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Travelling International Uranium Film Festival in India

January 04th to February 12th, 2013


upporters !ra"il

upporters # $artners India

%&'!(&%R))*%R(*T I)+)*$UU F'U*,(TI'*

& Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) New Delhi Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE) New Delhi Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF) New Delhi hasi Student!s "nion ( S") Shillon# Central "ni$ersit% of &har'hand (C"&) (anchi (a)endra Institute of *edical Sciences ((I*S) (anchi International +i,rar% and Cultural Centre (I+CC) (anchi *ass Comunication Department- Central "ni$ersit% (anchi (anchi Film Clu, . (anchi *anipal "ni$ersit% *anipal "ni$ersit% of /%dera,ad . /%dera,ad 0id%aran%a School /%dera,ad S1N1 School of Art & Comunication /%dera,ad 2oethe 3entrum for /%dera,ad /%dera,ad 0asundhra Film Festi$al Pune +o'a%at Pune Suchita Film Societ% 4an#alore Asian Colle#e of &ounalism Chennai Poo$ula#in Nan,ar#al Chennai 0i,#%or Film Collecti$e 5hrissur 6usuf *eherall% Centre *um,ai Shri$id%a Sansthan *um,ai 4ha$an!s Cultural Centre *um,ai

T(!&) 'F -'*T)*T Introduction *edia a,out "ranium Film Festi$al E9cerpts of some of the pu,lished articles: Cities and screenin# locations in India Film list of the 5ra$ellin# "ranium Film Festi$al India (alpha,etical) Photo e9hi,itions 5han's#i$in# "ranium Film Festi$al 5eam Contact 7 8 ; <= << <> <? <? <?

Introdu.tion 5he International "ranium Film Festi$al is an annual Film Festi$al ,ased in (io de &aneiro1 5he "ranium Film Festi$al is dedicated to films- documentaries and mo$ies a,out the whole nuclear fuel chain- uranium minin#- radioacti$it%- nuclear war and nuclear accidents1 It is a festi$al @a,out@ nuclear power and not @a#ainst@ it1 5he Festi$al wants to stimulate the discussion and also the production of new films a,out this for human man'ind important issue1 5he "ranium Film Festi$al was held first time in >=<<1 From the ,e#innin# it was planned also as a tra$ellin# festi$al startin# from (io de &aneiro1 Alread% in >=<< it tra$elled with a selection of films to the ma%or cities of 4raAil- SBo Paulo- Sal$ador(ecife- FortaleAa- &oBo Pessoa and Natal1 >=<> it tra$elled to +is,on- Porto- Peniche and Nisa in Portu#al and later to 4erlin in 2erman%1 4etween &anuar% 7th and Fe,ruar% <>th the "ranium Film Festi$al tra$elled now with more than 7= selected films throu#h India from North to South and from East to Cest1 5he festi$al was #uest in <= cities: New Delhi- Shillon#- (anchi- *anipal/%dera,ad- Pune- 4an#alore- Chennai- 5hrissur and lastl% in *um,ai1 5o#ether with the films tra$elled a photo e9hi,ition a,out the effects of uranium minin# in &adu#oda1 +ission a..omplished/ The Festival in India 0as a big su..ess At the ,e#innin# it seemed a mission impossi,le: Se$en Indian cities in si9 wee'sand up to 7 da%s screenin# in each place1 Chen the festi$al team decided to add three more cities ,ecause of the #rowin# demand for the festi$al in India- the mission seemed to ,ecome e$en more impossi,le1 4ut ,ecause of the effort of the festi$al team and its local supporters it wor'ed out and the festi$al ,ecame a mission with #reat success1 All to#ether the festi$al reached an audience of more than 8=== spectators durin# the screenin#s1 *ore than Duantit%- the festi$al also reached a special audience of academics- filmma'ers- artists- professionals and opinion ma'ers1 In addition the festi$al could attract man% )ournalists- producin# inter$iews- articles and reports a,out the festi$al and its films in En#lish- /indi and in other local lan#ua#es1 DoAens of articles- inter$iews and reports were pu,lished in Dualit% newspapers li'e @5he 5imes of India@- @5he /indu@- @5he Eastern Chronicle@ and the @Deccan /erald@ and local 50 and radio stations reported a,out the festi$al1 5he festi$al was held in famous auditoriums and theatres li'e the Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi and the 4al 2andhar$ (an# *adir 5heatre in Pune1 And ,eside of that special screenin#s happened in important "ni$ersities and Colle#es li'e the *anipal "ni$ersit% and the Institute of Communication and the *anipal Film Stud% Centre- the "ni$ersit% of /%dera,ad- the Saro)ini Naidu School of Arts and Communications- the Indira School of Communication (CA AD) and St1 Pious E De#ree Colle#e for Comen and 0id%aran%a School in /%dera,ad- the *andalFs Colle#e of En#ineerin# (**CGE) in Pune- the Asian Colle#e of &ournalism in Chennai

and the important (a)endra Institute of *edical Sciences ((I*S) in (anchi1 4i# part of that success has its roots in the @neutralit%@ of the "ranium Film Festi$althat is not an @anti.nuclear@ festi$al1 5hat neutralit% has opened doors and minds in the media and academ%1 A $er% special e$ent was the openin# ni#ht of the "ranium Film Festi$al in /%dera,ad1 An open.air show at the 2olden 5hreshold- Nampall%- with famous Indian film actress Amala A''ineni as special #uest spea'er1 Ce opened the festi$al with the end of the nuclear fuel chain- the nuclear waste Duestion- @Into Eternit%@ ,% *ichael *adsen1 Amala A''ineni was impressed: @I was ,lown awa% with the first film@- she said- @Ce cit% actors ha$e e$er% intention of supportin# important thin#s li'e this - ,ut alwa%s seem to ,e in a sDueeAe for time1 It was an honour to ,e there to $oice m% support and %ou can count on me an%time1@ 5his e9pression of actress Amala A''ineni is e9emplar% for the response of the audience1 *e0 destinations As a further result of the success of the festi$al was- that the festi$al recei$ed new in$itations1 New partners wants to ,rin# the festi$al to atmandu in Nepal and to Colom,o in Sri +an'a1 4ut the ne9t ad$anta#e will ,e the 5hird International "ranium Film Festi$al of (io de &aneiro- scheduled for *a% <;th to *a% >;th- >=<?- at the Cinema of the *odern Art *useum of (io de &aneiro1 Also in the plannin# are two parallel e$ents: 5he photo e9hi,ition a,out uranium minin# in &adu#oda- India- and an international roundta,le on uranium minin# with the participation of #uests from 4raAil- India and other countries with uranium in the #round1 And after (io de &aneiro the festi$al will continue to tra$el later in >=<?1 Proposed destinations: +ondon- New 6or'- Cindow (oc'1 +edia about Uranium Film Festival (eadin# carefull% all those doAens of articles and inter$iews pu,lished in India in &anuar% and Fe,ruar% a,out the 5ra$ellin# "ranium Film Festi$al and its films e9hi,its the force of the festi$al to create awareness and to open doors1 5he pu,lished articles also pro$o'ed lots of positi$e comments ,% the readers1 /ere are two e9amples: @5hese$o'in# films is ,ound to elicit positi$e action for a #reener world1 5his in$i#oratin# fest is food for the social chan#e1@ @&ust ,ac' from this festi$al1 It was one of the ,est wa% spend one!s wee'end1 *o$ies were educati$e and thou#ht pro$o'in#1 2o#i is tic'in# uranium ,om, ri#ht in our state1 5here is a massi$e need to #eneratin# a pu,lic opinion on this issue1 Action is needed ,efore its too late1 Need to stop the uranium minin# in this place1@

)1.erpts o2 some o2 the published arti.les/ @(eco#niAin# the $ital need of the hour . to em,ellish the world with #reen thou#hts and practices- the International "ranium Festi$al- locall% hosted ,% the Suchitra Film Societ%- is a dedication to films that address the underl%in# nuances- which define the nuclear chain111 5hese films- see' to dia#nose the #lo,al ta'e towards the nuclear chain1 As the note sa%s: !Some #o$ernments li'e in 4raAil or India are in$estin# in new nuclear power plants1 Independent information is the ,ase for independent decisions1 5he festi$al stimulates the discussion a,out the nuclear Duestion and stimulates the production of new documentaries- mo$ies and animated films a,out an% nuclear or radioacti$e issue1 In addition the "ranium Film Festi$al creates a neutral space to throw li#ht on all nuclear issues societies and peoples ha$e the ri#ht of choice if the% want to follow the nuclear road or not!1@
The Times of India, "International uranium film festival for film buffs", by Nirmala Govindarajan, Feb 3, 2013, http !!arti"les#timesofindia#indiatimes#"om!2013$02$03!ban%alore!3&'211&1(1(nu"lear$ po)er$plants$international$uranium$film$nu"lear$medi"ine

@For most of us- pro,lems with electricit% in$ol$e a few hours of incon$enient power cuts- and a dela% in completin# the da%Hs tas's efficientl%1 4ut the conseDuences of its production are rarel% e9plored1 5he 5ra$ellin# International "ranium Film Festi$al India- held recentl% at the Suchitra Film Societ%- sou#ht to address the flipside of ener#% production and consumption1@
The *indu, "+eople and +o)er", ,an%alore, February &, 2013, http !!)))#thehindu#"om!ne)s!"ities!ban%alore!people$and$po)er!arti"le-3./321#e"e

@/ere is a chance for students to learn a,out uranium minin# and harmful effects of nuclear ,om,s1 For the first time in the state- *anipal Institute of Communication will or#aniAe a two.da% International "ranium Film Festi$al at the seminar hall in *anipal Institute of 5echnolo#% from Saturda%1 At the festi$al- more than a doAen forei#n documentar% mo$ies on nuclear power- uranium minin# and nuclear wastes will ,e screened1 5he entr% is free for the pu,lic111 0aradesh /ire#an#e- director of *IC said the motto of or#aniAin# the fest was to familiariAe students a,out harmful effects of uranium minin# and nuclear ,om,s to the en$ironment1 I4ecause there is need to show more concern for en$ironment and de$elopment-F he added1@
The Times of India, Travellin% International 0ranium Film Festival "omes to 1anipal, 2an 1., 2013, http !!arti"les#timesofindia#indiatimes#"om!2013$01$1.!man%alore!3&-1--21(1(film$fest$nu"lear$ bombs$international$film

@For more than si9 decades- there ha$e ,een se$eral short films and documentaries on nuclear issues that could not ,e screened due to political pressure1 5he International "ranium Film Festi$al- which is currentl% on in the cit%- has pro$ided a platform to screen these films to the pu,lic1 Shri Pra'ash and Nor,ert Suchane'- who were ,ehind the "ranium Film Festi$al- spo'e to Cit% E9press a,out their ideas and wor'1@
Ne) Indian 34press, "5pea6in% for the deprived throu%h 0ranium Film Festival" by 7inoth 8umar, 9*3NN:I, 0'th February 2013, http !!ne)indiane4press#"om!"ities!"hennai!arti"le1-/2&21#e"e

@Accordin# to Shri Pra'ash- most of the time- displacements are a result of the #o$ernment ha$in# to ,uild more tailin# dams for uranium minin#- resultin# in destruction of ara,le lands1 5estimonies of $illa#e residents in the film re$eal that the% are not educated on the safet% measures to ,e followed when handlin# radioacti$e material of an% 'ind1 4arrels containin# radioacti$e material are loaded onto $ehicles with ,are hands111 5he women of the $illa#e pa% a hea$% price1 "na,le to ,ear children as a result of their e9posure to radioacti$e material- the% are ostraciAed ,% their own families1@
The *indu, "+eople and +o)er", ,an%alore, February &, 2013, http !!)))#thehindu#"om!ne)s!"ities!ban%alore!people$and$po)er!arti"le-3./321#e"e

@>J mo$ies were screened on ,urnin# issues li'e uranium minin#- nuclear power plants- atomic ,om,s- nuclear waste- radioacti$e ris's and nuclear medicine1 Nota,le (anchi ,ased and international directors alon# with social acti$ist Da%amani 4arla were present durin# closin# ceremon%1 (anchi.,ased filmma'er Sripra'ashHs K4uddha Ceeps in &adu#oda and K&adu#oda: 5he 4lac' *a#icH drew serious audience1 Gri#inator of the festi$al- Nor,ert 21 Suchane' and *arcia 2omes de Gli$eiraFs- were o$erwhelmed with the response111 5he screenin# of films was followed ,% a panel discussion )oined ,% eminent personalities from different fields1 Dr1 (amesh Sharaneconomist and professor at the (anchi "ni$ersit%- filmma'er *e#hnath- social acti$ist Da%amani 4arla- Shishir Soren an acti$ist from East Sin#h,hum- and Dum'a *urmu secretar% of &GA( (&har'handi Gr#aniAation A#ainst (adiation) discussed different aspects of issues and $iews1 Dum'a *urmu- President of &GA( said- L5he pli#ht of people sufferin# from "ranium *inin# and its radiation has alwa%s remained unnoticed1111M 111 *e#hnath stressed on the need to film ma'ers to assume an acti$e role to raise issues that affect common people1@
;aily +ioneer, "0ranium film festival "on"ludes "reatin% nu"lear a)areness", Friday, 1. 2anuary 2013, by 5hi)ani 5harma, <an"hi, http !!)))#dailypioneer#"om!state$editions!ran"hi!122..3$uranium$ film$festival$"on"ludes$"reatin%$nu"lear$a)areness#html

@*anipal: 5he repercussions of nuclear power and its harmful radiations cannot ,e felt- seen or heard and so the ,est wa% to communicate it is throu#h films1 In a ,id to en#a#e students in a de,ate on the issue of nuclear ener#%- the 5ra$ellin# International "ranium Film Festi$al India >=<? is hosted ,% *anipal "ni$ersit% on &anuar% <N.>= and is dedicated to screenin# independent documentaries and mo$ies a,out nuclear waste and nuclear power111 In his inau#ural address Nor,ert Suchane' said that L5his is such an important issue and there ha$e ,een man% films made in the " - "SA and Europe ,ut there are not man% films from the #lo,al South li'e India and 4raAil1 I hope this festi$al stimulates production of more such films111M- he said LI donHt want to see )ust documentaries ,ut feature films with cele,rities as actors and soap operas on such an important issueM- he added1 *arcia 2omes- co. founder of the festi$al hopes to see increased cooperation ,etween India and 4raAil in this re#ard and come up with more films1@
The 1:NG:=><3:N, "1anipal 0niversity *osts International 0ranium Film Festival India", ,y 1i"hael <odri%ues, 1?!01!2013, http !!)))#man%alorean#"om!ne)s#php@ne)stypeAlo"alBne)sidA3'21.2

@E%e.openin# films . Con#enital deformities in new,orns- #enetic mutationinfertilit%- hi#h rate of earl% mortalit%- cancer and other diseases are tell.tale si#ns of nuclear contamination1111 (eco#niAin# the need of the hour- each film documents the deadl% effect of nuclear ener#% and the painful e9istence of the people li$in# in the $icinit%1111 5he horrors of nuclear ener#% are still not 'nown to people1 5here is an ur#ent need to end this Ksecrec%H- accordin# to festi$al director Nor,ert 21 Suchane'1 India- li'e other nations of the world- is )umpin# on to the nuclear ,andwa#on and dreams of ma'in# nuclear power a si#nificant source of ener#%- ,ut are we read%O@
The *indu ,usiness =ine, "3ye$openin% films", by :n6ita 9haudhuri, February, 2013, http !!)))#thehindubusinessline#"om!on$"ampus!eyeopenin%$films!arti"le--2'&1&#e"eC

@A step towards creatin# awareness . 0illa#ers are e$icted from their lands- made to wor' as miners and e9posed to a hea$% dose of radiation1 4rin#in# this deplora,le condition of &adu#oda into li#ht- the documentar% 5o9ic Ne#lect ,% (anchi.,ased filmma'er Shri Pra'ash was an e%e.opener for man% who ,ecame a part of the recentl%.concluded International 5ra$ellin# "ranium Film Festi$al- held at Siri FortNew Delhi111 4rin#in# such crucial issues related to nuclear ener#% and radioacti$it% into li#ht from all across the #lo,e- the three.da% festi$al 'ic' started with the screenin# of Atomic 4om,s on the Planet Earth ,% director Peter 2reenwa%1 5he <7. minute documentar% is on atomic ,om,s e9ploded on Earth1 Surprisin#l%- from <N78 to <NPN- >->=< atomic ,om,s ha$e ,een dropped1@
The ;e""an *erald, 2anuary, 2013, http !!)))#de""anherald#"om!"ontent!303&0?!a$step$to)ards$ "reatin%$a)areness#html

@5he "ranium Film Festi$al- which has its roots in 4raAil- has come to (anchi with se$eral documentaries and short films1 5he three.da% festi$al- which 'ic'ed off at Central "ni$ersit%- 4ram,e- on 5uesda%- tra$elled to the (I*S campus on Cednesda%1 LIt was a #reat da% for the film festi$al1 A #ood num,er of people- apart from students of (I*S- came and watched the films that ,rou#ht out the truth a,out nuclear power-M said Sripra'ash- India co.ordinator of the film fest1@
The Tele%raph of India, "<eel alert on haDards of uranium minin%", <an"hi, 2anuary, 2013, http !!)))#tele%raphindia#"om!113011'!jsp!jhar6hand!story(1&--?0/1#jsp

@5he main o,)ecti$e of this festi$al is to create awareness amon#st the citiAens a,out the ris's associated with the atomic ,om, and atomic ener#%- not )ust for the present #eneration ,ut for future #enerations too1 2rowin# worldwide en$ironment concerns led filmma'ers Nor,ert Suchane' and *arcia 2omes to ta'e the initiati$e to create the First International "ranium Film Festi$al in (io de &aneiro in >=<=- one %ear ,efore Fu'ushima happened1 5he% felt that films- mo$ies and documentaries are a $er% important medium to create awareness and empower the people1 5he festi$al also #i$es KnuclearH filmma'ers an international audience and helps them to ma'e an impact on #lo,al pu,lic opinion1 5he ,est and most important productions recei$e the festi$al award L6ellow GscarM1@
1-1>7I3, "The International 0ranium Film Festival travels to India", 2anuary 2-, 2013, http !!)))#mformovie#in!the$international$uranium$film$festival$travels$to$india!

@5he International 5ra$ellin# "ranium Film Festi$al arri$ed to the final destination of the (anchi Chapter. I+CC (International +i,rar% and Cultural Centre) on the third and final da% of the three da% e$ent111 5he spea'ers were. Dr1 (amesh Sharan- eminent economist in toda%Hs time and professor of Economics in (anchi "ni$ersit%- *r1 *e#hnath- famous film ma'er from &har'hand- *s1 Da%amani 4arla- social acti$ist and tri,al )ournalist- *r1 Shishir Soren- an acti$ist from Chapri $illa#e- East Sin#h,hum- and lastl% *r1 Dum'a *urmu - secretar% of &GA( (&har'handi Gr#aniAation A#ainst (adiation)111 In his speech Dr1 Sharan re$ealed the realit% pertainin# to the uranium minin# in India1 /e said that if an%,od% protests a#ainst uranium e9traction the% are la,eled$elopment and anti.national1 *r1 *e#hnath stressed on the matter that cinema is not onl% meant for entertainment and the film ma'ers should ,ecome audacious and responsi,le to present issues that affects the people at lar#e1 /e also raised the Duestion wh% we need "ranium for #eneratin# electricit% and other ener#%1 Ch% we canHt rel% on alternati$e options li'e Solar Ener#%- Cind Ener#%- 2o,ar 2as and *icro /%del Ener#%1 /e criticiAed the #o$ernment who sa%s the% are a#ainst wars ,ut wants to use uranium peacefull% as'in# at the cost of people how can one utiliAe uranium in a peaceful mannerO /owe$er the spea'er who stole the show was *r1 Dum'a *urmu- President of &GA( who honestl% spo'e a,out the pli#ht and atrocities of his people sufferin# since a#es from the terror of "ranium *inin# and its radiation1 /e said that no one listens to and loo's at the sufferin#s and #rief of poor howe$er the whole countr% sha'es when a #irl from Delhi #ets raped ,% few insane ,ein#s1@
5E:TI 73<1:, 93NT<:= 0NI73<5ITF >F 2*:<8*:N;, "<an"hiGs 9hapter "on"ludes at I=99", Thursday, 1' 2anuary 2013, http !!s)ati"uj.#blo%spot#"om#br!


-ities and s.reening lo.ations o2 the Travelling Uranium Film Festival in India 2013 <1 Delhi: =7 . =; &anuar% +ocation: Siri Fort Auditorium : <= . << &anuar% +ocation: /otel *a#estic : <8 . <J &anuar% +ocations: *ass Comunication Auditorium- Central "ni$ersit% of (anchi (a)endra Institute of *edical Sciences International +i,rar% & Cultural Centre : <N . >= &anuar% +ocation: *anipal "ni$ersit%- Institut of Communication Auditorium : >< . >8 &anuar% +ocations: 2olden 5hreshold Campus Auditorium- Central "ni$ersit% of /%dera,ad Saro)ini Naidu School of Arts and Communications /umanities Auditorium- "ni$ersit% of /%dera,ad St1 Pious E De#ree Colle#e for Comen and 0id%aran%a School : >J . ?< &anuar% +ocation: 4al 2andhar$a Auditorium : => . =? Fe,ruar% +ocalions: Suchitra Film Societ% : =8 . =J Fe,ruar% +ocation: Asian Colle#es of &ournalism : =P . <= Fe,ruar% +ocation: erala San#eet Nata' Academ% (e#ional 5heatre /all : << . <> Fe,ruar% +ocal: S P &ain Auditorium- 4ha$an!s Colle#e Andheri











Film list o2 the Travelling Uranium Film Festival India 3alphabeti.al4 After the Da% After (; mins) Amarelinha (7 mins) Atomic 4om,s on 5he Planet Earth (<> mins) Australian Atomic Confessions (7N mins) 4eatin# the 4om, (J> mins) 4ird,o% (<> mins) 4lowin in the wind (;> mins) 4uddah Ceeps in &adu#oda (8> mins) 4urial at +os Alamos (; mins) 4uried in Earths'in (8= mins) Cherno,%l: In$isi,le 5hief (8N mins) Climate of /ope (?= mins) Coffee 4rea' (<7 mins) Deadl% Deception (>N mins) Deadl% Dust (N? mins) Dirt Cheap ?= 6ears on . 5he Stor% of "ranium *inin# in a'adu (8< mins) Fi#ht for Countr% . 5he stor% of the &a,ilu'a 4loc'ade (;> mins) Food and (adiation (<P mins) 2round 3ero Q Sacred 2round (N mins) Indian Point: Nowhere to (un (>N mins) Into Eternit% (J8 mins) &adu#oda: 5he 4lac' *a#ic (N mins) +eonids Stor% (<N mins) *aralin#a Pieces (<? mins) *uc'at% 0oices (<= mins) Not for Pu,lic (elease (J? mins) Gnce upon a 5ime in the Atomic Cit% (<? mins) Grphaned Sources (<; mins) (adioacti$e Col$es (8> mins) Sacred Poison (?= mins) Space Dust (> mins) Stop Castor (7? mins) 5he Ni#htmare is 4lue (>P mins) 5he Nuclear Famil% (> mins) 5he (ed 4utton (8> mins) 5he (eturn of Na$a)o 4o% (8J mins) 5he Secret and the Sacred1 5wo Corlds at +os Alamos (8> mins) 5he Speech of 5he Chief (>= mins) 5he 5hird Nuclear 4om, . 5he 0eteranHs Accusation (>; mins) 5o Chom it *a% Concern (>; mins) 5o9ic Ne#lect (N mins) "nder the surface (?8 mins) "ranium (8= mins) "ranium Cit%: +ife after the mine (J mins) "ranium a poisoned le#ac% (8> mins)


"ranium: Is it a Countr%O (8? mins) "ranium >?P: 5he Penta#on!s Dirt% Pool (>P mins) "ranium 5hirst (>J mins) Chen the Dust Settles (?8 mins) 6ellow Ca'e . 5he Dirt 4ehind "ranium (<=P mins) 6ellowca'e (<= mins) $hoto e1hibitions E9hi,ition in Delhi: L"ranium *inin# in &adu#odaM- photos ,% Chin'% Shu'la E9hi,itions in (anchi and 4an#alore: L0ictims of "ranium *inin# in &adu#odaM- photos ,% Ashish 4irulee E9hi,ition in Chennai LA,out udan'ulamM- photos ,% Amritra) Stephen

>pen :ir 34hibition in ;elhi 5iri Fort :udiorium


Than5sgiving 5he "ranium Film Festi$al or#aniAers than's the 2o$ernment of India for the allowance to ,rin# this important festi$al to India- and the /einrich 4oell Foundation 4rasil- (io de &aneiro!s technical school Adolpho 4loch for Film- 50 and E$ent of FAE5EC- the 2lo,al 2reen Funds and the Siemenpuu Foundation for supportin# the festi$al1 Further than's #o to the local partners- the irlos'ar 0asundhara International Film Festi$al in Pune- the Suchitra Film Societ% in 4an#alore- the Chennai Solidarit% 2roup for oodan'ulam Stru##le- the 0i426G( International Film Festi$al of 5hrissur- the J.Islands International Film Festi$al- the 4ha$anFs Cultural Centre in *um,ai- the Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF) in New Delhi and the hasi Student!s "nion ( S") of Shillon#1 Ce also want to than' #reatfull% all special #uests li'e 5oll%wood actress Amala A''ineni- Scientist.Acti$ist Soum%a Dutta- +alita (amdas and Admiral (retd1) +a9minara%an (amdas1 Uranium Film Festival Team Founder and *ana#in# Director: Nor,ert 21 Suchane' E9ecuti$e Director and Founder: *arcia 2omes de Gli$eira Coordinator India: Shripra'ash -onta.t/
"ranium Film Festi$al Q 6ellow Archi$es (ua *onte Ale#re ?8; Q ?=< Santa 5eresa (io de &aneiro Q (& CEP >=1>7=.<N7 4rasil Email: infoRuraniumfilmfesti$al1or# www1uraniumfilmfesti$al1or#

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