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Honor Killings and Womens Rights

Global Problem

August 5, 2013

Women as objects culture that does honor killings Body of women represents a mans honor men are also victimized Taliban known to kill couple who commits adultery Prosecution often too lenient for people that commit honor killing Honor Defense women killed in honor crimes have loose moral, and the women deserve it justification for a man killing a woman for committing adultery

Honor Crimes Violence (usually murder) against female family members for perceived dishonor What is dishonorable? o Infidelity o Immodesty dressing a certain way o Rape or abuse if it happens then you deserve it o Homosexuality this isnt always only women o Marriage refusing to enter into an arranged marriage marrying outside the village

Background 300 BC Mesopotamia father of defiled virgin could punish her however he saw fit 1752 BC Code of Hammurabi if a women was accused of adultery, she should throw herself in a river, if she drowned: guilty, if she survived: innocent Ancient Rome father could kill (or do whatever) any unmarried daughter, later transferred to husband Indian Suttee when women is widowed, she is encouraged to burn herself at the time of husbands funeral PreIslamic Arabia take baby daughter and kill her because she may later dishonor the family Bible daughter of priest who acts like a whore should be burned if you bring shame on your family (mom/dad) you should be killed Medieval Witchcraft 80% accused of witchcraft were women witches brough famine, disease, etc. should be punished Enlightenment and Industrial Rev. in west: need women in work force women took jobs outside of house New Zealand first to grant womens rights th th 19 and 20 C. Women suffrage US 1820

Where in the World? Mostly in S. Asia and Middle East Christians, jews, zeaks, etc. Law and Reality Jordan doesnt have laws against HKs o Example: Pakistan still continues though Honor Killings illegal since 2004

Role of tradition used as justification of honor crimes 1/5 of homicides are honor crimes only 10% of Pakistani law enforcement officers know its against the law

On the Rise UN estimates 5,000: but up to 20,000 most are not reported Turkey has increased honor killings India: honor crime happens every 6 hours Justification o Ostracism societal pressures from loss of honor o Economic damage business owner whose daughter does something damaging and family doesnt perform honor killing, then business may be shunned o Political Consequences if community leader, and something happens with daughter, can lose power or voters, etc. o Loss of Self-Esteem can become depressed, suicidal, effect income, and social standing

Honor Crimes as Domestic Violence Violence against women social and economic burdens More frequent in urban settings practically every country, except Peru Warning Signs signs shown before finally murdered symptoms: chronic pain, anxiety, mental problems, bruises, etc. often ignored Risk Factors Race (African American women dont report abuses as much as White women) poverty lower education In China, 45% of women dont report violence

Distinct Characteristics HL vs DV: domestic violence A heroic conspiracy planned, carried out by family, viewed as hero Planning careful, premeditated: DV is usually in the heat of passion Reason motive is different. Attempt to restore honor: DV usually in anger Perpetrator rarely acts alone (family/village comes together): DV usually acts along Perception little or no remorse for the killing, often praised: DV is rarely praised

The Quran and Honor Killings Quran doesnt support HK only authorized member can take the life of a Quran supporter forbids being punished for crimes there is no evidence of Arab tradition Islamic religious figures condemnation of HK Imposed Morality? should we impose our own morality on these countries

Fighting Back Individual Level o Mukhtar Mai gang raped on village orders because family wouldnt punish her, and she refused to commit suicide Governmets - are they doing enough?? o Iran, Jordan Iran: if father kills kids, its not murder Jordan: if woman commits adultery you can kill her and its not murder o Latin America until 1991, honor killings legal in Colombia Barriers: Government and Culture 2 greatest barriers Example: Afghanistan women shelters should be run by the govt. If this happens will need 8 signatures of officials to approve of her staying at the shelter officials normally pressured by family to return woman back to family

Women & Intl Human Rights Law Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) 1979 ratified by everyone expect US (in 1st world countries) right to family planning choosing husband/wife o Deals Specifically with womens human rights o Criticisms failing to get accurate statistics and failure to act how do you actually get statistics self reporting doesnt work

** Turkey has reformed laws on HK/crimes. Wants to be part of the UN 2004 reformed a lot of laws. Once eyes are off of Turkey will they revert back to their ways of HK? The 3Ps Role of WHO o Development want to promote social and economic development help women righting standing o Governments should acknowledge HK bad and make laws to combat it o Leaders take active role, act as a role model, provide awareness o Integration violence against women into already existing health problems this would help w/funding for violence Prevention need education on family, gont, village, and international level Protection raise awareness in legal system sheltered women shouldnt be persecuted Prosecution have to go forward and persecute people who commit HK/crimes

Consequences Missing Women women who should be alive but arent, because they died from discrimination, HK, aborted, etc. Inequality

Economic Consequences women strengthen economy, contribute to workforce Intellectual contributions Culture of Violence perpetrates violence low violence tends to thrive more

** Half the sky refers to women holding up half the sky and still deal with many things that men dont have to rape, HK, FGM, etc.

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