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The 10 Most Important Collections From Paris Fashion Week

Though Fashion Month is a full four weeks, the best collections are seen at the very end during Paris Fashion Week. The biggest designers like Karl Lagerfeld, Hedi li!ane and "iccardo Tisci #resent their collections, and the !ost shows are #ut on. With a gaggle of a!a$ing gar!ents being sent down the runway, it can be difficult to kee# u# with it all %% unless you have countless hours to devote to clicking through i!ages on!. To hel# you stay abreast of the i!#ortant goings%on in Paris, we&ve rounded u# the '( !ost i!#ortant collections of the week. to# worrying, start reading and catch u# on all you need to know fro! PFW below. Isabel Marant

)t&s safe to say if you want to know the trends for the u#co!ing season, you can look to )sabel Marant. The designer herself has beco!e an icon for all things French and chic, and everything she #uts down the runway beco!es instantly coveted by all *we&re all fa!iliar with the sneaker wedge+. ,nd it a##ears as though ne-t s#ring, we are going to want to stock u# on ruffles, ruffles and !ore ruffles. Balenciaga

,fter ,le-ander Wang received #ositive feedback following his first collection at .alenciaga, it left hi! roo! to #lay. Though the classic .alenciaga aesthetic was #resent throughout his collection, we couldn&t hel# but notice subtle nods to his na!esake line through rela-ed tanks and s#orty shorts %% now this is a Wang we can get on board with. Cline

Phoebe Philo, the creative director of /0line, single%handedly revived the ailing French brand a few years ago with her !ini!alist a##roach and love of neutrals. .ut this season, she sent a color%s#lashed collection down the runway, #roving that !aybe orange really is the new black. Chanel

)t&s not Paris Fashion Week without the /hanel show *or e-travagan$a, in this case+. With a life%si$ed robot in the sha#e of a /hanel 1o. 2 bottle, it&s hard to i!agine how anyone could focus on the clothes, but thankfully the so!e odd 34 looks were !ore than enough ti!e to soak it all in. 5f course we saw /hanel classics like tweed suits and white booties, but there was also a healthy dose of streetwear in the for! of orange leather trousers and deni! vests. Saint Laurent

"ock &n& roll !eets Las 6egas was the the!e at the aint Laurent show. "ed li# !otifs were seen on dresses, tight leather skirts ca!e down the catwalk a !ile a !inute and there was enough ani!al #rint to last a lifeti!e. Looks like Hedi li!ane s#oke with the Mulleavy sisters before creating his collection, as his gar!ents bore an uncanny rese!blance to the looks we saw at "odarte&s #ring 7('8 show. i!ench"

Probably one of the !ost talked%about shows during PFW was the bi$arre collection that ca!e down the runway at 9ivenchy. o!e dee!ed it brilliant, while others were left scratching their heads at the s!oking #ileu# of vintage cars in the !iddle of the runway and the se:uined face !asks. Stella McCartne"

leek, fashionable, #ractical and wearable are always the !ain the!es running through Mc/artney&s collections, and this s#ring was no different. Her easy%to%wear se#arates, lu-e fabrics and e-#ert tailoring will always !ake her every editor&s go%to designer. #alentino

5#ulence was the na!e of the ga!e at 6alentino. ;!broidered dresses, ta#estry skirts and e!bellished sandals flooded the runway and showed us why so!eti!es !ore is !ore.

$le%an&er Mc'ueen

/reative director arah .urton cited early twentieth%century !odernis! as the ins#iration behind her latest collection and what we saw was a !i- of leather bondage bralettes, shoes that rese!bled violent wea#onry and feather turtleneck dresses %% #erha#s this is .urton&s liberal take on !odernis!< Louis #uitton

With news breaking this !orning that Marc =acobs is officially leaving Louis 6uitton, his last collection for the venerated French house clearly !arked the end of an era. The all%black the!e see!ed a##ro#riate, as in so!e ways, we are !ourning a great loss. Though the air !ight have been sad, there is no denying the beauty in =acobs& gar!ents. The !enswear%ins#ired collection was full of over%the%to# e!bellish!ents, lavish te-tures and ornate headdresses. He sure did go out with a bang.

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