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All About You PowerPoint Presentation

Design Brief
Design an interesting and creative presentation about yourself that
includes frame-by-frame animation as well as at least seven interesting
personal facts. You will show the presentation to the class upon

File Management: last name_introduction

Finished File: Place in the K drive folder “Intro Power Points”

 Your Name
 Answers to a minimum of 7 questions listed below
 Sound added to at least one slide
 A photo of yourself
 An animation using frame-by-frame method

Questions: (Choose at least 7)

1. What famous person/character do people say you resemble?

2. What do you fear most?

3. What is the strangest food you have EVER eaten?

4. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever seen or met personally? What were the

5. What is your most favorite quote? Why?

6. What is the one thing that you have accomplished that has given you the most pride?

7. Outside the Metroplex, what is your most favorite place to visit? What made it so special?

8. If you were stranded on an island what three things would you most want to have on the island
with you?

9. What is your favorite song? Who sings it? Why is it your favorite?

10. If an alien landed on earth and wanted to take back one thing that exemplified our society,
what would you give them?

11. What is your favorite television program? Why? The worst? Why?

12. If you could watch any event in history in person, what event would you choose? Why?

13. If you rubbed a magic lamp and the genie inside gave you three wishes what would you wish for?

Intro PowerPoint Last Updated 9/2/2009

14. We have a national anthem, a national flag, a national bird, a national flower, but we don’t have a
national vegetable, What is your nomination for our national vegetable and why?

15. If you could trade places with anyone who is living or dead, whom would you choose and why?

16. Which living creature are you the most afraid of? Why?

17. What is the best book you have ever read? What made it the best?

18. Who is you favorite comedian? What makes them so funny?

19. What is your number one talent? What are you least talented at?

20. What is the worst movie you have ever seen? What made it the worst?

21. What is your most important possession?

22. What is the wisest thing anyone has ever said to you? Why?

23. What career or career field are you interested in?

24. If you house were on fire what three things would you rescue (not counting people)?

25. What is the best vacation you’ve ever experienced? Tell us why.

26. If you could do anything you wanted for a day and money was no object, what would you do?
Explain what you would do.

27. If you were to choose an animal that best fits your personality, what would it be? Why?

28. If you could be any character in a book, novel, TV show or movie who would it be and why?

29. If you could create a reality based TV show, what would it be about and what would the title be
of it?

30. If you could be one athlete for a day who would it be and on what day (what sporting event)
would you choose?

31. What color best expresses you? Why?

32. If you could invent something that would make the world a better place what would it be?
(Excluding cures for diseases)

Rubric Points
File Named Properly 20
Your Name/Graduation Year 10
Animation 30
Photo of You 10
Sound 10
Seven Personal Facts 20
Total 100

Intro PowerPoint Last Updated 9/2/2009

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