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Walsh-Functions: Early ideas on their application in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering

Franz Pichler Linz, Austria

1. Introduction 2. Walsh Functions 3. Applications in Signal Processing 4. Characterisation o !onlinear Functions ". Se#uenc$ %ultiple&ing 'rans(ission S$ste( o )ar(uth *. Conclusion and +utloo, -e erences



Spectral techni#ues .ased on sinusoidal unctions ha/e a long and success ul tradition in Signal Processing and in Co((unication 0ngineering. A (athe(atical reason is the act that the$ constitute the eigen unctions o linear operators 1hich (odel .$ (eans o ordinar$ linear di erential e#uations i(portant ph$sical .uilding .loc,s or co(ponents and s$ste(s 1hich are o practical i(portance there. 0&a(ples are gi/en .$ electrical ca.les, -LC2circuits o di erent ,ind and other electrical e#uip(ent. Fro( a (athe(atical point o /ie1 the s$ste( o sinusoidal unctions is a special case o a co(plete s$ste( o orthogonal unctions. For this reason 1e ind in the past in Signal Processing and Co((unications 0ngineering e orts, to (a,e use o other speci ic s$ste(s o orthogonal unctions 1hich sho1 in their application si(ilar desira.le properties as the$ e&ist or sinusoidal unctions +ne such a s$ste( is gi/en .$ the Walsh Functions 3as the$ 1ere irst studied in 1423 .$ 5oseph Walsh6 and their di erent possi.le /ariations and generalisations. +ur paper discusses so(e o the earl$ ideas o using Walsh Functions in Signal Processing and Co((unications 0ngineering 1hich are .ased on the o1n e&perience o the author in his colla.oration 1ith )enning F. )ar(uth during the $ears 14*"2147". A rather co(plete .i.liograph$ o this earl$ period o using Walsh Functions co/ering this topic has .een pro/ided .$ . !. 8ra(hall 314746.


Walsh Functions

We .egin 1ith the de inition o the s$ste( o -ade(acher2 unctions 3-ade(acher 14226. With : [9,1) R 1e denote a unction 1hich is gi/en .$ 3 x 6 =1 or x [9,1 ; 2) and
3 x6 = 1 or x [1 ; 2,1) . +n the .asis o the unction 1e are a.le to de ine the s$ste(
= { n : n = 9,1,2, } o -ade(acher2 unctions .$ n : [ 9,1) R 1ith

n 3 x6 := ( 2 n x )


Figure 1: -ade(acher2 unctions



With the help o the s$ste( o -ade(acher2 unctions the s$ste( = { n : n = 9,1,2,...} o Walsh2 unctions n : [ 9,1) R is de ined .$

n 3 x6 := n 3 x6 ) [n 3 x6 ) ... n 3 x6 )
n9 n1
9 1 k



1here the integer n is represented .$ n = n9 2 9 + n1 21 + ... + n k 2 k 3Walsh 14236. Walsh2 unctions are, as 1e see, inite products o -ade(acher2 unctions. 'o gi/e an e&a(ple, or n = 2 9 + 2 2 3n<"6 the Walsh2 unction " is gi/en .$ " = 92 .

Figure 2: Walsh2 unctions n ( 9 n < *3) in se#uenc$2order and di/ided into e/en unctions cal3i,.6 and odd unctions sal3i,.6 on the inter/al 321;2, =1;26

It is 1ell ,no1n, that the Walsh2 unctions constitute a co(plete orthogonal s$ste( or the )il.ert2space L2 [9,1) . Conse#uentl$ or each s#uare2integra.le unction ha/e a Walsh2Fourier representation in the or( o
> 3 n6 f = f n
n =9

f : [9,1) R 1e

> : N R. f 9 > f

'he coe icients

> 3 n6 f

o 336 de ine a discrete unction . 'he assign(ent

> f f

is called the Walsh2

Fourier trans or( o

> . WT ? WT 3 f 6 = f

de ines the Walsh2Fourier trans or(ation

'he ield o A.stract )ar(onic Anal$sis esta.lishes in (athe(atics a general theor$ or unctions de ined on topological groups. In this conte&t Walsh2 unctions can .e identi ied as character2 unctions o the d$adic group D 1hich is de ined .$ the set o 921 se#uences

{ 3 x1 , x2 , x3 ,...6 : xi { 9,1}}

1ith the addition (odulo 2 3co(ponent21ise ta,en6 as group2

operation 3Fine 1444, @ilen,in 14476. For the identi ication o the Walsh2 unctions 1ith the character2 unctions o D 1e use the (ap bin : [9,1) D 1hich (aps a real nu(.er x = x1 2 1 + x 2 2 2 + x3 2 3 + ... to the .inar$ se#uence bin3 x 6 = 3 x1 , x 2 , x3 ,...6 3d$adic rational nu(.ers are represented .$ a inite su(6.

Finite Discrete Walsh Functions In a large nu(.er o applications o orthogonal unctions in science and engineering it is su icient to use inite (an$ unctions. In the case o Walsh2 unctions 1e ta,e as do(ain the set N3n6< {9,1,2,...,2 n 1} o integers and de ine the discrete Walsh2 unctions

13i,.6:N3n6{=1,21} o order n or i!3n6 .$

w3i, k 6 := 3 16 AA.in3i6 .in3,6AA


1here bin 3i 6 and bin3 k 6 denote the .inar$ representation o the integers i and ,, respecti/el$ 3 is the Baddition (odulo 2C o .inar$ nu(.ers, nu(.er b 6.

is the )a((ing 1eight o a .inar$

Figure 3: Discrete Walsh2 unctions w3i,.6 or n<3

'he s$ste( W 3 n6 o discrete Walsh2 unctions o order n can .e identi ied 1ith the character2 unctions o the d$adic group D3n6<3Bn,6, 1here B3n6 denotes the set o .inar$ nu(.ers o length n. D3n6 is iso(orphic to the n2 old direct product Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 o the c$clic group Z 2 = 3{9,1},6 .

Generalized Discrete Walsh Functions 8esides o the Walsh2 unctions n originall$ introduced into (athe(atics .$ Walsh 314236 there e&ist also EgeneralizedC Walsh2 unctions as considered .$ Le/$ 314446 and @ilen,in 314476. Feneralized discrete Walsh2 unctions in this sense can .e identi ied 1ith the character2 unctions o inite a.elian groups G = Z k 316 Z k 3 2 6 Z k 3 n 6 3here Z k 3 i 6 denotes the

c$clic group o order ,3i66. For the special cases G = Z n and G = Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 3n2 old6 the generalized discrete Walsh2 unctions .eco(e discrete sinusoidal unctions o order n and discrete Walsh2 unctions o order n, respecti/el$. 8$ this interpretation, generalized discrete Walsh2 unctions can also .e considered as n2di(ensional discrete sinusoidal unctions o order ,316, ,326,..., respecti/el$ ,3n6. Conse#uentl$, discrete Walsh2 unctions 13i,.6 o order n can then .e interpreted as n2di(ensional discrete sinusoidal unctions
s 3i ,.6 = e&p3 ji 3.6 o order 2.

'his /ie1point helps to consider generalized discrete Walsh unctions and 3ordinar$6 discrete Walsh unctions not as e&otic (athe(atical constructions .ut to .e closel$ related to the 3classical6 discrete sinusoidal unctions.

Fast Transform Algorithms It is 1ell ,no1n that or the case o discrete sinusoidal unctions s3I,.6 o order 1e ha/e algorith(, the EFast Fourier 'rans or(C algorith( FF', to i(ple(ent the Fourier trans or(ation F' 1hich is credited to Food 314"G6 and Coole$2'u,e$ 314*"6. A si(ilar e ecti/e algorith( to i(ple(ent the discrete Walsh2trans or(ation WT o order n has .een ound .$ Whelchel 314*G6 3EFast Walsh 'rans or(C algorith(? FWT 6. For the case o the generalized discrete Walsh unctions the de/elop(ent o the corresponding EFast Feneralized Walsh 'rans or(C algorith( 3 FGWT 6 to i(ple(ent e ecti/el$ the generalized Walsh trans or(ation GWT has .een disco/ered .$ !icholson 314716. 'he i(ple(entation o the FGWT is co/ered .$ Hunz 314776 and also .$ Fellner 314G26? the integration o the FGWT into co((on tools or digital i(age processing has .een (ade .$ Scharinger 3144"6.


Applications in Signal Processing

'he e&istence o the Fast Walsh trans or(ation algorith( FWT 1as essential or the applications o Walsh2 unction in signal processing. Pioneering 1or, on that topic is reported in Ah(ed2-ao 3147"6. 'he concept o a 1a/e2 ilter 1hich operates in the do(ain o the Walsh2Fouriertrans or( 1as irstl$ introduced .$ )ar(uth 314*46. 'he acco(pan$ing description o such ilters .$ d$adic con/olution 1as esta.lished .$ Pichler 314*G6. 'he theor$ o opti(ization o such ilters 3Pichler 14796 needed the introduction o the concept o the d$adic autocorrelation unction 3DAHF6 and the or(ulation o the Wiener2Chinchin theore( or the case o Walsh2Fourier anal$sis. In the conte&t o d$adic iltering it 1as necessar$ to introduce the Esa(pling theore(C o Walsh2Fourier anal$sis, as a true analogon to the a(ous sa(pling theore( o Shannon 3Pichler 14796.


haracterisation o! Nonlinear Functions

Walsh Functions 3as originall$ de ined .$ 5. Walsh6 ha/e interesting properties in appro&i(ation o pol$no(ial unctions 3and there ore also or unctions 1hich a represented .$ 'a$lor series e&pansions6. 'he unda(ental theore( in this respect has .een ound .$ -. Liedl 314*46 and independentl$ also .$ 8. '. Pol$a, and I. A. Shreider 314*26 1hich states that in the Walsh spectru(
> f

o a pol$no(ial unction f o degree n all

> 3i 6 f

or 1hich the

associated Walsh unction i consists o (ore than n -ade(acher unctions k are e#ual to zero?
> 3i 6 =9 . f

In conse#uence, to gi/e a si(ple e&a(ple or the application o this theore(, 1ith 3&6<a=.& can .e presented .$ the constant Walsh series e&pansion o -ade(acher unctions

an$ 3periodic6 linear unction unction



k ?

f 3 x 6 = a 9 3 x6 + b11 3 x 6 + b22 3 x6 + ... .

In Signal Processing there ha/e .een di erent approaches to (a,e use o this interesting propert$ o Walsh Fourier series e&pansions. +ne o it 1as the de inition o so called E(ultiplicit$ iltersC 1hich can .e characterized as se#uenc$ co(. ilters 1hich ilters out signals according to their degree o nonlinearit$ 3D. -oth 3147366. Another i(portant application o this theore( has .een ound in the ield o Cr$ptograph$. We 1ill e&plain this in the ollo1ing. Secure trans(ission o in or(ation .$ digital data can .e achie/ed .$ (i&ing the data se#uence 1ith a rando( se#uence 3,e$ se#uence6. Claude Shannon has sho1n that Estrea( cipheringC is cr$ptographicall$ a.solutel$ secure i the ,e$ se#uence is purel$ rando( and is used onl$ once 3Eone ti(e ,e$ s$ste(C6. Since the ,e$ se#uence has also to .e applied or de(i&ing at the recei/er station, an e ecti/e realization o strea( ciphering has to .e .ased on pseudo rando( noise generation .$ a inite state (achine P!F 3Pseudo2!oise Fenerator6. 'o achie/e an high degree o securit$ the ,e$ se#uences generated .$ a P!F has to appro&i(ate pure rando( noise in a Ecr$ptographic .est (annerC. In practice, to get a cr$ptographic strong P!F, n se#uences o x1 , x 2 , , x n o 1ea, #ualit$ are coupled .$ a certain operation C 3the co(.iner6 to result in a strong ,e$ se#uence
!= 3 x1 , x 2 , , x n 6 . In the case o

.inar$ se#uences a 3static6 co(.iner C can .e

represented .$ an 8oolean unction C:BnB.

Figure 4: Architecture o a Pseudo -ando( !oise Fenerator P!F 1ith Co(.iner C

'he cr$ptological #ualit$ o a pseudo rando( noise se#uence has to .e deter(ined .$ di erent statistical tests. Such tests relate to certain attac,s to .rea, the s$ste(. For P!F 1ith an architecture according to Fig. 7 the so called correlation attac, tries to identi $ the indi/idual
x1 , x 2 ,..., x n








3 x1 , x 2 ,..., x n 6 .$ a Edi/ide and con#uerC (ethod using statistical tests and co(puter

si(ulation. A P!F is ro.ust 1ith respect to the correlation attac, i the co(.iner C possesses a certain degree o Ecorrelation i((unit$C. For .oolean co(.iners C the ollo1ing theore( 1as pro/ed .$ Jiao2%asse$ 314G"6: A .oolean co(.iner C: BnB is correlation i((une o degree ( i and onl$ i the Walsh trans or( W'3C6 o C has the ollo1ing spectral propert$: W'3C63&6<9 or all & 1ith Bn 1ith !3n66. Siegenthaler 314G*6 sho1ed .$ alge.raic (ethods ho1 a .oolean co(.iner C o su icient high degree o correlation i((unit$ can .e constructed. Pichler 314G"6 esta.lished such a construction .$ (eans o Walsh2Fourier anal$sis. An e&tension o these results or 3d$na(ic6 co(.iners C realized .$ state (achines 1ith inite (e(or$ can .e ound in Pichler 314GG6. As a urther recent pu.lication to the topic o 8oolean co(.iner design uses the Walsh trans or( 1e re er to Do.ertin 3144"6.
9 x m

denotes the )a((ing 1eight o x? 1e identi $


Se#uenc$ %ultiple&ing 'rans(ission S$ste( o! )ar(uth or the application o Walsh unctions in co((unications

'he success ul pro(otion

engineering is due to )enning F. )ar(uth, as 1ell as the contri.ution o i(portant papers during the $ears ro( 14*9 to 1479 and o his .oo, 3)ar(uth 14716. In the ollo1ing 1e 1ant to re er to so(e o the treatises as e&perienced .$ the author during his cooperation 1ith ). )ar(uth. )ar(uth started 1ith disco/ering the Walsh unctions as a use ul orthogonal code and their application in 1ireless co((unication 3)ar(uth 14*96. 'his 1as ollo1ed .$ a patent o the concept o a (ulti2channel trans(ission s$ste( 1ith Walsh unctions as carriers 3)ar(uth 14*46. )ar(uth considered (ainl$ K 1ith respect to the state o the art at this ti(e K analog trans(ission s$ste(s 1ith ti(e2continuous signals to represent in or(ation. 'o de/elop a /alid (athe(atical .asis or such s$ste(s )ar(uth contacted the Institute o %athe(atics o the Lni/ersit$ o Inns.ruc,, Austria, 1here (athe(atical research in Walsh unction 1as under 1a$ 3-. Liedl, P. Weiss6. 'he contri.ution o the author 3Pichler 14*7, 14*G, 14796 helped to gi/e a (athe(atical and s$ste(stheoretical .asis or the 1or, o )ar(uth. 'he s$(posia 1hich 1ere organized .$ )ar(uth in Washington D.C. 3 ro( 14*4 on6 roused international interest. 'he$ reported a.out applications in in or(ation technolog$ and inspired urther research. As a result Walsh unctions and their applications are toda$ 1ell ,no1n in co((unication engineering and in signal processing. 'he$ ha/e ound i(portant applications in (odern digital in or(ation technolog$. As a conclusion 1e (a$ sa$, that )enning F. )ar(uth esta.lished a (ilestone in the de/elop(ent o in or(ation technolog$ .$ his 1or, on the application o Walsh unctions as an alternati/e to sinusoidal unctions.

Figure ": 8loc, diagra( o a se#uenc$2(ultiple& s$ste( or 1924 analog telephon$ channels 3a ter ).F. )ar(uth6


oncluding Re(ar+s and ,utloo+

'he paper tries to present a sur/e$ o the histor$ o the de/elop(ent o the application o Walsh unctions in signal processing and co((unication engineering. We sa1 that Walsh unctions and the (ethod o Walsh2Fourier trans or(ation can .e used in a si(ilar 1a$ as in the case o sinusoidal unctions. Fro( a (athe(atical point o /ie1 this is not surprising: 8oth unction s$ste(s are special cases o character unctions o a topological group and the e&isting general (ethod o Fourier trans or(ation co/ers essential parts o the speci ic (ethods o the Walsh trans or(ation and respecti/el$ the Fourier trans or(ation. An e&a(ple is gi/en .$ the sa(pling theore( in signal processing. Hlu/anec 314*"6 sho1ed the /alidit$ o this theore( in a.stract har(onic anal$sis, special cases o it or d$adic har(onic anal$sis and or real har(onic anal$sis are ,no1n ro( Pichler 314796 and Shannon 3144G6. 'he application o Walsh unctions and related concepts in (odeling s$ste(s or signal processing and co((unication 1ere K according to the state o art K originall$ de/eloped or the case o analog in or(ation technolog$. 'heir realization used .asic ele(ents li,e resistors, coils, capacitors, operation a(pli iers and sa(pling and hold circuits. 'he introduction o digital in or(ation technolog$, speci icall$ the de/elop(ent o integrated (icroelectronic circuits, (icroprocessors and co(puters, re#uires ne1 approaches or (odeling. For the processing o digital signals .$ digital s$ste(s ne1 concepts and (ethods or dealing 1ith hard1are and so t1are had to .e de/eloped. 0&a(ples or the case o hard1are are the de/elop(ent o the theor$ o s1itching unctions 3.oolean unctions6 and the theor$ o se#uential s1itching circuits 3 inite auto(ata6. 'he di erent concepts and (ethods or analog signal processing and analog in or(ation trans(ission 1hich e&ist or Walsh unctions can .e adapted to digital s$ste( .$ restriction to the set o discrete Walsh unctions o order n. 'his is analogous to the approach o adapting concepts and (ethods o analog signal processing 3 or e&a(ple .$ digital ilters6 .$ the use o the s$ste( o discrete sinusoidal unctions o inite order. Walsh unctions are toda$ used in (odern digital s$ste(s or (o.ile co((unication as carrier signals in (ultiple&ing. 'he speci ic CD%A s$ste( o Mualco(( Ing. uses or the or1ard lin, this approach 3Mualco(( Inc. 14426.

Figure *: Se#uenc$2(ultiple& s$ste( or *2 digital (o.ile telephon$ channels 3a ter Mualco(( Inc. 14426

'he orthco(ing L%'S also (a,es use o (ultiple&ing signals .$ Walsh unctions and pro/ides .$ it the adaption o .and1ith according to user needs. Another interesting recent application o Walsh unctions 1hich is .ased on unda(ental historical roots is gi/en .$ the idea o ESe#uenc$2)oppingC 1hich is a generalisation o the ,no1n (ethod o hopping. 'he unda(ental idea o the (ethod o re#uenc$ hopping to achie/e a secure co((unication .$ a 1ireless s$ste( is, that the carrier re#uenc$ o the trans(itter and the recei/er changes in ti(e using a pseudo rando( pattern. It EhopsC 1ithin a certain 3.road6 re#uenc$ .and. 'he Austro2a(erican actress and (o/ie star )ed$ La(arr 3.orn )ed$ Hiesler6 ,no1n as the E(ost .eauti ul 1o(an o the 1orldC, is considered together 1ith Feorge Antheil 3E.ad .o$ o (usicC6 as the in/entor o re#uenc$ hopping 3LS patent 2,242.3G7 o 14426. Follo1ing )ar(uth 314716 1e can replace the para(eter E re#uenc$C .$ Ese#uenc$C i 1e use a co((unication s$ste( .ased on Walsh unctions as carrier. In this case Ese#uenc$ hoppingC is a (ethod or secure in or(ation trans(ission. As a urther generalization Ecode2hoppingC can .e introduced, 1hen 1e use ar.itrar$ orthogonal code se#uences as carriers. 'he de/elop(ent o a code2hopping s$ste( in co(.ination 1ith a direct se#uence CD%A s$ste( is currentl$ under in/estigation 3Pichler2Scharinger2SchNtt 29996. re#uenc$

Re!erences Ah(ed, !., H.-. -ao: +rthogonal 'rans or(s or Digital Signal Processing. Springer @erlag 8erlin2)eidel.erg2!e1 Ior,, 147". 8ra(hall, 5.!.: 8i.liograph$ on Walsh and Walsh related unctions. In: Applications o Walsh Functions and Se#uenc$ 'heor$ 3). Schrei.er ed.6 I000 1474, pp. 41*24*9. Coole$, 5. W. and 5. W. 'u,e$: An Algorith( or the %achine Calculation o Co(ple& Fourier Series. %ath. Co(putation 14 314*"6, pp. 2472391 Do.ertin, )ans: Construction o 8ent Functions and 8alanced 8oolean Functions 1ith )igh !onlinearit$. in: Fast So t1are 0ncr$ption 38art Preneel 3ed.66, Lecture !otes in Co(puter Science, @ol 199G, Springer2@erlag )eidel.erg,144", pp. *1274. Fellner, ).: -ealisierung der allge(einen Faltung durch die schnelle /erallge(einerte Fouriertrans or(ation. (aster thesis, Institut Nr S$ste(1issenscha ten, Lni/ersitOt Linz, 5anuar$ 14G2 Fine, !. 5.: +n the Walsh Functions. 'rans. o the A(er. %ath. Societ$, @ol *", 1444, pp. 3722414. Fi..s, 5. 0. and ). A. Fe..ie: 'he application o Walsh unctions to trans or(2spectroscop$. !ature, London, @ol. 224, 14*4, pp. 191221913. Fi..s, 5. 0. and F. -. Pichler: Co((ents on 'rans or(ation o EFourierC Po1er Spectra into EWalshC Po1er Spectra. in: 1471 Proceedings Application o Walsh Functions, AD 727 999, !a/al -esearch La.., I00020%C Froup, Lni/ersit$ o %ar$land, Washington D.C., 1471, pp. "12"4. Food, I. 5.: 'he interaction algorith( and practical Fourier2anal$sis. 5ournal o the -o$al Statistical Societ$, @ol. 829, 14"G, pp. 3*12372. Freen, 5. and -. San Soucie: An 0rror2Correcting 0ncoder and Decoder o )igh 0 icienc$. Proc. I-0, 4* 314"G6, 1741244. )ar(uth, ).: FrundzNge einer Filtertheorie Nr die %Oander un,tionen An 396 . Archi/ ele,tr. P.ertragung 1G 314*46, "442""4. )ar(uth, ). F.: -adio Co((unication 1ith orthogonal ti(e unctions. 'ransactions AI00. Co((unications and 0lectronics 74, 14*9, pp. 221222G. )ar(uth, ). F.: Die +rthogonalteilung als @erallge(einerung der Qeit2 und Fre#uenzteilung. Archi/ ele,tr. P.ertragung, 1G 314*46, 432"9. )ar(uth, ). F.: 'rans(ission o In or(ation .$ +rthogonal Functions. Springer2@erlag !e1 Ior,, 1471 32nd edition6. Hlu/anec, I.: Sa(pling theore( in a.stract har(onic anal$sis. %ate(atic,o $zi,aln$ Casopisa, Slo/en. A,ad. @ied. 1" 314*"6, pp. 4324G. Hunz, ).: Appro&i(ation opti(aler linearer 'rans or(ationen durch eine Hlasse schneller, /erallge(einerter Fourier2'rans or(ationen. Diss. 0'). 5uris QNrich, 1477. Le/$, P.: Sur une generalisation des onctions orthogonales de %. -ade(acher. Co((ent. %ath. )el/. 1* 314446, pp. 14*21"2. Liedl, -.: P.ere ine spezeielle Hlasse /on star, (ultipli,ati/ orthogonalen Fun,tionens$ste(en. %onatshe te Nr %athe(ati, *G, 14*4, pp. 1392137. !icholson, P. 5.: Alge.raic 'heor$ o Finite Fourier 'rans or(s. 5. o Co(p. and S$ste(s Science " 314716, pp. "242"47. Pichler, F.: S$nthese linearer periodisch zeit/aria.ler Filter (it /orgeschrie.ene( Se#uenz/erhalten. Archi/ ele,tr. P.ertragung 22 314*G6, 1"921*1. Pichler, F.: Walsh2Fourier S$nthese opti(aler Filter. Archi/ ele,tr. P.ertragung 24 314796, 3"923*9. Pichler, F.: Walsh unctions and Linear S$ste(s 'heor$. 'echn. -eport, Depart(ent o 0lectrical 0ngineering, Lni/ersit$ o %ar$land, Washington D.C., Appendi& 821 to 8211, Sa(pling 'heore( 1ith -espect to Walsh2Fourier Anal$sis, April 1479

Pichler, F.: Walsh Functions2Introduction to the 'heor$. In: Proceedings !ato Ad/anced Stud$ Institute on Signal Processing, Lough.ourough, L.H., 1472, p. 1G. Pichler, F.: Qur Chara,terisierung ,orrelations2i((uner Schalt un,tionen (ittels Walsh2 Fourieranal$se. 'echn. 8ericht, Institut Nr S$ste(1issenscha ten, Lni/ersitOt Linz, 14G* and B+n the Walsh2Fourier Anal$sis o correlation2i((une s1itching unctionsC. in: A.stracts o papers, 0L-+C-IP'RG*, Lin,Sping, %a$ 29222, 14G*, 4." A. Pichler, F.: Honstru,tion ,orrelationsi((uner Schalt un,tionen und Schalt1er,e (ittels Walsh2Fourieranal$se. in: Contri.utions to Feneral Alge.ra * 3F. Pilz, ed.6, @erlag )Slder2Pichler2'e(ps,$, Wien 14GG. pp. 2132222. Pichler, F., 5. Scharinger, D. SchNtt: Digitales @iel,anal CD%A Code2)opping P.ertragungss$ste(. 'echnischer 8ericht, Institut Nr S$ste(1issenscha ten, Lni/ersitOt Linz, 19 pages, Dece(.er 2999. Mualco(( Inc.: An +/er/ie1 o the Application o Code Di/ision %ultiple Access 3CD%A6 to Digital Cellular S$ste(s and Personal Cellular !et1or,s. Docu(ent !u(.er 0J*92 19919. MLALC+%% Incorporated 1442, LSA. -ade(acher, ).: 0inige SOtze /on allge(einen +rthogonal un,tionen. %ath. Annalen G7 314226, 122213G. -oth, D.: Digitale @iel alt ilter. Archi/ Nr 0le,troni, und P.ertragungstechni,, @ol. 27, 1473, pp. 7227G. Scharinger 5.: Integration o /arious spectral trans or(s into H8@ision. 'echnical report, Institute o S$ste(s Science, 5ohannes Hepler Lni/ersit$ Linz, Austria, 144". Siegenthaler, 'ho(as: %ethoden Nr den 0nt1ur /on Strea( Cipher S$ste(en. Diss. 0') !r G1G", ADAF Ad(inistration Druc, AF, QNrich, 14G*. 'rappl, -., W. )orn and P. -appels.erger: Fast Walsh /ersus Fast Fourier 'rans or(: A Co(parison in the Anal$sis o Seizure 00F. in: Progress in C$.ernetics and S$ste(s -esearch 3-. 'rappl, L. -icciardi, F. Pas, eds.6, )e(isphere Pu.lishing Corporation, Washington D.C., 14G2, pp. 472192. @ilen,in, !. 5.: +n a class o co(plete orthogonal s$ste(s. 3in russian6. Iz/. A!, SSS-, ser.(ate(.11 31447, pp. 3*32499. @iter.i, A.5.: Phase2Coherent Co((unication o/er the Continuous Faussian Channel. in: Digital Co((unications 1ith Space Applications 3ed. Solo(on W. Folo(.6, Prentice )all, 0ngle1ood Cli s, !.5., 14*4, chapter 7. Walsh, 5.: A closed set o orthogonal unctions. A(er. 5. o %athe(atics 4"314236, pp. "224. Whelchel, 5. 0. and Fuinn. D. F.: 'he ast Fourier2)ada(ard trans or( and its use in signal representation and classi ication. 'echn. -eport. P-C *G211. %elpar Inc. Falls Church, @a 2294*, 14*G.

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