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Abrobat Dir. LTPR Mihai Marinciuc doctor n biologie Gnju G.

____ data____________ Tez semestrial la________________ sesiunea de iarn 2013 Clasa ___ Nume____________ Prenume____________ Punctaj acumulat _____ Nota ____
It was Friday Evening Miriam sat at the window, looking down at the street. It was Friday evening. People wew already leaving their Off offices and the shops were closing. Soon she would be alone again as usual. I She imagined how these people would spend their evening in restaurants, bars, dance halls enjoying themselves.She had never experiencedthese pleasures in all her tweanty-fiveyears on earth. Her mind drifted if only someone invited her out, even if it was only once. But she knew it was impossible. She was not pretty; she knew that. She was shy. And she had no money for nice clothes or shoes. All she could afford was the rent on this miserable flat and her daily necessities. Suddenly the doorbel rang. Nevously, she went downstairs to answer it. The young man on the doorstep told her he had some important news for her. She felt uneasy but he looked so honest and so handsome, that she asked him in. She made him coffee while he explained that he was a lawyer. Her uncle, who had emigrated to Australia years before, had died. He had left her all his money in his will. The young mans name w as Harry. He left her flat early the next morning. Harry helped her to deal with all the legal papers. He arrenged for her to buy the luxury flat in Bayswater. He en entertained her. They went to restaurants, West End theatres, concerts, even to wild parties. Three months later they were married and moved to the big house he had made her buy in Hampstead. For a while she was blissfully happy. Then Harry changed. He came back late. They went out together less often. Sometimes the phone would ring and unknown female voices would ask for Harry. When she asked him what was wrong, he would fly into a rage and leave the house. One afternoon, the police came round. It seemed Harry was involved in a bank fraud. The weeks which followed wed were a nightmare. She sold the flat in Bayswater to pay for a lawyer. When he was found guilty, she sold the house in Hampstead. She moved back into the small flat in Hove. Her adventure was over. Miriam sat at the wondow, looking down at the street. It was Friday evening. People wew already leaving their offi offices and the shops were closing. Soon she would be alone again as usual. But tomorrow would be different. She would catch the six o clock train to London to be at the gates of the

prison by eight-thirty. For twenty years she had waited. Tomorrow. Would bring her reward. She packed the small ove overnight bag with a clean shirt, tie and underwear for him. She checked the air tickets in her handbag. Then she wen went to bed. It was a damp, grey morning. She stood opposite the prison gates, waiting. The prison clock struck the half hour. The small door in the big metal gates swung open, and Harry emerged intro freedom. He looked about him, then started across the street towards her. At last, she thought, everything would be all right again. It was only then that she noticed the red sports car. A blonde lady, in a fur coat, was seated at the wheel. Harry jumped in beside the lady and gave her a resounding kiss. She accelerated, and the care disappeared round the corner. Miriam took out the air tickets and slowly tore them intro small pieces. Then she walked away.
I. 1.

Answer the questions: 1. What happened to their marriage after some time? 2. Why did Miriam move back into her flat in Hove? 3. What surprise waited for Miriam at the gates of the prison? 4. Do you think Miriams experience has a positive side to her? 5. What happened in one damp, grey morning?


Summary write the summary of the text.


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