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WHT 2013





The time is 2169 AD, the place is New York. Soul legend o!!" #isdom is preparing $or the release o$ his 16th studio al!um, %Black & White%, while haunted !" the ghosts o$ his past. &ntrapped se' worker (eila Spring$ield meets the $amous ritish detecti)e Sir *ecil riedier, a man who ma" pro)e to !e the solution $or all her $iscal di$$iculties. +o!ert ,onkdean, the corrupt *&- o$ ,onkdean +etail .ndustries, has accidentall" released sel$/incriminating e)idence into America%s $inancial s"stem and is racing to $ind a wa" to delete the records !e$ore the" can !e trans$erred to the ,etropolitan 0olice. &)entuall", +o!ert ,onkdean will inad)ertantl" sa)e o!!" #isdom%s li$e. The $ollowing is the stor" o$ the mess o!!" gets into in the $irst place.

1. B"##$ W%&'"(
Manhattan Stadium 778 Columbus Avenue, Upper West Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# 8th $ebruar# %&'(, %%)%* +appro,-. 0ounding drums $illed the air. 1...I did not si/n this contract We0re losin/ all contact 1h, is this love2 Who kno!s22 The last )ocal notes o$ %(ooks (ike (o)e% rolled out across the stadium and the slap !ass trailed o$$ into its own re)er!, creating a li)e $ade e$$ect that had taken some weeks $or o!!"%s crew to per$ect. 3e took a !ouncing step !ackward, hopping like a !o'er to signal that although the show had ended he wasn%t $eeling sad or worn out. .t was alwa"s important to end shows like this as it helped to dull the post gig depression the audience would otherwise $eel. o!!" #isdom was 64, !ut he didn%t $eel it. 3e wasn%t attracti)e in the traditional sense, with !ulging, cheru!ic cheeks and a rather round $ace topped !" a mop o$ wa)", tawn" hair, and sure he was a !it on the hea)" side $or how short he was, !ut his smooth attitude and genuine, almost constant smile meant that he had !een a!le to win o)er most o$ New York%s $emale population and !e"ond. A $loodlight came on, not one that was meant to "et. o!!" sometimes did this, sta"ing on the stage a $ew seconds longer than he was e'pected to, to show his appreciation $or the peeps pa"ing to see him. ut when that light came on, he could actuall" see the throngs clearl" $or the $irst time that e)ening, and what he saw scared him. 5or a second he $orgot to smile. (ike a mirror, crowded, o!!" #isdom saw re$lections o$ his own $ace in e)er" direction. At least hal$ the audience tonight were 5au's. .t was $reak" stu$$. There weren%t usuall" this man". 5acescaping was a legal and regulated part o$ the cosmeti' industr" here in the 6SA, and in the last twent" or so "ears there had !een leaps and !ounds in the technolog", to the point where people were now ha)ing their $aces sculpted and s7uee8ed to get as close a resem!lance to their $a)orite 5ames as possi!le. 3ell, the process was e)en re)ersi!le, a lot o$ the time. ut 9esus did it $eel weird, ga8ing out upon thousands o$ little o!!" #isdoms high up in the stands and :umping up and down near their maker%s $eet. 3e wasn%t smiling. 3e smiled again. #as he $orcing it; Semi su!consciousl" he ran through a list o$ pointers as to how his posture should look. 3e mo)ed his right heel slightl". 3ands on his hips, o!!" nodded sharpl", then !owed. The lights turned o$$ dramaticall". %(ooks (ike (o)e% was a song $rom #isdom%s 21<1 al!um "our e! Best $riend, which had reintroduced a laid !ack, chilled out 7ualit" to his sound. That al!um had marked the !eginning o$ what was now a sustained period o$ sta!ilit" in !oth o!!"%s music and his li$e. 0re)iousl" to "our e! Best $riend, o!!" had !een engaged in a se)eral "ear long period o$ musical soul searching, and in contrast to releases $rom that time such as 34A4 4I4C =released in 214>?, "our e! Best $riend had slowed the tempo down to a lounge music pace and had ser)ed as a reminder to !oth the ladies and the high culture critics wh" the" had $allen in lo)e with o!!" in the $irst place. 3e was,

a$ter all, the $ace o$ the %Nu Soul% mo)ement which had gripped America in the 21@As. .n $act, he had outlasted it. ut he did support the new "oung !ands sprouting $rom the cit", howe)er contrasting their sound with his own. 9ust tonight, in $act, the hea)" rocking guitar !and The 5ountainheads had opened $or him. 0la"ing support $or #isdom was a sure$ire wa" o$ getting a !oost in sales and pu!lic interest, i$ onl" $or a $ew da"s. o!!" and his !acking !and had now e'ited the stage. At $irst his e"es saw onl" the $loaters o)er his )ision warning his !od" to look awa" $rom the lights. A $igure handed him a towel he was e'pecting. o!!" shook his head hard into the )i!rant tur7uoise $a!ric. -ne o$ his handlers patted him on his !ack, still in)isi!le while his e"es ad:usted to the relati)e darkness o$ the wings. 3e was drenched with sweat. Time to hit the showers. 1You did good, o!!".2 3is guitarist, Blaus 3elland, said. There were general mutters o$ appro)al all around as the singer made his wa" down the dark corridor. 3e was too out o$ !reath to sa" a word, !ut he knew that the" knew that he was grate$ul $or these comments. 3e was :ust an ordinar" gu", reall", same as an"one elseC criticism still cut, though he%d ne)er admit it, and praise warmed him $rom the inside out. The audience tonight seemed to ha)e appreciated his work, $or the applause that had $illed his ears as he had wandered o$$stage :ust now had !een the $ullest and loudest he had heard in nearl" a week. Still, caught up in the moment each time, he was !ound to $orget that !eauti$ul noise that continued e)en now, no matter how hard he tried. Adrenaline had a wa" o$ a$$ecting "our a!ilit" to remem!er the good stu$$. Twent" minutes later, a man o$ similar height and weight to o!!" knocked on the red door that marked the entrance to the singer%s dressing room. o!!" knew who it was. Daisuke%s knuckles made a distincti)e sound on the wood. 1*an . come in, !oss;2 3e asked, his )oice $iltered !" the door. 0erhaps, o!!" thought, he could use such an e$$ect to create a $eeling o$ disassociation in some upcoming recording; 3e would ha)e to $ind a song it would $it. Something hallucinator". 1A -ka", %Suke.2 3e put down his champagne glass, swallowing the $eeling o$ indigestion as he swi)eled a little on his chair and read the gi$t tag attached to the !ottle. 1You decent;2 1. sure am, a!" uddha.2 3is hal$ 9apanese, hal$ A$ro American crew manager and *reati)e Ad)isor s7uee8ed through as narrow a gap as he could, not wanting to let the humid air outside into the dressing room or something. 1So how did the end o$ %(ooks (ike (o)e% sound;2 1.t sounded great, o!!". 0re$er it now to how "ou used to do it. .t%s a smoother $inish.2 .n pre)ious per$ormances o$ the song, the" had simpl" ended the piece on a trem!ling !ass note rather than the more sonicall" comple' ending the" had de!uted tonight. 1Did it lea)e %em wanting more;2 1. think so.2 1Dreat stu$$. #anna lea)e them wanting more, don%t we, Daisuke;2 1A"e, Sir.2 1And how a!out %Dutter!all%;2 1.t%s come a long wa" $rom the $irst time we did it.2 1*hrist, "eah. Not sounding loose at all;2 1.t sounded tight, !oss.2 o!!" $elt satis$ied. 3e liked talking to Daisuke !ut in this particular instance o!!" was hoping the gu" would !ounce soon so he could get !ack to this $antastic !ottle o$ champagne a "oung woman $rom Tri!eca had !rought up $or him. 1-ne o$ the $loodlights came on at the end and it seemed a little earl". #as that scheduled;2 1. don%t know, !oss. .%ll check.2 19ust asking, tell them. . know how hard it is $or them to keep up when . keep changin% the setlist e)er" $ew weeks.2

1Yeah.2 Daisuke was lingering with his !ack against the door still. 1You plannin% on heading down to &gan%s ore tonight;2 1Yes, Da'us wants me to go. #h";2 3e look another sip out o$ his glass. .t was getting close to empt". 1Some corporate e)ent%s !locking *entral 0ark #est all the wa" down. .t%s a lock down. No access, no e'ceptions.2 1Some go)ernment corp.;2 10ro!a!l", "eah.2 1That%s insane. .%ll keep that in mind. Thanks, !udd".2 1.t%s what .%m $or, !oss.2 o!!" raised his glass to the man as he le$t.

2. E)*+,& B"-.
5/an0s Bore 6ime Warner Center, &7 Columbus Circle, Clinton Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# 8th $ebruar# %&'(, %*)89 +appro,-. &gan%s ore was an in)itation onl" clu! up on the top $loor o$ the Time #arner *enter, opposite the southwest corner o$ *entral 0ark. .t didn%t o$$er an" particular amenities that made it more com$orta!leC :ust keeping the media and the ho!os and the normos and the wackos out made it a !etter place. This meant there were )er" $ew 5au's, and it was likel" there would !e none o$ him. This $act alone made it a good place $or o!!" to !e tonight. -n the other side o$ the clu!, an opt in s"stem pla"ed the audio o$ a recorded +u$us Bell" li)e show through peoples% headsets. A li$e si8ed hologram o$ the "oung )ocalist accompanied the silent music, his digiti8ed $igure twisting around a!o)e the giant holo hu! sitting on the carpet. *urrentl" o!!" was seated at the !ar with Daniel %Da'us% ,cBellan and his girl. Da'us, a Transatlantian $ella, had !een :ust a kid when the" $irst met. 3e had !een a session ke"!oardist on se)eral o$ o!!"%s al!ums !ut was now an esta!lished electronic music artist in his own right. The Da'us he had known pro$essionall" had !een a scrawn" geek, !ut that geek had grown up into a !arrel chested hulk o$ a man with a !ooming )oice. Da'us%s girl, like man" o$ the peeps here, was wearing a holo )ision headset, engrossed in a chat show or something. 1Su8" lo)es that thing.2 Da'us said. 1Spend more than hal$ the waking da" on it, dontcha, sweetheart;2 There was no repl". 1An"wa", o!!", "ou%re pro!a!l" wondering wh" . called "ou here tonight.2 1A"e;2 1. don%t know i$ "ou%re willing to get up, !ut there%s some!od" . want "ou to meet.2 o!!" stood up slowl" and primped himsel$, running a hand through his hair to check it wasn%t too greas". Da'us stood up too. 1#ho%s the !a!e;2 o!!" asked as the" walked. 3e held onto his drink. 13er name is &rika *orte8/-rtega.2 Da'us made sure the sound licked at o!!"%s ear, a seducti)e whisper. 15rika Corte:2 6he hooker22 *harles said. o!!"%s !est $riend had a wa" o$ :umping in like this $rom time to time. A decisi)e and outspoken character, *harles had made a ha!it o$ haunting o!!" like this e)er since he had died. o!!" turned to Da'us in alarm. 1#ait, what; The hooker;2 1She%s an escort.2 *harles looked o)er o!!"%s shoulder, suspicious. 1;esus, !hat does <a, think he0s doin/, =ob2 >asn0t he heard the ne!s stories22 19esus *hrist, Da'us, what are "ou tr"ing to set me up with;2 1 o!!", .%m doing "ou a $a)or, manE Trust meE2 1. do, "ou know that.2 3e made a pained e'pression. 1.t%s :ust... it%s not cra8" class", "ou know; .%m all $or a !it o$ good $un, !ut there%s limits as to how low . can go.2 1#ell, her charge%s ain%t low.2 16hen !hat0s the point22 *harles hissed. 1#h" the hell are "ou setting me up with her, then;2 19ust... wait.2 3e patted o!!" on the !ack, hard.

Amongst the diml" lit $igures o$ corporate e'ecuti)es and 5ames, the" reached a spot in the clu! that was clearer o$ !ustling !odies. Dlass windows down one wall o$ &gan%s ore looked out onto a holographic, $orced perspecti)e pro:ection o$ a li)e $eed o$ (as Fegas. Sometimes (A, !ut tonight it was Fegas. The" could ha)e the )iew o$ the earth $rom the moon%s sur$ace as their scener", o!!" thought to himsel$. 3e would talk to some!od" a!out getting that installed here. -r perhaps the Drand *an"on. 3e lo)ed that place, and had pla"ed three concerts there. .ts permanence was admira!le to him. 16his is a bad idea, =ob- <on0t han/ around- 6his can onl# end in embarrassment-2 *harles warned him. 3e was taller than o!!", though shorter than Da'us, and he had le$t his unkempt stu!!le naturall" !lack despite d"ing his hair green. This was how he had looked the last time o!!" had seen him ali)e. #hat the rules were $or this sort o$ thing, o!!" did not know. 1#h" are we here again;2 The crooner asked his li)ing $riend. 1She should !e here alread". .%ll call her.2 Da'us said. 3e put on his holo )ision headset and turned around $or a minute. #h" make his call in such a pri)ate manner; Da'us had alwa"s !een sheltered when it came to personal matters. o!!" had )owed ne)er to grow so paranoid, la"ing his li$e open to the media man" "ears ago in a !id to pro)e he had no skeletons in his closet. There was nothing in his li$e he was reall" ashamed o$, e)en i$ there were actions here and there he regretted. And e)en in those cases, the choices he had made had seemed like the right ones at the time. 3ell, he couldn%t ha)e gone too $ar wrong, gi)en where he was now. Da'us $inished his call. 1She%s coming. 9ust wait a moment.2 The song that was on in the clu! was un$amiliar to o!!", !ut it had a nice !eat. &)en though it was 7uiet there was some kind o$ weird aggression to it/ in this en)ironment, at least. #ithout the crowd noise, and heard through di$$erent speakers, it would pro!a!l" sound completel" di$$erent. 1(ook, here she comesE2 Da'us spun o!!" around to $ace the clu!%s side entrance. A sweeping !lack dress, somehow luminescent despite its dark shade, was draped o)er the slim, iced out !od" o$ ,iss *orte8/-rtega. 3er $ace was per$ect in $orm, unnaturall" s"mmetrical. Not too sharp, "et not too rounded. 3er cheek!ones were naturall" high. 1 o cosmeti,-2 *harles said, putting an arm o)er his shoulders. #h" did people alwa"s ha)e their hands all o)er him; 1Beauti?ul- And crap, =ob, look at that rack@ 6hat0s a mone# maker ri/ht there@2 1,r. #isdom, . presume;2 The demure ,iss *orte8/-rtega asked. 1#h", "es.2 1.%)e heard great things a!out "ou, ,r. #isdom.2 1And . "ou, ,iss -rtega.2 10lease, call me ,iss *orte8.2 1#hate)er "ou sa".2 3e clapped his hands together. 1So, what "ou doing here tonight; Do "ou know some!od" who works here;2 1,r. ,cBellan knows me and m" colleagues. >e asked me to come.2 Daniel ga)e him a wink $rom a $ew $eet awa", talking to some other gu" o!!" didn%t recogni8e due to the e'treme cosmeti' alterations he had made to his !od". 1Ah, . see.2 1.%)e alwa"s lo)ed "our music, "ou know.2 1-h, thanks. Do "ou ha)e an" $a)orites;2 &rika looked thought$ul $or a $ew moments. 1No... it%s all e7uall" good. &)er" al!um.2 1&)en 6he Circuit;2 1#ell, almost e)er" al!um.2 She loosened up a little. Yeah, she was cute. There was a !it o$ a $ront going on here, he could tell, !ut know this girl !etter and o!!" could tell she would open up like a nice !ottle o$ rum.

13aha, "eah.2 o!!" responded. 1 ut Stripped was the $irst al!um . e)er heard, when . was a child. So . guess . had a good start.2 o!!" stooped $orward a little, taking in the reali8ation that the woman was there$ore a!out hal$ his age. 1. see.2 1Banish those thou/hts a!a#-2 *harles commanded him. 1Burn them- "ou ain0t retirin/ or an#thin/ Aust #et-2 1D"a want m" num!er;2 She asked. 13mm, let me think nowG #eah.2 ,ission accomplished. 10ut on "our headset and .%ll pass it o)er.2 o!!" whipped his headset out o$ his pocket and dropped it o)er the crown o$ his head. 1Dot it;2 13old on...2 #rists sti$$, he struggled $or a $ew seconds to reach up and swipe the plastic protrusions that had dropped down now on either side o$ his head. #hen he succeeded, a muted green holographic screen appeared in $ront o$ his e"es. 1.%m read".2 1.%m sending it now.2 Through her own translucent )isor, she looked into his e"es, and o$ course, that meant he was looking into hers. &)en o!scured dou!l" !" their twinned )eils, o!!" sensed a connection with those dark, 3ispanic irises. This was no hooker. This girl was something else. The num!er appeared across his )ision, !locking out ,iss *orte8/-rtega%s $ace $or a $ew seconds until he ordered it to the side. 1*aught it. Thanks.2 1Drop me a line, ,r. #isdom.2 1. will. You can count on me.2 3e powered down his screen to see &rika alread" walking awa" through the crowd. Da'us slammed a !rutish hand down onto o!!"%s $rail shoulder. 1#oah, Da'E &as" thereE2 3is were proper watermelon crushing instruments. 1#hadda"athink;2 1.ncredi!le.2 o!!" chuckled. 1Dood callE2 1She%s a real darlin%. You%ll lo)e her.2 1.%m sure . will.2 %Deep *herr"% $rom "our e! Best $riend cross $aded in on the speakers !ehind the !ar. 1That%s another one $or the tall"E2 Da'us pointed towards that side o$ the room. The colors in &gan%s ore mimicked the title o$ the 21<@ sleeper hit. 1,r. #isdom;2 A )oice to his right said. o!!" turned his smug $ace in that direction. The man was in his 4As, thin !ut a!out o!!"%s height. There was no con$idence in his )oice. 1#hat do "ou want;2 1. was :ust wondering i$ "ou could sign this.2 3e held out a $ramed poster. 1.%m a !ig, !ig $an.2 1"eah, do it- 6he /u# shouldn0t be here, but he0s harmless-2 o!!" raised his e"e!rows $or a $raction o$ a second as he smiled, looking down at the man and his poster. .t was prett" darn old. 1#ow, that%s prett" darn old. #here did "ou get it;2 2141 to 214@, the Stripped H Be/inner0s Buck Tour. .t was $rom an earl" leg, !" the looks o$ it, though un$ortunatel" the poster didn%t sa" speci$icall" which date it was $rom, handing his glass to Da'us. 1. think it%s $rom, ah, oston or somewhere. A $riend ga)e it to me.2 o!!" took the permanent marker $rom the gu" and shook it. 1Do "ou want me to sign it with "ou name; ,ight !e easier to sell it without.2 1-h, . don%t wanna sell it, ,r. #isdom. An" trace o$ "our presence in m" home is all . need.2 o!!" smirked, writing his signature across the !ottom o$ the !leached image. The glass co)ering it had !een remo)ed. 1#hat%s "our name;2 1&rm, :ust write %Beith%.2 1To... Beith.2 3e $inished with a $lourish and handed the marker !ack to him. 1Alright, Beith;2 1-h m" god/ thank "ou so much, manE . lo)e "our workE Beep making musicE2

1-h, . will.2 3e assured the peculiar man !e$ore drinking $rom his glass. The $ella got the message. 1Alwa"s one, isn%t there;2 Da'us said. 1Do "ou want me to $ind out how he got in;2 1Nah. The gu" pro!a!l" :ust knows some!od" who works here.2 1Are "ou sure; . can talk to the gu"s who run this place i$ "ou want.2 1.t%s $ine. 3onestl". .%m sure he :ust knows some!od" who got him in.2 1You%re gonna get in deep trou!le one o$ these da"s, o!!". You shouldn%t lea)e holes like that open in "our Securit" when "ou%re out in pu!lic. You%ll let some proper weirdos in.2 5amous mo)ie director Stans8en utane/*olt laughed distincti)el" in the distance. 3e was standing $urther in the direction o$ the doors, talking to others whose !acks were little more than silhouettes to o!!". 1What the hell is art $or, an#!a#---22 The director snorted, taking a sip o$ wine. 3e struggled, his new cosmeti' nose, :aw and chin getting in the wa". Da'us startled o!!" again. 1Yo, o!!"/2 19esusE2 1You thinking o$ going down to -swald%s !e$ore headin% home;2 Su8" had come o)er $rom !" the !ar now. 1Not tonight, Da'. .t%s a shitshow out there. Didn%t "ou see on "our wa" down;2 1No, we came in $rom the 0arkwa".2 1#ell, *entral 0ark #est is completel" shut. Detting through *olum!us A)enue would !e like tr"ing to stu$$ a :ackalope into a :err"can.2 1#h" is it shut;2 Su8" was pulling Da'us%s arm o)er her shoulders with a surprising amount o$ $orce, dancing to something on her screen. 1Ah, Su8", "ou doing "our dancing thing again;2 1Yep.2 1She lo)es that thing.2 o!!" ga)e her one o$ his trademark smiles, !ut she didn%t notice. 3app" times $or her. 1Yeah, an"wa", *entral 0ark #est... Daisuke told me that it%s shut due to some corporate e)ent. Turns out it%s actuall" another riot going on down there, picket signs and e)er"thing. 3arsh stu$$.2 1+eall";2 ,cBellan was starting to get caught up in his girl$riend%s ho!!", dancing along with her. 1*an%t !e a!out an"thing important, o!!", or we%d know.2 1True.2 Da'us spotted a $amiliar $ace. 1AhhE2 3e gestured in an e'aggerated manner $or the muscular, shirtless man to come o)er to them through the sparse crowds. 1This gu" right here is a $riend o$ ,iss -rtega%s.2 3e e'plained to o!!". 1Su8", this is 9im. 9im !reaks $ellas% !ack doors in $or a li)in%, dontcha, 9im;2 The gu" ga)e an awkward grin in response. Su8" whipped o$$ her headset. 1You%re a cop; AwesomeE2

3. C*/. S0.+.
6he Coop %78* Broad!a#, Ansonia Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Saturda# &&th $ebruar# %&'(, &7)9( +appro,-. This morning, &rika had taken o!!" to )isit her $a)orite co$$ee :oint, a place called 6he Coop on roadwa". -utside the windows a line o$ !od"guards kept the pap8 at !a". 1So what%s the situation with ,r. 3elland; Did he pla" on Bi//er, Better---;2 1No, that !as all electronics. Blaus pla"s on the new one, though.2 1That%s good.2 1A"e a"e. #ell, . pre$er electronics, !ut the gu"s are pushing me to include %real% instruments and crud. . wanna stick to what . know !est, !ut .%)e gotta pla" !all sometimes. Daisuke sa"s that, too.2 1#here did "ou $ind Daisuke;2 13e was on the news, some piece on s"nesthesia, "ou know, the !rain thing; 3e can see music. And . ha)e a strong !elie$ that what we call %music% is made up o$ se)eral constituent partsC the music itsel$, including the musical 7ualities o$ the )ocalsG the l"ricsG the d"namics and appearance o$ the li)e per$ormanceG and the music )ids, not that an"one makes those an"more. As a man who understands the importance o$ atmosphere and color in music, Daisuke $its in per$ectl" with that philosoph". #hen it turned out he was alread" working as a crew manager $or the 3enr" *ollar ,usical Theater, . :ust knew . had to gra! him.2 1You%re )er" passionate a!out what "ou do, aren%t "ou;2 She grinned. 1Yeah, well, e)ents ha)e tended to skew how . )alue things that wa".2 1#hat do "ou mean;2 1You%)e seen the reports, right; You read the news;2 1A !it.2 1You know who *harles #inston *onsta!le is, then.2 1Your $riend, who...2 1Died, "eah. Alcohol poisoning.2 1.%m sorr".2 1Don%t !e. .t happened a long while ago now.2 o!!" set down his cup. 1See, when . was "oung, and li$e was getting $ucked up $or me, *harles *onsta!le was m" !est $riend. 3e was an orphan, grew up in a $oster home. Trou!led kid. Set $ire to things. Not in a creep" wa", :ust... he knew a lot o$ destruction in his li$e. Dot kicked out, e)entuall", at a!out same time . dropped out o$ college. So we were in the same !oat, and as soon as we met we !ecame !est $riends. 3e pla"ed guitar. That was how we started !usking. ut then we !oth got hooked on alcohol, and it all got messed up again.2 &rika was silent now. #as she listening, or !ored out o$ her mind; She was staring into her co$$ee instead o$ making e"e contact. o!!" spoke louder. 1So "eah, . managed to kick the ha!it at a!out the same time m" career took o$$, !ut *harles *onsta!le was in too !ad a wa" !" then to !reak through with me. #e lost contact a$ter that.2 A !us dro)e past the ca$e. 1Ne't thing . heard a!out him was that he was dead, ten "ears ago this August. And all that time, $or se)eral decades, . could ha)e )isited him, !ut . ne)er got around to it. . guess . :ust hoped he%d get !etter !" himsel$, or !" the power o$ some higher agenc" than me. -h, and I introduced him to alcohol. 3e was a teetotaler !e$ore . !e$riended him. . think "ou can imagine how guilt" . $elt at the time.2 1#ell, "ou might not ha)e changed an"thing !" seeing him. You might ha)e :ust made him worse,

seeing how success$ul "ou had got.2 1 ut it mi/ht ha)e helped, right; And a$terward . got depressed, like . was !ack when . was "oung, homeless and an alcoholic, with him... the point is, e)er since . started out in this !usiness, .%)e had this $eeling... like . care more a!out the !eaut" o$ art and music than . care a!out m" li$e and m" well !eing. And his death ampli$ied that. That%s wh" . tr" and put out as much music as possi!le. .t keeps worst o$ the demons at !a".2 o!!" was surprised at how dark he had let the con)ersation get. 1 ut what a!out "ou; #hat%s "our stor", &rika;2 She $licked her hair and put her legs up on the leather so$a. 1-h, "ou know, it%s not as m"sterious as all that. *ountr" girl, !rought up in a se'uall" repressi)e en)ironment, m" $ather a popular critic pa"ing $or celi!ate !od"guards to surround me da" and night... it was onl" a matter o$ time/ once . grew old enough/ !e$ore . unleashed a new se'ual $orce into New York *it"...2 o!!" spat out his co$$ee.

1. T2. B-.*34I+
Apartment &97 6he Chancer Buildin/, W %&st Street, Chelsea Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA 6uesda# &9th $ebruar# %&'(, %%)*( +appro,-. o!!" #isdom looked out o)er New York. 3is apartment didn%t o$$er a good )iew o$ *entral 0arkG it was too $ar awa". ut Times S7uare, at least, was )isi!le in the distance, depending what side o$ the room "ou were on, and when it got to this late at night, the holographic !ill!oard displa"s looked cra8" )i!rant, and the cit"%s sk"scrapers !ecame a shower o$ incredi!le golden lights, an elegant displa" o$ the thri)ing human ci)ili8ation li)ing within the sea walls. o!!" walked o)er to the !ed, where &rika was sitting. 1.t%s nice to get to talk to some!od" outside o$ work $or a change.2 o!!" said. 1Same. ut don%t "ou ha)e "ou $riends $or that;2 1Yeah, !ut, "ou know, the"%re mostl" all in the industr". .t%s a prett" all consuming thing.2 1. can imagine.2 &rika looked the windows. This was a girl with a m"sterious mind. o!!" wondered i$ the rest o$ her would !e :ust as interesting. 1+ight, .%m :ust gonna get read". Are "ou com$orta!le;2 1Sure.2 &rika kicked her coat o$$ the !ed. 1#ould "ou like to hear something new .%m working on;2 This could !e a good opportunit" to spread word o$ mouth ad)ertising $or his upcoming al!um, Black & White, which was !eing released this 5all. 1.%d lo)e to.2 She was getting under the co)ers alread". 1.%ll put it on the speakers. .t%ll ha)e to !e $airl" 7uiet, .%m a$raid, so that the sound doesn%t leak through the walls into other parts o$ the !uilding.2 1-ka".2 o!!" held up a remote, as the )oice command unit in his home would not "et recogni8e the name o$ this unreleased song, and pressed a $ew !uttons. 3e stum!led o$$ into the !athroom and a $ew )i!rant guitar notes, $ed $irst through a pha8er and then a s"nthesi8er, !egan to $ill the !edroom. &rika rela'ed onto the pillow. o!!" stretched his arms in an attempt to touch the !athroom ceiling that he had alread" decided upon as !eing $utile in some humorous wa". 3e !rought up the news on a color holo screen as he opened the ca!inet a!o)e the sink and retrie)ed his tooth!rush. 1---another unsuccess?ul attack on the 3resident0s li?e- 3olice in Washin/ton sa# that ;apanese terrorists are to blame, and are seekin/ reven/e ?or 3resident Martin0s outra/eous stand a/ainst militar# aid in the $ar 5ast-2 oring/ he changed the channel. 1B1UIS >5"<M11=5 <5 1U C5S 3C >1B1D=AM AS 0SICC5 I D0, A<MI6S >5 B5BI5E5S A=6 CA B5 0W=1 D0F Spoilsport Bouis >e#dmoore put on his critic0s hat a/ain toda# durin/ an intervie! !ith altimore ,orning Sun +adio, dubbin/ the ne! ECC holo/ram u 3eter Cerr# a G---historical inaccurac# and grossl" innappropriate-H 6he /aunt ne! Eirtual $ame took to the sta/e toda# on a t!o one three variant on Eirtual Secrets =evealed and !as intervie!ed b# Sheila S#berb#te on his time involved in the still une,plained disaster---H ;AM DBAMB1B I 5W SCA <ABF G>e a dirt# mother$/cker@ 5vil@ A de/enerate@ 6ha lo!est o? tha lo!@ 6he !est thin/ that Mister Dlambol can do no! is to take that ?amous $/cking tie o? his and---2 .t cross $aded into the ne't

article as o!!" swept his hand across. 3e hated to disrespect such a commanding authorit" as Deprak Sole !" cutting him o$$ in mid sentence, and almost $elt tempted to switch the channel !ack to the Dre#horn Corp- $ame Channel, !ut he wanted his head $illed with nice thoughts tonight, not hate and !itterness. 16>5 D11< 5WS, 3=5S5 65< B" MC 0IA "0 IA==" <1UDBASF GWaaaaa:::up, 3hill#2 This do/ !as ?ound trapped in a storm drain in the <re,el >ill area o? 3haJ 3haJ3hillidelphia---2 (ike a kid, o!!" carried on !rushing his teeth while ga8ing, wide e"ed, at the screen. 1"ou0re /onna have se, !ith her toni/ht, ri/ht, =ob22 *harles said $rom !ehind him. 3is )oice was louder than the news !roadcast. 1#hat, wh";2 1A !eek datin/ a hooker and no action2 Come on, man, #ou should be milkin/ this be?ore it all collapses@2 1#ho said it will;2 1It al!a#s does-2 o!!" kept the screen on a$ter he had $inished and rinsed, stepping o)er to the !athtu!. 3e didn%t ha)e time to !athe tonight, !ut he had to at least use the medical scanner !uilt into it. 3e stripped and stood up straight in the tu! and clenched his $ists, easing into a particularl" upright posture. 1*ommand. Scan.2 A single light !ul! $licked on with a clicking noise, adding a red ha8e to the darkness he was e'periencing !ehind closed e"es. The onl" indication o$ the scanner itsel$ was a $aint !u88ing sound like a ra8or that slid up and down in $ront o$ him. There was a 7uick dou!le !eep and o!!" opened his e"es again. An older, !lue holographic screen $aded into )iew with a slight $licker. 3e read the results, looking $or irregularities. 3is !lood pressure was high !" a tin" amount, !ut that was nothing new. 3e carried on reading. A minute or so later he emerged $rom the !athroom in his silk 09s, throwing o$$ his !athro!e. 1. ha)e a !it o$ a con$ession to make, &rika.2 3e looked sheepish. 1Do on;2 1. !as planning on asking "ou to ha)e se' with me tonight, !ut now m" scanner%s recommended . don%t partake in that sort o$ e'ercise $or two da"s. 9ust minor read:ustments. Some are dietar", some are whether . walk or ride to a particular place... "ou get the idea. A man at m" age can%t a$$ord an" chance o$ health issues. Dotta !e in per$ect !alance.2 1. understand.2 Did she; 1#hat did "ou think o$ the song;2 3e asked, still not in the !ed with her. 1-h, "es, reall" good.2 1.%)e !een tr"ing to recapture some o$ that Nu Soul )i!e. Beeping in touch with m" roots.2 1+eggae reggae, mon.2 &rika attempted a +asta$arian accent. 13aha, "eah. &'actl".2 3e pulled !ack the du)et a little and sat down on the !ed, sliding in. 1So "ou%re going to hold the part" here;2 1The al!um launch part", "ou mean; Yes. #e%re gonna use e)er" inch o$ space, including this !edroom. The interior wall !ehind us retracts, !ut we%ll ha)e to mo)e all the $urniture to storage.2 1Sounds like a pain to organi8e. #h" here;2 1Daisuke suggested it it. #e%re pla"ing the al!um in $ull at the part", o$ course, and he likes the acoustics and the atmosphere here. You can%t 7uestion Daisuke. 3e%s m" second opinion, m" impartial set o$ ears.2 1#hen is it;2 1-n the night !e$ore the al!um comes out, $unnil" enough. .n August.2 1-h, cool.2 She was going to ask i$ she was in)ited, wasn%t she; 3e couldn%t sa", "et/ it was mostl" meant to !e a media e)ent. *harles lent o)er him $rom !eside the !ed.

1Ask her- It0s onl# polite- Be a /entleman, =ob-2 1. don%t know i$ "ou wanna come...2 1-ka". .$ "ou want me to.2 1#ell, "ou pro!a!l" wouldn%t $ind it too interesting, unless "ou like seeing old !astards like me trip o)er their words talking to music critics and industr" suits.2 1You%re not looking $orward to it;2 1-h no, it%s not thatE .%m :ust as pumped as "ou%d e'pect... Da' will !e there, the !and, e)en some other musical $riends o$ mine that . ha)en%t seen in a long while. .t%s :ust that . do $ind large gatherings like that hard, or at least aspects o$ them. Talking to the media and that sort o$ thing makes me $eel )ulnera!le.2 1+eall";2 &rika seemed reall" surprised. 1. would%)e thought that would !e eas" $or "ou. You know, $rom seeing "our li)e per$ormances and stu$$.2 1#ell it%s $un when it%s all $ocused on the music like that, !ut . can ne)er let m" guard down, "ou know; Alwa"s looking to make a good impression, e)en i$ . onl" sa" a couple o$ words to some!od". *an%t ha)e peeps thinking .%m some kind o$ asshole and spreading that around. The" don%t seem to understand sometimes that we 5ames are human !eings too. &)er"!od"%s got $laws, no!od"%s per$ect, all thatG people sa" it all the time !ut the" $orget it applies to us as well. .$ . come o$$stage a$ter a gig and some F.0 $an%s holding something $or me to sign, . ha)e to sign it e)en i$ it means .%m gonna miss m" ca! when twent" more peeps come along while .%m signing the $irst thing. ,iss one kid out and suddenl" "ou%re a prick. &)en when m" hand%s sweating and the pen%s $alling out m" hand. Alwa"s. &)er" time. .%m not allowed to !e tired, not allowed to ha)e a !ad da". That side o$ it stinks.2 1That does sound horri!le.2 1Sometimes, e)en the Firtual 5ames can !e harsh, the hologramsE (oop" stu$$. And . can%t reall" argue with them, can .; ecause it%s the $ree press. ut still . wish the" would lea)e me alone $rom time to time.2 1At least "ou get the stage to work some o$ that an'iet" o$$.2 1A"e.2 o!!" said. 1. do en:o" it. . ha)e a pri)ilege in that respect.2 #ith a light headed and satis$ied $eeling, he pulled the du)et up o)er them !oth. 1Night, &rika.2 She snuggled up to him as i$ it%d ne)er !een an" other wa". The" de$initel" had the chemistr". 1Doodnight, o!!" #isdom.2 The last se)eral da"s, spent in this woman%s compan", had !een )er" interesting indeed. .t would !e a pleasure to see how the ne't $ew weeks would pla" out. 1(ightsE2 The room%s lights switched o$$, increasing the prominence o$ New York%s sk"line through the windows, a stead" !lue light with intermittent $lashes o$ gold, green and red that !roke through into the !edroom. (ater on in the night, o!!" woke up in need o$ the la)ator". .n the dark, care$ul not to wake his sleeping girl$riend, he got out o$ !ed and stum!led towards the !athroom. Yawning, o!!" reached $or the light, !ut $ound it didn%t work. Another power outage. 3e sat down on the toilet to a)oid the pro!lem o$ aiming in the dark, and promptl" $ell asleep again. III o!!" was woken !" mo)ement and whispers outside the !athroom door. &rika; 3e almost spoke her name out loud, !ut reali8ed that the )oices he could hear were multiple and male. This couldn%t !e an"thing good. #as &rika oka"; o!!" stood up, slowl", and tidied himsel$ up !e$ore reaching $or the door handle. 3e pulled the door open, hoping to surprise the intruders, !ut when he $ound a male $igure stood !e$ore him, $ace indistinguisha!le in the dark, o!!" $orgot how to mo)e or react in an" wa". The gu" was holding a potted plant. o!!" didn%t ha)e time to "ell, or e)en to look around and see

whether the gu" was acting alone, $or at that moment he !rought the )ase down o)er o!!"%s head and knocked him out. 5. Investigation After Break-In Apartment &97 6he Chancer Buildin/, W %&st Street, Chelsea Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# &8th $ebruar# %&'(, 7()%* +appro,-. o!!" clutched an ice pack to his head as the Detecti)e paced around the room. 1And there%s de$initel" nothin/ taken;2 1Nothing. .%)e checked the dresser. ," Ta!!%s $ine, m" photo al!ums, e)er" little thing. That%s what makes it all so darn strange.2 1.t is darn strange. .t%s plain kook". &)en more so gi)en how much e'pensi)e stu$$ "ou ha)e.2 3e was looking at the $orensics e'pert currentl" poring o)er the $ragments o$ porcelain !" the door. 1The )ase is insured.2 1Yeah... a )ase worth a 7uarter o$ a million 6S dollars, and the" :ust went and smashed it right o)er "our skull.2 3e looked o)er his shoulder at where his men were !rushing the space around the gap le$t !" the missing pane opposite the !ed. 1To !e honest, ,r. #isdom, .%m stumped $or the moment.2 3e hu$$ed, putting his hands in his pockets and standing on his toes. 1*an%t :ust !e kids, we don%t e)en know how the" got in "et. Through this window, or the other one...;2 3e gestured past the !athroom and the !roken )ase, where another windowpane had !een remo)ed, 1!ut... "eah, this is reall" $reak", ain%t it;2 1You%re telling me.2 o!!" groaned. 1#e%ll recommend "ou )isit a hospital, "ou know. 9ust in case the )ase caused an" damage. .$ it was enough o$ a hit to knock "ou out, there%s a chance.2 1No, no, .%m $ine. And .%)e got a show tonight. Don%t wanna get held up.2 1You should go.2 &rika tried to persuade him. 1,r. #isdom, as an o$$icer o$ the law it is in m" !est interest that "ou are sa$e. #e recommend "ou go to the hospital to ha)e "our head checked. Transport will !e pro)ided i$ "ou need it.2 The sk" outside the windows was a re$reshing, cool, mint !lue. ut o!!" $elt sweat", greas", and worn out. 1Come on, =ob, #ou0d better do !hat the man sa#s-2 *harles said, sitting on the !ed. 16ake a nice car there, but do /o to the hospital-2 o!!" looked to him pleadingl", !ut *harles was unmo)ing. 3e sighed. 1#ell, . guess . ha)e no choice !ut to !ow to "our authorit", Sir.2 o!!" admitted. 1.%ll get dri)en there m"sel$, though. . don%t wanna waste "our time or resources when .%m per$ectl" capa!le o$ getting there o$ m" own )olition.2 1Thank "ou, ,r. #isdom. #e%ll keep "ou posted.2 1Yeah, . know. Thanks.2 3e laid !ack down, $eeling the !ruised lump on his head where he had !een hit. #eird times.

5. P2"+. C*66
Apartment &97 6he Chancer Buildin/, W %&st Street, Chelsea Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# %*rd $ebruar# %&'(, &8)9* +appro,-. o!!" was a!out to head o$$ towards the ,anhattan Stadium to catch his rider !e$ore tonight%s show when his headset !egan to )i!rate. 3e put it on, touching the crown o$ his head to acti)ate the de)ice. The num!er wasn%t $rom his contacts. 3e ru!!ed the sides with his $ingers and accepted the call. 13ello;2 1Mr- Bobb# Wisdom22 1Yep/ who is this;2 1I0m Ser/eant $rancis Dill- I0m ?rom the "3<- M# number is 89%- o!, !e0ve noticed #ou0ve /ot a /atherin/ o? some sort planned ?or the &(th o? Au/ust this #ear, bi/ enou/h that it0s been re/istered as a public event-2 1That%s right. The al!um launch part" $or Black & White.2 1"es- 6he thin/ is, !e0ve had calls ?rom residents in the area, and there seems to be a lot o? concern over the potential ?or noise pollution and other issues- It0s Kuite a lar/e part#, ri/ht22 1#ell, "es, we%re stripping out m" apartment $or it. Dreat )iews o)er the cit", and a per$ect en)ironment in which to hold the e)ent. .t%ll !e a good place to keep e)er"thing under control, too, rather than ha)ing drunk industr" suits $alling a!out on the streets o$ the ig Apple.2 13erhaps-2 1#ith all due respect, -$$icer, .%m not !reaking the law. . assure "ou, i$ "ou look through the paperwork, "ou%ll see it%s all in order.2 16hen !h# not mo)e the part#--- to a di??erent date22 1#hat di$$erence would that make, Sir;2 There was a long e'halation on the other end o$ the line. 1Alri/ht- But !e don0t !ant an# trouble in the area that ni/ht, or there !ill be immediate penalties. We0ll be in touch-2 1. understand. Thank "ou.2 The call ended. #as that a real cop he had :ust talked to; There had !een a note o$ an'iet" in that man%s )oice that made o!!" 7uestion the authenticit" o$ the call. *ould it ha)e !een some resident in the area )oicing their own concerns through the $ilter o$ a lie; .$ so, where the hell had the" got his num!er; 1=ob, #ou0re thinkin/ too hard- <on0t Kuestion authorit#- 6he last thin/ !e need is the NY0D shuttin/ do!n the part#-2 1#hat do . do, man;2 *harles lit a cigarette. 3is kind couldn%t set o$$ the smoke alarms. 1Check it over !ith <aisuke- >e0ll kno! !hat to do-2 o!!" was alread" scrolling through his contacts )ia gesture control. As the call connected, o!!" was treated to a li)e $eed o$ the man%s $ace $rom the camera on his computer. 3e was watching a hologram recording. 1Daisuke;2 11hJ #o, boss, ho!0s li?e2 "ou be comin0 on do!n soon22 1Sure, sure, !ut listen/ the NY0D ha)e asked me to mo)e the al!um launch to a di$$erent )enue or date or something. The" said the"%)e recei)ed preempti)e complaints.2 1But !e0ve sorted ever#thin0@ 1ur ?ire sa?et#0s been checked o??, theJ2 1(ook, we don%t wanna !e stirring up trou!le with the authorities, oka";2

1I0ll see i? I can ?ind some sort o? e,tra licensin/ !e can use, and e,tra Securit# and shit-2 Daisuke reassured him. 1It0ll be ?ine- I0ll sort it out-2 10lease do. . don%t wanna !e in an"!od"%s !lack !ooks. Sa", also, Daisuke, .%)e noticed there%s a whole load o$ gar!age !ags outside the *hancer uilding. .s there an" reason wh" the gar!age men ha)en%t !een collecting them $or the last month;2 1 e! "ork0s !aste collection bud/et has been cut to :ero, boss- 6he cit#0s mone# /ot spread too thin this #ear- Ma#or said !e0ll have old people d#in0 in their homes ?rom cold this !inter i? the cit# don0t start cuttin0 other services-2 1*rudd" times. *an we get some pri)ate gu"s in to remo)e it all, though; #e don%t wanna look as !ad as the rest o$ the countr".2 1I0ll /et ri/ht on it, boss- 1h, and also, the Calvin!are deal came throu/h- L877,777 ?or &7 #ears-2 1Seems a $air deal i$ we%re gonna !e promoting *al)inware%s sustaina!le mineral sourcing $or them at the same time. .%m not pa"ing $or the watch that . ha)e to wear, right;2 1 o, it0s /iven to #ou-2 1Dood, good. YepG tell them . accept. .%ll see "ou there soon.2 o!!" hung up.

7. !*-)*& A8 T2. C*&%+"

Ward!ark Casino 7%9 Columbus Avenue, Upper West Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# &st March %&'(, 77)*9 +appro,-. A white and gold limo, dri)en !" a chau$$eur, pulled up ne't to the #ardwark *asino with a dampened deceleration that allowed a more com$orta!le stop. o!!" #isdom wasted no time, once the door hissed open, in stepping $irst into the rain and then under the awning, hopping onto the red carpet. 3is :acket recei)ed onl" a small dashing o$ rain, !ut it still !othered him. 3e pushed awa" the rain speckled cameras that smothered him as he walked. A "oung doorman !owed to him, wearing a red dou!le !reasted suit. 3e was accompanied !" an identicall" dressed partner, who looked !ored and prett" tired. 1*redentials, Sir;2 1 ... o!!" #isdom;2 3e wasn%t usuall" asked this. 3e !rought out his Ta!! $rom under his :acket, a !lack sla! with slightl" cur)ed corners, a little !igger than his palm in si8e. The man !rought out a special 0ill and tapped it on the sur$ace o$ the Ta!!, hard. 3e !rought out a Ta!!lette, a mini Ta!! o$ sorts, on a cord, and tapped the 0ill on it. 13mm... "ou%re not on the list.2 1And; .%m not most o$ the time on in)itation nights.2 1Not on the list, no entr", man.2 1(ook, do "ou ha)e an" idea who . am; (ook at these camerasE2 3e pointed to the :ournalists lining the red carpet. The doormen o$$ered no reaction. 1. know the owner, man.2 3e looked to the other doorman $or support. 1*rud, "ou%re new too, aren%t "ou;2 3e turned !ack to the more talkati)e one. 1#hat music do "ou !u";2 1#hate)er%s in the charts, Sir.2 1I0m in the charts.2 1,ust !e di$$erent charts we $ollow, Sir. Now please/2 A $ace pressed itsel$ up against the glass loudl", $eatures contorted into a clear e'pression o$ disappro)al. -swald #inchester opened the door. 3is $ace was much more chipped and wrinkled than o!!"%s own, and his hair was as white as his suit. 3e had the mustache o$ a Bentuck" oil magnate. 1#hat%s going on here;2 13e%s not on the list, Sir.2 13im; Nah, "ou must !e new here, kid. You new here; ,r. #isdom gets to see the !ar, "ou :ust don%t let him near the ta!les %cause he can count cards. No use tr"in% to stop the man getting to his alcohol an"wa", he and . !oth can tell "ou that.2 3e looked to o!!". 1*ome inside.2 o!!" $ollowed the $ast talking casino magnate indoors. 1Thanks, -swald.2 3e said as the casino%s owner led him o)er to the !ar. 1Ya ! da" soon, ain%t it, o!!";2 1YepE2 1Should !ring the others with "ou down $or a get together.2 3e said. 1#h" wait %til August;2 1Ah, the August thing%s gonna !e e'cellent.2 The" reached the !ar. o!!" hitched himsel$ up onto a stool as -swald walked around to act as !artender to his musical $riend. 1#e%)e :ust secured a load o$ old wine that the" $ound down in a

shipwreck o$$ the altic coast. Don%t know the details !ut apparentl" it%s per$ectl" preser)ed. .t was a once in a li$etime opportunit". Blaus and the !o"s secured it $or me.2 13ow much;2 1Twel)e thousand dollars.2 1Darn, !it steep, ain%t that;2 19ust a )odka.2 3e said, anticipating -swald%s ne't 7uestion. -swald searched $or a couple o$ glasses and poured himsel$ a whiske". 1 ut "eah, we%re gonna ha)e e)er"thing there, e)er"thing. A !it o$ press $irst, then the al!um, then dancing all night long. .t%s gonna !e !rilliant.2 1#h" not hire out &gan%s ore;2 1Too e'pensi)e, e)en $or me. . had the idea o$ holding it in m" apartment m"sel$. #ell, Daisuke said the acoustics $it swell too, !ut the original idea was mine. ,akes it more intimate. ecause Black & White is gonna !e a more introspecti)e record.2 1Detting !ack to the Nu Soul $eel, "ou said;2 3e placed the glass o$ )odka in $ront o$ him. 1A"e. . know .%)e had a tendenc" to go a little o$$ track $rom m" original sound now and then.2 1That%s good, surel"; &'pandin% "a sound and stu$$.2 1True, !ut . hit on a great $ormula earl" on, didn%t .; And i$ it ain%t !ust, wh" $i' it;2 o!!" started drinking. 13mph.2 -swald $ollowed suit. 1All that thinking, #i88o/ . don%t think . could stand it. .t%s so eas" to make a wrong mo)e with art. .t%s all shi$ting sands. etter o$$ in m" !usiness. (ook where . got with m" law degreeE This is where the real mone" is, . tell "a.2 1. think m" !ank !alance would disagree.2 1Not once it )isits one o$ those ta!les it won%t, a"e;2 1A"e a"e.2 1Talking o$ the ta!le games, we%)e !een ha)in% a prett" interesting customer )isiting us recentl". You see that "oung gu" with the !ig hair pla"in% poker;2 10ai gow, or...;2 o!!" turned around and stood up a little to peer o)er the hal$ wall, some wa" awa", that separated the ta!le games $rom the lo!!". 19ust ordinar".2 o!!" kept looking. 3is e"es e)entuall" settled on a "oung man in his late 2As, ma"!e earl" @As, in the midst o$ a game, sitting with his !ack to o!!", though his head was turned to the side in con)ersation. 3e was wearing a !lack suit. All o$ -swald #inchester%s *asinos used custom made 0ills as chips. This made it easier $or customers to cash in their winnings, though it also meant tighter Securit" was needed. -swald had correctl" predicted man" "ears ago that integration o$ e'isting technologies was the ne't step $orward in consumerism, re7uiring cooperation !etween companies a!o)e and !e"ong the usual attitudes o$ making short term mone". A$ter a !it o$ wrangling this had !een achie)ed to some e'tent, and the ergonomic 7ualities o$ -swald%s casinos were what had made them so success$ul toda". -nl" ten "ears ago and perhaps o!!" could ha)e said what cards the man was holding, !ut his e"es weren%t that good an"more. 1Yeah, . see him.2 1Name%s 9ames Fargas. *ame in two weeks ago, on the 5rida". ,ostl" interested in pla"ing against 5ames. ut . can%t $ind much trace o$ him on the s"stem, apart $rom his Ta!!, and that sa"s he ain%t !een in an" casinos !e$ore he came here. So . think it%s a pseudon"m, and he%s actuall" a papara88o or somethin%.2 13mm.2 o!!" sipped his drink. .t tasted disgusting. 1Fodka;2 3e asked. 1-h, "eah, it%s some new stu$$. S"nthetic.2 13uh.2 1An"wa", . think he%s a pap, !ut 9ulie sa"s she%s heard talk $rom the !o"s that he%s with the go)ernment or somethin%. &ither wa", he%s a hip new kid on the !lock, !ig wallet, and something to hide. Spook".2 o!!" handed -swald his empt" glass and put his $ingertips on his temples, keeping

his el!ows on the !ar. 1Secret agents, people !reaking into m" apartment... 9esus, what is this; Am . stuck in a computer game or something; Am . a !rain in a )at somewhere;2 1That%s deep, #i88o.2 1Something $eels reall" weird, -swald.2 3e looked !ack at the $ella Fargas. Now all he could see was the !ack o$ the man%s head. *harles, who was sitting at the !ar with him, smirked that memora!le sidewards smirk o$ his. 1Well at least i? he is !ith the /overnment, he can0t be a bad /u#, reall#- I? he !orks ?or the /overnment he0s !orkin/ ?or us at heart, even i? !e don0t a/ree !ith ever#thin/ those people do-2 etter not )oice those sentiments aloud, *harles, he thought. That%s an eas" wa" to get l"nched around here. 13ow%s &rika;2 19ust swell. . tell "ou, it%s an ama8ing $eeling. At $irst . thought it might :ust !e a se' thing, !ut she%s genuinel" interested in me as a person, not :ust m" wealth and reputation. #e%re getting along :ust swell. Donna see i$ . can take her out to Souther0s ne't week.2 1That%s a nice place.2 3e paused, seeming concerned. 1Sa", o!, d"a think the part" will !e enough;2 1#hat;2 o!!" looked up again suddenl". 16rgh... . don%t know. .%)e !een tr"ing to $orget a!out all that.2 1Aw, crud, sorr" man. . didn%t think. . was an idiot $or sa"ing that. . shouldn%t ha)e !rought it up.2 1No, no, it%s oka", -88ie. The part" should !e a good distraction, "es.2 -swald could ha)e asked whether the anni)ersar" o$ *harles #inston *onsta!le%s death was the onl" real reason he wanted all those peeps around him in his home that night, !ut he knew the answer was "es and that it was !est le$t unasked. 1#e%re all here $or "ou, o!!".2 1Thanks.2 -swald%s attention was caught !" three $at $aced papara88i ho)ering around in the corner o$ the lo!!". 1-i, no camerasE2

9. B"##$ D-:+3 (1)

Manhattan Stadium 778 Columbus Avenue, Upper West Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Sunda# &%th March %&'(, %7)*% +appro,-. Daisuke knocked on the dressing room door. 1 oss;2 1.%m read", %Suke. You can come in.2 3e opened the door to see o!!" standing up with his arms out. -ne o$ his personal assistants was remo)ing $i!ers o$ other clothes $rom his white and gold suit with a clothes !rush. 13e"""E 3ow%s m" $a)orite *reati)e Ad)isor $eeling;2 1Binda ner)ous, !oss... we%)e ne)er opened with this tune !e$ore. .t%s a loco choice.2 1.t%s prett" le$t $ield, !ut . think it%ll work.2 3e reassured him. 1The peeps alwa"s lo)ed the St. ,ar"%s tracks something special, and .%)e onl" per$ormed *alm Your 5ur" a!out... what, twice since the al!um campaign; . alwa"s wanted to pla" it more.2 1Ain%t it a little too low ke", !oss;2 1Nah, it%ll !e $ine. #ait and see how it turns out. .$ "ou%re right we won%t do it again a$ter ne't week. (et%s :ust see how it turns out.2 13a)in% a good ! da" so $ar, !oss;2 The woman with the !rush stepped !ack, ha)ing $inished. o!!" wandered o)er to his mirror. 1You !etcha, a!" uddha. ig si' $i)e. Stick one up $or me in the shower.2 1A si' $i)e;2 1A"e, si' $i)e. That%s the one where the gu" turns out to !e the same gu" he thinks his wi$e is cheating on, with the headset messages, right; And it turns out he%s got amnesia or somethin%.2 1That the one $rom the $amous =esolutions episode; That%s a si' three, . think.2 *harles raised an e"e!row, arms crossed. 3e was standing in $ront o$ the closet where the" kept the costumes. 1No, it%s si' $i)e. .%m sure.2 1Sure thing, !oss.2 1Det one o$ the girls to do it.2 o!!" sipped another sip o$ champagne. 1That Tri!eca kid le$t me a !ottle o$ this again. (o)el" stu$$, !ut . ha)en%t seen it in an" o$ m" catalogs. #ould%)e recogni8ed the la!el. 5anc" seeking out a supplier;2 1 o!!", time to go on.2 A gu" in a headset poked his head around the door !rie$l". o!!" handed his champagne glass to his $emale assistant. 1+ight.2 The wings were onl" a short :og awa", and o!!" was in $ine enough health that Daisuke lagged !ehind as he made his wa" towards the stage, where the screaming crowds were waiting. The !and would alread" !e on !" now, setting up their instruments. .n a $ew moments he would go $rom isolation to singing, unaided !" electronic )ocal augmentation, in $ront o$ tens o$ thousands o$ peeps. .t was insanit" o$ the !est kind. Daisuke looked more ner)ous than o!!" did. 1*an%t "ou $igure out a setlist and :ust stick to it, !oss; . reall" don%t know i$ this is the right sorta tune to open with.2 *harles attempted to !ack Daisuke up !ut o!!" simpl" pu$$ed out his chest and checked his earpiece again. 3e could hear the crew talking clearl" on the other end o$ the line. 1Alpha, one, t!o, check---2 1.%)e alwa"s per$ormed this wa", %Suke. . like to keep e)er"thin% on its toes musicall". Beeps it $resh. *an%t teach an old dog new tricks, right; A leopard can%t change his spots. 3ere . go.2 3earing

his cue, he ran on stage, spreading his arms wide to greet the audience. A !asic lighting set up adorned the stadium tonight, lending an $riendl" !ut pro$essional $eeling to the place. The whine o$ an electric l"re started up as the !londe woman !ehind it placed a measured hand o)er the re)er!erating strings. o!!" !egan to sing. 1MotherF let me break ?ree ?rom these surroundin/s I can ?eel the /round churn beneath m# ?eet Ash and ?ire---2 This wasn%t how the song had originall" !een en)isioned $or li)e per$ormance. Daisuke had suggested, during the 21<< campaign $or B# 6he Dates 1? St- Mar#0s, a !rooding, red palette $or the stage to match the thundering drums o$ the studio )ersion. ut now Daisuke was gripped !" his s"nesthesia in a new and interesting wa". The song re)ealed dimensions o$ itsel$ that he had ne)er seen !e$oreC airport !lues, and ocean hues. Despite the $ier" l"rics, %*alm Your 5ur", - ,ight" (ord% did suit this 7uieter st"le o$ per$ormance too. The rum!ling !ass $rom the studio )ersion was not present, and nor were the drums, "et rather than taking awa" $rom its atmosphere, these a!sences added a new, $ragile 7ualit" to the song. The crowd were 7uiet, !ut onl" !ecause the" were so totall" entranced. Daisuke was impressed. o!!" could still surprise with his music, e)en now. ,eanwhile, on the stage, o!!" was sweating out cold. 3e longed $or a sti$$ drink, !ut o$ course that would ha)e to wait %til a$ter the show. There were more 5au's each time. There were more and more $aces similar or identical to his own. Despite usuall" waiting o$$stage $or him, *harles was $loating a!o)e the audience this time, speaking panick", distracting thoughts at him. 3e couldn%t en:o" this at all.

;. A/8.-(*82
Apartment &97 6he Chancer Buildin/, W %&st Street, Chelsea Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Monda# &*th March %&'(, &&)%8 +appro,-. o!!" awoke the ne't morning in no mood to do an"thing at all. 1Dod, . $eel terri!le...2 3e propped himsel$ up against the !lack leather head!oard. There was some!od" sitting $acing him in a chair $acing him, a silhouette set against the !right white windows. 3is e"es had not "et cleared. &rika was !reathing so$tl", still asleep, !" his side. 1.%m not surprised.2 Da'us said, shi$ting in the chair. 1D"a remem!er what "ou did last night;2 1.%m a$raid . don%t remem!er much o$ m" ! da" "esterda" at all.2 Da'us approached the !ed, coming into $ocus. 1#ell, it started with a !ottle o$ champagne, and ended with "ou getting kicked out o$ that Daller# restaurant on 0ark A)enue a$ter a!out eight pints o$ .rish Stout.2 o!!" ru!!ed his aching $orehead. 1So .%m :ust hungo)er;2 1Yes.2 19esus... how a!out "ou;2 1Not drunk, !ut . :ust woke up m"sel$. . $ell asleep here. #e got !ack late.2 1.t%s !een a long time since . last got drunk this !ad. .t%s a weird $eeling. .%m not used to it. . $eel so ill . thought .%d !een whacked on the head again, like, another !reak in or something...2 19ust take it eas".2 1#hat%s the time;2 Da'us looked at his wristwatch. 111C2>. Your alarm clock didn%t wake an" o$ us.2 16rgh... . hate waking up late. #hat was that "ou said a!out the... restaurant;2 1You got kicked out. You !ere acting like a !it o$ a douche i$ .%m honest.2 3e ru!!ed his neck ner)ousl". 13ow so;2 19ust to the ser)ing sta$$ and stu$$.2 o!!" collapsed !ack down again, una!le to rise. 1Shit. Dreat.2 3e sighed. 1. assume the newspapers ha)e got wind o$ the stor" alread";2 1Yeah.2 Da'us grunted, stretching. 1Daisuke%s running inter$erence.2 1Dood man- Al!a#s the one !ith the ans!ers, ain0t he22 *harles said, leaning o)er him. 3is green $ringe dangled in o!!"%s $ace. 1*an "ou lea)e me to wallow in m" miser" $or another hour or so; ," head%s pounding.2 3e asked !oth o$ them. &rika stirred, !ut didn%t wake up "et. 1Sure thing.2 Da'us $etched his things and let himsel$ out o$ the apartment.

10. B"##$ D-:+3 (2)

uso Bive Music & <inin/ %** West 7'th Street, Upper West Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# &8th March %&'(, %&)%7 +appro,-. .t was meant to !e a laid !ack, slow paced show, a short semi acoustic set at a :a88 !ar, and it shouldn%t ha)e !othered o!!" in the slightest, !ut he was rattled. 0eeking out $rom the side o$ the curtain, drawing it !ack with a $inger, he saw that a!out $our $i$ths o$ uso%s patrons tonight were 5au's. -ne or two o$ the ones in the $oreground, the most de)oted peeps, were more conspicuous than the others, with :aw!ones, cheek!ones or noses that not e)en cosmeti' could cure entirel". The" had to ha)e something wrong with their heads to look so weird to start with, surel"; ecause sure the" were :ust peeps, !ut their $anatical !eha)ior made him sweat. .t would onl" take one lo)e cra8ed starlet or one :ealous retard to smuggle a gun into the show and take a shot at him to put an end to his li$e and his art. *harles had !een sure to remind him o$ that when the" had arri)ed at the )enue this e)ening. 3e $elt uneas". Though he longed to, he rarel" dared to talk to his peeps much o$$stage these da"s. Daisuke spun him around with a $at hand. 13ow%s it going, !oss; . lo)ed that choral demo "ou sent to the team the other da". Tight shit, man.2 1#ell, it%s gonna need more polished production in the $inal )ersion. Around 2<6 tracks should !e comple' enough.2 3e was still )isi!l" ner)ous, !ut tried to downpla" it. 1,ore production; . liked the rough edges, personall", !oss.2 1Nah, gloss", clean production%s the new soul o$ music these da"s. e! Soul, gettit;2 3e chuckled in a $orced manner. 1You look ner)ous, !oss.2 1. am ner)ous.2 1#h"; what%s eatin% "ou;2 o!!" silentl" pointed towards the curtain, gesturing $or Daisuke to take a peek himsel$. 3e did. .t onl" took him a second or two to surmise what was going on, coming !ack with a mild look o$ disappointment on his $ace. 1 o!!", man, "ou%re a per$ormer, a star. That means "ou%re meant to !e a goddamned narcissistE There%s nothin% to !e a$raid o$. These peeps, "our peeps, are :ust that. Nothin% more. 9ust people. A $ew o$ them are weirdos, sure, !ut who ain%t in some $ashion; These peeps understand "ou. The 5au's... are "our ?riends.2 3e pointed towards o!!"%s $ace, sniggering. 13m. Duess . :ust ha)e to trust Securit" not to let an"!od" in with a gun.2 1At least a?ter!ard !e can hit the bar ri/ht here !ithout havin/ to ride@2 1 ut let%s see i$ we can a)oid another $iasco like the other night.2 1#hat;2 1Nothing.2 Daisuke could see that o!!" still wasn%t in the moment. 1(ook... knock knock.2 The countdown music !egan. 1#ho%s there;2 3e asked, panicking slightl". 1&)er" hot piece o$ ass in New York tr"in% to !reak into #our apartment, !oss. Do scoop %em upE2 o!!" took a deep !reath and $elt his an'iet" )anish as the :o! took hold. The curtains !egan to open. 1Introducin/--- Bobb# Wisdom@2 III

Some time a$ter the show, a $an o$ o!!"%s, a middle aged man with 7uite a $lat $ace and a crew cut, walked up to the !ar with some trepidation. 3e had !een meaning to do this $or a long time. o!!" #isdom had his !ack to him, mostl", !ut that $igure, slurping at a glass !" the !ar, had to !e the real thing. 3e had seen him come out $rom !ackstage, accompanied !" that woman $rom the news stories. 3e tapped his idol on the !ack. 1#hadda"awant;2 The drained $igure spun around on his stool. 3is e"es were )isi!l" sore with tiredness. 1,r. #isdom...2 1*ome on, .%m a !us" man...2 3e snorted, tr"ing and $ailing to take another sip o$ whate)er !eer he was drinking. 1*hrist, this is good.2 3e held the glass up under his $an%s nose. 3e mistakenl" took this as an in)itation, reaching up and touching the glass. The smile dropped $rom the singer%s $ace. 15uck o$$E2 3e snarled. 1.%m sorr", ./2 The artiste dealt the man an amateur !ut nonetheless e$$ecti)e uppercut, and one o$ the crooner%s countless look a likes let out a short scream at a $emale pitch as the stricken man reeled !ack. *amera $lashes went o$$ like lightning !olts. At once, Daisuke and some ugl" cosmeti' addict $rom the crowd were gra!!ing the singer !" the $orearms, tr"ing to wrestle his $ists down to a less harm$ul position. 1 o!!", o!!"E 3e"E Snap out o$ it, manE #hat the hell do "ou think "ou%re doin%;2 Daisuke said, concerned $or his $riend. 19esus, what%s gotten into "ou;2 There was no repl", the $ighter $oaming at the mouth in what appeared to !e a super charged and su!stance dri)en rage. 3e growled like an animal. Daisuke noticed his !oss%s Ta!! slipping out o$ his :acket pocket. 1(et me take that.2 3e con$iscated the de)ice, i$ onl" to pa" $or the drinks. A clearing had $ormed around the !ar. 1. think "ou%)e had enough to drink $or one night, o!!".2 III o!!" eased himsel$ into Daisuke%s car care$ull". 1. swear . $eel older with e)er" passing da"...2 1You%re luck" he not pushin% charges, manE #hat in Dod%s name possessed "ou to sock the poor $ella; 3e weren%t tr"in% $or an"thin%, not a photograph, not an autograph, nada. And "ou didn%t e)en :ust !rush him o$$. You snu$$ed him right in the ?ace.2 1.... . told "ou, %Suke, . don%t remem!er. The entire thing%s gone $rom m" memor".2 3e perked up a !it, despite his aw$ul headache. 13ow do "ou know it was me; .t could ha)e !een a 5au'. . might not !e responsi!le $or this.2 1. saw "ou get put in that cell, o!!". . was there. . saw "ou hit the gu". . sta"ed with "ou all the wa" to the precinct, heck, . e)en slept there... and "ou knew who . was. You knew what tunes "ou had sung that e)ening. .t was "ou. You alone were responsi!le $or "our actions last night. No 5au's, no imposters, no nothin%.2 3e turned on the car, still looking ahead. 19ust "ou.2 o!!" $elt ashamed, !ut to admit it would gi)e o$$ a !ad impression to his su!ordinate. 1#ho paid the !ond;2 1&rika.2 o!!" e'haled through his nose. 1She%s a good girl.2 1She%s a !eauti$ul woman.2 Daisuke said, pulling up !ehind "et another tra$$ic 7ueue. 1Da'us called, "ou know.2 1Did he; et he thought this was a proper laugh.2 1Not at all. 3e sounded worried.2 Daisuke corrected him. 13ome;2 1That%s right, a!" uddha.2 3e stretched out o)er the !ack seat, de$eated. 1. need to get some proper sleep.2

11. N.<& S8"-%.&

Apartment &97 6he Chancer Buildin/, W %&st Street, Chelsea Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Sunda# &(th March %&'(, &')&* +appro,-. 1. can%t !elie)e this.2 o!!" growled, putting down the "C 6imes. 1.t%s slander.2 &rika said. 1*an%t "ou sue them $or that;2 1Not reall", no. . mean that . can%t !elie)e the"%d $log that dead horse, tr"ing to spread those sorts o$ tales in a societ" as open and $ree as America. As i$ it%s gonna change an"thing $or me.2 1I !ouldn0t be so sure, =ob-2 *harles walked o)er and sat down on the !ed. 1<o #ou remember !h# !e le?t <etroit22 1So what are "ou sa"ing; Some o$ it%s true;2 &rika interrupted their con)ersation. 1#ell, "eah... e)er"!od" e'periments a !it when the"%re "oung, right; A lot o$ people, at least. You must !e an ad)ocate o$ se'ual $reedom, with the stu$$ "ou do, right;2 o!!"%s !ack ached as he slid o$$ the !ed. 1*hrist almight"... what%s the schedule; #ith all this new alcohol !usiness and the cops and the media .%)e !een losing track o$ what%s going on.2 1#hat%s causing "our lack o$ tolerance to alcohol recentl"; 3a)e "ou had these sorts o$ pro!lems !e$ore;2 1No, not like this. -$ course, . had all that drinking !usiness when . was "ounger, !ut that%s an era o$ m" li$e . pa" little attention to now. .t got me where . am toda", and helped me culti)ate a personalit", !ut the process was hell and .%d wish it upon no!od". Sel$ e)aluation led me to conclude that that was a o!!" #isdom .%d rather $orget. That sort o$ thinking is how .%)e managed to incorporate alcohol !ack into m" li$est"le in a health" and sustaina!le manner... up %til now.2 1 ut perhaps looking to the past is the onl" wa" $orward now; Time to ree)aluate;2 o!!" took his seat on a chair !" the windows. *harles shook his head to signal that he should disagree. o!!" complied. 1Nah. #hen "ou reall" 7uanti$" it, .%)e got it under control. .%)e got !adl" drunk a couple o$ times recentl". So what; .t ain%t hurting an"!od" too !adl", %cept ma"!e m"sel$.2 1That%s what .%m worried a!out, o!!".2 &rika said. 1#hat i$ it%s a sign that "ou%re working too hard;2 o!!" spied the cit" out o$ the corner o$ his e"e. 1The medical scanner would show it. .%m $ine.2 #ould he !e a!le to withstand the ne't $ew weeks, !e$ore the news stories $aded; .t seemed that ,ar" *routier and (eonard Dlo!o and the rest o$ the hacks that mentored the nation didn%t reall" care a!out him, howe)er much the" had talked a!out him positi)el" in the past. 3e was a threat o$ war, a tra$$ic collision, a terrorist attack. Yet he was a $ull person, too, with am!itions, $ears and )ices. 3e had secrets. 3e had personalit". 3e had a heart. 3e had ne)er 7uestioned the media%s representation o$ e)ents !e$ore this em!r"onic %scandal%. #hat a!out the protests that had occurred on the night he had premiered the new, impro)ed ending $or %(ooks (ike (o)e%; 3e hadn%t heard them mentioned since. #hat had all that noise !een a!out; -utside the windows there was a chasm that ended own !elow with the !lacktop, and !e"ond this chasm laid more residential !uildings, colored )arious shades o$ !rown, gre", !rick red and !lue. -nl" the spire o$ the &mpire State uilding was )isi!le, o!scured !" newer, nearer sk"scrapers, sticking out a!o)e the glass like the mast o$ a sunken ship $rom some past era. etween some o$ the !uildings, a!out thirt" $loors up $rom the ground, there were !lue metal !ridges !uilt to allow sa$e

passage !etween !uildings during the ine)ita!le $loods that threatened the cit" each "ear. The sea wall, though standing strong as e)er, was out o$ sight $rom this dense ur!an area. o!!"%s e"e changed $ocus a little and he !ecame aware o$ his own iris%s re$lection, his re$lection, in the glass, the ghostl" image pitched at an angle as he leaned against the pane. *harles sat !eside him, on the $loor, and lit another o$ his seemingl" in$inite cigarettes. 1"ou0ve /ot no need to Kuestion the media- 6he#0re Aust doin/ their Aob- 6he#0ve /ot ?amilies, bills to pa#--- it0s onl# ?air !e /et hit !ith a bit o? the collateral ?rom time to time- It0s a small price to pa# to support a several billion dollar industr#- 6he !a# it0s al!a#s been is the ri/ht !a#-2 1#hate)er "ou sa", old $riend.2 3e whispered. 3is $ocus swapped again as he took notice o$ the short, dark !rown !uilding, derelict $or "ears and likel" up $or demolition soon, that stood opposite the *hancer uilding. #h" had it !een le$t empt" $or so long; .t was an e"esore. 3e would ha)e to speak to ,a"or 0entecost a!out ha)ing it torn down. And while he was at it, he would ha)e to get those gar!age !ags remo)ed. Daisuke was struggling to $ind a pri)ate $irm willing to come into New York to take the trash awa"G a truck dri)er $or a multinational compan" had recentl" !een killed while out on the :o! !" communist s"mpathisers looking to tear down societ". &rika was silent, reading the newspaper. #atching the thousands and thousands o$ small !lue windows o$ New York *it" laid out in $ront o$ him, o!!" wondered i$ there an"!od" out there on the other side o$ the glass looking in on him.

12. B"##$ D-:+3 (3)

5/an0s Bore 6ime Warner Center, &7 Columbus Circle, Clinton Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA 6uesda# %&st March %&'(, &()8* +appro,-. o!!" tugged at his collar an'iousl". 3e was a!out to go onstage. Ahead were the wings, and the murmuring crowd. 3is $orehead was sweat", he could $eel it. &rika stood !" his side, s7uee8ing his hand. 1.t%s going to !e $ine. Think a!out how man" times "ou%)e done this, o!!". .%)e seen "ou per$orm !e$ore. You%re !rilliant. You%re $antasticC the great o!!" #isdom. You can do itE2 1. can do it;2 1.t%s like riding a !ike. You think it%s going to go wrong when "ou $irst take "our $oot o$$ the ground, !ut "ou ha)e to :ust keep going, "ou know; That%s how it turns out $ine.2 3e $elt $unn". #as he a!out to pass out; o!!" licked his lips. Dr". 1. need a drink. 0erhaps something a little sti$$. 9ulia, get a shot o$ whiske" $rom the !ar and mi' it with something. 9ust a thim!le o$ whiske". A"e;2 The woman !rushing the !ack o$ his :acket stopped. 1Are "ou sure that%s a good idea;2 19ust do it, please.2 The curl" haired woman ho!!led o$$ on her $i)e inch heels. &rika%s e'pression was indeciphera!le. #as she disma"ed !" his )ice; Ner)ous, like him; 0erhaps her childlike gesture o$ !iting her lip was a sign she didn%t, in realit", understand how worried he was a!out per$orming tonight. .$ the latter was true, then wh" was it the case; #as it an intrinsic part o$ her patroni8ing $eminine nature, or a $ailing on his part to communicate his $eelings clearl" to her; 1&rika, "ou%d pro!a!l" !etter start making "our wa" out to watch.2 &)en this darling woman couldn%t do much to help him now. .t was cruel o$ him to make her watch him su$$er like this. 1Sure.2 As she mo)ed awa" she passed o!!"%s crew manager, who was wearing a smart !lack suit tonight to $it with the clu!%s atmosphere. 1You look rattled, !oss.2 Daisuke said. 1. know. Do . look !ad;2 1Nah, it%s oka".2 Daisuke leaned in and ad:usted o!!"%s !ow tie. 1(ookin% peach" now.2 1Thanks.2 1The !alances might !e tough with this set up, like . said earlier, !ut keep that earpiece in and we should !e alright.2 1+oger that.2 1You%ll do $ine, !oss.2 1-h "eah; 3ow come "ou%)e ne)er had to tell me it !e$ore;2 1. ha)e done, sometimes. You%re :ust !ein% selecti)e with "our memor". *ome on, it%ll !e oka". 9ust get through it.2 3e patted o!!" on the shoulder. 13a)e "ou checked the $irst $ew lines "ou gonna sing on the headset; You know that alwa"s eases the ner)es when the" !e needin% easin%.2 1Yes, .%)e tried that.2 3e looked at the dim stage, side on. 3is peeps awaited his appearance, a prophet to deli)er great pop music. 3e couldn%t let himsel$ let them down. 9ust one shot glass o$ whiske". To warm his throat. A canape. A treat. Da'us took Daisuke%s place. 1#a88up, #i88o; ,ar" *routier got "ou shaking;2 1-h, crap, *routier%s here;2

1A"e a"e, soldierE +ela'. She%s as human as "ou.2 1Yeah, .%m human too, thanks $or reminding me. .%m human and $alli!le. 3uman and goddamn $alli!le.2 3e $elt a ner)ous twitch. 1 ut "ou%re human plus. You%re human and more. Superhuman. You%re o!!" #isdom. And . know "ou%re gonna !ackchat me and sa" "ou ain%t $eeling too super, !ut this is :ust what most o$ us 5ames put up with all the time. Your usual lack o$ stage $right is a privile/e. 6se those steel !alls o$ "ours.2 1Sure, thanks. Da', ./2 A shot glass was thrust in $ront o$ him !" a !eauti$ul hand with manicured red nails. 1Thanks, 9ulie.2 #as this a good decision he was a!out to make; 1<rink it- It0ll be ?ine-2 .%m not sure i$ . want to, he thought. 1Come on, the onl# reason I /ot bu//ered up !as because I couldn0t handle m# drink- "ou0ve /ot the stren/th o? !ill I never had, =ob- Det it in #ou-2 3e downed the drink. #as that )anilla he could taste; Something didn%t $eel right tonight. #as it happening again; 3e $elt his stomach grum!le something aw$ul. 1. $eel... . :ust need a minute, oka"; #here%s the !athroom;2 3e walked awa" $rom the wings and turned !ack down the corridor towards the dressing rooms. Da'us $ollowed him. 1You%)e !een here so man" times !e$ore, o!!", how can "ou not remem!er;2 19ust... hold them o$$ $or a minute.2 3e !elched. 1. :ust need a second, please. . ha)e indigestion or something.2 5eeling a :olt o$ di88iness, he !egan pushing his wa" past technicians dressed in !lack with clip!oards and lighting e7uipment not !eing used $or his per$ormance tonight and the light shone on the cinder !locks in interesting wa"s and o!!" $elt a strange tiredness and knew he needed to catch his !reath !e$ore he $ell o)er and perhaps didn%t get !ack up.

13. B"##$ D-:+3 (1)

0$uture$und =ocks %&'(0 6he MEenUN, >udson =iver 3ark 97 >udson =iver Dreen!a#, SohoODreen!ich Eilla/e Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA $rida# %8th April %&'(, %7)7( +appro,-. Ben *arpenter had messaged o!!" )ia headset to tell him a!out the memo he had recei)ed $rom their respecti)e 0+ departments, which were run !" the same agenc". At the height o$ the Nu Soul cra8e, in the earl" %@As, the" had !een cast !" the media as !itter ri)als, though *arpenter%s sound had !een much more rock %n% roll in st"le at the time, aside $rom 21@<%s M# "ear In 6he ;oint, which had clearl" !een inspired !" o!!"%s own work. #hile there had ne)er !een an" animosit" !etween the two stars in realit", the" had since !een ordered to milk the %resolution% o$ this imaginar" $eud $or points in the news. This time, the" had !een ordered to meet and shake hands at the entrance to the dinner hall, which was going to !e crawling with :ournalists. Ben was waiting a short wa" down the corridor $rom the dinner hall%s entrance when o!!" arri)ed. 1BenE2 1A"e;2 The rock star, a!out the same age as him, seemed to !e worried o!!" was some!od" else. 1Ah, o!!", it%s "ouE2 1Yeah, who did "ou think it%d !e;2 1. dunno.2 3is e"es darted around waril". 1.... . got some issues right now.2 13m; #hat sort;2 1*an%t... . can%t reall" sa".2 3e tapped his ear, and o!!" saw he was wearing an earpiece o$ some sort that seemed to !e $irml" attached to his head. 1,an, what%s all that a!out;2 Ben silentl" mouthed the word %sponsors% and looked !ehind him. 3e was !eing held to ransom !" contracts, it seemed. .t would e'plain his latest chain o$ hits, which had included such no)elties as % a!" (et ,e u" You An -rte' +ing% and %0lease Don%t +e$rigerate ," (o)e =6nless .t%s A ohrsamn J-r An 6ggiK?%. o!!" had alwa"s !een war" a!out signing deals with !ig multinational corporations, though he had had to make some in order to secure his permanent lease with the ,anhattan Stadium%s owners. (ooking closer, o!!" saw that Ben%s out$it $or tonight consisted entirel" o$ clothes o$ the same !rand, and not e)en one that was that popular an"more. o!!"%s *al)inware watch $elt hea)" around his hand all o$ a sudden. 3e was staring. 1*an we... make a mo)e;2 Ben asked ner)ousl". 1Sure, sure.2 1+emem!er, make it seem spontaneous, a"e;2 The entrance into the dinner hall consisted o$ two sets o$ opposing dou!le doors $acing out onto a T/ shaped red carpet. The $eeding $ren8" o$ media peeps was pressed up !ehind the rope !arriers around the carpet, their camera $lashes !attering o!!" relentlessl" as he entered the hall. Ben came out through the opposite set o$ doors, wa)ing to greet the :ournalists at the $ront !e$ore heading towards o!!". 1Benn"E2 A $emale TF reporter screeched as the two singers met hal$wa" along the carpet. 1Benn", it%s me, remem!er;2 1Aw, :ee8.2 The long haired rock star muttered, s7uinting. 1Luick, handshakeE2 o!!" $orced a grin and shook Ben%s hand. 1Thanks.2 1Don%t mention it.2 o!!" $orced an e'cruciating chuckle. This was e'actl" the sort o$ media

am!ush he hated. A male reporter leaned o)er the ropes to ask them a 7uestion. #here was his Securit" team; 1,r. #isdom, ,r. *arpenter, 5uture5und%s president ,r. 9aco! -wewe has !een accused recentl" o$ using the charit" as a plat$orm to )oice his opinions on the purported .ndian %genocide% o$ America%s distant past. #hat sa" "ou;2 1#ell .%m pla"ing here, right; *learl", . $eel that ,r. -wewe should !e allowed to e'press pride at his engali heritage. Screw America all the wa", "eah;2 3e answered sarcasticall". Ben was alarmed, though he laughed $or the cameras !e$ore whispering in o!!"%s ear. The" were still holding hands. 19ee8, o!!", that ain%t patriotic. And engali; 3e%s Nati)e/ aah, Nati)e American or whate)er. Don%t !e a darned racist.2 The assem!led :ournalists couldn%t hear, and, whooping and chattering, continued to take pictures o$ the two men. 1. was making a point a!out him using the term %.ndian% like that, Ben. .%m not in the mood $or this crap.2 3e whispered !ack. .t looked like an e'tended peck on the cheek to some o$ the :ournalists, who started cackling e)en harder. -ne gu" at the $ront grinned in an almost $eral manner and :a!!ed repeatedl" at the headline o$ a newspaper with his pointing $inger. 5W WIS<1M S5P =UM1U=S 61 B5 =5E5AB5< 5P6 ISSU5 13eh... d"a reall" think these $ellas are gonna get the iron" o$ that statement;2 Ben spoke out the side o$ his mouth, $acing the :ournalists again. 3e !owed, and went to shake a $ew more hands. o!!" stood still, reali8ing the truth o$ Ben%s remark. 13ow are "ou; Nice e)enin% $or it, ain%t it; Yeah.2 1 #i88E2 A TF reporter who had walked around the !arriers sidled up to him. 1*an "ou gi)e us a comment on the disappearance o$ a!e ,arco; #hat do "ou think; Bidnapping or insurance scam;2 13e had a !reakdown or something, didn%t he; . thought the" $ound him earl" this a$ternoon.2 1#ell, *entral News ha)en%t heard that "et, so it%s not the stor" according to us. #hat are "our thoughts on a!e ,arco going missing;2 Another TF reporter, aided !" a !oom operator, came running down the red carpet towards him. #h" were there no !od"guards around; 1,r. #i88o can we ha)e a moment please;2 The woman with the microphone asked him. 1Sure.2 The reporter who had asked a!out a!e ,arco licked his lips and tried to el!ow his wa" !ack into the con)ersation. 13e", erm, ./2 1Now the the tenth anni)ersar" o$ *harles #inston *onsta!le%s death is this "ear and we/2 1No.2 o!!" said $irml", turning awa". 1Sorr", !ut .%m not talking a!out that.2 1 ut ,r. #isdom, there%s pu!lic demand $or itE The people need to hearE2 1The" don%t need to hear itE2 o!!" growled. The woman !acked o$$. 1./ .%m sorr"...2 1 o!!" #isdom attacks $ree press, does he ha)e something to hide;2 A reporter $or some schlock" ta!loid "elled, his hands cupped around his mouth. An old $ashioned, chunk" digital camera was hung around his neck. 1,r. #isdomE2 3e heard a $amiliar, angr" sounding )oice. o!!" turned around and saw the gra" haired, sour $aced 5ame :ournalist ,ar" *routier leering at him $rom out o$ the crowd, a solitar", still $igure amongst the madness. 1Doing to !e doing much drinking tonight;2 She asked in a demanding tone, gripping a pen and notepad. 1No, . don%t think there%s gonna !e much o$ that tonight.2 o!!" said, tr"ing to keep it light. 1#hat are "our )iews on the consumption o$ alcohol;2 1-n/; .%m not answering that. There is little else in the world more pathetic than a middle aged man spouting pseudo philosophical gar!age to impress his peers and :usti$" his wrongs.2 1So "ou !elie)e "ou%)e made a gra)e mistake; That !" drinking, "ou%)e !een doing something

morall# wrong;2 1NoE2 o!!" !acked awa" $rom *routier, who raised her e"e!rows and puckered her chapped lips in that disgusting wa" with which he was now $ar too $amiliar. 3e was a!out to sa" something else to the crone when the dou!le doors closest to him opened to let the ne't guest through. Ben didn%t turn to look, !us" signing things. .t was a Firtual 5ame, one that o!!" didn%t recogni8e. 1>e#, he#, he#, peeps@ CJC0s in da house@2 The translucent green hip hop archet"pe swaggered his wa" down the red carpet. A click o$ the $ingers caused some distortion, though this appeared planned and intended to enhance the gesture. The crowd went wild. The hologram%s $eet mo)ed at a slightl" di$$erent pace to its o)erall direction o$ mo)ement, destro"ing the illusion i$ "ou kept looking $or too long. Ben *arpenter, seeing o!!"%s !ewilderment, came o)er to him to e'plain. 1That%s ,ickee B/*, the, ah, rapper. 3e was onl" $inali8ed "esterda". *hannel 14> did a 12 hour program in preparation $or his release. *an "a !elie)e it, o!!"; 12 hoursE That%s some kinda h"peE Du"%s another instant superstarE 3asn%t !een one like this in nearl" a "earE2 o!!" reali8ed he was slouching. 3e corrected his posture, and sucked in his pot !ell". The photographers were still taking pictures. III A little later, when o!!" was a!out to head !ackstage to prepare $or the show, he heard some!od" calling his name again. 1,r. #isdomE ,r. #isdomE2 .$ this was another reporter o!!" was almost prepared to smack them in the mouth while so!er. ut when he turned, he saw that the calls were coming $rom the !ig ta!le at the end o$ the room, where the charit"%s Deput" 0resident was !eckoning him with hand gestures. Young pop )ocalist +u$us Bell" was grappling with an o)ersi8ed !ottle o$ champagne, his $ingers $ondling the slipper" thing in $utilit". 1Need a hand;2 o!!" asked as he approached the ta!le. 1Not opening.2 Aadarsh Alum!ai said. 6nlike 9aco! -wewe, Aadarsh actuall" !as .ndian. 3e had an as"mmetric, partiall" drooping !row!one $rom an in$amousl" !otched cosmeti' operation. 1 ut empt"ing...2 3e ga)e o!!" a sl" look. 1No can do, sorr". .t%s !een gi)ing me pro!lems recentl".2 1Come on, #ou puss#- >ave some ?or me-2 *harles whispered, appearing !ehind o!!" $rom out o$ nowhere. 1*ome on, #i88oE2 +u$us Bell" said, still struggling with the !ottle. 1You used to !e a legendar" drinkerE .%)e heard the storiesE2 Aadarsh handed the kid a !ottle opener. The other guests at the ta!le, including a $ew $aces he recogni8ed !ut couldn%t put names to, sat around in e'pectation $or their pre show drink. As soon as the !ottle was opened, Aadarsh took it o$$ o$ +u$us and poured o!!" a glass, prompting a dr" moan o$ despair $rom one $at, !londe haired rocker who had !een a mem!er o$ the hea)" metal !and Sluthunter at some point. 1Take it.2 Aadarsh said. o!!" hesitated. 1Come on, =ob- ;ust a /lass-2 1.%m sorr", . reall" can%t. ,ore $or "ou, right; Sorr".2 3e winked apologeticall" and headed o$$. *harles continued to !erate him as he headed $or the doors. 1"ou idiot@ "ou !imp@ Bubbl#0s a kid0s drink@ Are #ou seriousl# /onna turn do!n a drink ?rom a representative o? the event0s or/ani:ers2 It0s unpro?essional not to accept it@2 1*an%t do it, *harles. *an%t do it.2 *harles looked astonished and angr" !ehind his unkempt green hair, which drooped down like weeds o)er his $ace. 1Seriousl#, =ob2 "our peeps ?uckin/ e,pect somethin/ o? #ou, #ou kno!-2 o!!" walked down the

red carpet and opened one o$ the doors out o$ the dinner hall. 1.%m gonna get read".2 o!!" $elt something possess him, a $eeling a!o)e and !e"ond what he wanted $or the $uture. 1Dood man-2 *harles said. o!!" walked !ack to the ta!le, downed the glass, which had !een le$t $or him to reconsider, and :ogged !ack to the doors. &mpt" applause $ollowed !ehind him $rom Deput" 0resident Alum!ai%s ta!le. 1 reak a leg, ,r. #isdomE2 Aadarsh called out to him as he le$t the hall. That sa"ing onl" applies to theater, o!!" thought to himsel$. As he reached his dressing room, o!!" $elt his headset )i!rate in his pocket. 3e put it on. 1Bobb#@2 1Da'us;2 1"ou /otta come up here, man@ "ou0ll never /uess !ho I0ve Aust seen@2 Da'us was on the $loor a!o)e, mi'ing with the F.0 peeps. 1#ho;2 1Adriana Muskes, the model@2 1Don%t know her, sorr".2 3e $elt his stomach making weird noises. Not again, surel"; Yep, he $elt the onset o$ di88iness and delirium. 1She0s Sheila S#berb#te@ 6he model ?or the Eirtual $ame@ Adriana MuskesJ #ou must kno! her, surel#22 1. don%t, sorr"... . gotta go...2 1Wh#, !hat0s !ron/22 1. don%t $eel too good.2 III o!!" remo)ed the headset and threw it to one side. 1An utter disaster. -ne o$ the most humiliating $ailures o$ m" career. .$ it wasn%t $or the shock, .%d !e cr"in%.2 1#h" did "ou get drunk right !e$ore the show, though;2 &rika asked. 1. :ust don%t understand, o!!".2 1. had a single glass o$ champagne, &rika. .s that so wrong;2 13ow could it ha)e !een one glass, o!!"; You were so drunk on stage, . couldn%t tell what two o$ the songs were meant to !e.2 1New ones.2 1No, . heard the new ones a little !etter.2 o!!" was l"ing on the $loor, at the $oot o$ his !ed. 1#ell, one thing%s $or sure. . ain%t drinking a single drop o$ alcohol e)er again. &)er. 0ut a gun to m" head and .%d rather die. At least the remaining shreds o$ m" dignit" would !e le$t intact.2 *harles ga8ed solemnl" o)er o!!"%s prostrate !od". 1. hope so, o!!". -therwise . don%t know how much more o$ this . can take $rom "ou.2 3e sighed, wanting it all to stop $or a moment so he could regain his $ooting.

11. S":+'02.03
Manhattan Stadium 778 Columbus Avenue, Upper West Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Saturda# %7th Ma# %&'(, &9)** +appro,-. o!!" was practicing %Stop reaking Down%, a hidden gem $rom his 2144 al!um Be/inner0s Buck, which had !een a strong come!ack a$ter his one $lop. 6p in the stands, a little to the le$t, a single, unidenti$ia!le man watched on, munching on popcorn or something !" the looks o$ it. #as he authori8ed to !e here; #ell, it wasn%t the $irst time o!!" had seen peeps watching his soundchecks, and there was no harm !eing caused !" it, so he carried on. 1...I said Move@ 1utta m# !a#@ I can0t sta#@ In this placeF stop breakin/ <o!n@ I can0t ?eel@ I can0t sleep@ I can0t moveF stop breakin/J <o!n and out, in the lab#rinth belo! our ?eet A conceitF I can0t compete !ith ?alse intentions Bike the ones #ou0ve mentioned---2 Daisuke re)eled in the music, sitting in a single reclining chair in the center o$ the stadium $loor. 3e was wearing a holo )ision headset, !ut it wasn%t tuned in to an"thing. 3e tapped his $ingers along with the !eat on the arm o$ the chair. o!!" stopped. 1#hat%s up;2 Daisuke hea)ed himsel$ up $rom his prone position as o!!" approached the edge o$ the stage. 1Need water, that%s all. .%ll get it m"sel$.2 19ust don%t drink an"thing stronger.2 Daisuke reminded him. 1Yeah, . $rigging know that.2 3e said. 1.%m getting a headache $rom the heat.2 1You alread" had a drink twent" minutes ago.2 1+eall";2 o!!" looked con$used. 1. don%t remem!er that.2 1Then ma"!e...2 3is *reati)e Ad)isor chose his words care$ull". 1,a"!e it%s :ust "our age causin% all this, !oss. The intolerance to alcohol, the tiredness, the headaches. You%re 6< "ears old, a$ter all. That%s retirement age $or some people. You might !e o)erworkin% "osel$.2 1.%m not retiring.2 o!!" snarled, :umping down o$$ the stage and stum!ling onl" slightl". *harles $ollowed him. 1.t%s not m" age. .%m in per$ectl" good shape.2 3e walked past the chair. Daisuke $ollowed a$ter him. 1-ka"... updateG "ou seen the newspapers, then;2 1. mostl" stick to holo news these da"s. .t%s more concise. (ess trash.2 1,ar" *routier%s pickin% up on "our age. An% Deprak Sole called "ou a drunken idiot in his !roadcast last night. Benn" *arpenter sa"s "ou%re a poor role model $or the communit", and called

"our per$ormance %a tragic shame% $or 5uture5und. +emem!er, these are the tomes "ou will !e rememe!ered !". 9aco! -wewe%s ha)in% ma:or 0+ trou!le now, our ma:or sponsors are threatening to drop out... man, "ou%re luck" peeps ain%t sued "our ass "et.2 *harles seemed unner)ed !" Daisuke%s tone, though he didn%t speak "et. 1All assholes... how are the al!um sales;2 3e said, hoping to impress *harles. 1#ell, that%s what . was gonna tell "ou ne'tG the good news. Al!um sales $or the last month ha)e !een higher than $or an" month since No)em!er 216>. None o$ this has dented "our popularit" amongst the pa"ing pu!lic at all.2 1See, the# love #ou- I don0t understand !hat <aisuke0s /ame is here---2 1Thank Dod $or that. Did "ou hear a!out the protests near "our place the other night;2 1.n 3arlem; Yeah. Slept right through it. A!out two do8en killed, right;2 1Si', . heard.2 1+eall"; .n the news it said two do8en.2 *harles tore at his hair. 1What the ?uck is /oin/ on here2 Wh# does he keep sa#in/ this stu??22 3e hissed. o!!" wished he would stop now. .t wasn%t helping him think. 1No, . de$initel" heard it was si'.2 *harles was still wearing the same !lack, scru$$" suit he had !een wearing the last time o!!" had seen him ali)e. Daisuke stopped walking. 1Actuall", no, see, this is a pro!lem that .%)e noticed "ou ha)e, o!!". You $ind one solution, one answer, one stor", and then "ou stick with that, and that%s all that can !e right $or "ou. .t%s like what "ou did :ust then, !rushing me o$$ a!out what . said a!out "our age. (ike how "ou%)e !een per$orming in this stadium, and around New York, and nowhere else $or the last twent" "ears. ,anhattan StadiumC "ou $ound this place, per$ormed here once, and "ou%)e monopoli8ed all use o$ it $ore)er sinceE2 1Well it0s !orked ?or #ou so ?ar, hasn0t it2 >o! !ould !e be bene?itin/ the music industr# i? !e had no sense o? consistenc# or permanence2 It0s part o? the act@2 Daisuke could tell he was distracted. 1You%re stuck in "our com$ort 8one, man. Dare to !e wrong. To $ail. To take risks. You get me;2 1(ook, "ou "ou sa" . ha)e $laws; .%m a human !eing. .t%s :ust me. And . like New York, "ou%re right. .t%s a swell place. So what;2 1#hat . $ind strange is it%s not the same with "our music.2 16ell him to stop Kuestionin/ #ou-2 1Shut the hell up. .%m tr"ing to get a drink.2 1#h" can%t "ou appl" "our a!ilit" to change things up musicall" to all aspects o$ "our li$e;2 1Same reason . carried on a$ter that thing ten "ears agoC . care more a!out music.2 1.%ll tell "ou what "ou need more o$C take ,iss *orte8. #ho would ha)e thought that an"!od", e)en Bobb# Wisdom, could seriousl" get into an emotionall" signi$icant relationship at "our age; And "et look/2 1Don%t "ou dare use her to !ack up "our own insane agendaE And don%t "ou school meE .%m 6<E . don%t wanna %learn% an"thingE .%)e /ot nothin% to learn, kidE2 o!!" stormed o$$ towards the doors. 1*an%t teach an old dog new tricks, he", o!!";2 The intimidating $rame o$ Da'us ,cBellan greeted o!!" as he reached the reception. 1Da'us; #hat the hell are "ou doing here;2 19ust hanging out, #i88o. You alright;2 1A"e, :ust !lowing o$$ some steam. .t%s getting prett" messed up around here these da"s. Strange times.2 Da'us smiled !roadl". ig, chunk" teeth. 1.t%s getting tense. . swear the riots are gonna swell up real !ad again soon. Are "ou sure a!out that part" o$ "ours "ou%)e got planned, a$ter all the trou!le "ou%)e !een ha)ing recentl";2 1Yeah. The part" has to go ahead, whether .%m there or not. Though .%d pre$er to !e. .t%ll a swell 0+ opportunit", pro)iding . don%t drink an" alcohol, and m" apartment will !e the per$ect glamorous setting $or the pla"!ack.2

1+ight.2 1#h" do "ou ask;2 Da'us shrugged. 19ust... with all that%s happened to "ou o)er the last $ew months, including that !urglar" or whate)er it was at "our apartment, . thought ma"!e "ou%d !e l"ing low $or a while or something like that.2 o!!" laughed. 1No, noE The complete oppositeE . need to !e !oosting m" image with the media. That%s the wa" out o$ this mess. Another reason the al!um launch part" is a must at this stage. &speciall" with the al!um attached, . need to !e doing e)er"thing . can. *harit" stu$$, competitions, reissues, rereleases, the whole ca!oodle. And the li)e shows, too. . should !e getting on, actuall".2 Something a!out Da'us%s !od" language made him $eel uncom$orta!le. 1Sure thing, !udd".2 Da'us stopped leaning on the wall and let him past. 1.%ll see "ou around, a"e;2 1Yep.2 o!!" carried on looking $or a water cooler. 3e $elt !etter alread".

1=. A).+8 !*-)*& M*3.& H%& M">. O+ B"##$

Ward!ark Casino 7%9 Columbus Avenue, Upper West Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# 7th ;une %&'(, 77)** +appro,-. o!!" was a mess, hair stuck down with sweat o)er his $ace. 3is white suit was drained o$ its shine. -swald saw this immediatel", running $rom the ta!les, where he had !een am!ling around, to the doors. 1 o!!";2 #isdom marched o)er towards the !ar, pulling out his Ta!! roughl". 1Doddamned... thing... too !ig $or the pocketsE2 3e hissed. 1Det me a drink, -88ie.2 1Not alcohol, . hope.2 -swald said, concerned. 1No no no, keep that stu$$ awa" $rom me.2 3e hu$$ed. 1.%m in a !ad wa", -88ie. Di$$icult times.2 1. can see that. #hat%s wrong;2 1 reak in at m" apartment. Then . get drunk, se)eral times. adl". . ne)er drink enough to get drunk. Not like that. . got hit on the head when the" !roke in, ma"!e it messed something up in m" head.2 1 o!!", we all ha)e these little slip ups. #e%re all human.2 o!!" put his head on the !ar. 13e", he", o!!". You%re allowed to make mistakes. #e can get "ou through this.2 1.%)e got an idea, -swald.2 3e said, li$ting his head o$$ the !ar. 1A"e;2 1To see whether or not .%m going loco. . think something%s wrong with me and alcohol. ut . don%t know whether it%s m" !od" doing it, or something... else. . trust "ou, oka";2 3e looked up again with dark e"es. 1Don%t turn out to !e some!od" . think "ou%re not.2 3e paused, then pointed past his $riend. 1.n the ca!inet !ehind "ou . can see... a 3awaiian rum, and some !ottles o$ apple :uice o$ almost identical color. 0our two tall glasses, one o$ each.2 1-ne o$ each.2 -swald hu$$ed, not entirel" sure what was going on. 1+ight.2 1Then go !ackshop, with the drinks. (ea)e them there $or a $ew minutes. Tell ertie or some!od" to mind them. Do to "our o$$ice and !ack, pretend "ou%re $etching something.2 1#ait, "ou think ertie will tamper with "our drink while no!od"%s looking; You think he%s doing this to "ou; ertie%s worked here $or twent" #ears, o!!". Despite e)er"thin% else wrong with that notion, "ou don%t seriousl" think . wouldn%t know i$ something were up, do "ou;2 13e%s not !een working the !ar much recentl", has he; Are "ou sure he still knows how to do it;2 -swald didn%t repl". 1.$ another one o$ those incidents occurs when what .%)e drunk isn%t e)en alcoholic, then we know something%s up and that it%s nothing to do with m" past or m" health. .t%ll mean that some!od" is doing this to me on purpose.2 1That%s a good idea.2 3e conceded, pouring the drinks. This %test% would alle)iate some o$ his $riend%s paranoia, i$ nothing else. 1.t%s mango :uice, not apple :uice.2 1#hate)er... mango;2 1A"e, it%s e'pensi)e.2 3e was a!out to hand o!!" his drink when he remem!ered their plan. 1Ah.2 3e looked down. 3is wrinkled $eatures !etra"ed the same con$usion that gripped o!!" himsel$, and $or a moment the singer reali8ed that he and -swald were still the same men the" had !een in their 2As, and that the casino magnate was no godlike helper !ut a simple $riend. The re)erse was also true.

3e shouldn%t ha)e !een drinking an" alcohol all along. Not a drop. That wa" there would ha)e !een no chance o$ this thing e)er happening. 3e hoped it would !e o)er soon, whate)er its nature. 1"ou had to, =ob-2 *harles said, sitting down ne't to him. Still wearing that old !lack suit; 16rue, I should /et a chan/e o? clothes sometimes, shouldn0t I2 Be more in the no!-2 -swald, looking on, saw nothing !ut an old, tired addict mum!ling awa" to himsel$. 1So... .%ll :ust !e taking these awa" $or a minute, "es;2 3e said, an'iousl". There was no answer. 3e turned turned mechanicall" and headed to the kitchen. -swald put the drinks down on a steel counter and headed towards the !ack e'it, towards the o$$ices and archi)es. 1 ertie;2 The scru$$" haired !artender poked his head around the corner o$ the counter. 1A"e, Sir;2 -swald o!ser)ed his emplo"ee%s mo)ements closel". 1Take care o$ these drinks, will "ou;2 1These "ours and ,r. #isdom%s, Sir;2 1Yes.2 The casino magnate said. 1Spot o$ rum.2 3e le$t the kitchen. ,eanwhile, o!!" interrogated the green haired man sitting ne't to him. 1#hat do "ou mean, . had to; 3ad to what; Drink;2 1"eah- 6here !as al!a#s reasons, ri/ht2 6radition and social convention, sometimes- >abitJ #ou Aust had to- It0s #our thin/- It0s Aust #ou, that0s all-2 1Yeah.2 o!!" sighed. 1Yeah, . guess "ou%re right. Not an alcoholic again "et, am .; -r . wouldn%t !e gi)ing it all up right now.2 1"ou haven0t /ot a problem-2 1. know.2 1"ou0ve /ot the stren/th o? !ill I never had-2 o!!" smiled, shaking his head. 1Don%t put "oursel$ down, man.2 1Wait 0til this all blo!s over- "ou mi/ht ?ind #ou can drink a/ain-2 A $ew minutes later, a despondent -swald came !ack to the !ar holding his and o!!"%s similar looking drinks. 1You%)e con)erted me. Something%s up.2 1You think;2 1Yeah. ut what; And wh"; You ha)en%t o$$ended an"!od", ha)e "ou; Dot in !ad credit with people; .s it the ,o!;2 1No...2 o!!" was pu88led too. 1Da'.... he said something to me. 3e was worried a!out the al!um launch part".2 1 ut "ou gu"s are $riends now, right; #h" wouldn%t he !e; #e%re all worried a!out "ou.2 1Not worried in that wa".2 3e sipped his drink. 13e was pr"ing $or something. .t was like he didn%t want the part" to go ahead. ut wh" the hell not;2 1. don%t know, o!!", that could :ust !e paranoia. You ha)en%t !een sleeping properl", ha)e "ou;2 o!!" looked up. 1No, . ha)en%t. ut what a!out :ust then; You said "ou !elie)ed something was up. Did ertie touch the drinks;2 1. don%t know, . don%t know...2 3e said, $idgeting. 1. can%t sa" $or sure. . kind o$ don%t want something like that to !e true, "ou know;2 1(istenC what i$ Da'us is tr"ing to get re)enge $or me $iring him;2 o!!" had !ooted his "oung creati)e partner ,cBellan $rom the studio a$ter the $ailure o$ 6he Circuit, an al!um with too much electronics and not enough soul, and his onl" al!um not to de!ut at M1. 3e had alwa"s $elt a sli)er o$ animosit" lingering in the puncture that their $riendship had !een dealt !" those e)ents. 1You think <a,us ,cBellan is responsi!le; Tr"ing to !ring "ou into disrepute;2 3e e'haled slowl". 19esus... o!!", . reall" don%t wanna sa" this, %cause "ou were in such a state when "ou came in, and

. don%t want "ou going and messing things up !" o)erreacting and doing something nutt". ut . saw something kinda weird recentl".2 1To do with Da'us;2 1(ast #ednesda", when . was going around the poker ta!les to greet some $anc" ass clients who were pla"ing that night, . saw ,cBellan, not pla"ing, !ut talking, with 9ames Fargas.2 1The *.A agent;2 1. didn%t sa" he was $rom the *.A. Those gu"s are genocidal maniacs. No, he%s weird, and ma"!e he%s $rom the go)ernment, !ut he could :ust as easil" !e a pap. 3e could !e a gangster, $or all . knowG a darn magician/ he certainl" came out o$ nowhereE All . do know is that he%s not "our usual customer, and the" were talking.2 1#hat were the" talking a!out;2 1. wasn%t close enough to hear. ut the $act the" were talking at all is kinda odd. . don%t know how the"%d know each other. As .%)e told "ou !e$ore, ,r. Fargas is not $rom within these sea walls.2 1,a"!e the record la!el%s in)ol)ed...2 1. reall" don%t wanna encourage "ou thinking too much, o!!". Beep it cool, a"e;2 1Yeah, oka".2 3e paused. 1.%m $eeling something, -88ie. Don%t trust an" o$ "our gu"s. ,ight not :ust !e ertie.2 1Are "ou sure "ou $eel something; #hat do "ou $eel;2 1Slightl" di88". Now listen, -swald, here%s the theor". . think that Da'us is drugging me like this, replacing me with a 5au' and ha)ing that gu" screw with m" reputation, "ou get me; .%m gonna need "ou in court, as a witness o$ this e'periment o$ ours. You%)e got/2 3e lurched $orward o$$ o$ the !ar stool he was sat at. 1*rap, help me $ind a restroom. . need to sit down. . $eel weird.2 -swald rushed around the !ar. The !artender, wiping his wet hands on his apron, came through. 1 ertie, handle out $ront $or a sec, will "a; #i88o%s not $eeling too good.2 1Sure thing.2 1You%)e got/2 o!!" stum!led again. -swald gra!!ed o!!" !" the waist, stopping him $rom $alling o)er. 1You%re not kidding, are "ou; *ome this wa".2 3e led his $riend to the restrooms. " the door, o!!" ga)e -swald a !emused, upset look. #hat !as going on, i$ he wasn%t drunk; Some sort o$ health issue creeping up on him; 3e was, a$ter all, in the upper digits o$ the middle aged. ,a"!e some kind o$ allerg"; 16ell him to sta# on /uard- "ou can rel# on him-2 1Sta" here.2 o!!" whispered. 1#atch the door. The"%)e got to make the swap somewhere.2 3e disappeared through the crack in the door. -swald reali8ed that in his ill state, o!!" had le$t his Ta!! out at the !ar. 3e would ha)e to take it to his o$$ice immediatel". There would !e an entire $ortune on there :ust waiting to !e stolen )ia an empt" hea)"weight 0ill or two. #as he to !e held to !lame $or compromising o$ o!!"%s mone", or his sa$et"; -swald decided that sa$et" was little without mone" and le$t his post to retrie)e his $riend%s cum!ersome !lack sla!. There !ere marginall" smaller, more ergonomic models on the market, $or a slightl" higher price. ,eanwhile, in one o$ the !lue restroom cu!icles, o!!" was attempting not to throw up as his m"sterious a$$liction set in again. #as this it; #as this the e)ent hori8on $or his ph"sical well !eing; A$ter a $ew seconds o$ shu$$ling and noise, the cu!icle door opened !ehind him. 1Sorr", !eing... used...2 3e groaned.

15. T2. S<*?

In the /utter Some!here alon/ 5 (*rd Street, Upper 5ast Side Manhattan Island, e! "ork Cit#, ", USA Wednesda# 7th ;une %&'(, &&)** +appro,-. o!!" noticed, as he opened his e"es, two thingsC that once again, he couldn%t remem!er the e)ents o$ the night !e$ore, and that something 7uite ma:or was wrong with his $ace. This latter $act he distinguished $rom the sensation o$ the light summer !ree8e dri$ting o)er his skin, which $elt strangel" di$$erent. This was not something he thought he would e)er ha)e taken notice o$, and "et it $elt as egregious as a missing tooth. 3ad he !een in)ol)ed in another !rawl; 3ad he had his nose !roken or something aw$ul; As he got his !earings and le)ered himsel$ up, o!!" cottoned on to two $urther $actsC that it was prett" late into the da" alread", which anno"ed him as he alwa"s hated getting up late, and that he had !een sleeping on the sidewalk, in a prett" misera!le part o$ town, all !rown row apartment !locks with gra$$iti and !roken windows. This was a neglected part o$ the cit". 0erhaps not too rough, !ut in de$inite need o$ attention. #h" would he !e here; .$ he had gone on another drunken !ender it would e'plain wh" he had !een sleeping outdoors, !ut not how he had ended up in this part o$ the cit". o!!" $elt $or an inside :acket pocket to check his Ta!! hadn%t !een stolen, !ut reali8ed that he wasn%t e)en wearing his :acket. 3e looked down at his hand. 3is watchE 3is *al)inware wristwatch had !een stolenE .$ he was caught !" pap8 out here, he%d !e slaughteredE .n $act, o!!" reali8ed, he didn%t recogni8e the clothes he was wearing at all. #hat was going on; Some kind o$ practical :oke; 3e did remem!er something, come to think o$ it. 3e had )isited the #ardwark *asino last night. ut -swald was ne)er the kind o$ gu" $or these kinds o$ pranks. Da'us; #ho else could it !e; 3e didn%t want to touch his $ace $or $ear o$ what he might $indG !lood, or worse. There were 7uite a $ew peeps around, !ut none o$ them seemed to notice him. .n $act, he reali8ed as he walked, the" ignored him. 3e made contact with a !rightl" dressed "oung woman who looked like she might !e a primar" school teacher or some sort o$ :unior !usinesswoman, !rushing past her arm, !ut she mo)ed on without so much as a glance in his direction. Despite his !est e$$orts, o!!" was starting to $eel 7uite scared. A 6< "ear old man, alone, with no means o$ communication, lost in New York. #hat could he do; #ho could he call; 3ow could he possi!l" call an"!od", when he didn%t ha)e his Ta!! or his headset; 3e saw a gu" in a smart suit. 3e looked like a strong minded character, !ut perhaps he could help. o!!" approached him, walking with a hand o)er his !are wrist. 1&'cuse me, Sir, !ut do "ou ha)e an" 0ills "ou could lend; 9ust small change;2 1. don%t ha)e an", sorr".2 (iar, o!!" thought, watching the !lank $ace o$ the !ack o$ his suit recede into the distance. A large woman in a dress two si8es too small $or her approached. 1&'cuse me, ,iss, !ut could "ou spare a 0ill or two so . can use the pa"phone; . can pa" "ou !ack.2 1Det "asel$ to a shelter, ho!oE . don%t pa" m# ta'es to $und #our drug ha!itE2 She turned her nose up at him and mo)ed on, too. Disheartened, o!!" $elt no desire to continue. 3e would ha)e to make his wa" !ack downtown on $oot. ut $irst, he needed to pull himsel$ together and see what had happened to his $ace. .t couldn%t !e a dis$iguring in:ur" or something, or the peeps would ha)e all

$reaked out as soon as the" had seen him. Yet the" hadn%t recogni8ed their cultural hero, o!!" #isdom, the $amous Nu Soul singer and !ene$actor to art across the #estern hemisphere. -$ course, he alread" had some inkling o$ what had happened, !ut $eared to articulate it $ull" in his head. The 7uestion was, who would do something like this to him, and wh"; And most importantl" o$ all, how long would it !e $or; o!!" approached the window o$ a derelict !uilding, making sure it !as a derelict !uilding he had chosen and that he wouldn%t !e mistaken $or some kind o$ per)ert peering into a $amil"%s li)ing room or something. The glass was dark, the window ha)ing !een !oarded up $rom the inside. And so o!!"%s re$lection was re)ealed, not clear, not per$ect, and certainl" not well lit, !ut good enough to see what had happened to him. 3e looked down at his hands. De$initel" his. 3e looked up at the $ace he saw in the re$lection again. De$initel" not his.


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