Colloquial Indonesian

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First published 1994 by Routledge TI NeW Ftler Lane, London ROSP AEE Simuttancousl pablshed inthe USA and Canada by Routledge 29 West 35th trct, New York, NY 10001 Reprinted with conection 1986 Reprinted 198,200, 2002 Routledge is an imprint ofthe Taylor & France Group (©1984 Sutanto Atmosumaro ‘Typeset in Times Tenby Morenceype Ltd, Stodegh, Devon Print and hound in England by Biles Ld, Gullford aad King’s Lynn All sights reserved. No prt ofthis book may be reprinted or reproduced orulizd in any form or by any eletronie mechanics, of lather means, now Kowa or here ivented inching photocopying 1nd ecording, or in any information storage or etieval system, ‘without permission in writing from te publishers Bris Library Cataloguing in Pl ‘Aelalogoe record fr this nook Dae be rom the Btish Library Library of Congas Cataloguing ix Publication Data ‘catalogue rocord avaiable for ths Boak Irom the Library of Congress ISBN 0-15-09199-3 00k) ISBN 0-415-09000-0 (cates) ISBN 0-415-08201-9 (book and cassettes course) Contents Introduction A guide to transcription and pronunciation 1. Nama saya John Stanton ‘My name is John Stanton 2. Itu bukan isteri John Hardy That not John Hand's wile 3 Ada berapa hari dalam setahun? How many days are therein a yar? 4 Di mana Monumen Nasional ‘Wher is the National Monument? 5 Bagaimana rumah anda yang baru? What's your new house ike? 6 Apa anda suka ber Do you ike walking? 7 Tanggal berapa har ini? What's today’s date? 8 Saudara menunggu siapa? ‘Who are you wating for? 9 Johnny membersihkan kamar tidurnya “ohany cleans his bedroom 10 Perjalanan ke Indonesia ying to Indonesia 11 Apa kemejaku sudah dicuci? Has somebony washed my shift? 12 Tolong, ambilkan saya kertas Peas could you get me. some papers in? 16 as ¢ 3 Ty 18 136 150 13 Mana yang lebih enak? Which is more enjoyable? 14 Dia mengasihi semua pegawainya “The wise director 15 Jari kakinya terinjak orang ‘Someone has stepped on his foot 16 Saya kecapean Tm so tired 17 Lebaran ~ hari raya nasional Lebaran ~ a national holy day Ready reference grammar Key to the exercises Indonesian-English glossary Grammatical index g ¥ S83B BR eg Introduction CCollogual Indonesian has been writen for anybody with an interest in the Indonesian language. Throughout, the language presented fand taught isthe language used in everyday conversation, corres: pondence, newspapers, adio and television. Twriting this course Thave tried to relate grammar and language points to everyday situations, As the grammar would be best eared if it were introduced point by point in stages, I have used situations in which particular grammar points are used in the sen ences describing the situation. For example, in introducing the prefix ber (meaning ‘to have') I may choose, for example, the story of arich man. “Timmy is lucky. He has a big house, a good ear’ c.~ Fimmy beruntung, dia Berumah besa, dia Germobl bagus The merit of this approach is that learners deal with only one prob- Jem at atime. This acquired grammar point can be used inthe next lesson, when leasners deat with another grammar point ina differ- "The course begins with an extended chapter on pronunciation. Do not overlook this. tis essential that you familiarize yourself with the basic sounds of Indonesian if you are to be understood. The course comprises 17 lessons, and each follows a similar pattern. A situation (asualy in the form ofa dialogue) shows the language in ‘ction, You wll notice words and pases highlighted in bold type Each ofthese grammar or language points is then explained, These sre then included for further work and practice in the exercises. Each lesson finishes with further dialogues and a reading passage. ‘These reinforce earlier language points and further develop your ‘reading and listening sil ‘The lessons are followed by a short ‘Reference grammar’ which summarizes the main grammar points covered in the course in & succinct and accessible form, The ‘Key (0 the exercises’ gives you the answers to most of the exercises. The Indonesian-English ary" is not only meant for looking up words that have been ‘sed inthis book, but also for further understanding the systems by hich Indonesian words, especially verb, are formed. Finally there 1 “Grammatical index’, covering the language and grammar points. “Two 6-minute recordings accompany this book. Ifyou are really serious about learning Indonesian pronunciation, then T urge you to use these. Although no language is easy, Indonesian isnot dificult guage for speakers of European languages to lear. However, pronunciation (not to mention listening skils) can really only be ‘properly addressed by listening to, and following the example of, native speakers ofthe language, Tam grateful to the School of Oriental and Aftican Studies (SOAS), Department of South East Asia in London, which for five ‘years employed me as a part-time teacher of Indonesia. Al, t0 the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Training Department in London, which fora number of years gave me the same opportunity ‘Without this experience the writing of this book would not have. ‘been pessible. Last but not least, my thanks to Alison Joba who Iheped me in the preparation ofthis course Sutanto Atmosumarto London, January 1994 A guide to transcription and pronunciation For speakers of European languages the Indonesian language is perhaps among the easiest to read and write, There are several reatons for this. Fist, unlike Arabic or Chinese, Indonesian is vitten in Roman characters; second, it has no word stress ~ all syllables are pronounced equally; and third, unlike Thai ot ‘Vietnamese, Indonesian is nota tonal language. Its basic intonation is conventional: it uses a rising intonation for "Yes or ‘No’ questions ‘nd a falling intonation for questions beginning with who", where’ “when, how’, why’, and statements, just as in English Pronunciation, hawever, ean be a problem. There are five vowels in Indonesian and none of them has an equivalent in English. Of the 24 consonants six (namely fmf, Ms! and fy) ean be pro- nounced roughly the same as in English. In the following section, however, the Indonesian sounds are deseribed in terms of those that are closest to English sounds Word stress In Indonesian a wor is segmented into syllables al of which receive almost equal stessc., ma/kan (2) mi/au/man (3), pee/kalwi/san (4), ete). In English, diferent syllables in a word are given diferent degrees of stres (eg “htchen’ or “ofce (stronger sires onthe frst syllable), ‘congratulations (stronger stress on the fourth sylable) or ‘maternity’ (stronger stress on the second sylable)) ‘A sequence of Hrestes and non stresses causes Autuation() in tan utterance. In English speech, unstressed syllables are slurred or pronounced almost inaudibly, while the stressed ones are accented, ‘eating contractions. This s not the ease with Indonesian speech In Indonesian all syllables are pronounced almost equally one by one. A writen Indonesian sentence of 10 wards, for example, takes longer time to ead than a written English sentence of the same length. In other words, compared to English, an Indonesian sentence is more time-consuming. Indonesian speakers, however, havea diferent way of being efficient, namely by cuting oF drop: ping a syllable or even & word which they find disposable in an ttieranee. Here are some examples: ulljormal form Shore form fetapi tapi but Sandara pergi ke mana? Ke mana? ‘Where are you going? ‘masa ke kamar ‘mask kamar teenter into the room akan kan ‘question tag ‘Apa saudara mau makan? Mau makan? Do you want to eat? ‘Also, the prefix me attached to a verb is often omitted ‘memukal gonderang, ‘mula genderang tobeat » drum ‘menalis surat towritealeter lis surat ‘memompa ban topump up a tye ‘mompa ban Intonation In normal speech one can distinguish four levels of pitch: very low (symbolized by 1); low, which is the usual voice level atthe begin= ning of an utterance (symbolized by 2); high (symbolized by 3); and very high (symbolized by 4). A varied combination of these pitch levels, plus a pause(/), make up the intonation of an utterance. It should not be much of a problem for an English speaker to learn ‘asic Indonesian intonation because i is similar (o that af English, (4) Statement ( Saya / makan. 2313 1 (Orang itu / minum susu. 22-3122 31 Dia / tidak maw dduk. 23/22 2231 Ada kucing / asic, 2223-1231 (0) "Yes-No' questions (ising intonation) (Orang itu /datang? 2223/23 ‘Apa orang it /datang? 21222-22123 Datangkah / orang itu? 223 (2 (6) Questions with whotwhar, (faling intonation) ing intonation) Ym eating "That person is drinking mil, “He doesn't want to sit ‘There's a cat over there, ‘The man came? Did the man come? Did the man come? ‘where’, ‘when’, “why” and ‘how’ Kapan / orang itu/ pergi? When dd the man go? 3 @ We 1 ‘Apa tugas anda? ‘What's your task? 2122 317 Slapa /menulis surat itu? Who wrote that letter? 223122223 31 Saudars / makan aps 223022 3 ‘What are you eating? Reading and writing Let's note the definition of the linguistic word “phoneme' prior to this diseusion. A phoneme isa minimal distinctive sound uni, Fe ‘example ft in ‘time and dl! in dime’ are two distinetive sound units, hence they ate phonemes. Similarly in “deed” and fin aid are ‘wo different vowel phonemes. English phonemic transcription is very different from regul writing = the former is for linguists and the later i for everybody. In Faglish, words with the same vowel sounds can be written jn very different ways, For example, the phoaeme fei i used in the following words: ‘make, ‘weight and ‘plain’, all of which, though pronounced ins similar fashion, are spelt differently. ‘There is a_more consistent relationship between Indonesian phonemes and their written forms. Normally, for one Indonesian [Phoneme there is one written form, namely one ofthe letters in the Latin alphabet. This applies to vowels as wel as to consonants, For example, the vowel phoneme fa (as “ain “father’) is always pro rounced in that way in all Indonesian words with ain them, such 5 saya, meja, ada, tua, tad, etc. In Indonesian, i isthe consis: ‘tency inthe one-10-one relationship between sound and symbol that makes the reading and writing of the language relatively easy and simple. There is therefore no problem with spelling. Pronunciation CX Vowels In Indonesian, there are five phoneme vowels fl fl fo and Diphthongs are made by combining one with another. Ay ‘The Indonesian letter is pronounced like the English ain far. ada to cxist kar root apa what (ands sign facara programme akan est bbakwa that dapat” can aman park bayar pay banyak plenty Kata Word putas” border sayang Unfortunately Note: can combine with for w to produce the diphthongs al (asin the English ‘my’ and ‘tie’) and au (as inthe English ‘cow’ and “bow. air water haus thirsty at Tiguid maut death in diferent laut sea sit hook dan leave main play kaum group fing val Jauk ‘side dish te The Indonesian letter © has two different sounds, One 8 pro- nounced like the English ‘ain ‘ago’ and ‘again’. The second has a sound the vowel length of which is between “make and ‘mick. (asin ago’) e(becween ‘make’ and ‘mick’) ‘amas gold enak dalicious kevias paper edn mad serbu attack seta devil fentah don't know ok beautifl eras rice alt elite ppeka sensitive merck free setia faithful mereka they we The Indonesian letter 1s pronounced much lke the English ee in feet, meat’ and be’ that bli buy fish ‘al deat pues set series kin ve finggal slay fadi just past mandi to bathe la mad suck holy [Note can combine with w oro to produce the diphthongs iu (no English equivalent) and fo (asin the English ioe’) iw to typ blow biola violin sol whistle ios news-and sium iss pion pawn line saliva ploner pioneer fof The Indonesian leter o is diferent from the English ‘o’ in that generally the English “o" in an open syllable is long, as if being Followed by ‘’ atthe end. The Indonesian o is short, the nearest to [English being ‘o’ingo'and'so’- In closed syllable the Indonesian ‘ois very much like the vowel sound in ‘more’, ‘saw’ or ‘door’ ‘An open syllable has vowel ending the syllable. A closed lable has a consonant ending the sable. For example, in lar (Go sleep), the frst syllable tis open and the second syllable dar is, cloted. (04s in go" bur short ‘like the vowel sound in ‘more, ‘saw’ Yaw” torko shop kotor airy salto soup obeol chat Kado gift Dota! bottle pranghko stamp kosong empty Solo atown in Java roti bread Jodo compatible spouse tonton watch "Note: If there are two 0s in & word, both should be pronounced the same. If in a word one ‘ois an open syllable and the other is & closed sylable, the“ in the later is dominant 7 ‘The Indonesian etter w in an open syllable is pronounced like the English ‘oo' in ‘tooth, ‘boom’ or ‘shoot’. All us below are pro nounced in the same way, buku book: justea just sie mil combs seduce gu teacher but feather feven grandchild sui temperature kuku al sumbu wick Note: u can combine with a to produce the diphthong ua (no English equivalent) must load sat soran bush fruit ware sound kuat_ strong samt husband Jkuasa authority uate worry Consonants There are 24 consonants in Indonesian, The following, terms are wed to dere their pronunciation, Aspirated Voiced or voiceless = puff of ai with oF without vibration ofthe vocst ‘cords in the Adam's apple NV anda Unlike the English (the Indonesian WV is not aspirated when it ‘occurs in the initial position (no pu of air) ike the English sound in "ime’, As in English, the Indonesian fa is the counterpart oft. fis voiced whereas Mis voiceless, Note the contrast in mean- jing when ane replaces the ather in the following pairs of words. Initia position a tay ‘a ance dai from fahan endure shan branch ma old dua wo ik dot ‘dik ‘educate ‘alam ray dalam inside ‘nal position In this postion the difference between idl and iis hardly noticeable abad age cepar quick rmurid pupil tempat place ‘Ahad Sunday awar ‘wire ‘abjad alphabet sempit narrow rumpue gras turer to join (pl ana for {As in English Ip is voiceless and Mis voiced. The main feature of, the Indonesian fp i that unlike the English sound Jp in pin’ never aspiraied. As in English, in Indonesian fb isthe counterpart of pl. The My is voiced wheres Ip is voiceless. Note the contrast of, ‘meaning in the following pairs of words when Ip is replaced by A 0 1" Inia position suk rowten kes srandather tt ay Pagh morning tags for moet wesc ey es ett tee ‘maknae prosperous inci pan ancl transvestite 7 re rang large ile aramg thing kya peopl pola cen datas bamboo fe doesnot occur in nal postion Final positon In this postion the difference between Jp/ and Ml is hardly notice able bb a {eta constant bide uncivilized Tengkap complete sehab enuse sila atitude java answer asp rool bab chapter cukp ——sulfcient Jembad damped tmtmp closed ai magic tahap stage Arab ‘Arab ef and ia ‘The Indonesian /Ad when it occurs at the beginning of a word is, diferent from the English kin that i sno aspirated. Atthe end of a word fd serves as a glotal sop. As in English, the Indonesian ffs, the counterpart of /Ad. The fy is voiced whereas Mis voiceless. At the beginning ofa word the pronunciation ofthe Indonesian gis similar to the English gin ‘game’. Note the contrast of meaning in the fol lowing pairs of words when Ais substituted by fo vice-versa: k e elas class goles lass akak —oldersibling —gagak crow alah defeated galah pole ‘kosong — emply gosomg burnt ‘aku seratch fugu Killed honourably ‘When As a¢ the end of a syllable it serves as a glottal stop. anak child adi younger sibling solide investigate (el and fit Indonesian fe! is pronounced like the English /chi in the words ‘chair cheat” or ‘cheese’. The Indonesian fis pronounced lke the English fin ‘ack’ oll. The difference between them is that ff is voiced whereas fl is voieles. Unlike English, e. in ‘itch’ and ‘ge these two Indonesian consonants never appear atthe end of a word, Note the contrast of meaning below when fis replaced by tnd vice-versa, cmt steal just jury ‘acar— smallpox ajar parallel ea seareh Jai finger eucar—acake jie honest car pickles jar teach my The Tadonesian fl is pronounced like the English fh! in hen’ home” or ‘hay’. Iti found in intial, medial and final positions. ‘Attention needs to be dravm tothe fact tha i the final position, the In) must still be pronounced audibly otherwise the meaning changes. Final postion gure teacher guru thunder bury chase Duruh labourer ara pigeon darah blood ‘muda young mudth easy Kern monkey Kersh mobilize fui sir Tuhan god 2 ” Medial positon Fina poston Flankd by two diferent vowels, the Ms optionally aul: terbang tony famu (vrites) or tan (spoken) toknow song a What (writes) or fiat @poken) tose also ‘ebay lai Griten) Gr I (oken) tobe torn San focane hit (writen) or pat (Spoken) biter sem ze Sahat (writen) or Saut_ (poker) —toanwer SBME ler sibing rst togohome ‘When fanke by the same vowel, the iis clearly pronounced ong skilled Tabour sie witcheraft ian ng fuhur hoble ine by Combined ing! and a nao = tend This theeetter combination should be pronounced like the rsahor welkkaow English agin he word angle, congress and tango. eames cist ‘na! penzzung sage Shesah todropin ‘These wo leters represent one sound Its pronounced much like pangs toe the English ng in ‘ing’ or ‘sin. The gin the ina and medial] Yongge wait paston is ifieut o pronounce for foreign lesnets snge0 capable Init postion pe fy! ager tered gantak sleepy These two leers represent one phonetic unit Tt pronounced nue ‘woughtes fc Hike the Engh fy! in ennyon” and Kenya’ gobrol tochat gotot persistent ayonye madame gomong bulk tanya auery rt sound gang ep bury yak len Medial postion ayatnan fomforable yam mosquito tanga hand oi auiet bung flower Kenyang fullup dengan ih boangun eet up “ Jangit shy i oa ‘The Indonesian ff is $0 different from the English ‘ri that it is tenga mide ditfeulto nd an Engish equivalent Its more akin othe rolled‘? Jn the Italian word ‘signora’ or the Spanish “seRors’.Phonetically u 6 the Indonesian fea trl, and to produce it the tip ofthe tonguelfin, nv, 1, fl ay, MMI anc A taps repeatedly against the alveolar ridge. The best way to earn i by imitating and practising over and over again with an Indonesian The remaining Indonesian consonants are phonetically similar to speaker. Inia Final Custer rw kabar keaton rasak asur ‘traktor sau asir prakarsa rod ‘dur ‘rama eda sina Si remk mak ‘ramp vada sadar rake: iwi ‘The Indonesian /w dlifers from the English // in that it is pro- nounced with much less rounded lips. warts wisatawan tourist aiid wisma public building wayang ‘wilayah—ferstory wake wujud shape wanita wisuda graduation ceremony Bed ‘These two letters represent one phoneti unt tis pronounced ike ‘eb in the Seotish loch. It oecurs at both the beginning and end] of a syllable. Many of the following words come originally from Arabic iad Final Kdawatie worried hie end Kkhianat treacherous akhlak character ‘khusus exclusive makhluk creature Imaginary akhirat heaven Kkhutbah sermon fakhayol superstitious icc counterparts in English, though never quite the same. Jin mother (eg. makan, minum, main, merah) ‘vin (¢—. nama, nad, lat, nomor, nas) ‘in ip elu, i, lamp, lepas, ogo) ‘nin ‘cats (eg. saya, siapa asap, tagas, Kapas) ‘yl in she’ (e-,syakur, spat, Spare, syarat) ‘ice (ef, feodal, ma, are, tari) ‘fis pronounced like the English "but closer to I (eg valuta, visa, varia, vaksn, veto) Jyfin'yes' (eg yakin, yang, Yop, yunta, yudo) 1 Nama saya John Stanton My name is John Stanton In this lesson you wil earn about: + Personal and poseossve pronouns + Compound nouns + Simple What and Who" questions * Using the words maf and selamat + Asking for and giving peteonal ifrmation Study the dialogue in Situation 1 befow, noting particularly the ‘words in bold. You may need some help. Look atthe English trans- lation provided and the vocabulary. Situation 1 OO Nama saya John Stanton Joli Stanton, who can speak Indonesian, is invited 1 a socal eth ring in Jakarta; he is siting witha group of people that he does not now. He decides 0 startup a conversation Js; Selamat malam. Nama saya Joho Stanton, Saya orang Inggeris. Saya pegawal bunk ‘as: Selamat malam, Nana saya Asmara, Sayn sekretars, Js! Maaf, anda shapa? sac Saya Samsudin, Saya mamajertoko pakaian. is: Dan... ini isteri anda? soe Ya in ister saya, Amina, ia bekerja di kantor. 1s: Good evening. My name is Sohn Stanton. Lam an English per son (it). Tam a bank employee. ” ‘as! Good evening, My name is Asmara, Iam a serstary Js: Excuse me, who are you? ‘Tam Samsudin. am a manager ofa clothes shop, Bs And... this your wife? se Yes, this is my wife, Aminah. She works in an office ‘sclamatmnlam good evening palaln —— clothesdothing ‘mama ame ini this syn oeimy tert vite or person eletais secretary Perawai employee Ingger English England nat excuse melsorry dia ein ‘ands you a atin supe who Teantor———ce oko shop Deka to work an and Grammar 1 Formal pronouns Formal pronouns are used by people who do not know eachother very well. The same form is used for both personal and possessive pronouns sya my saudara you, your anda you, your ia heise, hisiher kami we, our (excluding the person spoken to) Kita we, our (including the person spoken to/you and me) mereka they, thie For example: saya) Sayamurid. —— Tamastudent (oy) Iniramah saya. This my house (you) Anda sekretris. You ae a secretary (Jour) Turtoko anda, That i your shop For informal pronouns, see Lesson 3, Gramma 1 ® Noun predicate ‘Non pred. | Subject an ‘Asmara [This is sekretaris | She js Samsudin_| That is Ina sentence as above where the predicate is @ noun, Indonesian doesnot always need an equivalent of the linking Word to be’. Also ‘ote tha there is no Indonesian equivalent ofthe English indefinite article“ The use ofthe indefinite article is optional in Indonesian, Compound nouns ‘A noun can be qualified by (another noun(s) 10 produce a ‘compound noun. In English the qualifiers come before the noun they’ modity, in Indonesian they follow it, The rule is if the Indonesian Word order is 1, 2,3 the English isthe reverse, namely 3,21, In the following examples the nouns saya, bank, foko and pakasian serve as qualifiers. pega bunk (1,2) {oko paksian (1,2) hank employee 2,1) clothes shop ©, 1) shop manager (2,1) (1,23) clothes shop manager (3,2, 1) “This rule also applies to verbs and adjectives; they can serve as qualifiers, veo - Adjective rmejamakan dining table | tasmerah red bag. imesin culls typewriter | rumah pusth white house Kamar dar bedroom opi hitam black coffee apa rerbang teh manis sweet tea For more on adjective and verb qualifiers, se Lesion 3 on yang ‘Questions with ‘what’ and ‘who’ Questions with apa (what?) and siapa (who) are formed by simply substituting them for the subject into the statement sentence. In addition, the subject and the predicate can also invert postions along with their respective pitch levels but the intonation of the sentence remains unchanged. (tatement) ItwAminah ‘That is Aminah. (Gubstitution) ttwstapa? ‘That is who? (i) (aversion) Who is tha? (statement) This sa Book, (ubstittion) ‘This is what? (li) (aversion) ‘What is this? (otatement) Iiwmefa makan That sa dining table (Cubstiution) Itwapa? ‘That is what? (i) (aversion) Apalitu? ‘What is that? (otatement) wmobil Mercedes That isa Mercedes ear (Gubsiation) Htwimobil apa? That is what car? (it. (inversion) Mobil apaittx? What caris that? (statement) Nama anda/Asmara Your name is Asmat (Gubstitution) Nema anda stgpa?” Your name is who? (li) (inversion) Stapafnama anda? What is your na Note that ualike English, the Indonesian substitute forthe name of, person is iapa (who! rather than apa what. For more on questions, se Lesson S Interrupting and apologizing Interruptions and apologies are expressed by Uhe word, maaf. It ‘sual comes at the begining ofthe sentence. ‘Maaf. nam anda siapa? Excuse me, what's your name? [Excuse me, who are you? Excuse me, what time ii? -Maaf, saya harus pergisekarang, Sorry, [have to g0 now Maaf siya tidak ada waktu Sorry, [do not have time Maal, saya tidak tla Sorry, Ido not know Situation 2 Selamat siang, Saudara Omar! sr Selamat sang, Saudara Omar. ‘own: Selamat sang, Saudara Supsrman, Apa kbar? se. Kabar baik. Saya sehat. Bagaimana anda? ‘oman: Saya baik juga. Terma kash sr Good afternoon, Mr Omar! oman: Good afteraoon, Mr Suparman. What mews (Ut)? sx Lam fine lit: Good news). Tam healihy. How are you? wan: Lam alto fine. Thank you Swdara you format) ——bagaimana how aber news feria kas thank you apalabar what news (lc) jpn 0 Siang soon seat Dealhy ‘The courtesy word Selamat Selamat is used to address others or to wish well a friend or an Acquaintance for whatever they intend to do. Literally selamat ‘means ‘safe and is very widely used. Selamat pagi, Pak! Good morning, Sit! Selamat sang, Bu! Good day, Madam! Selamat sore, Ami! Good afternoon, Amir! Selamat malam, Noma! Good evening. Miss! Selamat jalan! Have a safe journey! Selamat tinggal! Goodbye! Selamat datang! Welcome! Selamat bekerja! Have a good day! Selamat makan! Bon appéit Selamat minum Enjoy your drink! (Cheers!) Selamat tide! Good nigh! Exercises 1 Do you understand these sentences? Translate them into English (a) Saya John Stanton, Saya orang Australia (b) Nama saya John. Saya murid (6) Ini Semsudin. Dia teman saya (eu John Smith, teman kantor (c) Ini Tuan dan Nyonya Jones. Mereka guru bahasaInggeris (8) Keni pepawai bank, Nama kami John dan Ja (g) Anda ‘muridbahasa Indonesia. Saya juga murid babasa Indonesia, Kita murid bahasa Indonesia ‘emun ‘dona ‘muria pep fre teacher Nyouye Mis; Madam Tam MrSir basa language 2. How would you introduce these people 10 your host a (2) Joba Stanton, bank manager (b) Asmara, a secretary ina bank {6}. Mary Jones, an English language teacher (4) Samudin, an Indonesian shop manager (e) Your husband, wite (0, John Smith, an English language teacher and Jane, his wife; they are American (it: American persons) (4) Bill Johnson, an American to (b) Mr Suhard, a Indonesian (li: an Indonesian person) (i) MeSupaeman, He works ina shop ‘oui wi “American Amerika Dusband sum shop ‘oho 1FHere are some answers. What were the questions? (a) Saya Samsudin (b) Hu teman saya (©) Diagurusaya (@) Ini sokretaris saya (6) Ini Asmara (0, Nama dia Suparman (g) Nama saya Suara (h) tu wisetawan Amerika (© Wu suami Aminah 4 Translate the following into Indonesian: (a), Excuse me, what is your name? (@) My name is Toki (©) Lama Japanese language teacher (@) This isa British clothes shop (€) His wite is a secretary in a Bank (8) Her husband works in a bookshop (2) Good evening. Iam JS, the manager of this hotel (h) Billis a post offie employee and Mary sa teacher (i) Good afternoon, Iam Mr Suhardis friend Good morning. Iam John’s wife Topanese pang pot pow book bt husband seam 5 How would you greet a fiend whea: (2) hefibe arrives (©) hefshe has a drink {) heise eats (8) heishe goes to bed (6) helshe goes to work wor po ‘owe dating todrink ——sinum oct akan potobed dur ‘work eked 6 You have to interrupt a man who is busy doing something ‘What would you say to him when you want to as (2) the name of his friend () the name of his child (©) where his friend lives (@), when does his wife come home ila where lve ‘nak imma tinge ‘when span ome home palang is my Language in use ‘Study and read aloud the following dialogues. 1 4: Siapa orang itu? bela ayah saya 1 Dia bekerja di mana? Dia bekerja di bank 3 a: Selamat br Selamat sing, bu Al 2 Sigpa itu? te: Iu Uain, anak saya 5 a: Maat, spa nama anda? we: Saya John Hardy 2: Anda orang Inggesis? Ya, saya dari London 7 2: Asmara pegawal 3: Pegawai apa? 2: Pegawai Kantor ': Kantor apa? ‘x: Kantor pos! 8: Oh, dia pegawai kantor pos! iang, pak Hasan 2 4 6 a Selamat pag, Samsudin ‘Selamat pag, Hasan Apa in? Ti alleulator bara © Selamat malam, Budi bs: Apa kabar? © Kabar balk Bagaimanaisterima? Dis schat. Terma kasih ‘ss Maa itu apa? Tumeja a: Meja apa? : Moja akan ‘c: Pak Suryo manajer ‘bi Manajer apa? © Manajertoko Toko apa? Toko pakaian ':Oh, dia manajertoko paka- at ake avah trom ‘ir (om bapak) father mej table Ba mak hid madam (rom bu) 2 Itu bukan isteri John Hardy That is not John Hardy's wife svt Who is thar over there? That is Partono from che Export Deparment. sev: Ishe a manager? k Nokeisnota manager. He is a new employee. text Who i that woman over there? 5: Thats Sri Ayu from the Technical Department wv: Ieshe Partono's wife? 2 No,shei not She's Sohn Hardy’ secretary. text Joh Hardy who likes smoking? 2 No,he doesn’t smoke, He doesn't drink either. In thie fesson you wil earn about: sana ‘verthere —bukan no (in front of noun) + Negative sentcnces with bukan or tidak smerokek Toamoke dake notin from of verbs + Vorss and tonsos bogie epariment ‘oF adjectives) + Questions with a"Yes-No’ answer epal head suka ike + Using the words sllahkan and terms kash ‘rang perempuan woman mum to di Study the dialogue in Situation 1 below, noting particularly the ‘words printed in bold Grammar 1 Situation 1 OO Negation itu bukan isteri John Hardy Maryanto isa new employee in «big company. He has a problem {dentfying people from other departments. One day he is chasing witha frend during his tea break wy. Siapa di sana itu? 4 ItwPartono dari bagian Expor. ev: Apa dia kepala agian itu? 2 Bukan, Dia bulan kepala, Dia pepawai bar, sw Siapa orang perempuan itu? x twSri Ayu dari bagian Teknik sy: Apa dia isteri Partono? x Bukan. Dia bukan ister Partono, Dia sekrotaris John Hardy, sr: John Hardy yang suka merokok it? 1 Tidak, dia tidak merokok. Dia juga tidak minum, ‘The English ‘dovdoesdid not’ or ‘nono’ have two equivalents in Indonesian: tidak and bukam. The former i used to negate a verb oF an adjective, the later used to negate a noun ‘Negating nouns Saya kepala bagian ‘Lam head ofthe section ‘Saya bukan kepata bagian Tam nat head of the section ia ister Partomo ‘She is Partono’s wife in bokam ister! Partono Sho isn't Partono’s wie Nogating verbs Saya bekerja worked ‘Saya thlak bekerja 1 didnot work Mereka datang ke pesta They came tothe party “Meroka tidak datang ke pesta They didn't come to the party Negating adjectives Rumah itu besar ‘That house is big ‘Rumah ita tidak bes ‘That house isn't big Mobi ni mahal ‘This cari expensive Mobi ini idak mahal This ear is not expensive Indonesian verbs Unlike English, an Indonesian verb does not vary according t0 ‘number, person oF tense. The verb remains the same in all case. For example, the verb “to go out in English has five variants: go out, went out, goes out, going out and have/hasfhad gone out. In Indonesian, the verb to go out’ has only one form: kelua, ‘Compace the English and Indonesian versions: He has gone out many times. Yesterday he went out with Mary. He usually goes ou with Ann but tomorrow he ie going owe with Jl. A ‘these girs ae pleased to go out with hi. Dia sudah keluar berkali-kali. Kemarin dia Keluar dengan Mary “ial ini dia kelwar dengan Aun dan besok dia akan keluar dengan ‘FL Senvua guds-gudis ni senang keluar dengan ds {As you ean see the Indonesian verb is much more straightforward. ‘The verb keluar does not change at all “Yes-No’ questions ‘To form a question the answer to which is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, one needs only to pu apa or apakah at the beginning ofthe statement. Ttis similar to "eat-ce que’ in French or to doo bein English. In all thre cases, the words are not significant except to indicate that the speaker i asking a question. ‘Apa(kal) anda bekerja di agian Teka? department? [Apa int pak Hardy? Is this Mr Hardy? ‘Api Peter data ke pesta? Did Peter come tothe party? ‘Apa dia guru? Tsshe n teacher? Do you work in the technical Situation 2 Silahkan, ambil sendiri! (XY When Peter wants 19 make a eup of coffee, he realizes he has no sugar left He turns to his colleague Sri for help ‘Apa kamu punya gua? Ya. di lemari, ila ambil send! ‘Terina kash Kembll. Do you have (some) sugar? Yes, inthe cupboard, Plate help yourself? Thank you You're welcome. you Gimilar) ambit —toget selvalone me sugar cupboard Kembali welome (tito retwra) Silahkan (equivalent to ‘8s you please’ in English) is polite word used to let others do whatever they wish or is good for them. It is normally placed before the verb Silahkan duduk! Please sit down! Silahka measok! Please come iat Sian rin! Please drink! Silakan datang! Please eome! Silaan ambi sendici! Help yourself, please! For more on silahkan, see Lesson 12 on imperatives. Terima kasi ‘This phrase comes from terima (to receive) and kash (Jove), mean- Jing“ accept your love or thank you" 1 come in, Sit ‘Thankyou, Madam Please drink it, Mss! Silahkan masok, pak! ‘Terima kash, bu Silaan minum, non! ‘Terima kasi, pak ‘Thank you, Sif! Silahkan dodul, ba! Pease sit down, Madam! ‘Terima kasi, pale ‘Thank you, Sir "Note: pak it short for bapa (father), bu for ibu (mother) and non. for wona (Miss). They can, however, mean Sir, Madam and Exercises 1 Fillin the blanks choosing ether bukan or tidak: (@) Din___ suka makanan Indonesia. Dia suka makanan Inggeris (©) saya yang salah, tetapi dia, Dia__datang () Tw ‘Amir, Iu Abdullah! (@) Iai buku saya, Buku saya, pti, tetapi merah (©) Apatkat) saudara suka minum bic? tabu bahwa saya, = (8) Siapa tidur di kamer John? John, ttapi Bill, (@) Guru elaar, ctapi mengajar {h) Mobil saya mobil Inggers,tetapi mobil Yepang. (Kalu tau, jangan malu berianya food ma ly vite ying who which that fetapt but tolearn etal corzet wo ike Dertanys toa rong rmengajar fo each ted jmp dont 2 Peter Brown and his colleague Marco, goto a tea party at the ‘fle, Asa new employee, Peter would like to know who is attend Ii the party. Write out their conversation covering the following points Peter asks who the person inthe corner i Mareo replies that he is John Taylor Peter asks whether he i the head of the Technical Department ‘Marco replies that he isnot Peter asks whether he works in the Personnel Department Marco answers yes Peter then asks whois that woman over there “Marco replies that she i Alison Taylor Peter asks whether she isthe wife of John Taylor Marco answers yos sho is, She i his secretary t00 Peter says he knows Samsudin but does not know what he is ‘Marco replies that he is a shop manager Peter thanks Marco inthe corner lpojok wo ioe foverthere isan potsoanel_pegrwat Peter's office in Jakarta i recruiting a new secretary. A candi ‘ate is being interviewed for the vacancy, Write out the interview which approximately runs a follows: “interviewer candidate 1 invites © to come in and sit down © says thanks asks what her name is ‘© answers Mary Suparman 1 asks whether she is American ‘answers yes she is American but her husband is Indonesian 1 asks whether she is friend of Peter answers yes she is 1 asks whether she ean type © answers yes she can 1 asks whether she can work every day ‘¢ answers yes 1 Says she can start work tomorrow ce thanks her toupe _mengeik Ena ora Inger everyday stip hat tostat mull tomorrow boa Ss a 4. How would you say the following in Indonesian? You invite people t: (a) come to your house () come in (6) sitdowa (@) rink tea (6) eateake wuk ———_berbiewa owe rumah cake sue’ come in mas 5 Translate the following into Indonesia: (a), Thanks, will come () Yes, thank you (6) Where? Here or there? {@) Sorry, I don’t drink coffee. I drink tea (@) Yes, thank you, Hike it (8) Sony. Teannot talk Tam eating (ao) where dlmana coffee Kopi Gphere distal zt im fsmesing —vedangmakan ole tha wil kan tea eh (there afsane mn saapat 6 Here are some answers, What were the questions? (9) Ya, Pak Suhardi guru (b)_Buian, Samsudin bukan guru. Dia manajr toko (6) Ya, Suparman sami Mar (Gl) Bokan, Peter bukan manajer. Dia pegawai baru (o} Ya, Dia datang ke pesta (f) Wiikan, Mary bukan isteri Pak Hardy (p)_ Ya, Asmara sekretaris 1h) Ya, orang yang di pojok itu Pak Hlanderson )- Vik da idk bekerja di sini @ Ya, dia masuk (Kantor) kemarin ‘aml Taband ‘emarin esta ary 4 poor yesterday Inthe comer 7 One of the attendants at the party is « police detective. He is investigating an incident which occurred in the olfice a few days ago. He comes to you and asks the following questions, Translate them into Indonesian (a) Is Mr lardy a teacher? (©) Does Samsudin drink beer? (6) Is Samsudin Aminah’s husband? (@) Did Mr Hardy come tothe patty? (©) IsPetera new employee? (0) Did Mary eat atthe party? () Isnt Asmara a secretary? () Isthis your office? 4 Translate the English replies and se pak (Sit) bu (Madam), and ‘non (Mis) as appropriate: (2) Apa(kah) ands datang ke pestabesuk? Yes, Sir. will come! (©) Apaksh Petr tidak masuk Kantor? No, Madam. He is at home (©) Pak Hardy bekerja ci mana? He works in the office, Miss! (d) Silahkan masuk dan silahkan duduk! ‘Thank you Miss! (c) Silahkan minum! No, Madam. Thave already drunk at home (0) Anda mau tidur di rumah saya, bukan? Alright, Sie 9 On the street Amir meets a friend who has been aveay for some time. They greet each other and Amie asks hie friend what he is up ‘to, Complete the dialogue: “ _ Freddy Selamat bertemu lagi, Mic a + n ke mana? 5 Kantor ‘kamu mau bekerja? Tidak, saya tidak ‘x: Mengape pergi ke? Bukan kantor, tetspi kantor post x: Oh, Kantor !Untuk__? F ~ bell prangko. Verte tomest ‘eak font0 ‘apt but prangee stamp bet tobuy mengwps hy Language in use ‘Swudy and read aloud the following dialogue. (For new vocabulary se the box on p. 33) 1 Saya John. Apa anda Partono? Ya, saya Pattono ‘Apa orang itu Mary Suparman? ‘Ya, dis Nyonya Suparman ve Siapa it, Bill? Ite pak Harjono ‘Apa dia guru? Bokan, dia bukan goru te Apa dia mahasiwa? vs Bukan, dia bukan mahasiswa. Dia polit vere: Apa anda kenal Suhardi? rawrono: Ya, saya kenal dia ere: Apa dia pandai? panrowo: Tidak, tidak pandal. Tetapi dia rain vero: Apa dia kaya? awroo: Tidak, tidak kaya, Tetapi dia senang reten: Apa dia bak? rarerono: Ya, tent soja Dia saudara saya ‘Selamat sore, bu re Selamat sore ‘Apa pak Mariti ada di rumah, bu? ‘pwc Maaf, tidak ada. Dia sedang keluar Bapal siape? Saya Subardi, Teman kantor sve Apa bapak mau tungeu? = Tidak, bu. Terima Kasih 5 Maal, apa ini rumah pak Sastra? ‘no: Ini bukan rumah pak Sastra = Tetap ini rumah nomor 10? ‘Ho: Betul Tetapi i sini tidak ada pak Sastr Apu bapak kenal pak Sasa? io: Ya, saya kenal dia = Dimana rumahnya? tio: Ita rumah nomor 100, Oh, mash jauh dai sini Tesima kasih pak ‘yon ‘MisMadam ate ‘sthere is imahasiona university student aedamg inthe mide of| pols policeman tener out Kena to know personally ma to wantto pandal clever fomggu —towait, ria “digest texapitapl but saya rich betel corect, senang happy dimana where tak soodinice mask sill, fentasyja ofcourse ju far ‘sedans clave ct from 3 Ada berapa hari dalam setahun? How many days are there in a year? Inthis lesson you wil earn about: “+ The two mesnings of ade * Plural of nouns + The functions of yang Numbers Study the dialogue in Situation 1 below, noting particularly the ‘words printed in bold Situation 1 OZ Ada berapa hari dalam setahun? Pak Suryo is following the progress of his young son, Trisno, at school. He gives him a tale fest about the calendar rs: Tris, ada herapa hari dalam setahun? ‘rms: AKU tah itu! Ada 365 har. Kadangc-kadang 366 har vs: Ada berapa ming dalam setahun? ‘rms: Ada $2 minggu, re Ya, betul, Sckarang, ada berapa hari dalam bulan 2 re Dalam bulan Februar ada berapa hari? ‘rst Ada 28 har. Kadang-kadang 29 hari y= Memang, kamu anak panda ‘res: Maaf (A)yah, Har ini tanggal berapa? rs Ayah tak ingat 3 ‘res: Hari ini tanggal 19 Oktober 1994, Hari lang tahun Thu. ‘Ayah lupa member hadiah! 5: Tris, how many days are there ina year? rus: I know thai! There are 365 days. Sometimes 366 days rs How many weeks ar therein a year? ‘rast There ae 52 weeks. vs Thar’ right Now, how many days are therein December? sis: [think there are 3 days. rs In February how many days are there? ‘rei There are 28 days. Sometimes 29 days. es You really are a clever boy! sis: Excuse me, father. What i the date today? vs Tean't remember, rus: Today is 19 October 1994 1's Mum's birthday. You forgot sive her a present ‘Sethu year memang ‘indeed mings week iat to remember har Minggs Sanday fake ofot (short foe ‘alah wrong) nang tabam birthday lau it memberi 10. lan month hadiah” present. Grammar 1 ‘Ada ‘there is’/‘there are’ ‘As used in the above dialogue ada isthe equivalent ofthe English ere isle’. Ie cam be placed eithor at the beginning or in the middle ofa sentence. ‘Ada 28 hari dalam bulan "There are 28 days in February ‘Februari Dalam setahun ada $2 minggu In a year there are 52 weeks Dalam sehari ada 24 jam Ina day there are 24 hows ‘Ada apa, John? ‘What's going on, John? (li Whats there, J?) “Tidak ade apaapa! (Theres) nothing! ‘Tidak ada orang df kamar ta There nobod i hat om “The meaning of ada inthe sentences below shifts slightly. It isthe ‘equivalent of is’ in English. In this situation the use of ada is ‘optional because the preposition steady indicates the location, Dia (ada) di kantor. He is in the office ‘Kalkaatorku (ada) di mana? Where is my calculator? (Ada) datas meja (itis) on the table Berapa ‘how much’/"how many?” ‘erapa is an intcrrogative word which asks about a number or a ‘quantity. The way to use it simply to substitute it for the number {nthe statement sentence. (For more on this see Lesson 5.) (Gtatement) Sekarang jam 10.00, (question) Sekarang jam berapa’? (Gtatement) ‘Ada rjuh bari dalam semingga. {auestion) ‘Ada berapa hari dalam seminggu? (Gtatement) larga Kalender ita Rp 1000. (question) ‘Harga Kalender itu Berapa’? Informal personal pronouns Informa personal pronouns are used between close fiends, family and clase colleagues, Note the possessive pronouns that derive from them, aku Subject) 1 (eg. Aku tabu itu ~T know that) ‘ku (possessive) my (e4, bukuku - my book; sepedaku ~ my bike; anakken = my child) ‘kamu (Subject) you (cg. Kamu anak pandal. ~ You're a lever boy) smu (posesive) your (eg bukuima ~ your book: sepedama — ‘our bike! anakina ~ you cid) ngkau (subject) you (eg. Emghau sat. — You're il) Eau (possessive) your (eg, bok au ~ your book: sepeda kaw “your bike; amak kaw ~ you child) ‘Other pronouns a hefshe, Kami/ta —‘welour and mereka — ‘teytheir can serve both at informal and formal pronouns (se Lesson 1, Grammar). Situation 2 OO Diz da mobil, tapi tak ada rebewis Mr and Mrs Hartono have retired and have thre grown-up children. The Hartono’ circumstances ar a fllows ‘Bapak dan Tou Hartono sudsh punya rumah, mobi tiga anak dan «dua cucu. Harjanto, anak nomor satu, lak-aki, sudah bekerja. Dis punya isteri dan dua anak. Dia juga punya rumah sendii HEaryanto, anak nomor dus, Iakilaki, juga sudah bekera,tetapt dia belum ada roma, Dia sudah ada mobil, tpi belum ada rebewis. Hiaryant, anak nomor tiga, perempuan sudah ada pacar, to belum kawin. Dia masih belajar di universias, Keluarga Hartono tide kaya, tetap ge tidak miskin He has a car but he does not have a driving licence Mr and Mrs Hartono have a house, a car three children and two srandchildren. Harjant, child umber one, a son, has ajo. He has ‘wife and two children. He also has a house of his own, Haryanto, child number v0, 207, has a ob, but he does not have ‘ahouse. He has a car, but he does not have a driving cence. ‘Maryan, child number tres, a girl has a boyfriend, bu she is not ‘married yet. She ssl saying at the university The Hartonos are nol rich, but nether are they poor. ‘send’ selown elmargs family rebewis driving cence pacar ———_boyivend Grammar 2 Ada ‘to have'/'to own’ ‘Ada as used in the above dialogue is a synonym for punya which means “to have! or “to own’. They are used interchangeably. Pak Hartono punys keluarga besar Mr Hartono has a big family 38 Haryanto sudah ada mobi tapi belum ad rebewis Hlaryunto has a car, but he doesnot havea licence ‘Maryantisudah punya pacar; tapi belum kawin ‘Maryanti has a boyfriend, but she i not married ‘Apa dia ada soal? ‘Does he have a problem? Saya ada sandara i uae negerh have some relations abroad Plural of nouns ‘The plural of countable nouns is very simple: jst double the noun, ‘when i snot preceded by a number or @ quantity word. Doubling Numberfplural word ‘mobil-mobil cars tiga mobil three ars ‘mak-anak children dua anale two children ‘orang-orang people banyak orang many people rumab-rumah houses beberapa rumah a few houses Isterbisteri wives, empatisteri four wives Uncountable nouns ‘To put uncountable nouns in the plural, no doubling is required Jus put banyak ~"mueh’Fa lot of or seit “itle''some" infront ofit wang money Di punyu wang He has some money Dia punya banyak wang He has alt of money aie water ia minum aie Fre drank water Dia minum banyak sir He drank alot of water gala sugar Saya ada gla Thave sugar Saya ada sedikit gula have some sugar Situation 3 Di mana barang-barang saya? Mr Umar has abi family, so his house is ina mess mos ofthe tome Things are misplaced, if not missing. He has to ask his housemaid Iyemtto find things he needs for work ru: Tyem, tas kantorku ada di mana? runt (Ada) di bawah mej di ruang tamu, pak xe Kalkulator yang keel (ada) i mana?” rye: (Ads) di dalam laci mea tuls di kamarbelaar. ru: Baju puih dan celana bir kok tak ada i emari? sven Masi (ada) i tukang cuc, pak sc: Sepatuku yang hitam (ada) di mana’? rene: (Ada) di tas tempat tdur di amar anak-anek, rw: Diatas tempat tidus? Anak-anak ini memang nakt Pu: Iyem, where is my briefase? vent (eis) under the able in the gues room, Sr. ru: The small calculator, where ti? vexe (Is) inthe drawer ofthe desk in the study Pur My white shirt and my blue trousers, why aren't they bv the closet? sven They are still at the laundry, Sir Po: Where are my black shoes? svene (They are) onthe Bed in the children's room. On the bed? Thote children are really naughty! ke ny (om ake) te ‘drawer ts ag cet trousers ‘dibawah under shindlehes rming(an) space fempattidur bed tame auest kot hy amar beljar study room pagal temble Grammar 3 Yang - who/which Yang + adjective ‘When the qualifier of a noun is an adjective such as ‘white as in “white book’ and ‘lever asin ‘clever boy’, the Indonesian equiva- lent often has yang inserted in between the noun and the adjective. Thus buku yang pati and anak yang panda ae literally translated fas "the book which is white’ and the "boy who is clever. In this ‘way the speaker poins out the object more clearly. This is expecially necessary when the the mood ofthe speaker is comparative. eallalatoricu yang keel my smal caleulator (lit: my calela- tor which i small not that big one) sepatu saya yang item my black shoes (lit: my shoes which are black not white) komputer saya yang aru my new computer (it: my computer which is new; the one T've just bought) Yang + verb ‘Yang serves as full relative pronoun when itis followed by avers the child who's standing there anak yang beri i sana the car which you like so much mobil yang kam suka my uncle who lives in Jakarta paman saya yang tinggal di Sekarta Cardinal numbers “Memorize the basic aumbers from 1 to 10, For numbers between 11 and 19 the ending belsis used, similar to een’ in English [Note that se in sepaluh (10), seratus (100), seribu (1,000) and sajua (1,000,000) mets “one. Substitute se by singe digits (2,3, 4, 5,ete.) and we will have 20,300, 4,000, and 5,000,000, ee. Added t0 ‘single digits, they form combined or mixed numbers; see numbers 21 10 29 8 an example, 1 sat a a 2 dan 2 2 3 tin B 2 4 empat 6 2% 5 ima 15 2s 6 exam 6 % 7 taj v a 8 delapan 18. delapan elas 25 9 sembilan 19. embilanbelas 29 10 sepuinh 20 daapaloh 30 100 seratus 200 duaratus 300 1,000 serbu 2000 dua vib 3,000 ‘million sejuta milion daajuta 3 milion Combined numbers: 27 dua pal sau i poh delapan sembilon paluh empat seratussepulah dlelapan rate tojah puluh empat sexibu empat pul enam ‘ign ibu sembilan ratus Sembilan ul ste ‘uj ta Kimara enam pu Kina sbu da ‘ats tj pols detapan ial number To form an ordinal number simply add ke to any number except umber 1 ‘st pertuma (e.g anak (yung) pertama th first child) 2nd —kedua (eg. teri (yang) keds the second wife) Srd__ketga (ey. suami (yang) ketiga the third husband) 4th —_keempat (e.g. mobil (yang) keempat the fourth car) Sth ketima Gh Keenan Tih —_ketnja, etc. a Exercises 1 Identify whether ada in these sentences means ‘there isare’, to cownfhave" or “to be (is, am, ae): (2) Pegawai baru itu belum ada pengalaman kerja (b) ‘Bukw-puku bahasa Indonesia tk ada di toko-buku Inggeris (6) Ada S00 pegawai di kantor ini (@) Bapak ada di mana? (©) Pak Nasirada banyak anak. Karena it di tak bisa kaya, (0) Tidak ada orang yang berani masuk ke istana () Siapa ada wang kes? (G) Kalau ads masalah, harap datang ke saya (Ada kabar bahwa pak Amie akan peng ke Jakarta @). Jono ak ada saudara di lua negeri engalaman experience berasi brave rap tohope masala problem ‘umghecl change kaya rich beta | sotyet ‘asa palace 2 ‘The personal circumstances of your friend, Harry are a follows, ‘Transiate them into Indonesian, using ada or punya: (a) Asastudent Harry has many frends (®) Hehas a parttime job (6) He has no brothers or sisters (@) He has no home (©) He has no money (0) He has no good clothes (2) He has only an old bicycle = ‘cbaga clothes alain job pekerjaan ——brotherster_—sadara parctime ——sambilan old a nly anya Beye sped ranslate the following questions into Indonesian using berapa: (2), How many people are there in the office? (b) What isthe population of Indonesia? (€) How old is your son? (@) How much did I borrow from you? (€) How many people came to the party? (G) What is two times two? (g), Whats the price of one mango inthe marker? (h) How many years have you lived inthis country? What year is this? @)_ What isthe number of your house? ‘population pendudek Tone ‘ama ows pinjam umber nomor country negert time ‘a on ‘anak aketaki year ‘ahon wee ‘um market pasar party poste ‘mango mangas 4 How would you say these numbers in Indonesian? 4,9, 11, 12, 18, 20, 23, 25, 28, 29, 35, 54, 67, 70, 77, 82, 8, 89, 90, 96, 100, 110, 123, 13, 159, 242, 692, 751, 800, 920, 999, 1001, 1,90, 2,533, 4050, 10400, 26,72, 2,000.00, 11,008,765, 50.200,091 5 Give the Indonesian equivalents for the following (remember the plural frm): (8) The children are at schoo! (&) Mr Hasan has two wives and eight children (6) There are many bookshops in Jakarta {(@) She drinks alot of water, she doesnt like coffee {@) Houses in my area are expensive (O) ‘Those cars are 200d {(g) The books and the pencils are onthe able (h) only have ltl sugar, but T have much {She has lots of money and she has many friends ()) The employees in that bank work hard ookshop loko bukw expensive sea ‘cra hard milk sw oni at {6 Answer these questions withthe given cue words (@) Berapa anak pak Amir? () Pak Ami ada —_ (®) Beropa um Udin? (tahun) Umve Usin (©) Berapa jul Jakarta dar sini? 0k) Skarta (@) Berapa tama anda suds belaar? (3 jam) (©) Berapa haga mesin uli tu? (Rp 50,000) (6) Noor berapa rumah saudare? 65) () Tahun berapa saudara ada di Indonesia? (1977) (0) Jam berap dia bangun? (600 pag’) ( Berapa jam saudara nak sepeda? 2) (@ Berapa hari saudara tidak makan? (3) (&)Berapa tim kal ima? (25) (0). Berapa menit dia dudok? (20) (Gx) Hari apa kita akan makan di resturan? (Minggu) (@) That be sedan cars my car {G). The woman who isting there is my cunt. (he) The eae (which) om the commer my father’s (cr) (0) The man who lives in house number 10s my uncle wong para ‘olike aka back tan unde aman ‘ica sae tolive ‘age sunt it heap mural red smerah spectacles acamata ~ ah ‘onthe comer dipole 8 Use the phrase Apa ada... 0 a shopkeeper: (a) you'd like some bath soap () You'd like some toothpaste (6) you'd like a kilo of potatoes Use the phrase Ma, tidak ada... asa reply toa fiend who is ask fing you for some help: (2) you do not have change (6) you do not have stamps (you do not have any drinks a yates etang” stamp pag Change samghesl isk imam 7. Give the Indonesian equivalents to the following; wse yang 10 emphasize or dariy: (a), My ed caris not in the garage (b) He has a small caleulator () Her new friend eame here yesterday (@) Hartono is my good friend Fike him () Thisis John's black cat (9) do not like cheap spectactes (q) Sukarno was the frst Indonesian president (h) She docs not know this dificult word 9 Translate the following into Indonesian: (@) Pak Imam has three children (0) His fist ehild is boy. His name is Rudy (©). The second isa girl. ler name is Yanti (@) Yanto isthe third child othe second son inthe family (6) Pak Imam has a ear. This is his seventh (Today is Rudy's tenth birthday. He is happy i toy happy ‘nak aka ‘omy birthday fies elurge ang nen Language in use Study this conversation. Note particularly the uses of ada, berapa, and yang, Ibu mother so~shop-owner Berbelanja ‘nu: Dik, apa ada pasta gigi? soi Ada, bu, Pepsodent. Mau yang besar atau yang kecil? ‘ou: Yang besa. Berapa hi nya? so: Rp 4000 (empat ribu rupiah. Inu: Apa ada sikat gigi? so; Ada. Tapisikatnya aga keras ru: Tidak apa, Berapa? so: Rp 2.000. ‘mu: Apa ada sabun mandi Coibrita? so Colibita tidak ada, bu. Yang ada Cleopatra ‘au: Baiklah. Minta dua bueh. Jad semuanya Berapa? so: Pasta gigi 4,000, tambah sikat gigi 2,000, tambah das sabun ‘mandi 3,000. Jad semuanya 9,000 rupih. tw Ini uangnye, Rp 10,000. 0: Ini kembalinya, Rp 1,000, Terima kasi, bul psn gah kat ‘abn mand tama mts) Derbelanja toothpaste brash bath soap foadd (the) money foshop al sive me ther acd Reading passage ‘Study this text. Note expecially the uses of ada, compound nouns, plurals and numbers. There are comprehension questions to answer atthe end Kantor Pak Joko Pak Joko pegswai Departemen Sosial. Gedung kantor itu ada di Jalan Salemba Raya nomor 134. Gedung ita besarsekal; ada empat tingkat. Kira-kira 00 pepawai laki-laki dan perempuan bekerj di ‘Di muka gedung ada sebuah Halaman luas untuk parkir mobil- tam, Kirackira 400 mobil bisa masuk ke halaman itu. Di situ ada juga sebuah Kebun bunga yang keel Ditengahnya ada air mancur. ‘Kantor Pak Joko ada di tingkat dua. Kemar nomor 267. Kamar itu tidal besa ttapirapi dan bersih. Di ata mea tlis ada sebuah {elepon dan dua tempat surat. Satu untuk sural-surat masuk dan. satu lagi untuk suratsurat keluar. Di kisi mejatuls ada sebuah Komputer i halaman belakang ada beberapa warung. Di sini pegawal pegawai bisa makan siang, Ada bakmi goreng, soto, gado-gado, sate fayam, dan lainlainaya, Mercka bisa minum es teh, es sirup es kela ‘pa muda, es apokat, air jeruk, dan bir “Jam 2.00 siang kantor Pak Joko tutup. Pegawai-pegawat pulang. Kantor itu sep ag redong——bulling ‘it ret fingkat——_levelMoor Deberapa seve bout pl eat han (for objects) —apokat svocad Ttaman yard ami ‘oodles as large soto soup vwarung food stall Kelopa muda young coconut ange flower s ice tengah idle sirjerak orange juice aictunsae — fountin beet eat tp todose plang to go home sent awiet, lagi sexi a Pertanyaan (Questions) (2) Pak Joko bekerja di mana? (©) Ditmana gedung kantor itu? (6) Ada berapetingkat dalam gedung itu? (@) Ada berapa pegawai bekerja di gedung itu? (@) Apa halaman di muka gedang it keel? (0) Berape mobil bisa parkir di sana? {(g) Nomor berapa kamar pak Joko? Di tingkat beraps? (h)_ Apa yang ada di atas meja pak Joko? (, Komputernya ada di mana? )Pegawai-pesawai itu bisa makan siang i mana? (ke) Meroka bisa makan dan minum apa? ()) Jam berapa kantor itu tutup? 4 Di mana Monumen Nasional? Where is the National Monument? In this tsson you wi earn about: + Basle propstons: dl, ke and dari + Indotnte aries: seorang, seeker, sebuah + Indopendeot verbs ‘Study the dialogue in Situation 1 below, noting particularly the ‘words printed in bod Situation 1 OO Di mana Monumen Nasional? A foreign tourist in Jakarta is asking a policeman the way to one of the ey’ tourist atoacions, the National Monument ‘x Maal,Pak, Dimana Monas? Apa masih jauhi? Tidak jaub, Kira-kra | Kilometer dari sini, Monss ada dl tengah lapangan Merdeka, ss Saya tidak tahu di mana lapangan Merdeka, Pak. Dari sini Saudara berjalan Turus sampal ke air mancur. Lapangan Merdeka di sebelah kanan air mancut ‘x. Oh,ya Kami juga ing hat Istana Merdeka, Pak Istana Presiden? Ya, Pale ianya bisa hat das luge, Orang tidak boleh masuk ke dalam. ‘x Where is the National Monument? Ist far from here? Eo Not far. About one kilometre from here. The National Moniament isin the middle of Merdeka Square. ‘t Idon't know where Merdeka Square is From here you just walk straight ahead uni you reach the foun ‘tain. Merdcka Square ison the right-hand side ofthe fountain, OK. We would also lke to see the Merdeka Palace. The Presidential palace? = Yes Sir 1% Youn only seit from a distance, Nobody is allowed to goin. tenga ‘idle ‘sebelah de sirmaneae —fountin aru | stright ingin vowih Kaman ight lapangen square ie an ‘stn alice Grammar 1 Prepositions Prepositions vary depending on the typet of noun to follow (ie place, people or abstrect noun), 1 Prepositions for place: di (on, in, at), dat (from) and ke (to). All ‘an be combined with words of ditection: front, back, under, above, ‘behind ete. di betakang at the hack di maka infront ke elakang to the back ke maka tothe front lari belakamg from the back duel muks from the front ai tas on top i bawah under ke tas upward ke hawah downward dar tas fromabove dari bawah from underneath onthe eft di Kanan on the right tothelett ke aan to be right from the let dari kanan from the right inside ai uae outside ke dalam inward(s) ke tuar——_outward(s) dari dalam from inside dari laar_—_from outside ‘i tengsh inthe middle di _pinggie on the edge ke tengah tothe middle pinggie to the edge dari tengah from the middle dae pinggir from the edge (di sebelah kri rumah on the left hand side ofthe house ‘ke sebelah Kanan rumah to the right hand side ofthe house dari sebelah kit rumah from the lft hand side of the house 2 Prepositions for times, days and years: pada (on, in, at) Frequently its dropped. ada detik yang ke-10 on the tenth second (pada) jam 5.00 sore 500 pam, (pada) hari Selasa fon Tuesday pada bulan Agustes in August (pada) tahun 1993 in the year 1953 3 Prepositions for people, animals and concrete objets: kepada (1) and unt (a) pada yang erhormat (li: To the most respectable) Dear epee Strada tae) kepada Sandara-saudara to you all untuk saya forme toto aay for hisher eid snake acing itu tank rama it 4 Prepositions for abstract nouns: dalam (in, at, on) dalam pertemuan, int the meeting ddlam perjatanan (the journey alam hal il inthis case Situation 2 Dia punya seekor anjing Andy has nothing to do, so he tiesto tell joke to his friend, Budy ‘Ada sata cerita i. Bagaimaneceitanya? ‘Ads seoramg tka. Jtuh cnt pada eorang perempuan Ya, biasa bukan? - —— ‘Tap perempuan ini dak bei cinta pada tka ita Mengapa? Perempuan itu punyaseekorkucing dan Ika itu punya seekor anjng, Scap Kali mereka bertemu, mereka slats Berkel paRenae Here’ a funny sory What isi? A man fll in love with a woman, Wel hat’ normal, anti? ‘A: But the woman in’ son love wit hi. = Why? A The woman has a cat and the man has a dog, Every timed mec, they awe fight. eiianand ee wing op ath tal feta ai Srey time fades cat telat Longe nit be at iso? Meal oe focal Grammar 2 The indefinite articles (‘a’, ‘an’) Unlike English, Indonesian indents artces vary according to the kind of object/noun they refer to. _ * {for humans: seorang Jforanimals: seekor ‘aman seoranglakHlaki cat seekor kucing ‘woman seorang perempwan dog ——_seekor anjing ‘doctor seorangdokter a mouse —_seekortikus ‘singer seorang penyanyl ash seekor kan Jor thins objects: sehelad for sol objet: sebuah fasheet of paper sehelal keras house sebuah rumah a shirt schelai baju car sebuah mobil A sarong sehelaisarung an apple sebuah apel The plural form Since se in seorang, sebuah, seks icily means one, to make a plural is que simple. Replace se with any number seorang lakiJaki aman dua ormglakblaki ovo men sebuah rumah a house empat buah rumah four houses seekor cecak lizard tiga ekorceeak three lizards For abstract nouns, suatu is use ‘kindness suatu Kebaikan a crime suatu kejahatan fan association snafu Kumpulan a story suatu cerita Ina sentence, where the predicate i a noun, seorang, seekor and. sebuah are often omitted for reasons of convenience. Also the sen- fence Din adalah seorang guru, which means “He is a teacher’ is, grammatically correct but people prefer to say: Dia guru. Adalah ‘which inthis Sentence equals the English is’ or ‘was’ is dropped for the same reaton. Its used when there isa need to emphasize that he is really a teacher, (See also Lesson 1, Grammar I: Noun predicate.) Situation 3 Saudara tinggal di mana? Sarjiman has just made a new friend. He is Hartono a student a the university, Not being a student himself, Sarjiman asks his fiend some questions ‘Anda tga di mana? ti Saya tnggal di Kebun Kacang. Kra-kira 3 mil dari sn si Bagaimana anda pergi ke unversitas? Saya maik sepeda, Kadang-kadang (saya) naik bis, i Jam berapa kuliah mula? = Kiliah mulal jam 11,00 dan selesl jem 4.00 sore, 8: Dimana anda makan seiap har? ‘mt Diuniversitas ada kantin dan lub, Saya makan dan minum di Saya bukan mahasiswa. Apa saya boleh maka i kantin tu? Boleh saa. Makanannya tidak itimewa. Where do you ive? ive in Kebun Kacang. About 3 miles from here. 8 How do you get othe university? Hi [ride a bike. Sometimes Igo by bus. Whar time do the lectures begin? Me Lectures start at 1.00 and finish at £00 in the afternoon, S: Where do you eat every day? HE Atthe university there isa canteen and aclu eat and drink there, st P'mmotastudent, Can I eatin the canteen? MOf course, you may, but the fod isnt special Kikira about oy ie Iadangkndang sometimes lal to begin food kana canteen deste Istimewa special may Grammar 3 ‘The independent verbs Although Indonesian verbs are not subject to pronoun, tense and number, they ae in fact much more complex than English verbs In English a word is identified asa verb when it serves asa predicate, ‘Typically i has an's"or an “ed” ending, such a in “he works” (pre: Sent tense, 3rd person singular) and "he worked! (past tense), In Indonesian, generally the meaning of a word has much to do with the afixation applied. By aflxation we mean prefines such as ber land me that we attach tothe rootword, Its this sytem of afation that runs throughout the language which presenis the greatest ‘challenge to earners. In terms of affixtion, Indonesian verbs are Aivided into several categories. Firs, independent verbs. These are base-verbs that can stand on their own without the afzaton of ber oF me; the econd have the prefix her, the third have the prefix me; the fourth have me___kan, the fifth me___j ete "There are a least 37 independent verbs. Their meanings are xed sas given inthe Iist below. They canbe used in sentences as they are, ‘without any afxation. Almost all of them ate inranstive, meaning, that they do not take objects and they generally requte propos! ‘ions when used in sentences. Some of the prepositions which are casually used with them are included in the list. tobaveltiere —manah (pods) tobe any ‘sare Masa (0) tocnter optus fim todiink oopen lt to begin ‘oemeto ——mundur—_toetrat fobequist male) tosidlgoup toston persis) togo Pindah ke) to move ofa Pula (ke) togobome (Benito tits Fatoh tocalape (Sive(at)—tampal a) foreach oper (on) cll fo befnsbed ‘ohoinin, semi dr to reer formembet — lnppin ) tosup by ‘ova sium) tone (ohalino at todledowa san en eng) ominy tk pada) tender Asha cd) fogoent of tama ar)” to pradte beklGs wren tebe Kena dengan om ‘cahe) toy ‘ecomnze —tenle(@)— tore late) wobetorn ——tequmtQe)—topinge ie tosctwell «= Sted) toarsne topes dard toaeep Tea (a fini (ea) oem Ia tan) pase Salah ae Tapa pada)” foforget ispree miele) foadrance lund pad) to bow aoe? * pan erm (re) ogo down med) foteathover tity toes ‘As tated earlier the special characteristic ofthe independent verbs is that they are not to be treated by the prefixes ber or me a ong 15 they have the meanings as listed above. They can, however, be seen as base-verbs and can be treated by other forms of sfixation such as me__an and me Ito produce new words with diferent meanings. ‘ada tobe present Dia ada di sind Ho is here Adding me___kan, it becomes mengadaan meaning to organize of to hold: sds Din mengadakan pesta He organired a party ‘dur tosteep Dia tide di kamar He sept inthe room, ‘Adding me___j, it becomes menidut to sleep on something Dia menlduetkacamata sta He lepton my gaselHe aed. tally broke my glasses " ve Heaesie ‘This and more on verb forms are discussed in detail in subsequent 9 etal in subseq Situation 4 Ada apa minggu ini? A decir of @ governmentonned company and his depuy are discussing their engagements for the week ae Dur: Apa aara-acara pak untuk gga at? fom: esol, har Slasesiye ade rapt dengan direktur Bank Indonesia: Mungkin sama sre Kiki am ber Kalas bei, saya ing di Kato. ‘Ya, Rabu saya tk ada sara Kauss, Der: Hei Kami ape say bisa pow ke Toa kot, ke Surabaya? Saja ma tat proyek Kia sana ba Kam ia ert Rabu mala dng pewter ‘er: Oh, ya. Jaagn apa ada undengun untuk lagu yang hen ‘datang dari bapak Gubernur. =e ” bin: Ya,saya akan datang. Fh, tadi pai, kata Sri, ada telepon dari ‘Menteri Perindustrian? tee: Ya, beiau mina agar bapak datang ke kantornys. hari Senin tangesl 7 Maret jam 9.00 pag ‘pee: Whats your programme fortis week? ti: Tomorrow I have @ meeting. with the director of Bank Indonesia, possibly unl 4.0 in the afternoon ber: In tha case, have to say inthe office pin: Yes. On Wednesday I don't have any special engagement. pur: On Thursday, may Igo out of town, to Surabaya? I want to see (ur project there. pm: Yes, you may ly on Wednesday night ber: Don’t forget you received an invitation from the Governor for next week? pin: No, Ewon't Pl certainly go. By the way, Sri said this morning there was a telephone cal rom the Secretary of Industry. ‘one: Yes, he asked you to see him in his office on Monday 7th March 4900 am. scare reopranane ‘pat vacating Nnwsus Speci mmungkin maybe etme begta in that case Peradustan industry Imenteri miniterecretry —ntaSet Sead Grammar 4 Adjuncts of time [Adjuncts of time are important because, as mentioned earlier, Indonesia verbs are not subject to tense “the one that’s passed’ Yang lal Minggu/bulan/iahuw/abad last weeK'monthiyear yang lala ‘lan yung lal, ia terbang_ Last month, he flew to Paris ‘ke Paris Yang akan datang ‘(the one) that is to come’ Mingga/bolan/tahuwabad/ (next weekimonth'yearlcentury) yang akan datang ‘Tahun yang akan datang, Next year, he'll go home ‘ia polang ‘adi just passed tdi pagi this morning (the morning that's just passed) (adi mala last night (he night that's just passed) ‘Tadi malam dia mabuk Last night he was drunk Nant ‘about to come" ‘nant matam tonight (the night about to come) nant sore this afternoon (the afternoon about o come) [Nanti sore kita main bola! Let's play football this afternoon Sekarang ‘now’ Seharang da ada di kuntor Now he is in the office Besok tomorrow! ‘Besok dia akan pergi ke Tomorrow, he'll go to the cinema Dioskop dengan Janie with Jani, Kemarin ‘yesterday’ Kemarin dia minum susu Yesterday he drank some milk Im the absence of adjuncts of time, Indonesian speakers rely on contexts, circumstances and mutual understanding. Saya pergi ke rumah All can mean ‘I went 10 Al's house’, or ‘'m going 10 Ali's house’, depending on the circumstances, Exercises 1 How would you say the following in Indonesian? (a) inthe car (b) outside the house (@) inthe room (a) atthecinema (e) tothecinema (0) behind the garage () under the chair (b) above the building (i) inside the building (j) beside the house (k) on the eft (0) inthe comer (im)inthe middle (a) tothe middle (0) at the edge (p) onthe table (q) toMr Hardy (¢) for Mrs Hardy (§) to him (9 to Jakarta (0) in Indonesia (©) at6o'lock —_(w) in January (x) on Monday (y) in 1093, G@) atthe end of 1994 Twilding eng Monday Senin — oskop age ine ‘comer pejok end sine 2 Familiarize yourself with vocabulary and grammar. Cover the Sentences on the right with a pioce of paper. Substitute the fit word on the lft into the model sentence (m-.) and simultaneously replace the indefinite article as appropriate. Uncover the first sen- tence on the right and soe if your sentence is the same. Continue ‘doing this with the emining words onthe let (ms) Ada sebuah mobil di depan rumab. seucing ‘Ada seekor kucing di depan ramah foranglaki-laki Ada seoranglak-laki ci depan rumah sepeda ‘Ada sebuah sepedi di depan rumah Dia punya dua buah mobil, Tayota dan Escort. © Dia tingal i mana? ‘Di sebuah rumah stsun di Tanah Abang, © Apa dia sudah kav’? ‘x: Sudah. Anaknya tgs orang, tengah ‘ental — storey savin Yomary Mew fothing Reading passage Study the story. Note the uses of independent verbs (printed in bold), ada, prepositions, adjunets of time and indefinite articles. ‘There are comprehension questions to answer atthe end. Sibuk, setiap hari Scjak di Indonesia, Helen sibuk sekali. Setiap hari selalu aa acara, ‘Dia tnggal ci sebuah rumah yang tidak begit jauh dar pusat kota. Setiap hari Helen bangum pag, sebelum jam 6.00. Sesudah mandi dia turun ke bawah dan makan sarapan di aang makan, Di tidak lupa minum segelassusu dan makan obat Karena dia kurang sehat ski akhir in ‘am 7.00 Helen pergi ke kantor Kedutaan Inggers, Dia naik ‘mobil, Dia tidak berani naik bis umam Karena lala lintas rama skal. Hari ii, kira-kira jam 11.00 di ada janji untuk minum di klub dengan John Hardy, manajer expor dari PTT. INDOKRIM. Pada tenga hari dia juga nda janji untuk makan sing dengan pak Subarjono, drektur sebuah bank swasta di Jakarta Kantor selesai kira-kica jam 4.00 sore. Helen pulang; badannya ‘ape. Biasanya dia tdursiang selama sata jam. Waktu bangaa jam 5300 sore, rasa eapenya sudah hilang. Dia daduk ci sebuah kursi ‘oyang di kebun sambil makan kue dan minum teh "Nani malam ada acara penting: Keluar malam dengan Stevea, pacarays, Makan malam di sebuah rumah makin Padang di Jakarta. Sesuah itu pergi ke tater, di jalan Cikini. ‘Karena minggu yang laluFelen sudah pergi ke Bandung, minggu ‘yang akan datang, tangzal 13 Maret dia akan pergi ke Surabaya ‘untuk tugas Kantor juga. Dia akan naik pesawat terbang karena ‘Surabaya cukup jauh dar Jakarta esas 5 Bagaimana = eae rumah anda yang oe ee ge ae oe baru? SS = : shiakhirini recently on ik What's your new house like? Tae Sect Pertanyaan ee ee ee pel on vies a ©) © @ Jum berapa dia bangun stiap hari) ‘Mengapa dia banyak minum susu? Di mane dia bekerja? ‘Mengups dia tidak naik bis ke kantor? Hiri ini dia ada dua acara. Apa itu? Dari jam berapa sampai jam berapa di tidursiang? ‘Mengaps dia duduk di kebun? ‘Siapa nama pacar Helen? Apa dia orang Indonesia?” Ke mana mereka akan pergi malam ini? Kapan Helen ke Bandung? ‘Untuk apa dia pergi ke Surab Study the dialogue in Situation 1 below, noting particularly the ‘words printed in bold. Situation1 OO Bagaimana rumah anda yang baru? Pak Siregar has just moved 0 anew house. He's very proud of itand. {is delighted to answer queries from his American friend, Anthony Pak Sicegar, bagaimana rumah bapak yang baru? Wah, bagussekali. Rumah itu best Dimana? Di daetah Pondok Ind, Dacrah tu tidak ramai, ‘Kapan Bapak bei rumah itu? ‘Bulan yang lala Berapa hareanya? 500 uta rupiah ‘Wah, Bapak memang banyak uang. Ada berapa kamar? ‘Ada empat kamartidur. Dua kamar tamu, sat kamar belajar, ‘amar makan, kamar mandi dan dapur. 4s: Bagaimana halamannya? ‘Laas sekali, Di muka rumah ada kebun bunga. Di belakang, juga ada kebun, Ada pohon mangea, pohon pepaya dan pisang. Mengapa Bapak peru rumah yang besarsekali? Keluarga seya besa. Anak saya banyak dan kecl-eci Pak Siregar, what Is your new house like? Oh, very nice. Isa big house Whereis it (located)? {In the area of Pondok Indah Isn't mols there. Wher did you buy the house? Last month What was the price? 500 milion rupiahs Wow, you must have plenty of money. How many rooms are there? ‘= Four bedrooms. Two living rooms, one study, a bathroom and a Kitchen ‘4: How about the yard? 13 very large. In frome ofthe house there isa flower garden. At the back thee i also a garden. There are mango, papaya and Danana eee in i nc Why do you need such a big house? My family is big, Fhave many children and chey are small agus ‘00d (appearance) mane to ake ashower een es dapur——kltchon toy halaman yard venom ielakang atthe ack tobuy kebun pardon lastmonth phon tree vice hang nan milion Asluas——_famly ‘ma visor nae large Grammar 1 Questions (where, when, what, who, how, and why) Questions using i mana (where), kapan (when) bagaimana (how), Derapa (how muchimany), apa (whet), and siapa (who) can be 8 formed by substituting these question words in the statement sentence. An alternative is to put them at the beginning of the ‘question, asin English [Rumah itu di Pondok Indah The house isn Pondok Indah ‘Romal itu ali mana’? ‘The house is where? (i) ‘Di mana roma it? Whereis the house? Kew belt rumah ita bufan lalw You bought the house last month Kam beli rumah itu kapan?” You boughtthe house when? (li) ‘Kapan kau beli rumah ite? When did you buy the house? Rumah itu besar “The house is big Rumah itu bagaimana? The house is how? (it) Bagaimana rumah ita? Whats the house like? Harganya 50 jaca “The price s $0 milion Harganya Berapa’? ‘The price is what? (lit) Berapa harganys? Whar the price? tu Saudara Achmad ‘That is Mr Achmad tw siapa? ‘That is who? (lie) Siagpaiew? Who is that? Ini rumah bara This is a new house Ink apa? “This is what? (ir) Apaini? Whats tis? Mengapa why’ is special caso Thus far we have only dealt with single sentences for which the above rule applies, However when we have a compound sentence (consisting of two statements) that has a cause and effect relalion- ship, mengapa should be placed at the beginning as in English, Substitution does not apply here, Question: Mengapa dia menangis? Dia menangis karena matanya sakit He's erying because e's go sore eyes Dia menangis (His eryng) + Matanya sit (He's got sore eyes) ‘Question: Mengupa dia sakit? ia sakit Karena tidak makan, He'll bocause he didn't eat ‘Din skit (He's ill) + Dia tidak maka (He doesnt eat) Nye [Nya can be added to a noun, an adjective or a verb, It has three meanings. Ierfits) See Lesson 1, Grammar 1: Formal Pak Siregar bell rama Rumabnya bara Mr Siregar bought a house. His house is new 2 Definite article (the) i mana mobitnya? (Whereis the car? (Le. our cat) Di mana tamunya! ‘Whore is the guest? (he was here a minute ago) Bagaimana wjiannya? How was the exam? (the one that ‘you just took) Baguimana kabarnya? What is the nes? (the news about you or hiner) 13 Added to an adjective ora verb, it changes them into nouns Hasan lapar Hasan is hungey Makannya banyak (lt: His eating is lot) He eats ot Mea ita agus “The table is good Panjangnya satu meter Its length is one metre Mobil Ferari mahal A Ferrari cat is expensive Jalannya cepat (lt: ts running is fast) It goes quickly Double adjectives Double adjectives are used for plural subjects. The subject, how= ever is stated inthe singular ‘Anak saya banyak dan ‘have many children and they are ecit-kecl small ‘Rumah di daerah int Houses in this area are good Thagus-bagas Selaran palin mahal. Novatay clothes are expensive Pegavai dikantoritu Employees in that office are afin-ajin ‘working Situation 2 Berapa Jauh Bogor? A British tourist in Jakarta wants 0 visit the Bogor botanical ‘gardens. He ask am Indonesian frend for directions re: Maat anda tahu di mana Bogor? tne Di sebelah selatan Jakarta ri Berapa ju dari sini? ine Kiteira 60 km. ‘rw: ‘Berapa lama kalau naik mobil ke sana? sms Kiteckiea sta jam, ‘rm: Aps ada Kereta api yang ke sana? ine Ya,ada kereta api expres Jakarla-Bogor. Eoam kal schari ‘oe Berapa harga karesnya snc Kala tidak salah Rp 13,0. ‘re: Wah, murah seal ine Ya,sama dengan (Satu pound) wang Inggeri. se: Excuse me, do you know where Bogor is? 1s: To the south of Jakarta. sre: How faris it from here? pe About 60 km. 1: How long docs it take to go there by ear? ne About one hour, ni: Does te train go there? tne Yes, The Jokaria-Bogor expres. It goes six times a day. sre: How much isa ticket? ye If Fam not mistaken, 000 Rp. ‘rm: Wow, that's very cheap. tne Yes tha’ about £1 in English money. ‘abel eatan_ tothe eouth Tere apt ran (ne ‘ide of ouch) ‘ama Tong (time) arcs ticket oy times salah wrong, murah sekal very cheap money 0 n Grammar 2 Berapa + adjective (how long, how far... ete.) ‘Berapa lama kalau naik How long will it take by car? ‘mobil? ‘erapa lama perjlanan itu? How long is the journey? ‘Berapa jauh Bogor dar! sai? How farts Bogor from here? Berapa sukar wjian itu? Hlow dificult is the exam? ‘Berapa tinggi gumang itu? How tall is the mountain? Berapa rendah kapal How low i the ueroplane? terbang it? rap pnjangfembatan How ong inthe ids? ia Sekali ‘Seka, meaning ‘very’ comes after the adjective ‘Rp 3200! Wah, murah sekall, 3.200 Rp. That’ very cheap! Ramah itu besarsekali ‘The house is very big ‘Orang ita tinggi skal ‘That person is very t London jauh sekalt London is very far Situation 3 Maukah engkau keluar dengan aku? {din want 10 see anew film, so he asks his friend, Amir come with ‘him Unfortunately the flm not for children under 15 1: Mauka enghau Keluar dengan aku? Ke mana? Ke bioskop, that film Batman Returns Tim itu untuk orang dows, Boleba kita masuk? “Memang lm itu untuk lima belas tahun ke ats. Berapa uu Umurku tima belas tahun Kurang satu hari, Besok ulang ‘ehunkut ‘A tidak apa, Kita boleh masuk 2 Sudahkah enghau mengajak Tono? & dha ‘Sudah. Dia besar tapi umurnya baru dua belas Kalaw begta, mar kite erdua soja pergit Would you tite 1 go outwith me? Where to? To the cinema, 0 see ‘Batman Returns Bur that film is for adults. Can we get in? Indeed, tha fl is for people over 15. How old are you? Tm one day shor of 15. Tomorrow is my birthday. Te doesn't mater, wel get in Have you asked Tono to join us? 1s: Thave: He's big, but he's just 12. In that ease, we wo will just go? oahu you (formal) dewasa ‘aul ‘mur ane rmengjak ——toinvtack ‘ng tahun Hithday got come ont Mlicsrepeat of berdua both of us: the the year) wo ofus Grammar 3 “"Yes-No' questions by inver In Lesson 2 we learned that we need only to add apa toa statement in order to change it into a "Yes-No” question. Apa serves a5 & (question marker, An alternative to making @ “Yes-No’ type of, {Question isto revere the position ofthe subject and the predicate ‘and simultaneously dal to the latter. (tatement) You would lke to go out Kamu mau keluar (question) Would you lke to go out? Mauka Kamu keluar? (Statement) We may come in Kita boleh masuk (question) May we comte in? Bolebkal kita masuk? n Situation 4 Bapak dan Ibu mau makan apa? ‘Mr and Mrs Hanafi were hungry when they lef the theare, so they went into a Chinese restaurant. The waiter welcomed then: we Selamat malam pak, selamat mala bu, far: Selamat malar, \w: Di sebelah sini ada tempat untuk dus orang. Bapak suka? (Sesudah duduk) Bapak dan Tow mau makan apa? Kami ada bakso, sate, bakani goreng dan lanai, ‘mau bakin goreng saa, frst: Saya mau sate vw; Bapak dan ibu mau minum apa? var Saya mau air jeruk fap: Saya mau es kelapa muda dengan sirup. w: Apa Thu mau makan bakmi dengan sumpit? Nv Tidak, dengan sendok dan garpu sj. (ak fama kemudian, ketikasedang maken) tp: Wah, satenya enak sekali. Apa cnak bakmi gorengmu? vn Tidak bepitu enak. Kurang pedas. Bang, saya minta cabe sera! Good evening, Sirand Madam. Mme Good evening. ww: We havea table for nwo over here. Would you like i? (Aer taking their seats) Whar would you like to eat, Sir and ‘Madam? There is meatball soup, stay, fied noodle, and so sans x: [Il have fied noodles. amet have satay, ‘w: Now, fora drink, What would you like to have? sans: IU have orange juice. wx it have young coconut, with syrup and ie. ‘Ww: Madam, would you like chopsticks to eat your noodles with? suns xe No, I prefer a spoon and fork, (Alter a while, they are ating) um The satay is very dellious. Are your noodles delicious too? ns ne Not spicy enough, Waite, can Ihave red chiles, please? ‘kao meatball soup ‘bakmi goreng fred noodles te sntaykebab fjerk orange ice fendok spoon [elapa made young econut expo fonk spit shops Turang—lesvnot 30 das spicy hot ‘mina —giveme (is oak) eabemerah red chiles fang brother (ena call) sap mp Grammar 4 ‘The positions of apa ‘Compare the postions of apa in these four questions 1 Tuan mau makan apa? What would you like to eat, Sir? 2. Nyonya mau minum apa? What would you like to drink, Madam? 3. Apanyonya mau sumpit Would you like chopsticks to eat ‘untuk makan bakmni? your noodles with?” 4 Apatwan maw minum Would you like to drink hot ‘opi panas? cotfee? [Apa in sentences 1 and 2 functions as an object of the transitive ‘verbs —makun and minum. Apa should be considered as an integral part of these verbs. Ii inseparable and must not be moved tothe begining ofthe sentence. In Eaglish "what (apa) is always placed at the beginning (ge translations on the right) "Apa in Indonesian sentences 3 and 4 functions as a question ‘marker (see Lesson 2). Its always placed at the beginning of the [Note the diference in meaning ofthese sentences: ‘Tuan minum apa? What did you drink? (object) ‘Spa tan minum? Did you drink? (question marker) \Nyonya makan apa? ‘What did you eat? (objet) ‘Apa myonya makan? Did you est? (question marker) “ 6 Exercises 1 Change the following statements into questions asking about the words printed in bold italics. Use the substitute words kapan, ikeldari mana, siape, apa or mengapa: (a) Pak Suryo pergi ke Surabays minggu yang fal (b) Pak Suryo pergi ke Surabaya minggu yang lal (©) Pak Suryo pers ke Surabaya minggu yang llu (@) Hasan makan nasi goreng di rumal stip hari (©) Hasan makan nasi goreng di rumah setip hari (6) Hasan makan nasi goreng df rama stiap hari (2) Pendidikannya universtas (h) Orang laki-aki stu paman saya (@) Amir tidak masuk Sckolah Karena sakit pendldian education ming yang ll Ins weck Takia male setigphart every dsy skit i 2a. John has just bought a new house. It has some good and some bad points. Translate them into Indonesian: (a) The yard infront is small (®) ‘The garden atthe back i (6) The windows are white (@) The garage is not small (e) The kitchen is ice (0) The lounge (it: guest room) is tong (g) The walls are strong. (8) The front door is old nice agus wall “ining strong, at old ‘sa 2b John and Bill are both sports enthusiasts. Siting in a café they fare talking about a woman athlete they both admire. How would they say the following in Indonesian? (a) She runs quickly (lit: Her running is fast) (b) She doesn't eat much but wht she Joes eat is full of vitamins (ita Hier eating is nt much, but fal of vitamins) (6) She only drinks pure water (lit: Her drinking is only pare water) (@) She sleeps 7 hours a day. (lc: Her sleping is 7 hours a day) (e) Her heights 1 metre 75 em (8) She weighs (lit: her weight) 55 kes ‘allot emuh dengan pare water alps heany erst wih tinget 8 Make questions about the words printed in italics in complete (9), Unur saya 42 tahun (b) Hlarea jeruk itu 1,000 rupiah per ilo (6) Kami tinggal di Jakarea selama 5 tahun (@), Pak Hasan pergi ke Taggers tahun lal (@) Tahun 1990 kari bolajar di Universitas London 4 Change the following to “Yes-No’ questions. Give two answers for esch question, fist using the interrogative apa and second mak ing use of inversion: (a) Dia boleh datang ke rumah (0) Pak Amir sak (6). Sauara poi ke Jakarta besok (@) Pak Amir guru (@) Aa hares bekera stip hati (0) Dia dur jam 9.00 malam {@)Udin nik sepeda ke sekolah (6) Saya bangua jam 600 past {@) Kemarin dis miqum dds eangkirkopt 1G) Mobi itu cepat {5 Translate the following dialogue into Indonesian: ‘x: Where is Bll island? ‘To the eat of Java. (Use di sebelah) ‘x: How far isit from here? n About S00 km. low bigs the island? “About 145 km wide and 180 km long, ‘What isthe weather like there? (lic: How is?) Irs hot ‘What people live there? Hindu Balinese people, Tothecastat dlsehelah mur about ‘entang wide ‘eber ‘sland alae 6 Asa British tourist who has visited Indonesia several times, you are impressed to find the following qualities. How would you say them in Indonesian? (2) Indonesian people ae friendly (b) The carson the roads in Jakarta are good (©) The food, especially in the food stalls is cheap (@) The clothes are of good quality and very cheap as well (6) Hotels, exeept in Jakarta, are cheap (9) Going by public transport such as bus and bali also cheap (2) Things are cheap when you have dollats or pounds ‘ings barang-barang friendly ‘am cpecally Khasosya except ecuat food stall warang publ transport Kendartan aun sichas separ ‘od quality alin bak 7 Translate the following sentences into Indonesian using sekal (a) In London the weather is very cold in Jakarta itis very hot (&) Food and drink are very cheap in Indonesia, Cars, however, are vory expensive (6) Some people are very nie, others are very unpleasant (Ada ‘orang yang,...ada orang yang.) (4) Some people are very tall others are very short (@) She likes tomatoes. very much (lie She likes very much tomatoes) old ‘ing ie ‘alk ‘al a hot nas however tap short pendek npleasnt bua fomatocs ——tomat {8 While in Indonesia, as a tourist, you plan to visit the island of Komodo. You make some enquiries at travel agent. How would say the following in Indonesian? (a), Where in Indonesia is Komodo island? (b) How large is the island? (6), How far it from Jakarta? (How long docs it take to go by plane from Jakarta? (Berapa lama kalau pergi dengan.) (c) How long doos it take ta go by boat from Bali? (8) Tovant to 820 the ant lizard Plane ‘Rapa terbang can ie (osc melt ‘pant ieard Rada isos boat Sapa ‘sand plas 9 Give the Indonesian equivalents to the following, using either ‘apa as an interrogative or apa or siapa as the object of a transitive verbs (2), What did you drink? {(b) Did you drink? {6) Do you know John? (@) Whom do you know? (e). What did they dink? (Did they drink? (@) What di she sige? (i) Did she ride a bike? Does your German fiend cat chilies? What does your German friend eat? ‘o know ‘abe German Terma tone ai 10. John Miler is going to Indonesia in three months’ time for an assignment. As this will be completely new for him, he is writing 9 Tettor to his colleague in Jakarta for information, Te i sending the following lst of questions. Translate them ito Pagish (2) Dimana saya akan tinge, di hotel atau di rumah keluergx? (0) Dengan sap say akan nga? Seni atm dengan pepsi (©) Berapa lama saya akan tinggal dl tempat ini? (©) Xapan saya bisa punya eumab senditi? Saya pec ini Karena ister saya yang di Inggeris inginikut saya (€) Apa saya pertu punys mobil sendiri? (6) Kalau tidak perla mobi, kendaraan urnum apa yang balk? Bis, taxi atau jens lain? Mane yang paling aman? (@)Sekarang tentang makanan. Kalau saya tidak makan di rumah, ‘dimana ada rumah makan yang bersih, ena, dan tidak mahal ‘yang dak jauh dari romah saya? Apa nama rumah maka its? (8) Sekarang tentang air. Apa air ledeng di Jakarta eukup baik? ‘Apa kita bisa langsung minum air itu? () Tentang Kantor. Kalau Kita bekerja di kanfor, apakab perta pakai dasi? Bagaimana dengan jas dan jaket? (), Jam berapa kantor mulai dan jam berapa sles? (&) Apa orang juga bekerja pada har Sabtu? (). Dipesta-pesta, bolehkab kita minum minuman keras? (em) Perlokah saya uang pound string ci Jakarta? (9) Berapa nla takar pound dengan rupiah sekarang ini? (0) Berapa persen dari gaji saya akan habis untuk makanan dap berapa person untuk sewa rumah? (p) Akhiraya borapa lama perjalanan levat pos sebuah surat dari Jakarta ke London? ‘elfatone posta pany tohme till kar exchange rate sate peralaman ip sinect ‘ue ‘ojoin seat — public peent tentang aout rent ast tie towiey peel to need vehicle eal salary themost ——ahiemyn at st tap water lewat by 6 Apa anda suka berjalan? 9? Do you like wall In this lesson you wil earn about + Vares wt the prefix ber + Ang ber to nouns The phrase Mari kta Study the dialogue in Situation 1 below, noting particularly the ‘words in bold Situation 1 OO Anda suka bermain apa? Hartono and Hartini are now friends. They are talking about the sports they lke to play at weekends Hot Api saudara suka berjatan? ‘Ya, ci pagi hari, Udarasegarsekali hho: Saya tidak suka beralan. Berjalan bukan olah raga. tne Kelau begitusaudara suka apa” tio: “Bermain badminton. Stiap hari Minggu. tir Saya sudah berhend bermain badminton. Rasanya cape, haus berlarlari. wo: Sekarang, mar kita berenang soa! ya Blerenang? Saya belum bisa berenang. vio: Saudara bisa belajar. not Do you like walking? tir Yes,im the mornings: The aris very fresh. sno: I don't lke walking. Walking is nota sport. se If's, what do you Tike then? vo: ike playing badminion, {play every Sunday. iit. Ihave stopped playing badminton. I's very tring. You have to ros about vo: Let's go swinming now! a Siimming? I ean’ sin, two: You can learn, beralin Cowal alow bepta then (U0) ‘ware tir berhest tostop separ sesh ore tired lal wey say the feting is ‘ola rage sport brenang to swim eta not yet, eljar twlearn Grammar 1 ‘Verbs with the ber prefix In Lesson 4 we leasned about independent verbs ~ base-verbs (infinitive) that can be used straight avay in sentences without any alxation, The majority of these are intransitive (ie. they do not take objects). There is a second group of base.verbs to which the ‘prefix be x normally sled before they are used in sentences (ch as the ones in the dialogue above). Base-verbs with the prefix ber ‘number 18 and most of hem aye aso inanstive in fact this is thle ‘main characteristic. Like independent vers, these ber + base-verbs have to be memorized individually —laeeve bers tareved __ ‘angkat erangkat to leave for jaan berjatan to walk serak bergerak tomove Kumpol berkumpul to msemble ‘anja berkunjung to pay a vst kerja bekerjat towork ela herkel to ght main ‘oplay base-verd ber + base-verb st ‘ajar ‘elajar? tolean lai Derlar torn enti erent tostop ait Derdiet tostand tanya Dertanya toquery cara erbicara to speakiale aka bereakap to converse renang Derenang toswim iki Derpikie to think tema bertema to meet with “This slighty different form is due to sound assimilation, The following is a reading passage showing the use of some of these verbs ada jam 7.00 pag sudah banyak anak berksumpal di halaman seko- lah, Mereka bermain, beslarlar. Tidak lama kemudian lonceng Sekolah berbunyl, Anak-anak berkumpul dan bersap untuk masuk ke kelas. Mereka berbars di muka kelat dan guru berdi. di dekat pintu. Anak-anak kemudian masuk ke kelas. Mereka dudak i bangku masing-masing dan belajar. Semua diam dan tidak ada orang yang berbicara ‘At 7.00 in the morning lots of children have already gathered inthe school yard. They are playing and running about. Soon the school bell ings. The children assemble and are reedy 1 go imo the class oor. They lineup infront ofthe classroom and the teacher sands tne the door, Then the children enter the room. They sit om thelr respective benches and lara. AI is quiet and nobody speaks. Mari(lah) kita ‘Let us’ Mari is used when the spesker asks someone to join him or her in an activity, It is also a good reminder of the use of the persons ‘pronoun kita which includes the person spoken 0. Kaml is another ‘word for “we" or “us but excludes the person spoken to. (See Lesson 1, Gramaar 1.) Lah san optional particle used to soften the Let's swim! i Lat’ sing! ‘Mari(lah) kita makan! = Lets eat! Situation 2 Siapa tetangga sebelah? Asmara has just moved fo anew neighbourhood. She asks her friend, ‘Amina, who has lived there for many years, questions about her next-door neighbour ‘ss: Apa Bu Amir sudah bersuami? ‘so Sudah, Dan sudah beranak juga. fas: Berapa anaknya’? ame Dua. As! Apakah Bu Amir bekerja di kantor? ‘ave Ya, dia manajer bank. Dia bergaji besa. ‘st Tak heran, Dia berumah besar dan bags, ‘amz_Dan bermobil Mercedes juga. ‘as: Dia berbahagiat ‘ave Ya, Suaminya bekerja juga, Jadi mereka banyak vang. asi Ie Mrs Amir (already) marred? faa Yes, she. And she has children, too ‘as: How many children? fase Two. As Does Mrs Amir work in an office? ‘rvs. Yes, she i a bank manager. She has a large salary, ‘nst_No wonder she has a big and beautiful house fat And the has a Mercedes, to. As: Sheis happy! ‘anc Yes, her husband works 10. So they have lots of money. bags good (appearance) evan 1 wonder baagin apy Grammar 2 Ber +noun ‘When ber is attached to a noun such asin the dialogue above it indicates either ‘having, using’ or ‘wearing’ the noun, Bu Amir panya suami (li) Mrs Amir has a husband ‘Bu Amir bersuarmi ‘Mas Amiris married ia punya rumah dua (li) She has two houses in berumah dua She ovins two houses Din tidak memaka sepeda (li) She doesnt use a bike 10 go to ee kantor the atfice ia tidal bersepeda ke She doesnt ride a bike to go to the eantor office Srimemakai cama btm (li) Sri wears dark glasses Sti berkacamats hitam — Srihss dark glases on ‘Mobil berpintu empat—_— a four-door ear Gedung bertingkat delapan — an cight-storey building Situation 3 Ada apa di Trafalgar Square? Surad, an Indonesian student new to Briain, is somewhat surprised tosee low of people making a nose in Trafalgar Square He asks his Indonesian friend Warsito who has lived in London for many years what they are doing Mengepa rami sekali ci Trafalgar Square? Ada apa’? (Orang-orang berdemonstrasi. Mereka marah pada pemerintah ‘Apa soalnya? Perdana menteri pernah berkata babwa hargacharga akan trun tabun ini, Tetaptnyatanya malab naik. Sekaranginflas. ‘Tap pemerintah sudah berasaha keris. Hanya helum bee ‘Orang-orang demonstran berpendapat itu berarth pemerintah tidak pecs. Ab, belum tentu! Sckarang dunia sedang resesi. Ekonomi tidak Derkembang, Kita harus sabar! ener Why i itso noisy in Trafalgar Square? Whar’ going on? People are demonstrating, They're angry wth the government What exactly ithe problem? The prine minister said tha prices would go down this year. But what's happened is that they've gone up. Now we have inflation. anae But the government has mae tremendous effors. They jut favo tc yt ama ‘Tose demonstrators nk hat means th government incom: et = Nosthey cu sy th! The word sin reesion. The economy ink devdoping We've gto be patent ‘oat problem pendepot option tent sure pone capable malt even bur tobe patent Grammar 3 ‘The extended function of ber In he dialogue above, the application of Berto a noun gives on extended meaning, beyond owning, using or wearing, The function Of ber is to transform a noun into an intransitive veil. Im other words beri an inransitive verb-maker. demonstra (7) berdemonstrai(:.) = demonstration ~to demonstrate (i: to have a demon stration) Kemarin banyak orang berdemonsirasi di lapangan Trafalgar Yesterday lots of people demonstrated in Tratalgar Square sah (1.) effort bers (7) =10 trylto attempt (lit: t0 have an fort) emeinth sud berth era, hars-harga tp ‘Thepovernmeathasmadesersefionsourprnceomte ese sas) =m besa) once in (to have a eu) Schegit jah perineum eran Sota the povernment a een sel ats (0) word bette (i) “toa tt ne a word) any rang Hekate pemernh sod kt hs Many poole the goverament hes woke Jann) promise Desa (e..) =o promise Perens menteriberjanjé bakwn tahun ink harge-harga akan The prime minster has promise tha prices wil go down this year pendapat (7) ~opiaion Derpendapat (1) (9 be of the opinion ‘Orang-orang demonstran berpendapat bahwa pemerintah tidak pecus The demonstrators are of the opinion that the government is incompetent embang (1) berkembang (1) Dunia Sedan resesi, ekonomi tidak Berkembang The world isin recesion, the economy is not growing Exercises 1 Give the corret forms ofthe verbs in parentheses: (a) Dia hanya (du) saj, dia tidak mau (Kerja) (b)_Setiap malam Hasan (ajar); dia jarang (peel) keluar (6) Anak-anak suka (main) sepak bola di lapangan (4), Mobil itu (hens) Karena mesinnys rusk (6) Iba guru (dri) di muka pintu dan murid-murid (masuk) ke elas (0) Orang tidak boleh (biara) kera-ke (g)_ Amir (ae) selams 2 jam: sekarang, (h) Saya (ingzal rumah paman saya di Bogor (i) Dia (anya) jam berapa sekarang. () Saya (oangun) jam 6.00, (mandi) jam 7.00 dan (pers) ke ‘antor jam 730 ‘tanya aly ‘ean seldom — woken lama diringtor ore tire ere oud aks front eh my tampa: aa sepak bola foal rerpmeakenn brary Pam = 2 Translate the given verbs on the right and insert them in the Sentences onthe let: (a) Pak Al Jakarta (work in) (goto) (go home to) (b) Saya peng sekarang (wil) (ean) (don't want) (6) Mereka Indonesia (enter to) (goto) (come from) (@) Kami Bandung (don't know where) live in) (e) Anakanake li halaman (play) (assemble) (alk) Kamar (sleepin) (out from) (eatin) kantor (Work in) (leave for) (bein) (i) John Indonesia (visited) (ly to) (@on' like) (She indonesian speak) (doesn't know) (learn) vise Derkwnjung ke) semble —_berkmpul row tah ‘ony sechang Teave for beramghat total berbaea 3 Answer these questions with the given words. Say the fu Answers and be careful ofthe prepositions: (2) Anda bekerj di mana? (house) (hotel) (room) (otice) (©) Saudara pergi ke mana? (post office) (bank) (home) (©) Hasan tinggal di mana? Jakarta) (his brother's house) (2) Anak-anak sedang apa? (learn) (play) (talk) (drink) (6) Siapa orang itu? (my trend) (John’s father) (0) Mengspa mobil itu berheati? (the engine is broken) () Mengapa Hasan tidak masuk? (il) (lazy) (Idon't know) a ‘ake nay —_ woken ask engine ‘mesin 44 How would you sy the folowing in Indonesian? (2). He walked to his ofice, went in and sat down, (0) She got up at 6.00, took a bath and got dressed (©) For breakfast, we ea fried rice and drink orange juice (2) My wife works from 910 5 but [just stay at home (¢) His son never wants to study. He always Watches television (0, The ar stopped infront ofthe house. The engine was broken (g) The children ran here and there. It was very noisy (h) like swimming but my brother does not (@) Partono is martied and he has three children @)_ My cars small and only has three doors (le). They sid they were successful in the examination just hanya on watch iat trang ue eam jinn here and there say tinge et desed 5 How would you say the following in Indonesian? You invite a friend to: (2) gawalking with you () eat fied rice with you (6) drink beer with you (@) have breakfast with you {6) go shopping with you (0) play tennis with you (2), work with you lohave breakfast makam pagi ‘shop ——_berbelaja 6 How would you use er in the following story? Jiwmy is martied and his wife is called Jane. They have two children, one is a boy of four years and the other isa girl of two years Jimmy's house is large andthe garden is large to. He has a four-door saloon ear. He does not work in an office but he has & 200d job. He plays Footbal, ‘sear old beramar tahun soos ‘alee job pekerjaan sin sis arden kebun’ football Sepak ola Language in use ‘Study the folowing dialogue between a girl and her mother. Note the Words with ber in bold. Can you understand the ory? ‘Ada tamu, Bu "Sip a) apap dengan Bask haar dk Adama Bu, Dus orang. dan perempue, ‘Apa kal nan mv? ‘At Tidak Bu. Mungkin ero Kent Ibu Tad pak betanya ‘kepada saya di mana Ibu, Tapi Ibu tidak ada. = «Alu sedangberbelaje ke psa Baia aku Derm ssa dengan merck staring eral to know personaly manga perhaps Delanjaer to shop Dertemu dengan fo meet with ‘Study the following conversation between Amin and his English frend John. Note the use of ber. Reading passage Study the text below, Note particularly the ses ofthe prefix ber ber «baseserbs, ber + nouns, and independent verbs. Answer the Comprehension questions atthe end of the soy. Tamu Pak Suryo. .... Pak Suryo pegawai. Dia bekerja di kantor Kotapraja. Kantor itu tidak jauh dar ramabnya, kta-kra stu kilometer. Setap hari pak Suryo berjalan (kaki) ke kantor. Mobilaya ada di gars. ‘Kantor itu buka jam 09.00 pag. Tiba di Kantor pak Suryo duduk Ai mejanya, Sokretarsnya Aminah juga sudah datang. Aminah berkata baba hari itu akan ada tamu, Tuan Johnson dari Inggers. Di akan bertemu dengan Pak Suryo jam 11.00. Pak Suryo ingat thw dia memang ada en dengan Tuan Johnson. Pak Suryo menunggu. Sudah jam 11.00 tapi tamu itu belum juga datang Pak Suryo berpikie mungkin Tyan Johnson Iupa; mungkin jalan tidak ada bis, mungkin Tuan Johnson tidak bermobil Kira ‘kia jam 1130 datangia sebuah taxi, berheni di depan kantor. Da dalam keluar Tyan Johnson, Dia berbaja hitam, berdasiputih dan hercelana abu-abu, ‘Selamat datang pak Johnson’, sambut pak Suryo, ‘Selamat sang Ke Lombok pak Suro, Man siya erlambat jab Toa Jobnoon. Tilak ape te, Kata pak Suryo. Sosa berabat tangan, Koda orang 2 Aku dengar pla Lombok it inda, tmasuk ke amar tam, dan dado di sna, dak lama Kemudian fs Ya, bet: Banya tors sing berkunjang ke sana ‘Aina tang dengan ds can kop pan 5 Orang berkatabahva ape-apa muri ane ‘dus orang it bereakap-eahap sampa jam i200. Tan Johnson ‘:-Betl anya orang beret! berkat: Saya hars pulang skeran. Tena Kash pak Saye!” 2 Kala bet aw ma peg Blan Jon tahun dep, erima kash kambel java pak Suro. "Samp bere lg ‘Ya kau Bis etibu dca. “Tuan Johnson pre dengan a pola island eonjong/her to visit ‘manip ox shilonbes| sing foreign {n Uhat ease (Ht: if50) aa dat te forape things teal coon ‘tim tomers pan net cap ay Sees oy fener tohear toicey see eet aes fect jbutangan Rake roster tate ten Sina ct ee promise pana at ee ‘menage to wait ercakap forall berikir 0 think ‘sampat vi smungkin poly plang ‘ogo home emadian later on Sabet toweleome "Note: In paragraph 4 the words sambut, jawab and kata remain in the infinitive and do not take any prefix because the sentences arein direct speech Can you identify which verbs are independent verb, ber + base: verb, and ber + noun inthe passage above? Pertanyaan (@) Pak Surg bekeja di mana? (©) Bera jab nfr i drt rumahnye? (6) Bagumana Pak Suryo per! ke Kantor sep bai? (8 Jat art ae? ©) Supa nara seketaris pak Suyo? (0) Sapa nama tam yang shan datang? Dar mana? (g)_Apakah di dtang clanbar? Jom beapa? {) Diana mea da ) Samal jam berapa mera berckap-akap? (Sambi bereakpreakap mereka minum apa? (&) Tuan Johnson plang dengan apa (©) Whats meant by Samp betemu ag? 7 Tanggal berapa hari ini? ‘What's today’s date? In this lesson you wil learn about: + Days othe week + Datos + Tetng the time + Colours Study the dialogue below, noting particularly the words printed in bola Situation 1 1 Tanggal berapa hari ini? Sri and Amara Budiman are always busy. They are vaguely aware ‘hat two invitations had been extended 10 them during the week but they have forgotten the exact imes and dates Bu, undangen untuk makan malem dari Tuan dan Nyonya (Chapman itu, Untuk kapan? ‘© Aka lihat dulu catatanku, Tanggal 26 September. Tolong, bat Ai kalender hari apa ital 'Tangeal 26 September... ari Jumat, Tap jam berapa, bu? A: Jam 6:00 sore. © Lalu, undangan yang sstuny mmingga depan? s: Minggu depan sudah balan Oktober... Undangan yang kedua ity untuk malam Kesenian Sulawesi, di Gedung Kesenian, Hari Saptu,tanggal 1 Oktober Papi atau malam hari? Jam 7.30 malam. ‘Kita datang ya? Saya bosantinggal di rumah? Ayolaht Dear, we've got an invitation from Mr and Mrs Chapman to dinner, haven't we? When's i for? Let me look at my noes, Tats for the 26th of September. Please look at the calendar for that day, The 26h of September... that's Friday. Bus t what time? 1600 pm. There's another invitation, think It’s for next week. Next week wil be October. That second invitation is for the Sulawesi music night, atthe Arts Centre. That will be Saturday, Ihe firs of Ocwober Inthe morning or evening? A: 730in the evening. Shall we go? Fm bored wth staying at home! A: Alright! tolong Stating the days, months and years ‘To state names of days, months, years, centuries, of dates, Indonesians normally precede the proper names with the corre sponding words for day, month, year or century. The reason i ‘obviously for clavty. In subsequent references, however, these words may be omitted. nari day hari Senin Monday hariJum’at Friday Inari Selasa Tuesday hari Sapa Saturday hhari Rabu Wednesday hari Minggu Sunday hai Kamis Thursday Dbuten month Dulan Januari January balan Jai July Dbulan Februari February bulan Agustus August bbulan Maret March ‘balan September September April bla Oktober October May boulan Nopember November June balan Desember December toss tahun 19941994 1874 tahun 17421742 shad ~ century shad ke 14 14th century abad ke 12 12th century had ke 20 20th century abad ke 17 17th century longeal~ date tanggal 7 Oktober 1991 7th October 1991 {anggal 10 Desember 1851 10th December 1851 jm means ‘o'lock’, ut its also used fo time plus or minus min- les. For mare on this, see the next section. jum 700— To'eoek james 615 jum 5.005 o'clock jamz 240 jum 100 Lovelock jami.t0 110 Useful sentences ari apa arin? What day i today’? iar apa kemarin? What day was yesterday? Hari spa besok? What day i tomorrow? ari apa lust? ‘What day isthe day aftr tomorrow? Situation 2 Jam berapa sekarang? In Indonesia a bank employee is considered to be more fortunate ‘than esl servant for the simple reason that the former earns much ‘more than the tar vn Bank employee ex ~ Civil servant rss Jam berapa anda berangkat ke kantor pada pagi hari? a: Saya beramgkat das rumah jam 7.15 (tajuh Tewat seperempat). Sampai di kentor jam 7.45 (delapan kurang seperempat) dan tui ekera Jam 00 (éepan). Saara Perangeat jam rapa? vs: Saya berangkat agak siang. Kira-kira jam 8.45 (sembitan kurang seperempat), Sampai di kantor jam 9.15 (sembilan lewat seperempat) dan mulai bekerja jam 930 (setemgah sepu- tu, Jam berapa saudara sles bekerja dan pulang? Saya pulang jam 2.00 siang. Kadang-kadang jam 1.30 (sefen= tah dv). ‘mm: Wah, cepat sekall, Saudara hanya bekerjasebentar di kantor, ya? Saya bekerja Keras sampai jam 4:30 sore (setenga lima sore). Sampai di rumah jam 5.3 (setengah enam). Saya bet betul cape! ‘me Apa sauidara tidak tah. Gaji pogawai neger, seperti saya ini, sepertiga gai pegawai bank, vs: Masak’ Saya tak tah, ae ‘Re Whitin do youve for work i the martg? 7: ese home a's gue past een 19) eave a the fie quatre (2) Ton werkt epee Gots ate eyo tne ewes? rH era are 9) oie ae of equate pt 015) and sa ork a ‘nine (9.30). S re: Whi youth work nd go hae? rs: Po home and oc 20), Sonne thal at one (1.30), ‘ a ve: Ww at Your doy iss: Fwor an forty ‘he atenoon an don ae ome unt hall poe Pome ae re: Di you now tha cel ents lary one of be say of hat tpbset vm ‘ay ain eramghat ——tolkave for seperempat a quartr setenpah a hl really? sepertin one tied Telling the time ‘here are several ways of telling the time in Indonesian. They all, however, always start withthe hour, then follow with the minutes. For ‘to" and ‘past’ the hour, Indonesian uses kurang and lewat respectively. Here are some examples. Jam berapa sekarang? What time is it? Sekaeang jam. Its... Time with hours only 800o'lock jam delapan 11.00 o'clock jam sebelas 9.00o'elock jamsembilan 1200 o'clock jam dua belas For times with minutes, use kurang or lewat 8.10 jam delapan lewat sepuluh menit 520 jam sembilan lewat dva pala menit 750 jam deapan kurang sepoluh menit 14S jam sembilom koran seperempat {1S jam empat lewat seperempatfims belas menit 545 jam enam kurang seperempat seperempat a quarter, setengah a hall. In using setengah, however, Indonesians soem to think forward rather than backward 9.30 jm setengah seputuh (aot jam sembilan lewat setengah) 10:30, jam setengah sebelas 1.3) jam setengah da 12.30 jam setengah satu Note: .m.— pagi and pam, ~sore can be added toll the times above provided the numberof the hour tess than 12 Another way of telling the time is by using the 24-hour clock. Only the numbers are read; kurang (to) and lewat (past) are not used, 17.30 jam tujuh elas tiga potuh 11S Jam sau ima betas (0430 jam empat tga puluh 25S jm dua lima tima 22.10 jam dua poluh dua sepuluh 3.14 jam tiga empatbelas 7 Situation 3 Warna itu tak cocok! Tui and Janie are good friends. They always speak frankly to each other Janie sems to be more stylish than Tutt 1: Mau ke mana Tuti? 1 Mau ke pesta, Janie. 1: Maat, ya pakaianmu Kurang menarik. Blas merah tidak coook dengan rok hljau, dan sepatu put! ‘r: Bagaimana kombinasi yang bak? 1: Kalau blas merah, rok bawal harus hitam. Sepatu bisa hitam ata coklat tua, vy Kala kamu ponya ... bisukeh ole pina untole mala ini sale a: Bolehlaht 4 Where are you going Tui? © Toaparty, Janie, 1: Excuse me, but your clothes aren't right. A red blouse doesn't go wha green skirt and white shoes! What's a good combination then? Ifthe blouse is red, she skirt shouldbe black and the shoes can be black or dark Brown Ifyou have... Ca [borrow them just fortnight? Alright! iam black (eg. kucing tam a Back cat) potih white eg. gedung puthh white house) tungu violet (eg, Kembang ungu 2 violet ower) Exercises 1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate names of days (0), Hiri ini hari Sela. Besok hari usa hari__ (b) Hori ini hari Kamis.Besok — (6) Sekarang hari Jum'at Besok Juss (GQ) Sekarang hari Minggu. Besok Tusa ()Besok hari Mingeu, Sekarang —— kemayin (0) Besok hari Jum'at Sekarang.—_ kemarin (2) Kemarin hari Saptu. Besok har ini (b) Kemarin haet Rabu. Hari ini (0) Lasa hari Senin, Besok 2 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words: ay skin ‘ning yellow mera red ocak fomatch as owe an dark brown Colours Indonesian words for colours are straightforward. They are as fallows rmerah red (eg. pormadani merah 2 red carpet) eaning yellow (eg sungal Kuning Yellow sver) hijou green (e.g: eumput bijou green grass) hie blue (e.g laut iw blue eea) coklat brown (og, tascoklat a brown bag) (2) Dalam satu tahun ada bulan (6) Dalam ada 30 hark (©) Dalam satu hari ada jam (@) Dalam ada © menit (c) Dalam Satamenit ada etik (0) Dalam, ada tujuh bart (®) Dalam fempat puluh detapan jam (h) Dalam, Memang, untuk saya Kesehatan nomor 1, Untuk itu saya selala 2 kebersiban. ce Yarsaye inatrumahme bers dan rap, Kalau begita kamu juga orang yang rain. - bs Ada pepatab yang mengatakan bersh pangkal seha,rajin dan hemat pangkal kaya © Kalau begita kamu orang kaya? ; Ds Saya tidak kaya tetapi juga tidak miskin, Kekayaan penting tetapi tidak muta, ce Saya tahu maksudme bo Kejujaran, Keberanian dan keluwesan cc Yasemua yang ke, juga penting, an Kean itl fel elon every tne Lee you! : Why? © Youre aways heathy: ‘Wel forme heli i mumber ne, so Pveabvays kept everthing lea ce Yer Fnotce your hows is aways ty and net. That means i. Lgues) yout alia diligent person. ox there's 2 prove whi nytt ‘loans the bass for eat whl igence and economy ae the bass for wel ce Yow ould berth thn (itso you area rick person ther)? ‘ Pmnot rich bum: not poor either For me wealth is important, bt its not everthing it: abso). cx Yen now what you mean tx Honesty, neg an fexbiity are important factors 00 © Yes, everyting that ends with ity. ity and iy! ame tofee] ‘modak ‘absolute ay jealous juiuike__an honesty panghal basis Drenthe am courage penting important weske am flexibility m ue us Grammar 3 i Ke____an, the abstract noun-maker Please yourself! ‘As you saw in the dialogue, adjectives can be transformed into Grammar 4 abstract nouns by applying ken to ther, sehat (healthy) eesehatan (health) bersih (clean) ebershun (cleanliness) jin (ciligent) kKerajinan (diligence) aya (rch) Kekayaan (wealth) miskin (poor) emiskinan (poverty) bberani (brave) Keberanian (courage) Jujur (honest) ejujuran (honesty) Ke___an applied to nouns, produces further nouns extending their meaning. resin ( ment ident) _kepresidenan (the presidents palace) minister) Rementerian (the ministry} Guta (ambessador) —__kedutan (the embassy) Torah (village head) Keluraham (the jurisdiction of Lurah) raja (king) erajaan (kingdom) Situation 4 Saya lapar 1 Say par. Saya may akan tp tak ada makanan mej es Klee manana yng eee em 2 Saya ak bss akan msnan fT ped 2 Kali ia na kan masa Tuya sj! ‘: Miaman juga tak ada Saye maw Ke warn ss, ca jean, » Slaniaa Tm hungry. Ianto eat, bus here isn't any food on the table 1: There's some food (lit: cooking) in the fridge. Mum cooked i yesterday. ‘a: Fan’ eat mum's dish. 1's too spicy. 1 Ifyou don't lke her cooking, jst have a drink then. ‘Transitive verb + an a concrete noun-maker “The suffix anis a concrete noun-maker when tisadded toa transitive verb. The noun is the object ofthe action indicated bythe infinitive. ‘Examples of words withthe sufx an ‘bur bran (holiday) java —jawaban (reply) pakai~pakaian (clothes) ——_bur—hiburan (entertainment) Tsuen (graduate) jual~jualan (merchandise) smain—mainan (Coy) ‘peli—betian (a purchase) hhokeen-hukumam (punishment) Kerja~kerjaan (work) Exercises 1 Mixed affixation: perm, Ke__am, verb + an and pe + verb, Find the derivatives of the emboldened words in the frst sentence; then fil them in the blanks in the second sentence: (@) Indonesia sudah lama berdagung dengan Ameri. __— tw berjalanlancar (b) Kanai akan berjulan kaki ke Puncak itu memakan waktu tiga jam (©) Rapatitu membicarakan soa! uang itu tentang wang (@) Gara menjelaskan bitungan itu kepada murid-murid pur bal skal (©) Pemerintah membangun banyak proyek baru proyek-proyek baru banyak memakan wang (0) Manchester United bertanding melawan Liverpool kem itu seru sekal (e) ily pandai bermain tenis __cepat (h) Mereka akan bertemu sore nant itu sre nanti a8 Ms () Dulusukusuku di Indonesia herbed sekall Sekarang, itu kei sokali Mobil itu sepat sckali aya 70 kenjam (6), Orang tua itu kaya sekalt 10 milyard rupiah ), BuSeiselatu sehat ia menjaga ‘ya dengan baik () Mungkin dia aka berangkat hari Minggs ‘Ada dia akan berangkat hari Minggu (2) Kami mengharap semua penumpang selamat PPenumpang adalah harapan kami (0) Datam perang Yugoslavia banyak orang yang math sit menyedihkan sali () Pak Ani suka minum Di (@) Boris Bess pani Berman eis — tenis yang baie © 8 1g itu meneuri banyak uang dari bank (9) Minar membanta Thu Sunarto di ama Dia ng rin (0) Saya suka jajam di wrung ita i warung itu enak (u)_Amirsuka membaca buku di pespustakaan Di sana buku ‘nya baik-baik agangiber so eade to built smooth ene sum to diler food stall jaan sack 2 Mixed fixation (ber, pen/pem___an, an, pe + vex verbs with ber are. generally intransitive, while verbs with ‘me___kan can be simple transitive, transitive beneficent or trans tiveZcusative. Indonesian root words are given on the left below. ‘Translate into Indonesian the English words onthe right (a) sat to unite (v2) and unity (@) main to playa game, a toy, and to play arole (o) jelas clarity, clea, to explain sth (@) minum to drink, a drink, and» drinker (e} kerja to work, job, a worker, and vo do sth. (8) jual to sella sale, merchandise, and salesperson (2) jalan to walk, a journey, a pedestrian, and to run sth. () bell to buy, a purchass, 0 buy sth. for sb. and a buyer (i) tito dance, a dancer, and a dance ()) sedi to be sad, sadness, to sadden (to cause sb. to be sad) () ajar to learn, teacher, to teach sb to teach sth. tos. lesson, student, and teaching () cari to search for sth, to Seateh for sth. for sb. and a seeker (am) sehat health, healthy, and to make sb. healthy (o) beri to be clean cleanliness, to clean sth. and detergent (p) adit justice, tobe just, and court (Gq) bahagia to he happy, happiness, to make sb. happy 3 Choase one word from the brackets that completes the sentence. (@) (enum, peminum, minuman) Srisuka air jeruk Air jerk yang enak Henry suke perp Ke lub, Dia (©) @ermai, memainksn, permainan, pemsin) Navratilova tenis terkenal ‘Anakeanak ‘i halaman ‘Orang Amerika suka sepak bol ia pandsi_—__ gitar Siapa yang piano? (two answers) (©) (bekerj, pengerafpekerja, pekerjaan, mengerjakan) ‘Apa Saudara suka dengan saudare? ‘Ada berap i pabrik to ‘Merck sedang apa’? Sekarang sukat mencari ak Amat dari jam 10 pagi sampai jam S sore (© (menjual, enjuatkan, jualan, penjual, penjualan) Toko tw apa? ‘Apa Saudara bisa rumah saya? Di pasar a ran, aging, dan Tans. Banyak orang yang membel us John Hardy kepala bagian (c) Galan, berjalan,pejalan kaki, peralanan, menial “—___Jakarta-London memakan waktu 16 jam Dia tidak bisa. Kakinya sakit Di tengah jalan banyak mobi. Di pings banyale —___idaerah ini bagus. Tidak ada lubang-lubangaya ‘pa Soudara bisa mobil ita? (© (Gembeli, pombe, pembelian, mombelikan, belian) ‘Sudah lama ruma i tidak lak, Tidak ada nya Saya manajer ‘Ayah ‘dik saya sepatu baru Dia mau Sepoda Raleigh Ibu banyak. Dia tak kuat membawanya, (g) (Gers membersikan, kebershaa, pembersih) ‘Saya heran rumah saudara sell Siapa yang, amar saya? Kita memang perlu menj aya mau meme obat (hy) (belajar, mengajar, mengsjarkan, pelajar,pelajaran, engajar, pengajaran) Bu Sunaryo tari Jawa Dia guru Pekerjeanaya ‘Ada beespa rats Gisekolah itu? Sekarang ‘nomor berapa? Pak Sutanto Dahasa Indonesia kepada orang Inggeris Avian Siapa nama menieri Inggetis? (© (sain, menyedihkan, Kesediban) ‘Keadaan pengungsi i Bosnia memang, Hatinya Dia tidak lulu uian Dia tidak bisa menghilangkan aya () chat, menyehatkan, keschatas,penyehat) 'Rokok tidak bade ‘Apa kabar Saudara? Saya. ‘aja, Terima kasi nomor satu dalam hid ii Airjenik yang bak ‘erkenal famous rook ‘gare tuba hole sire orange juice sedi sad dup ite 4 Give the Indonesian equivalents to the following, using the ‘words given in brackets: (2) The journey makes me tired (jalanfletah) (©) His words hurt people (katasakit) (o) The conversation i interesting (cakapltartk) (@) The theory has many weaknesses (lemal) (@) Marriage between Easterners and. Westerners is common nowadays (Kawin) (0, His work isnot satisfactory. He is lazy (kerjafpuas) (g) Lots of people came to the meeting (temu) (3) Cats are mouse eaters (akan) (i). The landing was good because the pilot was skilful darat) (The performance of our football team was disappointing (maintkecew (8), The fight from London to Jakarta takes 16 hours (tebang) (i). His calelation is wrong (hitang) {¢n) Nobody wants co ive in poverty (skin) (2) His handstiting i good (ais) (0) Have you answered his question? jawabytanya) (p) Iwill no forget his kindness (bail) (@) He cooking i delicious (masa) (2) lic His spending is bigger than his income (keluarfmasak) (8) We must look after our health Gaga/sehat) (9) Don't pay attention to someone else's wickedness (ber) haivarek) Language in use Study the maker. logue below, and note the function of an as 4 noun- ‘a: Saya mau membacatetap ak ada buesan, Rak buku itu kosong. fe Anda mencari baeaun apa? ‘x: Baca roma. =: Tulisansispa? ‘x: Talisan Teguh Karya. Sa 17 13 Reading passage Study the following text, and note particularly the noun derivatives hich are in bold. Answer the comprehension questions atthe end. of the story. Tiba di Indonesia Sesuiah 16 jam penerbangan, pesawat terbang Garude akhinya, masuk ke wilayab udara Indonesia, berada di atas kota Jakarta, Sebuah pengumuman dari kokpit memberitahukan agar tema pPenumpang berhenti merokok dan mengenakan sabuk penganan mereka. Ini semua untuk Keselamatan penumpang. Pendaratan beyjalan dengan lancer. John dan penumpang- ppenumpang yang lain turun dari pesawat. Mereka langsung menu) ke bagian pemeriksaan paspor. Scorang pejabatimigrasi memerika Paspor John dant mengajukan pertanyaan: ‘Berapa lama Sauda ‘akan tinggal di Indonesia?” John menjawab “Tiga tabun, pak, Saya bertugas ci Departemen Pertanian. Pejabat imigrast Kemuclan mencap paspor John dan berkata, ‘Selamat bekerja di Indones John menjawab, Terima kas, pak, John kemudian pergi ke bagian pengambilan barang, Di sane dia ‘mengambil tas dan Kopornya. Dia membawa barang-barang ity Ke agian pabean, di mana dua orang pesawai memeriksa isinya, Karena John tidsk membawa barang-barang torlaang, pemerike san itu tidak lama dan John boleh kel, Keluar dari ruangan pabean, John mendengar pengemoman melalui pengeras suara yang berbunyi: ‘Mr John Miller =.» Please come to Information. Someone is waiting to collect you’ yang dalam bbahasa Indonesianya kia-kira bepnit “Tuan Miller. Harap datang ke hagian penerangan. Ada orang yang menjemput anda.” ‘Di baglan penerangan, John meihat seorang lakilaki. Ah, ini pak Amir yang dulu pernah bertemu dengan dia di London. Begitu melt John, pak Amir berkata, “Selamat datang, pak ‘Millet: Apa anda baik-baik saja seam perjalanan?” Joho men- jwab, ‘Sema baik, pak Amir. Senang bertemu dengan ands lag” Dari bandara udaa kedua orang itu kemudian naik mobil dan pergi ke hotel di’ mana Joho akan tinggel kirackira dua bulan Sebelum isterinya datang shiny ‘ventually——peitsa/pe__an inspection seiayah teritory ——sjvme—Ram to put forth ‘munpe__an announcement tugasber tohave ask enaime Kan toputon smbilpe an collection ssbok elt bean custom mane safety tevarang, forbidden Taneae smooth meal through tujome towards pemgeratsuara loudspeaker Pertanyaan (a), Berapa lam perjafanan udara dari London ke Jakarta? (b) Bagaimana pilot mendaratkan pesawat dalam cerita ini? {) Siapa yang memeriksa paspor John’? (4) Dia menanyakan apa kepada John? (} Diana Joho akan bekerja di Indonesia? (0) Dimana John dapat mengambil barang-berangaya? (g), Waktu Keluar dari pabean, John mendengar apa? Mengatakan apa? (b) Siapa nama orang yang menjemput Fohn? (i) Kapan Joba pertama kali mengenal dia? John akan tinggal di mana sementara ini? Reading passage ‘ently perawpe__an inspection terry” tae Sa tpt rik Study the folfowing tex, and note particularly the noun derivatives mnouncement. tuber tohweatai which aren bold Answer the comprehension questions athe cad fopton eatilpm__m) collection of the stony. teh bean coor ssioy arene foriosen Tiba di Indonesia josh ah ‘hot towers penperiainra—_loieater Sesudah 16 jam penerbangan, pesawat terbang Garuda akhirnya ‘masuk ke wilayat udara Indonesia, berada di atas kota Jakarta, Scbuah pengumuman dari kokpit memberitahukan agar semua pPenumpang berhenti merokok dan mengenakan sabuk pengaman mereka Ini semua untuk Keselamatan pentmpang. Pendarstan berjalan dengan lancar. Joha dan penumpang: [penumpang yang lain turun dari pesawat. Mereka langsung ment ke hagian pemeriksaan paspor. Seorang pejabatimigrasi memerika paspor John dan mengsjukan pertanyaan:‘Berapa lama Sau akan tinggal di Indonesia?” John menjawab “Tiga tan, pak. Saya bertvgas eignored ——sambel ctl ence ona oy pedas icy hot m 73 Grammar 3 Imperative in the passive form ‘The imperative used in the passive voice is very common in Indonesian. The idea seems to be that rather thas diecting the ‘order a the person spoken to, it would be less offensive to diect i atthe object isl. Pak, jangan malu-mala Marl Don't be shy. Please drink the tea ‘ehnya diminun! ‘Kenya jangan didiamkan (it: Don’t let the eake be ile!) sujal Ayo, kenya Come on, eat dimakan! Langan tis surat ita! Doo’ write tat letter! Surat itu jangan ditulis! (lic: Don’t ket the letter be writen by yout!) Jangan membicarakan Don’t discuss that matter! ‘soa ita! Soa itu Jangan dibicarakan\ Don't discuss that matter! (lit: that letter is not 10 be read!) ‘Bacalah halaman 10! Read page 10, please! Harap halaman 10 dibacal (it: Page 10 be read, please!) Coba, minum obat init Please drink thie medicine! obs, obat ini diminum! (lit: ‘This medicine be taken, please! Exercises 1 Which ofthe following imperatives can be sai with harsh inflee- ‘ion, persuasive inflection, of both? Remember a harsh imperative ‘doesnot have the polite Words eoba, silahkan, tolong, harap or lah: (2) Masuklaht (6) Jual rumahmu yang tua dan bell yang baru! (6) Coba, ambi kurs dan duduk! (@) Lihat oran ita, Dia tings sekli! (©). Makanlah! Sangam minum! (f) Tulislah sebuah surat kepada nenekmut (e) Coha, baca lagi bu itu. sinya menarik (b) Berbiaralaht Jangan hanya diam! (i) Jangan hanya bermain! Bekerjal 3 (We) Datangla ke si (0). Pergi Sa (im) Tingeal di sini dan jangen menangis (a), Belkan saya segelas ar jeruk! (0) Bacakan saya surat tu, Saya lupe membawa kacamata (p) Berjalantah satu kilometer dan berhenti di sana (@)_Ambilkan saya secangkie kop panas! tag verse ard berbcara total peria(:) to need pani topanie avatr to worry erative verb + harshsof inflection. verb + polite words (silahkan, tlong, ‘coba and harap or Ih) Independent verbs are not a problen, the prefix ber is optional. The me inthe transitive verb, however. is dropped angan negates any prevailing fact. Ibis ‘the opposite of silahkan. The verb form, can be with or without me, ‘The subject (you) is not required. ‘Summary of th + Basic imperative + Refined imperative + Verb form + Negative imper “= Inall cases 2 Change the statements below into imperatives, using silahkan: (a) Soudara masuk dan duduk (b) Saudara makan dan minum di sini {) Saudara merokok (@) Anda mengerjakan apa saa (6) Ands memasak nasi goreng (0) Adda menonton televist rmendengarkan radio pulang jam berapa sj ™ 5 3 Change the statements below into imperatives, using tolong [Note that most ofthese things are done forthe speaker, (a) Saudats mengeluarkan mobil dari garasi () Saudara membawa mobil saya ke bengke! (6) Saudara menaayakan dia apanya yang rosak (@) Seudara menanyakan beraps ongkosnya (6) Saudara membersinkan mobil it (9, Saudara menjuatkan mobil itu (2) Saudara memasukan uangnya ke bank (h).Saudara memberikan ands terimanya kepada saya Deng ogee repair garage rw ests) ‘anda “damaged sim (n) 4 Change the statements below int imperatives using coba, Note that these sentences usually imply ability, wilingness or reluctance. (2) Kamu bekera delapan jam sehari (©) Kamu mengerjakan lebih dar satu pekerjaan (©) Kamu menyimpan sebagian vangiu di bank (@) Kamu tidur dan makan yang eukup (©) Kamu berolah raga setiap pagi (0) Ditkantor kamu bersikap ramah kepada teman-teman (2) Engkau banyak menolong mereka (b) Engkau banyak bercands dengan mereka (@,_Engkau berkunjung ke rumah mereka pekerjasn work (n) ‘lah rage sport ebin dari move than fandaber to make jokes cukup adequate ramah friendly ‘5 Change the statements below into imperatives, using lab, All the subjects in these sentences translate into “you” in English. (a) Saudara melhat ke belakang (b) ‘Kamu masuk ke kantor (©) Anda berangkat sekarang (@) Engkau bermain tenis (c) Tuan datang besok (0) Nyonya menanyakan nama jalan ita () Nona menunges di sini (b) Anda perp nanti malam (i) Tuan mengembalikan uang saya (i). Saudara membaca surat kabar “Abad!” (k) Engkau bekerja yang balk (0) Kamu memasukiaan uang ke kantong, 6 Imagine you disagree with the following statements, Using jan- ‘gan of janganah how would you express your disapproval or prohi- bition in Indonesian? Follow the examples: (a) Anda perp sendrian,Jangan pergisendiran! (b) Anda nai bis umum. Jangan(lah)naik bis uum! (@) Anda memakai perhiasan (@) Anda membewa banyak uang di (e) Anda meneium pacar i maka mum (0) Anda keluarberjaan jalan di larut malam (2) Anda makan di warung di ping jalan (h) Anda minum air tawar (@)_ Anda lupa menggosok gigi setiap malam (Anda lupa meminim obst kalau sakit, (h) Anda berterima kasih kepada orang itu tendirin alone ‘detwar freshwater ‘mum public Iarat malo Inte sight pethinsar jewellery ‘warns umine To kis init pacer boyiglriend —gonakme tub 7 Cover the right column below with your right hand and change the active imperative on the left othe passive imperative. Remove Your hand to cheek forthe correct answers, (2). Makan rot itu! Roti itu dimakant (b) Tolong taruh buku itu di Tolong, bukw itu ditaruh datas atas meja! sejal (©) Tangan memakan nasi Nasi mentah jangan dimakan! ‘mentah! (@) Tolong, beri saya uang! —Tolong saya diberi uang! 6 (©) Coba, ambitkan saya sebuah pitingt (6, Jangan pukulanjog tut (2) Jangan suka memaksa Coba, saya diambilkan sebuah piring! ‘Anjing tu jangan dipukull ‘Orang jangan dipaksal ‘orang! (h) Masulckan mobil saya Mobil saya dimasukkan ke garasil ke garas! (@ Keluarkan anak ity ‘Anak itu dikeluarkan dari kamar! sari kamat! Language in use Study the conversations below. Note the varied verb forms in the imperative, here represented in bold Aku terus ingat Din, mengspa engkau melamun saa? Saya ingat pacar saya, ‘wine Oh, si Dew. Lupakn dia! ‘pi: Bagaimana saya bisa lupa, Dia cantik sekal ‘ve Yang sud, suahla. Caria) pacar bara! Banya gis cantik sokarang, tupre: Ya, saya tahu, Tapi saya tak bisa. ‘vane Jangan(ah) hanya duduk. Bermain(lah) dengan teman- cman! Bercakap-cakup(lah) dengan mereka! ‘opi: Saya tak suka bermain dan tak suk bereakap-cakap. ‘ane: Membacailahy! ‘pis: Saya tale suka membaea buku, ‘ons: Menonton(ah) televis? vie: Saya fak suka di rumah, Saya mau keluar, ikut kamu ‘amin Maaf, tak bisa. Saya ada jan... ke tear! Uupww: Dengan siapa? swine Dengan... 0... wi! tuoi: Kami memang nakai! ‘melamon to daydream ut tw-come with per beoysinivend jam promise (n) cantik beauiful maka naughty smelopakan io forget sb, (optional) article fr proper names Bolitah wor Sei berbelanjalah ke pasar! Belial) gula pasir, beras dan sayor! sx: Baik, bu, Di mana vangnya? tov: AmbilQah) dari dalam ta ibu. Tas yang hitam, bukan yang coklat, Di kamar atas, sx: Tni bu, Unngnya sudah saya ambil.Uang keris Rp 20000 wer Belidak) juga satu Kilogram daging sapl! Piih(ah) bagian yang baik! sx: Apa lagi bu? tov Int rsep dari dokter untuk adikmu. Bawa(ah) ke apotk dan Delian obat! sy Masih ada yang lain lagi? vn Sudah cukup. Ambil(ah) kertas dan cata semua tad beanjaher to sbop piltime chow i pade granulated sugar gh are aoe vegetables sep pressiption ‘aging spi beck aku adequate catatimen—tonote down semua tadi—allof them Janganlah! acpast Din, datang ke sini! ‘anak: Ada apa, pak? fava: Apa kamu sudah makan? ‘ova: Suda, pak Likat peratka! Besar, bukan? farat Ya, beser. Kamu makan apa tadi? ‘awak: Makan aus dengan daging sap Jangan banyak makan daging! Makanlah sayor juga! Saya tidak suka sayur, pak faratc: Kamu minum apa tdi? ANAK! Minum Coce-coe ‘Sarak: Jangan(lah) minum ita! Gigimu bise rusak. ‘awak: Ah, bapak ini rewel, Aparapa tidak boleh. Jangan begin, jangan begitul 1” 179 ve rgany harap ebayer dul, nant is anda sampai i akarts saya erat stomach ‘evel sy oe 0 toohects——begineytu ‘ie itr ® a eee ‘wings ‘long beritahu saya tanggal berapa anda berangkat supaya saya bisa menjempa ands i bandasa dara Sukarno-Hatta Sand Pter. Soma betema Indonesia Reading passage Sekian dtu Peter. Sompai — Sty the text. Note the varied ver forms in the intrctons given .nswer the comprehension questions at the end of the stor ‘memang indeed thin e ns we eed Tides ‘maj to progress light Surat dari Jakarta alan staat a cera Several aw si Jakarta 2 Februar 1993 enn esate a= sche Peter yang bal mat machine epeimn——ocey ‘tangy tandaswdar spot Sra anda datang tad pai. dengan membawa Kaba bak lope eens dee merpeney ‘Anda akan berkunjung ke Indonesia! Merman. skarang Indonesia bee sence ate tint maju. Ekonominja bik den Keadaanya ama meme scorcagto eat wwrepace ramglat_ olen for Saya ada beberapa pesan yang mungkin bak untuk anda: ia remit Sromat iene Posswatterbang:Naklah peawat Garuda Karena pesawat ii ter syamak ——mowito—_empuine i tnng langung dri London ke Jakarta, Layenanaya cokup balk dan arlsnya jug lebih mura _ Pertanyaan Mengenai isin tinggal: Jangan lupa meminta visa di Kedutaan Indonesia di London karena menurut surat anda, ands akan tinggal 4 Indonesia lei dari ign minggu, Mengenai vaksinas: Jangan tupa pergi ke dokter untuk meminta vaksinasi kholera, disentsl dan malaria. Di beberapa.pulau di Indonesia, mash ada nyamuk malaria ‘Mengenaipakaian: Hanya pakaian yang tipis dan ringan bisa ‘tiara, Tinggalkan semua pakaian tebal dl London. Pakaian tebe tidak berguna di Indonesia Karena hawanya panassekal. Sein itu industri pakaian sudah maja di Indonesia dan harganya juga murah. Mengenai uang: Pergilah ke bank dan bel travellers cheques. Ini lebih aman! Rawa juga kies-kira 10 atau 20 vibu rupiah van, Indonesia, untuc keperluan darurat di andra udara, ‘Avhimnya, kalau anda ada waktu dan bisa pergi ke toko, coba Delikan saya minyak rambut buatan Inggers, merk “Oliva”. Rerapa (2) Sapa yang kan per ke done? {3} Stent Haron ups chomon Indonesia sarang? (©) Mengape Harjo enyurah Peter nal kapaltrbang Garuae? (4) Mengipa dia menyoruh Petr mengambivksinas! malaria? {8} Ape pain bel pers ds Indonesi? Mengapa? {0 Ua spa Peter pre ke bank? (2) Ape tng Ingen ik adam (8) Hajono ments Petr unk membetian ae? {}) Ape arjono tabu tanggal berap Pte akon Berangkat? (Ape naa bandara wad Jakarta? 13, Mana yang lebih enak? Which is more enjoyable? 4 this tosson you wit earn about: + Comparative adjectives + Superiatve adecives +The pases ‘same as'~ sama dengan and Yoo'— tetas Staiy the ditgue ia Siaton 1 below, noting prt words in bold. ne Situation 1 OO Mana yang lebih enak? Eddy Sith it go 0 tndoneia to tke up job as an engineerin Consultant. By chance he meets an Indonesian in Toronto elles ‘the opportunity to ask him about living conditions in Indonesia Pak Mfr, mana yang lei nak hid dl Kanada ata di sermo: Waly itu pertanyaan sukar! Yang elas, hawa di Tndones lebih panas daripada hawa di Kanada, ppv: Bagaimana mengenai beaya hidup? ‘wrrmor Di Kanada beaya hidup lebih mahal Karena Kanada adalah ppv: w dari teman-teman beaya hidup di Tndonesis ju lebih’ murah Paka mura, transport ‘murah; semuanya murah .. juga orangnya lebih rama, Jeb banyak bercanda dan suka mengobrel ero: Ya, karena hawa yang panas orang suka keluar rumah untuk bermain atau berkunjung ke rumah teman dan tetanggs. Di Kanada udara yang dingin membuat orang segan keluar ‘Mengenai lal lintas bagnimana?? Dalam hal ini Kanada lebia baik. Mobi i jlan-jatan di ‘Kanada fidak sebanyak mobil di jalan-jalan di Tndones Aturan fl lintasnya juga lebih keras. Dan yang mengher- “ankan lagi harga mobil sean di Kanda jan lebih murah daripada di Indonesia ‘Wah, kalau saya bisa jadi ‘Superman’ saya mau terbang bolaicbalik Jakarts-Toronto, Di Indonesia saya bist berhelanjs, maka enak dan berlibur, di Kanada says bisa rmenyeti mobil Wich i beer, ving tn Canada or in Indonesia? That's 2 diffcu question. Obviously, the weather in Indonesia is much hoter than the weather in Canada, What about the cost of tving? The cost of living & higher in Canada beemuse it is a developed county. lindecd, I heard that the cost of ling in Indonesia is much cheaper, Clothes are cheap, anspor is cheap; everything is ‘heap. The people are also more friendly, make more jokes ‘and lke to cha. Yes, because of the hot weather people enjoy going out 10 visit neighbours, or children to play with their frends. In Canada the cold weather makes people reluctant to g0 out. What about the rac? In this cave Canada is beter. There are not as many ears on Canadian roads as on Indonesian roads. The trafic regula- tions are also more stringent. And what’ suprising is thatthe price of saloon cars in Canada is much cheaper than in Tndonesia. Well if I could be a ‘Superman’, I would fly 10 and fro between Jakarta and Toronto. In Indonesia I would go shopping, eat good food and have a holiday. In Canada 1 ‘would drive anice car. ‘oak pestinyaan ‘ripada than ‘comfortable nico eandaber question braline omabe jokes toch reluctant sepmn 181 12 obvious ‘alain rie shot sturan ulation cos of ving eras stringent developed country bolak-ballk to an ro Grammar 1 Comparative adjectives (a) The English comparison with ‘as’ bby se + adjective in Indonesian, ‘Mobi alan jalan Toronto ak sebanyak a ahata Hasan sepandat Amir Haasan is a lover as Amie (6) The English comparison with ‘more’ + adjective + ‘than’ or adjective + er’ than is expressed by lebih + adjective + daripa. 4a in Indonesian, Di Indonesia pakaian dan makanan lebih murah daripads di Kanada In Indonesia clothes and food are cheaper than in Canada ‘Harga mobil sedan di Indonesia jauh lebih mahal daripada di Kanads Saloon cars in Indonesia are much dearer than saloon cars in ‘Canada Orang Indonesia lebih banyak Keluar untuk mengobro! dengan fetangeanya Indonesians go out more to chat with their neighbours Situation 2 Apa yang paling menyenangkan? Benny and Hasyin are esting each other's general knowledge (adjective) ‘as is expressed not as many cars on roads in Toronto as in Jakarta Siapa nama Presiden Amerika yang termuda? ‘Ah, itu mudah. John F. Kennedy. Negara mana yang paling berhasilekonominya di Asia? “ ‘Aku taba! Jepang negtra. yang. termakmur di Asia, Sekarang tentang. Indonesia, Sebutkan kejadian yang paling menyedibkan di akhir tahun 1992! ‘Gempa bumi di Flores. Lebih dari 2,000 orang meningeal Sekarang tentang musik. Berikan dua nama penari dan ppenyanyt yang paling menarik anak-anak muda di tahun 1990. ‘Michael Jackson! Yang satunya lagi. aku lupal ‘Madonna! Film apa yang paling menakutkan anak-anak? Frankenstein stau Dracula! Sekarang_ yang. mudah saja. Apa yang paling, menye- ‘nangkan dalam hidup ni? ‘Makin, minum, rumah bagus, mobil balap dan pacar yang ‘menggurkan Ita unk anda. Saya lebih suka mancing ikan di sungat It hobi saya! Whar’ the nae of the oungent American presen? That's ey, Joh F. Kennedy. Now, wih county i eco somal the mos sucess Ai? Tin that Sap she ox prosperous county i Ai Now abou indonesia, Name th saddest vet i 982 in Indonesia? The earthquake in Flores. More than 2000 people died Now abou muse Na the wo most popular (i ape: ing) singers an dances for young pnp it the 19. Michael acon! The oer one «1 forget Mautonna What lm the mos igtnng for ciden? Pranenscn or Drala! Now, here someting ery. What the out enjoyble ahing in fe? Tea, drink hve a ice Rowe, racing car, and... ery gna Tha for yo. For me Ike fh he rive. my hob. 1 aud (adi) eaay pene ‘singer soda young satunye the ether one ‘make prosperous takutine_kan righting, sebuvme tomention _senanghne kam pleasing Axjnian ever ‘lap race sakhir(e) recente nd glurme__ kan sexy Aingzalme toe ance tosh Grammar 2 Superlative adjectives Th gh peas te’ dete +g hess) er'ihe"mow aes (the mt resting) eapeses teat act nidonean, Nett ope say Sasbadeines Wen the goes eth prod of be se ‘me___kam afxation, only paling should be used. Ths is under sandable because ter js already’ a prefix; adding it 10 ber oF ‘me__kan would form excessive prefixes. Examples (both ter and paling are used) Presiden Amerika yang ‘The youngest American president vetien younges president Presiden Amerika yang The youngest American president paling muds [Negara yang termakmur The most prosperous country in Tae ‘tia Negara yangpaling The most prosperous county in ‘makmur di Asia Asia = 7 Examples (only pling can be used) Bencana slam yang paling The saddest natural disaster menyedibian PPenari yang paling menarik The most interesting dancer ‘lm yang paling ‘The most frightening fle ‘menaktkan Hidup yang paling “The most satisfying life ‘menyenanghan | 105 Situation 3 Kakinya tidak sama Lenny has just arrived home after a shopping tip. He asks Hasyim’s ‘pinion about the new trousers he has just bought use: Syim, tolong et eelanaku yang bar ini Ba ‘dapatmu? asvine Caba berdisi yang rus! Ha... Kaki yang kr dak sama dengan Kaki yang karan. nore: Berapa bedanya? mana pen- nasvne Ki 2 centimeter. Yang kanan lebih panjang. Pinggangnya bagaimana? unooe Wah,feflaiu Ketat. Saya hampir ak bisa bernafas. Ukuran aha... bagaimana? viasvis Aga gemuk. Anda kelihatan pendek hw: Warnanya bagaimana? Apa kuning warna yang baik? hasvint. Saya kira tidak begltu eocok dengan bajumu yang merah. ‘Borapa harga celana ini? resort Hanya Rp 6000. Soya bel di tempat obra hrasvin Pantest Kamu inl seperti kakakmu ,.. suka barang mura. use Syimy,pleae look at my new trousers. What do you think? hiasvine Let me see... Stand sraght! Ha the lft eg isn't the same length asthe right one! vuewsve What (lit: how much) is he diference? asym: ABout 2 centimetres. The right legis longer. What about the waist? won: Isa bit too Hight. ean hardly breathe. What about de hip inst Ia bit bagay: You look short tues Wha about the colour? Is yellow a good cofour? tinsvine I don’t think i matches with your red shirt. By the way, ‘how much did you pay for these trousers? wesaovt Only 6000 Rp. bought them aa sale. tiasvine No wonder... cheap merchandise. You are just lke your brother. A bargain hurer! 196 187 Sha menbel brung murah You ke baying coop tings eon — Menny seperti Mary. Benny ike Hasyim. Neithet = Oe _ ae Weta ta ke smoking beta difference ‘emu fat — Z es. dur like? een ae = Sépert spa Borobodur ita?” Whats Rorobudr its? — aw antes atrally Note: The derived adjectives in Situation 2 (menaktkan, me ce — bam Yedlkan,senyenanghan, si) can alo be ested st cit tater neni Yor without the jects sing mentioned (Le thereat of Ot vn han application to ajc. Tey cn be erp # Phrases: ‘causing people to be afraid, sad, happy, ete. (2) sama dengan the sae a . . a Exercises Kaki yng sama dengan Ths et piste same asthe rg bald yang boom, one 1 Compare the two sentences below and make up one or mot Johari Uk sama dengan Jatt the same a London tev ons king bi, Fallow the thee examples piven: non Tiga duasama dengan Thee tines wo equals six f(a) Hasan plang jam 4.00 tern pulang jam $00 uta nam Hasan pulang lebih dulu dari pada isterinya ~ Isterinya pula, (0) teat 10! Icha aia Hasan Pinggang celana ini terlala ‘The waist of these trousers is 100 ‘eta untuk aya tight for me Hiawa di Jakarta felalu "The weather in Jakarta is 100 hot Danas di tenga har at noon Jangan telat tamak! (©) ak ‘rather fi Don't be too greedy! ‘Ukuran pahanya agak besue "The hip size is ltl bit too large ‘Anak iow agak naka ‘The boy is rather naughty (@) tidak egta ‘not so" ‘Untuk saya warna kuning For me the colour yellow is not so tidak begitu menarik interesting Dia bepitu cinta pada saya sehingga lupa pada ‘hunya sendieh (seperti (tobe) lke” Kamu itu seperti kakakona ‘She loves me so much that she forgets her ova mother ‘You are like your brother (). Amir berangkat jam 7.00 Hadi borangkat jam 8.00 (dul at bat) — Amir berangkat lebih dulu dari pada Hadi ~ Hab berangkat lebih lambat daripada Amir (¢) Budi bekerja 8 jam sehari Turijo bekerja. 7 jam sehit (amapendek) ~ Bud bekerja lebih lama daripada Tur Turjo bekera lebih pendek daripada Budi (4) Soho berjalan 15 mil Jenny berbicaralambatsekali (one answer) (0) ou guru berbicara dengan jelas Bapak Guru berbicarajlas sek (one answer) (1) Judy panda ‘Amie pandai sekali (one answer) (h)-Cerita lama itu menarik (Certa baru ii menariksekalt (oneanswer) 183 6) Hongkong jauh Jakarta jauh sekali (one answer) Mobil Pak Umar berharga 5 vibu dollar ‘Mobil Pak Yudi hanya berharga 3 riba dollar (one answer) 2 Give the Indonesian equivalents tothe following: (2) This house costs much more than that howe (b) [preter living in Canberra to living in Sydney () like Jakarta bu {prefer Bandung (2) Halimah is more diligent than Sumarti, but Sumart is more imelligent (©) Henrys learning Indonesian more quickly than Harry {3 Read the sentences on the lft while covering the right column ‘with your right hand. Make up nev sentences, using the superlative form of comparison, tr or paling. Remove your hand to check your (2) Komputer itu mahal. Lebih Komputer ity termahal ‘mahal daripada semua Komputer ita paling mahal Komputer ii (©) Mobitsoya tua Lebih tua Mobil saya terua di daripada semua mobil -kampung int ai Kampung ini ‘Mobil saya paling tua di Kampung ini (©) Kota Bandung indah sokali, Bandung kota teindsh i LLebihindah daripads semua Jawa Barat kota di Java Barat ‘Bandung kota yang paling Indah di Javea Barat, (@)_ Buku bahasa Indonesia ini Buku bahass Indonesia ini ‘berguna sekali. Lei yang paling berguna bberguna daripads buku- buku bahasa (oneanswer only) Indonesia lainnya (©) Usaha ando berhasi kali Ini usaha ands yang paling LLebih berhasl davipada_berhesil Usahacusaha ands yang lain (one answer only) (Pulau Bali menariksekali Pulau Bali (yang) paling, LLebih menark dasipada—_-menark di Indonesia lau palan yang Inn dt Indonesia (one answer only) (@) Laguitu menyenangkan Lagu itu paling menyenangkan LLebih menyenangkan ) meminjam, membayar (¢) mombukakan, ‘masuk (d) mendengar (e) bertemu (O)bersih, mengotorkannya (@) berdiri (b) mendirikan (i) membeli, menyewa () beristeri, Deranak — (k) monghentikawmemberhentikan (1) meluluskan (a) membacakan (a) betkatalmengatakan, datang (0) duduk, selibatnya (p) menyckolahkan (q) berangkat, pulang, (c) menter jemahkan (8) mengajr, mengajar (1) belajar 6 (a) mendengarkan ceramah (b) meneatat keterangan gums (6) mengerjakan ltihan (4) beristirahat, makan siang dan minum () Kembali ke Kelas (f) Ada seminar. Mereka membicarakan, sebuah topik (a) meninggalkan Kelas jam 4.00 6 (a) memasukkan mobil ke garase (b) menurunkan tas dari sepeds, (©) membuka pintu dengan kunci (@) menghidupkan lamp (©) mengeluarkan bukw-buku dari dalam tas (6) mengembalkan Dbuku-bukw ke atas tak (g) pergi ke Kamar mandi (h) member sihkan tangan dan kaki, mencuci muka (i) pergi ke dapur() mem- ‘anaskan nasi dan sayur (k) menggoreng telor (1) makan malam (1m) beristiahat (etama) sata jam 7 (a) sesudah maken malam, dia belajar(b) dia mengerjakan peke jaan rumah (6) menyelesaikan-membaca novel (d) menter- Jemahkan kirt-kiea dua puluh kata Indonesia Ke Inggeris {e) mengarang kira-kira satu setengah halaman (2) pergi ke kams tidar (g) mematikan lampu (h) tide Lesson 10 1 (a) perdagangan (b) perjlanan (e) pembicaraan (A) penjelasan () pembangunan (f) pertandingan (g) permainan (h) perteruan (i) perbedaan(j) Kecepatan (Kk) kekayaan (2) Kesehatan (a) Kemungkinan (a) keselamatan (0) kematian (p) peminum (q) pemain (2) pencur(e) pembants (2) jajanan (u) bacean 2 to unite (vi) Dersata unity (1) ersatuan toplay herman’ a game permainan toy smalnan te play a role ‘memainkan peran clarity ejelasan clear elas to explain sth ‘menjelskan todrink ‘inom drink ‘nomen ‘drinker peminum to work (vi) bekerja ajob ppekerjaun a worker pekeria todosth Imengerjakan (sesuatu) tosell smenjual ale juan merchandise jualan | lesperson ‘penjual towalk (vt) beralan journey perjalanan a pedestri pefalan (kaki) torun (eg, shop) menjalankan (eg. toko) tobuy smembell purchase pembelian Tobuy th forsb. membelikan buyer pembelt todance renal dancer penari ‘xian sedih kesedinan ‘menyedinkan belajar gure mengajar toteach sh. to sb. mengajarkan learner pelajar teaching Pengajaran tolook for sth. mencith tofind sth for sb, mencatikan seeker pencar Death Kesehatan healthy sehat tomake sb. healthy menyehathan tobe clean bers cleanness Kebersinan to clean sth rmembersbkan detergent pembersih justice keadlan to be just adit ‘court pengadilan tobe happy Dahagia happiness ebahagian tomake s. happy membalagiakan 3 (@) minum, minuman, peminum (b) pemain, becmain, permainan! Dermain, bermain, bermainmemainkan (c) pekerjaan, pekerjs, ‘mengeriakan, pekerjaan, bekerja (d) menjual, menjualkan, pen I, ‘penjualan(e) perjlanan, beralan, pealan kan (0) pembeli, pembelin, membelikan, ‘emboli, bein (g) bersih, membersihkan, kebersihan, pembersih (h) mengajar(kan), mengajar, pelajar, pelajaran, mengajar(kan), belajar, pengajaran (i) menyedihkan,sedih, kesedihan () menye hatkan, set, Kesehatan, penyehat 4 () Perjatanan itu melelahkan saya (b) Kata-kata(perkataan)aya, ‘meayakitkan orang (c) Percakapan itu menarik (@) Theoti itu ppunya banyak kelemahan (c) Perkawinan antara orang. Barat dan Timur biasa sekarang (f) Kerjanya tidak memuaskan. Di rales (g) Banyak orang datang ke pertemuan itu (b) Kucing (2dalah) pemakan tkus ()) Pendaratannya bagus karena pilotnya trampil Gj) Permainan regu sepak bola kita mengecewakan (Q) Penerbangan dari London Ke Jakarta memakan wakta 16 jam () Perhitungannya salah (m) Tak ada orang yang maw hidup dalam kemiskinan (a) Tulisannya bagus (0) Sudahkah Kami jawab ppertanyzan itu? (p) Saya tidak akan lupa pada kebaikannya (q) Masakannya ensk () Pengeluarannya lebih besar dari(pada) pemasukan (3) Kita harus menjaga Keschatan kita ({) Jangan -memperhatikon keburukan orang Lesson 11 1 (a) active (b) intransitive () passive (d) intransitive (@) passive (9 active (@) passive (h) passive () intansitive -G) active (intransitive () passive (m) active (n) passive (0) active () passive (q) active (e) passive (3) active 2 (a) Surat saya boleh dibaca Sei (b) Sejuta rupiah saya simpan di ‘bank (c) Film itu tidak boteh dilihat oleh anak berumar di bawah 17 tahun (2) Two possible answers: Saya diber oleh) Tou RpSON0- 'Rp5000, diberikan (oleh) Ibu kepada saya (e) Tal itu ditarikaya hingga putus (A) Surat itu dikirimaya (oleh dia) dari mana? (2) Apa komputer baru sudah anda bel? (h) Rumah itu sudan dijval (}) Apa yang didengarkannya? () Saya tidak ingat kapan ‘surat itu saya terima (ke) Fendela itu ditutup orang (0) Jendela amar mandi dibuks oleh sispa? (m) Apa yang anda baca tadi pazi? (a) Apa yang saudara kirim ke Indonesia? (0) Siapa yang Saudara pang? (p) Apa yang ditunggu anak itu? a (@) Dia melihat saya membuka pintu (b) Dia duduk di kursinya ddan mulai menulis (¢) Mobi itu belum di(ter)jual (@) Dia suka ‘menolong orang, (e) Mengapa kita tidak diberi kue? (0) Bisakah anda membacakan saya sebuah cerita? (g) Apa perbedaan ant ‘member! dan diberi? (h) Bill suka minum dan merokok (i) Uang sudah dicuri daci kantongnya @) Tiga gelas bir saya minum ‘emalam (K) Celana ini sudah dipakainya banyak Kali ()) Kamu fakan memakai apa hari ini? (m) Robin Hood mengambil uang dari ‘orang kaya dan memberikanaya kepada orang miskin (n) Siapa (yang) membuat “Super Gun’? Itu dibuat oleh Inggeris (0) Kue besar yang ai meja sudah dimakan kucing (p) Dia bolum makan fapa-apa sejak tadi pagi (q) Apa yang anda lihat semalam? (©) Siapa yang anda hat di kamar maksn? 4 (e) Mr Sumarjo has been very lucky recently. Inthe office his rank Was promoted. Now he becomes the director general of Tourism. is salary was increased, His family was given a bigger house and his Morris car was replaced by a Mercedes. He is often sent abroad ‘on business. Pars of his spending is borne by the state. His names included in the lst of VIPs and his house is guarded by security, {guards (b) Mr Kailt onthe contrary was very unfortunate. In 1965 hhe was known to be a member of a banned party. He was arrested fired from his job and his salary was suspended. Several years later the was brought to trial. He was declared guilty and was put in jal He was freed ten years iter, Several times he applic fo a job, but, the was never accepted Lesson 12 1 (a) persuasive only (b) harsh or persuasive (c) persuasive only {(@) harsh of pers. (e) pers. only’ (F) pers. only (g) pers. only (hy) pers. only (harsh or pers.) harsh or pers. (E) pers. only () harsh or pers. (m) harsh or pers. (a) hars or pers. (0) harsh or ‘ers. (p) pers only (q) harsh of pers. 2 Note that the meaning of slabkan is ‘as you please’. So practically any form of verb, either with me or without wl do, (@) Silabkan masuk dan duduk! (b) Silabkan makan dan minum di sinil(c) silahkan morokok! (d) Silabkan mengerjakan apa soja! (c) Silahkan memasak nasi goreng! (f) Siahkan menonton tlevsil (e) Silahkan mendengarkan radi! (h) Silshkan pulang jam berapa saya! a (2) Tolong, keluarkan mobil dari garasil (b) Tolong, bawa mobil, saya ke bengkell (e) Tolong, tanyakan dia apanya yang rusak! () Tolong, tanyakan berapa ongkosnyal (e) Tolong, bersinkan ‘mobil itu! (f) Tolong, jualkan mobil itu! (g) Tolong, masukkan ‘uangnya ke bank! (5) Tolong, berikan tanda terimanya kepada sayal (a) Cobs, bekerja delapan jam scharit(b) Coba, kerjakan lebih dari satu pekerjaan! (¢) Coba, simpan sebagian uangmu di bank! (@) Coba,tidar dan makan yang cukup! (e) Coba, berolah raga, Setiap pagi! (f) Coba, bersikap ramah kepada teman-teman di kkantort (g) Coba, banyak menolong merckal (h) Coba, banyak bereanda dengan mereka! (i) Coba, berkunjung ke rumah mereka! 5 (@) Lihatlah ke belakang! (b) Masuklah ke Kantor! (e) Berang- Jaatlah sekarang! (€) Bermainlah tenis! (0) Datanglah besok! (0 Tanyakanlah nama jalan itu! (g) Tunggulah sini! ) Kembalikenlah wang sayal it Kabar ‘Abadi! (k) Kerjalah yang. bak! (1) Masukkanlah wang itu ke kantong! Lesson 13 1 (@) John berjalan lebih jauh daripads Mary: Mary berjalan lebih ‘dekat deipada Job (e) Jenny berbicara lebih lambat darpads ill, (0) Bapak Guru berbicara lebih jelas daripada Ibu Guru (g) Amir lebih pandai daripada Judy (h) Certs baru ini lebih menark dari- pada carta lama (i) Jakarta lebih jauh daripada Hongkong () Mobi Pak Umar lebih mahal daipada mobil Pak Yudi 2 (2) Rumah in lebih mahal daripada rumah itu (b) Saya lebih suka ‘inggl di Canberra daripada di Sydney (c) Saya suka Jakarta tetpi ‘masih tebih suka Bandung (4) Hialimah lebih rajin daripada ‘Sumartitetapi Sumart lebih cerdas daripada Hal belajar bahasa Indonesia lebih cepatdaripada Harry 4 (2) Umar dan Azis bersaudara, Umar lebih tun daripada zis, ‘tapi dia lebih gemuk dan lebih pendek, Azis tidak hanya Ibi ‘ing, totap juga lebih kuat dan ganteng. Ini karena Azis makan ‘dan minum lebih banyak dan tidut lebih lama daripada kakaknya, Unnnar sebalknyn lebih bijaksana, lei mengerti dan punya Fei Dbanyak toman. Dia juga kurang berbicara dan kurang membelan jakan uang dibanding dengan adiknya, Azis (b) Jakarta ibukota Indonesia. Penduduknya (adalah) terbaayak di antara_propinsi- propinsi Indonesia. Udaranya juga yang terpancs/paling panss, Kadang-kadang lebih dari 37 derajat Celcius Karena terletak di ddacrah equator. Tetapi untuk para pengusaha, Kehidupan menye hnangkan sekali Karena mereka bist mendspat uang banyak di ‘kota ini. Mereka bisa mempekerjakan sopir untuk menyetr mobi ‘mereka yang terbaik; mereka bisa makan makenan yang paling cnak minum minuman yang terbaik dan menonton film yang terbara, Rumah-rumah ‘mereka diperlongkapi dengan mesin pendingin dengan dua atau tiga pembanta yang menangani semua pekerjaan rumah 5 (a) terlalu (b) agak (¢) tain dari (4) seperti (e) terlatu (2) seperti (g) sama dengan (h) Iain (i) agak Qj) terlalu, terlalu (K) tidak begitu (1) seperti Lesson 14 1 (2) menyalami (b) menanyai_(c) menghadiahi (4) menyukai (e) menaschati (f) mendekati (g) memarahi (h) mengetahui (0) mengotori G) memanasi(k) membasahi 2 (a) Pagar istana saya loncati (b) Kamar istana saya dekati {) Kamar stana saya masuki (d) Pintu kamar tidak dikunet (oleh) puteri(e) Saya ditangkap polis (). Saya ditshan dan citanyai pol (g) Saya dibawa (oleh) mereka ke pengadilan (h) Saya dia (leh) hakim (}) Saya dimasukkan ke penjara (oleh) mereka £ (2) mengairi (b) menghormati (6) mengobati_ (@) mengunjungi (©) menemai(f) menduduki(g) menyakiti (a) mendekati (0) mempunyai ) mengikuti(k) menyeberangi ‘4 (9) Kursi itu jangan diduduit (b) Jembatan itu harus diseberangi (eta seberangi) dari sini (e) Tembok ini jangon ditulis! (4) Kebun, ‘Kew di London belum kami kunjungi(e) Rumah itujangan dijuall (Rumah itu tidak boleh kamu jual) (f) Orang itu akan diobat (leh) dokter di rumahnya (g) Pacar saya jangan kamu dekat! 5 (@) Udin berumur dua tahun (b) Dia sangat dicintai oleh orang, tanya (€) Kadang-kadang, dia masih disusui oleh sbunya (d) Dia belum memasuki Taman Kanak-kanak (e) Dia belum bisa makan sendisi, mash harus disuapi oleh ibunya (0) Kalau dia tidu, iba 301 sclala menyelimutinya (menutupiunya dengan selimut) (g) Dia jarang dimarabi (3) Dia tidak mengetahui kegunaan uang (Dia ‘dak tahu untuk apa uang itu) (@) Kalan dia beemain-main, harus ada orang yang mengawasinya. (dia harus diawasi) Gj) Dia ‘menyokai makanan Indonesia Lesson 15 ’ (9) sccidentalunintentional (b) stativelsate _() unintentional! involuntary (€) accidental (e) inability (0) stativelstate (g) unin tentional (h)stative () stative 2 (a) Kue saya termakan olehnya (b) Orangutan terdspat di Kalimantan (c) Lidah saya tergigit (2) Buku-buku itu tak terbawa ‘oleh Mary (c) Orang itu tertembak di kakinya (f) Saya terkesan ‘oleh caranya berbicara (g) Jangan tersinggung! (h) Lima orang terluka dalam insiden Kemarin () Dia tergelincir waktu menginjak ‘euit pising G) Hargaaya sepulub ribu rupiah termasuk pajak ppenjualan (k) Indonesia terdii dari 27 propinsi ()) Di mana ‘Tangkuban Perahu terletak? a (@) membeti,terbeti (6) terpukul, pukulan (¢) makan, makanan, ‘ditermakan” (4) moletakkan, terietak (e) beri, terdirt dari, ‘mendirkan (0) memasukkantermasuk, memasuki masuk ke (g) ter- jd, kejadian, menjadi (h) memotong, potongan,terpotong (i) meng- ‘Bil, diterpigit, gittannya G) mengejutkan, erkeut ejutan 4 () Kok hawa di Jakarta panas sekali (b) Barang-barang. kok ‘murah di Indonesia (c) Kok pemandangan di gunung itu menasik tekali (4) Sekarang kok hujan (c) Kok semua orang Indonesia suka makan eabe (§) Pohon buth-bushan kok ada di mana-mana () Kok dia tidak tahu soa itu Lesson 16 2 (a) kemalaman (b) kemasukan (6) kecopetan (2) kebesaran {e) kebanyakan (0) Ketinggalan (g) Kecampuran (h) kesiangan (0) kehilanganG) kejatuhan—(k) Kehujanan () kepanasan (m)kependekan (a) keeepatan a (a) Sepeda ita kekecitan untuk saya (b) Makanan itu kebanyakan ‘untuk perut saya (c) Bank itu kecurian (kemasukan pencur) adi ‘malam (4) Orang perempuan itu kemasukan setan (e) Kebat yakan orang Indonesia tinggal di pulau Jawa (f) Saya pulang {erlambat tadi malam (g) Suara mobil ambulan Kedengaran (tr ‘dengar) dari sini (&) Rumah Kecil itu kelihatan dari tempat ii @ Dia kehujanan karens lupa membawa payung () Saya keblan- sn dompet saya waktu saVa ada di pasar yang ramai kemarin (&) Sekolah itu kekurangan buku () Dia kedinginan Karena sub rendah sekali(m) Saya ketinggalen kereta api. Kereta berangkat etka saya tiba di stasiun (a) Saya kepanasan waktu di Indonesia (0) Saya kejatuhan buah mangga ketka sedang duduk di kebun 4 (a) membersinkan, kebersian (6) pembersihan _() bersih, (@) kebesaran (¢) membesarkan, kebesaran (Q) terbesar(g) murah (H) Kemurahan (j) murahltermurah ()) memarahi (K) marah, marah (2) kemarahan (m) memarahkan (a) menjatubkan, trata (6) kejatuhan (p) kejatuhan (q) menjatuhi (r) duduk, penduduk (@) Kedudukan (0) menduduki, pendudukan (x) mendudukkan (©) panas, kepanasan (w) memanaskan/memanasi (x) pana! ‘pemanasan (y) Kedinginan, ding (2) pendingin, mendinginksn 5 (2) Ayo, datang ke rumah saya! (b) Ayo, kita adakan pesta har Minggu yang akan datang! (6) Ayo, kucaya dimakant (8) Ayo, tehnya diminumt (e) Ayo, kita berpiknik dekat danaut (0) Ayo, kita pergi mancing! (x) Ayo, kita nonton bioskop! 204 6 (a) Saya Kan tidak kaya! (b) Sekarang_apa- {) Uang kan penting tapi bukan yang pling penting dalam hidup init (d) Kan tidak semua orang pandai seperti Einstein! (e) Di Indi, sapi kan binatang sui! Lesson 17 2 () Anai-anak besmain-main di jalan, membunyikan petasan (b) Pada malam Lsbaran, orang berteriak-teriak ‘Allahuakbat?” ‘utinyn Tuan yang maha Kuasa(e) Soda lama mereka menungeu- hungge Kedstangan hari raya ini (d) Mereka heramsi-ramai ke masjid untuk bersembabyang (e) Mereka berjabat_tangan (bersalam-salamas) dengan teman-teman dan kenalan yang mereka temui di jalan () Mereka saling memanfkan kesalahan di waktu Tala (g) Mereka sting berkunjung ke rumah, makan makanan yang, nak dan minum-minum (h) Saudara-saudara, yang sudah berthun-tahun tak bertemu, berpeluk-pelukan dan babkan bertangistangisan (i) Mereka berkumpul di rumah kakek dan saling menceritakan pengalaman masing-masing () Orang-orang, sungguh bersenang-senang di hari Lebaran ‘4 (a) Kepanpila buku ini ditalis? (b) Saya sedang_ be wwaktuketika dia datang (6) Kapanfoila anda akan. menemui ‘Tuan Johnson? (€) Kalaukapan saya jatuh cinta, cinta itu akan selamanya (e) Kalaw tidak tabu, jangan ragu-ragu untuk bertanya (6 Kapanvbila iburannya? (g) Ketikafwaktu anda menelepon, saya sedang berbicara dengan Ibu (b) Kaleu kta pergi sekarang kita tak akan terlambat (@) Kalaw saya kaya, tak skan saya minta ‘aang kepadanu j) Kamu bisa jth, kalau tidak berhat-hatt 6 ‘Tuan Johnson orang yang sibuk sekali. Dia selalu terburu-buru bangun divakta pag, mandi dengan cepat dan makan sedikit, sarapan. Dia berangkat ke kantor pagi-pagi arena dia tidak mau ferjebek dalam Kemacetan lalu lintas. Di kantor dia memeriksa suratsurat yang mastk, Dia membecanya dengan hati-hati dan rmemberi tahu kepada sekretarisnya suratsurat mana yang peri «ljawab dengan segera. Kala ada suat soa, biasanya dia menemui keepala untuk meminta pendapat. Tuan Johnson menemui tamu- ‘tamu. Mereka dipersilhkannya daduk dengan nyaman, dan sering ‘eau tamu itu penting dia perlu diberi dau ccanghir kopi. Tuan Johnson selalu berbieara dengan sopan kepada mereka. Kala ae eel Aye oe, tk peat eh ee langsung. Dia hanya berkata: ‘Saya akan pikir dul atau ‘rang past halt Tak heran Kala kantomya mendapat banyak Kontrak. 7 (a) Apspun yang kamu minta, akan saya beri (b) Kemangpun ‘kamu pergi, saya akan ikut (c) Kapanpun anda perl ita, tlepon- Jah saya! (6) Kalaw anda tak tahu, sayapun tak taku (e) Siapapun yang mengambil uang saya, tidak akan saya salahkan (f) Membeli Sepedapun tidak bisa apalagi memibeli mobil! (g) Dia puny rumah bagus, sayapun punya rumah bagus (b) Berapapun uang. yang mereka mint, saya akan bayar a (a) seratus (6) sebuah (c) schati (A) rekali(c)setabun/seb (0 sesuatu (g) sekantor(h) seorang (i) seekor() seperti 9 (a) Seorang Isk-laki dengan sekarang wang lari keluar dari bank tadi_malam (b) Saya tak pasti apa_diasekarang berbahagia walaupun dia sudah punya seorang ister yang cantik, sebuah rumah yang besar dan sebuah mobil balap (¢) Sebelum pergi tidur, sya selala perlu sebuah novel untuk saya baca, dan segelas aie putih untuk minum (4) Apa anda tahu bahwa seorang pemain snooker profesional bisa memperolch seribu povnd semalam? (c) John dan Janie teman sepekerjaan, Mereka bekerja di kantor yang sama (0 Keiika saya masih seorang anak Lakai Keail, saya sangat lerpesona oleh cerita serbu satu malam (g) Seseorang mengotok pintu tadi malam. Saya agak takut Seorang penjual ma menjual sesuatu (h) Saya tak bisa mengerjaken itu seketka. Teral sukar () Teman saya bersembahyang setiap malam, meminta kepada 308 ‘Tuhan supaya dia diberi seorang anak laklaki() Saya tidak suka ‘menting. Bagi saya, satu jam sepertl satu hari (k) Saya berterma dengan isteri Ketka dia berumur sepulah tahun. Waktu itu saya ‘berumu sebelas. Kita sesekola (1) Tentu ada seseorang yang tabu, sesuatn tentang al ini (om) Gedung ini setinggl menara itu (2) Pesawat penumpang tidak terbang seeepat posawat jet 10 () Saya peru satu ari saja (b) Jangan duduk i tw saja ‘Berbustah sesuatu (e) Dia tidak saa berkata tetapi berbuat ju (@) Orang yang kuat saa ak bisa mengangkataya, apalagi kamu — ‘anak kurus! (e) Apa saja yang kamu ingin, bertahulah aku (f) Di Selalu-mengikuti saya, Kemana sja saya pergi (e) Bagaimana Kabarnya? Oh, baik-baik saja (3) Tenang aja. Jangan_ pani ) Dia bisa melakaukan apa Saja, dari bermain sendiwara samp: ‘ke masak () Jangan lat sei yang buruk saa, Lihat seg yang bal ios! Indonesian-English glossary ‘This glossary includes words that havo been used inthis book and. their derivatives. They are arranged alphabetically according to {heir root forms (e.g. berjlam appears under jalan, menalis under {uli mempermainkan under main, Kemasukan under masu, etc) ‘The derivatives, however, ere arranged by meaning rather than iphabetially. Remember that the alization can be: ber, me, ‘me___an, me___, memper___kan, an, ke__an, pe, per, se, ter eran, "The meanings of base-verbs, except independent verbs, are usually ambiguous or vague, hence their English translations are not given ‘These verbs are marked with an asterisk (*).New meanings appear as anaffixation is applied to them, ‘The following sbbreviations have been used: adj. (adjective), n (noun), adv (adverb, vi. intransitive verb), (ransitve verb), sb, (omebods), sth. (something), eg. (or example). ahaa eternal snk rather aa there aresto ir eter have: tobe towater ders wellatt orange juice smengidakan to organizeho tears old sping younger sings to ak sb (join younger brother ia poungersiser——ajakan invitation inet jt boljer—toearn ‘ourysb.incourt pela student justice peljaran lesson count rmengajor to each pengnar teacher Dengajaran caching! ‘eden al tsckabiity ‘kalsehat common renee stan willing ‘seb Faia ke Tnormat Pronoxn) to experience somthing, experience experienced sate tomake nh of sb.sate securityaety| to waten to taketo get to getsth forsh child boy aga sncaman threat (n) Teranghat to lewve or rmenganghat to it anglatan generation angola member ‘eanggtaon membership sing ‘dog ates between magerah——_besing menganagerah 0 award vengater (enataran pengater ‘mengawas Pengawas mca membace sembcakan what Tet lone chemist meaning to understand sindersanding foregulalien foreign tour, tolook ater fil inder ontop ot to arange rule regulator to supervise superior toread (x) to read ath for reading tex how Tanguage danger dangerous ‘at esi that. sie/ooditine slates to burn barsing of fre burnt basa ayer ‘membayar pembayaran bayer aye membeayal beba ebebasan smembebasksn oodles to um icy racing ar to tur around toand ro yee port sirport to getup to wakes. op development to be awakened food | inundated nk to help sidelp father thing pethape (new @) tobe inthe process of dog some thing toveesth, ‘opay payment spinach cost (1) tornance free Iresdom toftee st, Ieabbel, Dense tax fee several tobe dierent siterence to diferente vay secondhand toshop ought goods spending toby perchave buyer seling and buying not yet etl workshop brane courage brave person how mucho many to give sh th, togivesth. tsb, ‘leanne tocean purge (x) Digiteat too big; majesty ‘morning by chance tons lec 310 an ia book ‘bu (shet or bu) ‘erboat erbuatan enbnt ‘membata| ‘meme ‘membakakan tospeak to discuss (1) ecusion spear policy beer ie ceanble stopid ‘ma'am, daring todosth ‘ehaviourideed| (make ah, tomake wh for , make gis ke smindinteigence toopen (vt) (it) ‘o open sth for , opening isa diet don't you: did youet. wl ook to book bookkeeping ‘month; moon arth feond (analy ‘okatan ‘oak ocean sence smencertaan call fora tiknown) oki murder ‘murderer tied sal {follow tochae ina hors, chilies vo alkspeak vo mix (ot) tomix (vi) to make jokes sophisticated ap ‘nail beauty to search orth to search forth. for, quick and alert ‘fortunate sccdeat to ems bid ace polluted to polite to defame fateligent relgence story fori story pencart cutee rmencurigat ecurgnan rmencurigakan mendatar erdagang erdagangan endapat to sme, kis iss (2) touy til to tests. oath compatible compaibiiy vetber rant suliient thet the, stolen tobe suspicious of to suspect sb suspicion using suspicion stm) toregiter registration reitered spar teen dart land ‘mendarst toad (i) ‘mendarathan to land sh ut from ‘ripade than darurat emergency erdash —tovwearatie aang twartve Medeiaagan aril rmendatangkan to bringin rmendatangl ‘0 call ont, ean front ‘ming depan next mes engar® rmendengar —tobear ‘mendengatkan {0 listen to pendengaran bering ferdengar canbe heard Aovaldowata god ewan ulna a iat ‘tim tobe quiet ‘ain to stand (x) tosetup standpoint to consist of to ceeupy inhabitant toseateb, position to suspect sues (7) fest: prevonsy swore thorn representative ambassador embassy etic spoiled fim el mised vegetables ‘with pant salary pole todig ager to change to replace replacement to distur Lerptaton dst ‘ui eck tw embczae darkness complete darkness sete degree ‘iting eau fat too fat fatenig egelapan slp gutta meaty hot tomore (vi) smenggerakan to move (+t) pergerakan sertak engages gevakan et vise sensi erst oe mengaiurkan| ook" mengzosok ula pci ‘romng smng Dera ” Ibis menghabiskan penghabisan Kehabioen Inadap* ‘echadapan smenghadapt dia meng halen tosnap at snap tooth tobite rite) seidentaly item sexy tomb sugar saluted swe (n) ‘efal waliy kd toshave one's ead vokano letcher tobe finshed to nish th the lst tormoutot th facing to face presenti toward age yard ofa owe ambat™ ‘menghambat to obtrect Ihambstan—obsrucion amp almost ang aly oes ‘menghapus to crase penghapas an erser harap ‘etharap (1. rmengharap! — t0 hope for sth tan Irapan ——ahope res pice hres pas fied pre menghargal to appreciate penghargan —sporesition att aay hhartini today ras must ath heat (erphatihati carta (a) sakithat heartache pethatian ——attntion mmemper: —_topay allention tiey supesing suprised alive fvetinood ‘menghidpan to make sd. rath Hoe fata tobe missing ‘menghiling 1 disappear Kehilangan _tofose sth menghllangkan 0 lose sth belonging to shoe sum (x) talsltion respect (1) to respect ‘ono trate (n) pa to punish punishment conve worship ace of worship hnother beatiful tostepoa to remember thie i jealous ‘mesg! tofllin ia palace ber wie ‘raat (ores i that permission sae menjadi to become ejedlan incident int rmenjegs to ua penjagn =a guard sae menhhit — tosew fulang jit tailor ea Sab Jevaban ‘amon, java Jets ‘menjemput Jempatan ass Sepang orang epang jek Joan isang berg (0) to sack snack (n) to take awake tormsth. (og "a business) wate wre wit watch wal dock ‘wo hours wat is the time? don't promise (x) to promise (4) to promiz sth agreement to fal (ot) tadrop sesdently bit byafaling objet answer (a) responsible ‘obvious bridge to pick up callection Japan Japanese Japanese mange orange ule spouse tostugale smemper- to defend nanghan (it) srugal for sb Jud ampion umpionship tite hosts well honest ‘o report sth fog sot ree to be defeated to give in etet (n) te defeat b, calendar ‘when ‘wo times, three ing room bathroom livingroom bedroom we (excluing ‘he person spokea to) kampong you (oral) "it oles socks bose serpin ship to ships when karang? mengarang Aarangan pengarang ast inihan Bil! poor Bll terima kath thank you aia ‘word (n) Pertata) —toay mengatakan atu cotton ava crater wate tobe wore avin tomary (vi) menganini —somarrys. (ot) estndoan mariage days rich ekayaan wealth ke w kell smalile mengeel to srink rmengecitan to ake small surprised stating surprise (n) togoout to take sth. out family family pan yesterday change (oe toretum (4) tosome pace (eg-bome) 315 rmengembali- to eura she. an ‘book to the rary Kembang flower Terkembang._ 10 developerow perkembangan growth emeja shict kena witby ferkona it by smengena to hitthe target. tmengeanl about eral to know ‘enalan—_sequntance bertenalan to make fends dengan with terkenal famous ena? enangan memory enapa’ the ” a fat entang potatoes -entanggoreng chips enyang ‘ullup epala ead boss eras ard Teheran violence mengeriikan to mike sh nd herjot Tejesum cooperation Dekere to work mengerakan 10 do sth (eg. port) worker pekerjaan work wean inpresion rmengesankan impresive tat tight esis mengetk to pe Ketan something typed 316 37 mesa kath vases asanye iw ‘rere smengiea perkirman Meet meng ump? ‘berkumpal ‘mengempul- ‘ypemriter bole sticky rice special pecially approximately sumption eet tosnd sender consignment se Gnctading the potion spoken ©) cabbage why empty to empty sth ronicipl ny to liter (og lace) tamake sh, ity Game ‘meaning as above) ribbishdunping power tobe powerful tocol uth cake layer cake to msemble to gather ‘melamar tamaran lamba terlambet ‘melanotan Telancaren hang melange peianggare pelangear lant ley tock locked yellow kes toreduoe sth tok th, drawer eliions lava tocar out implementation implementor one then ropasby trae ld (old sty lone (tine). long hows) ‘oupply pplication sppticant, slow ate toslow ah down fens fuency tobeak (eg the sn) violation (ex lew) weaker sty cect apa elpanin taper! ‘melapor (kan) Jarang" mclarang ayant “pelayanan playa ‘etin elbitan ere mak emar akan rmclonent melons uae kots uae neger mas bang, melubangt ait melas elas Maden, mya hungry to report sth ‘0 prohibit tan) too much fat fay ‘cupboard ‘eupboard for ‘soning food bmi slope location to place sth locate to takes hoiday holiday tongue tojump (4) ‘outside the town hole tomake a hole ont, to paint printer painting ot bol mediocre aia? ermainan smal male maken ‘makanan ‘Kemakomera| Dermaksud ‘mala Ming Nemalanan ematean ‘mampe ‘etampuan ‘ee mana? to forget (vi) to forget sth, ead of village the Lara’ oce expensive too expensive smiversty stodent ‘onlay game (n) magazine to prowess food breakfast, net nd dinner aut understood prosperous prosperity toimend ight Saturday sight accidentally caught by might ay shylembarrssed twdopin capable capably where to? where? ‘where fom? ‘manager 318 9 — human boing meminyak tot pernilahan wedding ana ‘high = angry ed) iminyak nang perfume joy Palek tax ‘emarahan anger miskin oor Toenjoysth, pak short for bapa rmemarabi —totells off Kemskinan poverty umber aka? smasak mobil car nis, ‘pokalan clothes roman toonok moprmop hopefully moegito menalat to uielwoar mackan —— dihmeal rmogok tosall oman consumption masala problem pemogokan ste () ¥ tosing (vi) pameran exibition mach Fetvusinished mada yous to sing sth nas hot masjid mosque sda easy song (n) ‘memanaskan to warm sp asak coal tostat Singer pemanasin eating Tmirak ke! wo g0intosth! malas smooths pare fatal epanason —tosufler fom mem! some pace rmangkin' psi ittums out eat smetmacukkan 10 pitsth into Kemangkinanpoesibilty madam; Mis momma (4) to heat sth fermeckincusive rmemunghin- tocntble mmediine ancing ok. rat ead a touratrent ‘memancing tosh ‘mematikan —oawitch of mara heap ueaument ‘ee than) eatin death ‘musi season bargin sale panda lover smatematan tthe death rmusim dingin winter putes? smayat corpse ruin dry season mengobrol—sochat ‘memandang (0 gaze mela table emacs ‘brolan chat x) emandangan scenery mmemang tly sim bajan rainy seaton olahraga sport pang Stating point towin natal abeote Derolah raga 10 dosports——_panphat position ory ata breath») comong™ panes wane emafas—tolreathe ‘mengomong- totalk aboutsth. " memanggil toca, sonviéaughiee- _perafasan breathing panggilan cal (n) inlaw alk toride anjang Jong cloudy menaiki same meaning as epanjongan 100 long » shove memanangkan 0 lenethen ninister rmenaikkan to increase (04) penta no wonder red (eg: prizes) pariwisata tourism become red Reman an increme rea they them thea sag orang Ingges Englishman Tmemosang tonal machin; engine Kenakalan delinquency pabean cusioms office pastaggt toothpaste ‘olongiag sama ame car sitlboytiend path cetain tom but erpacaran toate with sb, patimg statue owner rice agar fence pavene ‘umbrella week negara state a) morning peeat® to dink nace frightening ‘Selamat pagl good morning memecat —_tosack drink (2) int Intention agipagtcaiyinihe pemecatan —sicking(n) ‘drunkard allah ‘morning tas spicy hot or menikah towed pasha inthe morning pegawal employee equal meget il sorvant pk tensive ‘memekakan 0 deafen the telings cars eat memchsk —ohog Derpelak- to hugeach pean ther pendek short ‘memendekkan t shorten Nependekan oo shot; sbbrevistion penjara prison nmemenjars- to imprison sb penjors direction eating important epentigan interest smrmentaght to give inpect- pera boat per tle Teper toplny a role erang war erperang tobe at war rmemerangt to ght spine, pers op Depergian 10 uavel perksa® ‘memeritsa (inspect pemerikenn inspection pemerin inspector pevintah onder) memeriatah tore pemeriniah government to need sth secesty to experience th fest, stomtch ing Finda message toorder order machine aeroplane pany reworks to choose choice to-chooe sth tor‘b, lection lected tolead leader leadership sisled edge tomove 4) tomove sth (v¢) toborrow rolend borrowingoan borrower — tocomersb inthe corner policeman ump to pump poten Prange pe erp Dulan pasa pk ‘weed pukatan pemalet voteng, ‘memlangkan erputar mera (1) ptaran teri ter aa on) stamp fast (n) toast esting month tote; to beat beat strker to gohome to send ah th, home isana torevole (1) to wind sth daughter vite too white ing Kingdom shot ‘olay on sth mena toward ‘anggung responsible ‘ral tooverdeep ——twkang skilled worker jab piace tree tukang keban_ gardener tangeongan dependents bed it rmenanggung to bear residence towcigh ‘ments tovrite (angie reed futisan writing rmenings tury tomect with Consderstion metals rlting table tangkap* tostay wwrter smenanphap catch meeting vodie tanya? to discover sth to eave sth or tosst etre ertanya tsk a question cnerey ‘bs bohind| itn another's ‘menanyaban 1 question sb. cam tobe left behind vehicle anki tank Aranguiity to be let behind prssenger i ‘hin ‘meniri(yi) to dance to lek today smenatkan to dance ah sid to chet adeey we) in the mate teaud delayed tari dance cenain set chested tank certainly tym toreter ‘mena ‘ony toshow sh. ‘stactive ‘menetbangkan to fy sh, tohold up sh pertunjokan etinju sumpang* Penumpang eterna sutap menutup tert a0 ewangan mengnghan mang sak athow guidance to board passenger tozgodown dovenvard toler ah descendants tojeinin according to tetas (01) te dlse (01) tobe cored money finance wesh totakeott te end religious followers sencral warung swayang katie itayah sata ” pate yam to repeat sth for Iuekyortunate Jockyfortunate profitable profit efor (0) tomate etfors company tot todosth tors facial expression time; when Gn the pst) aithough oo all leather puppet terory ye amely vwhainich Grammatical index ‘The numbers refer to the Lesson number, followed by the number of the grammar point in parentheses, where relevant In the index headings, Indonesian words are in bold type, English words are in fates, sccidental action 15(1) active woe 8(, 2,3), 11 da 41,2) jects 1(). 200) ‘omparative 131) ‘double 51) ‘siperative 152) agjunets of tie 48) adverb 173) axation 6 8 9,13, 14,15, am sux 104) p85), 11@) pata? ‘tee, indefinite 42) ‘simian #1) suxliay verbs 2 sy0 168) Ingaimans 11), 5(1) brayak 302) ‘oneficent vers 9(4) berapa 31), 5(2) ber prefix 61, 2,3). 170) kan 215, causative vere (2) nba 12(0) ours 70) commands 12 comparative adjectives 13(1) ‘compound nouns 11), 3G) fr ke dates 70) days ofthe week 70) oer (performer of setions) 10 ovble adjectives SC) cxcessveness expressing 6(1) formal pronouns 1(1) ‘rap 1201) how fog? how fart 5(2) show much how many? 301) imperatives 1201,3) inability, expressing 160) inconveniense 16, indefinite aries 42) independent vers 4(3) informal pronouns (1) intransve verte 6 involuntary actions 15(1) ireguae transitive verb 82) i sutic 14, 2,3) Joga 122) ah 53) [sli 122) Aan sui 141,166) apa 170) ‘ke__an 10), 16.2.3) pada (1) eta 172) ok 1502) ah 120) eth 1302) locate verbs 14| saat 1) sania) ta (1) me 4140) sme___an 82), 141) semper 93) ‘monper—_kan prefix 9) smengapa (2) sme prefix 1), 170) ‘months ofthe year 71) ‘egaton 2(1) ‘oun predicate 1(1) nouns 9 ‘compound 11) plural 30) ‘mountable 32) numbers 33) ye() paling 132) sie voice 1 e102) ‘per__an, pen/pem__an 10(1) etna 1) plas 42) of ations 143), 17(1), of nouns 42) polite words 120) Prepositions) pronouns formal 10) informal 11) pon 1768) ‘oalifers (1) Teciprocal verbs 171) sana 713) sek 502), 170) slomat 1 dap 119) ‘sabia 2, 121) superlative adjctives 142) ter prefic 150, 3) ‘erimat kash 2 ‘heres, there are 31) siaak2(1) tine 7,2) to have,to 07 30) folong 12(1) teunative verbs 14 ‘uncountable nouns 32) verbs beneficent 96) causative 9) independent 43) inane 6 imepuarransve 82), lective 1 plural 170) teciprocal 171) semitransiie (1) trunive 14 sce 8,23) passive 1 ea 1(0) then 172) here? when? what who? how? hy? 50) who? which? 10), 30) yang 33) ‘yer oF no questions 21), 53)

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