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In 1986 after numerous attempts to make a computer model of the carbon atom and its four bonds Dr. Worlikar discovered that the 2dimensional projection of the carbon atom is in fact a swastika

(mystical symbol in the Hindu religion). "This wasn't satisfactory to me" writes Dr. Worlikar, "because I felt there were some other secrets, hidden in the C-atom. To create exact C-atom, I used the theory of the electron movement around the nucleus, representing one of the bonds in spherical orbit and the whole model was moving, i.e. I used the fourth dimension - the time. Then I clearly saw, looking from right to left, an ideal swastika, from left to right - the OM sign, from the bottom to the top - cross, and from the top to bottom - Alpha and Omega." What does this all mean? Without a doubt the discovery of the symbols of two world religions in the pattern of the main universal atom is phenomenal. What else there might be in the essence of this discovery?

From the point of view of the analytical psychology the projection of swastika, OMkara/Aumkara, cross, Alpha and Omega over the C-atom looks like a model of the evolution of human psyche. In the case of the carbon atom the electrons occupy four tear drop shaped clouds in a tetrahedron-like arrangement. These clouds represent the areas in which the electrons spend most of their time. They move so rapidly in this zone that they form a cloud rather than a specific flight path. Recently a number of researchers have suggested that within these clouds exist specific zones that the electrons favor. These zones form a spiral around the surface of each of the teardrop shaped clouds. Now, thanks to advances in modern atomic theory, the atomic basis of these divine symbols can be appreciated. The electrons high probability zone formed spiral standing waves around the carbon atoms nucleus. When this configuration was viewed from certain angles the physicist was surprised to find that the spirals formed

recognizable symbols.

from Collation of Theosophical Glossaries: SWASTIKA

As differentiated from the swavastika (or sauvastika), which is similar but which has its legs take off from the ends of the cross to the right, left-handed (motion), implying counter-clockwise direction -- counter to the currents of Nature -- the swastika has legs which take off from the ends of the cross to the left, righthanded (motion), implying clockwise direction -- and therefore 'with' the currents of Nature. The symbol which Hitler used for the Nazi party was actually a swavastika (or sauvastika).
from Sanskrit Keys to the Wisdom-Religion:

Swastika A mystical cross

with its arms bent at right angles suggesting a whirling motion; also, a symbol of good fortune and blessing. Swastika is a compound of su -- a particle meaning 'auspicious,' 'blessed,' 'virtuous,' 'beautiful,' and 'rightly'; and astika derived from the verb-root as -- to be; hence 'that which is blessed and excellent.' The Swastika is a very archaic and sacred symbol which can be found in the religious relics of every ancient nation, for it depicts the whole story of the cosmos and man, their contrasting dual aspects, the four directions of space, the revolution of worlds, cyclic progression, and the union of spirit and matter at the heart of things. In H. P. Blavatsky's words: Within its mystical precincts lies the master-key which opens the door of every science, physical as well as spiritual. It symbolizes our human existence, for the circle of life circumscribes the four points of the cross, which represent in succession birth, life, death, and IMMORTALITY. -- The Secret Doctrine, II, 556-7 The word Swastika comes from the Sanskrit words su, meaning well, and asti, meaning to be. The one facing left is considered theright-facing one and moving clockwise also known as the swastika. The one facing right is considered left-facing and moving counter/anti clockwise sometimes known as the swavastika. Swavastika: some say the Nazis used the mirror image of the swastika to symbolize evil, death and destruction.

Alpha and Omega- Its meaning is found in the fact that alpha () and omega () are respectively the first and last letters of the Classical (Ionic) Greek alpha et! "his #ould e similar to referring to someone in $nglish as the %A and &%! "hus' t#ice #hen the title appears it is further clarified #ith the additional title %the eginning and the end% (()*+' ((*),)!

"he Kumbha (-anskrit)' is a full vase' pot' a .ar or a pitcher! In the conte/t of 0induism and 0indu mythology' it is also sym olic of the #om ! It represents fertility' life' generative po#er of human eings and sustenance1 and is generally associated #ith the mother goddesses' particularly Ganga

Omkara2Aumkara- Om or Aum ' in -anskrit kno#n as praava (lit! %to sound out loudly%)' Omkara' or Aukra (also as Aumkra' is a sacred or mystical sylla le in most 3harmic orIndian religions' specifically 0induism' 4ainism and 5uddhism!

Melanin What is melanin? Melanin : )! Is not an element

(! Is the cause of pigmentation in people ,! provides many enefits to human eings! One of the most recogni6ed enefits involves ultraviolet rays of the sun! 7! is also a mechanism for a sor ing heat from the sun! 8! is Also important for sharpness of vision' melanin serves to minimali6e the num er of light eams that enter the eye! +! is the chemical key to life itself9 :! is the ma.or organi6ing molecule for living systems9 ;! Is found every#here9 -in animals' plants (that<s #hy raisins are ro#n)' soil' oceans' clouds even stars = comets9 >! is essentially linked to the 3?A of the genes9 )@! sho#s the potential to reproduce itself9 ))! is the key iocrystalline molecule present in the human ody is melanin )(! is A -uper-conductor of the high freAuency radiation and neural transmissions! ),! Is A semiconductor of sound and heat energy! )7! Is A Conductor of the ody<s ionic charge )8! Is A resonator of visi le light )+! I- CAB5O? Celanin means <5lack amino< and is a color pigment composed of a hydrocar on chain #hich has various amino (nitrogenased) compounds attached to it! It is carbon that gives melanin its Blackness! Carbon is the organizing molecule that gives melanin its structure. It is carbon that gives melanin the abilit to absorb energ an! bin! "ith other molecules "hile retaining stabilit an! coherence. 5eyond car on' there are t#o other elements that are important to the structure of melanin* copper and sulfur!

Co##er is incorporated into the melanin molecule through the amino acid tyrosine! "yronsinase is an organometallic amino compound that is organi6ed around car on' nitrogen' and copper! "his amino acid is* the catalyst for melanin reproduction' and the amino compound that facilitates melaninDs a ility to conduct many $lectromagnetic freAuencies! $ul%ur is incorporated into the melanin molecule through the amino compound cysteine! Cysteine is an amino compound that is organi6ed around sulfur' nitrogen' and car on! "his amino acid facilitates melaninDs heat and energy transference! In other #ords' it allo#s melanin to create or release heat as is needed for the ody! cysteine also cleanses and purifies melanin y E urning offD to/ic elements that have een a sor ed #ithin melanin! Celanin' sometimes referred to as a chemical' is formed as part of the process of meta oli6ing an amino acid called tyrosine! Celanin is increased y tyrosine tyrosine is converted from the amino acid phenylalanine! "here is the train of thought C$FA?I? 3O$- ?O" $GI-" ut in fact I- CAB5O?9 Celanin #oud have to have a definite amount of electrons per atom representing itself and since it does not it does not e/ist! Hhich is #hy its not found on the periodic ta le! H$ AB$ CAB5O? 5A-$3I "0$ 0J$CA? 5O3K I- )@( CI?$BAF- -"BAI?$3 AFO?G-I3$ CAB5O?' 0K3BOG$?' = OGKG$? Melanin composition is C-0-O-?LCarbon-0ydrogen-O/ygen?itrogenM! CA&BO' is the largest component in that! Celanin* 5lack! A pigment that is u iAuitous in nature!

J iAuitous* $/isting or eing every#here' especially at the same time omnipresent! Omnipresence* "he property of eing present every#here! According to $astern theism God is present every#here! ?aturally-occurring melanins include eumelanins' phaeomelanins' neuromelanins and allomelanins (plant- ased)! Colours in humans are determined chiefly y t#o types of melanin' eumelanins and phaeomelanin! $umelanins are derived from the precursor' tyrosine' generally insolu le and lack or ro#n in colour! Nhaeomelanins have tyrosine and cysteine as their precursors' are generally alkali-solu le and much lighter in colour! Jnder the microscope melanin is ro#n' non-refractile and finely granular #ith individual granules' having a diameter of less than ;@@ nanometers! 'ame: Carbon $ mbol: C Atomic 'umber: ( Atomic Mass: )*.+)+, amu Melting -oint: ./++.+ 0C 1.,,..)/ K2 (..*.+ 034 Boiling -oint: 56*,.+ 0C 1/)++.)/ K2 6,*+.( 034 'umber o% -rotons78lectrons: ( 'umber o% 'eutrons: ( Classi%ication: 'on9metal Cr stal $tructure: :e;agonal <ensit = *>. K: *.(* g7cm. Color: Ma be black Carbon is the basis o% all li%e o% the #lanet 8arth. <ate o% <iscover : Ono#n to the ancients <iscoverer: Jnkno#n 'ame Origin: Prom the Fatin carbo (coal) ?ses: steel' filters

Obtaine! 3rom: urning #ith insufficient o/ygen Carbon@ an element and the chemical asis of all of planet $arth<s kno#n life! Hhen o serving a Neriodic "a le of the $lements' it has een discovered and recorded' the chemical amounts in numerical form! Qalency of car on (that is asis of life on the $arth) is four! Also ecause of its tetrahedral crystal ond structure' diamond (one of the natural allotropes of car on) is the hardest kno#n naturally occurring material! It is also the valence of silicon' #hose compounds form the ma.ority of the mass of the $arth<s crust! Por Car on-)(' the most a undant form of Car on* (* "he amount of Nrotons in Car on also the %atomic num er% (* "he amount of $lectrons in Car on (Atoms must have eAual protons and electrons) (* ?eutrons in Car on1 "his can e a it tricky' as the Cass num er is actually )(!@)@:' ho#ever #hen rounded to )( the nearest #hole num er then su tracting the Atomic ?um er' +' you #ill result in +! In more modern times #e came to understand that skin colour #as a result of the presence of a molecule called Celanin' a large comple/ molecule involving several car on rings! Celanin is produced y special cells called Celanocytes' all human eings have the same num er of melanocytes' the difference is in ho# much melanin our cells produce! 3ark skinned people can have 7, times as much melanin per cell as light skinned people! "he 5ook of Bevelations says R +++ is the num er of the east and man!S Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six! -"he 5ook of Bevelation ),*):-);

+++ is supposed to e the num er of -atan! (-aturn) In our ancient heritage #e comprehend that the first man #as the HOC5ed CA?! In essence the +++ is a reference to melanin(car on) and the melaninated #oman! Por centuries #e have een taught to hate melanin and those #ith high amounts of it and to look upon those people as evil or #orse as satan! According to your 3?A' you are either a Car on eing' or you a Car on-based eing! $ither #ay (#o)man is car on and car on is +++! +++ is CAB5O?' ( electrons( Nrotons( ?eutrons! Car on is the fourth element in the 7 ase seAuence of the 3?A molecule!God Code T Gregg 5raden pg :7Alchemists believed that understanding how the fourth element was derived was the key to understanding creation life and immorality.! Celanin is important ecause itDs the most primitive and universal pigment in living organisms! Celanin is produced in the pineal gland! A undantly found in primitive organisms such as fungi' as #ell as advanced primates! Purthermore' #ithin each living organism' melanin appears to e located in the ma.or functional sites! Por e/ample' in verte rates' melanin is not only present in the skin' eyes' ears' central nervous system' it can also e found in the pineal gland' pituitary gland' thyroid gland' thymus gland' adrenal gland' and the arathary gland! Celanin is a undantly present in the viscera' including the heart' liver' arteries' the muscles' and the gastrointestinal tract1 thus' #ithin each and every living organ #hich aids the human ody melanin appears! Begardless of #hat color your skin appears to e all genes in all creatures on this planet are lack ecause they are coated #ith melanin!

Celanin is a conductor #hose configuration varies under the action of electric or electromagnetic fields! Celanin assem les the simplest elements and can control the form and function of cell adhesion L);' )>M! -tellar melanin is a producer of organic molecules' #hile terrestrial melanin assem les organic molecules and macromolecules! "Humanity may differ in outer a##earance with variations of colors but internally they are all black all African at the core. $he %uestion for all humans is how to relate to this blackness. A transformation #rocess re%uires first the right heart or feelings and #rofound African knowledge as taught in ancient African universities. $oday&s racist is afraid ignorant of his'her blackness choosing to run from the ancestral (lack core. $oday&s reborn black masters will acce#t their blackness become unified with the universe and be ins#ired to creative genius at levels that sur#ass the #yramids." 3r! Bichard Oing African Origin of 5iological Nsychiatry (p,)' (7) All the above in%ormation "as %oun! %rom various sources via the internet an! is use! %or e!ucational #ur#oses onl .

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