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Christmas its Millennial Questions

December 25, 2013 (05:05 AM) (PDH: F7), Don Bosco Center, Yelagiri Hills, TN, India

Luminous nights and pomposities, utterly Disnefyied. Spheres of lavish party-mongers; Thoroughly plastic-minded and hearts refracted from everyone, but themselves. Entombed in pseudo-modern culturalities and techno-socializations. Look at the strange frameworks for living today: Forgiveness obtained through bloodshed Protecting poverty by political sanctions and sanctifications Money the de facto measure of economic deniability. Defense ensured through terrors. Weaning freedom through control and dominations. Authority is savage intimidations, overt and covert. Knowledge is successful scavenging of information heaps. Intelligence nurseries by rabid appropriations. Glorification of created characters for mass-cravings. Disconcerting specter of fishdoms onset. Mechanized confluential existence as the human evolutionary path. Abyss-minding of knowabilities and knowledges. Stealth stratagems and selfish protocols (characteristic mark of blind inhumanism) Stacking hyped progress structures and spurious indicators over social wrecks. Leaving behind multitudes without conscience and confidence. Brutal and opportune moralities and immoralities are social smartness and achievements! Relentlessness of primordial paradoxes goes on and on. Where Power is, can Peace be? Where majestic Chairs are, can people ac/counted for? By the way, where are we, the humans?

In the cauldron of technologies Take a look back Back to 2000 plus years ago. Did early Christian folk celebrated Christmas in Catacombs? that strange celebration of Christ birth in human graveyards; Outrageous! But never historically. Of course! In our universal faith history, RESURRECTION precedes NATIVITY. What a powerless Christmas it was! Anonymous. Forlorn. Uneventful. for a country-side Jewish parent; So mundane and entirely trivial for everyone. But, The watchers saw a new genesis of humanity in that little town. Who were they? Couple of curious, breezy, ancient, elementary scientists; and Ordinary nocturnal shepherds. Insignificant, arent they? But more eloquent in actions! Contrast with absolute silence of God-childs parents Christmas Event where only perfunctory outsiders involve; angels, shepherds, magi, well even, Herod himself! While, Mary and Joseph, All too silent throughout birth episode almost Yes! Christmas: the greatest portrayal of human vulnerabilities Helplessness (false) Assurances Hope in oblivion. And broken normalities. Gods manifest of supernaturalities mocking all human sublimities; The manger-group challenging all ancient extravaganzas and social vanities; Witnessing tumultuous millennia ahead, unwittingly. The unfolding of events from peaceful start, leading to: Spectacular heavenly messages (to shepherds) Hot pursuits with curiosities (by Magi) Murderous political deterrence (of Herod), and Gospel silence of the holy family. No questions. No droning. All accepting. Still, Christmas Event THE perennial trend-setter. The most practical Manifest by God. New Testaments unique Passover: God becoming the human person. This Passover not resulting in deaths (by both subjugated and oppressors). For the first time, positive Faith was lit in the world. Human faith, not cultic and not structural either; living and practical. Christ-child gave new dimension to all realities of life.

Beginning is the End and vice versa. While, the only endurance is Fullness (of Gods own). Christ-childs MISSION IS LIFE. To nurture, cherish, part-take and celebrate, courageously. HIS life: challenging every oddities of humanity. HE, being present in every episode of lives, through centuries. Now, lets come to the Christmas Business Someone said of the beginning of all the beginning: If you are amazed to see That the divine plan hung on the lips of Mary What will you say when you see That year after year At your front door God himself awaits, For your Yes. * Yet another says: There is no such thing as a simple yes Every yes has a million little yeses inside it. No is simple. It has nothing inside it except death.** What would you say to Gods (and life) challenges to you? Yes and more yeses. Or, Just no and wrap-up? Either way, God-Is-With-Us always. Semper for Sure.

James VM * Dom Helder Camara (?)

** John R. Aurelio ( Colors: Stories of the Kingdom )

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