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Teaching Note SIBACA Operations Executive Shirts Company Inc.

TEACHING NOTES for the Executive Shirt case study SUBMITTED by !a"esh Adavi # Niti$ %oshi &EA!NING OB%ECTI'ES Understand the manufacturing Process of a typical batch manufacturing process (i.e. manufacture of shirts) Understand and calculate process metrics i.e. Cycle Time, Manufacturing Lead Time, W P, Capacity utili!ation, labor utili!ation, etc. Understand the impact of "#ariety $ custom manufacture% on process metrics. Ta&e reasoned decisions re' manufacturing processes based of performance measures as abo#e !ESOU!CES (to stude$ts) To be distributed in ad#ance (say at least ( days)' Case )tudy (*ef'+,-+-,.(/) CONCE*TS TO BE TAUGHT (*!E+!E,UISITES) 0ll process metrics i.e. Cycle Time, Manufacturing Lead Time, W P, Capacity utili!ation, Labor utili!ation, and #arious manufacturing costs. SUGGESTED ,UESTIONS -O! STUDENTS TO CONSIDE! The 1uestions that students need to ans2er' /. Comparison of Mi&es and &es plan 3. Calculating Cycle Time, 0ctual Cycle Time, Manufacturing Lead Time, W P, Capacity utili!ation, Labor Content, 4irect labor utili!ation, 4irect labors Cost 5. 6ybrid strategy of Manufacturing. SUBMISSION TO BE MADE B. STUDENTS (ONE / 0a1e re0ort 0er 1rou0 of 2 stude$ts)3 BE-O!E THEI! *!ESENTATION IN C&ASS 0ns2ers to the 5 1uestions abo#e. G!OU* *!ESENTATION TO MADE IN C&ASS (TOTA& 455 "i$utes for 45 1rou0 0rese$tatio$) 7ach group 2ill prepare a /. minute Po2erpoint presentation 2hich highlights their ans2ers to the abo#e 1uestions. They 2ill also display the 78C7L sheet to support their solutions $ decisions.

Teaching Note SIBACA Operations Executive Shirts Company Inc.

C&ASS DISCUSSION (say /5 "i$utes) &ED B. -ACU&T. *!OB&EM(S) o The company 2ants to implement a a manufacturing process so that it can simultaneously manufacture customi!ed as 2ell as standard shirts. o What is the best process design and layout9 A&TE!NATI'ES o Manufacture custom shirts using the e:isting "functional% layout o ;*, ha#e separate "assembly% line for custom shirts9 ANA&.SIS o Compute the process for both alternati#es i.e cycle time, capacity < labor utili!ation, W P, MLT, etc. for each process. o Then select the alternati#e that pro#ides the least cost per shirt. DECISION 6 SO&UTION o Ma&e custom and regular shirts through the same "process% -U!THE! DISCUSSION /. 0re there any alternati#es 2hich the class has not tabled9 3. What did 2e learn9 E'A&UATION (out of 45 0oi$ts) O- G!OU* *E!-O!MANCE = points ' *eport submission at the start = points ' >roup presentation 3 points ' Constructi#e contribution to class discussion

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