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Criminal Justice & Forensics

Teacher: School: Room: E-Mail: Mr. Vincent Simpson Henry County High School 603

Course Description: u!lic Sa"ety ### covers the importance an$ origin o" la% in the &nite$ States' the history o" the (merican prison system' pro!ation an$ parole. )inger rints' Searching' *iagramming' Signs o" *eath' (utopsy roce$ures' *rugs + ,o-icology' (rson an$ .om!ing. Stu$ents %ill also learn a!out the history o" Homelan$ Security+ olice *epartment an$ %ill receive instruction in ha/ar$ous material spills' emergency me$ical training 01M,2' an$ parame$ic training. (ll stu$ents %ill have the opportunity to !e certi"ie$ in C 3 an$ .asic )irst (i$. Course Goals: ,he primary goal o" S ### is to intro$uce the stu$ent to the history o" la% an$ "ire science' Criminal #nvestigations an$ )orensics so that stu$ents %ill !etter un$erstan$ the necessity o" these pro"essions in our society. Materials Required: Stu$ents %ill !e re4uire$ to have a loose5lea" note!ook "or this course. (ll han$outs' tests' assignments an$ ethics sheet must !e maintaine$ in the note!ook. Stu$ents must !e prepare$ each $ay %ith this note!ook' paper' an$ pen or pencil. Onl !lac" or !lue in" or pencil ma !e used on an papers turned in #or a $rade% apers turne$ in other%ise %ill not receive a gra$e. T pes o# &ssi$nments: ,he ma6ority o" %ork assigne$ %ill !e complete$ $uring class time. Ho%ever' a %eekly current event %ill !e re4uire$ o" each stu$ent an$ a semester pro6ect %ill !e assigne$. 'nstructional Methodolo$ies(Strate$ies:

Several instructional strategies %ill !e use$ "or this course. ,hese inclu$e' !ut are not limite$ to' lectures' $emonstrations' class pro6ects' han$s5on la!s7activities' group %ork' han$outs' o%er oint presentations' vi$eos' an$ various te-t!ooks. &ttendance and Ma"e-)p E*pectations: #t is the responsi!ility o" the stu$ent to check %ith the instructor "or %ork misse$ $uring an e-cuse$ a!sence. Make5up %ork %ill not !e permitte$ i" an a!sence is une-cuse$. Mr. Simpson is availa!le some mornings at 8900 an$ most a"ternoons until 3930. #t is most pru$ent' ho%ever' to make prior arrangements "or in$ivi$ual instruction. #" stu$ents learn that they are going to !e a!sent "or an e-ten$e$ perio$ o" time' please re4uest %ork ahea$ o" time' i" possi!le. E+aluation(Gradin$ ,rocedures: 1valuation o" %ork %ill !e !y a total points metho$. 1ach assignment %ill count "or a certain num!er o" points that %ill !e compile$ at the en$ o" the nine %eeks perio$. ,he ma6ority o" points %ill !e "rom tests' as %ell as "rom the 1thics Sheet. ,he remain$er o" points %ill come "rom %eekly current events an$ class assignments. Career Opportunities Related to ,u!lic Sa#et ''' : 1. :a% 1n"orcement ;""icer 2. )ire )ighter 3. 1M,7 arame$ic <. ro!ation ;""icer =. arole ;""icer 6. >ailer7Corrections ;""icer 8. rivate Security ;""icer ?. .om! ,echnician

Si$nature ,a$e

#' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' have receive$ a copy o" the u!lic Sa"ety # Sylla!us an$ an 1thics Sheet. # have ha$ each e-plaine$ to me an$ # un$erstan$ the re4uirements o" this course.

Signature o" Stu$ent

# have revie%e$ the u!lic Sa"ety ### Sylla!us %ith my stu$ent. # un$erstan$ the responsi!ilities o" my stu$ent an$ the re4uirements o" this course.

arent7Auar$ian Signature

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