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IB Demo 5.


Studying the Kinetics of a reaction using Colorimetry

This e !eriment is used to find the orders "ith res!ect to the initial concentrations of reagents in a reaction #et"een iodine and !ro!anone and to therefore find out #y e !eriment the rate e$uation for the reaction. Colorimeters are used for determining the concentration of coloured su#stances in solution. They are generally fitted "ith analogue out!uts% "hich ena#le them to #e used "ith dataloggers. &ost colorimeters used in schools are fitted "ith 'ml !lastic cu(ettes. These cu(ettes ha(e to #e inserted the correct "ay and the colorimeter first standardised against solutions of )no"n concentration.

The Rate of Reaction between iodine and propanone

The reaction #et"een iodine and !ro!anone (acetone) in acid solution is re!resented #y* C+,C-C+, . I2 . +.(catalyst) C+,C-C+2I .2+. . I/ (all a$ueous)

The !rogress of the reaction can #e follo"ed #y measuring the a#sor#ance (due to a#sor!tion of light #y iodine molecules) and the rates of reaction determined at different concentrations. It is !ossi#le from rate and concentration measurements to determine orders of reaction for iodine% !ro!anone and acid.

1. &a)e u! a 2 mol dm/, !ro!anone solution #y transferring 1'.0cm, of !ro!anone to a 111cm, (olumetric flas) and ma)e into a 111cm, standard solution using distilled "ater only.

a) Set u! the colorimeter "ith a filter #) &a)e u! the follo"ing sam!les% in #oiling tu#es using t"o #urettes
Concentration of Iodine solution #eing made 4olumes* 1.11& iodine solution distilled "ater Total (olume 2 211/,& 2 2 5 11 , , 0 11 ' ' 3 11 5 5 5 11 3 3 ' 11

cm3 2 cm3 2 cm3

c) 6fter the colorimeter has sta#ilised% set it to 7ero a#sor#ance "ith "ater. d) Transfer the sam!les to the cu(ette and try out different filters. The aim is to select a filter "here all the concentrations gi(e a#sor#ance #elo" 1. e) 8ecord in a suita#le ta#le (for the filter you ha(e chosen) (alues of a#sor#ance and concentration. f) 9lot a gra!h using : cel of a#sor#ance against concentration for your chosen filter. ;a#el the gra!h and sho" the 82 (alue. g) 8ecord on your gra!h the "a(e num#er of the filter you ha(e chosen.

IB Demo 5.2(1)

1. <sing #urettes% !ut into t"o different #oiling tu#es the (olumes sho"n in column a. cm3
a 2 2 ' 2 11 b 2 2 2 ' 11 c 2 2 1 3 11 d ' 2 2 2 11 e 1 2 5 2 11 f 2 ' 2 2 11 g 2 3 1 2 11

4olumes In one test tu#e*

1.11& iodine solution 2& hydrochloric acid Distilled "ater In other test tu#e* 2& !ro!anone solution Total (olumes

2. =ero the colorimeter "ith distilled "ater% using the filter chosen for cali#ration and set u! the colorimeter for )inetic measurements. ,. 6d>ust the times!an to 5 minutes and the (oltage from 1/1.24. '. 6dd the mi ture from one test tu#e to the !ro!anone solution in the other% sha)e% and $uic)ly !our into a cu(ette% ensuring the cu(ette in !laced in the colorimeter the correct "ay% then start the datalogger recording. 5. ?hen recording has finished sa(e the data. 3. 8e!eat for column # resetting the colorimeter each time.

1. <sing the information a#o(e merge together the a!!ro!riate gra!hs that "ill allo" the determination of the order of reaction "ith res!ect to @!ro!anoneA 2. Calculate or other"ise "or) out the gradients of the lines. ,. Determine the order of reaction "ith res!ect to @!ro!anoneA '. Title the gra!h and la#el the gradient of each line using the Insight soft"are. 5. 9rintout the gra!h. 3. 8e!eat to "or) out the order of reaction "ith res!ect to @iodineA and @+.A 0. Determine the o(erall order of reaction 5. ?rite do"n the e !erimentally determined rate e$uation. B. Calculate the error in #oth the !i!ette and #urette.

IB Demo 5.2(1)

' Burettes and funnels Boiling tu#es 1 11ml !i!ette Datameter 1111 9ro!anone 2 mol dm/, +ydrochloric acid 1 51ml Bea)er !i!ette filler colorimeter Distilled "ater

1 111ml (olumetric flas)

111ml 1.11 mol dm/, iodine solution

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