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Abacus is a global distribution system (GDS) which is operated by Abacus International Pte, Ltd. It was ounded in !"## which head$uartered in Singapore and owned by Sabre %oldings and ele&en Asian airlines. It has its own entries to handle the system which is little bit di erent and little bit same to Amadeus and Galileo System. 'he entries which are used in the boo(ing o abacus can be ind below)

Encode / Decode
Abacus has got its own commands or encoding and decoding the cities, countries and airports. %ere I ha&e described brie ly about the commands which might be use ul or you while operation abacus system. Aircraft / Equipment Type *ncode aircra t e$uipment type + ,-*.+(aircra t manu acturer) /or *0ample + ,-*.+AI123S Decode aircra t e$uipment type + ,-*.4(aircra t e$uipment type) /or *0ample + ,-*.4567 Airline*ncode airline name + ,-+AL(airline name) /or *0ample + ,-+AL.A'A1 AI1,A8S Decode airline code + ,-4(airline code) /or *0ample + ,-4'G Airline /Ticketing Baggage Agreement (ATBA)Display A'2A by code + ,-4DL94AA,-4(airline)9(airline) /or *0ample + ,-4DL94AA Display A'2A by code + ,-4(carrier code)94+AL(carrier name) /or *0ample + ,-42A9+AL3:I'*D Airport*ncode airport name + ,-+AP(airport name) /or *0ample + ,-+APD*L%I Decode Airport ;ode + ,-4(airport three+ letter code) /or *0ample + ,-4/;< Associate*ncode a speci ic car associate + ,-+;1(car rental company name) /or *0ample + ,-+;1ALA=< Decode a speci ic car associate + ,-;14(two+letter car code) /or *0ample + ,-;14AL *ncode a cruise line + ,-+;L(cruise line name) /or *0ample + ,-+;LP1I:;*SS ;13IS*S Decode a cruise line + ,-;L4(cruise line code) /or *0ample + ,-;L4P;

*ncode a hotel chain + ,-+%L(hotel chain name) /or *0ample + ,-+%L1*:AISSA:;* Decode a hotel associate + ,-%L4(two+letter hotel code) /or *0ample + ,-%L4<= *ncode a speci ic tour associate + ,-+'1(tour associate name) /or *0ample + ,-+'1,AL' DIS:*8 Decode a speci ic tour associate + ,-'14(two+letter tour code) /or *0ample + ,-'14AD *ncode uni&ersal associate name + ,-+AS(associate name) /or *0ample + ,-+AS%*1'> /or *0ample + ,-+ASG1A8LI:* '<31S Car*ncode car company name + ,-+;1(car company name) /or *0ample + ,-+;1%*1'> Decode car company + ,-;14(two+letter car code) /or *0ample + ,-;14AL City*ncode city name + ,-+;;(city name) /or *0ample + ,-+;;?A'%=A:D3 Decode city code + ,-4(three+letter city code) /or *0ample + ,-41<= Country / US State*ncode country name + %;;;-(country name) /or *0ample + %;;;-:*PAL Decode country code + %;;;-(country code) /or *0ample + %;;;-:P *ncode a 3S state + %;;(state name) /or *0ample + %;;,AS%I:G'<: Decode a 3S state + %;;(state two+letter code) /or *0ample + %;;1I otels*ncode hotel chain name + ,-+%L(hotel chain name) /or *0ample + ,-+%L%8A'' Decode hotel code + ,-%L4(hotel code) ,-%L4<= + or + ,-%L4.<= Tra!el Agency*ncode tra&el agency name + ,-+'A(agency name) /or *0ample + ,-+'AA2; '1A@*L Decode pseudo city code + ,-4(pseudo city code) /or *0ample + ,-42A'7 Display 'ra&el Bournal 1ecord o the agency + ,-'A4(pseudo city code) /or *0ample + ,-'A45'7D

"#$ Creation

'o &iew the a&ailability o speci ic airlines + !66dec(tmlhrC$r 'o sell a seat in speci ic class + 7!u!5ll4 'o insert the name ield + +1AI-S3BA: =1 'o inset the agent phone number + " 5D6765 A5DA#A6-=arshyangdi 'ra&els and 'ours+a 'o insert the business nuEmber + " "#756FG577-SA1A:+2 'o show the boo(ing time limit o( + F'+<? 'o show the re erence name + DSA1A: 'o end and retrie&e + *1 'o ignore and retrie&e + I1

Ticket %ssue
'o issue tic(et in abacus system, irst o all we need to assign a hard copy o printer in order to get print out o master copy o issued tic(et. 'he command or assigning printer will be itsel sa&ed in /!6 button by Abacus team by pro&iding speci ic L: IA'A number or a printer . I not, we can assign printer manually too. 'o assign printer ollowing commands can be done. 'o start the tic(et printer designation + ,9I: 'o set the Printer L: IA'A number + P'1-HPrinter L: IA'A numberI 'o assign a printer + DSI@ HPrinter L: IA'A numgerI A ter assigning printer, we can go ahead to pricing an itinerary and issue ticket. /or this, we can ollow the below steps ) 'o price itinerary without 'S' creation + ,PA 'o price itinerary with 'S' creation + ,PA.1 'o price itinerary with speci ic ta0 e0ception + ,PA.19'*+:. 'o select and store the are at line! to crate the 'S' J ,'/1! 'o &iew the stored 'S' in the P:1 J 44, 'o delete the 'S' rom P:1 J ,9D 'o issue the tic(et J ,9'9A.19/;AS%9?P79DP*9*'19*1

'here are mainly two steps to c&eck t&e status of ticket and stored ares and ta0es. 'o chec( status with pnr + 4' and then, ,*'146 'o chec( status by tic(et number + ,*'14'!GFKKKKKKKKKK 'o !oid t&e ticket in abacus system, we can ollow simple steps) a. Display pnr b. 4'

c. ,*'146 or ,*'14'!GFKKKKKKKKKK d. ,*'1@ e. ,*'1@

$e ' %ssue / $e!alidate

'o change the date o issued tic(et in abacus system, ollowing steps can ta(en or re+issue and re+&alidate the itinerary date 'o show old ta0 and are with new ta0 + ,9I984*:P1-:P1!D777 (old are) -PD!!57:P-PDDFD78,-6A77KP 'o re+issue or re&alidate the tic(et + ,9'9*'"!7"A!""G##D7-!6 (segment no.) --7G=A8!6 (date o issue)?'=-!7576A5A9/A-;;AS%-74*/;AS%

/or partial re und, ollowing steps can be ta(en ) Acti&ate .uic( 1e unds and *0changes (.1*K) unctionality. See 'B1 + Price .uote 1eissue.

Assign your tic(et printer. 8ou can issue a partial re und with no acti&e Passenger Name Record (P:1). 'he Sabre system will create a re erence P:1 or the partial re und transaction and an item is added in the 4 T ield o the P:1.

8ou cannot &oid TR items that are created by the system as a result o a re und transaction. 'he system does not store a Price .uote 1eissue (P.1) record in the re erence P:1.

Prior to beginning a partial re und you must determine the &alue o each used coupon or lown segment. 8ou may want to &eri y this &alue with the carrier. /ares on tic(ets issued rom all partial re und transactions are not guaranteed should you recei&e a debit memo rom the carrier.

#ote( I the original are o the lown segments does not ha&e to be recalculated, this in ormation may be ound in the retained are (4,S or 4P.) or in the retained are history (4,S% or 4P.%) o the acti&e P:1. 8ou can then copy and paste the data into the memo area o your screen. 1e und data is automatically sent to the re und audit trail when you use the .1*K mas( process.

All paper and electronic tic(et transactions are automatically captured in the tic(et image database. I you need to cancel a re und transaction, ollow the ormats on this page.

#ote( I you are processing re unds through .1*K, and you report your transactions to 2SP (including 2SP ;anada-2ermuda), a 1e und *0change :otice (1*:) prints instead o a 1e und *0change AuthoriLation (1*A). 'he de ault number o 1*: copies to print is 5M i you want to print a di erent number o copies, you can set the 'B1 indicator or the number o 2SP 1*: ;opies.

Sales $eport
'o (now the daily report o tic(et issue, re und and &oid, the gi&en below commands can be used in Abacus System 'o &iew the sales report + D.24 'o &iew the sales report o speci ic date + D.246!B3L

Special Ser!ices
Sometimes we need to gi&e a message to airlines regarding passengerNs pre erence and status. 'hrough below commands, we can pro&ide a message to a speci ic airlines. 'o insert message or airlines + 5<SI .1 '%* PAK IS @IP Asalamu ali(um brother Eis ield (a ap nay poucha hay ye ield to boht lambi hay or is (i dastaan bhii me ap (o short me samEata hon is ield (i sab say Larori cheeL hay GDS OGL<2*L DIS'1I23'I<: S8S'*=O D GL<2*L S8S'*= %<'A8 %AI: BIS PA8 'I;?*'S ?I 1*S*1@A'I<: ?I BA'I %A8 ! SA21* 6 A2A;3S 5 APP<LL< A GALIL*< G A=AD*<3S D ,<1LD SPA: I: SA2 =* GALIL*< ASA GDS %A8 BIS SA8 AP D3:8A ?I %A1 AI1 LI:* ?A 'I;?*' 1*S*1@* ?A1 SA?'A8 %AI: PIA ?< ;%<<1 ?A1 ?3 ?A8 PIA ?A A2A;3S 3S* ?A1'A %A8 A2 2A' ?A1'A8 %AI: S;<P* ?I '< !77 =* SA8 P "7 P*1;*:' ?< :AI PA'A GDS ,AG*1A ?A <1 S;<P* IS ?A PA?IS'A: =*

2%I 2<%' %A8 <1 2%A1 ?A8 =3=ALI? =* 2%I 2<%' %A8 S%A1' 8* ?A8 ?A8 AP ?< GDS S8S'*= A'A8 %<: 2S....Q

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