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ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012


Vamsi Krishna Mamidi, M. Anthony Xavior

Research and Development in materials has shifted from monolithic to composite materials, catering to the global need for reduced weight, low cost, quality, and high performance in structural applications.Existing and emerging processing innovations are discussed, and the reinforcement phases in prominent R&D activities are identified. The vortex (or mixing) method continues to be the most popular processing method, while the infiltration, compo casting (or recasting), in-situ and spray atomization and codeposition techniques receive less attention. Machining of composite materials is difficult to carry out due to the anisotropic and homogenous structure of composites and to the high abrasiveness of their reinforcing constituents. Conventional machining processes such as turning, drilling and milling can be applied to composite materials, provided proper tool design and operating conditions are adopted. An overview of the various issues involved in the processing and machining of the AlSiC PMMC composite materials is presented in this paper.

Keywords particulate metal matrix composite, composite material processing, composite machining 1. INTRODUCTION Materials design has shifted emphasis to pursue light weight, environment friendliness, low cost, quality, and performance. Parallel to this trend, metal-matrix composites (MMCs) have been attracting growing interest. Manoj singla[1] Metal matrix composite (MMC) is engineered combination of the metal (Matrix) and hard particle/ceramic(Reinforcement) to get tailored properties. MMCs are either in use or Prototyping for the space shuttle, commercial airliners, electronic substrates, bicycles, Automobiles, golf clubs, and a variety of other applications. MMCsattributes include alterations in mechanical behavior(e.g.,tensile and compressive properties, creep, notch resistance, and tribology) and physical properties (e.g., intermediate density, thermal expansion, and thermal diffusivity) by the filler phase; the materials limitations are thermal fatigue, thermo chemical compatibility, and low transverse creep resistance. Metal matrix composites possess sets of proper ties that are of interest to designers for both structural and non-structural applications. These include specific stiffness, specific strength, fatigue resistance, wear resistance, and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). In AlSiC the key material of commercial importance has been coined AlSiC by the industry. While not representing any specific formulation, in general AlSiC covers particleVamsi Krishna Mamidi, Research Scholar, SMBS, VIT-University, Vellore-14, India. (Email: Dr. Anthony Xavior M is an Associate Professor and Programme Manager School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore-632 014, India. (Email:

reinforced aluminum MMCs in which the SiC volume fraction ranges from 20% to over 70% by volume, de pending on the specific needs of the application. There is a broad family of materials in this category aimed at achieving an enhanced combination of properties and this can be attained by selecting different matrices as well as reinforcing phases. In addition to the matrix microstructure, reinforcing phase also controls the characteristics attainable by the MMCs Matrices reinforced with high modules short fibres,whiskers or particulates have improved strength and stiffness and are isotropic in nature. This variety of the composites is less expensive to produce. In the case of continuous fibre or whiskers with high aspect ratio [length /diameter], to align fibers in the desired stress direction and to transfer the applied load to the fibers the matrix serves to hold them together. The mechanical properties of the composites are dependent upon the efficiency of the matrix in transferring the load to the reinforcement fibres and are therefore related to the quality of the fibre/matrix interfacial bonding (17). This type of composites exhibits significantly higher strength and stiffness. But they are non-isotropic in nature and are expensive. Aluminum and its alloys form the most widely investigated matrix for use in MMCs.This popularity of Al-alloy as a matrix material can be attributed to its low cost relative to other light structural metals such as Mg,Ti,etc. its current dominance on the aerospace structural application and so on. There are two types of reinforced aluminum alloy composite: 1.Discontinuously [short fibre, whisker and particulate reinforced] 2.Continuously reinforcement aluminum alloy composites [long continuous fiber reinforced]. T.W.Clyne[2].Particulate MMC is being used or developed for a range of industrial applications. While these are often focused on Al alloy matrices, Ti-, Fe- and Mg-based systems are also of interest. Particulate is most commonly SiC or Al2O3, but others (TiB2, B4C, SiO2, TiC, WC, BN, ZrO2, W etc) have been investigated. Chemical reaction during processing can occur in some cases. Silicon carbide can be particularly problematic in Al- and Ti-based MMCs.The reaction between SiC and Al melts has been investigated in detail and SiC reacts with Ti even during solid state consolidation. Alumina is less reactive than SiC in Al alloys, but it does react quite strongly with Ti.Magnesium is rather different from Al and Ti, in that it does not readily for stable carbide. However its affinity for oxygen is very strong. The greater stability of Al2O3, compared with SiC in Al is therefore reversed for Mg matrices In general, while coatings or other surface treatments may be worth considering for fibers (particularly monofilaments), economic and practical considerations mean that particulate reinforcement is normally introduced into MMCs in the virgin state. This 1

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ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012 may, however, be such that a surface oxide layer is present and deliberate thickening of this layer, for example by heat treatment in air, has in some instances been found to have a beneficial effect on interfacial bonding or other characteristics. T.W.Clyne[2].Particulate MMCs are most commonly manufactured either by melt incorporation and casting technique or by powder blending and consolidation. Other routes include reactive processing or spray co-deposition. Quality control objectives include the elimination of excessive interfacial reaction during processing, particularly for melt routes, and also the avoidance of micro structural defects such as poor interfacial bonding, internal voids and clustering of the reinforcement.Typically, for structural applications reinforcement particles are about 10-20 m in diameter and constitute about 10-30% by volume of the material, although MMCs in which the values concerned lie outside of these ranges have been studied and are available commercially (particularly finer particles and higher particle contents).For electronic substrate applications, far higher particle contents, around 70% by volume, are commonly employed. These are obtained using multi-modal particle size blends. 2. PROCESSING ALUMINIUM ALLOY COMPOSITE Like all composites, aluminum-matrix composites are not a single material but a family of materials whose stiffness, strength, density, thermal and electrical properties can be tailored. The matrix alloy, reinforcement material, volume and shape of the reinforcement, location of the reinforcement and fabrication method can all be varied to achieve required properties. The aim involved in designing metal matrix composite materials is to combine the desirable attributes of metals and ceramics.The addition of high strength, high modulus refractory particles to a ductile metal matrix produce a material whose mechanical properties are intermediate between the matrix alloy and the ceramic reinforcement. Metals have a useful combination of properties such as high strength, ductility and high temperature rsistance, but sometimes have low stiffness, whereas ceramics are stiff and strong, though brittle. Aluminum and silicon carbide, for example, have very different mechanical properties: Youngs moduli of 70 and 400 GPa, coefficients of thermal expansion of 24 10-6 and 410-6/C, and yield strengths of 35 and 600 MPa, respectively.By combining these materials, e.g.A6061/SiC/17p (T6condition), MMC with a Young's modulus of 96.6 GPa and a yield strength of 510 MPa can be produceds. Skolianos[3 ].By carefully controlling the relative amount and distribution of the ingredients of a composite as well as the processing conditions, these properties can be further improved. The correlation between tensile strength and indentation behavior in particle reinforced MMCs manufactured by powder metallurgy technique Y.l.,shen [4]. The microstructure of SiC reinforced aluminium alloys produced by molten metal method. It was shown that stability of SiC in the variety of manufacturing processes available for melt was found to be dependent on the matrix alloy involved Llyod.D.J [5]. Among discontinuous metal matrix composites, stir casting is generally accepted as a particularly promising route currently practiced commercially. Its advantages lie in its simplicity, flexibility and applicability to large quantity production. It is also attractive because, in principle, it allows a conventional metal processing route to be used, and hence minimizes the final cost of the product. This liquid metallurgy technique is the most economical of all the available routes for metal matrix composite production M.K.Surappa [6], and allows very large sized components to be fabricated. The cost of preparing composites material using a casting method is about one-third to half that of competitive methods, and for high volume production, it is projected that the cost will fall to one-tenth D.M.Skibo [7]. In general, the solidification synthesis of metal matrix composites involves producing a melt of the selected matrix material followed by the introduction of a reinforcement material into the melt, obtaining a suitable dispersion. The next step is the solidification of the melt containing suspended dispersoids under selected conditions to obtain the desired distribution of the dispersed phase in the cast matrix. In preparing metal matrix composites by the stir casting method, there are several factors that need considerable attention, including the difficulty of achieving a uniform distribution of the reinforcement material, wettability between the two main substances, porosity in the cast metal matrix composites, and chemical reactions between the reinforcement material and the matrix alloy. In order to achieve the optimum properties of the metal matrix composite, the distribution of the reinforcement material in the matrix alloy must be uniform, and the wettability or bonding between these substances should be optimized. The literature review reveals that the major problem was to get homogenous dispersion of the ceramic particles by using low cost conventional equipment for commercial applications. In the present work, a modest attempt have been made to compare the dispersion of SiC particles in Al matrix fabricated with the help of different processes viz. (a) without applying stirring process (b) with manual stirring process (c) a two-step mixing method of stir casting. An effort has been made to establish a relationship between hardness, impact strength and weight fraction of SiC in particle reinforced MMCs developed with the help of two - step mixing method of stir casting technique. Several investigators have reviewed the synthesis of MMCs, J.U.Ejiofor [8],K.G.Satyanarayana[9], R.Kreibar[10] and, especially AMCsK.KChawla[11]. P.K.Rohtagi[12], K.G.Satayanarayana[9] .B.C.Pai[13].Traditional molten processing (MP) involves a variety of methods, including mixing/vortex, infiltration, and recasting; some of these MP routes are currently being extended to a secondary processing stage such as extrusion. Methods other than the MP route include P/M, spray atomization/co deposition (SD), and in-situ production. 2.1. Mixing/Vortex In the mixing/vortex method, the pretreated and prepared filler phase is introduced in a continuously stirred molten matrix and then cast. The use of an inert atmosphere or vacuum other than air is essential to avoid the entrapment of 2

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ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012 gases. Mixing can be affected ultrasonically or by reciprocating rods, centrifuging, or zero-gravity processing that utilizes an ultrahigh vacuum and high temperatures for long periods of time. A method of inertial injection has been developed for this process. Difficulties, such as the segregation/settling of secondary phases in the matrix, agglomeration of ceramic particulate, particulate fracture during agitation, and extensive interfacial reactions, are often encountered. The DURAL process, which incorporates SiC and Al2o3 particles into molten aluminum, makes use of this method.8 2.2. Infiltration In infiltration, the molten metal penetrates a pretreated, formed, and prepared particulate bed or performs with pressure or without pressure (pressure less infiltration). In the latter case, however, the molten alloy infiltrates the reinforcement by percolation. This method is normally carried out in air, inert gas, or evacuated atmosphere. Mortensen [14] have associated this technique with such disadvantages as reinforcement contact, structural distortion of the perform, large grain size, and undesirable interfacial reactions that culminate into micro structural in homogeneity. The first commercial application was the fabrication of aluminum-alloy diesel pistons containing alumina short fibers by Toyota Motor Corporation.T.Donomoto [15], Squeeze casting was the primary manufacturing mode. Aluminum-alloy melt was poured into a porous alumina short-fiber perform inserted into a preheated die, and a squeeze pressure was applied in a hydraulic press. The composite aluminum pistons possessed better performance attributes than the unreinforced ones. The Lanxide process, which is a melt oxidation process, is another infiltration route in the synthesis of (aluminum matrix composite) AMCs. In fact, Lanxide and Alcan have jointly produced an Al2O3/Al alloy composite of exceptional low erosive wear rate30 through this process. It involves the infiltration of a final-product-shape ceramic preform by a molten alloy. The preform is normally formed by pressing, slip casting, joining, or injection molding. In air or under a preferred gas, the molten alloy slips through the preform and oxidizes or chemically reacts with the preform material. The final composite phases consist of the oxidation (or reaction) products and the remaining matrix material. By this method, dense composite shape is usually achieved. 2.3. Rheocasting Rheocasting (or compocasting) permits the introduction of the pretreated particulate or short fibers into the solidifying, highly viscous, and thixotropic dendritic slurry of the molten matrix by agitation. This mechanically entraps the ceramic reinforcements and prevents any form of segregation. Continued stirring then reduces the viscous mass to low-viscous, fine, nondendritic slurry. This results in a mutual interaction between the matrix melt and the filler phase, which enhances wetting and bonding between the two phases. Pressure is usually used to affect a sound casting, E.F.Fascetta [16] especially when the volume fraction (Vf) of the particulate material is greater than 0.3 or 0.15, in the case of short fibers. This is because the composite viscosities
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increase as Vf increases, which is limiting at lower volume fractions. Fiber damage/degradation due to vigorous agitation is another difficulty. Owing to these effects, rheocasting lends itself only to particulate composites with a very low V of low to medium density particulates. R.Mehrabian[17]A fundamental characteristic of this technique is that the matrix alloy isothermally held within the freezing range of the alloy and, together with the reinforcement, is mechanically stirred. Stirring and agitation help to break the solid phases into smaller forms, releasing any particulate clusters that also break down in the process. New particle-matrix bonding can then take place, through which particulate agglomeration and gravity-induced settling is eliminated. 2.4. Powder Metallurgy (P/M) P/M is used in the synthesis of both AMCs and ceramicmatrix composites through the relatively low cost methods of single compaction, double compaction, and mechanical deformation following hot pressing as well as through highcost hydrostatic and isostatic compaction, hot dynamic compaction, or explosive compaction methods. P/M involves the blending of well-characterized matrix powders and discontinuous reinforcement, compaction at ambient or hot conditions, degassing, and consolidation. In these solid-state techniques, subfusion temperature regimes are normally attained in consolidation for optimum results. Depending on the morphology of the reinforcement or the desirable properties, further processing by mechanical-deformation mechanisms is applied. H.J.Rack [18] Alcoa, DWA Composite Specialties, Ceracon, and the Advance Composite Materials Corporation are using this method in some of their commercial operations. H.j.rack [19]Through the cold compaction of a pretreated elemental matrix blend and particulate mix followed by optimum consolidation conditions by sintering, highly wearresistant zircon/Al-Si composites have been recently reported by Ejiofor et al. Another recent study has also produced wearresistant char/Al-Si-Mg composites with 0.02 Vf via reaction sintering. Inal and coworkers have used the explosive compaction to fabricate SiC-reinforced 7093 AMCs. S.Krishna Murthy [20] during explosive consolidation, a strong shock-hardening behavior of the matrix alloy was found. Similar to P/M is the solid-phase synthesis of particulate AMCs by rapidly quenching the metal powders and fine ceramic particulate using high (mechanical or electrical) energy sources to consolidate the mixture in as short a time as possible. It is a high-energy, high-rate process. The short time at temperature benefits phase-transformation control and reduces the chance of degeneration into coarse microstructure. The P/M level halfway in the freezing range during the application of pressure. A related (the melt-oxidation process) has been used by Lanxide and Alcan [30] in producing Al2O3/Al3 composites have low erosive wear rates. Chen and Chung have reported anew composite network comprising interpenetrating networks of silicon process has been successfully applied in the manufacture of both Al-SiC and SiC/Ti3 Al + Nb composites. 2.5. Powder Blending and Consolidation 3

ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012 Blending of metallic powder with ceramic fibers or particulate is a versatile technique for MMC production. This is usually followed by cold compaction, canning, evacuation, degassing and a high temperature consolidation stage such as Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) or extrusion. Achieving a homogeneous mixture can be difficult, particularly with fibers. A feature of much powder route material is the presence of fine oxide particles, usually present in Al-MMCs in the form of plate-like particles a few tens of nm thick, constituting about 0.05-0.5vol%, depending on powder history and processing conditions. This fine oxide tends to act as a dispersion strengthening agent and often has a strong influence on the matrix properties, particularly at high Temperature. MMCs produced by powder blending are commonly extruded. This can generate alignment of fibers parallel to the extrusion axis, but often at the expense of progressive fiber fragmentation .The degree of fiber fracture decreases with increasing temperature and decreasing local strain rate. Other micro structural features of extruded MMCs include the formation of ceramic-enriched bands parallel to the extrusion axis. The mechanism of band formation is still unclear, but it appears to involve the concentration of shear strain in regions where ceramic particles or fibers accumulate. However, extrusion of consolidated MMCs, such as castings, can reduce the level of clustering and in homogeneities in the material. In general, the micro structural changes occurring in MMCs during forming processes are explicable in terms of local temperatures, stresses and strain rates. Processes such as rolling and forging involve high deviatoric strains being imposed quickly, and hence can cause damage such as cavitation, particle fracture and macroscopic cracking, particularly at low temperature. Very high temperatures, and the possibility of matrix liquation, on the other hand, can cause macroscopic defects such as hot tearing or hot shortness. In contrast to these forming processes, Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPing) generates no (volume- averaged) deviatoric stresses and so is unlikely to give rise to either micro structural or macroscopic defects. It is an attractive method for removing residual porosity, which can include surface-connected porosity as long as some form of encapsulation is provided. It has been quite widely applied to MMCs. However, it can be very difficult to remove residual porosity in regions of very high ceramic content, such as within particle clusters, and the absence of any macroscopic Shear stresses means that such clusters are not readily dispersed during HIPing.Furthermore, the oxide skins which normally coat powder particles of aluminum or magnesium are usually left intact by HIPing, leading to poor inter-particle bonding. 2.6. Spray Atomization/Co-deposition SD is gaining recognition in the synthesis of discontinuously reinforced MMCs. I.A.Ibrahim [21], Y.Wu [22], L.Leatham [23], C.L.Buhrmaster[24].The process involves the incorporation of fine ceramic particulates in inertgas-atomized droplets of the molten matrix such that the matrix contains both liquid and solid phases. The matrix material is usually finely dispersed in droplets by the highvelocity spray of the inert-gas jets. The materials and structural-design advantage of this process is that desired multiphase matrix materials or discontinuous reinforcement, while entrained in a gas jet, could be incorporated at a localized portion. Unwanted reactions are avoided because the contact time and the thermal exposure between the particulate and the partially solidified matrix phases are reduced. The Osprey deposition technique, a two-phase process that has found application in Alcan productions, is a rare technique. J.White [25] here, the molten-metal-alloy matrix on which the reinforcement particulate is injected is atomized by spray jets of inert gas. The solid mixture can then be collected on a no wetting substrate in the form of a consolidated, reinforced composite mass. A recent report on this practice L.Leatham [23] reaffirmed that spray-atomized products are not only free from micro segregation and low in gas contents, but also exhibit certain characteristics that are associated with rapid solidification Other process benefits over ingot metallurgy include low capital costs (less equipment required), low operating costs (low energy consumption and high material yields), and low overhead costs (less stock and workin-progress). Al-Si alloy extrusion billets with excellent dimensional tolerances were recently produced via the Osprey deposition technique. 2.7. In-Situ Production Another growing route that is attracting a number of researchers is the in-situ production of reinforcement particles in the matrix. S.Sen[26]. Many of these researchers have reported intrinsic uniformity in the distribution of the reinforcing phases. Also many processes can be used to produce these in-situ reinforcements, including the formation of compounds and their decompositions, redox reactions, phase changes, nucleation, and recrystallization. These processes usually produce periodic micro structural features that account for the uniformly distributed phases achieved. In this production route, particles are obtained in the solvent (which can exist in any three states of matter) due to chemical reaction or diffusion, which usually occur under isothermal conditions. Chen and Chung [37] have applied a new stir-casting technique to fabricate in-situ AMCs (aluminum metal matrix composite) containing approximately 5 vol. % TiAl3 particles. The method involved the stir casting in air of slurry consisting of molten aluminum, TiO2 particles, and Na3 AlF6 particles. According to their report, the composites demonstrated higher tensile strength and ductility than the SiC-reinforced aluminum composites. Through different processes the material could get different properties, regarding that the fig (1) shows the material ultimate strength, hardness and elongation.

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ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012 performance than the other coated tools. Lane [31] studied the performance of different CVD tools with thin coating films failed catastrophically. During end milling of 20%SiC/Al, PMMCs. The tool failure was attributed to the spalling of the coating and consequent damage to the relatively soft carbide substrate. The inherent brittleness of the ceramic layer and increased friction a cross the tool rake face are the reasons behind spalling.CVD tools with thin coating films cannot take advantage of the tough tungsten carbide substrate since the cobalt present in the binder leads to the graphitization of the diamond during the coating deposition process. On the other hand, CVD tools with thick brazed films showed superior performance. Eventually, the authors recommended carrying further research and development on the brazing alloy to achieve higher wetness and stronger braze joint. PCD tools with a grain size of 25m better withstand abrasion wear by micro cutting than tools with a grain size is not beneficial to the tool life, but rather causes significant deterioration in the surface finish. This is because PCD grains with the size greater than 25m are easily pulled out of the cutting edge. Researchers at Duraclan USA [32] recommend using PCD tools in turning Al356/20%SiCp composites at speeds upto 600m/min.

D.M.sikibo[7] Fig (1) A comparison of (a) ultimate tensile strength(b) Hardness and (c) Elongation of some Al-Si composites 3.0. MACHINING S.Ramarattan[27]. Machining of PMMCs presents a significant challenge to the industry since a number of reinforcement materials are significantly harder than the commonly used high speed steel [HSS] tools and carbide tools. The reinforcement phase causes rapid abrasive tool wear; thus the widespread usage of PMMCs is considerably impeded by their poor machinablity and high machining costs. Brun et al [28] who related the tool wear rate, mainly due to abrasion, to the tool hardness. Further, they suggested using lower cutting speeds to reduce the cutting temperature, which accelerates adhesion and diffusion wear and thermally weakens the tool. Since aluminum tends to seize on the tool face and since the grain boundaries are the sites of seizure. The fig(2) shows the Stress on the cutting edge when machining metal matrix. Mechanical loads -Considerable abrasion caused by contact with fibers or particles. - High dynamic loads caused by reinforcement impacts at the cutting edge - Alternating stress resulting from inhomongenity of the work piece material. Thermal loads: - Relatively low cutting temperature (limited by the melting temperature of the work piece matrix material). - High local temperature generated by intensive micro contact between the cutting edge and reinforcement Winert [29] attributed the wear of the carbide tools to the abrading Al2O3 particles that form on the tool surface and rub the tool in the direction of chip flow.however; pulled-out sic particles could also lead to the same effect since sic particles are harder than tungsten carbide (WC). Several researchers indicated that PCD (polycrystalline diamond) tools are the only tool material that is capable of providing a useful life during machining of SiC/Al PMMCs. PCD is harder than Al2O3 and SiC, and does not have a chemical react with the work piece material. Tomac [30] compared the performance of CVD (chemical vapor deposition) inserts to that of TiN,Ti(CN) and Al2O3 coated tools.CVD tools offered better overall
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Winert [36] Fig (2) Tribological System in the Machining of MMC Materials 3.1Turning and Milling The authors worked on turning of MMC with CBN, PDC, WC and DCC tools, compared the tool wear, and studied the effects of turning parameters.L.Luliano[33] It was first noted that tool wear of WC tools was independent of cutting speed and temperature, then a self-propelled rotary WC tool was used to rough turn a SiC whisker reinforced Al alloy. The distribution of wear prolonged the WC tool to such an extent that its tool life was comparable to that of a PCD tool and the subsurface damage was comparable to that produced by a PCD tool. The nature of machining highly abrasive MMCs means, in reality, that tool life considerations are of overriding importance. Coarse grained PCD (25 mm) is significantly more wear resistant than finer grain size grades of PCD when machining MMCs. A summary of recommended machining condition is given in Table 1. Despite the controversy in explaining the mechanism behind the tool wear at different feed rates, all reviewed literature recommends using feed rates 5

ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012 and depths of cut that are as aggressive as possible during the roughing operations. Cutting speed Feed rate Depth of cut m/min Mm/rev mm Turning 300-900 0.2-0.6 <5.0 milling 200-1000 0.1-0.4 <3.0 Duralcan [32] Table-1 Recommended parameters for machining Duralcan [32] recommends roughing at the maximum practical feed rate and depth of cut (DOC), followed by a single finishing pass at a lower feed rate and DOC.For generalpurpose roughing, where surface finish is not critical, start at 500 m/min, 0.4 mm/rev, and a 1.5 mm.DOC.Flood coolant should be applied only if chip clearing or built-up edge (BUE) is a problem. Tool wear is more rapid during finishing, owing to the lower feed rate and DOC. The actual settings will depend upon the critical radii of certain features and on the required surface finish. Typical parameters are 600 m/min, 0.13mm/rev, and a 0.5 mm DOC. The DOC should never exceed half of the insert's leg length, and the feed should not exceed half of the nose radius. These precautions will reduce the likelihood of fracture of the PCD cutting edge and of poor surface finish on the work piece. (Note that the rake and clearance angles for these inserts will generally be the same as for an unreinforced aluminum alloy.) Other results indicates M.El.Gallab [33], that the cost of PCD tools could be justified by using dry cutting at feed rates as high as 0.45 mm /rev, cutting speeds of 894 m/min and a depth of cut of 1.5 mm.With these cutting parameters, the relatively small built-up edge formed on the tool protects it from further wear by abrasion and micro cutting. Polycrystalline tools with zero rake angle and large tool nose radii are recommended for the roughing operations. 3.2 Drilling HSS twist drills are not recommended to use to drill composites. Standard-twist WC-tipped or solid drills are suitable for prototyping. However, PCD-tipped drills are recommended to be used in production. Because of the abrasive nature of the MMC, point dwell by the drill must be prevented. Adequate feed is essential to drill performance. For drills 3-15 mm in diameter, a good guideline is to program a feed of d 1.5/75 (in mm/rev) [32], where d is the drill diameter in millimeters. Evacuation of the abrasive chips is another, more complicated problem. Flute design, point design, and the use of coolant are all important. Coolant-fed drills offer the most effective chip clearing from deep holes, but flood cooling with 5% water-soluble oil is usually adequate for shallow holes. Point grinds with compound angles and extra relief can break chips into smaller, easier-to-clear curls finally, never drill more than three drill diameters deep without retracting the drill to allow chip clearing. 4.0 ECONOMICS In mass production, machining time far outweighs cutting-tool cost. For conventional aluminum alloys and cast iron, expendable cutting-tool costs are typically less than 5% of the total machining cost. For the composites, tool cost can increase to 30%, but total machining cost still compares favorably to that for machining cast iron, because diamond
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tools permit equal or faster cutting speeds. Switching from carbide tools to diamond changes machining strategy. First, carbide inserts are usually indexed when their wear causes loss of dimension or finish on the work piece, and are then discarded after the last index. This is also true of thin-film CVDD inserts. However, worn PCD inserts can be resharpened once or twice, though subsequent performance can vary depending on insert condition and resharpening technique. Second, because of the higher initial cost of diamond, it is more important to program the tool path to use both edges of each corner for additional savings. Finally, the output of multiple spindle machines is generally limited by the slowest operation. Often, the faster speeds used with diamond tools allow balancing these simultaneous operations, further reducing the cycle time. 5.0 CONCLUSION The impact resistance tests revealed the improvement of impact energies as a result of reduction in preforms initial density (SiC volume fraction). The reason lies in the higher volume fraction of aluminum as the ductile phase, in addition to the lower value of residual porosity in the final microstructure of composites fabricated on the lower initially dense performs. The other conclusion is the improvement of impact energy with an increase in SiC mean particle size. The aluminum alloy hard particle composite can successfully be synthesized by solidification process (stir casting or vortex technique).Aluminum composite so developed exhibit uniform distribution of the particle in the matrix and good interface bonding between the ceramic phase and the metallic matrix. Aluminum composite provides higher wear resistance than those of the base alloys in all tribo-conditions.In case of high stress abrasive wear; the improvement is noted to be more at low load and finer abrasive size. Beyond a critical load and abrasive size, the composite exhibits more or less same wear rate to that of base alloy. Wear rate increases almost linearly with the applied load. The machining of the matrix alloy the tool life difference between cutting tools was larger than that in the machining of the composite. The tool life decreased with an increase in the cutting speed for tools in all cutting conditions. The major tool wear forms were the combination of flank wear and rounding of the nose. The removal of the tool coated layer from the substrate material and BUE formation appeared. When machining composites at lower cutting speed. However, edge chipping and nose rounding was evident due to high temperature and stresses at the cutting edge. The cutting speed was the influential machining parameter on the tool wear. The tool wear increased considerably with increasing cutting speed. The cutting parameters of the work piece stresses and surface finish. Surface finish, however reflections of the tool flank wear. Surface roughness is good as the cutting speed increases. Feed rate is the factor, which has greater influence on surface roughness, followed by cutting speed and % volume fraction of Sic. The feed increases surface finish improves only up to certain level after that it starts deteriorates. The interaction between cutting speed and feed rate has more influence 6

ICAMB 2012, Jan 9-11, 2012 comparing with other interactions on surface roughness on the machining of Al/SiC-MMC composites The PCD tool exhibits superior wear resistance and hence it can be recommended for proper machining of Al/SiC PMMC without use of coolant. The CBN and PCD tools are recommended for better surface finish during machining of Al/SiC-MMC.Use of cutting fluid during machining increases tool wear and surface roughness. The circulation of cutting fluid during machining decreases the temperature at the chip formation zone, which increases the matrix strength and helps to adhere the reinforced particles on the lower side of the chip and cutting edge of the tool, which will resist together cutting the metal during machining. 6.0 REFERENCES
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SMBS, VIT University, Vellore , India

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