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Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei (Christdemokraten) und europäischer Demokraten im Europäischen Parlament

Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats in the European Parliament
Groupe du Parti Populaire Européen (Démocrates-Chrétiens) et Démocrates Européens au Parlement européen
Internet address:
Pressedienst - Press Office - Service de Presse

Brussels, 28 May 2009


Today's Polish-German border is politically and legally secured − nobody claims


Elmar Brok, Chairman of the Federal Committee for Foreign, Security and European
Policy of the German CDU and Member its federal board, declares on the Polish
discussion about the common position of the CDU and CSU for the European elections:

"Nobody puts existing borders into question. On the contrary - only by the full
recognition of borders did we achieve legal certainty and therefore the condition for a
peaceful cooperation in the European Union.

We should nowadays have a look forward, understand and use the high level of border
openness that we have achieved together in the European Union as an opportunity for a
sound reconciliation and direct dialogue.

In this dialogue and reconciliation process all European displaced persons are also
involved, who have today the possibility to visit their former homeland.

There is full consensus within and for the whole European Union that borders are
unalterable but that at the same time Europeans are free to travel.

I understand the common position of the CDU/CSU for the European elections in this
way and in no other: as a promotion for the European integration process as the most
successful project of reconciliation.

Any other interpretation is unfair election campaign rhetoric".

For further inquiries:

Elmar Brok, MEP, tel.: +32 - 2 - 2847323
EPP-ED-Press Service, Knut Goelz, Tel.: +32 - 479 - 972144


CDU/CSU-Gruppe in der EVP-ED-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament

Knut Gölz, M.A. / M.E.L.S., Tel.: +32 - 2 - 28 41341 oder +32 - 479 - 972144 (GSM)
Thomas Bickl, M.A., Tel. +32 - 2 - 28 32002 oder + 32 - 478 - 215372 (GSM)
Lasse Böhm, Tel.: +32 - 2 - 28 40774 oder +32 - 484 - 656897 (GSM)
Rue Wiertz, B - 1047 Brüssel, Fax: +32 2 28 49044

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