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REVIEW TEST 2: Units 4-6 ECCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. GRAMMAR 1. Where are your glasses? I dont know. I ...... for the all day. a. look !. ha"e !een looking #. a looking d. ha"e looked 2. $ur house ...... today. a. painting !. is painting #. is !eing painted d. is painted %. &e is known ...... a "ery talented "iolinist. a. !e !. !een #. to !e d. !eing '. Its not definite yet( !ut y parents ...... allow e to go to a su er #a p. a. ay !. #an #. ust d. should ). When I went to *aris( I forgot ...... y grand other a post#ard and she was "ery disappointed. a. send !. in sending #. to send d. sending +. ,le- was so ...... that he talked e into helping hi with his ho ework. a. persuade !. persuasi"ely #. persuasi"e d. persuasion .. /top wasting water0 you shouldnt take it ...... granted. a. !y !. with #. fro d. for 1. Were all looking forward ...... on the trip. a. to go !. we go #. to going d. going 2. ,re the in"itations ready? 3o( !ut !y this ti e to orrow they ....... . a. will print !. are printed #. will !e printing d. will ha"e !een printed 10. 4y parents en#ouraged ...... up a sport. a. to take !. e taking #. that I take d. e to take

(20 points)

11. 5his is the !est the e park I ha"e ...... "isited. a. e"er !. ne"er #. yet d. already 12. Why was 6a#k shouting at you? &e ...... taking his !ike7 a. was a##used e of !. a##used e of #. is a##using of d. has e a##used of 1%. *aul annoyed us !e#ause he ...... do the washing up although he had ti e. a. #ant !. shouldnt #. wouldnt d. neednt 1'. 5he #o petition winners...... their pri8es. a. already gi"e !. were gi"en already #. ha"e already !een gi"ing d. ha"e already !een gi"en 1). &as the plane landed? 3o. It ...... !y now( !ut its !een delayed. a. ust ha"e arri"ed !. ight !e arri"ing #. should arri"e d. ought to ha"e arri"ed 1+. Its no use ...... with her9 she wont #hange her ind. a. to argue !. argue #. arguing d. that I argue 1.. Why did :anessa go ho e early? I dont know. /he ...... ha"e had a heada#he. a. ight !. #ant #. ought to d. will 11. ...... a lot of ;unk food is definitely !ad for your health. a. <at !. 5o eat # 5o !e eaten d. <ating 12. &a"e you tried that new restaurant? 3o( !ut I"e heard the food is "ery ....... . a. reasona!le pri#es !. reasona!le pri#ed #. pri#ed reasona!ly d. reasona!ly pri#ed 20. /ues eyes are red. /he ust ...... #rying. a. ha"e !. ha"e !een #. to !e d. to ha"e !een
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REVIEW TEST 2: Units 4-6 ECCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

VOCABULARY 21. Why dont we ...... the day tidying up the house? a. use !. spend #. ha"e d. ake 22. It was "ery ...... of the witness to noti#e the #olour of the ro!!ers eyes. a. e-#eptional !. "isual #. a##urate d. o!ser"ant 2%. 5he #lothing in that depart ent store doesnt ...... to e. a. agree !. attra#t #. appeal d. draw 2'. 5he portions they ser"ed at the restaurant were so ...... that we #ouldnt finish the . a. strong !. generous #. wide d. hea"y 2). I ha"e a!solutely no ...... of taking karate lessons. a. reason !. interest #. plan d. intention 2+. 3o one in the audien#e #ould ...... their eyes off the singer. a. get !. take #. for#e d. re o"e 2.. 5he !ooks on y !ookshelf ...... fro ystery stories to s#ien#e fi#tion. a. #hange !. e-tend #. range d. differ 21. $n sunny days you #an !uy i#e #rea fro ...... "endors. a. street !. path #. town d. road 22. 5he painting was a realisti# ...... of a !owl of fruit. a. perspe#ti"e !. representation #. #o entary d. asterpie#e %0. =oing "oluntary work at the hospital was a great learning ...... for e. a. #han#e !. ti e #. operation d. e-perien#e

(20 points) %1. $ne of the athletes was ...... for pushing another runner. a. outrun !. failed #. #an#elled d. dis>ualified %2. We walked up and down the ...... of the new super arket and filled our trolleys with a "ariety of produ#ts. a. series !. aisles #. halls d. #orridors %%. &ow would you like to ...... a go at ro#k #li !ing? a. ha"e !. do #. ake d. try %'. 5he #ottage was situated off the ...... tra#k. a. lonely !. !roken #. lost d. !eaten %). 4any people were ...... of the a#tors "iolent !eha"iour. a. disgusted !. #riti#al #. angry d. an-ious %+. 4aps of the national park are a"aila!le at ...... of ?1.)0. a. a fee !. a figure #. a #ost d. an a ount %.. I ...... @eorge and asked hi why he had lied to e. a. #onsu ed !. #onfronted #. #on"eyed d. #ondu#ted %1. Aour ti#ket is only ...... on the day of pur#hase. a. "alid !. worthy #. !ooked d. per itted %2. 5he e"ent had !een well organised and e"erything ran ...... . a. properly !. >ui#kly #. s oothly d. easily '0. Bor his ain ...... 5o de#ided to order the #hi#ken dish. a. food !. #ourse #. dinner d. enu

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Mar%: ........

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