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a) State FOUR (4) principles of management based on Henri Fayol. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Division of Labor Authority Discipline Unity of Command Centralization

b) Differentiate between policies,goal and objective in management. i. Policies Policies are general statements which guide or channel thinking in decision making of subordinates. Policies delimit an area within which a decision is to be made and assure that the decision will be consistent with and contribute to objectives. Policies are based on analysis and once pronounced avoid repeated analysis. Goal


Goal represent the rate at which objectives of an organization are achieved. Goal quantity the objective with a time frame. For example, if a country has the objective of switching to unconventional sources of energy, the goals could specified as so many gigawatts of energy by end of year 2012.


Objectives Objectives are the ends toward which the activity of an organization is aimed.

c) Explain briefly about types of organization structure below: i. Line, military or scale organization Is a simple and oldest type of organization followed in an organization. Under line organization,each department is generally a complete self-contained unit. Functional organization The division of labour in an organization is grouped by the main activities or functions that need to be performed within the organization-sales, marketing, human resources, and so on. Each functional group within the organization is vertically integrated from the bottom to the top of the organization. For example, a Vice President of Marketing would lead all the marketing people, grouped into the marketing department. Project organization Project is separated from the rest of the parent system. Becomes self contained unit. The professionals are deputed for the project.



d) Give TWO (2) advantages of each types of organization structure (b) i, ii, iii. i. Advantages of line, military, or scalar organization Simplicity Division of authority and responsibility Advantages of functional organization Benefit of specialization Reducing the work load Advantages of project organization PM has full line authority over the project High level of commitment



e) Explain THREE (3) basic principles of scientific management that has been introduced by Federick W. Taylor. Each task must be scientifically designed so that it can replace the old, rule of thumb methods. Workers must be scientifically selected and trained so that they can be more productive. Division of labor and cooperation between management and workers.

f) Give your opinion regarding the process of management as below: i. Planning Planning is usually interpreted as a process to develop a strategy to achieve desired objectives, to solve problems, and to facilitate action. Planning is the to success, stability and prosperity in business. It acts as a fool for solving the problems of a business unit. Organizing Organizing as a function of management involves synchronization and combination of human, financial and physical resources in order to get results. Organizing is often carried out by a manager. It provides suitable administrative structure and facilitates execution of proposed plan. Controlling Controlling is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized and stated goals of the organization are achieved in a desired manner. It is necessary in the case of individuals and departments so as to avoid wrong actions and activities.



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