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Anil Kumar mail:kanilkumaryadav@yahoo.


EMobile: +91 9533313638

CAREER OBJECT !E: To work in an environment where I can apply my technical exposure which I had durin my trainin on !"#$"%"# and where I can utili&e my skills 'or the rowth o' an or ani&ation( E"#CAT O$A% &#A% ' CAT O$: "e(ree)Cer*i+ic a*e )*" %(!* 6*omputer !cience7 I-T./).:I"T. Board)#niver,i*y)colle (e ! + ,-I+./!IT01 TI/,#"TI !(8 ,-I+./!IT01 "-"-T"#,/ %;"/: ;< I-T./).:I"T. .:,*"TI;-1 "-:=/" #/":.!= %;"/: ;< !.*;-:"/0 .:,*"TI;-1 "-:=/" #/":.!= -ear o+ .radua*ion )"0$2313 41(335 "#/I9$2334 62(535 /ercen*a (e






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This is a weC Cased proEect1 this proEect is used 'or their day$to$day transactions were they needs to increase their stock1 sales etc( This proEect on Inventory *ontrol !ystem intended to provide the seamless inte ration amon the 'our 'unctions stock details1 stock allocations1 customer order and cancellation1 administration on reports to provide in'ormation to their customers who involves in this process( TEC0$ CA% E2/ERT 1E: "%"# :ictionary )odulari&ation TechniFues6<unction )odules1 !uCroutines1 Includes1 <ield symCols7 )odule #ool #ro rammin :ata Inter'acin 6*all Transaction1 !ession methods o' %:* and 9!)A1 <ile =andlin 7 'rom 9e acy !ystems to !"# "%"#?> /eports 6*lassical and Interactive usin "9+Gs7 ;CEect oriented "9+!6"9+ ;ops7 !"# Dueries ;CEect ;riented "%"# 6Inheritance1 #olymorphism1 "Cstraction7 !mart <orms1 "doCe <orms /<* #ro rammin 1 %"#I

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1TRE$.T01: "Cility to learn thin s Fuickly( Hood #ro rammin skills( *omprehensive proClem solvin aCilities( Hood verCal and written communication skills(

/ER1O$A% /RO' %E: -ame : :ate o' %irth <atherGs name : !ex : )arital !tatus 9an ua es 8nown -ationality : =oCCies : *urrent "ddress : "nil 8umar( 11$34$1984( %ala 8otaiah( )ale( : ,nmarried( : .n lish1 Telu u( Indian( Travellin 1 9istenin to music1 #layin *ricket( :no 11$>>1 %eside #// 9aw *olle e1 0ellareddy uda1 "meerpet1 =yderaCad( :

"a*e: /lace: 0yderabad kumar;


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