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Rosemirtha Badeau Professor Extra Credit December 5, 2013 500 years later Until Lions tells their tale,

the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter- African Proverb. This simple quote, to me has a great meaning. Africans we need to tell our story. For if we do not, then the only point of view that will be told and glorify is that of the hunters (the Europeans). This documentary 500 years later is an amazing film that touches the inequality and horrible treatment of the African people after the slave trade. To me the black experience that is addressed in the film is that many blacks have poor education, health, crime, and have a lack of self-identity which I also think is a result of the Black inferiorly and White supremacy that dominated the western societies. By providing different facts and interviews by professionals, the film was able to help me understand the black experience. I also like the fact that they gave me an historical background of slavery. I found it interesting that during the 16th century African where traded thorough out the Caribbeans and European of labor. Hundreds and millions of slaves were traded and shipped to The Americas during the two hundred years of slavery. This I believe cause mental hurt and inequality amounts the black people that has passed from one generation to the next. There were many subjects in the film that was also addressed in the class. However the main thing I really stood out to me was: Education and racism and power they can have. As stated in the film Black people are struggle for many kinds of inequality and racism in western societies (500 years later). After watching this film I truly believe that education is one of the key or solution for the problem that the black people endorse. Though out the film a passport is expressed as a weapon for the future. Education is the passport, and when use appropriately education can change the world. Education can also be used as a tool to give knowledge to others and help us understand ourselves. I really like this film; it addressed many issues in the black community. I did not see any weakness in this film because it was told by the African people, which I believe is the best way to tell a story; straight from the horses mouth. I recommend it to everyone, definitely to the black community. As the secretary of ASA, African Students Association, I am always looking for new ways to educate our members about our history. This film will be an interesting way to do that. I also think that this film would also be a great documentary to show during Black History Month!!

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