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Jimmie Wayne Rabon Jr. 971 St. Marks Ave., Suite 3L New York, NY [11213 347-221-9211 prin esau!

sau!era"on#ro ket$ai%. o$ PARALEGAL &A person 'ua%i(ie! ") *!u ation+ trainin, or work e-perien e w.o is e$p%o)e! or retaine! ") a %aw)er, %aw o((i e, orporations, ,overn$enta% a,en ) or entit) w.o pre(or$s spe i(i a%%) !e%e,ate! su"stantive %e,a% work (or w.i . a %aw)er is responsi"%e/. 0 inspire an! a tivate .i,. a .ievin, %e,a% ai!es in %e,a% or,ani1ations t.rou,. $) (o us on $otivation, positivit), an! e$pat.) .So%vein, ot.ers pro"%e$s is t.e %ove o( $) %i(e. 2) workin, in t.e private se tor .as a%%owe! $) to !o 0 %ove, %earnin, stron, or,ani1ationa% an! writin, ski%%s w.i . are re'uire!. A%so 0 .ave a stron, sense o( a ounta"i%it), takin, owners.ip over pro3e ts an! responsi"i%ities an! reso%vin, issues proa tive%). 4as .i,. %eve% o( a ura ), attention to !etai%, an! or,ani1ationa% ski%%s. A stron, written an! ver"a% o$$uni ation ski%%. 4u$"%e sa)in, 0$ a 3ust a Man .as s.ourt o$in,s, .owever t.e se%( !rive o( onstant approve$ent o( t.ese ski%%s a%%ows $e to "etter M)se%( an! !o t.e task at .an!. 5sin, $) parti u%ar set o( a"i%ities to assess in(or$ation, anti ipates issues an! out o$es, an! $akes e((e tive !e isions. Stron, initiatives to proa tive%) in rease va%ue to t.e position ") $) a"i%it) to $ana,e $u%tip%e re'uests, assess priorities, an! a .ieve so%utions un!er !ea!%ines. A"i%it) to work overti$e an! (%e-i"i%it) to trave% is re'uire!. *- e%%ent tea$work ski%%s an! a stron, %ient servi e orientation. EDUCATION Legal Secretary Certi icate in Paralegal St!"ie# 6une 9, 27138ap%an 5niversit) *-perien e as a 9rustee an! :ara%e,e% servi es (or over 27 )ears in t.e :rivate Se tor. T$PEING SPEED %&'() Wor"# Per *in!te +it, Acc!racyTEC.NOLOG$ E/PERIENCE S0ILLS Pro icient in *icro#o t O ice S!ite. *icro#o t Wor" ; Mi roso(t :ower:oint ; Mi roso(t *- e% ; Lotus Notes ; <i%eMaker 1 Corel Wor" Per ect General Ty2i#t Ca2abilitie# 3 Com2!ter Literacy'La+ Re#o!rce#' ; Le-us=Ne-us ; >est%aw ; A$i us Attorne) ; $ar"i #y#tem Ability to meet #,ort "ea"line# in a timely an" controlle" a#,ionTa4e "irection +ell. Ta4e initiati5e6 +or4 in"e2en"ently an" comm!nicating +it, client#6 bro4er#6 attorney# an" e#cro+7 title o icer# ' Re5ie+ing re#i"ential an" commercial contract#6 e#cro+ agreement#6 #ettlement# an" bro4er agreement# ' Re#earc,ing title "oc!ment# an" bro4erage in ormation ' Re5ie+ing in"i5i"!al8# bac4gro!n" an" cre"it ' Collecting 2ayment# an" monitoring acco!nt# or non'2ayment6 "elaye" 2ayment# an" ot,er irreg!laritie# ' Strong +or4 et,ic6 re#2on#ible an" reliable

' E9cellent management6 organi:ational an" comm!nication #4ill# ' Pro e##ional "emeanor an" 2lea#ant 2,one manner ' Ability to +or4 in a a#t'2ace" en5ironment !n"er minimal #!2er5i#ion '' In5e#tigate act#6 collect in ormation6 an" e ecti5ely #!mmari:e material to a##i#t +it, Legal De2artment !nction#'' Wor4 +it, im2lementation an" management o *atter *anagement #o t+are #y#tem '' Create ir#t "ra t# o orm agreement# an" ot,er "oc!ment# or re5ie+ by client# an" attorney# '' Pre2are #tan"ar" letter# an" re2ort#'' *aintain cor2orate e9i#tence an" goo" #tan"ing or legal entitie# in 5ario!# ;!ri#"iction#- reg!larly !2"ate cor2orate "ataba#e an" internal re erence "oc!ment#'' S!22ort regional licen#ing a22lication# an" rene+al#'' Inter2ret an" re#2on" to re<!e#t# or in ormation6 certi icate# an" ot,er "oc!ment# rom 2ro e##ional colleag!e# in Cor2orate6 O2eration#6 an" Tran#2ortation !nction# '' Gat,er6 organi:e6 #!mmari:e6 in"e96 an" maintain "oc!ment# rom 5ario!# #o!rce# '' Per orm certain ta#4# a# nee"e" or t,e C=O6 General Co!n#el6 A##i#tant General Co!n#el incl!"ing mont,ly "ata analy#i# an" internal re2orting'' *aintain a library o 2re'a22ro5e" orm "oc!ment#6 contract cla!#e#6 tem2late#6 an" ,i#torical "oc!ment#6 an" a"" or re5i#e material a# nee"e"'' S!22ort t,e cor2orate go5ernance !nction6 incl!"ing maintaining an" !2"ating #tate iling# an" regi#tration#6 min!te boo4# an" "irector# an" o icer# li#ting#6 2re2aring cor2orate re#ol!tion# an" !nanimo!# con#ent#6 an" a##i#ting in t,e 2re2aration6 "i#trib!tion an" maintenance o boar" material#'' Pro5i"e #!22ort in tran#actional "!e "iligence'' A##i#t +it, organi:ing an" maintaining Legal De2artment an" =inance De2artment ile#'' Per orm general a"mini#trati5e #!22ort or t,e Legal De2artment an" =inance De2artment '' Ot,er "!tie# an" 2ro;ect# a# a##igne"'' Ser5e a# a22ointe" notary. '' Plan# an" carrie# o!t +or4 a##ignment#- re#ol5e# mo#t con lict# +,ic, ari#e- coor"inate# +or4 +it, ot,er# a# nece##ary- inter2ret# 2olicy on o+n initiati5e in term# o e#tabli#,e" ob;ecti5e#. 0ee2# Team lea"er in orme" o 2rogre##6 2otentially contro5er#ial matter#6 or ar'reac,ing im2lication#' Ability to <!ic4ly become 2ro icient in any 2ro2rietary #o t+are 'La+ Re#o!rce#' ; Le-us=Ne-us ; >est%aw ; A$i us Attorne) ; Mi roso(t >or! ; Mi roso(t :ower:oint ; Mi roso(t *- e% ; Lotus Notes ; ; <i%eMaker ; ?ore% >or!:er(e t PRE>IOUS JO? .ISTOR$ AND PRO=ESSIONAL E/PERIENCE D!tie#' A"mini#trati5e E92erience6 Date Entry6 *aintain Calen"ar#6 Re#earc, E92erience6 ?arr) out t.e e-presse! ter$s o( t.e trust instru$ent, @e(en! t.e trust, :ru!ent%) invest trust assets, 2e i$partia% a$on, "ene(i iaries, A ount (or a tions an! keep "ene(i iaries in(or$e!, 2e %o)a%, Not !e%e,ate,Not pro(it, Not "e in a on(%i t o( interest position, A!$inister in t.e "est interest o( t.e "ene(i iaries

8%eins$it. A Asso iates, Newark, N.6. Paralegal ; ; ; ; ; :rovi!e %e,a% an! a!$inistrative support (or ivi% %iti,ation (ir$ Supervise an! train se retaria% sta(( an! stu!ent interns 0$p%e$ent an on%ine "i%%in, s)ste$ (or %ients @ra(t %e,a% $e$oran!a an! %ient orrespon!en e ?on!u t resear . e$p%o)in, on%ine resour es su . as >est%aw an! Le-is


:riorit) Le,a%, Mia$i, <L 277C - 277B Legal A##i#tant ; Dpen new %ai$ (i%es, prepare a ountin, in(or$ation, an! keep a ountin, a!vise! o( new %ai$s, ; ; ; ; ; Maintain t.e (i%in, s)ste$, prepare p%ea!in,s "in!er. Maintain t.e Lotus Notes Le,a% @ata"ase (or an eas) re(eren e an! rapi! retrieva% o( in(or$ation. :repare t.e 'uarter%) report an! @A2 Eeports, as re'ueste!. :repare au!it %etters (or our %aw (ir$s in preparation (or our o$pan) )ear en! au!it. Maintain on(i!entia%it) o( t.e Le,a% @epart$ent. 277F G 277C

2SN 0n ., 2o a Eaton, <L Legal Intern ; Eeviewe! an! ana%)1e! ontra ts re%ate! to 2SNHs "usiness. ; ; ; *-tra te!, interprete!, an! su$$ari1e! spe i(i in(or$ation (ro$ ontra ts. *ntere! t.e in(or$ation into an on%ine !ata"ase tra kin, s)ste$.

0nvo%ve! in aspe ts o( 2SNHs "usiness in %u!e! workin, wit. attorne)s on a variet) o( ontra ts, re,u%ator) o$p%ian e issues, an! various aspe ts o( %iti,ation.


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Le-us=Ne-us >est%aw A$i us Attorne) Mi roso(t >or! Mi roso(t :ower:oint Mi roso(t *- e% Lotus Notes <i%eMaker ?ore% >or!:er(e t

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