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Chapter 1 :Uther and Merlin This very old story begins with Uther, a great king. After a few months, King Uther was very ill. So, he called Merlin because he wanted to talk about the future of his country.Merlin came to the King. Scene 1 King Uther:Merlin..merlin,come here.. Merlin: Yes my highness. Why King Arthur?? King Uther:I want to ask you something,I know that I am going to die. Who will be king after me ? Merlin:you know when you die?? Hahah.Sorry,Im joking. I think you can find your new king with gather all the knights and we can choose one of then who can take the sward. King Uther: I think , thats a good idea, I hope that king will be a kind and brave king soon. Merlin : Call your knights and great men. Tell them, your son, Arthur will be the next King ! ONLY THE KING CAN TAKE THE SWORD FROM THE STONE Scene 2 There is some knights who trying to pull that sward..but. ONLY Arthur pulled it out easily. The knights : (shouted) Arthur is our King ! Arthur is our King ! So, Arthur began a new life as a King in the South of Britain.


One day, King Arthur visited his friend,KingLeodegraunce

King Arthur : Hello my friend, Leodegraunce!. It has been a long time since we last met and share our stories King Leodegraunce :Hye, my friend. (smiling) (hugging each other) Suddenly, Guinevere appearinfront of them. King Arthur : Wow! That lady so beautiful.!!!...who is she? King Leodegraunce :Ohh, thats my daughter,Princess Guinevere. King Arthur and Princess Guinevere smiling each other Scene 3 At Camelot. King Arthur(alone, smile like crazy, fell in love, thinking of Princess Guinevere) : OH Princess always thingking about youwhy?? Merlin : What are you doing King Arthur. I saw you are keep smiling.Are you okay? King Arthur : That lady make my life crazy. Merlin :That Lady? Whatdoyou mean? King Arthur : I am not okay Merlin. I love Guinevere and I want to marry her Merlin. Merlin : It sounds good. And ofcourse Im happy for you Arthur.I will help you.

Scene 4 Merlin : Your heighnest King Leodegraunce.Im here to unite your daughter,Princess Guinevere with my king from Camelot. King Leodegrance : What?! (laugh) Im so happy Merlin.Arthur was a good and brave man. He can be a good husband for my lovely daughter. Merlin: I think we should arrange their date time. King Leodegrance : Waw!Good2.. no problem.. I will talk to my princess Scene 6 King Arthur marry Princess Guinevere.

Chapter 3: The Sword, Excalibur Scene 1 King Arthur went around the country and he saw a very big, beautiful castle in front of him. He went nearer to the castle Suddenly, a woman come out from the great door. Queen Annoure: hey, who are you? What are you doing in my castle? King Arthur : oh sorry!!!!.....Im King Arthur..Im just look around this country and I saw your castle. Queen Annoure: oh, I see. Iam sorry for my behaviour to you just now. King Arthur, I am Queen Annoure, and this beautiful castle is mine. So I would like to invite you to stay in my castle. It is getting dark. I will give you food and a bed for the right. King Arthur : oh Thank you! really appreciate are so kind

Arthur went into the castle and sleep there. Scene 2 The next morning, after breakfast , Queen Annoure wanted to see Arthur Queen Annoure :king Arthur, how was your night at my castle? Do you sleep well last night? King Arthur: Yes, I slept very well. Thank you so much. Queen Annoure: youre welcome! so what about this food? It is okay with you? King Arthur: its delicious..Im okay with this food Queen Annoure: after this, I would like to show you my castle and the beautiful things in it. Please come with me. Arthur looked at her castle and they come out on the top of the castle. King Arthur: I think its time to go back to my castle.

Queen Annoure: What? No! Stay with me and be the king here!You cannot leave or the great wall will kill you! King Arthur: hey!!!..what is your right to order me!!!!....your magic cannot hurt me, and your men cannot kill me. Then, with his sword in his hand and his helmet on his head, King Arthur went out of the castle. Queen Annoure: how dare you king Arthur to against me! Knights..follow him.. King Arthur fights with Queen Annoure knights. He win but his sword is broken. Scene 3 King Arthur : My sword broke in the fight. Merlin : That sword was not important. Come with me and you will findthe best sword in the world. The King Arthur went with Merlin through a dark wood. Arthur could not seethe sky. There were no trees, but Arthur saw a strange lake. The water was veryblue and were flower on it. Merlin: Now go to the lake, Merlin told Arthur. Arthur walked down to the magic lake, he suddenly saw an arm with a beautiful sword on its hand. Merlin: Go and take it. It is the sword Excalibur. The Lady of the Lake made it for you. She lives in her home in the water of the lake. Scene 5 A lovely young woman walked across the water and stood on the ground next to King Arthur. King Arthur : who are you? The Lady Lake : I am the Lady of the Lake. Your sword, Excalibur is waiting for you. There was a boat on the water, King Arthur got into it and he took the sword ( The Lady of the Lake was not there when Arthur come back to Merlin) King Arthur : Merlin, I got a new sword..that lady give it to me.ehwhere is the lady? Merlin : That is a magic scabbard. No man can kill a person with that scabbard. Have it with you always, because an evil woman will try to take the scabbard and the sword away from you.

CHAPTER 4:MORGAN LE FAY SCENE 1 One day, King Arthur visit Morgan Le Fays Castle King Arthur: Morgan,I want to go out to the woods. I want to catch for animals. I think I didnt need my Excalibur.So I left it with you.I will come and get it later.I trust you Morgan.Youre a kind friend right? Morgan: Sure,I will take good care of your lovely Excalibur.You can go safely.Take good care of yourself.

KingArthur:Where am I? This is not the woods. One of the knight:We are in the castle of Sir Damas. King Athur: Who is he? And what he want from us? One of the knight: He is a very evil knights.He caught us too and put us here. Sir Damas wants us to fight for him.Then we can leave the castle or we will stay here and die.

King Arthur: That is so difficult,but if I have my Excalibur,it will be more easier. Some man: Who are Arthur? Come with us. Sir Damas wants to meet you

King Arthur: Its me. Ohh sure. PLACE: Sir Damas castle Sir Damas: Nice to meet you Arthur.I think you already know what I want from you right?

King Arthur : Actually I dont know what is your real intention of kidnapping me. Sir Damas: Ouh..I see..I will explain to you.Actually I want you fight for me. Will you?

King Arthur: This is a difficult question, Sir Damas. I will fight for you.But when I win,I want those three knights.Then we will all leave your castle. Sir Damas: Yes,fight for me and you can take the three knights with you.Then what is your another request?

King Arthur :Owh..I need a horse and a sword,because I do not bring my sword actually.

Sir Damas:

Dont worry, this sword is from Queen Morgan Le Fay.It is for you, King Arthur.You left it with her and she heard about your fight today.She wants you to have Excalibur .

King Arthur look at the sword King Arthur : Yes,this is my Excalibur .Im so glad to have it. King Arthur go to the place fight and the fight begins.

PLACE: FIGHT King Arthur : Hey!! So, You want to fight with me? A knight : Yes, I am. So, lets fight now! The knight did not know King Arthur under his helmet King Arthur :This is not Excalibur .This sword cannot hurt the other knights. Ouch ..his sword is very strong.But I cant give up. Other knight: Sir! Say that I am the winner.Then I will not kill you. King Arthur : No , I will fight and fight. Tell me,who are you?what is your name The Knights: I am Sir Accolon,Knight of the Round Table. I am one of King Arthurs knights King Arthur : Tell me why did you fight me? Im your king. The Knight: Sir, I did not know you.I came here because Queen Morgan Le Fay. She said to me that I have to fight Sir Damas,then he will not kill you. Now I know that youre not Sir Damas.I am very sorry. King Arthur : Who gave you that sword? Sir Accolon: Queen Morgan Le Fay gave it to me.She said this is your sword,Excalibur and scabbard.If I use this,I will fight well and King Arthur can leave the castle of that evil knight, Sir Damas. I know now that you did not want to kill me,SirAccolon.Youre brave knight.Now understand Morgan Le Fays evil plan.I had a conversation with Merlin,the man of good magic.I have to be careful with my sword and scabbard,he said but Idid not listen.

King Arthur:

King Arthur went back to Sir Damass castle with Sir Accolon and they found a knight King Arthur: Bring Sir Damas to me! Sir Damas came to King Arthur. King Arthur: Why did you want me to fight for you? Why did I have to fight Sir Accolon, one of my knights? Sir Damas: Because Queen Morgan wanted it. King Arthur: You are not a brave man and now I am taking your castle from you and everything in it. Knight!! Bring Sir Damas to prison now!! A knight: alright Your Highness!!

CHAPTER 5: KING ARTHUR AND MERLIN Scene 1 Merlin : I have to say good bye now. King Arthur : Goodbye? Why Merlin? Merlin : Im going to die. I will not always be here. In the future when you make mistakes, my magic will not help you. King Arthur : Oh Merlin, I do not want you to go! Merlin :I,m going to the dark cave and I cannot come back from that cave. King Arthur : But Merlin (cry) you know a lot of magic. Can you not stop this? Merlin : I cannot stop it. You have to be strong king without me now ! Scene 2 After that, Merlin meets Vivien. Then, they went to the magic cave to improve Vivien;s magic. Vivien :Hurm, I have learned a lot of magic from lady of the lake and also from Merlin. But it is not enough, I want to be the greatest and strongest magic in the world. So I must destroy Merlin.

Vivien : Merlin, I went to a long journey to improve my magic. Can you please come with me? Merlin : Yes, lets go . Vivien : Oh, look there ! its a magic cave ! Merlin : The mouth of cave is open now, when you say a magic words , it will shut.

Vivien : I know these magic words. But which word will open it again? Merlin : I do not know . Vivien : I want to look inside the cave. Please come with me. Show me the way. Merlin : Ok, follow me. Vivien : Merlin : No !!!!!!!!!!!!! Vivien !!!!!!!!!help !!!! Vivien :Hahahaha ! I did it! So I have the greatest and strongest magic in the world ! Scene 3 But, there a few people saw Merlin trapped in that cave. They quickly go to King Arthur castle and tell the King. People : King Arthur , Merlin was ,,,,,,,, King Arthur : Yes ? People : Merlin was trapped inside the magic cave King Arthur : Huh? What are you talking about? It was imposible ! Oh Merlin ..(sad)

CHAPTER 6: SIR MELIGRANCE Scene1 After a few months, there are Spring flowers. Queen Guinevere wants to enjoy a beautiful surrounding outside the castle. Queen Guinevere: all my knights!! Lets enjoy this beautiful day. We can look for some lovely spring flowers. Lets take some food and drink and have a party in the wood. They enjoyed beautiful day until evening. Queen Guinevere: Now lets go home. King Arthur is waiting for us at Camelot. Suddenly, there a few men with swords came out infront of them. A man: Stand there and do not move! Or we kill you all! (shouted) Queen Guinevere : who are you? Sir Meligrance: Im Meligrance. I love you and you here without the King. Queen Guinevere: Sir Meligrance. King Arthur made you a Knight of the Round Table! A knight has to be a good man. How can you take away your kings wife? (crying)

Sir Meligrance: I only know that I love you. My men will help me. They will fight your knights. Guineveres ten knights: We will not stand here when you take our queen away, Sir! We will stop you. The fight began Queen Guinevere: Stop! Or they will kill you.(cried) Alright. Sir Meligrance. I will come with you. Come with me my brave knights to Sir Meligrances Castle. Sir Meligrance: Hahaha. Youre right my dear. So, come with me. Ill show you my beautiful castle. But, when Sir Meligrance walked. Queen Guinivere whispered to one of her knights.

Queen Guinevere: You have a good fast horse. Go quickly to Camelot! Tell the King and Sir Lancelot! Sir Meligrance did not noticed about it and they went to castle. Scene 2 The boy arrived at Camelot and met Sir Lancelot The boy: Sir, Queen Guinevere and all knight has been caught by Sir Meligrance. Now, they all at Sir Meligrances Castle. Sir Lancelot: I will go now to Sir Meligrances Castle and find the Queen. Go and tell the King. Sir Lancelot go to Sir Meligrance Castle through the wood. But, Sir Meligrance saw him. He start afraid and quickly go to Queen Guinevere. Sir Meligrance: Oh, my Queen, I am sorry! Please say you are not angry with me. I will take you back to Camelot and I will fight for King Arthur. I want to be a good knight. Queen Guinevere: Yes, you are sorry. I can see that. I will not be angry with you. Scene 3 Lancelot arrived at the castle and met the Queen. Queen Guinevere: Sir Lancelot, I am not angry with Sir Meligrance now. Lets stay here tonight and we will go back to Camelot tomorrow morning.

Sir Meligrance: Sir Lancelot will kill me when the Queen leaves this castle(thought) They ate together in the dinning-room. Sir Meligrance: Sir Lancelot, I will take you to your room and you can sleep. They went to the room and Sir Lancelot entered to the room. Then, Sir Meligrancelock up the room from outside. He go to the Queen. Sir Meligrance: Sir Lancelot did not want to stay here. He went back to Camelot. Scene 4 Next day, Queen Guinevere went back to Camelot with Sir Meligrance and they saw King Arthur. King Arthur: oh my dearest queen! Are you alright? I really miss you. Your knights are saying that Sir Meligrance took you away to his castle. Queen Guinevere: Yes, Meligrance took me to his castle and my knights fought for me. But Meligrance had a lot of men and they were too strong for us. But he is sorry, so I am not angry with him now. King Arthur: Tell me, Meligrance. Are the Queens knights right? What happened when you met Queen Guinevere in the wood with her knights and ladies? Sir Meligrance: I did not take the Queen away, King Arthur. She came with me because she loves me. King Arthur: how dare you said like that to your king!!! Get out from my castle!

Scene 5 At the same time, Sir Lancelot escaped and left Sir Meligrance Castle and went quickly back to King Arthurs Castle and quickly find Sir Meligrance. Sir Lancelot: You took my Queen Guinevere to your castle(angry). She is not angry with you now, so I will not kill you for that. But now you said that she loves you. For this, I will kill you! I am the strongest of King Arthurs knights. So , I will fight you without a helmet. But , I will win! Sir Meligrance quickly moved closer to Sir Lancelot. But, Sir Lancelot moved first and chooped Sir Meligrance head. Sir Meligrance dead!

CHAPTER 7 : KING ARTHUR DIES Scene 1 One day, King Arthur and Sir Bedivere went to France. But, King Arthur changed his mind all of a sudden. King Arthur : sir Bedivere, I feel something wrong in my heart? Sir Bedivere: why, your Highness? King Arthur: I feel, im missing my lovely wife now.

Then, they turned back to Camelot. When the King was away, the evil knight Sir Mordred came to Camelot. He wanted to kidnap Queen Guinevere. Mordred: King Arthur is dead ! He died in France in a fight. Im now king, and you will be my queen. Guinevere: I will die first ! I dont want to become your queen. Suddenly!! King Arthur appears in front of them. King Arthur: stop there!! Or I will kill you Modred Modred: ha haha..oh my queen, you lovely husband is here. Hey, Arthur..if you want your queen. Come! Fight with me. King Arthur: modred want to fight? Alright..knight!! Take my queen and leave this castle. Go to safe place. I will find you all after this.Go now!! A Knight: alright my King! King Arthur: This is an unhappy day !( and they began to fight for each other ) They fight at a little church near the lake. King Arthur: Im also going to die now. Its time. Please take my sword, Excalibur. Go to the lake and throw it into the water. Bedivere: Okay,let me help you. A place near a lake lake

Bedivere :Why do I have to throw this beautiful sword into the lake ? That will not help King Arthur . I did it. I threw your sword into the lake. King Arthur : What did you see there ? Bedivere : I saw the water, the sky and the stones. Thats all. King Arthur : You did not do the right thing. You did not throw the sword into the lake. Go again, and throw Exclibur into the water. Then come to me again. King Arthur : What did you see there Sir Bedivere ? Bedivere : I saw the water,the sky and the stones. Then the sword fell into the lake. King Arthur : Go again. Go quickly, because I am dying. Bedivere : Oh! my King ! I am very sorry, I cant. King Arthur : Then, take me to the lake.

Bedivere: oh no! my king..youre hurt. King Arthur: I said take me to the lake now!!! Bedivere :ohh. im sorry. Okay, let me help you King Arthur.

After a few time, the King asked Sir Bedivere to throw the sword into the lake and without any hesitation, he throw it into the water. Suddenly, an arm came up out of the water and caught the sword. It is, The Lady Of The Lake. She get out from the lake and go to the King Arthur with Excalibur. She spell a few words of magic to treat King Arthur. Lady of The Lake: King Arthur: wow!! Its really amazing. Thank you so much beautiful lady. Lady of the lake: welcome, your Highness King Arthur: Now, lets go back to castle. My beautiful wife are waiting for me.

They back to the castle and Queen Guinevere was waiting for King Arthur. All the citizen was very happy because their king was back.

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