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er 2011
90 min"!e #$r %$r&ing' T(i i an $pen )$$& exam' D$ a** +"e !i$n ' T$!a* mar& , -0 . 5 )$n" /"e !i$n 1 An MSMPR crystalliser operates at steady state with a clear liquor feed (no seed crystals) to produce cubic crystals. Crystal growth and nucleation occurs in the crystalliser but no agglomeration or crystal brea age occurs. !he following parameters for the system are nown (symbols as defined in the course notes)"
V = 'm # G =$( mmin $ = &( m #hr $ Q ex B =$(% m # min $

c = &'(( kg m #

()ote G is the rate at which the cube side length l increases with time). (a) *rite down the simplified steady state population balance for this system and the crystal si+e distribution (n(x)) that results from sol,ing the population balance. State clearly any assumptions in the equation. -. mar s/ *hat is the mass concentration of crystals lea,ing the crystalliser ( gm0#)1 -2 mar s/ *hat is mass mean si+e x .# for the product crystals1 *hat number fraction of the crystals are less than &(3m1 -. mar s/ -2 mar s/

(b) (c) (d)

Hint: If you know the PB solution from your notes or references, just write it own! "here is no nee to show ste# $y ste# solution of the ifferenti%l e&u%tion! 0TOTAL 1OR /2ESTION 1 , 20 mar& 3

/"e !i$n 2 (a) 4igure $ below is e5perimental data on the solubility6 primary nucleation threshold (P)!) and secondary nucleation threshold (S)!) for a protein6 alpha amylase. 7 wish to perform a seeded batch crystalli+ation of alpha amylase at &'8C6 p9 :6 :.' wt; sodium sulphate with no nucleation. *hat is the ma5imum starting concentration of alpha amylase and corresponding ma5imum crystal yield 7 can achie,e from this crystalli+ation1 -. mar s/ (b) 4igure & shows e5perimental data for the inetics of crystalli+ation of another protein6 glucose isomerase (<7). =ata from one e5periment is gi,en below. >ased on this data6 what qualitati,e comments can you ma e about crystal growth and nucleation during this e5periment1 Calculate the growth rate and nucleation rate at the initial glucose isomerase concentration ('( g?l). -: mar s/ (c) @oe >rightspar proposes that <7 be produced in a self nucleating MSMPR crystalliser. Such a crystalliser is built with crystals being separated from the spent liquor by a centrifuge (see 4igure # below). *e find that the fines content in the final product is too high. >rainstorm a list of at least three potential reasons for the high fines content. -. mar s/ (d) @oe proposes to reduce fines content by recirculating the slurry through a heat e5changer to redissol,e the fines (see 4igure # below). =eri,e the population balances for (a) the main crystalliser6 and (b) the heat e5changer. State clearly all assumptions you ma e and define all your terms carefully. *rite the total number balance for each unit. Simplify the equations as far as possible. D$n4! a!!emp! !$ $*5e !(e e+"a!i$n ' -' mar s A ' bonus B $( mar s/ 0TOTAL 1OR /2ESTION 2 , 20 mar& . 5 )$n" mar& 3 1ig"re 1'

1ig"re 2

1ig"re 6

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