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Upper-intermediate (B2) Focus: Use of English/Fun/Vocabulary Grammar bits eelings In this unit of Grammar bits you can learn about some important and/or interesting grammar and vocabulary problems all related to ho "ead the e#planations belo people are feeling! and then do the $ui% that follo s!

! " #"$D & 'e says he isn%t a&raid of shar(s but I dont believe him! )*+ 'e says he doesnt afraid of shar(s but I dont believe him! be a&raid : f,l -% afraid mell,(n,v. nem pedig ige /b0rhogyan is ford1t2u( magyarra3. b0n2un( vele mell,(n,v(,nt h0t! & If you are afraid o& loneliness. dont marry! )*+ If you are afraid from loneliness. dont marry! a&raid o& sb'sth : f,l v(itl/vmitl -% afraid von%ata of ! & I really must hurry no . Im a&raid o& missing the train! )*+ I really must hurry no . Im afraid to miss the train! a&raid o& (doing) sth : f,l vmitl a&raid to do sth : f,l vmit megtenni /pl! 'e & 4Is he coming tonight5 4Im a&raid so ! )*+ Is he coming tonight5 4Im afraid of it! $%m a&raid so'not : att6l tarto(/att6l tarto( nem 'a a% eg,s% el% mondatra utalun( viss%a. a((or a% Im afraid ut0n csa( so &t ,s not &ot has%n0l2un( /pl! Have you told her? Im afraid so/not. 3! 'asonl6 ig,( m,g: believe , imagine , fear , hope , suppose , think ! as afraid to leave the house!3

2 "($)* ($)*(+ 'e is the li,eliest person Ive ever met! )*+ 'e is the most alive person Ive ever met! ali,e : ,l li,ely : ,l,n( Az alive ellent te a dead . A hib!s mondat teh!t azt "elenti, hogy a legink!bb l , a legkev sb halott ember. #z ugye olyan, mint a ki$sit terhes n.

- ".(**/ +he burglar

aited until everyone in the house

as &ast'sound'deeply asleep ! as very asleep!

)*+ +he burglar

aited until everyone in the house

be &ast'sound'deeply asleep : m,lyen als%i(7 a% asleep eltt nem 0llhat very

0 B1#*D B1#$2G I as very bored in the English lesson today! )*+ I as very boring in the English lesson today! as boring!3 boring : unalmas /pl! +he lesson bored : unott. unat(o%i( +ula2don(,ppen a 8ross%9 mondat sem helytelen. his%en lehettem ,n is unalmas. nem csa( a% 6ra! :ltal0ban is iga%. nem csa( a bored/boring &ra. hogy a% %ed &re v,g%d mell,(neve( vala(i/(3 ,r%,seit 1r20( le / I am bored ! itt ,n unat(o%om3. m1g a% %ing v,g%d,s mell,(neve( a%o(at a% embere(et. t0rgya(at stb! 2ellem%i(. melye( (iv0lt20( e%e(et a% ,r%,se(et / &he lesson 'as boring. itt a% 6ra volt unalmas3! A bored/boring bar!tai( amused/amusing. annoyed/annoying. astonished/astonishing. confused/confusing. depressed/depressing. disappointed/disappointing. embarrassed/embarrassing. e#cited/e#citing. e#hausted/e#hausting. frightened/frightening. horrified/horrifying. interested/interesting. irritated/irritating.

moved/moving. rela#ed/rela#ing. satisfied/satisfying. shoc(ed/shoc(ing. surprised/surprising. terrified/terrifying. orried/ orrying.

3 4"#*(*.. 4"#* #** 'e li(es spending his holidays abroad 5are&ree : gondtalan

here he can be 5are&ree for a

hile! hile!

)*+ 'e li(es spending his holidays abroad

here he can be careless for a

5areless : gondatlan /pl! ;he is careless about her possessions!3

6 47$(D$.7 47$(D($8* -though he is <=. he (eeps doing 5hildish things that annoy everyone! )*+ -though he is <=. he (eeps doing childli(e things that annoy everyone! 5hildish : gyere(es. ,retlen7 negat1v 2el% 5hildlike : gyerme(i7 po%it1v 2el% /pl! 'is childli(e smile amused everyone!3

9 *:B"##"..*D *:B"##"..$2G >asmine as embarrassed hen posing for the painter! )*+ >asmine as embarrassing hen posing for the painter! embarrassed : %avarban van embarrassing : %avarbae2t. %avart (elt A )rossz* mondat sem helytelen, $sak arra utal, hogy +!zmin nem zavarba ",tt, hanem zavarbae"tette a festt.

; /$<+ & I &eel pity &or disabled people. I try to help them as much as I can! )*+ I ta(e pity for disabled people. I try to help them as much as I can! &eel pity &or : sa2n0latot ,re% v(i ir0nt take pity on sb'sth : megsa2n0l v(it. meg(?ny?r@l v(in /pl! 'e too( pity on the beggar and gave him some money!3

- $t%s a pity that you cant come to the party tomorro A )*+ Bhat a pity you cant come to the party tomorro A it%s a pity that : milyen (0r. hogy =hat a pity> : milyen (0r -nnyit (ell meg2egye%n@n(. hogy a 'hat a pity ut0n nem folytat6di( a mondat. hanem 2?n a fel(i0lt62el ,s v,ge! -% its a pity ut0n ellenben folytat6di( a mondat /%0r62elben ,s f,lve ho%%0 (ell tenn@n(. hogy e%t a s%ab0lyt magu( a% angolo( is megs%egi(. legal0bbis a bes%,lt nyelvben3!

? .1##+ Im sorry to in&orm you that the meeting sorry to do sth : sa2n0lattal csin0l vmit

ill be cancelled! ill be cancelled!

)*+ Im sorry for informing you that the meeting

sorry &or (doing sth) : sa2n0l2a. hogy csin0lt vmit - sorry ut0n legin(0bb csa( a say. illetve s%inonim0i /pl! inform, announ$e3. valamint a hear 0ll to%infinitive&vel!

!@ =1##$*D =1##+$2G Clease call your mother! ;he is al ays worried )*+ Clease call your mother! ;he is al ays worried : gondterhelt. agg6d6 worrying : aggas%t6. nyugtalan1t6

hen you are abroad! hen you are abroad!


Cers%e a% sem (i%0rt. hogy vala(ine( a% ,desany2a van nyugtalan1t6 0llapotban!

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