Final Supply Chain Management at NBCC Final

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NBCC was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in November, 1960, as a wholly owned Government o !ndia "nterprise under the ae#is o the $inistry o %rban &evelopment' Be#innin# with a turnover o !N( )*,000, the Corporation, over the years, achieved many milestones in its operation and has posted a turnover o !N( *0*) crore as at $arch +1, *010 ran,in# itsel as the number one P-% construction company o the country'

NBCC has obtained !-. 9001 Certi ication or its Pro/ect $ana#ement and Consultancy &ivisions' 0he Corporate $ission inter alia enshrines buildin# a hi#h de#ree o customer satis action and providin# services con ormin# to !-. 90011 *000 series'

0he authori2ed and paid3up share capital o the Corporation stand at (s'1*0 crore'

$inistry o %rban &evelopment and Bureau o Public "nterprises o the Government o !ndia have ran,ed NBCC as "4cellent Corporation durin# the year *00+305, *00530) and *00)306 as the Corporation achieved all the tar#ets set in the $o% with the Government' Because o its such outstandin# per ormance, Government o !ndia awarded the 0op 0en P-% 6wards or the inancial years *007309 8 *009310 and -C.P" 0urnaround 6ward *010311 to NBCC which were presented by &r' $anmohan -in#h, the 9on:ble Prime $inister o !ndia on $arch 7, *011' 0he Corporation has also been receivin# 6ppreciation Letters rom all its client or#ani2ations, 2

$inistries, -tate Governments and Government &epartments or its delivery o pro/ects on time with ;uality and economy'

NBCC has also been selected for TOP TEN PSU A ard ! SCOPE E"cellence A ard #Med$%& PSE Cate'or() for the (ear *+,+-,,AREAS OF OPERATION
NBCC is touchin# upon the lives o people all around the #lobe with its activities in the ields o <ater and "nvironment $ana#ement, "arth;ua,e (esistant Buildin# 0echnolo#y 8 (etro ittin#, &isaster $ana#ement, Pro/ect $ana#ement 8 Consultancy, !n rastructure Pro/ects, !nstitutional, 9ousin# and !ndustrial Pro/ects, (eal "state <or,s, Power Pro/ects, (CC Chimneys 8 Coolin# 0owers, Brid#es, 6irports, (ailway Pro/ects includin# %nder#round 8 "levated $etro3trac,s and -tations, Post Completion $aintenance <or,s, 0ransmission lines, $arine -tructures, Border =encin# /obs, P$G-> wor,s, ?NN%($ Pro/ects'

0o maintain its competitive ed#e in the mar,et, NBCC is always obsessed to ma,e value addition to its areas o operation' %se o new technolo#y such as %p low 6naerobic -lud#e Blan,et @%6-BA technolo#y in implementation o "nvironmental "n#ineerin# plants, -lip3 orm 0echnolo#y or e4ecution o Coolin# 0owers 8 0all -tac,s, 0renchless 0echnolo#y in implementation o under#round utility services etc' are some si#ni icant en#ineerin# initiatives o NBCC that have made it a leader in the industry'


0he Pro/ect $onitorin# o all the pro/ects o NBCC is done by Plannin# and Pro#rammin# with computeri2ed networ, based -ystem' 0he so twares li,e $- Pro/ect, primavera, sure trac, tools or pro/ect monitorin# are e4tensively used, ,eepin# in view, the speci ic re;uirements o the pro/ect'


NBCC has its own in3house Consultancy &ivision sta ed with hi#hly ;uali ied and e4perienced 6rchitects, "n#ineers and -tructural 8 -ervice -pecialists' Consultancy <in# is providin# desi#n and en#ineerin# support to the NBCC:s pro/ects and is also en#a#ed by other outside a#encies to provide them speciali2ed services'

Beepin# in view its vast e4perience and stren#th in "n#ineerin#, Consultancy and "4ecution o wor,s, NBCC entered the lar#e mar,et o Pro/ect $ana#ement Consultancy @P$CA /obs' P$C pro/ects include preparation o estimates, CP(C&P(, approvals rom various authorities etc' i'e' e4ecution o wor,s rom concept to commissionin# on turn,ey basis' &ue to its mar,et reputation or deliverin# pro/ects in time with ;uality construction, NBCC has become a ma/or player in P$C mar,et'

(eal "state is one o the ma/or areas o Corporation' "nterin# the sector in 197), NBCC has e4ecuted a number o Commercial (eal "state Pro/ects at various ma/or towns o the country vi2 &elhi, Bol,ata, Dadodara, Cuttac,, 0ripura, 6hmedabad etc' 0o provide ;uality housin# to Govt' and Public -ector "mployees and also to the #eneral public, the Corporation has, o late, started its venture into (esidential (eal -ector and has launched its irst (esidential (eal "state Pro/ect E NBCC D!BG>.( 0.<"(-E in Bol,ata' 6 ew more me#a 9ousin# Pro/ects are also to be launched in near uture'

0o meet the re;uirement o General Pool (esidential 6ccommodation @GP(6A and General Pool o ice 6ccommodation @GP.6A, the $inistry o %rban &evelopment @$o%&A o the Govt' o !ndia is e4plorin# the possibility o densi ication o the e4istin# GP.6CGP(6 throu#h (e3development -chemes' <hile one scheme at Neta/i Na#ar is under construction and one scheme at "ast Bidwai Na#ar in the Capital has already been entrusted to the Corporation by the $o%&' !n addition, pro/ects such as (e3development o !N6 $ar,et and -aro/ani Na#ar 6reas are also under active consideration o the Government throu#h NBCC' NBCC has also ventured into buyin# potential plots, throu#h participation in open auction as well as purchase rom Central Govt'C P-% and -tate P-%s' .ne plot measurin# 7)9F s;m at .,hla @Phase3!A, New &elhi was bou#ht by NBCC throu#h auction or (s'

1+)'+F crores and other plots measurin# +'171+ acres at Bochi or (s'1'10 crores rom CG"<9. and residential land measurin# 5'+F) acres at Bahadurpur, Patna or about (s'*1'17 crores rom Bihar -tate 9ousin# Board@B-9BA, Patna' Besides the above ventures, NBCC has ta,en some sincere ?D initiatives too, or associatin# itsel with the a#encies that are havin# land at prime locations in ma/or developin# cities Ctowns' 6 ew such pro/ects are li,ely to mature soon in Bol,ata, =aridabad, &elhi etc' !n one o its important drives, the Corporation has recently ormed ?D with National 0e4tile Limited at Gu/arat or development o their land at 6hmedabad into a modern comple4 called as !ndian 0e4tile Pla2a' =urther, it is also e4plorin# the possibility o ormin# ?D with leadin# #roups li,e !&PL, 66!, 9$0 8 9!L, who are havin# land at important cities and towns o the country and are ,een to develop these lands throu#h ?D system' <ith the liberalised Government policy on =&! in (eal "state -ector in the country, NBCC has ormed alliancesCsi#ned $o%s with some venture capital irms o %-6, $alaysia etc' and is aimin# to ta,e up $e#a (eal "state Pro/ects' NBCC is also plannin# to enter into 6utomated $ulti3level car par,in# @$LCPA pro/ects' Construction o 6utomated $ulti3level car par,in# on Built .perate 8 0rans er @B.0A basis at Pra#ati Dihar, 8 at CG. Comple4, New &elhi is at the plannin# sta#e' NBCC had invited "4pression o !nterest @".!A rom Govt'CP-% employees or sale o (esidential 6partments in Gur#aon, in $arch, *010 8 about *1,000 applicant e4pressed their con idence in NBCC' NBCC is plannin# to ormally launch :Gur#aon 6 ordable 9ousin# -cheme: shortly' 0he recently launched low cost residential scheme :NBCC 0own: at Bhe,hra, %P is #ettin# hu#e response rom the Govt'CP-% employees as well as #eneral public'


NBCC is concerned about the increasin# environmental pollution and is, there ore, actively involved in combatin# environmental pollution by way o construction o -ewa#e 0reatment Plants and -olid <aste $ana#ement @-<$A Plants' -ewa#e 0reatment Plants at Beshopur @&elhiA, 6#ra, Gha2iabad@%PA, =aridabad @9aryanaA and -onepat @9aryanaA are already in 5

operation' 0he Corporation, also too, up implementation o -olid <aste $ana#ement @-<$A pro/ects in 10 di erent towns across the country and has already completed the pro/ects at -irsa 8 6mbala @9aryanaA, ?odhpur @(a/asthanA, &undi#al@6ndhra PradeshA, 6dampur @Pun/abA and Gwalior @$adhya PradeshA' -<$ Pro/ects at Pune@$aharashtraA, 0e/pur@6ssamA 8 Portblair @6ndaman 8 Nicobar !slandsA are under e4ecution' Besides, =ive <ater 0reatment Plants constructed by NBCC are also under operation at <a2irabad, 9aiderpur, Nan#loi, Go,ulpuri @all in &elhiA and Coimbatore @0amil NaduA' -<$ Pro/ects at -irsa and ?odhpur have since been completed' 0ripura,

0he -olid <aste $ana#ement -cheme has been desi#ned to ensure ma4imum reduction in emission o Green 9ouse Gases responsible or #lobal warmin# and also acilitate $unicipal Corporations to #et carbon credit bene it throu#h the Clean &evelopment $echanism @C&$A, a mechanism under the Byoto Protocol to enable cross3border tradin# in reduction o Green 9ouse Gas emissions' $ost o the $unicipal Corporations, where NBCC is associated as implementin# a#ency or e4ecutin# the -cheme, have authori2ed NBCC to ta,e carbon credit bene it rom the %nited Nations =ramewor, Convention on Climate Chan#e @%N=CC6A on their behal and also entrusted the tas, o monitoring th !"h m #

NBCC entered orei#n mar,et in the year 19FF' 9avin# its sta,e in $auritius, Nepal, $aldives, Libya, !ra;, >emen, 0ur,ey and Botswana, the Corporation has success ully e4ecuted pro/ects o diverse nature li,e hotels, hospitals, dwellin# units, brid#es, lyovers, water 8 sewa#e treatment plants, airports, public buildin#s, roads, schools etc' in those countries' !n Botswana, the Corporation, throu#h a ?oint Denture Company by the name o $Cs ?amal NBCC !ntl' Pty Limited has re#istered itsel under Grade E"E @ or unlimited value o buildin# wor,sA with Public Procurement and 6ssets &isposal Board @PP6&BA and secured * hi#h value pro/ects o which one pro/ect o Construction o houses, par, entrance #ates, ablution bloc,s, roads, water 8 sewer reticulation, campin# sites etc' in the Central Balahari 8 Bhutse Game (eserve @CBBG(A valuin# %-G 5 million, has already been completed success ully' 6nother pro/ect o construction o rural police station and housin# at Bachi,au valuin# %-G 7 $illion is under pro#ress with scheduled completion in ?anuary *010' 0hus, in a short period o appro4imately 6 years, NBCC 6

has per ormed well in Botswana and its e orts have been applauded by the &epartment o Buildin# 8 "n#ineerin# -ervices @&B"-A, Government o Botswana'

NBCC has made a dent in speciali2ed areas by ac;uirin# /obs which re;uire hi#h and sophisticated technolo#y' 0he Corporation has also developed an inte#rated database or computeri2ed mana#ement in ormation system coverin# all the ma/or areas re;uirin# decision support' !0 based tools are bein# used or decision ma,in# in all acets o its operations' Computeri2ed $!- with better eedbac, is enablin# NBCC to e4ercise a stricter control on the e4ecution o the pro/ect ri#ht rom the sta#e o award till the completion'

By dint o its sustained e orts and initiatives, NBCC has made a remar,able turnaround particularly since *001 and has increased its pro it rom (s'*')) crore to (s'515'79 crore representin# a Compounded 6nnual Growth (ate @C6G(A o 10FH and !ncome rom (s'+1+'*9 crore to (s *0*5'79 crore respresentin# a C6G( o +0'))H as on +1'+'*010' 0o enhance its port olio in !ndian and abroad, NBCC is now committed to multiply its initiative in the ields o ?Ds with reputed !ndian and orei#n companies' &evlopment o (eal "state, Power 8 !n rastructure -ector etc' 0he Corporation has now s,etched out a road map to achieve its new milestone on !N( 5)00 crore turnover by the year *01*'

6s a Public -ector Company NBCC aims to achieve the ollowin# Corporate ob/ectives related to #overnance and leadership, service delivery, sta,eholder relationships, and corporate services and support' !mplementin# mana#ement practices that encoura#e value3added, innovative construction services delivery' "nsurin# the lon#3term viability o the Company throu#h prudent inancial mana#ement and the provision o e icient and e ective services' $ana#in# industry, or#ani2ational and contractual relationships in an ethical, air and pro essional manner' $aintainin# the le4ibility o structure, policies and systems necessary to accomplish the corporate mission in the ace o chan#in# circumstances and needs' Conductin# operations in a way that help protect and promote the natural environment' Buildin# brand awareness by associatin# us with our %-P' $aintainin# human resources mana#ement practices that advocate and advance the well3 bein# o employees, as well as their personal and pro essional development' 6dherin# to all statutory re;uirements and public policy re#ulations and #uidelines' Continuin# participation in the Governments initiatives or development o remote areas' 0o achieve the ollowin# inancial ob/ectives' 9i#her returns on invested capital


Shr$ Ar%/ Ro( Cho%dh%r( is a Graduate in Civil "n#ineerin# and Post Graduate in $ana#ement and -ystems and has more than +0 years o e4perience in the construction industry servin# prominent private and public sector companies li,e (!0"-, !(C.N, &L= etc' be ore /oinin# NBCC' 9e has obtained his education rom presti#ious institutions li,e Birla !nstitute o 0echnolo#y 8 !ndian !nstitute o 0echnolo#y' (oy Choudhury too, over as C$&, NBCC at the a#e o 55 years in 6pril, *011 and became one o the youn#est Chie "4ecutives o a public sector underta,in#' ?ust within a span o our years a ter /oinin# the Corporation, he has re3established the lost ima#e o NBCC and under him the Company has #rown ten times and achieved several enviable milestones' %nder his Leadership, the Corporation has very recently been up#raded to the status o -chedule :6: Company by the Government o !ndia' 9e is also the Chairman o -C.P", an 6pe4 Body o all Public -ector Companies' Shr$ 0-P- 1as, is an "n#ineerin# Graduate rom %niversity o (oor,ee @Now !!0A and has /oined NBCC as &irector @Pro/ectsA on 6u#ust +0, *007' Be ore /oinin# NBCC -hri &as served NBCC, another Central P-% and success ully accomplished many important assi#nments in that or#ani2ation' Shr$ A2a( 3 4ar'5 1$rector #F$nance) since 6pril, *009, an $B6 with speciali2ation in =inancial $ana#ement rom =aculty o $ana#ement -tudies, %niversity o &elhi, brin#s with him more than +0 years o rich e4perience in the discipline and be ore /oinin# NBCC, served in G6!L @!ndiaA Limited as "4ecutive &irector @=inanceA' &urin# his tenure o *1 years in G6!L, he was mainly responsible or accountin# o ma/or pro/ect, pro/ect appraisal, Corporate inancial plannin#, Corporate =inancin#, Gas Pipe Line 8 LPG Pipeline 0ari etc' Prior to G6!L, he also held various mana#erial post@sA in

"n#ineerin# Pro/ects @!ndiaA Ltd', a Govt' o !ndia "nterprise, and served both at home and overseas or almost one decade' Presently, as a =inance &irector on the Board o NBCC, he is responsible or ormulatin# inancial strate#ies and plans to enable the company in achievin# its Dision o Levera#in# 0echnolo#y throu#h "(P initiatives to cover most o e3Governance mechanism' 6s (eal "state is becomin# a predominant choice se#ment, &irector @=inanceA has been assi#ned additional char#e to loo, a ter $ar,etin# o (eal "state Pro/ects' %nder -hri Gar#, the Corporation has presented absolutely clean Balance -heet without any remar, rom the C6G' Shr$ R-C- M$shra, !6-, is a $anipur30ripura Cadre Civil -ervice . icer o 19F7 Batch' 9e is presently servin# as 6ddl' -ecretary @%&A in the $inistry o %rban &evelopment, Govt' o !ndia' Prior to his /oinin# the %rban &evelopment $inistry, -hri $ishra has served the Government in various important capacities and his last assi#nment was in the $inistry o Culture and $inistry o !n ormation 8 Broadcastin#, Govt' o !ndia, as ?oint -ecretary' Ms- S%dha 3r$shnan is an !ndian 6udit 8 6ccount -ervice @!66-A . icer o 197+ and is presently ?oint -ecretary 8 =inancial 6dvisor in the $inistry o %rban &evelopment, Govt' o !ndia' $s' Brishnan has a rich and varied e4perience in the ield o 6udit 8 6ccounts' Be ore /oinin# the $inistry o %rban &evelopment, she has served the Government o !ndia in various important capacities and her last assi#nment was in the 6udit Board o the Government o !ndia as $ember, 6udit Board @!(A'





6n e4clusively diversi ied and vertically inte#rated construction ma/or o National Pride and o Global (epute with a human ace and a showcase o absolute e4cellence' $edium term vision is become a (s' )000 crore company by *010'

0o be a leadin# player in the Public -ector Construction "n#ineerin# and Consultancy -ervices, providin# e icient and ;uality e4ecution o pro/ects, buildin# a hi#h de#ree o Customer Con idence, providin# o services con irmin# to !-. 90011*000 series and &evelopment o 9uman (esources in tune with #lobalisation and economic re orms'

*-8 AN IS ' ISO ())* + ,))) CERTIFICATION

$Cs Bureau o !ndian -tandards has #ranted the license to National Buildin#s Construction Corporation Limited or Iuality $ana#ement -ystems Certi ication in accordance with !- C !-. 90011*000 or providin# Consultancy and construction services by Consultancy &ivision and Pro/ect $ana#ement Group' !nitially NBCC was certi ied or !- C !-. 900111995 or Iuality $ana#ement -ystem in $arch, 1999' !n &ecember, *00+ the license was up#raded rom !- C !-. 9001 1 1995 to !- C !-. 9001 1 *000 Iuality mana#ement -ystem' 0he license has been renewed valid upto $arch, *011' !n accordance with the !- C !-. 90011*000 Iuality $ana#ement -ystem we have developed Iuality system documents consistin# o ;uality manual and ;uality system procedures consistin# 51 nos' o procedures' .ur Iuality Policy provides a rame wor, or establishin# and reviewin# Iuality ob/ectives' Iuality policy is reviewed or continuin# suitability' Iuality policy o NBCC is as under 13

0o ,eep on upli tin# 8 maintainin# the ;uality standards in pro/ect mana#ement 8 en#ineerin# consultancy services in order to substain a hi#h level o customer satis action by comprehensively meetin# the stated needs o the customer 8 proactively attendin# to the implied ones' 0o retain the plat orm o leadership by deliverin# pro/ects in time 8 within cost without compromisin# on ;uality and become a truly dependable pro/ect leader or esteemed customers as also or the corporation' Bein# an !-. 90013*000 accredited or#anisation ma,in# ;uality an obsession and to carry a commitment to continually improve the e ectiveness o our ;uality mana#ement system'


=rom a very humble be#innin# with a turnover o (s' )*,000'00 in construction a ter its inception in the year 1960, NBCC has #radually started ma,in# orays into many diversi ied areas' 0oday, it is touchin# upon the lives o people with its operation in areas as under 13

!nstitutional, 9ousin# and !ndustrial -ectors (oads, Brid#es, 6irports 8 !n rastructure Pro/ects <ater 8 " luent 0reatment Plants Power Pro/ects, (CC Chimneys, 0D 0owers, Coolin# 0owers, "PC Contracts 0ransmission lines $arine -tructures 0renchless @No3di#A 0echnolo#y (eal "state Pro/ect $ana#ement 8 Consultancy Post Completion $aintenance -ervices "ner#y " icient, "nvironment =riendly, Green Buildin#s


0o enhance its port olio in !ndia and abroad, the corporation is committed to urther enhance its initiatives in the ield o ?oint Dentures with reputed !ndian and =orei#n Companies'

Th Joint V nt-r & M mor.n/-m o0 Un/ r!t.n/ing .r +&

0o underta,e in rastructure pro/ects in Botswana,NBCC and $Cs ?amal 0radin#,a local
company o Botswana, have ormed a ?oint Denture @?DA Company by the name ?amal NBCC !nternational @ProprietaryA Ltd' 0he ?D is already e4ecutin# pro/ects in Botswana'

0o construct elevated viaduct on Panch,uian (oad Birti Na#ar in Bara,hamba (oad 3 &war,a -ection o &elhi $etro (ailway Pro/ect, NBCC ormed ?oint Denture Company with !?$, $alaysia 8 Dilayati (am $ittal o &elhi' 0he wor, has already been success ully completed and the Client, $Cs &elhi $etro (ail Corporation Ltd, has also appreciated the wor,'

0o underta,e 0ransmission Line wor,s, the Corporation has in,ed an $o% with %(6L "L"C0(.-060-0(.> o (ussia'

0o ta,e up Pro/ect $ana#ement 8 Consultancy wor,s in 0ur,ey, NBCC has si#ned a $o% with $Cs -% >6P!, a local company in 0ur,ey'

0o venture into N96! Pro/ects in !ndia, the Corporation si#ns a $o% with $Cs B.L!N !N-660 8 $Cs "B-"N P(.?" !N-60 0%( De 0!C' 6'-' o 0ur,ey with latter as the lead partner'

0he $o% si#ned with $Cs (6N9!LL B"(96& o $alaysia is a bid by NBCC to secure pro/ects in various sectors both in !ndia and abroad' 14

0o underta,e ConstructionCConsultancy Pro/ects in Libya, NBCC has si#ned an $o% with $Cs 6006<6B!C =.( C.N0(6C0!NG 6N& ("6L -060" C.' Libya'

0o put its irm sta,e in securin# Ban#alore $etro Pro/ect Phase3! 8 &elhi $etro Pro/ect Phase3!!, NBCC has si#ned a $o% with $Cs &6"<.. "NGG' 8 C.'L0&, -eoul, Borea'

0o underta,e pro/ects o various natures in !ndia, China 8 third3world Countries, NBCC si#ned $o% with $Cs C9!N6 (6!L<6> -9!-!?% G(.%P C.(P.(60!.N o China'

$o% with $Cs -.0"=!N -6, -wit2erland, has been si#ned or $ulti 3 level Car Par,in# Pro/ects o $unicipal Corporation o &elhi'

=or Power pro/ects in Chattis#arh, the Corporation has si#ned an $o% with $Cs BP9 !N0"(N60!.N6L, C6N6&6' 0o secure and e4ecute selected pro/ects /ointly, in various ields o mutual interest in !ndia and abroad, NBCC has si#ned a $o% with $Cs <60"( 6N& P.<"( C.N-%L06NC> -"(D!C"- @!N&!6A L!$!0"&, &elhi'

0o urther consolidate its sta,e in the e4ecution o (eal "state Pro/ects, NBCC has si#ned $o% with three di erent .r#ani2ations namely, $Cs $B6 + "N0"(P(!-", %-6J $Cs C96(0"( D"N0%(" C6P!06L, %-6 and $Cs G6&6NG 9.L!&!NGB"(96(&, $alaysia' 0he Corporation is already in the process o carryin# out viability studies or some o the pro/ects which shall be implemented /ointly with these irms'

?oint Denture with National 0e4tile Limited at Gu/arat or development o their land at 6hmedabad into a modern comple4' 15

?oint Denture with leadin# #roups li,e !&PL, 66!, 9$0 8 9!L, who are havin# land at important cities and towns o the country and are ,een to develop these lands throu#h ?oint Denture system'


NBCC:- sustained and credible per ormance in the areas o its operation over the years, has earned the or#ani2ation, some valuable clients' $a/or amon# them are1

Union Mini!tri !
$inistry o %rban &evelopment $inistry o 9ousin# and Poverty 6llevation $inistry o 9ome 6 airs $inistry o &e ence $inistry o (ural &evelopment $inistry o Commerce 8 !ndustry $inistry o Labour 8 "mployment $inistry o !n ormation and Broadcastin# $inistry o Petroleum 8 Natural Gas $inistry o Power

P-12i" S "tor Un/ rt.3ing!

National 0hermal Power Corporation Limited Bharat 9eavy "lectricals Limited .il and Natural Gas Corporation Limited &elhi $etro (ail Corporation Limited 16

Central Bureau o !nvesti#ation @CB!A

*-,+ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ,- Com4.n56! Phi2o!o4h5 on Co/ o0 Go7 rn.n"

NBCC is committed to implement the best practices on Corporate Governance' NBCCs philosophy on Corporate Governance is thus based on transparency, disclosures and reportin# which con orms ully to laws, re#ulations and #uidelines' !ts ob/ective is to create value or the sta,eholders while bein# a responsible corporate citi2en'

*- Bo.r/ o0 Dir "tor!

0he company is mana#ed by the Board o &irectors which ormulates business strate#ies and policies' 0he a airs o the company are mana#ed by the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and unctional &irectors under the overall #uidance o the Board o &irectors' NBCC bein# a P-%, all &irectors are appointed by the President o !ndia'

&urin# the inancial year, the Board consisted o ) memberKs vi2' + unctional directors includin# the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector besides * #overnment nominee directors' 0he matter relatin# to nomination o non3e4ecutive part3time independent directors to ill + vacancies on board is under consideration o the Government o !ndia' 0he meetin#s are bein# convened by #ivin# due notice a ter obtainin# the approval o the Chairman o the Board' &etailed a#enda to#ether with supportin# papers and documents is circulated in advance to acilitate decision ma,in# durin# the Board $eetin#s' Considerin# the ur#ency o the matter, sometimes the decision is also ta,en throu#h a resolution by circulation' &ele#ation o powers has been #iven to various unctionaries in the or#ani2ation' $atters which are not covered within the dele#ated powers o the Chie "4ecutive are re erred to the Board o &irectors' 0he Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and =unctional &irectors meet the ,ey e4ecutives to review the per ormance o the Corporation every ;uarterly'

.- Sh.r ho2/ing rn

NBCC is a closely held company and its shares are not listed on any stoc, e4chan#e' 0he entire paid up share capital o (s' 1*0 crore o the company is held by the President o !ndia and its nominees'

6- Di!"2o!-r !
0here has been no related party transaction o material nature with potential con lict o interest' 0he Company has ollowed the 6ccountin# -tandards issued by the !nstitute o Chartered 6ccountants o !ndia in the preparation o inancial statements' $ana#ement 3 6 $ana#ement &iscussion and 6nalysis outlinin# the business environment in which the Company operates, its Corporate Dision 3 *010 and business strate#ies and human resource has been included as part o the &irectors: (eport'



NBCC Pays its $aiden &ividend to Govt' o !ndia on **3073*010'

NBCC pays &ividend to Govt' o !ndia or the years *007 3 09 8 *009 3 10'

9on:ble Prime $inister o !ndia #ivin# away -cope "4cellence 6ward *00)306 and $.% "4cellence 6ward or *00530) o the Government o !ndia 8 *00)306 to NBCC on $arch 07, *00F'

NBCC i#ured in the top **) international construction companies o the world as per the survey report o L"n#ineerin# Ne s Record E, published rom New >or,'

$inistry o %rban &evelopment 8 Bureau o Public "nterprises, Government o !ndia, ran,ed NBCC as E "4cellent Corporation E rom *00F307 onwards as NBCC achieved all the tar#ets set in the $o% with the Government'

NBCC is a la# ship company in the construction o $ulti lue (CC Chimneys usin# -lip orm 0echnolo#y'

NBCC has established its e4pertise in construction o Coolin# 0owers' !t has, to its credit, the honour and the reputation o constructin# 6sia:s lar#est Coolin# 0ower at -imahdri @6ndhra PradeshA'

0he ma/or client, $Cs NBCC has awarded Safet( A ard to NBCC or construction o chimneys'


0he Corporation ba##ed 0hird Best 9ousin# 6ward

rom !nstitution o

"n#ineers @!A, Belapur Chapter, or construction o housin# comple4 consistin# o 100) houses at -anpada or C!&C. in (ai#ad and 0hane (e#ion o $umbai'

0he Chie $inister o &elhi #ave away cash award to the "n#ineers o NBCC or completion o &elhi Government Pro/ect in a record time o si4 months' Governor o &u2ce Province,Government o 0ur,ey, awarded shield to NBCC in appreciation o its e4cellent per ormance in the $eer 9ousin# Pro/ect o 0ur,ey'

=or e4cellent per ormance in e4ecution o "arth;ua,e (ehabilitation Pro/ects in Gu/arat under Pr$&e M$n$sters Nat$onal Rel$ef F%nd #PMNRF) ! MPLA1S /ro'ra&&es, the Government o Gu/arat #ave away 6ppreciation (oll to the NBCC'

NBCC has been ad/ud#ed as the <Best P%bl$c Sector Un$t= and 6warded Buildin# !ndustry Leadership 6ward 3 *010 by B!B'

NBCC is now -chedule :6: Company'




6rup (oy Choudhury, Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector o -tate3owned National Buildin#s Construction Corporation, has been con erred the E"minent "n#ineer 6wardE or the year *009 by the !nstitution o "n#ineers@!A Ltd'


NBCC Ba#s E$ost Pro itable CompanyE 6ward at the 6th Construction <orld 3 6nnual 6wards *010, $umbai

CSR A$ARD ,)):&);


NBCC <!N- -C.P" C-( 6<6(&1 -mt Pratibha &ebisin#h Patil, 9'"' President o !ndia, #ivin# away -C.P" $eritorious 6ward or C-( and (esponsiveness *007309 to -hri 6rup (oy Choudhury, C$&, NBCC' *-,* TECHNOLOGIES OF NBCC UASB TECHNOLOGY
0he up low anaerobic slud#e blan,et @%6-BA process is an anaerobic treatment system wherein the or#anic matter is di#ested, absorbed and metaboli2ed into bacterial cell mass and bio #as' 6naerobic di#estion is the de#radation o or#anic material without the aid o o4y#en' 0he %6-B process is a combination o physical and biolo#ical processes' 0he main eature o physical process is separation o solids and #ases rom the li;uid and that o biolo#ical process is de#radation o decomposable or#anic material under anaerobic conditions' !n the %6-B treatment concept, the treatment tan, consists o an up low reactor with eed inter distribution system at the bottom o the reactor with + phases #as, li;uid, solid,

-eparator @#lssA at the top' 0he waste water is evenly distributed over the reactor bottom throu#h eed inlet pipes and lows upwards throu#h a bed o anaerobic slud#e in the lower part o reactor called the di#estion compartment' &urin# passa#e throu#h the slud#e bed particulate matter is entrapped and the de#radable matter is completely or partially di#ested' &issolved or#anic matter is removed rom the solution by the anaerobic bacteria and converted into bio #as and a small raction into new bacterial bio

mass' 0he bio #as provides a #entle mi4in# in the slud#e bed' !n the upper part o the reactor, + phase #lass is installed' 0he bio #as produced is collected in a #as collector @#as holderA rom where it is withdrawn' 0he remainin# water slud#e mi4ture enters a settlin# compartment where the slud#e can settle and low bac, into the di#estion compartment' 6 ter settlin#, the water is collected in the e luent #utters and dischar#ed out o the reactor to the inal polishin# unit @=P%A to meet dischar#e standards' 0he domestic waste water treated in a %6-B reactor is suitable or dischar#e in river water or or irri#ation a ter polishin# in a hi#h rate pond' 0he bio #as #enerated can be utili2ed or #eneratin# Buildin#' -lud#e ca,es a ter de3waterin# and dryin# on slud#e dry beds is suitable or use as manure'

A/7.nt.g ! o0 UASB T "hno2og5

1' 0he cost o %6-B plant is si#ni icantly lower than that o aerobic plant *' 0his has a ne#li#ible number o electrical and mechanical components, thus re;uirin# low de#ree o maintenance and saves operational and maintenance cost' 0hus also eliminates possibilities o problem that may arise in case o bra,e down o hi#hly maintained intensive process' +' 0he ener#y re;uirement in the %6-B reactor is very low' 5' %6-B system #enerates ener#y in the orm o bio #as which can be used or the production o Buildin# and which can ma,e %6-B plants sel sustainin# or power re;uirement' )' 0his system reduces the space re;uirement, which is a bi# advanta#e or developin# cities' 6' 0he production o e4cess slud#e in a %6-B reactor is very low' 0his reduces the load on the slud#e treatment system' 9owever, the slud#e rom %6-B plant is very stabili2ed and can be used as manure' F' =inal polishin# pond can be used or ish culture, which can be source o revenue'


NBCC is one o the premier or#ani2ation to e4ecute sewa#e treatment plant based on %6-B technolo#y' -ome o the pro/ects completed on %6-B technolo#y by NBCC are1 23

1' 5) mld sewa#e treatment plant at =aridabad, @ 9aryana A *' +0 mld sewa#e treatment plant at -onipat, @9aryanaA' +' Construction o F0 mld sewa#e treatment plant at Gha2iabad @%ttar PradeshA' 5' Construction o F7 mld sewa#e treatment plant at 6#ra @%ttar PradeshA' )' Construction o 19'+)mld sewa#e treatment plant at -himla @9imanchal PradeshA'

NBCC is the pioneerin# .r#anisation o !ndia in the adoption o environment riendly 0renchless @No3&i#A 0echnolo#y or layin# o under#round utility services and the development o in rastructure acilities in the country' 0he technolo#y promoted by NBCC in !ndia, is a No3&i# techni;ue used to avoid conventional open3cut method in layin# under#round utility without disruptin# tra ic, e4istin# sur ace status' %se o this technolo#y also saves environment and social costs'

!n its e orts to promote and ull3 led#edly adopt trenchless technolo#y in construction, NBCC in association with the $inistry o %rban &evelopment too, lead in settin# up !ndian -ociety or 0renchless 0echnolo#y @ !N&-00A which had its o ice housed at the Corporate . ice o NBCC durin# its initial years o e4istence in late M90s' !t was also NBCC:s initiative to or#ani2e the irst National -eminar on 0renchless 0echnolo#y 3 EN. &!G !N&!6 97E at !!0 &elhi, under the banner o !N&-00 and in collaboration with the $inistry o %rban &evelopment @$o%& A, then named $inistry o %rban 6 airs 8 "mployment, 0echnolo#y &evelopment Board @0&BA, !nternational -ociety or 0renchless 0echnolo#y @%BA and other concerned a#encies' 0he event that aimed at disseminatin# in ormation and technical ,now3how was success ul in #eneratin# awareness amon# the users about the bene its o the advanced 0renchless 0echnolo#y over the conventional open3cut method' !n act, the -eminar has been able to usher in a new era in the ield o construction as we see it today that user departments o the country now, insist or use o this technolo#y in e4ecution o their pro/ects' 6s or NBCC, it is success ully usin# this technolo#y while e4ecutin# under#round utility services pro/ects such as layin# o optic iber cables, pipe lines, municipal utilities, electric cables etc' or its clients' 0o mention a ew, the Corporation has already e4ecuted

a number o wor,s o .=C layin#, 0run, -ewer and Pipe3line layin#, "lectric Cable layin# etc' or Buildin# Board, &elhiJ New &elhi $unicipal Council @N&$CAJ $0NL, &elhi, $umbaiJ &elhi ?al BoardJ B-NL,Ban#aloreJ (ailways, $umbai etc' by usin# this technolo#y with the application o its !mpact $olin#, 9ori2ontal &irectional &rillin#, 6u#ur Borin#, $icrotunnellin# etc' methods' 0he Corporation has also success ully trained its manpower in the use o this technolo#y'


NBCC has been usin# -lip =orm e;uipments or construction o 0all 9i#h (ise (CC Chimneys since 1975' 0his technolo#y was introduced by replacin# the ?ump orm 0echni;ue o -hutterin# to acilitate e4peditious and sa er constructions besides providin# smoother inish' 0his techni;ue also ensured continuity while pourin# concrete and accident ree construction' By usin# the -lip orm e;uipment, the ollowin# important milestones have been achieved by NBCC while constructin# ** Nos- of RCC Ch$&ne(>s ! , No- RCC T0 To er?1' 0he 0allest 0D 0ower o *+) mtr hei#ht was constructed at Pitampura, New &elhi' *' 0he 0allest $ulti lue (CC Chimney o *FF')0$tr hei#ht was constructed or 0alchar -uper 0hermal Power Plant @.rissaA' +' (CC -hell o **0 mtr hei#ht Chimney or sta#e !! o (ayalasheema 0hermal Power Plant 6ndhra Pradesh was completed on 16'6'*007 in a record time o 1*0 days' 5' NBCC could carry construction o (CC Chimneys simultaneously or various Power Generatin# Government a#encies because o its e4pertised in the ield'

0his system has been success ully used by NBCC to construct 9 nos o 0all (CC Natural &rau#ht Coolin# 0owers' 0he lar#est Natural &rau#ht Coolin# 0owers in 6sia havin# * nos o 16)mtr 9ei#ht o 60,000 cum per hour capacity each with sea water application were constructed by NBCC on turn,ey basis at -imadhri -uper 0hermal Power -tation @*4)00$<A 6ndhra Pradesh'



&urin# the year *0093*0010, the turnover o your Corporation increased rom (s'1969'99 crore to (s' *051'*0 crore representin# an increase o 5H and earned a Net Pro it be ore ta4 o (s' *+9'9) crore a ter providin# depreciation o (s'+'0F crore and interest o (s' +'** crore'

=!N6NC!6L ("-%L0- @(s' in croreA

INCOME T%rno@er &omestic .ther !ncome !ncreaseC@&ecreaseA in stoc, Prior Period !ncome Total #,) EAPEN1ITURE Prime Cost O@erheads iA -alary and wa#es iiA "43#ratia iiiA <rite o -undry &ebtors ivA .thers Total #*) 4ross Mar'$n #,-*) Less 1 &epreciation Less1 !nterest Net Prof$t Before Ta" #PBT) Less 1 iA Provision or Current 0a4 iiA -hort all in provision or !ncome 0a4 in previous year iiiA Provision or =rin#e Bene it 0a4 ivA &e erred 0a4 @ 6ssetsACLiabilities Net Prof$t After Ta" #PAT) 3 =or the year New Business secured Balance wor, in hand *++;-*+,+ *051'*0 95'F5 @90'77A @0'F1A *+66-.7 1655'50 9*')7 0')0 1'6* )9'01 ,9;:-,, *68-*6 +'0F +'** *.;-;7 71'7+ 0'+) 0')+ @1'9*A *++:-*++; 1969'99 1*+')) @67')FA @0'07A *+*6-:; 15*1')9 F6'+) 0'70 55'1F 60'55 ,8+.-.7 6*,-76 +'09 +')6 6,6-:; 1+*'7F 33 0'+5 1'7)

,7;-,8 5F95'57 697)'6*

*F9'7+ *FF*'*0 5*+*'+5


>our directors have recommended dividend N *0H on Pro it a ter 0a4 bein# hi#her than paid up e;uity share capital as per #overnment directives, which wor,s out to (s' +F'*5 crore includin# &ividend 0a4 o (s')'51 crore' 0he dividend will be paid a ter approval by the shareholders at the 6nnual General $eetin#'

$.% or the year *009310 has been si#ned with the $inistry o %rban &evelopment on *F'+'*010 and ollowin# tar#ets have been laid down in the $.%1


Rs- $n Crore
0urnover 1 19)0'00 .rder Boo, 1 ++1*'00 Gross $ar#in1 1)0'00 Net Pro it1 9*'+5 &urin# the year *009310, your Corporation is li,ely to achieve :e4cellent: ratin# in ,eepin# with the trac, record since *00+305'

.penin# balance o wor,load in hand was (s' 5*+*'+5 crore' &urin# the year, wor,s o (s' 5F95'57 crore were secured and wor,s o (s' *051'*0 crore were e4ecuted' <or,load in hand at the close o the inancial year ended +1'+'*010 was (s' 697)'6* crore'

.ur vision is to be a widely admired and pre erred construction services company'

0o supply customers with practical, secure, innovative and cost3e icient construction products and services that meets their needs as well as providin# the necessary supportin# in rastructure'

0o act in a socially responsible way to contribute to national wealth, whilst upholdin# our responsibility or the environment and promotin# the well3bein# o our customers, employees, shareholders and other sta,eholders'


0o achieve a premier position by developin# and adoptin# best practices and state3o 3the art technolo#y in construction services and related activities or #ainin# a competitive advanta#e' 0o deliver value to pro/ects throu#h cost and plannin# optimi2ation and e ective ris, mana#ement'

0o retain our status as the irst ran,ed company o the Government o !ndia in the ield o Contract and Construction -ervices'

!-. 9001 Certi ication has been awarded to your Corporation or its Pro/ect $ana#ement and Consultancy &ivisions' 0he Corporate $ission enshrines buildin# a hi#h de#ree o customer satis action and providin# services con ormin# to !-. 90011 *000 series' License or ;uality mana#ement system issued by the Bureau o !ndian -tandards is valid up to *9'+'*011'

Consultancy &ivision at the Corporate . ice, a separate pro it centre is e;uipped with latest so tware or dra tin# and desi#nin#' Consultancy &ivision diversi ied its activities into "nvironmental "n#ineerin# ield, desi#ned water supply scheme or the -tate o 0ripura and in rastructure pro/ects or the -tate o ?ammu 8 Bashmir and submitted &P( or pro/ects o over (s'F00 crores' Consultancy division has secured pro/ects or desi#nin# and e4ecution o interiors or Govt' o ices, consultancy /ob or desi#n o a #reen buildin# and desi#nin# o hospital or (ailways at ?abalpur' 0urnover achieved durin# the period under report is (s' +'61 crore @0ar#et (s' +'00 croreA' 0ar#et in terms o consultancy ee i4ed is (s' 5'00 crore and or P$C /obs is also i4ed at (s' 5'00 crore or the year *010311'


$ana#ement is ully committed to ensure sa e wor,in# conditions at all wor, sites' 6 ully led#ed and dedicated L-a ety $ana#ement CellO is operational at the Corporate . ice to spread the awareness o L-a etyO in all spheres o activity' 0he statutory re;uirement or ensurin# sa e wor,in# conditions at the construction sites is bein# propa#ated to all NBCC . icials' 6 team o o icers attended a Group 0rainin# Course in ?apan rom 15th 6u#ust *010 to 19th 6u#ust, *010 on :.ccupational -a ety $ana#ement in Construction !ndustry:'

>our Corporation or success ul e4ecution o various construction pro/ects has adopted the ollowin# technolo#ies1 %p low 6naerobic -lud#e Blan,et 0echnolo#y or -ewa#e 0reatment Plant' -lip3 orm 8 -lidin# orm technolo#y or hi#h rise structures' !ncremental launchin# o #irder or brid#es and elevated trac,s' -e#mental construction o superstructure in brid#es' %se o hydraulic ri# or pilin#' %se o 0unnel =orm 0echnolo#y or mass housin#' 9ori2ontal slippin# or lar#e dia circular cast3in3situ pipes' 6doption o ready mi4 concrete or ma/or construction pro/ects'


(eal "state continues to be a ma/or thrust area or increased volume o turnover and improvement in the pro itability' &evelopment o a ull led#ed "(P system is under implementation coverin# Corporate and Ponal activities with respect to various unctions vi2', =inance, 9(, Pro/ects, Business &evelopment, (eal "state, Consultancy and Contracts etc' %se o !0 systems will enable urther transparency, better #overnance and e ective control in the or#anisation' =ive >ears Corporate Plan has been drawn or the period *00F3*01*'



9uman (esource &evelopment continued to be accorded hi#h priority with emphasis on improvin# s,ill, competence and ,nowled#e throu#h re#ular trainin# and pro essional development pro#rammes' 6 total o F67 trainin# man3days, coverin# 5+7 man3days under in3 house trainin# pro#rammes and ++0 man3days under e4ternal trainin# pro#rammes were achieved durin# the year' &urin# the year, 1*+ wor,shopsCseminarsC lectures and pro#rammes were conducted throu#h in3house and e4ternal a#encies on di erent sub/ects in which 6)6 o icials were trained'

0otal stren#th o re#ular employees o the Corporation as on +1'+'*011 stood at *+55' 0he cate#ory3wise position in respect o re#ular employees is as under1 4ROUP-A F67 @5F A 4ROUP-B 7+ @06A 4ROUP-C 1*F7 @**A 4ROUP-1 *1) @*6A TOTAL *+55 @101A

#The f$'%re $n bracBets $s $n res/ect of fe&ale e&/lo(ees)-


&irectives issued by the Government o !ndia rom time to time or illin# up o vacancies or -CC-0C.BCC"43servicemenCPhysically 9andicapped have been ollowed in the Corporation' Government instructions re#ardin# reservation, rela4ations, concessions 8 bene its as provided under Persons with &isabilities @";ual .pportunities, Protection o (i#hts 8 =ull ParticipationsA 6ct, 199) have been complied with' -tatistical in ormation in this re#ardin# is #iven below13 1' Cate#ory wise details o -CC-0 employees in the Corporation are as under13 4ro%/ 4eneral SC 31 C SC of ST C ST of Total Noof

e&/lo(e A B C 1@"4cludin# -weepersA 1 @-weepersA Total )9) 6+ 111+ 1)F 3 19*7 1)F 16 1)F 50 1+ +7+ *0'55H 19'*7H 1*'*7H 19'70H 100H 16'+5H 16 05 07 0) 3 ++ *'07H 5'7*H 0'6+H *'57H 3 1'51H es F67 7+ 1*F7 *0* 1+ *+55

0he Di#ilance &ivision at Corporate . ice is headed by Chie Di#ilance . icer, an o icer on deputation rom the Government o !ndia' Di#ilance &ivision underta,es in;uiry into transaction in which employee is suspected or alle#ed to have acted or an improper corrupt purpose or cause such an in;uiry or investi#ation to be made into any complaint o corruption, #ross ne#li#ence, misconduct, rec,lessness, lac, o inte#rity or other ,ind o malpractices or misdemeanors on one:s part' <ith an ultimate aim o eradicatin# corruption, a our pron#ed strate#y is ollowed, which has also been appropriately incorporated in the 6nnual 6ction Plan relatin# to anti3corruption measures vi2' @1A Preventive Di#ilance, @*A &etective Di#ilance 8 surveillance, @+A Punitive Di#ilance 8 @5A %se o !0 innovations to curb malpractices and ensure transparency' :Di#ilance 6wareness <ee,: was observed in the Corporation rom +'11'*007 to F'11'*007 and a souvenir containin# important circulars o the CDC, was brou#ht out by the Di#ilance &ivision'

Public (elations &ivision made sustained e orts throu#h various means o communication to pro/ect the ima#e o the Corporation' 0here has been re#ular covera#e in both print and electronic media on various activities and achievements o the or#ani2ation' 9ouse ?ournals, Brochures, Boo,lets, "vent -peci ic =olders etc' or distribution amon#st Clients, Business 6ssociates were published' 6lso or#ani2ed a Press Con erence to brie the $edia about the achievements and 32

business thrusts in areas o (eal "state, particularly (esidential (eal "state and Power -ectors' 6 campai#n on upcomin# 6 ordable 9ousin# Denture was launched'


&urin# the year, ollowin# events and activities have been or#ani2ed13 PNB -ta 9ousin# Comple4, Luc,now, e4ecuted by NBCC 3 inau#urated by &r' B'C' Cha,roboirty, C$&, PNB on ?une 5, *010'

$P Bho/ @.penA %niversity, Bhopal inau#urated by -mt' Pratibha &evisin#h Patil, 9er "4cellency President o !ndia on ?une *9, *010'

0wo new -&= Bloc, @?8BA inau#urated by -hri (' Gopalan, !6-, 6ddl' -ecy', $inistry o Commerce, Govt' o !ndia on ?uly 5, *010 at N-"P, Noida'

Government &ental Colle#e Buildin# inau#urated by &r' (aman -in#h, 9onKble Chie $inister o Chattis#arh on 6u#ust 15, *010 at (aipur'

!nau#uration o a one day Con erence on Q"arth;ua,e (is, $ana#ement in 9ousin# ConstructionK by -hri -' ?aipal (eddy, 9onKble $inister or %rban &evelopment, Govt' o !ndia on 6u#ust *F, *010'

NBCC bestowed Q+rd $ost Pro itable Company o the Country 6wardK in .ctober *007 which was received by C$& on .ctober *5, *010 at the 6th 6nnual Construction <orld 6ward unction held in $umbai'

0ruc, 0erminus at 6i2awl inau#urated by -hri Poramthan#a, 9onKble Chie $inister o $i2oram'


=oundation -tone Laid by -C-hri Prem Chand Gupta, 9onKble %nion $inister or Corporate 6 airs, Govt' o !ndia and Bupinder -in#h 9ooda, 9onKble Chie $inister o 9aryana, or construction o !ndian !nstitute o Corporate 6 airs at $anesar @9aryanaA on November 10, *010'

Pursuant to the provision o -ection *1F @*6A o the Companies 6ct, 19)6, read with the Companies: @Particulars o "mployeesA (ules, 19F), as amended rom time to time, none o the employees o the Corporation was in receipt o remuneration o more than (s'*5 lacs per annum or (s'*,00,000C3 per month'

*-,6 CSR POLICY AND CSR ACTIVITIES CSR POLICY 0o conduct core business in a socially responsible way, complemented by investment in communities so as to produce an overall positive impact on the society' 0he investment shall include1 UndertaB$n' &ean$n'f%l soc$al elfare act$@$t$es a$&$n' at elfare of the soc$et( at lar'eProtect$n' and &a$nta$n$n' the en@$ron&ental balance $n areas ad2o$n$n' centres and off$ces across the co%ntr(1e@elo/$n' co%ntr(>s bacB ard and re&ote areas o/erat$onsRes/ond$n' to the call of the 4o@ern&ent of Ind$a and State 4o@ern&ents for rehab$l$tat$on orBs at /laces and for the /eo/le affected b( nat%ral cala&$t$esCSR ACTIVITIES h$le carr($n' o%t b%s$ness orB


NBCC, while carryin# out its operation, has always remained up ront in respondin# to cause o the society at lar#e meetin# many obli#ations, 6part rom inancially contributin# to initiatives o many NG.s and !nstitutions involved in upli tment and development o the poor, needy section o the society that run into la,hs o (upees annually, the Corporation has been actively en#a#in# itsel as a catalyst to the development o Country:s bac,ward and remote areas' !t also always responds to the call o the Government o !ndia and the -tate Governments or rehabilitation wor,s at various places and or the people a ected by natural calamities' 0he policy on Corporate -ocial (esponsibility has been incorporated by the Corporation in its ) 3 year Corporate Plan or the period *006 3 *00F to *010 3 *011' 6s per the said policy NBCC has shouldered the ollowin# social responsibilities 13 !' !!' !!!' !D' 0o wor, in remote areas where other construction a#encies shy away rom ta,in# up pro/ects or upli tment o socio economic status o the locals' (e 3 construction o in rastructure in areas devastated by natural calamities' !n rastructure pro/ects or bene it o the lar#er section o society in under developed areas' <or,s relatin# to National -ecurity' D' <ater -upply &istribution -ystem' Som o0 th CSR ."ti7iti ! -n/ rt.3 n 15 th Cor4or.tion .r .! -n/ r +& 1' Construction o schools, dispensaries, community centers etc' in the earth;ua,e a ected areas o Gu/arat and cyclone a ected areas in .rissa on no pro it basis' 0he value o construction done durin# last three years by NBCC is appro4imately (s'F0'00 Crores' NBCC has urther submitted a number o Pro/ect (eports to the Central Government or the pro/ects proposed to be underta,en by the Corporation or the (ehabilitation o 0sunami a ected people' *' Construction o Community Centre and shelters or providin# immediate relie to the people o ?ammu 8 Bashmir a ected by devastatin# earth;ua,e' +' &evelopment o (ural (oads in underdeveloped and remote areas under EP(6&96N $6N0(! G(6$ -6&6B >.?6N6E in Bihar 8 0ripura' 5' &evelopment o -lum and (ural (oads in North "astern -tates' )' Border =encin# in !ndo3Ban#ladesh Border 8 !ndo3Pa, Border areas' 6' Layin# o water supply heavy mains between $uradna#ar @%PA to -onia Dihar @&elhiA or supply o drin,in# water to "ast and -outh &elhi' F' Placement o *1 Nos' o Physically challen#ed personnel on the rolls o the 35

or#ani2ation' 7' Corporation is also maintainin# an e4clusive Pro/ect $ana#ement &ivision or liaison with concerned $inistries and the -tate Governments or monitorin# o the pro/ects' =urther, NBCC is also havin# a ull led#ed Di#ilance &ivision headed by C'D'.', 9indi Cell, Iuality Control Cell as a part o compliance to the re;uirement o a Government .r#anisation which are not maintained by any private .r#anisation' 0he Corporation is incurrin# e4penditure to the tune o (s'7'00 crores per annum towards such services' Res/ond$n' to $ts co&&$t&ent to ards Cor/orate Soc$al Res/ons$b$l$t( on %ndertaB$n' $nfrastr%ct%re de@elo/&ent orBs5 NBCC5 $n add$t$on5 has %ndertaBen the follo $n' /ro2ects $th losses or $th a &ea'er &ar'$n!' *F0 Cusec (aw <ater Pipeline rom $urad Na#ar to -onia Dihar, &elhi 3 or providin# drin,in# water to the citi2ens o &elhi, was completed by NBCC inspite o act that there was more than (s' *0 crore outstandin# payment with %P ?al Ni#am C &elhi ?al Board' 0he wor, was completed by investin# NBCC:s own money in order to provide drin,in# water to the citi2ens o &elhi' !!' !!!' NBCC has ta,en development wor,s in North "astern (e#ion at a mea#er mar#in while state a#encies are operatin# in the re#ion N *+H' NBCC is recruitin# &iploma holders rom North "astern -tates in a special drive to provide /ob opportunity to the local youths'



0he Corporation believes in achievin# or#ani2ational e4cellence throu#h 9uman (esource to ul ill the or#ani2ational #oal' 0he Corporation has introduced a well de ined system or in order to identi y the trainin# needs o all employees at various levels to up#rade their s,ills and ,nowled#e' 0he in ormation re#ardin# trainin# needs is derived by conductin# : trainin# needs survey : amon# the employees' Based on the trainin# need analysis, in3house trainin# pro#rammes and also pro#rammes conducted by e4ternal a#encies are or#ani2ed periodically' 0o e4pand and widen the behavioural attributes o employees at the .perative levels, trainin# pro#rammes are or#ani2ed in collaboration with various e4ternal trainin# a#encies' HR Vi!ion !' 0o ormulate strate#ic plan to improve productivity and per ormance by developin# employees capabilities and potential or sustainin# competitive #rowth' !!' !!!' !D' 0o enhance the ,nowled#e o employees in their respective ields to enable them to ma,e better use o their e4pertise in achievin# or#ani2ational #oals' 0o au#ment the ;uality o li e o employees' Buildin# ;uality culture or achievin# or#ani2ational #oal by developin# pro essional attitude and approach'

Em42o5 ! D 7 2o4m nt C ntr

&evelopment Centre is located on the $ehrauli Gur#aon (oad near Ghitorni villa#e' !nitially set up to enable the $ana#ement to restructure its wor, orce by trainin# and re3trainin# members o the wor, orce in the alternative technical trades and multi3s,illin# the e4istin# members o the wor, orce, the "&C in course o time has #raduated itsel to provide trainin# to e4ternal a#encies also' 0he Centre has ull time ;uali ied and e4perienced instructors or most o the trades' !nstructors or the other trades are drawn rom the 9'( Pool o the Corporation as and when re;uired' 0he Centre is ully e;uipped or practical trainin# and also arran#es on the /ob trainin# or the trainees at its pro/ects in &elhi and outside' "mployees &evelopment Centre o ers ull time courses in the ollowin# trades1 1' Carpentry *' $asonry +' Plumbin# 5' !nternal <irin#, repair o domestic appliances and motor windin#' 37 )' 6uto "lectrician 6' Barbendin# F' <eldin#


*-,8 0I4ILANCE
0he Di#ilance &ivision o NBCC Limited is headed by the Chie Di#ilance . icer' 9e is assisted by Di#ilance . icers havin# 0echnical bac,#round and other Personnel 8 6dministrative sta at Corporate . ice'

Di#ilance &ivision underta,es in;uiry into transaction in which employee is suspected or alle#ed to have acted or an improper, corrupt purpose or causes' -uch an in;uiry or investi#ation to be made a#ainst any complaint o misconduct, rec,lessness, lac, o corruption, #ross ne#li#ence, mal3practices or inte#rity or other ,inds o

misdemeanors on his part' 0he &ivision tenders appropriate advice to the concerned disciplinary authorities in all such matters'
<ith an ultimate aim o eradicatin# corruption amon#st the employees o the Corporation, a our pron#ed strate#y, as under, is ollowed 13 @iA Preventive Di#ilance @iiA &etective Di#ilance 8 -urveillance @iiiA Punitive Di#ilance @ivA %se o !0 innovations to curb mal3practices !t is bein# insisted that transactions o the Corporation are made more and more transparent which will #o a lon# way in eradicatin# corruption' 0he provisions o (0! 6ct are to be adhered to in its spirit' . icers and employees are also encoura#ed to directly access the site o CDC or updatin# themselves re#ardin# vi#ilance matters'

*-,9 RULES AND REGULATIONS P.rti"-2.r! o0 th!.tion '0-n"tion! & /-ti !


1'0' National Buildin#s Construction Corporation Limited, a Public -ector "nterprise was incorporated under the Companies 6ct, 19)6 on the 1)th November, 1960' 0he Corporation is unctionin# under the ae#is o the $inistry o %rban &evelopment' 0he entire paid up capital o the Corporation is owned by the President o !ndia' 0he (e#istered . ice o the Corporation is situated at NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi (oad, New &elhi 3 110 00+'

1'1' 0he main ob/ectives o the Corporation are set out in the $emorandum and 6rticles o 6ssociation'

-ome o the important unctions and duties o the Corporation are as under1 1' " icient, economic and timely e4ecution o construction pro/ectsJ

*' "4ecution o

wor,s o

-pecialisedC9i3tech Pro/ects in environmental, in rastructure

development, power and communication sectors and real estate business'

+' !ntroducin# new methods and techni;ues in the ield o en#ineerin# and thereby reducin# the period o e4ecutionJ

5' 0o up#rade and ac;uire new construction technolo#iesJ

)' $otivatin# employees to achieve hi#her productivity throu#h inancial as well as non3 inancial incentives'

6' "4ecution o wor,s in di icult and remote areas sub/ect to commercial viabilityJ

F' Becomin# a model construction Company without e4ploitation o labourJ

1'* 0he or#anisation chart'


Po? r! .n/ /-ti ! o0!.tion6! o00i" r! & m42o5 !

*'0 General Powers to do all such acts and thin#s, as the Corporation is authorised by its $emorandum 8 6rticles o 6ssociation are vested in the Board o &irectors o the Corporation'

*'1 6ccordin#ly, the Board o &irectors sub/ect to observance o the Companies 6ct, 19)6J the $emorandum 8 6rticles o 6ssociationJ relevant directives o the Central Government has authorised the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector to e4ercise all powers e4cept those speci ically e4cluded'

*'* !n e4ercise o powers dele#ated by the Board o &irectors, the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irectors has urther sub3dele#ated powers to the sub3ordinate o icers in the Corporation vide circular dated F'6'*010 as amended rom time to time'

*'+ D-ti ! & R !4on!i1i2iti ! #A) Donal Eeads

6chieve turnover tar#et within the speci ied costCtime or delivery o determined pro it' =unction strictly as per the dele#ation o powersC inancial rules in the matter o award o wor, and purchase o articlesC#oods, machinesCe;uipments relatin# to wor,s and establishment' $aintain discipline and administrative e iciency in all the o ices in the Pone' Compliance o statutory provision in the area o ta4ClevyCcess and industrial law' $otivate and develop the subordinates at all levels o hierarchy' 0o procure wor,s in the Pone' 0o conduct technical inspection o the wor, o the units' Liaisonin# with clientC-tate Govt' and other bodies at appropriate levels' 41

0o ensure wor,in# in Pones as per &ele#ation o Powers issued by the Corporate . ice'

#B) Donal F$nance Inchar'e

.verall !nchar#e o =inance -ection o the Pone' 6ll inancial matterCdecisisions are re;uired to be ta,en with the concurrence o Ponal =inance !nchar#e' 0o observe unctionin# in Pones as per &ele#ation o Powers issued by the Corporate . ice'

#C) Un$t Inchar'e

(esponsible or e icient mana#ement o the unit' 0o or#anise site wor, e iciently and ensure timely completion o the wor,' (esponsible or overall per ormance o the unit which includes e4ecution o the wor, in accordance with the acceptable standards' (esponsible or 100H test chec, o each (6 bill' 0o ensure wor,in# in units as per &ele#ation o Powers issued by the Corporate . ice'


D "i!ion m.3ing 4ro" !!'"h.nn 2! o0 !-4 r7i!ion & .""o-nt.1i2it5

+'0 6ll policies, rules and re#ulations are ramed by the Board o &irectors o the Corporation' +'1 !mplementation o such policies, rules 8 re#ulations are made by various unctionaries in accordance with the &ele#ationC-ub3dele#ation o powers'

+'* 9owever, vide 6rticle 7*@+A o the 6rticles o 6ssociationJ the ollowin# matters have been reserved or the decision o the Central Government1

-ale, lease or disposal otherwise o whole or substantially the whole o the underta,in# o the company'

=ormation o a subsidiary company'

+'+ 0o re#ulate the business and decision ma,in# in the Corporation some o the important provisions are as ollows1

6ward o wor, is placed on the lowest tenderer inalised #enerally throu#h open tender or out o the pre3;uali ied a#encies' 6t times, the award o wor, is also done throu#h limited tenders considerin# the ur#ency its si#ni icance'

&ependin# upon the value o wor,s various 0-Cs have been ormed or procurement o wor,s, pre3tender tie3ups, award o wor,sCsupplies' Constitution o these 0-Cs -

Pro/ect wor, is actually e4ecuted by its -ite !nchar#e' 0here are a number o sites under a %nit !nchar#e who is responsible and accountable or mobilisation, pro#ress and timely completion o wor,s under his control' Per ormance o various %nit !nchar#es is vouched by the Ponal 9eads who in turn are placed under the overall control o their (e#ional Business Group 9eads @(BG 9eadsA' Per ormance o each o the (BG 9ead is reviewed on ;uarterly basis a#ainst the speci ied tar#ets by the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and =unctional &irectors at the Corporate . ice' 43

Norm! ! t 15 th 0or /i!"h.rg o0 it! 0-n"tion!

5' aA "very year, the Corporation e4ecutes a $emorandum o basis o which the per ormance o the Corporation is ad/ud#ed' bA 0he Corporation has ormulated a standardised :General 0erms and Conditions o the Contract: in award o wor,s' cA <or,s $anual has been brou#ht out to observe transparency in various aspects o e4ecution o pro/ects in time 8 ;uality adherance' dA 0he Corporation also ollows the CP<&C-tate Government laid down speci ications at pro/ect sites' %nderstandin# with its

6dministrative $inistry' !t lay down tar#ets a#ainst inancial and non3 inancial parameters on the

eA Corporation has devised a proper $!-'

)' R-2 !A r g-2.tion!A in!tr-"tion! & m.n-.2! Cor4or.tion

1 i' ii' iii' iv' v' vi' vii' viii' i4' 4' NBCC @(ecruitmentA (ules' NBCC @-ervice ConductA (ules' NBCC @&iscipline 8 6ppealA (ules' NBCC Contributory Provident =und (ules' NBCC Leave 8 Leave "ncashment (ules' NBCC L0C (ules' NBCC Promotion Policy' NBCC -tandin# .rders' NBCC $edical Bene it -cheme' NBCC 0ransport (ules' 44

t"# 0r.m / in th

4i' 4ii' 4iii' 4iv' 4v' 4vi' 4vii'

NBCC 06C&6 (ules' NBCC 9ousin# -ubsidy (ules' Company Lease 6ccommodation 3 instructions reJ =estival 6dvance =orei#n "4chan#e (ules' <or,s $anual 6ccounts $anual

7- In0orm.tion r g.r/ing ".t gori ! o0 /o"-m nt / 15 th!.tion

Corporation has various divisionsCdepartment such as1 =inance, Personnel 8 6dministration, Consultancy and Pro/ect $ana#erment Group, Le#al and Contract "n#ineerin#, Business &evelopment, (eal "state, Di#ilance, Public (elations' -tatutory (e#isters, Boo,s o 6ccounts, (eturns and (eports are maintained by the respective departmentsCdivisions under various acts li,e Companies 6ct, 19)6, !ncome 0a4 and other 6cts'

R "or/! g n r.225 / .t %on.2 O00i" !BS4 "im nC

.ri#inal copy o a#reement with contractor or e4ecution o pro/ects' Copy o (6 bills o each pro/ect e4ecuted under the Pone' $aintainin# all the records pertainin# to e4ecution o pro/ects' Correspondence with -tate Govt' and other departments' Correspondence with contractors and consultants' Correspondence with 9ead . iceC(BG 8 other NBCC o ices' Copy o Payment vouchers' -ubmission o wee,lyCmonthlyC ;uarterly $!- reports to Pro/ect $ana#ement Group as well as (BG . ices'

Dir "tor5 o0 o00i" r! .n/ m42o5 !

F' -eniority list in the or#anisation is available separately in respect o Group :68B: and Group :C8&: cate#ory o employees45

Month25 R m-n r.tion

7' Computerised monthly pay bill is #enerated in respect o each o the o icers and employees o the Corporation'

In0orm.tion .7.i2.12 'r /-" / in 2 "troni" 0orm in th!.tion

9' :General conditions o Contract: are available in electronic orm in the or#anisation'




O0ER0IEF National Buildin#s Construction Corporation Limited @NBCCA was incorporated as a Public -ector %nderta,in# in November 1960'NBCC is a multinational en#ineerin# construction company under the ae#is o Government o !ndia' the $inistry o %rban &evelopment,

NBCC aims to cement its position as a leadin# company in the construction en#ineerin# and consultancy services, providin# e icient and ;uality e4ecution o pro/ects' !ts main line o business is e4ecution o civil "n#ineerin# Pro/ects, renderin# o Consultancy -ervices and &evelopment o (eal "state Pro/ects'

<ithin a ew years o its initiation, NBCC spread its activities all over !ndia in ul illment o its ob/ectives discussed below' NBCCKs 2onal centers in important centers li,e Calcutta, 9yderabad, Nasi,, $umbai, to name a ew, wor, today as pro it centers' NBCC today has the in rastructure to underta,e and e4ecute pro/ects in any corner o the country without di iculty' NBCC has also had many ruit ul alliances with orei#n companies and has operations in $auritius, Nepal and Libya'

NBCC has obtained an !-. 9001 Certi ication or its Pro/ect $ana#ement Consultancy &ivisions' 0he Corporate $ission inter alia enshrines buildin# a hi#h de#ree o customer satis action and providin# services con irmin# to !-. 90011*000 series'

NBCC is touchin# upon the lives o people all around the #lobe with its activities in the ields o <ater and "nvironment $ana#ement, "arth;ua,e (esistant Buildin#

0echnolo#y 8 (etro ittin#, &isaster $ana#ement, Pro/ect $ana#ement 8 Consultancy,

!n rastructure Pro/ects, !nstitutional, 9ousin# and !ndustrial Pro/ects, (eal "state <or,s, Power Pro/ects, (CC Chimneys 8 Coolin# 0owers, Brid#es, 6irports, (ailway Pro/ects includin# %nder#round 8 "levated $etro3trac,s and -tations, Post Completion $aintenance <or,s, 0ransmission lines, $arine -tructures, Border =encin# /obs, P$G-> wor,s, ?NN%($ Pro/ects'

6n e4clusively diversi ied and vertically inte#rated construction ma/or o National Pride and o Global (epute with a human ace and a showcase o absolute e4cellence' $edium term vision is become a (s' )000 crore company by *010' 0o be a leadin# player in the Public -ector Construction "n#ineerin# and Consultancy -ervices, providin# e icient and ;uality e4ecution o pro/ects, buildin# a hi#h de#ree o Customer Con idence, providin# o services con irmin# to !-. 90011*000 series and &evelopment o 9uman (esources in tune with #lobalisation and economic re orms' NBCC has si#ned the $emorandum o %nderstandin# @$o%A or the year *010311 with its 6dministrative $inistry o %rban &evelopment, Government o !ndia on 1)th $arch *010' 0he $o% has tar#eted an accelerated pace o #rowth or the Corporation' 0he tar#et or sales turnover o the Corporation or the year *010311 has been i4ed at (s'*700 crore' 0he order boo, tar#et has been i4ed at (s')700 crore with a #ross pro it o (s'167 crore' 0he company is mana#ed by the Board o &irectors which ormulates business strate#ies and policies' 0he a airs o the company are mana#ed by the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and unctional &irectors under the overall #uidance o the Board o &irectors' NBCC bein# a P-%, all &irectors are appointed by the President o !ndia' &urin# the inancial year, the Board consisted o ) members vi2' + unctional directors includin# the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector besides * #overnment nominee


directors' 0he matter relatin# to nomination o non3e4ecutive part3time independent directors to ill + vacancies on board is under consideration o the Government o !ndia' 0he Corporation believes in achievin# or#ani2ational e4cellence throu#h 9uman (esource to ul ill the or#ani2ational #oal' 0he Corporation has introduced a well de ined system or in order to identi y the trainin# needs o all employees at various levels to up#rade their s,ills and ,nowled#e' 0he in ormation re#ardin# trainin# needs is derived by conductin# : trainin# needs survey : amon# the employees' Based on the trainin# need analysis, in3house trainin# pro#rammes and also pro#rammes conducted by e4ternal a#encies are or#ani2ed periodically' 0o e4pand and widen the behavioural attributes o employees at the .perative levels, trainin# pro#rammes are or#ani2ed in collaboration with various e4ternal trainin# a#encies' 0he Di#ilance &ivision o NBCC Limited is headed by the Chie Di#ilance . icer' 9e is assisted by Di#ilance . icers havin# 0echnical bac,#round and other Personnel 8 6dministrative sta at Corporate . ice'


C.NC"P0%6L =(6$"<.(B 0he ob/ective o the conceptual ramewor, is to develop an improved common conceptual ramewor, that provides a sound oundation or developin# uture accountin# standards' +'1 CORE CORPORATE 0ALUE 1' Pro3activeness *' (esponsiveness +' -peed, "conomy and Iuality 5' Trans/arenc( )' Customer -atis action 6' -ocial .bli#ations F' $utual (espect 8 0rust 7' .r#ani2ational 8 Pro essional Pride

$"$.(6N&.$ .= %N&"(-06N&!NG @$.%A *0103*011

NBCC 0ar#ets 6mbitious Growth NBCC has -i#ned the $emorandum o %nderstandin# @$o%A or the year *010311 with its 6dministrative $inistry o %rban &evelopment, Government o !ndia on 1)th $arch *010' 0he $o% has tar#eted an accelerated pace o #rowth or the Corporation' 0he tar#et or sales turnover o the Corporation or the year *010311 has been i4ed at

(s'*700 crore' 0he order boo, tar#et has been i4ed at (s')700 crore with a #ross pro it o (s'167 crore' 0he $o% inter alia, also includes some dynamic parameters in order to #ive a urther boost to the Corporation:s stride towards e4cellence' 0hese parameters are 13 "nhancement o customer satis action level' 9uman (esources &evelopment throu#h trainin# and retrainin# to suit corporate re;uirements' 6doption o improved 0echnolo#y in e4ecution o pro/ects' Launch o 6 ordable 9ousin# Pro/ect -chemes' "nvironment and -ustainable &evlopment Contribution' ( 8 & Contribution' "nhanced C-( 6ctivites' Public "nterprises

NBCC has been rated "RC"LL"N0 by the &epartment o or the three consecutive years' I%6L!0> P.L!C> o NBCC

consecutively or the last si4 years' &P" has awarded $o% "4cellence award to NBCC

0o ,eep on upli tin# 8 maintainin# the ;uality standards in pro/ect mana#ement 8 en#ineerin# consultancy services in order to sustain a hi#h level o customer satis action by comprehensively meetin# the stated needs o the customer 8 proactively attendin# to the implied ones'


0o retain the plat orm o leadership by deliverin# pro/ects in time 8 within cost without compromisin# on ;uality and become a truly dependable pro/ect leader or esteemed customers as also or the Corporation'

Bein# an !-. 90013*000 accredited or#anisation ma,in# ;uality an obsession and to carry a commitment to continually improve the e ectiveness o our ;uality mana#ement system'

NBCC is touchin# upon the lives o people all around the #lobe with its activities in the ields o <ater and "nvironment $ana#ement, "arth;ua,e (esistant Buildin# 0echnolo#y 8 (etro ittin#, &isaster $ana#ement, Pro/ect $ana#ement 8 Consultancy, !n rastructure Pro/ects, !nstitutional, 9ousin# and !ndustrial Pro/ects, (eal "state <or,s, Power Pro/ects, (CC Chimneys 8 Coolin# 0owers, Brid#es, 6irports, (ailway Pro/ects includin# %nder#round 8 "levated $etro3trac,s and -tations, Post Completion $aintenance <or,s, 0ransmission lines, $arine -tructures, Border =encin# /obs, P$G-> wor,s, ?NN%($ Pro/ects' 0o maintain its competitive ed#e in the mar,et, NBCC is always obsessed to ma,e value addition to its areas o operation' %se o new technolo#y such as %p low 6naerobic -lud#e Blan,et @%6-BA technolo#y in implementation o "nvironmental "n#ineerin# plants, -lip3 orm 0echnolo#y or e4ecution o Coolin# 0owers 8 0all -tac,s, 0renchless 0echnolo#y in implementation o under#round utility services etc' are some si#ni icant en#ineerin# initiatives o NBCC that have made it a leader in the industry' 0he up low anaerobic slud#e blan,et @%6-BA process is an anaerobic treatment system wherein the or#anic matter is di#ested, absorbed and metaboli2ed into bacterial cell mass and bio #as' 6naerobic di#estion is the de#radation o or#anic material without the aid o o4y#en'

0he %6-B process is a combination o physical and biolo#ical processes' 0he main eature o physical process is separation o solids and #ases rom the li;uid and that o biolo#ical process is de#radation o decomposable or#anic material under anaerobic conditions' !n the %6-B treatment concept, the treatment tan, consists o an up low reactor with eed inter distribution system at the bottom o the reactor with + phases #as, li;uid, solid, separator @#lssA at the top' 0he waste water is evenly distributed over the reactor bottom throu#h eed inlet pipes and lows upwards throu#h a bed o anaerobic slud#e in the lower part o reactor called the di#estion compartment' &urin# passa#e throu#h the slud#e bed particulate matter is entrapped and the de#radable matter is completely or partially di#ested' &issolved or#anic matter is removed rom the solution by the anaerobic bacteria and converted into bio #as and a small raction into new bacterial bio mass' 0he bio #as provides a #entle mi4in# in the slud#e bed' !n the upper part o the reactor, + phase #lass is installed'

NBCC is the pioneerin# .r#anisation o !ndia in the adoption o environment riendly 0renchless @No3&i#A 0echnolo#y or layin# o under#round utility services and the development o in rastructure acilities in the country' 0he technolo#y promoted by NBCC in !ndia, is a No3&i# techni;ue used to avoid conventional open3cut method in layin# under #round utility without disruptin# tra ic, e4istin# sur ace status' %se o this technolo#y also saves environment and social costs' 6s or NBCC, it is success ully usin# this technolo#y while e4ecutin# under#round utility services pro/ects such as layin# o optic iber cables, pipe lines, municipal utilities, electric cables etc' or its clients' NBCC has been usin# -lip =orm e;uipments or construction o 0all 9i#h (ise (CC Chimneys since 1975' 0his technolo#y was introduced by replacin# the ?ump orm 0echni;ue o -hutterin# to acilitate e4peditious and sa er constructions besides


providin# smoother inish' 0his techni;ue also ensured continuity while pourin# concrete and accident ree construction' 0his system has been success ully used by NBCC to construct 9 nos o 0all (CC Natural &rau#ht Coolin# 0owers' 0he lar#est Natural &rau#ht Coolin# 0owers in 6sia havin# * nos o 16)mtr 9ei#ht o 60,000 cum per hour capacity each with sea water application were constructed by NBCC on turn,ey basis at -imadhri -uper 0hermal Power -tation @*4)00$<A 6ndhra Pradesh'

NBCC has made a dent in speciali2ed areas by ac;uirin# /obs which re;uire hi#h and sophisticated technolo#y' 0he Corporation has also developed an inte#rated database or computeri2ed mana#ement in ormation system coverin# all the ma/or areas re;uirin# decision support' !0 based tools are bein# used or decision ma,in# in all acets o its operations' Computeri2ed $!- with better eedbac, is enablin# NBCC to e4ercise a stricter control on the e4ecution o the pro/ect ri#ht rom the sta#e o award till the completion' By dint o its sustained e orts and initiatives, NBCC has made a remar,able turnaround particularly since *00F and has increased its pro it rom (s'*')) crore to (s'515'79 crore representin# a Compounded 6nnual Growth (ate @C6G(A o 10FH and !ncome rom (s'+1+'*9 crore to (s *0*5'79 crore respresentin# a C6G( o +0'))H as on +1'+'*010' 0o enhance its port olio in !ndian and abroad, NBCC is now committed to multiply its initiative in the ields o ?Ds with reputed !ndian and orei#n companies' &evlopment o (eal "state, Power 8 !n rastructure -ector etc' 0he Corporation has now s,etched out a road map to achieve its new milestone on !N( 5)00 crore turnover by the year *01*'

$Cs Bureau o

!ndian -tandards has #ranted the license to National Buildin#s

Construction Corporation Limited or Iuality $ana#ement -ystems Certi ication in accordance with !- C !-. 90011*000 or providin# Consultancy and construction services

by Consultancy &ivision and Pro/ect $ana#ement Group'

!nitially NBCC was certi ied or !- C !-. 900111995 or Iuality $ana#ement -ystem in $arch, 1999' !n &ecember, *00F the license was up#raded rom !- C !-. 9001 1 1995 to !- C !-. 9001 1 *000 Iuality mana#ement -ystem' 0he license has been renewed valid upto $arch, *011' NBCC, while carryin# out its operation, has always remained up ront in respondin# to cause o the society at lar#e meetin# many obli#ations, 6part rom inancially contributin# to initiatives o many NG.s and !nstitutions involved in upli tment and development o the poor, needy section o the society that run into la,hs o (upees annually, the Corporation has been actively en#a#in# itsel as a catalyst to the development o Country:s bac,ward and remote areas' !t also always responds to the call o the Government o !ndia and the -tate Governments or rehabilitation wor,s at various places and or the people a ected by natural calamities'

0o wor, in remote areas where other construction a#encies shy away rom ta,in# up pro/ects or upli tment o socio economic status o the locals' (e 3 construction o in rastructure in areas devastated by natural calamities' !n rastructure pro/ects or bene it o the lar#er section o society in under developed areas'

<or,s relatin# to National -ecurity' <ater -upply &istribution -ystem'


-ome o the C-( activities underta,en by the Corporation are as under 13 9' Construction o schools, dispensaries, community centers etc' in the earth;ua,e a ected areas o Gu/arat and cyclone a ected areas in .rissa on no pro it basis' 0he value o construction done durin# last three years by NBCC is appro4imately (s'F0'00 Crores' NBCC has urther submitted a number o Pro/ect (eports to the Central Government or the pro/ects proposed to be underta,en by the Corporation or the (ehabilitation o 0sunami a ected people' 10' Construction o Community Centre and shelters or providin# immediate relie to the people o ?ammu 8 Bashmir a ected by devastatin# earth;ua,e' 11' &evelopment o (ural (oads in underdeveloped and remote areas under EP(6&96N $6N0(! G(6$ -6&6B >.?6N6E in Bihar 8 0ripura' 1*' &evelopment o -lum and (ural (oads in North "astern -tates' 1+' Border =encin# in !ndo3Ban#ladesh Border 8 !ndo3Pa, Border areas' 15' Layin# o water supply heavy mains between $uradna#ar @%PA to -onia Dihar @&elhiA or supply o drin,in# water to "ast and -outh &elhi' 1)' Placement o *1 Nos' o Physically challen#ed personnel on the rolls o the or#ani2ation' 16' Corporation is also maintainin# an e4clusive Pro/ect $ana#ement &ivision or liaison with concerned $inistries and the -tate Governments or monitorin# o the pro/ects' =urther, NBCC is also havin# a ull led#ed Di#ilance &ivision headed by C'D'.', 9indi Cell, Iuality Control Cell as a part o compliance to the re;uirement o a Government .r#anisation which are not maintained by any private .r#anisation' 0he Corporation is incurrin# e4penditure to the tune o (s'7'00 crores per annum towards such services'


&ecision ma,in# processCchannels o supervision 8 accountability 6ll policies, rules and re#ulations are ramed by the Board o &irectors o the Corporation' !mplementation o such policies, rules 8 re#ulations are made by various unctionaries in accordance with the &ele#ationC-ub3dele#ation o powers' 9owever, vide 6rticle 7*@+A o the 6rticles o 6ssociationJ the ollowin# matters have been reserved or the decision o the Central Government1 -ale, lease or disposal otherwise o whole or substantially the whole o the underta,in# o the company' =ormation o a subsidiary company' 0o re#ulate the business and decision ma,in# in the Corporation some o the important provisions are as ollows1 6ward o wor, is placed on the lowest tenderer inalised #enerally throu#h open tender or out o the pre3;uali ied a#encies' 6t times, the award o wor, is also done throu#h limited tenders considerin# the ur#ency its si#ni icance' &ependin# upon the value o wor,s various 0-Cs have been ormed or procurement o wor,s, pre3tender tie3ups, award o wor,sCsupplies' Constitution o these 0-Cs'

Pro/ect wor, is actually e4ecuted by its -ite !nchar#e' 0here are a number o sites under a %nit !nchar#e who is responsible and accountable or mobilisation, pro#ress and timely completion o wor,s under his control' Per ormance o various %nit !nchar#es is vouched by the Ponal 9eads who in turn are placed under the overall control o their (e#ional Business Group 9eads @(BG 9eadsA' Per ormance o each o the (BG 9ead is reviewed


on ;uarterly basis a#ainst the speci ied tar#ets by the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and =unctional &irectors at the Corporate . ice'

1' 4ro%/ Med$cal Ins%rance Sche&e !n3service C retired employees o the Corporation are covered under a Group $edical !nsurance Policy and are eli#ible or indoor medical treatment both on cashless and reimbursement basis in any o the 9ospitals listed by the !nsurance Company' Besides, a corpus C lotter is also available to the e4tent o *)H o the insured amount in order to cover the re;uirement o #enuine cases' *' 4ro%/ Ins%rance Sche&e

0he in3service employees in the re#ular establishment o the Corporation are covered by a Group !nsurance -cheme on payment o subscription by the employees accordin# to their scale o pay'

+- Interest s%bs$d( on Eo%se B%$ld$n' Ad@ance

(e#ular employees o the Corporation are entitled to #et interest subsidy on house buildin# advance obtained by them rom approved lendin# a#encies' 0he di erence between the rate o interest char#ed by the lendin# a#encies and the rate o interest char#ed by the Central Government on house buildin# advance rom its employees is reimbursable sub/ect to a ma4imum o 6H'


5- Eo%s$n' S%bs$d(

"mployees o the Corporation on trans er rom one place to another are entitled to housin# subsidy at the new place o postin# in addition to 9(6 o the station at which the amily is le t behind' 0he Corporation also acilitates the employees or hirin# their own accommodation at the new place o postin# by allowin# them interest ree advance recoverable in twelve monthly installments'

)' Company Leased 6ccommodation

"mployees at the level o General $ana#er and above are entitled to Company leased accommodation'

6' Trans/ort Allo ance to Ph(s$call( Eand$ca//ed e&/lo(ees

0ransport 6llowance is payable to physically handicapped employees it double the rate at which it is payable to other employees o the Corporation'

F' Children "ducation 6llowance

"mployees o the Corporation are entitled to Children "ducation 6llowance sub/ect to ul illment o certain conditions in respect o children studyin# upto 1*th class'

"mployees posted to North "astern (e#ion are allowed almost all the -pecial Bene its as applicable to Central Government employees' 7' Leave 0ravel Concession

Corporation has its own rules or #rantin# Leave 0ravel Concession to its employees' "ach employee is entitled to avail home town L0C every two years' 6#ainst one o the 9ome 0own L0C, employee can avail 6ll !ndia L0C in a bloc, o our years' -pecial concession to travel by air by any airline has been #iven in case o travel rom one place to another provided the destination is lin,ed by (a/dhani C-hatabadi "4press trains' 0he e4penditure is, however, restricted to the train are applicable in the case o (a/dhani C -hatabadi "4press trains'

9- Lea@e Encash&ent

"mployees o the Corporation are entitled to encashment o leave to the e4tent o )0H as on 1st ?uly o every year sub/ect to availability and proceedin# on leave or the matchin# period'

10' Benevolent =und

!n the event o demise o an employee in harness, there is provision or e4tendin# inancial assistance to the ,ith and ,in C le#al heirs o the deceased employee rom the Benevolent =und' =or this purpose the Corporation contributes a sum o (s')0,000C3 per employee and the balance is #enerated out o contribution rom the employees o the Corporation'

11' Corporate <ear C %ni orm Cshoes


Corporation provides corporate wear to all its re#ular employees e4cept operative level sta s who are bein# provided with summer C winter liveries as per their entitlement'

1*' Interest free ad@ance

0he eli#ible employees o the Corporation are entitled to =an, Cycle, =estival, -cooter and Car advance as per #uidelines C rate o interest applicable to the Central Govt' employees'

1+' Co&/%ter Ad@ance

0he employees o the Corporation are entitled to an interest ree advance to be recovered in *5 installments'

15' Tea Allo ance

0he re#ular employees o the Corporation are paid a tea allowance on monthly basis'

1)' Refresh&ent char'es for attend$n' off$ce be(ond off$ce ho%rs G hol$da(s

0he re reshment char#es are bein# paid to the employees in 9. 8 P. or wor,in# on holidays C or sittin# late a ter o ice hours'


D!G!L6NC" 6C0!D!0!"-

0he Di#ilance &ivision at Corporate . ice is headed by Chie Di#ilance . icer, an o icer on deputation rom the Government o !ndia' Di#ilance &ivision underta,es in;uiry into transaction in which employee is suspected or alle#ed to have acted or an improper corrupt purpose or cause such an in;uiry or investi#ation to be made into any complaint o corruption, #ross ne#li#ence, misconduct, rec,lessness, lac, o inte#rity or other ,ind o malpractices or misdemeanors on one:s part' <ith an ultimate aim o eradicatin# corruption, a our pron#ed strate#y is ollowed, which has also been appropriately incorporated in the 6nnual 6ction Plan relatin# to anti3corruption measures vi2' @1A Preventive Di#ilance, @*A &etective Di#ilance 8 surveillance, @+A Punitive Di#ilance 8 @5A %se o !0 innovations to curb malpractices and ensure transparency' :Di#ilance 6wareness <ee,: was observed in the Corporation rom +'11'*010 to F'11'*010 and a souvenir containin# important circulars o the CDC, was brou#ht out by the Di#ilance &ivision'

P%BL!C ("L60!.NPublic (elations &ivision made sustained e orts throu#h various means o communication to pro/ect the ima#e o the Corporation' 0here has been re#ular covera#e in both print and electronic media on various activities and achievements o the or#ani2ation' 9ouse ?ournals, Brochures, Boo,lets, "vent -peci ic =olders etc' or distribution amon#st Clients, Business 6ssociates were published' 6lso or#ani2ed a Press Con erence to brie the $edia about the achievements and business thrusts in areas o (eal "state, particularly (esidential (eal "state and Power -ectors' 6 campai#n on upcomin# 6 ordable 9ousin# Denture was launched'

0he company is mana#ed by the Board o &irectors which ormulates business strate#ies and policies' 0he a airs o the company are mana#ed by the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and unctional &irectors under the overall #uidance o the Board o &irectors' NBCC bein# a P-%, all &irectors are appointed by the President o !ndia' &urin# the inancial year, the Board consisted o ) members vi2' + unctional directors includin# the Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector besides * #overnment nominee directors' 0he matter relatin# to nomination o non3e4ecutive part3time independent directors to ill + vacancies on board is under consideration o the Government o !ndia' 0he meetin#s are bein# convened by #ivin# due notice a ter obtainin# the approval o the Chairman o the Board' &etailed a#enda to#ether with supportin# papers and documents is circulated in advance to acilitate decision ma,in# durin# the Board $eetin#s' Considerin# the ur#ency o the matter, sometimes the decision is also ta,en throu#h a resolution by circulation' &ele#ation o powers has been #iven to various unctionaries in the or#ani2ation' $atters which are not covered within the dele#ated powers o the Chie "4ecutive are re erred to the Board o &irectors' 0he Chairman3cum3$ana#in# &irector and =unctional &irectors meet the ,ey e4ecutives to review the per ormance o the Corporation every ;uarterly'



0o analy2e the inancial statements o NBCC usin# various methods li,e1
Cash low statement Balance sheet Douchers Cash boo,

0o determine the various accountin# procedures in the Compilation o 6ccounts &epartment o NBCC' -cope o study was very wide as it involved analy2in# the inancial procedures o the company as well as to understand and learn about various accountin# procedures o the company'

0o learn how various vouchers are prepared

0o understand how i4ed assets are mana#ed by the company and how to wor, on the =i4ed 6sset $ana#ement -o tware@=6$-A used by the company to maintain records o all its i4ed assets'



NBCC L0& is the lar#est producer o Buildin# in the country' =rom this study we see that how company plans their bud#et accordin# to their re;uirement is important' !ncreasin# capital cost over the years 9i#her interest durin# construction Chan#in# inancin# pattern !nade;uate #eneration o internal resources Problems in the borrowin#s or power pro/ects &evaluation o rupeeCpartial convertibility %ncertainty in the low o e4ternal aid Problems o inancin# throu#h power bonds


<or,in# capital @<CA is an important metric or all businesses, re#ardless o their si2e' <C is a si#nal o a company:s o/erat$n' l$I%$d$t( =i#ure 0' 9avin# enou#h <C means that the company should be able to pay or all o its short3term e4penses and liabilities' Lar#e companies pay attention to <C or the same reason as small ones do1 <C is a measure o li;uidity, and thus is a measure o their uture credit3worthiness' Companies who want to borrow by issuin# bonds or purchasin# commercial paper @a mar,et o lar#e, short3term loans or bi# companiesA will ind it more e4pensive


i they do not have enou#h <C' ! they are a public company, their stoc, price may all i the mar,et doesn:t believe they have ade;uate <C' =or small businesses and start3ups, unable to access inancial mar,ets or borrowin#, <C has more dire implications' <C can also be described as the amount o money that a small business or start3up needs to stay in operation' -tart3ups need to pay attention to their <C because it is the amount o money they need to ,eep the business runnin# until they brea,3even @start earnin# a net pro itA' .n one hand, <C is important to because it is a measure o a company:s ability to pay o short3term e4penses or debts' .n the other hand, too much wor,in# capital means that some assets are not bein# invested or the lon#3term, so they are not bein# put to #ood use in helpin# the company #row as much as possible' <C is only one measure o a company:s operatin# li;uidity' !t is not the only measure, and it is certainly not a #uarantee o a company:s ability to pay' 6 company may have positive <C, but not enou#h cash to pay an e4pense tomorrow' -imilarly, a company may have ne#ative <C, but may be able to ad/ust some o their debt into lon#3term debt in order to reduce their current liabilities' <C is an important metric, but is not the whole story o a company:s inancial health'


0he present study is sub/ected to ollowin# limitation' 0o develop the relationship throu#h personal interaction by tal,in# such appointment o Ban, $ana#er and there ore bias becomes a ma/or limitation' &ue to time constraints ! have been visit only seventy ive branch o di erent ban,s, and conduct seven event shows in di erent place o the city'


S S S STATISTICAL TEST? 0he statistical procedure to draw an appropriate conclusion rom sample data about a population parameter' EYPOTEESIS? 6ny statement concernin# an un,nown population parameter' A$& of a stat$st$cal test? 0est an hypothesis concernin# the values o one or more population parameters' 0>P"- .= 9>P.09"-!S NULL EYPOTEESISJE+ states that a treatment has no e ect or there is no chan#e compared with the previous situation' 0he parameter is e;ual to a sin#le value' S ALTERNATI0E EYPOTEESISJEA states that a treatment has a si#ni icant e ect or there is development compared with the previous situation' 0he parameter can be #reater than or less than or di erent than the value shown in 90'





0>P" .= &606 @("-"6(C9 PL6NA P(!$6(> &6063 Primary datas arethose which are #athered specially or the pro/ect at hand, directly3 e'#' throu#h ;uestionnaires 8 interviews' 9ere mainly ;uestionnaire is prepared to ,now the views o o the public about NBCC' -"C.N6&6(> &6063 $ainly secondary data was collected or ma,in# the Pro/ect (eport and then various analytical tools were used on the data collected'0hese datas helps to ,now the inancial position o NBCC' ("-"6(C9 &"-!GN 0he research done was "RPL.(60.(> ("-"6(C9 as it is based on

secondary data and it does not have a ormal and ri#id desi#n' this ,ind o research has the primary ob/ective o development o insi#hts into the problem' !t studies the main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses o action' 0he present study contemplated an e4ploratory research 0he research methodolo#y or the present study has been adopted to re lect these realties and help reach the lo#ical conclusion in an ob/ective and scienti ic manner' C.LL"C0!.N .= &606 NBCC &ata was mainly collected rom various secondary sources li,e annual reports, accounts manual, database o the company and also rom the website o the company

<hile collectin# data main emphasis was on the act that only authentic !n ormation was collected by personally interactin# with various sta members o

in ormation should be collected'

0hen various analytical tools were applied on the data collected throu#h above

mentioned methods'



!n increasin#ly #lobal environment, real threat will come rom $NCs who are havin# access to cheap unds and technolo#ical superiority' 0he new #lobal scenario will orce NBCC to rethin, the strate#y' <ith the openin# up o the sector, more and more players are ,een to put up power plants because o new enablin# re#ulatory mechanism' 0hey will operate the plant with minimum overheads and le4ible inancin# options' -ource o und especially rom stoc, mar,et are cheaper compared to public

sector utilities' 0his is because o mar,et perception that private sector can run business more e iciently' Bein# a Public -ector Company NBCC has to bear to certain rules 8 re#ulation ormulated rom time to time' <here private sectors has no such restrictions NBCC has to #o throu#h a ormal route o tenderin# where the bids are invited rom interested parties' <hereas in case o Private sector, they have independence o awardin# contract without invitin# any bids'




I1A what is the NBCCKs per ormance durin# the year *010311M


NBCCKs C6G( percenta#e also increases due to increase in total income,#ross mar#in,etc'' NBCC has improved its level o income rom the past recent years and now its total income is (s' *055'+) crores' 0here is a bi# chan#e in "arnin# Per -hare i'e' (s'+0'56 crores to (s' 1F67'5* crores'


I*A <hat is the .rder Boo, o NBCCM

.(&"( B..B


NBCC total order boo, cost (s'7000 crores' $a/or part o order was done on implementin# a#ency o centralCstate #ovt' Lowest order was made on transportation and others i'e'only *H' 0here was smallest contribution made on environmental activities' (eal estates also contributes 1*H in overall order boo,' 0hey have invested in various stoc, e4chan#es' 9ousin# also contributes )H share,means NBCC provides housin# acilities also' 0his order boo, shows the companyKs overview in di erent sectors'


!NC.$" .D"( 09" L6-0 "!G90 >"6(-

I +A <hat is the income over the last ei#ht years o NBCCM

Income(in crores) 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 *00+305 2004-05 *00530) 2005-06 2006-07 *00)306 2007-08 *00630F 2008-09
*00F307 *007309 *009310 *010311

I n

413 200102 502 200203 667 200304 802 200405 Income(in 1317 crores) 200506 1514 200607 2025 08 20072044 09 2008-

41 5


6s we have already saw the increment in the per ormance or the year *010311 o NBCC ,thou#h there is also an increment in income over the last ei#ht years' !ncome in the year *00130* is very low which is (s' 51+ crores as compared to the income in the year *010311 is (s' *055 crores' (ise in income shows that NBCC is increasin# its pro its year by year'


0here is a ma/or chan#e in the income between the period *00530) to *00)306


Q 4) How much there is change in a financial osition of a !"##$

Q 4) How much there is change in a financial !"##$

osition of a @(s' !n CroreA

*010311 *009310

INTERPRETATIONS: theyear year 2008-09, turnover of NBCC increased from During &urin# the *010311, the the turnover o NBCC increased rom (s' 1969'99 s!"9#9!99 crore to s! 20$"!20 crore re%rasenting an increase $& During the 2008-09, the turnover of NBCC increased from Crore to year (s' *051'*0 crore representin# an increase o 5H and earned of a net pro it be ore and earned a Net 'rofit (efore )a* of s! 2+9!9, crore after %roviding s!"9#9!99 crore to s! 20$"!20 crore re%rasenting an increase of $& ta4 o (s' *+9'9) crore a ter providin# depreciation o (s' +'** crore' and de%reciation earned a Net of 'rofit s!+!0(efore crore )a* and ofinterest s! 2+9!9, of s! crore +!22 after crore! %roviding de%reciation of s!+!0crore and interest of s! +!22 crore! .%ening (a/ance of 0or1/oad in hand 0as s! $2+2!+$ crore .penin# balance o 0or1/oad wor,load inhand hand was (s' 5*+*'+5 crore .%ening (a/ance of in 0ascrore s! $2+2!+$ crore and 0or1s of During the year ,0or1s of s! $-9$!$8 0ere secured &urin# year, wor,s 5F95'57 crore crore were and wor, o (s' During thethe year ,0or1s ofo (s' s! $-9$!$8 0eresecured secured and 0or1s of *051'*0 crore s! 20$"!20 crore 0ere e*ecuted! e4ecuted' s!were 20$"!20 crore 0ere e*ecuted! )he Net %rofit 2fter )a* for the year 200--08 is s! 2-9!8+ crore and 0hi/e )he Net %rofit )a* foror the year s! 2-9!8+ crore and 0hi/e 0he Net pro2fter it a ter ta4 the year200--08 *009310 is is (s' *F9'7+ crore and while or the year the year 2008-09 is s! ",9!"# crore! for for the year 2008-09 is s! ",9!"# crore! *010311 is (s' 1)9'16 crore'


I )A <hat is the cash low statement o NBCCM

C6-9 =L.< -060"$"N0 @!ndirect $ethodA or the year ended +1st $arch, *011

@in la,hsA *0103*011 6'Cash lows rom operatin# activities Net pro it be ore ta4 6d/ustment or1 &epreciation @Pro itACLoss on sale o assets@netA !nterest (eceived (ent &ividend (eceived !nterest "4pense Pro it in ?oint Denture 10F'*+ @1F9'F5A @679+'F5A @1'59A @)05'*5A +*1'7) @+7'9FA 95'7+ @+9'15A @F0F)'56A @+'+7A @*)0')*A +)6'+F 3 *+99)'16 51577'+ *0093*010

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT .peratin# Pro it be ore <or,in# Capital Chan#es 6d/ustment or1 !nventories <or,3in3Pro#ress -undry &ebtors Loans 8 6dvances .ther Current 6ssets Current Liabilities Provisions @*+6'01A F)+*'57 @++017')FA @5F+0'+9A 511'95 +)+07'51 @)+69'00A @1)'+9A @11+*+'F0A ++*+'*7 @*776'6+A @*67'95A 1+015')1 @656'F)A 16706'06 +5)F1


$iscellaneous "4penditure



TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T Cash #enerated rom .perations &irect 0a4es Paid Corporate &ividend 0a4 Paid Gratuity 8 Leave "ncashment @Net !ncreaseA Net Cash =rom .peratin# 6ctivities B'Cash lows rom investin# activities Purchase o i4ed assets -ale o i4ed assets !nterest (eceived (ent &ividend (eceived !nvestments Pro it in ?oint Denture @*1*'F6A *+6')1 679+'F5 1'59 )05'*5 @*16'79A +7'9F TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T Net Cash =rom !nvestin# 6ctivities C'Cash lows rom inancin# activities Proceeds rom issue o e;uity shares (edemption o pre erence shares !ncreaseC@&ecreaseA o National income (enewal =und !ncreaseC@(epaymentA o loans !nterest Paid &ividend on ";uity -hares Paid 3 3 3 3 3 @+*1'7)A @))96')+A 3 @+000'00A 3 3 @601+')FA @+)6'+FA 3 @BA F*5)'+0 669)'99 @1)0'00A )1'91 F0F)'56 +'+7 *)0')* @)+)'*7A @6A 110FF'6+ 1965+'0F 16F07'1F @6)1F'5)A @9)1'51A 17+7'+* @11)+'65A +)FF0'65 @159F+'9+A


TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T Net Cash =rom =inancin# 6ctivities @ CA @)917'+7A @9+69'95A

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T Net !ncrease in Cash and Cash ";uivalents @6AU@BAU@ CA 1*505')) 16969'1*

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T Cash and Cash ";uivalents3.penin# Cash and Cash ";uivalents3Closin# 9*110')* 105)1)'0F F)151'5 9*110')*


0he above Cash =low -tatement has been prepared in accordance with the re;uirement o 6ccountin# -tandard 3+' Cash =low -tatement issued by the !nstitute o Chartered 6ccountants o !ndia' 0he closin# Cash and Cash ";uivalents balance had been increased in the year *010311' Cash and Cash e;uivalents consist o cash in hand and balances with ban,s' Cash and cash e;uivalents included in the cash low statement comprise the ollowin# balance sheet amount'


-ome o the main actors responsible or NBCC:s deterioratin# inancial condition and those which represent its chie inancin# constraints are1 !ncreasin# capital cost over the years 9i#her interest durin# construction Chan#in# inancin# pattern !nade;uate #eneration o internal resources Problems in the borrowin#s or power pro/ects &evaluation o rupeeCpartial convertibility %ncertainty in the low o e4ternal aid Problems o inancin# throu#h power bonds 0he most o the NBCC:s inancial problems is that inancin# rom the institutional a#encies has slowed down due to sectoral issues' 0his trend can be reversed only with improvements in the inancial health o the -tate Buildin# Boards @-"BsA, thou#h such assistance could ta,e care o only a portion o the total re;uirements' 0he ,ey issue lies in improvin# the internal resource #eneration o all the sector utilities includin# -"Bs whose contribution to the resource mobilisation durin# the entire seventh plan had been ne#ative' 0his would point out to the need or suitable ad/ustment in the tari adoption o sound commercial practices in utility mana#ement' =rom an analysis o the various sources o NBCC:s inancin# mi4, it is evident that the emphasis is clearly shi tin# rom Government support and so t loans to internal resources and commercialCmar,et borrowin#' Bond inancin#, as a source, is shrin,in# because o the chan#in# economic scenario and the liberali2ation measures announced by Government' 0here is a dampenin# impact, presumably, o the mountin# outstandin# dues rom -"Bs on NBCC:s ability to #enerate internal resources to inance its own development pro#rammers in the recent past' and




NBCC is the lar#est Public sector construction Company' But it is not yet a -chedule Q6K company'NBCC is a public sector company as a wholly owned by Government o !ndia "nterprise under the ae#is o the $inistry o %rban &evelopment with )1H shares held by them'

Corporation achieved a total turnover o (s'*971'97 crore as a#ainst (s'*051'*0 crore in the previous year' =or the year, pro it be ore ta4 was (s' 1F5')9 crore @ previous year (s'*+9'9) croreA'

Nbcc,at present, has a very healthy order boo, o over 10,000 crore and net worth o the company too,has shown e4ponential #rowth'0he entire paid up share capital o (s' 1*0 crore o the company is held by the President o !ndia and its nominees'0here is net increase in closin# balance o Cash and Cash ";uivalents or the year *010311 by 105)1)'0F la,hs'

"(P -o tware -ystem is in inal sta#es o implementation' 0he turnover o NBCC increased rom (s'1969'99 crore to (s'*051'*0 crore representin# an increase o 5H and earned a Net Pro it be ore ta4 o (s'*+9'9) crore a ter providin# depreciation o (s'+'0F crore and interest o (s'+'** crore'

0he inancial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and #enerally accepted accountin# principles in accordance with the Companies 6ct,19)6 and with the compliance o 6ccountin# -tandards issued by the !nstitute o Chartered accountants o !ndia@!C6!A to the e4tent applicable' NBCC has =i4ed 6ssets $ana#ement -o tware @=6$-A or maintainin# records o =i4ed 6ssets and it man#es its =i4ed 6ssets very e iciently' Currently NBCC uses .racle and 0ally -o tware or maintainin# all other accounts'


NBCC ollows the ollowin# procedure or maintainin# accounts1 =irstly, accounts or all sites o a pro/ect are compiled at unit in char#e o the pro/ect whether the pro/ect is underta,en in !ndia or .utside !ndia' 0hen the acconts o all units are compiled at speci ic Pones o the Company 0hen these Ponal 6ccounts are compiled at the Corporate . ice o NBCC,at &elhi, to prepare the inal Consolidated Balance -heet o the Company as a whole'

0he basic data or compilation o inal accounts as to be urnished by various units to the Pone' =or a systematic and timely low o in ormation rom the units, the various reports and returns @$onthlyCIuarterlyC6nnualA are to be submitted by units inchar#e,a ter proper and intelli#ent scrutiny, to PoneC9ead . ice by the prscribed dates' 0he timely submission o these returns is to be watched by . icer !nchar#e o 6ccounts in the Pone as well as . icer !Nchar#e o the Compilation Group in the Ponal . ice'




1A NBCC must brid#e the #aps in the countryKs overall re;uirements o housin# 8 power more e iciently' 0hey should built more lats or people so that some o the people who donKt have their home to live, they can #et help throu#h NBCCKs concern towards customers'

*A Company must retain the plat orm o leadership by deliverin# pro/ects in time 8 within cost without compromisin# on ;uality and become a truly dependable pro/ect leader or esteemed customers as also or the corporation'

+A Beep on upli tin# 8 maintainin# the ;uality standards in pro/ect mana#ement 8 en#ineerin# consultancy services in order to sustain a hi#h level customer satis action by comprehensively meetin# the stated needs o the customer 8 proactively attendin# to the implied ones'

5A 0hey must use more advanced technolo#ies, so that their their wor, becomes more easy and le4ible'

)A Creatin# positive ima#e1 NBCC should try their level best to create positive 8 avorable ima#e in the minds o people'

6A !ncreased customer awareness1 NBCC must aware their customers time to time, so that their customers may be in touch with them and they can #et to ,now about new technolo#ies' Create positive memorable customer e4periences %nderstand how stress a ects customer service &iscover how the telephone can help your customer service %se e3mail and voicemail e ectively and pro essionally


Learn the ten commandments o customer service

FA " icient mana#ement1 0he mana#ement appointed must be e icient and easily controllable' 0he whole team should ocus and contribute in improvin# the #oodwill and ima#e o the company'

7A !mprovement in other processes1 0here must be some chan#e in their so tware li,e developin# new so tware i'e' "(P'

9A -olution o #rievances1 0here must be re#ular meetin#s with the inancial consultants and a#ents to motivate them and to solve #rievances i there are any'

10A <in ne#otiations1 6n 6ction Plan wor,sheet is assi#ned so that each participant can implement what heCshe has learned' 0his one or two day seminar will help you to' ' ' "nhance your ne#otiation s,ills so that you may be able to ma,e decisions, solve problems, complete deals and resolve disputes' Prepare e ectively or a ne#otiation usin# the LwinCwinO approach "mploy ne#otiation strate#ies that develop mutually acceptable solutions and stren#then on#oin# relationships Conduct ne#otiations that ensure all parties involved are satis ied with the inal results %ncover the other personKs alternatives, interests and options Communicate success ully durin# the ne#otiation process

11A Givin# and (eceivin# =eedbac,1 Learn how perception can e ect communication Give eedbac, so that the person doesnKt #et de ensive (eceive eedbac, without ta,in# it personally Learn to #ive and receive eedbac,


&evelop a lon#3term action plan or continually improvin# interpersonal s,ills




6#arwal N'B', $ana#ement o <or,in# Capital, -terlin# Publishers Pvt Ltd' New &elhi 197+' Cha,ravarty -' B', (eddy B', L!nter irm comparison in the !ndian Cement !ndustryO, 0he Charted 6ccountant, Dol' *0, No' +, 6pril 19F+

&eloo , $'' L&oes =!N6NC!6L -060"$"N0 6N6L>-!- 6 ects Pro itability o Bel#ian =irmsMO, ?ournal o Business =inance 8 6ccountin#, *00+ Ghosh, -' B' and $a/i, -' G'' L=!N6NC!6L -060"$"N0 6N6L>-!- " iciency1 6 study on the !ndian Cement !ndustryO, 0he !nstitute o Cost and <or,s 6ccountants o !ndia *00+ Guthmann 9'G', L6nalysis . =inancial -tatementO Prentice 9all !nc' New >or,, 19+) 9orri#an, ?' .', L6 -hort 9istory . =inancial (atio 6nalysisO 0he 6ccountin# (eview, 6pril, 1967 9oward Leslie (', <or,in# Capital 1 !ts $ana#ement and Control, London $acdonald 6nd "van Ltd', 19F1

Business 0oday Business <orld


"conomic 0imes Business -tandard 0he =inancial "4press 0he 0imes . !ndia

Re/orts5 Ho%rnals5 B%llet$ns and Per$od$cals? Annual reports o the various selected cement units Tendon committee reports The indu! Chennai The capital! Bol,ata Mana"ement accountants! !ndia The #ournal o$ industries and trade %hartered accountant! new &elhi Lo& ud'o"! new &elhi Producti(it', new &elhi The Indian economic #ournal! $umbai The Indian Accountin" )ournal )ournal o$ Accountin" * Finance Accountin" Re(ie+ !nternet web sits
http1CCwww'study inance'comClessonsCcapbud#etCinde4'mvMpa#eV01 www'nbccindia'com =inancial $ana#ement by Prasanna Chandra


C"(C 0ari Policy o *0093*015' www'moneycontrol'com !ndian Power -tations *010 by NBCC &ele#ation o Power by NBCC !nternal $ana#ement (eports www'moneycontol'com 0ari based Competitive3biddin# Guidelines or 0ransmission -ervice

6uthors by
=ilbec, and Brue#er @*00)A <ild , -ubramanyam, and 9alsey @*005A, Chiou et al @*006A Danhorne @1969A <eston and Bri#ham @19F*A =ilbec, and Brue#er @*00)A Lambri4 and -in#hvi @19F9A <elter, in his study @19F0A, <arren and -helton @19F1A

Cohn and Prin#le in their study @19F+A


Copeland and Bhoury @1970A




I%"-0!.NN6!(" I%"- 11 P"(-.N6L &"06!LName 6#e &ate o Birth Iuali ication -alary 3 3 3 3 3

I%"- *1 9ave you ever heard about NBCCM aA >es bA No I%"- +1 &o you trust our companyM aA >es bA No I%"- 51 9ave the company ul ill all public re;uirementsM aA >es bA No I%"- )1 9ow much will you #rade NBCCKs per ormanceM .C 0350H 1C 51H360H "C 61H370H /C 71H3100H I%"- 61 <hich o the ollowin# company is the best competitor to NBCCM .C 6protech "n#ineers Pvt' Ltd'


1C Bha#heeratha "n#ineerin# Ltd' "C BLG Construction -ervices /C C"C. Bearin#s I%"- F1 &oes NBCC provides you the best housin# acilitiesM .C >es 1C No

I%"- 71 &oes "mployees &evelopment Centre o NBCC provides better trainin# to the unemployed youthM aA >es

bA No

I%"- 91 !s NBCC ever dissatis ied their customersM .C >es 1C No

I%"- 101 &o you have any complaints re#ardin# NBCCM ! yes, then write your complaints, so that we can ta,e urther actions' .C >es 1C No


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