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DEDICATION Praise to almighty ALLAH who is most beneficent and the most merciful.

We dedicate this project to our beloved parents and our teacher MAM, A!WA" #A$M%. "heir love, guidance, and prayers always accompanied us in all our tas&s. What ever we are today is just because of them. All of our achievements are belong to them.

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'irst and foremost than&s to Almighty ALLAH, who has bestowed us with wisdom and for giving us strength to ma&e this report complete. "hen we than&s to our best MAM. A!WA" #A$M% for guiding us, because without her support, s&ills, and guidance this report would not be completed. 'inally we are than&ful to our all group members for coordination and group wor&.

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NESCREAM is a Nestls new product entrant in t e !ar"et and launc ing #or t e $er% #irst ti!e in Pa"istan& in August' (espite t e !a)or co!petitors in t e !ar"et& we are a*le to co!pete *ecause people are well aware o# NES+,Es product t e% "now NES+,E pro$ides t e *est in dair% product& wit $alue added #la$ors at a $alue added price' -ur !ain target will *e t e ousewi$es& otels& and restaurants *ecause t e% are t e one w o can use our product in !ore .uantit%' -ur $ision and strategic #ocus is to adding $alue to our target custo!ers'

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Nestl as *een ser$ing Pa"istani consu!ers since 1011& w en our parent co!pan%& t e Swit2erland3*ased Nestl SA& #irst ac.uired a s are in Mil"pa" ,td' +oda% we are #ull% integrated in Pa"istani li#e& and are recogni2ed as producers o# sa#e& nutritious and tast% #ood& and leaders in de$eloping and upli#ting t e co!!unities in w ic we operate' 4e at Nestl Pa"istan ensure t at our products are !ade a$aila*le to consu!ers w ere$er in t e countr% t e% !ig t *e' Con$enience is at t e eart o# t e Nestl p ilosop %& and our ai! is to *ring products to people5s doorsteps'


At Nestl& we *elie$e t at researc can elp us !a"e *etter #ood so t at people li$e a *etter li#e' 6ood 7ood is t e pri!ar% source o# 6ood 8ealt t roug out li#e' 4e stri$e to *ring consu!ers #oods t at are sa#e& o# ig .ualit% and pro$ide opti!al nutrition to !eet p %siological needs' 9n addition to Nutrition& 8ealt and 4ellness& Nestl products *ring consu!ers t e $ital ingredients o# taste and pleasure' As consu!ers continue to !a"e c oices regarding #oods and *e$erages t e% consu!e& Nestl elps pro$ide selections #or all indi$idual taste and li#est%le pre#erences' Researc is a "e% part o# our eritage at Nestl and an essential ele!ent o# our #uture' 4e "now t ere is still !uc to disco$er a*out ealt & wellness and t e role o# #ood in our li$es& and we continue to searc #or answers to *ring consu!ers 6ood 7ood #or 6ood ,i#e'

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To improve qualit o! li!e " o!!eri#$ tast % a!!or&a"le a#& 'i$'l #utritio#al !lavore& (ream to our (o#sumers )'ile ma*imi+i#$ s'are 'ol&ers value and promoting busin ss pra!ti! s t"at r sp !t t" !u#tura# norms$%

+ e !ission state!ent represents t e policies o# t e co!pan%' 9t s ows t at t e *asic ai! o# t e co!pan% is to !a;i!i2e t e s are olders wealt ' 9t ai!s to i!pro$e t e .ualit% and taste o# NESCREAM' 4e will !a"e sure t at our custo!ers get w at t e% need and desire wit !a;i!u! e##icienc% and relia*ilit%' 4e will assure our custo!ers t at we will *e t ere w en t e% need us'


+ e strategic priorities o# Nestl Mil"pa" are #ocuses on deli$ering s are older $alue t roug t e ac ie$e!ent o# sustaina*le& capital e##icient and pro#ita*le long ter! growt ' 9!pro$e!ents in pro#ita*ilit% will *e ac ie$ed w ile respecting .ualit% and sa#et% standards at all ti!es' 9n line wit t is o*)ecti$e& we en$ision Nestl Mil"pa" to grow in t e s ortest possi*le ti!e into t e nu!*er one #ood co!pan% in Pa"istan wit uni.ue a*ilit% to !eet t e needs o# consu!ers o# e$er% age group3 #ro! in#anc% to old age& #or nutrition and pleasure& t roug de$elop!ent o# a large $ariet% o# #ood categories o# t e ig est .ualit%' 4e en$ision t e co!pan% to de$elop an e;tre!el% !oti$ated and pro#essionall% trained 9nno$ation and reno$ation' 4e aspire& as a respected corporate citi2en& to continue pla%ing a signi#icant role in t e social and en$iron!ental sectors o# t e countr%' Most inno$ati$e and #astest growing #ood co!pan% o##ering Products en)o%ed in E$er% o!e e$er% da%

Nestl Co!pan% ad started o## #ro! a single !an5s idea& and de$eloped into a giant corporation' 9n 11<< 8enri Nestl& a p ar!acist& de$eloped a !il" #ood #or!ula #or in#ants w o were una*le to tolerate t eir !ot er !il" =Nestle'co!>' 8is product *eca!e a success& and it created a de!and t roug out Europe' As Nestls popularit% grew !ore *usinesses wanted to !erge and *eco!e partners wit 8enri Nestl5s *usiness' 7ro! 11<< to 10:? t e Nestl Co!pan% ad gone t roug se$eral na!e c anges' 9n 10@A& Anglo3Swiss Condensed Mil" Co' and 7AR9NE ,AC+EE 8enri Nestl !erged& and t e co!pan%s na!e *eca!e Nestl B Anglo3Swiss Condensed Mil" Co' + en in 1020& Peter3Caller3Co ler C ocolates Suisse S'A' Page | A ACHIEVERS

!erged wit t e co!pan%' + e na!e was t en c anged to Nestl B Anglo3Swiss 8olding Co' ,td& on No$e!*er 2?& 10/<' 9n (ece!*er 10:?& Co' ac.uired all t e s ares capital o# t e A,9MEN+ANA S'A' Co!pan% in e;c ange #or #i#teen Nestl s ares and #i#teen DN9,AC s ares #or eac o# A,9MEN+ANA S'A' s are& so t is point t e na!e was at Nestl A,9MEN+ANA S'A' And t en #inall%& t e last na!e c ange t at t e co!pan% would endure was in 10??& w ere it adopted t e na!e Nestl SA =MER6EN+ -nline>' Along t e wa% Nestls co!pan% re!ain success#ul& w ic allowed t e! e;pand to new region and territories t roug out t e world& !a"ing t e! t e worlds *iggest #ood and *e$erage co!pan%' Nestls ead.uarters are located in EEEEF& Swit2erland& *ut t e Nestl Co!pan% as #actories or operation in al!ost e$er countr% in t e world' Since t e Nestl case was pu*lis ed in 1001& it stated t at Nestl ad e!plo%ed 2/@&@@@ people worldwide& wit G?1'? *illion in sales =Rodgers& 2@@@>' Now !o$ing #orward to 2@@/& Nestl as increased t e a!ount o# e!plo%ees to 2A/&@@@ people& wit G11 *illion in sales =Nestle'co!>' Nestl is increasing t e si2e o# t eir co!pan% %ear *% %ear' 9n addition& to t e increase in t e si2e o# t e Nestl Co!pan%H Nestl also as increased t e $ariet% in t e di##erent products t e% o##er' 9n Nestls *usiness strateg% t e% encourage product growt t roug inno$ation and reno$ation =Nestle'co!>' + is strateg% as allowed Nestl to de$elop !an% di##erent products in t e $arious #ieldsI *a*% #oods& dair% products& *rea"#ast cereals& ice crea!s& c ocolates and con#ectioner%& prepared #oods& *e$erages& #ood ser$ices& *ottled water& and pet care'

(uring e;ternal anal%sis& #ir! !ostl% considers t e custo!er anal%sis o# t e !ar"et' Nestl is one o# t e largest and !ost success#ul #ood co!panies in t e world' 9t as success#ull% introduced !an% new products into !an% di##erent seg!ents o# t e #ood and *e$erage industr% and pro$ed in satis#%ing di##erent needs o# custo!ers' + ere#ore it as ta"en step #orward to *ring inno$ati$e c ange in dair% industr% *% introducing #la$ored crea! in PAC9S+ANs *ig !ar"et in account to *asicall% capture t e ig inco!e and ig status !ar"et o# Pa"istan and to satis#% consu!ers needs and wants' -ur e;ternal anal%sis s ows t at t e concept o# #la$ored crea! is not %et introduced and its great an opportunit% #or NES+,E to capture t e !ar"et' Currentl% t ere are no direct co!petitors in t e !ar"et *ut our indirect co!petitors are e;pected to *e all well "nown co!panies li"e 6--(M9,C& -,PERS& etc'

INTERNAL ANALYSIS: *i rar!"+ o, n st# :


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C"i , E- !uti.

C&O / )ir !tor

C&O / )ir !tor

)ir !tor

)ir !tor

)ir !tor

)ir !tor

)ir !tor

)ir !tor / Compan+ S !r tar+ Page | ?


Nestle Pa"istan ,i!ited =Nestle Pa"istan> is a su*sidiar% o# Nestle S'A' *ased in Swit2erland' Nestle Pa"istan is principall% engaged in t e !anu#acture& processing and sale o# #ood and *e$erage products w ic include !il"& %ogurt& g ee& crea!& co##ee& )uices& instant drin"s and *ottled water' + e co!pan% also !anu#actures in#ant cereals& *rea"#ast cereals& prepared !eals& c ocolates& con#ectioner% and culinar% products' + e co!pan% !ar"ets its products under international *rand na!es t at include Nesca#e& Maggi& Cerelac& Mil"%*ar& Cit Cat& Jar3-ne& Mil"!aid& and Pure ,i#e' + e co!pan% wit t ree !anu#acturing #acilities operates all o$er Pa"istan' 6lo*al Mar"ets (irects Nestle Pa"istan ,i!ited' 9t as 1@K s are in t e !ar"et o# dair% products and "nown #or *est #ood pro$ider'

Curr nt mar0 t situation ,or n st# :

Je#ore we tal" a*out t e #uture strategies& we a$e to understand w ere we are and w ere we a$e *een' Strateg% is a*out pla%ing towards t e strengt and awa% #ro! t e wea"nesses' + e current !ar"et situation o# nestle is as #ollows'' +oda%& Nestl Mil"pa" produces in o$er 11 countries and ac ie$es 01K o# its turno$er outside Europe' Nestl Mil"pa" is t e worlds largest !il" co!pan%& w ic does 01K o# its *usiness' 9t as an annual turno$er o# ?@ *illion Swiss #rancs& A22 new #actories in 11 countries& 2@@ operating co!panies& 1 *asic researc outer and 2@ tec nological de$elop!ent groups& as !ore t an 2/1&@@@ e!plo%ees and !ore t an 1@@@ products around t e glo*e' -n t e -t er and in Pa"istan Nestl in #uture !a% loose it !ar"et s are *ecause o# its co!petitors ig e##orts especiall% on Ad$ertising -$er all co!pan% !ar"et s are is 1@K' Nestl s are as co!pared to nurpur& Nirala and ot er are !o$es around 2@ to /@K' + e !ar"et is under ig econo!ic pressure o# in#lation& ig co!!odit% rates& less purc asing power o# consu!er and !ore'

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S1OT anal%sis is a tool #or auditing an organi2ation and its en$iron!ent' 9t is t e #irst stage o# planning and elps !ar"eters to #ocus on "e% issues' S,OT stands #or str ngt"s2 3 a0n ss s2 opportuniti s2 and t"r ats% Strengt s and wea"nesses are int rna# #actors' -pportunities and t reats are -t rna# #actors'

9t includes internal capa*ilities& resources and positi$e situational #actors t at !a% p t e co!pan% to ser$e its custo!ers and ac ie$e its o*)ecti$es' Co!pan%s reputation& as nestle is well "nown co!pan% *ecause o# w ic custo!ers *u% it wit out esitation' NESCREAM is pure and *est in .ualit%' ,ow entr% *arriers' Made #ro! original and natural #la$ors' 9ts price is also #easi*le' + e product as *een launc ed a#ter a t oroug e;plorator% researc and is pro$ed *% 9S-' A$aila*ilit% in di##erent si2es and #la$ors' Al!ost no co!petitors' +etra pac"aging'

9t includes internal li!itations and negati$e situational #actors t at !a% inter#are wit t e co!pan%s per#or!ance' NESCREAM as *een launc ed on s!aller scale li"e Pa"istans onl% !a)or cities =9sla!a*ad& Carac i& ,a ore& Rawalpindi& etc>' No direct !ar"eting e;perience' 9ts not good #or eart patients' 9ts pro!otion and positioning is $er% di##icult'

+ ese are #a$ora*le #actors or trends in t e e;ternal en$iron!ent t at t e co!pan% !a% *e a*le to e;ploit to its ad$antage' Page | 0


Currentl% t ere is no #la$ored crea! in t e !ar"et& its great opportunit% to capture t e !ar"et' 9ncreasing de!and' 6rowing trend o# using read%!ade products' 9n toda%s ealt conscious societ%& we are introducing ealt *ase product' Pro#it !argin will *e good'

+ ese are un#a$ora*le e;ternal #actors or trends t at !a% present c allenges to per#or!ance' Entr% o# upco!ing ri$als' C ange in go$ern!ent policies suc as ta;es& rules& etc' 7ailure o# product is possi*le i# people dont *u% it' C ange in consu!ers de!and' C anging tec nolog%' 9ncrease in rate o# inputs' CONCLUSION O& S1OT ANALYSIS: + e strengt s and opportunities o# NESCREAM outweig t e wea"nesses and t reats t ere#ore t e NESCREAM as a long wa% to go supported *% e;tensi$e pro!otion and ad$ertising to create de!and and position'

+ e process o# de$eloping and !aintain a strategic #it *etween t e organi2ations goals and capa*ilities and its c anging !ar"eting opportunities' Jeing #a!iliar wit t e strategic planning concept we a$e introduced a new product na!ed NESCREAM' 9ts a !il"% crea! wit di##erent #la$ors' 9ts an opportunit% #or NES+,E to launc t is product as t ere is no ot er #la$ored crea! in t e !ar"et and people want so!et ing li"e NESCREAM so t at t e% dont a$e to *u% t eir desired #la$ors taste and crea! di##erentl%' 4e are a$ailing t is opportunit% so t at to !aintain a strategic #it *etween t e NES+,Es goals and capa*ilities and its c anging !ar"et opportunities'

Mission Stat m nt

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Mar"eting o*)ecti$es are co!pati*le wit t e o$erall corporate o*)ecti$es o# nestle' Co!pan%s o*)ecti$e is to *e t e worlds largest and *est *randed #ood !anu#acturer w ile insuring t at nestle na!e is s%non%!ous wit t e products o# t e ig est .ualit%' 9ts c ie# o*)ecti$es areI L to ac ie$e co!pati*ilit% wit international $oluntar% standards on en$iron!ental !anage!ent s%ste!s' L +o *uild !utual trust wit consu!ers& go$ern!ental aut orities and *usiness partners' L +o ensure continuous i!pro$e!ent o# nestles en$iron!ental per#or!ance' L Conser$ation o# natural resources and !ini!i2ation o# waste' L +otal co!pliance wit t e laws' L +o esta*lis t e *enc !ar" #or good *usiness practice' L E!plo%ing new tec nologies and processing' L J% co!!itting to resources& *ot u!an and #inancial' L Measuring t e cost and *ene#its to *usiness o# its acti$ities'

Ob5 !ti. s o, NESCREAM:

1' 2' /' :' A' <' +o pro$ide custo!ers ig .ualit% #ood wit ig l% %gienic ingredients' -ur product will *e pure and #res ' -ur product !ust *e a$aila*le to all places' 9t s ould *e a##orda*le' -ur product !ust create $alue wit custo!ers' 7ul#ills co!pan%s o*)ecti$es'

+o ac ie$e and o$er all pro#it o# /AK o# total capital in #irst %ear' Sales 9ncrease 2A K per %ear

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NESTLE BUSINESS 4ORT&OLIO: Nestle pro$ides a large nu!*er o# products under #ollowing eadsI

Mi#0 dair+ and !"i## d dair+ produ!ts:


Bab+ ,ood:

B . rag s:

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C"o!o#at and !on, !tionar+:


Br a0 ,ast ! r a#s:


Bott# d 3at r:


9ts t e !a)or acti$it% in strategic planning w ere*% !anage!ent e$aluates t e products and *usinesses !a"ing up t e co!pan%' J% anal%2ing we a$e identi#ied t at our dair% products are !a"ing up t e co!pan%' 9n w ic we a$e identi#ied t e opportunit% to launc #la$ored crea! as it #it closel% wit t e #ir!s core p ilosop % and co!petencies'

NESCREAM ) . #opm nt 4ro! ss

9% Id a ( n ration:
New product de$elop!ent process starts wit idea generation' 9dea generation is a s%ste!atic searc #or new product ideas' Ma)or sources o# new product ideas areI 9nternal sources

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E;ternal sources 7or Nescrea!& we can use internal sources in w ic co!pan% can #ind new ideas t roug #or!al researc ' Co!pan% can select ideas o# its e!plo%ees& e;ecuti$es& !anu#acturing sta## and sales people' 4e eld a #or!al !eeting o# eig t group !e!*ers in w ic e$er% one can gi$e !an% ideas #or de$eloping new product'

:% Id a S!r ning:
9dea screening is a #irst idea reducing idea stage in w ic screening new product idea in order to spot good ideas and drop poor ones as son as possi*le' + ose ideas w ic are generating in idea generation are salad& diet c ocolate& " eer and #la$or crea!' 7ro! t ese ideas we are selected onl% one ides i'e' #la$or crea! *ecause it will gi$e *ene#it to t e custo!ers o# target !ar"et and it is also !atc wit t e co!pan%s goals and o*)ecti$es' Nestle as s"ill people and resources #or producing Nescrea! as it as alread% producing Nestle !il"pa" crea!' 9t also deli$ers !ore $alue to custo!ers as it as no co!petitor' Nescrea! #ocus t e !ar"et o# !a)or cities and t e price is set according to t e si2e o# pac"age =e'g' 1@@!l 3 Rs 2A>

;% Con! pt ) . #opm nt / T sting:

Con! pt ) . #opm nt: A product concept is a detailed $ersion o# t e new3product idea stated in !eaning#ul consu!er ter!s' A product i!age is t e wa% consu!ers percei$e an actual or potential product'

Nestls tas" to de$elop t is new product into alternati$e product concepts& #ind out ow attracti$e eac concept is to custo!ers and c oose t e *est one' 4e !ig t create t e #ollowing product concepts #or Nescrea!'

A !oderatel% priced product as it is used in our dail% li#e' An ine;pensi$e product s ould appeal ealt conscious people'

Con! pt T sting Page | 1:


Concept testing is testing new product concepts& wit a group o# target consu!ers to #ind out i# t e concepts a$e strong consu!er appeal' + e concept !a% *e presented to consu!ers s%!*olicall% or p %sicall%'

4e did our concept testing *% using .uestionnaires to #ind out t at our product will a$e strong custo!er appeal or not'

<% Mar0 ting Strat g+ ) . #opm nt:

Mar"eting strateg% de$elop!ent is designing an initial !ar"eting strateg% #or a new product *ased on product concept' +arget !ar"et o# Nescrea! is ousewi$es& otels and restaurants' 9t is positioned as a distincti$e and uni.ue product wit a long lasting taste at low price' Nescrea! will *e o##ered in t ree #la$ors in t ree di##erent si2es e'g' 1@@!l will sell at Rs 2A *ut i# custo!ers *u% 12 pac"s t en we will gi$e i! one pac" #ree' 4e a$e to in$est !ore on pro!otion so t at people will "now a*out our product'' Nescrea! intent to capture 1@@K long run s are o# total !ar"et '+o ac ie$e t is& product .ualit% will ig and i!pro$ed o$er ti!e' Price will *e raised i# co!petitors co!e into t e !ar"et' +otal ad$ertising *udget will *e raised e$er% %ear *ut !ar"et researc will *e reduced a#ter 1 %ear'

=% Busin ss Ana#+sis:
9n t is step& t e process *eco!e $er% dependent on !ar"et researc as e##orts is !ade to anal%2e t e $ia*ilit% o# t e product idea' 9t is re$iew o# sales& costs& and pro#it pro)ection #or new product' Cost on 1@@!l will *e Rs 2@& 2@@!l will *e Rs /A& and A@@!l will *e Rs 1A' Nescrea! ai!s to capture 1@@K !ar"et s are as Nestle !il"pa" crea! alread% a$e 1@K !ar"et s ares' 9# t e product will #it wit co!pan%s o*)ecti$es t en it will !o$e to Product de$elop!ent'

>% 4rodu!t ) . #opm nt:

9# product concept passes to *usiness test& t en it !o$es to product de$elop!ent' 9n t is step& RB( depart!ent o# co!pan% de$eloped t e product concept into p %sical product' RB( tea! constructs an initial design or protot%pe o# product idea at *udget cost' Product idea can *e turned into wor"a*le product'

?% T st Mar0 ting:
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+est !ar"eting is a stage in w ic product and !ar"eting progra!s are testing in !ore realistic !ar"et setting' 4e use Standard T st Mar0 ts #or our product in w ic we select so!e !a)or cities =9sla!a*ad& ,a ore& and Carac i> #or testing' + en conducts a #ull !ar"eting ca!paign in t ese cities and #ind ot er !easures to gauge product per#or!ance' + e results are used in disco$er potential product pro*le!s and #ine tune t e !ar"eting progra!'

@% Comm r!ia#iAation:
9n t is step introduce a new product into !ar"et' 9t as two partsI i% Introdu!tion timing 4e will introduce our product into t e !ar"et in su!!er 2@1@' ii% 1" r to #aun!" n 3 produ!t: 4e will launc our product in !a)ors cities o# Pa"istan li"e Carac i& ,a ore and 9sla!a*ad'


According to J-S+-N C-NSD,+9N6 6R-DP =JC6>& NESCREAM lies in t e .uestion !ar" categor% *ecause at initial stages t e growt rate o# NESCREAM is $er% slow as t e product is o##ered on a s!all scale' 9t as low growt s are *usiness in ig growt !ar"et' Page | 1<


(ro3t" strat g+ o, NESTLE:

+o ac ie$e pro#ita*le growt & nestle appl% t e productN!ar"et e;pansion grid& w ic is a port#olio planning tool #or identi#%ing co!pan% growt opportunities t roug !ar"et penetration& !ar"et de$elop!ent& product de$elop!ent or di$ersi#ication'

As nestle as t e largest !ar"et s are and it is introducing a new product NESCREAM to capture t ose custo!ers w o want crea! in di##erent #la$ors #or eas% use& t ere#ore it will use 4rodu!t ) . #opm nt Strat g+%

+ e !ar"eting logic *% w ic t e *usiness unit opes to ac ie$e its !ar"eting o*)ecti$es' Nestle as di##erentiated itsel# *% pro$iding t e *est .ualit%& relia*le products to its consu!ers' + ere#ore now it is introducing NESCREAM in -der to di##erentiate #ro! usual dair% crea! *% satis#%ing t e needs and wants o# otels& restaurants& *a"ers and o!e users' 4e will a$e to di##erentiate our sel# in ter!s !ar"eting !i; =price& place& pro!otion& product>' Currentl% we are introducing our product NESCREAM in a s!all scale t ere#ore we will use #ollowing strategiesI 4e will in$est on pro!otional strategies to aware people o# our product' 4e will o##er t e price w ic is a##orda*le 9nitiall% we will launc NESCREAM in t ree di##erent #la$ors i'e' !ango& c ocolate& and straw*err%' 4e will o##er s!all pac"s o# NESCREAM as sa!ple' Page | 1?


4e will also use Societal Mar"eting Concept'


Societal !ar"eting concept is a principle in w ic t e co!pan% !a"es good !ar"eting decisions *% considering t e wants o# t e consu!ers& t e re.uire!ents o# t e co!pan% and t e long3run interest o# t e consu!ers and t e societ%' -ur product is #ree #ro! all t e i!purities and it is a pure product' + e product is designed to pro!ote purit%& #res ness and sweet in t e societ%'

Mar0 ting pro! ss

Mar"eting Process is t e anal%sis o# !ar"eting opportunities& selecting target !ar"ets& de$eloping t e !ar"eting !i; and !anaging t e !ar"eting e##ort' Mar"eting process in$ol$es t ree steps w ic are as #ollows Mar"et Seg!entation +arget Mar"eting Positioning

Mar"et seg!entation is process o# di$iding t e !ar"et into distinct groups wit distinct needs& c aracteristics or *e a$ior w o !ig t re.uire separate products or !ar"eting progra!s' E$aluation o# !ar"et attracti$eness and selecting t e !ost potential one is our "e% criteria' Mar"et seg!entation #or our new product will *e as #ollowI

(i$iding a !ar"et into di##erent geograp ical units' -ur geograp ical seg!entation will *eI 1or#d r gion Countr+ r gion Cit+ Sout Asia Pa"istan 9sla!a*ad3 Rawalpindi& Carac i& ,a ore& 7A9SA,AJA( Page | 11



C-,( AN( M9,(

(i$iding A Mar"et 9nto 6roups *ased -n Earia*les Suc As Age & gender& #a!il%'etc -ur geograp ic seg!entation will *eI A(E (AN)ER &AIMLY SI8E &ami#+ #i, B!+!# In!om O!!upation Nationa#it+ R #igion 7or all ages Male N 7e!ale A,, A,, a*o$e Rs 1@@@@ ANF ANF ANF


(i$iding a !ar"et into di##erent groups *ased on social class& etc' -ur ps%c ograp ic seg!entation will *eI

S-C9A, C,ASS ,97E S+F,E B "a.iora# S gm ntation:


(i$iding a !ar"et into groups *ased on consu!er "nowledge& attitude& etc -ur *e a$ioral seg!entation will *eI

-CCAS9-NS JENE79+S DSER S+A+DS Readiness stage Attitude towards product

Regular and special occasions Purit%& taste& ealt & a##orda*le 7irst ti!e users Aware 9ndi##erent

Page | 10


4e cannot sur$i$e *% )ust waiting si!pl% #or t e costu!er to co!e to us' 4e s ould *e e##icient and acti$e enoug to pro$ide our product to custo!ers w ere e$er t e% are' 4e !ust get *etter at attracting speci#ic !ar"et seg!ents w ose needs !atc w at we a$e to o##er' 7ocusing on t e target !ar"et is t e "e% to our #uture' + ere#ore a#ter seg!entation& t e NESCREAM a$e e$aluated t e relati$e i!portance o# eac seg!ent and it as t en decided to #ollow t e strateg% o# undi##erentiated !ar"et'


Dsing an undi##erentiated !ar"eting strateg% co!pan% decides to ignore !ar"et seg!ent di##erences and go a#ter t e w ole !ar"et wit one o##er' + oug it is $er% di##icult to satis#% all consu!ers& in t is seg!ent price is less and econo!% o# scale is ig l% ac ie$a*le'

+ e wa% t e product is de#ined *% t e consu!ers on i!portant attri*utes3 t e place t e product occupies in t e consu!ers !inds relati$e to co!peting products 9t includesI 4ositioning o, produ!t CNESCREAMD 4ositioning map C"oosing a )i,, r ntiation and 4ositioning Strat g+ Id nti,+ing a s t o, possib# .a#u di,, r n! s and !omp titi. ad.antag s

4ositioning o, produ!t CNESCREAMD:

Nestle is !ultinational co!pan% and people are well aware o# its products' + e% "now NES+,Es products are pure& ealt % and *ene#icial #or t eir ealt % li#e' Nestle as t e !ost s are in t e dair% !ar"et and people are also $er% lo%al towards its product' NESCREAM is a product o# NES+,E& t ere#ore people will $alue it' NESCREAM =7la$ored Crea!> will olds a distinct position in t e consu!ers !ind and our new product will position itsel# as a distincti$e and uni.ue product into t e consu!ers !ind' + e co!petiti$e edge o# our product will *e t at we are producing t e long lasting #la$ored crea!& so it will create a good i!age in t e !inds o# potential custo!ers' Page | 2@ ACHIEVERS

4e can portra% t e i!age in t e consu!ers !ind t roug Pricing& w ic s ould *e set little !ore& *ecause *u%ers in Pa"istan are dou*t#ul a*out t e lower prices' -ur product s ould *e easil% and readil% a$aila*le in all t ose places w ere consu!ers can *u% NESCREAM' -ur pro!otional ca!paign will support our positioning strateg%'

4ositioning map:
Nestle pro$ed itsel# in t e !ar"et as a pure and natural products pro$iders w ic is good #or ealt % li#e wit a good taste' Nestle alwa%s distinguis itsel# on t e na!e o# purit% as #ollowing t e sa!e !ap NESCREAM also *e percei$ed as pure and %gienic product& wit t ree di##erent #la$ors' Currentl% t ere no #la$ored crea! in t e !ar"et and people are using si!ple crea! to !a"e desserts& s a"es etc' people are using crea! wit #la$ored essence separatel% so t is ti!e NES+,E is going to !erge t e two concepts and !ade NESCREAM wit t e tre!endous taste'

C"oosing a )i,, r ntiation and 4ositioning Strat g+:

+ e di##erentiation and positioning tas" consists o# t ree stepsI 9denti#%ing a set o# possi*le custo!er $alue di##erences t at pro$ide co!petiti$e ad$antages' C oosing t e rig t co!petiti$e ad$antage' Selecting an o$erall positioning strateg%' + e co!pan% !ust t en e##ecti$el% co!!unicate and deli$er t e c osen position to t e !ar"et

Id nti,+ing a s t o, possib# !omp titi. ad.antag s:

!ustom r .a#u

di,, r n! s t"at

+o *uild pro#ita*le relations ips wit t e target custo!ers& !ar"eters !ust understand custo!er needs *etter t an co!petitors do and deli$er !ore custo!ers $alue' NES+,E identi#ied t e possi*le $alue di##erences and co!petiti$e ad$antage o# NESCREAM i'e' 7la$ored crea! w ic no suc co!pan% as introduced *e#ore in Pa"istan' NES+,E pro$ed *est in pro$iding .ualit% #oods and it as a good i!age in consu!ers !ind w ic is a co!petiti$e ad$antage' NESCREAM di##erentiate itsel# as relia*le product in t e !ar"et'

C"oosing t" rig"t !omp titi. ad.antag %

Page | 21


An ad$antage o$er co!petitors gained *% o##ering consu!ers greater $alue& eit er t roug lower prices or *% pro$iding !ore *ene#its t at )usti#% ig er prices' NESCREAM is uni.ue in t e !ar"et as it in$ol$es t e taste o# t ree di##erent #la$ors'

9t will deli$er a ig l% $alued *ene#it to target custo!ers and #ul#ill t eir wants and needs'

)istin!ti. :
As t ere is no ot er #la$ored crea! in t e !ar"et so t is !a"es t e product distincti$e'

Communi!ab# :
+ e di##erence is co!!unica*le and $isi*le to *u%ers and t e target custo!ers would attract towards t e product'

A,,ordab# :
Ju%ers can a##ord to pa% #or t e di##erence as t e prices are according to t e current !ar"et situation w ic is low and a##orda*le'

4ro,itab# :
9t can generate ig pro#it #or co!pan%'

S # !ting an o. ra## positioning strat g+:

+ e #ull positioning o# a *rand O t e #ull !i; o# *ene#its upon w ic it is positioned' + e #i$e winning $alue propositions upon w ic co!panies can position t eir products areI 1> 2> /> :> A> More #or !ore More #or t e sa!e Sa!e #or t e less ,ess #or !uc less More #or less

-ur o$erall positioning strateg% is !ore #or less' As it is a dail% use ite! and will *e used *% all age groups' So it s ould *e c eap' + ere#ore we a$e selected !ore #or less positioning strateg%' Page | 22


And we adopt t is positioning strateg% to ser$e t e needs and wants o# our target !ar"et'

4ositioning stat m nt:

+o all crea! lo$ers w o lo$ed to a$e crea! o# new taste and #la$ors' NESCREAM gi$es a new concept o# crea! wit t ree di##erent #la$ors t at !a"e a di##erence in !ar"et 'wit NESCREAM %ou can easil% en)o% %our desired taste and sta% ealt %'

Communi!at and d #i. r t" !"os n positioning t" mar0 t:

NESCREAM sei2es on !ore #or less position so we will produce ig .ualit% crea!& c arge less prices& distri*ute our products t roug good dealers and ad$ertise t roug t e top !edia c annels wor"ing in Pa"istan'


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Marketing mix:
+ e set o# controlla*le tactical !ar"eta*le tools 4rodu!t2 4ri! 2 4#a! and 4romotion t at t e #ir! *lends to produce t e response it want sin t e target !ar"et' As we a$e decided our !ar"eting strateg%& now we will plan t e details o# !ar"eting !i; one *% one

Pro&u(t #ame:

Pro&u(t slo$a#:
ECr am up Your Li, $

Pro&u(t lo$o:

NESCREAM indicates its a dair% product' +oda% in co!peting !ar"et !an% co!panies o##ers di##erent dair% products li"e crea!' As NESTLE as alread% launc ed dair% crea! na!ed ENESTLE MIL'4A' CREAM$% Jut in order to gain !ore !ar"et s are and to co!pete NESTLE see" t e opportunit% and is now launc ing crea! in di##erent #la$ors under t e na!e NESCREAM w ic is !anu#actured #or satis#%ing consu!ers wants and needs #or di##erent #la$ors in crea! w ic can *e directl% consu!e or use in !a"e s a"es& s!oot ies& desserts etc'

L . #s o, produ!t:

Page | 2:


At !or b n ,its we see t at consu!ers *u% crea! #or !a"ing g ca"e& s!oot ies& desserts& s a"es etc along wit #la$or essence li"e !ango& c ocolate& and straw*err%& to add in crea! #or t eir desired taste' NES+,E grasp t is opportunit% and decide to launc #la$ored crea! At second le$el core *ene#its are con$erted into a!tua# produ!t and de$elop product .ualit%& color& st%le& #eatures& and *randing and we did it *eauti#ull%' + ird le$el is augm nt d produ!t w ic intangi*le e'g' warrant%& deli$er%& ser$ices etc' at t is le$el we our decided to return !one% i# our product .ualit% decrease or e;pire *e#ore e;pir% date'

4rodu!t #i, !+!# :

A !ar"eting t eor% in w ic products or *rands #ollow a se.uence o# stages includingI introduction& growt & !aturit%& and sales decline' NESCREAM is currentl% at t e product de$elop!ent stage o# P,C' At t is stage we do not get an% sale *ut we a$e to !a"e uge in$est!ents to pro!ote and position our product'

Page | 2A


+ ree #la$ors are o##ered c ocolate& straw*err%& !ango' FUALITY: Product .ualit% is one o# t e !a)or positioning tools *ecause it is closel% lin"ed to custo!er satis#action and $alue' As its co!pan% o*)ecti$e to pro$ide t e *est .ualit% product t ere#ore we a$e to "eep in $iew t at .ualit% will *e t e *est as custo!ers are !ore conscious a*out #ood products .ualit%' And its a*out co!pan%s i!age' )ESI(N: 6ood design *egins wit a deep understand o# custo!er needs' Product designers s ould t in" !ore a*out ow custo!ers will get *ene#it #ro! it and use it and ow it will elp in attracting custo!ers' NESCREAM will *e a$aila*le in tetra pac"aging wit cap' So t at t e products .ualit% will re!ain sa!e and custo!er #eel co!#orta*le in using it' STYLE: Anot er wa% to add custo!er $alue is t roug distincti$e product st%le' St%le si!pl% descri*es t e appearance o# product w ic s ould *e e%e catc ing' So t at it will attract !ore custo!ers' + ats w % NESCREAM will *e in tetra pac" wit a cap& and its color sc e!e will indicate t e #la$or itsel# so t at its sensational loo" attracts !ore custo!ers' &EATURES: Products #eatures act as co!petiti$e tool #or di##erentiating co!pan%s product wit co!petitors product' NESCREAM as great #eatures li"e it is in t ree di##erent #la$ors =c ocolate& !ango& straw*err%> in order to attract custo!ers and co!pete in t e !ar"et' BRAN) NAME: NESCREAM is launc ed under t e *rand na!e NES+,E M9,CPAC CREAM' 4AC'A(IN(:

4a!0aging is t e science& art and tec nolog% o# enclosing or protecting products #or distri*ution& storage& sale& and use' Poorl% designed pac"aging can cause eadac e #or custo!ers and loss in !ar"et s ares' -ur product will *e in tetra pac"aging wit cap t at will protect it #ro! ger!s and it will *e in di##erent si2es li"e 1@@!l& 2@@!l& and A@@!l'

Page | 2<


Pricing strategies usuall% c ange as product passes t roug its li#e c%cle' As our product NESCREAM is at its introductor% stage and its c allenging to set a #air price' +wo *road pricing strategiesI Mar0 t s0imming pri!ing Mar0 t p n tration pri!ing 7ro! t ese two strategies we will use !ar"et penetration pricing strateg%' At start we will set low prices so t at we can gain !ore !ar"et s are' A#ter ac ie$ing t e tas" o# gaining !ar"eting s are we will increase our prices' J% doing so NESCEAM can ac ie$e #ollowing *ene#itsI Currentl% t ere is ig in#lation rate in Pa"istanH *% setting low prices we can produce !ore !ar"et growt ' 9t creates cost reduction and cost control pressure #ro! t e start as sales $olu!e increases and lead to greater e##icienc%' ,ow pricing act as a *arrier #or co!petitors to enter !ar"et'

4ri! Ad5ustm nt Strat gi s:

Price ad)ust!ent strategies account #or custo!er di##erences and start c anging situations& and strategies #or initiating and responding to price c anges' + e se$en price ad)ust!ent strategies areI (iscount and allowance pricing Seg!ented pricing Ps%c ological pricing Pro!otional pricing 6eograp ical pricing (%na!ic pricing 9nternational pricing

)is!ount and A##o3an! 4ri!ing:

Most co!panies ad)ust t eir *asic price to reward custo!ers #or certain responses& suc as earl% pa%!ent o# *ills& $olu!e purc ases& and o##3season *u%ing' + ese price ad)ust!ents are called discounts and allowances and can ta"e !an% #or!s' A Guantit+ dis!ount is a price reduction to *u%ers w o *u% large $olu!es' 4e will also gi$e .uantit% discount to attract !ore custo!ers e'g' as our 1@@!l is priced #or Rs'2A& at t e sa!e price *ut i# a custo!er *u% 12 pac"s t an we will gi$e one pac" #or #ree w ic is a reward #or custo!er' Page | 2?


A ,un!tiona# dis!ount =also called a trade discount> is o##ered *% t e seller to trade c annel !e!*ers w o per#or! certain #unctions& suc as selling& storing& and record "eeping' 4e *elie$e t at *% pro$iding discount or incenti$es to t e! we can !a"e t e! sincere and lo%al so t at t e% can place our product in !ar"et e##icientl%'

S gm nt d 4ri!ing
9n seg!ented pricing& t e co!pan% sells a product or ser$ice at two or !ore prices& e$en t oug t e di##erence in prices is not *ased on di##erences in costs' As we are launc ing our product in Pa"istans !a)or cities at t e !o!ent& t ere#ore we dont use t is pricing strateg% and will set sa!e prices' Jut in #uture *% !o$ing in ot er coutries we will set t e prices according to t e countr%'

4s+!"o#ogi!a# 4ri!ing
9n using ps%c ological pricing& sellers consider t e ps%c olog% o# prices and not si!pl% t e econo!ics' As people are well aware o# NES+,E& t ere#ore t e% will pa% an% price *ecause its a #ood ite! and t e% dont want to co!pro!ise on it' As prices sa% so!et ing a*out t e product& our product price is $er% attracti$e #or !iddle and upper class w ic can !a"e a good i!age o# our product in !ar"et'

4romotiona# 4ri!ing
9n pro!otional pricing strateg% Co!panies will te!poraril% price t eir products *elow list price and so!eti!es e$en *elow cost in order to increase t ere s ort run sales' People !ainl% use our product occasionall%H t ere#ore we can appl% t is strateg% on occasions o# E9(& C rist!as etc

( ograp"i!a# 4ri!ing
Ad)usting prices to account #or t e geograp ic location o# custo!ers 9n order to attract !ore custo!ers we #irstl% need to appl% t e uni#or!3 deli$ered pricing strateg% in w ic our co!pan% will c arge price plus #reig t to all t e custo!ers regardless o# Page | 21


t eir location *ecause we want our custo!ers to *elie$e t at t e% are $alua*le to us and we care #or t e!' + en we will appl% #reig t3 a*sorption pricing strateg% in w ic t e co!pan% a*sor*s all or part o# t e #reig t c arges'

)+nami! 4ri!ing
Ad)usting prices continuall% to !eet t e c aracteristics and needs o# an indi$idual custo!ers and situation 4e will conduct sur$e%s a#ter < !ont s to see w et er t e custo!er is in #a$or or willing to pa% t e set price' 4e will c ange t e prices on t e *asis o# custo!er satis#action and dissatis#action *ecause we want our custo!ers to *elie$e t at t e% are $alua*le to us and we care #or t e!'

Int rnationa# 4ri!ing

Ad)usting prices #or international !ar"et' At t e !o!ent we are launc ing our product onl% in Pa"istans !a)or cities we didnt t in" a*out to go international *ecause our product is at introductor% stage' 9n #uture a#ter t e success o# our product in Pa"istan we will !o$e to ot er countries and will set prices according to countries econo!%'

4ri! C"ang s
A#ter de$eloping t e pricing structure and strategies co!panies o#ten #ace situations in w ic t e% !ust initiate price c anges or respond to price c anges *% t e co!petitors' 9nitiating price cuts 9nitiating Price 9ncreases Ju%ers reactions to price c anges Co!petitors reaction to price c anges Responding to price c anges

Initiating pri! !uts:

Page | 20


Se$eral situations !a% lead #ir! to considering cutting its prices w ic are as #ollowI E;cess o# capacit%' 7alling de!and in t e #ace o# strong price co!petition' 9# suc cases arises t an we will cut our prices to *oost sales and s are' At t e !o!ent our prices are low and #air and we can co!pete and attract custo!ers t roug it as t ere is no co!petitor #or our #la$ored crea! =NESCREAM>'

Initiating 4ri! In!r as s:

A success#ul price can greatl% increase pro#its' 4e will increase our prices w en gain custo!er lo%alt% and w en t ere is o$er de!and'

Bu+ rs R a!tions to 4ri! C"ang s

As our product is uni.ue in !ar"et and t ere is no co!petitor at t e !o!ent and we can set an% reasona*le price *ecause custo!ers do not alwa%s interpret price c anges in a straig t#orward wa%' E'g' i# we set our prices too low t an custo!ers !ig t t in" t at t ere is so!et ing wrong wit t e product'

Comp titors R a!tions to 4ri! C"ang s:

At t e !o!ent t ere is no co!petitor in t e !ar"et' Jut *e#ore setting t e prices we s ould ta"e se$eral t ings in consideration i'e' we s ould set suc a s!art price so t at it will act as *arrier #or co!petitors to enter in t e !ar"et and we did it well'

R sponding to 4ri! C"ang s

Responding to price c anges is t at ow a #ir! s ould respond to a price c ange *% a co!petitor' At t e !o!ent t ere is no co!petitor *ecause o# w o! we a$e to c ange our product .ualit%& #eatures and prices' 9n case o# an% co!petitor we will add #eatures and i!pro$e its .ualit% to co!pete'

4e o##er a $ariet% o# pac"aging #or t e #easi*ilit% o# users' Page | /@


1@@!l priced #or Rs'2A =7or 9ndi$idual Dse> 2@@!l priced #or Rs':A =7or 7a!il% Dse> A@@!l priced #or Rs'11@=7or ,arge Scale Dse>

Cost o, ) . #opm nt O, Our 4rodu!t:

A#ter considering t e total cost& suc as raw !aterial cost& distri*ution cost etc& we a$e esti!ated t e cost o# our product w ic is as #ollowIP +otal cost on one unit o# 1@@ !l Q Rs' 2@ +otal cost on one unit o# 2@@ !l Q Rs' /0 +otal cost on one unit o# A@@ !l Q Rs' 0?

Page | /1


Place includes co!pan% acti$ities t at !a"e t e product a$aila*le to target custo!ers so t at t e custo!er #eel at ease' As our o*)ect is capture !ore !ar"et s ares #or t is we a$e to capture !ore custo!ers *% gi$ing !a;i!u! satis#action' 7or t is purpose we will #ollow t e #ollowing "e% aspects o# placing a product in !ar"etI C annels Co$erage Assort!ents ,ocations +ransportation ,ogistics

4e design our distri*ution c annel in suc a wa% t at it !a"es our products a$aila*le to custo!ers in di##erent !ar"ets'


C annel containing one or !ore inter!ediaries 4e will use indirect !ar"eting c annel #or NESCREAM so t at it will *e a$aila*le to our target custo!ers' + e c annel used *% our co!pan% will *eI

7irst we will sell our product to w olesaler w o t en sales our product to t ose w o *u% it #or resale or *usiness purpose and is trans#erred to t e retailers w o are in$ol$ed in selling goods directl% to t e consu!er #or personnel use'


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+ e control on distri*ution c annel is i!portant *ecause success o# indi$idual c annel !e!*ers depends on o$erall success& t ere#ore all c annel #ir!s s ould wor" toget er s!oot l%'


4e a$e to !anage our c annel con#licts i# it occurs to "eep it #ro! getting out o# and and to per#or! well' VERTICAL MAR'ETN( SE(MENT: A distri*ution c annel structure 9 w ic produces& w olesalers& and retailers act as a uni#ied s%ste!' 4e will use EMS is order to ac ie$e our o*)ecti$es and goals and wor" co3operati$el%' 9n EMS we will use C-RP-RA+E EMS so t at we a$e control o$er al!ost e$er% aspect o# t e suppl% c ain'


(esigning a c annel calls #or anal%2ing consu!er needs& setting c annel o*)ecti$es& and identi#%ing !a)or c annel alternati$es and e$aluating t e!' 9D ANALY8IN( CONSUMER NEE)S: At t is stage we will anal%2e t e consu!er needs and wants t at t e% want so!et ing special #or t e! w ic are uni.ue' :D SETTIN( C*ANNEL OB6ECTIVES: 4e will select t at c annel w ic will elp in ac ie$ing co!pan%s o*)ecti$es' ;D I)ENTI&YIN( MA6OR ALTERNATIVES: A#ter de#ining c annel o*)ecti$es we s ould ne;t identi#% our !a)or c annel alternati$es in ter!s o# t+p s o, int rm diari s2 numb r o, int rm diari s2 and t" r sponsibi#iti s o, a!" !"ann # m mb r' TY4ES O& INTERME)IARIES: 4e a$e selected indirect !ar"eting c annel distri*ution #or our product w ic includes two inter!ediaries w olesaler and retailers' NUMBER O& INTERME)IARIES: Co!panies !ust also deter!ine t e nu!*er o# c annel !e!*ers to use at eac le$el' + ree strategies are a$aila*leI intensi$e distri*ution& e;clusi$e distri*ution& and selecti$e distri*ution' As our product is con$enience product t ere#ore we will use intensi$e distri*ution in order to stoc" our product in as !an% outlets as possi*le' Page | //


RES4ONSIBILITIES O& C*ANNELS: 9t s ould *e t e responsi*ilit% o# eac and e$er% c annel !e!*er to agree upon price policies& conditions o# sale& territorial rig ts and speci#ic ser$ices to *e per#or!ed *% eac part%' 7or t is purpose we a$e esta*lis a list price and a #air set o# discount #or inter!ediaries' Co. rag : +o gain !ore !ar"et s are we a$e to !a"e our product NESCREAM easil% a$aila*le in t e !ar"et #or t is purpose we co$er !a;i!u! area o# !ar"et' Lo!ation: + e location #or our product will *e super store =li"e !etro& cos!os etc>& general store& *a"eries& Transportation: +ransport ser$ice will *e a$ailed *% a speci#ic responsi*le transport co!pan% so t at our suppl% wont a##ect and we !a"e our custo!ers lo%al' Logisti!s: Co!plete #low o# pro$iding *est .ualit% goods and suppl% will *e !aintained *% our co!pan% as it doing now'

Pro!otion strateg% is a "e% process t roug w ic we can create awareness a!ong t e custo!ers a*out our new product !erits and persuade t e! to *u% it' + ere are two strategies t at t e !ar"eters appl% t at isI Page | /:


+ e Pus Strateg% + e Pull Strateg%

A!ong t ese two strategies we will use t e pull strateg% to pro!ote our product' As our product is new and uni.ue t ere#ore we requires high spending on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product. By success of this strategy we can gain more and more market shares. 4romotion "as ,our di,, r nt asp !ts: Ad. rtising 4 rsonn # s ##ing Sa# s promotion 4ub#i! r #ations

Ad. rtising:
Ad$ertising is a #or! o# co!!unication intended to persuade an audience =$iewers& readers or listeners> to ta"e so!e action' 4e will pro!ote our product t roug using electronic !edia li"e +'E& radio' 8owe$er we will also use *ill*oards& oardings and posters so t at people will aware o# our product Using E# !troni! M dia: 9n electronic !edia we a$e decided to pro!ote our product t roug local tele$ision c annels& 7M radio stations' J% doing t is we can easil% aware our custo!ers a*out our product and t is will *ring us !a;i!u! result' 4e will also pro!ote our product t roug our co!pan%s own we*site in w ic we will gi$e e;tra in#or!ation w ic is re.uired to our custo!ers' 4rint M dia: we will use t e *ill*oards o# !a)or cities and wealso pro!ote our product t roug popular !aga2ines and newspapers' 4e will use posters and pa!p lets in eac and e$er% depart!ental store *% doing t is we can easil% create awareness o# our product a!ong our custo!ers


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personnel selling is t e !ost e##ecti$e t%pe o# pro!otion as it ta"es place #ace to #ace or o$er t e p one so it results .uic" #eed*ac" #or! our custo!ers' 7or t is purpose we will ire well educated and well trained e!plo%ees so t at t e% *uild long ter! relation wit our custo!ers' + ere#ore we will also spend on t is t%pe o# pro!otion' SALES 4ROMOTION:
Sales promotion is any initiative undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service. First of all we will give trail packs of NESCRE ! as a sample to test w"et"er our product satisfies customers needs or not.

4UBLIC RELATION: Pu*lic Relations is de#ined as 5t e deli*erate& planned and sustained e##ort to esta*lis and !aintain !utual understanding *etween an organi2ation and its pu*lics5' 9t is relati$el% c eap& *ut certainl% not c eap' 4e will use pu*lic relation to *uild good relations ip wit custo!ers' 4e will ac ie$e good pu*lic relation *% supporting c arita*le pro)ects& and *% sponsoring di##erent e$ents'


+ e !ain "e% o# our success is to place and position our product in t e !ind s o# consu!ers' Pro!otion s ould *e done e##icientl% t at its position gets clear' 4e s ould a$e strong suppl% c ain' + at !a"es t e a$aila*ilit% o# our product eas%' Constant suppl% o# .ualit% #ood as we pro!ised'

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+ e !ain critical issue can *e t e disli"ing o# our product *ecause it is launc ing #irst ti!e in !ar"et'


NES+,E ne$er a$e *een awa% #ro! its social responsi*ilities' ,i"e ot er product o# nestle NESCREAM is also en$iron!ent #riendl% and does not cause an% pollution' 4e plan to gi$e #ree sa!ples in sc ools& colleges& and uni$ersities and also o!es' 8ope#ull% we will ac ie$e good pu*lic relation *% supporting c arita*le pro)ects and ot er social acti$ities'

+ e s%ste!atic design& collection& anal%sis& and reporting o# data rele$ant to a speci#ic !ar"eting situation #acing an organi2ation' 4e use !ar"eting researc to understand custo!er satis#action and purc asing *e a$ior w ic elps us to assess !ar"et potential and !ar"et s are or to !easure t e e##ecti$eness o# pricing& product& and distri*ution and pro!otion acti$ities' Page | /?


4e use !ar"eting researc to c ec" t e !ar"et situation t roug !ar"eting researc ' T" mar0 ting r s ar!" program "as ,our st ps: 1' 2' /' :' (e#ining t e pro*le! and researc o*)ecti$es' (e$eloping t e researc plan' 9!ple!enting t e researc plan' 9nterpreting and reports t e #indings'

9% ) ,ining t" prob# m and r s ar!" ob5 !ti. s :B As regarding to t e pro*le!& Nestle as decided to launc #la$ored crea! under t e na!e NESCREAM in t ree di##erent #la$ors so t at people dont *u% di##erent #la$or essence and crea! separatel%' NESCREAM is !ade #ro! natural ingredient to deli$er speci#ic ealt *ene#its and pro$ides desired taste' R s ar!" ob5 !ti. s :B 4e did E*plorator Resear(' w ic to gat er t e preli!inar% in#or!ation *% w ic we can suggest %pot esis' 4e did e;plorator% researc regarding t e new product' 4e gat ered t e *asic data #ro! .uestionnaires' 4e also did )ESCRI4TIVE RESEARC* to *etter descri*e !ar"eting pro*le!& situations& or !ar"ets& suc as t e !ar"et potential #or NESCREAM or t e de!ograp ics and attitude o# consu!ers' :% )EVELO4IN( T*E RESEARC* 4LAN :B A#ter de#ining t e pro*le! and o*)ecti$es we decided ow to get e;act in#or!ation regarding our product e##icientl%' 7or t is purpose we use di##erent !et ods suc as researc approac es& contact !et ods& sa!pling plans and Ruestionnaires to gat er t e in#or!ation' (at" ring 4rimar+ data 9n#or!ation collected #or t e speci#ic purpose at and' 4e collected t e data #ro! .uestionnaire& sa!pling plans and contact !et ods' 4e e$aluate t e data w ic is rele$ant& accurate& current and i!partial #or our pro)ect' A#ter collecting t e secondar% dataI 4e de$elop t e plan #or pri!ar% data collection w ic includes researc approac es& contact !et ods& sa!pling plan& and researc instru!ents'

R s ar!" approa!" s:B

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9t includes o*ser$ations& sur$e%s& and e;peri!ents' 4e use o*ser$ational researc to collect data *% o*ser$ing rele$ant people& actions& and situations' 4e also used sur$e% researc to collect data *% as"ing people .uestions a*out t eir "nowledge& attitudes& pre#erences& and *u%ing *e a$ior'

Conta!t m t"ods:B
4e collect in#or!ation *% conducting t e perso#al i#tervie)s% telep'o#e% o#li#e a#& t'rou$' mail *% di##erent "inds o# peoples suc as students& pro#essionals& 7a!ilies and #riends etc'

Samp#ing p#an:B
4e use C#ust r Car aD sa!ple in pro*a*ilit% sa!ple' 4e sur$e%ed di##erent peoples suc as Students& pro#essionals& 7a!ilies& and 7riends' 4e too" A@ sa!ples #ro! eac categor% and total sa!ples are 2@@'

R s ar!" instrum nts:B

4e used .uestionnaires in researc instru!ents w ic is $er% #le;i*le' 4e placed *ot open ended and close ended .uestions'

Imp# m nting t" r s ar!" p#an:B

A#ter de$eloping t e researc plan we i!ple!ented it in di##erent areas' As our product is new and it is rarel% a$aila*le in !ar"et *ut ope#ull% a#ter recei$ing a positi$e and ealt % #eed*ac" #ro! our custo!ers we will sure t e a$aila*ilit% o# our product in t e !ar"et' Ruestionnaires were also #illed #ro! concerned areas'


&EE)BAC' O& FUESTIONNAIRES: 4e a$e selected t e data o# so!e i!portant .uestions t at represents t e $iews o# people towards our product' Jased on occupation o# people i'e' students& pro#essionals& #riends& and #a!il%' + e details are gi$en *elow' -$erall we get t e desired #eed*ac"' People li"e t e idea o# #la$or crea! and t e% are willing to *u% it

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( nd r: IIIIIIIIIIIII Ag : 1@ %ears O 22 %ears

2/ %ears O :@ %ears More t an :@ %ears

9% )o +ou 0no3 N st# H a' Fes *' No :% )o +ou us N st# produ!tH 1"+H SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ;% )o +ou a#r ad+ us dair+ !r am ,r Gu nt#+H a' Fes *' No <% Sp !i,+ 3"i!" t+p o, dair+ !r am it isH a' Plain *' ,ow #ats c' Condensed =% 1"i!" brand o, dair+ !r am do +ou us most ,r Gu nt#+H a' -lpers *' Nestle !il" pac" c' 8alee* d' -t ers Page | :2


>% I, a dair+ !r am is in ,#a.ors 3i## +ou us itH a' Fes *' No ?% 1"at do +ou t"in02 3"o 3i## us ,#a.ors !r am ,rom t" !ombinationH a' 8ouse oldN*a"eriesN otels *' Jusiness usersN ouse oldNrestaurants c' Ja"eriesN otelsN*usiness users @% In 3"at 3a+ 3i## +ou g t b n ,it ,rom N s!r amH a' Ma"e desserts *' Ja"e ca"e c' S a"es and s!oot ies d' All o# t e a*o$e J% In 3"at t+p o, pa!0ag 3ou#d +ou #i0 N s!r amH a' +etra pac" wit plastic cap *' Plastic pooc c' 6lass *ottle 9K% 1"at ,#a.ors 3ou#d +ou #i0 in NESCREAMH a' Straw *err% *' Mango c' C ocolate d' -t ers 99% +ou #i0 t" #ogo and s#ogan CCr am up +our #i, D o, N s!r amH a' Fes *' No 9:% (i. som sugg stions or !omm nts on NESCREAMH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

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