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TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

Name: ..................................................................

You are going to read an article about a book. Six sentences have been removed from it.
Choose from sentences A-G the one which best fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra
sentence that you do not need
to use.
Most parents are aware of the health risks connected with spending too much time playing video games.
But many young people do not seem to take these risks seriously. Getting children away from their video
1 the fresh air isnt easy for parents.
games and out into
The main character in this amusing story is a young boy who loves to play video games. He finds out the
hard way that sitting on the sofa and playing all day is not the healthiest way to spend his time. All Sofa
2 no longer pays any attention to his health.
Boy wants to do is play and play so much so that he
In addition, he loses all interest in the world outside his living room and never sees the sunlight or does
any physical activity.
Sofa Boy eventually learns his lesson. By the end of the book, his body has become joined to the sofa
where he sits and plays night and day until it is impossible for him to get up. He ends up as3an exhibit in a
Of course, in real life video games do not cause players to become permanently attached to their chairs
like Sofa Boy. But for some people video games become so important that they give up everything so they4
can continue playing.
They might also eat a lot of junk food because its easier to eat snacks like
crisps while playing than go into the kitchen and eat properly. Obviously this kind of behaviour leads to
weight problems.
This is not the only problem players like Sofa Boy suffer from. One problem which makes Sofa Boys
5 thumbs and fingers.
thumb turn blue in the story is an injury of the
Doctors have also reported
that players complain of frequent elbow and neck pain. In addition, bad posture when playing can make
this kind of problem even worse. In fact, it may be the main cause of the hand and arm pain experienced
by young video game players. Moreover, playing video games can also cause eye strain.
Even though Langteau is aware of these problems, the message of the book is not that we shouldnt play
6 shouldnt overdo it.
video games, just that we
He feels its okay for children to play as long as
they choose games for their age group and only play for a short length of time. Otherwise they may realise
the dangers of video games too late just like Sofa Boy.

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TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

Name: ..................................................................

He gets up from the sofa, turns off the TV and goes outside to play with his friends.

It is caused by repeating the same movements over and over again while playing.

They stop going out, they stay up late every night, and have no time at all to do any form of physical exercise.

But now, a new book called Sofa Boy by Scott Langteau might help parents deal with this situation.

People come to see the boy who played and played and played and couldnt stop.

The author is actually a video games designer by profession and, not surprisingly, he believes that there are a lot
of very good video games available.

He wont even stop playing to wash or eat a healthy meal.

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Total: ....... / 6

Mark: ........

TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

ECCE PracticeName: ..................................................................

VOCABULARY Circle the correct answer.
1. James will not be able to ...... the meeting.
He has a doctors appointment.
a. afford
b. advise
c. appear
d. attend
2. Sandra and her boss meet ...... to discuss work.
a. probably
b. properly
c. regularly
d. correctly
3. The bad weather affected ticket ...... to the
outdoor festival.
a. profits
b. sales
c. benefits
d. fortunes
4. I met William by ...... in London.
a. purpose
b. method
c. choice
d. chance
5. Tommys father made him ...... his sister
in the game.
a. include
b. improve
c. ignore
d. introduce
6. Cooper is very ...... . He wants to be president
one day.
a. valuable
b. dependable
c. confident
d. ambitious
7. Some words in English are hard to ...... .
a. repeat
b. pronounce
c. imitate
d. copy
8. Joyce ...... the sports club so she could exercise
a. ran
b. joined
c. supported
d. examined
9. Darrens mother is ...... about his low marks and
wants him to work harder.
a. determined
b. aware
c. concerned
d. embarrassed
10. Although hes famous, he doesnt ...... it for granted
that his new album will be successful.
a. feel
b. take
c. get
d. give

(20 points)
11. That necklace was specially ...... for a famous
a. developed
b. picked
c. realised
d. designed
12. Why is Jimmy crying?
He just wants ...... .
a. profession
b. attention
c. imitation
d. impression
13. The picnic ...... out well even though it rained.
a. enjoyed
b. came
c. turned
d. went
14. Janice got her lucky ...... when she appeared
on a talent show.
a. favour
b. choice
c. hit
d. break
15. Mike has always been a terrible athlete. ......
he even scored a point for the other team.
a. Once
b. While
c. Particularly
d. By chance
16. Jacks new watch is ...... a lot of money.
a. worth
b. valuable
c. expensive
d. willing
17. Dont stay inside all day. Go outside and
get some ...... air.
a. clear
b. unique
c. fit
d. fresh
18. The doctors dont yet understand the ......
of Sams back problem.
a. cause
b. variety
c. belief
d. influence
19. Chloe got the ...... in the school play.
a. figure
b. lead
c. appearance
d. scene
20. Why wont you forgive Theo? He didnt do
anything on ...... .
a. fault
b. purpose
c. mistake
d. habit

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Total: ........ /38

TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

ECCE PracticeName: ..................................................................

GRAMMAR Circle the correct answer.
1. The train to Manchester ...... at five oclock.
a. leaving
b. leaves
c. has left
d. had left
2. When Arthur was a boy, he ...... help
his grandmother in the kitchen.
a. used
b. did
c. has
d. would
3. Ted is never happy. He ...... about something.
a. complains always
b. always is complaining
c. is always complaining
d. has always complained
4. ...... Jane arrived at the theatre, the play
had already begun.
a. After
b. By
c. While
d. By the time
5. What would you like to drink?
I ...... a cold drink, please.
a. am having
b. will have
c. will be having
d. will have had
6. ...... live on Surrey Street?
No, Ive never lived anywhere near there.
a. Didnt you used
b. Werent you used to
c. You didnt use to
d. Didnt you use to
7. Where will your cousin stay when he comes
to London?
Were going to put him ...... for a few days.
a. on
b. up
c. off
d. back
8. She ...... for an hour before she finally found
her friends house.
a. was driving
b. is driving
c. has driven
d. had been driving
9. This time tomorrow, Janice ...... to Corfu.
a. will sail
b. am sailing
c. will be sailing
d. have sailed
10. ...... television?
Yes, can you believe it?
a. Justin is still watching
b. Justin still is watching
c. Is Justin still watching
d. Does Justin still watch

(20 points)
11. She ...... the door and walked into the room.
a. had opened
b. opened
c. did open
d. opens
12. Ellen ...... ride a bicycle but now she does every
a. never used to
b. used never
c. didnt used to
d. never was used to
13. ...... have you known John?
Since we were 11.
a. How much time
b. By when
c. Since
d. How long
14. By 2013, Dana ...... medical school.
a. will have finished
b. has been finishing
c. would finish
d. will be finishing
15. What ...... when the fire started?
I was sleeping.
a. did you do
b. had you done
c. you did
d. were you doing
16. The tennis match has been put ...... because
of the rain.
a. off
b. back
c. on
d. up
17. Why isnt Patrick eating his dinner?
He ...... fish.
a. isnt like
b. doesnt like
c. isnt liking
d. not like
18. Please make sure you take ...... all your books
to the library.
a. back
b. up
c. on
d. off
19. ...... June was shopping, her husband was
organising her surprise party.
a. For
b. During
c. While
d. After
20. Is there any cake left?
No, I ...... the last piece.
a. just have eaten
b. had just eaten
c. have just eaten
d. did just eat

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TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

ECCE PracticeName: ..................................................................

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Total: ....... / 40

TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

FCE Practice Name: ..................................................................

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using
the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.


1. Does it cost anything to download films from this website? FREE

Can I ...................................................................................................................... from this website?
2. Debbie seldom exercises at the weekend. OFTEN
Debbie .................................................................................................................. out at the weekend.
3. Ive decided to run regularly to make my muscles stronger. GOING
I ............................................................................................... my muscles through regular exercise.
4. When did Thomas start learning Russian? BEEN
How long ............................................................................................................ a course in Russian?
5. By the end of last year, the bands album was already available. RELEASED
By the end of last year, the band ............................................................................................. album.
6. When the weather was good, they would spend all day at the beach. WHOLE
When the weather was good, they used ......................................................................... at the beach.
7. The airplane is still at the airport. OFF
The airplane .................................................................................................................................. yet.
8. The coach was impressed with Tony yesterday. IMPRESSION
Tony .................................................................................................................... the coach yesterday.

Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the (10
space in the same line.
Robert Pattinson is a young English (1) .................................. with fans around the world.
He started acting in films in 2004. A year later, he was offered the part of Cedric Diggory
in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The film was very (2) ..................................
but Robert didnt become really famous until he played Edward Cullen in the film Twilight
in 2008. When he first found out about the part, Robert was (3) .................................. that
he wouldnt give a (4) .................................. performance as Edward.
(5) .................................. , this didnt stop him taking the role and he was perfect as Edward.
He has the right physical (6) .................................. for the part as well as the acting

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TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

FCE Practice Name: ..................................................................
talent needed to bring the character to life on the screen. Since he played the role of
Edward, Roberts (7) .................................. as an actor has really grown. He has played
a (8) .................................. of other parts such as Spanish artist Salvador Dali in the film
Little Ashes. Robert is also a talented (9) .................................. . He sings, plays the piano
and the guitar, and writes songs. He sang two of the tracks that were heard in Twilight.
(10) .................................. , Robert isnt interested in recording albums he would rather
focus on his film career.

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TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

FCE Practice Name: ..................................................................

Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space.


Hawaii, which is part of the United States, has two main languages; English and Hawaiian.
Today most people in Hawaii (1) ...... in English, however, a small number of people are
learning to speak Hawaiian again. In 1983, fewer than 50 children could speak Hawaiian
(2) ...... and there were hardly any (3) ...... speakers left. There was a real possibility that one
day no one would speak this language at (4) ...... . A small group of people decided they had to
(5) ...... the Hawaiian language from disappearing and they would do something (6) ...... it.
They opened two schools where teachers and students spoke only Hawaiian. At first they had
to (7) ...... many difficulties, but they were (8) ...... to save the Hawaiian language and they did
not (9) ...... up.
Today there are more than 20 schools where all the lessons are taught in Hawaiian. The
students who (10) ...... these schools speak Hawaiian during the school day, but when they go
home, they usually speak English with their parents. At (11) ...... , there are at least 2,000
children who speak Hawaiian (12) ...... .
1. A pronounce

B communicate

C explain

D say

2. A regularly

B specially

C fluently

D really

3. A foreign

B proper

C available

D native

4. A all

B ever

C good

D point

5. A charge

B affect

C prevent

D fail

6. A about

B with

C by

D for

7. A overcome

B include

C cause

D take

8. A confident

B sure

C thrilled

9. A put

B give

C get

D take

10. A study

B go

C belong

D attend

11. A present

B today

C moment

D now

B particularly

C luckily

12. A properly

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Total: ....... / 38

TERM TEST 1: Units 1-5

WritingName: ..................................................................
Read the task below and write your story in 120-180 words.
Write a story that begins with the sentence:
It was my first day at a new school and I didnt know any of the other children.

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Mark: ........ / 100

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