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Week 12
61. Questions and answers after chapter 5. 12:21:24 60. The 16 characteristics of the Four Noble Truths 3:2 :1 5!. The Fi"e #aths !:1 :06

Week 11
5 . 3$ %spects &roup $: the Noble 'i(htfold #ath 15:01:06 5$. 3$ %spects &roup 6: $ branches of the path to enli(hten)ent 16:41:13 56. 3$ %spects &roup 4: 5 Faculties and &roup 5: 5 #owers 13:14:10 55. 3$ %spects &roup 3: The 4 Factors of *iraculous powers 15:5$:22 54. 3$ %spects &roup 2: The 4 +o)plete %bandon)ents :02:04 53. 3$ %spects &roup 1: The 4 *indfulness 16:10:15 52. 3$ %spects of the #ath $:05:14 51. +onclusion on 'thics 4:24:13 50. Question and answers after ,The Three Trainin(s, 1!:4$:1! 4!. -isdo) 1:56:22 4 . +oncentration 3:36:16 4$. 'thics 12:23:1 46. The )an. paths in /uddhis). The Three Trainin(s 16:56:24 45. Truth of the #ath: The Three #hases0 The #ath To 'nli(hten)ent 12:2 :15

Week 10
44. 43. 42. 41. The Four +haracteristics of +essation. 1$:5!:1 The +onnection between 1iberation and ')ptiness. /uddha2s Two /odies. 16:14:0$ *oti"ational Tal3 13:4!:1 :35:03

Week 9
40. Questions and %nswers after ,+essation0 1iberation and 'nli(hten)ent, 14:05:1 3!. ')ptiness and +essation 1!:0 :23 3 . 1iberation and enli(hten)ent 10:0$:21 3$. 4.)bolic +essation: )ethods for cessation 12:34:1$ 36. Noble Truth of +essation: the 23 #hases and -hat 5s +essation6 33:4 :23

Week 8
35. Questions and %nswers after the Twel"e 1in3s of 7ependant 8ri(ination 15:40:1! 34. -hat is 4a)sara 12:33:03 33. The -heel of 1ife. 12:34:05

32. 12 1in3s of 7ependent 8ri(ination 1!:05:1$

Week 7
31. Questions and answers after ,,9ar)ic %ction, and ,7ealin( with afflicti"e e)otions, 23:2 :01 30. 7ealin( with %fflicti"e e)otions !:2 :05

Week 6
2!. 2 . 2$. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 1!. 9ar)ic 5)prints 14:55:15 9ar)a: su((ested further readin( 3:5$:0$ 9ar)a 1 :30:00 9ar)a: :ow cause and effect wor3s $:20:16 Questions and %nswers 15:51:16 The Three 9inds of +ra"in( +ont 1 :4!:16 Three 9inds of +ra"in(: ;ahula <uote :32:02 %fflicti"e e)otions !:5!:02 5(norance 11:14:22 The Truth of 8ri(in !:25:21 *oti"ational Tal3 !:35:16

Week 5
1 . 1$. 16. 15. Questions and %nswers after the First noble Truth 6:06:04 :ow to )editate on the First Noble Truth 11:54:20 /oo3 +orrection p( 4 =4! 1:36:16 The Four 4eals in connection with the 4 characteristics $:04:13

Week 4
14. 13. 12. 11. 10. e)ptiness 10:14:02 sufferin( = i)perfection !:56:0 i)per)anence 2:40:03 The Four +haracteristics of the Truth of 4ufferin( 10:2!:20 *oti"ational Tal3

Week 3
!. . $. 6. The Fi"e %((re(ates 42:24:22 T.pes of 4ufferin( !:0 :22 -h. the /uddha started with the teachin( on sufferin( *oti"ational Tal3

Week 2
5. Question and %nswers after chapter 1 :10:10 4. /ein( our own refu(e 4:3$:0 3. The Two 4ets of +ause and 'ffect. 4:1!:01 Week 1 2. The 8rder of The 4 Noble Truths 6:4!:05 1. The Four Truths: The 4tructure of the 4utra 26:54:13

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