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Chapter 10

Thinking Culturally




Behavioral Norms

Different Cultures, Diff. Words, Diff. meanings

Language affects how we see things and how we behave

Different cultures have different words for same meanings and different meanings for the same words!

That is why translating is so difficult, because you have to translate both the words and the meaning

Losing a Message in Translation

Poor translation (vocabulary, grammar mistakes) Wooden translation (the words are right but it doesnt sound right)
Word, word, word, word, word Or maybe the idioms & concepts are different

The meaning is poorly communicated

Losing the meaning in Translation

Often Chinese business underestimate the importance of translating meaning along with words. Even perfect grammar cant always translate meaning. A perfect translation DOES NOT solve the problems of communicating across cultures.


A general idea A mental category The idea behind a word

What is a chair?


Yizi (3,0)

Can we translate word to word, English to Chinese?

The concept of chair

The Chinese Concept of chair

The English Concept of chair

The concept of chair

The concept of chair is almost the same


Different meanings for same words

FAMILY- West 1. -Father, Mother, Son, Daughter 2. -Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins - Duty to parents= less

FAMILY- Non-west 1. -Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, ancestors, distant relatives, anticipated births --Duty to parents= more

family Who do you see in this picture?

Who do you see in this picture?

Nuclear family

Extended family

The concept of family

The Chinese Concept of family

The English concept of family

The concept of family

The concept of family is similar but not the same

In western cultures In Chinese/ asian cultures

In western cultures

In Chinese/ asian cultures

Evil A big snake or lizard Associated with the devil Dangerous breathes fire, eats people, steals gold Great heroes hunt & kill dragons

Good A combination of symbols representing China The king of the animals Represents the emperor One of the 12 years of Chinese astrology

The concept of dragon

The Chinese concept of Dragon

The English concept of Dragon

The concept of dragon

The concept of dragon Is almost totally different

Different meanings for the same word

GODWest --Personal --One God --All Powerful --One Truth

GOD-East --Impersonal (force) --Many gods --Limited Power --Many truths

Different meanings for the same word

GODWest --Personal --One God --All Powerful --One Truth

GOD-East --Impersonal (force) --Many gods --Limited Power --Many truths

The concept of God

The Chinese concept of God

The English concept of God

The concept of God

The concept of God Is almost totally different

Comparing concepts

When does a child stop being a baby?

When does a boy/girl become a man/woman?

When does a man/woman become old (elderly)?

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