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Career Success through UK Qualifications

CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATES 1. Registration procedures Payment of the exam fee Registration means filling in the entry form and paying the exam fee. The entry form is available on our website, 5 days before the start of each registration period, as well as in all our centres. Fees can be paid in cash, by card or by bank transfer during the registration period. Full details about the registration procedure can be found on the entry form. You will receive an email confirming your entry by the date mentioned on the entry form. This confirmation will also give you details about the place and times of the written papers, the date of the speaking paper, etc. In case you have not received this by the date mentioned on the entry form, you must contact British Council immediately. Transfers Entries cannot be transferred from one examination sitting to a future one or to a different level, after registration. Transfers from one centre to another are not permitted. Special arrangements If you have special needs in relation to taking an exam, we can help you. You need to let us know about your entitlement to special arrangements upon registration (unless there is an emergency) so that we can get approval from Cambridge ESOL. Late registrations In case you missed the registration period, you can still register (by paying an extra fee) during the late registration period, which will be advertised on the internet and at our offices. 2. Exam sitting The duration of the exams The exams are usually held on two days: one day for the written papers (set by Cambridge ESOL) and another day for Speaking set by the British Council in the period mentioned on the entry form. The allocation of candidates Candidates are allocated to rooms and exam dates according to their candidate number, which is automatically issued on registration by the exams software. Written papers The allocation to rooms will be displayed at the exam venue in the morning of the exam. The oral test The Speaking timetable is displayed on our website a few days prior to the oral exam. If you have queries or complaints about the way the exam is organised, please contact a supervisor or the British Council representative at the venue immediately after the end of the paper or exam. Any complaints concerning the administration of the exam raised afterwards might not be taken into consideration. 3. Cancellations, results, certificates Cancellations Cancellations of entries, after the registration period has ended, are only possible on medical grounds. You have to give us a written request, accompanied by a valid statement from a medical practitioner, specifying the medical reasons for which you had to withdraw your entry or were unable to sit the examination. The withdrawal and refund of the examination fee have to be requested by the deadline mentioned on the entry form. When Cambridge ESOL approves the withdrawal, you will be refunded the exam fee minus a local administrative tax. Refunds are not given for any other reason (including, for example, clash of dates with other examinations). Results You can access your result online 6 weeks after your exam date (For computer based tests, you can access your result 3 weeks after your exam). You will also receive a result reminder email from the British Council, specifying where and when to collect the certificate. Results are confidential; they are not displayed and are not communicated by telephone. Enquiries on result Enquiries may be made, according to the procedure specified in the result email. You can request either a clerical recheck or a remark of the written paper; both services are charged. It is extremely rare for such enquiries to lead to a change in the result for the following reasons: the majority of papers are either machine-marked or clerically marked with double-checking; examiner-marked papers are typically double-marked and in borderline or disputed cases they are marked three or four times. Certificates Certificates are issued about 3 months after the exam date, in the period mentioned in the letter of result (for computer based tests, your certificate is available in 6 weeks). Certificates are not sent by post, unless we receive a written request from you. For more information, contact us at British Council Bucharest Calea Dorobani 14, 010572 Bucharest T 021 3079600; F 021 3079602 British Council Iai Str Pcurari nr 4, 700511 Iai T/F 0232-316159 British Council Cluj Str Arany Janos 11, 400028 Cluj Napoca T 0264-594408; F 0264 593090, Asociaia Alternative Culturale Timioara Centrul Pentru Invatarea Limbilor Moderne, Brasov Universitatea Transilvania, Str. Politehnicii, nr. 1 Corp N, Sala NI 13, T 0268475348

Cambridge ESOL Examinations 2011 dates and fees

Dates for the Written Papers Examinations and Fees*
Dates available to schools and individual candidates (open) Sat 4 June Computer based KET RON 265 Paper based PET RON 400 Sat 4 June Computer based PET RON 380 Paper based KET for Schools RON 280 Computer based KET for Schools RON 265 Paper based PET for Schools RON 400 Computer based PET for Schools RON 380 Paper based FCE RON 545 Dates available to closed subcentres** only Sat 19 March Sat 4 June Fri 8 July Sat 19 March Sat 4 June Fri 8 July Sat 12 March Sat 14 May Sat 5 November Sat 19 November Sat 14 May Sat 12 March Sat 14 May Sat 5 November Sat 19 November Sat 12 March Sat 11 June Sat 10 December Computer based FCE*** RON 520 Paper based FCE for Schools RON 545 Fri 30 September Sat 26 March Sat 12 March Sat 14 May Sat 11 June Sat 10 December Sat 16 July Fri 30 September Sat 26 March Sun 8 May

Period for the Speaking Test

To be confirmed 11 21 March 27 May 6 June 2 10 July 11 21 March 27 May 6 June 2 10 July 4 14 March 6 16 May 28 Oct 7 Nov 12 20 Nov 4 14 March 6 16 May 28 Oct 7 Nov 12 20 Nov 25 Feb 13 Mar 6 15 May 27 May 19 Jun 18 Nov 11 Dec 9 17 Jul 24 Sep 2 Oct 18 27 Mar

Registration Period
By 1 February 12-16 April By 24 June By 1 February 12-16 April By 24 June By 27 January 15-19 March By 19 September By 1 November By 27 January 15-19 March By 19 September By 1 November 14-18 December 2010 and 5-8 January 2011 By 7 March 22 February - 5 March 21-29 September By 1 July 13-17 September 14-18 December 2010 and 5-8 January 2011 By 3 March

Paper based KET RON 280

Sat 14 May

Paper based CAE RON 580

Fri 11 March Wed 15 June Sat 3 December

Fri 11 March Sat 14 May Wed 15 June Sat 3 December Fri 15 April Fri 15 July Sat 29 October Sat 12 March Sat 14 May Thu 16 June Thu 8 December Sat 7 May Sat 19 November Sat 9 April Sat 2 July Thu 17 March Fri 4 November Fri 25 February

25 Feb 13 Mar 6 15 May 27 May 19 Jun 18 Nov 11 Dec 9 17 Apr 9 17 Jul 22 30 Oct 25 Feb 13 Mar 6 15 May 27 May 19 Jun 18 Nov 11 Dec N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 21 March 28 Oct 7 Nov 19 27 Feb 11 21 March 6 30 May 28 Oct 7 Nov 19 27 Feb 5 13 Nov 11 21 March 6 23 May 28 Oct 7 Nov 19 27 Feb 5 13 Nov 6 16 May 11 21 Nov

Computer based CAE ***

RON 550

Sat 29 October Paper based CPE RON 595 Thu 16 June Thu 8 December Sat 7 May Sat 19 November Sat 9 April Sat 2 July

Paper based TKT RON 150 Computer based TKT*** RON 140 Paper based BEC Preliminary RON 385 Computer based BEC Preliminary RON 365 Paper based BEC Vantage RON 555 Computer based BEC Vantage*** RON 530 Paper based BEC Higher RON 590 Computer based BEC Higher*** RON 560 ILEC and ICFE RON 950/600 ILEC and ICFE RON 950/600 YLE (paper based, any level) RON 205

14-18 December 2010 and 5-8 January 2011 By 7 March 22 February - 5 March 21-29 September By 1 April By 1 July 12-15 October By 10 January By 7 March 22 February - 5 March 21-29 September 8 11 March 20 23 September 17 19 March 16 18 June By 3 February By 22 September By 10 February By 3 February 15-19 March By 22 September By 10 February 25-29 October By 3 February 15-19 March By 22 September By 10 February 25-29 October By 26 March By 1 October By 8 May

Sat 28 May

Sat 12 November Sat 21 May

Sat 12 November Sat 14 May Sat 19 November Sunday 3 July British

Council Bucharest

Fri 18 March Sat 28 May Sat 5 November Fri 25 February Sat 12 November Wed 16 March Sat 21 May Thu 3 November Fri 25 February Sat 12 November Sat 14 May Sat 19 November

* Fees are subject to change in 2011. Any change will be notified on the website ** closed subcentres are institutions which organise examinations on their premises *** for open computer-based tests, please check the availability of places

Definition A block entry is when an institution (called supplier) enters a group of candidates, rather than the candidates entering as individuals. There is no minimum number of candidates for a block entry. Exams available for block entries Preparation centres can register candidates for any of the Cambridge examinations offered by British Council Romania Examinations Services: KET, KET for Schools, PET, PET for Schools, FCE, FCE for Schools, CAE, CPE, BEC. You can find details about fees and venues on the entry form. Schools can enter: students from English bilingual classes for CAE and BEC Higher, with a 10% discount on the exam fee. These fees do not apply to late registrations. The 10% discount is offered exclusively to schools and only applies to block entry registrations. The discount does not apply to individual candidates. as well as students from other classes for any Cambridge exams, to whom the entire fee specified on the relevant entry form is applied. Registration procedures The supplier should provide British Council Examinations Services with a table of candidates containing all necessary information. You need to download the Excel template from our website. Please create a separate file for each level you register candidates for (e.g. FCE.xls, CAE.xls, etc). The candidates from English bilingual classes entered for CAE or BEC Higher will be listed separately (in a separate worksheet) as the school is entitled to a 10% discount on the exam fee, as stipulated in an agreement signed in 1999 by the British Council, the Romanian Ministry of Education and the University of Cambridge. Please note that we can only accept entries upon full completion of the above details; all the required information is compulsory in order to enter candidates in our exams data-base. Candidates names should be in accordance with their official ID documents. It is not necessary for the supplier to send entry forms to the Examinations Services as this might result in having double entries for one single candidate. The excel document will be sent by e-mail within the registration period and must include the name and contact details (this should include address where exams materials are to be sent) of the person designated by the supplier to act as contact person in all matters concerning the respective examination session. Please make sure that you supply this information even if it remains unchanged from previous sessions again, this makes all procedures related to the exam much easier. Please check with the British Council Examinations Services staff if your entry has been received. Your registration is completed once you have received an answer to your e-mail. The supplier should pay British Council Examinations Services the appropriate fees into the bank account (bank details on the entry form, available at Proof of payment must be sent together with the table of candidates. Please note that a complete registration implies both payment and completion of the above mentioned table. The supplier should let candidates know that they can only sit the exam as part of the block entry if their details are entered in the respective table. Candidates who register individually (i.e. who fill in an individual entry form and send proof of payment to the British Council on their own) cannot sit the exam as part of the block entry in a closed centre (where this is the case). Subsequent transfers from an open centre to a closed sub-centre or from one session or level to another will not be accepted after registrations close. British Council Examinations Services will provide a single receipt if the payment is made in cash, and a letter confirming that the entries have been received if the registration is made by post. Details about registration and examination dates and venues are sent to the supplier, who must forward these documents to the candidates within one week of receipt. Exam administration The examinations are usually held on two days, one set by the University of Cambridge (Reading, Writing, Use of English and Listening) and the other by British Council Romania (Speaking). It is mandatory that the Listening test is held on the same day with the other written papers, after Use of English, and Use of English must start before 13:00. For each session, there will be distinct entry forms for each open centre where examinations are held. Suppliers who want to organise one or several examinations on their premises have to enter a minimum of 25 candidates for each exam. They should inform British Council Bucharest, Cluj or Iasi of their intention when they send the candidate list. A decision will be taken after registrations close. Incentives for block entries 1 loyalty point = RON 150 (for any exam or combination of exams) 50 to 100 candidates 101 to 150 candidates 151 to 200 candidates Over 200 = 3 loyalty points = 5 loyalty points = 7 loyalty points = 10 loyalty points

For example, if you entered 130 candidates you are entitled to five loyalty points which you can receive by purchasing books directly from a distributor/bookshop with which British Council will sign an agreement. In January 2012, suppliers who entered a minimum of 50 candidates in 2011 will be contacted with more details about the incentive scheme. University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Certificates for preparation centres Supplier institutions who will enter a minimum of 50 candidates in 2011 will receive a Cambridge ESOL diploma certifying that they prepare candidates for Cambridge examinations. For more information, contact us at: British Council, Calea Dorobantilor 14, 010572 Bucharest, Tel.021-307 9600, Fax 021-307 9601,

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