle) (i#tol# from t e !ai#tban)# of t eir (ant# an) le'ele) t em at Alec* T e guy on t e left a) a re'ol'er ! ic a) (robably la#t been fire) before t e 7ul#e, t e one on t e rig t bran)i# ing a #mall caliber automatic t at belonge) in an ol) la)y&# an)bag* 7itiful* T e only t ing t at ma)e t e 2urie# formi)able !a# t eir number#$t ey !ere t e large#t gang in Seattle, a mi3 of Latino# an) 5u##ian#, mo#tly* 6W oa ! oa ! oa,6 Alec #ai), i# an)# ri#ing ea#ily in a ge#ture of #urren)er, i# #mile ne'er !a'ering* 6%&m a frien), fella# * * * you +no! MannyF6 T i# !a# one of t e t!o 2urie# e&) met a year or #o ago an) #(ent #ome time !it , )rin+ing beer# t ey&) (ai) for ! en t ey !ere trying to recruit im* 6Manny not ere,6 t e one on t e left #ai)* 6Manny not ere,6 ec oe) t e one on t e rig t* 69ou #ee Manny ereF6 6% !oul) a'e to agree,6 Alec #ai)* 6Manny not ere$! ere MannyF6 T e one on t e left #ig e) ea'ily* 6Manny not ereE6 %f e )i)n&t fin) #omebo)y #marter t an a foot#tool to )eal !it #oon, t i# !a# going to be a lot ar)er t an e&) t oug t* 68o! about StefanF6 e trie), )ro((ing t e name of t e ot er 2ury e +ne!* T e t!o guar)# loo+e) at eac ot er again, t en returne) t eir t ic+ ga>e to Alec* 6Stefan not ere,6 one of t em #ai), an) t at !a# it, Alec !a# fe) u( !it t e#e t!o* Anot er minute !it t em an) t ere !a# no telling ! at +in) of (ermanent )amage e mig t )o to i# o!n %G* One more que#tion, any que#tion, # oul) be all e&) nee)* 8e a#+e), 69ou t!o relate)F6 W en t ey loo+e) at eac ot er t i# time, Alec (luc+e) t e gun# from t eir an)#, in a t!o, an)e) mo'e, an) fli((e) t e (i#tol# aroun) #o t ey !ere (ointing at t e guar)#, ! o ga>e) at im !it eye# an) mout # o(en* 6T i# i# ! ere you (ut your an)# u(,6 e a)'i#e) t e (air* 2our an)# # ot #+y!ar)* 6Goo), fella#* Nice refle3e#*6 T e one on t e left turne) to t e one on t e rig t* 69ou #cre!e) u(*6 6% #cre!e) u(F6 8i# brain urting, Alec #ai), 6S ut u( an) turn aroun)*6 T ey )i), facing t e to!er no!* 6T i# i# #tu(i),6 t e one on t e left #ai) to Alec, 6! at you&re )oin&*6 6Well,6 Alec #ai) c eerfully, 6you&) +no!*6 An)$in anot er t!o, an)e) mo'e$#mac+e) t em bot on t e bac+ of t e ea) !it t e gun butt#* 2irmly* 4ot guar)# )ro((e) to t e #i)e!al+ !it little #oun), a cou(le of #+inny (ile# of +in)ling*

Alec tuc+e) t e gun# in i# !ai#tban), t en )ragge) t e t!o guar)#, one at a time, into t e un)erbru# * 8e tie) t em u(, u#ing t eir o!n belt# an) # irt#, t en returne) to t e no! unguar)e) )oor* %t o(ene) in on a ! ite metal #tair!ell, t e only lig t (ro'i)e) by t e #un glinting t roug t e )oor!ay* On i# left !a# t e gray, ri'ete) bo)y of t e metal tan+, ! ic mig t a'e once been ! ite, but time an) lac+ of care a) brui#e) it gray, more 2urie# graffiti )ecorating it* T e #tair# circle) t e tan+ an) le) u( into )ar+ne##* Alec a) no clue o! many 2urie# !ere u( t ere/ o!e'er many, t ere !a# boun) to be at lea#t one #marter t an t e bone ea) guar)#* 8e a) a minifla# in i# (oc+et an) con#i)ere) u#ing it, only e )i)n&t !ant to gi'e a!ay i# (o#ition, #o it #taye) (ut* T e AB a) aban)one) i# li+e, e,o!ne),t e,(lace a((roac / no! t at e&) ta+en t o#e guar)# out, e !a# officially an in'a)er, trying to maintain #ilence a# e cre(t u( t e #te(#* 8i# rubber,#ole) # oe# ma)e no noi#e an) e +e(t i# breat ing rela3e) an) regular* After four minute# an) o'er one un)re) #tair#, Alec came aroun) a turn into lig t$ t e entrance to t e ob#er'ation )ec+ mu#t&'e been #tan)ing !i)e o(en* T i# )i)n&t #ur(ri#e im/ t e 2urie# !ere (robably u( an) )o!n t e#e #tair# all t e time* T ey a) guar)# (o#te) )o!n#tair#, )i)n&t t eyF At t e to( of t e #tair#, Alec (la#tere) im#elf to t e !all an) ga>e) t roug t e o(en )oor!ay* T e floor !a# concrete, t e bric+, occa#ionally graffitie) !all# (unctuate) e'ery eig t feet or #o by arc e) o(ening#, ! ic may at one time a'e been gla##e),in !in)o!# but no! #too) o(en to t e !eat er* T e gray bul+ of t e inner to!er ma)e t e ob#er'ation )ec+ a relati'ely narro! glorifie) co'ere) !al+!ay t at cur'e) aroun)* At t e t ir) !in)o! )o!n from ! ere Alec !atc e), t ree 2urie# #at in a #an)bag bun+er* One 2ury too+ a turn a# #entry at a !in)o!, u#ing binocular#$but not in t e )irection Alec a) come, luc+ily/ t e ot er t!o banger# !ere (laying car)# an) goo), nature)ly bitc ing at eac ot er about t e game* T e one !it t e binocular# loo+e) to be in i# early t!entie#, !it )ar+ air, anot er Latino/ li+e t e re#t of t e 2urie#, e !ore a blac+ T,# irt an) blue -ean#$it !a#n&t muc of a uniform but it !a# t eir#* T e car) (layer on t e left !a# a big, ea'y guy !it long, #tringy )ar+ air an) a mi))le Euro(ean loo+* 4ru# ing bang# out of i# eye#, e #ai), 6C&mon, 8urt, (lay a )amn car)*6 of #(a)e#,6 8urt #ai) trium( antly a# e )ro((e) t e car) on t e (ile* 8e !a# t inner t an i# o((onent, but i# air !a# t e #ame )ar+, #tringy me##, an) e a) a #imilar et nic ca#t$t e car)(lay,er# mig t be brot er#* 68a,6 t e fat one #ai), #na((ing u( t e car)* 6T in+ you got t e !inning an) t ere, (alF6 Alec a#+e)* At t e #oun) of t e unfamiliar 'oice, t e fat guy loo+e) u(/ none of t e trio a) ear) t e #tranger&# a((roac * 68u F6 Alec&# ca#ualne## fro>e t e t ree )o(e#* 6% li+e my an) better,6 t e AB #ai)*

An) e #!ung i# rig t fi#t, connecting !it t e #i)e of t e fat guy&# ea)* T e fat guy&# eye# rolle) bac+, e !obble) for a #econ) a# car)# filtere) out of i# an)#, t en e -u#t fell o'er on i# #i)e, uncon#ciou#* 8urt a) alrea)y #tarte) to ri#e, but Alec&# #(inning +ic+ )ro((e) im, col)* T e #entry, facing Alec no!, urle) t e binocular#, but Alec )uc+e) t e t ro! an) #te((e) for!ar), i# an) clo#ing o'er t e guy&# !in)(i(e* 68ey,6 Alec #ai)* 6%&m a gue#t*6 T e guy !a#n&t muc more t an a +i) im#elf, maybe t!enty, >it# co'ering i# face, i# eye# bloo)# ot, i# #+in t e color of !et ne!#(a(er* 8e #quea+e) but t at !a# all e coul) get out, an) ! en Alec increa#e) t e (re##ure, t e #quea+ turne) to #ilence* T e i)ea$a quic+ re'i#ion of i# (lan, no! t at -oining u( !it t e 2urie# #eeme) le## li+ely$!a# to #quee>e info out of t e #entry, fin) out ! ere Logan !a#*** T en Alec #a! #omet ing t at a)n&t been a((arent from t e )oor!ay$off to t e left, aroun) t e concealing cur'e of t e inner to!er, !a# a #econ) #an)bag bun+er, #i3 !in)o!# a!ay, !it t ree more 2urie#, t!o of ! om !ere ru# ing to!ar) im an) i# ca(ti'e, t e t ir) furiou#ly (unc ing number# on a cell ( one* T e #entry Ale3 el) by t e nec+ became #u))enly u#ele##, an) t e AB (o((e) im !it a #traig t rig t* T e guy (itc e) onto t e #an)bag# an) too+ a na(* 2in)ing out Logan&# ! ereabout# a) become #econ)ary to #ur'i'al* T e banger# running u( to im #(rea) out, #o )e#(ite t e relati'ely clo#e),in area, Alec coul)n&t get t em bot at once$unli+e t e guar)# belo!, t e#e t!o !eren&t com(lete moron# *** unfortunately* T e one to i# left$a #toc+y Latino$came in !it a long, loo(ing rig t t at Alec )uc+e), an) countere) !it a rig t t at caug t t e guy in t e #olar (le3u#, air bur#ting out of t e 2ury a# i# bo)y #la((e) to t e cement* T e #econ) one, a burly 5u##ian, (ulle) a +nife an) a)'ance), !a'ing t e bla)e bac+ an) fort * 7re#umably t i# a) intimi)ate) o((onent# in t e (a#t/ Alec )i#arme) t e guy, -u#t #la((ing t e bla)e from i# gra#(, an) caug t im on t e c in !it a left oo+ t at #ent im )o!n for t e count*** a long count* T e one !it t e cell ( one, a me)ium,#i>e) blon) guy !it # ort air an) lig t blue eye#, too+ one loo+ at t e !rec+age of i# frien)# an) fle! off running in t e ot er )irection* Mu#t&'e been #tair# aroun) t at !ay, too*** 4ut e a) alrea)y )one i# )amageD i# cell ( one call a) #ummone) t e troo(#$ feet !ere (oun)ing u( t e nearer #tair#, a #mall army ea)e) to!ar) t e ob#er'ation )ec+, a metallic ec oing too muc li+e mac ine,gun fire for Alec&# ta#te* An AB !a# fir#t an) foremo#t a #ol)ier, an) Alec +ne! all about ! en it !a# time to retreat* 8e !ent to one of t e arc !ay !in)o!#* T e four,#tory )ro( !a# -u#t too far to ri#+, e'en for a tran#genic* So e #too) on t e le)ge an) gri((e) t e e)ge of t e C ine#e, at tile roof/ e mig t be able to (erc u( t ere an) !ait it out until t e reinforcement# left* A# if )oing a (ull,u(, e clambere) u( an) lay again#t t e roof, -u#t li#tening to t e # o! !it in t e ob#er'ation )ec+* T e fir#t 'oice e ear), e recogni>e)D Manny, t e 2ury e&) met almo#t a year ago* 6C ri#t,6 Manny #ai)* 6W at !ent on u( ereF 8utt )oin& cran+ againF6

62rom ! at % ear) on t e cell,6 #omeone el#e #ai) e3cite)ly, 6it !a# one guy$all o'er e'erybo)yE W o t e fuc+ can fig t li+e t atF6 T e ne3t 'oice !a# cooler, more in control, (robably t e guy in c arge* 6Stefan, you an) Woo)ro! #ecure t e far en)*6 69e#, 4a)ar,6 Stefan #ai)* T i# 'oice Alec recogni>e), too$a (ity Stefan an) Manny a)n&t been aroun) ! en e came calling/ t i# !oul)n&t a'e (laye) out #o ba) *** On t e ot er an), e a) #truc+ a #ort of gol)* 4a)ar, e +ne!, !oul) be 4a)ar Tremaine, lea)er of t e 2urie# an) generally con#i)ere) t e bigge#t ba)a## for t ree #ector#* Alec a) ne'er #(o+en to t e gang lea)er, but a) #een im aroun), an) li+e mo#t e'erybo)y el#e in Seattle, e&) ear) (lenty about im$tall, #len)er, !it blac+ air u#ually #!e(t bac+ in a tig t (onytail, Tremaine a) clo#e,#et )ar+ eye#, a (er(etual #tubble, an) #+in t e color of oile) leat er* T e goo) ne!# !a# t at 4a)ar un)oubte)ly !oul) a'e eit er a((ro'e) or ma#termin)e) t e Logan Cale +i)na((ing* Alec clung to t e e)ge of t e roof, anging o'er a bit, li#tening intently* 8e ear) four feet (oun)ing )o!n t e ob#er'ation )ec+ to!ar) t e far en)* 6Sa'ageE6 Tremaine again* 69ou an) Dante guar) t e #tair# at t i# en)* Ma+e #ure t e )ec+ i# #ecure*6 Again Alec ear) t!o men run bac+ to t e )oor* T e !in) !a# ! i((ing at im, an) ruffling t e nearby tree#/ but i# tran#genic earing #too) im in goo) #tea)* 8e !a# in a )ecent (o#ition u( ere, a# long a# no 2ury belo! #a! im, clinging to t e roof in broa) )aylig t* T at !oul) be *** unfortunate* 6Manny, t i# i# -u#t t e #ort of #etbac+ !e )on&t nee) rig t no!*6 6% +no!, 4a)ar*6 6Soun)# li+e maybe it&# one of Cale&# tran#genic frien)# )ro((e) by *** 8it t e !oo)#, #cour t e area, c ec+ t e .ame#to!n* 2in) t e ba#tar) ! o )i) t i#*6 6An) bring im to youF6 6.u#t +ill im*6 69ou got it, 4a)ar*6 6Don&t #cre! it u(E Not ing can interfere !it our (lan#$Cale&# !ort too muc to u#* T e ran#om note a# been #ent, but you can&t tru#t t e#e tran#genic#* W at !e a) u( ere may be t eir i)ea of (aying u( *** Go) only +no!# if t e#e mutant frea+# e'en un)er#tan) t e conce(t of money*6 Alec foug t t e urge to #!ing o'er t e rail an) +ic+ t e cra( out of 4a)ar Tremaine* 6%f e'eryt ing remain# on #c e)ule tonig t,6 Tremaine !a# #aying, 6% !ant you to mo'e Cale fir#t t ing in t e morning*6 6T e trollF6 Manny a#+e)* 69ea *6 T e trollF W o t e ell !a# t e trollF Alec !on)ere)* Wa# t at #ome bi>arre reference to LoganF 6E'eryt ing&# #ecure, 4a)ar*6 Stefan&# 'oice again* 6T ere&# no #ign of ! o )i) t i#, but !e foun) one of t e #entrie# i)ing on t e bac+ #tair#*6

64ring im to me*6 Alec quic+ly t oug t i# #ituation t roug D t e blon) #entry, t e cell,( one caller ! o&) #ummone) t e troo(#, a) been on t e bac+ #tair#* 4a)ar an) i# 2urie# a) come u( t e ot er #tair#$#oon t ey !oul) figure out t at t eir intru)er a)n&t gone )o!n eit er of t o#e #tair!ay#, ence coul) only a'e gone out a !in)o!*** 8e loo+e) )o!n an) )eci)e) again t at trying to lan) #afely from t i# eig t !a# a really ba) i)ea* 8e coul) #!ing in an) ta+e on t e room of gangbanger#, but if t ey ca(ture) im, or +ille) im, ! at e&) ear) !oul) go unre(orte) to Ma3* E'en if e (re'aile), t e ot er 2urie# mig t #im(ly +ill Logan, rat er t an ri#+ anot er confrontation* T e !in) ! i#(ere) to im, t roug t e #un,# immering lea'e#* Alec ear) t em* 7ic+ing out t e neare#t, talle#t (ine tree, e -um(e)* Sunri#e %#lan), #ite of Lyman Cale&# com(oun), !a# -u#t ea#t of "a# on %#lan) in t e #oun), an) a boat coul) be launc e) from T ree Tree 7oint* T e ri)e to Sunri#e !oul) be # orte#t at t at (oint$le## t an alf an our$t oug , after t at, t ing# got a little airierD Ma3 figure) on electric fence#, )og#, gun#, #ecurity #taff, t e ! ole nine booby,tra((e) yar)#* S e !a#n&t loo+ing for!ar) to t e tri(, but Di3 a)n&t come u( !it any ot er !ay# of contacting t e ol) man* .ona# Cale&# ol)er brot er, Lyman, a) ma)e i# money year# ago an) controlle) a ma##i'e ban+ account t at !a# #e(arate e'en from t e formi)able !ealt of t e Cale family money* Ma3 foun) a recent online 'i)eo of Lyman a))re##ing Congre## from i# com(oun)* A !orl) cla## reclu#e, t e ol) man a)n&t #et foot on t e mainlan) #ince t e 7ul#e* %n t e 'i)eo, a# e )rone) on about 6t e nee) for economic o((ortunity in t i# climate of fi#cal unea#e,6 e ga'e t e a((earance of a 'ibrant ol)er man* Sil'er, aire) !it a )i#tingui# e) #(a)e,# a(e) ! ite bear), e re'eale) fla# ing blue eye# t at remin)e) Ma3 of Logan&#, an) a # ort #traig t no#e o'er a !i)e, t in,li((e) mout * T e ol) boy certainly !a#n&t alf ba) to loo+ at/ # e !on)ere) if # e !ere (o##ibly 'ie!ing a #na(# ot of Logan at t at age* T at #uc a t oug t !oul) form again, unbi))en, !a# a (o#iti'e #ign*** Maybe # e !a# getting (a#t t e Set t ing* Maybe Logan Cale !a# !ort gro!ing ol) !it , after all* A##uming e !a#n&t alrea)y )ea) *** Du#+ !a# )ee(ening to nig t an) t ey a)n&t ear) from Alec yet/ # e coul)n&t !ait any longer* T e ran#om note a) # o!n u( at Terminal City early t i# afternoon$ )eli'ere) by a .am 7ony me##enger, no le##$an) Ma3 no! +ne! t e )e(t of t eir trouble* T e me##age$a))re##e) to Ma3, bol)ly, arrogantly #igne) 6T e 2urie#6$ #ai) t at if # e )i)n&t bring MC million to Ga# Wor+# 7ar+ tomorro! at )a!n, Logan !oul) )ie* %t trouble) Ma3 t at t e note a) been a))re##e) to er$t ey +ne! of er frien)# i( !it Logan, +ne! it ran )ee( enoug to con'ince t em # e coul) rai#e t i# fortune, eit er from t e Cole family or by Logan tru#ting er !it i# finance#* 2our million or forty million, ! at !a# t e )ifferenceF Wit out Lyman Cale, # e a) no c ance of #a'ing Logan* 8i# cou#in 4ennett$no! in c arge of .ona#&# million#$

!oul) -u#t a# #oon #ee Logan )ea) a# ali'e* At lea#t .ona# a) li+e) a'ing Logan aroun) -u#t to a'e #omeone to (er#ecute/ 4ennett )i)n&t e'en care enoug about Logan to ate im$all 4ennett +ne! !a# one le## cou#in meant a larger #ta+e for im, ! en t e .ona# Cale fortune e'entually got #(lit u(* T e nig t !a# clear but col) a# Ma3 ea#e) t e 6borro!e)6 boat out into t e !ater* S e !a# ama>e) at o! ea#ily # e #li((e) bac+ into er ol) !ay#* Telling er#elf t at it !a# for Logan el(e) muffle t e micron of guilt, but in trut # e felt comfortable in t e role Moo)y a) #c oole) er in* %n #ome )ar+ (art of er, it felt goo), brea+ing t e rule# again* T e borro!e) boat a) a big outboar)/ ! ile # e )i)n&t +no! muc about t e )ifference bet!een boat motor#, # e !a# !ell,acquainte) !it t e conce(t of 6bigger mean# fa#ter*6 Manticore a) al#o traine) er to o(erate mo#t any motori>e) 'e icle, #o racing acro## 7uget Soun) in #omeone el#e&# #(ee)boat !a# no (rob* T e #oun) lay quiet an) gla##y #moot , an) Ma3&# ne! toy #+imme) along t e #urface at -u#t o'er t irty mile# (er our* T at mig t be too fa#t, gi'en t at it !a# )ar+ an) # e )i)n&t +no! for #ure ! at lay in er (at / but # e !a# an3iou# to ma+e contact !it t e el)er Cale, an) t e t oug t of Logan&# )ilemma )ro'e er mercile##ly* So # e )ro((e) t e ammer an) roare) t roug t e nig t* T e moon !a# a big brig t ! ite ball, a ole in t e #+y letting in lig t t at ma)e t i# leg of t e -ourney ea#y/ but it !oul) (ro'i)e more illumination t an # e !oul) !ant, on lan)ing* Still a mile a!ay, # e cut t e engine, anc ore) t e #(ee)boat, an) too+ a #maller rubber raft t e re#t of t e !ay* Dragging t e raft u( onto t e # ore, # e !a# #ur(ri#e) t at t ere #eeme) to be no !all# aroun) Lyman Cale&# com(oun)* T e ol) man o!ne) t e ! ole i#lan), an) t e man#ion an) t!o gue#t ou#e# !ere t e only one# on t e tiny (ri'ate (iece of lan)* A ma##i'e fore#t ma)e u( t e (erimeter, but # e +ne!$from er net re#earc $t e man#ion #at in t e mi))le* Slo!,#canning t e !oo)# in front of er, # e loo+e) for la#er#, electronic eye#, )og#, anyt ing * ** an) foun) not ing* Mo'ing carefully, # e #tarte) inlan)* 4y er e#timate, # e !a# only about a quarter mile from t e big ou#e ! en # e #a! t e fir#t int of #ecurity$a guar) )re##e) in blac+ lea)ing a Doberman aroun) t e (erimeter* T e guar) a) on TAC team fatigue#, inclu)ing a balacla'a t at co'ere) mo#t of i# face an) a Ke'lar 'e#t, an) e carrie) an automatic !ea(on t at ung loo#ely from i# rig t # oul)er* Ma3&# en ance) nig t 'i#ion ga'e er an a)'antage o'er bot man an) bea#t, but ! en t e )og&# no#e !ent into t e air, an) t e animal&# ea) coc+e) in er )irection, # e +ne! # e a) trouble* 6W at i# it, boyF6 t e guar) a#+e)* T e guar) !a# about to +ey t e mi+e attac e) to t e left # oul)er of i# uniform ! en Ma3 (ut on a bur#t of #(ee) an) outflan+e) t e (air* S e came rig t u( be in) t e guar), ta((e) im on t e # oul)er, an) ! en e turne), # e #mile) (lea#antly at im* T i# une3(ecte) be a'ior coming from an attracti'e young !oman fro>e t e guar), an) e #ai) only, 68u F6 Or at lea#t t at !a# all e got out before # e +ic+e) im in t e groin, a )ry ea'e of (ain groaning u( out of im a# e )ouble) o'erD 4efore t at groan coul) turn into #omet ing lou)er, Ma3 )eli'ere) an u((er,cut t at lifte) t e man off i# feet an)

)e(o#ite) im in an uncon#ciou# ea( ne3t to t e #ur(ri#e) )og, ! ic a) bac+e) u( at t i# blur of mo'ement* No!, o!e'er, baring it# teet , t e Doberman (re(are) to launc it#elf at Ma3/ before it coul), o!e'er, # e yan+e) a ba#eball,#i>e un+ of amburger from er (oc+et an) lobbe) it to t e )og, ! o caug t it in mi),flig t, #!allo!e) t e t ing (ractically ! ole* C e!ing, lic+ing i# c o(#, t e creature too+ a menacing #te( to!ar) er, eyeing er$gi'ing Ma3 a c ance to to## im #ome more burger before ta+ing care of bu#ine##* T e Doberman ma)e #e'eral #lo! t reatening #te(# er !ay ! en it began to !obble, !ent gla##y,eye), t en )ro((e) onto it# #tomac , a# if t e urge for a na( a) o'erri))en e'eryt ing* W ic it a)* T e Doberman began to #nore a# Ma3 bent o'er t e (rone figure of t e guar)* T e (ill in t e center of t e amburger a) been a concoction courte#y of Lu+e, ! o a) (romi#e) t at t e )og !oul) be a'ing a((y (u((y )ream# for t e re#t of t e nig t, no arm, no foul* T at !a# goo), becau#e Ma3 (referre) not to arm animal#, !it t e occa#ional e3ce(tion of uman#* Of cour#e, amburger$any meat, for t at matter$ !a# a blac+ mar+et e3tra'agance in to)ay&# t ir) !orl) economy/ #till, Ma3 felt t i# a) been money !ell #(ent* 6Stuff co#t# an arm an) a leg,6 a (rote#ting Di3 a) #ai)* Maybe #o, but$from t e loo+ of t at #lumbering Doberman$t an+# to Lu+e, at lea#t t e limb# lo#t tonig t !eren&t er#* S e lifte) t e guar)&# ra)io an) cli((e) t e mi+e to er o!n # oul)er/ coul)n&t urt for er to ear ! at !a# going on aroun) er* Continuing on, # e re(eate) t e (roce)ure !it t ree more (erimeter team#, er +ic+# ta+ing out t e guar)#, Lu+e&# #(ecial meatball# )o!ning t e )og#* S e a) -u#t ta+en out t e fourt $an) ! at # e fig, ure) to be t e final out#i)e man,an),)og guar) team$! en t e ra)io crac+le) to life* 67o#t One$re(ort*6 Ma3 #ai) not ing$e'en if # e&) +no!n ! at to #ay, er unfamiliar female 'oice !oul) a'e #ent u( a re) flag* Kno!ing full !ell 67o#t One6 !a# not going to be an#!ering i# (age anytime #oon, # e a((roac e) t e big ou#e, a t ree,#tory re(lica of a (lantation man#ion out of t e Ci'il War Sout * T oug # e&) ne'er been ea#t of t e Mi##i##i((i in er life, Ma3 a) recei'e) Manticore training t at inclu)e) #egment# on S erman&# marc to t e #ea, !it an em( a#i# on t e folly of (itc e) battle# #uc a# Getty#burg/ #o # e recogni>e) an antebellum man#ion ! en # e #a! one* 67o#t One$re(ortE .o n#on, you t ereF 6 Only #ilence greete) t e )i#(atc er* 67o#t T!o, c ec+ on 7o#t One* * * 7o#t T!oF 6 More crac+ly #ilence* S e ear) t e )i#(atc er mutter, 6W at t e ellF 6 T en a fire,ty(e clanging alarm !ent off an) lig t floo)e) t e yar) from t e to( of e'ery buil)ing*

Ma3 )uc+e) into a e)ge near t e front )oor, getting out of #ig t* T e lig t# a) turne) t e front la!n into in#tant noon* S e (ee+e) out from t e bu# e# to #ee alf a )o>en #ecurity men come (ouring out t e front )oor* T e fir#t four loo+e) li+e your a'erage rent,a,goon#, but t e la#t t!o !ere broa),# oul)ere), mu#cular (aramilitary ty(e#* 4ot a) clo#e,cro((e) air, one blon), one bro!n, an) !ore TAC fatigue# li+e t e ot er#, only on t e#e guy# t e clot e# loo+e) )ifferent, a# if t ey +ne! ! at all t e na#ty toy# !ere for* T e clanging alarm #to((e) a# t ey too+ off to!ar) t e !ater, running in t!o,man combat formation* 4y com(ari#on, t e re#t of t e cre! #eeme) to be au)itioning for a C ine#e fire )rill* A# t e la#t of t e guar)# )i#a((eare) into t e )ar+ne##, Ma3 came out from be in) t e e)ge, #li((e) t roug t e )oor, clo#e) it an) loc+e) it* T at !oul)n&t +ee( t e guar)# out for long, but # e )i)n&t nee) long$# e -u#t nee)e) to get (a#t t i# in#ulation an) locate Lyman Cale an) e3(lain t e #ituation* T oug Logan a) #ai) little about i# uncle, ! at # e&) ear) !a# (o#iti'e, an) # e -u#t +ne! e !oul) !ant to el(* T e fir#t floor of t e ou#e !a# not ! at # e e3(ecte) at all$no furniture in t e entry !ay, t e li'ing room, or t e )en on t e o((o#ite #i)e* E3ce(t ! ere #ecurity team# a) !al+e), a (atina of )u#t co'ere) t e floor, an) it loo+e) li+e no one a) cleane) t e (lace in year#* %n fact, it loo+e) li+e no one a) li'e) ere in year#* A# # e ma)e er !ay u( t e !i)e #tair# to t e #econ) floor, Ma3 li#tene) carefully, earing no one, not ing* T en, at t e far en) of t e all, # e ear) mec anical, electrical #oun)# coming from be in) a clo#e) )oor* T e lig t# !ere )im t roug out t e ou#e, almo#t a# if no one !a# ere <but ! o or ! at !ere t e guar)# guar)ing, t enF=, an) # e cre(t #lo!ly to!ar) t e clo#e) )oor at t e far en)* O(ening it gently, a# #ilently a# # e coul) manage, Ma3 #te((e) into a #tri((e),)o!n be)room illuminate) only by t e lig t coming from a T" on a rai#e) table to er rig t* T e 'olume !a# turne) lo!, an) t e lig t c ange) a# t e (icture )i)* %n front of er !a# a #ingle o#(ital be) #urroun)e) by mac ine#, eac ! irring a# t ey fe) o3ygen an) %" flui)# to a )rie),u( (rune of a man, on i# bac+ on t e mattre##* T e figure in t e be) !a#n&t muc bigger t an Ma3 a) been ! en # e&) fle) Manticore* Ste((ing for!ar), # e coul) #ee t at t e (runey lum( !a# a 'ery ol) gent !it no air, no teet , an) tiny blac+ )ot# for eye#* T oug t e man&# eye# !ere o(en, e #eeme) to #ee not ing, but i# # ort, #traig t no#e #niffe) (a#t t e o3ygen tube in i# no#tril#, a# if e coul) #mell er* A# # e reali>e) ! at # e !a# #eeing, Ma3 felt t e bottom )ro( out of er #tomac an) a c ill #!ee( o'er er* 2rom be in) er an icy male 'oice intone), 6Say ello to Lyman Cale, ! y )on&t youF6 C8A7TE5 S%A AS T8E C5OW 2L%ES

SEATTLE WAS8%NGTON DECEM4E5 00, 010: Ma3 ! irle) to face a an)#ome blon) man of about #i3 feet an) :;1 (oun)#/ e !ore a blac+ bla>er o'er a ! ite # irt !it no tie, t oug i# gray trou#er# a) a )i#turbingly cri#( crea#e for t i# time of nig t* 6Ma3*** Gue'era, i#n&t itF6 e a#+e)* 8i# 'oice !a# a baritone t at #ome o! manage) to be bot #moot an) u#+y* 6Do % +no! youF6 # e a#+e), (lacing er an)# on er i(#, rai#ing er c in, #en)ing out confi)ent bo)y language t at )i)n&t truly reflect er current #tate of min)* E'en in t e alf,lig t (ro'i)e) by t e tele'i#ion #creen, t e t irtyi# man a) (iercing blue eye#$icy eye#/ i# (retty,boy loo+# !ere #lig tly un)ercut by a (ug, (iggi# no#e* 8i# t in li(# create) a #traig t line t at turne) u( maybe a tent of an inc at eac corner in ! at !a#, tec nically at lea#t, a #mile* 6We&'e not met,6 e a)mitte)* 64ut % recogni>e you*6 62rom t e T"6 # e #ai) flatly* NN 69e# *** an) % ma+e it a bu#ine## to +no! ! o&# a frien) of t e Cale family, an) ! o i#n&t*6 6T en you +no! %&m a frien)*6 6A frien) of Logan Cale&#*6 69e#*6 T at a##ertion )re! a leering a((rai#al, an) t e #mile broa)ene) into #omet ing uglier* 6Logan al!ay# a) an eye for t e la)ie#*6 6% am #o flattere),6 # e #ai) )ryly* 69ou +no! ! o % am* 4e a goo) o#t$! o t e ell are youF6 8e rai#e) a #col)ing finger* 64e a goo) gue#t*** %&m an ol) family frien)$2ran+lin 4o#toc+* Logan an) % !ent to (ri'ate #c ool toget er, a# boy#* A#+ im about me, #ometime* %&) be amu#e) to #ee if e recall# me fon)ly or not*6 6%&ll )o t at* W y i# a family frien) in Lyman Cale&# be)room at t i# ourF6 6A better que#tion mig t be, ! y i# a frien) of Logan Cale&# in Lyman Cale&# be)room at t i# ourF *** My (o#ition rig t no! i# a# Mr* Cale&# (ri'ate #ecretary*6 Ma3 ge#ture) to t e array of mac ine#$one to el( t e (atient breat e, a monitor t at # o!e) a #table eartbeat, rea#onable bloo) (re##ure, an) a barely (erce(tible nu)ge in t e line t at in)icate) brain acti'ity* 6W at&# !rong !it Mr* CaleF6 4o#toc+ ma)e a clic+ing #oun) an) # oo+ i# ea)* 6%&m afrai) Mr* Cale&# a) a #erie# of )ebilitating #tro+e#*6 S e fro!ne), !on)ering o! Cale coul) a'e )egenerate) to t i# )egree in #o # ort a time* 65ecentlyF6 62airly recently* 8e&# been in a 'egetati'e #tate for mo#t of t e la#t year an) a alf*6 Eye# narro!ing, # e # oo+ er ea)* 6T at&# im(o##ible* % -u#t #a! a 'i)eo of im a))re##ing Congre##, ! atF 4arely t!o mont # agoF6 T e (ri'ate #ecretary&# #mile returne), # o!ing er anot er # a)e of #elf,#ati#faction* 6"i)eo tec nology a# come quite a long !ay, a#n&t itF 2ee) #ome actual footage into CG% generating (rogram#, an) a (er#on can li'e fore'er*6

Ma3 #te((e) near t e be), loo+e) at t e #mall (itiful form t ere, barely )i#cernible a# a uman being* Guic+ly, # e )i) t e mat on t i# #ituation, an) #tro)e o'er to 4o#toc+, #tan)ing -u#t a foot from im* 6Mr* 4o#toc+, % came for Logan&# uncle&# el(* 4ut it loo+# li+e it&# your el( % nee)*6 8e bo!e) i# ea) #lig tly* 6A# one family frien) to anot er, % a##ure you %&ll )o ! at % can to be of a##i#tance *** S all !e go to my officeF6 S e follo!e) 4o#toc+ out of t e be)room, lea'ing t e frail ol) comato#e figure to i# un+no!ing (ri'acy, an) )o!n t e #tair# to ! at mu#t a'e been Lyman Cale&# boo+, line) #tu)y until i# (ri'ate #ecretary a) mo'e) in an) arraye) t e ma##i'e ma ogany )e#+ !it com(uter equi(ment* S e !a# # o!n to a )ar+ )im(le) leat er couc , an) 4o#toc+ (ulle) a ea'y c air aroun) an) #at, rea)y to li#ten attenti'ely* %t too+ er le## t an fi'e minute# to lay out t e ! ole #tory for im* W en # e !a# fini# e), 4o#toc+ ma)e t at clic+ing #oun) again* 6% #ee,6 e #ig e), # a+ing i# ea)* 6Ob'iou#ly you belie'e Mr* Cale coul) (ut u( t at ran#om*6 S e no))e) #lo!ly* 6%t !oul) be a big el(* %t !ill (robably be t e t ing t at #a'e# Logan&# life, an) % (romi#e my fir#t (riority after reco'ering Mr* Cale&# ne( e! !ill be to get t at money bac+ for you*6 62rom ! at % un)er#tan) about your abilitie#,6 e #ai), 6% belie'e you coul) return t e ran#om*6 6T en *** F6 6% only !i# !e coul) (ro'i)e it*6 S e ge#ture) to t e la'i# #urroun)ing#* 6W y can&t you, Mr* 4o#toc+F6 8e arc e) an eyebro!, # rugge)* 62or t e #im(le rea#on t at !e )on&t a'e t e money* Or at lea#t % can&t acce## it*6 S e #at for!ar), almo#t climbing onto t e man* 6W at&# t e (roblem ere, Mr* 4o#toc+F Surely you +no! t at Logan i# your em(loyer&# fa'orite ne( e!*** an) t i# i# a family matter, an urgent, life,or,)eat $6 6M#* Gue'era$(lea#e* 9our in)ignation i# mi#(lace)* 7lea#e +ee( in min), % !oul) a'e e'ery rig t to call t e (olice an) a'e you ta+en out of ere, bo)ily$for brea+ing an) enteringF6 Ma3 )i) not bac+ )o!n* 6W at&# going on in t i# ou#e, 4o#toc+F W at t e ell are you u( toF6 6Not ing nefariou#, % a##ure you* T ere i# no money to acce##*6 S e (ointe) a finger ceiling!ar)* 68e may be in a coma, but Lyman Cale i# !ealt y a# #in*6 68e&# #ic+ a# #in, too, M#* Gue'era* An) i# money i# tie) u( in a con#er'ator# i( o'er#een by t e tru#t )e(artment of t e 2ir#t National 4an+ of Seattle* T e attorney in c arge of t e e#tate&# fun) !oul) ne'er agree to (ro'i)e t at ran#om*** an) e'en if e )i), %&m fairly certain t e e#tate&# full !ort i# !ell belo! your ran#om figure of four million, at t i# (oint*6 64ut t i# man#ion***6

6T e man#ion !oul) fin) a fair (rice, e'en in to)ay&# mar+et, ye#* 4ut )o you really t in+ a tru#t officer !oul) allo! t i# ou#e to be quic+ly #ol), or loane) again#t, to meet a +i)na((er&# )eman)#F6 6W ere&# t e money goneF6 64eing in a coma i# an e3(en#i'e obby, M#* Gue'era$)rug#, t e nur#e#, t e mac ine#, t e )octor#, !ell*** you get t e )rift*6 6Dying co#t# a# muc a# li'ing*6 8i# #mile gre! tig t* 6%n Mr* Cale&# ca#e, muc more*6 Ma3 coul) #ee t at t i# guy !a# #moot an) e !a# con'incing, but bottom lineF 4o#toc+ !a# not ing but a )amne) bureaucrat, an) # e coul) #ee t at e !a#n&t going to try to el( er* 8er ra)ar !a# tingling$# e felt #omet ing !a# ami## ere, an) 4o#toc+ im#elf mig t !ell be be in) it* 4ut # e a) no time to follo! t e trail of t at in#tinct, not !it t e cloc+ on Logan&# life tic+ing *** An) t ere !a# no tal+ing to Lyman Cale* T e uncle ! o !oul) in#tantly a'e el(e) i# belo'e) ne( e! a) #o many %"# an) tube# running into im, no telling ! et er e !a# ali'e or )ea) *** A +noc+ at t e #tu)y )oor #ecure) a 6ComeE6 from 4o#toc+, an) t!o goon# #te((e) in, bot reacting to Ma3&# blac+,cla) (re#ence !it a lurc t at 4o#toc+ fro>e !it a rai#e) an)* 6S e&# my gue#t,6 e tol) t em* T e#e !ere t e blon), an) t e bro!n, aire) guar)# in TAC fatigue#, t e t!o ! o&) loo+e) li+e (ro#* Clo#er u(, t ey mig t a'e been t!in#/ it !a# a# if t ey&) been #(a!ne) from t e #ame te#t tube, muc li+e Ma3 an) er #ib#* 4ot a) Cro,Magnon fore ea)#, )ee(,#et blue eye#, an) tiny, nearly li(le## mout #* W at neit er of t em a) !a# anyt ing re#embling a nec+, t eir #+ull# #eeming to #im(ly #!i'el ato( t eir # oul)er#, t eir attention on er e'en a# t ey li#tene) to 4o#toc+* 68o!e'er,6 t eir #u(erior !a# #aying, 6% t in+ M#* Gue'era&# 'i#it i# at an en), #ince % )on&t #ee any !ay of el(ing er at t e moment*6 S e #ai) not ing$,-u#t loo+e) ar) at im, letting t e (ri'ate #ecretary +no! # e #en#e) #omet ing !a# not rig t* All t i# in#(ire) in 4o#toc+ !a# anot er #mile$ e a) )i#(laye) (er a(# a )o>en 'ariation#, all of ! ic # e !a# learning to )e#(i#e* 6OttoF 2ran>F Woul) you e#cort M#* Gue'era off t e (ro(erty, (lea#eF *** %&m #ure # e&ll be gla) to # o! you ! ere # e left er mean# of tran#(ortation*6 T e t!o goon# follo!e) er all t e !ay )o!n to ! ere # e&) beac e) t e raft* S e )ragge) t e raft to t e e)ge of t e !ater, t en glance) u( at t em* 68o! long a# t e ol) man been #ic+F6 No reaction$t e ea)# )i)n&t e'en #!i'el on t e no,nec+#* 6W at&# 4o#toc+ li+e to !or+ forF6 No re#(on#e* T ey -u#t loo+e) at er li+e t!o more Doberman# contem(lating an attac+/ an) er all out of amburger*** 69ou t!o -u#t )on&t a'e any line# in t i# little melo)rama, )o youF6 Contra)icting er, Otto <or !a# it 2ran>F= #ai), 6.u#t get t e ell out of ere*6

69ou ma)e u# loo+ #tu(i),6 2ran> #ai) <or !a# it OttoF=* 6% a) el(,6 # e #ai), an) ea#e) t e raft in* S e rolle) in o'er t e #i)e an) (ic+e) u( er oar* S e #li) t e oar into t e !ater an) gently turne) t e raft to!ar) 7uget Soun) (ro(er an) t e #(ee)boat t at !aite) for er a mile out* A# # e ro!e) into t e )ar+ne##, Otto <2ran>F= yelle), 6Ne3t time you&ll loo+ #tu(i)E6 T in+ing t at 2ran> <OttoF= mig t !ell be rig t, Ma3 +e(t ro!ing* T e )ar+ne## out ere !a# com(lete* T e moon i) be in) a clou) an) t e #tar# #eeme) to a'e run for co'er a# !ell* 8er #(irit# !ere lo!, a# t e t oug t occurre) to er t at # e mig t a'e #een Logan for t e la#t time* T!enty,four our# ago # e&) ne'er !ante) to #ee im again, an) !a# !illing for t e la#t !or)# e e'er ear) from er to be !or)# of anger, e'en atre)* An) at t at moment, # e a) ate) im* Or t oug t # e )i)* Logan, of all (eo(le, +ne! t at e'eryone # e a) e'er +no!n a) lie) to er from t e )ay # e !a# born* 8e !a# #u((o#e) to be )ifferent, better t an t e re#t of t e !orl)* 4ut !a# t at fairF Or e'en (o##ibleF Di) Logan a'e to be (erfectF S e # oo+ er ea) a# # e ro!e), getting angry all o'er again* Not (erfect, # e t oug t, -u#t one#t* T e !ater# remaine) a# #moot a# t e emotional ! irl(ool !it in er !a# not* 2rom a fla# of ye#ter)ay&# anger to t e o'er! elming )e#ire to #ee Logan again, to ol) im, to forgi'e im, to gi'e im a ne! #tart to ma+e ne! (romi#e# t at e )amn !ell better$ S e # i'ere) at er o!n inner turmoil* A# # e #tro+e) !it t e oar, # e li#tene) to t e gentle la((ing an) # e force) t e emotion# )o!n* S eI a) been traine) to be a #ol)ier, an) go))amnit, # e !oul) be a #oli)er* . S e !oul) fig t for t e man # e lo'e)* An) Go) el( anyone ! o a) urt im, an) if #omeone a) +ille) Logan, t at (er#on !oul) be beyon) e'en Go)&# el( *** becau#e # e !oul) bring ell )o!n on t e +iller* Loo+ing unc aracteri#tically )i# e'ele), Alec #at in t e Terminal City control room ! ile Lu+e o'ere) o'er im li+e an onion, ea)e) mot er en* T e core cre! of tran#genic# !or+e) t e monitor#$Mole <ab#ent momentarily on a bat room brea+=, Lu+e, an) Di3, t e latter occu(ying i# comman)er&# c air* 5ig t no!, o!e'er, Lu+e !a# #titc ing u( a !oun) in Alec&# an)* 69ou&re e3aggerating,6 Lu+e #ai), but t ere !a# a!e in i# 'oice* 6No, %&m tellin& ya,6 Alec #ai)* 6T at tree !a# fi'e feet from t e roof, an) t!enty feet )o!n*6 An) e !a#n&t o'er#elling t e lengt of i# -um( from t e roof of t e "olunteer 7ar+ !ater to!er, eit er* 8e&) a) (lenty of time to gain 'elocity a# t e tree ru# e) u( to meet im* 6% t oug t (ine !a# #u((o#e) to be a #oft !oo),6 Alec #ai)* 6Well, %&m e3 ibit A$t at t eory&# 4S* O!!!E6 6Sorry,6 Lu+e #ai)* Lu+e a) alrea)y !ra((e) t!o crac+e) rib#, a((lie) #ome #melly omema)e #al'e on alf a )o>en brui#e#, an) #titc e) u( a cut on Alec&# arm* T e blac+ eye, e&) tol) Alec, !oul) a'e to eal on it# o!n*

6T ey u#e) to (ut a (iece of ra! #tea+ on &em,6 Alec #ai), ge#turing to t e # iner* 2rom i# ig comman) #eat, Di3 gro!le), 6%&ll get rig t on t at*6 De#(ite i# #(raine) an+le, Alec a) manage) to ma+e it bac+ to i# motorcycle before 4a)ar Tremaine&# or)er# for i# boy# to #earc t e !oo)# a) gotten un)er !ay* 6%&ll !ra( t e an+le ne3t,6 Lu+e #ai), 6t en !e&re )one*6 Mole #tro)e in t en an) loo+e) Alec o'er from to( to bottom* 69ou loo+ li+e # it,6 e announce)* 6So )o you, bu))y, but %&m gonna eal*6 Grinning a# e c om(e) on i# cigar, Mole bum(e) fi#t# !it Alec* 6Gla) t at fi'e, un)re),foot fall )i)n&t brea+ your funny bone*6 64ro+e (retty muc e'eryt ing el#e, t oug *6 Mole (ulle) u( a +itc en c air/ t e #eat# !ere #al'age) from ere an) t ere, t i# an) t at$Alec !a# in a fraye) #tuffing,#(outing ea#y c air, an) Lu+e !a# u( an) )o!n out of an office #!i'el -ob* 6W at,6 Mole a#+e), 6are !e going to )o if Ma3 come# bac+ !it out t e moneyF6 Alec # are) ! at e&) o'er ear) at t e to!er* T en Mole #ai), 6Any #ugge#tion#F6 6We +no! ! ere t e money )ro( i#$! y )on&t -u#t get t ere fir#tF6 T e ran#om note, )eli'ere) to Logan&# a(artment, #ai) t e )ro( !oul) be at #unu( at Ga# Wor+# 7ar+, near t e ol) (lant* Com(leting Alec&# t rea), Mole #ai), 6An) it &em ! en t ey # o! u(F6 No))ing, Alec #ai), 6W at better timeF 8it &em before t ey e'en get #et u(* 9ou +no! )amn !ell t ey&re (lanning #ome #ort of tra( or )ouble cro##*6 T e li>ar) face !rin+le) furt er* 6We )oF6 6% been t in+ing$t i# coul) be about Ma3*6 6Ma3* 4ut it&# Logan t ey +i)na((e)*6 65ig t, Mole*** an) t ey left a ran#om note at Logan&# a(artment* An) ! o !a# t at ran#om note inten)e) forF6 Mole # rugge)* 6T o#e )i(# it# )i)n&t &inten)& it for anybo)y #(ecial$t ey -u#t +ne! Logan !a# a ric guy an) figure) i# ric family !oul) (ay t e tic+et, or i# (eo(le, or *** ! oe'er*6 6%t !a# a))re##e) to Ma3*6 6A four,million,)ollar ran#om note *** a))re##e) to Ma3* Alec, loo+ at ! ere you are$! o #en)# a ran#om note to Terminal City, e3(ecting four million buc+# to be layin& aroun)F6 6My (oint e3actly* More (reci#ely, ! o +no!# about Logan&# a(artmentF6 6Nobo)y,6 Mole # rugge)* 6Somebo)y +no!# about it$or ot er!i#e a bunc of nobo)ie# calle) t e 2urie# !oul)n&ta #natc e) Logan*6 Mole&# cigar tra'ele) from t e comer of one #i)e of i# mout to t e ot er one* 6So ** * ! at )oe# it meanF6 Alec # rugge)* 6%&m #mart enoug to come u( !it t e que#tion#* % !a# o(ing #omebo)y el#e&) be #mart enoug to come u( !it t e an#!er# * ** T ey calle) Logan &t e troll& *** W at coul) t at be aboutF6

6T e troll,6 Mole #ai)* 69ou&re #ure t ey calle) im t atF6 6Well*** no* %&m not #ure ! at t e ell t ey meant*6 6Coul) be a (lace*6 Alec ma)e a face* 6A (lace calle) t e TrollF6 6T e 2remont TrollF6 Mole offere)* Alec # oo+ i# ea)* 6No clue* Try Engli# *6 Mole # oo+ i# ea)* 69ou )on&t +no! about t e 2remont TrollF 8o! long a'e you li'e) in Seattle, manF6 62remont Troll,6 Alec ec oe)* 69ea * 9ou +no! t e Aurora A'enue bri)geF6 64een o'er it a fe! time#*6 6E'er been un)er itF6 Alec ga'e im a loo+* 6Maybe t at&# ! ere you ta+e your )ate#, but %&m a little cla##ier +in) of guy*6 6No, # it,for,brain#,6 Mole #ai), an) t e cigar butt tra'ele) again, 6it&# t i# giant #cul(ture un)er t e bri)ge* Loo+# li+e a big bear)e) )u)e on i# belly*6 6W at a'e you been #mo+ingF6 68e&# got t i# car in one an), li+e a bug e #natc e) u(*6 6W at a'e you been )rin+ingF6 6T ing i# frea+in& uge, man* % can&t belie'e you&'e ne'er #een it*6 6A bear)e) guy !it a car in i# an)F 9ou e3(ect me to buy t at*6 Mole #la((e) im#elf on t e fore ea) an) uttere) a #tring of four letter !or)#, in t e (roce## c e!ing t e en) of i# cigar to (ul(* 6W at i)iot t ing )i) e #ay no!F6 Ma3 a#+e), #tri)ing into t e center an) loo+ing )o!n at t e #eate) Alec, #till being mot ere) by Lu+e* 6Du)e ne'er ear) of t e 2remont Troll,6 Mole #ai), trying to relig t ! at !a# left of t e butt* Ma3 loo+e) at Alec&# (itiful,loo+ing blac+ eye an) #ai), 6No !ay*6 6%&ll belie'e it ! en % #ee it,6 Alec #ai)* 69ou&re all -u#t -er+in& my c ain*6 Cro##ing er arm#, Ma3 eye) t e an)#ome, ban)age),u( AB #u#(iciou#ly* 6An) ! o )i) you lo#e a fig t !it F6 6A tree,6 !a# all e #ai)* 68o! )i) it go !it Logan&# uncleF6 S e tol) t em* 6Any i)ea#F6 Alec fille) er in about i# e3(e)ition, an) e an) Mole )e#cribe) t eir (lan for a t!o, (ronge) in'a#ion before t e #c e)ule) #unu( )ro(,off of t e 6#u((o#e)6 ran#om$one team going to Ga# Wor+# 7ar+, t e ot er to t e un)er,t e,bri)ge troll #tatue* 6%t&# a (lan,6 Ma3 #ai), no))ing* T e 2urie# !ere a large, (o!erful gang, but t ey !ere or)inarie#, ! ic meant t at Ma3 an) er cre! of tran#genic# a) a big a)'antage* W at t e Terminal City team lac+e) in number#, t ey ma)e u( for in genetic# an) training* 6% )on&t !ant Clemente )o!n on u# for t i#,6 Ma3 #ai), referring to Detecti'e 5amon Clemente, t e Seattle co( ! o a) collaborate) !it er to +ee( bot t e .am 7ony o#tage cri#i# an) t e #iege at Terminal City from turning into bloo)bat #*

6Don&t gi'e it a t oug t,6 Alec #ai)* 6We&ll be in an) out before t e co(# e'en +no! ! at a((ene)*6 Mole no))e)* 6T ey !on&t +no! ! at it t em*6 6T!o grou(#, t en,6 Ma3 #ai)* Anot er no) from Mole* 6%&ll go !it Alec$you roun) u( .o# ua*6 6All rig t,6 # e #ai)* 6%n one our, !e&re in (o#ition*6 64etter ma+e it an our an) a alf,6 Alec #ai)* 6Lu+e a#n&t fini# e) ta(ing u( my an+le yet*6 Mole glo!ere) at im* 67a## for an or)inary long enoug , you get to be a !u## li+e one*6 Alec ga'e im a #arca#tically beaming loo+* 6An) yet #till you c oo#e me to team u( !it *6 Starting u( a ne! #togie, t e li>ar) man #ai), 6Somebo)y&# got to +ee( you from getting your a## beat by anot er tree*6 Ma3 rai#e) er an)#, (alm# out, calling a alt to t e floor # o!* 6An our an) a alf it i#,6 # e #ai)* 64e rea)y, an) )on&t tell anybo)y* T e quieter !e +ee( t i#, t e better off !e&ll all be*6 Alec #ai), 69ou )on&t +no! o! rig t you are*6 S e fro!ne) at im* 6MeaningF6 6Somebo)y a) to ti( t e 2urie# off about ! ere Logan li'e), rig tF An) ! o +no!# t at be#i)e# our fello! Terminal City re#i)ent#F6 Mole #ai), 6T at co( Clemente$a fe! ot er# t at !ere aroun) t e nig t Kel(y boug t it*6 6Wait, !ait, !ait,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6Are you #ugge#ting !e a'e a traitor in our mi)#tF6 6%&m #ugge#ting -u#t ! at % #ugge#te)D #omebo)y ti((e) t e 2urie# off about Logan&# (ri'ate (a)* % mean, you )i)n&t tell &em, )i) you, Ma3F6 6No, Alec* %t !oul) a'e to be #omebo)y terminally untru#t!ort y$anybo)y come to min)F6 8i# eye# !i)ene)* 68ey$% )on&t )e#er'e t at*6 Ma3&# e3(re##ion #oftene)* 6Actually, you )on&t* An) you rai#e a goo) (oint$ #omeone ti((e) t e 2urie# about Logan* 4ut !e )on&t a'e time to fin) out ! o* Sa'ing Logan&# a## i# our to(, our only, (riority*6 Alec no))e)* So )i) Mole, an) Di3 in i# comman) c air, e'en t oug e !a#n&t #u((o#e) to be li#tening in, an) Lu+e a# e ta(e) t e ban)age aroun) Alec&# an+le* 6W at !e&re u( to,6 Ma3 #ai) again, 6#tay# among u#, an) .o# ua$-u#t t e core grou( *** No!, let&# -et,Ninety minute# later Alec finally met t e 2remont Troll* ?n)er t e nort en) of t e Aurora A'enue bri)ge, t e reclining #tone troll ro#e eig teen feet, nearly bum(ing it# ea) on t e un)er#i)e of t e bri)ge* T e troll loo+e) -u#t a# Mole a) )e#cribe) im$long aire) !it one # iny metal eye, cra!ling on it# belly, t e finger# of i# rig t an) #(rea), it# left fi#t clo#e) aroun) a gray ul+ of a car* Alec an) Mole climbe) u( be in) t e troll (ee+ing out from t e )ar+ne## un)er t e bri)ge* 5olling i# ea) on t e column of i# nec+ to ea#e t e #tiffne##, Alec #ettle) in for a !ait*

No telling o! long it !oul) ta+e t e 2urie# to get t ere !it Logan, but a glance at i# !atc tol) im it coul) be u( to t!o our# till t e #c e)ule) o#tageHran#om e3c ange* 6Mole,6 e #ai)* 6%&m beat*6 6Slee(, t en,6 e #ai)* 6% got it co'ere)*6 6%&m -u#t gonna # ut my eye#* 5e#t a little*6 6Go a ea)*6 W en i# ( one trille) an) e bolte) u(rig t, Alec a) no i)ea o! long e&) been out* T e tiny ring ec oe) li+e a c urc bell beneat t e bri)ge* 69ou an#!er it,6 Mole gro!le), 6or % brea+ it*6 T e li>ar) man #till a) a lit cigar clam(e) bet!een i# teet an) a) a((arently manage) to #tay a!a+e t roug Alec&# na(* Guic+ly, Alec fi# e) t e ( one out of i# (oc+et an) (unc e) t e button on t e #tart of t e #econ) ring* 6W atF6 e a#+e)* 6Anyt ingF6 Ma3&# u# e) 'oice* S e&) be at Ga# Wor+# 7ar+, !it t e ot er#* 6No,6 e #ai), but loo+e) to Mole for confirmation* Wit a )eri#i'e #nort, t e li>ar) man no))e)$not ing a) a((ene)* 68o! about youF6 6Nobo)y,6 # e #ai)* 6An) t ey&re o'er)ue*6 6Well, t ey&) #to( ere fir#t, #urely$to )e(o#it t eir o#tage*6 69ou&) t in+* 4ut .o# ua&# #too) groun) ! ile %&'e ro'e) t e area$nobo)y #niffin&, not ing*6 6W at&# your rea), Ma3F6 6Eit er #omet ing&# gone !rong, or t e 2urie# are (laying #ome ne! game*6 68ate ! en t at a((en# *** Maybe t ey&re -u#t !aiting for you to lea'e*6 6No(e,6 # e #ai)* 6% got an A,(lu# in recon* Tru#t me, t ey&re not ere* An) t at bag&# -u#t #ittin& t ere$ e'en t e bug# aren&t goin& near it*6 6Not goo), Ma3*6 6Almo#t t!o our# after #unu( an) not ing$#omet ing a# )efinitely gone !rong*6 T e bag # e referre) to !a# a leat er 'ali#e t ey a) (ac+e) !it a ca+e of bric+# an) ne!#(a(er, un)er a fro#ting of #maller bill#* %f anybo)y (ic+e) t e t ing u(, it&) !eig enoug to (a## for four million )ollar#, an) a ca#ual o(ening !oul) re'eal money on to(* Only a more aggre##i'e #earc !oul) re'eal t e (loy* 4ut from ! at Ma3 !a# #aying, no one #eeme) intere#te) enoug to e'en loo+ an) #ee if t ey !ere being ri((e) off* 6We nee) to ma+e a mo'e,6 Alec #ai), #ur(ri#e) t at Mole a) let im #lee( t i# long !it out +ic+ing im* 6Agree)F6 6Agree)*6 6Any i)ea#, Ma3F6 6*** % t in+ !e # oul) 'i#it t e 2urie#& ome*6 6T e four of u# *** -u#t )ro( byF6 6T at&# t e (lan, Alec*6 6An) you #ay my (lan# #uc+*6 69ou u( for itF6

69ea * No (roblem*6 6Sit tig t* 2ill Mole in, an) .o# ua an) me, !e&ll be rig t o'er$t en !e&ll bla>e*6 Gunning er Nin-a, Ma3 fle! t roug t e o(en gate of La+e'ie! Cemetery, .o# ua clinging on be in) er, anging on !it -u#t i# left an), t e 'ali#e full of bric+#, ne!#(a(er#, an) a fe! )ollar# #!inging from i# rig t an)* On Alec&# motorcycle, t e an)#ome AB an) a li>ar),face) (a##enger !ere trailing a bi+e lengt be in)* T e engine# roare) t roatily a# t ey cut acro## t e la!n a!ay from t e (a'e) roa)* T oug t e roa) #lice) t roug t e cemetery an) en)e) near t e 2urie#& 8G, Ma3 )i)n&t !ant to ta+e t e )irect a((roac * T e 2urie# !oul) a'e number#, #o t at meant it !a# im(ortant t at t e tran#genic# a'e #ur(ri#e on t eir #i)e* %mme)iately, a# arrange), t e #(ee) on bot bi+e# !a# cut an) t eir engine roar #ettle) into a umming (urr* Ma3 ma)e a quic+ an) #ignal an) Alec (eele) off to t e rig t, i# bi+e gli)ing acro## t e gra##, in an) aroun) gra'e#tone#, Mole loo+ing 'aguely )i#gu#te) a'ing to ang onto t e AB* Ma3 an) .o# ua too+ off to t e left, al#o +ee(ing t e #(ee) an) engine #oun) minimal* T e i)ea !a# to come at t e 2urie#& 8G from t!o #i)e#* T e 8G a) at one time been a mau#oleum con, #tructe) after t e 7ul#e, not far from t e gra'e# of 4ruce an) 4ran)on Lee* Ma3 a) actually 'i#ite) t e gra'e# before, not long after # e&) come to Seattle* T e gra'e# a) remin)e) er of t e ol) )ay#, bac+ at Mann&# C ine#e T eater in Lo# Angele#, li'ing !it t e Clan, !it er mentor Moo)y an) t e young man name) 2re#ca* 4ac+ t en, Moo)y !oul) run mo'ie# in t e t eater from time to time* One a) been t i# really cool +ung fu flic+ calle) Enter t e Dragon, an) a) #tarre) 4ruce Lee* S e a) #een t e late +ung fu #tar&# #on 4ran)on in a mo'ie calle) T e Cro!, but t at a) been on a c ee#y 'i)eo (layer !it a ba) ta(e* 4efore t e 2urie# too+ o'er, t e mau#oleum 8G a) been t at of an A#ian #treet gang calle) t e Cro!#, #o,calle) in onor of t e late 4ran)on/ but 4a)ar Tremaine&# force# a) !i(e) t em out, #i3 or #e'en year# ago* T e mau#oleum #too) maybe fifteen feet tall an) !a# at lea#t t!enty,fi'e yar)# long an) almo#t a# !i)e$#uitable to ou#e t e remain# of a #mall to!n* An) e'en t at a) not been big enoug for t e 2urie#, t e cement !all at one en) #er'ing a# a brace for a lean,to e3ten#ion t at a) been cobble) on* T e )oor# at eit er en) !ere !oo)en no!, t e !eat ere) coffin# t at a) formerly been #tore) in#i)e no! #tac+e) out#i)e li+e #o muc cor) !oo)* Wit in #econ)# of eac ot er t e t!o motorcycle# arri'e) on eit er #i)e of t e mau#oleum* Ma3 +ic+e) er cycle to lou), t robbing life an) Alec follo!e) #uit* T eir timing #ync roni>e), t e t!o motorcycle# bro+e )o!n t e )oor# at eit er en) of t e mau#oleum a# t ey cra# e) #(linteringly t roug * 4arely in#i)e, bot Ma3 an) Alec bra+e), burning rubber, #creec ing to a alt/ t ey lai) t eir bi+e# )o!n, t e four of t em rolling off an) coming u( in combat #tance#, rea)y for action, e3(ecting anyt ing *** .u#t about anyt ing* T ey fro>e*

All aroun) t em, 2urie# lay )ea)* 4loo) (ainte) t e !all# in 'i'i) #(la# e#, recent enoug to #till be a )ri((ing re)/ t e floor, t e meager furni# ing#, )ribble) gore* Table# an) c air# !ere o'erturne), T"# #ma# e), an) a long !oo) bar t at ran along one !all !a# (oc+e) !it bullet mar+#* Ma3 an) er tran#genic brot er# a) come (re(are) for a fig t/ ! at t ey foun) in#tea) !a# a ma##acre* 4o)ie# lay e'ery! ere, #(ra!le) in 'ariou# (o#ture# of #ur(ri#e) 'iolent )eat $# ot, #tabbe), #la# e)* W oe'er or ! ate'er a) )one t i# a) accom(li# e) it !it great #(ee) an) no mercy* Ea#ily a un)re) of t e 2urie#, (robably e'ery member, a) been #laug tere), an) from t e loo+# of t ing#, t ey a)n&t a) time to (ut u( muc of a fig t* T i# !a# not t e aftermat of a battle* Some #(ent cartri)ge# lay #cattere) aroun), but any #ign of ca#ualtie# t e 2urie# mig t a'e inflicte) on t eir o((onent# !ere gone, if t ere e'er a) been any* 6Go),6 Mole #ai)* 6Damn,6 Alec #ai)* 6Logan,6 Ma3 #ai), t e !or) #(o+en !it t e re'erence of a (rayer, e)ge) !it t e #ort of #orro! t at a) been (re#ent #o often at gra'e#i)e #er'ice# nearby* Wit out being tol), Alec an) Mole !ent bac+ to t e )oor# on eit er en), #tan)ing guar) in ca#e ! oe'er committe) t i# carnage !a# nearby or (lanne) a return* Ma3 an) .o# ua cre(t t roug t e roomful of bo)ie#, !al+ing gingerly, a# if to not !a+e t em, an) #earc e) for Logan* Ma3 recogni>e) member# of t e +i)na( team among t e cor(#e#* T e nig t of Logan&# +i)na((ing, t ey a) (re#ente) little trouble to er, until t e Ta>er came out of no! ere/ but ! oe'er )i) t i# !a# !or+ing !it ea'ier artillery* %t !a# (lain to #ee t at not only a) t e banger# been # ot to )eat , #omeone a) ob'iou#ly !al+e) along #trafing t e bo)ie# !it automatic !ea(on# fire, -u#t ma+ing #ure* Ot er# a) been #lice) an) )ice)$mac ete#, # e t oug t$li+e #o muc meat being (re(are) for a giant cannibal&# #te!* Ami) all of t i# Ma3 !al+e), terrifie) t at # e !oul) fin) Logan among t e )ea) *** * ** t oug if # e foun) im, at lea#t, # e !oul) +no!* 8o! terrible not to fin) im, an) ne'er to +no! ! at a((ene) to im *** 2rom t e ot er #i)e of t e room, .o# ua #ai), 6Logan not ere, Little 2ella*6 T oug e +e(t i# 'oice lo!, it boome) off t e mau#oleum !all# an) #eeme) to ec o in er #+ull* S e t oug t t at gunfire in ere, t i# muc gunfire, !oul) a'e #oun)e) li+e t e en) of t e !orl)$re(ort# roc+eting aroun) t e !all#, bouncing t i# !ay an) t at* 6Sa),6 .o# ua !a# #aying* 6So #a)*6 T ey a) come to fig t t e#e 2urie#, to +ill if nece##ary/ but to #ee t i# ma##acre !a# to (ity t e 'ictim# in )eat , ! oe'er, ! ate'er, t ey mig t a'e been in life* 8er alf of t e room re'eale) no #ign of Logan eit er, but t ere !a# t e cutout in t e far !all t at le) to t e !oo)en a)),on t ey a) #een from t e out#i)e* A# # e a((roac e) t e # a)o!y ole, Ma3&# eart (oun)e) an) # e !on)ere) if t e ot er#

coul) ear it, ec oing off t e bloo),#(attere) !all#* 4ea)# of #!eat (earle) er fore ea), e'en t oug it !a# #till col) bot out#i)e an) in t i# un eate) mau#oleum* T ere !a# lig t beyon) t e o(ening, but # e coul)n&t ma+e anyt ing out yet, an) no one a) calle) out to t em/ of cour#e, Logan mig t a'e been tie) u(, an) gagge)** * 4ut if #o, t e marau)er# ! o&) committe) t i# atrocity !oul) ar)ly a'e #(are) im* Still, t i# !a# t e la#t (o##ible (lace$if Logan !a# ere, e !oul) be in t at a)),on room* Willing er#elf to mo'e for!ar), # e too+ a fe! #te(#, er feet feeling im(o##ibly ea'y, a# if # e !ere turning into a #tone gargoyle to a)orn t i# cemetery* An) a# # e #li((e) t roug t e ole cut in t e !all, # e coul) #ee one (er#on #itting at a table, a man, i# bac+ to er* S e felt a #na+e of re'ul#ion #lit er in er gut a# # e reali>e) t at t e bo)y !a# ea)le##* T e room !a# #mall, barely ten feet acro##, !it a #quare table in t e center, one !oo)en c air )ra!n u( to it, ol)ing t e #eate) bo)y$not Logan, a((arently, a# t e cor(#e !ore t e blac+ T,# irt an) -ean# of a 2ury$t ree matc ing c air# #cattere) on t e floor* %n t e corner, a #mall T" a) been #ma# e)* Mo'ing for!ar), # e loo+e) o'er t e # oul)er of t e bo)y at t e table an) #a! ! at !a# (re#umably t e bo)y&# former ea) on a (late in front of it, t e face recogni>able a# t at of 4a)ar Tremaine, lea)er of t e 2urie#* De#(ite er#elf, # e let out a #ig of relief a# # e confirme) t at Logan !a# no! ere in t e room* %f e !a#n&t ere, e mig t #till be ali'e #ome! ere* Ta+ing anot er loo+ at Tremaine&# ea) on t e (late, # e notice) an ob-ect #tic+ing out from i# mout * T oug not #queami# , Ma3 # i'ere), an) burie) t e im(ul#e to turn an) flee, in#tea) going o'er to t e )etac e) ea) for a clo#er loo+ at t e (rotru)ing ob-ect* W ate'er it !a#, it !a# metallic an) not 'ery large, t e cylin)rical en) #tic+ing out li+e a #tiff, #il'er tongue* Slo!ly, a# t e gang lea)er&# )ea) eye# #tare) at er, # e !it )re! t e metal ob-ect from t e #lac+ mout *** *** a minica##ette recor)er* T e ot er t ree entere) t e #mall room, Mole fir#t, #aying, 6Doe#n&t loo+ li+e anyone&# coming bac+* W en you alrea)y +ille) e'eryt ing t at mo'e#, a return tri(&# +in)a (ointle##*6 62ubar,6 .o# ua breat e), loo+ing at t e bo)y* %t !a# a !or) Alec a) taug t im an) Ma3 )i)n&t care for* Alec !a# at Ma3&# #i)e* 8e #ai), 64a)ar Tremaine$!ell, e !a# t e ea) man*6 Ma3 # ot im a glare* 6Sorry,6 e #ai)* 6Coul)n&t el( my#elf*** % mean, e i# #itting at t e ea) of t e table*6 .o# ua grabbe) Alec&# arm* 6No -o+e#* T at ea)le## man *** ! at if it !a# LoganF6 64ut it i#n&t,6 Alec #ai), glancing o'er at t e ob-ect in Ma3&# an)* 6W at a'e you got t ereF6 On 4a)ar&# T,# irt, # e !i(e) #ali'a an) bloo) from t e little mac ine* 6Ta(e recor)er*6 67re## &(lay& yetF6

Alec, .o# ua, an) Mole !ere gat ere) aroun) er, near t e table !it t eir ea)le## o#t* S e loo+e) from face to face among er t ree frien)#* 6Go on,6 Mole #ai)* 6Maybe it&# a me##age*6 S e let out #ome air, an) (u# e) t e 7lay button* 68ello, CB0*6 T ey all recogni>e) t e 'oice in#tantly* 6% +ne!,6 Ame# W ite&# 'aguely (roce##e) 'oice #ai) from t e tiny mac ine in er (alm, 6you !oul) ne'er -u#t )eli'er t e ran#om an) (ay to get your frien) bac+* 9ou &re not built li+e t at* 9ou can ne'er (lay by t e rule#, can you, CB0F % can relate*6 T e urge to t ro! t e recor)er off t e !all !a# nearly o'er! elming* 6T at&# ! y % em(loye) t e 2urie#, to acquire my o#tage* % +ne! you !oul) trac+ t em )o!n* An), of cour#e, t ey coul)n&t be left ali'e to tal+ to anyone about certain arrangement# % ma)e !it t em * * * So a# you can #ee, % ma)e ne! arrangement# !it t em, t i# e'ening*6 S e glance) )o!n at t e un#eeing eye# of 4a)ar Tremaine* 6T e me)ia mig t e'en get t e #tory t at 'engeful tran#genic# +ille) t e ! ole gang* %&m fairly #ure #ome goo) citi>en !ill (a## t at information along* After all, t e rai) on Logan Cale&# a(artment !a# clo#e to Terminal City, an) t e 'ictim !a#* * * i#* * * a frien) of your#*6 .o# ua gro!le) lo! an) )ee( in t e bac+ of i# t roat* 6No! t at !e +no! t e lengt # you&%% go to in or)er to get your frien) bac+$an) no! t at your frien) i# in my (er#onal cu#to)y$it&# im(ortant t at !e tal+ about t e real ran#om*6 64a#tar)&# been (layin& u# #ince -um(,6 Alec #ai)* 69ou +no! ! at % !ant, CB0* T in+*6 A# if an#!ering t e 'oice, Ma3 # oo+ er ea)* T i# a) gone from ba) to muc , muc !or#e *** 6T i# i# your +arma*** 9ou Ne! Age Terminal City troll# belie'e in t at non#en#e, rig tF 9ou #ee, you too+ my #on from me* So % too+ Logan Cale from you6 6Damnit,O Ma3 #ai), er 'oice ar) an) col)* 69ou !ant your frien) bac+,6 W ite&# 'oice #ai)* 6Well, % !ant 5ay bac+* * * Getting t e i)eaF6 69e#, you #on of a bitc ,6 # e #ai)* 69e#*6 6Stay by your cell ( one, CB0* %&ll be in touc * 9ou a'e t ree )ay# to com(ly, or your frien) )ie#* O , an), u * ** Merry C ri#tma#*6 C a(ter Se'en DEAT8 5A9 SEATTLE, WAS8%NGTON DECEM4E5 00, 010: A !oman name) Wen)y Ol#en a) been loo+ing for er #on* T e boy a) been +i)na((e), an) Mr#* Ol#en came to Eye# Only for el( in fin)ing$ an) retrie'ing$ young 5ay* Logan&# in'e#tigation !a# alrea)y un)er !ay ! en e broug t Ma3 aboar), # aring !it er t e # oc+ing re'elation t at t e boy t ey !ere loo+ing for !a# t e #on of NSA agent Ame# W ite*

2or #e'eral year# 'ariou# Seattle citi>en#$)i#enfranc i#e) from city, #tate, an) fe)eral go'ernment# t at #eeme) on t e one an) uncaring an) on t e ot er corru(t$ a) turne) to Eye# Only, #ee+ing un)ergroun) ai) in #ituation# li+e t e#e* Logan !oul) )o i# utmo#t to re#ol'e #uc (roblem#, utili>ing i# o(erati'e#, an) for almo#t t!o year# Ma3 a) been i# c ief fiel) agent* An) Ma3 an) Logan a) in)ee)$true to form$ re#cue) t e boy, 5ay, carrying t e c il) a!ay from 4roo+ri)ge Aca)emy, a (ri'ate #c ool t at #er'e) a# a front for t e cult Ame# W ite #er'e), t e #o,calle) 62amiliar#*6 5ay a) been !ea+$t e re#ult of a ty(ically t!i#te) #na+e cult ritual t at in'ol'e) #licing t e boy&# arm !it a #!or) )i((e) in 'enomou# bloo)$ but W ite&# #on a) #ome o! #ur'i'e) t e attention# of t e 2amiliar#* ?nfortunately, t e #ame coul) not be #ai) for i# mot er* W en # e !ent to t e to!n of Willoug by, in #earc of er mi##ing #on, Wen)y Ol#en W ite !a# mur)ere) *** by er o!n u#ban)* %n t e en), Logan a) locate) Wen)y&# #i#ter, an) 5ay a) been #ent to li'e !it er* Logan$u#ing i# #eemingly en)le## #tring of Eye# Only o(erati'e#, a mo)ern )ay un)ergroun) railroa)$ a) el(e) t e (air 'ani# , t eir ! ereabout# un+no!n e'en to Ma3* No! t e only o(tion o(en to Ma3 !a# to (lay W ite&# game$to retrie'e an) )eli'er i# #on to im/ an) !al+ rig t into a tra(* T ere&) be no fooling Ame# W ite/ # e mig t a'e )u(e) t e 2urie#, but W ite an) i# #na+e cult a##ociate#$)emente) an) )elu)e) t oug t ey mig t be$!ere a# # re!) a# t ey !ere #mart* An) # e +ne! t ey !ere a# 'iciou# a# t ey !ere #mart$-u#t a#+ t e 2urie#*** try u#ing a Oui-a boar)*** S e +ne! )amn !ell t ere !oul) be no o#tage,for, o#tage tra)eD en) game for t e #na+e cult !oul) inclu)e er )eat * T at muc a) been ma)e clear to Ma3 in er (re'iou# encounter# !it t e bi>arre cult* Still, # e figure) t ey !oul) a'e to )o ! ate'er W ite a#+e)/ er only o(e to #a'e Logan$an) er#elf, an) t e li'e# of t o#e el(ing er, an) t e boy 5ay, for t at matter$!oul) be to !al+ into t e lion&# )en an) bear) t e ba#tar)#* T e (roblem !a#, # e !a#n&t #ure o! to accom(li# t e 'ital fir#t #te($fin)ing t e boy Logan a) #o #+illfully i))en a!ay, a #te( t at Ame# W ite no )oubt a##ume) # e !oul) be able to accom(li# ea#ily* Wit out Logan to el( er, Ma3&# effort# !oul) be bloc+e) by Eye# Only&# o!n #ecurity mea#ure#, )e#igne) to (rotect t e boy from W ite an) t e 2amiliar#* %n t e +i)na((ing# # e an) Logan a) t !arte) toget er, Logan foun) t e clue#, an) Ma3 grabbe) u( t e mi##ing (er#on$t at !a# t e (rogram, t at !a# o! it a) al!ay# gone )o!n* No!, !it Logan M%A$in fact, !it Logan one of t!o +ey M%A#$# e !a# left to er o!n )e'ice# to locate t e ot er mi##ing (er#on, 5ay, an) #ecure im *** An) it !a#n&t li+e 5ay !a# a normal mi##ing (er#on* Logan$a ma#ter at concealing (eo(le, at gi'ing t em ne! #tart#$ a) ma)e t e boy )i#a((ear, #o t at e !oul) ne'er be foun) e'en by i# o!n fat er an) W ite&# formi)able net!or+ of NSA an)

#na+e cult allie#* S e&) be fin)ing a nee)le in a ay#tac+$only # e )i)n&t e'en +no! ! ere t e )amn ay#tac+ !a#* T ey left t e carnage of t e cemetery be in)$ # oul) t e co(# # o!, t ey )i)n&t !ant to #ee) t e (re## for anot er tran#genic# me)ia #torm$an) re(aire) to a #mall cafe* Ne#tle) in a bac+ boot , o'er t e !armt of ot #teaming cu(# of coffee, t e four comra)e# #at$.o# ua, Alec, an) Mole !atc ing er, !aiting for er )eci#ion* S e !a# t eir lea)er, an) t ey !oul) follo! er t roug t e gate# of 8ell, if nece##ary/ # e +ne! a# muc , an) # e a((reciate) it*** an) t i# time, t e gate# of 8ell !ere e3actly ! ere # e&) be ta+ing t em* On er cell ( one, Ma3 calle) Di3 an) quic+ly lai) out t e #ituation* 6W o )o you !ant me to +illF6 Di3 a#+e)* 6We&ll get to t at,6 # e #ai)* 65ig t no!, it&# your brain % nee)*6 6Goo)* % -u#t ate it ! en !omen !ant me for my goo) loo+#*6 64et you )o* % nee) you an) Lu+e to ta+e a crac+ at )ecry(ting Logan&# ar) )ri'e*6 6Ouc * Coul)n&t !e -u#t crac+ t e 7entagon )ata ban+#, or #omet in& ea#yF 2ric+in& Logan, e&# t e be#t, y&+no!*6 6% +no!* 4ut Logan #ay# you an) Lu+e are t e be#t ac+er# e e'er ran into*6 6No # itF6 6None at all,6 # e #ai), lying t roug er teet * 6Get on it*6 6All o'er it,6 Di3 (romi#e)/ but uncertainty (ee+e) out aroun) t e e)ge# of i# bra'a)o* S e clic+e) off an) loo+e) at er t ree frien)#, .o# ua ne3t to er in t e boot , Alec an) Mole acro##* 6Logan i) t i# +i) a!ay #o t at Go) coul)n&t fin) im* 4ut !e a'e to*6 6W atF6 Alec #ai), fro!ning* 6An) turn im o'er to W iteF6 S ifting i# )ea) cigar from one #i)e of i# mout to t e ot er, leaning for!ar), Mole #ai), 6Ma3$you +no! % !ill follo! your lea)*6 6% a((reciate t at*6 64ut t i#$big mi#ta+e*6 6W yF6 # e a#+e), an) # e coul)n&t +ee( t e )efen#i'e e)ge out of er tone* Mole relig te) t at #togie/ got it going goo)/ t en e ga>e) at er, ar)* 6W y )i) Logan i)e t at +i) a!ayF To +ee( im a!ay from )a))y )eare#t* No! !e&re going to )o W ite&# )amn )irty !or+ for imF Tell me t ere&# anot er !ay*6 6%# t ere anot er !ayF6 All t ree -u#t loo+e) at er* 2inally Alec #ai), 69ou figure !e go t roug !it t e e3c ange an), ! atF .u#t 'am(F %m(ro'i#e our !ay out of it, # ooting u( a# many #na+e,cult goof,ball# a# !e canF An) o(e for t e be#tF *** Again, % a'e to #ay itD an) you t in+ my (lan# #uc+F6 Ma3 #ai), 6W at*** ot er *** c oice *** )o *** !e*** o'el6 69ou +no! ! at c oice !e a'e,6 Mole #ai)* Ma3 #ai) not ing* 68e ta+e# one for t e team,6 Mole #ai)* 6LoganF6 S e (ractically # rie+e) t i# re#(on#e, an) ate) er#elf for t e 6girl6 #oftne## of t at*

Alec # oo+ i# ea), but e !a# agreeing !it Mole a# e #ai), 6Man +ne! t e ri#+# of gettin& in'ol'e) !it Eye# Only$t at&# o! e en)e) u( in t e ! eelc air in t e fir#t (lace*6 Sitting for!ar), Ma3 #ai), 6No one +no!# t at better t an$6 69ou&re a #oli)er, Ma3,6 Mole cut in* 6We all are *** An) #o, in i# !ay, i# Logan* Do you really t in+ Logan !oul) !ant you to turn t e +i) o'er to W ite, -u#t li+e t atF After you ri#+e) #o muc re#cuin& t e bratF After e (ut #o muc effort in #altin& t e +i) a!ayF No* No !ay*6 Ma3 turne) to .o# ua, ! o#e lionli+e feature# !ere )ra(e) !it #orro!* 6W at )o you t in+, 4ig 2ellaF6 .o# ua co'ere) i# face !it a (a!li+e an)* 8e !a# crying* Ma3 touc e) i# arm* 6.o# ua ***6 6Logan,6 .o# ua #ai)* 68a'e to re#(ect*** ! at Logan !oul) !ant*6 8e lo!ere) i# an) an) ga>e) at er, i# airy face matte) !it tear#* 6Mole i# rig t* Logan* Ta+e one* 2or t e team*6 E'en .o# ua coul) #ee it$an) no! #o coul) # e* E'eryt ing t ey !ere #aying !a# true* 4ut t at )i) not mean # e !oul) roll o'er an) allo! Logan to )ie at t e an)# of Ame# W ite$not ! ile t ere !a# breat in er bo)y* 69ou&re rig t,6 # e #ai), 6an) you&re !rong*6 Alec arc e) an eyebro!* Mole rolle) i# #togie aroun)* .o# ua )rie) i# eye# !it a na(+in* 69ou&re rig t t at !e can&t -u#t turn 5ay o'er to W ite,6 # e #ai)* 6T at !oul) negate e'eryt ing Logan #tan)# for$e'eryt ing !e&'e #too) for*** 4ut !e )on&t !al+ a!ay from a brot er* We )on&t #acrifice any one of u# unle## !e ab#olutely a'e to*6 Alec #ai), 6%&m #en#ing a 7lan 4*6 S e no))e)* 6We #till nee) to fin) 5ay W ite* We #till nee) t at boy*6 Alec fro!ne)* 6We fin) im *** blo! i# co'er*** yan+ t e +i) out of i)ing *** an) t en !e )on&t turn im o'er *** F6 6T at&# rig t$an), Alec, my (lan )oe#n&t #uc+*6 6Of ! at u#e i# 5ay W ite to u#,6 Alec #ai), 6if !e )on&t turn im o'erF6 4ut Mole !a# a ea) of t e AB, eye# tig t in t e li>ar) face* 64ait*6 Ma3 #mile) an) no))e)* 6Got it in one, Mole*6 4ut Alec an) .o# ua !eren&t on t e #ame (age, t e former # a+ing i# ea), t e ot er #quinting in confu#ion* Ma3 (re##e) onD 6Ame# W ite i# going to in#i#t on tal+ing to 5ay at #ome (oint*6 6A gi'en,6 #ai) Mole* 6Well, if !e&'e got t e +i), e'en for W ite -u#t to tal+ to on t e ( one, if e +no!# !e really a'e t e boy, !e&'e got a c ance of getting Logan bac+* Or )o you really !anna !al+ a!ay an) let Logan Cale &ta+e one for t e team&F6 Alec, ty(ically, -u#t coc+e) i# ea) li+e a beagle ! o !a#n&t #ure e&) un)er#too) t e que#tion* 6We gotta try,6 Mole #ai)* 68e&) )o t e #ame for u#*6 68o! about you, AlecF6 Ma3 a#+e)*

6W atF6 6Do !e !al+ a!ayF6 6No*6 6NoF6 6% mean *** ell, no*6 T e #elf,ab#orbe) AB #till )i)n&t #eem to be fully on boar), but at lea#t e !a#n&t fig ting er anymore* Mole #ai), 6Ma3, one t ing i# un)er#too)*** !e )on&t gi'e t e +i) u( to W ite un)er any circum#tance#*6 S e&) lo#t er ea) for a ! ile, allo!ing er feeling# for Logan to clou) t e bigger (icture* No! er frien)# a) er bac+ on trac+* T ey !oul) u#e 5ay to )ra! W ite out, but t at !a# all* S e #ai), 6No !ay W ite get# t e boy* No !ay in ell*6 Alec lifte) i# coffee cu(* 6%&m in,6 e #ai), an) t ey toa#te)$.o# ua itting t e cu(# a little too ar), #(illing #ome coffee* A lot more t an coffee !oul) be #(ille) in t e )ay# a ea)* 68ere&# ! ere !e are,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6Di3 an) Lu+e are trying to crac+ Logan&# com(uter, but % )oubt t ey&ll a'e muc if any luc+* W ite an) i# NSA goon #qua) too+ t e ol) one, ! en t ey rai)e) Logan&# (rior a(artment, an) t ey #till a'en&t crac+e) t e co)e#*6 69ou +no! t at for #ureF6 Alec a#+e)* S e no))e)* 6Come# #traig t from Otto Gottlieb*6 Gottlieb, W ite&# former (artner in t e NSA, a) #een t e lig t an) el(e) t e tran#genic# ca(ture Kel(y an) bring W ite )o!n at t e NSA* Ma3 !on)ere) if Gottlieb coul) be of any el( on t i# outing* 4ut Gottlieb a) been re!ar)e) by t e NSA !it a rai#e an) (romotion, for i# ! i#tle,blo!ing on W ite, an) Ma3 !a# afrai) i# loyaltie# t e#e )ay# mig t be too #trongly NSA for er to ri#+ tru#ting i# in'ol'ement* Alec #ai), 6W y )on&t % tal+ to Matt Sung$ e mig t be able to el(*6 Matt Sung, an A#ian,American )etecti'e for t e Seattle 7*D*, a) el(e) Eye# Only on numerou# occa#ion#* 6Goo) call,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6Logan tru#t# Matt com(letely*6 T en, turning to Mole, # e a))e), 6Can you trac+ )o!n 4lingF6 Mole&# cigar bobbe) a# e no))e)* 6Count on it*6 4ling$Logan&# African,American ( y#ical t era(i#t an) occa#ional )ri'erHbo)yguar)$+ne! more about Eye# Only o(eration# t an anybo)y t i# #i)e of Logan im#elf* Wit Logan !earing t e e3o#+eleton more an) more, 4ling foun) im#elf !it free time, no! t at Logan !a# )oing le## re ab an) getting im#elf aroun)* T ey a)n&t #een 4ling for #e'eral mont #, but # e +ne! Logan tal+e) to im regularly an) !a# #ure e !a# #till in t e city #ome! ere* 68o! can .o# ua el(F6 .o# ua a#+e)* Ma3 coul)n&t e3actly #en) a #i3,foot,four,inc Dog 4oy out to )o anyt ing incon#(icuou#/ ! en it came time to +ic+ a## an) ta+e name#, .o# ua !oul) be t e

(oint man* 4ut # e coul)n&t benc im no!$it !oul) urt .o# ua, ! o#e fon)ne## for Logan # e foun) touc ing* S e #ai), 6Go o'er to 2at er&# ou#e an) loo+ aroun)* Logan lai) lo! t ere for a ! ile$maybe e left #omet ing be in) t at&ll lea) u# to t e boy*6 2at er&# ou#e a) once belonge) to San)eman, t e enigmatic an) benign figure be in) t e tran#genic# (rogram t at Manticore a) corru(te)/ .o# ua a) li'e) t ere for a ! ile, an) Logan a) been a frequent 'i#itor ! o&) often cra# e) t ere, after i# a(artment !a# tra# e) by W ite an) t e NSA* .o# ua no))e) eagerly, a((y to be (art of t e effort* 6W at about youF6 Alec a#+e)* 6%&'e got a (lan of my o!n,6 # e #ai)* Alec ga'e er a !ic+e) little #mile* 68o(e it )oe#n&t #uc+*6 S e tra)e) im #mir+ for #mir+* 6Me, too *** We&ll meet bac+ at Terminal City in t!o our#* ?#e t e cell ( one# to +ee( in touc $if you fin) #omet ing, )on&t #a'e it u( for later* Call me rig t no!*6 T ey all no))e)* S e let out a uge #ig an) #li) off t e boot * Out#i)e on t e #treet, # e #ai), 6O+ay$ let&# go fin) t at +i)*6 6W y )on&t !eF6 Alec #ai)* 8i# blac+ eye a) eale) alrea)y$t o#e goo) tran#genic gene#* 2i#t# !ere bum(e), an) t ey !ent t eir #e(arate !ay#* .o# ua$un)er#tan)ably # y about being #een in (ublic$o(te) to return to i# ol) ou#e 'ia t e #e!er #y#tem* Ma3 !oul) (it .o# ua&# +no!le)ge of t e #e!er #y#tem again#t anyone&#, e'en t e engineer# ! o )e#igne) it* W en it came to un)ergroun) tra'el, .o# ua !a# +ing* %t !a# agree) t at Mole !oul) )ro( Alec at Matt Sung&# (recinct, after ! ic Mole !oul) continue on !it t e AB&# cycle in #earc of 4ling* 2or er (art, Ma3 !a# off to #ome ol) #tom(ing groun)#* Mig t a'e been ye#ter)ay t at # e la#t leane) on t e bar in Cra# / but in reality, # e a)n&t #et foot in t e (lace in #i3 mont #, not #ince t at )ay e'eryt ing !ent #i)e!ay# at .am 7ony* T e con'erte) !are ou#e !a# #e(arate) into t ree room# by it# roun)e) bric+ arc !ay#* "i)eo monitor# attac e) to t e !all# an) t e big #creen T" in t e mi))le room all #till # o!e) footage of 'iolent colli#ion# bet!een car#, train#, bu#e#, motorcycle#, anyt ing mec anical, (ro'i)ing t e cra# e# t at !ere t e bar&# name#a+e* Man ole co'er table# !ere #cattere) aroun), eac #urroun)e) by four or fi'e c air#* T e far room el) (ool an) foo#ball table#* T e entire !all be in) t e bar !a# a bac+lit 7le3igla# #cul(ture con#tructe) of bicycle frame#* Ma3 #at at t e bar nur#ing a )iet cola* T e #cene at t e 2urie#& mau#oleum a) (ut er in t e moo) for #omet ing ar)er, but # e nee)e) to +ee( er !it# about er* 2or no!, all # e coul) )o !a# cool er -et# an) o(e # e !oul)n&t a'e to !ait too long* S e )i)n&t* %n le## t an ten minute# a !oman o(ene) t e )oor an) #too) in #il ouette again#t t e brig t #un# ine* T e )oor clo#e) #lo!ly an) Ma3&# eye# rea)-u#te) to t e )im lig t a#

t e !oman came )o!n t e #tair#, #(otte) Ma3, an) came o'er to ta+e a #eat ne3t to er at t e bar* A #lim blon)e !it er # ort air tuc+e) neatly u( un)er a #toc+ing ca(, t e !oman !a# mannequin t in !it alaba#ter #+in, #tan)ing #lig tly taller t an Ma3, !it large )ar+ eye#* W en t e blon)e #at )o!n, Ma3 got a glim(#e of t e tattoo on t e !oman&# bac+, -u#t about !ai#t le'el* 6A# a,6 Ma3 #ai), by !ay of ello* T e blon)e&# #mile # o!e) #ome teet , but #eeme) force)* S e an) Ma3 a) ne'er been frien)#, e3actly, e'en if t ey a) been allie# muc of t e time* Ma3 +ne! A# a a) a t ing for Logan, an) # e !oul)n&t a'e been at all #ur(ri#e) if t e blon)e #till re#ente) Logan (ic+ing er* 6Ma3,6 A# a #ai), !it a curt no)* T at !a# t e e3tent of t eir c itc at* After A# a or)ere) a coffee for er#elf, Ma3 lai) out t e #ituation$,A# a&# only reaction to earing of Logan&# +i)na((ing !a# a tig tening bet!een er eyebro!#, but t at #(o+e 'olume#$t en Ma3 tol) A# a ! at # e nee)e)* A# a&# eye# tig tene), an) er mout )i), too* 69ou really t in+ %&m gonna betray Logan&# tru#tF6 Ma3 # rugge)* 6Only if you !ant to #a'e i# life*6 T e blon)e too+ a #i( of er coffee an) carefully #et t e cu( on t e bar in front of er* 8er eye# ne'er left t e cu( a# # e #ai) not ing for a 'ery long minute* T en er eye# ro#e an) # e #ai), quietly, 6%f % tell you anyt ing, Logan !ill ne'er #(ea+ to me again*6 6%f e&# )ea),6 Ma3 (ointe) out, 6 e&ll ne'er #(ea+ to anyone again*6 S e # oo+ er ea), an) t e blon)e air # immere) !it barroom neon* 68e&ll ne'er be able to tru#t me*6 Ma3 let out a breat * 6A# a, e&ll ne'er +no! % got it from you* 9ou a'e my !or)*6 A# a #tu)ie) Ma3 for a goo) t irty #econ)#$it #eeme) an en)le## time to Ma3, but # e let t e blon)e ma+e u( er o!n min)* 2inally A# a #(o+e* 6% belie'e you, % really )o* De#(ite our * * * )ifference#, you&'e been one#t !it me* An) % !oul) el( you if % coul)*6 64utF6 6% really )on&t t in+ % +no! anyt ing*6 6Soun)# to me li+e you&re not #ure * * * Any little t ing you coul) # are !oul) be more t an % a'e rig t no!*6 Again A# a # oo+ er ea)* 69ou&re a#+ing me to betray a tru#t* Do you +no! ! at it )oe#, bet!een t!o (eo(le, ! en tru#t i# # attere)F W en one betray# t e ot erF6 Ma3 loo+e) a!ay* 6W atF6 A# a #ai)* 6Not ing*6 Ma3 # oo+ er ea), #mile) a bitter little #mile, an) #ai), 6We )on&t a'e t e lu3ury of #ocial nicetie# rig t no!, A# a* %&m afrai) &betraying& Logan&# tru#t i# t e only !ay of #a'ing Logan&# life6

Loo+ing bac+ into er coffee, A# a +e(t er 'oice lo!, barely abo'e a ! i#(er* 6All rig t*** all rig t* 4ut % )on&t remember t e !oman&# name$t e auntF6 Ma3 no))e) #lig tly, one eye going to t e barten)er to ma+e #ure e !a#n&t !atc ing t em* 6An) % )i)n&t a'e all t at muc to )o !it it,6 A# a continue)* 6% trac+e) t e !oman )o!n, intro)uce) er to Logan* T e re#t !a# Eye# Only*6 Li+e mo#t of Logan&# o(erati'e#, A# a )i) not +no! t at Logan !a# Eye# Only* 6% un)er#tan),6 Ma3 #ai)* 6All % can tell you i#, t e aunt li'e) in 2remont* Once Logan reunite) er !it er ne( e!, e ga'e er t e money an) t e ne! (a(er# to ma+e t e mo'e* % )i) ear im mention A((leton*6 6A((leton *** about an our an) a alf from ereF ?(#tateF6 6% )on&t +no!* Coul) be #ome ot er A((leton in Ar+an#a# or Maine, ! o t e ell +no!#* Woul) Logan #alt #omebo)y a!ay #o clo#e to omeF6 6Actually, e mig t* %t&# une3(ecte) enoug *** A# a, t in+$6 S e # oo+ er ea), air # immering !it neon again* 6Ma3, one#tly$t at&# all % +no!* 5eally*6 6T an+#, A# a*6 An) # e touc e) t e !oman&# an) on t e bar* 6% a((reciate it*6 A# a gri((e) Ma3&# an)/ t e #quee>e t ey e3c ange) !a# t e mo#t (er#onal, !arme#t moment t ey&) e'er # are)* 69ou #a'e i# fine a##, girl$ un)er#too)F6 6?n)er#too)*6 6An) you )i)n&t ear any of t i# from me*6 6Al#o un)er#too)*6 A((leton* %t !a#n&t muc * 4ut it !a# more t an # e a) ! en # e came in to Cra# , !a#n&t itF To##ing #ome money on t e bar, Ma3 retreate) u( t e #tair# an) out into t e brig t #unlit )ay* A# # e ro)e bac+ to Terminal City on er Nin-a, # e !on)ere) if t e ot er# !ere a'ing any luc+* 8er (ic+ing# !ere (retty )amn #lim* Alec !a# alrea)y t ere, in t e control room, ! en Ma3 #tro)e in* 68o!&) you )oF6 # e a#+e)* 8e # oo+ i# ea)* 6Ki(, >ally, >ero* Sung )i)n&t #ing$ e )oe#n&t +no! anyt ing about t e W ite +i)*6 6Say# e )oe#n&t +no!, or )oe#n&t +no!F6 6% )i)n&t oo+ im u( to a lie )etector, Ma3, but % +no! a lot about lying ** * an) % )on&t t in+ e !a#* 4e#i)e#, you +no! o! ig ly Logan regar)# Sung*6 S e !on)ere) if Alec a) run into anot er Eye# Only loyali#t ! o !a# refu#ing to # are info out of re#(ect to Logan* 68o! )i) you )oF6 e a#+e)* S rugging, # e #ai), 6Not muc * Small lea)* Maybe*6 Di3 an) Lu+e came in ne3t, Lu+e carrying a #mall blac+ bo3 in i# arm# li+e it !a# a ne! (u((y* Ma3 coc+e) an eye/ t e 6(u((y6 #eeme) to be #mo+ing from one en)* Lu+e loo+e) u(, tear# in i# blac+ eye#* 6T i# little bo3 a# bro+en e'ery co)e %&'e e'er turne) it loo#e on*6

6%t )oe#n&t loo+ #o goo),6 Ma3 #ai)* 6No, it )oe#n&t,6 Di3 a)mitte)* 6We&'e ! at you mig t call a #etbac+*6 69ea F6 Lu+e, no))ing, #ai), in t e 'oice of a #c ool +i) ! o&) been beaten u( on by a (laygroun) bully, 6Logan&# com(uter burne) u( my co)ebrea+er*6 6W atF6 64urne) it u(E Tie) it into #ome +in) of loo( t at +e(t going fa#ter an) fa#ter until t e (oor baby finally o'er eate) an) -u#t*** burne) u(*6 Ma3 grunte) a laug * 6Logan&# a #mart coo+ie*6 6% t oug t my little bo3 !a# (retty #mart, too,6 Lu+e #ai), !al+ing off !it t e #mo+ing bo3, (o##ibly to bury it* 6So you got not ingF6 Ma3 a#+e)* Di3 # rugge)* 6Doe# a migraine countF6 Mole came in ne3t, i# ea) )o!n* 64ling #ay# Logan #!ore im to #ecrecy*6 6Maybe % # oul) go tal+ to im,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6Can % !atc F6 Alec a#+e)* 4ut Mole !a# # a+ing i# ea), #aying, 6% )on&t t in+ e +no!# anyt ing, any!ay* 4ling&# a (retty toug c aracter$an) e&) -u#t go into a yoga trance ! ile !e (ulle) out i# toenail# !it (lier# or #ome,t in&*6 Ma3 #ai), 6% a'e t e (lier#*6 6Not !ort t e trouble,6 Mole #ai), an) relig te) i# #togie* 6Any!ay, 4ling #ai) Logan ne'er let im +no! t at +in) of info$figure) 4ling !a# too ob'iou# a target, an) if #omebo)y )i) torture im or u#e trut #erum on &im or #omet in&, be#t 4ling not +no! anyt ing im(ortant*6 .o# ua #traggle) in la#t, carrying a (illo!ca#e li+e a #ac+* W ate'er t e # aggy tran#genic !a# lugging loo+e) ea'y* 6W at )i) you fin), 4ig 2ellaF6 6Not in&, Little 2ella* Sorry*6 Ma3 felt #ic+ to er #tomac * S e a) t e name of t e to!n, an) t at !a# a #tart/ but t ere coul) be ten t ou#an) or more (eo(le in A((leton* W at !ere t ey going to )o, go )oor to )oorF 6%f you )i)n&t fin) anyt ing,6 Alec a#+e), 6! at&# in t e (illo!ca#eF KibbleF6 .o# ua # rugge)* 6Not +ibble, Alec*6 8e ga>e) mournfully at Ma3* 6Logan a) #ome of 2at er&# boo+# out, #o % broug t t em along* 4ut % coul)n&t fin) anyt ing el#e*6 6Let&# #ee t e boo+#,6 # e #ai)* .o# ua em(tie) t e (illo!ca#e onto t e ma( table, an) t e 'olume# clattere) li+e big ail#tone#* A )o>en boo+# lay in front of t em* At Ma3&# in#truction#, e'erybo)y (ic+e) one out an) #tarte) fli((ing t roug t e (age#, in ca#e Logan a) ma)e a #tray note in one of t e margin#* Ma3 +ne! Logan !ell enoug to reali>e e )i)n&t tru#t i# o!n memory$brig t a# e !a#, Logan #till felt t e nee) for (neumonic )e'ice#, #o e !a# al!ay# lea'ing im#elf cry(tic little note#*

T e t ir) boo+ Ma3 (ic+e) u( !a# Gulli'er&# Tra'el#, a ar),bac+ e)ition of t e cla##ic #atire, #imilar to one # e&) a) ! en # e !a# li'ing in t e (ro-ection boot at Mann&# C ine#e T eater in Lo# Angele#* On t e in#i)e of t e co'er, ne3t to ! ere 2at er a) in#cribe) it for .o# ua, Ma3 #a! a )oo)le$a (encil,)ra!n little a((le *** A((letonF 8a) Logan, loo+ing for a ne! name for 5ay W ite, ab#ently (luc+e) one from a boo+F T i# boo+F 6We a'e a name or t!o to try,6 # e #ai), trying to +ee( t e e3citement out of er 'oice* S e coul) #tan) t e )e#(air *** %t !a# t e o(e *** 6Get me an u(lin+,6 # e #ai)* 6We&re going to #ee if t e tiny to!n of A((leton, Wa# ington, a# a &Gulli'er& family, or maybe a &S!ift,& or e'en &Lemuel&***6 6Ma3,6 Alec #ai), 6you&re gra#(ing for #tra!# ***6 6An) if !e come u( blan+, !e try e'ery ot er &A((leton& in t e ?*S* an) Cana)a *** Alec, gra#(ing at #tra!# i# t e only !ay to fin) a nee)le in a ay#tac+*6 Wit nig t falling, t ey comman)eere) Logan&# car an) !ere on t e roa) to!ar) t e u(#tate amlet of A((leton* %t a) been ea#ier t an # e a) t oug t to locate 5ay W ite* S e -u#t nee)e) t e rig t cry(tic clue# an) a little in#ig t into Logan an), o ye#, #ome luc+/ if a man name) Moo)y a)n&t gi'en er .onat an S!ift&# great boo+ to rea), year# ago, t ey !oul) not a'e t i# c ance tonig t to #a'e Logan Cale* Accom(anie) by Alec, Mole, an) .o# ua, Ma3 )ro'e t roug Seattle, u#ing er ol) .am 7ony %D an) claiming to a'e an emergency )eli'ery* W en t e #ector co(# a#+e) ! y it too+ four me##enger# to )eli'er one (ac+age, # e -er+e) er t umb to!ar) .o# ua an) Mole in t e bac+#eat* 6%t&# ra)ioacti'e, !it a (otential lea+,6 # e #ai)* 6T e tran#genic# are t e only one# ! o are able to )eal !it it !it out )ying*6 T e (ro#(ect of lea+ing ra)ioacti'ity !a# (lenty to con'ince e'ery #ector co( t ey encountere)* Ma3 an) cre! an) t eir a>ar)ou# material# !ere allo!e) free (a##age* An) once t ey cleare) t e c ec+(oint# in t e city, t e re#t !a# ea#y* A# t ey ! i((e) )o!n t e ig !ay, Mole a) t e ! eel !it a foot ma# e) )o!n on t e ga#* Ma3 ro)e # otgun, #tu)ying t e ma( e'en in t e )ar+, er cat eye# #till able to ma+e out t e )etail#* %n t e bac+, .o# ua an) Alec trie) to catc #ome re#t an) t e t!o of t em leane) into eac ot er a# t ey #le(t, a boy an) i# )og *** i# really, really big )og* Glancing o'er er # oul)er, Ma3 !i# e) # e coul) ta+e a ( oto of t e t!o #lee(ing !arrior#/ it !a#n&t often # e !a# (re#ente) !it an image t at !a# on t e one an) !arm an) fu>>y, an) on t e ot er, (erfect blac+mail material* Lea'e it to Logan Cale to come u( !it a literary alia# for 5ay W ite* Lemuel Gulli'er tra'ele) bet!een t!o !orl)#, an) #o a) 5ay* Ma3 remembere) t e boo+ fon)ly from nig t# ! en it lulle) er to #lee( bac+ at t e C ine#e* T at boo+ a) been t e one (o##e##ion # e regrette) lea'ing be in) in Lo# Angele# ! en # e&) left, #ee+ing Set in Seattle*

Ma3 mi##e) er C ine#e Clan family, Moo)y, Ti((ett, an) e#(ecially 2re#ca/ but t ey !ere )ea), an) re'enge, #uc a# it !a#, a) been ta+en* T e boo+, t oug $ Gulli'er&# Tra'el#$ a) #taye) !it er* Li+e memorie# of a c il) oo) # e&) ne'er a), t e boo+ !a# al!ay# (art of er* S e !on)ere) if Logan a) remembere) er tal+ing about t e boo+ ! en e (ic+e) 5ay W ite&# alia#* %f #o, # e&) (lante) t e 'ery clue # e&) been able to inter(ret/ t e irony of t at ma)e er #mile, a little* Maybe # e !oul) a#+ Logan about t at ! en # e #a! im*** %f # e #a! im* T e fir#t or)er of bu#ine## !oul) be con'incing t e boy&# aunt$no! u#ing t e name Sara Gulli'er an) (reten)ing to be t e boy&# mot er$to el( t em* Ma3 +ne! t e !oman !oul) be reluctant to get in'ol'e), an) ri#+ t e boy&# #afety/ but (er a(# to el( re#cue t e man ! o a) #a'e) bot er life an) 5ay&#, # e mig t con#i)er it* Once Ma3 a) t e name, trac+ing t e (air )o!n on t e %nternet a) been #ur(ri#ingly ea#y* T e %nternet !a# getting better e'ery )ay, more an) more li+e t e ey)ay in t e early &11#, e#(ecially ere on t e left coa#t, fart er from t e reac of t e 7ul#e* T ing# !ere le## #cre!e) u( ere t an on t e Ea#t Coa#t, an) bu#ine##e# !ere ma+ing a comebac+* E'en t oug t at (irate .are) Sterling a) ma)e million# bil+ing t e (ublic a# e rebuilt t e %nternet, i# )eat a) #ignale) a ne! free)om to buil)/ an) t e %nternet !a# (laying a large role in rene!ing commerce !it in t e ?nite) State#, if mo#tly out We#t* T e %nternet al#o (ro'i)e) more information t an it a) at any time #ince t e 7ul#e* No!, Ma3 not only +ne! ! ere t e Gulli'er# li'e) but ! ere Sara !or+e), ! ere Lem !ent to #c ool, an) e'en ! at +in) of gra)e# t e boy !a# getting$not #ur(ri#ingly, con#i)ering i# gene#, #traig t A&#* 6To!n,6 Mole #ai) bac+ o'er i# # oul)er* T e t!o in t e bac+ #tirre), #a! t e (o#ition t ey !ere in, an) in#tantly #li) to t e far #i)e# of t e 'e icle, eac loo+ing to!ar) t e front to #ee if anyone a) notice) t em* T ey glance) quic+ly at eac ot er, ga'e a little no) t at #ignale) t ey )i)n&t t in+ t e ot er# a) #een, t en t ey bot #ig e) in relief* 69ou lo'ebir)# a'e a nice na(F6 Mole a#+e)* .o# ua glare) at t e li>ar) man, an) Alec offere) a % cou(le of # ort !or)# in re#(on#e* Wit in minute# t ey !ere (ulling u( in front of t e Gulli'erP# ou#e, a ! ite t!o, #tory cla(boar) )ating to

t e fir#t alf of t e t!entiet century, re#ting on a !ell,ten)e) #lo(ing la!n, a large a# tree in t e front yar), an) t ey coul) glim(#e #ome ot er big tree# out bac+* %t !a# after )ar+ but early in t e e'ening, yet no lig t# !ere on in#i)e t e ou#e* Ma3 !on)ere) if t e Gulli'er# !ere out to )inner or 'i#iting a neig bor* T ey coul) be any! ere, )oing anyt ing, blit ely lea)ing an i)yllic #mall,to!n life, una!are of t e #torm #!irling aroun) young 5ay W ite *** t at i#, Lem Gulli'er* An) all t e tran#genic team coul) )o !a# !ait for t em to come ome* Leaning again#t er #i)e of t e car, Ma3 loo+e) u( at t e ou#e* S e o(e) t e Gulli'er#

!oul)n&t be gone all e'ening* S e !ante) to get bac+ to Terminal City/ getting t e boy !a# only t e beginning$a #trategy to )efeat W ite, an) return Logan, a) yet to be )e'elo(e)* S e !a# about to turn an) a#+ Mole a que#tion ! en # e #a! a #u))en illumination in a #econ) floor !in)o!, a# if #omeone a) ta+en a (icture !it a fla# bulb*** ** * an) Ma3 !a# running to!ar) t e ou#e an) u( t e la!n e'en before # e ear) t e re(ort* T e AB +ne! a mu>>le fla# ! en # e #a! it* 6GunE6 # e yelle) o'er er # oul)er, but t e ot er# !ere in action alrea)y, too, e'en a# # e #a! anot er fla# , an) t ey ear) a #econ) re(ort from u(#tair#, terrible momentary t un)er in t e ot er!i#e quiet nig t* S e # oul)ere) t roug t e loc+e) )oor an) on in#i)e, .o# ua on er eel#, Mole an) Alec ta+ing off aroun) bac+ to bloc+ t e # ooter&# retreat to t e rear* T e #tair# !ere imme)iately to t e rig t, an) # e it t e fourt #te( -u#t a# a ea) (ee+e) aroun) t e corner at t e to(, a #toc+ing,ca((e) ea) t at loo+e) li+e it belonge) on t e bo)y of a big man, ! ic it )i)* 8e #te((e) for!ar), # o!ing off a linebac+er&# frame an), more im(ortant, a nine millimeter automatic in i# rig t an)* Ta+ing t e re#t of t e #tair# in a #ingle boun), # e lea(e), lan)e) at t e to( on one #i)e an) #!ung er leg aroun), er foot catc ing t e man in t e face* 8e bac+e) u( but neit er flinc e) nor )ro((e) t e gun* S it, # e t oug t, noting t e lac+ of reaction/ any normal uman !oul)&'e )ro((e) in (ain* A 2amiliarE 8a) a #qua) of culti#t# been #ent to guar) 5ayF An) if #o, ! y )i)n&t Ame# W ite +no! ! ere i# #on !a#F 7re##ing er a)'antage, # e (unc e) im #i3 quic+ time#, bac+ing im u( to!ar) t e )oor of t e room from ! ic t ey a) #een t e gun# ot fla# , out#i)e* An) if t e 2amiliar# !ere guar)ing 5ay, ! o t e ell !ere t ey # ooting at in t at be)roomF T e 2amiliar broug t t e (i#tol u( again, an) t i# time Ma3 grabbe) i# arm an) #(un, t e barrel of t e (i#tol (ointing )irectly at .o# ua, ! o a) follo!e) er u( t e #tair# but !a# no! facing er* At t e la#t #econ) .o# ua )o)ge) to t e rig t a# t e 2amiliar (ulle) t e trigger t!o time#, t e # ot# blo!ing t roug t e front !all of t e ou#e an) into t e nig t* Ma3 ear) .o# ua gro!ling, but t ere !a# no !ay to let im by, an) # e )i)n&t !ant to, any!ay *** not until # e&) )i#arme) t e 2amiliar* S e cra# e) t e man&# arm )o!n on er # oul)er an) ear) a #ati#fying crac+ a# i# arm bro+e at t e elbo!, t e (i#tol #li((ing from i# gri( an) t un+ing on eac #tair a# it bounce) to t e bottom li+e a ea'y Slin+y* T e 2amiliar ma)e no noi#e ! en i# arm #na((e)$(ain -u#t )i)n&t #eem to regi#ter on t e#e ba#tar)#$#!inging t e lim( limb li+e a ! i(* T e o(en ot er an) caug t er on t e #i)e of t e ea) an) #ent er tumbling )o!n t e #tair#, a# if follo!ing t e gun* Some o!, .o# ua got (a#t er, grabbe) t e 2amiliar aroun) t e !ai#t an) force) im to!ar) t e far en) of t e !all* 5olling into a combat #tance, Ma3 ru# e) bac+ u( t e

#tair# an) (u# e) er !ay t roug t e clo#e) )oor into t e be)room* T e !in)o! !a# #ma# e) an) any 2amiliar t at a) been in ere !a# gone* All t at remaine) !ere Sara Gulli'er an) er 6#on6 Lemuel, a+a 5ay W ite* An) t ey !ere bot )ea)* 2rom t e all, .o# ua roare) !it rage, t en Ma3 ear) anot er na#ty crunc ing #oun) *** t en #ilence* 8eart#ic+, # e #(un into t e all an) foun) .o# ua, bloo) running from a !oun) in i# # oul)er* T e 2amiliar ung lim(ly in t e 4ig 2ella&# arm#, ea) lolling li+e a C ri#tma# goo#e !it it# nec+ bro+en* 2orcing er#elf bac+ into t e be)room, Ma3 ga(e) at t e orrifying #ig t before er* On t e floor, t eir an)# tie) be in) t eir bac+#, gag# in t eir mout #, t e !oman an) t e c il) bot lay face)o!n, a #ingle bullet ole in t e bac+ of eac of t eir ea)#* E3ecute)* Alec an) Mole came (oun)ing in from out#i)e* 64a#tar) got a!ay,6 Mole #ai)* 6We !ere aroun) bac+, e !ent out t e frontE 8e !a# one fa#t #on of a ***6 T e li>ar) man&# 'oice traile) off a# e too+ in t e bo)ie# on t e floor* 6O , Go)*6 7u# ing by im, Alec #a! t e carnage* S a+ing i# ea), e turne) a!ay* 4en)ing )o!n, Ma3 touc e) 5ay&# face* %t !a# #till !arm* W y !oul) t e 2amiliar# +ill Ame# W ite&# #onF T i# ma)e no #en#e at all to erE Not only a) t ey +ille) W ite&# boy, t ey a) ta+en t e only bargaining c i( # e a) left* S e #tro+e) t e c il)&# ea), i# air, an) # e !e(t* S e !ante) to be toug * 4ut !it t e )ea) c il), an) t e reali>ation t at Logan !a# going to )ie$an) t at t ere !a# not ing # e coul) )o to (re'ent it,$t e#e t ing# an) e'ery ot er t ing # e a)n&t crie) about for all t o#e year#, all t e !ay bac+ to Manticore, came (ouring out* S e +nelt t ere, one an) on 5ay&# ea), t e ot er on er fore ea) a# # e !e(t* Tear# ran freely, er bo)y !rac+e) !it #ob#* 6Let it out, Little 2ella,6 t e gentle giant #ai), +neeling be#i)e er no!* Ma3 !on)ere) if # e e'er coul), t oug $t ere !a# too muc to let out, t ere a) been #o many !rong#, #o muc (ain, !it no en) in #ig t* Wa# t i# t e normal life # e&) o(e) for, t i# en)le## (ara)e of (ainF At lea#t little 5ay W ite coul) #lee( t roug it all$ i# (ain, i# tra'el#, o'er* C8A7TE5 E%G8T .OS8?A 2%T T8E 4ATTLE SEATTLE* WAS8%NGTON DECEM4E5 00,010: E'entually, a# Ma3&# #ob# began to abate, Alec #te((e) for!ar) an) (lace) a an) on er # oul)er* Ma3 glance) bac+ at t e AB, #ur(ri#e) by t e gentlene## of t e ge#ture an) t e genuine #orro! on t e an)#ome face* S e #!allo!e), no))ing to im a #mall 6T an+ you6 for i# concern*

8i# an) !a# #till on er # oul)er a# Ma3$ma+ing no effort to ri#e$loo+e) )o!n again at 5ay, a# # e continue) to run a #oot ing an) t roug t e boy&# air, er finger# inc e# a!ay from moi#t, matte) bloo)* 8e loo+e) -u#t a# # e remembere) im, a brig t,loo+ing boy, air cut # ort li+e i# fat er&#, t e color more t e blon) of i# late mot er&#* 5at er #mall for i# age$#ome of W ite&# fello! culti#t# a) )oubte) t e boy a) it in im to belong in t eir 6e3alte)6 ran+#$ e mig t a'e been a#lee(, but for t e ole in i# ea)* 6Ma3,6 Alec #ai), 6!e gotta aul$#omebo)y in t e N neig bor oo) mu#t&'e ear) t e noi#e, an) !e got t ree )ea) (eo(le ere*6 6T reeF6 # e a#+e) ab#ently* 6% bro+e one,6 .o# ua #ai), furry face matte) !it tear#* 6Di) % )o !rong, Ma3F6 S e glance) at t e bea#t of a man ne3t to er, an) it came bac+ to er, .o# ua blee)ing, !oun)e), brea+ing t at 2amiliar&# nec+* Kneeling ne3t to er no!, a# if t ey !ere bot ta+ing communion, .o# ua #eeme) obli'iou# to i# o!n !oun), muc le## t e +nife bla)e #till in i# # oul)er* 69ou o+ay, 4ig 2ellaF6 8e # oo+ i# ea)* 6Too late,6 e #ai)* T e eye# brimme) !it more tear#* 64oy # oul)n&t a'e to, Ma3*6 68a'e to*** F6 6Ta+e one* 2or t e team*6 An) t e tear# o'erflo!e)* S e remo'e) er an) from t e )ea) boy&# ea) an) #tro+e) t e #i)e of .o# ua&# !arm, !et face* Alec #quee>e) er # oul)er* 6Ma3E6 69ou&re rig t, Alec* Let&# # a+e it*6 S e ro#e, #elf,control floo)ing t roug er/ # e !ille) er#elf into a col)ly bu#ine##li+e #tate* 8er #en#e of (ur(o#e a) returne), in #(a)e#* S e quic+ly mo'e) out into t e all, ! ere .o# ua a) left t e lim( figure !it it# bro+en nec+, a fact ma)e ob'iou# by t e #e'ere im(o##ible angle of it, a# t at nec+ !a# almo#t none3i#tent, t e large ea) #itting on broa) # oul)er#* T e man&# !i)e eye# (eere) out em(tily t roug t e eye ole# of t e #toc+ing ma#+* S e +nelt o'er t i# cor(#e !it con#i)erably le## com(a##ion t an # e a) t e c il)&#* T e 2amiliar !ore familiar TAC fatigue#, an) Ma3 a) a (retty goo) i)ea ! at # e !a# going to fin) e'en before # e -er+e) t e #toc+ing ca( off t e man&# big ea)* T e blon) guar) from t e Lyman Cale e#tate* Otto* Or !a# it 2ran>F S e )i)n&t remember* Not t at it mattere)* S e felt it #afe to a##ume i# (artner, t e )ar+, aire) one$2ran>, or Otto, ! ate'er t e ell$ a) been t e one to e#ca(e t roug t at be)room !in)o!* S e #too)* Alec #ai), 6Ma3 *** come onE We gotta blo! t i# (o( #tan)*6 6S ut,u(,6 # e #ai)* 6%&m t in+ing*6 6Maybe you coul) )o t at in t e car*6 6Alec, # ut,u(*6 W at t e ell !a# going on ereF T e 2amiliar#, !or+ing for Lyman CaleF

Only, Lyman Cale !a# a 'egetable, a CG% image in (ublic, an) in (ri'ate a u#+ oo+e) u( to life #u((ort *** No one really !or+e) for im, )i) t eyF T at #ecurity team, inclu)ing t e t!o bra!ny one#$ 2amiliar#$re(orte) to Lyman Cale&# (ri'ate #ecretary, t at #lic+ e'er,#o, el(ful bureaucrat, 2ran+lin 4o#toc+* Wa# 4o#toc+ t e an#!erF A #trong (o##ibility, but Alec !a# rig t$t i# !a# not t e time or (lace to !or+ out all t e maybe#/ t ey in)ee) nee)e) to aul* 2ar a!ay, but getting clo#er, #iren# !aile) mournfully, a# if +no!ing in a)'ance about t e c il)&# tragic )eat * 6Com(any comin&,6 Mole gro!le), at er #i)e* 6O+ay,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6.o# ua, can you carry t i# guyF6 Still ignoring t e +nife in i# # oul)er, .o# ua re#(on)e) by reac ing )o!n, grabbing t e cor(#e an) to##ing it o'er i# goo) # oul)er, li+e a #ac+ of grain* Alec&# eye# !i)ene) an) i# mout )ro((e) li+e a tra()oor* 6W at t e ell*** F6 6Mole,6 Ma3 #ai), no,non#en#e, 6get t e boy* Wra( im in a ! ite # eet*6 Mole&# cigar fell out of i# mout * 6No frea+in& !ayE W at +in)a g ouli# # it$6 Ma3 t um(e) t e li>ar) man&# c e#t !it t!o finger#* 6T e +i) i# )ea)* W en % #ai) !e !oul)n&t tra)e t e boy for Logan, % meant a breat ing 5ay W ite* %t&# not going to urt t at (oor boy no!, ta+ing a ri)e !it u#*6 Alec, i# eye# a# orrifie) a# t ey !ere uge, #te((e) u(* 6Ma3, a'e you com(letely lo#t itF T i# (lan beyon) #uc+#E6 S e latc e) onto Alec&# # oul)er !it a an) t at !a# no! ere near a# gentle a# i# a) been* 6Toug en u(, girl#E *** Ame# W ite&# going to !ant (roof of ! at a((ene) ere* T at it !a# t e 2amiliar# ! o betraye) im, not u#E6 69ou mean, t e boy *** i# bo)y*** i# e'i)ence,6 Mole #ai), (ic+ing u( i# cigar* 69ou&re go))amn rig t e&# e'i)enceE6 a !il),eye) Alec #ai) a# t e #iren# gre! more in#i#tent* 69ou&re gonna (ut t!o cor(#e# in our car, ! at, in t e trun+F6 6T at&# t e i)ea,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6An) if !e get #to((e) by t e co(#,6 Alec #ai), 6 o! )o !e e3(lain t atF6 62irmly,6 # e #ai)* 6Mole, Alec$)o it*** or bail* %f you&re not (re(are) to follo! my lea), rig t no!$ bail*6 Alec #!allo!e) an) #ig e)*** an) no))e) i# commitment* Mole !a# alrea)y ea)ing bac+ into t e be)room, to (re(are t e #mall #a) (ac+age* An) Ma3 !a# no longer a )i#traug t young !oman, nor !a# .o# ua an u(#et o'er#i>e te))y bear$all four of t e tran#genic# ma)e u( a ig ly traine) combat team again <T an+ you, Colonel Ly)ec+er, Ma3 t oug t, for #mall fa'or#=, an) not ing t e 2amiliar# an)Hor Ame# W ite a) to t ro! at t em !a# going to #to( t em* T ey !ere out of t e Gulli'er ou#e in le## t an a minute, an)$!it t e t!o bo)ie#, t e boy&# # eet,!ra((e), tuc+e) in t e trun+ of Logan Cale&# car$ t ey too+ off, but carefully, Mole #cru(ulou#ly obeying t e #(ee) limit* T oug t e #iren# increa#e), Ma3 an) er unli+ely teammate# ne'er e'en #a! a #qua) car* W en t ey it t e e)ge of to!n !it out being #to((e), Mole #(e) u( a little, but e +e(t !it in a fe! mile# of t e limit* 6W ere toF6 t e )ri'er a#+e) at la#t* 6Or are !e -u#t gonna crui#e aroun) !it our (a##enger# until t ey #tart gettin& ri(eF6

6T ree Tree 7oint,6 Ma3 #ai)* Mole # ot er a loo+* S e ga'e im a # ar( glance bac+* 6Do % #tutterF6 6W y in t e ellF6 6Someone !e nee) to tal+ to*6 Alec leane) for!ar) from t e bac+#eat* 69ou nee) to tal+ to #omebo)y on Lyman Cale&# e#tate, rig tF6 S e alf turne)* 6Not ba), Alec*6 Mole, not ta+ing i# eye# off t e roa), #ai), 6W atF6 Alec e3(laine)* 6T ere&# no ot er rea#on to go to T ree Tree 7oint t an to #teal a boat an) ea) for t e Cale man#ion*6 Ma3 #mile) grimly* 6See, AlecF 9ou&re not -u#t a (retty face*6 6An) you really )o a'e a (lan t at )oe#n&t #uc+,6 e #ai) !it i# o!n grim #mile* Catc ing u( !it t em, Mole #ai), 6So, t en*** t e guy in t e trun+ ! o nee)# a c iro$ e&# from Cale&#, rig tF6 S e no))e), an) quic+ly fille) t em in* 6So,6 Mole #ai), 6#ince .o# ua +ille) T!ee)le)ee, an) #ince T!ee)le)um got a!ay from u# *** t ey&re (robably gonna be !aitin& for u#*6 6Wit bell# on,6 Ma3 #ai)* A grin crea#e) Mole&# re(tilian feature#* 6.u#t t in+ o! #ic+ t ey&re gonna loo+ ! en !e +ic+ t eir a##e#, any!ay*6 Wit t e e3ce(tion of .o# ua, t ey all #mile) at Mole&# bra'a)o* Ma3 only o(e) it !a#n&t mi#(lace)* S e a) foug t 2amiliar# before an) !a# ama>e) at o! muc (ain t ey ab#orbe) !it #eemingly no re#(on#e* S e a) #een Ame# W ite # oot im#elf in t e arm an) not e'en flinc * T!o of t em a) gange) u( on er ! en # e trie) to free 5ay t e fir#t time, an) no matter o! ar) # e&) foug t, t ey a)n&t e'en #eeme) to notice er effort#* S e al#o a) no i)ea o! muc of t e #ecurity #taff on Sunri#e %#lan) belonge) to t e 2amiliar#* T e burly boy#, Otto an) 2ran>, !ere ob'iou# #na+e cult can)i)ate#* 4ut 2amiliar# )i)n&t al!ay# loo+ li+e to( ( y#ical #(ecimen# fre# from t e gym* W ite im#elf !a# of rat er a'erage buil), an) yet in combat again#t im, # e&) a) (lenty of trouble* Grante), # e an) .o# ua an) ot er tran#genic# a) #core) a 'ictory o'er W ite&# #na+e,cult SWAT team t at time at .am 7ony/ but e'ery fig t !it t e 2amiliar# a) (ro'en to be ar)uou#, to #ay t e lea#t$ you a) to beat t em into uncon#ciou#ne## or cri((le t em or +ill t em to ta+e t em out* S e !on)ere) ! at t e four of t em coul) manage if t e 2amiliar# #eriou#ly outnumbere) t em on Lyman Cale&# (ri'ate i#lan)* 6Let&# (ull o'er,6 # e #ai) ! en # e felt t ey !ere #afely out of to!n, 6an) get .o# ua (atc e) u( before !e )o anyt ing el#e*6 6.o# ua i# fine,6 .o# ua #ai), t e +nife ilt #tic+ing out of im li+e a #lot,mac ine an)le* 6S ut,u(, .o# ua,6 Ma3 #ai)*

6S ut,u(F6 69e#*6 6O+ay, Ma3*6 6Goo)*6 6Ma3F6 69e#, .o# uaF6 6Are you ma) at meF6 6No, .o# ua*6 64ecau#e you #ai) &# ut,u(,& an) .o# ua t oug t$6 6S ut,u(, .o# ua*6 69e#, Ma3*6 8un+ere) o'er t e ! eel, Mole #ai), 6% +no! a (lace not far from ere* Nice an) (ri'ate*6 Ma3 )i)n&t e'en !ant to +no! o! Mole +ne! about (lace# bet!een A((leton an) Seattle* Sometime# # e a) to remin) er#elf t at t e tran#,genic# a)n&t all mo'e) )irectly from Manticore to Terminal City* After (ulling off t e ig !ay an) onto a ram(, t en onto a t!o,lane roa) from t ere, Mole too+ t em a goo) mile from t e four,lane before e turne) into a fiel) on a tractor,acce## lane an) #to((e) t e car be in) a #tan) of a((le tree#, ra'age) by t e recent col) #(ell/ t e #+eletal tree# remaine) t ic+ enoug to bloc+ any 'ie! of t em from t e ig !ay, an) one of t em ga'e Ma3 a (lace to #it .o# ua )o!n an) (ro( im u(, ! ile # e )i) a quic+ triage* 6Mole, you got your lig terF6 # e a#+e)* 8e no))e)* 6Gonna nee) it* Got a +nifeF6 Anot er no)* Alec # oo+ i# ea) an) #ai) to Mole, 6W at if # e&) a#+e) you for a am #an)!ic F6 68o! )o you +no! % )on&t a'e one in my bac+ (oc+etF6 Mole a#+e) t e AB* 6Any!ay, Manticore )i) # are t eir motto !it t e 4oy Scout#, &member*6 8e ga'e Alec a little t ree,fingere) #alute* 64e (re(are)*6 Alec ga'e Mole a one,fingere) #alute* 68eat t e +nife bla)e,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6W en % (ull t i# t ing out, %&m gonna !ant to cauteri>e t e !oun)*6 Alec #mir+e)* 69ou can ta+e t e girl out of Manticore, but you can&t ta+e Manticore out of t e girl*6 .o# ua loo+e) a little )ubiou#, #itting t ere !it i# bac+ again#t an a((le tree, t e moon illuminating i# canine feature# !it a lo'ely i'ory ca#t* T e tem(erature #eeme) to be #lo!ly ri#ing* Mole mo'e) t e flame o'er t e bla)e of i# +nife, an) Ma3 coul) #ee .o# ua #taring at it, i# eye# gro!ing !i)er !it eac (a##ing #econ)* W en t e bla)e glo!e) re), Ma3 !ent to !or+* S e #tarte) !it t e +nife in .o# ua&# # oul)er* 69ou rea)y, 4ig 2ellaF6 8e gul(e) an) #ai), 65ea)y, Little 2ella,6 an) Ma3 -er+e) t e +nife out of i# # oul)er* .o# ua let out a (iteou# o!l, i# eye# gro!ing !i)e, an) e uncon#ciou#ly

#tarte) # a+ing i# ea) a# # e )ro((e) one +nife an) el) out er an) for Mole to gi'e er t e eate) one* 8i# eye# glue) to t e glo!ing bla)e, .o# ua ! im(ere) li+e a (u((y* 68ey,6 # e #ai), 6! o lo'e# youF6 69,9,9ou ),)oF6 6T at&# rig t, 4ig 2ella*6 6.o# ua lo'e# Ma3, too, Little 2ella*6 An) !it i# eye# on er#, # e grinne), e grinne), t en # e (re##e) t e ot bla)e into i# !oun), an) t e !ere!olf o!l t at roare) from )ee( !it in im remin)e) Ma3 of .o# ua&# brot er %#aac an) t e #cream# of (ain e elicite) ! en in t e t roe# of i# omici)al rage* Sur(ri#ingly, t e t!o brot er# )i)n&t #oun) all t at )ifferent*** ! ic !a# enoug to gi'e Ma3 a little # i'er* S e !it )re! t e +nife an), un)er t e flame from Mole&# lig ter, in#(ecte) er !or+* 6Loo+ing goo),6 # e #ai)* .o# ua ga'e er a fro!n t at #ai) e !a#n&t a# im(re##e), an) t at (ulling t e 6Little 2ella6 limb from limb may a'e cro##e) i# min)* 6Ma3 urt .o# ua*6 6Ma3 a) to *** for your o!n goo), 4ig 2ella* 8ey, it&# going to be all rig t no!* 5e#t for a little ! ile* %&ll be rig t ere*6 8e eye) t e +nife !arily until # e an)e) it bac+ to Mole* 65e#t, % #ai),6 # e #col)e)* Lea'ing t e bea#t man to #lee( again#t t e tree, t e ot er# mo'e) off a little !ay# an) foun) (lace# to #it on t e groun)* Ma3 loo+e) u( at a million #tar#* %t !a# a )ifferent #+y out ere, #ome o!$more #tar#, brig ter moon, remin)ing er of t e nig t t e t!el'e of t em a) e#ca(e) from Manticore* %t a) been a long tri( #ince t en, er only goal to fin) a ome, to #ettle )o!n* No!, in Terminal City, # e a) a ome, all rig t/ but being out ere, on t e run again, remin)e) er of o! clau#tro( obic t e city a) become* Mole yan+e) an automatic (i#tol fitte) !it a #ilencer out of i# belt an) #et it on t e groun) in front of im* 6W ere )i) you (ull t at out ofF6 # e a#+e)* Alec #mir+e)* 6Are you #ure you !anna +no!F6 Mole tilte) i# ea) in t e )irection of A((leton* 62rom t e Gulli'er ou#e* 4elonge) to our no,nec+ (a##enger, in t e car*6 Ma3 ate) gun#* T ey all +ne! it/ but # e al#o !a# #a''y enoug , (ragmatic enoug , to +no! t at a little fire(o!er coul) ma+e a )ifference tonig t* An) if Mole !ante) to go t at !ay, # e a) no rig t to try to Q #to( im$not ! en # e !a# a#+ing im to follo! er t roug t e gate# of 8ell* 6Wit ! at !e&re about to )o,6 Mole #ai) a(ologetically, 6% t oug t it mig t come in an)y*6 S e no))e), loo+ing a!ay* 69ou cool !it itF6 Mole a#+e)* 6No*6 69ou !ant me to to## itF6 6Do ! at you a'e to*6

6% ate to bring t i# u(,6 Alec #ai) to er* 64ut ! at e3actly i# your (lanF6 Mole grinne)* 6Ste( one, fin) t e#e a## ole#/ #te( t!o, +ic+ t eir a##e#*6 6Ma3,6 Alec #ai), 6i# t at your (lanF6 Cigar -utting t reatening, Mole a#+e), 6W at (art )i)n&t you getF Ste( one, or #te( t!oF6 Ma3 cut in* 6T i# i#n&t about re'enge, remember* %t&# about +i)na((ing*6 Ob'iou#ly not #ure e !a# follo!ing er, Alec a#+e), 6Logan&# +i)na((ing, you meanF6 6No* T i# time !e &re t e +i)na((er#*6 Alec rai#e) an eyebro!* 6Well, % gue## t at&# a #te( u( from your la#t a##ignment$ bo)y,#natc ing*6 Ma3 ignore) t at* 6Our target i# Lyman Cale&# ma,-or)omo, 2ran+lin 4o#toc+* 8e&# t e +ey* Not ing a((en# !it in t at com(oun) !it out i# a((ro'al* Stan)# to rea#on, e&# eit er a 2amiliar or in t eir (oc+et$ e 'ery li+ely #ent t o#e t!o #na+e,cult goon# to +ill t at c il)*6 6An) i# mot er,6 Alec #ai)* Ma3 # oo+ er ea)* 6T e mot er !a# -u#t collateral )amage*6 Mole #ai), 6W at you&re #ayin& i#, )on&t ice t e 4o#toc+ )u)e*6 64ingo,6 Ma3 #ai)* 68i# #lea>y #elf, !e nee) ali'e*6 69ou t in+F6 Alec a#+e)* 6We&re auling t!o #tiff# aroun), alrea)y$! at&# one moreF6 Ma3 )i)n&t +no! ! et er to be irritate) by Alec or amu#e)$Alec, t e guy ! o al!ay# cut corner#, ! o al!ay# loo+e) for t e angle, !a# #u))enly t e con#er'ati'e of t e grou(* A #quea+y,clean Alec !a# #ome o! a frig tening t oug t* S e !a# about to gi'e im #ome goo),nature) ell about it ! en er cell ( one c ir(e) in er (oc+et* S e (ulle) it out an) (unc e) a button* 6Go for Ma3*6 6Do you a'e my #on yetF 6 Ame# W ite* A# al!ay#, t at 'oice #ent a c ill t roug er* 6Wor+ing on it,6 # e #ai)* 6We +no! ! ere e i#*6 6Cloc+&# tic+ing, CB0* Only t!o )ay# to go* 9ou&re going to )o t e rig t t ing, aren &tyouF6 6Doing my be#t*6 6Not (laying game#F W y )o % t in+ you alrea)y a'e my #onF6 6%&m not (laying game#* 4ut % (romi#e you, !e !ill )eli'er im*6 Some o!, e'en t oug t i# !a# Ame# W ite, it #ic+ene) er to lie to t e boy&# (arent$not lie, really, li+e Original Cin)y #ai)* * * a #in of omi##ion, not commi##ion$! en t e c il) lay bun)le) in a ! ite,# eet # rou) in t e trun+ of a nearby car* 6% !ant 5ay to !a+e u( C ri#tma# morning in a bran) ne! !orl),6 W ite&# (roce##e) 'oice #ai) confi)ently into er ear* 6Ma+e it a((en, CB0, an) your frien) Logan mig t li'e to #ee t e ne! year, t at bran) ne! !orl)* * * an) !e can (ut our )ifference# be in) u#*6 W at t e ell )i) t at mean, a 6bran) ne! !orl)6F

6%&m coo(erating, W ite* Wor+ing to ma+e it a((en*6 6% o(e you are* No!, )on&t #cre! t i# u(, CB0$ your frien) i# counting on you*6 6Let me tal+ to im*6 W ite laug e) mirt le##ly* 6% !ill, ! en you let me tal+ to 5ay*6 6Can&t rig t no!*6 67ut# u# in t e #ame boat, )oe#n&t itF Well, t en ***6 Were t ey in t e 6#ame boat6F Wa# Logan )ea)$ a# )ea) a# 5ay W iteF 6%f % )on&t tal+ to Logan,6 # e #ai), 6no )eal*6 6Do you really t in+ you &re in a (o#ition to negotiate, CB0F % a'e to #ay, for all our )ifference#, % )o a)mire your confi)ence* 9ou a'e a certain ** * (re#ence*6 69ea , !ell* Girl&# gotta try*6 6Try t i#, CB0$li+e it or not, !e &re bot going to a'e to # o! a little fait ere*6 62ait F6 6Not an attribute eit er of u# !oul) e'er li+ely be accu#e) of a'ing in abun)ance* * * but in t i# #ituation, it !oul) #eem require)* Come# )o!n to t i#D you ol) u( your en), an) %&ll ol) u( mine*6 6W y i# it % a'e trouble belie'ing you&ll ol) u( your en)F6 6A * T at&# ! ere t e fait come# in*&6 T e ( one clic+e) )ea) in er ear* S e loo+e) at it for a long moment, an) re#i#te) t e urge to fling it again#t a tree* 6W at !a# t at aboutF6 Alec a#+e)* 6.u#t Ame# W ite, bu#ting my c o(#,6 # e #ai)* 6W at el#e i# ne!F6 6Doe# e +no! about 5ayF6 6% )on&t t in+ #o* % #u((o#e it&# (o##ible *** e'il ba#tar) li+e W ite* 4ut my rea)ing of t i# i#, e really )oe# !ant i# #on bac+ *** may e'en &lo'e& im, in i# #ic+o Ame# W ite !ay*6 6% !oul)n&t +no! muc about (arental lo'e,6 Alec #ai)* 68ar) to bon) !it a te#t tube*6 6% ear you,6 # e #ai)* 64ut my gut #ay#, W ite i# a 'ictim ere, too$ i# #on !a# mur)ere)* An), )ar+ a# it may #oun), t at may be to our a)'antage*6 Mole c om(e) on t e cigar, fro!ning* 68o! t e ell*** F6 6%f !e can con'ince W ite t at t e 2amiliar# +ille) i# boy, an) #ol) im out, t en it maybe ta+e# t e eat off u#, get# u# Logan bac+, an) turn# W ite again#t t e cult*6 Alec #norte) a laug * 6O , yea $t at !oul) be a nice bonu#* Get Logan bac+, an) ta+e )o!n t e #na+e cult*6 6%&m -u#t #ayin&$ e&# been betraye), an) % )on&t t in+ e +no!# it* W ite t in+# !e a'en&t gotten to 5ay yet, an) a# no i)ea t at i# #on&# )ea)* On t e ot er an), if W ite fin)# out t e boy&# )ea) before !e can con'ince im it !a#n&t our fault***6 Grim no)# from bot Alec an) Mole com(lete) t e t oug t* T ey got mo'ing* Mole #tuffe) t e (i#tol bac+ in i# belt, Alec an) Ma3 el(e) a #lig tly groggy .o# ua bac+ into t e car, an) t ey ma)e for Seattle, Ma3 trying not to )!ell on t e bo)ie# in t e trun+*

At T ree Tree 7oint, ! ere #ecurity !a# la3, to #ay t e lea#t, t ey el(e) t em#el'e# to a motorboat$ Ma3 t oug t it mig t be t e #ame one from er (re'iou# tri( to Sunri#e %#lan)* T e car !it it# trun+ful of cor(#e# !a# lying lo! in a )im corner of t e (ar+ing lot* T ey !oul) a'e t e co'er of )ar+ne## for t eir a((roac , but$true to t e i#lan)&# name$t ey !oul) arri'e -u#t a# t e #un (ee+e) o'er t e ori>on* T at )i)n&t ma+e Ma3 feel any better, but t ere !a# not ing to be )one about it* A# t ey )rone) acro## 7uget Soun), Ma3 lai) out a (lan of action for ta+ing t e i#lan)* None of er cre! que#tione) any of er #trategy/ no -o+e#, no )oubt#$ a comman)o #qua) rea)y to #er'e t eir lea)er* Again u#ing a rubber raft, Ma3 an) er tran#genic trio it t e beac -u#t a# t e #+y lig tene) in t e ea#t* Ma3 !a# mil)ly #ur(ri#e) t at no one !a# !aiting for t em at t e # ore* ?#ing an) #ignal#, # e communi, cate) t at t ey # oul) #(rea) out an) a((roac t e ou#e in (air#* A# u#ual, .o# ua !ent !it er to t e left, ! ile Mole accom(anie) Alec to t e rig t* S e +ne! t e #ecurity force numbere) at lea#t t!enty, an) # e o(e) er a##um(tion t at only a an)ful of t em !ere 2amiliar# !a# correct* T!enty or)inarie# !oul) barely rai#e a #!eat for eit er (air of tran#genic#/ t e 2amiliar#, t oug , t ey mig t be anot er #tory *** Again, t at brutal battle again#t W ite&# SWAT team on t e #econ) floor of .am 7ony (o((e) into er min), an) # e # oo+ er ea) a little* T!enty 2amiliar# mig t be more t an t e four of t em coul) an)le* S e turne) to glance at .o# ua for rea##urance a# t ey ma)e t eir !ay t roug t e !oo)#* T e 4ig 2ella el) i# no#e in t e air, #niffing* 8e (ointe) #lig tly a ea) of t em an) to t eir left, t en el) u( t ree finger#* No #ooner a) .o# ua ma)e t i# ge#ture t an a trio of Cale guar)# in t eir blac+ TAC fatigue# #te((e) into t eir (at , automatic !ea(on# le'ele) at t e (air* No )og# tonig t$e3ce(t .o# ua, of cour#e* S e note) t at t e t ree !ere (aunc y, (robable or)inarie#* %mme)iately, in#tincti'ely, # e #a! 4o#toc+&# (lan* T e fir#t !a'e !oul) be or)inarie#, t e 2amiliar# #taying clo#e, (rotecting t eir lea)er an) i# trea#ure, t at 'aluable 'egetable, Lyman Cale* A# (er (lan, Ma3 an) .o# ua rai#e) t eir an)#, gi'ing off an aura of #urren)er* Almo#t im(erce(tibly, t eir ca(tor# rela3e) *** *** an) in t e ne3t in#tant Ma3 mo'e) for!ar), in a blur, )i#arming all t ree before t ey coul) #tart #quee>ing a trigger, muc le## fire a # ot/ an) # e to##e) t eir !ea(on# into t e !oo)# !it t!ig,brea+ing t u)#* Simultaneou#ly, .o# ua a) blurre) for!ar) im#elf, mo'ing rig t be in) er, crac+ing t!o #i)e,by,#i)e #+ull# toget er, +noc+ing t e guar)# out, ! ile Ma3 )i#(atc e) t e t ir) !it a +ic+ to t e ea) t at )i)n&t quite +ill t e man, t oug ! en e a!o+e from t i# #lee(, e&) li+ely a'e t e !or#t ango'er a man ! o a)n&t been )rin+ing e'er a)* An) t e t!o tran#genic# (re##e) on* On t e ot er #i)e of t e i#lan), Mole an) Alec face) a #imilar c allenge*

Mole a) #(otte) t e t ree guar)# early on, an) #ignale) to Alec t at t ey # oul) get aroun) t e trio an) come u( be in) t em* 8i# (lan !or+e) beautifully an) t e t ree guar)# !ere )i#(atc e) almo#t before t ey +ne! t ey !ere attac+e)* T e be#t (art, Mole t oug t, !a# t e fact t at e an) Alec no! eac carrie) an 8KBL #ubmac ine gun* T ey !oul) #tay #ilent a# long a# (o##ible, but at #ome (oint Mole e3(ecte) t ere !oul) be more #eriou# trouble* Still, e +e(t u( i# cigar,c e!ing bra'a)o* Careful to +ee( i# 'oice lo!, Mole gro!le), 6An) Ma3 !a# !orrie) about t e#e (un+#F6 Alec # rugge)* 6S e&# a girl* S e&# a !orrier*6 T ey e)ge) for!ar) t roug t e !oo)# an) a) manage) anot er t!o un)re) yar)# ! en fi'e more guar)# #urroun)e) t em* 6T oug t you a) our bac+,6 Mole #ai)* 6T oug t % )i),6 Alec re(lie)* Ste((ing for!ar), one of t e guar)# #ai), 67ut t e !ea(on# )o!n *** #oftly *** carefully*6 So muc for a'ing mac ine gun#* T ey bot #et t eir 8KBL# )o!n, ben)ing at t e +nee# to )o #o/ t en t e tran#genic# e3(lo)e) into action *** Si)e#te((ing t e one ! o a) gi'en t e or)er, Mole !ent for t e guar) to i# left, launc ing im#elf an) itting t e guar) in t e #tomac !it i# # oul)er* T e guar) let out a ! oom(, a# all t e air in i# lung# aban)one) # i(* 4ot guar)# to((le) to t e gra##, Mole rolling a!ay an) -um(ing u( -u#t a# t e lea)er&# gun bar+e) t!ice* Mole )o)ge) rig t an) felt a bullet gra>e i# left #i)e, t e ot er bullet #tri+ing t e guar) e&) +noc+e) )o!n in t e fore ea), a# t e man trie) to ri#e* T at !oul) lea'e a mar+* S(inning bac+ t e ot er !ay, Mole unlea# e) a 'iciou# #i)e +ic+ t at +noc+e) t e mac ine gun out of t e lea)er&# an)* 2rom t e corner of i# eye, Mole #a! Alec lea(, +ic+ing out in o((o#ite )irection#, eac foot connecting !it t e face of a guar)* T ree )o!n, t!o to go* T e lea)er #te((e) in an) )eli'ere) a quic+ left -ab, follo!e) by an o'er an) rig t, roc+ing Mole* A# t e li>ar) man #taggere) bac+, t e lea)er +ic+e) im in t e #olar (le3u#, )ri'ing t e air out of im, +noc+ing im off a tree, an) lea'ing im )a>e) in a (ile on t e groun) at t e ba#e of t e trun+* Struggling to #tay con#ciou#, Mole got to i# +nee#, e3(ecting t e lea)er to be on im at any #econ) *** *** but no attac+ came* 8i# 'i#ion cleare) an) e loo+e) u( to #ee t at Alec$,! o a) )i#(atc e) t e fourt guar)$no! a) t e lea)er in a full nel#on* 4efore Mole coul) get to i# feet, t oug , t e lea)er )ro((e) to i# +nee#, (ulling Alec o'er t e to( an) rolling to!ar) Mole, ! o grunte) a# Alec #truc+ im an) +noc+e) t em bot to t e groun)* T e tran#genic# ro#e a# one an) #a! t e lea)er #crambling for t e mac ine gun Mole a) +noc+e) a!ay* 4ot of t em too+ off a# if fire) from cannon#, coming u( be in) t e lea)er, eac grabbing an arm an) u#ing t e man&# o!n momentum again#t im a# t ey #(rinte) to!ar) a uge oa+*

T ey (a##e) on eit er #i)e of t e tree, t e lea)er meeting t e trun+ face fir#t !it a #ic+ening crunc , i# arm# #li((ing from t eir an)# a# i# momentum abru(tly #to((e)* T e lea)er #too) facing t e tree for a moment, a# if it !ere a )oor t at a) been #lamme) in i# face/ t en, !it no more con#ciou#ne## t an t e tree, e flo((e) bac+ on t e groun), i# face a ma#+ of bloo), i# mout anging o(en, #e'eral of i# teet bro+en* Guy (robably !a#n&t )ea), Mole t oug t, but )efinitely out of t e game* Alec a#+e), 69ou all rig tF6 Mole loo+e) )o!n at i# left #i)e, #taine) )ar+ in t e alf,lig t of )a!n* 6Ne'er better,6 e #ai), not !anting to tell i# frien) t at it urt li+e ell* 6Li+e Ma3 #ay#,6 Alec #ai), 6let&# bla>e*6 An) t ey !ere running* A (ang of !orry # oo+ Ma3 ! en # e ear) t e # ot# from t e ot er #i)e of t e i#lan)* S e o(e) t e ot er# !ere #afe, but$#ol)ier t at # e !a#$# e coul)n&t affor) to fret about it long* Off to t eir rig t # e #a! a fi'e,man (atrol -u#t a# t ey #a! er* T e guar)# !ere only about t irty yar)# a!ay an) t eir gun# came u( in#tantly* 6Gun#E6 # e # oute)* 65unE6 S e&) alrea)y ta+en off* Kig>agging, # e coul) ear .o# ua cra# ing t roug t e !oo)# be in) er a# bullet# ! i>>e) (a#t, #na((ing branc e#, t un+ing into tree#, t e fi'e automatic !ea(on# #oun)ing more li+e a un)re)* Ma3 an) .o# ua #(rinte) on, running for all t ey !ere !ort , )uc+ing, !ea'ing, )o)ging, t e guar)# gi'ing c a#e no! but +ee(ing u( t e barrage* Only t e tran#genic#& #(ecial gift# +e(t t em from being gunne) )o!n, an) Ma3 !on)ere) o! long t eir luc+ an) #+ill !oul) ol)* T en, #u))enly, .o# ua !ent )o!nE Ma3 ear) it an) #en#e) it an) turne) to #ee, but # e&) lo#t #ig t of im a# # e #+irte) t e bullet# #till flying at er* 5olling to er rig t, # e (o((e) u( to #ee .o# ua t ro! one of t e guar)# li+e a football, t e man #(latting into a tree an) #agging to t e eart * S(ringing to er feet, Ma3 ru# e) one ! o !a# #o #tunne) e )i)n&t e'en fire a# # e ran to!ar) im, lea(e) an) +ic+e), er boot connecting #oli)ly !it i# face* 4loo) #(e!e) from i# bro+en no#e a# e !ent )o!n, uncon#ciou#* S e got a glim(#e of .o# ua t ro!ing anot er one into a tree, an) t at ma)e t ree )o!n *** Anot er one # ot at er, but t e bullet# !ent !i)e rig t, a# # e in#tincti'ely )o)ge) left* .um(ing ig , # e #omer#aulte) an) came )o!n at t e feet of guar) number four, ! o flinc e) -u#t before # e )ec+e) im !it a rig t cro## t at +noc+e) im col)* S e loo+e) aroun) for .o# ua, foun) im, t en er eart lurc e) a# # e reali>e) t e la#t guar) a) a'oi)e) an),to, an) combat a# e trac+e) i# # ot an) t e man no! a) .o# ua >eroe) in *** Ma3 yelle) a !arning, but it came too lateD t e guar) #quee>e) t e trigger an) fire) a #ingle roun)* .o# ua&# eye# met er# for t e briefe#t fraction of an in#tant, #till long

enoug to # are lo'e, #ur(ri#e, forgi'ene##, t an+fulne##, e'eryt ing in t at one bit of a #econ)*** *** t en t e bullet t !ac+e) into t e gentle giant&# c e#t, an) .o# ua urtle) bac+!ar), i# arm# flying out, i# eye# going !i)e, i# mout )ro((ing o(en, but no #oun) came out an) e )i#a((eare) into t e bru# * %n t e ne3t in#tant t e # ooter !a# turning to!ar) ! ere e&) ear) Ma3 yell* S e )o'e for co'er, rolle), an)$(o##e##e) by a burning rage *** no #ol)ier e'er forga'e anot er #ol)ier for )oing i# )uty$# e bla#te) for!ar), blurring into a >ig>agging g o#t, t e # ooter al!ay# -u#t mi##ing er a# e fire) off t e ! ole cli(* W en e !ent em(ty, # e #!e(t i# leg# an) )um(e) im on i# a##* A# e trie) to +ic+ i# !ay bac+ to i# feet, Ma3 caug t im !it a #traig t rig t t at #lo!e) t e guar), but )i)n&t urt im* A 2amiliar* 6Goo),6 Ma3 #ai), an) #mile) a terrible #mile* 6Time !e foun) out -u#t ! ere your (ain t re# ol) begin#***6 8e !a# a goo) #i3 inc e# taller t an er, an) a goo) fifty (oun)# ea'ier, an) if t e mu#cle# bulging t roug t e fatigue# !ere any in)ication, e !a# (robably a goo) )eal #tronger t an er, too* T e man gro!le), but it got cut off by t e boot # e (lante) in i# c e#t* 8e bac+e) u(, t en came for!ar) trying to get in clo#e, ! ere i# #i>e !oul) gi'e im an a)'antage* Ma3 #i)e#te((e) im, bac+,elbo!e) im in t e ea) a# e !ent by, t en$a# e turne)$# e lea(t an) bro+e i# no#e !it er boot* %ncen#e) no!, e c arge) again* T i# time # e el) er groun) an)$! en e urle) im#elf at er$Ma3 #im(ly !ent lim( an) )ro((e)* A# t e guar) fle! o'er er, # e caug t im in t e t roat !it an u((ercut* T e guar) #(ra!le) onto t e fore#t floor* 8e rolle) an) trie) to ri#e, but it !a# clear e !a# lo#ing momentum, i# breat ing ragge) t roug t e bloo),fille) bro+en no#e, e'en a# e c o+e) from t e la#t (unc * A# e #at u(, Ma3 !a# on im again* T ree quic+ rig t# #ent im bac+ )o!n, groggy* W en e lifte) i# ea) again, Ma3$tire) of er ne! game, )eci)ing t i# #na+e,cult #on of a bitc )i)n&t nee) to #uffer, -u#t )ie$too+ i# #+ull in bot an)# an) ga'e it a 'iolent t!i#t, brea+ing t e man&# nec+ li+e a celery #tal+* S e let go of t e ea), an) t e lim( )ea) form #lum(e) to t e groun)* S e !ent off to loo+ for .o# ua an) #(otte) im, #(rea),eagle) about ten yar)# a!ay, i# eye# clo#e), i# c e#t barely mo'ing* S e !ent to i# #i)e, +nelt ne3t to im an) finally force) er#elf to loo+ at t e !oun) in i# c e#t* To er #ur(ri#e, # e #a! no bloo) on i# coat* Ma3 #teele) er#elf to lift it bac+, but t en .o# ua moane), o(ene) i# eye#, blin+e) a fe! time#, an) in a #trangle) 'oice barely abo'e a ! i#(er, a#+e), 6W at a((ene), Little 2ellaF6 69ou !ere # ot, 4ig 2ella*6

6Too+ one for t e teamF6 6*** Afrai) #o*6 .o# ua #!allo!e) t ic+ly* 6C,Col)*6 S e #tri((e) off er leat er 'e#t an) co'ere) im !it it a# be#t # e coul)* 8e moane), an) it almo#t #oun)e) li+e a )eat o!l* 6Doe# it urtF6 68urt,6 e re(eate)* 6Li+e % got (unc e)$ ar)*6 8i# an) !ent to i# c e#t an) # e trie) to (ull it a!ay, but e !a# #tronger* 5eac ing un)er t e 'e#t an) in#i)e i# coat, e )re! out #omet ing re), an) for t e briefe#t moment Ma3 a) a 'i#ion of im (ulling out i# o!n eart* 4ut ! at e a) in i# (a!li+e an) !a# a boo+ *** * * * t e ar),bac+ co(y of Gulli'er&# Tra'el# # e a) u#e) to fin) 5ay W ite in A((lelon* Slo!ly, .o# ua #at u( an) loo+e) at t e bloo),colore) 'olume !it a neat entry !oun) in t e co'er t at !ent almo#t all t e !ay t roug * W en e riffle) t e (age#, t e bullet tumble) out* 6Are you ma), Ma3F6 e a#+e)* 6Ma)F6 6.o# ua ruine) 2at er&# boo+*6 5elief floo)e) t roug Ma3 an) # e grabbe) er mon#trou# frien) in er arm# an) ga'e im a big ug* 6O!E6 e gro!le)* 6A!, )i) t at urtF6 # e a#+e)* 7ulling bac+ an) ta+ing i# face in er an)#, # e ga'e im a big, !et, #lo((y +i##* T i# time e )i)n&t #ay anyt ing, an) ! en # e let im go, a !i)e #mile #(rea) o'er i# face* 8i# eye# !ere gla##y, an) e !obble) for a moment* T en e (a##e) out* 64ig 2ella,6 # e #ai), an) # oo+ im* 8e !a# )ea) to t e !orl) ** * but not )ea), t an+ Go)* 7lenty left to )o tonig t, an) no! # e a) t!o or t ree un)re) (oun)# of )og,boy tran#genic to aul out of t e#e !oo)#* Still, it !a# a ell of a lot better t an lea'ing i# )ea) furry bo)y be in)* C a(ter nine MEET T8E NEW 4OSS SEATTLE, WAS8%NGTON DECEM4E5 0L, 010: .u#t t!enty yar)# from t e !e#t #i)e of t e ou#e, Mole an) Alec u))le) in t e !oo)#* 4et!een t em an) t e man#ion lay t e buil)ing&# blue # a)o!, one la#t #ugge#tion of nig t, e'en t oug ten minute# ago$on t e ot er #i)e of t e ma##i'e, mau#oleum,quiet buil)ing$t e #un a) bro+en t roug , bringing a not entirely !elcome morning* An) yet t e c ill of t e nig t clung to t em, a# t ey #quatte) li+e o'er#i>e gnome# at t e ba#e of an oa+* 6W ere are t eyF6 Mole a#+e), t e re(tilian face !rin+ling !it im(atience* 6W at )o you t in+F S oul) !e go loo+in& for &emF6

6We # oul) )o ! at Ma3 #ai),6 Alec #ai), 6an) !ait*6 6Mr* 2ric+in& 5ule 4oo+ all of a #u))enE6 Alec offere) u( i# tra)emar+ #mir+* 6%# it my fault you ran out of #mo+e#F6 Mole #ai) not ing, -u#t #co!le)* Alec&# #mir+ #oftene) into a #mile* 65ela3, bu))y* T ey&ll be along*6 6T ey mu#ta ear) t e # ot#*6 69ea $an) !e ear) # ot#, too, rememberF T ey maybe a) a little trouble of t eir o!n*6 6T ey maybe got ice)*6 6Maybe* 4ut for no! !e !ait*6 i Mole #ig e) ea'ily an) #ettle) in* 6All rig t*** iQ but it&) be ea#ier if % a) a )amn cigar*6 6Life !it you !oul) be ea#ier for me if you a) a )amn cigar*** On t e ot er an), one loo+ at t e #mo+e an) e'ery goon an) gun on t e groun)#&) be )o!n on u#*6 69ea yea yea * %t&# a fric+in& moot (oint, ain&t it, #mart,a##F6 A familiar female 'oice cut inD 6W y )on&t you t!o try marriage coun#elingF6 Mole #!ung aroun) an) t ere !a# Ma3, coming u( a (at bet!een tree#, an arm aroun) .o# ua&# !ai#t, !al+ing im along li+e e !a# )run+* To Alec, t e #mile on i# frien)&# furry face !a# e'en a little )umber t an u#ual, a# !ell a# ina((ro(riate, con#i)ering t e circum#tance#* 6W at&# u( !it 2urball#F6 Mole a#+e)* 68e !a# # ot,6 # e #ai)* 6W atF .e#u#$6 Mole #ai), getting to i# feet* 69ou mean e !a# #tabbe),6 Alec #ai), fro!ning, al#o getting u(* 6We all #a! it, Ma3*6 8el(ing t e bea#t man along, # e #ai), 6T at !a# t en *** t i# i# no!$but e&ll be o+ay*6 Mole !a# el(ing er !it .o# ua, ! o t ey !al+e) o'er to t e ba#e of a tree, #itting im )o!n* 6W ere&) e get itF6 t e li>ar) man a#+e)* 6%n t e front co'er,6 # e #ai), an) quic+ly fille) t em in, fini# ing, 64ut e too+ t e full im(act of t e #lug$ e&# (retty # a+en*6 .o# ua #ai), 6Ma3 +i##e) .o# ua&# oo!!ie,6 an) grinne) #tu(i)ly* Alec an) Mole e3c ange) lifte),eyebro! glance#, t en Alec #ai), 6% )on&t e'en !ant to +no!*6 Mole, amu#e), leane) to!ar) Ma3, #aying, 6% got # ot, too ***6 T en e (uc+ere) i# li>ar) li(#, a# muc a# li>ar) li(# coul) (uc+er, any!ay* An) Ma3 #ai), 69ou !i# *** Let&# #ee it*6 Mole # o!e) er ! ere t e bullet a) cut a crea#e in i# 'e#t an) i# #i)e/ t e blee)ing a) #to((e)* 6Get o'er your#elfE6 # e #ai)* 6% nic+ my#elf !or#e # a'in& my leg#*6 Alec an) Mole reflecte) on t at image (er a(# a beat too long, an) Ma3 #na((e), 6Can !e get to bu#ine##F6

Alec ge#ture) t roug t e tree#* 6% +no! about your cat,burglar bac+groun) an) all, Ma3$but o! )o you inten) to get in#i)e t at )oll ou#eF6 T e t ree,#tory antebellum man#ion ma)e, a# before, an intimi)ating a)'er#ary, e)ge in front, at lea#t t ree !in)o!# on eac floor on eac #i)e of t e ou#e*** 6Win)o!#,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6W at about t emF6 Alec a#+e)* 6T at&# our !ay in*6 T e AB fro!ne)* 6We&re not going to try to ta+e out t e alarm #y#temF T o#e t ing#&:: be a# !ire) a# S+etc y on Satur)ay nig t* Not 'ery #ubtle, Ma3*6 6T i# from t e guy ! o # ot u( t e ! ole )amne) i#lan) on t e !ay in*6 Alec loo+e) urt* 6T ey #tarte) it$any!ay, % ear) !ay more gunfire from your #i)e*6 S e arc e) an eyebro!, a fi#t on a i(* 6W at, are you afrai) alarm# !ill alert t em to our (re#enceF6 Alec #mir+e) umorle##ly* 6Well, maybe t e gun# ot# alrea)y )i) t at, yea *6 Mole cleare) i# t roat* T ey bot turne) to loo+ at im* 6Anybo)y got a cigarF6 e a#+e)* 6No,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6Of cour#e not,6 Alec #ai)* 6No,6 .o# ua #ai), an) #u))enly t e 4ig 2ella !a# #tan)ing ne3t to t em* Mole ma)e a moc+,graciou# 6after you6 ge#ture, alf bo!ing* 6T en can !e -u#t )o t i# # it, (lea#eF So % can fin) my !ay bac+ to ci'ili>ation an) #ome fric+in& tobaccoF6 T ey eac came in from a )ifferent )irection, brea+ing t roug a fir#t,floor !in)o!$ glo'e) an)# (unc ing a ole an) reac ing u( to un)o t e latc $ an) rolling in, into a combat #tance* No au)ible alarm# !ere triggere), t oug #ilent one# !oul) no )oubt be regi#tering in #ome #ecurity center* Ma3 a) a##igne) .o# ua$#eeing a# o! e&) been bot #tabbe) an) # ot recently$ to go in on t e !e#t #i)e/ t e !in)o! Ma3 #electe) for im !a# to!ar) t e bac+, (robably a #tu)y or )en* Alec !ent aroun) to t e ea#t #i)e an) came in t roug a )ining room !in)o!* %n t e bac+, Mole barge) into t e +itc en, ! ile in t e front, Ma3 rolle) rig t into t e li'ing room* %f you&re gonna cra# a (arty, Ma3 t oug t, mig t a# !ell really cra# it*** T!o guar)# !aite) for er, an) ! en # e came u(, one it er ig in front ! ile t e ot er it er lo! in bac+* S e )ro((e), it t e floor ar), feeling li+e a gong #omebo)y a) #oun)e), an) !on)ere) for a moment if Alec mig t not a'e been rig t about being a little more circum#(ect in t eir entrance* T ey !ere big an) !ell,built, bot !it # ort, )ar+ air, an) t ey !ore blac+ TAC fatigue#* One !a# a fe! inc e# taller t an i# (artner an) a) a # ort, croo+e) #car on i# rig t c ee+* 4ut t ey !ere not #martD t ey # oul) a'e imme)iately attac+e) a #econ) time in#tea) of !aiting t ere, (oi#e) a# if #ome in'i#ible referee !ere counting Ma3 out* An) of cour#e Ma3 !a#n&t about to be counte) out***

4ouncing to er feet, # e it t e neare#t one, t e #carre) #uc+er, !it a #traig t, (o!erful rig t, a (unc t at coul) a'e (ut a ole in a !all*** *** an) e )i)n&t flinc * Go))amn 2amiliar#, # e t oug t* T e ot er one +ic+e) er in t e bac+, but # e !a# brace) for a blo! an) too+ it !ell, only ! en # e mo'e) for!ar) t e #carre) one +arate,e)ge) er in t e #tomac an) )ouble) er o'er* An) unli+e a 2amiliar, an AB li+e Ma3$for all er #u(erior attribute#$coul) feel (ain, all rig t*** Li+e an o'ereager )ance (artner, t e #carre) boy #(un er aroun), -itterbug #tyle, one an) on t e #cruff of er nec+, t e ot er on er bac+#i)e, an) ran er at t e o(en !in)o!* Wit no more effort t an it !oul) ta+e im to to## i# -ac+et on a c air, t e big man t re! er t roug t e !in)o!, o'er t e e)ge an) into t e yar), ! ere # e it !it a t u), rolle) a cou(le of time#, an) #to((e) in a #(ra!l* Stan)ing in t e !in)o!, t e t!o 2amiliar# grinne) at er* Ma3 got u(, )u#te) er#elf off, an) !it a to## of t e ea), flung t e air from er eye#* 62ella#$% been t ro!n outta better (lace#, by better (eo(le*6 Li+e an ugly family (ortrait in t e frame of t e bro+en !in)o!, t e t!o guar)# -u#t +e(t grinning at er* T e #carre) 2amiliar #ai), 69ou&re al!ay# !elcome ere*6 An) e ge#ture) !it a little 6com&ere6 curl of t e finger#* Ma3 #mile)* 6% t in+ % !ill ma+e anot er 'i#it* Only t i# time, -u#t for a c ange of (ace$%&ll +ic+ your a##e#*6 6Go,6 t e #car,face) one #ai), an) t e re#t of t e ( ra#e (re#umably !oul) a'e been 6for it,6 only Ma3 )i)n&t let im get t at out* %n#tea), # e launc e) er#elf bac+ t roug t e !in)o!, ta+ing bot men )o!n !it er in a !i)e generou# embrace* Ma3 rolle) off t em, lea'ing t e t!o #tartle) men on t eir bac+#/ t en # e lan)e) nimbly on er feet an) (irouette), facing t em, a !oman (o##e##e)* T ey #cramble) u( e'en a# er fi#t# an) feet fle! in all )irection#, an)$)e#(ite t eir incre)ibly ig (ain t re# ol)$t e 2amiliar# coul) not !it #tan) t e one,!oman on#laug t* T oug t ere !ere t!o of t em, t e guar)# !ere no matc for t i# ! irling )er'i# of a (i##e), off AB* T e 'a#t li'ing room$t e meager furni# ing# t at remaine) # eet,co'ere) an) (re##e) u( again#t t e !all#, li+e mute #(ectator#$ga'e t e t ree combatant# (lenty of #(ace to maneu'er on t e ar)!oo) floor* T e #carre) one !ent )o!n fir#t, a 'iciou# +ic+ catc ing im on t e #i)e of t e +nee, tearing ligament# au)ibly* 8e )i)n&t cry out, of cour#e, but any lac+ of (ain coul)n&t ma+e u( for t e ( y#ical fact# of life, an) t e leg ga'e out un)erneat im ! en e trie) to attac+ er* 8e ma)e one more #!ee(ing attem(t !it i# goo) leg, ! ic # e -um(e) a# if #+i((ing ro(e, an) t e aftermat of t e guar)&# attem(t !a# to (re#ent i# c in at a nice angle/ an) Ma3 cli((e) im !it a #traig t, #!ift, ar) rig t t at turne) out i# lig t#* T e ot er one cart! eele) to!ar) er, )eli'ere) a fa#t one,t!o an) cart! eele) a!ay* 6T at loo+e) (retty,6 # e #ai)* 64lo! me anot er +i##, ! y )on&t youF6

An) # e !a'e) for im to bring t e # it again, an) e )i), t i# time cart! eeling in an) +ic+ing er fir#t !it i# rig t, t en i# left foot, before cart! eeling a!ay$# e&) (ulle) bac+ #ome, but e )i) catc er* S e rai#e) er glo'e) an) to er face, !i(e) a tric+le of bloo) at t e corner of er mout , an) !a'e) for im to come bac+ one more time* T i# time e bac+fli((e) into a cart! eel, a((arently o(ing to confu#e er, but Ma3 !a# rea)y, an) ! en e !a# brace) for t at #(lit #econ) on -u#t one an), # e it t e floor in a ba#eball #li)e, +noc+e) t e guar)&# (alm out from un)er im an) )um(e) im on i# ea)* 8e -um(e) to i# feet, only to fin) Ma3 cart! eeling t i# time, rig t to!ar) im/ t en # e )ro((e) into a roll an) launc e) at im, er fi#t burying to t e !ri#t in i# crotc * 8e #ai) not ing, i# eye# bulging an) !atering a# e bent o'er, ob'iou#ly #ur(ri#e) by t e inten#ity of t e #en#ation* 6SeeF6 Ma3 #ai), !it a )emente) little grin* 6Some +in)#a (ain you -u#t can&t com(letely bree) out of a guy***6 An) # e came u(, )eli'ering a ar) ea) butt t at bro+e t e guar)&# no#e, t!in #tream# of bloo) eru(ting from eit er no#tril a# e !ent (itc ing bac+ into t e !all* 8e bounce) bac+ at er, con#ume) !it rage, bloo) an) #(ittle flying a# e roare) to!ar) er* At a fraction of t e la#t moment, # e #i)e#te((e) an) t e guar) bla#te) t roug t e mi))le uno(ene) !in)o!, brea+ing gla## raining all aroun) a# e came to re#t o'er t e #ill, alf in t e room, alf out#i)e* %t !a# a# if e !ere ta+ing a breat er* T en e #too), turne), bloo) )ri((ing from #e'eral cut# a# e #te((e) t roug t e # attere) gla##* Coug ing, e fro!ne) an) reac e) u( an) felt a uge # ar) (rotru)ing from i# nec+* 8e coug e) again a# if t at mig t )i#lo)ge t e #cratc ing in i# t roat* 6Got a tic+leF6 Ma3 a#+e)* 6Let me el(*6 S e #te((e) for!ar), yan+e) t e gla## from t e man&# nec+, an) )uc+e), antici(ating t e arterial #(ray, ! ic ea#ily ro#e to t e ceiling, ! ere it (ainte) a #carlet .ac+#on 7olloc+ ab#traction* T e 2amiliar&# eye# !ent !i)e an) i# an)# fle! to i# t roat, but it !a# too late* Ma3 )ro(,+ic+e) im, #en)ing im on t roug t e !in)o! t i# time, to lea'e im out#i)e to blee) to )eat * S e +ne! it !oul)n&t ta+e long* Say ! at you !ill about Manticore, # e t oug t, but #cience&ll beat out (agan bree)ing ritual#, any time* S e left t e li'ing room$an) t e )ri(,)ri(,)ri( of er o((onent&# bloo) off t e ceiling$an) !ent into t e all* .o# ua !a# emerging from t e bac+ of t e ou#e, in t e mi)#t of fig ting anot er guar)$ob'iou#ly a 2amiliar <any uman !oul) be cru# e) by any one of .o# ua&# formi)able blo!#=$bac+ing t e man #lo!ly )o!n t e all to!ar) Ma3 !it a #erie# of (unc e# alternating bet!een face an) belly* T e guar) !a# (utting u( a goo) fig t e'en t oug .o# ua to!ere) o'er im* Slo!ly, t e battle neare) er* 6Don&t be cruel to animal#,6 # e #ai)*

T e guar) turne), an) # e )eli'ere) a rig t cro## t at #(un t e man bac+ to!ar) .o# ua, ! o caug t im !it a left oo+* T e 2amiliar&# eye# clo#e) an) t e guar) melte) to t e floor* 68ar) to urt t em,6 .o# ua #ai)* 6T ey&re li+e robot#,6 Ma3 #ai)* 64ut ! en you # ut off t eir electricity, t ey go )o!n*6 .o# ua no))e), getting t e conce(t* 6C ec+ on Mole,6 # e #ai)* 6%&ll loo+ for Alec*6 T ey eac too+ off in t e )irection from ! ic t ey&) come, .o# ua to!ar) t e bac+ to fin) Mole in t e +itc en, Ma3 to t e front to loo+ for Alec, mo', ing a!ay from t e li'ing room* S e ran into im at t e bottom of t e #tairca#e, -u#t a# four 2amiliar# o(ene) fire !it automatic !ea(on# from abo'e* 4ot Ma3 an) Alec )o'e into t e )ining room, but t ey +ne! t i# #anctuary !oul) la#t barely ten #econ)#* Alrea)y t ey coul) ear t e guar)# t un)ering )o!n t e #tair#* T e room a) a long table co'ere) !it t!o # eet# an) a )o>en # eete) c air#, a# if a banquet for g o#t# !a# in #!ay* At t e ot er en) of t e room, # aring t e #ame !all a# t e )oor t ey&) u#e), anot er )oor le), (re#umably, to t e +itc en* Communicating !it an) #ignal#, t ey (ut a (lan toget er$no time to )eci)e ! et er it #uc+e) or not, an) any!ay, it !a# a collaboration$t en t e AB# #et it into action* Alec too+ off for t e bac+, ! ile Ma3 flattene) er#elf again#t t e !all, ne3t to t e near )oor* W en t e fir#t guar) came in, Ma3 -er+e) i# gun out of i# an), an) (ulle) im to er* A# # e )i), a #econ) guar) fire) at t em, +illing t e guar) Ma3 el) in front of er, a uman # iel)* Alec$ a'ing #li((e) out t e )oor at t e bac+ of t e )ining room$came u( t e all from t e +itc en, Mole on one #i)e of im an) .o# ua on t e ot er, an) t e t ree of t em !a)e) into t e remaining guar)#, -u#t a# Ma3 )i#car)e) er )ea) # iel) an) attac+e) t e neare#t o((onent, u#ing t e butt of t e comman)eere) !ea(on a# a club, +noc+ing im uncon#ciou# an) to t e floor in a (ile* Wit in #econ)# all t e t ree guar)# !ere )o!n, li+ely out for t e re#t of t e )ay, if not )ea)* None of t e t ree tran#genic# ga'e t at a t oug t, not e'en t e com(a##ionate .o# ua$t e#e four !ere #ol)ier#, bre) by Manticore for combat, an) #ol)ier# )i) not linger o'er t e ca#ualtie# t ey&) create), # e))ing tear#* 69ou all rig tF6 Alec a#+e) Ma3* 6% feel goo) *** 9ou t!oF6 Mole #ai), 6T i# i# fun* %f % a) a fric+in& #mo+e, my life !oul) be a #ong*6 .o# ua #ai), 6%&m ali'e, too, Little 2ella*6 6Stay t at !ay, 4ig 2ella,6 # e #ai)* 6Let&# get u(#tair# t en$%&ll ta+e t e (oint*** Mole, you ri)e )rag*6 No))ing, t ey fell into line an) (ara)e) u( t e #tair#, t eir eye# e'ery! ere$anot er !a'e of guar)#, coming u( be in) t em, !oul) be a ba) t ing*** T ere !ere #i3 be)room# on t e #econ) floor an), Ma3 #u((o#e), (robably an equal number on t e t ir) floor, t oug # e a) ne'er been u( t ere* ?#ing an) #ignal#, # e

#ent Mole an) Alec on u(#tair#, ! ile # e an) .o# ua c ec+e) t e room# on t i# floor, #tarting at t e en) fart e#t from Lyman Cale&# be)room* T ey foun) not ing$no furt er guar)#, no gue#t#, no 2ran+lin 4o#toc+$an) a) -u#t arri'e) out#i)e Lyman&# )oor ! en t e ot er t!o came )o!n from t e t ir) floor an) #ignale) t at t ey a) #truc+ out u( t ere a# !ell* T ey fanne) out, Ma3 in t e lea) again, Alec an) .o# ua on eit er #i)e be in) er, Mole off to one #i)e, !atc ing t eir bac+#* Ma3 o(ene) t e )oor* Ste((e) in* Lyman Cale #till lay in t e be)/ if (o##ible, e #eeme) e'en #maller, a# if e&) # run+ furt er, a !it ere) rin) lo#t in a ! ite nig t# irt, cable# coming in an) out of im, +ee(ing Logan&# uncle ali'e, tec nically at lea#t$a# t e #urroun)ing monitor# an) gi>mo# atte#te)* 2ran+lin 4o#toc+$again in a blac+ bla>er, ! ite # irt !it no tie, an) gray #lac+#$ #too) on t e far #i)e of t e be) near Cale&# ea)* 8e a((eare) calm, an) t eir entry into t e room #eeme) to barely regi#ter on im* Alec an) .o# ua came in an) #(rea) out again be in) Ma3* 6T oug t you&) be bac+, M#* Gue'era,6 4o#toc+ #ai), i# 'oice )etac e), e'en col)* 4ut Ma3&# 'oice !a# frigi)* 65ay W ite*6 4o#toc+ loo+e) u( at er, unim(re##e)* 6W at of imF6 68e !a# an ele'en,year ol) boy*6 4o#toc+ # rugge)* 69ou +no! ! at t ey #ay about omelet#*6 6%# t at ! at t e boy i# to youF Wa# to youF A bro+en eggF6 69ou&re a #ol)ier, M#* Gue'era* All !ar# a'e t eir ca#ualtie#* % imagine you&'e cut quite a #!at t roug my men, coming t i# far*6 6War#F Ca#ualtie#F6 S e too+ a menacing #te( for!ar)* 6T o#e t ing# % +no! about*** % al#o +no! about atrocitie#* W yF W y an innocent c il)F6 S e too+ anot er #te(, an) a #mall caliber (i#tol re'eale) it#elf in 4o#toc+&# an)* An) it !a# (ointe) at t e ea) of Lyman Cale, not t at t at comato#e figure a) any reali>ation of it* 6Ta+e anot er #te(,6 e #ai), 6an) t ere !ill be anot er ca#ualty in t i# !ar*6 A #mile #(rea), li+e a terrible ra# , acro## i# blan) face* 69ou mig t ma+e it before % blo! Lyman&# brain#$! at&# left of t em$ all o'er t i# (illo!* 4ut % )oubt it*6 S e -u#t #too) t ere* 4o#toc+&# eye# met er#* 69ou&re #till con#i)ering it, t oug , aren&t youF Go a ea)* Ma+e your mo'e$you may fin) me a more formi)able a)'er#ary t an you mig t imagine*** An) t en you can e3(lain to Logan Cale o! you got i# uncle +ille)*6 T e t oug t of ! at a) a((ene) to Set becau#e of Logan flitte) acro## er min), an) in t at moment ! at t i# #a)i#tic #on of a bitc a) -u#t #ai) triggere) an e(i( any in Ma3* Logan !oul)n &t a'e intentionally (ut Set in )anger$not any more t an Logan !oul) a'e )one !it er, ! en # e acce(te) mi##ion#* %t !a# al!ay# er c oice, an) it !oul) a'e been t e #ame for er #ib* An) t e trut !a#, Set li+e) ta+ing ri#+# e'en more t an Alec or Kac+*

Ma3 un)er#too) ! y Logan a) lie) no!* T at i#, # e un)er#too) i# act of omi##ion, not commi##ion *** %f t i# #ituation !ent #i)e!ay#, a# it 'ery !ell mig t at any moment, t ere !oul) be no !ay in ell # e coul) e'er e3(lain to Logan, no !ay # e coul) bear to tell im, if # e !ere to cau#e im to lo#e i# uncle, t e la#t relati'e of i# on t e (lanet ! o a) e'er #eeme) to care about im *** 4o#toc+&# 'oice gre! # ar(* 69our t!o (laymate#$on t eir +nee#* 8an)# be in) t eir nec+#*6 S e coul) feel Alec an) .o# ua loo+ing at er, an) # e turne) to t em, no))e) once, an) t ey com(lie), )ro((ing a# if in (rayer, elbo!# !inge) a# an)# loc+e) be in) ea)#* 69ou #eem to t in+ you&re going #ome! ere,6 Ma3 #ai)* 4o#toc+ no))e)* 6Out of ere, for a #tart*6 68o! e3actlyF6 Ma3 cro##e) er arm#* 69ou really t in+ !e&re -u#t going to let you t roug F Or are you gonna aul ol& Lyman out of be) an) yan+ t o#e tube# out of im an) u#e im a# a o#tageF %&) (ay to #ee t at*6 4o#toc+ turne) a bit an) traine) t e (i#tol on Ma3* 6M#* Gue'era *** youPre my o#tage* An) % t in+ you&ll com(ly$after all, accom(anying me !ill be your only c ance, o!e'er faint, of re#cuing Logan Cale*6 6An) ! y i# t atF6 64ecau#e %&ll be ta+ing you to ! ere e&# being el)*6 Ma3 fro>e* 6T en*** you +ne! W ite&# (lan all alongE 9ou !ere (art of it*6 4o#toc+ #ai), 62amiliar# )o get*** familiar* We # are many t ing# !it eac ot er$it&# a brot er oo), after all*6 69ea , li+e Cain an) Abel*6 S e # oo+ er ea)* 6%f you +ne! ! at W ite !a# u( to$t at e (lanne) to u#e me to get 5ay bac+$! y )i) you interfere !it itF W y +ill t at boyF6 T e man&# eye# flare)* 6W at, an) allo! Ame# W ite to con#oli)ate i# (o!er !it t e Concla'eF % )on&t t in+ #o*6 8er ea) !a# #(inning* 68o! coul) a +i) li+e t at con#oli)ate W ite&# (o!erF6 4o#toc+ #ig e), a# if e !ere )ealing !it a c il)* 6Ame# W ite a) o(e# an) )ream# for i# #on$an) t ere i# a #mall but (o!erful faction among t e Concla'e ! o too+ t e young#ter&# (otential #eriou#ly* Ot er# of u# con#i)ere) t at boy !ea+$ i# mot er an or)inary ! o betraye) u#, i# fat er a failure, t e ! ole family not ing but a negati'e influence to our goal# *** Let&# -u#t #ay % remo'e) a #mall (roblem*6 S e let out a bitter laug * 6So, for all your (o#ing*** you an) t i# Concla'e are really no better t an t e or)inarie#, are youF6 4o#toc+ loo+e) baffle), an) offen)e)* 67etty -ealou#y,6 # e #ai)* 6Not ing more t an (etty -ealou#y co#t t at boy i# life*6 67ettyF6 T e !or) #eeme) to e3(lo)e out of 4o#toc+* Su))enly t e calm bureaucrat !a# a #eet ing )emon* 6%t !a# W ite&# family t at bur)ene) t e Concla'e !it you tran#genic# in t e fir#t (laceE W ite&# fat er$t i# San)eman, you con#i)er im your fat er )on&t you, all of youF$San)eman lo#t i# ner'e, an) no! !e a'e you mutate) rabble to )eal !it * T at family mu#t be ma)e to (ayE6

Ma3 fro!ne)* 6W at i# t e Concla'e&# ob#e##ion !it San)eman an) t e tran#genic#F *** W at (o##ible t reat coul) !e be to you an) your t!i#te) goal#F6 %n an in#tant, 4o#toc+ !a# t e calm bureaucrat again* 69ou )on&t +no!F6 8e #eeme) amu#e)$quietly #o* 69ou really )on&t +no!F6 Ma3&# an)# !ent to er i(#* 6W at )on&t % +no!F6 4o#toc+&# u((er li( curle), an) i# !or)# )ri((e) 'enomou# contem(tD 6Anyt ing* 9ou *** )on&t*** +no! *** anyt ingF 6%&m cru# e), 2ran+lin,6 # e #ai)* 6An) ere % t oug t you el) me in #uc ig regar)*6 T e gun #till traine) on er, e # oo+ i# ea)* 69ou a'e no i)ea o! im(ortant you are ***6 6No! %&m im(ortantF6 6*** an) you&'e -u#t )eli'ere) your#elf to me all tie) u( in a C ri#tma# ribbon* 4ut you are )angerou#* 7er a(# too )angerou# to #er'e a# a o#tage ***6 8e (ointe) t e gun at Ma3&# ea) no!, eye# tig tening* Alec an) .o# ua bot #tarte) to ri#e, but Ma3 (atte) t e air, telling t em to +ee( t eir (o#ition* 6%f %&m #o 'aluable, #o im(ortant,6 # e #ai), ea#ing a alf a #te( to!ar) im, 6! y +ill meF6 69our )eat i# ine'itable$it&# -u#t a que#tion of ! ere an) ! en *** t oug it mu#t be #oon*6 6% nee) to )ie *** #oon*6 69e#* 9ou #ee, +illing you re(re#ent# 'ictory, Ma3* May % call you &Ma3&F &M#* Gue'era& i# too formal for u# no!, )on&t you t in+F *** 9our )eat mean# !e !in*6 69ou +no!, % al!ay# +ne! you #na+e,cult +i)# !ere a !ac+y bunc *6 S e e)ge) anot er fe! inc e#* 64ut maybe you can e3(lain ! y t e )eat of a mutant li+e me coul) be #o im(ortant to a mo'ement t at )ate# bac+ t ou#an)# an) t ou#an)# of year# ***6 8i# laug a) a int of y#teria in it* 69ou&'e really ne'er figure) it outF *** An) San)eman ne'er tol) youF6 6Ne'er met t e guy* 8e !a# +in) of a )ea)beat )a), ya get rig t )o!n to it*6 Wit eac e3c ange no!, # e !a# narro!ing t e )i#tance bet!een t em* 6A (ity,6 4o#toc+ #ai)* 68e mig t&'e a) #ome fat erly a)'ice for you* 8e mig t a'e tol) you to be more careful*6 S e #quinte) at im* 6Am % in t e #ame con'er#ationF &Cau#e % am )efinitely not follo!ing you, 2ran+lin*6 8i# arm #traig tene), t e gun aime) #quarely at er fore ea)* 69ou&re going to )ie, t at&# a gi'en *** but con#i)ering all t e grief you&'e gi'en u#, (er a(# you )o )e#er'e to +no! -u#t o! ba)ly you faile)*6 S e mo'e) anot er alf #te(* 6T at&# far enoug ,6 e #ai), (unctuating t e #entence !it a ge#ture of t e (i#tol* S e alte)* 68o! )i) % failF6 8e #mile), almo#t fon)ly* 6Ma3, Ma3 *** you !ere t e one ** *t e oneE6 6T e *** one*6

6T e c o#en one, t e ne! me##ia E6 6Me* %&m .e#u#*6 69e#* An) o! #a) to )ie #o clo#e to one&# birt )ay*6 T e guy !a# ra'ing/ e'en for a #na+e,cult (ractitioner, 4o#toc+ !a# &roun) t e ben)* Ma3 !a#n&t #ure o! muc longer # e coul) #tall*** 6T en maybe after you +ill me,6 # e #ai), 6%&ll be bac+ in #e'en )ay# ***6 6% )on&t t in+ #o* T i# i# a C ri#tma# tale, Ma3 *** not Ea#ter* So ere&# a giftD your &fat er,& W ite&# real fat er, t e fable) San)eman, e got Manticore (ulle) out from un)er im by a clan)e#tine organi>ation in#i)e t e go'ernment*6 6T at muc % +no!*6 4o#toc+ !ent on a# if # e a)n&t #(o+en* 64ut before e left, before Colonel Ly)ec+er an) t e ot er# too+ o'er, e ma)e one #(ecial c il)* 9ou, Ma3*6 6Well* Maybe my )a))y )i) lo'e me*6 6%n i# !ay %&m #ure e )i)* 8e )i) #omet ing 'ery #(ecial for you, Ma3$ e #(are) you any -un+ DNA *** 9ou&re t e only (er#on$or)inary or tran#,genic or e'en 2amiliar$on t i# entire (lanet ! o i# li+e t at* E'en all t e ot er Manticore frea+#, li+e (retty boy ere, an) .o .o t e )og,face boy *** t ey a'e #ome fla!e) DNA* 4ut not your#*6 6An) t i# ma+e# me t e Me##ia o!F6 4o#toc+ fro!ne) at er, a# if e !a# )ealing !it an imbecile* 69ou #till )on&t #ee t e bigger (ictureF A (ity San)eman )i)n&t (ut a fe! more grain# of %G into t at te#t tube*6 S e -u#t loo+e) at im* Wit a C ri#tma# fruitca+e li+e t i#, ! at !a# t ere to #ayF 4o#toc+, i# 'oice u# e), a#+e), 6Do you +no! about t e ComingF6 O boy* 6*** T e ComingF6 # e #ai)* 69&+no!, con#i)ering %&m t e Me##ia an) all, you&) t in+ % !oul) *** but ! y )on&t you fill me in*6 4o#toc+&# eye# # o!e) ! ite all aroun)* 6T e Coming i# t e en) for mo#t*** but t e beginning for our (eo(le* T ou#an)# of year# of bree)ing a'e gone into (re(aring u# for #ur'i'al from t e Coming*6 69ou #till a'en&t tol) me ! at t e Coming i#*6 8e rai#e) i# c in an) t e eye# a) a !il) ca#t* 6W en t e comet come#, it !ill #ignify t e en) of t e ol)*** an) t e beginning of a bran) ne! !orl)*6 Ame# W ite&# !or)# ec oe) in er min)D % !ant 5ay to !a+e u( C ri#tma# morning in a bran) ne! !orl)* 6T i# comet,6 Ma3 #ai), 6! en ***6 4o#toc+ ge#ture) to t e ceiling *** t e #+y *** !it i# free an)* 6%t&# 'i#ible once e'ery 010: year#$ t at mean# t i# year* T e la#t time !a#$6 Abru(tly, Alec entere) t e con'er#ationD 6T e C ri#tma# #tar of 4et le em ***6 4o#toc+ bo!e), -u#t a little* 6"ery goo), young man*6 Ma3 #!allo!e)* 6An), u *** o! e3actly )o % become t e ne! me##ia , out of a comet (a##ing o'er t e (lanet*** t!o t ou#an) year# after t e la#t me##ia !a# bornF6 8e el) t e (i#tol #tea)y on er, i# ga>e a# #tea)y a# it !a# cra>e)* 68ar) for me to belie'e you&'e a) no #ign# *** t at San)eman )i)n&t fin) a !ay to tell you*6

T e mar+ing#E O'er t e la#t year, rune# t at a) #tarte) (o((ing u( on er fle# $ne!, in#tant tattoo# un!ante)ly )ecorating er bo)y, mar+ing# Logan a) trie) to tran#late, !it no luc+* 4o#toc+ !a# !rong$San)eman a) foun) a !ay to let er +no!E S e -u#t a)n&t figure) it out, till t i# moment*** 6Wit t e coming of t e comet,6 4o#toc+ !a# #ay, ing, in a u# e) 'oice !ort y of c urc , 6t ere !ill be a relea#e of a bioto3in* %t !ill !i(e out t e or)inarie#$all t o#e too !ea+ to fig t, too !ea+ to be (art of t e ne!, (ure or)er*6 No nee) to #tall im, # e t oug t* 4o#toc+ !a# a >ealot$ e lo'e) t e #oun) of i# o!n 'oice e3(re##ing t e 6#acre)6 belief# of i# cult* 6Only luc+ a# (re'ente) t e cata#tro( e from re(eating it#elf,6 e !ent on, u#ing t e bully (ul(it t at !a# t e gun in i# an)* 6T e comet i# on an elli(tical orbit t at a# broug t it clo#e enoug for t e bioto3in to reac Eart only once before$! at )o you t in+ !i(e) out t e )ino#aur#F T at time aroun), t e ice age )e#troye) t e to3in*6 Ma3 a#+e), 6An) t i# time aroun)F6 6C ri#tma# E'e$mi)nig t, ! en t e t!enty,fourt become# t e t!enty,fift *** t at !ill be t e ne3t time t e comet (a##e# t i# clo#e to t e (lanet*6 Alec #ai), 6Clo#e enoug to )ro( off t e bioto3in*6 69e#,6 4o#toc+ #ai)* 6Deat to t e )ino#aur# t at !al+ t e eart to)ay$t e or)inarie#* T e !ea+* Life to t e 2amiliar#* T e #trong*6 Alec a#+e), 6W ic ma+e# Ma3 t e Me##ia o!F6 6S e i# t e only (er#on on Eart com(letely immune to t e 'iru#*6 Ma3 #ai), 64ecau#e of San)eman*6 69e#,6 4o#toc+ #ai)* 6E'en t o#e of u# !it our #(ecial bree)ing face a #mall ri#+, a# )o t e tran#gen,ic#, but all of u#$2amiliar# an) te#t,tube mutant# ali+e$# oul) emerge un#cat e)* 9ou, on t e ot er an), Ma3$t ere&# no &# oul)& about it*6 S e arc e) an eyebro!* 64ecau#e %&m t e &Me##ia &F6 64ecau#e your unique DNA a##ure# you t at you !ill #uffer no #i)e,effect#, no illne##* San)eman foun) a !ay to )efeat t e to3in, u#ing fro>en #am(le# reco'ere) from t e (olar ice ca(* 9our bloo) offer# t e or)inarie# t e #ame #ort of 'accine (otential t at !e a'e obtaine) t roug t ou#an)# of year# of #electi'e bree)ing*6 6My bloo),6 # e #ai), not +no!ing ! et er to laug or cry or )o Daffy Duc+# aroun) t e room, 6coul) #a'e t e !orl)F6 4o#toc+ no))e), a# if ! at # e&) #ai) !a# eminently rea#onable* 6T o#e or)inarie# ! o )on&t )ie imme)iately u(on e3(o#ure to t e bioto3in mig t o'ercome it, gi'en a 'accine )e'elo(e) from your bloo)* 4ut ! en % +ill you, Ma3, t at (o##ibility e'a(orate#$t e )ream en)# for umanity, an) our# #uccee)#*6 S e el) er (alm# out* 6Sure you )on&t !anna )rag me bac+ to Sna+e Cult Central, an) be t e big man, for bagging la)y .e#u#F6 6%t&# tem(ting,6 e #ai) !it a tiny #mile* 64ut you&re a gifte) young !oman *** an) ma+ing t e -ourney !it you mig t be too great a ri#+*6 4o#toc+&# finger !a# (oi#e) on t e trigger, an) #tarting to #quee>e* 4e in) t e 2amiliar, a !in)o! # attere) ***

*** an) Mole fle! t roug , rolling once an) (o((ing u( ne3t to t e #tunne) #ecretary/ t e (i#tol Mole a) lifte) from t e Gulli'er ou#e !a# no! #cant inc e# from 4o#toc+&# #+ull, minu# t e #ilencer* T ey all #too) fro>en for a #econ), t en 4o#toc+, reali>ing t e futility of i# (o#ition, )ro((e) i# gun* 6W at t e ell too+ you #o longF6 Ma3 a#+e) Mole* 6%f t i# cra>y #on of a bitc !a#n&t #o c atty, % mig t be )ea) by no!E6 Mole a) a big fat alf,#mo+e) cigar in i# teet , ! ic a) #ur'i'e) t e tri( t roug t e !in)o!* 8e #ai), 6% !a# li#tenin& on t e le)ge$entertaining 4S, too* Any!ay, you !ere about to -um( i# # it, !eren&t yaF6 T at !a# true, but Ma3 #ai), 6W ere t e ell )i) you get t e cigarF6 Mole # rugge)* 62oun) a bo3 of 8a'ana# in Sna+e 4oy&# office )o!n#tair#*6 69ou too+ time to loo+ for cigar#F6 6C ill, Mi> Me##ia $7o(eye nee)# i# #(inac , Mole nee)# i# #mo+e#*6 %f t e li>ar) man a)n&t -u#t #a'e) t eir #+in#, # e mig t a'e been tem(te) to ! ale on im* 7uffing a((ily on i# 8a'ana, Mole -abbe) t e (i#tol into 4o#toc+&# rib# an) #ai), 6Soun)# li+e Ni3on ere +no!# ! ere Logan i#*6 4o#toc+ #too) #ilently, #ullenly* 8e )i)n&t #eem (articularly afrai), ! ic bot ere) Ma3* Mole got rig t on t at, rai#ing t e (i#tol from t e man&# rib# to #i3 inc e# from i# left eye, t umbing t e ammer bac+* T e ti( of i# #togie !aggling an inc from i# ca(ti'e&# c ee+, Mole #ai), 69our (roblem, 4o#ty ol& boy, i# it&# Ma3 ere ! o t in+# t e #un ri#e# an) #et# on Logan Cale* To me, e&# -u#t anot er annoying or)inary, ! ic %&m #ure you can i)entify !it *6 S!eat began to (earl 4o#toc+&# u((er li(* Mole !ent onD 6Of cour#e, % ain&t cra>y about you, eit er$t oug % )o a((reciate t e 8a'ana#* E'en #o, %&) -u#t a# #oon (o( one in your eye a# not* So, a## ole$you rea)y to )ie for t e Concla'eF6 .o# ua finally entere) t e con'er#ation, gro!ling, 6Ta+e one for t e team*6 4o#toc+ remaine) #toic* Mole turne) an eye to!ar) Ma3* 6Scre! it,6 # e #ai)* 6W en W ite call# ne3t, !e&ll tell im e'eryt ing an) gamble e&ll (lay ball*6 4o#toc+ #ai), 6W ite !ill ne'er$6 Ma3 #ai) to Mole, 6S oot im*6 T e #ecretary&# eye# !i)ene) an) i# an)# # ot u(, (alm# out#tretc e) in front of im, (u# ing t e air in a 6be rea#onable6 fa# ion* 6WaitE6 4o#toc+ blurte)* 6Wait$% )o +no! ! ere Logan i# *** % can # o! you t e !ay*6 Mole ea#e) t e gun bac+ a fe! inc e#*

Ma3 came o'er to t e (air t en, er face le## t an a foot from 4o#toc+&#* 6Selecti'e bree)ing, an) you&re ! at t ey came u( !it F6 S e got out er cell ( one, (unc e) #ome button#* T e 'oice in er ear !a# rea##uringly #a##yD 6Original Cin)y* W atc u !antF6 6%t&# me, Cin*6 An) Ma3 outline) t e #ituation for er frien)* 6So,6 O*C* #ai), t e #oun)# of .am 7ony in t e bac+groun), 6all % gotta )o i# rent a boat, )ri'e it out to #ome go)for#a+en i#lan) in t e mi))le of no! ere an) baby#it #ome ol) coot ! o&# a 'egetableF6 6T at&# all, 4oo*6 6No (roblem* 4ut you gonna o!e me, girl*6 6A# u#ual* An) % nee) you to oo+ u( !it #omebo)y el#e*6 S e ga'e Cin)y t e number of Sam Carr* Ma3 !a# confi)ent t at once again Logan&# )octor !oul) ma+e a ou#e call* 6An) tell Sam to bring 4ling an)Hor ot er #u((ort* Cou(le guy# ! o can an)le t em#el'e# an) are Eye# Only frien)ly*6 68o#tile territoryF6 69e#$#ecure) o#tile territory, but o#tile*6 T ey #earc e) t e man#ion one more time, ma+ing #ure all of t e #ecurity force !a# out of action/ t e #ur'i'or# !ere roun)e) u( an) loc+e) a!ay in t e ba#ement* T en t e little comman)o #qua) too+ a fe! minute# to grab #ome foo)$for no! an) later$ in t e Cale man#ion +itc en* 4ut t ey coul)n&t affor) to !ait aroun) for t eir frien)# to arri'e an) ta+e c arge of Lyman Cale* Ma3 !a# confi)ent Original Cin)y coul) an)le t e #ituation, an) t e AB !oul) c ec+ in !it O*C* an) Sam Carr by cell ( one* T ey too+ t e boat bac+, got t e car, an)$follo!ing )irection# #u((lie) by a #u#(iciou#ly coo(erati'e 4o#toc+$ it t e roa)* 68o! )o !e +no! t i# button,)o!n ba#tar) ain&t lea)in& u# on a !il) goo#e c a#eF6 Mole a#+e) Ma3 a# e gui)e) Logan&# ! eel# )o!n a bac+ country roa)* 8an)# an) feet boun) by )uct ta(e, 4o#toc+ c uc+le) in t e bac+#eat, -amme) bet!een .o# ua an) Alec, ! o a) t e (i#tol (re##e) into t e (ri'ate #ecretary&# rib#* 69ou&re ea#ily amu#e),6 Ma3 #ai) to t eir (ri#oner* S a+ing i# ea), 4o#toc+ #ai), 6%&m not lea)ing you on a &!il) goo#e c a#e*& Not at all$%&m ta+ing you rig t ! ere you !ant to go*6 69ea ,6 Ma3 #mir+e)* 69ou&re a great guy, 4o#toc+* Cla## act*6 8e grunte) a laug * 69ou t in+ you&'e !on* 9ou&re only ma+ing my o!n ine'itable 'ictory t at muc ea#ier* 4y an),)eli'ering you to t e Concla'e ali'e, % !ill not only # ame W ite an) i# family, %***%*** !ill become t e c o#en one* Ame# W ite&# )efeat !ill be com(lete, a# !ill my a#cen#ion*6 6Sorry, 2ran+lin,6 Ma3 #ai), 6but t ere&# only room for one me##ia in t i# car, an) accor)ing to you, %&m it*6 E'erybo)y but 4o#toc+ laug e)* E'en .o# ua got t e -o+e* 6W en !e crucify you,6 4o#toc+ #ai) na#tily, 6you !on&t be coming bac+*6

67retty coc+y,6 Ma3 #ai), 6for a man on i# !ay to #ee t e fat er of t e c il) e a) mur)ere) *** 4oy&# bo)y i# in t e trun+, by t e !ay*6 4o#toc+&# #mug faca)e faltere), but only for a moment* 6W ite mu#t be e'en #ofter t an % t oug t if e lo#t to t e li+e# of you*6 Alec -amme) t e gun in t e man&# #i)e* 69ea ,6 Alec #ai)* 6Ta+e# a real #c muc+ to let tran#ie# li+e u# get t e better of im*6 8er cell ( one c ir(e)* 6Go for Ma3*6 6%t&# Sam, Ma3* %&m !it Lyman Cale*6 6Can you )o anyt ing for im, DocF6 6%&m arranging to a'e im ta+en out of ere by (ri'ate me)i'ac$but % )on&t ol) out muc o(e* T e man a# been nearly #tar'e) to )eat *6 6T e#e t e me)i'ac (eo(le Logan a# u#e)F6 6Strictly Eye# Only o(#* 4ling&# !it me no!* We nee) to not ang aroun) ere, you +no!$you left #ome *** tra# *6 T e man#ion an) t e groun)# !ere littere) !it )ea) #ecurity guar)#* An) of cour#e a fe! li'e one# !ere #alte) a!ay in t e ba#ement, an) mig t get fri#+y, o'er time *** 69ou&re rig t, Sam* Get out of t ere, ASA7* Get Logan&# uncle #ome el(, an) you an) Cin)y to #afety*6 6Got it* Goo) luc+* Stay #afe*6 69ou, too, Sam* &4ye*6 S e bro+e t e connection* 6Dr* CarrF6 Alec a#+e)* 69ea * %f Mr* Cale li'e# to #ee t e Ne! 9ear, it&ll be a miracle*6 S e turne) to 4o#toc+ in t e bac+#eat, er 'oice icy* 64y t e !ay, if W ite )oe#n&t +ill you, %&m going to*6 T eir eye# met for a long moment, an) e +e(t i# face im(a##i'e an) (rou)/ t en # e turne) bac+$an) ear) a little gul( be in) er* T ey )ro'e for our# an), a# mi)nig t (a##e) an) t e tem(erature turne) col), Ma3 !on)ere) ! at e3actly # e an) er frien)# coul) )o to #to( a comet t at !a# #u((o#e) to !i(e out man+in) come C ri#tma#* T e !eir)e#t (art !a# t at # e care)* Mo#t of t e or)inarie# a) # are) not ing but re'ul#ion an) fear !it er an) er +in)* %f # e !a# t eir )amn me##ia $an) # e&) a) a #ort of 'irgin birt , a)n&t # eF$# e coul)n&t #ay # e !a# !il) about t e i)ea of )ying for t eir #in#* 6T at&# itE6 4o#toc+ #ai) from t e bac+#eat* 6.u#t u( a ea)E6 Mole #lo!e)* At t e mout of a blac+to( lane t at cut t roug )en#e tree# !a# a large ! ite #ign t at #ai) in bol) blac+ letter#D 75%"ATE NO ADM%TTANCE NO T5ES7ASS%NG ST5%CT EN2O5CEMENT 6Somebo)y )oe#n&t a'e t e C ri#tma# #(irit,6 Mole gro!le)* 6T at&# t e only !ay in,6 4o#toc+ #ai), an e3cite) e)ge in i# 'oice*

6An) out,6 Ma3 #ai)* S e turne) an) loo+e) at t eir ca(ti'e, (ointe)ly* 69ou&) -u#t lo'e u# to go )ri'ing )o!n t ere$a gateF A guar)F6 4o#toc+ !a# #miling* 6Don&t !orry$! en t ey fin) out it&# you, t e !elcome !ill be !arm*6 Ma3&# eye# !ent to Mole, ! o !a# # ifting i# late#t #togie from one corner of i# mout to anot er* 6% )on&t t in+ #o,6 # e #ai)* 6Kee( )ri'ing*6 Mole +e(t )ri'ing* 4ot e an) Ma3 a) a goo) #en#e of )irection, a Manticore,tune) gra#( of geogra( y, an) after a ! ile # e no))e) to t e li>ar),man c auffeur to turn rig t onto a )irt roa), ! ic !a# little more t an a (at * %t !a#n&t !i)e an) )i)n&t loo+ li+e it a) been tra'ele) on for a goo) long time* Still, #omet ing about t e roa) a) #et off Ma3&# ra)ar, an) # e (ointe) to a gro'e of tree# off to t e left* 67ull in o'er t ere an) (ar+ it* Kill t e lig t#*6 Mole ea#e) t e car off t e roa), onto t e gra##, an) let it gli)e un)er t e co'er of t e tree#* T ey all got out, Alec #till ol)ing t e gun on 4o#toc+, t e boun) #ecretary o((ing along a!+!ar)ly* 69ou&re !a#ting your time,6 4o#toc+ #ai)* 6Gag im,6 Ma3 or)ere)* .o# ua el) 4o#toc+ ! ile Alec !ent bac+ to t e car/ #oon Alec returne) to gi'e 4o#toc+ alf a #mile before -amming a rag in i# mout an) circling i# ea) !it )uct ta(e* 6%&m going u( a ea) to a'e a loo+,6 Ma3 #ai)* 68ang ere$if %&m not bac+ in alf an our, bail*6 6%&ll -u#t tag along,6 Mole #ai)* 6No* Stay !it t e grou(*6 .o# ua rai#e) i# an) li+e a #c ool +i) !anting to be e3cu#e), an) #ai), 6Me, t en*6 S e # oo+ er ea)* 6%t&# -u#t a recon$better off alone* %&ll be bac+ #oon*6 4efore t ey coul) (ut u( any more fu##, # e too+ off* S e tra'ele) le## t an a mile t roug t e #ilent, )ar+ !oo)#, t e e'ening c ill ma+ing t e tem(erature cri#( again* T e tree# !ere clo#e toget er, t e gra## not too tall, an) abo'e er, #mall meteor# #trea+e) acro## t e #+y, gi'ing er a #en#e of forebo)ing* S e&) rea) in t at rag S+etc y !rote for about t e en),of,t e,!orl) comet, but a)n&t ta+en it any more #eriou#ly t an t e 'am(ire bat boy #tory or 64igfoot 8a) my 4aby*6 4ut t e comet !a# coming *** Still in t e !oo)#, # e reac e) t e to( of a # ort ill an) (ee+e) aroun) a tree to #ee ! at lay beyon)* Do!n t e ot er #i)e, (a#t anot er (atc of tree#$ alone in t e mi))le of a !i)e, !ell, trimme), #(ar#e lan)#ca(e$#at a t ree,#tory ! ite #tucco buil)ing an) t!o outbuil)ing#* E'en from t i# )i#tance # e coul) #ee t at bar# co'ere) t e !in)o!#, an) #omet ing C* .* San)eman, t e nutty brot er of Ame# W ite an) e'i)ently er alf brot er, a) tol) er$ ! en !a# it, a year agoF$came bac+ to er*

6%&m not going bac+ to t eir loony bin,6 C*.* a) #ai)* 2rom ere t e buil)ing in)ee) loo+e) e3actly li+e a no frill# mental o#(ital* 4elo! er, # e +ne!, #at t e #trong ol) of t e Concla'e* Logan !a# in t ere #ome! ere$W ite, too/ an) Go) only +ne! o! many 2amiliar#, an) ! at orror# *** 4ut t ey a) to go in* %f t ey !ere !al+ing into a tra(, #o be it/ at lea#t # e&) be near Logan one la#t time* T e (eo(le in t at bare,loo+ing buil)ing$! et er )irectly or in)irectly$ a) been #cre!ing !it er #ince before # e !a# born* %t !a# too clo#e to #unu( to )o anyt ing no!/ t ey !oul) #it tig t )uring t e )ay, an) t en tomorro! nig t it !oul) be time to ta+e t e a#ylum a!ay from t o#e ma)men* C a(ter ten S8OWDOWN AT 4%G SK9 CONCLA"E ST5ONG8OLD DECEM4E5 0C, 010: T ey too+ turn# !atc ing t e Concla'e #trong ol) from Ma3&# #(ot ato( t e ill, facing t e nort !e#t rear corner of t e buil)ing com(le3* Ma3 a) #coute) all t e !ay aroun) t e (lace, an) t i# #eeme) to be t e be#t, mo#t ea#ily )efen#ible 'antage (oint* T oug t ey coul)n&t #ee t e front entry, t ey coul) monitor t e (ar+ing lot an) mo#t of t e com(oun)/ t e lot a) a )o>en car#, (lu# a cou(le com(any 'an#, ! ic !a# (romi#ing$it in)icate) t e #i>e of t e #taff, ! ic !oul) #eem manageable, t oug # e !oul)n&t a'e min)e) +no!ing if t e#e 2amiliar# !ere car,(ooling* 8er foray aroun) t e far #i)e of t e buil)ing a) (ro'i)e) little more t an +no!ing t at t e #ign out front i)entifie) t i# a# 4%G SK9 5ET5EAT* W en C.* calle) t e (lace a 6loony bin,6 Ma3 a) no i)ea e !a# being t i# literal* On t e ot er an), it ma)e (erfect #en#e for t e Concla'e&# (ur(o#e#D an i)eal front, an) a !on)erful co'er for bot t eir #ub,ro#a acti'itie# an) t e +ee(ing of any (ri#oner# *** S oul) any #tate in#(ector# come &roun), t e only (rote#tation# t ey mig t ear !oul) be courte#y of t e inmate#* Of cour#e, !it t e #na+e cult in c arge, t e lunatic# really !ere running t e a#ylum* 4y )a!n, Ma3 an) er minicomman)o #qua) a) a (retty goo) i)ea of t e Concla'e&# mo'ement# aroun) t e facility* 5o'ing (atrol# of t ree too+ circuitou# an) #eemingly ran)om route# aroun) t e e)ge# of t e 'alley, into t e !oo)# #urroun)ing t e groun)# of 4ig S+y/ o!e'er, none of t em came a# far into t e !oo)# a# t e ill* 4y Mole&# count t ere a) to be at lea#t a )o>en 2amiliar# #er'ing on (atrol )uty alone* T e four of t em, u( again#t an un+no!n number of #electi'ely bre) #ol)ier# ! o#e c ief obby in life !a# to !i(e out tran#genic#$an) Ma3 !a# t e #na+e,cult (o#ter c il) of all tran#genic#, t e 6Me##ia 6 t e Concla'e mu#t #mite* 9o!* 2unny t ing !a#, trouble) t oug # e mig t be by t e (ro#(ect of t e a((arently lo(#i)e) battle a ea), # e )i)n&t feel (articularly frig tene)* T ey a) face) long o))# before an) accom(li# e) t eir mi##ion#/ Manticore a) in#tille) t at ability, t at attitu)e, !it in t em*

4ut being u( again#t an army #o clo#e to being t eir equal#, an) being )eci)e)ly outnumbere), )i) gi'e er (au#e* T i# !oul) )efinitely ta+e a (lan t at )i)n&t #uc+* T ey !oul) nee) not only a #oli) #c eme, but a )i'er#ion t at !oul) allo! er to get Logan out* S e #at ne3t to t e car* 4o#toc+, tru##e) u( in )uct ta(e, lay on t e groun) ne3t to er, Alec #itting %n)ian,#tyle, loo#ely training t e (i#tol on t eir (ri#oner* .o# ua !a# ta+ing i# turn at t e !atc (o#t, an) Mole !a# recline) in t e front #eat, catc ing >&# before t e fun* 6Coo(erate !it u#,6 Ma3 #ai) to t e gagge) 2amiliar, 6an) % mig t el( you #tay ali'e*6 8e #tare) at er )efiantly$or at lea#t t at !a# ! at # e figure) e !a# trying to )o/ mout )uct,ta(e) li+e t at, it !a#n&t really clear* 69ou gi'e me a run)o!n on t e in#i)e of t at -oint,6 Ma3 #ai), 6let me +no! o! many of your fello! Sna+e Scout# of America are in t ere *** %&ll el( you #ur'i'e t i#* %ntere#te)F6 Still gagge), 4o#toc+ !riggle)$li+e a #na+e, actually$an) #ai) #omet ing lou) an) angry, t!o !or)#, t e fir#t one guttural, t e #econ) a 'o!el #oun)* 6%&m gonna ta+e t at for a no,6 Ma3 #ai)* S e !al+e) o'er to a tree an) !it )re! er cell ( one an) (unc e) in Di3&# number, bac+ at Terminal City* S e got im on t e fir#t ring, an) e !a# e3cite)$relie'e) an) !orrie)$to ear er 'oice* Ma3 #ettle) im )o!n an) fille) im in, telling im ! ere t ey !ere an) ! at # e a) in min)* 6W enF6 e a#+e)* 6Aroun) mi)nig t,6 Ma3 #ai), an) ga'e im more )etail#* 6Can you ma+e it a((enF6 6%f !e boo+,6 e #ai)* 6W y )on&t you, t enF6 65oger t at*6 An) Di3 bro+e t e connection* 2or t e re#t of t e )ay, t ey maintaine) t eir !atc * A #mall ba#+et of col) cut# an) canne) #o)a, broug t along from t e Cale man#ion, (ro'i)e) #u#tenance$ a rat er gri#ly (icnic, con#i)ering t e ba#+et a) ri))en in t e trun+ !it t e t!o cor(#e#* T e Manticore,traine) #ol)ier# !eren&t bot ere) by #uc tri'ialitie#, t oug , an) an eerie calm touc e) t eir illto( cam(* Alec, returning from i# rotation, came u( to Ma3 an) #ai), 69ou better ta+e a loo+*6 S e -oine) im from t eir 'antage (oint an) #a! a car rolling into t e (ar+ing lot from t at (ri'ate lane$a blac+ #tretc Lincoln* T e (ar+ing lot !a# no! brimming !it 'e icle# of many 'arietie#$ mo#tly e3(en#i'e number#, but not all* 6% ma+e out licen#e (late# from all o'er t e We#t Coa#t,6 Alec #ai)* 6Al#o, rental 'e icle#* W at )o you ma+e of t atF6 Ma3 lo!ere) t e binocular#* 6We&re gonna a'e a full ou#e of 2amiliar# tonig t* Comin& from mile# aroun)***6 6W yF6 S e ga'e t e AB alf a #mile* 64ig nig t for &em*6

69ou mean, it&# t e annual #na+e,cult C ri#tma# (artyF6 6No$it&# t e En) of t e Worl) 2ling* Comet&# comin&, rememberF6 6O yea *** an), t e goo) ne!# i#, .e#u# i# comin& bac+, rig tF6 S e no))e)* 6Only t ey )on&t +no! t e ba) ne!#D # e&# (i##e)*6 Alec grinne) an) no))e)* T en e loo+e) at t e #+y* 6% t in+ !e mig t a'e a ! ite C ri#tma#*6 6Let&# o(e not muc of one*6 Aroun) )u#+ a )u#ting of #no! )i) arri'e, but not ing trouble#ome/ an) t en, after t e )ar+ came, it# c arcoal an) care##ing t e com(oun), t ey ma)e t eir (re(aration# for t e coming battle* T ey !oul) a'e only one c ance to free Logan$ an) it 'e3e) Ma3 t at t e6 fate of t e man # e lo'e) )e(en)e) largely on t e ! im of Ame# W ite* 4ut$ t oug not ing !a# #ai), not )irectly$all of t em +ne! t at more t an Logan Cale&# future !a# at #ta+e tonig t* 2or t e culti#t# belo!, mi)nig t mar+e) a ne! future for t eir o!n t!i#te) +in), an) t e beginning of t e en) for man+in)* W et er t ere !a# any trut to it, Ma3 coul)n&t #ay$! at t e ell coul) # e )o about a cometF On t e ot er an), t e #ic+ ba#tar)# belo!, ! o longe) for t e )eat of all or)inarie#, an) (raye) for t e )eat of tran#genic#, (articularly er#elf, re(re#ente) t e +in) of (roblem Ma3 an) er boy# !ere eminently qualifie) to correct* T e tran#genic# a) been bre) to be #ol)ier# to (rotect t e ?nite) State# from enemie# foreign an) )ome#tic, an) tonig t, on omelan) #oil, t ey !ere finally going to get t e o((ortunity to (ut t o#e #+ill# to u#e for t eir o!n country *** at an in#ane a#ylum* S e !atc e) t em (re(are no!, er offbeat comman)o #qua)$Alec ca#ually )oing (u# ,u(# to burn off e3ce## energy an) #tay limber/ Mole c ec+ing t e cli( from i# (i#tol <t e (re#ence of t e !ea(on #till trouble) er=/ .o# ua #itting on t e groun), bac+ to t e car, leg# #traig t out in front of im, i# mout ya!ne) o(en in a #ilent roar a# e #le(t* 2unny* T ey a) come #o far, t e tran#genic# at Terminal City$t eir ometo!n finally acce(ting t em, Alec about to run for city council, t e art# an) craft# mall re'ealing an entre(reneurial #(irit, an) a #ur(ri#ing !ell of creati'ity from !it in creature# traine) to fig t an) to +ill* T ey a) come #o far *** *** an) t ey a) come far, ma+ing it to t i# illto(, too* To fig t* An) to +ill* About ten minute# before mi)nig t on C ri#tma# E'e, Ma3 #too) !it er t ree frien)# at t e e)ge of t e illto(* T e ot er me##ia a) t ree !i#e men to atten) i# birt D # e a) t!o !i#ea##e# an) a not #o co!ar)ly lion* Well, # e&) ta+e ! at # e coul) get* Nearby !ere t e t!o cor(#e#$t e )ea) 2amiliar, rigi) !it rigor morti#/ an) t e boy !ra((e) in t e ! ite # eet* S e #(o+e to Mole an) .o# ua, telling t em t at ! en t ey reac e) t e e)ge of t e !oo)#, t ey !ere to !ait for er #ignal before emerging !it t eir grim cargo* T ey no))e) #omberly*

T en # e !ent u( to Alec, ! o !a# ten)ing to 4o#toc+, +ee(ing t e gun #nugge) in t e man&# #i)e* T e (ri'ate #ecretary #till a) not only i# mout but i# arm# an) an+le# )uct,ta(e)* 65ea)yF6 # e a#+e) Alec* 65ea)y,6 Alec #ai)* 64ut Ma3 *** before !e )o t i#***6 6Secon) t oug t#F Li+e maybe you&) ate to #ee your (olitical career ni((e) in t e bu)F6 6No* % a'e no #econ) t oug t# about el(ing ta+e t e#e #on# of bitc e# )o!n *** but Ma3$con#i)er*6 8e ge#ture) !it i# ea) to t e tru##e),u( 2amiliar* 6%f t i# guy i# rig t*** if t e#e #na+e culti#t# are correct about t i# ea'enly bioto3in *** your bloo) i# ! ere t e 'accine !oul) come from, t at !oul) *** you +no!*6 6Sa'e t e !orl)F6 6Somet ing li+e t at* Are you #ure you&re t e (er#on ! o oug t to be !al+ing u( to t e front gate# of Sna+e City, rea)y to (ic+ a fig tF6 S e )i)n&t #ay anyt ing for a moment* T en # e (ut a an) on Alec&# # oul)er* 6% a'e con#i)ere) t at* 4ut !e&re ere to #a'e Logan* %&m not (re(are) to belie'e anyt ing t e#e !ac+o# #ay *** but -u#t in ca#e, %&m (utting you in c arge of gettin& my carca## on ice, toot #!eet*6 8e grinne) at er* 6Sure you !anna an) me a money,ma+ing o((ortunity li+e t atF6 An) # e a) to laug * %t felt goo)* T en t e t!o AB# e3c ange) #eriou# no)#, an) Alec #ai), 6Let&# go !i# t o#e #er(ent# a Merry C ri#tma#, ! at )o you #ayF6 6An) el( &em # e) t eir #+in# for t e Ne! 9ear,6 # e #ai), an) t ey bum(e) fi#t# an) #tarte) )o!n t e !oo)e) ill#i)e* Ma3 !a# in t e lea), !it Alec #e'eral (ace# be in) er, gui)ing 4o#toc+, ! o a) to #ort of o( along, el#e be )ragge) bo)ily by Alec* .o# ua an) Mole, carrying t e cor(#e#, !ere #e'eral (ace# be in) Alec* Ma3&# (oint (o#ition allo!e) er to #(ot one of t e t ree,man (atrol#, in camouflage TAC a((arel* 4o#toc+ ma)e #ome noi#e, an) Alec #la((e) im !it t e (i#tol* 4ut Ma3 !a# alrea)y on t e mo'e, t ro!ing a +ic+ into t e lea) guar)* Su))enly .o# ua an) Mole$ a'ing lai) )o!n t eir grue#ome bur)en#$!ere rig t t ere !it er* A martial,art# blo! to t e nec+ from Ma3 cancelle) er guar)&# contract !it life, an) .o# ua bro+e i# guar)&# nec+ !it a quic+ t!i#t of bot an)#* Mole burie) i# gun #o )ee( in i# man&# bo)y t at t e guar)&# fle# muffle) t e # ot* Ma3 loo+e) o'er at Mole, t e gun in i# an) a# e #too) o'er t e )ea) 2amiliar* 8e returne) er ga>e an) ! i#(ere), 6% +no! you )on&t li+e firearm#, Ma3 *** but % gotta )o t i# my !ay$&+ayF6 8ating it, # e no))e)* Some (art of er min) !on)ere) o! # e coul) be #uc a y(ocrite$after all, # e&) cru# e) er o((onent&# !in)(i(e !it a +nife,bla)e of a an), t e 6gentle6 giant .o# ua a) -u#t #na((e) a 2amiliar&# nec+ li+e a t!ig *** an) # e !a# a'ing trouble !it Mole +illing a man !it a gunF Maybe # e coul) tal+ to #omebo)y at 4ig S+y about t i# (#yc ological ang,u( of er# ***

T ey !ere #till fifty yar)# from t e buil)ing ! en er cell ( one rang* 6Go for Ma3*6 6Time&# )!in)ling, CB0,6 Ame# W ite #ai), in t e #ame )i#tant, (roce##e) #oun) a# i# (re'iou# call#, a# if e !ere on t e moon an) not, mo#t li+ely, !it in # outing )i#tance* 6Do you a'e my #onF6 69ea ,6 # e #ai)* 68e&# ere !it me*6 67ut im on6 6Not (o##ible* We a'e to tal+ about t at***6 6*** %&m getting t e feeling %&m not going to li+e ! ere t i# i# going*6 6Are you at 4ig S+yF6 7er a(# t e que#tion too+ im by #ur(ri#e, a# t ere !a# a long #ilence/ # e coul) almo#t ear t e ! eel# turning, a# er longtime antagoni#t trie) to figure out -u#t o! muc # e +ne!* 69e# or noF6 # e a#+e) finally* 6*** 9e#*6 6Are you on a #ecure lineF6 6W at )o you mean, CB0F6 6% mean, are !e &alone& or are your frien)# li#tening inF6 6%&m on my cell6 e #ai), t e tone im(lying e coul) tal+* 6We&'e been enemie# for a long time, W ite*6 6We agree on t at muc 6 64ut you nee) to +no! #omet ing *** We a'e mutual enemie#*6 Anot er (au#e* T enD 6W ere i# my #onF6 6%f you really are at 4ig S+y, #te( out#i)e t e front )oor an) !e&ll tal+ about it* An) W iteF 4ring Logan*6 S e +ne! e&) be running to a !in)o! to try to #ee if # e !a# #eriou#* T ey !ere #till be in) t e buil)ing, #o t ere !a# no c ance of W ite actually catc ing #ig t of t em a# t ey ma)e t eir !ay t roug t e tree# to!ar) t e front* 6An) )on&t bot er contacting your foot (atrol,6 # e #ai), 6to come u( be in) u#* T ey&re bu#y being )ea)*6 W ite&# 'oice too+ on an icy note* 69ou al!ay# )i) +no! o! to ma+e an entrance, CB0* * *%&ll be rig t out*6 6Don&t forget ! at % #ai), W ite$about mutual enemie#*6 68o! coul) %F6 64ring Logan*6 6% !ill* We a'e an e3c ange to ma+e, rig t, CB0F6 65ig t*6 S e clic+e) off* Only a fe! #tar# )otte) t e nig t #+y an) a ea'y c ill ung in t e air* Mole an) .o# ua, t eir arm# fille) !it t e )ea), !aite) at t e bor)er of t e !oo)# a# Ma3, Alec, an) t eir )uct,ta(e) ca(ti'e mo'e) into t e clearing, t eir feet crunc ing on t e #no!,(o!)ere) groun)*

2loo)lig t# on t e corner# t re! (ool# of lig t aroun) t e buil)ing, #(otlig t# a!aiting a #tar (erformance/ but Ma3 an) er com(any a'oi)e) t em, #to((ing at t e e)ge of an arc of lig t t at # one from a floo)lig t abo'e t e main entrance* S e loo+e) be in) er, to!ar) t e tree#/ # e coul) barely ma+e out Mole an) .o# ua t ere, t oug t e ! ite of t e boy&# be)# eet # rou) finally gui)e) er to t em* S e ga'e a an) #ignal$#tay (ut$an) t en no))e) at Alec* 8e no))e) bac+* 4o#toc+, i# ear a little bloo)y from ! ere Alec a) )i#ci(line) im, el) i# ea) u(* 8e #eeme) to t in+ e !a# about to turn from o#tage to ero* Ma3 )oubte) t at* T en # e, Alec, an) t e )uct,ta(e) (ri#oner mo'e) into t e (ool of lig t* T e main entrance$)ouble #teel )oor# !it !ire,me# ,an),gla## (anel#$!a# at t e to( of fi'e concrete #tair# line) !it metal rail#* T e ne! ma#ter# of t e !orl) a) #electe) un(re(o##e##ing main ea)quarter#, to #ay t e lea#t* T e trio face) t e entrance in a loo#e line, Alec ol)ing 4o#toc+ by t e #cruff of t e nec+, to er left/ Ma3 #tan)ing !it er an)# on er i(#, )efiant to t e la#t* T e )oor# fle! o(en an) W ite$in a blac+ #uit an) a t in blac+ raincoat$#torme) out* 8e #to((e) at t e e)ge of t e to( #tair, i# eye# going to 4o#toc+* 8e a) c ange) not at all #ince # e&) #een im la#t$ i# #(i+y )ar+ air loo+e) fro>en in (lace, i# face g o#tly (ale un)er t e floo)lig t, an) i# li(# #eeme) to a'e no color at all, i# )ar+ eye# inten#e, burning* Alone, e came )o!n t e #te(#, mo'ing !it in fifteen feet of er* 6My #onE6 e yelle)* 6W ere i# eF6 "oice# tra'ele) clearly in t e c ill nig t air* 6% )on&t #ee Logan,6 Ma3 #ai)* T e )oor# eru(te) o(en an) t!o )o>en or more 2amiliar# #treame) out of t e buil)ing an) )o!n t e #te(#, in flo!ing re))i# ,co((er oo)e) robe#, mon+li+e, t e !in) catc ing t e garment#* Some !ore roun) metal collar# engra'e) !it (agan motif#/ ot er# a) )ecorate) t eir face# !it blac+ !ar (aint/ a fe! ot er# a) tattooe) face#, remini#cent of eat en culture# from far,flung 7acific i#lan)#* Many, t oug , !ere bare of face$culti#t# ! o a) infiltrate) t e !orl) of t e or)inarie# *** a# Ame# W ite a) )one, !it t e NSA* T ey fille) in be in) W ite, in a !i)e arc, a !in), # immering !all of co((er,re)* 6O+ay,6 Alec ! i#(ere) to er* 6We&re officially outnumbere)***6 One 2amiliar #te((e) u( to W ite&# #i)e, imme)iately to i# rig t$a tall !rait of a man !it angular feature# an) a a!+i# no#e, i# oo) bac+, e3(o#ing flo!ing #il'er air/ e !ore neit er mar+ing# nor tattoo#* 8i# regal bearing combine) !it t e long robe$! ic inclu)e) a #carlet ti((et$ga'e im t e a((earance of a cleric or e'en a !i>ar)* Ma3 a) ne'er #een t i# one before, yet i# )i#tincti'e (re#ence tol) er t at e !a# t eir lea)er$t at t i# !a# t e 2amiliar ! o !iel)e) t e (o!er* At lea#t, ere at t e nut ou#e* 62ran+lin,6 W ite #ai), ac+no!le)ging 4o#toc+* 4e in) i# gag, 4o#toc+ #ai) #omet ing unintelligible* 6W ere,6 Ma3 a#+e), 6i# LoganF6

W ite&# ea) tilte)* 6W ere&# 5ayF6 S e ge#ture) !it o(en an)#* 6Loo+$you&'e got u# outnumbere)* We&re on your ome fiel)* Gi'e u# ! at !e came for$ o! are !e gonna get a!ay before you get !ant you !antF6 W ite con#i)ere) t at, t en ga'e a quic+ no)* 64ring imE6 t e #il'er, aire) 2amiliar calle)* T!o more oo)e), robe) figure# bur#t t roug t e )oor#, one on eit er #i)e of Logan Cale, ! o t ey )ragge) )o!n t e #tair#* T e cro!) (arte) an) t e 2amiliar# aule) Logan u( by eit er arm/ e !a#n&t boun), but #eeme) !ea+, e'en groggy* T ey #to((e) on W ite&# left, maintaining t eir ol) on im* Logan&# eye# met er#* 6Sur(ri#ing,6 e #ai), 6t e lengt # %&ll go to, Ma3, to get bac+ on your goo) #i)e*6 2or a guy ! o&) been t e gue#t of Ame# W ite an) t e #na+e cult, e )i)n&t loo+ #o ba)$t ey a)n&t let im # a'e, an) t e bear) ga'e im a #cruffy ca#t/ i# clot e#$ -ean#, (ullo'er blue #!eater$!ere filt y an) !rin+le)* 4ut t ere !ere no ob'iou# #ign# t at e&) been beaten or torture), an)$)e#(ite t e 2amiliar at eit er arm$ e !a# #tan)ing on i# o!n t!o feet/ t ey ob'iou#ly a) not )e(ri'e) im of t e e3o#+eleton t at allo!e) im u(rig t mobility* S e #mile) at im an) #ai), 69ou&re not forgi'en yet*6 8e grinne) an) # rugge), an) # e grinne) an) # rugge)* 6All 'ery bra'e an) touc ing,6 W ite #ai), an) e !it )re! a Gloc+ from un)er t e raincoat, 6but if e #(ea+# again before % a'e my boy, %&ll +ill im*6 Ma3 el) er (alm# out an) u(* 6W ite, % nee) you not to )o anyt ing ra# ***6 6W ere i# 5ayF6 69ou nee) to li#ten* 9ou a'e t e a)'antage ere* Wait until you&'e ear) it all*6 W ite&# fro!n re'eale) an inner battle bet!een rage an) curio#ity, im(atience an) !ill(o!er* 68ear) ! at, CB0F6 Ma3 rai#e) er an), i##ue) #ignal#, lo!ere) er an)* 6Not ing ra# ,6 # e a)'i#e) im* W ite&# fro!n )ee(ene)* Mole an) .o# ua emerge) from t e # a)o!#, t eir arm# fille) !it t e terrible cargo/ it !a# a# if t ey !ere t!o #omber groom# carrying bri)e# o'er t e t re# ol)* Mole (ut t e )ea) 2amiliar on t e groun) in front of t e #il'er, aire) lea)er* .o# ua (ut t e #maller, # eet,!ra((e) bo)y )o!n before t e boy&# fat er* Ame# W ite )i) not a'e to lift t e # eet to +no!$ t e #mall form #ai) it all* %n a 'oice t at e !a# ob'iou#ly #training to +ee( emotion,free, W ite #ai), 65ay*6 69e#,6 Ma3 #ai)* 64ut % )i)n&t )o t i#*6 T e gun in W ite&# an) #!ung u( an) e le'ele) t e barrel at Logan&# tem(le* W ite&# li(# !ere (eele) bac+ o'er i# teet in a #+ull&# #mile, an) Logan !ince)*** 6My (eo(le )i) not )o t i# terrible t ingE6 Ma3 #creame)* 6Or )on&t you really care ! o )i) )o itE6

W ite remaine) (oi#e) t ere, rea)y to # oot, for #e'eral long moment#* T en t e gun came )o!n, i# eye# narro!e), an) e turne) i# omici)al ga>e on Ma3* 6%f you )i)n&t, CB0,6 e #ai), 6! o )i)F6 6A#+ imE6 Ma3 #ai), an) (ointe) at 4o#toc+* Alec ri((e) t e )uct ta(e from t e man&# face* 4o#toc+ #(at t e re#t of t e gag, t e +not of clot , onto t e #no!y groun)* W ite #ai), 6Do you a'e #omet ing to #ay, 2ran+linF6 4o#toc+ #too) fro>en* Ma3 #ai), 68e !a# tal+ati'e before* Maybe e&# a little intimi)ate) in t e (re#ence of t e fat er of t e c il) e or)ere) +ille)*6 6E3(lain,6 W ite #ai)* T e #il'er, aire) lea)er gri((e) W ite&# arm an) ! i#(ere) in i# ear* 4ut W ite # oo+ i# ea) an) yan+e) i# arm a!ay* 6E3(lainE6 Ma3 quic+ly tol) W ite t at # e&) fir#t encountere) 4o#toc+ trying to get ran#om ai) from Lyman Cale* 6T at ma+e# #en#e,6 W ite #ai), a#toni# ingly #elf,com(o#e), but not loo+ing )o!n at t e little # eet,!ra((e) cor(#e* 6A((roac ing Lyman Cale for t e ran#om *** but o! )i) you recogni>e 2ran+lin a# a 2amiliarF6 S e e3(laine) trac+ing 5ay )o!n* 6W en !e got to t e ou#e, !e !ere too late, only by moment#, but too late$t!o men a) e3ecute) 5ay an) i# aunt* One got a!ay, but !e #to((e) t i# one ***6 S e ge#ture) to t e )ea) 2amiliar in t e #no!* S e !ent onD 6% recogni>e) im a# one of t e #ecurity guar)# em(loye) by 4o#toc+*6 Mole #te((e) for!ar) an) fli((e) t e cor(#e o'er, gi'ing W ite a goo) loo+ at t e face of t e 2amiliar* Almo#t gently, # e a#+e), 65ecogni>e imF6 W ite no))e)* Ma3 #ai), 68e !a# a##igne) to Lyman Cale, !a#n&t eF6 W ite no))e), i# ga>e on t e #ecretary no!* 6We&re enemie#, W ite,6 Ma3 #ai)* 64ut % !oul)n&t a'e +ille) your boy* 2or one t ing, % nee)e) im, to get Logan bac+* 2or anot er, %&m not a #ic+ #on of a bitc , li+e 2ran+lin, ere*6 T e #ecretary trie) to brea+ a!ay from Alec, but t e AB grabbe) im by t e arm an) # o'e) t e gun bac+ in i# rib#* 6W at )o you a'e to #ay, 2ran+linF6 W ite a#+e), in a tone t at !a# all too rea#onable* 4o#toc+ #ai) not ing* 6%# it true, 2ran+linF Di) you +ill my #onF W y !oul) you )o #uc a t ing *** to a 4rot erF6 %gnoring W ite, 4o#toc+ turne) to!ar) t e tall, #il'er, aire) mon+li+e figure* 6Matt ia#E 9ou +no! % !oul) )o anyt ing to furt er t e goal# of t e Concla'e$ anyt ingE An) W ite, ere *** e&# faile) #o many time#* O(en your eye#, Matt ia#E

Loo+ ! o % a'e )eli'ere) unto youE 8o! many time# a# W ite faile), an) ! o i# it t at bring# er to you$t e OneE6 Di#turbingly, W ite !a# #miling, i# arm# fol)e), t e gun ca#ual in i# gra#(* T e robe) figure$ Matt ia#$li#tene) to 4o#toc+&# (lea# im(a##i'ely, i# e3(re##ion blan+ly unrea)able* 4o#toc+ !a# #aying, 6An) ! en # e&# gone, t ere !ill be not ing t at can #to( t e Concla'e&# )irecti'e# from being carrie) out* % broug t er to you$on t i#, t e nig t of nig t#E6 4o#toc+&# 'oice ec oe) acro## t e groun)#* 6T e Coming,6 e !a# #aying, 6i# but minute# a!ay$!e are clo#e to final 'ictory, total 'ictory *** becau#e of me* % broug t er to youE Not W ite* Not t i# *** #(a!n of San)eman, t e fat er of all of our (roblem#*6 Still, Matt ia# #ai) not ing$ i# eye# brig t, a# e #tare) at 4o#toc+* A int of a((ro'al*** F Ma3 !on)ere)* 2inally, t e #ecretary #ai), 69e#, % a) 5ay W ite +ille), anot er !ea+ #(a!n of San)eman$but it !a# (art of my )e#ign, t e (lan to bring er to you *** an) ere # e #tan)#* S e i# ere* S e i# our#$your#* Kill er no!, an) t e future i# our#*6 W ite glance), almo#t ca#ually, at t e #il'er, aire) man* T eir eye# met for a brief in#tant, an) Matt ia#$almo#t im(erce(tibly$no))e)* W ite rai#e) i# (i#tol an) # ot 4o#toc+ in t e ea)* 4o#toc+ !ent #traig t bac+, flo((ing onto t e #no!y groun), #en)ing u( (uff# of ! ite/ t e blac+ ole in i# fore ea) !a# ringe) !it re), an) e lay loo+ing at t e #+y !it !i)e, em(ty eye#, a# if e'en in )eat e !a# antici(ating t e arri'al of t e comet* W ite broug t i# (i#tol to bear on Ma3* 6T e fool !a# rig t about one t ing, CB0$ you )o nee) to )ie*6 6T e cometE6 #omeone in t e cro!) # oute), an) ot er# blurte) t e #ame* T ey mille), !i)e eye# rai#e), arm# an) an)# u(rai#e), a #ea of face# #alte) !it t e ritual mar+ing#, #ome (aint, #ome in+e) fle# * W ite&# eye# !ent to t e #+y, too, ! ere a #tream of #(ar+# fle! acro##, e3(lo)ing in a # o!er of color* T e roc+et (ro'i)e) t e )i'er#ion Ma3 nee)e)$ # e !oul) +i## t at #(u) ea) Di3 t e ne3t time # e #a! im$an), a# W ite reali>e) t e ru#e of t e fire!or+# an) #!ung t e gun bac+ aroun), firing it at er, t e # ot #aile) !i)e, Ma3 )i'ing to!ar) t e t!o 2amiliar# ol)ing Logan&# arm#* S e flung one off, +ic+e) t e ot er in t e ea), an) el) er an) out to Logan* 8e too+ it* More roc+et# #trea+e) acro## t e #+y, an) not all of t e 2amiliar# !ere !i#e yet, t oug #e'eral a) ta+en time out from t e )i#(lay to attac+ .o# ua, Alec, an) Mole in a flurry of martial,art# mo'e#, bi>arrely a!+!ar) coming from t e robe) !arrior#, yet formi)able* T e #no!,)u#te) groun)# glo!e) yello! an) orange un)er t e momentary )aylig t* 6%t&# fire!or+#, you fool#E6 W ite yelle)* An) t en all of t e 2amiliar# !ere on t em*

T e quartet of tran#genic# foug t ar), but it !a# clear t at t e 2amiliar#& number# !ere -u#t too great* T e only (lu#$ot er t an W ite$!a# t at t e culti#t# )i) not #eem to be arme)/ t ey a) gat ere) at 4ig S+y to (arty, not fig t* Logan !a# #lugging it out, too, but e !a# !ea+ an) no matc for 2amiliar#* T en, ec oing u( t roug t e !oo)#, came battle crie#* Di3 a) broug t more t an -u#t fire!or+# from ome* A un)re) tran#genic# #torme) out of t e fore#t an) -oine) in t e fray$Di3 an) Lu+e an) #o many #trange, familiar face#* A fe! bran)i# e) !ea(on#, but mo#tly it !a# -u#t a !a'e of # eer mutant force, #!ee(ing onto t e !intry lan)#ca(e* S e #te((e) in an) el(e) Logan, ! o !a# battling t e t!o 2amiliar# ! o&) el) im ca(ti'e before, an) er +ic+# to t e t roat an) groin an) e'ery ot er )irty tactic t at coul) actually get t roug to a 2amiliar !ere enoug to (ut t e t!o )o!n, at lea#t long enoug for er to grab Logan by t e an) again an) loo+ im in t e eye# an) #ay, 65un$Logan, go to t e !oo)# an) !aitE6 8e # oo+ i# ea) an) !ent for anot er of t e 2amiliar#* S e lo'e) im for !anting to #tay an) #tan) to fig t at er #i)e, but it !a# a )eci#ion a# #tu(i) a# it !a# bra'e* Wit in #econ)# e !a# on i# bac+ on t e groun), t e 2amiliar looming o'er im, c o+ing t e life out of im* S e ea),butte) a tattooe) face in front of er, t e man&# no#e e3(lo)ing in a #carlet # o!er/ e !obble) but )i) not fall, an) it too+ an elbo! in t e t roat to con'ince im to )o #o* S e got be in) t e one #trangling Logan, grabbe) i# ea) an) ga'e it a goo) ar) t!i#t, #na((ing i# nec+* 4efore t e )ea) !eig t coul) fall on im, Logan rolle) out from un)er* S e +nelt ne3t to Logan, ! o !a# groggy, face re), from t e near #trangulation/ a gun# ot crac+e) t e nig t an) #omet ing ot eru(te) t roug er # oul)er, +noc+ing er bac+* S e lay t ere, loo+ing u( at an enormou# #+y, #eemingly fille) !it #tar#, but it !a# -u#t Di3&# fire!or+# )i#(lay continuing to go off* Turning er ea) to t e rig t, # e #a! Logan reac ing out to er$ e !a# )a>e), i# eye# !i)e in orror$an) t eir an)# touc e) an) # e felt (eaceful, a((y, a quiet #ettling o'er, bani# ing t e battlefiel) *** *** but t e #en#ation la#te) only a moment, a# W ite -um(e) on to( of er, #tra))ling er, (ulling er u( to im by er 'e#t* %n a !ay, e )i) er a fa'or, #na((ing er bac+ to full con#ciou#ne## an) a !orl) muc bigger t an -u#t er an) Logan/ again # e !a# cogni>ant of t e #oun)# of fig ting aroun) er, t e e3(lo#ion# in t e #+y *** an) Ame# W ite&# torture), )emonic face inc e# from er o!n* 64o#toc+ may a'e +ille) 5ay, CB0,6 e #ai), an) e !a# #miling t oug t ere !a# (ain in it$2amiliar or not, e !a# a fat er ! o&) #uffere) t e greate#t lo##$ 6but you cau#e) it, )i)n&t youF Li+e e'ery mi#fortune t at&# been raine) )o!n on me in t e la#t year an) a alf$you*6 8e rai#e) t e barrel of i# (i#tol to!ar) er face to )eli'er t e +ill # ot* Li(# (eele) bac+ o'er t at terrible #mile, e #ai), 6My #on !on&t li'e to rule *** but % !ill* 9our )eat at my an)# a##ure# me of t at immortality*6 S e !atc e) in #eeming #lo! motion a# i# finger #quee>e) )o!n on t e trigger* S e coul) almo#t #ee t e bullet rea)y to ri)e t e blac+ tunnel from firing (in to er #+ull* %n

t at in#tant a t ou#an) t oug t# cour#e) t roug er min), all at once an) yet eac one clear, conci#e, ea#y to #ee* T e (eo(le ! o !ere im(ortant to er, t e t ing# t at ma)e er a((y, ! at # e !oul) )o !it er life, er life !it Logan Cale, if -u#t #ome o! in t e ne3t #econ) t i# bullet faile) to blo! er brain# out* * * Abo'e t e caco( ony of t e battle, # e ear) #omet ing (rimal an) orrifying, an) t en a bea#t loome) abo'e an) be in) Ame# W ite *** .o# ua* T e gun fell !it a t un+ ne3t to er, an) # e ear) t e cry from W ite *** Wa# it (ainF 8e coul)n&t feel ( y#ical (ain *** coul) eF Wa# it rage, or #orro!, or -u#t #ome gargling orrible #oun) t at a man mig t ma+e, # oul) a bea#t grab im by t e #+ull*** *** an) yan+* S e )i) +no! t at W ite&# ea) )i#a((eare) from er 'ie!, an) t e !eig t of im lifte) off er* S e !a# on er elbo!, (ro((ing er#elf u(, ! en # e #a! W ite$or any!ay, W ite&# bo)y$on t e groun) ne3t to er, re) (um(ing out of t e (i(eli+e o(ening of i# nec+, a !i)e gey#ering #(igot ! ere i# ea) a) been* An) ! en Ma3 #at u(, # e #a! ! ere t at ea) !a# no!$#i3 an) a alf feet abo'e er, ! ere .o# ua el) t e )etac e) cranium, by t e air, at eye le'el, #taring into W ite&# lifele## face* 69ou # oul)n&t a'e )one it,6 .o# ua #ai), an) i# 'oice !a# #trangely gentle, #col)ing t e bloo),)ri((ing ea), a# if !arning a c il)* 69ou # oul)n&t a'e +ille) Annie*6 Annie *** t e or)inary .o# ua a) lo'e), an) ! o lo'e) im, a gentle blin) girl ! o W ite a) #lain out of # eer meanne##* .o# ua !a# #taring at W ite&# ea), a# if !aiting for an a(ology* T en, ! en no a(ology came, a cry of angui# ro#e from )ee( !it in t e leonine figure, an) e #!ung i# arm, li+e an air(lane (ro(eller, an) ca#t t e ea) into t e )ar+ nig t, ! ere it lan)e) !it a )i#tant (lo(* Su))enly .o# ua !a# leaning )o!n o'er er, #aying, 6Sorry, Little 2ella* Kin)a lo#t my ea)*6 S e -u#t loo+e) at im, !on)ering if e +ne! ! at e&) #ai)* T en .o# ua !a# (ulling er u( to er feet, an) # e in#(ecte) er !oun)$t e # oul)er !a# #tiff, but t e bullet #eeme) to a'e gone on t roug , an) er tran#genic bo)y !a# alrea)y !or+ing at re(airing it#elf* 5olling t e # oul)er a little, # e #ai), 6Gonna be all rig t*6 R.o# ua el(e) u( Logan, too* S e quic+ly #ur'eye) t e battle$tran#genic# outnumbere) 2amiliar# no!$loo+ing for t at #il'er, aire) g o#t, Matt ia#* S e #(otte) im, on t e run, t e long robe flo!ing be in) im, t e ti((et fla((ing, a# e ea)e) u( t e #tair# an) bac+ in#i)e t e a#ylum* 6Stay out ere,6 # e tol) Logan an) .o# ua, 6till t e buil)ing&# #ecure *** AlecE MoleE 2ollo! meE6

C a(ter Ele'en T8E END CONCLA"E ST5ONG8OLD DECEM4E5 0B, 010: Ma3 !a)e) into t e #ea of robe) 2amiliar#* 4e in) er, in an im(re##i'e )i#(lay of martial,art# (ro!e##, Alec !a# an)ily )ealing !it a (air of t e culti#t#* Mole !a# off to t e one #i)e, ta+ing care of anot er of t e arme) t ree,man TAC (atrol#, bla#ting a!ay at t em mercile##ly, an) t ey fell li+e camouflage) bo!ling (in#* 4ut #oon t e t!o !arrior#$in an#!er to er call$ !ere at er bac+, a# # e (lo!e) er !ay to!ar) t e #te(# to t e front entry of t e o#(ital* T e ti)e of t e fig t a) turne) )eci#i'ely to!ar) t e tran#genic#* T o#e 2amiliar# ! o !eren&t alrea)y lying in bro+en ea(# on t e groun) !ere ta+ing flig t, a fe! literally ea)ing for t e ill#, ot er# aroun) t e buil)ing, (re#umably for anot er !ay in#i)e or (er a(# to ma+e it to t e (ar+ing lot$an), in eit er ca#e, t e ragtag tran#genic# ga'e c a#e* Once t ey !ere u( t e # ort flig t of #te(#, Ma3, Mole, an) Alec !ent in#i)e unim(e)e)* 2or all t e frenetic an) 'iolent acti'ity out#i)e, t e a#ylum it#elf #eeme) )e#erte)* %nitially, t ey foun) t em#el'e# in ! at a) once been a rece(tionH!aiting room area, !it a )ouble, )oor ele'ator, but no c air# line) t e !all#, an) t e nur#eHrece(tioni#t !in)o! !a# 'acant/ ot er!i#e, it !a# -u#t a big em(ty #lab room, cut t roug t e mi))le by a long all!ay* T oug 'oice# coul) be ear), t e crie# of (ri#oner#, t e#e )i) not emanate from t i# floor$in fact, t ey #oun)e) more li+e t ey !ere coming from t e !all#* T e effect !a# g o#tly, troubling, but t i# floor !a# clearly a)mini#trati'e, #mall ti)y office# !it com(uter# an) )e#+# an) c air# an) file#, a# you mig t fin) in any in#titution of t i# ty(e* T e t oug t of t e in abitant# of t e#e neat office# being culti#t# !it (agan facial mar+ing#, (ara)ing in flo!ing oo)e) robe#, c anting ritual gibberi# , #eeme) utterly ab#ur)*** or !oul) a'e, if t ey a)n&t -u#t (u# e) t eir !ay t roug a t rong of t em out on t e battlefiel) t at t e a#ylum groun)# a) turne) into* T e buil)ing !a# ol) an) ba)ly in nee) of reno'ation, yet t e (lace !a# neat, floor# )u#t,free, no cob!eb#, t e !all# an) ceiling# clean, t e entire facility #melling of (ine cleaner an) )i#infectant* Mo'ing cautiou#ly, Ma3 #ignale) for t em to #(lit u(, Alec an) Mole eac ta+ing one of t e #i)e all# ! ile Ma3 !ent )o!n t e mi))le* Ma3 foun) fire #tair# at t e en) an) #tarte) u(* T e #econ) floor !a# cell#$crie# for el(, # out# for attention, ec oe) )o!n t e all!ay#* No guar)# !ere aroun), no robe) 2amiliar#$no one ome but t e inmate#* S e a) a goo) i)ea ! o t ey !ereD (ri#oner# of t e Concla'e, (er a(# or)inarie# ! o&) ti((e) to t e e'il (ractice# an) intention# of t e 2amiliar#, or betrayer# among t eir o!n ran+#, (o##ibly e'en tran#genic#$mi3e) !it t e real mental (atient# ! o&) (ro'i)e) t e co'er*

On t e t ir) floor lan)ing # e foun) anot er #mall rece(tion area, t i# one not #o #(are$nicely (anele), !it comfortable c air# an) maga>ine# on en) table#, anot er !in)o! <em(ty, of cour#e= ! ere a nur#e an) or rece(tioni#t coul) #it* S e (u# e) t roug )ouble )oor# )o!n a # ort corri)or of e3amination room# an) more #mall ti)y office#* T e me)icinal #cent !a# #trong, ma+ing er no#e t!itc , but t at !a# !ell in +ee(ing !it ! at #eeme) a clinic of #ome +in)* T i# #ection of t e buil)ing #eeme) to er a faca)e )e#igne) to fool #tate in#(ector# an) t o#e familie# ! o really !ere committing t eir lo'e) one# <un!ittingly= to #na+e,cult care* At t e en) of t e # ort all !a# a !in)o!le## metal )oor, !it no +not=$-u#t a #lot for an %D car)* %n bol) re) letter# on t e gray )oor it #ai)D NO ADM%TTANCE Well, #urely #omebo)y coul) go in t ere, # e t oug t* W at !a# t e (oint of a (lace t at no one coul) be a)mitte) toF So # e +ic+e) t e )oor )o!n* %t !a# #oli) an) too+ t!o trie#, but on t e #econ) it !ent flying an) clattere) to an ob#i)ian floor* S e got a quic+ loo+ at t e room$a large roun)e) c amber, !it a (lanetarium,ty(e )ome, a 'a#t cur'e) 'ie!ing !in)o! t at ma)e t e #tarry #+y, in effect, t e room&# ceiling* T e circular room, )imly lig te) by rece##e) fi3ture#, !a# !all,to,!all #tac+e) monitor#/ a )o>en #eat#$em(ty at t e moment$ face) t e#e monitor#, !it com(uter #tation# at eac (o#t* About a t ir) of t e monitor# !ere #ecurity cam#$# o!ing inmate# in t eir cell#, 'ie!# of t e groun)# an) all!ay# an) #tair# an) t e )o!n#tair# rece(tion area, an) t e area # e&) -u#t come t roug , for t at matter* T e re#t of t e monitor# !ere #atellite image# from all aroun) t e !orl), eac bol)ly labele) !it a re),letter rea)out t at i)entifie) t e city # o!n, a# !ell a# t e local time$# e glim(#e) C icago, Ne! 9or+, Lo# Angele#, San 2ranci#co, Miami, Seattle, Toronto, Mo#co!, Lon)on, Li#bon, Sy)ney, an) on an) on* On t e #creen# !ere li'e (icture# of t e citie#, in (o(ulou# area#$C icago&# cam !a# on Mic igan A'enue, near t e Water To!er, an) Ne! 9or+ !a#, of cour#e, Time# Square, ! ere C ri#tma# E'e a) turne) into #omet ing a((roac ing Ne! 9ear&# E'e, (eo(le !it little glo!ing can)le# in an), !atc ing t e #+y, !aiting for t e comet to come* An) in t e center of t e room, rai#e) u( on a fi'e,foot (latform, !a# a mol)e) blac+ c air, #trangely li+e a uman an) ri#ing to care## t e (er#on (erc e) t ere, !it control# built into t e !i)e flat armre#t#$ Ca(tain Kir+&# c air, re'i#e) by Sal'a)ore Dali* %n t i# c air, t i# t rone, i# oo) bac+, #at #il'er, aire) Matt ia#* All of t i# # e too+ in, in a moment, ! ic !a# all # e a) before a figure fle! at er, #narling, a (rie#te## !it a ceremonial )agger in one an) an) long cla!e) nail# rea)y !it t e ot er* 5at er lo#t in er robe, t e (rie#te## !a# #len)er an) lo'ely, or !oul) a'e been if er face a) not been co'ere) in ritual tattoo#, an) # e too+ Ma3 )o!n in a )i'ing roll, one (o!erful arm an) an) #li((ing aroun) Ma3 a# t e +nife ro#e* 4ut before t e bla)e fell, Ma3 gra#(e) t e arm ugging er an) #na((e) it li+e a t!ig, t en flung t e !oman off$t e (rie#te##, 2amiliar or not, !a# feat er lig t*

One arm )angling, u#ele##, t e (rie#te## i##e) an) came at Ma3 lo!, c arging, +nife again rai#e)/ an) Ma3 #i)e#te((e) er, latc ing onto t e flo!ing robe# an) running er ea)long into one of t e monitor#, cra# ing t e !oman&# ea) t roug t e #creen in a # o!er of gla## an) an eru(tion of #mo+e an) flame* 6So muc for monitoring Lon)on,6 Ma3 #ai) to Matt ia# a# t e (rie#te## # u))ere) an) # i'ere), literally -olte) a# electrocution !on out o'er centurie# of #electi'e bree)ing* Matt ia# #!i'ele) to!ar) Ma3* 8e #eeme) not at all concerne), certainly not a ! it )i#traug t o'er t e lo## of t e (rie#te##* 6%n t e (re,7ul#e !orl),6 Matt ia# #ai) to er, i# 'oice ric , #trangely #oot ing, !it a faint Teutonic lilt, 6#uc )emon#tration# of your mutant (o!er# mig t im(re##* No! *** a# !e a!ait t e momentary arri'al of t e Coming, #eeing #uc a c il)i# )i#(lay on your (art, CB0 *** #eem# almo#t no#talgic*6 S e +e(t er )i#tance from im, for t e moment/ i# an)# !ere on control# on t o#e armre#t#, an) # e a) no i)ea ! at e coul) )o from i# (erc * S e ear) #omet ing be in) er, ! irle), an) it !a# Alec, !it Mole bringing u( t e rear* 6W oa,6 Alec #ai)* 6Du)e&# got #ome ome entertainment center***6 8e no))e) to!ar) t e #lum(e), #mo+ing (rie#te## anging out of t e Lon)on monitor* 64ut y&+no!, it&# )angerou#, if you #it too clo#e to t e #creen*6 Mole, glancing aroun), #ai), 6So ! o&# t i# c aracterF 4lofel)F *** 4uil)ing&# clear of #na+e #uc+er#, e3ce(t for t i# guy* Lot# of inmate#, t oug , on t e #econ) floor*6 Matt ia# #eeme) bore) !it t em* 4ut e grante) t em t i# ob#er'ationD 6T e Coming i# ine'itable* 9our effort#*** T ey are #mall, (itiful attem(t#, #mall boat# o(ing to ri)e out a ty( oon*6 8ar)ly li#tening, Alec !a# #taring at t e ceiling* 6No!, t at&# a #+ylig t***6 Matt ia# ge#ture) to!ar) a ban+ of monitor#$in t e oo)e), loo#e robe, it !a# li+e t e #(ecter of )eat , (ointing* 6We flee into t e nig t, an) you cannot #to( u#,6 e #ai)* Among t e monitor# !ere 'ie!# of t e (ar+ing lot, ! ere robe) 2amiliar# !ere frantically getting into t eir car# an) boo+ing* 6W ere )o you +ee( your car +ey# in t o#e cloa+ t ing#F6 Alec a#+e)* Ma3 # ot im a loo+* 6.u#t !on)ering,6 Alec #ai)* 6Some of our brot er# a'e fallen tonig t,6 Matt ia# #ai)* 64ut t e#e ot er# !ill go out into t e !orl) an) #(rea) t e !or) *** an) our #ee) *** e'en a# t e or)inarie# !it er li+e un(ic+e) fruit on t e 'ine*6 Alec, #till c atty, a#+e), 6So in a fe! minute#, ! en t i# bioto3in it# *** 8o! long&# it ta+e to +ic+ inF6 6Many !ill )ie in moment#,6 t e #il'er, aire) 2amiliar #ai)* 6Ot er#, t e #tronge#t of a !ea+ #(ecie#, !ill cling to life*6

6An) Ma3 ere,6 Alec #ai), 6can gi'e &em a clean bill of ealt , once !e get t e 'accine goin&*** Mole, you&re a bu#ine##man* 8o! muc )o you t in+ !e can get, for a # ot of Ma3ineF6 Ma3 arc e) an eyebro!* 6Ma3ineF6 6"accine *** Ma3 *** get itF We&ll a'e to tra)emar+ it*6 Mole !a# not amu#e)* 6Let me ice t i# #uc+er, an) let&# be ome for C ri#tma#*6 Matt ia# #too), looming o'er t em* 65on &ta re##E Ken )m iffl 6 8e !a# #taring at t e #+y$t e #tar#$ an), #eemingly, #(ea+ing to t em* 8i# arm# out#tretc e)* 8e continue) t e ancient incantationD 6A)ara mo# re+ali* * * +ono## re u-e+E6 Mole, rai#ing i# (i#tol, #ai), 6Nobo)y can ma+e me li#ten to t i# cra(ola ***6 6T e futureE6 Matt ia#&# 'oice ec oe) t roug t e )ar+, )im c amber, t e monitor# glo!ing li+e #mall fire#* 6T e future *** arri'e#E6 T e trio of tran#genic# follo!e) t e 2amiliar&# finger to t e gla## )ome *** *** an) #a! a #trea+ of #il'er an) gol), a((earing in t e #+y, a fiery C ri#tma# ribbon flung acro## t e ea'en#, it# tail a # immering #cattering of ! ite #(ar+#* 6Cool,6 Alec #ai)* Ma3 a) ne'er #een anyt ing quite #o beautiful, nor #o breat ta+ing* An) #till # e # u))ere)D !a# t at Star)u#t trail t e bearer of t e bioto3in$t e beginning of t e en) for man+in) * * * F Matt ia# #too) on i# roo#t, i# eye# going from one monitor to anot er *** On #ome of t e #creen#, face# # one !it )elig t from t e #ig t of t e C ri#tma# comet* %n #ome locale#, a #ea of #mall can)le# glo!e), a# if at a c urc #er'ice/ in ot er#, gay #treamer# of #il'er # oo+ in u(rai#e) an)#, in a((y imitation of t e remar+able e'ent t ey&) -u#t #een* T oug t ere !a# no #oun) from t e monitor#, it !a# clear c eer# an) oo(# an) oller# an) ! oo(# of 9uleti)e -oy !ere ringing in t e air at t e 'ariou# locale#* An) t en, #lo!ly, #(ectator# began to filter off, into t eir o!n li'e#, t eir o!n celebration# of t e oli)ay *** *** an) t ey all loo+e) -u#t fine* Matt ia# #tare) !it an a#toun)e) e3(re##ion$ Ma3 a) ne'er #een a longer (u## on a guy* 8e +e(t # ifting i# 'i#ion from one monitor to anot er, an) all e coul) #ee !a# or)inarie# a'ing a goo) time *** clearly feeling un+y,)ory* 6Maybe it ta+e# a ! ile to +ic+ in,6 Alec #ai)* 8e #eeme) 'aguely )i#a((ointe)* 6An our or #o*6 6Or maybe a t ou#an) year#,6 Ma3 #ai)* Matt ia# #at$ ea'ily$in i# blac+ c air/ it !a# a# if t e an) # a(e of it !a# trying to cru# im* 68ey, )on&t be )o!n in t e )um(#,6 Mole #ai), #te((ing u( to im* 6Do ! at t e ot er en),of,t e,!orl) cult# )o, ! en t e big )ay cra(# out on &em* 7ic+ a ne! oneE 5e'i#e an) mo'e on*6 6We *** are *** #u(erior,6 Matt ia# #ai), )a>e)* 6Sure you are,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6% rea) about t i# cult*** before t e 7ul#eF A comet !a# coming to ta+e t em to outer #(ace, ! ere Go) !a# !aiting for &em* 2ir#t t e men a) to ca#trate t em#el'e# ***6

6Ouc ,6 Alec #ai)* 6*** an) t en ta+e (oi#on* 7urify t em#el'e#$ y&+no!, you )on&t !ant to meet Go) !it out #(rucing u( a bit* 4ut t ey -u#t +ne! t at comet !a# gonna ta+e &em to outer #(ace* Gue## ! atF T ey&re #till !aiting*6 Matt ia# loo+e) )irectly at Ma3, i# e3(re##ion aunte)* 6%t !a# (re)etermine) t ou#an)# of year# ago* We # all (re'ail$6 6Maybe ne3t comet,6 Alec #ai)* 6W en&# t at, C11SF6 Ma3 #te((e) nearer to Matt ia#* 6Can you control t e facility from ! ere you #itF6 Matt ia# turne) i# ga>e u(on er* 6Of cour#e*6 6T en unloc+ all t e cell# **, Coo(erate, an) !e&ll #(are you*6 Mole #ai), 68eyE % #ay !e$6 6%t&# not a )emocracy,6 # e remin)e) im* T en to Matt ia# # e #ai), 6WellF6 Matt ia#&# ice,blue eye# fell to t e com(uter #creen built into t e armre#t$ e touc e) t e #creen, in a 6button6 at t e u((er rig t*** *** an) t e monitor# c ange) image* All of t em t e #ame* All, in uge re) number#, rea)ingD BD11* 2or one #econ), t at i#/ t en t ey rea)D CDB@*** CDB;*** CDBI* * * Ma3 -um(e) onto t e (erc an) grabbe) im by t e front of i# robe* 6W at t e ell$ 6 6T i# facility !ill #elf,)e#truct in fi'e minute#* More or le##* Le##, no!*6 S e (ut er an)# on eit er #i)e of i# face an) loo+e) at im, a# if # e !ere going to +i## t e #il'er, aire) lea)er* 69ou !on&t a'e to !ait,6 # e #ai)* An) bro+e i# nec+* 8o((ing )o!n, # e #ai), 6Alec$ta+e a loo+ at t o#e control#* We got minute# to clear t i# (lace an) get our (eo(le off t e#e groun)#E6 Mole (itc e) ! at !a# left of i# late#t #togie an) grumble), 6W y can&t t e#e megalomaniac meat, ea)# be #ati#fie) !it +illin& t em#el'e#F W y )o t ey gotta ta+e a bunc of (eo(le !it &emF6 6We&ll brea+ u( into )i#cu##ion grou(# later,6 Ma3 #ai), unceremoniou#ly (ulling t e cor(#e of Matt ia# by i# feet )o!n off t e t rone onto t e blac+ floor, ! ile Alec #cramble) u( in i# (lace* S e loo+e) at im, o(eful* 6T in+ you can unloc+ &emF6 6No (roblem*6 Alec touc e) a button* T e e3(lo#ion roc+e) t e buil)ing an) +noc+e) Ma3 on er butt* S e #at t ere, ne3t to )ea) Matt ia#, an) again loo+e) u( at Alec* Not #o o(eful* Alec ga'e er alf a grin an) alf a # rug, an) #ai), 6% #eem to a'e blo!n u( one of t e outbuil)ing#*6 Getting on er feet, # e #ai), 6Don&t -u#t go touc ing any more button#, until you&re #ure, o+ayF6 2our t irty,four*** CDLL *** CDL0*** 6Maybe % # oul) crac+ o(en a bre!#+i,6 Alec #ai), 6an) rea) t e manual* ** 9ou +no!, at my lei#ureF6 6.u#t )o it, Alec,6 # e #ai), an) # e an) Mole !ere out of t ere*

Ma3 tol) Mole, a# t ey #(rinte) )o!n t e #tair#, 69ou ta+e t e cell# on t e left, %&ll ta+e &em on t e rig t*** %f Alec can&t unloc+ &em, -u#t (ull t e )amn t ing# off t eir inge#*6 6No (rob,6 Mole #ai)* T at !a# ! en t e #(rin+ler #y#tem #tarte) in, ! et er automatically$t an+# to t e e3(lo#ion of t e outbuil)ing, it# fire (re#umably #(rea)ing$or by more e3(erimentation on Alec&# (art, # e a) no i)ea* T e in)oor rain felt icy col) an) #melle) of ru#t, a# t oug it a) been ca(ti'e in t e a#ylum&# (i(e# for a long time* Ma3 (raye) t at Alec a) foun) t e button to unloc+ t e#e )oor# *** %n t e long bare all!ay, # e tugge) on t e fir#t )oor an) not ing a((ene)* S e cur#e), but it !a# inau)ible o'er t e #oun) of t e #(rin+ler# an) 'oice# #creaming in cell# all along t e all* 2in)ing a fire e3tingui# er in a bo3 on t e !all, Ma3 elbo!e) t e gla##, got t e t ing out an) #tarte) clanging it again#t t e loc+ of t e fir#t )oor* 2inally, t e ol) loc+ ga'e !ay an) # e t re! o(en t e )oor*** On t e #ingle be) #u#(en)e) by c ain# from t e !all, a !i)e,eye) C* .* San)eman lay !ra((e) in a #trait-ac+et an) gagge)* E'en #o, it !a# clear t at e recogni>e) er imme)iately* 6No time to get you outta t at,6 # e #ai), yan+ing im off t e cot, #tea)ying im onto i# feet* 64uil)ing&# going u( in a cou(le minute#* Get )o!n to t e fir#t floor, t ey&ll el( you*6 8e manage) to no) an) #tumble) out an) off to!ar) t e #tair#* Mole trie) a )oor, loo+e) at er brig t,eye)* 6T i# one&# unloc+e)E6 Guic+ly e o(ene) it an) #tuc+ i# ea) in* .u#t a# quic+ly e yan+e) i# ea) bac+ out an) #lamme) t e )oor # ut* Mole # u))ere)* 6W atF6 # e a#+e)* 6Sna+e#,6 e #ai), an) !ent on* 9ou&) t in+ e !oul)n&t a'e a (roblem !it t at, # e t oug t, going on to t e ne3t cell, trying to +ee( trac+ of time* About t!o minute# left *** Wit t e !ater coming )o!n, er air !a# !ell,matte) by no!* S e a) relea#e) four (ri#oner# ! en # e finally ear) t e loc+# all clic+ o(en* All t e )oor# t rumme) o(en #lig tly an) t e (ri#oner# nee)e) no furt er encouragement t an t at* T ey fle! )o!n t e all, #(la# ing, barely a!are of Ma3 !a'ing t em to!ar) #afety* S e #taye) on t e floor, going from cell to cell ma+ing #ure e'eryone got out* S e #a! no ot er inmate or (ri#oner until # e got to t e la#t )oor, ! ic # e o(ene) !i)e, an) loo+e) in to #ee a lum( in t e mi))le of a (a))e) cell ! o#e #tuffing !a# largely anging out of ga(ing tear#* 6Get on your feetE6 # e #ai)* 64uil)ing&# gonna blo!E6 T e lum( rolle) o'er to re'eal a #ic+ly, emaciate) man ! o a) ob'iou#ly un)ergone a great )eal of torture, a man ! o #tare) at er !it bea)y )ar+ eye#*** *** a man # e a) +no!n all er life* Stunne), all # e coul) #ay !a#, 6% t oug t you !ere )ea)*6

Colonel Donal) Ly)ec+er$t e )rea)e) #urrogate fat er of all t e Manticore #ibling#$loo+e) u( at er, i# an)# # a+ily reac ing to!ar) er* 6Not if you el( me ***6 S e recoile)* 6Go to ell* Get out on your o!n, if you can, you ba#tar)*6 An) # e turne) to go, t e time (re##ing er ar)er t an t i# #tunning )i#co'ery* 4ut be in) er a !ea+ 'er#ion of t at #trong 'oice calle) out o'er t e #(rin+ler )inD 6% un)er#tan) o! you feel*** but if you el( me *** %&ll el( you*6 8er bac+ to im a# # e #too) (oi#e) in t e )oor, # e #ai), 68el( meF Li+e you&'e el(e) me in t e (a#t, +illing my #ib#F6 S e !a# alf!ay out ! en i# !or)# #to((e) erD 6% +no! ! ere your mot er i#*6 8er birt mot er* * * er fat er a te#t tube, but er mot er a real !oman, ! o Ma3 a) longe) to fin), to meet, to +no!* * * A# t e cloc+ tic+e), er min) fle!D e !a# lying/ Ly)ec+er al!ay# lie)* 8e +ne! er ot button# an) a) (u# e) t e otte#t one e coul) t in+ of*** t at #im(le* S e left im t ere an) !ent running )o!n t e all* An) t en # e turne) an) #(rinte) bac+ to )uc+ into t e cell an) #coo( u( er #ic+ly #urrogate fat er* T e tran#genic# !ere #cattere) acro## t e groun)#, robe) figure# #(ra!le) aroun) t em on t e #no!,)u#te) lan)#ca(e* Among t e )ea), t e ! ite,# eete) bo)y of t e boy #too) out, a# )i) t e ea)le## cor(#e of i# fat er* 8ere an) t ere a fe! of t e (atrol guar)#, in TAC gear, lay )ea), # ot by Mole* Any !ay you figure) it, t e battle !a# o'er, t e o((onent# eit er )ea) or ba)ly in-ure) *** t o#e ! o a)n&t fle)* 64uil)ing&# gonna blo!,6 # e crie), 6any #econ)E 5unE6 An) t ey ran* %t galle) er t at # e !a# t e one auling Colonel Donal) Ly)ec+er to #afety* T ey !ere at t e e)ge of t e !oo)# ! en t e buil)ing e3(lo)e)$actually, t ree #mall e3(lo#ion# (lace) aroun) an) !it in t e buil)ing t at toget er rolle) u( into one big one, an) one fireball, flinging c un+# of #tone an) # o!ering )ebri# li+e an ugly, lan)boun) comet* Wit in a 'ery # ort time t e fallen, alf !all# of t e com(le3$t oug one outbuil)ing #too), relati'ely un#cat e)$!ere ome to orange, lic+ing flame# an) foul, rolling gray,blac+ #mo+e, t e crac+ling of t e fire li+e #(ora)ic gunfire* An) t en t e bear)e) Logan !a# at er #i)e* 8e glance) )o!n at t e !it ere) form of Ly)ec+er, # i'ering, coug ing, an) #ai), 6Loo+ ! at t e cat )rug in*6 6% !i# % a)n&t,6 # e #ai), an) tol) Logan ! at Ly)ec+er a) #ai)* 69ou can&t tru#t im,6 e #ai)* 6% +no!* % +no!*6 64ut Ma3 *** you can tru#t me* 5eally*6 6% +no!, Logan*6 69ou )oF6 6Going to your uncle for t e ran#om *** e almo#t )ie), becau#e of me, Logan* 8e may #till )ie *** e&# comato#e* An) % +ne! *** if % cau#e) i# )eat *** telling you !oul) be t e ar)e#t***6

8e too+ er an) in i#$fle# ,to,fle# , no 'iru# to !orry about$an) #quee>e) it* 69ou )i) t i# for me, Ma3* % +no! you )i)* 9ou ri) man+in) of t i# )emente) #na+e cult*** or any!ay, )imini# e) t eir ran+# con#i)erably, inclu)ing Ame# W ite im#elf*** but you )i)n&t )o it for man+in), )i) youF6 6No* %t !a# for you, Logan *** We a)n&t fini# e) our argument*6 8e laug e), gently* Alec a) notice) Ly)ec+er&# )i# e'ele) (re#ence, an) #ai), 6% can&t belie'e t i# ba#tar)&# ali'eE6 6% can fi3 t at,6 Mole #ai), bran)i# ing t e (i#tol* S e # oo+ er ea), ma)e a # ar( motion* 6NoE % nee) im, breat ing*6 T e re(tile face !rin+le) furt er an) !or)# came t roug clenc e) teet D 64ut it&# ! at % !ant for C ri#tma#*6 Again Ma3 # oo+ er ea)* 6%&ll get you a tie*6 6W at about t e cometF6 Alec a#+e)* 62rom ! at !e #a! on t o#e monitor#, (eo(le all o'er feel fine *** Ot er t an a ango'er tomorro!, maybe* %t !a# abignot in&E6 Logan #ai), 6Maybe it&ll a'e effect# on (eo(le li+e me, in t e )ay# a ea) *** but % )on&t t in+ #o* T e #na+e cult may a'e been ( y#ically an) mentally #u(erior, t an+# to all t at &goo)& bree)ing *** but t ey !ere #till a cult* %t !a# religion t ey !ere #(outing$ not #cience*6 6W at if it )oe# +ic+ inF6 Ma3 a#+e)* Logan # rugge)* 6We )o ! at (eo(le al!ay# )o$ our be#t to #ur'i'e, a )ay at a time*6 6% coul)a tol) you it !a# 4S,6 Alec #ai)* Ma3 loo+e) at im* 69ea F6 6Ne'er belie'e anyt ing in t at rag S+etc y !rite# for*6 T ere !a# laug ter$a relief after t e ar),foug t #truggle$an) Ma3 an) Logan (itc e) in !it fir#t ai), (atc ing u( #ome !oun)# among t e tran#genic#, inclu)ing er o!n # oul)er* 2ortunately, t e lac+ of firearm# an) ot er !ea(on# among t e 2amiliar#$ ! o&) not been (re(are) for an in'a#ion tonig t, mutant or ot er!i#e$ a) limite) ca#ualtie# among t e ran+# of t e goo) guy#* T e tran#genic# Di3 a) roun)e) u( to (lay ca'alry for Ma3 an) er little cre! a) ma)e t e tre+ in 'ariou# 'e icle#$truc+#, car#, 'an#, e'en #c oolbu#e#, all of t em a'ing t!o t ing# in commonD t e 'e icle# !ere ol) a# )irt, an) ran li+e ne!, t an+# to t e Terminal City motor (ool of Lu+e an) Di3* Ma3 #ai) er goo),bye#, gi'ing Di3 t at big +i## e )e#er'e), an) # e$an) Mole, Alec, .o# ua, an) Logan$!a'e) a# t e unli+ely cara'an of 'e icle# #tarte) ome* Mole returne) to t e com(oun), ! ere t e fire !a# #tarting to )ie )o!n, an) comman)eere) a truc+ from be in) t e one #ur'i'ing outbuil)ing$neit er Matt ia# nor Alec a) manage) to blo! t at one u($an), #oon, t ey !ere loa)ing Ly)ec+er in t e bac+ !it t e re#t of t em an) ea)ing out t e front gate <t e guar) (o#t aban)one)= to )ri'e aroun) to ! ere Logan&# car !aite), un)i#turbe)* Logan an) Ma3 climbe) )o!n out of t e truc+, an) Ma3 in#tructe) Mole to ta+e t e 'e icle bac+ to Terminal City !it Ly)ec+er*** ali'e*

6Call Dr* Carr an) get im #ome me)ical el(,6 # e #ai) to t e li>ar) man* 6An) +ee( Ly)ec+er un)er loc+ an) +ey, an) con#tant guar)* W en e get# to feeling better, e&ll be #li((ery*6 69ou&re (utting me in c argeF6 Mole a#+e), lig ting u( a cigar* 6% +no! you&) -u#t a# #oon ri( i# ea) off a# loo+ at im,6 Ma3 #ai)* Mole glance) .o# ua&# !ay* 6% )on&t +no!, Ma3$ t at +in)a t ing ain&t e3actly my )e(artment*6 .o# ua loo+e) a!ay, embarra##e)* Ma3 t um(e) Mole&# c e#t* 6.u#t ma+e #ure t at e'il ba#tar) #tay# ali'e* %f e can el( me fin) my mot er, t at&# one goo) t ing e can )o, after all t e ba)*6 6Starting a ne! cru#a)e alrea)yF6 Alec a#+e)* 6Can&t !e ta+e a )ay or t!o offF6 69ou +no! u# me##ia #,6 Ma3 #ai)* 6We&re #a'in& #oul# #e'en )ay# a !ee+*6 6% t oug t you re#te) on Sun)ay,6 Alec #ai)* 6No,6 Ma3 #ai)* 69ou&re t in+in& of my Ol) Man*6 Alec #mir+e)* 6Te#t tube# ne'er #lee(*6 T en Terminal City&# ne3t al)erman cra!le) in bac+ of t e truc+, ! ere Ly)ec+er a) been (ro((e) u(, alf out of it* .o# ua, ri)ing # otgun, !a'e) li+e a little +i)* Mole, be in) t e ! eel, #togie in t e corner of i# mout , !in+e) at er* An) t ey )i#a((eare) into t e brig t morning* C ri#tma# morning* T e cou(le got into Logan&# car, Ma3 be in) t e ! eel* 6So %&m forgi'enF6 Logan a#+e)* 6% gue##*6 S e #tarte) t e car an) follo!e) t e route t e truc+ a) ta+en, but lagging* 64ecau#e of ! at you #ai)F My uncle an) allF6 69ea * T at, an) % lo'e you*6 S e #ai) it #o ca#ually, e )i)n&t #eem to be #ure e&) ear) rig t* T eir eye# met for a moment, an) # e coul) #ee t e #ur(ri#e in i# ga>e, t en # e turne) bac+ to t e roa)* Logan #eeme) #tunne)* 6% )on&t t in+ you e'er #ai) t at to me before*6 6%t !a# al!ay# too ar)* % !ante) to* Maybe % )i)n&t figure % nee)e) to, until no!* 4ut*** loo+ing for you, fin)ing you *** no! % +no! o! im(ortant it i#* To #ay it*6 8e touc e) er c ee+, briefly* 69ou +no! t at % lo'e you, )on&t youF *** Go), Ma3, it&# nice to be able to -u#t feel my ringer# on your #+in *** Are !e all rig tF6 S e glance) at im* 6% !on&t lie to you*6 6% !on&t lie to you eit erE6 S e #mile) a little, t en returne) er eye# to er )ri'ing* 6% can&t #ay t at t i# bu#ine## !it Set )oe#n&t #till bot er me ***6 68e !a# your brot er* %t&ll al!ay# bot er you* %t # oul) al!ay# bot er you*6 An e)ge came into i# 'oice* 6.u#t +no!, % !oul) ne'er )o t at to you again*6 A# goo) a# it a) been to ear im #ay e lo'e) er, earing t i# (le)ge felt e'en better* T ey ro)e in #ilence for a ! ile* T en***

6Soun)# li+e you&re getting rea)y for a roa) tri(,6 e #ai)* 69ou an) Ly)ec+er, going to fin) your mot erF6 S e #mir+e) umorle##ly* 6S e coul) be acro## to!n, or on anot er continent* We a'e to tal+ to t e colonel*** an) you +no! Ly)ec+er*6 65eliability i# not i# mi))le name *** An) if your mot er i# alf!ay acro## t e !orl)F6 6% nee) to fin) er*6 6% un)er#tan)* 5oom for one moreF6 Ma3 #mile) at im* 6% )on&t +no!* Let&# get you cleane) u(, an) #ee if % #till can #tan) being #een !it you*6 8e arc e) an eyebro!* 68a'e you #een your#elf latelyF6 6W at&# t at #u((o#e) to meanF6 6T at #(rin+ler #y#tem !a#n&t +in) to your air*6 6%# t at rig tF Well, you can ta+e a loo+ at me, after % a'e a nice long ot bat * % may -u#t #lee( until C ri#tma#, t en let e'eryt ing #ort it#elf out*6 6T i# i# C ri#tma#, Ma3*6 6So it i#*6 T ey ro)e in #ilence for a ! ile$a #!eet, comfortable #ilence* 2inally, maybe alf!ay ome, !it Logan a#lee( in t e (a##enger #eat, # e (ulle) off t e roa) an) into t e lot of a #mall roa)#i)e motel at t e e)ge of a little to!n* S e c ec+e) in, unloc+e) t e room&# )oor, t en came out to t e car an) o(ene) t e )oor on i# #i)e* 8e !a# lolle) bac+ on t e #eat* S e touc e) i# arm* 6Come on,6 # e #ai)* 8e a!o+e #lo!ly* 6W ere *** are !eF6 6Mi))le of no! ere* Motel*6 8e #ai) not ing, getting out of t e car cautiou#ly, a# if e )i)n&t tru#t i# mu#cle# to !or+$or t e e3o,#+eleton, for t at matter* 69ou can a'e a # o!er or bat ,6 # e #ai), 6! ic %&m gonna )o, too *** but ! at !e really nee) i# re#t*6 T ey !ere to t e )oor no!, an) # e a) er arm aroun) i# !ai#t, el(ing im !al+ in#i)e t e motel room* 8e allo!e) er to ta+e er bat , an) ! en # e a) fre# ene) u(, an) #too) in t e o(en bat room )oor!ay, u#ing t e motel&# )rier on er air, # e foun) er#elf alone* S e !a# -u#t about to get concerne) ! en e #te((e) bac+ into t e room, an) e3(laine) t at e&) -u#t run acro## t e ig !ay to a con'enience #tore, ! ere e&) (ic+e) u( a fe! toiletrie#, inclu)ing a # a'er* 8e # o!ere) an) emerge) in t!enty minute#, t e #cruffy bear) gone, i# # irt off, )rying i# air* 69ou ungryF6 Logan a#+e)* 6Or # oul) !e -u#t go to be)F6 S e !a# alrea)y un)er t e co'er#* 6% t oug t you&) ne'er a#+,6 # e #ai), an) rai#e) t e # eet for im* About t e aut or

Ma3 Allan Collin# a# earne) an un(rece)ente) ele'en 7ri'ate Eye Writer# of America 6S amu#6 nomination# for i# i#torical t riller#, !inning t!ice for i# Nat an 8eller no'el#, True Detecti'e <:@;L= an) Stolen A!ay <:@@:=* %n 0110 e !a# (re#ente) t e 68ero)otu#6 Lifetime Ac ie'ement A!ar) by t e 8i#torical My#tery A((reciation Society* A My#tery Writer# of America 6E)gar6 nominee in bot fiction an) non,fiction categorie#, Collin# a# been aile) a# t e 65enai##ance man of my#tery fiction*6 8i# cre)it# inclu)e fi'e #u#(en#e,no'el #erie#, film critici#m, # ort fiction, #ong!riting, tra)ing,car) #et#, an) mo'ieHT" tie,in no'el#, inclu)ing %n t e Line of 2ire, Air 2orce One, an) t e Ne! 9or+ Time# be#t,#elling Sa'ing 7ri'ate 5yan* 8i# many boo+# on (o(ular culture inclu)e t e a!ar),!inning El'grenD 8i# Life an) Art an) T e 8i#tory of My#tery, ! ic !a# nominate) for e'ery ma-or my#tery a!ar)* 8i# gra( ic no'el, 5oa) to 7er)ition, i# t e ba#i# of t e acclaime) DreamWor+# feature film #tarring Tom 8an+#, 7aul Ne!man, an) .u)e La!, )irecte) by Sam Men)e#* 8e #cri(te) t e internationally #yn)icate) comic #tri( Dic+ Tracy from :@II to :@@L, i# cocre,ator of t e comic,boo+ feature# M#* Tree, Wil) Dog, an) Mi+e Danger, a# !ritten t e 4atman comic

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