Benedict SSEST Reg Institute Presentation Final

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MonlLorlng and Lvaluaung
1urnaround LorLs
SLephanle 8enedlcL
Academlc uevelopmenL lnsuLuLe
CenLer on School 1urnaround

MonlLorlng SlC .


".#(%&$ '&(%)#*+,-
1. number of mlnuLes wlLhln Lhe school year
2. SLudenL paruclpauon raLe on sLaLe assessmenLs ln readlng/language arLs and ln
maLhemaucs, by sLudenL subgroup.
3. uropouL raLe
4. SLudenL auendance raLe
3. number and percenLage of sLudenLs compleung advanced coursework (e.g., A/l8),
early-college hlgh schools, or dual enrollmenL classes.
6. ulsclpllne lncldenLs
7. 1ruanLs
8. ulsLrlbuuon of Leachers by performance level on LLA's Leacher evaluauon sysLem
9. 1eacher auendance raLe
"#$$%&$ '&(%)#*+,-
1. number of mlnuLes wlLhln Lhe school year
2. SLudenL paruclpauon raLe on sLaLe assessmenLs ln readlng/language arLs and ln
maLhemaucs, by sLudenL subgroup.
3. uropouL raLe
4. SLudenL auendance raLe
3. number and percenLage of sLudenLs compleung advanced coursework (e.g., A/l8),
early-college hlgh schools, or dual enrollmenL classes.
6. ulsclpllne lncldenLs
7. 1ruanLs
8. ulsLrlbuuon of Leachers by performance level on LLA's Leacher evaluauon sysLem
9. 1eacher auendance raLe
lmplemenLauon & MonlLorlng
CreaLe lans

MonlLor/ lmplemenL

ulsLrlcL Llalsons and/or School ConsulLanLs can
monlLor lmplemenLauon and quallLy of each
school's work uullzlng:

Coachlng CommenLs
Coachlng 8evlews
Coachlng Crluques
SLaLe AdmlnlsLraLors can monlLor
lmplemenLauon and quallLy of each school's
work uullzlng:

SLaLe leedback
Coachlng and leedback

1+#)2%&$ 1+33.&*- sboolJ be
speclfc commeots ooJ/ot
soqqesuoos lo telouoo to oo
loJlcotot ot oteo of leoJetsblp
teom ploooloq (e.q., teom
meeuoqs, fotms, opJotes).

1+#)2%&$ 4./%.5 eoobles tbe
coocb to scoo o votlety of
tepotts lo otJet to cteote oo
ovetoll tevlew of tbe leoJetsblp
teoms ptoqtess.
1+#)2%&$ 1,%067. eoobles tbe
coocb to oJJtess o speclfc set
of poesuoos, set by tbe stote,
telouve to tbe leoJetsblp
teoms ptoqtess.

8*#*. 9..(:#); eoobles stote
oJmlolsttotots to oJJtess o
speclfc set of poesuoos, set by
tbe stote, telouve to eocb
leoJetsblp teoms ptoqtess.

Conunuous lmprovemenL
1eams meeL
(Lwlce per
Assess, lan,
lmplemenL, and
1rack Leadlng
MeLrlc uaLa
1rack Lagglng
MeLrlc uaLa
8ecelve ongolng
coachlng supporL
and sLaLe
CreaLe annual
goals Lo meeL
lnLervenuons, ue
lnLo lndlcaLor
1ools for MonlLorlng
lmplemenLauon and
provldlng SLaLe leedback

SLaLe AdmlnlsLrauon level
vlew muluple school years
vlew dlsLrlcL submlsslons
vlew school submlsslons by 'groups' of schools (SlC, rlorlLy, locus, eLc.)
8un and exporL SLaLe level reporLs
8evlew lndlvldual school or dlsLrlcL forms
uaLa mlne evldence, plans, logln acuvlLy, and coachlng acuvlLy
urlll down Lo lndlvldual school or dlsLrlcL dashboards
rovlde sLaLe feedback Lo schools and dlsLrlcLs
vlew muluple school years
vlew dlsLrlcL submlsslons
vlew school submlsslons by 'groups' of schools (SlC, rlorlLy, locus, eLc.)
8un and exporL SLaLe level reporLs
8evlew lndlvldual school or dlsLrlcL forms
uaLa mlne evldence, plans, logln acuvlLy, and coachlng acuvlLy
urlll down Lo lndlvldual school or dlsLrlcL dashboards
rovlde sLaLe feedback Lo schools and dlsLrlcLs
ulsLrlcL submlsslon summary
School submlsslon summary
ul llnks Lo all submlued reporLs
urllllng down Lo a dlsLrlcL dashboard
urllllng down Lo a school dashboard
rovldlng SLaLe leedback
SLaLe Level 8eporLs
8eporLs and descrlpuons
lmplemenLauon 8eporL
School urllldown 8eporL
Coachlng AcuvlLy 8eporL
Coachlng CommenL Log
School AggregaLe 8eporL
uaLa Mlnlng
uaLa mlnlng for speclc
lndlcaLor and plan deLalls
1ools for Coachlng
And rovldlng leedback
View reports, comments, quick score,
meeting minutes, etc.
Choose Coaching
Coachs critique or
state feedback
using state
Coachs comments
Coaching Comments and Reviews
The Coaching Review link enables the coach to
scan a variety of reports while entering a coaching
review or coaching comment. When a coach
enters a coaching comment or coaching review, the
principal and process manager receive an email
alert, and a dialogue can be created with the coach
within Indistar maintaining documentation of the
Coaching Review Reports
Summary Report... summary report of all work, information and activity that a
school or district team has completed.
Comprehensive Report...detailed report of all assessments, plans, and monitoring
Comments & Reviews...Coaching comments, reviews and responses; history and
ability to send or respond anew.
Task Report...detailed list of all tasks created.
Where Are We Now...overview of a school or districts plan, in graph form.
Team Meetings... agendas and meeting minutes as entered by the school or district.
Quick Score Report...a quantitative rating summary of the school or districts
progress, based on key factors within the tool.
Coaching Critique/Feedbackan electronic form used by coaches and/or state
administrators to add a standardized assessment of the quality of work of the
school or district team. Critiques are a series of questions or items, determined by
the state.
Coaches move through each tab, checking...

1. Recent activity....login activity, meetings and agendas, chart progress in the Where Are We Now

2. Quantity of work...has the school or district completed what is expected of them? Summary
Report has a list of recent dashboard submissions as well as an indicator count for the assessing
and planning pieces.

3. Quality of the Comprehensive Report, the coach will be able to see levels of
implementation as well as evidence provided for each indicator or objective

4. Responses to Coaching Comments or Reviews

5. Critique or Feedback information sent to the school or district by the state or other coach(es).

Coaches provide feedback using the Coaching Review and Coaching Comments.
Coachs critique and state feedback
The state may choose to add one or both of two optional coaching
features to Indistar. Coachs Critique enables the state to determine a
set of questions or items for the coach to address relative to the
district or schools work in Indistar. This report is then viewable by
states, districts, and/or schools.
State Feedback works the same as a Coachs Critique but is
completed by SEA staff rather than the coach. The Coachs Critique
and State Feedback are ways to add a standardized assessment of
the quality of work.
Once a feedback or critique form has been submitted to a school or
district, a copy is also visible to the state, coaches, district, and
The state completes the Feedback form by drilling down to a school or districts Coaching page,
from the state administration page. The state will then complete the Feedback form and submit a
copy to the school or district. All levels (coaches, districts) will have view-only access of the form
as submitted by the state.
For the Coaching Critique, coaches will be able to access the form as set up by the state, via the
Coaching Review page. The coach will then complete the Feedback form and submit a copy to the
school or district. All levels (state, coaches, districts) will have view-only access of the form as
submitted by the coach.

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