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Quantitative Aptitude Recommended books for CAT/XAT/MBA Exams While preparing for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT/XAT/MBA one

can refer following books: 1. tart with Arun shar!a " i!ple and eas# to understand$$$reco!!ended for those who are starting their CAT preparation %$ Book &a!e:Quant Aptitude b# Tata Magraw 'ill ( Author:Arun har!a Read t is book! Arun " arma #o$ to %repare for Quantitative Aptitude for t e CAT &ote: )n case #ou want to learn !aths for Quantitative Aptitude section starting fro! basics( please refer: * &C+,T Mathe!atics books for -th( .th / 01th standard * CB + Mathe!atics books for -th( .th / 01th standard &.)f #ou feel #our Quantitative Aptitude is prett# decent but #ou want to !ake it !ore stronger then #ou can follow : Abhi2it 3uha4s book:Quantitative Aptitude 5or Co!petitive +6a!inations Tips( Techni7ues( And hort*cut Methods b# 3uha Abhi2it 8lease note that the Above book b# 3uha has lots of tips / tricks( so refer this book onl# if #ou have sufficient ti!e left for #our preparation$As it takes ti!e to get along with the tips and tricks$ '.+ven the 9Quantitative Aptitude for CAT fro! 8earson b# &ishit inha9 is a nice book$ (. To download 5ree books for Quantitative Aptitude 8reparation( C)ick ere *.5or Quantitative Aptitude hortcuts( Tips and Tricks( C)ick ere

+ata ,nterpretation Recommended books for CAT/MBA 5or :ata )nterpretation an# of the following books can be followed: 1.TM' 'ow To 8repare 5or The :ata )nterpretation And ;ogical ,easoning 5or The CAT <rd +dition b# Arun har!a Read t is book! #o$ To %repare -or +, . /o0ica) Reasonin0 b1 Arun " arma &.&ishit inha4s :) ;, book b# 8earson '.Quantitative Aptitude for MBA +ntrance +6a!s b# 3uha Abhi2it (. ,$ $ Agarawal books on verbal reasoning$ *. To download 5ree stud# !aterials for :ata )nterpretation( C)ick ere

2erba) Abi)it1 Recommended books for CAT/MBA Entrance 1. tudent4s Co!panion B# Wilfred :$ Best &. +nglish 8;= )$C$ $+$ 5or Class 01 b# Xavier 8into

'. Wren and Martin +nglish 3ra!!ar (. Word 8ower Made +as# b# &>,MA& ;+W) *. ?+,BA; AB);)T@ B@ A,=& 'A,MA 3. +nglish 8roficienc# )M )ndia 4. A Co!!unicative 3ra!!ar of +nglish B#: 3eoffre# ;eech 5. Business +nglish and Co!!unication B#: Clark 6. <1 :a#s to a More 8owerful ?ocabular# b# Wilfred 5unk and &or!an ;ewis$ http://howtoprepareAcat$blogspot$in/B11./10/reco!!ended*books*for*cat*!ba* entrance$ht!l

0% tud# 8ackage 5or Mat Manage!ent Aptitude Test * Arun har!a B% Quantitative Aptitude for MBA +nter$ +6a! * Abhi2it 3uha <% Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT and >ther MBA +ntrance +6a! * Thorpes A% The Co!plete CAT :igest "Co!!on Ad!ission Test% *Arun har!a C% 'ow to 8repare for the ?erbal Abilit# and ,eading Co!prehension for the CAT* Arun har!a / Meenakshi =padh#a# D% 'ow to 8repare for the CAT Co!!on Ad!ission Test *Muha!ed Muneer E% 'ow to 8repare for :ata )nterpretation / ;ogical ,easoning for CAT* Arun har!a -% 'ow to 8repare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT Co!!on Ad!ission Test *Arun har!a .% T'+ T,AC'T+&B+,3 8++: @ T+M >5 BA )C MAT'+MAT)C * A&& C=T;+, A&: ,=:>;8' MC 'A&+ 01% he 8earson 3uide To MBA +ntrance +6a!inations +dgar Thorpe / howick Thorpe ------------------------------------

0% Quantitative aptitude 5or CAT Author : Arun har!a +dition : 5ourth +dition ;ist 8rice : A.C )&, Author : Abhi2it 3uha ;ist 8rice : AEC )&, Author : Ti!e +dition : B101 ;ist 8rice : A.. )&, B% 5or data interpretation and logical reasoning Author : Arun har!a +dition : i6th +dition ;ist 8rice : A.C )&,

<% 5or verbal abilit# and reading co!prehension* Author : Arun har!a / Meenakshi =padh#a# +dition : 5ourth +dition ;ist 8rice : CC1 )&, All these books are best for CAT preparation( however its Arun har!a books which are considered best a!ong all$ o #ou can prepare fro! it$ 'owever if #our !ath part is not strong so first consult 3,+ Barron$ )t will provide #ou the basic then it is reco!!ended to go for Arun shar!a$ After getting an ade7uate knowledge through these books #ou can use so!e online website for CAT preparation that will help #ou in ti!e !anage!ent and so!e !ock paper practice will boost up #our confidence and an idea of CAT pattern$ ource: http://entrance*e6a!$net/foru!/general*discussion/best*books*preparation*cat* entrance*e6a!*DDCCDD$ht!lFi6GGB<8#Acs?>

E78/,"# +nglish 8roficienc# )M )ndia 3rade B Word 8ower Made +as# b# &>,MA& ;+W) 3rade B W,+& A&: MA,T)& +&3;) ' 3,AMM+, 3,A:+ B ?+,BA; AB);)T@ B@ A,=& 'A,MA 3,A:+ B A Co!!unicative 3ra!!ar of +nglish B#: 3eoffre# ;eech 3rade B A Word A :a# : A ,o!p through o!e of the Most =nusual and )ntriguing Words in +nglish B#: Anu 3arg( tuti 3arg 3rade C Business +nglish and Co!!unication B#: Clark 3rade C +, A7+ +" 'ow to prepare for the data interpretation for cat b# TM' 3rade B 'ow to prepare for the data interpretation for cat b# A,)'A&T 8,AHA 'A& 3,A:+ B MAT#EMAT,C" Quantitative Aptitude for CAT fro! 8earson b# &ishit inha 3rade A Quantu! CAT fro! Arihant publication b# arvesh Hu!ar ?er!a 3rade A Quantative aptitude b# Arun har!a$ 3rade A Quantitative Aptitude b# +dgar Thorpe$ 3rade B Quantitative abilit# b# Trishna4s$ 3rade A ----------------------------------------------

Books To be referred 5or CAT 8reparation ,eference( ,eco!!ended Books

0$ Quantitative Aptitude for MBA +ntrance +6a!s b# 3uha Abhi2it B$ Quant Aptitude b# Tata Magraw 'ill b# Arun har!a <$ Quantitative Aptitude 5or Co!petitive +6a!inations Tips b# 3uha Abhi2it A$ Quantitative Aptitude for MBA +ntrance +6a!s b# 3uha Abhi2it C$ ,$ $ Agarawal books on verbal reasoning D$ Wren and Martin +nglish 3ra!!ar E$ ?erbal Abilit# B# Arun har!a -$ Business +nglish and Co!!unication B#: Clark .$ ?erbal Abilit# and ,eading Co!prehension for the CAT b# Arun har!a / Meenakshi =padh#a# ,ead !ore: http://!badiscussions$co!/good*books*cat*preparation* D<<$ht!lFi6GGB<8#!X1ki

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