Jumaa Prayer 27 December 2013 PDF

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Jumaa Prayer

for the Muslims of Africa and beyond

27 December 2013

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Fathers hand ( ohn !"#$%&$', (I)*. As we have prayed over the past year, the Holy Spirit has been working to draw Muslims to Jesus. We praise God for those who will begin the ew !ear as new "reations. #ray for the spiritual growth of new believers, and that through their testimonies more will find new life.$

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni

SOUT SU!"#: A #A%hS do"toral student wrote this past week& 'Juba has been under intense fighting within a se"tion of the army. %he situation is now "alm but tense outside. (eep us in your prayers.) *thni" and politi"al tension between the tribes of the president and his former vi"e president is rising, affe"ting thousands who are fleeing to +. . bases for prote"tion. %hese tribes, the ,inka and uer, are "onsidered -hristian, but often mi. in traditional religious beliefs. Muslims are a minority/ the son of #resident (iir is a Muslim. %hey all need Jesus0 #lease pray for this student and his "hur"h and that true believers "an rea"h others during these troubled times. #ORT $R# TO%O: An alumnus who oversees "hur"hes in this region asks for prayer for efforts to engage "hur"hes and members in friendship evangelism to rea"h the many Muslims around them. #ray that many will be won through the message they share.

In the News
Sin"e the beginning of ,e"ember, 1 "hur"hes in various parts of 2ndonesia have been invaded and "losed/ one was demolished. At least 13 "hur"hes were shut down, most by 2slamists, in 4354 and in early 4356. 7or the past 8 months there were few reports of atta"ks, and the reason for the sudden resurgen"e is not "lear. %he national poli"e "hief assigned 98,333 poli"e to guard "hur"hes during their -hristmas and ew !ear:s worship servi"es. #ray for prote"tion over believers as they gather to worship at the beginning of the new year. #ray that as they observe their faithfulness, Muslims will be tou"hed and en"ouraged to seek the ;ne they worship.

From Global Initiative**

#ray for God:s prote"tion over the -hur"h in Syria. Fewer than !"+ of ,yria-s people claim to .e /hristians; evangelicals are a mere ".!+. 0ver the past 1 years, an estimated 23",""" /hristians have .een displaced. /hurches have .een torched and shut down, and the /hristian community has .een intimidated .y incidents of 4idnapping and torture. In some cases, a village has .een ta4en and /hristians made to live under sharia law. 5ray for supernatural protection, peace, and courage for .elievers. 5ray that those who do not have an intimate relationship with esus will come to 4now 6im.

For Muslim Women***

#lease pray for the single and married women who rea"h out to Muslim neighbors in restri"ted nations. #ray for God<s provision and loving presen"e to make this holiday season memorable for them and those to whom they minister.

Prayer Resources
75raying for Muslims# 8 9uide for :ffective Intercession offers many insights "on"erning 2slam and a different prayer sub=e"t ea"h 7riday. %his week we pray for those who found the >ord in 4356& http&??bit.ly?5l@J;+*. $$Global 2nitiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, +SA. Aisit http&??globalinitiativeinfo."om? for information about praying for Muslims and weekly reBuests. $$$Muslim women need your prayers0 !ou "an =oin a prayer network and re"eive regular reBuests at http&??sayhelloinfo."om?. 7or a list of resour"es for prayer groups, see http&??tinyurl."om?waast=umaa. 7ind information and prayer reBuests "on"erning Muslims around the world at http&??www.63Cdays.net?. How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithD Eead http&??www.elam."om?arti"les?HowCtoCprayCforCthoseCinCprison?. 7or news updates "on"erning perse"uted -hristians, visit http&??morningstarnews.org? and http&??www.releaseinternational.org?. 7or prayer reBuests, visit http&??www.opendoorsusa.org?pray? and http&??www.perse"ution."om?publi"?pray.asp.. %o help you answer Muslims: Buestions about Jesus and the Fible, e.plore http&??un"hangingword."om?inde..php.

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