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University of Huddersfield School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate, Professional Graduate Certificate and Postgraduate Certificate

in Education !ifelong !earning"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Module Handbook 2010 11

School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

#$DU!E H%&D'$$() D*%+,-. /E%CHI&G, !E%0&I&G %&D %SSESS#E&/

This Module Handbook contains essential documentation and resources !or the module DFA7130, Teaching, Learning and Assessment" These are# $ntroduction and module learning outcomes %eading list and other resources !or the module &thical 'tatement Module assignments (including s)eci!ic assessment criteria !or Assignment *ne+ Documents relating to Assignment *ne Assignment co,er sheet Learning contract !or those alread- holding .TLL' /riting !rames !or 'ection 1 and 'ection 3 Tutor !eedback sheet .lanning )ro !orma

Documents relating to Assignment T0o Assignment co,er sheet Module assessment !orm (-our tutor 0ill use this 0hen gi,ing !eedback on Assignment T0o and on -our 0ork !or the module as a 0hole+

&1tract !rom the module s)eci!ication and reading list Module assessment criteria

&lectronic co)ies o! these documents are a,ailable on the 2onsortium 0ebsite and on the 32ourse Documentation4 section o! 5lackboard"

Introduction to the Module

This module de,elo)s ke- ideas about teaching and learning in )ost com)ulsor- education and training, or lifelong learning as it is increasinglModule Handbook: DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment 3

being re!erred to" The module co,ers areas such as 0hat 0e mean blearning, theories about ho0 )eo)le learn, and the di!!erences bet0een adult and child learning" The module also hel)s -ou to translate theor- into )ractice, and -ou 0ill discuss the im)lications o! ideas about learning !or the 0a- in 0hich -ou )lan, )re)are and deli,er learning sessions" $! 0e are to hel) our students to learn, assessment is an essential )art o! our )ractice as teachers, and the module de,elo)s -our abilit- to assess students and to use assessment to im)ro,e their learning" As )art o! -our 0ork !or the module, -ou 0ill sho0 that -ou ha,e met the re6uirements o! the national a0ard Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (.TLL'+" This is the essential 3entr- le,el4 a0ard !or teaching in the sector and is the beginning o! the 7ourne- to the status o! 8uali!ied Teacher Learning and 'kills (8TL'+" The module is taken in 9ear 1 o! the )rogramme and is 0orth 30 credits at Foundation Le,el"

#odule !earning $utcomes) /hese are 1hat you should 2no1 and 3e a3le to do after studying the module4 (no1ledge and Understanding) 1 2 3 : Discuss a range o! theories and models o! learning rele,ant to the design o! inclusi,e teaching and learning acti,ities" %elate learning outcomes to the needs o! di!!erent learners and the design o! inclusi,e teaching and learning acti,ities" Distinguish ke- )rinci)les under)inning a range o! assessment methods and their selection" Anal-se the use o! language, literac- and numerac- skills 0ithin teaching and learning"

%3ilities) 1 2 3 : ; .lan e!!ecti,el- to achie,e identi!ied learning outcomes, taking into account learner needs" .re)are e!!ecti,e teaching and learning resources" .lan e!!ecti,el- to assess learning and identi!- learning needs .lan, )re)are and deli,er a learning session %e!lect on o0n learning 0ithin the module

Module Handbook: DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Module Handbook: DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment

%eading List and other %esources !or the Module

The main te1t !or this module is#
A,is, <", Fisher, %" and Thom)son, %" (&ds"+ (2010+ Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Guide to Theory and Practice" Maidenhead# *)en =ni,ersit- .ress"

The !ollo0ing is a selection o! other resources rele,ant to the module" The 2ourse %eader contains a selection o! rele,ant 7ournal articles and -our tutor 0ill )ro,ide !urther re!erences in the course o! the module" A stud- )ack on di!!erentiated learning is a,ailable on 5lackboard or !rom -our tutor"
'oo2s Armitage A", 5r-ant, %", Dunhill, %", Flanagan, >", Ha-es, D", Hudson, A", >ent, <", La0es, '" and %en0ick, M" (2007+ Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education" 3rd ed" 5uckingham# *)en =ni,ersit- .ress" Atkins, L" (200?+ Invisi le Students! Impossi le "reams: E#periencing $ocational Education %&-%'" 'toke on Trent# Trentham 5ooks" 5lack, .", Harrison, 2", Lee, 2", Marshall, 5" and /iliam, D" (2003+ Assessment for Learning" Maidenhead# *)en =ni,ersit- .ress" 2ur@on, L" (2003+ Teaching in (urther Education: an outline of principles and practice) Ath ed" London# 2ontinuum $nternational .ublishing Brou)" &ast0ood, L", 2oates, <", Di1on, L", Har,e-, <", *rmondro-d, 2" and /illiamson, '" (200?+ A Tool*it for Creative Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education" Maidenhead# *)en =ni,ersit- .ress" Bardner, H" (1???+ Intelligence +eframed: ,ultiple Intelligences for the -%st Century" Ce0 9ork# 5asic 5ooks" Binnis, ." (2002+ The Teacher.s Tool*it: raise classroom achievement /ith strategies for every learner) 2armarthen# 2ro0n House .ublishing" <ames, D" and 5iesta, B" (2007+ Improving Learning Cultures in (urther Education: 0nderstanding 1o/ Students Learn) London# %outledge" <e!!s, T" and 'mith, M" (200;+ Informal Education: Conversation! "emocracy and Learning" Cottingham# &ducational Heretics .ress" Light, B" and 2o1, %" (2001+ Learning and Teaching in 1igher Education: the reflective professional" London# .aul 2ha)man" .ett-, B" (200?+ Evidence 2ased Teaching: A Practical Approach" 2nd edition" 2heltenham# Celson Thornes" %eece, $" and /alker, '" (2007+ Teaching! Training and Learning: a practical guide) Ath re," ed" 'underland# 5usiness &ducation .ublishers" %ogers, A" and Horrocks, C" (2010+ Teaching Adults" :th edition" 5uckingham# *)en =ni,ersit- .ress" *llin, %" and Tucker, <" (200D+ The 3$4 Assessor! $erifier and Candidate 1and oo*) :th re," ed" London# >ogan .age"

Module Handbook: DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Tummons, < (2007+ Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector" 2nd re," ed" &1eter# Learning Matters"

5lackboard# htt)#EE,irtual"hud"ac"uk

2onsortium !or .ost 2om)ulsor- &ducation and Training# htt)#EEconsortium"hud"ac"uk &nc-clo)aedia o! $n!ormal &ducation# htt)#EE000"in!ed"org 'tud- 'kills# htt)#EE000"bbc"co"ukElearningEsub7ectsEadultFlearning"shtml htt)#EE000"nrdc"org"ukEinde1"as) htt)#EE000"bbc"co"ukEskills0iseE htt)#EE000"mo,e on"org"ukE Gocational Learning# htt)#EE000",ocationallearning"org"ukE Literac- and Cumerac-#

&thical 'tatement
'tudents conducting research as a )art o! their learning and assessment !or this module are e1)ected to do so in accordance 0ith the 5ritish &ducational %esearch Association4s (5&%A+ ethical guidelines" %esources to su))ort student com)liance 0ith the guidelines are a,ailable at the 5&%A 0ebsite at the !ollo0ing =%L# htt)#EE000"bera"ac"ukEethics and educational research 2E" 9ou should also com)l- 0ith an- ethical re6uirements a))l-ing 0ithin -our o0n organisation" /hen submitting 0ork !or assessment, -ou 0ill be asked to indicate that -ou ha,e read and com)lied 0ith the 5&%A guidelines and an- other rele,ant re6uirements"

Module Handbook: DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Module Assignments
The 30 credit module DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment has t1o assignments# -ou need to )ass both assignments to )ass the module"

DFA7130 Assignment One: Initial Teaching Assignment

The $nitial Teaching Assignment enables -ou to sho0 that -ou ha,e met the re6uirements o! the le,el : a0ard# Preparing to /each in the !ifelong !earning Sector P/!!S"

What you need to do for Assignment One

$n this assignment -ou need to sho0 that -ou are able to meet learning needs o! students b- )lanning, )re)aring and deli,ering a learning session" 9ou also need to anal-se -our current role as a teacher, tutor or trainer and re!lect on -our )er!ormance in this role" The assignment contains four sections# SEC/I$& $&E) /he Conte6t of your Practice +7.-,... 1ords" $n this section -ou must re,ie0 -our current teaching role, e1)laining -our res)onsibilities and also the limits o! -our role" &1)lain ho0 -ou 0ork 0ith colleagues and other agencies, )articularl- 0hen dealing 0ith issues outside -our current e1)ertise or res)onsibilit-" 'ummarise an- s)eci!ic legislation or )olicies that im)act on -our teaching (!or e1am)le, health and sa!etlegislationH &,er- 2hild Matters+" Discuss the ke- issues o! e6ualit- and di,ersit- !acing -ou and -our learners, and e1)lain ho0 -ou )romote an inclusi,e en,ironment in -our learning sessions" Discuss an- ground rules -ou establish 0ith learners and consider their e!!ecti,eness" Ho0 do -ou assess -our learners and record their )rogressI *utline the aims o! the learning session -ou 0ill deli,er in relation to 'ection T0o and e1)lain the teachingElearning a))roaches -ou intend to use" Discuss the role o! !unctional skills (literac-, numerac- and $2T+ in the session and 0hat su))ort learners might need in these areas" A 0riting !rame is )ro,ided to su))ort -ou 0ith this section"
DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment ?

SEC/I$& /5$) Prepare and Deliver a !earning Session .lan and )re)are a learning session 0hich is re)resentati,e o! -our )ractice" =se the )lanning )ro !orma )ro,ided to record -our )lanningH an- learning materials -ou )re)are should be included as an a))endi1 to this assignment" The learning session 0ill normall- take )lace as a microteaching acti,it- 0ith other trainees acting as the 3learners4" *ne o! -our course tutors 0ill obser,e -ou deli,ering the microteaching sessionH the tutor 0ill )ro,ide !eedback to -ou on -our )er!ormance and on the 6ualit- o! the learning taking )lace" SEC/I$& /H0EE) 0eflect on and Evaluate the !earning Session 7..+7. 1ords" %e!lect on this learning session, discussing -our )er!ormance in the light o! the assessment o! learning in the session, -our o0n e,aluation and the !eedback !rom -our tutor" Ho0 e!!ecti,e 0ere the teaching and learning strategies and materials that -ou usedI Ho0 e!!ecti,e 0as the !eedback -ou ga,e to the learnersI Discuss the )otential !or embedding !unctional skills in the session" $denti!- ke- de,elo)ment )oints !or -ou as a teacher arising !rom this session" /riting !rames are )ro,ided to su))ort -ou 0ith this section" SEC/I$& *$U0) 'i3liography =se the Har,ard re!erencing s-stem to list the sources -ou ha,e re!erred to in this assignment (!or e1am)le books, o!!icial )ublications, organisational documents, 7ournal articles or 0eb )ages+" 9ou should also list an- other sources -ou ha,e made signi!icant use o!, e,en i! -ou ha,e not s)eci!icallre!erred to them" The 2ourse Handbook contains a section on Har,ard re!erencing and -our tutor 0ill )ro,ide !urther ad,ice i! necessar-"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


Assessment Criteria for the Initial Teaching Assignment

5ecause this assignment is e6ui,alent to the national a0ard Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (.TLL'+, there are a number o! criteria relating to .TLL' that -ou need to meet in -our 0ork !or the assignment" These are gi,en belo0"
General Criteria 1" =nderstand o0n role, res)onsibilities and boundaries o! role in relation to teaching" Specific %ssessment Criteria 1"1 %e,ie0 o0n role and res)onsibilities, and boundaries o! o0n role as a teacher" 1"2 'ummarise ke- as)ects o! rele,ant current legislati,e re6uirements and codes o! )ractice 0ithin a s)eci!ic conte1t" 1"3 %e,ie0 other )oints o! re!erral a,ailable to meet the )otential needs o! learners" 1": Discuss issues o! e6ualit- and di,ersit-, and 0a-s to )romote inclusion" 1"; <usti!- the need !or record kee)ing" 2"1 $denti!-, ada)t and use rele,ant a))roaches to teaching and learning in relation to the s)ecialist area" 2"2 &,aluate a range o! 0a-s to embed elements o! !unctional skills in the s)ecialist area" 2"3 &,aluate the teaching and learning a))roaches !or a s)eci!ic session" 3"1 .lan a teaching and learning session 0hich meets the needs o! indi,idual learners" 3"2 &,aluate ho0 the )lanned session meets the needs o! indi,idual learners" 3"3 Anal-se the e!!ecti,eness o! the resources !or a s)eci!ic session" :"1 Anal-se di!!erent 0a-s to establish ground rules 0ith learners 0hich under)in a))ro)riate beha,iour and res)ect !or others" :"2 =se a range o! a))ro)riate and e!!ecti,e teaching and learning a))roaches to engage and moti,ate learners" :"3 &1)lain di!!erent methods o! gi,ing !eedback :": Demonstrate good )ractice in gi,ing !eedback" :"; 2ommunicate a))ro)riatel- and e!!ecti,el- 0ith learners" :"A %e!lect on and e,aluate the e!!ecti,eness o! o0n teaching, making recommendations !or modi!ication as a))ro)riate" ;"1 %e,ie0 a range o! di!!erent assessment methods" ;"2 &,aluate the use o! assessment methods in di!!erent conte1ts, including re!erence to initial assessment" ;"3 <usti!- the need !or record kee)ing in relation to assessment"

2" =nderstand a))ro)riate teaching and learning a))roaches in the s)ecialist area"

3" Demonstrate session )lanning skills"

:" =nderstand ho0 to deli,er inclusi,e sessions 0hich moti,ate learners"

;" =nderstand the use o! di!!erent assessment methods and the need !or record kee)ing"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


DFA7130 Assignment Two: na!ling and Assessing "earning

5our /or* for this assignment must sho/ that you have addressed all the module outcomes and achieved the re6uired standard

What you need to do for Assignment Two

$n this assignment -ou need to discuss theories and )rinci)les o! learning and assessment and a))l- these in -our )ractice" 9ou 0ill need to sho0 ho0 -ou )lan to meet the needs o! -our learners, through the design and re,ie0 o! course documentation and learning materials" The assignment has four sections# SEC/I$& , Understanding !earning and %ssessment" There are various theories of ho/ and /hy people learn /hich are relevant to the Lifelong Learning Sector) These include 2ehaviourist! Cognitivist! 1umanist! Social Learning! Adult Learning 7Andragogy8 and ,otivation theories) There are also *ey concepts /ithin assessment! such as 9validity: and 9relia ility:! /hich inform different types of assessment! for e#ample initial! formative! summative! normative and criterion-referenced) Give an overvie1 of some 2ey theories and concepts of learning and assessment, and discuss) /hat these learning theories tell -ou about di!!erent 0a-s to hel) learners learn most e!!ecti,el Ho0 di!!erent t-)es o! assessment hel) in su))orting and monitoring learning /hich o! these theories o! learning and assessment currentl- a))l- to -our o0n teaching /hich theories and conce)ts ha,e interested -ou most and ho0 themight hel) -ou to de,elo) and e1tend -our current teaching a))roaches ,...-,8.. 1ords" SEC/I$& 8 !earning and %ssessment in Practice" In the Lifelong Learning Sector a strong emphasis is placed on differentiating et/een the needs of different learners! /hilst ma*ing sure that all learners are fully included in any learning session) As good planning is an important part of good teaching! this section focuses on ho/ you plan to meet the needs of your learners)

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


Produce learner profiles for /5$ different learners in a group you teach4 The )ro!iles might include# an anal-sis o! each indi,idual4s )re!erred 0a- o! learningH their le,els o! language, literac-, numerac- and $2TH an- rele,ant social or cultural issuesH an- s)ecial learning needsH their moti,ationsH their as)irations" appro6imately 7.. 1ords" Taking into account the needs o! a grou) (including these t0o learners 0here,er )ossible and a))ro)riate+# Produce) A Scheme of 5or2, 0ith clear aims and course outcomes (normallco,ering ; learning sessions+ Detailed !esson Plans !or t1o o! the sessions in the 'cheme o! /ork, including clearl- e1)ressed learning outcomes %ele,ant and high 6ualit- learning materials !or these t0o sessions %ele,ant assessment activities9materials !or these t0o sessions 2riticall- discuss -our scheme o! 0ork, lesson )lans and learningEassessment materials appro6imately ,... 1ords"" =sing -our t0o learners as e1am)les 0here a))ro)riate, and dra0ing on rele,ant theor-, -our discussion should e1)lain and 7usti!-# /hat -ou ha,e taken into account 0hen selecting the sub7ect content and the learning outcomes /h- -ou ha,e chosen )articular learning acti,ities and materials Ho0 -ou are creating an inclusi,e en,ironment Ho0 -ou are su))ortingEchallenging di!!erent learners (di!!erentiation+ Ho0 -ou are embedding language, literac-, numerac- (and 0here rele,ant+ $2T skills in the learning sessions Ho0 -ou are using assessment to check and su))ort learning

9our discussion must sho0 an a0areness o! learning and assessment theorand must dra0 on the conce)ts, )rinci)les and theories -ou identi!ied in 'ection *ne" SEC/I$& - Conclusion" %e!lection on -our learning in this module and ho0 it might a!!ect -our !uture )ractice appro6imately 8.. 1ords"

SEC/I$& : 0eferences" %e!erences must include# at least four te6ts, including at least one recent 7ournal article (200; on0ards+ at least one te1t s)eci!icall- dealing 0ith assessment"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


A0arding bod- course s)eci!ication documents (0here rele,ant+

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


/riting Frames and other Documents !or Assignment *ne# $nitial Teaching Assignment
#eference onl$: lectronic %ersions are a%aila!le for indi%idual &rinting

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

%SSIG&#E&/ C$>E0 SHEE/

#odule Code)

#odule Credit ; !evel)

#odule /itle)


30 F

/E%CHI&G, !E%0&I&G %&D %SSESS#E&/

#odule %ssignment $ne) I&I/I%! /E%CHI&G %SSIG&#E&/

<our &ame) <our Centre)

'E*$0E handing 1or2 in, please chec2 that) 9ou ha,e !illed in -our details in the section abo,e


S/%/E#E&/ $& P!%GI%0IS# %&D C$&*IDE&/I%!I/< $ con!irm that $ ha,e read the section on )lagiarism in the 2ourse Handbook and that the 0ork submitted is m- o0n" All 6uotations and e1tracts !rom other 0ork $ ha,e used are )ro)erl- ackno0ledged" $ con!irm that $ ha,e obtained a))ro)riate )ermissions to use an- student 0ork or organisational in!ormation and that no other indi,idual is identi!ied in m- 0ork"

9ou ha,e com)leted all the 0ork s)eci!ied in the assignment 9ou ha,e re!erred to the assessment criteria !or the assignment

Signature of /rainee) 9our 0ork contains e,idence o! re!lection Date) 9our 0ork is 0ell )resented and accurate %e!erencing has been used correctland a com)lete bibliogra)h- is included 9our module 0ork ma- be used b- the =ni,ersit- (in anon-mised !orm+ !or the )ur)oses o! educational research, unless -ou indicate that -ou do not 0ish this to ha))en" .lease tick the bo1 i! -ou AB%&& to -our 0ork being used in this 0a-"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

!E%0&I&G C$&/0%C/ *$0 H$!DE0S $* P/!!S

=se this !orm i! -ou ha,e already achieved .TLL' (.re)aring to Teach in the Li!elong Learning 'ector+ and 0ish to claim e1em)tion !rom the $nitial Teaching Assignment in module DFA7130" &ame of /rainee) #odule Code)

Details of learning contract) The e,idence $ 0ill submit !or this module 0ill be# (a+ &,idence that $ com)leted success!ull- an a0ard containing .TLL' (e"g" 2it- J Builds 7303+ (b+ The standard Assignment T0o !or this module" $ understand that $ must also include, in m- .ersonal De,elo)ment .lan (.D.+ !or the 2ert &dE.B2& course, the outcomes o! m- initial assessment as recorded in the .TLL' action )lanE$ndi,idual Learning .lan together 0ith m- re!lecti,e 7ournal )ages"

Amendments negotiated 0ith module tutor#

'ignature o! Trainee#

'ignature o! Tutor#


DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

I&I/I%! /E%CHI&G %SSIG&#E&/ SEC/I$& $&E) /HE C$&/E?/ $* <$U0 P0%C/ICE

%e,ie0 -our current teaching role, e1)laining -our res)onsibilities" &1)lain ho0 -ou 0ork 0ith colleagues and other agencies, )articularl- 0hen dealing 0ith issues outside -our e1)ertise or res)onsibilit-" 'ummarise an- s)eci!ic legislation or )olicies that im)act on -our teaching (e"g" health J sa!et- legislationH &,er- 2hild Matters+"

Discuss issues o! e6ualit- and di,ersit- !acing -ou and -our learners, and e1)lain ho0 -ou )romote an inclusi,e en,ironment in -our learning sessions" Discuss an- ground rules -ou establish 0ith learners and e,aluate their e!!ecti,eness" Ho0 do -ou assess -our learners and record their )rogressI Discuss the im)ortance o! !unctional skills (literac-, numerac- and $2T+ and 0a-s to embed them in -our s)ecialist area"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


*utline the aims o! the learning session -ou 0ill deli,er in 'ection T0o and e1)lain the teachingElearning and assessment a))roaches -ou intend to use" .lace the learning session in the conte1t o! -our normal teaching role"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

I&I/I%! /E%CHI&G %SSIG&#E&/ SEC/I$& /H0EE) 0E*!EC/I$&S $& /HE !E%0&I&G SESSI$&

%e!lect on the learning session, discussing -our )er!ormance in the light o! -our assessment o! the learning in the session, -our o0n e,aluation and the !eedback !rom -our tutor" Include reflection on learning activities! resources and support for individual learning needs) =se this structure to hel) -ou 0ith -our re!lections (ada)ted !rom Bibbs K1?DDL Learning y "oing: A guide to teaching and learning methods" *1!ord# Further &ducation =nit, *1!ord .ol-technic+" 9ou ma- )re!er the table !ormat belo0 or the !lo0 based !ormat o,er the )age" What happened? Describe some key features of the session

Feelings Thoughts and feelings (at the time and afterwards)

Evaluation What went well? What went not so well?

Analysis What have I learned? What else could I have done? What potential is there for embedding functional skills?

Action What would I do next time?

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


How did I feel?

What can I do next time?

What happened in the session? Describe two key features of the session

What went well? and what went not so well?

What else could I have done?

What did I learn?

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

I&I/I%! /E%CHI&G %SSIG&#E&/ /U/$0 *EED'%C( SHEE/

/rainee) /utor9#entor $3serving) /opic) Date Summary of $3servation) revie1 of strengths and 1ea2nesses) &um3er in group) SEC/I$& $&E %e,ie0 o0n role J boundaries o! res)onsibilit'ummarise rele,ant legislation and re,ie0 other )oints o! re!erralH Discuss issues o! e6ualit- J di,ersit-H anal-se ground rules Discuss assessment and monitoring o! learners &,aluate the role o! !unctional skills in s)ecialist area SEC/I$& /5$ De,elo) an e!!ecti,e lesson )lan =se rele,ant a))roaches to teaching and learning in s)ecialist area =se a range o! a))ro)riate teaching strategies to engage and moti,ate learners %esources de,elo)ed and used e!!ecti,el2ommunicate e!!ecti,el- 0ith learners
<ES &$ <ES &$

Developmental Comments9Suggestions

Developmental Comments9Suggestions

=se a))ro)riate assessment methods in the learning session

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


Bi,e !eedback e!!ecti,el.romote an inclusi,e a))roach to learning &,idence o! di!!erentiation Maintain a))ro)riate records o! attendance, )rogress and assessment SEC/I$& /H0EE %e!lect on and e,aluate the e!!ecti,eness o! o0n teaching &,aluate e!!ecti,eness o! the teachingElearning acti,ities used in the session &,aluate e!!ecti,eness o! the resources used in the learning session &,aluate e!!ecti,eness o! the session in meeting indi,idual learner needs &mbed rele,ant !unctional skills in the session
<ES &$

Developmental Comments9Suggestions

GE&E0%! *EED'%C( *0$# /HE /U/$0

'atis!actor- standard demonstrated in the assignment 9&' C*

$! no, state ke- )oints to be addressed to achie,e satis!actor- standard#

Tutor 'ignature#

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


/rainee &ame)
School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

Initial /eaching %ssignment Planning Pro-*orma

/opic) Date) /ime)

&o4 in group) General aims including development of 2ey s2ills"

Specific learning outcomes for the session)

Ho1 1ill you ma2e the session inclusive for all learners@

Ho1 1ill you differentiate 3et1een different learnersA needs@

Ho1 1ill you assess the learning in the session@

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment




/eacher %ctivity

!earner %ctivity


Em3edding of *unctional S2ills

%ssessment and feed3ac2 1here appropriate"

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


Documents relating to Assignment T0o# &nabling and Assessing Learning

#eference onl$: lectronic %ersions are a%aila!le for indi%idual &rinting

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

%SSIG&#E&/ C$>E0 SHEE/

#odule Code)

#odule Credit ; !evel)

#odule /itle)


30 F

/E%CHI&G, !E%0&I&G %&D %SSESS#E&/

#odule %ssignment /1o) E&%'!I&G %&D %SSESSI&G !E%0&I&G

<our &ame) <our Centre)

'E*$0E handing in 1or2, please chec2 that) 9ou ha,e !illed in -our details in the section abo,e


S/%/E#E&/ $& P!%GI%0IS# %&D C$&*IDE&/I%!I/< $ con!irm that $ ha,e read the section on )lagiarism in the 2ourse Handbook and that the 0ork submitted is m- o0n" All 6uotations and e1tracts !rom other 0ork $ ha,e used are )ro)erl- ackno0ledged" $ con!irm that $ ha,e obtained a))ro)riate )ermissions to use an- student 0ork or organisational in!ormation and that no other indi,idual is identi!ied in m- 0ork"

9ou ha,e com)leted all the 0ork s)eci!ied in the assignment 9ou ha,e re!erred to the assessment criteria !or the assignment

Signature of /rainee) 9our 0ork contains e,idence o! re!lection 9our 0ork is 0ell )resented and accurate %e!erencing has been used correctl- and a com)lete bibliogra)h- is included Date) 9our module 0ork ma- be used b- the =ni,ersit- (in anon-mised !orm+ !or the )ur)oses o! educational research, unless -ou indicate that -ou do not 0ish this to ha))en" .lease tick the bo1 i! -ou AB%&& to -our 0ork being used in this 0a-"

9ou ha,e consulted and com)lied 0ith the 5&%A ethical guidelines and other rele,ant ethical re6uirements

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


School of Education and Professional Development In-Service Certificate in Education and PGCE (Lifelong Learning)

#$DU!E %SSESS#E&/ *$0#

#odule Code) Credit ; !evel) &ame of /rainee)


-. *

'ummar- o! !ormati,e assessment, including action )oints#

Tutor4s signature#


SU##%/I>E %SSESS#E&/
#odule $utcomes %chieved ()lease circle one+#

<ES 9 &$

General Comments, including) overall Buality of 1or2C integration of theory and practiceC Buality of reflection

*eed3ac2 on literacy, numeracy and IC/ (including comments on the trainee4s )ersonal skillsH recommendations !or im)ro,ement in )ersonal skillsH kno0ledgeEunderstanding o! the embedding o! these areas in the trainee4s o0n )ractice+

.lease tick this bo1 i! the trainee needs to seek su))ort 0ith academic 0riting skills

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


0eferencing and use of literature (tutors should comment on the 6ualit-, breadth and rele,ance o! the literature used as 0ell as the accurac- o! re!erencing+

Points for Consideration and9or *urther Development (including de,elo)ment in literac-, numerac- and $2T+#

If tutor re-assessment a))lies, )lease gi,e date !or !inal submission o! 0ork" A result should not be recorded belo0 until this !inal submission takes )lace" Date o! First Assessment# Tutor4s %ecommendation# (.ass, %e!er or Fail+ Final 'ubmission Date# Tutor4s 'ignature# Date#

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


'tracts from the Module (&ecification and Module Assessment Criteria

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


DFA7130 Teaching) "earning and Assessment

#odule Code #odule /itle Credit rating Professional 3ody reBuirements D*%+,-. Teaching, Learning and Assessment 30 F Li!elong Learning => 'tandards, including Minimum 2ore %e6uirements in Language, Literac- and Cumerac-H H& Academ-

Synopsis This module de,elo)s an understanding o! ho0 )eo)le learn in )ost com)ulsor- education and training and o! the role o! assessment in enabling learning and achie,ement" $t introduces theories and )rinci)les o! learning and assessment and de,elo)s the abilit- to a))l- theor- to design e!!ecti,e learning and assessment strategies and materials" $t de,elo)s )ositi,e a))roaches to grou) and indi,idual learner management and )romotes an inclusi,e a))roach to teaching, learning and assessment" $t introduces the role o! ke- trans!erable skills and the 0a-s in 0hich )eo)le learn language, literac- and numerac- skills" $t begins co,erage o! the minimum core !or language, literac- and numerac-" The module embeds the re6uirements o! the threshold licence to teach in the Learning and 'kills sector" $utline sylla3us 2onte1ts !or learning in Li!elong Learning, e"g" !urther education colleges, communit- based )ro,ision, 0ork based learning" 5ackgrounds o! learners" Ceeds o! learners" $ndi,idual di!!erences in learners" The role o! the teacher, tutor or trainer in Li!elong Learning" $ntroduction to national )olic- issues in Li!elong Learning" Factors in!luencing learning, e"g" )re,ious educational e1)erience, moti,ation" Theories and models o! teaching and learning, including e1)eriential and re!lecti,e learning models, beha,iourist, cogniti,ist and constructi,ist theories, theories o! moti,ation, social and situated theories o! learning" $n!ormal and )ersonalised learning" &1amination o! models o! adult learning" 2ritical discussion o! learning st-le models" 2ommunication (including language and literac-+ in teaching and learning" 5arriers to learning" 'ocio cultural in!luences on learning" &6ualit- and di,ersit- in teaching, learning and assessment" .romoting inclusi,e learning" .ersonal, social and cultural !actors in learning language, literac- and numerac- skills" A))roaches to )lanning learning" 'tructuring learning acti,ities in relation to learning outcomes and learner needs" 'chemes o! 0ork and indi,idual )rogrammes o! learning" The )rocess o! )lanning and designing in a ,ariet- o! teaching and learning situations" .rinci)les guiding the design o! learning

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


acti,ities and learning materials" &,idence based a))roaches to the selection o! learning acti,ities" The use o! in!ormation and communication technologies in teaching and learning" &n,ironmental sustainabilit- in education" 2lass management and co)ing 0ith disa!!ection" $ssues o! class management and )astoral care 0ith 1: 1? students" .olicies rele,ant to the de,elo)ment and care o! -oung )eo)le, e"g" Every Child ,atters" Teaching grou)s and indi,iduals" >e- conce)ts o! assessment, including# !ormati,e and summati,e assessmentH i)sati,e assessmentH norm and criterion re!erenced assessmentH reliabilit- and ,alidit-" The )ur)oses o! assessment, including notions o! sustainabilit- and the relationshi) bet0een assessment and e,aluation" The )lace o! assessment in the learning c-cle" 'creening, initial assessment, diagnostic assessment and needs anal-sis" The assessment )rocess, !rom )lanning and im)lementation to gi,ing !eedback and recording achie,ement" %e,ie0ing and action )lanning" T-)es o! assessment instrument" Anal-sis o! assessment data using statistical conce)ts and techni6ues" ModerationEstandardisation" !earning $utcomes (no1ledge and Understanding) 1 Discusses a range o! theories and models o! learning rele,ant to the design o! inclusi,e teaching and learning acti,ities" 2 %elates learning outcomes to the needs o! di!!erent learners and the design o! inclusi,e teaching and learning acti,ities" 3 Distinguishes ke- )rinci)les under)inning a range o! assessment methods and their selection" : Anal-ses the use o! language, literac- and numerac- skills 0ithin teaching and learning" %3ilities) 1 .lans e!!ecti,el- to achie,e identi!ied learning outcomes, taking into account learner needs" 2 .re)ares e!!ecti,e teaching and learning resources" 3 .lans e!!ecti,el- to assess learning and identi!- learning needs : .lans, )re)ares and deli,ers a learning session ; %e!lects on o0n learning 0ithin the module Summative %ssessment) The trainee 0ill )roduce e,idence that the- ha,e achie,ed the module outcomes (e6ui,alent to :,;00 M ;,;00 0ords a))ro1imatel-+" %ssessment /as2s) 'oth tas2s must 3e passed4 1" ($nitial Teaching Assignment+ .lan, )re)are, deli,er and re!lect on a learning session conte1tualised 0ithin o0n role in Li!elong Learning" (2,000 2,;00 0ords e6ui,alent including a))ro)riate e,idence, co,ering outcomes >2, >3, >:, A, A: and A;+

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


2" (&nabling and Assessing Learning+ /rite a critical account in,estigating the learning needs o! -our o0n learners and discussing ho0 -ou ha,e )lanned, enabled and assessed their learning" (2,;00 3,000 0ords e6ui,alent including a))ro)riate e,idence, co,ering outcomes >1 :, A1 3 and A;+ %ssessment Criteria) Meets descri)tors o! H&8F Meets s)eci!ic criteria dra0n !rom LL=> =nits o! Assessment (these 0ill a))ear in !ull in the module assignment+

Module Assessment Criteria

This is a Foundation Le,el module, so the Foundation Le,el criteria a))l- as 0ell as the s)eci!ic assessment criteria taken !rom the LL=> =nits o! Assessment" *$U&D%/I$& !E>E! C0I/E0I% Trainees )resenting modules at !oundation le,el must sho0 that the- ha,e addressed the module outcomes and reached the standard re6uired b- the a))ro)riate le,el descri)tors in the Higher &ducation 8uali!ications Frame0ork (H&8F+" The- 0ill be e1)ected to# Demonstrate kno ledge of the underl!ing concepts and principles associated ith their area of stud!" and an a#ilit! to evaluate and interpret these ithin the conte$t of that area of stud! Present" evaluate and interpret %ualitative and %uantitative data" in order to develop lines of argument and make sound &udgements in accordance ith #asic theories and concepts of their su#&ect(s) of stud!' Evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving pro#lems related to their area(s) of stud! and(or ork communicate the results of their stud!( ork accuratel! and relia#l!" and ith structured and coherent arguments )ndertake further training and develop ne skills ithin a structured and managed environment*

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


Demonstrate the %ualities and transfera#le skills necessar! for emplo!ment re%uiring the e$ercise of some personal responsi#ilit!*

SPECI*IC %SSESS#E&/ C0I/E0I% The !ollo0ing assessment criteria are taken !rom the =nits o! Assessment )roduced b- LL=> as the 3building blocks4 !or all )rogrammes o! initial teacher training leading to 8TL'" $n order to be endorsed b- LL=>E'G=>, the course needs to sho0 that all o! these assessment criteria are incor)orated into our modules" The !ollo0ing table lists the criteria rele,ant to this module" Specific %ssessment Criteria $denti!- !actors a!!ecting learning and e1)lain the )otential im)act o! these on learner achie,ement" &1)lain 0a-s in 0hich theories and )rinci)les o! learning and communication can be a))lied to )romote inclusi,e )ractice <usti!- the selection and use o! teaching and learning strategies 0ith re!erence to theories and )rinci)les o! communication and inclusi,e learning" De,ise and 7usti!- a scheme o! 0ork 0hich meets learners4 needs and curriculum re6uirements" De,ise and 7usti!- session )lans 0hich meet the aims and needs o! indi,idual learners andEor grou)s" Anal-se 0a-s in 0hich session )lans can be ada)ted to the indi,idual needs o! learners" Anal-se the role o! initial assessment in the learning and teaching )rocess Describe and e,aluate di!!erent methods o! initial assessment !or use 0ith learners Anal-se theories and )rinci)les o! assessment in relation to )ractice in o0n s)ecialist area Anal-se the role o! assessment in e,aluation and 6ualit- )rocesses 2riticall- discuss the im)lications o! e6ualit- and di,ersit- issues in assessment !or teachers and learners" .lan andEor design and use assessment schemes, methods and instruments that are !air, ,alid, reliable, su!!icient and a))ro)riate !or learners, using ne0 and emerging technologies 0here a))ro)riate" <usti!- the selection and Eor design and use o! !ormal and in!ormal assessment methods and instruments utilised !or di!!erent )ur)oses in

1 2 3

: ; A 7 D ? 10 11 12


DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


o0n s)ecialist area" 1: &,aluate and im)ro,e the design and e!!ecti,eness o! !ormal and in!ormal assessment )rocedures, methods and instruments, using !eedback !rom learners and a))ro)riate others and re!erring to rele,ant theories o! learning" &,aluate o0n a))roaches, strengths and de,elo)ment needs in relation to assessment" =nderstand and demonstrate kno0ledge o! the minimum core in o0n )ractice"

1; 1A

DFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: nitial Teaching Assignment


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