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Crude Oil Production Shrinkage Factor

Oilfield crude oil production shrinkage factor and equation of state measurement, testing and simulations.
Intertek exploration and production laboratories provide reliable crude oil shrinkage factor anal ses and !OS "!quation of State# simulations. $he shrinkage factor of crude oil from separator conditions varies, dependant upon the pressure and temperature of the separator and the individual fluid properties. $he more volatile the separator liquid phase, the more impact separator conditions and shrinkage %ill be. Shrinkage value %ill be ver dependant upon the separator pressure and temperature and %ill change as these values var . &easuring the crude oil shrinkage factor' (ood oil shrinkage measurement is best approached b collecting the primar separator liquid and performing a separator test on it. $his involves simulating shrinkage in the laborator at each stage of separation "pressure and temperature# from primar separator to stock tank conditions. )ifferent liquid streams "%ith different compositions# require laborator anal sis for each stream. $he onl problem %ith this approach is if separator conditions change so %ill the shrinkage. $here are a couple of %a s to take this into account. Intertek recommends collecting a separator liquid sample at the maximum pressure a separator %ill be operated "preferabl at a lo%est temperature# to allo% the maximum amount of gas in solution. $he sample is compositionall anal *ed and sub+ected to a separator test, duplicating standard separator conditions from primar separator through stock tank conditions. !xamples are of the primar separator at ,,-- psia and ,--.F, second stage separator at /0- psia and 10.F, third stage separator at 23- psia and /0.F, fourth stage separator at ,4- psia and ,-0.F, and stock tank at ,0 psia and 10.F. 5tili*ing the composition and the results from the separator test, an equation6of6state "!OS# computer model is 7tuned7 to the measured shrinkage data. $his tuned model can then be used to predict shrinkage values at different separator pressure or temperature conditions %ith the resulting data %ell %ithin a 08 error band. 9lternativel , a series or matrix of separator tests at separator conditions covering the anticipated spread of pressures and temperatures can be performed in the laborator . $hese tests generate a matrix of shrinkage values covering the anticipated range. $he data can establish a table or equation to ield shrinkage value as a function of separator conditions. $ picall , onl primar separator conditions are varied. $his approach can be used %ith the equation6of6state computer model instead of ph sicall performing the matrix of separator tests : it is important to perform one experimentall to tune the !OS, ho%ever.

&easuring shrinkage factor at the %ellsite' $he 7shrinkage tester7 suggested for %ellsite installation provides a rough shrinkage value, one that probabl isn;t is sufficient if our s stem is a 2-.9PI oil and our separator conditions are not sub+ect to significant change. $ picall such equipment emplo a vessel filled %ith separator liquid at pressure "although not necessaril at temperature#. $he volume of this vessel is kno%n and calibrated. $he vessel is then drained into a non6pressuri*ed graduated container %hile the entrained gas is allo%ed to escape. $he shrinkage value is simpl the non6pressuri*ed volume divided b the volume of the pressuri*ed vessel "dead oil divided b live oil volumes#. Petroleum table values can correct the non6pressuri*ed volume to standard conditions ",0.C or <-.F# although this is often not done, adding et another error. $his method does not take into account changes in shrinkage value caused b multiple pressure=temperature changes of the liquid as produced b secondar and tertiar separators. On an offshore platform and all the %a to the shore base, t picall there %ill be several do%nstream separators in line from the primar separator. !ach one of these separators %ill have an impact on the shrinkage value and this is part of the reason the are in place. >ot taking temperature into account, there %ill be less shrinkage %ith more stages of separation as the oil pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure.

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