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Mobile No. 0323-5306654 OBJECTIVE

To acquire a challenging position in a reputed organization, where I can use and augment my s ills and nowledge in order to !ul!ill corporate and personal goals" PERSONAL DATA #ather$s %ame )e* (eligion ,ate o! -irth 1anguages 2-+ail 9urrent :ddress & & & & & & & 'hulam (asool +ale Islam +arch .5, ./0/ 2nglish, 3rdu and 4un5a6i us7man7g8yahoo"com ;ouse %o".2/<2, )treet %o"0= )ector 4: ,ho e %a55o :min Town #lat %o"--3 >haya6an-e-)ir )yed (awalpinid ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Cer ifi!" e # De$ree MBA ,Fi'"'!eB.Co. F.A Me ri! %e"r of P"&&i'$
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9urrently wor ing as C3ief A!!o4' "' in a %on 4ro!it ?rganization i"e" A$o&3 Tr4& 9handni 9how (awalpindi" @or ed as AA&&i& "' 5 in +<) ,escon 2ngineering 1imited, Batar !rom may 20.3 to ?cto6er 20.3 at -arzan 'as 4ro5ect and +aintained the o!!ice !iles relating to the !inancial and other matters" @or ed as 6A&&i& "' A!!o4' "' 5 !rom ?cto6er 200/ to :pril 20.3 in the L"7 "') J4& i!e Co..i&&io' of P"(i& "' S40re.e Co4r B4il)i'$8 I&l"."b") and per!ormed the !ollowing tas s" +aintaining -oo s o! :ccounts li e 9ash -oo , Cournals and 1edgers o! :C,# a deDelopment !und with seDen windows namely 4roDincial Cudicial ,eDelopment, #und, 1egal 2mpowerment #und, 1egal<Cudicial (esearch, #und !or InnoDations in 1egal 2ducation, #ederal Cudicial :cademy #und, )pecial 4ro5ects in 3nderdeDeloped :reas and #und +anagement @indow" +anaging I4) EInDestment 4ort!olio )ecuritiesF :ccount o! R&.98:;< .illio' that included inDestment o! !unds in the goDernment approDed securities, 4I-s and Term #inance 9erti!icates ET#9sF etc"

4reparation o! annual -udget 2stimates !or all the window accounts" %oting and ,ra!ting relating to the !inancial matters" ,is6ursement o! !unds to the %'?s and the :udit o! their !inancial reports" :udit o! 4roDincial Cudicial ,eDelopment #und proDided to the !our proDincial 9ourts !or automation, court in!rastructure deDelopment" 4reparation o! all inds o! Douchers e"g T:<,: -ills, 4ay -ills etc" 4er!orming miscellaneous accounting<!inancial tas s assigned 6y the higher management" @or ed as AA&&i& "' M"'"$er A!!o4' &5 fro. +arch 2006 to +arch 200= "t Mo' 3l= T"r>4."'?4l?Q4r"'8 L"3ore and per!ormed the !ollowing duties" 4reparation o! Darious !inancial statements such as +onthly receipt and 4ayment" :ccount, Trial -alance, 4ro!it G 1oss and -alance )heet manually as well as with computer 6y using +) 2*cel" (econciliation o! account 6alances with 6an 6y preparing monthly (econciliation )tatements" +aintained -oo s o! :ccounts li e 9ash -oo , )ales -oo , 4urchase -oo , )ales (eturns and 4urchase (eturns -oo s, 'eneral Cournal and 1edger etc" +anaged and controlled inDentory leDels" 'enerated and superDised all types o! Douchers e"g" 9ash receipt Douchers, cash payment Douchers, Cournal Douchers, -an receipt Douchers, -an payment Douchers, ,e6it and 9redit %otes and Ta* inDoices" 4er!ormed other routine matters li e o!!icial correspondence etc" COMPUTER LITERAC% @indows 0, Hista G 2003 +) @ord 2003, 2000, 20.0

+) 2*cel 2003, 2000 +) 4ower 4oint Internet 6rowsing

Hobbie& "') I' ere& & (eading and collection o! releDant pro!essional and Islamic 6oo s" Refere'!e&: @ill 6e !urnished on demand"

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