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Impact of E-Marketing in the Telecom Industry: A Study on Robi Axiata LTD.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Impact of E-Marketing in the Telecom Industry: A Study on Robi Axiata LTD.

Prepared by:
Name: Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi ID : 2009-1-10-106 Program: BBA

Prepared For
Mr. Mahmud Zubayer Project Supervisor Assistant Professor Business Administration Date: 17 August 2013

Department of Business Administration

East West University

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

August 17, 2013 Mahmud Zubayer Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration East West University

Subject: Submission of Project Report.

Dear Sir: With great pleasure I submit this Project Report that you have assigned to me as an important requirement of BBA program at East West University. I have found the study to be quite interesting, beneficial and knowledgeable. I have tried my best to prepare an effective & creditable report This report is about the impact of e-marketing on Robi and overall analysis on telecom industry. In this report I have tried to find out the impact that e-marketing play on for Robi. I have also tried to find out the overall scenario of e-marketing on telecom industry. Customer preference, effectiveness of e-marketing of Robi and effect of social media on Robi was the key discussion issue. This project work really helped me enrich myself. I appreciate having this report. I really enjoyed myself while doing this report. I also want to thank you for your support and patience.

Yours sincerely,

Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi 2009-1-10-106

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

I would like to express my gratitude to all the people that were involved both directly and indirectly in the preparation of this report. I apologize to the people that I have not mentioned, and their contribution is highly appreciated by me. At first, I would like to thank my academic instructor Mr.Mahmud Zubayer, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration at East West University for guiding me and for giving me the opportunity to initiate this report. More specifically, I would like to thank him for imparting his time and wisdom.

I would also like to thank Mr.Iftekhairul Alam, Graduating Teaching Assistant, East West University for his valuable suggestions, all the guidelines and most importantly for being penitence.

I thank Mr. Wasif Khan, Specialist, Social Media Content Management & Tanmoy from Robi Axiata LTD. for providing me insightful information on Robi Axiata LTD. while preparing this report.

I would also like to thank all the respondents, authors of websites, articles, books that help me prepare this report.

I hope that this report and experience that I have gained will help me in coming days.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Table of contents
Name Introduction Chapter 1: Objective of the Research Chapter 2: Hypothesis Development Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Scope & Limitation Chapter 5: Main Report Chapter 6: Analysis of Primary Data Chapter 7: Findings on Primary Data Chapter 8: Findings on Secondary Data Chapter 9: Recommendation 10. Further Research 11. Conclusion Reference Appendix Page No. 4 5 6 7 9 10 15 27 28 29 31 32 33 35

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Marketing a product is as important as producing it. Now a days customer dont only satisfied with good quality or longer lasting product they want a better brand. Its become more realistic when the product is technology oriented. So the importance of marketing a product properly increased dramatically. So do the way marketer market their product. Increase use of technology led us to e-marketing. Mobile industry is in the core of technology oriented product. Marketing such product through e-marketing become inevitable. Impact of emarketing in Robi Axiata LTD. is getting bigger. This research concluded that e-marketing is preferred among mobile users. They prefer interactive communication in web sphere. Mobile user think that social media is a better way to reach them. And Robi is conducting their emarketing activity effectively. However Robi should concentrate on customize e-marketing rather than generic. Also this research concluded some recommendations. This research tried to accumulate whether customers prefer e-marketing, its effectiveness & role of social media into a Robis marketing activity which together create impact on e -marketing of Robi. This research solely based on only regular user of Robi Axiata LTD. also this research is based on convenient sampling. So there are opportunity for further research on larger population or based on total industry. Apart from mentioned topics there are possibilities of including different topics that work as a force of impact.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Introduction The way world communicate is changing fast. We connect through internet, cellphone & various digital media now days. But the scenario was not the same few years back. As the way we like to communicate is changing, so do the way marketers promote their product. Ultimately the marketers have no option but to change the way the market the product (Cooperstein, 2012). On the other hand as a company belongs on telecommunication Robi should enjoy an advantage on this changing situation of marketing. They supposed to depend more on these changed marketing activity because its there area of expertise and possibility that their customers prefer e-marketing is greater. This research is conducted in order to understand the impact e-marketing on telecom industry & more precisely the impact on Robi. In this research we included only Robi users. Here the e-marketing is considered as sending information about promotional offers through Short Message Service (sms), e-mail, social media, automated call, website advertisement, official website of Robi, different blog post and similar tools. This research was to find out the current position of Robi in terms of implementing e-marketing whether it is effective to customers or not. This research was also finds a basic question that whether the customer of telecom industry especially customers of Robi prefer the new marketing techniques. And as the most recent way of marketing is using the social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter this research also tried to find out how Robi is doing in Facebook & YouTube. Here relation towards social media of Robi & its customers tried to find out. Impact of e-marketing is not one way rather it work from both from the sides. The impact of e-marketing is from both from the side of Robi & their customers. Thats why in this research I tried to find out the impact through both from the side of customers & Robi. To find how its making impact on from the side of the customers we tried to find out whether they prefer it or not. And in terms of Robi I tried to find whether they are effective on e-marketing & specially in terms of using social media. And I also tried to find whether social media is important to customers or not.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Chapter 1: Objectives of the Research 1.1. Broad Objective The broad objective of this research is to find out the impact of e-marketing in context of Robi. 1.2. Research Questions (RQ) Regarding Specific Component In order to find out the broad statement/ broad objective of this research the broad objective is divided in to specific research questions (RQ). The research questions are 1.2.1. Are e-marketing promotions more preferable to customers of Robi? 1.2.2. Does Robi use e-marketing effectively? 1.2.3. Does social media have a positive role on Robi? 1.3. As the research questions are stating the different ways impact can occurs they are preference, effectiveness & social media. 1.3.1. Preference: Preference is how customers perceive e-marketing. Here whether the Customers prefer e-marketing over other type of marketing is the main concern. 1.3.2. Effectiveness: Effectiveness is whether the e-marketing activity that Robi is conducting is effective to customers or not. Here I tried to find out what customers think of about the way Robi handling its e-marketing activity. 1.3.3. Social Media: Marketing activity on social media is most new way to conduct e-marketing. As social media is widely used now days and as the customers of this industry normally familiar on social media it supposed to have a big impact (Gillhouse, 2013). Here the whether social media is positively using or not is tried to find out.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Chapter 2: Hypothesis Development 2.1. Analytical Model

In order to develop an analytical model for my hypothesis I followed mathematical model. In this research I have develop multiple regression model to identify the components known as Independent & Dependent Variables. As my research questions (RQ) are three so number of independent variables are three (X) & one dependent variable (Y). Therefor my Multiple Regression Equation is given below Y = X 1 + X 2 + X3 Here, X1 = Customers Preference X2 = Effectiveness X3 = Social Media Y= Impact of E-Marketing



Based on the multiple regression analysis and research question regarding specific component there are three hypothesis Customer Preference Hypothesis H1= Customers of Robi prefer e-marketing. H0= Customers of Robi do not prefer e-marketing.

Effectiveness of e-marketing conducted by Robi Hypothesis H2= Robis e-marketing activity is effective to customers.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

H0= Robis e-marketing activity is not effective to customers. Role of social media hypothesis H3= Social media have a positive role on Robi. H0= Social media do not have a positive role on Robi.

Chapter 3: Methodology 3.1. Research Design Type of Research:


In order to identify the problem I have conducted an exploratory research. Exploratory research helps me to identify the problem and helps me to go into conclusive research. This research is most precisely a causal research. Here I tried to find out the cause and effect of different components of e-marketing and how they react with each other. 3.2. Sample Design The Population: Robi users are considered as the population in this research. 3.2.2. Sampling Size: Sampling size are the number of respondents used in a research. Here in my research for exploratory research sample size was not so big (total 20 respondents) because our final number of respondents is 60. Additional sample of 10 respondents were required for pretesting the questionnaire. For conclusive research sample size was 60 respondents. 3.2.3. Sampling Method: Sample units were selected through non-probability convenience technique. 3.3. Survey Method In the questionnaire interval scales were used in a way of non-comparative rating technique. Within non comparative rating technique we selected to use itemized scales having numbers with brief descriptions associated with each category where


Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


the categories were ordered in terms of scale positions. We have collected all the information through likert scales First of all, all items were measured based on five point scales (Likert Scale). Five point scales, which are usually used for the Bangladeshi respondent, were also used to simplify the evaluation effort of the respondents. Again, good balance of options for each item was ensured to minimize the level of confusion. To make the respondent comfortable, non-forced scales with odd number of points were used. Finally, likert scales for physical form were used, since its more familiar to Asian respondents.


Questionnaire Development: The questionnaire that had been developed for causal research was divided into two parts: Filter question and multiple choice question.


Questionnaire Design Process: There was 3 direct questions for independent variables and for x 1, x2, x3 there was respectively 4, 6 & 6 in total 16 question and also there was 6 demographic questions.

To avoid unwillingness of respondent to answer questions we used range in demographic questions to collect personal information. In the questionnaire one Dichotomous question was used. Multiple choice questions were used for gathering demographic information. Ordinary and unambiguous words were used in the questionnaire while leading questions were deliberately avoided. Simple and non-threatening question was used in the opening while rest of the questions was arranged in logical order. Pre coding in questionnaire design by assigning a code to every potential response before collecting data was ensured. The questions are arranged sequentially.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106



Data Analysis & Interpretation For evaluating the scales those were developed we went for reliability testing. Alternative forming and retesting were inconvenient for us in this research. But we have tested internal consistency among items within each dependent and independent variable using value of Cronbachs Alpha. We also have done multiple regression analysis to find out the relation and cause and effect. Based on the findings of data analysis the interpretation has made on facts and figures of the above tests.

Chapter 4: Scope & Limitation



This research trying to find out the impact of e-marketing over other marketing activities. Here whats the customers perception about different marketing activity especially on e marketing, their perception on Robi and how they are using different tools of e-marketing such as social media, sms, web advertisement, blog post, e-mail. Not only the tools but also how effective those are to customers mind. Here in this research I have tried to find out the trend of the e-marketing how its changing e-mail to search then towards social media. In nutshell this research tries to find a scenario of Robis e-marketing activity & customers view towards it.



4.2.1. There was lack of resources so there is a huge gap between the population size and sample size. 4.2.2. Convenient sampling technique was used so the data that was collected do not reflect all kind of Robi users. 4.2.3. There was lack of resources in terms of secondary data. There are only few research have done on marketing tools of Bangladeshs telecom industry. 4.2.4. Non accessibility of information from the organization Robi.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Chapter 5: Main Report 5.1. Company Overview:

Formally known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) now Robi is a joint venture between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.) Where Axiata 70% & DOCOMO 30% of its ownership. (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.). With a brand name AKTEL 1997 it started its operation. Later in 2010 the service was rebranded as Robi and the company is named as Robi Axiata LTD. (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.) Robi Axiata LTD is position 3rd among the 6 mobile operators with subscriber more than 22.897 million. (See Exhibit 1- Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh). ("Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission", n.d.).

Active Subscribers (millions)

1% 7% 2% Grameen Phone Ltd. (GP) Banglalink Digital Communications Limited 42% Robi Axiata Limited (Robi) Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Airtel) Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (Citycell) 26% Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. (Teletalk)


Figure 1: Active subscribers of mobile phone

Robi Axiata LTD is an organization which is people-oriented. Robi Axiata LTD wants to be peoples champion. Robi Axiata LTD tries to blend with local tradition with innovation & creativity. (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.) To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi draws from the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO Inc. Robi supports 2G voice, CAMEL Phase II & III and GPRS/EDGE
Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


service offering high speed internet connectivity. The companys GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple global partners for international roa ming. (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.) Robi Axiata LTDs wide international Romaining coverage makes it unique between Bangladeshi mobile operators with 600 operators across more than 200 countries. (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.) 5.1.1. Vision

To be the leader of telecommunication service provider in Bangladesh (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.)



ROBI aims to achieve its vision through being number one not only in terms of market share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to-date knowledge and products geared to address the ever changing needs of the budding nation (Robi Axiata LTD, n.d.). Theme ROBI extends its services to its customers and subscribers with the theme of spreading its power to every individual and empowering them with their own strength. or Empowering You is the basic objective of Robi. The

organization is there for people where they want and the way they want in order to developing themselves, utilizing their potentials and empowering own selves. This objective is followed by the principles of this organization ("Purpose & Principles", n.d.,). No matter what they do in order to realize their purpose, Robi employees hold themselves accountable to the following overarching guiding principles for their organization ("Purpose & principles", n.d.)
Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106



These principles are: Emotional: Passionate, Creative, Respectful and Open ("Purpose & principles", n.d.).

Passionate: We are Passionate its in all of us. Whether visible or hidden within for whatever reason. Everything we do is about doing the best we can. We are there for each other and we endeavor to help in every way we can. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.).

Creative: Everything we do we should do in a creative innovative manner. We bring energy to our work. Our communications demonstrates our creative flair. We provide creative and imaginative and services to our customers. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.).

Respectful: We are truly respectful to each other, our subordinates, peers, partners and customers. We treat everyone equally and we allow people to express their thoughts opinions in a respectful manner. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.)

Open: We have no hidden agendas. We share information freely. We can only be open with our customers, partners, and stakeholders if we are open with ourselves- regardless of hierarchy. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.)

Functional: Simple, Ethical, Transparent and Ownership ("Purpose & principles", n.d.) Simple: Everything we do and say should be simple and easy to understand. In terms of communications we make sure the messaging is in plain, simple language. Our plains are simple and uncomplicated. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.)

Ethical: We are moral, upright, honest, righteous, virtuous, honorable, keeping our promises in all we say and do. We clearly align to our

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


internal and organizational code of ethics and code of honor. We will oppose all forms of corruptions. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.) Transparent: A few key words and phrases sums this up: Honesty, openness, frankness, no lies, no deceit, no games, easily understood. We are transparent with our customers, with each other, with our subordinate and peers. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.) Ownership: Whilst working individually or correctively, we clearly demonstrate individual and collective ownership. Making mistakes is clearly part of daily business as it is part of daily life- as long as we own up to this clear, no culture of fear. ("Purpose & principles", n.d.)


Products :

Like any other mobile operators Robi Axiata LTD provide all the basic services such as voice call service, sms including value added services like internet & data service, e-traffic service, entertainment, robi rdio, goongoon, missed call alart, call block, mobile backup, mPay, balance transfer, robi locator, community & chat, music, health tips and many more. ("Value added services", n.d.,)


Company Competitive Situation :

Telecom industry is one of the most competitive industry in Bangladesh. Robi Axiata LTD is in the 3rd place (Exhibit 1- Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh)

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Active Subscribers (millions)

1% 7% 22% 42% 2%

Grameen Phone Ltd. (GP) Banglalink Digital Communications Limited Robi Axiata Limited (Robi) Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Airtel)


Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (Citycell)

Figure 2: Active subscribers of mobile phone just behind Banglalink. There is a huge challenge in coming future because of BTRC starts procedure to bring 3G connection. With around 21% of the market share its closes competitor Banglalink consider most aggressive. And with largest volume subscriber Grameenphone is the largest & most successful operator yet. After the rebranding of Robi Axiata LTD from Aktel it have progress in huge number although the position is unchanged (3rd) but the gap between 2nd & 3rd (Robi Axiata LTD) is significantly reduced. As Bangladesh have 6 mobile operators ("Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission", n.d., p.). Because of high competition every operators are providing cheap price call rate. And because the operators subsidizing on SIM card price the switching cost is also low. So bargaining power for customers is high which also indicates huge rivalry among them. BTRC solely controls the spectrum & frequency. And through various rules & regulation mobile operators powers is constrained. Suppliers of infrastructure such as Siemens, Motorola and Ericson are huge global company. On the other hand Governments restricted the access of new mobile operators however as a technology based company its services are substitutable such as internet & data service, voice call service etc. But the threat of substitute is still week.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Chapter 6: Analysis of Primary Data 6.1. Normality Test

Total 19 items were generated for measuring both dependent and independent variables. Among them 3 items were to measure dependent variable and 16 to measure independent variables.

Firstly I have tested whether all the respondents answer the questionnaire or not and whether there is any error in entering data or not through normality test (See Exhibit 2Descriptive Statistics Normality Test)

Mean & Std. Deviation

5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0


Mean Std. Deviation


Reliability Test

6.2.1. Internal Consistency for Dependent Variable I have developed 3 items to measure dependent variable. From the reliability statistics (See Exhibit 3- Dependent Variable Reliability Test)

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 VAR00012 VAR00013 VAR00014 VAR00015 VAR00016 VAR00017 VAR00018 VAR00019


Figure 3: Descriptive Statistics Normality Test


Cronbach's Alpha
0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Cronbach's Alpha Required (Minimum) Cronbach's Alpha Found


Cronbach's Alpha

Figure 4: Dependent Variable Reliability Test I can see that, my final Cronebachs alpha value of 3 items was 0.710 which is ("Internal consistency", n.d.) greater than minimum acceptance level 0.50. That means all the 3 items for the dependent variable have consistency among them. So I dont have to remove item from the (See Exhibit 4- Dependent Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted) table.

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

0.8 0.7 0.6


0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Dependent variables

Figure 5: Dependent Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


6.2.2. Internal Consistency for Customer Preference I have developed 4 items to measure dependent variable. From the reliability statistics (See Exhibit 5- Reliability Test for Customer Preference) we can see that,

Customer Preference Variable Reliability Test

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Reliability Statistics 0.634 0.5

Cronbach's Alpha Found Minimum Cronbach's Alpha Required

Figure 6: Customer Preference Variable Reliability Test

my final Cronebachs alpha value of 4 items was 0.634 for customer preference variables (See Exhibit 6- Customer Preference Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted), which was greater than minimum acceptance level 0.50.
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Minimum Cronbach's Alpha Required 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.544 0.5 0.544 0.5 0.615 0.557 0.5 0.5







Figure 7: Customer Preference Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


So I can be said that 4 items for the customer preference variable have consistency among them (See Exhibit 6- Revised Customer Preference Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted). 6.2.3. Internal Consistency for Effectiveness of Robi e-marketing I have developed 6 items to measure Robis e-marketing effectiveness. From the reliability statistics (See Exhibit 7- Reliability Test for Robis e-marketing effectiveness)

Reliability Test for Robis e-marketing effectiveness

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Reliability Statistics 0.664 0.5

Cronbach's Alpha Found Minimum Cronbach's Alpha Required

Figure 8: Reliability Test for Robis e-marketing effectiveness

I can see that, my final Cronebachs alpha value of 6 items was 0.664 which acceptable as it was greater than minimum acceptance level 0.50. That means all the 6 items for the dependent variable have consistency among them. So I dont have to remove item from the (See Exhibit 8- Robis e-marketing effectiveness Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted).

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106



0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 VAR00012 VAR00013

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 0.637 0.666 0.623

Minimum Cronbach's Alpha Required 0.669 0.564 0.568 0.5






Figure 9: Robis e-marketing effectiveness Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

6.2.4. Influence of Social Media I have developed 6 items to measure influence of social media. From the reliability statistics (See Exhibit 9- Reliability Test for Influence of Social Media)

Reliability Test for Influence of Social Media

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Reliability Statistics 0.87 0.5

Cronbach's Alpha Found Minimum Cronbach's Alpha Required

Figure 10: Reliability Test for Influence of Social Media

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


I can see that, my final Cronebachs alpha value of 6 items was 0.870 which good as it was greater than minimum acceptance level 0.50. That means all the 6 items for the dependent variable have consistency among them. So I dont have to remove item from the (See Exhibit 10- Influence of Social Media Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted).
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Minimum Required Cronbach's Alpha


Figure 11: Influence of Social Media Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 6.2.5. Findings After reliability test I have found that all the variable under customer preference was reliable. So I have dont removed it as a result total number of variable incuding dependent & independent are 19. (See Exhibit 11- Total Variables after Reliability Test)


Regression model evaluation:

In R2 analysis analysis (See Exhibit 11- R2 Table) its shows value of R2 is 0.579. We can say that, 57.9% of total variation in the dependent variable is explained by the variation in the independent variables Customer Preference, Robis e-marketing Effectiveness and Posetive Influence of Social Media. That means, all independent variables together explain 57.9% of dependent variable, other 43.1% is explained by extraneous variables.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Model Summary Adjusted R Model 1 R .761a R Square .579 Square .556 Std. Error of the Estimate .54605

a. Predictors: (Constant), Social_Media, Preference, Effectiveness Table 1: R2 Table


Regression equation:

Impact of E-Marketing = .256 Customer Preference +Robis e-marketing Effectiveness .398 + .242 Influence of Social Media (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table)



6.5.1. Customer Preference: Co-efficient of customer preference is 0.256 (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table), which means, customer preference have positive impact on e-marketing. Because customers

Coefficientsa Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) Preference Effectiveness Social_Media B .472 .287 .452 .207 Std. Error .425 .122 .134 .097 .256 .398 .242 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 1.112 2.357 3.383 2.131 Sig. .271 .022 .001 .037

a. Dependent Variable: Dependent Table 2: Coefficients Table

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Impact of E-Marketing
Customer Preference 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.256

Impact of E-Marketing

Social Media 0.242

Effectiveness 0.398

Figure 12: Impact of E-Marketing (Total 57.9%)

prefer e-marketing it positively work when Robi conduct e-marketing activity. In other words, if customer preference changes by 1 unit, impact of e-marketing on Robi will change by 0.256 (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) units considering all other factors remain constant, at the confidence level 95%. As we intended to find how much customer prefer, so that we can say increase e-marketing in 1 unit will increase the positive impact on the brand Robi in 25.6%. (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) Again, the P value of network was 0.022, (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) which was less than estimated alpha value (0.05). It denotes that, we can be 2.2% (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) wrong about our finding regarding customer preference on e-marketing with respect to positive impact for Robi. That says, customer preference is a good estimator and has enough capability to estimate the positive impact on the brand which influence the likeliness of Robi.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


6.5.2. Effectiveness of Robis e-marketing Co-efficient of effectiveness of Robis e-marketing is 0.398 (See Exhibit 12Coefficients Table), which means, Robis e-marketing have positive impact on Robi. Because Robi can effectively conduct e-marketing activity. In other words, if effectiveness changes by 1 unit, impact of e-marketing on Robi will change by 0.398 (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) units considering all other factors remain constant, at the confidence level 95%. As we intended to find how much effective they are, so that we can say increase of effectiveness in 1 unit will increase the likeliness of positive impact on the brand Robi in 39.8% (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table). Again, the P value of network was 0.001 (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table), which was less than estimated alpha value (0.05). It denotes that, we can be 0.1% (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) wrong about our finding regarding effectiveness of Robi on e-marketing with respect to positive impact for Robi. That says, effectiveness of Robis e-marketing is a good estimator and has enough capability to estimate the positive impact on the brand & possibility of exposer to the advertisements of Robi.

6.5.3. Impact of Social Media on Robi Co-efficient of impact of social media is 0. 242 (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table), which means, social media have positive impact on Robi. Because now days peoples getting more engaged on social media & Robi is also trying to socialize on social media. In other words, if social media changes (become more or less active) by 1 unit, impact of Robis marketing capability change by 0.242 (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) units considering all other factors remain constant, at the confidence level 95%. As we intended to find the effect of social media, so that we can say if social media become more engaged in 1 unit then positive reinforcement on Robis marketing activity will increase in 45.1% (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table). Again, the P value of network was 0.037, which was less than estimated alpha value (0.05). It denotes that, we can be 3.7% (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) wrong about our finding regarding social media impact on Robi. That says, social media is a good estimator and has enough capability to estimate the positive impact on the brand.


Hypothesis Testing

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


6.6.1. First Hypothesis Customer Preference Hypothesis H1= Customers of Robi prefer e-marketing. H0= Customers of Robi do not prefer e-marketing. H1 predicts that, customer preference of e-marketing have influence on marketing activity of Robi. Because customer prefer e-marketing it influence consumers likeliness of the advertisement of Robi significantly; (P = 0.022 < 0.05). So, H1 is accepted (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table).

6.6.2. Second Hypothesis Effectiveness of e-marketing conducted by Robi Hypothesis H2= Robis e-marketing activity is effective to customers. H0= Robis e-marketing activity is not effective to customers.

H2 predicts that, effectiveness of Robis e-marketing have influence on Robi. Because e-marketing of Robi is effective it influence consumers likeliness of the service & products significantly; (P = 0.001 < 0.05). So, H2 is accepted (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table).

6.6.3. Third Hypothesis Role of social media hypothesis H3= Social media have a positive role on Robi. H0= Social media do not have a positive role on Robi. H3 predicts that, social media have positive influence on Robi. It shows that social media increase the brands likeliness significantly; (P = 0.037 < 0.05). So, H3 is accepted (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table).

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106



Demographic Data Analysis

In our research we have 60 respondent where 72% were mail and 28 % were female (See Exhibit 13- Samples Gender).


28% Female Male 72%

Figure 13: Gender of Respondents

Most of the respondents were young aged 21-30, 60% of them in total percentage (See Exhibit 14- Samples Age).

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


2% 7% 10% 11% 10 -20 8% 20-30 21-30 31-40 41-50 60%

Figure 14: Age of Respondents

Understandably 73 % of them were Students (See Exhibit 15- Samples Profession).


12% 5% 3% 2% 3% 2%

Business Government Employee housewife HSC Physician


Private Employee Student

Figure 15: Profession of Respondents

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Where most of them are current student of undergraduate level (See Exhibit 16Samples Education).

5% 3% A Level Graduate 15% 50% 18% HSC Masters/MBA or above Student undergraduate Undergraduate (on going)



Figure 16: Education Level of Respondents Where family is the main income source (See Exhibit 17- Samples Income Source & Monthly Income).

Income Source
3% Family family and personal 35% 50% Personal Personal & Family Both Tution 7%


Figure 17: Income Source of Respondents

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Monthly Income
2% 1% 13% 22% 7% 2% 0 10000 20000 20000 30000 20000-30000 5000 10000 15% 38% 5000-10000 Above 30000 nil

Figure 18: Monthly Income Level of Respondents

Chapter 7: Findings on Primary Data E-marketing is a new issue. Marketers already starts adopting e-marketing in order to survive. (Hoffman, & Novak, 2006, p. 43-54) Robi Axiata LTD as a company belongs to technology oriented they have already started e-marketing activity. According to this reports primary data and analysis it was a right decision to engage marketing activity through e-marketing. As my first hypothesis shows that customers prefer e-marketing in case of Robi Axiata LTD. On the other hand this research also finds that Robi Axiata LTD is successfully conduction their e-marketing activity. That means Robi Axiata LTD customers believe that their e-marketing is effective & this effectiveness of their marketing is causing the customer preference. As effectiveness & customer preference is inter related it brings the question of customers l ikeliness to favor the bran because of e-marketing activity. Social media is the right place to build a positive relation with the customer & increase the positive perception of customer about the brand (Zailskaite-Jakste, & Kuvykaite, 2013, p. 142-153). So I was interested in finding whether social media have any positive effect on

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Robi. So after doing the analysis I came to the conclusion that social media have a positive impact on Robis marketing activity. With all the hypothesis is accepted I beli eve that emarketing is very important for Robi Axiata LDT in this current situation and it will be more important in coming futures.

E-Marketing opens a doorway for customer to reach out to the organization. An organization is a busy place & organization those works with huge number of customer always face the problem to create a bond & relationship with customers. With the proper utilization of e-marketing organization can engage customers in to the organization. In future whether Robi Axiata LTD can make an interactive communication with the customer will decide their future because eventually there are only few difference in between the mobile operators quality of service & product.

Chapter 8: Findings on Secondary Data E-marketing is the coming of age (Brodie, Winklhofer, Coviello, & Johnston, 2007, p. 0221). The scenario around the worlds marketing activity is changing drastically. Its true in case of e-marketing too. Marketers previously depended on newspaper, magazine, television & many other mass media oriented medium but then telemarketing, e-mail was a good way to do it. But now days these are old too! Now days we use social media, sms more often. The same scenario is applicable in telecom industry especially on Robi Axiata LTD. Because of our economic and social situation we usually get use to technology a little bit late than advance western and some Asian countries which actually means there is a positive correlation between use of technology & economic prosperity (Greenberg, 2010). So the concept of e-marketing especially social media marketing is new concept. Therefor we are now at the stage of email & telemarketing stage though scenario is changing very rapidly. Where e-mail & telemarketing will have a very short term life and social marketing will take the place.

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E-marketing is the most convenient way to reach customers effectively. It can maximize the ROI, increase customer loyalty, getting feedback from customers, involving customers (Experian, n.d.). So it has a very good positive impact on Robi Axiata LTD. Robi Axiata LTD. use telephone & sms marketing very frequently. Like any other mobile operators its very effective for Robi. And the amount of advertisement is very high because its easily reachable to targeted customers based on their uses behavior including reduce in geographical & time constrain. (Dickinger, Haghirian, Murphy, & Scharl, 2004) Social media is described as shift in how discover read and share news, information and content (Solis, 2010). Social media is very important for Robi Axiata LTD. Robi is so far most active in social media. Robis Facebook page have more than four hundred thousand (426953

to be exact) viewers daily who regularly views where irregular viewers number would be far more. They daily upload news, advertisement, video, quiz contest, short film contest all through their Facebook & Youtube channel. Only Robi use socializing agent to respond personally users queries and only Robi have dedicated YouTube Channel among the mobile operators of Bangladesh. (Socialbakers, n.d.)

Chapter 9: Recommendation

In this research I have come to find that customers of telecom industry actually prefer marketing through online or e-marketing. So Robi should concentrate more on emarketing. As the data shows (See Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table) that unquestionably customer like the advertisement through sms, telemarketing, social media etc.

Robi is doing very good in socializing through their Facebook & YouTube page. But socializing is something that not tough to implement so Robi should aware of its competitors & try to serve better. As it is very free media (Internet) so dissatisfaction of one customers can bring further dissatisfaction on others so Robi should implement strategy to reduce or control the dissatisfaction level.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


While collecting information on Robis new feature, promotion & product most of the customer prefer internet as a first choice so search engine optimization & optimizing the Robis website is very important. Through better search engine optimization providing information as categorized section in website will be very useful. Robis website should be richer and more user-friendly.

Robi is lacking on posting advertisement on different websites other than online newspapers. Robi should concentrate on more posting advertisement on different website such as social media, online news portal, blogs etc.

Robi do not provide services like self-care through their website. From where customers can easily have superior benefits such as checking call list, modifying different packages, changing different option regarding the service where other mobile operators are doing it.

Robi recently arranged a short film festival apart from that they are lacking on events through social media which can improve brand image.

Robi provide solution to customers problem through online but its not sufficient enough. While other operators have specific option on their website as online customer service, Robi is lacking it. So they should implement it. Customers feel lack of interest on checking voice mail, sms sent by Robi. So while generating these type of advertisement they should focus more on customers need & making it more attractive. Rather sending sms, voicemail as a mass sending it more personalized would be better.

Robis social medias participation rate can be improved by generating content more interesting. Creating a friendly environment where customers are encourage to have an interactive communication should be prioritized. This will help Robi generate more

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


customer likeliness towards the brand and it will also help Robi identify the problem & possible solution.

Robi should work on reaching more of its customer through its YouTube channel. Because it can be more cost effective for Robi if they can reach a huge number of customers through online rather than costly television advertisement. Comparing to the Facebook page & internet users statistics Robis YouTube channels is not reached properly. So reaching more customers through YouTube channel & making it interactive is very important.

E-marketing sometimes become annoying and inappropriate for certain customers. As emarketing is more cheaper & more effective in todays context Robi should concentrate on more quality content building and making it more personal so that it will not decrease the brand value at the same time it will fulfill its purpose.

10.Further Research This research is solely based on customer preference, effectiveness & social medias impact for Robi. But as e-marketing is very wide sector now days there is huge possibility on researching on different issues. This research tries to find the impact of e-marketing using certain factors, while it did not consider comparison with others in case of impact, it also did not focus on different kind of segment of customers. Because of convenient sampling method it only reflect young customers. So further research on broad sample can are encouraged. This research is also did not measure the impact through financial & result oriented method. How much advertisement, its cost & its result based on these were on considered in this research which is very important so it is also encouraged including many different possible issue on e-marketing.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


11.Conclusion The concept e-marketing is new & still on beta stage (Dickinger, Haghirian, Murphy, & Scharl, 2004) where social media marketing is the latest edition but growing very fast. As per this research it can be concluded that Robi Axiata LTD. is successfully implementing e-marketing, they are effective. It also can be concluded that customer prefer it. Social media is very volatile place where proceeding with proper strategy is required. But so far for Robi its creating positive brand image for Robi. With better implementation, better strategic move, more customized advertisement it could be more effective & impact would be far more positive.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


References Bangladesh Internet Regularity Commission (2013, June). Mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh. Retrieved July 29, 2013, from 49&Itemid=502 Brodie, R. J., Winklhofer, H., Coviello, N. E., & Johnston, W. J. (2007). Is e-marketing coming of age? An examination of the penetration of e-marketing and firm performance. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21(1), 2-21. Retrieved from Cooperstein, D. (2012, March 4). Why marketers have no choice but to adopt marketing technology. Retrieved August 1, 2013, from Dickinger, A., Haghirian, P., Murphy, J., & Scharl, A. (2004). An investigation and conceptual model of SMS marketing. IEEE Xplore. Retrieved from Experian (n.d.). Benefits of Email Marketing at Retrieved August 2, 2013, from Gillhouse, N. (2013, June 12). The Importance of Social Media MarketingYoutech & Associates. Retrieved July 27, 2013, from

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Greenberg, A. (2010, March 25). The world's most tech-friendly countries - Forbes. Retrieved August 2, 2013, from Hoffman, D. L., & Novak, T. P. (2006). A new marketing paradigm for electronic commerce. The Information Society: An International Journal, 13(1), 43-54. Retrieved from Internal consistency. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 13, 2013, from Purpose & principles. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2013, from Robi Axiata LTD (n.d.). About Robi. Retrieved June 22, 2013, from Socialbakers (n.d.). YouTube channel Robi Axiata Limited. Retrieved August 2, 2013, from Solis, B. (2010). The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web. Retrieved from Wiley. com Value added services. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2013, from Zailskaite-Jakste, L., & Kuvykait, R. (2013). Communication in social media for brand equity building. Economic and Management, 18(1), 142-153. Retrieved from

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106



Exhibit 1- Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh

Operators Grameen Phone Ltd. (GP) Banglalink Digital Communications Limited Robi Axiata Limited (Robi) Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Airtel) Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (Citycell) Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. (Teletalk) Total

Active Subscribers (millions) 43.967 27.076 22.897 7.821 1.383 1.908 105.051

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 2- Descriptive Statistics Normality Test tem Statistics Std. Mean VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 VAR00012 VAR00013 VAR00014 VAR00015 VAR00016 VAR00017 VAR00018 VAR00019 4.40 3.62 3.75 4.40 3.82 3.95 3.68 3.32 3.73 4.28 2.65 3.95 3.53 3.58 3.12 2.78 2.97 3.63 4.12 Deviation .827 1.027 1.202 .827 1.081 1.141 1.157 1.255 1.219 .940 1.448 .964 1.186 1.154 1.379 1.303 1.262 1.164 1.106 N 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 3- Dependent Variable Reliability Test

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .710 N of Items 3

Exhibit 4- Dependent Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Item-Total Statistics Scale Scale Mean if VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 7.37 8.15 8.02 Variance if 3.660 2.875 2.695 Item Deleted Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation .537 .608 .483 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted .634 .519 .710

Exhibit 5- Reliability Test for Customer Preference

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .634 N of Items 4

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 6- Customer Preference Variable Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Item-Total Statistics Scale Scale Mean if Variance if Item Deleted Item Deleted VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 11.45 12.03 11.90 12.17 5.981 5.219 5.414 5.023 Corrected Item-Total Correlation .471 .442 .349 .426 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted .544 .544 .615 .557

Exhibit 7- Reliability Test for Robis e-marketing effectiveness

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .664 N of Items 6

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 8- Robis e-marketing effectiveness Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Item-Total Statistics Scale Scale Mean if VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 VAR00012 VAR00013 18.15 17.73 17.18 18.82 17.52 17.93 Variance if 14.570 14.063 14.932 13.508 13.576 12.775 Item Deleted Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation .273 .351 .405 .297 .599 .540 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted .666 .637 .623 .669 .564 .568

Exhibit 9- Reliability Test for Influence of Social Media

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .870 N of Items 6

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 10- Influence of Social Media Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Item-Total Statistics Scale Scale Mean if VAR00014 VAR00015 VAR00016 VAR00017 VAR00018 VAR00019 16.62 17.08 17.42 17.23 16.57 16.08 Variance if 24.105 21.162 23.603 23.470 23.572 25.637 Item Deleted Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation .677 .792 .617 .658 .724 .558 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted .847 .825 .858 .850 .839 .866

Exhibit 11- Total Variables after Reliability Test

Number of items for measuring dependent variables Number of items for measuring independent variables Customer Preference Robis e-marketing Effectiveness Influence of Social Media TOTAL

3 4 6

6 19

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 11- R2 Table Model Summary Adjusted R Model 1 R .761a R Square .579 Square .556 Std. Error of the Estimate .54605

a. Predictors: (Constant), Social_Media, Preference, Effectiveness

Exhibit 12- Coefficients Table

Coefficientsa Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) Preference Effectiveness Social_Media B .472 .287 .452 .207 Std. Error .425 .122 .134 .097 .256 .398 .242 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 1.112 2.357 3.383 2.131 Sig. .271 .022 .001 .037

a. Dependent Variable: Dependent

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 13- Samples Gender


28% Female Male 72%

Exhibit 14- Samples Age

2% 7% 10% 11% 10 -20 8% 20-30 21-30 31-40 41-50 60%

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 15- Samples Profession


12% 5% 3% 2% 3% 2%

Business Government Employee housewife HSC Physician


Private Employee Student

Exhibit 16- Samples Education

5% 3% A Level Graduate 15% 50% 18% HSC Masters/MBA or above Student undergraduate Undergraduate (on going)



Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 17- Samples Income Source & Monthly Income

Income Source
3% Family family and personal 35% 50% Personal Personal & Family Both Tution 7%


Monthly Income
2% 1% 13% 22% 7% 2% 0 10000 20000 20000 30000 20000-30000 5000 10000 15% 38% 5000-10000 Above 30000 nil

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


Exhibit 17- Questionnaire


I am a student of East West University. As a requirement for Project Work (BUS 498), the following questions have been designed to find the impact of emarketing in telecom industry especially on Robi. As a student, conducting this research is essential for me to fulfill my course requirements. I assure you that this information will be used for only academic purpose and will be kept private. It will not take more than 5 minutes to fill it up. Thank you for participating in this survey.

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


1. Do you use Robi? Yes No

Note: If your answer is Yes then continue the following questions and please put a tick mark () mark in the appropriate box regarding the respective factor in any range from 1-5 scales. If your answer is No then please return the questionnaire.


Strongly Agree (5)

Agree (4)

Neutral (3)

Disagree (2)

Strongly Disagree (1)


I prefer e-marketing promotions (website, online advertisement, text sms, social media advertisement, voice sms )


Robi is effectively using emarketing tools

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106



Social media have a positive role on Robi Customer Preference


Strongly Agree (5)

Agree Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree (1)




4. I depend on internet for collecting information about Robi


Strongly Agree (5)

Agree Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree (1)




5. I check/log in/ browse the advertisement links posted on different websites 6. I check / listen to the text sms/ voice sms that sent by Robi

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


7. I willingly participate on social media activity of Robis Facebook page & YouTube channel

Effectiveness No. Strongly Agree (5) Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree (1)





Robi posts advertisements on different websites regularly


Robi posts on Facebook and YouTube video regularly

10. Robi regularly sends sms / voice sms to me 11. Robi provides me special benefit for online membership of their Website/ Facebook Page/ YouTube channel 12. Robis website , Facebook Page, YouTube channel are informative and helpful

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


13. Robi helps me to solve my problem through online (social media, email, sms)

Social Media No. Strongly Agree (5) Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree (1)




14. I like Robis Facebook Page & YouTube channel 15. I regularly participate on Robis Social media (facebook & Youtube) 16. I participate on different type of contest that posted on Robis social media. 17. I share Robis Facebook Post & YouTube videos in social media & friends

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


18. Robis Facebook Page & YouTube channel are interesting to me 29. They are only informative but entertaining too

20. Gender Male Female

21. Age 10-20 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+

22. Education Masters/ MBA Graduate HSC SSC Diploma

23. Profession Private employee Government employee Student Business


24. Income source Personal Family Others

25. Monthly Income 5000 10000 10000 20000 20000 30000 Above 30000 54

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106

Presented by Mahbub Zaman Ashrafi, ID No. 2009-1-10-106


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