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The Bought-and-Paidfor Wife

Bronwvn Jameson
Published by Silhouette Books America's Publisher of Contemporary Romance From the Library of Thomas Fleetwood ekamn! For all my readers" with a special mention to those who'#e written to me! $ treasure e#ery note and letter and card! And to %rs! &hite" the number one ad#ocate for my own little 'Lew!' Thank you" (! Special thanks and acknowled)ment are )i#en to Bronwyn *ameson for her contribution to T+, S,CR,T L$-,S .F S.C$,T/ &$-,S miniseries!

Contents Acknowled)ments Chapter .ne Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Fi#e Chapter Si0 Chapter Se#en Chapter ,i)ht Chapter 1ine
Chapter Ten Chapter ,le#en Chapter Twel#e Comin) 1e0t %onth One +e'd seen pictures! +e'd e0pected beautiful! After all" when a man chooses a trophy wife" he wants one other men will co#et! But Tristan Thorpe hadn't appreciated the e0tent of that beauty2 or its powerful clout2 until the front door of the Connecticut colonial opened in a rush and she was there" fi#e3and3a3bit feet of breathtakin) impact! -anessa Thorpe! +is father's widow! The enemy! $n e#ery one of those society diary pictures she looked as )lossy and polished as a trophy pri4e should!! !which had left Tristan speculatin) o#er how much was real2 the platinum hair5 the full lips5 the petite but perfectly cur#ed body52 and how much came courtesy

of his father's wealth! +e hadn't wondered about the sparklers at her throat and in her ears! Those" he knew" were real! 6nlike her other multi3faceted assets" the diamonds appeared on the listed #aluations of Stuart Thorpe's estate! But here" now" seein) her in the flesh for the first time" Tristan didn't notice anythin) fake! All he saw was the #ery real sparkle in her sil#ery3)reen eyes and the smile! &armer than the Au)ust sun at his back now that the rain had cleared" it lit her whole face with pleasure and licked his body with instant male appreciation! That hot shot of hormones lasted all of a second" which was as lon) as it took for shock to free4e the smile on her perfect pink lips! '$ts!!!you' +er whispered )asp came coated with dismay and" althou)h she didn't mo#e" Tristan saw the recoil in her e0pression! She wanted to back away! +ell" she probably wanted to slam the door in his face" and a per#erse part of him wished she would )i#e it a )o! The lon) fli)ht from Australia and the snarled afternoon traffic followin) a hea#y rainstorm had him ed)y enou)h to en7oy that kind of confrontation! Lo)ic" howe#er" was Tristan Thorpe's master and it cautioned him to remain cool! 'Sorry to disappoint you" duchess!' And because he wasn't the least bit sorry" he smiled" as slow and mockin) as his drawled )reetin)! '.b#iously" you were e0pectin) someone else!' '.b#iously!' Tristan arched an eyebrow! ' idn't you say $ was welcome here any time5' '$ don't recall 2' 'Two years a)o"' he reminded her! After her husband's death! Seein) as she had to call his estran)ed family on the other side of the world to inform them of his passin)" why not e0tend her lar)esse5 An e03waitress with e0pectations of a cool hundred million in inheritance could afford to appear )enerous! Ri)ht now she didn't look so )enerous! $n fact she looked downri)ht inhospitable! '&hy are you here" Tristan5 The court date isn't until ne0t month!' '$f it's e#en necessary!' Surprise and suspicion narrowed her eyes! '+a#e you chan)ed your mind5 Are you droppin) your contest of the will5' '1ot a chance!' 'Then what do you want5' 'There's been a new de#elopment!' Tristan paused" sa#orin) the moment! +e'd flown nearly ten thousand miles for this! +e wanted to dra) it out" to see her flail" before he brou)ht her down! '$ think you'll chan)e your mind about keepin) that court date!' For a second she stared at him" her e0pression re#ealin) nothin) but annoyance! Behind her" somewhere within the mansion's #ast interior" a phone started to rin)! +e saw her momentary distraction" a )lance" a ti)htenin) of her lips" before she spoke! '$f this is another of your attempts to obstruct e0ecution of Stuart's will2 ' the hostility in her eyes and her #oice confirmed that's e0actly what she thou)ht'2 please take it to my lawyer" the same as you'#e done with e#ery other new de#elopment the past two years! 1othin) has chan)ed in that re)ard! 1ow" if you'll e0cuse me!!!' .h" no! 1o way would he be dismissed! 1ot with that snooty #oice" not with that imperious lift of her perfect little chin!

Tristan didn't stop to consider propriety or )ood manners! To pre#ent her closin) the door on him" he stepped forward! To halt her lea#in)" he reached out and cau)ht her by the arm! The bare arm" he reali4ed as the shock of her warm and female softness shot throu)h his system! -a)uely" beneath that purr of awareness" he felt her stillness and heard the hitch of her breath! Shock" no doubt" that he'd dare lay a hand on her! '/ou don't want to close that door on me!' +is #oice sounded rou)h" a deep )rowl in the tense silence! And he reali4ed that the shrill rin)in) of the telephone had stopped" whether because someone had picked up or the caller had 8uit" he didn't know and couldn't care! '/ou don't want me takin) this public!' '1o5' '$f you're smart2 ' And she was! They mi)ht ha#e dealt with each other lar)ely throu)h lawyers" but he'd ne#er underestimated the smarts behind her platinum blond looks '2 you'll keep this between you and me!' Their eyes clashed with raw anta)onism and somethin) else! The same somethin) that still bu44ed throu)h his system and ti)htened his )ut! The same somethin) that made him release his )rip on her arm without breakin) eye contact" e#en when he heard the rubbery s8uelch of rapidly approachin) sneakers on the foyer's marble floor! 'Take the call if you need"' he said! '$ can wait!' The owner of the sneakers stopped and cleared her throat and Tristan's attention switched to a trim middle3a)ed woman" e#en shorter than -anessa! espite her casual 7eans and T3 shirt attire" he pe))ed her as the housekeeper! Perhaps because of the old3fashioned feather duster pokin) out from under one arm! 'Sorry to interrupt!' ,#en thou)h she addressed her boss" the woman's )a4e flicked o#er Tristan" not curious" not ner#ous" but si4in) him up! The dislike in her e0pression su))ested she reco)ni4ed him! 'Andy needs to speak to you!' 'Thank you" 9loria! $'ll take it in the library!' 'And your!!! )uest5' The pause was deliberate! +e )ot the distinct impression that" like her employer" she would relish tossin) the )uest out on his backside! And then turnin) the do)s on him! 'Show him to the sittin) room!' '1o need!' Tristan's )a4e shifted to -anessa! '$ li#ed here for twel#e years! $ can find my own way!' That re)istered like a slap of shock in her rain3on3water eyes but she didn't comment! $nstead she inclined her head and played the )racious hostess! 'Can 9loria brin) you tea5 .r a cold drink5' '&ould that be safe5' The housekeeper made a sound that fell midway between a snort and a lau)h! +er boss" howe#er" didn't appear to appreciate his )ibe! +er lips compressed into a ti)ht line! '$ won't keep you lon)!' ' on't hurry on my account!' She paused" 7ust lon) enou)h to cast him a lon)" frosty look o#er one shoulder! 'Belie#e me! $ ne#er do anythin) on your account" Tristan!' 6ttered with the perfect mi0 of scorn and indifference" it was a killer closin) line2 one he would ha#e paid with a salute of lau)hter at another time" in another place! &ith another ad#ersary! But this was -anessa Thorpe and she was already halfway across the

foyer" her head bent in earnest con#ersation with her employee! +e couldn't distin)uish words" but the low lilt of her #oice packed the same impact as her million3watt smile! $t created the same stin) of heat as when he'd )ripped her arm!! !and that heat still prickled in the palm of his hand! Fle0in) his fin)ers helped! Allowin) his )a4e to drop below her shoulders didn't! She wore a little dress2 a sundress" he supposed" althou)h the milk3pale skin it re#ealed hadn't seen much sun! -ery little skin lay bare: this was not a pro#ocati#e dress! The silky material didn't clin) as much as flow with the subtle cur#es of her body! $t was classy" e0pensi#e and feminine! The kind of dress that whispered woman to e#ery red3 blooded male cell he owned! At the door to the library" she )a#e final instructions to the housekeeper who hurried off! To fi0 his tea" with a side of lemon" milk and arsenic" he presumed! For a lon) moment the only sound was the retreatin) s8ueak of rubber soles and then" as if she felt the touch of his )a4e or the cynical whisper of his thou)hts" -anessa pi#oted on the heel of one of her delicate sandals! The skirt flared out from her le)s" re#ealin) a hint of bare thi)h! %akin) his skin prickle with renewed heat! Their eyes met" clashed" held" and he saw a flash of somethin) in her face" 8uicksil#er fast! Then it and she were )one" from the room but not from his blood! amn it to bla4es" he could not be attracted to her! +e would not allow it! &ith a )rowl of a))ra#ation" he shut his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck! Twenty3 si0 hours he'd been tra#elin)! Lon)er from when he left his 1orthern Beaches' home for the airport in Sydney's south end! +e was tired and he was wired" runnin) on adrenaline and fi0ation on his )oal! +ow could he belie#e anythin) he felt ri)ht now5 +ow could he trust anythin) in the turmoil of emotions elicited by his return to ,astwick" Connecticut5 To this" the home where he'd )rown up" where he'd felt cherished and secure" only to ha#e that comfort blanket yanked from under his adolescent feet without any warnin)! 9uess what" darlin)5 &e're )oin) to li#e in Australia! /ou and your sisters and your mother! &on't that be e0citin)5 Twenty years later he was back and his hei)htened responses2 the heat" the bitterness2 weren't all about -anessa Thorpe! +e e0pelled a lon) breath and forced himself to mo#e farther inside! She'd chan)ed thin)s" of course! The colors" the furnishin)s" the mood! +is footsteps echoed in the ca#ernous foyer" soarin) to the two3story ceilin) and bouncin) off walls painted in a medley of pale blues! &here he remembered the warmth of a childhood home" now he felt nothin) but an outsider's detachment! $)norin) the ti)ht sensation in his )ut" he e0ecuted a slow three3si0ty and took in the matched maho)any hall stand and side table" the pair of watercolor seascapes" the #ase of lon)3 stemmed blooms! The place was as perfectly put to)ether as -anessa Thorpe" as carefully e0ecuted as had been her plan to snare a multimillionaire three times her a)e! For two years Tristan had fou)ht the will that )a#e her e#erythin) bar a token be8uest to

him" Stuart Thorpe's only child" a deliberate act to show he'd chosen wife o#er son as his beneficiary! Tristan had filed motion after motion while he searched for a loophole" an an)le" a reason! +e'd ne#er doubted that he would win! +e always did! Finally" from out of the blue" he'd cau)ht his lucky break! An anonymous alle)ation contradictin) what his le)al team had learned about the youn) widow! $nitially" all they'd heard was )ood2 Saint -anessa with all her charity committees and #oluntary work and her unstintin) de#otion to an ailin) husband! But a second round of discreet in8uiries had re#ealed another slant on -anessa Thorpe! 1o solid e#idence" but enou)h rumors from enou)h different sources to point toward the smoke of a secretly )uarded fire! ,#idence would not be easily attained two years after the fact but it mi)ht not pro#e necessary! +e was bankin) on an admission of )uilt to close this thin) off" )rantin) his mother all that was ri)htfully hers! &innin) would not make up for her life's disappointments and unhappiness" but it would ser#e to re#erse the )ross in7ustice of her di#orce settlement! Twenty years late but it would redress the balance! $t was 7ust and fair! And at lon) last" it would set thin)s ri)ht in Tristan's mind! -anessa put down the recei#er and slumped o#er the library desk" weak with relief! Plans had chan)ed! Andy would not be arri#in) at the door any minute" makin) her meetin) with Tristan Thorpe e#en more difficult than it promised to be! And she knew" from e0perience" that anythin) in#ol#in) Tristan would pro#e more difficult than it needed to be! Time after time he'd pro#en that" obstructin) the e0ecution of probate at e#ery turn" refusin) each effort to compromise" threatenin) to ne#er )i#e up until he had his due! All because he'd cast one look at her a)e" another at her back)round and thou)ht +ello" )old di))er! -anessa knew plenty about narrow3minded bi)ots" but still she'd )i#en this one time to reassess! She'd called" she'd e0tended that in#itation to #isit" she'd )i#en him e#ery opportunity to take a fair settlement from the estate! She'd thou)ht he deser#ed it" e#en thou)h Stuart had decided otherwise! But Tristan remained infle0ible! A )reedy" heartless brute and bully! Too bad she refused to be intimidated! Refle0i#ely she lifted a hand to rub at her arm! She hated that his touch had left a remnant warmth" that she'd felt the same heat from eyes the chan)eable blue of summer on the Sound! From the depth of his dark drawl and the scent of rain on his clothes and the contrast between ci#ili4ed suit and unci#ili4ed2 An abrupt knock at the library door brou)ht her head up with a )uilty start! But it was only 9loria" her brow puckered with concern! '$s e#erythin) all ri)ht" hon5 o you need to )o out5 Because if you do" $ can deal with himself!' The last was issued with a sniff of disdain that made -anessa smile! For a brief second she considered takin) that option" mostly because it would tick him off! But she needed to find out what he wanted and why he'd felt a need to deli#er his latest pain3in3the3butt ob7ection in person! 1ot that she belie#ed he'd disco#ered anythin) new! At least" nothin) that could influence the estate distribution!

',#erythin)'s fine" thanks! Andy's had to cancel our trip to the city but that's turned out to be a blessin)! As for himself32 ' she said it with a mockin) smile as she rose to her feet '2 $ can handle him!' '$ know you're plenty tou)h" but he's a bi) one!' 'The bi))er they are!!!' 9loria harrumphed! '/ou better make sure he doesn't break anythin) #aluable when he falls! And if he does fi0 on makin) trouble" $'m here!' '1o"' -anessa said" )ettin) serious! '/ou will not be here because your workin) day finished thirty minutes a)o! 1ow" )o home and fuss o#er your Bennie! As soon as $'m done with our )uest" $'m headin) up to Le0ford anyway!' '$s e#erythin) all ri)ht up there5 $s L2 ' ',#erythin)'s fine"' she repeated! And because she didn't want to e0tend the con#ersation by fieldin) further 8ueries" she put a firm hand on 9loria's shoulder and propelled her toward the door! '$'ll see you tomorrow! 1ow" shoo!' &antin) a )lass of water before facin) the dreaded enemy" -anessa headed to the kitchen!!! and stumbled upon him en route2 not in the formal sittin) room as instructed" but in the keepin) room! 1o" no" no! +er heart beat fast with a)itation! This was her place! The only room decorated with her thin)s! The only room small enou)h and co4y enou)h and informal enou)h to rela0 in with a )ood book or to #isit with friends! Tristan Thorpe did not fit anywhere in that picture! 1ot the friends bit" and definitely not the small and co4y part! +e'd made his mark as a pro football player in Australia" and she could see why he'd been such a forceful presence on the field! $t wasn't only his hei)ht" broad3shouldered build and wide male stance! +e also e0uded an aura of purpose and determination" a hard ed)e that his tailored suit and e0pensi#e )roomin) could not dis)uise! ,#en standin) with his back to the door" without the full3on impact of his intense blue )a4e and the decisi#e set of his stron)3boned face" he created an uneasy awareness in -anessa's flesh! She wasn't used to seein) a man in her house" especially one this blatantly male! But he's here" she told herself! +e is what he is! eal with it! That pra)matic mantra had pulled her throu)h a lot in twenty3nine years2 more difficulties of more importance than Tristan! %ost of them had been sol#ed by her )odsend marria)e to Stuart and she could not afford to lose that resolution! 1ot now: not e#er! She started into the room and at the sound of her first footfall" his head came up! A thousand ner#es 7umped to life as he swun) around to face her! She lifted her chin an inch hi)her! Strai)htened her shoulders and fi0ed her face with the cool" polite e0pression that had )otten her throu)h the most terrifyin) of social e#ents! Let him call her duchess! She didn't care! And then she noticed what had held his attention2 what he now held delicately balanced in his bi) hands2 and her heart lurched with $3do3care an0iety! $t was the 9irl with Flowers" the most treasured in her collection of Lladro fi)urines! That fretfulness must ha#e re)istered in her e0pression because he re)arded her narrowly! 'Bad news5' -anessa knew he referred to the phone call" but she nodded toward the fi)urine! '.nly if you drop that!'

+eart in mouth she watched him turn it o#er in his hands" first one way and then the other! As a football player he'd been ma)ic with his hands" accordin) to Stuart! But ma)ic or not" she didn't want Tristan's hands on her thin)s! She didn't want to look at them a week or a month or a year from now" and remember this man in her home! As much as she wanted to keep her distance" she couldn't help herself! She had to cross the room and take the statuette from his hands! '&hen $ mentioned bad news" $ meant the phone call!' The brush of their fin)ers unsettled -anessa more than she'd anticipated! She felt the fine tremor in her hand and prayed he didn't hear the telltale rattle as she put the fi)urine down! 'There's no bad news"' she said" reco#erin) her poise! She indicated a win)back chair with one hand! '&ould you like to sit5' '$'m comfortable standin)!' Leanin) a)ainst a cabinet with the heels of his hands restin) on its ed)e" he looked at ease! ,0cept the ti)htness around the corners of his mouth and the tick of a muscle in his 7aw )a#e him away! 1ot to mention the intentness of the sharp blue )a4e fi0ed on her face! Like a lion" she decided" lollin) in the )rass of the #eldt" but with e#ery muscle coiled as he waited for the chance to pounce! Paint her pelt black and white and call her 4ebra" because she was the prey! The #i#idness of that mental ima)e created a shi#er up her spine" but she snapped strai)ht in automatic refle0! o not let the enemy see your fear! $t was a lesson she'd learned as a child" one she'd tried to instill into her youn)er brother" Lew! .ne she'd used often in her new life" adaptin) to the scrutiny of ,astwick society! As much as she wanted to put distance between herself and the enemy" she stood her )round and met his unsettlin) )a4e! '&ould you care to tell me about this new de#elopment5 Because $ can't think of a thin) that would make any difference to your claim on Stuart's estate!' '/ou're aware of e#ery letter in that will" -anessa! Surely you'#e worked this out!' '/ou'#e tried to obstruct e#ery letter of that will! $ can't belie#e there's one you missed;' '&e didn't miss this one" duchess! /ou were 7ust cle#er enou)h to beat us!!! then!' -anessa huffed out a breath! '$ ha#e no idea what you're talkin) about! Stop playin) )ames" Tristan! $ don't ha#e the time or the patience!' For a lon) moment he didn't respond" althou)h she reali4ed2 belatedly2 that he no lon)er loun)ed a)ainst the cabinet! +e'd strai)htened" closin) down the )ap between them! But she refused to ask for space! She refused to acknowled)e that his pro0imity bothered her! '$s he the same one5' She blinked" baffled by his 8uestion! '&ho5' 'The man you were e0pectin) this afternoon! The one who put that smile on your face when you answered the door! The one who called!' &as he cra4y5 'The same what5 &hat are you talkin) about5' '$'m askin) if this man2 Andy" isn't it52 is the one who's )oin) to cost you a hundred million dollars!' -anessa's heart sei4ed with shock and a terrible reali4ation!

'&ell5' he asked" not )i#in) her a chance to reco#er" to respond! '$s he the man you were sleepin) with while you were married to my father5' Two .h! %y! Lord! +e was talkin) about the adultery clause! The one left o#er from Stuart's first marria)e" to Tristan's mother! &hen Tristan had si)naled his intention to challen)e the will" her lawyer" *ack Cartwri)ht" had )one o#er e#ery clause with painstakin) care" makin) sure -anessa understood and that he wouldn't recei#e any nasty surprises from the opposin) attorney! She'd )i#en that clause no more thou)ht! She had no reason to! But now Tristan thou)ht she'd had a lo#er!!! that she still had a lo#er! That comprehension took a moment to sink in" and then she couldn't pre#ent her shock from bubblin) into lau)hter! '/ou think this is funny5' '$ think"' she said" reco#erin)" 'this is ludicrous! &here would you )et such an idea5' '%y lawyer's asked around! There are rumors!' She stared at him in disbelief! 'After almost two years of this dispute" you'#e decided to in#ent rumors5' '$ didn't in#ent anythin)!' '1o5 Then where did these rumors suddenly sprout from5' +e took a second to answer" 7ust lon) enou)h for -anessa to note that the muscle still ticked in his 7aw! '$ recei#ed a letter!' 'From5' ' oes it matter5' '/es" it does"' she fired back at him" her earlier disbelief )rowin) indi)nant! '$t matters that someone is slanderin) me!' +e re)arded her in silence" a lon) taut moment that fanned -anessa's )atherin) fury! '$'m )i#in) you the chance to deal with me pri#ately" here and now"' he said finally" his #oice low and e#en! '.r would you prefer to take this to court5 &ould you like to answer all the 8uestions about who and where and how often under oath5 &ould you like all your society friends to hear2 '/ou bastard! on't you dare e#en think about spreadin) your lies!' '1ot lies!' Somethin) )linted" brief and dan)erous in his eyes! '$ intend to di) deep" -anessa" if that's what it takes to disco#er all your dirty little secrets! $ will find e#ery truth about you! ,#ery last detail!' -anessa's head whirled with the implications of his threat! She had to )et away from him" to cool down" to think" but when she tried to escape he blocked her e0it! And when she attempted to stare him down" he shifted closer" hemmin) her into the corner where she couldn't mo#e without touchin) him! +er resentment rose in a thick" chokin) wa#e! She wanted to sound icy" imperious" but instead her #oice 8ui#ered with ra)e! '/ou start by turnin) up at my home unin#ited! /ou manhandle me! /ou threaten me with your nasty lies! And now you're resortin) to physical intimidation! $ can hardly wait to see what you try ne0t!' Their eyes clashed in a li)htnin) bolt that was ei)ht parts anta)onism" two parts

challen)e! She knew" a split second before he mo#ed" before his hands came up to trap her a)ainst the wall" that the two parts challen)e was two parts too much! And still she couldn't back down" e#en when his )a4e dropped to her lips and caused a slow sweet ripple in her blood! ,#en when he muttered somethin) low and unintelli)ible2 perhaps an oath" perhaps a warnin)2 beneath his breath! Then his mouth descended to hers" catchin) her )asp of indi)nation! For a second she was too stunned by the sensation of his lips pressed a)ainst hers to react! ,#erythin) was new" untried" unfamiliar! The bold presence of his mouth" the rou)h te0ture of his skin" the elemental taste of rain and sun and man! ,#erythin) was une0pected e0cept the electric char)e that flushed throu)h her skin and ti)htened her breasts! That was the same as when he'd touched her" the same as when he'd watched her walk away" the same as when she'd turned at the library door and cau)ht him starin)! She heard the accelerated thud of her heartbeat and scrambled to compose herself" to re7ect that unwanted response! But then he shifted his wei)ht sli)htly and she felt the brush of his 7acket a)ainst her bare arm! For some reason that slide of body3warmed fabric seemed more intimate than the kiss itself" and the effect shimmered throu)h her skin like li8uid silk! The hands she'd raised to sho#e him away flattened a)ainst his chest and the slow beat of his heart resonated into her palms! &ith a shock she reali4ed that she wasn't only touchin) him but kissin) him back" 7ust now" for one split second! .h" no! A thousand times no! +er eyes 7olted open" wide and appalled" as she pushed with renewed purpose! +is mouth stilled for one measured second before he let her )o! The messa)e was clear! +e'd insti)ated this! +e was endin) it! amn him! And damn her traitorous body for reactin) to whate#er weird male3female chemistry was )oin) on between them! Red3hot an)er ha4ed her #ision and she lashed out without conscious thou)ht! +e dod)ed her easily" catchin) her arm before she came close to landin) a blow! And that only infuriated her more! She wrenched at her captured arm and the 7erky action cau)ht the Lladro 9irl with Flowers she'd set down on the cabinet! $n slow motion she saw the delicate fi)urine start to topple but she couldn't mo#e fast enou)h! The sound of its shatterin) impact on the marble floor filled the silence for se#eral lon) brittle seconds! -anessa pressed the back of one tremblin) hand to her mouth" as if that mi)ht silence the an)uished cry deep inside her! But when she started to duck down" he intercepted her" his hand on her arm holdin) her steady! 'Lea#e it! $t's only an ornament!' An ornament" yes" but this one was a )ift from her childhood2 a symbol of where she'd come from and all she'd dreamed of lea#in) behind! But only a symbol" her pra)matic side reminded her! She'd had to )row up too practical for dreams and symbolism! This incident si)nified only one thin)< she'd allowed Tristan Thorpe to cut throu)h her cool" to upset her enou)h that she'd lashed out in temper! And she would eat dirt before she )a#e him the satisfaction of knowin) how deeply he'd affected her! 'Are you all ri)ht5' The softened ed)e to his #oice cau)ht her off )uard" but she shru))ed that aside alon)

with his touch! +e was probably worried that she'd start weepin) and wailin)! .r that she'd turn and throw some more of her ornaments at his infuriatin) head! 1o doubt it was as hard and as cold as the marble tiles underfoot! 9atherin) the shards of her poise" she turned and met his eyes! '$ will be fine once you )et out of my house!' The concern she'd detected in his #oice turned steel3hard! The muscle she'd noted earlier 7umped in his 7aw a)ain! '/ou en7oy your house while you can" duchess!' '%eanin)5' '$t won't be yours once $ pro#e your adultery! 1ot the house" not any of these pretty thin)s you're so concerned about breakin)! All bou)ht and paid for with Thorpe money!' '9ood luck with that"' she said coldly" while the an)er resur)ed with new fer#or! She had to )et out of here before she did start hurlin) thin)s at him" if only to show how little they mattered! '$f you'll e0cuse me" $ ha#e another appointment! $f you ha#e anythin) else to say" please say it throu)h my lawyer!' 'That's it5' ',0cept for one last thin)!! !Please close the door on your way out!' Tristan hadn't planned on followin) her! After closin) the front door" he'd been intent on )ettin) to one place only2 his attorney's office in Stamford! +e had a letter to deli#er! +e had instructions to employ the best in#esti)ator2 a team of them" if necessary2 to follow up e#ery rumor about her secret assi)nations" to find this mystery man whate#er the cost! ,#en thou)h he'd prodded her about seein) the same man today" he didn't belie#e she would be foolish enou)h to flaunt her lo#er so openly! 1ot when she stood to lose e#erythin) she'd set her cap at when she had married the old man! &ith all his focus trained on what she'd said and not said" on what he'd done and wished he hadn't" Tristan dro#e strai)ht throu)h the intersection of &hite Birch Lane and Beauford when he should ha#e turned ri)ht! +alf a mile farther on he reali4ed his error and pulled o#er! &aitin) for a )ap in the traffic" he beat himself up about missin) the turn! And while he was at it" he beat himself up some more for makin) such a hash of his first meetin) with -anessa Thorpe! Sure she pro#oked him! ,#erythin) about her had needled him lon) before he came face3 to3face with her kick3)ut beauty! But did he ha#e to react to e#ery )oadin) statement" e#ery challen)in) eye3meet" e#ery disdainful lift of her chin5 id he ha#e to kiss her5 The hell of it was he didn't remember makin) a choice! .ne second they were )oin) at it" bitin) #erbal chunks out of each other's hides" the ne0t he had her backed a)ainst the wall tastin) the pro#ocation of her lush lips! And the hell of that was how swiftly her taste had aroused his hun)er! +e'd wanted so much more than one 8uick bite! +is hands had itched to touch that distractin) dip in her chin" to feel the creamy softness of her skin" to pull her ti)ht a)ainst his body! +e could blame the lon) day" his lack of sleep" the ed)y turmoil of returnin) to ,astwick" but in the end he could only hold himself responsible! +e'd let her )et to him!

+e wouldn't make that mistake a)ain! The flow of traffic eased and he checked his mirror 7ust as a champa)ne colored con#ertible whi44ed by! +e didn't ha#e to see the #anity plates to know it was her! ,#erythin) on the list of possessions they'd sparred o#er this past year was indelibly printed on his brain! +e hadn't planned on followin) her any more than he'd planned on kissin) her" but as he steered into a )ap in traffic Tristan had a hunch that this would turn out a whole lot more fulfillin) and less frustratin) than that ill3concei#ed meetin) of mouths! '$'m so )lad you su))ested this"' -anessa said! This was to meet by the water at .ld Poynton" where the bree4e driftin) off Lon) $sland Sound tempered the warmth of the late afternoon sun: where breathin) the fresh marine air cooled the ed)y heat of -anessa's temper!! !a little! And you was Andy Sil#erman" who'd su))ested the outdoor walk3and3talk when he'd called earlier to chan)e plans! Andy had )rown up in the same /onkers nei)hborhood as -anessa's family" and she'd reco)ni4ed him as soon as he commenced workin) at Twel#e .aks" the special3needs facility that had been home to her youn)er brother for the past se#en years! They met re)ularly to discuss Lew's pro)ram and his pro)ress" and Andy had become more than her brother's counselor! 1ow she counted him as a friend!!!the only friend who knew and understood Lew and the difficulties posed by his autism! 'Tou)h day at the country club5' espite the li)hthearted comment" she felt a serious ed)e to Andy's sidelon) look! '/ou want to talk about it5' '+a#en't we 7ust done that5' They'd talked about Lew" as they always did" and about why Andy had cancelled their trip to the city! Storms" like today's" were one of se#eral tri))ers that upset Lew's need for calm and routine order! '/our brother has bad days all the time"' Andy said now! '/ou're used to that!' 1o! She didn't think she would e#er call herself used to Andy's autism or his most difficult" sometimes #iolently dama)in)" days! But she conceded Andy's percepti#e point! +e knew there was more worryin) her today than Lew! '$'m not sure you want to hear this"' she said! '+ey" $'m a professional listener!' That made her smile! ' o you char)e e0tra for out3of3hours consultations" r! Sil#erman5' They'd reached the end of the promenade! Andy paused and leaned a)ainst the stone wall that separated the walkway from the beach! +e folded his arms across his chest! +is open face and calm e0pression were part of what made him so )ood at his 7ob! '9o ahead and spit it out! /ou know you want to!' 1ot so much want to as need to" -anessa silently amended! +er )a4e shifted beyond her companion" trackin) two windsurfers as they rode a )ust of air across the clean blue surface of the Sound! Then one of the surfers slowed" faltered" and toppled into the water" his charmed ride on the wind o#er! '&ouldn't it be nice if we all had such soft landin)s"' she mused out loud! '/ou'#e lost me!' &ith a small si)h" she turned her attention back to Andy and his in#itation to spit it out!

'$t's Tristan Thorpe!' Andy tsked in sympathy! '$sn't it always5' '+e's here! $n ,astwick!' 'For the trial5 $ thou)ht that wasn't till ne0t month!' '+e's here because he thinks he's found a way to beat me without )oin) to court!' All semblance of rela0ation destroyed" -anessa paced away a couple of steps" then swun) back! '&hich he hasn't" but that won't stop him makin) trouble!' '.nly if you let him!' She lau)hed" a short" sharp" humorless sound! '+ow can $ stop him5 +e has it in his head that $'m a nasty sly adulterer and he's here to pro#e it;' To his credit" Andy barely blinked at that disclosure! She supposed" in his line of work" he heard all manner of shockers! 'That's not a problem if there's nothin) to substantiate!' '.f course there's nothin) to substantiate;' 'But you're upset because people mi)ht belie#e that of you" despite your innocence5' '$'m upset because!!! because!!!' Because he belie#es it! Because he kissed me! Because $ can't stop thinkin) about that! '%y point e0actly"' Andy said" misinterpretin) her stumble into silence! '/our friends know you well enou)h to not belie#e whate#er he mi)ht put about!' '%y friends know! /ou know! $ know"' she countered hotly" 'but he's always thou)ht the worst of me! 1ow he belie#es $'m not only an Anna 1icole Smith clone who took ad#anta)e of a susceptible older man" but $ kept a lo#er on the side to share my ill3)otten spoils!' She e0haled on a note of dis)ust! '$ don't e#en know why $'m surprised!' Andy re)arded her closely for a lon) moment! '+e's really )ot you stewin)" hasn't he5' .h" yes! $n ways she didn't want to think about" let alone talk about! She'd let him kiss her" she'd breathed the scent of him into her lun)s" and then she'd raised her hand" for pity's sake" when she despised #iolence born of temper and heated words and uncontrolled emotions! '+e )ot me so riled"' she said with 8uiet intensity" her stomach twistin) with the pain of those lon)3a)o memories! '$ wanted to hit him" Andy!' 'But you didn't!' .nly because he stopped me! She could still feel the steely )rip of his hand" the pressure of his fin)ers wrapped around her wrist" and the need to lash out ra)in) in her blood! And the worst of it5 1ot the loss of her treasured )ift but the acknowled)ment" on the hour3plus dri#e up here" that she hadn't been lashin) out at him but at her fickle body's une0pected and unwanted response! '$ told myself not to let him )et under my skin! $ in#ited him into my home when $ wanted to slam the door in his face! $ tried to be polite and calm! But the man is 7ust so!!!so!!!' 6nable to find a suitable descriptor" she spread her hands in a silent )esture of appeal! ,0cept she doubted the dictionary contained a sin)le word stron) enou)h" hot enou)h" comple0 enou)h to co#er all that Tristan had e#oked in her that afternoon! 'And it's not only him that has me stewin)!' Suddenly she couldn't stand still any lon)er! +ookin) an arm throu)h one of Andy's folded ones" she forced him into motion" walkin) back toward the strip of tourist bouti8ues and sidewalk eateries opposite the small beach and marina! 'Someone sent him a letter! An accusation! That's how this latest crusade of his started!' She tu))ed at his arm in a)itation! '&ho would do such a thin)5' ' id he show you this letter5'

-anessa shook her head and in Andy's raised brows she read another 8uestion! 'Are you thinkin) that this letter mi)ht not e0ist5' '$f $ were you"' he said carefully" '$'d want to see it!' At the time she'd been too astounded and too het up by his alle)ations! She hadn't thou)ht of askin) to see the e#idence! Frownin)" she walked and she chewed the whole e0chan)e and its implications o#er in her mind! '&hy would he in#ent this letter and come all the way o#er here to pro#e its claims5 That only makes sense if he belie#es he can pro#e it! And that only makes sense if someone2 such as his correspondent2 has con#inced him they ha#e somethin) on me!' And that made no sense because she had ne#er slept around! 1ot once! 1ot e#er! '$t's not as if $ ha#e a pool boy"' she continued" 'or a tennis pro or a personal trainer! The only male staff $ employ re)ularly is 9loria's Bennie" and that's only for odd 7obs to keep her happy! $ see *ack" my attorney" re)ularly but e#eryone knows he's a besotted new husband and soon3to3be father!' 'And you see me!' Andy's e#enly spoken comment hun) in the air a second before she )rasped its si)nificance! Then she stopped in her tracks" shakin) her head with a slowly dawnin) reali4ation! 6sually they met behind the walls of Twel#e .aks' sprawlin) estate" in one of the formal meetin) rooms or the less formal library" or they walked around the estate's spacious )rounds! But on occasions they did meet in the nearby town of Le0ford" for lunch or a coffee! And they'd also met once or twice here at the shore where Andy li#ed! ' o you think some busybody could ha#e seen2 ' she wa))led her hand between them" unable to #oice the us that mi)ht link their friendship in a nonplatonic way '2 and misconstrued5' '$t's possible!' -anessa stared at him wide3eyed! Then" pity help her" she couldn't suppress an in#oluntary )i))le! 'Pretty funny" huh5' '$'m sorry!' Soberin) instantly" she reached out and put her hand on his arm! And that was the thin) with Andy2 she could touch him and feel no spark" no 7olt" no pricklin) of heat! 1othin) but a comfortable warmth similar to what she'd established with her husband and still missed so #ery much! '$ didn't mean to offend you! /ou know $ lo#e you like a brother!' '=know that" but what about someone watchin) us5' Shock immobili4ed her for a split second! Then she drew back her hand and her body" suddenly aware of how close they stood! As they'd done on countless other innocent occasions! &ith an audience5 They continued walkin)" but -anessa couldn't stop herself from )lancin) at each car and passin) pedestrian! Scores of people were out en7oyin) the )or)eous summer twili)ht" yet she felt e0posed! espite the warmth of the air she felt a chill run o#er her skin! '$ hate the thou)ht that someone misht ha#e been followin) me!' 'That's somethin) $'#e ne#er 8uite understood!' She cut him a narrow look! 'The fact that

$ don't like bein) spied on5' 'The fact you'#e kept Lew and your #isits to Twel#e .aks secret!' 'That has nothin) to do with bein) spied on!' '%aybe not"' he said in his usual mild manner! 'But if the )ood folk of ,astwick knew about your brother" then they'd also understand why you need to dri#e up here so often and why you meet with me! That would take care of one possible misinterpretation!' As usual" Andy was ri)ht! ,0cept up until now she hadn't seen any need to share this most personal part of her life! .nly Stuart2 plus a handful of trusted professionals and some old friends from her pre3,astwick days2 knew about Lew! To)ether they had decided to keep his lon)3term tenancy at Twel#e .aks pri#ate! 'Are you ashamed of2 ' '.f course not;' -anessa swun) around to face Andy" all thou)hts of bein) spied upon lost in the fierceness of her answer! ' on't you dare su))est that Lew is some sort of embarrassment! $ would take out a paid pa)e in the 1ew /ork Times if $ thou)ht it would help" but what would be the point5 All that would accomplish is a whole lot of talk and fin)er3pointin) from small3minded people who don't understand!' 'And this is the society you want to li#e in5' '1o! This is the society $ chose to li#e in when $ married Stuart!' Because that choice included Twel#e .aks" the e0clusi#e facility that pro#ided Lew with the best en#ironment" the ri)ht therapy" e#erythin) he needed to )row and flourish as an indi#idual! She hadn't e#en dreamed of accessin) such an e0pensi#e option before she met her future husband! $n fact she'd been at the end of her tether" out of options for carin) for Lew and dealin) with his increasin)ly #iolent tendencies as he )rew from a boy into a man! 'Besides"' she continued" 'not e#eryone in ,astwick is narrow3minded! $f they knew" my friends would want to #isit" to help" and you know how Lew is with new people and chan)es to his routine! +e is happy and $'m happy #isitin) and doin) my #oluntary work without it bein) talked about all o#er town! $'#e had enou)h poor -anessm to last a lifetime" thank you #ery much;' They resumed walkin)" Andy silent in a way that su))ested he didn't a)ree! &as she bein) selfish" makin) it easier on herself" protectin) her cushy life5 After Stuart's death she had wanted to confide in her friends" because Lord knows she'd felt so incredibly alone and lonely! But then she had 9loria" who'd come from the same back)round" who knew Lew! PlusAndy! Two of the best friends she could ha#e because" unlike her ,astwick friends" they'd known her when she was plain -anessa (ot4ur! $t had been easier to keep the status 8uo" for so many reasons! &hat about now5 her pra)matic side wanted to know! '$ need to see the letter"' she said with 8uiet resol#e! Before she made any decision on what else to do" she had to see the e#idence! Andy nodded )rimly! 'And you need to set him strai)ht about me!' -anessa's whole system bucked in protest! She could actually feel her feet dra))in) on the pa#ement as they neared the street where she'd parked her car! 'Perhaps $ can do this without e#en mentionin) Lew! Til say $ do #oluntary work at Twel#e .aks!' &hich she did! 'And we're workin) to)ether on a pro)ram!! !a new music therapy pro)ram which $'m lookin) at fundin)! And that $'m interested in e0tendin) the e8uestrian therapy facility!'

This wasn't e#en bendin) the truth! She intended makin) a #ery si)nificant donation from Stuart's estate" once it was finali4ed" to help with both of those pro)rams as well as fundin) positions for adolescents from low3income families! Andy's frown looked uncon#inced! '+e's lookin) for proof of adultery" -anessa! +e'll ha#e you in#esti)ated!' 'And find out what5 That $ dri#e up to Le0ford two or three times a week" to a special3 needs home where $'m listed as a #olunteer5' 'A home with a resident who shares your surname! Any in#esti)ator worth his salt is )oin) to make the connection!' idn't he e#er tire of bein) so calm and lo)ical and ri)ht5 Blast him! Because he was ri)ht" and already her mind had leaped ahead to the ne0t correlation a professional in#esti)ator2 or his ea)le3eyed employer2 may make! Lew (ot4ur had mo#ed into Twel#e .aks the same month that his sister -anessa 8uit her two waitressin) 7obs to marry Stuart Thorpe! The man who pulled strin)s to )et youn) Lew into the place! The man behind the trust fund that paid all his bills! A sick feelin) of fatalism settled o#er her as they stopped beside her car! ,#en before Andy spoke! 'The way $ see it" you ha#e two options" -anessa!' '$ )et to choose my poison5' +e didn't smile at her attempt at le#ity! +is calm" le#el )a4e held hers as he laid those choices on the line! ',ither you let Thorpe in#esti)ate and risk him spreadin) nasty stuff about why you keep your brother hidden away from your new society friends! .r you tell him yourself and e0plain your moti#ation! There're your choices" -anessa! $t's up to you!' Three >here wasn't any choice! Sittin) in her car" watchin) Andy's lopin) stride carry him off toward the marina" -anessa knew e0actly what she had to do! Swallow her poison 8uickly" before she had time to think about how bitter it would taste )oin) down! She du) her cell phone from her purse! Stared at the keypad so lon) that the numbers swam before her eyes! Closed her eyes until the crashin) wa#e of dread passed! This isn't about you" %s! Pra)matist lectured! Think about Lew! Think about how disrupti#e and upsettin) this could end up for e#eryone at Twel#e .aks if an in#esti)ator started han)in) around" )rillin) staff and residents! She didn't ha#e Tristan's cell number" but she did ha#e se#eral ,astwick hotels in her phone's directory! +ow hard could he be to find5 1ot #ery" as it turned out! .n her second attempt" the receptionist at the +otel %arabella put her strai)ht throu)h to his suite! She didn't ha#e a chance to second think" or to do any more than draw a deep breath and silently wail" why the %arabella5 She preferred to think he'd ha#e chosen one of the bi) chains instead of the tasteful %editerranean3style bouti8ue hotel whose restaurant was amon) her fa#orites! Perhaps his secretary chose it! .r a tra#el a)ent! Business e0ecuti#es did not make their own2 '+ello!' -anessa started so #iolently she almost dropped her phone!

By the time she'd reco#ered and compelled her heart to stop racin) and pressed the tiny handset to her ear" he was repeatin) his )reetin) and askin) if anyone was there! +is #oice was unmistakable" a deep" thick drawl colored by his years down under! That color matched the sun3tin)ed ends of his rich brown hair" the deep tan of his skin" but not the alert intensity of his eyes! She felt a ripple of hot3cold response" as if those eyes were on her a)ain! Those eyes and his mouth2 '$t's -anessa"' she said 8uickly" staunchin) that memory! '-anessa Thorpe!' Silence! '$ wasn't e0pectin) to find you in!' '/ou weren't e0pectin)!!!' he murmured" sli)htly pu44led" sli)htly mockin)! 'And yet you called5' '$ thou)ht you mi)ht be out for dinner! $ intended lea#in) a messa)e!' 'A different messa)e to the one you left me with earlier5' -anessa counted to fi#e slowly! +e knew she'd been spittin) mad when she ordered him out of her house! And he knew why" blast him! She was not )oin) to let that cynical taunt )et to her! She had to do this! For Lew! For Andy! For her own )uilty conscience! '$ need to talk to you!' '$'m listenin)!' '$ meant" in person!' $n the ne0t beat of silence she could almost feel his stillness" that hard3ed)ed intensity fi0ed on her from fifty3odd miles away! Ridiculous" she knew" but that didn't stop a ti)ht feelin) of apprehension from )rippin) her stomach! 'Tomorrow5' he asked! &ith a full schedule of committee meetin)s plus a trip to Le0ford to see how Lew was doin) after today's dramas" her only free hour was first thin) in the mornin)! And the idea of in#itin) him to her home" or arran)in) to meet for breakfast somewhere else" caused e#ery cell in her body to scream in protest! Breakfast meant strai)ht out of bed! Breakfast also meant a lon) ni)ht of worry and endless opportunity to chan)e her mind! 'Toni)ht would suit me better!' -anessa closed her eyes and tried to block out how bad an idea this mi)ht turn out to be! ' o you ha#e plans5' '$ ha#e a dinner reser#ation downstairs!' '$'m sure they will hold your table!' '$'m sure they would"' he countered! '$f $ asked them to!' She sucked in a breath" but she couldn't suck back her sharp retort! 'Are you deliberately tryin) to anta)oni4e me5' '$ don't think either one of us has to try! o you5' .kay! So he wasn't )oin) to make this easy" but that didn't mean she would )i#e up! 'Are you dinin) alone5' '&hy do you ask5 &ould you like to break bread with me5' '$ would like"' she enunciated" after un)rittin) her teeth" 'to speak to you! $f you're dinin) alone" $ thou)ht that may pro#ide an opportunity without intrudin) on your plans!' Another pause in which she could almost hear him si4in) up the implications of her re8uest! Then" he said" '$'ll ha#e the restaurant add another settin)!' '*ust a chair"' she said 8uickly! '$ won't be eatin) so please don't wait for me! $'ll be there in an hour!'

'$ look forward to it" duchess!' Tristan had drawled that closin) line with a liberal dose of mockery" but he did look forward to -anessa's arri#al! -ery much! +e couldn't wait to see how she e0plained her rapid turnaround from )et out of my house to = need to talk! +e could ha#e made it easy on her by chan)in) his dinner bookin) and meetin) her downstairs in the loun)e bar or the more pri#ate library! +e could ha#e offered to dri#e out to her house" to sa#e her the trip into town! But after witnessin) her rende4#ous at .ld Poynton" knowin) she'd rushed helter3skelter to her lo#er ri)ht after scoffin) at the letter's alle)ations" he was in no mood for makin) anythin) easy for -anessa! So! She wanted to talk! %ost likely to spin a story concocted durin) that intense seaside heart3to3heart! +e couldn't ima)ine her confessin) but she mi)ht attempt to e0plain away her secret meetin)s with lo#er boy! &hiche#er way she played it" he was ready! This time she wouldn't catch him unawares! This time he would keep his hormones on ice! Resistin) the ur)e to check his watch" he poured a second )lass of wine and pushed his dinner plate aside! +e'd re8uested a table at the end of the terrace" where" in secluded peace" he could pretend to en7oy the food and the shimmer of reflected moonli)ht off the darkened waters of the Sound! &here he wouldn't be scannin) the door for the distincti#e shimmer of moonli)ht3blond hair! Still" he sensed her arri#al se#eral minutes later! &ithout turnin) he knew her footsteps and felt the 8uickenin) of anticipation in his blood! &hen he started to rise from his chair" she wa#ed him back down! +er warm smile was all for the waiter who fussed o#er seatin) her2 not opposite but catercorner to him! 'So madam" too" can en7oy the #iew!' She thanked *osef and while he took her order for some ridiculous froufrou coffee" Tristan kicked back in his chair and tried not to notice that she still wore the same pink sundress! Because she hadn 't yet )one home5 Because she 'd spent all this time at .ld Poynton!!! doin) what5 .nly walkin)5 .nly talkin)5 The 8uestions2 and the possibility in the answers2 snarled throu)h him" sharp and mean! For a lon) moment he continued to stare at her" waitin) for *osef to lea#e! &aitin) for her to acknowled)e his presence! &aitin) for the impulse to ask those 8uestions to pass so he could speak with some ci#ility! +e took a sip from his #ery ci#ili4ed sau#i)non blanc! 'Traffic bad5' She'd been fussin) with her purse" settin) it 7ust so on the table" but she looked up sharply! '/ou said an hour!' '+a#e $ held you up5' +er e0pression was polite" her #oice as cool and dry as his wine! '$f you ha#e another appointment" you should ha#e said when $ called! $ didn't mean2 ' '%y only appointment is upstairs" with my bed! $t's been a lon) day!'

Across the table" their )a4es met and held! Comprehension flickered in her eyes" like an unspoken wince of sympathy! '$'m sorry! /ou must ha#e started the day yesterday" on the other side of the world!' And didn't that seem a lon) time a)o5 +e should ha#e been wiped out but instead he felt ener)i4ed! By her presence" by her pro0imity" by the subtle drift of her perfume in the still ni)ht air! But mostly by the promise of another skirmish in their on)oin) battle! '$'m sure you didn't come here to talk about my lon) day!' And there was somethin) in her eyes or in his primed3for3combat blood" that pushed him to add" '.r my current need to )et hori4ontal!' '1o!' She answered without pause" without droppin) eye contact" without respondin) to his deliberate pro#ocation! '$ didn't!' 'So! &hat do you want5' '$ want to see the letter!' Tristan arched an eyebrow! '/ou don't belie#e it e0ists5' '$s there any reason $ should5' '$'#e flown ten thousand miles today on the stren)th of it!' 'So you say!' Rockin) back in his chair" he met the steady challen)e of her )a4e! '$f the lo#er doesn't e0ist and the letter doesn't e0ist" why are you worried5' ' o $ look worried5' '/ou're here!' $rritation flared in her eyes but before she could respond" *osef arri#ed with her coffee! She smiled up at the youn) waiter" her annoyance instantly concealed by an e0pression as warm and friendly as when she'd opened the door that afternoon! Then Tristan cleared his throat and the subtle reminder of his presence wiped all the warmth from her face! ,0actly the same as when she'd found him on her doorstep! '$ am here"' she said ti)htly" 'to see this letter! $f it e0ists!' '.h" it e0ists" duchess! Same as your lo#er!' Turnin) the wine)lass with his fin)ers" he waited a second before continuin)! 'A little youn)" isn't he5' A frown marred the smooth perfection of her face! '*osef5' 'Lo#er boy! At .ld Poynton!' '+ow do you!!!' +er #oice trailed off and her eyes widened as the inference took hold! '/ou followed me this afternoon5' '$nad#ertently!' '/ou accidentally followed me5 For fifty miles5' .ne shoulder lifted in a ne)li)ent shru)! '$ took a wron) turn! /ou sped by! $ thou)ht it mi)ht be interestin) to find out who you needed to see in such a )odfire hurry!' -anessa stared across at him with a )rowin) sense of horror and #iolation! 1ot the chill shi#ers of earlier" when she'd thou)ht about bein) spied on" but a hot wa#e of outra)e! Because he'd done this! 1ot some anonymous stran)er" but this man! Sittin) beside her and passin) this off as if it were a bi) fat nothin)! For a lon) second she had to fi)ht the urse to hurl somethin) at him! The closest somethin) was her cinnamon mocha macchiato" untouched and still hot enou)h to do serious dama)e! The need steamed throu)h her" curlin) her fin)ers so ti)htly around the coffee cup's handle" she was afraid it mi)ht crack under the pressure!

1ot )ood" -anessa! 1ot cool! 1ot restrained! 1ot )racious! 1ot any of the thin)s she lo#ed about this lifestyle she'd adopted! Throu)h sheer force of willpower she loosened her )rip" but she couldn't risk speakin) for fear of the words she mi)ht hurl in lieu of the physical! She couldn't e#en look at him" in case that fired her ra)e anew! To remind herself of the #ery public #enue and her #ery ele)ant surroundin)s and the #ery real need to )ather some restraint" she looked past his shoulder at the restaurant and the other diners! ,#en on a Tuesday ni)ht the %arabella's celebrated restaurant was close to capacity" the crowd an e#en mi0 of well3heeled tourists and business suits and ele)antly dressed locals! %any she reco)ni4ed: se#eral she knew well enou)h to call friends! Frank Forrester" one of Stuart's old )olfin) buddies" tipped his sil#er head and winked broadly when he cau)ht her eye! Smilin) back" she breathed a silent si)h of relief that Frank's company didn't include his wife! The last thin) she needed was elia Forrester saunterin) o#er to flutter eyelashes and flaunt her latest chest au)mentation at the new man in town! And if elia were present" she would notice Tristan! She would saunter and flutter and flaunt because that's what elia did in the presence of men" despite the husband she )a#e e#ery appearance of dotin) on! '&hat's the matter" duchess5 Afraid you'll be seen with me5' Tristan's soft drawl cut throu)h her reflection" drawin) her attention back to him! &hen her )a4e collided with his2 sharp" steady" the rich ocean blue darkened like ni)ht on the water2 she e0perienced a brief pulse of disorientation" almost like #erti)o! '1ot at all"' she replied crisply" shakin) off that weird sensation! &hat was the matter with her5 &hy did she let him )et to her so easily" in so many ways5 '&e are here to discuss business" the same as these )entlemen2 ' she spread her hands" indicatin) the sprinklin) of suits around them '2 and the real estate reps o#er by the door!' &hen his )a4e followed hers" takin) in the company" -anessa's heart )a#e a tiny bump of disco#ery! She'd hit upon the ideal se)ue back to Andy and this afternoon's meetin) and the ridiculous misconception about an affair! '$ don't mind bein) seen with you" Tristan"' she said in a smooth" e#en #oice" while her insides ti)htened and twisted o#er where this con#ersation mi)ht lead! '$t's no different from two people meetin)" say" at the shore" to talk business!' '/our meetin) this afternoon was business5' Liftin) her chin" she met his sardonic )a4e! '$ do #oluntary work at a facility for the de#elopmentally disabled up near Le0ford! Andy works there as a counselor!' 'And you meet him" about your #olunteerin)" at the shore5 After hours5' '1ot usually!' She moistened her lips! Chose the ne0t words with careful precision! 'Andy isn't only a work associate" you see! &e )rew up in the same nei)hborhood" went to the same school! +e's a )ood friend and we do meet after hours" sometimes" and not always to talk about my #olunteerin)! 9i#en his profession" Andy is a )ood listener!' 'And today2 this afternoon2 you needed to talk!' 'To #ent"' she corrected! 'About me!' '&ho else5' +e didn't counter for a tick" and there was somethin) in his e0pression that started a drumbeat of tension in her blood" a beat that slowed and thickened when his )a4e

dropped to her lips! ' id you tell him about our kiss5' The intimacy of his words washed throu)h her" at first warm and stron) with remembered sensations and then all wron)! .ur kiss denoted sharin)! A lo#ers' kiss" hushed with re#erence and sweet with romance" not imbued with bitter disdain and the bite of an)ry words! She shook her head! 'That wasn't a kiss!' '1o5' '$t was a power play" and you know it!' A note of surprise flickered in the darkened depths of his eyes! '&as it really so bad5' 'As far as kisses )o" it fell a lon) way short of )ood!' +e rocked back in his chair" his e0pression trickily hard to )au)e! Then he shocked the de#il out of her by lau)hin)2 a low" la4y chuckle that stayed on his lips and tin)led throu)h her body like the sparks of a slow3burnin) fuse! '+ere's where $ should say" $ can do better!' 'To which $ would reply" you won't e#er )et that second chance!' Treacherous territory" %s! Pra)matist warned her! She'd challen)ed him before! $n the keepin) room today" for e0ample" and e#en before today's first face3to3face confrontation they'd employed words to cut and thrust" in terse e3mails and messa)es deli#ered #ia their respecti#e attorneys! But this #erbal sparrin) held a different ed)e! This came in the shadow of lau)hter" with a la4y smile and a dan)erous shot of pleasure because -anessa sensed that" finally" she had mana)ed to surprise him in a positi#e way! That shouldn't ha#e pleased her 8uite so much! She should ha#e felt repelled by the prospect of another kiss" a real kiss" with no a)enda other than e0plorin)2 1o! She 7olted upri)ht" appalled that she'd been starin) at his lips! That she'd allowed the marine3scented air and the witchery of a full moon to lure her from her e#enin)'s task! 1o more" %s! Pra)matist admonished! 9et to the point and )et out of here! 'Andy is not my lo#er! +e ne#er was! +e ne#er will be!' She laid it on the line in a resolute rush! '$f he is named in that letter" $ think it's only fair that he should know!' 'There are no names!' 'Can $ see5' '1ow5' +e showed his hands" palms up" empty! '1ot possible! $t's in my lawyer's hands!' '/ou didn't waste any time!' '/ou had your chance this afternoon" when $ came to your house! $t was you who su))ested we deal throu)h our lawyers!' /es" she remembered! She also remembered what had made her so spittin) mad that she'd kicked him out without seein) the letter! Blast him and her own sorry self for not askin) o#er the phone! She could ha#e sa#ed herself the dri#e and the a))ra#ation and the )ossip she'd no doubt started by meetin) him in this public place! Ti)ht frustration prickled at the back of her throat" but she lifted her chin and ruthlessly sho#ed that emotion aside! 'Could you please arran)e for a copy to be sent to my lawyer's office tomorrow5' 'First thin)"' he replied with surprisin) compliance! Prepared for their usual slan)in) match" -anessa stared at him throu)h narrowed eyes!

&hat was the hitch5 &hat an)le was he playin)5 +e held her )a4e for a lon) moment" steady" blue" )uileless" and there was nothin) left to say! 1othin) left to do" e0cept )et out of there before she started trustin) his word! 'Fine!' &ith a brief" decisi#e nod" she reached for her purse! A shadow fell across their table! And Frank Forrester's distincti#e lon)time smoker's #oice rasped throu)h the silence! 'Sorry for the intrusion" but $ couldn't lea#e without sayin) hello to my second fa#orite blonde! 9i#en my rusty old ticker2 ' he tapped a thin hand a)ainst his chest and winked '2 $ don't put off till tomorrow!' Althou)h Frank often 8uipped about his a)e and his heart condition" -anessa couldn't #oice her usual li)hthearted reproach! 1ot only because he'd interrupted her )etaway" either! 6p close he looked a decade older than his years" frail and sli)ht and stooped! Smilin) up at him" she only hoped her shock at his appearance didn't show on her face! '/our company is ne#er an intrusion"' she assured him! And because it was the )racious thin) to do" she added" '&ould you care to 7oin us5 For coffee or a ni)htcap5' '1o" no! $'m on my way home! Can't dally!' But he made no mo#e to lea#e and his )a4e )linted with )enuine interest2 or curiosity2 as it ed)ed toward her companion and back! As much as she'd ha#e liked to" -anessa couldn't i)nore the hint! 'Tristan" meet Frank Forrester! Frank" this is Stuart's son! From Australia!' '/ou don't say5' Frank shook his head slowly" his )a4e beetlin) in on the youn)er man's face! '/ou'#e )rown some since $ last saw you" lad! /ou were a weedy youn) beanpole then! $t must be at least fifteen years!' 'Twenty"' Tristan said! And he was on his feet" shakin) hands! Bein) clapped on the back in the male #ersion of an embrace! '&elcome back to ,astwick" lad! &elcome home;' -anessa blinked with surprise! She hadn't considered they mi)ht know one another" despite the former bank president's lon)time friendship with Stuart! And as for the welcome home2 the concept of Tristan belon)in) here in ,astwick was almost as unsettlin) as seein) him in her home that afternoon! 'Suppose you're here on business"' Frank mused! '/ou started up a telecom" didn't you5 +eard you'd turned it into one of the Pacific's ma7or players!' '$'m surprised you'#e heard of us!' Frank made a )ruff sound! '/our father was a proud man! +e wasn't abo#e crowin) your successes!' $f this came as a surprise to Tristan" he didn't show it! 1o shift in his e0pression" no acknowled)ment" no mention of his father! *ust a smoothly offered" '$ recently sold out of the company" as it happens!' '/ou don't say!' '$t was an attracti#e offer!' '%ade a killin)" eh5' Tristan's smile came 8uick and une0pected" its impact a de#il of awareness that settled low in her belly! She had to force herself to concentrate on his words! 1ot the sharp line of his 7aw or the cur#e of his lips! 1ot the sudden recall of those lips a)ainst hers" but his

words! +e's sold his business! oes that mean this trip is open3ended5 That nothin) will pre#ent him stayin) in ,astwickfor as lon) as it took5 'Are you askin) as a friend or a banker5' he asked! Frank chuckled! '$'m an old man! Retired" didn't you know5' '.nce a banker" always a banker!' Suppressin) a smile" -anessa looked away! Apparently she needed her own mantra< once a brute" always a brute! *ust to remind herself what lurked behind that slow" charismatic )rin! '/ou'll ha#e to come for dinner one ni)ht"' Frank su))ested! '$f you're in town for more than a day or two!' 'That depends2 ' she felt the )lancin) touch of a sharp blue )a4e '2 on my business!' 'Are you stayin) with -anessa5 ,#en better! &hy don't you both come5' Stayin) with her5 $n her home5 +er heart did a little stumblin) hitch as their eyes met! ! ?@ way! They both spoke at once! '+e's not stayin) with me" actually!' '$'m stayin) here! At the %arabella!' .bli#ious to the sudden tension in the air" Frank du) around in his 7acket until he unearthed a card! +e pressed it into Tristan's hand! ',#en more reason to 7oin us for a meal" lad! Call me when you know your plans!' They said their )oodbyes and Frank started to lea#e! Then he stopped" one hand raised" as if struck by a sudden notion! +e turned back! '$s that polo do this weekend" -anessa5' '$t's on Sunday" yes! But $ don't2 ' 'Perfect;' Frank spoke o#er the top of her ob7ection! '&hy don't you 7oin us5' 'Polo5' Tristan sounded dubious and Frank nodded sympathetically! ' amn sissy sport if you ask me" but my wife seems to like it!' Champa)ne" celebrities" studly Ar)entinean players! .f course elia liked the polo! -anessa did not" particularly" but Sunday's match was a fond3raiser for ,astwick Cares" one of her fa#ored charities since it dealt with at3risk youth! The kind of place she and Lew mi)ht ha#e needed" had their li#es taken a sli)htly different turn! So" no" she couldn't not )o to the polo match" althou)h the idea of sharin) the same luncheon tent as Tristan and elia made her stomach pitch! ',#erybody will be there"' Frank continued! '9reat chance to catch up! Ain't that ri)ht" -anessa5' Somethin) sharpened in Tristan's )a4e as it fastened on her face! A sense of purpose that she instantly reco)ni4ed for what it was< he would )o to the polo match" all ri)ht! And he would use the opportunity to 8ui4 people about her! 'That's ri)ht" Frank! Anybody who's anybody will be there!' She smiled" but the effort felt as forced as her 7o#ial tone! '6nfortunately that means all the in#itations were snapped up months a)o!' Frank wa#ed that away with a tremulous hand! ' elia will rake up a ticket if need be! Let me know" lad!' &ith a sinkin) heart" -anessa watched his unsteady meanderin) departure! elia could wan)le an e0tra in#itation if she set her mind and her saccharine3sweet charm and Frank's

checkbook to it! There was nothin) -anessa could do without appearin) petty or #indicti#e" and ri)ht now all she wanted was escape! But as she )athered up her purse she felt Tristan's focus switch to her! The instant she turned into the sharp cast of those blue" blue eyes" she knew what was comin) ne0t! Like a frei)ht train barrelin) throu)h the ni)ht" she saw the oncomin) li)ht and couldn't do a thin) to di#ert the wreck! '&ho is elia5' he asked" ri)ht on cue! Twenty years a)o" when Tristan left ,astwick" Frank had been married to his first wife! 1ow -anessa would ha#e to e0plain the new" youn)er" recently ac8uired model and he would draw the ine#itable comparison! -anessa had heard it all before! She and elia were not kindred spirits2 as elia had wanted to belie#e when she first sailed into the choppy waters of ,astwick society2 but they had both impro#ed their financial and social status immeasurably when they married si)nificantly older men! She could not speak for elia's moti#es" but she had married Stuart for his money! $t was the one fact Tristan had )ot absolutely ri)ht! Four elia is Frank's current wife!' '+is current wife5' Tristan asked! '+ow many %rs! Forresters ha#e there been" e0actly5' ' elia is the third!' 1ot unusual in a place as affluent as Fairfield County" with men as wealthy as Frank Forrester! .r Stuart Thorpe! '+as she been the current %rs! Forrester for lon)5' ' elia and Frank met at this same charity polo e#ent last summer! She was workin) as a freelance 7ournalist" $ belie#e" and she chose to feature Frank in an article on business leaders who'd retired here on the )old coast! They married soon after!' Alerted by the measured choice to her words and the defensi#e tilt of her chin" Tristan narrowed his eyes! 'Lo#e at first si)ht5' '$s that so hard to belie#e5' '$ ha#en't met elia! /ou tell me!' '/ou know" that's ne#er come up in con#ersation"' she countered coolly! '$'m not that close to elia and" frankly" $'m not comfortable discussin) her!' Tristan studied her for a moment" his interest pi8ued by the words and the attitude! .b#iously she )ot alon) fine with Frank!! but not his wife5 +e had to wonder about that! And since she was tuckin) her dinky little purse under her arm with a note of $'m3about3 to3lea#e finality" he mi)ht as well wonder out loud! '$s there somethin) $ should know about her before $ start makin) social en)a)ements5' +e )estured toward the door" indicatin) she should precede him! &ariness clouded her )reen eyes and her mouth ti)htened sli)htly because" naturally" she'd ha#e liked to walk away! Alone! Too bad because he intended seein) her to her car! And )ettin) a response to his 8uestion about elia! '$s there a reason you're not close5' he persisted after they'd cleared the tables and were crossin) the restaurant foyer! She wasn't e0actly dawdlin) but he kept up easily" a hand low on her back steerin) her toward the ele#ators! 'Because $'d ha#e thou)ht you would ha#e plenty in common!' +altin) abruptly" she turned to him! 9reen sparks flared in her eyes! ' on't presume too

much" Tristan! /ou'#e ne#er met elia! And you only think you know me!' For a moment the inherent challen)e in her words was secondary to the impact of her nearness! She'd turned into his usherin) arm" so swiftly that the swin) of her hair brushed his arm and shoulder! Se#eral strands had cau)ht a)ainst his dark 7acket" and when he inhaled2 a 8uick flare of his nostrils" a sharp suck of air2 he breathed her delicate floral scent and the combination rocked his brain and libido with di44yin) temptation! +e knew better than to touch but he did it anyway! &ith his free hand he lifted those ro)ue strands from his 7acket and coiled them around his fin)ers! +er hair was as fine and silky soft as he'd ima)ined but surprisin)ly cool" unlike the flush of heat in her throat and the softenin) of her full lips! Completely unlike the bolt of ener)y that crackled in the air as their eyes met and held! '$s that a challen)e5' he asked! She blinked slowly" as if lost in the moment and the dan)erous #ibration pulsin) between them! '&hat do you mean5' 'To )et to know you better!' Behind them the ele#ator announced its arri#al! The subtle electronic distraction brou)ht her head up and back" breakin) eye contact and forcin) him to release her hair! A couple e0ited the ele#ator" hand in hand and so absorbed in each other they'd ha#e walked ri)ht throu)h him and -anessa2 or a herd of stampedin) buffalo2 if he hadn't backed out of the way! '1ot at all"' she responded once they were alone a)ain! '$t was a statement of fact! /ou ha#en't met elia Forrester and yet you presumed a similarity between us!' '/ou're unalike5' '&e are different!' She held his )a4e! '-ery different!' +e thou)ht she would say more2 it was there in her eyes" a darkenin) of purpose" a fleetin) moment of )ra#ity2 but then she made a little )esture he interpreted as for)et3 about3it and started walkin)! +e cau)ht up with her in two strides! '$'m )oin) to take the stairs"' she said crisply! Then" when he continued at her side" she cut him a sharp look! 'There's no need for you to accompany me!' '$'ll see you to your car!' '$ am #alet parked! There's no need!' +e didn't ar)ue" he 7ust kept walkin)" not to be difficult or per#erse but to see her safely to her car! $t was the ri)ht thin) to do! So was lettin) )o the sub7ect of elia Forrester2 he would find out the differences soon enou)h! +e would make up his own mind! &hile waitin) for her car" they made stilted small talk about the hotel and its first3rate ser#ice and" when her %ercedes Cabriolet appeared" about the car itself! Then" before she slid into the dri#er's seat" came a moment of awkwardness" as she said )oodbye in a stiffly formal way! '1ot )oodbye!' Tristan dismissed the #alet with a look and met her eyes o#er the sports car's low door! '$ will see you at the polo match! Frank said e#eryone will be there2 $ assume that includes you5' 'Please don't do this"' she said in a rush of entreaty! 'Please don't use this as a #enue to ask 8uestions about me!' 'This afternoon you didn't ha#e any 8ualms! $ recall you wishin) me luck!' 'This

afternoon you cau)ht me by surprise!' The surprise of that kiss" of each touch" of their unwanted attraction" arced between them in the tense stillness of the ni)ht! 1othin) needed to be said: it was all there" in the unspoken moment! As was the root of their conflict" the part that was no surprise! 'And now you're su))estin) $ shouldn't ask 8uestions about you5' '$'m askin) that you respect the pri#acy of others!' She moistened her lips" and the sweet warmth of her kiss licked throu)h his #eins a)ain! '/ou said this was between you and me" but it's not! /ou will hurt others" if you )o around askin) 8uestions and startin) rumors and drawin) attention to our feud! Think about it" please! Think about doin) the ri)ht thin)!' Standin) so close" Tristan felt the candor of her appeal reach out and take a )rip! She'd ne#er asked anythin) of him before" not so directly" not with a please that chased the memory of her taste and the scent of her hair on a wild scramblin) scurry beyond his blood and his male hormones to a closely )uarded place beyond! '$ am doin) the ri)ht thin)"' he assured her!! !and reminded himself! '$'#e ne#er doubted that!' For a brief instant he thou)ht there was more" a response or another appeal" and deep in his )ut he hoped for the latter! A please" Tristan that was only about them and had nothin) to do with their conflict! But then she pressed her lips to)ether and 7ust before she slid into the dri#er's seat" he )limpsed somethin) else deep in her eyes" somethin) that shifted like a darkenin) shadow! &hate#er was )oin) on with her" he would find out! Steel coated his resol#e and his #oice as he watched the )lossy #ehicle )lide from beneath the hotel portico onto the street! '$f you ha#e nothin) to hide" duchess" then why that appeal5 &hat do you ha#e to fear5 And who the hell are you protectin)5' A block away from the %arabella" -anessa e0pelled a soft )ust of held back breath! Finally she was able to breathe and think a)ain2 two basics she had difficulty with in Tristan's company! And now she was functionin) at somethin) like normality" the ti)ht" sick feelin) she'd e0perienced earlier returned with a #en)eance! Toni)ht had been a complete waste of time! +ad she really thou)ht she could sit at the same table and pretend he hadn't turned her world on its head with his arri#al and his condemnation and his hot3blooded kiss5 '1ot a kiss"' she reminded herself #ehemently" and a fat lot of )ood that did; Rollin) her shoulders and )rippin) the steerin) wheel ti)htly did not halt the rush of heat" either! ,#en now" all these hours later" she could still feel the si44le! &hat was that about5 The sad part was" -anessa didn't know! She'd ne#er e0perienced anythin) like this before! ,#er! 1o boyfriends" no stolen kisses" no illicit make out sessions! 1othin) but work and carin) for Lew and then a whole new world of opportunity throu)h her friendship with Stuart Thorpe! '&hy him5' She thumped the steerin) wheel with one fisted hand! '&hy did it ha#e to be him5' Toni)ht" unfortunately" she'd witnessed an une0pected side to her nemesis! Smilin) in the moonli)ht" challen)in) her o#er his kissin) techni8ue" charmin) and at ease with Frank Forrester" showin) her to her car like a )entleman!

She )rowled low in her throat and thumped the wheel a)ain! And what are you )oin) to do about it" duchess5 +earin) the silent 8uestion in his dark chocolate drawl did not help her mood of frustrated dis8uiet! '1othin)"' she muttered" but that response hun) o#er her like a dark3shadowed indictment of her failure toni)ht! She shifted in her seat and reconsidered! .kay! About this unwanted attraction" she would do nothin)! But that wasn't her real problem!!! She still had no proof of the letter's #alidity" and he belie#ed he had )rounds to steal her security and Lew's future away from her! Paused at an intersection" she checked for traffic! own the street to her left stood the offices of Cartwri)ht and Associates" a place she'd come to know oh so well in the past two years! The place where she should ha#e taken the news of Tristan's arri#al and alle)ations this afternoon! As Stuart's lawyer and now hers" *ack Cartwri)ht was one of the handful of people who knew about Lew" and ri)ht now she could do with his clear head and lo)ical approach! She checked the dashboard clock and winced! Althou)h *ack and his wife Lily were close friends" they were e0pectin) their first baby in a month's time and callin) this late felt like an imposition! 1ot that she wasn't tempted!!!but" no! First thin) in the mornin) she would call and arran)e a meetin)! The earlier the better! After sleepin) poorly -anessa was up and dressed before dawn" but she mana)ed to hold off callin) the Cartwri)ht home until se#en o'clock! Then she kicked herself because *ack had )one into the office already! She e0chan)ed small talk with Lily for all of si0 seconds before the other woman picked up on the strain in her #oice! '$s e#erythin) all ri)ht" -anessa5' '1o" not really! Tristan Thorpe's in town!' &hich" really" was the sum total of her problems! '$ need to talk to *ack! $'ll call him at the office!' '$ ha#e a better idea! &hy don't you come o#er here and ha#e breakfast with us5' Lily su))ested! '*ack will be home in an hour or so! +e went in early to brief an associate on a court appearance because he's takin) the mornin) off! octor's appointment!' '$s e#erythin) all ri)ht5' Lily chuckled! 'As far as $ know" but %r! Protecti#e insists on takin) me" e#ery time!' -anessa didn't want to intrude on their mornin) plans but Lily insisted! And ri)ht on ei)ht o'clock she was followin) her hea#ily pre)nant friend into the kitchen of the Cartwri)hts' two3story colonial home! And it was a home" as bri)ht and cheerful and welcomin) as the )lowin) Lily! Lily was a recent addition to the circle of friends known as the ebs Club and -anessa had felt an immediate kinship! Possibly because she" too" had )rown up in a tou)h en#ironment unlike the rest of the )roup who truly were debs! Lily" too" had stru))led to fit into this pri#ile)ed society in the early months of her marria)e" but she and *ack had worked thin)s out and now the happiness she deser#ed showed on her face! '*ack's not home yet!' Lily rolled her eyes but with a cheerfulness that said she didn't mind! +er man would be home soon and that suited her fine! '$ called to let him know you were comin) o#er so he shouldn't be lon)! Can $ )et you coffee5 Tea5 *uice5' '.h" please" you don't ha#e to wait on me! Sit down!' 'And take a wei)ht off5'

'/es! ,0actly!' For the first time she let her eyes rest on the other woman's belly and she felt an unfamiliar twin)e of lon)in)" a reaction she hid behind a smile! 'Are you sure that's not twins in there5' 'Sometimes $ swear there are three!' Lily paused in the middle of makin) a pot of tea! +er e0pressi#e blue eyes )rew dreamy! '1ot that $ would mind!' .f course she wouldn't! +er down3to3earth honesty combined with her carin) nature and a street3smart wisdom had made her a wonderful social worker and would make her an e8ually wonderful mother! Lucky kids" -anessa thou)ht" and the pan) in her middle intensified! 'So!' Teapot in hand" Lily waddled across to the table and lowered herself carefully into a chair! 'Tell me about Tristan Thorpe!' For once -anessa was relie#ed to brin) him into the con#ersation2 anythin) to stifle this bi4arre attack of motherhood en#y! She had no idea where that had sprun) from" all of a sudden! '+e arri#ed yesterday! +e's stayin) at the %arabella! +e's e#en more a))ra#atin) face3to3face!' '/ou'#e seen him already5' Lily propped her chin in a hand" all ea)er3eyed curiosity! ' o tell!' &here should she start5 &hat could she say without )i#in) away the depth of her confusion and conflict5 *ust sayin) face3to3face had brou)ht a )uilty warmth to her cheeks" mostly because it put her in mind of mouth3to3mouth! And hadn't that wild sensual memory kept her company all throu)h the ni)ht; 'There's probably no need for me to tell you anythin)"' she said" recallin) one of the other thin)s that had kept her awake! '/ou will hear it all on the )rape#ine soon enou)h!' 'All5' '$ met with him at the %arabella restaurant last ni)ht!' '/ou went to dinner with him5' Surprise rounded Lily's eyes! ' id anyone sur#i#e5' -anessa pulled a face! 'Barely! As luck would ha#e it" Frank Forrester happened alon)!' '&ith elia5' '1o" but he'll tell her that he ran into us! /ou know elia! She needs to know e#erythin) that's )oin) on!' '6nfortunately" yes!' elia had really stuck her claws into Lily" for no apparent reason other than her friendship with the ebs! That u)liness had e0posed a whole new side of elia Forrester 2 a side that turned -anessa ice3cold with an0iety when she thou)ht about2 '+ey" what's the matter5' -anessa blinked" and reali4ed that her worried frown had drawn Lily's 8uestion! She started to wa#e her friend's concern aside" then chan)ed her mind! .f all the ebs" Lily would most likely understand! '$ was thinkin) about how these people2 the elias of this world2 can tear a person apart for no reason! A whisper here" a catty comment there" and before you know it e#eryone is talkin) and wonderin)!' She took a breath! '+a#e you heard any rumors about me5' '&hat kind of rumors5' '.h" that $'m meetin) a man in secret! That $ ha#e been for years!' '&here on earth did this come from5' Lily's eyes narrowed! 'Tristan5'

'+e says he )ot a letter" from someone o#er here2 ' she spread her hands to indicate ,astwick" their home '2 claimin) there is proof!' Somethin) flickered in Lily's eyes and she sat up strai)hten She opened her mouth" about to speak" but then her focus shifted" distracted by the sound of footsteps! As her husband came into #iew her e0pression transformed" )rowin) bri)ht and soft and incandescent with lo#e! Althou)h *ack )reeted -anessa with an apolo)y for his tardiness" it was a fleetin) acknowled)ment of her presence! Because then he was smilin) at his wife as he leaned o#er and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead and touched a )ently protecti#e hand to her stomach! $t was nothin) and it was e#erythin)" a symbol of the intimacy of their small family circle and a reminder of what she" -anessa" had ne#er e0perienced and could ne#er contemplate for herself! Suddenly her throat felt thick with a desperate sense of yearnin)! $t was ridiculous" hopeless" frustratin)! She didn't e#en want this lo#e" this coupledom" this family deal! She had e#erythin) she wanted" e#erythin) necessary and important" and there was no room or time or emotional ener)y left for anythin) else! 'So" $ hear that Tristan Thorpe is in town!' *ack strai)htened" his e0pression smoothin) into business professional! $t seemed that the news had tra#eled e#en faster than she'd anticipated! '$s he here to make trouble5' '+e )ot a letter"' Lily supplied" and her husband went #ery still! +is eyes narrowed on -anessa! 'The same as the others5' 'The!!! others5' -anessa repeated stupidly" and in the same instant it struck her what they meant! Two anonymous e0tortion letters had been sent se#eral months back" one to *ack and one to Caroline (eatin)3Spence! She shook her head slowly" kickin) herself for not considerin) this connection! '$ don't know! $ ha#en't seen the letter yet!' +er heart beat hard in her chest" a thick pulse of dismay" as she looked from *ack's still countenance to Lily's worried frown and back a)ain! As the full ramifications took hold! ' o you really think this could be the same person5 That it mi)ht be the same man!! the one Abby thinks killed Bunny5' Five >ristan had a breakfast meetin)" too! 1ot with his lawyer but with the pri#ate in#esti)ator en)a)ed by his lawyer to look into -anessa's alle)ed adultery! The P!$! turned out to be a retired cop who was punctual" professional and personable! Tristan dismissed him anyway! +is decision was split3second" )ut instinct! Sittin) in a Stamford coffee house watchin) the )uy demolish a towerin) stack of pancakes while he deli#ered the lowdown on his snoopin) techni8ues" he pictured -anessa's face when she'd appealed to his sense of fair play! Same as last ni)ht" he felt the )rip of her emotion as she looked him in the eye and hit him with the reminder that this was between the two of them! That didn't mean he'd chan)ed his mind" only his tactics! $nstead of employin) a third party to di) into her affairs" he'd take up the sho#el himself!

$nstead of arran)in) for the letter to be sent to her lawyer" he collected it and brou)ht it back to ,astwick! +is aim< to deli#er it personally! Turnin) into &hite Birch Lane" he pulled o#er to make way for a horse float and the need to brake and control his deceleration alerted him that he'd been dri#in) too fast! &orse" he reali4ed that his haste was )eared by a different anticipation from his first #isit to her home! ,d)y" yes" but colored by memories of her smile and her taste and the spark of a fiery inner passion when she faced up to his hard3line tactics! -anessa mi)ht look the picture of 1ordic cool but he'd seen her )ather that poise around herself like a protecti#e cloak! %easured" learned" practiced2 whate#er" he knew it was fake and he couldn't help wonderin) why she felt the need to adopt a facade! +e couldn't help wonderin) what she was hidin)" and a frown pulled hard at his brow! +e'd spent a )ood portion of the ni)ht wonderin) about her" uncomfortable with how much he wanted to know! $t was an alarm and a warnin)! 9et to know her" yes" but don't for)et why! After the lumberin) trailer disappeared" Tristan continued at a more sedate pace! +e allowed himself to )lance around" to take in the bi) homes set back from the road on finely manicured acrea)es! +is frown deepened as he contemplated Frank Forrester's reference to comin) home! +e didn't feel any more sense of homecomin) today than yesterday" not e#en when he turned into the dri#e where he'd learned to ride a bicycle" not passin) the first tree he'd climbed" not e#en lookin) out o#er the )rass where he'd first kicked a football! All he felt was the same )ut3kick of bitterness and the keener ed)e of anticipation! +e had to remind himself" a)ain" of his purpose! +e wasn't here to see her" to #isit with her" to spar with her2 he was here to deli#er the letter! That didn't pre#ent the crunch of disappointment when the housekeeper2 9loria2 opened the door and informed him" with )reat )lee" that %rs! Thorpe was out and not e0pected home until late in the afternoon! .kay! This could still work! $n fact" if 9loria didn't mind talkin)" this could work out e#en better! '$ didn't e#er )et that tea yesterday!' +e smiled and was rewarded with the suspicious narrowin) of the woman's eyes! '$s the in#itation still open5' '$ )uess $ could mana)e a pot of tea!' She stepped back and let him precede her into the foyer! 'So"' he said" pickin) up his sho#el and turnin) the first sod! '+a#e you worked for %rs! Thorpe a lon) time5' After #isitin) with 9loria" Tristan returned to his hotel to catch up on some business! +e'd sold his share in Telfour #ery recently and was still fieldin) calls and e3mails daily! Then there was his position on two company boards plus an enticin) offer to 7oin a business start3up" which had influenced his decision to sell! +e was still considerin) that direction and monitorin) a couple of other options! The busyness suited him fine! +e didn't know how to do nothin) and immersin) himself in his normal business world ser#ed as the perfect touchstone with reality! +e'd needed that after the last twenty3four hours! Thus immersed" he picked up the bu44in) phone e0pectin) to hear his assistant's #oice"

only to be disappointed! elia Forrester hadn't waited for him to call! +e didn't much care for the woman's o#erly familiar manner but he accepted her in#itation to 7oin their party at Sunday's polo match" re)ardless! After the call" his concentration was shot so he headed to the hotel's pool! +is natural inclination was to swim hard" to burn off the e0cess ener)y in his limbs and his blood and his hormones! But after a couple of hard laps he forced himself to ease off to a la4y crawl! +e refused to cede control to a situation and a woman and an untenable attraction! 6p and down the pool he loped" distractin) himself by thinkin) about last ni)ht's encounter with Frank Forrester" con7urin) up #a)ue memories of him and his first wife2 Lyn5 Linda5 Lydia52 spendin) weekends out of the city at the Thorpe home! And now" for all the bri)htness of his con#ersation" Frank looked worn out! +ad his father a)ed as badly5 +ad he )rown frail and stooped5 &orn out from keepin) up with a youn)" fast" social3climbin) wife when he should ha#e been takin) it easy with his life's companion" en7oyin) the rewards he'd earned throu)h decades of hard work5 &ithout reali4in) it" Tristan had upped his tempo to a solid churnin) pace" dri#en by those thou)hts and by the effort of not thinkin) about his father with -anessa! Too youn)" too ali#e" too passionate! All wron)! +e forced himself to stop churnin)2 physically and mentally2 at the end of the lap! Rollin) onto his back" he kicked away from the ed)e and there she was" standin) at the end of the pool" as if con7ured strai)ht out of his reflections! .r possibly not" he decided on a lon)er second )lance! ressed in a pale blue suit" with her hair pulled back and pinned up out of #iew" her eyes and half her face hidden behind a pair of lar)e sun)lasses" she looked older" stiffer" all polish and composure and money! She didn't look happy" either" but then he'd e0pected as much when he decided not to lea#e the letter with 9loria! +e knew he'd hear about it2 and that she'd possibly come )unnin) for him2 but he hadn't e0pected her this early in the day! 1ot when he'd been told she had a full day of important charity committee meetin)s! espite all that" he felt the same adrenaline spike as last ni)ht in the restaurant and this mornin) walkin) up to her door! The same" only with an added rush of heat" which didn't thrill him! To compose himself" he swam another lap and back" forcin) himself to turn his arms o#er2 slow and unconcerned! Then he climbed from the pool in a lon)" la4y motion and collected his towel from a nearby loun)er! All the while" he felt her watchin) him and his body's unwelcome response undid all the )ood work of those rela0in) last laps! Thank 9od for 7umbo3si4e hotel towels! &alkin) back to where she stood" Tristan sub7ected her to the same thorou)h once3o#er! Payback" he 7ustified! She didn't mo#e a muscle" e#en when he came to a halt much too close" and he wondered if her shoes2 #ery proper" with heels and all to match the suit2 had melted into the poolside tile! 'A little o#erdressed for a dip" aren't you5' A small furrow between her brows deepened! She moistened her lips" as if perhaps her mouth had all dried out! '$ didn't come here to swim!' 'Pity! $t's the weather for it!' '/es" it's hot but2 '

'/ou want to )et out of the sun5' Tristan inclined his head toward the nearest settin) with a bi) shady umbrella! &hat a difference a day makes! Twenty3four hours a)o he'd been in the business suit" knockin) at her door! 1ow she was on his turf and he aimed to milk the re#ersal in power for all it was worth! '1o!' She shook her head! '$ only came for the letter! 9loria ran) to tell me you'd called around but you wouldn't lea#e it!' '$ didn't know if $ should!' She made an annoyed sound with her ton)ue and teeth! 'Last ni)ht you specifically asked that we keep this between you and me"' he reasoned! '&hich is why you insinuated yourself into my house and interro)ated my housekeeper5' Ah! +e'd thou)ht she mi)htn't appro#e of that! '9loria kindly made me tea!' ' id she kindly tell you what you needed to know5' 'She told me you were tied up with meetin)s all day!' +e allowed his )a4e to drift o#er her charity3meetin) outfit! '/et here you are!' +e sensed her )atherin) frustration" but she took a minute to )lance around the surroundin)s and the little clusters of tourists and the discreetly ho#erin) staff! $f she'd been about to stomp on his bare foot with one of her weapon3shaped heels or to launch herself fully clothed into the pool" she resisted! +er ele)antly dimpled chin came up a fraction! '$ am here to fetch the letter! o you ha#e it or don't you5' '$ ha#e it" althou)h2 ' he patted his hips and chest where he mi)ht ha#e found pockets" had he been wearin) clothes '2 not on me!' espite the dark *ackie .!3si4e shades" he tracked the shift of her )a4e as she followed his hands down his torso! Then" as if suddenly aware of what she was doin) and where she was lookin)" her head snapped up! '$ didn't mean on you! $s it in your room5' '$t is! /ou want to come up and )et it5' '1o"' she replied primly! '$ would like you to )o up and )et it! $ will wait in the loun)e!' -anessa didn't )i#e him a chance to bait her further! She turned smartly on her heel and walked away! /es" he tracked her departure all the way across the lon) terrace! /es" that filled her sensory memory with ima)es of his bare tanned len)th wet and )listenin) from the pool! .f those muscles fle0in) and shiftin) as he toweled himself off! .f the blatant male beauty of a stron) toned abdomen" of dark hair sprinkled across his chest and trailin) down his midline and disappearin) into his brief swimmin) trunks! +eat flared in her skin then shi#ered throu)h her flesh as she crossed from the wicked mid3afternoon sunshine into the cool shade of the hotel interior! She chose a secluded seat away from the terrace windows and surreptitiously fanned her face while she waited! And waited! She ordered an iced water and checked her watch! And reali4ed the waitin) and waitin) had actually been for little more than fi#e minutes! Time" it seemed" had taken on a stran)e elon)ated dimension since she opened the door e0actly twenty3four hours a)o! $n that time so little had happened and yet so much had chan)ed! 1one of it made sense!! !e0cept" possibly" the buff body! +e'd been an elite athlete" after all" and any woman with functional eyesi)ht would ha#e found herself admirin) those ti)ht muscles! $t wasn't personal! -anessa e0haled throu)h her nose" e0asperated with herself! She didn't check her watch a)ain!

Assumin) he showered and dressed" he could be fi#e or ten minutes or more! And althou)h she hoped he did shower and dress" she didn't want to think about him showerin) and dressin)! To pass the time she scoped the room" wincin) when she noticed -ern and Li4 (ramer at a table not too far away! -ern and Stuart went way back! &hile she liked the (ramers" she didn't want to deal with another introduction and e#erythin)3is3fine con#ersation like last ni)ht's episode with Frank! She 7ust wanted to )et the letter and )et out of here! The letter! Another shi#er feathered o#er her skin with the reali4ation of a purpose and an an0iety for)otten from the second she saw Tristan's stron)" tan body slicin) effortlessly throu)h the a4ure water! Finally she would )et to see this piece of e#idence! She could make her decision on how to proceed< whether to take Andy's ad#ice and tell all" or follow *ack's counsel in re#ealin) as little as necessary! Since this mornin)'s breakfast discussion" she'd had little time to wei)h the options! *ack's #ersion tempted her because doin) nothin)" sayin) nothin)" was always easier! But was it best for Lew5 She 7ust didn't know! But seein) the letter2 her heart raced as a tall" familiar" fully3dressed fi)ure entered the room2 she hoped" would make up her mind! Althou)h she'd watched him arri#e" -anessa looked away to take a lon) sip from her water! Then he was there" standin) beside her chair" an en#elope in his hand! +er whole stomach went into free fall and she had to close her eyes a)ainst a di44yin) attack of an0iety! 'Are you all ri)ht5' he asked! She nodded! From the corner of her eye she saw Li4 (ramer peerin) their way and she sucked in a 8uick breath! 'Can we )o somewhere more pri#ate5 $'m afraid some more old friends are about to come o#er here!' To his credit" he didn't turn and look! 'There's the )uest library downstairs! .r $ could arran)e a pri#ate meetin) room2 ' 'The library will do fine! Thank you!' Tristan stood back" hands in pockets" while she turned the en#elope o#er in her hands! +e tried not to notice the pale trepidation on her face! .r the tremor of her fin)ers as she drew the sin)le sheet of folded paper from inside! But he couldn't isnore the tishtenins in his chest and sut" the desire to reach out and!! !hell!! !do what5 Take the bloody letter back5 $)nore his reason for holdin) onto it this mornin)" so he could hand it to her and 7ud)e her reaction5 Lo)ic said she wouldn't look so uncharacteristically ner#ous2 she of the cool poise and composure2 unless she were )uilty! amn it all to bla4es" he needed that )uilt! +e should be turnin) up the heat" pushin) and proddin) her into a hot3tempered admission! ,0cept she looked too fearful and #ulnerable and he couldn't! 1ot yet! '$t's white"' she murmured" so low he wouldn't ha#e made out the words if he weren't so intensely focused on her face! +er lips! The wide bemused eyes she suddenly raised up to his! 'This is the ori)inal5 1ot a copy5' 'That's the ori)inal!' Then" when she continued to sit there studyin) the paper and the en#elope" he asked" 'Aren't you )oin) to read it5' Perhaps she'd been buildin) up her ner#e or delayin) the ine#itable" because now she unfolded the letter and scanned it 8uickly! &hen she )ot to the end" she stared at the pa)e

for a full minute! +e couldn't tell what she was thinkin) only that she was thinkin)! $n the silence of the lar)e library room" deserted but for them" he could almost hear the wheels turnin) and the )ears en)a)in)! But when she finally spoke it wasn't to point out the lack of concrete proof in the letter's content" as he'd e0pected! $t was to ask" '&hy would somebody do this5' +ands deep in his pockets" Tristan shru))ed! 'To create trouble for you!' '&ell" they'#e succeeded there"' she said dryly" surprisin) him a)ain!!! and remindin) him of her first bafflin) reaction! +e nodded toward the letter! '/ou commented on the white paper!' She'd also asked if it was a copy! '&hat's )oin) on" -anessa5 &hat aren't you tellin) me5' '$!!!' -anessa paused" her chest ti)ht with indecision! espite *ack's instructions to di#ul)e as little as possible" she wanted to share! /esterday" no! .ut by the poolside" no way! But this man had shown a new consideration" in fetchin) the letter so promptly" in whiskin) her away to a pri#ate room without 8uestion" in standin) aside and lettin) her read in peace! Besides" tellin) him about the letters would take the focus offher and the secret she didn't want to share! This one he would probably hear anyway" if he hadn't already" on the town )rape#ine! 'A couple of months back"' she commenced slowly" decision made" 'two people $ know here in ,astwick each recei#ed an anonymous letter! $ thou)ht!!!$ had thou)ht!!!this one mi)ht be connected!' '1ow you think not" because the paper's different5' 'And there's no demand of any kind!' +e went still! 'Are you sayin) these other letters contained e0tortion demands5' '/es!' ' emandin) what5 &hat's the link5' ' id you know Bunny Baldwin5' she asked! 'Lucinda was her real name but e#erybody called her Bunny! She was married to 1athan Baldwin" a friend of Stuart's! $ thou)ht you mi)ht ha#e known them when you li#ed here!' '$t's been twenty years!' '/ou remembered Frank Forrester!' '+e and his first wife spent a lot of time at our house!' .h! She looked away" unaccountably stun) by the sudden hard cast to his eyes! .ur house! id he still feel that attachment5 &as that why he was so bound and determined to win the estate back5 She wanted to ask" to know his true moti#ation" but he cut throu)h her thou)hts and reminded her of the sub7ect at hand! '$ take it this Bunny Baldwin is the link between the letters5' '/es!' A sick" ti)ht feelin) twisted her stomach as she thou)ht about poor Bunny! Althou)h the woman had been fearsomely intimidatin)2 and had cast some speculation about -anessa marryin) so spectacularly well2 she'd also been mother to one of -anessa's closest friends! 'She passed away a few months a)o! They thou)ht it was a heart attack but Abby" her dau)hter" disco#ered her 7ournals missin)! Lon) story short" the police are now rein#esti)atin) her death!' 'Because of some missin) 7ournals5' '+a#e you heard of the ,astwick Social iary5'

+is answer was a noncommittal" 'Refresh my memory!' '$t's a )ossipy newsletter and &eb site column about who's who and doin) what2 ' or whom '2 in ,astwick! Bunny was the writer and editor" and the 7ournals contain her notes and sources plus all the material she chose not to print!' 'Chose not to5' Too a)itated to sit" -anessa rose to her feet and slowly circled the seatin) arran)ement! This connection to his letter and its alle)ations had to be broached" as much as she dreaded how the con#ersation would )o down! '$ )ather she thou)ht some stories were too scandalous or dama)in) or potentially libelous to print!' That's all she had to say! The sharp speculation in his eyes indicated he'd 7oined the dots without needin) further clues! 'These 7ournals were stolen and the thief has attempted to blackmail persons named in the 7ournal5' 'That seems the likely e0planation!' 'And you think it's possible the same person sent the letter to me5' '$ thou)ht so!' She lifted her hands and let them drop! 'But then it's not the same stationery!' '/ou think a blackmailer uses the same paper e#ery time5' '$ don't know! $ don't know what to think! o you5' 'There's no hint of e0tortion"' he said after a moment's pause! 'And if this person did ha#e blackmail in mind" he'd ha#e sent the letter to you! To entice you to pay hush money!' She e0haled on a lon) note of resi)nation! /es" he was ri)ht! Althou)h!!! ' o you belie#e there's no connection to Bunny and the 7ournals5 Because this is rather a bi) coincidence" a third anonymous letter whose source could ha#e been the same as the first two!' +e re)arded her silently for a lon) second! '&hat are you tryin) to sell me here5 &hat's your ansle5' '$ don't ha#e an an)le! $'m 7ust tryin) to work out the moti#ation behind this letter!' 'And5' Surprised he'd detected the nebulous hint of more in her words" she looked back at him warily! Then" she decided to tell him! '&hat if the thief read somethin) in the 7ournals and misinterpreted5 &hat if the person referred to as ha#in) an affair wasn't me at all5 A lot of the diary pieces are )uess who" don't sue! 1ames are not named! &hat if he has the wron) person5' 'That doesn't e0plain why he sent the letter to me!' -anessa narrowed her eyes! '/ou aren't prepared to listen to my side at all" are you5' '$ listened!' 'And now what5 /ou'll ha#e me in#esti)ated5' '/es"' he said" that blue )a4e unflinchin)ly direct! '$ will continue to in#esti)ate! $ also think we should speak to the police!' 'The police5' '/ou said they were in#esti)atin) Bunny's death and" $ ima)ine" the e0tortion demands! &hether it's connected or not" they should see this letter!' Six $ heard a whisper that Tristan Thorpe's in town!' Felicity Farnsworth's casual comment dropped like a brick into the calm pool of after3

lunch con#ersation" brin)in) all eyes strai)ht to -anessa! Blast! She'd rather hoped the drama surroundin) ,mma's upcomin) weddin)2 she wanted small" while her parents had in#ited half of ,astwick2 would keep the focus off her! That's the way she preferred thin)s anyway" includin) at the re)ular ebs Club luncheons! These women2 Felicity" Lily" Abby Talbot" ,mma earborn and %ary u#all2 were her friends! Smart" warm" kind" inclusi#e" they'd in#ited her into their )roup" onto their charity committees and into their confidence! 1ow" more than e#er" she felt the wei)ht of )uilt because she hadn't been so forthcomin)! $n si0 years of re)ular )et3to)ethers she'd tiptoed around her past and her reason for marryin) Stuart and becomin) part of ,astwick society! Althou)h she had shared much of her an)st in battlin) Tristan o#er the will" hence the )irlfriends' 8uestions now! '$s he here about the will contest5' Abby asked! '&here is he stayin)5' Caroline wanted to know! '+a#e you met him" -anessa5' '/es" ha#e you seen the beast5' Felicity continued! Carefully -anessa put down her coffee! '/es" $'#e met with him!' $'#e also fou)ht with him" kissed him" o)led him in swimmers" and accompanied him to the police station! '+e's stayin) at the %arabella and" yes" he is here about the will! $n a way!' '/ou sound remarkably calm"' ,mma decided! '$s that a )ood si)n5 .r are you sedated5' '$s he droppin) the contest5' Felicity asked! '+e must know he's beatin) a dead horse!' 'Tristan doesn't think so"' -anessa replied! '$n fact" he's here because he belie#es he's found a way to beat me!' They all responded pretty much at once" a mi0ture of scoffin) remarks and how3so 8uestions! And so she filled them in on the letter's alle)ations" the no3adultery clause in Stuart's will" and finally this mornin)'s meetin) with the detecti#es handlin) Bunny's case! Silence followed" an unusual happenstance when this )roup met! Abby reco#ered first" althou)h she looked pale and strained! 1ot only had she lost her mother in sudden and suspicious circumstances" but she'd had to fi)ht tooth and nail to ha#e her suspicions reco)ni4ed! '&hat did the police say5' A lot" -anessa answered silently" most of it uncomfortable 8uestions about her relationship with Tristan and the2 none0istent2 man referred to in the letter! To her friends she said" 'They took us seriously enou)h when we showed them the letter! They asked a lot of 8uestions" but in the end $'m not sure they think it's the same person!' '&hy not5' Abby leaned forward" intent and focused! '$t sounds e0actly like the others!' Felicity nodded! 'The lowlife who took the 7ournals is selectin) blackmail opportunities strai)ht from the pa)es! $t's only a matter of time before he hits pay dirt!' They all fell silent a moment" considerin)" before ,mma asked" '&ouldn't he ha#e tried to blackmail -anessa thou)h5' '&ould you ha#e paid5' Felicity turned to -anessa! '$f the letter had come to you5' '&hy would $ pay when the alle)ation is false5' A couple of them e0chan)ed looks" no one met her eye" and in the ensuin) silence the bottom fell out of -anessa's stomach! '/ou think $ had a lo#er5 &hile $ was married to

Stuart5' '1o" sweetie!' ,mma put a hand on hers! '1ot us!' 'Then!!!who5' 'There's been some talk"' Caroline said! And they hadn't told her5 +adn't mentioned these suspicions once5 $n all this time5 '/ou ha#e to admit" you do keep parts of your life off3limits!' Felicity had spoken no less than the truth! -anessa had been secreti#e and this was the perfect opportunity to confide in her friends and )arner their ad#ice! That's what friends were for" after all! 1ot that she had much e0perience" especially with her peers" and that made this hard task e#en tou)her! +er intentions were )ood" but the words lod)ed in her throat! Before she could coa0 them free" Lily returned from the bathroom and there was much fussin) o#er how lon) she'd been )one! '$ ran into elia Forrester"' she e0plained! '$ couldn't )et away!' 'Poor you"' Caroline murmured! '&hate#er did she want5' ,mma asked! 'A fa#or!' Lily pulled a wry face! 'She needs an e0tra in#itation to the polo benefit! -anessa" it seems she's in#ited your )ood friend Tristan Thorpe!' Polo turned out to be a hard" fast and physical )ame2 not for sissies as Frank Forrester had maintained! After se#eral chukkers and with the help of some sideline e0perts" Tristan was catchin) on to the skilful intricacies of play and en7oyin) the breakneck end3 to3end pace! As Frank's binoculars rarely strayed from the field" he wondered if the old bloke had been referrin) to the off3field action rather than the polo itself Tristan had a healthy cynicism for the )ames played by the beautiful people" and this charity benefit had brou)ht out the best2 and worst2 players! &hich brou)ht his thou)hts win)in) strai)ht to elia! Frank had introduced his wife as '%y fa#orite blonde"' instantly tyin) her to the woman he'd referred to as his second3fa#orite at the %arabella restaurant! $n those first few seconds Tristan re7ected the connection out of hand! The two women were as different as -anessa had claimed! &ith her )lossy facade and saccharine3sweet affectations" elia was the kind of woman he'd e0pected2 and wanted2 to find li#in) in his father's house! -anessa Thorpe was not! The truth didn't slam into him! $t had been creepin) up on him for days" with e#ery meetin)" e#ery new disco#ery" e#ery disarmin) touch of warmth or #ulnerability! Acknowled)in) his error of 7ud)ment did unsettle him" howe#er! $f he'd mis7ud)ed her character by the width of the 1ullabor" could he also be wron) about other thin)s5 Since seein) her response to the letter he'd been thinkin) a lot about the sender's moti#ation! +e'd assumed someone had a #endetta a)ainst her! Back in Australia he'd belie#ed it2 a pushy youn) social climber could make plenty of enemies without e#en tryin)! But since arri#in) in ,astwick" the worst he'd heard about her was" 'She holds her cards close to her chest!' A loud cheer rolled throu)h the spectators' )allery" rousin) Tristan from his introspection! The local team's number three had )oaled" le#elin) the score! +e'd learned early on that the Ar)entinean import was a )reat fa#orite with the partisan polo crowd! -anessa" too" had her fans! This Tristan measured from the locals' responses to him! Too polite for blatant rudeness" many met him with a cool look or shook his hand with

stiff formality! .thers were more direct! -ern (ramer" for e0ample" stated outri)ht that he sympathi4ed with his pli)ht2 '/ou're his son" after all'2 but didn't appro#e his tactics! -ern was another of his father's oldest friends and one of the more #ocal sideline polo e0perts! Ri)ht now he was protestin) an umpirin) decision with much )usto! +is wife took a lar)e step back" disownin) him with a wry shake of her head! '+e's not mine! $ don't know him!' Tristan waited a moment" watchin) the umpire award a penalty a)ainst the local team and smilin) at the roastin) that ensued! Then he acknowled)ed Li4 (ramer whose lar)e backward step had brou)ht her2 unwittin)ly2 to his side! '+ow are you" %rs! (ramer5' '&ell" thank you!' +er )reetin) was polite" her tone frosty! Par for the course" althou)h from Li4 it stun)! She'd been a close friend of his mother's" a fre8uent #isitor at their home" and he remembered her fondly! 'And you" Tristan5 Are you en7oyin) bein) back home5' 1ot the first time he'd been asked a #ariation of that 8uestion and he didn't understand the assumption any better with each repetition! '%y home is in Sydney"' he said" sick of makin) the polite answer! 'This is a business trip!' 'And are you en7oyin) that5' There was a bite to her #oice that su))ested she knew his business! '1ot particularly!' '&hich makes me wonder why you're persistin)!' '$ ha#e my reasons!' ,yes front" watchin) a melee of horses and mallets" he felt rather than saw Li4's )a4e fi0 on his face! '+ow is your mother5' 'Reco#erin)!' 'She's been ill5' +e cut her a look and saw )enuine concern in her eyes! $t suddenly struck him that of all the con#ersations he'd had since arri#in) in ,astwick" Li4 was the first to ask after his mother! +e decided to tell her strai)ht! 'Breast cancer! She's had a tou)h few years!' '$'m sorry to hear that!' They watched the )ame in silence for se#eral minutes! Then Li4 said" '$ hope she found the happiness she was chasin)!' Tristan frowned! 'Chasin)5' '&hen she left your father!' '$'d hardly define bein) tossed out with nothin) as lea#in)!' +e tried to keep the bitterness from his #oice but wasn't sure he succeeded! 1ot when Li4 made a soft cluckin) noise with her ton)ue" part sympathy" part reprimand! 'She took you" Tristan" the most #aluable thin) from her marria)e! Stuart was a lon) time )ettin) o#er that!' But he had )ot o#er it! &ith the help of a beautiful new wife" and that stuck in Tristan's craw in a do4en disturbin) ways now that he'd met -anessa! +is )a4e shifted beyond Li4" and2 as he'd had done countless times in the past hours2 he unerrin)ly found -anessa in the crowd! espite the number and si4e of the hats blockin) his #iew" despite the subtlety of her dress" despite the way she'd pinned her distincti#e hair beneath a pretty little lace and net construction! The awareness was there" like a #isual ma)netism! +e didn't seek her out! +e looked up

and like sunshine" she was there! Since acknowled)in) how much his attitude to her had chan)ed" since reco)ni4in) the dan)erous pull of this attraction" he'd kept his distance! 1ot e0actly a#oidin) her" 7ust pro#in) to himself that he could resist the ur)e! '+e was so lucky to find -anessa! She is a treasure!' +e looked back at Li4" found she'd followed the direction of his )a4e! '$'#e heard that more than once today"' he said dryly! 'A treasure! A )ood )al! An an)el!' 'Feelin) like you'#e been cast with horns and a trident5' 'Somewhat!' &ith a soft chuckle" Li4 lifted her empty champa)ne flute and looked him in the eye! For the first time he saw the familiar sparkle of her humor! '$f you'd like to take the first step toward redemption" you can fetch me a refill!' -anessa thou)ht she felt him watchin) her! A)ain! But when she turned in that direction 2 and all day she'd known e0actly where he stood" sat" loun)ed2 she found her ima)ination was playin) tricks! A)ain! This time he was intent in con#ersation with Li4 (ramer! &ith his head dipped toward the shorter woman so a lock of sun3tin)ed hair fell across his forehead" he looked youn)er and warmer and more at ease than -anessa had seen him! Then someone mo#ed and blocked her #iew and she turned away" heart racin) and her mouth )one dry! An0iety" she decided! And trepidation because of what he mi)ht be discussin) with Li4 and with countless others before her! And who are you kiddin)5 1ot her pra)matic self" ob#iously! She knew these responses had nothin) to do with their conflict and e#erythin) to do with the man! &as he i)norin) her on purpose5 1o" %s! Pra)matist answered! +e is doin) what he set out to do! %i0in)" meetin)" talkin)! And learnin) absolutely nothin) because there was nothin) for him to disco#er2 at least nothin) that wasn't rumor and whispers about her secreti#e side! Thinkin) of the talk her friends had told her about took her mind off Tristan" at least! 1ot that bein) talked about was a bi))ie for -anessa2 she'd )rown up with fin)ers pointed her way! That's the )irl with the freakoid brother! id you hear her daddy )ot arrested a)ain last ni)ht5 They're such a loser family! She didn't care what others said about her: she did mind that her friends mi)ht ha#e belie#ed her capable of infidelity! And she hated that she'd fro4en when she should ha#e told them the reason for her mysterious beha#ior! The sea of summer frocks and li)htwei)ht suits" of hats and champa)ne flutes and imported lon)neck beers shifted a)ain" partin) as if by a di#ine hand to re#eal him a)ain! &alkin) toward her" a bottle of #inta)e -eu#e Clic8uot in one hand" a pair of flutes in the other! ressed simply in a pale )ray suit and open3necked white shirt2 no more" no less than a hundred other men in the crowd2 he commanded attention with his si4e" his presence" the way he mo#ed with an athlete's )race and purpose! She felt a burst of sensation" as thou)h the pop of a champa)ne cork had sent all the bubbles fi44in) throu)h her #eins! 1ot )ood" -anessa! 1ot )ood at all! $n a bid to appear in#ol#ed" she turned back to Felicity and Reed" ,mma and 9arrett" *ack and Lily!!!and disco#ered that while she'd been lost in introspection they'd mo#ed on! -a)uely she recalled Lily wantin) to sit down! .r *ack insistin) she sit! Possibly

she'd wa#ed them on! 1ow she was alone! And fei)nin) surprise when she heard the rich drawl of Tristan's #oice at her back! +is actual words were swallowed by the thumpin) of her heart as she swun) around! +e stood close enou)h for her to feel the impact of his electric blue )a4e! A thousand watts all plu))ed in to her! +e probably bou)ht the whole wow3where3did3you3sprin)3 from act because her mouth had )one slack and her throat ti)ht and breathless while she 7ust stood there starin) up at him! +elp" her pra)matic self whimpered weakly! She feared that side of her was about to )o down for the count! '$ noticed your lack of champa)ne!' The corner of his mouth 8uirked in a kind of crooked half smile! '$ )ather that's a trans)ression here!' The only trans)ression she could think of was her weak3kneed" weak3willed desire for a man she'd declared her enemy fi#e days a)o! +ow could this be happenin)5 That deadly attracti#e half smile had turned 8ui44ical and -anessa )a#e herself a mental shake! 'Thank you"' she said" a trifle huskily! 'But no!' 'This bottle is strai)ht from Li4 (ramer's stash" 7ust opened" unspiked! Scout's honor!' 'So you say" but you don't look like a Boy Scout! Can $ trust your word5' Somethin) flickered in his eyes and in her blood! Perhaps that was the last )ur)le of %s! Pra)matist )oin) under" because she appeared to be flirtin) with him! She" -anessa (ot4ur Thorpe" who had ne#er flirted in her life! +e filled one of the slender )lasses" then handed her the bottle! She re)arded it suspiciously! 'Take it"' he said! 'So $ can defend my Boy Scout honor!' Their fin)ers brushed as she took the bottle" a thrillin) little contact of skin on skin! She had barely reco#ered when he lifted the )lass to his mouth! Their eyes met o#er the rim as he took a lon)" slow sip and the connection somehow seemed steeped in intimacy! &ithout breakin) eye contact" without sayin) a word" he held out the )lass and temptation whispered throu)h her blood! She wanted to take it from his hand" to place her lips on the same spot" to taste his heat on the icy cool )lass! %ore" she wanted to stretch on her toes and lick the )olden chill from his lips! To kiss him the way she'd wanted to the first time! '/ou still don't trust me5' -anessa wet her lips! '$t's not that! $'m not drinkin)!' ' ri#in)5' '$ don't drink!' She #olunteered the information without thou)ht!!!and then kicked herself sharply! Pay attention! She didn't want to e0plain why she ne#er touched alcohol" nor did she want to see in his eyes that he'd worked out the reason by snoopin) into her back)round! She switched her )a4e to the )ame" pretendin) to watch without seein) anythin) but a blur of acti#ity! A team of monkeys mounted on camels could ha#e taken to the field and she wouldn't ha#e noticed!! !althou)h she supposed they'd ha#e needed e0tra3lon)3 handled mallets! After a moment the thick ache in her chest reminded her to rela0 and breathe! Today Tristan appeared rela0ed" as if he were en7oyin) this as a social occasion rather than as an in#esti)ati#e opportunity! Perhaps he'd taken her appeal outside the %arabella to heart!

Perhaps he was bidin) his time! Play thundered by close to the sideline and the air thickened with the scent of sweat and earth and the clash of contact between players! -anessa blinked and focused! The umpire blew a foul elicitin) a heated debate on who'd crossed whose line on the ball! '+ow are you en7oyin) the polo5' she asked" )enuinely curious! '$ like the )ame!' 'But not the rest5' +e considered that a lon) moment" appearin) to )i#e it more wei)ht than the casual in8uiry commanded! '$'m en7oyin) today more than $'d thou)ht! $ hadn't reali4ed so many people would remember me or want to know me! 9i#en your popularity" $ thou)ht $ mi)ht be the pariah!' '/ou're not5' +is small smile caused a lar)e clamor in her system! 'Can't say $ ha#en't felt some coolness!' '&hich hasn't dulled the curiosity!' '1o!' -anessa cast a )lance o#er the crowd and found a de)ree of that curiousity trained on them! %any of the locals2 her friends included2 would be con7ecturin) o#er her chumminess with the enemy! A frown pulled at her brow so she considered the chan)ed dynamic between them! She couldn't work out what had chan)ed! The heat" the awareness" the attraction" she'd felt before" but today there was another element she couldn't pin down! They weren't e0actly comfortable and rela0ed to)ether but the tension had altered! $t reminded her of the one time she'd sat on a horse! The ridin) lessons were a birthday present from Stuart" but when the instructor hoisted her into the saddle she hadn't en7oyed the sensation one little bit! She'd hated losin) touch with earth" of not knowin) if the e0hilaration would last or brin) her crashin) onto her backside! She cast a cautious sideways )lance at Tristan and cau)ht him watchin) her! A weird sense of yearnin) fluttered to life in her chest" and her frown deepened as she 8uickly looked away! .h yes" %s! Pra)matist nodded! /ou are so )oin) to land on your backside! '&orried about what they're thinkin)5' he asked! '&ell" $ am fraterni4in) with the enemy!' '$'m not the enemy" -anessa!' +e eyes on hers were darkly serious! '/our real enemy is the person who wrote that letter!' -anessa lost Tristan to elia durin) the halftime di#ot3stomp and didn't see him a)ain2 no" that wasn't true" she couldn't help seein) him" but she didn't talk to him a)ain2 until she was walkin) toward her car at the end of the day! This time her wow3where3did3you3 sprin)3from reaction wasn't contri#ed! .ne second she was pickin) her way carefully across a so))y patch of )round" tryin) not to identify the hea#y wei)ht pressin) down on her chest as )oin)3home3alone )loom" the ne0t he was there at her side! The wei)ht lifted lea#in) her feelin) ridiculously pleased!! !until she felt his )a4e fi0 on her smile for an unner#in)ly lon) moment! Then she thou)ht" must stop )rinnin) like a loon! %ust think of somethin) to say that doesn't sound like $'m ridiculously" pleased! ' id you en7oy the second half5' she asked" )ettin) the smile under control! '$ lost you durin) the break!' '$ didn't know they really did that!' '&alk the di#ots5 $t's a time3honored tradition and the perfect chance to mi0! on't they

do that at your Aussie football )ames5' '.ur mi0er tradition is aimed at the kids! They all flock onto the )round for a kick at halftime!' Picturin) the mayhem of hundreds of kids let lose on a football field" -anessa allowed herself a half smile! 'Sli)htly wilder and noisier than a di#ot3stomp" $ ima)ine!' 'Sli)htly!' '/ou looked as if you were en7oyin) yourself!' Strai)ht away she wished she'd kept that obser#ation to herself! She also wished that the si)ht of elia han)in) off his arm" lau)hin)" reachin) up to brush somethin)2 or nothin)2 from his collar wasn't stuck in her #isual memory! She had no hold on him and no ri)ht to the sharp stab of possessi#eness! '$ en7oyed today"' he said noncommittally! '/ou seemed to fit ri)ht in!' +e cut her a sideways look" as thou)h tryin) to work out if she was ha#in) him on! Then somethin) shifted in his e0pression" his )a4e )rew keen with perception! 'And you" -anessa! /ou fit in as if you were born to this life!' The warm )low of en7oyment brou)ht on by his seekin) her out and fanned by their banter" faded and died! But she mi)ht as well confirm what he'd probably already )leaned from 9loria or who knows where else! '%y parents both worked for people like these" in the city! $ spent some time obser#in) the life!' 'And you dreamed of li#in) it5' She shru))ed! '&hat )irl doesn't dream5 $t's the Cinderella fantasy!' They stopped beside her car" the last left in this row of the parkin) field" and she was searchin) her purse for her keys when he asked" '&hy my father5' -anessa looked up sharply" not 8uite sure she'd heard him correctly! $f she had" then she didn't understand the 8uestion! $ntense blue eyes collided with hers for a heart37oltin) moment before he looked away! Before he wa#ed a hand at the field still littered with Bentleys and Porsches and %ercedes! '/ou wanted this life" you could ha#e had it with any man you wanted! &hy my father5' For a second she stared back at him" stunned by the 8uestion and then by its subte0t! She'd set out to trap a rich man because of a childhood Cinderella fantasy! Then she kicked herself hard for her stupidity! She'd known he held that opinion ri)ht from the first time she spoke to him" so why should the 8uestion shock her now5 '$ hope to 9od $'m readin) you wron)"' she said ti)htly" 'and that you're not su))estin) $ could ha#e done better than Stuart!' '1ot better! /oun)er!' 'Because a youn)er man could ha#e )i#en me what5' She huffed out a contemptuous breath! 'For the life of me $ cannot think of any man2 youn)er" older" whate#er2 as kind and )enerous and concerned for others as Stuart Thorpe!' '&hat about your other needs" -anessa5' +is meanin) was clear in the dark burnin) li)ht in his eyes" in the way he closed down the distance between them" in the se0ual ener)y that seemed to pulse in the air as his )a4e trailed slowly o#er her face and lin)ered on her mouth! She shook her head slowly! This part of her marria)e she discussed with no one! 1ot

9loria" not Andy" not ,mma or Lily or any of her )irlfriends! She'd promised to keep the platonic nature of their relationship a secret" to protect Stuart's pride as a man and to pre#ent the scuttlebutt of )ossip! '/ou're youn)"' he persisted! ' idn't you want a family5' '1o!' $t wasn't a lie" despite her recent pan)s of baby en#y! She'd already brou)ht up her brother" takin) o#er his care when she was little more than a child herself! She'd used up all her nurturin) spirit! She had no emotional ener)y left for babies of her own! 1one whatsoe#er! '1o"' she repeated" more adamantly! '$ didn't want a family and $ didn't need a lo#er! /our father )a#e me e#erythin) $ wanted" e#erythin) $ e#er dreamed of wantin)" and more! And he chose to lea#e his estate to me! &hy can't you accept those truths5 &hy can't you )o back to Australia and let me be5' Seven 9o home to Australia and let her be5 1o" Tristan couldn't do that! +e could ne#er 8uit a task half3done! +e still needed to know e#erythin) about -anessa" but before he e#en approached her in the parkin) lot after the polo match he'd accepted that his moti#ation had shifted focus! That's what dro#e him to ask why she'd chosen his father! Frustration! Self3defense! Findin) that full3bodied smile trained on him for the #ery first time" he'd felt a primal rush of possessi#eness" a she3should3be3mine kick that transcended desire! +e'd needed a reminder" damn fast" of why he couldn't )et in that car and dri#e her back to his hotel and claim her as his own! +er fer#ent response had done the trick! $t had also con#inced him of one of two thin)s< either -anessa had )enuinely cared for her husband or she was one bloody fine actress! And if he was out3of3the3ballpark wron) about her relationship with his father" was he wron) about other thin)s5 Auestions and conflictin) answers chased throu)h his mind all ni)ht lon)! At dawn he plun)ed his restless body into the hotel pool and slu))ed out a hundred laps! Afterward he'd intended returnin) to his suite and to his re)ular" controllable %onday mornin) of work" where 8uestions had answers" where decisions tri))ered action" where results ensued! &here he ne#er backed down from the tou)h issues!! !or from di))in) too deeply because of a woman's heartfelt appeal! $'m askin) that you respect the pri#acy of others! Think about it" please! Think about doin) the ri)ht thin)! That plea still had his conscience tied in knots a week later! $nstead of workin)" he found himself dri#in) out of town and into the sprawlin) midcountry estates" headin) for &hite Birch Lane and a score of knotted intan)ibles! +e needed facts! +e needed truths! 1ot only about -anessa" but about the father he'd not spoken to since he left ,astwick as a twel#e3year3old! Focused on that result" he didn't consider the early hour until he was dri#in) up to the

closed and silent mansion! $t was too early for her to be )one for the day but not too early" he disco#ered" to find her in the )arden! The mornin) sun was less than an hour old" its li)ht as pale as her hair! As diaphanous as the shell3pink sweep of nothin) that shaped her body! The ima)e was soft and ethereal" an artist's rendition of 9irl with Flowers" and Tristan stood transfi0ed by her beauty for a minute too lon)! Twenty yards of lawn and se#eral bays of massed rose bushes away" he sensed her sudden stillness and the shock in her eyes when his presence re)istered! The polite thin) to do was acknowled)e her" maybe with a teasin) remark about wanderin) the )rounds in her ne)li)ee" then retreat so she could dress in somethin) more!!!substantial! The sensible thin) was to turn on his heel and )et the hell out of there without takin) any more notice about what she was wearin) or not wearin)! But he had noticed! +is body ached with its impolite and not3sensible response to noticin)! The best he could do was keep a bed of rose bushes between them as he approached" an e0tra thorny3branched barrier to the one he was busy erectin) in his mind! She's out of bounds! She lo#ed your father! She%'as his wife for fi#e years! 1o matter what resulted from their le)al wran)le" from the letter's alle)ations" from his in#esti)ations" she could ne#er be his! The massed shrubs shielded much of her body from #iew" but it didn't help! +e could still see her face" her throat" the skin framed by lace at her shoulders and breasts! And he could see what had brou)ht her out of doors so early! .ne of her )lo#ed hands held a bunch of lon)3stemmed blooms: the other wielded a pair of lethal3lookin) shears! The part of his body that had noticed the diaphanous ni)htdress and the shape of her body beneath took due note! '$ hope $ didn't startle you too much! Those thin)s2 ' he inclined his head to indicate the shears '2 look like they could do serious dama)e!' '$ heard you dri#e up" so no!' '/et you looked surprised!' '$ thou)ht you were 9loria" arri#in) early!' +er accompanyin) shru) caused her ne)li)ee's deep neckline to dip" and Tristan's hand itched to reach out and slide it back into place! &ith a silent curse he sho#ed both hands in his pockets" out of temptation's way! '$'m not 9loria!' '1o"' she said" as soft as the mornin)! '/ou're not!' Their )a4es meshed for what felt like a lon) time! +e could feel the pulse of attraction between them" a silent ener)y that hummed in the summer's mornin)! She felt it too2 he could see it in her eyes and in the sli)ht flush of her cheeks! +ell She felt it too! +e buried his hands deeper in his shorts! '$ should ha#e called first!' '$t's fine" really!' 'Really5' '/ou sa#ed me a phone call!' A frown of concentration formed between her brows and turned her eyes serious! '$ wanted to talk to you about what $ said yesterday!!! or what $ didn't say!' 'About5' '/our father! The will! $'m not backin) down on anythin) $ said" but on my way home yesterday and last ni)ht and this mornin) $ was thinkin)2 ' She paused and althou)h her

eyes were clear" the dark smud)es beneath fla))ed her lack of sleep! '$ may ha#e )i#en the impression that Stuart didn't want you to ha#e anythin)! That is not true!' '+e left me a thousand bucks! To show he hadn't for)otten me!' 'That was the lawyers' doin) and not what $ meant! +e would ha#e made you a beneficiary" Tristan" if you'd come to see him when he asked!' '9uess $ must ha#e missed that!' '$ )uess so"' she said with a damn3you note to her #oice! &ith )reat care she snipped off another pink bud and added it to her collection! The petals 8ua#ered2 because her hands were shakin)52 and when she looked up a)ain" her eyes )listened with moisture! '$)norin) his letter" not e#en botherin) to reply2 that was 7ust plain cruel" Tristan! +e was your father and he was dyin)! &ould it ha#e hurt to swallow your pride and pick up the phone5' +it hard by the husky ed)e to her #oice and the sheen of emotion in her eyes" it took a moment for the words and the messa)e to re)ister! Then e#erythin) inside him went still! '&hat letter5' '+e wanted to see you or at least to speak to you" to e0plain his side of the story! $ su))ested he write2 that he mi)ht find that easier than tryin) to e0plain o#er the phone!' 'And he sent it5' '$ posted it myself!' She stared back at him" at first with that same hard ed)e as earlier and then with slowly dawnin) comprehension! '/ou really didn't recei#e it" did you5 And when $ tried to call!!!' +e'd deliberately stonewalled her" not takin) the calls and then not returnin) her increasin)ly insistent messa)es until it was too late! +is father had passed away an hour before! &hat3mi)ht3ha#e3been frustration swelled inside him" ti)htenin) his chest" his throat" his e0pression! '$f he wanted to talk to me so badly" why the hell did he lea#e it so late5' 'Because he was as proud and as stubborn as you; +e poured his heart and his soul into that letter and when you didn't reply" when he )ot nothin) but stony silence" he )a#e up!' 'But you didn't!' $n her eyes" he saw that truth! She'd pushed Stuart to write the letter! And she'd made those calls when his father was hospitali4ed" a last ditch effort to reconcile them< the husband she'd lo#ed and his only child! 'That's when he made up his mind about the will!' Carefully she closed the shears and clicked the safety lock into place! The metallic snick punctuated the finality of his father's decision! Closed" done" ended! '+e said you'd made your own life in Australia! /ou were a success! /ou didn't need his money and you didn't need him!' She was ri)ht! At thirty his time of needin) a father had lon) passed into a faded" bitter memory of the years when he'd silently yearned for that support! ,#en if he had read the letter or if he'd taken her calls" he doubted it would ha#e led to anythin) but cold" hard words! 'Too little" too late!' For a moment he thou)ht she mi)ht dispute that" but then she chan)ed tack2 he saw the switch in her e0pression and the set of her mouth as she )athered up her bunch of cut roses and started to mo#e off! '/ou mi)ht not belie#e this"' she said" 'but he ne#er for)ot you were his son! +e told me once how )lad he was that your football career took off" because that made it so easy to keep up the connection! The more your star rose" the more

stories he found in the press!' '+is son" the famous footballer!' A #ehement spark lit her eyes! '$t wasn't like that" Tristan; .f course he was proud of your success2 what parent wouldn't be5 But this was about knowin) some part of you" about ha#in) that connection! +e learned all about your Aussie Rules )ame and he read all the match reports and stats! +e watched the )ames on cable! '.ne ni)ht $ found him sittin) in the dark" in the theater room where he watched the )ames! And the tele#ision was showin)" $ don't know" ice3skatin) or rhythmic )ymnastics or somethin) $ knew he wouldn't watch! $ thou)ht he'd )one to sleep so $ turned on the li)ht to rouse him and send him back to bed!' She paused in a )ap between two hea#ily3laden bushes" her e0pression as soft as the mass of creamy3pink roses that framed her slender cur#es! And" damn it her eyes had )one all dewy a)ain! +e braced himself" a)ainst the punch3to3the3heart sensation the si)ht of her caused and a)ainst whate#er she was about to tell him! '+e didn't turn around because he didn't want me to see his tears" but $ heard them in his #oice! $ knew he was sittin) there in the dark cryin)! +e told me later that you'd been playin) your two hundredth )ame and they'd run a special on you durin) the halftime break! +e was so proud and $ was so damn mad at you both for not doin) somethin) about your rift!' Rift5 The )ap between him and his father had been more in the scope of a canyon! $f there'd e#er been any chance of brid)in) it!!! 'That was up to him!' '&ould you ha#e listened5' For se#eral seconds they stood" )a4es locked" the atmosphere taut with that one tellin) 8uestion! And when he didn't answer" she shook her head sadly! '$ didn't think so!' '$t makes no difference!' '/ou're that callous5' '$ am what $ am!' She nodded slowly! And the disappointment in her eyes hit him like a full3throttle shoulder char)e! '/ou are also more like your father than you know!' '(ind! 9enerous! Concerned"' he 8uoted back at her! 'Proud! Stubborn! 6nprepared to step back from your line in the sand!' +er eyes narrowed with a mi0ture of challen)e and speculation! '&hy is the inheritance so important to you5 /our success at football carried on into business! /ou 7ust sold your company" ad#anta)eously" $ )ather! /ou can't need the money!' '%oney isn't e#erythin)" duchess!' '$s it the house you want5' she persisted" i)norin) his )ibe! ' oes it ha#e special meanin)5' '1ot any more! oes it to you5' '$t meant a lot to Stuart" so" yes!' '$'m askin) about you!' And e#en as he asked the 8uestion" he felt its si)nificance ti)hten in his chest! '$s this your idea of home" -anessa5' '$t's the only place $'#e e#er felt happy to call home!' '/ou're happy here" li#in) this life5' She looked him s8uare in the eye! '/es" $ am! $ work hard on fund3raisin) committees! $ lo#e the #olunteerin) work $ do!' 'A re)ular philanthropist" are you5'

$t was a cheap shot but she took it on the chin without flinchin)! +e sensed" in the briefest of pauses before she responded" that she'd taken a lot of hits in her life! That she was a lot less delicate than she looked! '$ do what $ can! And 7ust so there are no misconceptions2 $ like most e#erythin) about my life! $ like the security of money" of knowin) all my needs are taken care of!' '1ot to mention the thin)s that money can buy!' '$ don't care about the thin)s!' Really5 '/ou told me you lo#e your car! /our clothes aren't from &al3%art! And what about the trinkets5' For)ettin) the self3defensi#e caution that had dri#en him to keep a )arden's width between them" he rounded the end of the bay and closed down that separation! '$f thin)s don't matter" then why were you so upset when the fi)urine smashed5' '$t was a )ift!' 'From Stuart5' A shadow flitted across her e0pression but her )a4e remained clear and unwa#erin) and disarmin)ly honest! 'A 1ew /ork socialite my mother worked for )a#e me that fi)urine for my twelfth birthday!' '9enerous of her!' '/es and no! $t was nothin) to her but a kind )esture to the housemaid's poor dau)hter! But to me!!! that little statue became my talisman! $ kept it as a reminder of where it came from and where $ came from! But" you know" it doesn't matter that it broke!' She )a#e a little shru)! '$ don't need it anymore!' %aybe not" but there was somethin) about her e0planation's matter3of3fact tone that belied the lin)erin) shadows in her eyes! She could shru) it off all she wanted now" but he'd been there! +e'd witnessed the e0tent of her distress! amn it all to bla4es" he'd caused it by backin) her into the corner and shockin) her with his kiss! And here he was" for)ettin) himself a)ain! Standin) too close" infiltratin) her personal space" breathin) the sweet scent of roses and achin) with the need to take her in his arms" to touch her petal3soft skin" to kiss e#ery shadowed memory from her eyes and e#ery other man from her rose3pink lips! The physical desire he understood and could handle! $t had been there from the outset" cracklin) in the air whene#er they )ot too close! But this was more2 dan)erously" insidiously more2 when he needed less! '/ou mi)htn't need it"' he said )ruffly" 'but it matters!' '1o! &hat matters is how Stuart wanted his wealth distributed! &e talked about this2 about which charities and the best way to help2 but e#erythin) is tied up because of your le)al challen)e! &hy are you doin) this5' +er eyes darkened with determination! '&hy" Tristan5 $s it only about winnin)5 $s it only about defeatin) me5' 'This isn't about you!' 'Then what is it about5' The first time she'd asked about his moti#ation" Tristan had turned it into a cross3 e0amination! And she'd answered e#ery one of his 8uestions with honesty! The least he could do was offer e8ual candor! '$t's about 7ustice" -anessa!' '*ustice for whom5' '%y mother!' +e met her pu44led eyes! ' id you know she )ot nothin) from my parents' di#orce5' '/ou can't be serious!' ' eadly! After fifteen years of marria)e!! !nothin)!' '$s that how you count yourself" Tristan5 As nothin)5' +er #oice rose with ab7ect

disbelief! '$s that how your mother counted what she took from Stuart5' +e'd heard the same messa)e from Li4 (ramer! She took you" Tristan" the most #aluable thin)! But the other side to that e8uation set his 7aw and his #oice with hard3ed)ed con#iction! 'She counted herself lucky to )ain full custody!' ,0cept to do so" to pre#ent an u)ly court battle and a possible in7unction pre#entin) her mo#e to Australia" she'd ceded her claim on a property settlement! '$ )uess that kind of payoff made me worth a hell of a lot!' For a lon) moment his words hun) between them" a cynically3ed)ed statement that con#eyed more of his past hurt than he'd intended! +e could see that by her reaction" by the softenin) in her e0pression and the husky note in her #oice! '+e thou)ht Andrea would re7ect that offer! +e thou)ht they would ne)otiate and reach an a)reement of shared property and shared custody! +e didn't want to lose you" Tristan!' 'Then why didn't he fi)ht to keep me5' She shook her head sadly! '+e didn't want to take you from your mother! $t broke his heart to lose his whole family like that!' '+e kicked us out! +e di#orced my mother! +is choices" -anessa!' '$ was under the impression that Andrea was at fault"' she said after a moment's hesitation! 'That she had an affair!! !which Stuart found out about and for)a#e! The first time!' Tristan went still! '&hat do you mean" the first time5' '$ mean!!!' She paused" her face wreathed in uneasiness! '+ow much of this do you know5 $'m not sure it's my place2 ' '/ou don't think $ need to hear this5' She nodded once" a brief concession to his point" and moistened her lips! '+e took her back because he still lo#ed her and because she promised it was a once3only thin)" because she was lonely" he was workin) too hard! +e took her back and when she announced she was pre)nant" he was ecstatic!' '$ know the twins aren't Stuart's"' he reassured her )rimly! '$ know they're only my half sisters!' 'And that's what broke his heart" don't you see5 She ne#er told him! She let him belie#e they were his and she kept seein) the father before they were born and afterward! &hen he cau)ht her out a)ain" when he did the paternity test and disco#ered the truth!!!that's why the marria)e ended" Tristan! And that's why Stuart felt so stron)ly about adultery!' +e didn't ha#e to belie#e her but he did! $t made too much sense not to! $t tied e#erythin) to)ether in a neat bow!!!and brou)ht them loopin) back to his reason for bein) here in ,astwick! +is reason for wantin)" so #ehemently" to defeat her! 'That's why he added that clause to his will"' he said slowly! 1ot a 8uestion" but a statement! 1ot because he suspected -anessa of cheatin)" as Tristan had belie#ed" but because of his own mother's infidelity! 1ot one mistake" as she'd led Tristan to belie#e" but repeated betrayals! &hich put her subse8uent choices into perspecti#e" too! +er acceptance of the di#orce settlement! +er fli)ht to Australia" in pursuit of the twins' father! +er ob7ection to his challen)e of Stuart's will! ' oes Andrea know why you're doin) this5 $s it what she wants5'

-anessa's soft #oice cut strai)ht into his thou)ht process" as if she'd read his mind! And when he didn't answer" she added" '$ thou)ht as much!' That 7olted him hard! The initial 8uestions" the way she'd read him so accurately" the knowled)e that she'd turned his beliefs inside out! /et this had been his pursuit for two years" his con#iction for lon)er! +e would not toss it without hearin) the truth from his mother! 1ot without considerin) all he'd learned this mornin)" away from the influence of steady )reen eyes and rose3scented skin! Resol#e ti)htened his features as he nodded to her bundle of flowers! 'Shouldn't you be puttin) those in water5' She blinked with surprise" as if she'd been so intent on their discussion that she'd for)otten her mornin)'s purpose! '$!! !yes!' '$ need to )o! $ ha#e some decisions to make!' +ope fluttered like a bird's win) in her eyes! '/ou'll let me know!! !once you'#e decided!' '/ou'll be the first!' +e nodded )oodbye and had )one maybe ten strides before she called his name! +e paused! Turned to look o#er his shoulder and was floored a)ain by the picture she made with the sunli)ht silhouettin) her body and le)s throu)h that filmy pink robe! Like the roses" he fi)ured she'd for)otten her state of dress! .r undress! For both their sakes" he wasn't about to point out what was clearly defined by the unfor)i#in) li)ht! 'The letter $ told you about" from your father2 $ kept a copy! $t's yours" Tristan! $f you like" $ can )o and )et it for you!' Eight After -anessa offered him the letter" Tristan had stood starin) at her down the pa#ed path" face and body both set hard and still as a 9recian statue! There'd been a di44y moment when her ima)ination played memory tricks" strippin) away his clothes to re#eal sun3)ilded skin and ripplin) pool3wet muscles! &hen he pointed out2 his #oice dark and 8uietly dan)erous2 that if she were )oin) to fetch anythin)" it should be more clothes" she'd shaken her head with confusion! +ow did he know she was picturin) him near3naked5 &as she that transparent5 .ne slow sweep of his shuttered )a4e and she reali4ed that" yes" courtesy of the sun's backli)htin)" she was pretty darn transparent! .h" she'd played down her discomfiture! $)norin) any reference to clothin)" she'd lifted her chin and in#ited him to wait in the foyer while she located the letter and a file bo0 of photos and clippin)s and other memorabilia Stuart had kept! At first she'd thou)ht he wouldn't bother takin) them! Later she'd decided that his lack of response as she pushed them into his hands was all a crock! -anessa understood the pretense! She" too" was a master at hidin) her heart! &ith an offhand shru) and a polite thanks he took them" presumably back to his hotel! -anessa should ha#e been o#er7oyed to see the back of him and that mornin)'s intense emotional drama! She should ha#e been thrilled that they'd finally talked throu)h some of the misunderstandin)s and misinformation" and that he mi)ht now reconsider his stance on the will! But" no" his departure had left her feelin) hollow and restless and an0ious" her mind bu44in) with more 8uestions!

Twice she picked up the phone" once her car keys and purse" with a #iew to pressin) him for answers! id he ha#e any ideas on who had written the letter that brou)ht him to ,astwick5 &ould he continue to in#esti)ate its alle)ations5 .r was his challen)e of the will now o#er5 But she forced herself to wait! +e needed time to di)est Stuart's heartfelt words" to come to )rips with the truth of his split from Andrea and their subse8uent custody settlement! The hollowness in her middle )rew into a raw ache when she thou)ht about what he'd belie#ed and what his mother had let him belie#e! From e0perience" -anessa knew that twel#e was a #ulnerable a)e to ha#e a parent cut from your life! To )o throu)h that in a new country" in a new school" without your friends" belie#in) you'd been traded like a chattel in your parents' di#orce!!! She hadn't looked at this from Tristan's side before! So much about the man now made sense! Those hard ed)es" his dri#e to succeed" this pursuit of an inheritance he didn't need! $t wasn't all about doin) the ri)ht thin) by his mother: it was also about himself and the father he'd belie#ed didn't want him! She could almost for)i#e him his resentment! $f only he'd returned her calls or )i#en her a chance to e0plain earlier" they could ha#e a#oided all this! And that thou)ht added to her turmoil while she waited to disco#er what would happen ne0t! Tuesday mornin) she forced herself to push aside another restless ni)ht and her frustratin) an)st as she set about her usual routine!! !althou)h she did take care to dress this time" before #enturin) out into the )arden! Tuesday was one of her re)ular days at Twel#e .aks" and she cut enou)h blooms for se#eral arran)ements at the )rand house and put them in water! 1e0t" she headed to the kitchen and mi0ed a double batch of chocolate cherry muffins! The precise processes in#ol#ed in bakin) always calmed her! Picturin) her brother's blissed3out )rin when he opened the container and disco#ered his fa#orite treat always brou)ht a smile to her face! $t still ho#ered2 a happy cur#e of affection2 when the timer chimed and she pulled the bakin) trays from the o#en! They'd turned out perfectly! +er smile broadened with satisfaction! Then she turned and looked up" and e#erythin)2 her smile" her brain" her le)s2 fro4e! But only for a split second! The instant their )a4es connected she felt an un)o#erned rush of heat all the way from her 8uick fi0 ponytail to her freshly painted toes! '&here did you sprin) from5' she asked" her #oice husky with astonishment! And" yes" a note of pleasure because of the way Tristan was lookin) at her and because" well" simply because he was here! '9loria let me in! $ followed her up the dri#e!' -anessa had been so absorbed in her task she hadn't heard the housekeeper's arri#al! After depositin) the trays on coolin) racks" she put a hand to her rapidly beatin) heart! 'This is two mornin)s in a row you'#e sneaked up on me! /ou ha#e to stop doin) that!' '*ust e#enin) up the score! /ou surprise me all the time!' +e paused" takin) in the sunshine yellow dress she'd chosen to empower her mood" before his )a4e returned to her face! 'Althou)h at least today you're dressed!' &hich did nothin) to hide her reaction to the appreciation in his eyes or the satisfaction of knowin) she surprised him! She felt the flush rollin) throu)h her skin and the ti)htenin) of her nipples a)ainst the lace of her bra! Today she mi)ht be dressed" but she had no bou8uet of roses to hide behind!

'&here's 9loria5' she asked" shiftin) the con#ersation to neutral )round! 'Puttin) away the!! thin)s!! !you loaned me!' The letter and photos5 +er eyes widened! '.h" no! /ou didn't ha#e to return them! They are yours to keep!' '$ don't need them!' '%aybe" but $ want you to ha#e them! Stuart would ha#e wanted that!' Somethin) 8uickened in his eyes" a flash of emotion" of sorrow or re)ret" but he lifted a shoulder and it was )one! Shed like a stray leaf! +e strolled farther into the room and inclined his head toward the marble island! '/ou bake5' So! +e didn't want to talk about the letter or his father! -anessa's stomach dipped with disappointment! But what could she do5 Perhaps if he stayed a while" perhaps if she went alon) with the teasin) note to his 8uestion and kept it li)ht" she could steer the con#ersation back! '/es" $ bake!' She arched her eyebrows at the racks of coolin) muffins! 'Behold the e#idence!' Palms flattened on the countertop" he leaned o#er to breathe the rich aroma! +is eyes rose up to hers" and the look of sybaritic pleasure on his face turned her knees to 7elly! 'Chocolate chip5' 'Chocolate cherry! &ith coconut!' 'Are they as )ood as they smell5' Showin) off a bit" she deftly loosened the first batch of muffins and turned them onto the coolin) rack! A do4en" each one perfectly formed! She looked up and smiled! 'Better!' ' o you cook anythin) else5' '$ know my way around a kitchen!' +e chuckled" and that une0pected appreciation did nothin) to help stren)then -anessa's 7elly3knees! '%aybe $ should ha#e taken Frank's prompt and an)led to come stay here instead of the %arabella!' '.h" $ don't think that would ha#e been a )ood idea"' she countered! 'The two of us tryin) to share a house!' $t was only banter" deliberately li)hthearted as they danced around the reason for his #isit and the topic she desperately wanted to address! But in the short hesitation before he answered" -anessa cau)ht the )limmer of heat in his eyes and the mood chan)ed! An unspoken acknowled)ment of their attraction stretched between them" as palpable as the rich scent of o#en3warm chocolate! '1o"' he said" much too seriously! '1ot a )ood idea!' To break the tension" she offered him coffee! Perhaps" then" she could broach the 8uestion of what ne0t! ' o $ )et anythin) with the coffee5' %uffins" %s! Pra)matist muttered in her ear! +e's talkin) about muffins! '$ )uess $ can spare you one!' 'The rest bein) for!!!5' Fussin) with the coffee makin)" she answered automatically! 'The )uys at Twel#e .aks!' 'This is the place where you #olunteer5 &here your friend Andy works5' '/es!'

'$nterestin) name! Twel#e .aks!' -anessa looked up sharply! 1othin) showed in his e0pression beyond curiosity but" still" she was so used to not talkin) about Twel#e .aks" to protectin) this part of her life from scrutiny! 'That's the name of the estate"' she e0plained carefully! 'A )rand old 9eor)ian home with separate ser#ants' 8uarters and stables and a small farm! The owner willed it to a foundation that worked with the de#elopmentally disabled and they de#eloped it into a residential facility!' '&hat do you do there5' '$ help the therapists! Tuesdays it's with arts and crafts! .n Thursdays we cook!' She rolled her eyes! 'Chick stuff!' +e didn't counter with a teasin) 8uip as she'd ima)ined" and she felt him lookin) at her differently" with a new respect or admiration that she did not deser#e! $f not for Lew" she would ne#er ha#e known about Twel#e .aks! She would ne#er ha#e )otten in#ol#ed! '$ don't do #ery much" as it happens" and what $ do is not e0actly selfless!' '+ow lon) is your session this mornin)5' Frownin) at his 8uestion2 where had that come from52 she looked up and )ot tan)led in the intentness of his blue" blue eyes! ' oes it matter5' '$ had this idea of )oin) with you!' +e let )o a huff of breath! 'Bad idea!' '&hy5' '$ ha#e a plane to catch this afternoon!' Althou)h this only half answered -anessa's why" it sna))ed her attention in a whole new way! +er pulse started to beat faster! '&here are you )oin)5' 'To see my mother!' '/ou're )oin) back to Australia5' she asked in a risin) rush of alarm! 'Florida! %y mother mo#ed to the States last year!' '$ did not know that"' she murmured" barely audible abo#e the thump thump thump of her heartbeat! 'That's what $ came to tell you! $n case $ don't come back!' .nly a few days a)o she'd be))ed him to )o home" to lea#e her alone" but now!!!! -anessa drew a breath and blew it out in a rush! ' oes this mean you're finished here5' '1ot 8uite!' She barely had time to absorb that eni)matic reply before he circled the island and offered his hand! -anessa's mouth turned dry as she stared at the lon)" lean fin)ers" the stron) knuckles" the thick male wrist! %oistenin) her lips" she asked" '$s this a peace offerin)5 An apolo)y5 .r 7ust )oodbye5' '%aybe it's all three!' +e took her hand" en)ulfin) it in heat" in rou)h3te0tured sensation" and in the notion that a truce mi)ht send their relationship #eerin) into new" uncharted territory! 'And maybe $'m doin) what $ ha#e to do! To set thin)s ri)ht!' 'That's important to you" isn't it5 Settin) thin)s ri)ht5' '/es!' 'And doin) thin)s ri)ht5' 'Always!' Butterfly ner#es beat a tattoo in her stomach as she met his steadfast )a4e! 'So now you know your father's thou)hts and feelin)s and wishes" you will do the ri)ht thin)5 /ou will set matters ri)ht5'

'That has always been my intention" -anessa!' +is )rip on her hand altered" a minute easin) of pressure" a reali)nment of palms! And 7ust as smoothly he redirected the con#ersation! '/ou remember the ni)ht you came to see me" at the %arabella5' '&hich part" e0actly5' 'The part where you mali)ned my!! e0pertise!' +e was talkin) about his kissin) e0pertise! The certainty skimmed throu)h her in a 8uicksil#er flash and" wow" she had not seen it comin)! 1ot e#en when he su))ested he wanted to set thin)s ri)ht: and that he always did thin)s ri)ht! '$f my memory ser#es me2 ' which it did" word for word" beat for beat '2 $ said you wouldn't e#er )et a second chance!' 'And $ thou)ht $'d )i#e you a chance to reconsider!' $ntense curiosity tin)led in a do4en places" in her accelerated pulse! +e was sayin) )oodbye" lea#in) and possibly not comin) back! &ould it hurt to succumb to temptation" to feel his mouth on hers without the bla4e of anta)onism that fired their first kiss5 1ot if she approached it with eyes wide open" as an e0periment" a new e0perience!!! 'Fi#e seconds!' She strai)htened her shoulders and met his eyes! '/ou ha#e fi#e seconds to pro#e your e0pertise!' +e stared at her a moment! -anessa shru))ed! 'Take it or lea#e it!' Somethin) shifted in his e0pression" a sli)ht flare of his nostrils" a subtle ti)htenin) of the lines at the corners of his eyes! Challen)e accepted! 9ame on! -anessa had half a second to think = am so out of my lea)ue before he tu))ed on her hand" brin)in) her infinitesimally closer! ,yes holdin) hers" he lifted that hand to his mouth! +e kissed her fin)ertips first" one after the other" and then he pressed his mouth to the center of her palm! $t was une0pectedly subtle" dan)erously seducti#e" and when he )ently nipped the flesh at the base of her thumb" intensely erotic! +eat bloomed in her skin" in her blood" in her breasts and her thishs! She wanted more" a real kiss" the touch of his hands" but he let her )o! *ust like that! +e left without a word" but she )ot the messa)e! +is )oodbye kiss was an apolo)y for the other and a si)n that he could do thin)s ri)ht! So #ery" #ery ri)ht! +e'd reached the front door before she remembered the other reason for this #isit! '&ait"' she called after him! 'Stuart's letter! $ want you to ha#e it!' She didn't know if he heard her or not! +e kept on walkin) and didn't turn back! ,mma earborn had wanted an intimate fuss3free weddin) with 7ust family and closest friends" partly because of the short time frame she had in which to finali4e her #ows with fiance" 9arratt (eatin)" but mostly because that's the way ,mma liked thin)s! But then she let her parents )et in#ol#ed and" well" the la#ish e#ent took o#er the ,astwick Country Club ballroom and )ardens and anyone who was anyone in ,astwick society made the )uest list for the e#enin) affair! $n the end it didn't matter! ,mma only had eyes for her new husband! After the ceremony" the ebs )ra#itated to)ether to share their relief that it had )one so

beautifully and their praise of Felicity's weddin) plannin) ma)ic! Somehow she'd pulled it all off while also takin) her place as ,mma's maid of honor! '$ don't know how you did it" Felicity!' Abby Talbot shook her head! '/ou are a )enius!' Felicity smiled and said" '$ know!' But then e#er since fallin) for Reed (elly her smile had been a constant" as bi) and bri)ht and sparkly as the monster pink diamond on her en)a)ement fin)er! 'Look at her!' Lily directed their attention to the dance floor! 'Could she be any happier5' ,mma and 9arrett walt4ed by" lost in each other" and -anessa felt her heart s8uee4e with a mi0ture of 7oy for her friend and )ood old3fashioned bride3en#y! But she kept on smilin)! Between weddin)s" babies and en)a)ements" she needed to )et used to this feelin)! The smile faded when she saw elia makin) a beeline for their )roup" a look of predatory purpose painted on her face! -anessa didn't ha#e time to issue a warnin) before the woman swept up in a cloud of -alentino chiffon and her si)nature perfume" made e0clusi#ely for her in France! Caroline (eatin)3Spence once su))ested that Poison would ha#e worked 7ust as well as her si)nature scent! elia had not been amused! 'Are we all ha#in) fun5' she asked with an inclusi#e smile! +er wide3eyed )a4e came to rest on Lily's pre)nant belly! '.h" dear" you are )ettin) hu)e! Should you be standin)5' Lily assured her she was fine! elia" bein) elia" i)nored her! '&here is that darlin) husband of yours5 Surely he isn't ne)lectin) you!!!! $s that him o#er there5 Talkin) to your beau!' She placed a solicitous hand on Felicity's arm and lowered her #oice! '$ do hope today hasn't been too awkward for you both!' Felicity's fiance" Reed" had been en)a)ed to ,mma but she'd broken it off when 9arrett resurfaced in her life! Then Reed and Felicity )ot to)ether and" well" it had been awkward for a little while" but that was history! '+ow sweet of you to be concerned" elia!' Felicity batted her lashes! 'But why should there be any awkwardness5' elia )a#e her a poor3dear look! Then her attention shifted to her ne0t #ictim! Abby! 'And where is your )or)eous man" Abi)ail5 $ ha#en't seen him once toni)ht!' 'Luke couldn't be here" unfortunately!' 'Really5 +e's missin) the weddin) of one of your dearest friends5 And so soon after your poor mother's passin)!' '+e's away on business"' Abby supplied ti)htly! '+e spends a lot of time away" doesn't he5 Are you sure it's business5 /ou know how these men can be!!!!' Reactin) to her pointed barbs only incited elia and they'd decided lon) a)o not to play her )ame! But after the stress of recent months Abby was a #ulnerable tar)et! -anessa could see the )leam of moisture in her eyes! She needed rescuin)" fast! '&e probably don't know as much about men as you" elia"' she said with a )racious smile! '$ doubt many women do!' elia lau)hed it off but her eyes )littered with malice! +owe#er she was fi0in) to

respond" it would not be pretty! -anessa braced herself! But it was %ary u#all's #oice that broached the sudden tension! '.h" look! $ belie#e ,mma is preparin) to throw the bou8uet! &e mustn't miss this;' .f course" %ary was mistaken but they all kept mo#in)" intent on )ettin) as far away as possible from the ra4or3sharp slice of elia's ton)ue! &ith talk of rustlin) up a dance" Felicity went in search of Reed! Lily hooked her arm throu)h Abby's and su))ested they 8uench their thirst with cold drinks" which left -anessa and %ary! '$s this how it feels to escape the firin) s8uad5' -anessa's smile echoed the wry tone of her #oice! '1ice di#ersion" by the way!' '$ needed to do somethin)! $ was ne0t in line!' '$ think you were pretty safe! /ou ha#en't been back in ,astwick lon) enou)h for elia to select the most dama)in) weapon!' %ary didn't reply! $n fact she looked pale and uneasy2 enou)h that -anessa felt badly about her blithe comment! But before she could apolo)i4e" %ary e0cused herself and hurried off to the bathroom! -anessa frowned after her! She didn't know %ary u#all well! An old schoolfriend of ,mma and Abby and Felicity" she'd li#ed in ,urope e#er since )raduatin) from colle)e but had recently returned to ,astwick at the behest of her dyin) )randfather! There was definitely somethin) )oin) on with her" and -anessa couldn't help wonderin) if it was connected to Bunny and the diaries! Perhaps %ary" too" was the #ictim of an e0tortion attempt! They knew of two thwarted attempts but what if other letters had been sent and not reported5 .ther #ictims could ha#e a)reed to buy the blackmailer's silence! As for the letter to Tristan2 its lack of an e0tortion demand didn't make sense! 6nless it was 7ust a random" unconnected piece of mischief3makin)!!! +er )a4e shifted back to where they'd left elia! Could she be responsible5 .ne part of -anessa screamed" +ell" yes" because elia thri#ed on makin) strife! .n the other hand" she seemed to )et her kicks from deli#erin) pointed barbs face3to3face" watchin) for a reaction" and then dri#in) another dart into the wound! Letter writin) was not elia's weapon of choice! And the note alle)in) -anessa's adultery wasn't written in elia's bitchy style! .ff to her ri)ht -anessa detected the rapid swish of apricot -alentino and she turned to track the woman's pro)ress! $t seemed elia had her si)hts on someone o#er by the entrance! As much as -anessa2 and all the ebs2 would ha#e lo#ed to pe) elia as the #illain" the current %rs! Forrester had no need to blackmail! 1ot with a dotin) husband to keep her in desi)ner dresses and plastic sur)ery! -anessa turned away and saw Lily beckonin)" *ack at her side! Perfect! -anessa wanted to )et them alone" to 8ui4 *ack on any recent de#elopments with the e0tortion letters and to ask if he'd heard anythin) from Tristan's lawyers! Three days had passed since he'd walked out of her kitchen! There'd been a note of finality to his partin) words that su))ested he wouldn't be back" and -anessa discerned that any news would be relayed #ia their le)al counsels! The three days had crawled by" not in ed)y anticipation of an end to her le)al stru))le"

but under a hea#y pall of disappointment! For two years she'd wanted nothin) more fer#ently than to end her feud with Tristan Thorpe! 1ow she had her wish and it felt like a )iant anticlima0! All because of that damn kiss! /ou are a sad case! %s! Pra)matist shook her head in dis)ust! &hat does a twenty3nine3 year3old #ir)in know about kissin) anyway5 &e both know he was only pro#in) a point" settlin) a score" takin) the points from one challen)e because he was on the brink of losin) another! She started toward Lily and *ack's table but had only taken half a do4en steps when she sensed a disturbance back by the door!! !where she'd last seen elia! She paused" swun) her head to look across her shoulder" and her )a4e collided with the cause of e#ery disturbance in her recent life! Tristan Thorpe! +ere! +is e0pression filled with purpose as he shouldered aside whoe#er held him back! +e looked dark and forbiddin) and )or)eous! And he was headin) her way! Nine &hat was Tristan doin) here5 &hat had happened to brin) him back so soon5 &hat could be so important that he would crash ,mma's weddin)5 -anessa's mind raced with 8uestions while her heart raced with an insane desire to fly across the ballroom and flin) herself into his arms! She'd taken half a do4en2 sedate" controlled" nonflyin)2 steps in that direction when *ack Cartwri)ht cut into her path! '/ou aren't lea#in)5' he asked" when she frowned at her blocked #iew of the door! '1o! $ was 7ust )oin) to!!! see someone!' '$s this someone a better dancer than me5' *ack shifted" turnin) to look in the direction she'd been headed and re#ealin) that this someone had also been intercepted! By elia! +er arm was hooked throu)h his! +er #oluptuous body an)led in close! +er perfectly coiffed head tilted back as she made some kind of appeal! And when she led him onto the dance floor" 7ealousy sliced throu)h -anessa" swift and sharp! Appalled by her response" she looked away!!!but not 8uickly enou)h! *ack's ea)le3eyed )a4e trained on the couple! '&hat is Thorpe doin) here5' ' ancin) with elia" it would appear!' *ack made a scoffin) noise! 'Let's hope it's only dancin)!' +is meanin) sat all kinds of uncomfortable in -anessa's stomach" but as she watched the couple circlin) the floor she couldn't impu)n his comment! They danced close enou)h that elia's filmy skirt swirled around Tristan's le)s! +er head was tilted" allowin) her to look intently into his face! +er fin)ers lifted to touch the back of his hair and -anessa swallowed hard to stem the risin) pall of red3hot an)er and dis)ust! +ow dare she paw him like that" here at ,mma's weddin)" in #iew of half of ,astwick and her own husband! +ow dare he let her! &hen Frank had been the one local )racious enou)h to welcome him home and in#ite him into their social circle! 'About the dancin)!!!' *ack drew her attention back to him! '%y wife su))ested you mi)ht like to do me the honor! She bein) somewhat incapacitated in the walt4in)

department!' -anessa )lanced across at Lily" who patted her middle and )rimaced! She supposed her friend had cau)ht her lookin) alone and forlorn! That was Lily" always lookin) out for others! She made a shooin) )esture with her hand and mouthed" '9o on!' -anessa si)hed! As much as didn't want to be anywhere near the elia3Tristan floor show" she knew she wouldn't be able to stop watchin) from the sidelines! Like a horror mo#ie" she'd be drawn and repelled and dis)usted and completely unable to look away! At least dancin) with *ack she could pretend to be unaffected! '$'d lo#e to dance!' She offered him a smile and her hand! 'Thank you!' ancin) with elia )a#e Tristan a new appreciation of the term )rin and bear it! She'd rescued him from the pair of doormen who'd followed him inside" so he owed her! 1ot that he couldn't ha#e dealt with them" but that would ha#e sotten him kicked out on his backside! +e'd already drawn attention when he plowed ri)ht past the li)htwei)ht security" all because he'd cau)ht si)ht of -anessa and suffered a momentary brain snap! But elia had stepped in and forestalled a lar)e3scale disturbance! '+e's my )uest" darlin)s! There's no need to check the list! 6nless you want to trouble the earborns in the middle of their only dau)hter's weddin)!!!' +ow could he refuse her in#itation to dance5 +e fi)ured that one more turn of the floor should be enou)h )ratitude" althou)h if she touched his neck a)ain or made another hea#ily3su))esti#e se0ual remark" he was walkin) away! $f they threw him out" so be it! +e'd )row some patience and wait outside2 as he should ha#e done all alon)2 to confront -anessa with the new hard e#idence! 1o smoke screens this time! 1o turnin) him inside out with her tear3filled eyes and husky3#oiced stories of his father's last wishes and years of re)ret! 1o more playin) him for a fool with her protestations of innocence! ,ither this bloke from Twel#e .aks was her lo#er or he wasn't! $n which case" Tristan needed to know who the hell the )uy was and why she insisted on hidin) him away like a )uilty secret! +e'd noticed the second she 7oined the dancin)! +ell" how could he not notice5 ,#en in a ballroom drippin) with diamonds and desi)ner one3offs" -anessa's classic beauty shone! $t wasn't her dress2 an understated )limmer of sil#ery3blue2 or the cool sparkle of her 7ewelry when it cau)ht the li)ht of the ballroom's massed chandeliers! $t was her: and it was him! The awareness he'd felt from the moment they met had stren)thened into a li#in)" breathin) de#il with teeth! +e couldn't stop himself wantin) her: he couldn't stop himself watchin) her! And before toni)ht was out" he would make )ood his promise to know her e#ery secret! 'Ah! So that's what brin)s you here!' Tristan concentrated his focus on elia" and found hers 4eroed in on -anessa! There was somethin) in her tone and in the set of her face that raised his protecti#e hackles! But he kept his own e0pression impassi#e as he used the walt4's natural mo#es to turn her away from the ob7ect of her scrutiny! '$ ha#e no idea what you're talkin) about!' elia lau)hed" a crystalline tinkle that )rated o#er e#ery raised hackle! '$t's all ri)ht" darlin)!' She leaned e#en closer and employed a sta)e whisper! '/our secret's safe with

me!' 'There is no secret" elia!' '1o5' She widened her eyes" all fake credulousness! '+a#e $ read those lon)" lin)erin) looks all wron) then5' amn! &as he so ob#ious5 '%arried all those years to an old" ailin) man"' elia continued" low and confidin)! '1o offense to your father" darlin)" but $ can understand why she's moonin) after you! $ know $ miss se0 with a youn)" fit man!' &hoa! Tristan went still inside! -anessa was watchin) him5 That's what elia was referencin)5 '&e're #ery alike" she and $! 1ot that %s! +i)h3and3%i)hty would e#er admit it! She belon)s to the ebs Club!' elia sniffed! 'As if she was e#er a debutante;' '&ere you" elia5' She blinked! Then" as if reali4in) she'd )one a step too far" she lau)hed it off! '.f course $ wasn't a deb! $ ne#er went in for all that snooty &ASP stuff back then! $ was too busy ha#in) a )ood time!' 'But you like it well enou)h now5' '.f course $ do" darlin)! $ lo#e this lifestyle and e#erythin) it offers" 7ust like our -anessa! Pretty clothes" pretty 7ewels" pretty men!' She caressed his shoulder and the ends of his hair with an o#erly3familiar hand and her #oice dropped an octa#e! '$ especially lo#e the men!' elia wasn't as easy to shed as the doormen! Fortified by French champa)ne and his ac8uiescence durin) their dance" her ad#ances )rew e#en bolder! &hen she su))ested they ad7ourn to his hotel room" Tristan drew the line! +e deli#ered her back to her husband2 poor sod2 and su))ested he take her home! Then he went huntin) for -anessa! She was still dancin)" but with an older man he didn't reco)ni4e or care to meet! Althou)h he approached with an aim of takin) her somewhere pri#ate to talk" keepin) elia's busy hands abo#e the belt had stretched his patience to a thin twan)in) cord! Suddenly he didn't want more friction2 unless it was the kind created by this woman a)ainst his body! The only way that was )oin) to happen was under the )uise of dancin)! But after he sent her partner packin)" she i)nored his proffered hand! '$'#e had enou)h dancin)!' '$ ha#en't"' he said shortly" takin) her into his arms! '$ need a break!' Tristan stood firm! '/ou looked like you were en7oyin) yourself with your other partners!' '1ot half as much as you!' Ah! So this was about elia! She had been watchin)! Primal satisfaction roared throu)h his #eins and pooled low in his body! +e pulled her closer and despite the resistance resonatin) throu)h her stiffly3held body" she felt ri)ht! The perfect warm3blooded" sweet3scented antidote to elia's #enom! And" what the hell" -anessa felt so ri)ht that he drew their 7oined hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles! She recoiled as if he'd bitten her! &hich he mi)ht ha#e done" with the same la4y eroticism as in her kitchen" if she'd let him! *ud)in) by the wariness in her eyes" that

wasn't happenin) any time soon! '&hat was that for5' she asked! '*ust tryin) to rela0 you!' +e tu))ed her nearer a)ain! 'At the moment you're dancin) with all the suppleness of a tackle3dummy!' ' id you consider that mi)ht be because $'d rather be dancin) with the tackle3dummy5' Smilin) at the ima)e" he swept her into an e0a))erated turn! She had to rela0 to keep up and once she was dancin) a)ain" he asked" 'Because of elia5' She didn't ha#e to answer! +e felt the response in her )rip and the falter of her step! +e stopped teasin) and took pity! $f *ack Cartwri)ht had pulled elia3like mo#es on -anessa" Tristan would ha#e laid the bastard out cold in the middle of the dance floor! Tristan didn't bother debatin) the wisdom of such fierce possessi#eness! +e tucked her under his chin and bent to speak near her ear! 'For your information" $ wasn't en7oyin) myself!' 'Then why did you dance with her5' 'She sa#ed me )ettin) kicked out of here!' Finally she rela0ed a little" althou)h Tristan fancied he could hear her brain tickin)! +e fi)ured she'd want to know why he'd crashed the weddin) reception and he'd ha#e to tell her! ,nd of warm" rela0ed perfect woman in his arms! Resur)ence of hostilities! amn! &hen she tipped her head back to look up into his face" he contemplated kissin) her! To silence the ine#itable 8uestion" to buy some more time" and because he'd spent the last three days re)rettin) the lost opportunity in her kitchen! &hen she hit him with the fi#e3 second challen)e" he'd wanted to shock her in return and knew he'd done so by i)norin) her lips! Talk about outsmartin) himself! But she didn't ask the e0pected: she surprised him a)ain! '$ hope you don't take anythin) elia says too seriously!' Tristan didn't carry tales or repeat rumors! +e had to consider what he said carefully! '$ )ather you two aren't buddies!' '1o! $ think!!!' +er brow puckered" thou)htful" worried" and his whole body ti)htened with the ur)e to kiss it smooth! To take that an0iety from her and make it better! '$ think she ima)ined we were kindred spirits because of!!! superficial similarities!' She cut him a fierce look! '&e're not alike! At all! She likes to play )ames!' 'And make mischief5' Their eyes met" no clash" no surprise! But she shook her head! '/ou don't think she could ha#e sent the letters to me5' Because as far as Tristan could tell" elia was the only person in ,astwick society with a )ripe a)ainst -anessa! 'The thou)ht did cross my mind" but she likes hand3deli#erin) those #erbal )ems! She li#es for reaction! The letters don't seem li2 ' She stopped midword! Sucked in a breath" her eyes wide! '/ou said letters" plural! Letters to you!' $ntent on each other and the con#ersation they'd danced to a halt on the ed)e of the floor! Another couple bumped Tristan's back and he turned -anessa in his arms" shieldin) her from their curious )a4es! '&e should take this somewhere pri#ate!' '/ou did say letters5' she persisted! 'There's a second! eli#ered Tuesday!' +e ushered her out into the )ardens" much too far and too slowly for -anessa's impatient ima)ination! By the time they'd cleared the perimeter of the pool area and the clusters of

weddin) )uests spilled from the ballroom into )ardens festooned with li)hts" scores of 8uestions clamored for answers! Barely knowin) where to be)in" she spun around to face him! '/ou went to Florida! +ow did this person know where to find you5' '$t was deli#ered to the %arabella before $ left! $ thou)ht it was Stuart's letter2 the one you loaned me and said $ should ha#e! $ thou)ht you'd sent it in! /ou seemed so insistent!' '$ am!' A corner of his mouth kicked up" acknowled)in) that! 'And when did you disco#er it wasn't from me5' 'After talkin) to my mother last ni)ht!' +e )a#e a ti)ht shru)! '$ couldn't sleep! $'d put the en#elope in my pocket and $ decided to read it a)ain!' The letter he'd returned because he thou)ht he'd ne#er read it a)ain! Ri)ht! But that was another story" for another time! Ri)ht now she needed to know about this second letter of Tristan's! 'This letter!! is it from the same person5' +is eyes met hers" dark and unreadable! '$t appears so!' 'The same alle)ations5' ' ates! Times! Places!' That she'd met an ima)inary lo#er5 -anessa shook her head! Apparently this last week had pro#ed nothin)! $nstead of an)er she felt a chokin) wa#e of disappointment! 'And you belie#e this piece of fiction5' 'There's more!' +e reached into the inside pocket of his suit 7acket" and in that second's pause her heart stalled with a prescient sense of doom! 'A photo!' She stared at the enlar)ed print but she didn't take it from his hand! ,#en upside down" in the shadows of a dimly lit )arden" she could see enou)h! '&ho is he" -anessa5 $f he's not your lo#er" then who5' +e asked 8uietly" without accusation or anta)onism" and her heart started to beat with a stron)" thick pulse of hope! This week had meant somethin)! +e was prepared to listen! She lifted her chin and met his eyes and the words came easily! '+is name is Lew (ot4ur! +e's my brother!' '&hy didn't you tell me about your brother before5' They'd left the weddin) after her re#elation" seekin) pri#acy from the chance of interruption! +e dro#e and -anessa talked" at first in fractured snippets and then with )rowin) fluency! She disco#ered a cathartic release in finally sharin) about Lew and his autism and the wonders Twel#e .aks had wrou)ht on his beha#ior and esteem! ,0cept for an occasional prompt" Tristan didn't interrupt! +e let her talk until she was done and she reali4ed they'd arri#ed at the shore! The beach would be packed with si)htseers durin) the day" but at ni)ht they were alone with the moonli)ht and his openin) 8uestion! '$ wanted to"' she answered candidly" aware of all the times she'd pre#aricated and danced around the full truth! 'That ni)ht $ came to the restaurant" after $ talked to Andy down at Poynton" $ intended tellin) you!' 'But you didn't!' 'There was too much an)er and resentment still ho#erin) from our first meetin)! And then Frank came o#er to #isit!' And she was makin) e0cuses when there wasn't any e0cuse! She'd chickened out or fro4en up or let her temper )et the better of her lo)ic! '$t

seems that e#ery time we )et to)ether" there is some emotional drama or other and $ )et sidetracked!' 'The other mornin) in your kitchen you told me about Twel#e .aks! That was the perfect opportunity!' '$t was! $ know! A missed opportunity!' &hen he didn't respond" she turned and found him an)led in the dri#er's seat" his fin)ers drummin) a)ainst the steerin) wheel" a sli)ht frown drawin) his brows to)ether as he watched her with silent intensity! &as he watchin) her mouth5 And thinkin) of another missed opportunity5 She shook that thou)ht aside and stared ahead" throu)h the windshield! Concentrate" %s! Pra)matist scolded! This is your chance to clear away the final misunderstandin)s! o not )et sidetracked! ' oes anyone know about Lew5' '9loria! Andy! *ack and some other professionals! But no one else in ,astwick! 1one of my friends!' '&hy not5' ,0pectin) the 8uestion" she'd already )rown tense and wary! She didn't e0pect her way of thinkin) would make sense to a man like Tristan" who char)ed after his )oals and damn the conse8uences! She didn't want to open herself and her back)round up to his 7ud)ment! 'That's not an easy 8uestion"' she pre#aricated! '$'m not sure you will understand!' 'Try me!' She e0haled a shaky breath! 'Lew has been my responsibility since $ was a teena)er!' '&hat happened to your parents5' 'A lon) story" another time!' +opefully" ne#er! 'But e#en when they were around" they weren't around much! They were workin) or2 ' she shru))ed '2 whate#er! $'m ei)ht years older" so it fell on me to look after my little brother from when he was in diapers!' '/ou were 7ust a kid yourself!' +is #oice was ti)ht with an)er and" pity help her" this was e0actly what she'd feared! 'Please" do not )i#e me that poor3-anessa look because $ ne#er minded! 1ot for one second! $ wanted to look out for him"' she said fiercely! '+e needed someone to!' 'Because of the autism!' -anessa nodded! '+e was always!! !different! And you know how kids can be with that!' '1ot in the same lea)ue" but yes!' She cut him a look! '&hen you mo#ed at Australia5' 'A lon) story" another time!' For a second their connection held the warm stren)th of understandin)" and that sensation helped her shuck some of her tense reser#ations! $t mi)ht be okay to share! +e may understand more than $'d ima)ined! 'Anyway"' she continued with more confidence" '$ )rew up protectin) Lew from u)ly insults and nei)hborhood bullies" and $ had to fi)ht tooth and nail to )et anyone to acknowled)e he had a serious problem! +is well3bein) was my responsibility years before my mother passed away and $ became his )uardian!' '+ow old were you5' 'Twenty3one!' $n the brief pause that followed" he must ha#e done the math! Two years a widow! Fi#e years married! 1ot much left o#er! 'And alon) came Stuart Thorpe!'

'The answer to my prayers"' she said! '+ow did you meet5' '.h" $'m pretty sure you know $ was a waitress!' 'That's not what $ asked!' -anessa lifted a shoulder and let it drop" shiftin) uneasily under his watchful )a4e! Tell him" %s! P! whispered! Tell him e#erythin) and the slate will be clean! '.ne of my 7obs was in the city" in a restaurant near Stuart's office! +e was a re)ular" a lo#ely man who was always friendly and who remembered what we'd talked about a week before!' &hen she paused to moisten her dry mouth" she tensed" anticipatin) his di) about Stuart's tips or about her schemin) to sna) a millionaire! But he remained silent" watchful" waitin) for the rest! '.ne day he came in when $'d 7ust had a call from Lew's school! +e was on a last warnin) for his #iolent beha#ior and $ was at wit's end! $ told Stuart and he offered to come to the school with me!' .n the wheel" his lon) fin)ers clenched and strai)htened! A refle0i#e action5 $n response to Stuart's #isit to the school5 '$ didn't accept his offer!' '&hy not5' 'Lew was my responsibility and to be honest2 ' she looked up at him throu)h her lashes '2 $ wondered what he would want in return!' ,#en in the tricky moonli)ht" she could see the harsh lines of cynicism etched in his e0pression! She hated that look and its cause" but he'd re8uested the true story not a rose3 colored adaptation! 'The ne0t week"' she continued" 'he brou)ht all the information about Twel#e .aks!' 'The answer to your prayers!' +is murmured aside made a mockery of her earlier comment and that stun) deeply! amn him and all this rotten history! She felt as if she'd started a swift slide back to the start" to that day when he'd appeared at her door with his scorn and derision ridin) shot)un alon)side! '$ didn't ha#e the money for a place like Twel#e .aks"' she told him! 'And the #ery thou)ht of entrustin) Lew into the care of stran)ers made me sick! $ threw the brochures in the trash" but Stuart persisted! +e sent a car the ne0t weekend" to take me and Lew up there for a look around! $ saw these youn) men" so content and confident" and $ saw all the possibilities for Lew!' 'So he offered you marria)e" and e#erythin) that )oes with it" in return for Twel#e .aks!' +e could ha#e used more brutal lan)ua)e! +e could ha#e come ri)ht out and accused her of sellin) herself into marria)e! $t was no less than the truth! A deal" a trade" and a re)ular bar)ain from her side! ,0cept she hadn't accepted e#erythin)! She lifted her chin and met his eyes! 'Stuart and $ had a contract" a pri#ate handshake deal! $ wanted Lew taken care of" for his entire life! $n return $ became Stuart's friend" companion" hostess! A trophy wife" yes" and he lo#ed to play on that" buyin) me all the pretty thin)s you mock! Takin) me places $'d be photo)raphed on his arm! 'But we kept separate bedrooms! $ was his wife in name only! $ was ne#er his lo#er!' Ten

That's why $ lau)hed so hard at your adultery alle)ation! 1ot because it was funny but because it shocked me with its utter implausibility! And there you were standin) in my keepin) room #owin) to pro#e my )uilt2 ' she released a breath of lau)hter" soft and self3effacin) '2 when it would ha#e been easier to pro#e $ couldn't ha#e had a lo#er;' Tristan almost choked on his ne0t breath! +is head whipped around to stare at her! 'Are you implyin) you'#e ne#er had a lo#er5' For a moment she studied her hands" and he wondered if she was reconsiderin) her pro#ocati#e claim! $t would ha#e been easier to pro#e $ couldn't ha#e had a lo#er! By sleepin) with her5 By disco#erin) that she was untouched5 That notion turned #isual" sensual" carnal" a sweet thick rush of desire that settled between his thi)hs! '/ou're a #ir)in5' '$s that so hard to belie#e5' '/ou're thirty years2 ' '1ot 8uite"' she interrupted! 'About to turn thirty and a widow! /ou're so damn beautiful you could ha#e any man you wanted! /es" it's hard to swallow!' Slowly she raised her eyes to his! '/ou think $'m beautiful5' She didn't know5 +e shook his head in disbelief! &omen! '$ knew you were beautiful before $ hit your doorstep and then you opened the door!!!' +e lifted a hand and let it fall" lost for words to describe that impact! '+ow did you know5' = knew when $ found myself liftin) my 7aw o7fthe mat! But he didn't think that's what she meant! '/ou said you knew" before!!!' she prompted! '$'d seen your photo! .n that society &eb site!' +er eyes narrowed a fraction" but that didn't conceal the )limmer of surprise! .r pleasure! '/ou were checkin) me out5' '$ like to know what $'m up a)ainst!' ' id that help5' '1o!' They sat a minute in silence! The car and the ni)ht created a cocoon of intimacy" but the mood was not e0actly comfortable" not really rela0ed! 1ot a bi) surprise )i#en her disclosure! +e felt he needed to say somethin)2 somethin) other than 'This chan)es e#erythin)' and 'Come back to my hotel room!' Both seemed premature but the lon)er the silence stretched" the harder that notion hammered throu)h his body! She had ne#er slept with his father! She had ne#er slept with any man! +e shifted in his seat" turnin) to look at her! 'Thank you for tellin) me! $ appreciate your honesty!' '$t's a wei)ht off!' &hen she )a#e her trademark little shru)" her sil#ery dress )listened in the moonli)ht! She waited for his eyes to drift back up to her face! 'Can $ ask somethin) of you in return5' 'As lon) as it's not another fi#e3second challen)e!' A hint of a smile teased her lips" drawin) his attention and remindin) him how he'd outsmarted himself in her kitchen! '$'d like to know how you )ot on in Florida"' she said! '&hen you went to #isit your

mother!' Tristan found it easier to talk about than he'd ima)ined! Perhaps because of her honesty" perhaps because of the soothin) backdrop of beach and water and #el#et3dark ni)ht" perhaps because they'd already shared so much that he felt -anessa knew him better than anyone outside his immediate family! She su))ested they walk and he a)reed! As they strolled alon) the boule#ard" he told her how his mother had e#entually confirmed what he'd learned from -anessa and from Stuart's letter about the adulterous affair with the twins' father and the subse8uent fallout! +e didn't tell -anessa how his mother had attempted to 7ustify her deception or how she'd wept buckets as she be))ed his for)i#eness! 1ot wantin) to think about that emotional maelstrom" he kept on talkin) about the twins 2 his half3sisters2 and his hometown of Perth where he'd li#ed until his career took off! Prompted by -anessa's percepti#e comments and 8uestions" he di#ul)ed the culture shock of landin) in a new country in the middle of a school year! The /ankee kid with a stran)e accent" who didn't know a thin) about any of the local sports! '$s that why you took up Australian football5' she asked! 'To fit in5' '$t was easier than cricket! At least $ knew how to kick a football!' 'And so the /ankee kid mastered the Aussie )ame and showed those locals!' '$t sure didn't do me any harm!' $n fact" the marketers had used that uni8ue spin to turn him into a household name and that hi)h profile hadn't hurt him in the world of business! '$t put me where $ am today! $'m not sorry about that!' +e felt her )a4e on him" sharp with contemplation! Already he'd re#ealed more than he'd intended" more than he was comfortable sharin) with anyone! +e sure as hell didn't want to defend that last statement! +e didn't ha#e to because she suddenly tripped and mi)ht ha#e fallen if he hadn't cau)ht her! 'All ri)ht5' he asked! '%y heel is stuck!' Steadyin) herself on his arm" she tried to pull her shoe free and failed! Tristan hunkered down to take a look and found the stiletto wed)ed ti)htly in the )ap between two pa#in) stones! $f not for a delicate lacin) of straps around her ankle" her foot would ha#e come free and left the shoe behind! But there were the straps! And a delicate foot and ankle and toes with their nails painted a pearly pink! And somethin) about that si)ht turned his fin)ers into thumbs and ha4ed his #ision! 'Put your hands on my shoulders"' he instructed" his #oice deep and )ruff with that sudden rush of desire! 'This misht take a while!' 'There's a buckle at the side" Can't you see it5' /eah" he could see it! *ust! But he was en7oyin) this uni8ue perspecti#e" with her wei)ht restin) on him and his hand cradlin) her foot! +e felt no way inclined to )i#e it up too soon! The strap came loose and he traced his thumb o#er the imprint left in her skin! Throu)h her sheer stockin)s he could feel the warmth of her skin and the scent of roses twined throu)h him" enticin) him" when he palmed the backs of her cal#es" he thou)ht he heard her draw a shudder of breath and her hands fle0ed and ti)htened on his shoulders! +e came to his feet in a lon)" slow slide of body a)ainst body and she tilted her face to meet his kiss with a soft si)h of relief! This was the kiss he'd wanted that mornin) in the

kitchen: it felt like a kiss he'd been wantin) all his life! A sensuous )i#in) and takin) as they learned each other's lips and mouths and ton)ues with a heat that threatened to en)ulf them both! ,#entually they came apart" their breathin) an ele#ated rasp in the stillness! '&hat now5' she asked! ,#erythin) inside Tristan was still and hard! 'That's up to you!' '&hat are my choices5' '$ can take you home"' he said! '.r $ can take you back to my hotel! /our choice" -anessa!' -anessa chose his hotel because she wanted this between them! 1o third parties! 1o history" 7ust them and this ni)ht and the latent promise of that kiss! But after he'd parked his car and turned off the en)ine" her insides 7umped with mis)i#in)s! '&hat are we doin)5' she asked! '&hat is this about5' 'That's up to you"' he repeated! And the way he looked at her with all that contained male intensity did nothin) to calm her ner#es! ' o you want to )o upstairs5 /es or no5' For the entire ten3minute dri#e from the shore" her pra)matic side had screeched an increasin)ly strident no! But there was a yes" as well" a whispered temptation of a #oice that beat in her accelerated pulse and in a do4en places she'd barely known e0isted before this man strode into her life! Perhaps knowin) he would stride back out a)ain influenced her choice! She could ha#e this ni)ht" she could sa#or the e0perience" she could say )oodbye and )et on with real life! All before she turned thirty at midni)ht! She sucked in a 8uick breath and nodded! '/es!' +e took her by the hand and led her to the ele#ators! (eepin) her knees from shakin) took all her concentration! She'd made her decision! She was pretty sure she would )o throu)h with this!!!e0perience! 6pstairs in his top3floor suite" she wasn't so sure! &hen the door clicked shut behind them" her ner#es shot throu)h the roof! She bou)ht some time pretendin) interest in her surroundin)s" amblin) a slow in#esti)ati#e circle of the li#in) room and keepin) her eyes a#erted from the turned3back bed she )limpsed throu)h the half3open door to his bedroom! ,#entually she'd seen the entire suite" balcony and bathroom included! She strolled back into the li#in) room and pulled up short! Bare from the waist up" Tristan was hunkered down at the silent stereo! Soft li)ht spilled from a standin) lamp and played o#er the lon) muscles of his back! Perhaps she made a sound" because he looked up sharply and came to his feet! And in that instant his face looked so tense and hard and untouchable" she felt an ur)ent need to bolt! +er mouth went dry! +er heart raced! But her feet remained )lued to the spot! A muscle 7umped in his cheek and she reali4ed" with a startled sense of disco#ery" that he looked ner#ous" too! She found that oddly reassurin)! '&ould you like a drink5' he asked! '$f $ were e#er to start" toni)ht would be the ni)ht! But!! no!' +e stood" silently watchin) her for another second! Butterflies flapped in her stomach! She couldn't stand the tension any lon)er! '&hat now5' 'Take off your 7ewelry"' he said in a low controlled #oice!

She lifted a hand to touch the delicate diamond and sapphire necklace! '/ou don't like it5' '1o!' 'And the dress5' Slowly he started to cross the room toward her! She saw the flare of his nostrils" the unwa#erin) intensity of his eyes" the clench and fle0 of his hand" and all her senses sharpened with anticipation! +e stopped in front of her" his )a4e a lon)" slow slide of appro#al! '$ like the dress!' '$'m )lad"' she said simply! An une0pected tenderness lurked deep in his eyes as he took one of her hands and tu))ed her closer! +is kiss started )entle" a brush of lips" a teasin) shift of pressure from top lip to bottom and back a)ain! A kiss that was e#erythin) his look had promised! -anessa spread her hands o#er his chest" e0plorin) the heady contrast of coarse hair and hot" smooth skin! +e nipped at her bottom lip and dra))ed it between his teeth" a mo#e so une0pected and incredibly sensual" it curled her toes! &arm and di44y with desire" she swayed nearer and closed her eyes! +er hands slid o#er his shoulders" her fin)ers laced in his hair" and she made a muted sound of disco#ery at its softness! +e took the in#itation to deepen the kiss" openin) her mouth with the pressure of his and slidin) his ton)ue inside! The kiss e0ploded with heat in the beat of a second" and she surrendered to the unrestrained pleasure! &hen he retreated" she followed" slidin) ton)ue a)ainst ton)ue and learnin) his dark male fla#or! esire san) in her #eins as she sank into his mouth and disco#ered a new an)le to the kiss! She could ha#e lapped this up fore#er but he slowly eased her back to earth with a luscious series of kisses that trailed from her lips to her chin and alon) the ed)e of her 7aw! +e pulled back far enou)h to look into her eyes and murmur" 'Better5' She smiled and somethin) primal beat in his eyes! 'Turn around!' ippin) one shoulder" she turned within his arms! +er heart raced like a bird in fli)ht while she waited in anticipation of what came ne0t! +is hands skimmed up her arms and cupped her shoulders in rou)h3te0tured heat! &hen he leaned forward and spoke at her ear" the deep resonance of his #oice pulsed throu)h her body! +er breasts )rew ti)ht and hea#y! +eat bloomed all throu)h her skin! And she had to ask him to repeat his re8uest because no words re)istered" only sensation! '+old your hair up out of the way!' &ith both hands she lifted the lon) tresses hi)h! She felt his hands at her nape and then the necklace fell free! +e cau)ht it in one hand and added the matchin) earrin)s! &hen he nu44led the side of her e0posed throat" -anessa's knees all but )a#e way! But his hands curled around her hips and held her steady" capti#e to the hot kisses he peppered alon) one shoulder and then the other! She couldn't contain the low needy sound that escaped her throat! The same need shuddered throu)h her" an achin) desire to press herself a)ainst him" soft to hard! As if he'd heard her silent plea" he pulled her back into his body! She felt the hard 7ut of his arousal" heard the rou)h )rowl rumble in his chest!

Archin) her back she pressed closer and his hands slid up to span her rib ca)e! The tips of his thumbs brushed the underside of her breasts and she shi#ered with e0pectancy! She'd ne#er e0perienced anythin) like this intensity of sensations! And she was still fully clothed! The thou)ht of doin) this naked brou)ht a flush of heat to her throat and face" and when he turned her in his arms she found the same raw need reflected in his eyes! '.kay5' he asked! '.h" yeah!' +e kissed that satisfied sound from her mouth" a lon)" deep e0tended kiss that left her breathless and pantin)! Then he took her hand and led her into the bedroom! +e kissed her a)ain and looked down into her eyes! 'Shall we lose the dress5' +er ner#es skittered and her breath cau)ht on her whispered" '/es!' '1er#ous5' 'A little!' '/eah"' he said" but his fin)ers seemed sure and steady on her dress fastenin)! '$ know!' The loosened bodice fell forward and she cau)ht it in her hands! '&hat do you ha#e to be ner#ous about5' +e paused" eyes serious on hers! ' oin) it ri)ht!' &ell" sure" but at least he had e0perience on his side! She" on the other hand" was actin) on impulse! And the sensations he aroused with the sure touch of his hands and the heat of his mouth and the erotic wet slide of his ton)ue! Before she could think" $'m not 8uite ready to be seen in my underwear" her dress lay in a silken pool at her feet and she was bein) seen in her underwear! &ith hi)h heeled sandals! She felt )auche and e0posed" but when she saw the primiti#e desire on his face she lifted her chin and forced her hands to rest at her sides! +e stepped in and cupped her breasts" his thumbs strokin) o#er her aroused nipples until pleasure pierced her body and stretched strai)ht to her core! &hen he remo#ed her bra" an arrow of fear immobili4ed her for the first e0posed moment but the touch of his bare hands brou)ht her 4in)in) back to life! The pad of his thumb circled her areola and )ra4ed her nipple! ',asy"' he murmured when her knees dipped and wobbled! '$'#e )ot you!' +e eased her to the bed and followed her down! +is mouth found her breast! Slidin) her fin)ers throu)h his hair" she sifted the strands in a fretful echo of the pull of his mouth! .h" yes" %s! P! whispered" he definitely has you! Then his hot ton)ue swirled o#er her nipple and her back arched from the bed! She cried out" a ra))ed appeal for release! +e left her breasts to slide lower" hookin) his fin)ers into her underwear and peelin) them away! A restless fire licked throu)h her body! +is hands were on her le)s" his mouth on her thi)hs" his fin)ers findin) her wet and ready! Then he left her alone and she felt the abandonment in e#ery turned3on cell! +er eyes fluttered open to find him beside the bed! Shoes already )one" he stood to un4ip his trousers and her mouth went dry! She'd known he was a bi) man" hard and uncompromisin)" and that had ne#er been more apparent than when he strai)htened" naked and #ery" #ery aroused! Apprehension flickered throu)h her and she swallowed! Perhaps this wasn't such a )ood

idea after all! Perhaps she could ha#e remained a #ir)in for life! But then he finished donnin) protection and returned to her side" kissin) the worry from her lips" reassurin) her that he'd look after her" touchin) her supersensiti#e flesh with a delicious pressure that spiraled low in her belly! 'Please"' she whispered" catchin) at his body and pullin) him close! She wanted this now" while she felt like this" ready to )o up in flames! 'Please" can we do it5' +eat bla4ed in his eyes as he mo#ed o#er her" spreadin) her thi)hs and pressin) a slow" deep kiss to her open mouth as he eased into her body! Restraint ti)htened his face! 'Are you sure5' $n answer" she lifted her hips into the insistent press of his se0! ,yes fi0ed on hers" he eased his way with the measured rock of his hips! Sweat broke out on his forehead when he stopped" and she felt a momentary panic! ' on't stop!' +er hands slid down his back and her nails found purchase in the taut muscles of his buttocks! 'Please! on't stop!' '$'m 7ust"' he said ti)htly" ')oin) slow!' +e pressed a little deeper and a tremor 8ui#ered throu)h the lon) sweat3dampened muscles of his back! $n that moment she reco)ni4ed the effort in his restraint and knew it was for her" in deference to her first time" and she felt an o#erwhelmin) wa#e of tenderness! She lifted a tremblin) hand to touch his mouth" and he muttered somethin) low and fierce" an oath or a promise" and then he was inside her all the way" fillin) her to the brink with his heat and with the enormity of the moment! She rocked her hips" ad7ustin) to the unfamiliar" surprised by the lack of pain" and wantin) it to ne#er end! But he'd started to mo#e with a slow" smooth cadence" risin) o#er her with a look of burnin) intensity that caused her heart to stall out! She picked up the rhythm and held his )a4e throu)h each rollin) thrust" mo#in) with him as he dro#e toward his completion! +e didn't lea#e her behind! +e reached between them" findin) her and strokin) her until her world narrowed and con#er)ed on one wildly spinnin) pleasure point! She heard him call her name as he followed" a hoarse shout of release that hun) in the coolin) air and wound its way around her heart! Tristan watched -anessa sleep" at last seein) her with her )uard completely down! 1o clothes" no makeup" no facade of sophistication! *ust -anessa" her delicate beauty incandescent in the soft lampli)ht! So beautiful and proud and comple0 and fierce" she made him ache in a do4en ways and a do4en places! Propped on an elbow he watched her and he willed her to wake" impatient to start o#er! +e wasn't proud of how he'd 7ud)ed and treated her so harshly and he intended makin) it up to her e#ery way he could! Thinkin) about what she'd re#ealed in the car" about her childhood and her care and protection of her brother when she'd been too youn) for such responsibility" fuelled his resol#e! +e'd )ot it so wron)! This time he intended )ettin) it ri)ht and he couldn't wait to start! Leanin) close he kissed the soft sleepiness of her mouth and the se0y dent in her chin and traced a fine blue #ein across the near3translucent skin of her breast! The nipple peaked and she came awake instantly! $t took another second for her memory

to catch up and the flush to rise from her throat! She met his eyes but a note of shyness kept her e0pression wary! +e couldn't halt the sur)e of possessi#e male pride that )ripped him! +e wasn't sure he wanted to! +e smiled and shook his head! 'A #ir)in!' '/ou didn't belie#e me5' Trick 8uestion! Somethin) in her tone warned him to take care with his answer! '$ didn't understand how that could be possible!' '$ think lack of opportunity sums it up!' '/ou didn't ha#e boyfriends5' '1o! $ was either workin) or lookin) after Lew! And the boys $ knew weren't interested in ha#in) him ta) alon)!' She rolled a shoulder dismissi#ely! +e sensed she didn't care that she'd missed the teen3datin) scene! 'And then $ was married at twenty3two!' For a moment he said nothin)" his need to know warrin) with his need to lea#e the past behind! But he did need to know! That was his problem2 he was )reedy to know e#erythin) about her" e#en the bits better left buried! 'This contract you made when you married! idn't you e#er want to break it5' '1o! $ ne#er looked at Stuart that way! +e was more like a!!!' $n her hesitation he sensed what she was reluctant to admit! 'A father5' 'Like the father $ wished $'d had! $'m sorry" but that's the truth! And" you know" $ think that was why Stuart su))ested this arran)ement in the first place! +e ne#er )ot o#er losin) his family! +e was desperately lonely" especially when he )ot older and his health problems caused him to cut ri)ht back on his work!' '+e was semiretired5' '/es! That's when he started comin) into the restaurant more often! +e was a bit lost!' She smiled" a wistful little cur#e of her lips that fisted around his heart! 'At first he 7ust wanted to help! Then he )ot in#ested in me and Lew! $ think he saw us as a substitute family!' $t hurt" but not as much as before he'd read the apolo)y in Stuart's letter! And she'd needed the support of a father fi)ure" it seemed! esperately! '/our parents2 you said they weren't around much!' '1o! And when they were!! $ often wished they weren't!' Sadness" dark and profound" shadowed her e0pression! 'They didn't handle Lew's difficulties! They didn't know how to handle him! %y father had a #iolent temper!' 'A)ainst you and your brother5' '.nly my mom! And she drank to counter it! &e were the classic dysfunctional family!' 'And no one saw this5' he demanded" an)ry at the in7ustice of e#erythin) she'd told him and his impotence to chan)e it! '1obody helped5' '%y parents were workin)" too" pro#idin) in their own modest way! And if the authorities had )otten in#ol#ed" Lew and $ mi)ht ha#e been fostered out and split up! &e coped" okay5 %uch better than if a kid like Lew had landed in the foster system! And $ ended up here" li#in) in ,astwick" with e#erythin) $ e#er wanted!' ',0cept a family!' She looked up sharply! 'Lew is my family! $ don't want it any other way" Tristan! $ ha#e no re)rets o#er marryin) Stuart! +e knew it was for the money and we were both happy with that choice!' 'And me"' he asked! ' o you ha#e any re)rets about me5'

She studied him a lon) while and a myriad of emotions darkened her sil#ery )a4e! 'That would depend!' '.n5' '.n how this ends up!' 'At the moment $ was wonderin) about so far!' +e lifted a hand and touched a mark on her throat! +is mark on her throat! +is body ti)htened in response! ' o you re)ret this5' '1ot yet!' $t was a start! And she was still here" in his bed" which had to count for somethin)! '&ill you stay5' +e tu))ed at the sheet she'd pulled up to co#er her nakedness until she relented and let it )o! Then he turned her into his arms and looked deep into her eyes! '$ want to make it up to you" -anessa! &ill you let me5' Eleven -anessa stayed! A fitful sleeper e#en in her own bed" she hadn't counted on sleepin) soundly and wakin) to the sound of runnin) water! *ackknifin) upri)ht" she disco#ered Tristan loun)in) in the doorway to the bathroom! +e was naked" which she noticed strai)ht away" and lookin) cat3)ot3the3cream satisfied and #ery much at ease! She frowned at the thou)ht! +ow lon) had he been standin) there" watchin) her sleep5 isconcerted" she pulled the sheet up beneath her chin! +e arched his eyebrow in a way that reminded her he'd seen it all already" from much closer! '$'m )lad you're awake!' '.h5' she asked" immediately suspicious! '$'m runnin) a bath for you! $f you hadn't roused soon" $ was )oin) to ha#e to take drastic action!' 'Such as5' +e strai)htened off the door7amb and sauntered to the bed! &ith each approachin) stride her heart kicked up another beat! +e didn't say a word! ,yes locked on hers" he bent down and swun) her into his arms as if she wei)hed nothin)! She )asped in shock and because" well" she wasn't used to bein) manhandled! But as he carted her back to the bathroom" she disco#ered she liked the manhandlin) too much to fi)ht it! She made a token protest as he held her o#er the brimmin) three3cornered spa tub" but instead of droppin) her into the bubbles he stepped o#er the rim and sank down with her in his arms! Then he kissed her and murmured" '$'m )lad you stayed"' and she decided to stay a little lon)er! BBB Breakfast arri#ed on the heels of the bath and -anessa felt e0tremely spoiled! &hen she finished dressin) and walked into the li#in) room" she disco#ered a pancake stack lit with candles and sparklers in the center of the dinin) table! +er eyes widened with disbelief and her heart did a cra4y painful lurch! '+appy birthday" darlin)!' 1ot duchess! arlin)! +ot tears ached at the back of her throat and she took an a)e to compose herself enou)h to say" 'Thank you!' She cleared her throat! '+ow did you know5' '$ 7ust took a wild stab in the dark!' .f course he knows your birth date" %s! Pra)matist mocked! And probably a whole lot

more that he's not lettin) on! +e was in#esti)atin) you! i))in) up your secrets! Remember5 The mood nose3di#ed after that! .h" she sat at the table and blew out the candles and pretended to make a wish! She was hun)ry enou)h to appreciate the fabulous breakfast spread and he'd e#en remembered her specialty coffee2 or he'd known enou)h to check with the restaurant staff! But she couldn't )et past the sinkin) feelin) that howe#er wonderful the ni)ht" howe#er en7oyable his company" howe#er seducti#e his intent" the specter of their past conflict would rise between them! 'So!' +e leaned back in his chair and studied her across the table! '&hat ha#e you )ot planned for your special day5' '$ ha#e a date with Lew!' 'Lunch5' She nodded! 'A picnic at the shore!' '/ou mi)ht want to rethink that!' +e tilted his head toward the balcony and outdoors! 'Storms are forecast!' Bother! She put down her cutlery" frownin)! '&e could do somethin) else! 9o somewhere else! %aybe the rain will fi44le out and we can still picnic2 ' +e stopped! Frowned back at her! '&hat's the problem5' The initial problem was the storms" which Lew loathed and feared! But the second problem superseded the first" and was now 7itterin) around in her stomach! '/ou said we! $'m not sure that's a )ood idea!' '&hich part5 %e spendin) the day with you5 .r me spendin) the day with Lew5' -anessa's stomach twisted into a pret4el knot! There were so many concerns" so many not3a3)ood3ideas she did not know where to start! '$t's difficult"' she said carefully! '+e can be difficult!' '+e's autistic! /ou mentioned that!' She shook her head! '$ don't think you understand! +e needs routine! Anythin) out of the ordinary2 chan)ed plans" new people" storms2 makes him fret! ifficult with Lew can be sudden and #iolent!' '$ would like to meet your brother"' he said with 8uiet insistence! '$'m afraid that's out of the 8uestion!' 'For today5 .r fore#er5' She should not ha#e to e0plain her decision2 it was hers alone to make! But his obdurate e0pression demanded an answer and she knew he would push and push until she ended up losin) her temper! $t was better to e0plain while her head was cool and clear! 'This isn't personal" Tristan! $ don't take anyone to see Lew because his reaction to people is so e0treme! +e either i)nores you alto)ether or he takes an instant shine!' 'And which do you think $ can't handle5' amn him" she had one difficult male in her life! She did not need another! And wasn't that the cru0 of this whole issue5 Tristan did not ha#e a future in her life! So why introduce him into Lew's5 &hy set up the potential for disappointment5 $nstincti#ely she knew that Lew would adore Tristan! They would talk sports and throw a football and swap the kind of )uy3talk she couldn't e#en fake! And tomorrow or ne0t week or whene#er" Tristan would return to his own life and she'd be left with the constant hammerin) of" &here's Tristan5 Can we )o #isit5 +e said we'd )o to the /ankees! Can we )o today5

,#en worse" there'd come a day when Lew would finally accept that Tristan wasn't takin) him to a ball)ame! And she was the lucky one who would ha#e to deal with his why3 doesn't3he3want3to3be3my3friend mopin)! She shook her head firmly! '%y answer is still no!' '&hat about Stuart5 id you take him to #isit Lew5' 'They met! But he didn't ha#e an acti#e role in Lew's life!' +is )a4e narrowed! '$ thou)ht you two were his surro)ate family!' amn him" did he e#er let up5 '$ said he thou)ht we mi)ht be" but it turned out to be too painful! +e tried" but he didn't want a constant reminder of the son he didn't )et to see and toss a ball with! That substitute didn't work!' Finally" he had no comeback! +is silence was not satisfyin)" howe#er! $t banded ti)ht around -anessa's chest" an achin) reminder that this father3son conflict would always come between them" dri#in) one of them to speak out of turn and hurt the other! An achin) reminder that she needed to protect her own heart as well as Lew's! She lifted her chin with a new determination! '$'m not debatin) this anymore! $ am spendin) the day with Lew! Alone!' She pushed to her feet! '$'ll 7ust )et my purse and shoes!' 'All ri)ht"' he said with )reat reluctance! 'But $ am takin) you to dinner toni)ht!' '1o" Tristan!' Somethin) darkened in his narrowed eyes! 'Are you su))estin) that this is it5' '/ou told me last ni)ht" that this was whate#er $ wanted it to be!' 'That was before you came upstairs and took off your clothes!' +e" too" came to his feet! They faced off across the discarded birthday breakfast! 'This is not o#er" -anessa!' 'Because you say so5 &e can't ha#e a relationship" Tristan! ,#en if $ wanted to" e#en if we didn't ha#e all this an)st and conflict and history between us" $ couldn't! $ ha#e priorities and they're all about Lew! $ can't do a relationship;' 'Then why did you sleep with me5 &hat was last ni)ht about5' '/ou tell me"' she fired back" instantly defensi#e! '%aybe $ 7ust wanted to pro#e my innocence;' '/ou didn't think $ belie#ed you5' A muscle 7umped in his 7aw! +is #oice went #ery low" )ruff with intensity! '$ hope you are kiddin)!' -anessa walked away from the table! +er heart was thunderin)" an0iety chased throu)h her #eins! At the French doors leadin) onto the balcony she whirled back around! 'Look at us; &e can't )o a day without one of these confrontations! This is what $ )rew up with" Tristan! This is why $ lo#e my life with all its calm and order! That's why my marria)e was so perfect!' +er impassioned little speech crackled between them a lon) time before he spoke! '/ou're pushin) me away because you're scared!' '$'m pushin) you away because you are so damn stubborn you won't take no for an answer;' '$'m tryin) to work out what's )oin) on with you! Last ni)ht was!!!' +e let out a frustrated huff and shook his head! '%aybe you don't reali4e it" but that was ama4in)! $ want that a)ain" -anessa" but $'m not )oin) to be)! $ won't )o down on one knee! $ won't promise you a perfect life of calm and order" because $'d rather ha#e you with the heat and the passion and" yeah" e#en the fi)hts!'

+eart knockin) hard a)ainst her ribs" she stared back at him! '$ didn't ask for any promises! And $ hate the fi)hts!' '/eah" $ fi)ured!' She didn't know what else to say! She'd made up her mind and she needed to )et out of there! At the door she turned and found him standin) in the same place" motionless but for that muscle 7umpin) in his 7aw! She swallowed a lar)e ache in her throat and met his shuttered )a4e! There was one last thin) to broach! '$ can't )o without askin) about that letter! The second one!' '$'ll hand it o#er to the police!' 'And the will challen)e5' '/ou pro#ed your point"' he said flatly after a lon) beat of pause! '$'ll talk to my lawyers tomorrow! $t's all yours! *ust as Stuart wanted!' Tears welled in her eyes before the door shut behind her! She dashed them away with her wrist as she strode to the ele#ators" ea)er to be somewhere pri#ate before the emotional storm erupted! She pressed the button and fi0ated on the floor indicator! %ore tears threatened and she swallowed a)ainst the harsh throb in her throat! At least she could be thankful for one thins! +e hadn't insisted on dri#ins her to collect her car from the country club where she'd left it last ni)ht! She would take a ta0i! And if the tears came" it wouldn't matter! The ele#ator arri#ed and she stepped forward as the door opened! '&ait!' Tristan's #oice called after her" from back at his suite! +eart racin)" -anessa pressed the )round floor button! She couldn't take any more of this emotion and she was afraid that one kind word" one softenin) of his hard3set e0pression" would send her sobbin) into his arms! Counterproducti#e" %s! P! decided! The doors started to close! -anessa breathed a)ain! But at the last possible moment" a lar)e" familiar hand blocked their slide! She remembered it on her breasts" between her le)s" drawin) her to an e08uisite clima0! And the ache in her throat )rew unbearable! She strai)htened her shoulders and sucked in a fortifyin) breath! Please don't cry! Please don't cry! '/ou for)ot this!' She forced herself to focus on what he held in that e0tended hand! The 7ewelry he'd asked her to take off before they made lo#e! She stared at the )litterin) pieces in his hand" a symbol of the bou)ht3and3paid3for wife! A symbol of the conflicted history that would always come between them! She took them and put them in her purse and )amely met his )uarded eyes! 'Thank you" Tristan! For e#erythin)!' The doors started to slide" and she hurried to finish! '$ will ne#er for)et last ni)ht! /ou're ri)ht2 it was ama4in)!' &hen he returned to his suite" Tristan packed his ba)s! There wasn't a lot to do: he'd packed for Florida ne#er meanin) to return! And now" he didn't know if he was )lad or sorry that he'd come back! +e didn't dwell on workin) out an answer! -anessa had made her mind up and he'd come closer to swallowin) his pride and be))in) than he'd e#er wanted to try! And for what5 To buy another week in her bed5 To insti)ate a lon)3distance relationship with no future" because she didn't want anythin) that mi)ht threaten her secure world! She mi)ht ha#e her priorities all screwed! She mi)ht be li#in) at delusion3central when it

came to her happiness! But she'd been ri)ht about one thin)< they could ne#er )o one day without a fiery confrontation! That's what he lo#ed most about her< that fierce commitment that made her stand to her con#ictions and made a mockery of her desire for a calm" orderly e0istence! +e understood her reasons! After that hellish childhood" who wouldn't want security5 But courtesy of Stuart's estate she had truckloads of prime )reenback security! She needed more! +e hoped someday she would come to that reali4ation" e#en thou)h he'd be lon) )one! But before he left" he had three loose ends to tie! First" he phoned his lawyer with orders to drop his challen)e of the will! Then he called the detecti#es on the Bunny Baldwin case and made arran)ements for an officer to collect the second nuisance letter! The third task was all about settin) thin)s ri)ht and he didn't e0pect it to be easy! +e fi)ured it mi)ht take se#eral days to track down the e0act model and he was )oin) to do e#erythin) in his power to make sure he did! $f he found it" well" it would ser#e as an apolo)y and a thank3you and a )oodbye! To set his search in motion" he lifted the phone and called the number he knew by heart! -anessa's thirtieth birthday was hardly an un8ualified success! The s8ually storms missed Le0ford" but it only took the threat of dark clouds and thunder to put Lew on ed)e! She transferred the picnic to the recreation room at Twel#e .aks and spent the afternoon watchin) - s with Lew and se#eral of his friends! &hich wouldn't ha#e been all bad if their taste in mo#ies didn't run to )ross3out humor! Still" the time spent with her brother reassured her that she'd made the ri)ht choice! &atchin) him nud)e his buddies and )uffaw o#er the lame 7okes brou)ht a poi)nant ache to her heart! +e couldn't be happier or in a better place! And his lau)hter was her happiness! '&atch this bit" 1ess"' he called o#er his shoulder! '$t's a crack3up!' The boys all thou)ht so but -anessa rolled her eyes! She'd set her cell phone to #ibrate" and when it started to hum she fou)ht the temptation to answer! &hat if it's important5 &hat if it's Tristan5 That made no sense after they'd ended on such a blarin) note of finality! There was no reason for him to call and nothin) left to say! That didn't stop her heart plummetin) with disappointment when she picked up and heard *ack Cartwri)ht's deep #oice! '$ don't know what you )ot up to with Thorpe last ni)ht and" frankly" $ don't want to know! But you pulled it off! +is lawyer 7ust called to let me know! +e's dropped the contest!' There was a hu)e moment's hollowness! Then *ack sayin)" '+ello5 Are you there5 -anessa5' '1o" no! $'m here!' '$ don't hear you screamin) with 7ubilation! $ must say $'m disappointed in you!' '$ think $'m 7ust numb"' she said honestly! '%aybe the 7oy beans will kick in later!' Althou)h she doubted it! She could hardly confess that she'd known his decision earlier that mornin)! 1ot without admittin) she'd possibly influenced the result between the ,)yptian cotton sheets of the %arabella's Columbus suite! +er cheeks )rew hot" her body resti#e with rememberin)! ri#in) home from Twel#e .aks she talked herself into callin) Tristan! To thank him for followin) throu)h on his promise so

promptly! But the receptionist informed her that %r! Thorpe had checked out that mornin)! +e was )one and it was o#er! Two years of torment and trouble at his hands were finally finished" and all -anessa felt was a )apin) chasm of aloneness! Twelve id you hear that a#id u#all passed away last ni)ht5' Abby shared the news of %ary's )randfather's death as soon as -anessa and Felicity 7oined her on the country club terrace the followin) &ednesday! They had all 7ust attended a social committee meetin)" finali4in) details for the ,astwick Ball! Abby had asked them to stay and ha#e a drink with her as she had some news! -anessa had e0pected an update on the in#esti)ation into Bunny's death so this came as somethin) of a shock! '+ow is %ary5' she asked! 'She seemed #ery strained at the weddin)! %aybe it was because of her )randfather!!!' '+e's been sick a lon) time" but a family death is ne#er easy!' As soon as she finished speakin)" Felicity winced and put her hand o#er Abby's on the table! '%e and my mouth! $'m sorry!' 'Please" you don't ha#e to cosset me!' Abby smiled )amely! '$ actually asked you to stay because $ ha#e some news about %other! $ wanted to tell you before you read it in tomorrow's newspaper!' '+as there been an arrest5' '1o!' The corners of Abby's mouth ti)htened! 'But the police ha#e finally acknowled)ed that they're treatin) this as a murder in#esti)ation!' '.h" Abby!' Felicity s8uee4ed her friend's hand! 'Are you okay with this5' '$'m pleased they appear to be doin) somethin) about my suspicions!' '+as there been new e#idence5' -anessa asked! Abby nodded! 'The police reco#ered a sin)le pill near %om! The tests show it's a placebo made to look like di)italis! $ couldn't work out why no medication showed up in %om when $'d seen her takin) her pills;' 'Someone had swapped them for these placebos5' 'That would also e0plain the disappearance of her pill case!' '$f the murderer took it!' Felicity and -anessa swapped shocked looks! 6p until now they'd known of Abby's suspicions" but this sounded like hard e#idence! And whoe#er did this had to ha#e access to Bunny's pill case and Bunny's home! They'd also known where to find the 7ournals! '$t has to be someone we know"' -anessa mused! 'Someone close to Bunny!' 'The police are still tryin) to locate the woman ,dith heard ar)uin) with %om that day!' '$t is odd that no one saw this mystery woman!' They all a)reed! -anessa cleared her throat! 'There's somethin) odd about the letters" too!' She felt the other women's eyes on her" waitin) for her to e0plain! '/ou know the letter $ mentioned" addressed to Tristan but not demandin) any money!!!! well" he recei#ed a second one!' '&hen did this happen5' Felicity asked! 'Last week! That's why he crashed the weddin)!'

'$ wondered what was )oin) on between you two! &hen Lily said you left with him" $ thou)ht we should report your abduction!' -anessa felt heat in her throat and her face! '$t wasn't an abduction!' $t was more of a seduction" really! '&e worked out a few misunderstandin)s" and he's dropped the will contest!' 'Are you for real5' 'That's wonderful" -anessa! /ou must be thrilled;' '$'m relie#ed" mainly!' Felicity was studyin) her with curiosity! 'Those must ha#e been some misunderstandin)s! &ere they connected with the letters5' '/es" actually! The second letter was supposed to pro#e my adultery! There was a photo and a list of dates and places where $ met this man!' 'Someone followed you5 And wrote all that down5 +ow sick!' -anessa nodded! She felt sick thinkin) about that le#el of sur#eillance" all unnoticed! 'Anyway" Tristan has )i#en both letters to the police"' she assured Abby! '$n case they're connected to the missin) diaries!' 'But you don't think they are5' -anessa shru))ed! '$ don't know! There's no demand for money! They're 7ust!! !odd!' The other women considered this for a lon) moment before Felicity spoke! 'And the photo5 &ho did this creep think you were seein) on the sly5' Felicity's phrasin) was particularly apt and made it easier than -anessa had anticipated to swallow her resistance to sharin) this part of her life! '%y brother!' '/ou ha#e a brother5' Abby asked! '$ don't think you'#e e#er mentioned him!' '$ ha#en't! That's the thins!' That hadn't been so hard" -anessa decided afterward! Felicity and Abby had been supporti#e and understandin) and non7ud)mental! ri#in) home from the country club she felt her whole body si)h with relief! Finally! %aybe now she could muster some enthusiasm for the rest of her life! &ith the liftin) of conser#ation orders on Stuart's estate" she could start e0ecutin) his wishes for distributin) his wealth! She had her friends" her committee work" Lew and Twel#e .aks! ,#erythin) would soon fall back into a routine and life would resume its calm" orderly pattern! By the time she walked in her front door" -anessa was feelin) a renewed serenity! She paused in the foyer and called for 9loria! The sound of her #oice echoed throu)h the downstairs rooms" unanswered! She crossed to the library and opened the door to peer inside! 1o 9loria and she almost missed the parcel sittin) in the center of her desk! A belated birthday present5 She had no idea who it could be from! $ntri)ued" she crossed the room and picked up the unmarked )ift bo0! She was still turnin) it o#er in her hands" a frown between her brows" when 9loria appeared! 'Ah" you found it"' she said! '/es" but what is it5' -anessa asked! 'And where did it come from5' 'A deli#ery man brou)ht it! *ust an hour or so a)o!' '&ho's it from5' '$ don't ha#e >3ray #ision! &hy don't you open it and see5'

.f course she should open it! %s! Pra)matist would ha#e had the sucker unstuck and unwrapped and the thank3you card written by now! She drew a 8uick breath and started on the bo0! She had a stran)e sensation in her belly" a feelin) of momentousness that made %s! P! shake her head in despair! $nside the bo0 was a tissue3wrapped!! !somethin)! She peeled away the layers with shaky fin)ers to re#eal a Lladro fi)urine! '$t's your 9irl with Flowers' 9loria said unnecessarily! '&ho could ha#e sent that5' She almost missed the card tucked inside the bo0! Three lines in a bold hand! Settin) thin)s ri)ht! A peace offerin)" an apolo)y" A )oodbye! The words he'd offered in the kitchen" the day he turned a simple kiss on the hand into sensual bliss! 9ently her thumb stroked o#er the ille)ible scrawl of a si)nature that swam before her eyes! 'Are you all ri)ht" 1essa5' She turned the delicate little )irl o#er in her hands and the memory of him doin) the same" that first day in the keepin) room" washed throu)h her in a debilitatin) wa#e! 1o" she was not all ri)ht! She was tremblin) with emotion" inside and out" so much so that she had to sit down! '+ow on earth did he find her5' she murmured! $t couldn't ha#e been easy to locate a piece cast se#enteen years a)o" especially in less than a week! +ow had he e#en known which fi)urine to look for5 Someone must ha#e helped! +er )a4e settled on 9loria! ' id you ha#e anythin) to do with it5' 'All $ did was point him in the ri)ht direction! $t'd be 7ust like him to hare off on a wild )oose chase!' '$ didn't want him chasin) after anythin);' 'After all he put you throu)h5' 9loria retorted! '$t was the least he could do!' -anessa tried to summon up the same ri)hteous indi)nation as her loyal housekeeper! Then she mi)ht be able to repack the )ift and send it back! +adn't she told him that the fi)urine itself meant nothin)5 $ts symbolism was indelibly imprinted on her life! She didn't need a place3keeper anymore and certainly not this!! substitute! ,0cept her heart2 poor" foolish" smitten creature2 reco)ni4ed this )esture as much more than replacin) a broken ornament! The fi)urine itself didn't matter: his act in sendin) the )ift did! $t represented an apolo)y for the discord of the last two years and for the way he'd confronted her in her home and for e#ery misconception and accusation and altercation! Settin) thin)s ri)ht mattered to him2 he'd told her so! She should accept that" send a prettily worded2 and sincere2 thank3you note" and )et on with her life! That is what she wanted" ri)ht5 That's what she'd told him that mornin) in his hotel suite! $n the days since" she'd e#en reconciled her wretched romantic side with that reality! She'd put Tristan Thorpe behind her" she'd mo#ed on with her own life" concentratin) on her true priorities! But her )a4e kept returnin) to the little note! 9oodbye! &as that what she really wanted5 1ow" like this" when she'd been less than truthful5 .r was it her turn to set one last thin) strai)ht!!!5

Tristan was in a cab en route to the airport when his phone bu44ed! +e knew it was her by the telltale little sound of her inhalation when he answered! +is body did the complete it's3 -anessa rattle and hum before she )ot anywhere near sayin) those words! '$t's -anessa! $'m )lad $ cau)ht you! The hotel told me you'd checked out and $ was afraid 2 ' She paused" sucked in an audible breath" slowed the headlon) rush of her #oice '$ thou)ht $ mi)ht ha#e missed you!' '$'m still in the city! Stuck in traffic!' '$ suppose the rain isn't helpin)! 1ot at this time of mornin)!' '&et up there" too5' '$t's 7ust started to close in!' Tristan shut his eyes and shook his head! +ad it come down to this5 Stilted small talk about the weather interspersed by awkward seconds of silence5 /es" he answered himself in the ne0t cumbersome pause! $t had! '&hat do you want" -anessa5' he asked on a si)h! '$ want to thank you for the fi)urine! $ can't ima)ine how you found the 9irl with Flowers! /ou must ha#e )one to a lot of trouble and that wasn't necessary but!!! thank you! $t's lo#ely and $!!!' +e pictured the hitch of her shoulders she'd )i#e as her #oice trailed off" and in those last husky words he also heard the threat of tears! The ima)e2 of that distincti#e -anessa )esture" of her beautiful eyes misty )reen with moisture" of her dimpled chin liftin) as she stru))led for control2 s8uee4ed all the air from his lun)s! For a lon) beat of time he couldn't speak! Couldn't do anythin) but sit there" fi)htin) the ur)e to offer up sentiments she didn't want to hear and which his battered pride wouldn't allow him to utter! +e felt like one bi)" harsh" frustrated bundle of re)ret! Finally" he mana)ed to shru) and say" '$t's the least $ could do!' She )a#e an odd little lau)h! 'Funnily enou)h" 9loria said the e0act same thin)!' Funnily enou)h" that didn't surprise him! 'And what about you" -anessa5' '.h" $ think it's a start!' ' idn't you read the note5 $ thou)ht it was more of an end!' 'And your way of settin) thin)s ri)ht!' /eah" e0cept nothin) felt ri)ht! 1ot about lea#in)" not about the way thin)s were between them! 1ot about this whole a)oni4in) )oodbye con#ersation from the back of a cab! That was all kinds of wron)! 'Before you )o2 ' her #oice" soft and resolute" cut throu)h the rou)h storm of his thou)hts '2 there is somethin) $ need to set ri)ht!' '$'m listenin)!' 'That mornin) in your hotel suite" you su))ested $ was runnin) scared but $ wasn't so much scared as full3out terrified!' She proffered that with another rueful lau)h! '$ hadn't had the time2 or perhaps the coura)e2 to work out what $ was doin) there with you or what should happen ne0t! $t was too much" too intense" and then you hit me with wantin) to meet Lew! $'m not used to sharin) that part of my life! $'m not used to sharin) anythin) 8uite like $ did with you that ni)ht!' '/et you did! To pro#e a point!' '1o! $ didn't sleep with you to pro#e anythin)!' That admission hit Tristan with sled)ehammer force" somewhere in the re)ion of his heart! +e rolled his head back and pinched the brid)e of his nose" as if that mi)ht contain the )iant ball of ache inside him! 'Are you sure about that5'

'/es"' she said with a 8uiet con#iction that resonated ri)ht throu)h the phone! '&hy did you sleep with me5 Because $'#e been thinkin) about it and your e0planation is the only one that makes any sense!' ' oes it ha#e to make sense5 &hen it seems like there was no choice!' &hat the hell5 '$ )a#e you the chance to back out! There was no force!' '$'m not talkin) about force" Tristan" $'m talkin) about desire! At the beach!! the way you touched me" the way you kissed me" the way you looked at me! /ou didn't ha#e to take me back to your hotel room! /ou could ha#e done anythin) you wanted" any way you wanted" ri)ht there!' 'Beach se0 is o#errated!' '&hile makin) lo#e"' she countered" 'isn't! At least not in my limited e0perience!' '&hy are you tellin) me this5' he asked rou)hly" because" hell" in two hours he'd be in the air" headin) back to Australia! +e didn't want to think about the passion of that ni)ht" the sweet taste of her mouth" the hot silk of her body! +e couldn't afford to ponder her choice of words! 1ot se0 but makin) lo#e! '&hy now" when $'m about to lea#e5' ' o you ha#e to )o5' +e couldn't ha#e heard her ri)ht! Probably because of the rush of blood in his ears" the roar of hope racin) to fill e#ery raw achin) hollow in his body! '&hy would $ want to stay5' '$'m )oin) to Twel#e .aks this afternoon! $f you are still interested" $ would like you to come with me!' She paused" as if to )ather breath or coura)e or both! And when she spoke a)ain" her #oice was stron) and steady and blessedly sure! '$ would like you to meet my brother!' +e wasn't comin)! -anessa waited an hour lon)er than the usual tra#el time from the city before resi)nin) herself to that fact! She should ha#e e0pected as much by his silence after her in#itation" a silence she'd filled by blabberin) about the rain and the traffic and how lon) the dri#e may take and how much Lew would en7oy meetin) him and how much she looked forward to seein) him! Then she reali4ed that his cell had dropped out! +e'd heard her in#itation" thou)h" she was sure of that! +e hadn't come because he was )oin) home! +e had meant the )oodbye on the note and there would be no other! Still she waited another half hour after the e0tra hour" and then she sucked back the useless tears and dro#e up to Le0ford alone! Sure" the bottom had fallen out of her world but she'd promised Lew! She would keep on doin) what she had always done2 lookin) out for him" buildin) her days around his care" usin) Stuart's estate to help others in the same situation she'd found herself in before his timely inter#ention! ,0cept with e#ery passin) mile the ache of wantin) what she'd witnessed between Lily and *ack" ,mma and 9arrett" Felicity and Reed2 that de#oted connection which she'd thou)ht she could li#e without in her own life2 )rew thicker in her chest! She attempted to summon up the #oice of pra)matism" to remind herself that this yearnin) was for a chimera of a relationship! They barely knew each other! A couple of weeks" a series of clashes" a belated understandin) and one lon)" hot ni)ht of passion! 'This is not a relationship"' she said out loud! '&ill you please back me up here5' But %s! P! remained ominously silent while the rain continued to fall" enclosin) -anessa in a bleak )ray curtain to match her mood! Lost in her desolate musin)" she didn't notice the car tailin) her until its headli)hts

flicked on and off" on and off" catchin) her attention in the rear#iew mirror! Thinkin) police" she instantly slowed and started to pull o#er! She hadn't been speedin)" but did she miss a yield si)n or!!! +er heart )a#e a hu)e stutter as she )lanced into her mirror a)ain! 1ot a police car! 1o siren or flashin) li)hts" 7ust the warm yellow3tin)ed beam of headli)hts from a sil#ery )ray sedan followin) her onto the shoulder" and a matchin) bri)ht )low in the center of her chest as a tall" broad" familiar fi)ure stepped from the dri#er's seat! Fin)ers 8uakin) with a ner#ous blend of hope and relief" -anessa fumbled to release her seatbelt! +er door opened and somehow she spilled from the seat and strai)ht into the hard wall of Tristan's body! For a moment that was enou)h< the familiar breadth of his chest" the shelter of his lar)e frame" the sweet scent of rain on his skin! Then his arms folded around her" holdin) her close a)ainst the drummin) beat of his heart" and she knew that nothin) would be enou)h a)ain" not without the comfortin) stren)th of those arms! espite the cool dri44le of rain neither mo#ed for a lon) time" e0cept to burrow closer" to stroke the wet strands of hair from her face" to wrap her closer into the hard heat of his body! This mi)ht not be a relationship" -anessa thou)ht" but it felt so perfectly ri)ht and so full of promise! She closed her eyes and for se#eral seconds ima)ined that it could be this simple: that walkin) into his arms mi)ht ma)ically fi0 e#erythin) she'd feared would come between them! $t wouldn't! After those precious few seconds" she raised her face from his chest! '&hen you hadn't arri#ed after all those hours" $ thou)ht you'd )one home!' '$ thou)ht $ was home"' he said with heart3stoppin) simplicity! A frown creased his brow! 'Are you cryin)5' '1o!' $t wasn't 8uite a lie" since the tears were part of the smile that formed on her lips and arrowed to her heart!!! or perhaps it was the other way around! &hen he thumbed the betrayin) moisture from her cheek" the smile swelled to fill her chest! '$t must be the rain!' +e turned his intense3eyed focus from her face to sur#ey the sky! '$ need to )et you out of this!' '&e're already wet"' she countered" not ready to relin8uish her position! 'Besides" this isn't cold rain!' At least it didn't feel that way to her" not with his body heat seepin) into her flesh! &hen he looked set to ar)ue the point" -anessa held a hand up to his lips! +er e0pression turned serious! '/ou said you were home2 do you mean to stay5' '$f you want me to!' +er heart started to pound! .f course she wanted him!!!but could it be that simple5 After another second she felt a chan)e in his posture and his )a4e narrowed on her face! 'That is why you called me5 .r did $ read that messa)e wron)" too!' '1o" oh" no! $ called because $ wanted you to stay!' She drew a 8uick breath" suddenly more ner#ous than she had e#er been in her life! '$ want you to stay" Tristan! $ want to take this chance at!!! at whate#er it is we mi)ht ha#e to)ether!' '&hat do you think that mi)ht be5' -anessa frowned" not understandin) what he was )ettin) at! '$ don't know!' '$ didn't

walk away from that airport today for nothin)!' 'The mornin) in your hotel room" you said no promises!' 'That mornin) in my hotel room" you said you had e#erythin) you wanted"' he countered! ' o you want what you'#e )ot!!! or do you want that and more5' A week a)o the notion of more had terrified her! She hadn't wanted the intensity and emotional roller coaster! She hadn't wanted to open herself up to the possibility of a lo#e this powerful and breathtakin)! 1ow" lookin) up into the intense blue of Tristan's eyes" she saw e#ery #esti)e of her 8uiet" restful" ordered life slide away! A frisson of fear chased in its wake but she lifted her chin and moistened her lips! '$ would #ery much like the more"' she said! '$f it's with you!' +e kissed her" possibly because he'd been waitin) too lon) to do so" and possibly because the Twel#e Pa)e CDE ma)nitude of this step had ti)htened her e0pression! +e kissed the rain from her lips and then from her lashes" her cheeks" the point of her chin! Then he kissed her mouth with a tenderness that san) throu)h her blood! ,#erythin) else" e#ery worry and e#ery an0iety" melted in the restrained promise of that kiss! 'There will be a lot more" -anessa! And there will be promises!' '/ou said no p2 ' '$ lied!' She swallowed! '$n what way5' '$ promise to be here for you and your brother" in whate#er capacity you want! $ promise to support you and protect you!' +e stroked a thumb across her lips and the look on his face almost caused her knees to buckle! '$'d also promise to lo#e you" but $'m afraid that mi)ht terrify you!' Stran)ely" it didn't!! and that worried her 7ust a little! '&e don't know each other well enou)h for promises! &hat if this doesn't work out5 &hat if we keep on clashin) the way we ha#e always done5 &hat if this is 7ust2 ' Twel#e Pa)e CF@ +e kissed her a)ain" this time for a #ery lon) while! $t silenced -anessa's worries once more and she could ha#e )one on kissin) him for days" weeks" months" but the rain started to fall more hea#ily and he lifted his head to )lare at the sky a)ain! '$ need to )et you out of this rain before you drown!' +e drew her back to her car" but before openin) the door he paused! '&e mi)htn't ha#e known each other lon)" but $ know you well enou)h!' &ell enou)h that he'd stayed" to support her" to protect her" to be her rock! To lo#e her! The notion wasn't half as terrifyin) as she'd ima)ined! $t rolled throu)h her and settled somewhere deep and #ital! So this is lo#e" she thou)ht on a note of wonder! $t felt like somethin) she would like to )et used to! She went up on her toes to press a kiss to his mouth! '&hat was that for5' '*ust somethin) $'d like to set used to"' she said with a smile! She had a feelin) it wouldn't take too lon) to work up to more! '&ould you like to meet my brother now5' '$ thou)ht you'd ne#er ask!' $t was the perfect answer and the perfect start to a new happiness she didn't bother tryin)

to hide! She had earned this happiness2 it was hers" bou)ht and paid for" and deli#ered from Australia" with lo#e! on't miss the ne0t book in the Secret Li#es of Society &i#es series; Lookfor T+, .1C,3A3%$STR,SS &$F, by (atherine 9arbera Comin) in September C@@F from Silhouette esire! Silhouette Books

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