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Biology: Final Exam Study Guide

15% of your Semester Grade
Study all labs, notes, and homework. You may make a hand-written, 3 x 5 notecard. 60% of test will cover Evolution -Be able to define natural selection and describe the steps of this biological process -Interpret types of natural selection (disruptive, directional, stabilizing) from graphs and word problems -Explain the terms: reproductive fitness, adaptation, selection pressure, evolution, and natural selection Understand reproductive isolating barriers, both pre-zygotic and post-zygotic -Explain the process of incipient speciation that Darwin described -Discuss key events and themes from the Darwin text, On the Origin of Species Gene flow natural selection fitness population individuals Sexual reproduction sexual selection mutation adaptations Fill in the blank: 1. Mutations happen to ____________. 2. Evolution happens to _______________. 3. ____________,such as large beak size, arise from random mutations that increase an individuals fitness. 4. _____________is the number of offspring an organism has during its lifetime, measures its evolutionary success 5. ________ is a piece of DNA that codes for a particular trait, such as beetle shell color. 6. ________ ___________ can best be defined as survival of the best adapted individuals to their environment. 7. The three sources of genetic variation are: ______________, _____________, and _______________. 8. Animals do not mate randomly, instead a trait like colorful feathers or a mating display represents a type of ________ ____________ to attract a mate. 9. A group of organisms of the same species that live in the same area are a __________. 10. If allele frequencies change from 20% Bb to 55% Bb in a rabbit population, the population is __________. 11. What is the relationship between evolution and genetics? populations gene evolving

Type of Natural Selection

Definition, graph, and specific animal example




12. What are reproductive barriers and how they keep species separate?

13. Explain the difference among vestigial, homologous and analogous traits and give a specific example of each. VESTIGIAL TRAITS:



Darwin Text, On the Origin of Species, Short Answer Questions 14. Explain an example of a specialized animal adaptation mentioned in the Darwin text using the words adaptation, fitness, natural selection, and selection pressure.

15. Explain the evidence for evolution that has been discovered since the time of Darwin (Afterward). How has our understanding of the evolutionary process changed?

16. Describe the social and cultural climate during Darwins lifetime. How did people respond to his work in 1860? What events led to his eventual publication of On the Origin of Species in 1858?

30% of test will cover Genetics -Explain DNA structure, and why DNA replication must occur before cell division -Outline the processes of making a protein (transcription and translation) -Describe the work of Mendel and solve monohybrid and dihybrid Punnett squares -Be able to solve non-Mendelian inheritance Punnett square problems (Sex-linked, multiple alleles- ABO, incomplete dominance, and co-dominance) 1. What is the difference between dominant and recessive alleles?

2. Draw a picture of DNA and label the following: nucleotide, sugar, base, phosphate, complimentary strand, double helix, and hydrogen bonds.

3. Explain why DNA needs to be replicated in cells.

4. Outline the process of transcription and translation. Include the terms mRNA, messenger, nucleus, amino acids, cytoplasm, and tRNA in your response.

5. What are 3 differences between mitosis and meiosis?

6. What are the four bases in DNA? ___________________ in RNA? __________________ 7. Transcribe and translate this DNA sequence. GGC CAG GCT TAT GAC CCG TAC CAT GAC CGA AAA GCC

8. Describe 3 differences between DNA and RNA.

9. Vocabulary: Word allele chromosome gene dominant recessive phenotype genotype heterozygous homozygous autosome sex chromosome Definition Any form of a particular gene for a trait. Example T or t

10. Describe the difference between incomplete dominance and co-dominance. Draw a Punnett square example for each.

11. Dihybrid Cross: a. What are the gametes for an individual who has the genotype of TTRr (FOIL): _________ b. What are the gametes for an individual who has the genotype of TtRr? ______________ c. What are the gametes for an individual who has the genotype ttRr? ________________ Multiple Alleles: Blood Type 12. A man with the genotype of AO marries a woman with a genotype/phenotype of AB. Will any of their children have type B blood?

13. A woman with type A blood marries a man with type B blood. They have a child with type O blood. How is this possible?

14. Assume that three claws (T) is dominant to two claws (t) in sloths, and that slowmovement (M) are dominant over fast movements (m). Cross a homozygous three clawed, fast moving sloth with a two-clawed, heterozygous slow-mover.

20% of the test will cover cells & cellular processes: - Understand key differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and between animal and plant cells - Explain types of cell transport (active vs. passive) - Identify specific types of cell transport and particle/water movement in diagrams (hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic solutions) 1. What are 3 key differences between prokaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes (plants, animals, fungi, and protists)?

2. How are plant cells different from animal cells?

3. What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?

4. Draw a red blood cell in a hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solution. What will happen to each cell (burst, shrivel, same size)? Explain why with arrows showing the movement of WATER.

5. What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis? Is it passive or active transport? Why?

10% of the test will cover Introduction to Science: - Identify the parts of an experiment - Formulate a hypothesis, stating the independent and dependent variables - Know how to graph (line, bar, pie) and label data - Identify an observation as either qualitative or quantitative 1. List the steps of the scientific method in order.

2. What are dependent and independent variables? Give a specific example of each.

3. Why is a control group so important to an experiment?

4. Categorize each statement as observation (O) or inference (I). If its an observation, identify quantitative (QN) or qualitative (QL). The sky is gray. __________ The dog is chasing the cat. ___________ The cat looks really scared. __________ The scent of delicious chocolate is in the air. ________ There are 21 chairs in the science lab.___________ I dont like the song currently playing on the radio. It is awful! ___________ 8

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