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Castle Perilous, Dungeon nr. 153 (Free on Wizard website).
Adventure for 18 level characters.
This conversion for True20 makes use of my True20 D&D conversion document, version 2.1.

Castle Perilous, Dungeon nr. 153 (Free on Wizard website)............................................................................... 1

Pregenerated Characters ............................................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 1: The escaped wizard...................................................................................................................... 6
1st Encounter: Enemies from beyond......................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Into the Void................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 3: The sundered tower of Moil.......................................................................................................... 8
1. Bottom Turret........................................................................................................................................ 8
Spirit Engine ............................................................................................................................................. 8
4. Fourth Turret......................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Fifth Turret - The Engineer .................................................................................................................. 10
6. Necroacidic slime................................................................................................................................ 11
7. Black Lightning................................................................................................................................... 11
8. The Thing in the Jar............................................................................................................................. 11
10. The Lady in the Bottle ....................................................................................................................... 14
11. Research Room ................................................................................................................................. 17
13. Cadaver Chamber .............................................................................................................................. 18
15. Fire and Ice ....................................................................................................................................... 19
16. Shrine to the Devourer....................................................................................................................... 20
17. The Blade and the Eye ....................................................................................................................... 20
18. Coffin Chamber................................................................................................................................. 21
20. Acererak’s Lab .................................................................................................................................. 22
Pregenerated Characters

Cassilda, Human Expert 18 Medium 18 Lev. Humanoid

Conviction 11 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 30 ft. fly 60 ft

Senses: Notice 27, See invisible, Blindsense 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet,

Toughness 15/20 against Combat Bon. 13 (14 m. strife)
Strength 3 (5)
Dexterity 6 (7) (+9 armor ) Initiative 6/7
Constitution 5 Defense 33 (34/37 shield)
Intelligence 2 Fortitude +18 Surprised 31 (32/35)
Wisdom 1 Reflex +19/20 Grapple 18
Charisma 1 Will 14 Grapple Def. 37

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

adamantine +5 frostburst, undead 15+ dam 4
22 12 cold, +7 sneak
striking, ghost touch rapier
force +5 composite bow 22 12 force, 16 undead 20 dam 3 120 ft.

Damage 20 Damage 25 Damage 30 Damage 35 Damage 40

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Skills: Acrobatics 21 (27/28), Bluff 21 (22), Diplomacy 21 (22), Disguise 21 (32), Escape Artist 21 (32/33),
Jump 21 (25/27), Medicine 9 (10), Notice 21 (27), Ride 6 (12/13), Swim 7 (10/12), Sleight of Hand 21 (27/28),
Search 21 (29), Stealth 21 (32/33).
Feats: 1 Weapon Tr., 2 Armor Tr., 3 Heavy Armor Tr., 4 Shield Tr., 6 Sneak Attack +7, 6 Quick Draw, 7
Mental Strife, 8 Dodge Focus +3, 9 Crippling Strike, 10 Hide in Plain Sight, 11 Iron Will, 12 Great Fortitude, 13
Use Magic Item, 14 Move-by Action, 15 Accurate Attack, 16 Tough, 17 Evasion, 18 Blind-fight 19 Uncanny
Dodge, 20 Precise Shot, 21 Skill Mastery (Stealth, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Notice), 22 Grappling Finessse
23 Skill Focus (Search)
Magic: Adept level 9, Power rank 12, Power bonus 13, Save Difficulty 16, Base save diff. 15.
Equipment: 530 thousand gp limit: keen, adaptable, ghost touch +5 adamantine rapier;
dimension door, improved fire resistance, improved slick, shadow, agile, blur, comfortable +5 mithril breastplate
(Armor check penalty 0); force seeking undead bane (+4) + 5 composite bow (5 strength); animated shield,
wings of flying, ring of blinking, hand of glory, greater goggles of night, belt of strength +2, gloves of dexterity
+1, hat of disguise, ring of mind shielding (power bonus 22), shining jewel,
wand of cure, wand of fireball, wand of lesser restoration, wand of invisibility, bag of holding
20 potion of cure light wounds, 4 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of cure serious wounds, 10 dozes of
Kaspar, Human Warrior 18 Medium 18 Lev. Humanoid

Conviction 11 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 30 ft. fly 60 ft

Senses: Notice 27, See invisible, darkvision 60 feet,

Strength 6 (11) Toughness 18 Combat Bon. 18

Dexterity 3 (+11 armor ) Initiative 7

Constitution 6 Defense 34
Intelligence 0 Fortitude +21 Surprised 32
Wisdom 1 Reflex +14 Grapple 33
Charisma 1 Will +14/19 Grapple Def. 48

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

21 cold 19-20/+3
irresistible flaming +5 great axe 22
force +2 composite bow 22 18 force 20/+3 120 ft.
silver shocking ghost touch short 18/+3
22 18 sonic

Damage 23 Damage 28 Damage 33 Damage 38 Damage 43

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Skills: Acrobatics 21 (23), Climb 5 (11/16), Jump 21 (26/31), Notice 21 (27), Ride 5 (8), Swim 5 (11/16),
Stealth 21 (28), Survival 6 (7)
Feats: 1 Weapon Tr., 2 Armor Tr., 3 Heavy Armor Tr., 4 Rage +5 (Difficulty 23), 5 Dodge +3, 6 Iron Will, 7
Great Fortitude, 8 Whirlwind, 9 Mind Blank, 10 Imp. Initiative, 11 Constrict, 12 Improved Grab, 13 Grappling
Finesse, 14 Tough, 15 Uncanny Dodge, 16 Improved Weapon Damage, 17 Improved Strike, 18 Two Weapon
Fighting, 19 Death Ward, 20 Endurance, 21 Tireless, 22 Mounted Combat, 23 Improved Critical (Great axe)

Equipment: 530 thousand gp limit: irresistible flaming +5 great axe;

improved slick, shadow, agile, ghost +5 mithril full plate (Armor check penalty -1);
force +2 composite bow (11 str); amulet of mighty fists (96 thousand gp, Irrestistible&Ghost Touch), silver
sonic ghost touch +2 short sword,
hand of glory, hat of disguise, greater goggles of night, wings of flying, ring of mind shielding (power bonus 22),
shining jewel,
20 potion of cure light wounds, 4 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of cure serious wounds, 1 doze of
Madoc, Human Adept 18 Medium 18 Lev. Humanoid

Conviction 11 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft

Senses: Notice 25, See invisible, darkvision 60 feet, Second Sight
Toughness 15/18 against elements/ Combat Bon. 9/16
Strength 1
24 against fire combat sense
Dexterity 1 (+9 armor ) Initiative 1
Constitution 5 Defense 20/27
Intelligence 7(8) Fortitude +16 Surprised 17/24
Wisdom 4 Reflex +12 Grapple 10
Charisma 1 Will 19/23 (fatigue) Grapple Def. 41

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

staff of power +2 17 6 20 dam 3
elemental weapon reflex s. 21 elemental

Damage 20 Damage 25 Damage 30 Damage 35 Damage 40

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Skills: Concentration 21 (25), Craft 11 (19), Disable Device 21 (31), Escape Artist 21 (31), Knowledge
(Engineering) 21 (29), Knowledge (History) 21 (29), Knowledge (Science) 21 (29), Knowledge (Supernatural)
21 (29), Knowledge (Nature) 21 (29), Notice 21 (30), Ride 5 (6), Search 21 (34), Stealth 21 (26), Swim 5 (6)
Feats: 1 Wizard, 2 Widen Power, 3 Empower, 4 Iron Will, 5 Tough, Powers (18)
Magic: Adept level 18, Power rank 21, Power bonus 29, Save Difficulty 27, Base save diff. 19
Powers: Cantrips (bonus), 1 Mage Armor, 2 Improved Mage Armor, 3 Enhance Senses, 4 Ward, 5 Second Sight,
6 Mind Touch, 7 Teleport, 8 Enhance Ability, 9 Force Structures, 10 Black Tentacles, 11 Phase, 12 Light
Shaping, 13 Cloud the Mind, 14 Fly, 15 Combat Sense, 16 Necromancy, 17 Cloudkill, 18 Elemental Resistance
Reserve Powers: Conjuration, Force Shaping, Wind Shaping, Water Shaping, Pain, Psychic Blast, Sleep,
Charm, Confusion, Dominate, Elemental Blast, Severance, Scrying, Fog Shaping, Blink, Move Object, Arcane
Staff Powers: Force Shaping, Fire Shaping, Cold Shaping, Energy Shaping, Elemental Blast, Ghost Touch(only
staff), Elemental Weapon(only staff, can select cold, electric or fire), Widen Power
Equipment: 530 thousand gp limit:
bracers of armor +5, Cloak of Resistance +12, master’s ring of freedom of movement, goggles of minute seeing,
hat of disguise, ring of mind shielding, hand of glory, greater goggles of night
20 potion of cure light wounds, 4 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of cure serious wounds, shining
jewel, iridescent IOUN stone, masterwork thieves’ tools,
Staff of Power, Wand of Magic Missile, W. of Invisibility, W. of Fireball, W. of Pain.
Aurelius, Human Adept 10 Warrior 8 Medium 18 Lev. Humanoid

Conviction 11 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 30 ft. fly 60 ft

Senses: Notice 32, See invisible, darkvision 60 feet,
Toughness 17 Combat Bonus 13/18
Strength 4/6
(combat sense)
Dexterity 3/4 (+11 armor ) Initiative 3/4
Defense 26/35 (37 ranged)
Constitution 5
(c.s., shield)
Intelligence 0 Fortitude +20 Surprised 24/33
Wisdom 6 Reflex +14/15 Grapple 23
+21 Grapple 42
Charisma 0 Will

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

dancing cold iron +5 mace 23 14 20 dam 3 10 feet
elemental weapon 17 elemental
reflex s.
elemental ray 23 19 elemental

Damage 22 Damage 27 Damage 32 Damage 37 Damage 42

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Skills: Climb 8 (10), Concentration 27, Knowledge (Theology) 21, Medicine 14, Ride 8(9), Sense Motive 27,
Stealth 28 (29), Swim 7 (9)
Feats: 1 Cleric, 2 Armor Tr., 3 Heavy Armor Tr., 4 Shield Tr., 5 Warrior Fortitude, 6 Great Fortitude, 7 Iron
Will, 8 Precise Shot, 9 Improved Precise Shot, 10 Tough, 11 Blind Fighting, 12 Uncanny Dodge, 13 Empower,
14 Widen Power, 15 All-Out Attack, Powers (8),
Magic: Adept level 14, Power rank 17, Power bonus 23, Save Difficulty 23, Base save diff. 17
Powers: Positive Energy Shaping (bonus), 1 Sound Shaping, 2 Elemental Ray, 3 Elemental Weapon, 4 Cure, 5
Cure Disease, 6 Imbue Life, 7 Combat Sense, 8 Elemental Blast
Equipment: 530 thousand gp limit:
improved slick, shadow, agile, blur, fire immunity +5 mithril full plate (Armor check penalty -1);
cold iron masterwork mace,
animated shield of arrow deflection,
gloves of dexterity +1, belt of giant’s strength+2 (Fortitude Save Difficulty 19), hand of glory, hat of disguise,
greater goggles of night, wings of flying/cape of mountebank, master’s ring of mind shielding, 20 potion of cure
light wounds, 4 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of cure serious wounds, shining jewel, iridescent
IOUN stone, handy hoversack, Healer’s Kit
wand of cure, wand of electric ray, wand of lesser restoration, wand of pain, wand of fireball
Chapter 1: The escaped wizard
1st Encounter: Enemies from beyond

Use the optional magic point system for cultists – it will go faster.
1 Cultist of Acererak leader with Conviction 2 (1 point already spent for magic points), 6 magic points left.
7 Cultists of Acererak minions – 4 magic points left
All start with 6 magic points already spent for used powers and for using powers while maintaining.

Cultist of Acererak CR 12 Medium Humanoid Lev. 12

Adept 12 Speed 30 feet

Abilities Saves Combat

Toughness 8 Combat
Strength 1 6 (11)
Dexterity 1 (5) (+1 Tough, +4 Initiative +4
armor, +2 ring)
Constitution 1 Defense 26
Intelligence 5 Fortitude 7 Surprised 19
Wisdom 2 Reflex 10 Grapple 12
Charisma -3 Will 15 22

Attack Damage Critical Range I.
sickle 17 10 electric 20 dam 3
touch 16
ray 17 17 electric 100

Damage 13 Damage 18 Damage 23 Damage 28 Damage 33

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Minions die on receiving Damage 18.

Skills: Notice 17, Concentration 17, Knowledge (Supernatural, Religion, Planes) 20

Feats: Wizard, Widen Power, Tough, Intellect Fortress, Iron Will, All-out Attack, Powers(11)
Traits: Adept Level 12, Power Rank 15, Power Bonus 20, Save Difficulty 21, Base Save 16 (for Fatigue checks)
Magic Points: 6 starting, 2 per fatigue level, 10 for minions
Powers: Bonus-Cantrips, 1- Mage Armor, 2-Mage Armor, Improved, 3-Enhance Ability (already used), 4-
Combat Sense (already used), 5-Elemental Weapon (already used), 6-Elemental Ray (electric, prerequisite in
reserve powers), 7-Heart Shaping, 8- Blink (already used), 9-Arcane Sight (Second Sight is a reserve power), 10-
Elemental Blast (electric), 11-Teleport
Equipment: Master’s ring of Protection+2, Masterwork sickle, Amulet of Attunement (Negative Energy Plane)
Chapter 2: Into the Void
The Sundered Tower of Moil can be found using various divination rituals (eg find the path), but no power or
ritual can provide any information about the inside of the tower. It is absolutely barred to divinations. I suggest
however allowing the powers and items used to detect or see invisible creatures to function normally. Otherwise
Phase+Invisibility can win the adventure.
Using the Mind Touch on Horus gives Seen Casually (+15 penalty) familiarity with the Sundered
Tower. This should be enough to use Find the Path or Greater Teleport (aiming outside the tower) to reach it.
The Negative Energy Plane has the following traits:
No breathable air.
Subjective directional gravity. The strength of gravity on a plane with this trait is the same as on the
Material Plane, but each individual chooses the direction of gravity’s pull. It is also possible to "turn off" gravity.
Such a plane has no gravity for unattended objects and nonsentient creatures.
Major negative-dominant. Each round, you must make a Difficulty 25 Fortitude save or suffer 1 point
of Constitution drain. A creature whose Constitution is drained to -5 is slain, becoming a wraith. The death ward
spell protects a traveler from the damage and energy drain of a negative-dominant plane. Some areas within the
plane have only the minor negative-dominant trait, and these islands tend to be inhabited. On minor negative-
dominant planes, living creatures take damage 2 each round. When they reach Dying condition, they crumble
into ash.
Impeded healing magic: The Difficulty of power check for Cure power and all similar powers and
items is increased to 20 (from 10). This affects wands, but does not affect potions and natural healing. Creatures
which are healed by negative energy are not affected. This affects even characters protected from negative
effects of the plane.
The PCs can use Astral Projection ritual, which provides a protection from the negatives effect of
planes, and then Plane Shift to the Negative Energy Plane. If they are in a hurry, they can use the amulets of
attunement worn by cultists and immediately plane-shift.
Chapter 3: The sundered tower of Moil
Area around the tower is a so-called doldrum. It has minor negative-dominant trait. (Living creatures
take damage 2 each round, and when they reach Dying condition, they crumble into ash.) Healing magic is still
You can enter each of the turrets through the open windows (or the flying bridge). Gravity within the
tower is normal (not subjective directional as in the rest of the plane). The inside of the tower is absolutely
barred to divinations. Such rituals as Augury, Commune etc do not function inside and do not provide any
information about the tower. The powers and items used to detect or see invisible creatures function normally.
Second Sight allows you to pinpoint invisible creatures, and to sense whether someone is at present using magic,
but does not allows you to determine the kind of magic nor to see magic auras. As a result you cannot use
Knowledge (Supernatural) to identify magic items.

1. Bottom Turret
12 Advanced Forsaken Shells, all minions

Advanced Forsaken Shell CR 10 Medium undead Lev. 22

30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 15 ft.

Abilities Saves Combat

Toughness 15 Combat
Strength 6 11
Dexterity 2 (+3 natural, + 1 Initiative +6
Constitution - Defense 23
Intelligence 0 Fortitude 7 Surprised 19
Wisdom 0 Reflex 11 Grapple 17
Charisma 0 Will 13 27

Attack Damage Critical Range I.
Skin Slap (power) 13 14 20 dam 3

Minions die on receiving Damage 25.

Skills: Darkvision 60 ft. Notice +22, Stealth +28, Swim 15, Climb 19
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Dodge Focus, Tough, Lightning Reflexes,
Attack Focus (skin slap)
Traits: Constrict damage 14 when pinning, Improved Grab
Create Spawn (Su) Creatures killed by a forsaken shell slough off their skins after 3 rounds. These sloughed
skins are new forsaken shells under the spawner’s control. These forsaken shells do not possess any of the
abilities they had in life.

The forsaken shells pose no danger, but when controlled can be used as a source of information and spies (they
are passably intelligent undead).

Spirit Engine

The spirit engine can be identified with Knowledge (Engineering) or (Supernatural), Difficutly 30. You can
determine its functioning with Knowledge (Engineering) test with difficulty 34, or activate it blindly with
Knowledge (Engineering) test Difficulty 25. As long as the divination block is in place you cannot use Second
Sight and Knowledge (Supernatural) to examine its magic auras.
If the divination block is removed, the spirit engine detects as: Strong conjuration, necromancy and
transmutation; adept level 20. You must make Knowledge(Supernatural) test with Difficulty 25 to discern those
auras. If you beat Difficulty 35, you magically divine the engine’s function and its means of activation.
4. Fourth Turret

Two Vampire Necromancers, both without Conviction.

Vampire Necromancer, Adept 13 CR 15 Medium 13 Lev. Undead

Speed 30 ft.
Senses: Notice 19, darkvision 60 ft., night vision;
Toughness 11, Combat Bonus 6/10 (combat
Strength 2 15 against cold and sense)
Dexterity 5 (8) (+4 armor, +3 Initiative 9/12
natural armor )
Defense 24 (base)
Constitution - DR 4 (silver, magic) 31 (enhanced)
Intelligence 8 Fortitude +8 Surprised 21
Wisdom 1 Reflex +(13) 16 Grapple 8
Charisma 3 Will +16 Grapple Defense 18

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

slam, touch attacks (precision) 18 7 20 dam 3
elemental weapon (longsword) 19 12 elemental 19+ dam 3
elemental ray 19 18 elemental 130 feet

Damage 16 Damage 21 Damage 26 Damage 31 n/a (undead)

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Skills: Bluff +21, Concentration +17, Knowledge (supernatural) + 24, Knowledge (history) +24, Knowledge
(geography) +24, Knowledge (religion) +24, Knowledge (science) +24, Listen +17, Stealth +24, Search +26,
Sense Motive +19, Notice+19
Feats (17+bonus): Night Vision (b), Weapon Training (b), Improved Initiative (b), Lightning Reflexes (b),
Great Fortitude (b), Dodge Focus (+3), Wizard, Intellect Fortress, Widen Power, Powers (13),
Traits: blood drain, children of the night, create spawn, dominate (Difficulty 20), energy drain, alternate form,
gaseous form, spider climb,
Magic: Adept level 13, Power rank 16, Power bonus 24, Save Difficulty 25, Base save diff. 17
Powers: Cantrips (bonus), Psychic Shield (b), 1- Mage Armor, 2-Mage Armor, Improved, 3- Necromancy, 4-
Combat Sense (+4), 5-Elemental Weapon (fire, electric, prerequisites in reserve powers) 6-Elemental Ray (fire,
electric), 7-Light Shaping, 8- Blink 9-Arcane Sight (Second Sight is a reserve power), 10-Teleport,
11-Conjuration, 12-Black Tentacles, 13-Force Shaping
Equipment: masterwork longsword, amulet of mighty fists (54 th. gp), gloves of Dexterity +3, master’s ring,
keys to all of the doors in the tower, silver unholy symbol (leering demonic face), potions of inflict serious
wounds (2) (work for undead as cure serious wounds).

The vampire necromancers can be easily defeated. They will try to escape when they perceive that the characters
have uncontestable advantage. They can use their gaseous form to pass through the door into the tower or
Teleport to area 20 in order to report to Acererak. If prevented from escape and magically controlled they could
be an excellent source of knowledge about the tower, but they fear Acererak above anything else and will
probably never voluntarily surrender or betray him. Even when magically controlled, they treat revealing any
important information as obviously harmful (to them) action. They do reveal some less sensitive information.
5. Fifth Turret - The Engineer

Modified greater shadesteel golem CR 17 27 Lev. Large construct

Speed 30 ft.

Senses: Notice 0, darkvision 60 ft., night vision;

Strength 12 Toughness 14 Combat Bonus 20

Dexterity 2 (2 size, 11 natural) Initiative 2

Constitution - Defense 32
Intelligence - Fortitude 9 Surprised 28
Wisdom 0 Reflex 11 Grapple 32
Charisma -2 Will 9 Grapple Def. 42 (46 vs. Medium)

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

2x slam 21 (19) 20 20 dam 3
Blightfire 23 Ref 1 Const 30-foot cone
Negative Pulse Wave 23 Ref 15 40 f. radius

Damage 19 Damage 24 Damage 29 Damage 34 n/a (construct)

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[][][] [][][] [] [] []
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Double Strike (bonus)

Skills: Stealth 10
Blightfire (Su): As a free action once every 3 rounds, the modified shadesteel golem can breathe a 30-foot cone
of black flames. Any living creature in the affected area must succeed on a DC 23 Reflex save or catch fire. The
black flames deal 1 point of Constitution damage every round and burn for 2 rounds or until extinguished. The
affected creature may attempt Reflex saves on each subsequent round that it continues to burn in order to put out
the flames.
Negative Pulse Wave (Su) : The modified shadesteel golem can radiate a burst of inky black negative energy as
a free action every 3 rounds. The pulse wave drains life from all living creatures within 40 feet of the golem,
dealing damage 15. A DC 23 Fortitude save reduces the damage to 11; the save DC is Constitution-based.
Undead creatures within the area make a recovery roll with bonus 12 (for every 10 points by which the magical
recovery check result succeeds, the recipient’s next most serious damage condition heals) and any turning effect
they are under is broken.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A shadesteel golem is immune to any spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability.
In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below. A magical effect
that has the light descriptor (such as continual flame) causes the golem to speed up for 5 rounds. It gains an extra
action each round, and because it is moving faster, it gains a +1 bonus to attacks and defense during this time.
The golem is also hasted whenever it is subject to a positive energy effect, such as the turning attempt of a cleric.
This might happen if the cleric has mistakenly identified the creature as a nightwalker or other undead, or if the
golem is standing near undead. If a shadesteel golem is targeted by or within the area of a spell with the darkness
or shadow descriptor, the golem makes an immediate recovery check with a bonus equal to the damage of the
Magical Link (Su): The Engineer is linked to the soul machine and its component parts. It is always aware of
any changes or damage to it.
Make Whole (Su) The Engineer is programmed to make repairs on the soul machine when necessary.
Shadow Blend (Su): In any condition of illumination other than full daylight, a shadesteel golem can disappear
into the shadows, giving it concealment (avoid damage on the roll of 17 or better). Artificial illumination,
even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, though a daylight spell does.
6. Necroacidic slime

Necroacidic Slime Trap: CR 17; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset after 10 rounds; hidden switch
bypass (Search DC 25); necroacidic slime (damage 16 per round; acid; plus 1 Constitution drain per two rounds;
Fortitude DC 30 resists the drain); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 25. Two walls of force block the exits
(Adept level 20, power bonus 33).
Incorporeal beings ignore the acid damage, but are still subject to the Constitution drain. 50% chance to avoid
damage does not apply, since this is a negative energy attack.

7. Black Lightning

Negative Energy Bolt Hazard (CR 16): Creatures that cross the bridge or enter the area of this inner ring are
targeted by 1-5 bolts of negative energy each round. You can avoid each bolt with Reflex save DC 24. If hit, you
suffer negative energy damage 12 + 2 for each additional hit. Undead struck by the negative energy bolts gain
instead recovery checks with bonus equal to damage.
For each decrease in power output, the damage the negative energy bolts deal is decreased by 2. For
each increase in power output, the damage is increased by the same amount.

Tower Level 5

8. The Thing in the Jar

Korthus starts combat remaining immobile (and hopefully inconspicuous) and uses a widened Mind Touch to
contact as many opponents as possible. If some resist him, it repeats the attempt each round it can spare a move
action. It uses Cloudkill (it does not damage undead), and than widened Confusion, or Dominate against fighters.
If physically attacked or damaged it uses invisibility or Cloud the Mind and attempts to escape and report to
Acererak. Even when escaping, it maintains mental contacts and continues attacks with Mind Thrust (which has
mental contact range). Incidentally, all attacks of Korthus are psychical and do not end the Cloud the Mind
power when observed by characters without Second Sight.
Ragewind starts combat with Blade Fury and uses it as often as possible. If the ragewind cannot
regularly hit or damage opponents with its attacks, it uses feinting against a single opponent, activates All-out
attack feat and combines all its attacks against him. It uses Move-by Attack to try to avoid getting mobbed.
Ragewind fights to the death and does not abandon Korthus regardless of circumstances.
If Korthus is killed, the Divination Block ends. Acererak notices is very quickly and begins to search for
enemies using his divinations. If cornered Korthus immediately tries to surrender; it willingly betrays all secrets
it knows, secure in the knowledge its block against divination will make it impossible for Acererak to know
about his betrayal.
Korthus - brain in a jar CR 17 17 Lev. Tiny Undead

Conviction 3 ○ ○ ○ Flying Speed 100 ft.

Senses: Notice 21, blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft

Strength Toughness 14 Combat Bonus -

Dexterity 2 (-2 size, 2 natural, Initiative 2
6 armored jar) Defense 14
Constitution -
Intelligence 3 Fortitude 15 Surprised 10
Wisdom 1 Reflex 15 Grapple -
Charisma 7 Will 20 Grapple Def. -

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

Mental Blast 26 Will special

Damage 19 Damage 24 Damage 29 Damage 34 n/a undead

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[][][] [][][] [] [] []
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Widen Power

Skills: Notice 21, Concentration 21, Bluff 27, Diplomacy 27, Knowledge (supernatural, history, religion) 23
Traits: Immobile Body (automatically loses grapple checks, but being grappled or pinned does not interfere
with its mental powers).
Magic: Key Ability: Charisma. Adept level 17, Power rank 20, Power bonus 27, Save Difficulty 26, Base save
D. 19.
Powers: Mind Touch, Cloud the Mind, Move Object, Manipulate Object, Cloudkill, Confusion, Light Shaping,
Suggestion, Dominate,
Special Abilities (similar to powers, but not fatiguing):
Mind Thrust (Su) Korthus can spend a standard action to deliver a massive assault on the thought pathways of
any one creature, undermining its intellect. Use the rules for Psychic Blast, except it deals lethal damage. It
cannot be widened. It does not affect mindless creatures.
Madness (Su) Anyone in mental contact with the tortured mind of Korthus must make a DC 26 Will save or
take 1 point of Wisdom damage. It does not affect mindless creatures.
Divination Block (Su) Korthus has spent hundreds of years developing its mental powers so that it can deflect
any divinations directed at it or the tower it inhabits. It must stay in contact with the Sundered Tower of Moil to
maintain this effect on it, but it can do so as a free action.
Fast Healing (Ex) Korthus makes a recovery check (Difficulty 10 Constitution check) from damage each round,
as long as it is not reduced to the “Dying” condition. It receives -5 penalty on this check (it must roll 15 or more
to succeed).
Necromancy (Su) Korthus can control undead as per the Necromancy power.
Telepathy (Su): Korthus can communicate telepathically with any other creature within a 100 feet that has a
language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic
conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to
multiple people at the same time. This ability does not require mental contact and does not inflict damage as per
Legion CR 19 31 Lev. Large Undead

Conviction 6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Flying Speed 120 ft.

Senses: Notice 35, blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility;

Strength 3 Toughness 21 Combat Bonus 15

(size 2, bonus 4)
Dexterity 5 DR 6 (magic) Initiative 5
Constitution - Defense 32 (35 vs melee)
Intelligence 1 Fortitude 10 Surprised 30 (33)
Wisdom 1 Reflex 15 Grapple 18
Charisma 1 Will 18 Grapple Def. 32

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

+2 keen ghost-touch longswords × 6 22 13 17-20/+3
Blade Fury (Su) 26 Ref 20

Damage 26 Damage 31 Damage 36 Damage 41 n/a - undead

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge Focus (+3), Attack Specialisation(all weapons, +2 to damage, +2 to attack), Move-by Attack,
Improved Disarm, Improved Weapon Damage(+5), All-out Attack, Two-weapon Defense, Uncanny Dodge, Grappling
Skills: Stealth 35, Acrobatics 39, Notice 35, Jump 37, Search 35
Traits: Damage Resistance 6 (magic)
Blade Fury (Su) Three times per day, a ragewind can as a standard action expand itself outward into a 15-foot-radius spread,
filling that entire space with its whirling weapons. This attack deals slashing damage 20 to every creature within that area or
16 on a successful DC 26 Reflex save. Immediately after this attack, the ragewind reverts to its normal size and shape. Once
it has used its blade fury attack, it must wait 3 rounds before it can do so again. A ragewind cannot benefit from both blade
fury and whirlwind at the same time.
Whirlwind (Su) A ragewind can intensify the swirling air that composes its usual form to the strength of a whirlwind as a
free action. When it does so, it transforms into a whirling mass of air and weapons 5 feet wide and 20 feet high. Each creature
that is at least two size categories smaller than the ragewind and in contact with it must succeed on a DC 26 Reflex save or
take damage 6. Whether or not this save is successful, an affected creature must immediately make a second Reflex save
against the same DC. Failure indicates that the affected creature is picked up by the winds and takes an additional damage 3
that round and each round thereafter that it remains suspended in the winds. (The ragewind may also direct weapon attacks at
creatures caught within its whirlwind if desired, treating it as surprised.) A flying creature may leave the whirlwind with a
successful Reflex save, though it still takes damage for the round in which it does so. A ragewind may also cause its
whirlwind to touch the ground kicking up a swirling cloud of debris with a 10-foot radius. This cloud obscures all vision, in-
cluding darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures at a distance of 5 feet have concealment, and those farther away have total
concealment. A creature caught in this dust cloud must succeed at a DC 20 Concentration check to cast a spell.
Invisibility (Su) At will, a ragewind can as a standard action suppress its whirlwind to become invisible. The effect ends if
the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this effect, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or
effect includes a foe. (Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character’s perceptions.) Actions directed at unattended
objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack.
See Invisibility (Su) This ability is always active.
Superior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex) A ragewind fights with six weapons at once. Because the creature is an amalgam of
many dead warriors, a separate intelligence controls each weapon. Thus, the ragewind has no penalty on attack rolls for
attacking with multiple weapons. It can make combined attacks with all of its weapons against a single or more foes.
Weapon Proficiency: A ragewind is proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
Equipment: 6 weapons – the ragewind uses stats of longswords, but the actual weapons may be different.
Tower Level 4
10. The Lady in the Bottle
2 Death Giants, both with 3 conviction, EL 18

Death Giant CR 16 23 Lev. Huge Giant

Conviction 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 50 ft.

Senses: Notice 24, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; blindsight 30 ft.

Strength 12 21 Combat Bonus 17 (21 Mental Strife)

(size 4, banded
Dexterity 1 Toughness Initiative 1
armor 5, natural
Constitution 5 armor 7) Defense 30
Intelligence 1 Fortitude 20 (18) Surprised 27
Wisdom 5 Reflex 18 (12) Grapple 33
Charisma 7 Will 18 (16) Grapple Def. 43

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

+1 huge greataxe 21 20 19-20/+3
thrown rock 21 18 20/+3 120
2x slam 20 (18) 15 20/+3
bite (not when using a weapon) 20 (18) 16 20/+3

Damage 26 Damage 31 Damage 36 Damage 41 n/a - undead
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Double Strike(B), Mental Strife, Cleave, Precise Shot, All-Out Attack, Constrict, Widen Power, Mind
Blank, Blind-Fight (Blindsight 30 feet),
Skills: Concentration +19, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (history) +12, Knowledge
(religion) +19, Notice +24, Survival +6
Magic: Key Ability: Charisma. Adept level 16 (3/4 of total level), Power rank 19, Power bonus 26, Save
Difficulty 25, Base save D. 18.
Powers: Elemental Blast (Fire, Negative Energy), Ward, Supernatural Weapon (irresistible), Fire Shaping,
Negative Energy Shaping, Psychic Shield
Special Abilities (similar to powers, but not fatiguing):
Frightful Keening (Su) As a standard action, a death giant can trigger the guardian souls that waft around its
body to wail in frightful anguish. Living creatures within 100 feet that hear this keening must make a Difficulty
25 Will save. Success indicates that the creature is shaken until it can no longer hear the keening or moves out of
range. Failure causes the creature to be panicked for as long as it can hear the keening and remains within
range, and shaken for 24 hours afterward.
Ending the frightful keening is a standard action. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear ability.
Steal Soul (Su) Any Disabled living creature within 15 feet of a death giant must succeed on a Difficulty 25
Fortitude save each round or die instantly. This is a death effect.
Any creature that dies within 15 feet of a death giant has its spirit sucked up into the swirling guardian souls that
protect the death giant. Such creatures cannot be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated so long as the death giant
lives. Killing the death giant releases the souls. If a living death giant is within 15 feet of a death giant that dies,
the souls are not released and are instead transferred to the nearby death giant due to its steal soul ability.
Under extraordinary circumstances, a living death giant may release a soul it has captured.
Traits: Immune to fear and ability drain
Rock Throwing (Ex) Death giants are accomplished rock throwers and gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls
when throwing rocks. A death giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium objects) – damage 6 - up to five
range increments. The range increment is 120 feet.
Guardian Souls (Su) A death giant’s victims become its guardians in death. Each death giant is surrounded by a
constantly swirling cloud of intangible spirits.
These spirits provide the death giant with warnings and protection, granting the creature a bonus on saves and to
initiative equal to its Charisma, instead of the normal ability bonus.
A death giant’s will binds its guardian souls to it. They are not ghosts or undead in the usual sense and cannot be
damaged, dispelled, or separated from the death giant. Only a successful turning attempt can quell these spirits
for a time. If the death giant fails the Will save, the guardian souls vanish until the end of the encounter (3
minutes), and the death giant loses the benefits of its guardian souls, frightful keening, soul healing, and steal
soul abilities until the souls return. The death giant suffers no other ill effects of a turning.
Rock Catching (Ex) Once per round, a death giant that would normally be hit by a rock (or projectile of similar
shape) can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium one,
and 25 for a Large one. The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack in order to make a rock-catching
Sold Soul (Ex) A death giant cannot be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated. If a death giant’s soul is not taken as
a guardian soul by another death giant or kept from departing by some other means (such as soul bind), it is
utterly destroyed 1 round after the giant’s death.
Soul Healing (Su) When a death giant is protected by its guardian souls, damage due to negative energy (such as
from an inflict spell) heals rather than harms a death giant. A death giant gains a recovery check with bonus
equal to damage. Death giants are healed by positive energy (such as from cure spells) normally.

The two giants guard a ghaele eladrin Rainmoon, who is under the effect of the minimus containment version
binding spell. The spell cannot be dispelled using Ward. It is possible to break it conducting a binding ritual in
reverse. Such a ritual takes 10 minutes, costs 500 gp in alchemical substances, and has difficulty 43. In case of
failure by 5 or more, the ritualist is imprisoned alongside Rainmoon. If no one knows the ritual, 1 hour of
research (using divinations) and Knowledge(supernatural) test with difficulty 30 allows to design an adequate
ad-hoc ritual to free her.
10 Lev. Medium Outsider(eladrin, virtue,
Rainmoon CR 16 –ghaele eladrin extraplanar), 6 lev. warrior

Conviction 10 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 50 ft. fly 150 ft.

Senses: Notice 22, darkvision 60 ft., see invisible, second sight

Strength 13 (m. armor 4, Combat Bonus 16 (20 Combat Sense)

8 natural armor 7)
Dexterity Toughness Initiative 5
1 (4) DR 4/vice&cold iron
Constitution 2 Defense 34
Intelligence 3 Fortitude 16 Surprised 32
Wisdom 3 Reflex 17 Grapple 28 (32 disarm)
Charisma 3 Will 16 Grapple Def. 38 (46 disarm)

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

+4 holy shocking greatsword 25 17 19-20/+3
2x light ray 24 (22) 14 20/+3 300 (total range)
elemental ray 24 18 20/+3 130

Damage 18 Damage 23 Damage 28 Damage 33 Damage 38
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Double Strike(B), Death Ward, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Uncanny Dodge,
Precise Shot
Skills: Notice +22, Bluff +22, Concentration +22, Stealth +23, Sense Motive +22, Escape Artist +23, Diplomacy
+22, Disable Device +7, Disguise +3, Handle Animal +16, Knowledge (religion) +16, Knowledge (science &
the planes) +16, Ride +16,
Magic: Key Ability: Wisdom. Adept level 13, Power rank 16, Power bonus 19, Save Difficulty 19, Base save D.
Powers: Psychic Shield (B), 1 Enhance Ability, 2 Combat Sense, 3 Elemental Ray, 4 Fire Shaping, 5 Wind
Shaping, 6 Light Shaping, 8 Mind Touch, 9 Mage Armor, 10 Improved Mage Armor, 11 Teleport, 12 Force
Structures, 13 Second Sight, 14 Arcane Sight, 15 Weather Shaping, 16 Ward, 17 Cure, 18 Cure Disease, 19
Imbue Life,
Light Ray: A ghaele in globe form can project light rays with a range of 300 feet. This attack overcomes
damage reduction of any type, except DR/area, as an elemental attack. It can affect both material and immaterial
opponents with no chance to avoid damage.
Gaze: Will save DC 19 or suffer fear (as Heart Shaping) until the end of encounter.
Alternate Form: A ghaele can shift between its humanoid and globe forms as a standard action. In
humanoid form, it cannot fly or use its light rays, but it can make physical attacks, and cast spells. In globe form,
it cannot cast spells or use its gaze attack. The globe form is incorporeal, and the ghaele has no Strength score
while in that form. A ghaele remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form
cannot be dispelled, nor does the ghaele revert to any particular form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability,
however, reveals both forms simultaneously.
Protective Aura: A ghaele has a Psychic Shield; in addition, its Psychic Shield can protect anyone within 20
feet. Creatures already possessing a Psychic Shield must chose whether they want to use its own or be defended
by the ghaele; they cannot benefit from both at the same time.
Equipment: +4 holy shocking greatsword, holy water (10), silver holy symbol, spell component pouch, thieves’
Tower Level 3

11. Research Room

EL 17-Two Mummy Lords, both with one conviction point

8 Lev. Medium Undead, 6 lev. adept, 4 level

Mummy Lord CR 15 warrior

Conviction 1 ○ Speed 20 ft.

Senses: Notice 24, darkvision 60 ft., second sight

Strength 17 (undead 7, Combat Bonus 11 (15 Combat Sense)

8 armor 5, nat.
Dexterity Toughness Initiative 5
1 armor 5),
Constitution - DR 2/- Defense 26
Intelligence -1 Fortitude 13 Surprised 23
Wisdom 5 (6) Reflex 8 Grapple 23
Charisma 3 Will 21 Grapple Def. 33

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

Death Touch 16 15 20/+3
slam 16 10+rot 20/+3
elemental blast reflex 15 20/+3 120

Damage 22 Damage 27 Damage 32 Damage 37 n/a - undead
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Great Fortitude, Widen Power, Improved Initiative, Cleric

Skills: Notice 24, Concentration 24, Knowledge (religion) 17,
Magic: Key Ability: Wisdom. Adept level 15, Power rank 18, Power bonus 25, Save Difficulty 23, Base save D.
Powers: 1 Combat Sense, 2 Enhance Ability (Centering Meditation+1), 3 elemental blast, 4 enhance senses, 5
second sight, 6 negative energy shaping, 7 fire shaping, 8 heart shaping, 9 cure disease, 10 harm, 11 imbue
unlife, 12 ghost touch, 13 ward, psychic shield (item)
Despair (Su) At the mere sight of a mummy, the viewer must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or be paralyzed
with fear for 1 round. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same
mummy’s despair ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mummy Rot Supernatural disease—slam, Fortitude DC 20, incubation period 1 minute; damage 2 Con and 2
Cha. The save DC is Charisma-based. Unlike normal diseases, mummy rot continues until the victim reaches
Constitution 0 (and dies) or is cured as described below.
Mummy rot is a powerful curse, not a natural disease. A character attempting to cast any healing spell on a
creature afflicted with mummy rot must succeed on a DC 20 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the
afflicted character.
To eliminate mummy rot, the curse must first be broken with break enchantment or remove curse (requiring a
DC 20 caster level check for either spell), after which a caster level check is no longer necessary to cast healing
spells on the victim, and the mummy rot can be magically cured as any normal disease.
An afflicted creature who dies of mummy rot shrivels away into sand and dust that blow away into nothing
at the first wind.
Death Touch: A death touch attacks deals negative energy damage equal to the CR of the mummy, without
bonuses from Strength. Creature reduced to the Dying condition dies immediately. This is a Death effect.
Possessions: half-plate masterwork armor (+5), amulet of psychic shield
13. Cadaver Chamber

Merrkor CR 18 –advanced dread wraith 32 Lev. Large Undead

Conviction 6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ fly 60 ft. (good)

Senses: Notice 30, blindsight 60 ft, darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft

Strength 18 (size 2, undead Combat Bonus 16 (15 w. size pen.)

Dexterity Toughness 16), Initiative 14
Constitution - Defense 35
Intelligence 3 Fortitude 12 Surprised 23
Wisdom 4 Reflex 20 Grapple -
Charisma 8 Will 24 Grapple Def. -

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

Incorporeal touch 25 16+Con drain 2 20/+3

Damage 23 Damage 28 Damage 33 Damage 38 n/a undead
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Improved Initiative, Move-by Attack, Blind-Fight

Skills: Diplomacy +14, Stealth+30, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (religion) +30, Notice+30, Search +30, Sense
Motive +30, Survival +10
Incorporeal Touch attack allows the wraith to attack corporeal and incorporeal targets.
Traits: Darkvision 60 ft., daylight powerlessness, incorporeal traits, lifesense 60 ft., undead traits, unnatural aura
Unnatural Aura: Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a
distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain
panicked as long as they are within that range.
Daylight Powerlessness: Wraiths are utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee
from it.
Lifesense: A dread wraith notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight
ability. It also senses the strength of their life force automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch. Deathwatch
allows to instantly know whether each creature within the area is dead, fragile (alive with 3 wounds, dying or
disabled), alive, but not fragile, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). Deathwatch sees through
any spell or ability that allows creatures to feign death.
Constitution Drain: Living creatures hit by a dread wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 25
Fortitude save or take 4 points of Constitution drain. On each such successful attack, the wraith gains a recovery
check with a +5 bonus.
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith becomes a wraith in 3 rounds. Its body remains
intact and inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed. Spawn are under the command of
the wraith that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had
in life.
Tower Level 2

15. Fire and Ice

2 Golems, each with conviction 3

Iron Golem CR 16 24 Lev. Large construct

Conviction 3 ○ ○ ○ 20 ft.

Senses: Notice 0, darkvision 60 ft., nightvision

Strength 22 (size 2, Combat Bonus 18 (17 w. size pen.)

12 construct 1,
Dexterity Toughness Initiative -1
-1 natural armor 17),
Constitution - DR 6/Adamantine Defense 26
Intelligence - Fortitude 17 Surprised 24
Wisdom 0 Reflex 12 Grapple 30
Charisma -5 Will 17 Grapple Def. 40

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

2×claws 18 20+poison 20/+3
breath 22 Ref 20

Damage 27 Damage 32 Damage 37 Damage 42 n/a construct
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: -
Skills: -
Breath Weapon The red-tinged golem can breathe a 15-foot cone of fire once every 3 rounds, damage 20. The
silvery golem can breathe a 15-foot cone of cold once every 3 rounds, damage 20. DC 22 Reflex save for
Damage 16
Poison Initial and secondary damage 3 Constitution, Fortitude DC 22 negates.
Supernatural Immunity: An iron golem is immune to most supernatural powers. An iron golem that is
attacked by a supernatural power dealing electricity damage, suffers no damage, but must succeed on a Fortitude
save equal to 10 + the damage of the attack or be slowed for 3 rounds. It can only take a single move or
standard action per round and cannot move and attack in the same round during this time unless it
charges. It takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Defense, and Reflex saves. A slowed character moves at half
normal speed.
A supernatural attack against an iron golem that deals fire damage does no damage to it and instead breaks
any slowing efect on the golem and grants it an immediate recovery check with a bonus equal to the damage of
the attack. An iron golem is afected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster.
Tower Level 1

16. Shrine to the Devourer

El 19; 40 Cultists (minions), one leader with 4 conviction points; 1 Spawn of the mother

Spawn of the Mother CR 15 12 Lev. Large outsider

Conviction 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 40 ft.; fly 60 ft. (average)

Senses: Notice 18, darkvision 60 ft.

Strength 15 (size 2, Tough Combat Bonus 18 (17 w. size pen.)

10 1),
Dexterity Toughness Initiative 5
5 DR 4/magic
Constitution 12 elemental resist 4 Defense 32
Intelligence 0 Fortitude 16 (18) Surprised 25
Wisdom 1 Reflex 13 (15) Grapple 28
Charisma -1 Will 9 (11) Grapple Def. 38

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

4×claws 22 (20) 13+poison 19-20/+3
gore 22 (20) 13+poison 20/+3

Damage 20 Damage 25 Damage 30 Damage 35 Damage 40
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Widen Power, Tough, Double Strike

Skills: Concentration +16, Stealth+18 (+26 hiding against stone), Knowledge (religion) +7, Knowledge (the
planes) +7, Knowledge(Supernatural) 15, Notice + 18, Survival +16
True gargoyles have a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and Notice checks(already factored in). The Stealth bonus
increases by +8 when a true gargoyle is concealed against a background of stone
Magic: Key Ability: Wisdom, Adept level 15, Power rank 18, Power bonus 19, Save Difficulty 18, Base save D.
Traits: DR 4/magic; elemental resist 4; immune to poison
Special Abilities (similar to powers, but not fatiguing): Heart Shaping, Pain, Mind Touch
Powers: Shadow Shaping,
Poison Initial damage 2 Constitution and secondary damage 3 Constitution, Fortitude DC 23 negates.
Freeze: A true gargoyle can hold itself so still it appears to be a statue. An observer must succeed on a Difficulty
28 Notice check to realize that the true gargoyle is really alive.
Planar Attunement (Sp) As long as the Spawn of the Mother remains in the Sundered Tower of Moil,
it benefits from a permanent attune form spell. This allows the creature to ignore the harmful effects of
the Negative Energy Plane on living creatures.

17. The Blade and the Eye

Black Blade of Disaster Trap: Blade attacks like a combatant on 17 in the initiative order. Attack 25, if hit
damage 30, Fort save DC 26 for Damage 26. Any creature reduced to the Dying condition by this spell is
entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust.

The blade attacks the nearest creature to the door for 18 rounds, but does not leave the corridor.

18. Coffin Chamber

Aeristus Hammel, Human Warrior 18 Medium 18 Lev. Humanoid

Conviction 11 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 30 ft.

Senses: Notice 27, blindsight 60 feet,

Toughness 18 (17) Combat Bon. 18
7 (10)
Dexterity 2 (+11 armor ) Initiative 6
Constitution 6 (5) Defense 33
Intelligence -1 Fortitude +19 (18) Surprised 31
Wisdom 1 Reflex +13 Grapple 32
Charisma 0 Will +12 Grapple Def. 42

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

+ 22 17-20/ +3
masterwork greatsword 23
unarmed 20 +15 20/+3

Damage 22 Damage 27 Damage 32 Damage 37 Damage 42
Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Skills: Acrobatics 21 (23), Climb 21 (31), Jump 11 (21), Notice 21 (22), Ride 5 (8), Swim 5 (15),
Feats: 1 Weapon Tr., 2 Armor Tr., 3 Heavy Armor Tr., 4 Attack Specialisation(+2, +2), 5 Dodge +3, 6 Iron
Will, 7 Great Fortitude, 8 All-Out Attack, 9 Move-By Action, 10 Imp. Initiative, 11 Constrict, 12 Improved
Grab, 13 Grappling Finesse, 14 Tough, 15 Uncanny Dodge, 16 Improved Weapon Damage (+5), 17 Improved
Strike (+5), 18 Cleave, 19 Bathed in Styx (+5), 20 Blind Fight 21 Great Cleave 22 Exotic Weapon (Greatsword),
23 Improved Critical (Greatsword)

Equipment: masterwork greatsword, mithril plate armor, belt of giant strength +3

Aeristus is permanently dominated and under control by vampires. He can be freed by killing the vampires, or by
a focused use of Ward. The power bonus of vampires equals 24.
20. Acererak’s Lab

El 22 Acererak has 9 points of conviction, and the marilith 6.

Acererak, lich adept 20 CR 22 Medium Undead (human) Lev. 20

Conviction 9 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft

Senses: Notice 25, darkvision 60 ft, see invisibility,

Toughness 15/ 20 vs elements Combat Bonus 10 (20)
5 (9 armor)
Dexterity 6 DR/6 Initiative 6
magic&bludgeon Defense 36 (38 defensive
- stance)
Intelligence 9 (11) Fortitude 13 Surprised 28
Wisdom 2 Reflex 19 Grapple 25
Charisma 8 Will 24 Grapple Def. 40

Attack Attack B. Damage Critical Range I.

elemental weapon 27 or Ref 17
paralyzing touch 26 20
elemental ray 27 25

Damage 20 Damage 25 Damage 30 Damage 35 n/a

Hurt Wounded Disabled Dying Dead

[][][] [][][] [] [] []
Bruised Dazed Staggered Unconscious

Feats: Wizard, Widen Power, Intellect Fortress, Teleport Sense, Still Spell
Skills: Notice 25, Search 34, Sense Motive 25, Stealth 29, Concentration 25
Magic: Adept level 20, Power rank 23, Power bonus 34, Save Difficulty 31, Base save diff. 20
Powers: Cantrips (b), 1 Time Shaping, 2 Project Image, 3 Force Structures, 4 Disintegrate, 5 Combat Sense
(+10), 6 Enhance Ability, 7 Teleport, 8 Enhance Senses, 9 Fog Shaping, 10 Second Sight, 11 Mind Touch, 12
Psychic Blast, 13 Fly, 14 Ward, 15 Phase, 16 Necromancy, 17 Time Stop 18 Pain, 19 Elemental Blast, 20 Mage
Armor, 21 Improved Mage Armor
Reserve Powers: Sound Shaping et al.
Staff Powers: Force Shaping, Fire Shaping, Cold Shaping, Energy Shaping, Elemental Blast, Ghost Touch(only
staff), Elemental Weapon(only staff, can select cold, electric or fire), Widen Power,
Special Abilities:
Fear Aura: Liches are shrouded in a dreadful aura of evil. Creatures in a 60-foot radius that look at the lich must
succeed on a DC 28 Will save or be affected by the fear efect of the Heart Shaping supernatural power. A
creature that successfully saves cannot be afected again by the same lich’s aura for 24 hours.
Paralyzing Touch: A paralyzing touch attacks deals negative energy damage 20 - equal to the level of the lich,
without bonuses from Strength. Any living creature a lich hits with its touch attack must make a DC 28 Fortitude
save or be permanently paralyzed. The effect cannot be dispelled. A Cure Disease check against the save
Difficulty can restore the victim. Anyone paralyzed by a lich seems dead. A Difficulty 20 Notice check or a
Difficulty 15 Medicine check reveals the victim is still alive. An undead creature is healed by the touch instead;
use the damage as the bonus for the recovery roll.
Damage Reduction: A lich’s undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction 6/bludgeoning and
magic. Its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Immunities: Liches have all the immunities of undead. In additon they are immune to cold, electricity and
polymorph effects (though they can use polymorph effects on themselves).
Equipment: robe of archmagi, amulet of mind shielding, staff of power, master’s ring of freedom of movement,
hand of glory

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