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By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, and then, the account is settled.

Gir Gir nwmu inrMjnw so Twku{ myrw ]1] (22 !2, "a#$, mhlw 1% $n each and e&ery heart is the 'ame o( the $mmaculate )ord* +e is my )ord and Master. ,,1,, i-nu "ur s-d n ./t$01 dy2hu &$cwrw ] (22 !2, "a#$, mhlw 1% 3ithout the 3ord o( the Guru's 4ha-ad, no one is emanci5ated. 4ee this, and re(lect u5on it. jy l2 krm kmw&h$ i-n "ur 0Mi60wrw ]1] rhwa ] (22 !2, "a#$, mhlw 1% 7&en thou"h you may 5er(orm hundreds o( thousands o( rituals, without the Guru, there is only darkness. ,,1,,8ause,, 0M6y 0kl$ -whry ik0w i9n isa kh$01 ] (22 !:, "a#$, mhlw 1% 3hat can you say, to one who is -lind and without wisdom; i-nu "ur 5M<u n s/=e> ik9u i-i6 inr-h$01 ]2] (22 !:, "a#$, mhlw 1% 3ithout the Guru, the 8ath cannot -e seen. +ow can anyone 5roceed; ,,2,, 2oty ka 2rw kh1 2ry swr n jw?1 ] (22 !@, "a#$, mhlw 1% +e calls the counter(eit "enuine, and does not know the &alue o( the "enuine. 0M6y kw nwa 5wr2/ kl$ kwl i&(w?1 ]:] (22 !@, "a#$, mhlw 1% The -lind man is known as an a55raiser* this 6ark 0"e o( 2ali 1u"a is so stran"eA ,,:,, s/9y ka jw"9u kh1 jw"9 ka s/9w ] (22 !B, "a#$, mhlw 1% The slee5er is said to -e awake, and those who are awake are like slee5ers. j$&9 ka m/0w kh1 m/ey nh$ ro9w ]@] (22 !B, "a#$, mhlw 1% The li&in" are said to -e dead, and no one mourns (or those who ha&e died. ,, @,, 0w&9 ka jw9w kh1 jw9y ka 0wie0w ] (22 !C, "a#$, mhlw 1% Dne who is comin" is said to -e "oin", and one who is "one is said to ha&e come. 5r k$ ka 05un$ kh1 05uno nh$ Bwie0w ]B] (22 !C, "a#$, mhlw 1% That which -elon"s to others, he calls his own, -ut he has no likin" (or that which is his. ,,B,, m$Ty ka ka#w kh1 k#Eey ka m$Tw ] (22 !F, "a#$, mhlw 1% That which is sweet is said to -e -itter, and the -itter is said to -e sweet. rw9y k$ inMdw krih 01sw kil mih ($Tw ]C] (22 !F, "a#$, mhlw 1% Dne who is im-ued with the )ord's )o&e is slandered ! his is what $ ha&e seen in this 6ark 0"e o( 2ali 1u"a. ,,C,, cyr$ k$ sy&w krih Twku{ nh$ d$s1 ] (22 !F, "a#$, mhlw 1% +e ser&es the maid, and does not see his )ord and Master. 5o2{ n${ i&rol$01 mw2nu nh$ r$s1 ]F] (22 !G, "a#$, mhlw 1% .hurnin" the water in the 5ond, no -utter is 5roduced. ,,F,, iesu 5d jo 0r<wie lyie so "uH hmwrw ] (22 !G, "a#$, mhlw 1%

Dne who understands the meanin" o( this &erse is my Guru. nwnk c$n1 0w5 ka so 05r 05wrw ]G] (22 ! , "a#$, mhlw 1% D 'anak, one who knows his own sel(, is in(inite and incom5ara-le. ,,G,, sBu 0w5y 0wi5 &r9dw 0w5y Brmwie0w ] (22 ! , "a#$, mhlw 1% +e +imsel( is 0ll!5er&adin"* +e +imsel( misleads the 5eo5le. "ur ikr5w 9y -/=$01 sBu -Ihmu smwie0w ] ]2]1G] (22 !1J, "a#$, mhlw 1% By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, that God is contained in all. ,, ,, 2,,1G,, rw"u "a#$ "u0wryr$ mhlw : 0st5d$0w (22 !11% Iaa" Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehl, 0shta5adeesK L si9"ur 5Iswid ] (22 !11% Dne /ni&ersal .reator God. By The Grace D( The True GuruK mn kw s/9ku d/jw Bwa ] (22 !12, "a#$ "u0wryr$, mhlw :% The 5ollution o( the mind is the lo&e o( duality. Brmy B/ly 0w&a jwa ]1] (22 !12, "a#$ "u0wryr$, mhlw :% 6eluded -y dou-t, 5eo5le come and "o in reincarnation. ,,1,, mnmui2 s/9ku k-ih n jwie ] (22 !12, "a#$ "u0wryr$, mhlw :% The 5ollution o( the sel(!willed manmukhs will ne&er "o away, ijc{ s-id n B$j1 hir k1 nwie ]1] rhwa ] (22 !12, "a#$ "u0wryr$, mhlw :% as lon" as they do not dwell on the 4ha-ad, and the 'ame o( the )ord.

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