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INTRODUCTION To the atte t!o o" the P#e$!%e t o" Se&a'a ( M) !*!+a&, Majlis Perbandaran Selayang or Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) is experiencing a few issues that are in need of solutions and special attention to be rectified. There are five ( ) issues that have been identified for your purview. !ll of these issues involves the residents of MPS" and any political proble#s that #ay affect the $"%%% MPS&s residents" if these issues were left without proper action. The lac' of #anage#ent of these issues would also conse(uently" affect the i#age of the political entities within the #unicipal. This #ay spur to be a prolonged issue that can catapult MPS on #edia agendas and perhaps would portray an unfavorable i#age in the public&s eyes. !ccording to the )ocal *overn#ent !ct +$,-" all of these issues are under the legal rights of MPS" who plays the role as the authorities in charge to uphold the responsibility for public health and sanitation" waste re#oval and #anage#ent" town planning" environ#ental protection and building control" social and econo#ic develop#ent and general #aintenance functions of urban infrastructure in the district of Selayang and *o#ba'. The P)-&!* I$$)e$ First Issue: An illegal factory allegedly causing the water contamination; [1] The residents of .lang /alley had been experiencing a water cut" due to the conta#ination of Sungai Selangor. The conta#ination is believed to be because of an illegal factory that was discharging oil fro# its factory into one of Sungai *ongs tributaries which feeds into Sungai Selangor. The illegal 0Muhibbah1 factory has been conducting heavy industrial based activities which consists of collecting and reprocessing waste oil. The co#pany illegiti#ately had been discharging two lorry tan'ers worth of waste oil into the said river.

The factory is located in 2awang" in close proxi#ity to an up#ar'et residential area and is %%# fro# a hyper#ar'et chain in 2awang. To #a'e #atters worse" the residents of 2awang had been co#plaining and pro#pting MPS to shut it down due to the fu#es and the intolerable s#ell that had been affecting the# fro# the 0Muhibbah1 factory. The central decision criterion for this issue would be the health of the residents within the area and perhaps the people of .lang /alley as water conta#ination is a serious threat to the survival of a city. !nother pressing #atter is the health ha3ard it poses for the residents nearby whereas the fu#es and s#ell would affect and lower their (uality of life. .)!*/ A a&'$!$ So&)t!o 0 The Selayang Municipal should have a syste# whereby the co#plaints lodged by the residents would be recorded and assessed i##ediately. Thereafter" the Selayang Municipal should ta'e stern action within the legal rights of council by issuing the factory co#pounds for a variety of violations. The council #ay also ta'e an action by shutting down the factory and sealing it by #obili3ing officers on standby to ensure it does not start up again. Second Issue: Food outlet operators caught by M S for failing to adhere to the regulations on food preparation and cleanliness [!]" 4ood outlet operators in the MPS #unicipal had been found failing to adhere to the standard of public health regulation regarding food preparation and cleanliness. The council health inspectors findings are disturbing as so#e eateries are placing food ingredients on the floor" where it should be placed on a table or a counter top as these will be coo'ed for custo#ers. So#e other inspection found rat faeces on the floors of irresponsible operators that puts the public5s health and safety at ris'. So#e of these eateries were found to had failed to engage with pest control services in 'eeping up the pre#ises rodent and pest free.

6uring an inspection in Ta#an 7hsan" a food court was found polluting the drains with 'itchen waste and failing to install grease traps. 4at" oil and grease in li(uid for# #ay not appear to be har#ful" but as it cools it congeals and hardens. 8t stic's to the inner lining of drainage pipes and restricts the wastewater flow causing the pipes to bloc'. 9sing detergents or bleach #ay appear to help but this is only te#porary as the #ixture soon turns bac' to thic' or solid fat :;<. !n 8ndian Musli# restaurant in the sa#e area had failed to in its cleanliness standard as the council&s officers found rodent faeces on the 'itchen floor. This health ha3ard of potential of spreading bacteria" conta#inating food sources and trigger allergic reactions in hu#ans" and foodborne diseases. =nce the fecal #atter beco#es dry" it can be ha3ardous to those who breathe it in. Moreover" rodent droppings can spread diseases and deadly viruses such as >ubonic plague and ?antavirus:@<. So#e operators were also violating the 4ood Preparation by law A%%, as the wor'er did not have the proper attire in handling foods such as they did not wear aprons" gloves and head covers. This proper attire is the first defense in #aintaining the public health safety. .)!*/ A a&'$!$ So&)t!o 4ood outlet operators caught by MPS for du#ping waste into service drains or not adhering to the food safety regulation will have their operations suspended. The operator #ay be fined with a co#pound for disobeying the 4ood Preparation by law A%%, as the wor'ers did not wear aprons" gloves and head covers.

#hird Issue: #he Selayang municipality has earned the dubious honors of ha$ing the highest number of dengue cases in Selangor [%]" 6engue fever is an infectious diseases caused by the dengue virus. The sy#pto# involves fever" headache" #uscle and joint pains" and a characteristic s'in rash that is si#ilar to #easles that #ay at so#e extend life threatening. The dengue is trans#itted by vector based insect which is !edes #os(uitos and there is no vaccine to cure this virus :-<.

The !edes #os(uitos are found in and around hu#an habitations. They breed in artificial and natural containers that hold clean and clear water. These containers" such as ant traps" flower pots" dru#s" concrete tan's" coconut shells and discarded tyres can be found in abundance in al#ost all residential area. MPS has been experiencing high cases of 6engue" reported within the identified hotspot in 2awang. These hotspots are located at the )as Pal#as !part#ents in >andar Country ?o#es" Phase +; in >andar Country ?o#es and Ta#an Tun Teja in 2awang. + + cases had been reported with no fatalities have been reported. >ased on the health depart#ent findings" there are three (;) categories in the #anage#ent of dengue which areB the dengue cases are #ini#al (in control stages)" the dengue cases are on rise (uncontrolled stages) and dengue cases surpasses +%% cases every #onth (hot spot) :,<. This situation is under the supervision of vector control division where standard operating procedures (S=P) are being ta'en according to the guidance fro# Ministry of ?ealth and other related agencies. This life threatening #atter has to be ta'en seriously as it is affecting the fatality rate of the MPS resident. !ny inability to eli#inate this proble# would increase the danger of spreading the vector based proble# to other areas. Co##unity has to be involved in co#bating this dengue proble# where participation and support has to be continuously e#phasi3ed in all preventive #anner and control activities. This is so that the dengue fever no longer re#ains as one of the #ajor public health proble#s in MPS #unicipality. .)!*/ A a&'$!$ So&)t!o The vector control division should conduct fogging on premises, focusing mainly on the hotspots and other areas that is reported with dengues. Councilors may conduct more gotong-royong / community clean up programmes to rid the zones of potential dengue breeding ground, as well as educating the public on proper rubbish disposal. MPS

should consider alternatives solution by introducing jungle #os(uitoes which #ight reduce the population of !edes #os(uitoes. Fourth Issue: &nlicensed petty traders face the conse'uences of doing business despite warnings [(] ; School authorities are having proble#s with street vendors that are selling goods outside the school co#pound" usually at the #ain gate. The proble# arises as the goods that are being sold are not under supervision of the school authorities. The goods consist of jun' foods" unhealthy processed food and toys that #ay not follow the regulations of Ministry of ?ealth. The Ministry of ?ealth and Ministry of 7ducation had issue a guideline regarding the foods that is safe and allowed to be sold at the canteen. This guideline was instilled to curb the increasing proble#s of obesity a#ong the school children :$<. The abundance of outside food which were being sold by the street vendors outside the school pre#ises would be ha#pering the effort of the #inistries to create a #ore safe and healthy food environ#ent for the school children. There are also issues with unhygienic and #oral values as so#e vendor are ta'ing advantage of the lac' of awareness in children by selling foods that are not adhering to the standard food guideline. These vendors are selling foods li'e Csatey i'anC and Croja'C that are open and exposed in a condition without proper safety and clean #easures. Conta#ination and food poisoning is the #ain concern of the authorities and the parents as the vendors are not regulated and controlled. 9nder the ?aw'ers bylaw (MPS) A%%," illegal street vendor caught selling snac's outside school pre#ises will be fined up to 2M+"%%% and their goods would be confiscated. .)!*/ A a&'$!$ So&)t!o

The council #ay sei3e vehicles used for the illegal business and i#posed a co#pound" as the vendors are operating without a business per#it fro# the council. The council also can erect a warning signboard outside every school in the #unicipality" prohibiting vendors and petty traders fro# conducting their business. Fifth Issue: )yber )afe and truancy among the school children [1*] Student truancy is a social proble# that is generally on a rise in Malaysia. Truancy is being regarded as an absence caused by students based on their own free will and does not refer to #edical condition absences. !nother ter# for CtruancyC is also 'nown as Cs'ipping classC. Cyber Cafe or internet cafes are i#portant as a venue for people to access valuable infor#ation" a for# of co##unication" recreational and political participation. !s technology progress" the cyber cafe now is #ore of a ga#er&s haven due to its capability of having facilities with high speed internet and ga#ing peripherals. Cyber cafe operators are #ore focused on providing the ga#ing experience to all residents without vetting its custo#er as the rule stated that those below +A years old had to be acco#panied by their guardians to cyber cafes and students with unifor#s are not allowed to be on the pre#ises :++<. ?owever" in a recent chec' on Cyber Cafes in >atu Caves and Selayang by council officers" A@ students were caught while in school unifor# or sport attire. There is even a +% years old boy" that had dropped out of school fro# a nearby school in that list. ! further chec'ing found out that these students ca#e fro# bro'en and poor fa#ilies. Most of the# sought friends who were able to relate to their proble#s. They would congregate in these pre#ises during school hours. The school authorities also stated that the nu#ber of students #issing school had doubled over the past two years due to neglect at ho#e and in school. .)!*/ A a&'$!$ So&)t!o

?abitual truants could be brought bac' to the right path through counseling where teachers and parents #ust do their part by getting involved in their children&s lives. =n the council side" the cyber cafe operators who allow students into their pre#ises for truancy will be given a notice and blac'listed for further operations. The Se1e#!t' o" the I$$)e$ The five issues that have been identified are as belowB +. A. Dater Cut" an illegal factory allegedly causing water conta#inationB The Selayang #unicipality has earned the dubious honors of having the highest

nu#ber of dengue cases in SelangorB ;. @. 4ood outlet operators caught by MPS for du#ping waste into service drainsB 9nlicensed petty traders face the conse(uences of doing business despite

warningsB and . Cyber Cafe and truancy a#ong the school children.

The criterion of this prioriti3ation is based on the basis of co#plexity of the issues to be solved. 8ssues that are easier and s#aller in general are given #ore consideration" although issues that #ight cause an i##ediate proble# and affect the whole co##unity would have bigger weightage in the selection. The first issue that should be tac'led is the water conta#ination by a factory in 2awang. This is because the issue had an i##ediate effect to the public and have the potential factors to rapidly affect other #unicipalities too. The last issues in the list would be the cyber cafe and the truancy a#ong the school children. The truancy issues is #ore of a long ter# effort and it needs a lot of cooperation and co##it#ent fro# other authorities" co#pared to other issues that only needed enforce#ent action fro# the councils such as the dengue issue" food outlet hygiene issues and the illegal food operator issues.

Thus" the first issue to be solved is the water conta#ination by a factory followed by the issues of dengue" the unhygienic food operator" illegal street operator and cyber cafe truancy a#ong school children

Re"e#e *e$ 1. Dater cutE Selayang Municipal Council raids factory suspected of causing water conta#ination"
The Star =nline" ;+st !ugust A%+;";F%HF;+FDaterI crisisISelayangICouncilIraid.aspx retrieved in +@th 6ece#ber" A%+;

2. Go du#ping in service drains" Gew Straits Ti#es" ++th =ctober A%+;";,AHA retrieved in +@th 6ece#ber" A%+;

3. >est Manage#ent Practice for Catering =utlets" Dater 9." A%+A'Fho#eFpolicyFpublicationsFarchiveFrecyclingFfogbrochureFfogIbestI practice.pdf retrieved in +-th 6ece#ber" A%+;

4. Threats Posed by 2odentsE Dhy rodents are a danger to health and ho#e" Missy ?enri'sen" +
January A%+; httpEFFwww.pestworld.orgFnewsIandIviewsFpestIarticlesFarticlesFhealthIthreatsI posedIbyIrodentsF retrieved in +-th 6ece#ber" A%+;


5. Most dengue cases in Selayang" Gew Straits Ti#es " And !pril A%+;"
httpEFFpd' retrieved in +@th 6ece#ber" A%+; -. Dhitehorn J" 4arrar J (A%+%). C6engueC. >r. Med. >ull. $ E +-+K,; ,. )a#" S. .. (+$$@). 0Strategies for 6engue Control in Malaysia1" Tropical #edicine ; (@). p;%;I ;%,

8. Selayang council acts on haw'ers outside school co#pound" Gew Straits Ti#es" +A th Gove#ber
A%++"'ersIoutsideIschoolIco#poundI +.@,%% retrieved in +@th 6ece#ber" A%+;

9. >an on sale of unhealthy food in school areas" Gew Straits ti#es" A- !ugust A%+; areasI.;@;H+,Lix33Anh / foodIinIschoolIareasI+.;@;H+, retrieved in +-th 6ece#ber" A%+;

10. ?iding fro# fa#ily woes" The Star =nline" A,th Septe#ber A%+;";F%$FA,F?idingIfro#Ifa#ilyIwoesI2aidIonI cybercafeIrevealsIextentIofItruancyIa#ongIpoorIchildren.aspx retrieved in +-th 6ece#ber" A%+;

++. Tighter rules for cyber cafes" The Star =nline" Tuesday July H" A%%H,OAfHOAfnation OAfA+,-%A$-PsecNnation retrieved in +-th 6ece#ber" A%+;

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