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LITANY TO ALL SAINTS OF THE BRITISH ISLES Most Holy Lady Theotokos, pray to God for us!

(3x) Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Apostle S !on the "ealot, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Apostle Ar sto#ulus, f rst $ shop of $r ta n, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy % &hteous 'oseph of Ar !athea, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Gre&ory, Pope of %o!e, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Au&ust ne, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *uth#ert, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr $on fa)e, Ar)h# shop of Ma n+, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Al#an, Proto!artyr of $r ta n, pray to God for us! (2x) , Holy H ero!artyrs and Martyrs of the $r t sh -sles, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr Au&ulus, $ shop of Au&usta, and those . th you/ Anatol us, Andreas, A!!on, Stat an, 0epot an, Saturn nus, Lu) us and Saturna, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr 1o#an, $ shop n Ger!any, and those . th you/ Pr ests 2 ntrun&, 2lathere and 1thelhere3 4ea)ons Ha!r nd, S) r#ald and $osa3 Monks 2a)har, Gundae)er, -llher and Hatho.ulf, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyrs He.ald the 2h te and He.ald the $la)k of 4ort!und, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyrs Adr an and Stal#rand, $ shops n May, and those . th you, pray to God for us (2x) Holy H ero!artyr Alphe&e, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us (2x) Holy H ero!artyr 'ust n an of %a!sey sland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr *onstant ne of 5 ntyre, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr $la th!a ) of -ona, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr -ndra)ht of -ona, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr Mu&ron of -ona, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy H ero!artyr Mael) ar n of -ona, and those . th you, pray to God for us (2x) Holy H ero!artyr 4onnan of 1 &&, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyr Hedda of Peter#orou&h, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy H ero!artyrs $eo))a and Hethor of *hertsey, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 1d.ard of 1n&land, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& Harold of 1n&land, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 7laf of 0or.ay, and those . th you, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 1d!und of 1ast An&l a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 1thel#ert of 1ast An&l a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 1d. n of 0orthu!#r a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 7s.ald of 0orthu!#r a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 7s. n of 4e ra, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr65 n& 1thel#ert of 2essex, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)e *lydo& of 1.yas, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)es 1thelred and 1thel#r )ht of 5ent, pray to God for us (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)e 2 stan of Mer) a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)e 5enel! of Mer )a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)e Mylor of A!es#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)es 2ulfhad and %uf nus of Mer) a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Pr n)e Alfred of 1n&land, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Monk6Martyr 0e)tan of Hartland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Monk 4e)u!an of 2at)het, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Monk Hel er of 'ersey, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Monks of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Monks Tan)red, Torthred and To8a of Thorney, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Monk -ssu of Patr ) o, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyr6Monk Gly.ys of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy Martyr6A##esses 1##a and 1##a of *old n&ha!, and those . th you, pray to God for us (2x) Holy Martyr6A##ess 7syth of *h )h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy 9 r& n6Martyr -a of St: -8es, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy 9 r& n6Martyr ;r th of *h ttleha!pton, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy 9 r& n6Martyrs S d.ell and 'uth.ara of 1xeter, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy 9 r& n6Martyr G.en of 2ales, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy 9 r& n6Martyr Tydf l of Merther Tydf l, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy 9 r& n6Martyr 2 n fred of Holy.ell, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyrs ( n&ar and P ala of Hayle, *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyrs 'ul us and Aaron of *aerleon, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Martyrs So)rates and Stephen, pray to God for us (2x) Holy <=== Martyrs of L )hf eld, pray to God for us! (2x) , Holy $ shops of the $r t sh -sles, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Patr )k, Ar)h# shop of Ar!a&h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mel, $ shop of Arda&h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Aod, $ shop of Meath, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Modan, $ shop of Ph lorth, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mun)h n, $ shop of L !er )k (2x) Holy (ather Mol n&, $ shop of (erns, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 'arlath, $ shop of Tua!, pray to God for us! (2x Holy (ather (lannan, $ shop of 5 llaloe, pray to God for us! (2x)) Holy (ather *ol!an, $ shop of 4ro!ore, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *ol!an, $ shop of *loyne, pray to God for us! (2x= Holy (ather Murta&h, $ shop of 5 llala, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather (a)hanan, A##ot of %oss *ar#ery, pray to God for us (2x) Holy (ather 4e)lan, A##ot of Ard!ore, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *onleth, $ shop of 5 ldare, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ma)artan, $ shop of *lo&her, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy (ather Maedo), $ shop of (erns, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( n#ar, $ shop of *ork, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ;ltan, $ shop of Meath, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *artha&e, $ shop of L s!ore, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather An&us, $ shop of Talla)ht, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather %onan, $ shop of 5 l!aronen, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4a8 d, Ar)h# shop of Mene8 a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather -sh!ael, $ shop of Mene8 a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Lauren)e, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mell tus, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 'ustus, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Honor us, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4eusded t, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Theodore, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 7da, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4unstan, Ar)h# shop of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Serf, $ shop n 2estern ( fe, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 0 n an, $ shop of 2h thorn, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 5ent &ern, $ shop of Glas&o., pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ma)han, $ shop of *a!ps e, pray to God for us! (2) Holy (ather (er&us, $ shop of Gla! s, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ma)har, $ shop of Mull and A#erdeen, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $lane, $ shop of $ute, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 5esso&, $ shop on Monk>s -sland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Sa!son, $ shop of 4ol, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4u#r ) us, $ shop of Llandaff, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy (ather Te lo, $ shop of Llandaff, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 7udo)eus, $ shop of Llandaff, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Asaph, $ shop of Llanel.y, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Paternus, $ shop of Llana#adarn (a.r, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *on&ar, $ shop of *on&res#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mer asek, $ shop of *a!#orne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 5ea, $ shop n *orn.all and $r ttany, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather %u!on, $ shop n $r ttany, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *orent n, $ shop of ?u !per, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Paul Aurel an, $ shop of L@on, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Malo, $ shop of Aleth, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather, $ shop of Lan Pa#u, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $udo), $ shop of Plour n, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather, $ shop of -le6Mode+, pray to God for us! (2) Holy (ather Tenenan, $ shop of L@on, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 7!er, $ shop of Therouanne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 7uen, $ shop of %ouen, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ger!anus, $ shop n the -sle of Man, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mau&hold, $ shop n the -sle of Man, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *onon, $ shop n the -sle of Man, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather A dan, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1ata, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( nan, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1d#ert, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1dfr th, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy (ather 1th l.ald, $ shop of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Paul nus, $ shop of Aork, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 'ohn, $ shop of Aork, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 7s.ald, Ar)h# shop of Aork, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 2 lfr d, $ shop of Hexha!, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather A))a, $ shop of Hexha!, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Al)!und, $ shop of Hexha!, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather (el x, $ shop of 4un. )h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4 u!a, $ shop of Mer) a, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *had, $ shop of L )hf eld, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *edd, $ shop of London, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1rken.ald, $ shop of London, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather -th !ar, $ shop of %o)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ r nus, $ shop of 4or)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Aldhel!, $ shop of Sher#orne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 2ulfs n, $ shop of Sher#orne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Hedda, $ shop of 2 n)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather S. thun, $ shop of 2 n)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ rstan, $ shop of 2 n)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Alphe&e, $ shop of 2 n)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1thel.old, $ shop of 2 n)hester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1&. n, $ shop of 2or)ester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather A8o, $ shop at St: -8e>s, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Adolph, $ shop of Maastr )ht, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 2 ll #ald, $ shop of 1 )hstatt, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 2 llehad, $ shop of $re!en, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy (ather S &fr d, $ shop of 9axBo, pray to God for us! (2x) , Holy Monks and 0uns of the $r t sh -sles, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1nda, A##ot of Aran, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Laser an, A##ot of -nn sh!urray, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Maelrua n, A##ot of Talla&ht, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather * aran, A##ot of *lon!a)no se, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 5e8 n, A##ot of Glendalou&h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $rendan, A##ot of *lonfert, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $rendan, A##ot of $ rr, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather (e)h n, A##ot of *on&, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( n an, A##ot of Mo8 lle, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( n an, A##ot of *lonard, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *olu!#anus, A##ot of Luxeu l, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Modo!no), A##ot of T ##era&hny, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( ntan, A##ot of *lonena&h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *o!&all, A##ot of $an&or, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( nan *a!, A##ot of 5 nn ty, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( nan, A##ot of S.ords, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *ol!an, A##ot of 7u&ha8al, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *ol!an, A##ot of Lann 1lo, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mura, A##ot of (ahan, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( ntan Munnun, A##ot of Ta&h!on, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 5enneth, A##ot of A&ha#oe, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Gor!&al us, A##ot of Ardo len, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Mo)hua, A##ot of T !ahoe, pray to God for us! (2x= Holy (ather *olu!#a, A##ot of -ona, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $a thene, A##ot of -ona, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy (ather 1&#ert, A##ot of -ona, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ado!nan, A##ot of -ona, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Modan, A##ot of St rl n& and (alk rk, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Molua& of L s!ore, S)otland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *o!&an, A##ot of Lo)halsh, S)otland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4rostan, of 4eer, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $o s l, A##ot of Melrose, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Maelru##a, A##ot of Apple *ross, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $aldred of $ass %o)k, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Her#ert of 4er.ent 2ater, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather -. , 4ea)on of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *eol.ulf of L nd sfarne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1th l.ald of (arne, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ened )t, A##ot of 2ear!outh6'arro., pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *eolfr d, A##ot of 2ear!outh6'arro., pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ede the 9enera#le of 'arro., pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Hy#ald of Hy#aldsto., pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Huna of Honey H ll, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $en &nus of Glaston#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather (ursey, A##ot of $ur&h *astle, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $otulph of -kanhoe, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Guthla) of *, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Adr an, A##ot of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Peter, A##ot of *anter#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather -lltud, A##ot of Llan lltud6(a.r, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather, A##ot of 2or)ester, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *ado), A##ot of Llan)arfan, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $euno, A##ot of *lynno& (a.r, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *adfan, A##ot of $ardsey -sland, pray to God for us! (2x=

Holy (ather 4erfel of $ardsey -sland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Tathan, A##ot of *aer.ent, pray to God for us! (2x= Holy (ather $arry of $arry -sland, pray to God for us! (2) Holy (ather *y# of Holyhead, An&lesey, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Se r ol of An&lesey, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Tys l o of Llandys l o, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Go8an of Pe!#rokesh re, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4o&!ael of Pe!#rokesh re, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Te.dr ) of T ntern, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *ollen of Llan&ollen, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ranno) of $raunton, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *aranto) of *arha!pton, pray to God for us! Holy (ather *lether of St: *lether>s, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ma.&an, A##ot n *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather G. near of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Hydro) of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Madron of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather G.yth an of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Sele8an of Sa nt Le8an, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Sul an, A##ot of Luxulyan, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 0eot of 0eotstoke, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Petro) of Padsto., pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *redan, A##ot of 18esha!, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1d.old of *erne A##as, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1thel. n of Athelney, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather *uth!an of Steyn n&, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather L de of the S) lly -sles, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ran.alator of 'ersey, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Ma&lor us, A##ot of Sark, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather G ldas, A##ot of %hys, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1th. n of $r ttany, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather ( a)re of Meaux, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 'udo) of Sa nt6'osse6sur6Mer, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $r o), A##ot of Sa nt6$r eu), pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather, A##ot of Sa nt6M@en, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 5enneth of Plou!el n, pray to God for us! (2x)

Holy (ather 2 nno), A##ot of 2or!hout, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather $ert nus, A##ot of Sa nt67!er, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Austell of Sa nt6M@en, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather %onan of Llan)ronan, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 7dulf of ;tre)ht, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 2une#ald, A##ot of He denhe !, pray to God for us! (2x= Holy (ather Gall of St: Gall>s, S. t+erland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother $r & d, A##ess of 5 ldare, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother -ta, A##ess of 5 lleedy, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Monenna, A##ess of 5 llee8y, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Sa!thann, A##ess of *lon#ronney, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 5ent &erna of Lo)h Lo!ond, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mothe Mana))a, A##ess of Mana))an, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Tr duana of %estalr &, S)otland, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Melan&ell of Po.ys, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 5eyne of St: 5eyne>s, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 5e. of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Ma#yn of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Menefreda of Tredres )k, *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 0onna of Altarnun, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother H lda, A##ess of 2h t#y, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1nfleda, A##ess of 2h t#y, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Pe&a of Peak rk, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1theldr th of *, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1theldreda, ?ueen of 0orthu!#r a and A##ess of 1ly, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Sex#ur&a, ?ueen of 5ent and A##ess of 1ly, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1r!enh lda, A##ess of 1ly, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 2 th#ur&a of 1ast 4ereha!, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 2er#ur&a, A##ess of Han#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother M ld#ur&a, A##ess of Mu)h 2enlo)k, pray to God for us! (2x)


Holy Mother M ldred, A##ess of Thanet, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother M ld&ytha, A##ess of 1astry, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 2endreda of Mar)h, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother (r des. de, A##ess of 7xford, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mothers *uth#ur&a and *oen#ur&a, A##esses of 2 !#orne, pray to God for us (2x) Holy Mothers *ynes. tha and *yne#ur&a, A##esses of *astor, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother T ##a of %yhall, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1d#ur&a of 2 n)hester, pray to God for us! (2) Holy Mother 1l& 8a, ?ueen of 1n&land and A##ess of Shaftes#ury, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1d th of 2 lton, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Mor.enna, A##ess of %o!sey, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1thelfleda of %o!sey, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1thel#ur&a, A##ess of $ark n&, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 2ulfh lda, A##ess of $ark n&, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother H ldel tha, A##ess of $ark n&, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1ans.ythe, A##ess of (olkestone, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1thel#ur&a, A##ess of (are!out er, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 'ul ot of Luxulyan, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother 1ndel enta of St: 1ndel on, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Leo#a, A##ess of $ s)hofshe !, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother The)la, A##ess of 5 t+ n&en, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother $ath ldes, ?ueen of (ran)e and A##ess of *helles, pray to God for us (2x) , Holy Lay!en and Lay.o!en of the $r t sh -sles, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Lu) us, 5 n&, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1thel#ert, 5 n& of 5ent, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 1d.ard the *onfessor, 5 n& of 1n&land, pray to God for us! (2x)


Holy Mother Helen, . fe of 1!peror Max !us, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather Gundleus and Holy Mother Gladys, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 0athalan of A#erdeen, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 4onald of 7& l8y, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy (ather 2alstan of Ta8erha!, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy Mother Madrun of *orn.all, pray to God for us! (2x) Holy -nfant %u!.old of $u)k n&ha!, pray to God for us! (2)


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